path: root/chromium/chrome/browser/signin/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/chrome/browser/signin/')
1 files changed, 200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/chrome/browser/signin/ b/chromium/chrome/browser/signin/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9cc73e0e49e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/chrome/browser/signin/
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/browser/signin/signin_manager.h"
+#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
+#include "components/signin/public/base/signin_pref_names.h"
+#include "components/signin/public/identity_manager/accounts_in_cookie_jar_info.h"
+#include "components/signin/public/identity_manager/identity_manager.h"
+#include "components/signin/public/identity_manager/primary_account_mutator.h"
+SigninManager::SigninManager(PrefService* prefs,
+ signin::IdentityManager* identity_manager)
+ : prefs_(prefs), identity_manager_(identity_manager) {
+ signin_allowed_.Init(
+ prefs::kSigninAllowed, prefs_,
+ base::BindRepeating(&SigninManager::OnSigninAllowedPrefChanged,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ UpdateUnconsentedPrimaryAccount();
+ identity_manager_->AddObserver(this);
+SigninManager::~SigninManager() {
+ identity_manager_->RemoveObserver(this);
+void SigninManager::UpdateUnconsentedPrimaryAccount() {
+ // Only update the unconsented primary account only after accounts are loaded.
+ if (!identity_manager_->AreRefreshTokensLoaded()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ absl::optional<CoreAccountInfo> account =
+ ComputeUnconsentedPrimaryAccountInfo();
+ DCHECK(!account || !account->IsEmpty());
+ if (account) {
+ if (identity_manager_->GetPrimaryAccountInfo(
+ signin::ConsentLevel::kSignin) != account) {
+ !identity_manager_->HasPrimaryAccount(signin::ConsentLevel::kSync));
+ identity_manager_->GetPrimaryAccountMutator()->SetPrimaryAccount(
+ account->account_id, signin::ConsentLevel::kSignin);
+ }
+ } else if (identity_manager_->HasPrimaryAccount(
+ signin::ConsentLevel::kSignin)) {
+ DCHECK(!identity_manager_->HasPrimaryAccount(signin::ConsentLevel::kSync));
+ identity_manager_->GetPrimaryAccountMutator()->ClearPrimaryAccount(
+ signin_metrics::SignoutDelete::kIgnoreMetric);
+ }
+SigninManager::ComputeUnconsentedPrimaryAccountInfo() const {
+ DCHECK(identity_manager_->AreRefreshTokensLoaded());
+ // UPA is equal to the primary account with sync consent if it exists.
+ if (identity_manager_->HasPrimaryAccount(signin::ConsentLevel::kSync)) {
+ return identity_manager_->GetPrimaryAccountInfo(
+ signin::ConsentLevel::kSync);
+ }
+ // Clearing the primary sync account when sign-in is not allowed is handled
+ // by PrimaryAccountPolicyManager. That flow is extremely hard to follow
+ // especially for the case when the user is syncing with a managed account
+ // as in that case the whole profile needs to be deleted.
+ //
+ // It was considered simpler to keep the logic to update the unconsented
+ // primary account in a single place.
+ if (!signin_allowed_.GetValue())
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ signin::AccountsInCookieJarInfo cookie_info =
+ identity_manager_->GetAccountsInCookieJar();
+ std::vector<gaia::ListedAccount> cookie_accounts =
+ cookie_info.signed_in_accounts;
+ // Fresh cookies and loaded tokens are needed to compute the UPA.
+ if (cookie_info.accounts_are_fresh) {
+ // Cookies are fresh and tokens are loaded, UPA is the first account
+ // in cookies if it exists and has a refresh token.
+ if (cookie_accounts.empty()) {
+ // Cookies are empty, the UPA is empty.
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ }
+ AccountInfo account_info =
+ identity_manager_->FindExtendedAccountInfoByAccountId(
+ cookie_accounts[0].id);
+ // Verify the first account in cookies has a refresh token that is valid.
