path: root/chromium/components/gcm_driver/
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Diffstat (limited to 'chromium/components/gcm_driver/')
1 files changed, 386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chromium/components/gcm_driver/ b/chromium/components/gcm_driver/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5570f8520b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chromium/components/gcm_driver/
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "components/gcm_driver/gcm_account_mapper.h"
+#include <utility>
+#include "base/bind.h"
+#include "base/guid.h"
+#include "base/metrics/histogram_functions.h"
+#include "base/time/clock.h"
+#include "base/time/default_clock.h"
+#include "components/gcm_driver/gcm_driver_desktop.h"
+#include "google_apis/gcm/engine/gcm_store.h"
+namespace gcm {
+namespace {
+const char kGCMAccountMapperSenderId[] = "745476177629";
+const char kGCMAccountMapperSendTo[] = "";
+const int kGCMAddMappingMessageTTL = 30 * 60; // 0.5 hours in seconds.
+const int kGCMRemoveMappingMessageTTL = 24 * 60 * 60; // 1 day in seconds.
+const int kGCMUpdateIntervalHours = 24;
+// Because adding an account mapping dependents on a fresh OAuth2 token, we
+// allow the update to happen earlier than update due time, if it is within
+// the early start time to take advantage of that token.
+const int kGCMUpdateEarlyStartHours = 6;
+const char kRegistrationIdMessgaeKey[] = "id";
+const char kTokenMessageKey[] = "t";
+const char kAccountMessageKey[] = "a";
+const char kRemoveAccountKey[] = "r";
+const char kRemoveAccountValue[] = "1";
+// Use to handle send to Gaia ID scenario:
+const char kGCMSendToGaiaIdAppIdKey[] = "gcmb";
+std::string GenerateMessageID() {
+ return base::GenerateGUID();
+} // namespace
+const char kGCMAccountMapperAppId[] = "";
+GCMAccountMapper::GCMAccountMapper(GCMDriver* gcm_driver)
+ : gcm_driver_(gcm_driver),
+ clock_(base::DefaultClock::GetInstance()),
+ initialized_(false) {}
+GCMAccountMapper::~GCMAccountMapper() = default;
+void GCMAccountMapper::Initialize(const AccountMappings& account_mappings,
+ const DispatchMessageCallback& callback) {
+ DCHECK(!initialized_);
+ initialized_ = true;
+ accounts_ = account_mappings;
+ dispatch_message_callback_ = callback;
+ GetRegistration();
+void GCMAccountMapper::SetAccountTokens(
+ const std::vector<GCMClient::AccountTokenInfo>& account_tokens) {
+ DVLOG(1) << "GCMAccountMapper::SetAccountTokens called with "
+ << account_tokens.size() << " accounts.";
+ // If account mapper is not ready to handle tasks yet, save the latest
+ // account tokens and return.
+ if (!IsReady()) {
+ pending_account_tokens_ = account_tokens;
+ // If mapper is initialized, but still does not have registration ID,
+ // maybe the registration gave up. Retrying in case.
+ if (initialized_ && gcm_driver_->IsStarted())
+ GetRegistration();
+ return;
+ }
+ // Start from removing the old tokens, from all of the known accounts.
+ for (auto iter = accounts_.begin(); iter != accounts_.end(); ++iter) {
+ iter->access_token.clear();
+ }
+ // Update the internal collection of mappings with the new tokens.
+ for (auto token_iter = account_tokens.begin();
+ token_iter != account_tokens.end(); ++token_iter) {
+ AccountMapping* account_mapping =
+ FindMappingByAccountId(token_iter->account_id);
+ if (!account_mapping) {
+ AccountMapping new_mapping;
+ new_mapping.status = AccountMapping::NEW;
+ new_mapping.account_id = token_iter->account_id;
+ new_mapping.access_token = token_iter->access_token;
+ = token_iter->email;
+ accounts_.push_back(new_mapping);
+ } else {
+ // Since we got a token for an account, drop the remove message and treat
+ // it as mapped.
+ if (account_mapping->status == AccountMapping::REMOVING) {
+ account_mapping->status = AccountMapping::MAPPED;
+ account_mapping->status_change_timestamp = base::Time();
+ account_mapping->last_message_id.clear();
+ }
+ account_mapping->email = token_iter->email;
+ account_mapping->access_token = token_iter->access_token;
+ }
+ }
+ // Decide what to do with each account (either start mapping, or start
+ // removing).
+ for (auto mappings_iter = accounts_.begin(); mappings_iter != accounts_.end();
+ ++mappings_iter) {
+ if (mappings_iter->access_token.empty()) {
+ // Send a remove message if the account was not previously being removed,
+ // or it doesn't have a pending message, or the pending message is
+ // already expired, but OnSendError event was lost.
