#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (C) 2009 Google Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (C) 2010 moiji-mobile.com All rights reserved. # Copyright (C) 2011 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. # Copyright (C) 2013 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. Neither the name of Apple Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of # its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Build script wrapper for the WebKit Open Source Project. use strict; use File::Basename; use File::Find; use File::Spec; use FindBin; use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through no_auto_abbrev); use lib $FindBin::Bin; use webkitdirs; use List::Util qw(first); use webkitperl::FeatureList qw(getFeatureOptionList); use POSIX; sub cMakeArgsFromFeatures(); sub writeCongrats(); my $originalWorkingDirectory = getcwd(); chdirWebKit(); my $showHelp = 0; my $clean = 0; my $minimal = 0; my $installHeaders; my $installLibs; my $prefixPath; my $shouldInstall = 0; my $makeArgs = ""; my $cmakeArgs = ""; my $onlyWebKitProject = 0; my $coverageSupport = 0; my $shouldRunStaticAnalyzer = 0; my $startTime = time(); my @features = getFeatureOptionList(); # Additional environment parameters push @ARGV, split(/ /, $ENV{'BUILD_WEBKIT_ARGS'}) if ($ENV{'BUILD_WEBKIT_ARGS'}); # Initialize values from defaults foreach (@ARGV) { if ($_ eq '--minimal') { $minimal = 1; } } # Initialize values from defaults foreach (@features) { ${$_->{value}} = ($minimal ? 0 : $_->{default}); } my $programName = basename($0); my $usage = < Use a specific Xcode SDK (iOS and Mac only) --device Use "iphoneos.internal" SDK if installed, else "iphoneos" SDK (iOS only) --ios-simulator Use the current iphonesimulator SDK (iOS only) --coverage Enable code coverage support (Mac only) --analyze Enable static anaylsis (iOS and Mac only) --efl Build the EFL port --gtk Build the GTK+ port --qt Build the Qt port --wincairo Build using Cairo (rather than CoreGraphics) on Windows --inspector-frontend Copy Web Inspector user interface resources to the build directory --prefix= Set installation prefix to the given path (Gtk/Efl/Qt only) --install Install into given prefix after compilation --makeargs= Optional Makefile flags --cmakeargs= Optional CMake flags (e.g. --cmakeargs="-DFOO=bar -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local") --minimal No optional features, unless explicitly enabled --only-webkit Build only the WebKit project EOF my %options = ( 'help' => \$showHelp, 'clean' => \$clean, 'install-headers=s' => \$installHeaders, 'install-libs=s' => \$installLibs, 'prefix=s' => \$prefixPath, 'install' => \$shouldInstall, 'makeargs=s' => \$makeArgs, 'cmakeargs=s' => \$cmakeArgs, 'minimal' => \$minimal, 'only-webkit' => \$onlyWebKitProject, 'coverage' => \$coverageSupport, 'analyze' => \$shouldRunStaticAnalyzer, ); # Build usage text and options list from features foreach (@features) { my $opt = sprintf("%-35s", " --[no-]$_->{option}"); $usage .= "$opt $_->{desc} (default: $_->{default})\n"; $options{"$_->{option}!"} = $_->{value}; } GetOptions(%options); if ($showHelp) { print STDERR $usage; exit 1; } checkRequiredSystemConfig(); setConfiguration(); my $productDir = productDir(); # Check that all the project directories are there. my @projects = ("Source/JavaScriptCore", "Source/WebCore", "Source/WebKit"); # Build WTF as a separate static library on ports which support it. splice @projects, 0, 0, "Source/WTF" if isAppleMacWebKit() or isAppleWinWebKit() or isWinCairo(); splice @projects, 0, 0, "Source/bmalloc" if isAppleMacWebKit(); for my $dir (@projects) { if (! -d $dir) { die "Error: No $dir directory found. Please do a fresh checkout.\n"; } } if ((isAppleWebKit() || isWinCairo()) && !-d "WebKitLibraries") { die "Error: No WebKitLibraries directory found. Please do a fresh checkout.\n"; } my @options = (); if (isAppleMacWebKit()) { push @options, XcodeOptions(); sub option($$$) { my ($feature, $isEnabled, $defaultValue) = @_; return "" if $defaultValue == $isEnabled; return $feature . "=" . ($isEnabled ? $feature : ""); } foreach (@features) { my $option = option($_->{define}, ${$_->{value}}, $_->{default}); push @options, $option unless $option eq ""; } # ANGLE must come before WebCore splice @projects, 0, 0, "Source/ThirdParty/ANGLE"; push @projects, ("Source/WebKit2"); if (!isIOSWebKit()) { push @projects, ("Tools/MiniBrowser"); # WebInspectorUI must come after JavaScriptCore and WebCore but before WebKit and WebKit2 my $webKitIndex = first { $projects[$_] eq "Source/WebKit" } 0..