+ bool error_state =
+ account_info.IsEmpty() ||
+ identity_manager_->HasAccountWithRefreshTokenInPersistentErrorState(
+ account_info.account_id);
+ return error_state ? absl::nullopt
+ : absl::make_optional<CoreAccountInfo>(account_info);
+ }
+ if (!identity_manager_->HasPrimaryAccount(signin::ConsentLevel::kSignin))
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ // If cookies or tokens are not loaded, it is not possible to fully compute
+ // the unconsented primary account. However, if the current unconsented
+ // primary account is no longer valid, it has to be removed.
+ CoreAccountId current_account =
+ identity_manager_->GetPrimaryAccountId(signin::ConsentLevel::kSignin);
+ if (!identity_manager_->HasAccountWithRefreshToken(current_account)) {
+ // Tokens are loaded, but the current UPA doesn't have a refresh token.
+ // Clear the current UPA.
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ }
+ if (cookie_info.accounts_are_fresh) {
+ if (cookie_accounts.empty() || cookie_accounts[0].id != current_account) {
+ // The current UPA is not the first in fresh cookies. It needs to be
+ // cleared.
+ return absl::nullopt;
+ }
+ }
+ // No indication that the current UPA is invalid, return current UPA.
+ return identity_manager_->GetPrimaryAccountInfo(
+ signin::ConsentLevel::kSignin);
+// signin::IdentityManager::Observer implementation.
+void SigninManager::OnPrimaryAccountChanged(
+ const signin::PrimaryAccountChangeEvent& event_details) {
+ // This is needed for the case where the user chooses to start syncing
+ // with an account that is different from the unconsented primary account
+ // (not the first in cookies) but then cancels. In that case, the tokens stay
+ // the same. In all the other cases, either the token will be revoked which
+ // will trigger an update for the unconsented primary account or the
+ // primary account stays the same but the sync consent is revoked.
+ if (event_details.GetEventTypeFor(signin::ConsentLevel::kSync) !=
+ signin::PrimaryAccountChangeEvent::Type::kCleared) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // It is important to update the primary account after all observers process
+ // the current OnPrimaryAccountChanged() as all observers should see the same
+ // value for the unconsented primary account. Schedule the potential update
+ // on the next run loop.
+ base::SequencedTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask(
+ FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&SigninManager::UpdateUnconsentedPrimaryAccount,
+ weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
+void SigninManager::OnRefreshTokenUpdatedForAccount(
+ const CoreAccountInfo& account_info) {
+ UpdateUnconsentedPrimaryAccount();
+void SigninManager::OnRefreshTokenRemovedForAccount(
+ const CoreAccountId& account_id) {
+ UpdateUnconsentedPrimaryAccount();
+void SigninManager::OnRefreshTokensLoaded() {
+ UpdateUnconsentedPrimaryAccount();
+void SigninManager::OnAccountsInCookieUpdated(
+ const signin::AccountsInCookieJarInfo& accounts_in_cookie_jar_info,
+ const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) {
+ UpdateUnconsentedPrimaryAccount();
+void SigninManager::OnAccountsCookieDeletedByUserAction() {
+ UpdateUnconsentedPrimaryAccount();
+void SigninManager::OnErrorStateOfRefreshTokenUpdatedForAccount(
+ const CoreAccountInfo& account_info,
+ const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) {
+ CoreAccountInfo current_account =
+ identity_manager_->GetPrimaryAccountInfo(signin::ConsentLevel::kSignin);
+ bool should_update = false;
+ if (error == GoogleServiceAuthError::AuthErrorNone()) {
+ should_update = current_account.IsEmpty();
+ } else {
+ // In error state, update if the account in error is the current UPA.
+ should_update = (account_info == current_account);
+ }
+ if (should_update)
+ UpdateUnconsentedPrimaryAccount();
+void SigninManager::OnSigninAllowedPrefChanged() {
+ UpdateUnconsentedPrimaryAccount();