# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # There's a couple key GYP variables that control how FFmpeg is built: # ffmpeg_branding # Controls whether we build the Chromium or Google Chrome version of # FFmpeg. The Google Chrome version contains additional codecs. # Typical values are Chromium, Chrome, ChromiumOS, and ChromeOS. # build_ffmpegsumo # When set to zero will build Chromium against Chrome's FFmpeg headers, but # not build ffmpegsumo itself. Users are expected to build and provide # their own version of ffmpegsumo. Default value is 1. # { 'target_defaults': { 'variables': { # Since we are not often debugging FFmpeg, and performance is # unacceptable without optimization, freeze the optimizations to -O2. # If someone really wants -O1 , they can change these in their checkout. # If you want -O0, see the Gotchas in README.Chromium for why that # won't work. 'release_optimize': '2', 'debug_optimize': '2', 'mac_debug_optimization': '2', # In addition to the above reasons, /Od optimization won't remove symbols # that are under "if (0)" style sections. Which lead to link time errors # when for example it tries to link an ARM symbol on X86. 'win_debug_Optimization': '2', # Run time checks are incompatible with any level of optimizations. 'win_debug_RuntimeChecks': '0', }, }, 'variables': { # Allow overriding the selection of which FFmpeg binaries to copy via an # environment variable. Affects the ffmpeg_binaries target. 'conditions': [ ['target_arch == "arm" and arm_version == 7 and arm_neon == 1', { # Need a separate config for arm+neon vs arm 'ffmpeg_config%': 'arm-neon', }, { 'ffmpeg_config%': '<(target_arch)', }], ['target_arch == "mipsel"', { 'asm_sources': [ ], }], ['OS == "win" and (MSVS_VERSION == "2013" or MSVS_VERSION == "2013e")', { 'os_config%': 'win-vs2013', }, { 'conditions': [ ['OS == "mac" or OS == "win" or OS == "openbsd"', { 'os_config%': '<(OS)', }, { # all other Unix OS's use the linux config 'os_config%': 'linux', }], ], }], ['chromeos == 1', { 'ffmpeg_branding%': '<(branding)OS', }, { # otherwise, assume Chrome/Chromium. 'ffmpeg_branding%': '<(branding)', }], ], 'ffmpeg_variant%': '<(target_arch)', 'build_ffmpegsumo%': 1, # Locations for generated artifacts. 'shared_generated_dir': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/third_party/ffmpeg', # Stub generator script and signatures of all functions used by Chrome. 'generate_stubs_script': '../../tools/generate_stubs/generate_stubs.py', 'sig_files': ['chromium/ffmpegsumo.sigs'], 'extra_header': 'chromium/ffmpeg_stub_headers.fragment', }, 'conditions': [ ['target_arch != "arm"', { 'targets': [ { 'target_name': 'ffmpeg_yasm', 'type': 'static_library', # VS2010 does not correctly incrementally link obj files generated # from asm files. This flag disables UseLibraryDependencyInputs to # avoid this problem. 'msvs_2010_disable_uldi_when_referenced': 1, 'includes': [ 'ffmpeg_generated.gypi', '../yasm/yasm_compile.gypi', ], 'sources': [ '<@(asm_sources)', # XCode doesn't want to link a pure assembly target and will fail # to link when it creates an empty file list. So add a dummy file # keep the linker happy. See http://crbug.com/157073 'xcode_hack.c', ], 'variables': { # Path to platform configuration files. 'platform_config_root': 'chromium/config/<(ffmpeg_branding)/<(os_config)/<(ffmpeg_config)', 'conditions': [ ['target_arch == "ia32"', { 'more_yasm_flags': [ '-DARCH_X86_32', ], }, { 'more_yasm_flags': [ '-DARCH_X86_64', ], }], ['OS == "mac"', { 'more_yasm_flags': [ # Necessary to ensure symbols end up with a _ prefix; added by # yasm_compile.gypi for Windows, but not Mac. '-DPREFIX', ] }], ], 'yasm_flags': [ '-DPIC', '>@(more_yasm_flags)', '-I', '<(platform_config_root)', '-I', 'libavcodec/x86/', '-I', 'libavutil/x86/', '-I', '.', # Disable warnings, prevents log spam for things we won't fix. '-w', '-P', 'config.asm', ], 'yasm_output_path': '<(shared_generated_dir)/yasm' }, }, ] # targets }], # arch != arm ['OS == "win" and clang == 0 and MSVS_VERSION != "2013" and MSVS_VERSION != "2013e"', { # Convert the source code from c99 to c89 if we're on Windows and not # using clang, which can compile c99 directly. Clang support is # experimental and unsupported. VS2013 also supports enough of C99 to # be able to avoid this conversion. 