#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import os import sys import unittest from compiler import GenerateSchema # If --rebase is passed to this test, this is set to True, indicating the test # output should be re-generated for each test (rather than running the tests # themselves). REBASE_MODE = False # The directory containing the input and expected output files corresponding # to each test name. TESTS_DIR = 'dart_test' class DartTest(unittest.TestCase): def _RunTest(self, test_filename): '''Given the name of a test, runs compiler.py on the file: TESTS_DIR/test_filename.idl and compares it to the output in the file: TESTS_DIR/test_filename.dart ''' file_rel = os.path.join(TESTS_DIR, test_filename) output_dir = None if REBASE_MODE: output_dir = TESTS_DIR output_code = GenerateSchema('dart', ['%s.idl' % file_rel], TESTS_DIR, output_dir, None, None) if not REBASE_MODE: with open('%s.dart' % file_rel) as f: expected_output = f.read() # Remove the first line of the output code (as it contains the filename). # Also remove all blank lines, ignoring them from the comparison. # Compare with lists instead of strings for clearer diffs (especially with # whitespace) when a test fails. self.assertEqual([l for l in expected_output.split('\n') if l], [l for l in output_code.split('\n')[1:] if l]) def setUp(self): # Increase the maximum diff amount to see the full diff on a failed test. self.maxDiff = 2000 def testComments(self): self._RunTest('comments') def testDictionaries(self): self._RunTest('dictionaries') def testEmptyNamespace(self): self._RunTest('empty_namespace') def testEmptyType(self): self._RunTest('empty_type') def testEvents(self): self._RunTest('events') def testBasicFunction(self): self._RunTest('functions') def testOpratableType(self): self._RunTest('operatable_type') def testTags(self): self._RunTest('tags') if __name__ == '__main__': if '--rebase' in sys.argv: print "Running in rebase mode." REBASE_MODE = True sys.argv.remove('--rebase') unittest.main()