+ if (mappings_iter->status != AccountMapping::REMOVING ||
+ mappings_iter->last_message_id.empty() ||
+ IsLastStatusChangeOlderThanTTL(*mappings_iter)) {
+ SendRemoveMappingMessage(*mappings_iter);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // A message is sent for all of the mappings considered NEW, or mappings
+ // that are ADDING, but have expired message (OnSendError event lost), or
+ // for those mapped accounts that can be refreshed.
+ if (mappings_iter->status == AccountMapping::NEW ||
+ (mappings_iter->status == AccountMapping::ADDING &&
+ IsLastStatusChangeOlderThanTTL(*mappings_iter)) ||
+ (mappings_iter->status == AccountMapping::MAPPED &&
+ CanTriggerUpdate(mappings_iter->status_change_timestamp))) {
+ mappings_iter->last_message_id.clear();
+ SendAddMappingMessage(*mappings_iter);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void GCMAccountMapper::ShutdownHandler() {
+ initialized_ = false;
+ accounts_.clear();
+ registration_id_.clear();
+ dispatch_message_callback_.Reset();
+void GCMAccountMapper::OnStoreReset() {
+ // TODO( Tell server to remove the mapping. But can't use
+ // upstream GCM send for that since the store got reset.
+ ShutdownHandler();
+void GCMAccountMapper::OnMessage(const std::string& app_id,
+ const IncomingMessage& message) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(app_id, kGCMAccountMapperAppId);
+ // TODO(fgorski): Report Send to Gaia ID failures using UMA.
+ base::UmaHistogramBoolean("GCM.AccountMappingMessageReceived", true);
+ if (dispatch_message_callback_.is_null()) {
+ DVLOG(1) << "dispatch_message_callback_ missing in GCMAccountMapper";
+ return;
+ }
+ auto it =;
+ if (it == {
+ DVLOG(1) << "Send to Gaia ID failure: Embedded app ID missing.";
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string embedded_app_id = it->second;
+ if (embedded_app_id.empty()) {
+ DVLOG(1) << "Send to Gaia ID failure: Embedded app ID is empty.";
+ return;
+ }
+ // Ensuring the message does not carry the embedded app ID.
+ IncomingMessage new_message = message;
+ dispatch_message_callback_.Run(embedded_app_id, new_message);
+void GCMAccountMapper::OnMessagesDeleted(const std::string& app_id) {
+ // Account message does not expect messages right now.
+void GCMAccountMapper::OnSendError(
+ const std::string& app_id,
+ const GCMClient::SendErrorDetails& send_error_details) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(app_id, kGCMAccountMapperAppId);
+ auto account_mapping_it =
+ FindMappingByMessageId(send_error_details.message_id);
+ if (account_mapping_it == accounts_.end())
+ return;
+ if (send_error_details.result != GCMClient::TTL_EXCEEDED) {
+ DVLOG(1) << "Send error result different than TTL EXCEEDED: "
+ << send_error_details.result << ". "
+ << "Postponing the retry until a new batch of tokens arrives.";
+ return;
+ }
+ if (account_mapping_it->status == AccountMapping::REMOVING) {
+ // Another message to remove mapping can be sent immediately, because TTL
+ // for those is one day. No need to back off.
+ SendRemoveMappingMessage(*account_mapping_it);
+ } else {
+ if (account_mapping_it->status == AccountMapping::ADDING) {
+ // There is no mapping established, so we can remove the entry.
+ // Getting a fresh token will trigger a new attempt.
+ gcm_driver_->RemoveAccountMapping(account_mapping_it->account_id);
+ accounts_.erase(account_mapping_it);
+ } else {
+ // Account is already MAPPED, we have to wait for another token.
+ account_mapping_it->last_message_id.clear();
+ gcm_driver_->UpdateAccountMapping(*account_mapping_it);
+ }
+ }
+void GCMAccountMapper::OnSendAcknowledged(const std::string& app_id,
+ const std::string& message_id) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(app_id, kGCMAccountMapperAppId);
+ auto account_mapping_it = FindMappingByMessageId(message_id);
+ DVLOG(1) << "OnSendAcknowledged with message ID: " << message_id;
+ if (account_mapping_it == accounts_.end())
+ return;
+ // Here is where we advance a status of a mapping and persist or remove.
+ if (account_mapping_it->status == AccountMapping::REMOVING) {
+ // Message removing the account has been confirmed by the GCM, we can remove
+ // all the information related to the account (from memory and store).
+ gcm_driver_->RemoveAccountMapping(account_mapping_it->account_id);
+ accounts_.erase(account_mapping_it);
+ } else {
+ // Mapping status is ADDING only when it is a first time mapping.
+ DCHECK(account_mapping_it->status == AccountMapping::ADDING ||
+ account_mapping_it->status == AccountMapping::MAPPED);
+ // Account is marked as mapped with the current time.
+ account_mapping_it->status = AccountMapping::MAPPED;
+ account_mapping_it->status_change_timestamp = clock_->Now();
+ // There is no pending message for the account.