'variables': { 'converter_script': 'chromium/scripts/c99conv.py', 'converter_executable': 'chromium/binaries/c99conv.exe', # Path to platform configuration files. 'platform_config_root': 'chromium/config/<(ffmpeg_branding)/<(os_config)/<(ffmpeg_config)', }, 'includes': [ 'ffmpeg_generated.gypi', ], 'targets': [{ 'target_name': 'convert_ffmpeg_sources', 'type': 'none', 'sources': [ '<@(c_sources)', ], 'rules': [ { 'rule_name': 'convert_c99_to_c89', 'extension': 'c', 'inputs': [ '<(converter_script)', '<(converter_executable)', # Since we don't know the dependency graph for header includes # we need to list them all here to ensure a header change causes # a recompilation. '<(platform_config_root)/config.h', '<(platform_config_root)/libavutil/avconfig.h', '<@(c_headers)', ], # Argh! Required so that the msvs generator will properly convert # RULE_INPUT_DIRNAME to a relative path. 'msvs_external_rule': 1, 'outputs': [ '<(shared_generated_dir)/<(RULE_INPUT_DIRNAME)/<(RULE_INPUT_ROOT).c', ], 'action': [ 'python', '<(converter_script)', '<(RULE_INPUT_PATH)', '<(shared_generated_dir)/<(RULE_INPUT_DIRNAME)/<(RULE_INPUT_ROOT).c', '-I', '<(platform_config_root)', ], 'message': 'Converting <(RULE_INPUT_PATH) from C99 to C89.', 'process_outputs_as_sources': 1, }, ], }], }], ['build_ffmpegsumo != 0', { 'includes': [ 'ffmpeg_generated.gypi', ], 'variables': { # Path to platform configuration files. 'platform_config_root': 'chromium/config/<(ffmpeg_branding)/<(os_config)/<(ffmpeg_config)', }, 'targets': [ { 'target_name': 'ffmpegsumo', 'type': 'loadable_module', 'sources': [ '<(platform_config_root)/config.h', '<(platform_config_root)/libavutil/avconfig.h', ], 'include_dirs': [ '<(platform_config_root)', '.', ], 'defines': [ 'HAVE_AV_CONFIG_H', '_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112', '_XOPEN_SOURCE=600', 'PIC', ], 'cflags': [ '-fPIC', '-fomit-frame-pointer', ], 'conditions': [ ['OS != "win" or clang == 1 or MSVS_VERSION == "2013" or MSVS_VERSION == "2013e"', { # If we're not doing C99 conversion, add the normal source code. 'sources': ['<@(c_sources)'], }, { # Otherwise, compile the converted source code. 'dependencies': ['convert_ffmpeg_sources'], 'sources': ['<@(converter_outputs)'], }], ['target_arch != "arm" and target_arch != "mipsel"', { 'dependencies': [ 'ffmpeg_yasm', ], }], ['clang == 1', { 'xcode_settings': { 'WARNING_CFLAGS': [ # ffmpeg uses its own deprecated functions. '-Wno-deprecated-declarations', # ffmpeg doesn't care about pointer constness. '-Wno-incompatible-pointer-types', # ffmpeg doesn't follow usual parentheses conventions. '-Wno-parentheses', # ffmpeg doesn't care about pointer signedness. '-Wno-pointer-sign', # ffmpeg doesn't believe in exhaustive switch statements. '-Wno-switch', ], }, 'cflags': [ '-Wno-deprecated-declarations', '-Wno-incompatible-pointer-types', '-Wno-logical-op-parentheses', '-Wno-parentheses', '-Wno-pointer-sign', '-Wno-switch', # Don't emit warnings for gcc -f flags clang doesn't implement. '-Qunused-arguments', ], 'conditions': [ ['ffmpeg_branding == "Chrome" or ffmpeg_branding == "ChromeOS"', { 'xcode_settings': { 'WARNING_CFLAGS': [ # Clang doesn't support __attribute__((flatten)), # http://llvm.org/PR7559 # This is used in the h264 decoder. '-Wno-attributes', ], }, 'cflags': [ '-Wno-attributes', ], }], ], }, { 'cflags': [ # gcc doesn't have flags for specific warnings, so disable them # all. '-w', ], }], ['target_arch == "ia32"', { # Turn off valgrind build option that breaks ffmpeg builds. 'cflags!': [ '-fno-omit-frame-pointer', ], 'debug_extra_cflags!': [ '-fno-omit-frame-pointer', ], 'release_extra_cflags!': [ '-fno-omit-frame-pointer', ], }], # target_arch == "ia32" ['target_arch == "arm"', { # TODO(ihf): See the long comment in build_ffmpeg.sh # We want to be consistent with CrOS and have configured # ffmpeg for thumb. Protect yourself from -marm. 