# Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 from conans import ConanFile import re from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, Any _qtwebengine_features = [ "qtpdf-build", "qtpdf-quick-build", "qtpdf-widgets-build", "qtwebengine-build", "qtwebengine-core-build", "qtwebengine-quick-build", "qtwebengine-widgets-build", "webengine-developer-build", "webengine-embedded-build", "webengine-extensions", "webengine-full-debug-info", "webengine-jumbo-build", "webengine-kerberos", "webengine-native-spellchecker", "webengine-pepper-plugins", "webengine-printing-and-pdf", "webengine-proprietary-codecs", "webengine-sanitizer", "webengine-spellchecker", "webengine-webchannel", "webengine-webrtc", "webengine-webrtc-pipewire", "system-webengine-ffmpeg", "system-webengine-icu", ] def _parse_qt_version_by_key(key: str) -> str: with open(Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / ".cmake.conf") as f: m = re.search(fr'{key} .*"(.*)"', f.read()) return m.group(1) if m else "" def _get_qt_minor_version() -> str: return ".".join(_parse_qt_version_by_key("QT_REPO_MODULE_VERSION").split(".")[:2]) class QtWebEngine(ConanFile): name = "qtwebengine" license = "LGPL-3.0-only, Commercial Qt License Agreement" author = "The Qt Company " url = "https://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtwebengine.git" description = ( "Qt WebEngine integrates Chromium's fast moving web capabilities into Qt. " "The integration with Qt focuses on an API that is easy to use, yet extensible. " "We also make no compromise on the graphics integration, integrating the layer " "rendering of Chromium directly into the OpenGL scene graph of Qt Quick." ) topics = "qt", "qt6", "qtwebengine", "WebEngine", "Chromium" settings = "os", "compiler", "arch", "build_type" # for referencing the version number and prerelease tag and dependencies info exports = ".cmake.conf", "dependencies.yaml" exports_sources = "*", "!conan*.*" python_requires = f"qt-conan-common/{_get_qt_minor_version()}@qt/everywhere" python_requires_extend = "qt-conan-common.QtLeafModule" def get_qt_leaf_module_options(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Implements abstractmethod from qt-conan-common.QtLeafModule""" return self._shared.convert_qt_features_to_conan_options(_qtwebengine_features) def get_qt_leaf_module_default_options(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Implements abstractmethod from qt-conan-common.QtLeafModule""" return self._shared.convert_qt_features_to_default_conan_options(_qtwebengine_features) def package_env_info(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Implements abstractmethod from qt-conan-common.QtLeafModule""" # this will be called only after a successful build _f = lambda p: True if tools.os_info.is_windows: ptrn = "**/QtWebEngineProcess.exe" elif tools.os_info.is_macos: ptrn = "**/QtWebEngineProcess.app/**/QtWebEngineProcess" _f = lambda p: not any(".dSYM" in item for item in p.parts) else: ptrn = "**/QtWebEngineProcess" ret = [str(p) for p in Path(self.package_folder).rglob(ptrn) if p.is_file() and _f(p)] if len(ret) != 1: print("Expected to find one 'QtWebEngineProcess'. Found: {0}".format(ret)) return {"QTWEBENGINEPROCESS_PATH": ret.pop() if ret else ""}