/* * Copyright (C) 2010, 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef WorkerFileSystemCallbacksBridge_h #define WorkerFileSystemCallbacksBridge_h #include "core/dom/ScriptExecutionContext.h" #include "public/platform/WebFileError.h" #include "public/platform/WebFileSystem.h" #include "public/platform/WebFileSystemType.h" #include "public/platform/WebVector.h" #include "wtf/PassOwnPtr.h" #include "wtf/PassRefPtr.h" #include "wtf/text/WTFString.h" #include "wtf/Threading.h" namespace WebCore { class BlobDataHandle; class WorkerLoaderProxy; } namespace WebKit { class AsyncFileSystem; class MainThreadFileSystemCallbacks; class WebCommonWorkerClient; class ThreadableCallbacksBridgeWrapper; class WebFileSystemCallbacksImpl; class WorkerFileSystemContextObserver; struct WebFileInfo; struct WebFileSystemEntry; // Used to post a openFileSystem request to the main thread and get called back for the request. // // Lifetime for this class is maintained by posted "tasks" which ref count it and by MainThreadFileSystemCallbacks. // Either a task finishing or the MainThreadFileSystemCallbacks being deleted may release the last ref on WorkerFileSystemCallbacksBridge. // // A typical flow for openFileSystem would look like this: // Bridge::postOpenFileSystemToMainThread() on WorkerThread // --> Bridge::openFileSystemOnMainThread() is called on MainThread // This makes an IPC with a MainThreadFileSystemCallbacks instance // [actual operation is down in the browser] // --> MainThreadFileSystemCallbacks::didXxx is called on MainThread // --> Bridge::didXxxOnMainThread is called on MainThread // --> Bridge::didXxxOnWorkerThread is called on WorkerThread // This calls the original callbacks (m_callbacksOnWorkerThread). class WorkerFileSystemCallbacksBridge : public ThreadSafeRefCounted { public: ~WorkerFileSystemCallbacksBridge(); void stop(); static PassRefPtr create(WebCore::WorkerLoaderProxy* workerLoaderProxy, WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext* workerGlobalScope, WebFileSystemCallbacksImpl* callbacks) { return adoptRef(new WorkerFileSystemCallbacksBridge(workerLoaderProxy, workerGlobalScope, callbacks)); } // Methods that create an instance and post an initial request task to the main thread. They must be called on the worker thread. void postOpenFileSystemToMainThread(WebCommonWorkerClient*, WebFileSystemType, long long size, bool create, const String& mode); void postMoveToMainThread(WebFileSystem*, const WebCore::KURL& srcPath, const WebCore::KURL& destPath, const String& mode); void postCopyToMainThread(WebFileSystem*, const WebCore::KURL& srcPath, const WebCore::KURL& destPath, const String& mode); void postRemoveToMainThread(WebFileSystem*, const WebCore::KURL& path, const String& mode); void postRemoveRecursivelyToMainThread(WebFileSystem*, const WebCore::KURL& path, const String& mode); void postReadMetadataToMainThread(WebFileSystem*, const WebCore::KURL& path, const String& mode); void postCreateFileToMainThread(WebFileSystem*, const WebCore::KURL& path, bool exclusive, const String& mode); void postCreateDirectoryToMainThread(WebFileSystem*, const WebCore::KURL& path, bool exclusive, const String& mode); void postFileExistsToMainThread(WebFileSystem*, const WebCore::KURL& path, const String& mode); void postDirectoryExistsToMainThread(WebFileSystem*, const WebCore::KURL& path, const String& mode); void postReadDirectoryToMainThread(WebFileSystem*, const WebCore::KURL& path, const String& mode); void postCreateSnapshotFileToMainThread(WebFileSystem*, const WebCore::KURL& path, const String& mode); // Callback methods that are called on the main thread. void didFailOnMainThread(WebFileError, const String& mode); void didOpenFileSystemOnMainThread(const String& name, const WebCore::KURL& rootURL, const String& mode); void didSucceedOnMainThread(const String& mode); void didReadMetadataOnMainThread(const WebFileInfo&, const String& mode); void didCreateSnapshotFileOnMainThread(const WebFileInfo&, const String& mode, PassRefPtr snapshotBlob); void didReadDirectoryOnMainThread(const WebVector&, bool hasMore, const String& mode); private: WorkerFileSystemCallbacksBridge(WebCore::WorkerLoaderProxy*, WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, WebFileSystemCallbacksImpl*); // Methods that are to be called on the main thread. static void openFileSystemOnMainThread(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, WebCommonWorkerClient*, WebFileSystemType, long long size, bool create, PassRefPtr, const String& mode); static void moveOnMainThread(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, WebFileSystem*, const WebCore::KURL& srcPath, const WebCore::KURL& destPath, PassRefPtr, const String& mode); static void copyOnMainThread(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, WebFileSystem*, const WebCore::KURL& srcPath, const WebCore::KURL& destPath, PassRefPtr, const String& mode); static void removeOnMainThread(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, WebFileSystem*, const WebCore::KURL& path, PassRefPtr, const String& mode); static void removeRecursivelyOnMainThread(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, WebFileSystem*, const WebCore::KURL& path, PassRefPtr, const String& mode); static void readMetadataOnMainThread(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, WebFileSystem*, const WebCore::KURL& path, PassRefPtr, const String& mode); static void createFileOnMainThread(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, WebFileSystem*, const WebCore::KURL& path, bool exclusive, PassRefPtr, const String& mode); static void createDirectoryOnMainThread(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, WebFileSystem*, const WebCore::KURL& path, bool exclusive, PassRefPtr, const String& mode); static void fileExistsOnMainThread(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, WebFileSystem*, const WebCore::KURL& path, PassRefPtr, const String& mode); static void directoryExistsOnMainThread(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, WebFileSystem*, const WebCore::KURL& path, PassRefPtr, const String& mode); static void readDirectoryOnMainThread(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, WebFileSystem*, const WebCore::KURL& path, PassRefPtr, const String& mode); static void createSnapshotFileOnMainThread(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, WebFileSystem*, const WebCore::KURL& path, PassRefPtr, const String& mode); friend class MainThreadFileSystemCallbacks; // Methods that dispatch WebFileSystemCallbacks on the worker threads. static void didFailOnWorkerThread(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, PassRefPtr, WebFileError); static void didOpenFileSystemOnWorkerThread(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, PassRefPtr, const String& name, const WebCore::KURL& rootPath); static void didSucceedOnWorkerThread(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, PassRefPtr); static void didReadMetadataOnWorkerThread(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, PassRefPtr, const WebFileInfo&); static void didCreateSnapshotFileOnWorkerThread(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, PassRefPtr, const WebFileInfo&, PassRefPtr snapshotBlob); static void didReadDirectoryOnWorkerThread(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, PassRefPtr, const WebVector&, bool hasMore); static void runTaskOnMainThread(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, PassRefPtr, PassOwnPtr); static void runTaskOnWorkerThread(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext*, PassRefPtr, PassOwnPtr); void dispatchTaskToMainThread(PassOwnPtr); void mayPostTaskToWorker(PassOwnPtr, const String& mode); void cleanUpAfterCallback(); Mutex m_loaderProxyMutex; WebCore::WorkerLoaderProxy* m_workerLoaderProxy; WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext* m_workerGlobalScope; // Must be deleted on the WorkerGlobalScope thread. WorkerFileSystemContextObserver* m_workerGlobalScopeObserver; // This is self-destructed and must be fired on the worker thread. WebFileSystemCallbacksImpl* m_callbacksOnWorkerThread; }; } // namespace WebCore #endif // WorkerFileSystemCallbacksBridge_h