'cflags!': [ '-marm', ], 'cflags': [ '-mthumb', '-march=armv7-a', '-mtune=cortex-a8', ], # On arm we use gcc to compile the assembly. 'sources': [ '<@(asm_sources)', ], 'conditions': [ ['arm_neon == 0', { 'cflags': [ '-mfpu=vfpv3-d16', ], }, { 'cflags': [ '-mfpu=neon', ], }], ['arm_float_abi == "hard"', { 'cflags': [ '-DHAVE_VFP_ARGS=1' ], }, { 'cflags': [ '-DHAVE_VFP_ARGS=0' ], }], ], }], ['target_arch == "mipsel"', { 'cflags': [ '-mips32', '-EL -Wl,-EL', ], }], # target_arch == "mipsel" ['os_posix == 1 and OS != "mac"', { 'defines': [ '_ISOC99_SOURCE', '_LARGEFILE_SOURCE', # BUG(ihf): ffmpeg compiles with this define. But according to # ajwong: I wouldn't change _FILE_OFFSET_BITS. That's a scary change # cause it affects the default length of off_t, and fpos_t, # which can cause strange problems if the loading code doesn't # have it set and you start passing FILE*s or file descriptors # between symbol contexts. # '_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64', ], 'cflags': [ '-std=c99', '-pthread', '-fno-math-errno', '-fno-signed-zeros', '-fno-tree-vectorize', '-fomit-frame-pointer', # Don't warn about libavformat using its own deprecated APIs. '-Wno-deprecated-declarations', ], 'cflags!': [ # Ensure the symbols are exported. # # TODO(ajwong): Manually tag the API that we use to be # exported. '-fvisibility=hidden', ], 'link_settings': { 'ldflags': [ '-Wl,-Bsymbolic', '-L<(shared_generated_dir)', ], 'libraries': [ '-lz', ], }, }], # os_posix == 1 and OS != "mac" ['OS == "openbsd"', { # OpenBSD's gcc (4.2.1) does not support this flag 'cflags!': [ '-fno-signed-zeros', ], }], ['OS == "mac"', { 'defines': [ '_DARWIN_C_SOURCE', ], 'conditions': [ ['mac_breakpad == 1', { 'variables': { # A real .dSYM is needed for dump_syms to operate on. 'mac_real_dsym': 1, }, }], ['target_arch != "x64"', { # -read_only_relocs cannot be used with x86_64 'xcode_settings': { 'OTHER_LDFLAGS': [ # This is needed because even though FFmpeg now builds # with -fPIC, it's not quite a complete PIC build, only # partial :( Thus we need to instruct the linker to allow # relocations for read-only segments for this target to be # able to generated the shared library on Mac. # # This makes Mark sad, but he's okay with it since it is # isolated to this module. When Mark finds this in the # future, and has forgotten this conversation, this # comment should remind him that the world is still nice # and butterflies still exist...as do rainbows, sunshine, # tulips, etc., etc...but not kittens. Those went away # with this flag. '-Wl,-read_only_relocs,suppress', ], }, }], ], 'link_settings': { 'libraries': [ '$(SDKROOT)/usr/lib/libz.dylib', ], }, 'xcode_settings': { 'GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN': 'NO', # No -fvisibility=hidden 'DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME_BASE': '@loader_path', 'LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS': [ '<(shared_generated_dir)' ], }, }], # OS == "mac" ['OS == "win"', { 'sources': [ '<(shared_generated_dir)/ffmpegsumo.def', ], 'include_dirs': [ 'chromium/include/win', ], # TODO(dalecurtis): We should fix these. http://crbug.com/154421 'msvs_disabled_warnings': [ 4996, 4018, 4090, 4305, 4133, 4146, 4554, 4028, 4334, 4101, 4102, 4116, 4307, 4273, 4005, 4056, 4756, ], 'conditions': [ ['clang == 1 or (OS == "win" and (MSVS_VERSION == "2013" or MSVS_VERSION == "2013e"))', { 'defines': [ 'inline=__inline', 'strtoll=_strtoi64', '_ISOC99_SOURCE', '_LARGEFILE_SOURCE', 'HAVE_AV_CONFIG_H', 'strtod=avpriv_strtod', 'snprintf=avpriv_snprintf', '_snprintf=avpriv_snprintf', 'vsnprintf=avpriv_vsnprintf', ], }], ['target_arch == "x64"', { # TODO(wolenetz): We should fix this. http://crbug.com/171009 'msvs_disabled_warnings' : [ 4267 ], }], ], 'msvs_settings': { # This magical incantation is necessary because VC++ will compile # object files to same directory... even if they have the same name! 'VCCLCompilerTool': { 'ObjectFile': '$(IntDir)/%(RelativeDir)/', }, # Ignore warnings about a local symbol being inefficiently imported, # upstream is working on a fix. 