+ account_mapping_it->last_message_id.clear();
+ gcm_driver_->UpdateAccountMapping(*account_mapping_it);
+ }
+bool GCMAccountMapper::CanHandle(const std::string& app_id) const {
+ return == 0;
+bool GCMAccountMapper::IsReady() {
+ return initialized_ && gcm_driver_->IsStarted() && !registration_id_.empty();
+void GCMAccountMapper::SendAddMappingMessage(AccountMapping& account_mapping) {
+ CreateAndSendMessage(account_mapping);
+void GCMAccountMapper::SendRemoveMappingMessage(
+ AccountMapping& account_mapping) {
+ // We want to persist an account that is being removed as quickly as possible
+ // as well as clean up the last message information.
+ if (account_mapping.status != AccountMapping::REMOVING) {
+ account_mapping.status = AccountMapping::REMOVING;
+ account_mapping.status_change_timestamp = clock_->Now();
+ }
+ account_mapping.last_message_id.clear();
+ gcm_driver_->UpdateAccountMapping(account_mapping);
+ CreateAndSendMessage(account_mapping);
+void GCMAccountMapper::CreateAndSendMessage(
+ const AccountMapping& account_mapping) {
+ OutgoingMessage outgoing_message;
+ = GenerateMessageID();
+[kRegistrationIdMessgaeKey] = registration_id_;
+[kAccountMessageKey] =;
+ if (account_mapping.status == AccountMapping::REMOVING) {
+ outgoing_message.time_to_live = kGCMRemoveMappingMessageTTL;
+[kRemoveAccountKey] = kRemoveAccountValue;
+ } else {
+[kTokenMessageKey] = account_mapping.access_token;
+ outgoing_message.time_to_live = kGCMAddMappingMessageTTL;
+ }
+ gcm_driver_->Send(kGCMAccountMapperAppId, kGCMAccountMapperSendTo,
+ outgoing_message,
+ base::BindOnce(&GCMAccountMapper::OnSendFinished,
+ weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
+ account_mapping.account_id));
+void GCMAccountMapper::OnSendFinished(const CoreAccountId& account_id,
+ const std::string& message_id,
+ GCMClient::Result result) {
+ // TODO(fgorski): Add another attempt, in case the QUEUE is not full.
+ if (result != GCMClient::SUCCESS)
+ return;
+ AccountMapping* account_mapping = FindMappingByAccountId(account_id);
+ DCHECK(account_mapping);
+ // If we are dealing with account with status NEW, it is the first time
+ // mapping, and we should mark it as ADDING.
+ if (account_mapping->status == AccountMapping::NEW) {
+ account_mapping->status = AccountMapping::ADDING;
+ account_mapping->status_change_timestamp = clock_->Now();
+ }
+ account_mapping->last_message_id = message_id;
+ gcm_driver_->UpdateAccountMapping(*account_mapping);
+void GCMAccountMapper::GetRegistration() {
+ DCHECK(registration_id_.empty());
+ std::vector<std::string> sender_ids;
+ sender_ids.push_back(kGCMAccountMapperSenderId);
+ gcm_driver_->Register(kGCMAccountMapperAppId, sender_ids,
+ base::BindOnce(&GCMAccountMapper::OnRegisterFinished,
+ weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
+void GCMAccountMapper::OnRegisterFinished(const std::string& registration_id,
+ GCMClient::Result result) {
+ if (result == GCMClient::SUCCESS)
+ registration_id_ = registration_id;
+ if (IsReady()) {
+ if (!pending_account_tokens_.empty()) {
+ SetAccountTokens(pending_account_tokens_);
+ pending_account_tokens_.clear();
+ }
+ }
+bool GCMAccountMapper::CanTriggerUpdate(
+ const base::Time& last_update_time) const {
+ return last_update_time +
+ base::Hours(kGCMUpdateIntervalHours - kGCMUpdateEarlyStartHours) <
+ clock_->Now();
+bool GCMAccountMapper::IsLastStatusChangeOlderThanTTL(
+ const AccountMapping& account_mapping) const {
+ int ttl_seconds = account_mapping.status == AccountMapping::REMOVING ?
+ kGCMRemoveMappingMessageTTL : kGCMAddMappingMessageTTL;
+ return account_mapping.status_change_timestamp + base::Seconds(ttl_seconds) <
+ clock_->Now();
+AccountMapping* GCMAccountMapper::FindMappingByAccountId(
+ const CoreAccountId& account_id) {
+ for (auto iter = accounts_.begin(); iter != accounts_.end(); ++iter) {
+ if (iter->account_id == account_id)
+ return &*iter;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+GCMAccountMapper::FindMappingByMessageId(const std::string& message_id) {
+ for (auto iter = accounts_.begin(); iter != accounts_.end(); ++iter) {
+ if (iter->last_message_id == message_id)
+ return iter;
+ }
+ return accounts_.end();
+void GCMAccountMapper::SetClockForTesting(base::Clock* clock) {
+ clock_ = clock;
+} // namespace gcm