/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef XPCSPI_h #define XPCSPI_h #include #include #if PLATFORM(MAC) || USE(APPLE_INTERNAL_SDK) || PLATFORM(QT) #include #else #if OS_OBJECT_USE_OBJC OS_OBJECT_DECL(xpc_object); typedef xpc_object_t xpc_connection_t; static ALWAYS_INLINE void _xpc_object_validate(xpc_object_t object) { void *isa = *(void * volatile *)(OS_OBJECT_BRIDGE void *)object; (void)isa; } #define XPC_GLOBAL_OBJECT(object) ((OS_OBJECT_BRIDGE xpc_object_t)&(object)) #else // OS_OBJECT_USE_OBJC typedef void* xpc_object_t; typedef void* xpc_connection_t; #define XPC_GLOBAL_OBJECT(object) (&(object)) #endif // OS_OBJECT_USE_OBJC typedef const struct _xpc_type_s* xpc_type_t; #if COMPILER_SUPPORTS(BLOCKS) typedef bool (^xpc_array_applier_t)(size_t index, xpc_object_t); typedef bool (^xpc_dictionary_applier_t)(const char *key, xpc_object_t value); typedef void (^xpc_handler_t)(xpc_object_t); #endif typedef void (*xpc_connection_handler_t)(xpc_connection_t connection); #define XPC_ARRAY_APPEND ((size_t)(-1)) #define XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INVALID XPC_GLOBAL_OBJECT(_xpc_error_connection_invalid) #define XPC_ERROR_TERMINATION_IMMINENT XPC_GLOBAL_OBJECT(_xpc_error_termination_imminent) #define XPC_TYPE_ARRAY (&_xpc_type_array) #define XPC_TYPE_BOOL (&_xpc_type_bool) #define XPC_TYPE_DICTIONARY (&_xpc_type_dictionary) #define XPC_TYPE_ERROR (&_xpc_type_error) #define XPC_TYPE_STRING (&_xpc_type_string) #endif // PLATFORM(MAC) || USE(APPLE_INTERNAL_SDK) #if USE(APPLE_INTERNAL_SDK) #include #endif EXTERN_C const struct _xpc_dictionary_s _xpc_error_connection_invalid; EXTERN_C const struct _xpc_dictionary_s _xpc_error_termination_imminent; EXTERN_C const struct _xpc_type_s _xpc_type_array; EXTERN_C const struct _xpc_type_s _xpc_type_bool; EXTERN_C const struct _xpc_type_s _xpc_type_dictionary; EXTERN_C const struct _xpc_type_s _xpc_type_error; EXTERN_C const struct _xpc_type_s _xpc_type_string; EXTERN_C xpc_object_t xpc_array_create(const xpc_object_t*, size_t count); #if COMPILER_SUPPORTS(BLOCKS) EXTERN_C bool xpc_array_apply(xpc_object_t, xpc_array_applier_t); EXTERN_C bool xpc_dictionary_apply(xpc_object_t xdict, xpc_dictionary_applier_t applier); #endif EXTERN_C size_t xpc_array_get_count(xpc_object_t); EXTERN_C const char* xpc_array_get_string(xpc_object_t, size_t index); EXTERN_C void xpc_array_set_string(xpc_object_t, size_t index, const char* string); EXTERN_C bool xpc_bool_get_value(xpc_object_t); EXTERN_C void xpc_connection_cancel(xpc_connection_t); EXTERN_C xpc_connection_t xpc_connection_create(const char* name, dispatch_queue_t); EXTERN_C xpc_connection_t xpc_connection_create_mach_service(const char* name, dispatch_queue_t, uint64_t flags); EXTERN_C pid_t xpc_connection_get_pid(xpc_connection_t); EXTERN_C void xpc_connection_resume(xpc_connection_t); EXTERN_C void xpc_connection_send_message(xpc_connection_t, xpc_object_t); EXTERN_C void xpc_connection_send_message_with_reply(xpc_connection_t, xpc_object_t, dispatch_queue_t, xpc_handler_t); EXTERN_C void xpc_connection_set_event_handler(xpc_connection_t, xpc_handler_t); EXTERN_C void xpc_connection_set_target_queue(xpc_connection_t, dispatch_queue_t); EXTERN_C xpc_object_t xpc_dictionary_create(const char* const* keys, const xpc_object_t*, size_t count); EXTERN_C xpc_object_t xpc_dictionary_create_reply(xpc_object_t); EXTERN_C int xpc_dictionary_dup_fd(xpc_object_t, const char* key); EXTERN_C xpc_connection_t xpc_dictionary_get_remote_connection(xpc_object_t); EXTERN_C bool xpc_dictionary_get_bool(xpc_object_t, const char* key); EXTERN_C const char* xpc_dictionary_get_string(xpc_object_t, const char* key); EXTERN_C uint64_t xpc_dictionary_get_uint64(xpc_object_t, const char* key); EXTERN_C xpc_object_t xpc_dictionary_get_value(xpc_object_t, const char* key); EXTERN_C void xpc_dictionary_set_bool(xpc_object_t, const char* key, bool value); EXTERN_C void xpc_dictionary_set_fd(xpc_object_t, const char* key, int fd); EXTERN_C void xpc_dictionary_set_string(xpc_object_t, const char* key, const char* string); EXTERN_C void xpc_dictionary_set_uint64(xpc_object_t, const char* key, uint64_t value); EXTERN_C void xpc_dictionary_set_value(xpc_object_t, const char*key, xpc_object_t value); EXTERN_C xpc_type_t xpc_get_type(xpc_object_t); EXTERN_C void xpc_main(xpc_connection_handler_t); EXTERN_C const char* xpc_string_get_string_ptr(xpc_object_t); EXTERN_C void xpc_transaction_begin(void); EXTERN_C void xpc_track_activity(void); EXTERN_C xpc_object_t xpc_connection_copy_entitlement_value(xpc_connection_t, const char* entitlement); EXTERN_C void xpc_connection_get_audit_token(xpc_connection_t, audit_token_t*); EXTERN_C void xpc_connection_kill(xpc_connection_t, int); EXTERN_C void xpc_connection_set_instance(xpc_connection_t, uuid_t); EXTERN_C mach_port_t xpc_dictionary_copy_mach_send(xpc_object_t, const char*); EXTERN_C void xpc_dictionary_set_mach_send(xpc_object_t, const char*, mach_port_t); EXTERN_C void xpc_connection_set_bootstrap(xpc_connection_t, xpc_object_t bootstrap); EXTERN_C xpc_object_t xpc_copy_bootstrap(void); EXTERN_C void xpc_connection_set_oneshot_instance(xpc_connection_t, uuid_t instance); #if OS_OBJECT_USE_OBJC_RETAIN_RELEASE #if !defined(xpc_retain) #define xpc_retain(object) ({ xpc_object_t _o = (object); _xpc_object_validate(_o); [_o retain]; }) #endif #else EXTERN_C xpc_object_t xpc_retain(xpc_object_t); #endif #if OS_OBJECT_USE_OBJC_RETAIN_RELEASE #if !defined(xpc_retain) #define xpc_release(object) ({ xpc_object_t _o = (object); _xpc_object_validate(_o); [_o release]; }) #endif #else EXTERN_C void xpc_release(xpc_object_t); #endif #endif // XPCSPI_h