'VCLinkerTool': { 'AdditionalOptions': ['/ignore:4049', '/ignore:4217'], } }, 'actions': [ { 'action_name': 'generate_def', 'inputs': [ '<(generate_stubs_script)', '<@(sig_files)', ], 'outputs': [ '<(shared_generated_dir)/ffmpegsumo.def', ], 'action': ['python', '<(generate_stubs_script)', '-i', '<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)', '-o', '<(shared_generated_dir)', '-t', 'windows_def', '-m', 'ffmpegsumo.dll', '<@(_inputs)', ], 'message': 'Generating FFmpeg export definitions.', 'msvs_cygwin_shell': 1, }, ], }], ], }, ], }], ], # conditions 'targets': [ { 'target_name': 'ffmpeg', 'sources': [ # Files needed for stub generation rules. '<@(sig_files)', ], 'defines': [ '__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS', # FFmpeg uses INT64_C. ], 'hard_dependency': 1, # Do not fear the massive conditional blocks! They do the following: # 1) Use the Window stub generator on Windows # 2) Else, use the POSIX stub generator on non-Windows 'conditions': [ ['OS == "win"', { 'msvs_guid': 'D7A94F58-576A-45D9-A45F-EB87C63ABBB0', 'variables': { 'conditions': [ ['target_arch == "x64"', { 'outfile_type': 'windows_lib_x64', }, { # else, generate x86 stub library 'outfile_type': 'windows_lib', }], ], 'output_dir': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/lib', 'intermediate_dir': '<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)', }, 'type': 'none', 'sources': [ # Adds C99 types for Visual C++. 'chromium/include/win/inttypes.h', ], 'dependencies': [ 'ffmpegsumo', ], 'direct_dependent_settings': { 'include_dirs': [ '<(platform_config_root)', 'chromium/include/win', '.', ], 'link_settings': { 'libraries': [ '<(output_dir)/ffmpegsumo.lib', ], 'msvs_settings': { 'VCLinkerTool': { 'DelayLoadDLLs': [ 'ffmpegsumo.dll', ], }, }, }, }, 'rules': [ { 'rule_name': 'generate_libs', 'extension': 'sigs', 'inputs': [ '<(generate_stubs_script)', '<@(sig_files)', ], 'outputs': [ '<(output_dir)/<(RULE_INPUT_ROOT).lib', ], 'action': ['python', '<(generate_stubs_script)', '-i', '<(intermediate_dir)', '-o', '<(output_dir)', '-t', '<(outfile_type)', '<@(RULE_INPUT_PATH)', ], 'message': 'Generating FFmpeg import libraries.', }, ], }, { # else OS != "win", use POSIX stub generator 'variables': { 'outfile_type': 'posix_stubs', 'stubs_filename_root': 'ffmpeg_stubs', 'project_path': 'third_party/ffmpeg', 'intermediate_dir': '<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)', 'output_root': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/ffmpeg', 'platform_config_root': 'chromium/config/<(ffmpeg_branding)/<(os_config)/<(ffmpeg_config)' }, 'sources': [ '<(extra_header)', ], 'type': '<(component)', 'include_dirs': [ '<(output_root)', '../..', # The chromium 'src' directory. '<(platform_config_root)', '.', ], 'dependencies': [ # Required for the logging done in the stubs generator. '../../base/base.gyp:base', ], 'direct_dependent_settings': { 'defines': [ '__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS', # FFmpeg uses INT64_C. ], 'include_dirs': [ '<(output_root)', '../..', # The chromium 'src' directory. '<(platform_config_root)', '.', ], }, 'actions': [ { 'action_name': 'generate_stubs', 'inputs': [ '<(generate_stubs_script)', '<(extra_header)', '<@(sig_files)', ], 'outputs': [ '<(intermediate_dir)/<(stubs_filename_root).cc', '<(output_root)/<(project_path)/<(stubs_filename_root).h', ], 'action': ['python', '<(generate_stubs_script)', '-i', '<(intermediate_dir)', '-o', '<(output_root)/<(project_path)', '-t', '<(outfile_type)', '-e', '<(extra_header)', '-s', '<(stubs_filename_root)', '-p', '<(project_path)', '<@(_inputs)', ], 'process_outputs_as_sources': 1, 'message': 'Generating FFmpeg stubs for dynamic loading.', }, ], 'conditions': [ # Linux/Solaris need libdl for dlopen() and friends. ['OS == "linux" or OS == "solaris"', { 'link_settings': { 'libraries': [ '-ldl', ], }, }], ['component == "shared_library"', { 'cflags!': ['-fvisibility=hidden'], 'xcode_settings': { 'GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN': 'NO', # no -fvisibility=hidden }, }], ['build_ffmpegsumo != 0', { 'dependencies': [ 'ffmpegsumo', ], }], ], # conditions }], ], # conditions }, ], # targets }