$#projects; splice(@projects, $webKitIndex, 0, "Source/WebInspectorUI"); # Copy library and header from WebKitLibraries to a findable place in the product directory. my @copyLibrariesArgs = ("perl", "Tools/Scripts/copy-webkitlibraries-to-product-directory", "--wksi", "--llvm", productDir()); print(join(" ", @copyLibrariesArgs) . "\n"); (system(@copyLibrariesArgs) == 0) or die; } else { my @copyLibrariesArgs = ("perl", "Tools/Scripts/copy-webkitlibraries-to-product-directory", "--sdk", xcodeSDK(), "--wksi"); push @copyLibrariesArgs, "--llvm" if willUseIOSDeviceSDK(); if (my $hasInternalSDK = xcodeSDK() eq "iphoneos.internal") { push @copyLibrariesArgs, ( "--prefer-system-llvm", "--llvm-subdirectory", "internal-llvm", "--llvm-prefix", "/usr/local", ); } push @copyLibrariesArgs, productDir(); print(join(" ", @copyLibrariesArgs) . "\n"); (system(@copyLibrariesArgs) == 0) or die; if (willUseIOSSimulatorSDK()) { (system("perl", "Tools/Scripts/build-layouttestrelay", argumentsForConfiguration()) == 0) or die; } } # Build Tools needed for Apple ports push @projects, ("Tools/DumpRenderTree", "Tools/WebKitTestRunner", "Source/ThirdParty/gtest", "Tools/TestWebKitAPI"); } elsif (isWinCairo()) { (system("perl Tools/Scripts/update-webkit-wincairo-libs") == 0) or die; } elsif (isAppleWinWebKit()) { # Copy WebKitSupportLibrary to the correct location in WebKitLibraries so it can be found. # Will fail if WebKitSupportLibrary.zip is not in source root. (system("perl Tools/Scripts/update-webkit-support-libs") == 0) or die; } elsif (isQt() && isAnyWindows()) { (system("perl Tools/Scripts/update-qtwebkit-win-libs") == 0) or die; } # If asked to build just the WebKit project, overwrite the projects # list after all of the port specific tweaks have been made to # build options, etc. @projects = ("Source/WebKit") if $onlyWebKitProject; my $result = 0; if (isInspectorFrontend()) { die "The --inspector-frontend option is not supported for CMake-based builds." if isCMakeBuild(); @projects = ("Source/WebInspectorUI"); } if (isCMakeBuild() && (!isAnyWindows() || isQt())) { if ($shouldInstall) { $makeArgs .= ($makeArgs ? " " : "") . "install"; } # Visual Studio generator doesn't support -j switch if (canUseNinja() || !isAnyWindows()) { # By default we build using all of the available CPUs. $makeArgs .= ($makeArgs ? " " : "") . "-j" . numberOfCPUs() if $makeArgs !~ /-j\s*\d+/; my $maxCPULoad = maxCPULoad() if $makeArgs !~ /-l\s*\d+\.?\d*/; $makeArgs .= " -l" . maxCPULoad() if defined $maxCPULoad; } # We remove CMakeCache to avoid the bots to reuse cached flags when # we enable new features. This forces a reconfiguration. my @featureArgs = cMakeArgsFromFeatures(); removeCMakeCache(@featureArgs); buildCMakeProjectOrExit($clean, $prefixPath, $makeArgs, (cmakeBasedPortArguments(), @featureArgs), $cmakeArgs); } my $baseProductDir = baseProductDir(); if (isAppleWinWebKit() || isWinCairo()) { chdirWebKit(); if (exitStatus(generateBuildSystemFromCMakeProject())) { die "Run \"C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/vcvarsall.bat\" before build-webkit when using ninja"; } chdirWebKit(); if (canUseNinja()) { chdir File::Spec->catdir("WebKitBuild", configuration()); $result = system("ninja"); } else { $result = buildVisualStudioProject(File::Spec->catfile("WebKitBuild", configuration(), "WebKit.sln"), $clean); } if (exitStatus($result)) { my $scriptDir = relativeScriptsDir(); if (isAppleWinWebKit() || isWinCairo()) { print "\n\n===== BUILD FAILED ======\n\n"; print "Please ensure you have run $scriptDir/update-webkit to install dependencies.\n\n"; print "You can view build errors by checking the BuildLog.htm files located at:\n$baseProductDir/obj//.\n"; } exit exitStatus($result); } } elsif (isAppleMacWebKit() && !isCMakeBuild()) { # Build, and abort if the build fails. for my $dir (@projects) { chdir $dir or die; $result = 0; my $project = basename($dir); my @local_options = @options; push @local_options, XcodeCoverageSupportOptions() if $coverageSupport; push @local_options, XcodeStaticAnalyzerOption() if $shouldRunStaticAnalyzer; my $projectPath = $project =~ /gtest/ ? "xcode/gtest" : $project; $result = buildXCodeProject($projectPath, $clean, @local_options, @ARGV); # Various build* calls above may change the CWD. chdirWebKit(); if (exitStatus($result)) { exit exitStatus($result); } } } # Don't report the "WebKit is now built" message after a clean operation. exit if $clean; # Don't report congrats message if build was interrupted by the user. exit if ($result & 127) == SIGINT; # Explicitly chdir back to where exit will take us anyway, since the following "launcher" # message is relative to that directory. chdir $originalWorkingDirectory; # Write out congratulations message. writeCongrats(); exit 0; sub cMakeArgsFromFeatures() { my @args; foreach (@features) { my $featureName = $_->{define}; if ($featureName) { my $featureEnabled = ${$_->{value}} ? "ON" : "OFF"; push @args, "-D$featureName=$featureEnabled"; } } return @args; } sub writeCongrats() { my $launcherPath = launcherPath(); my $launcherName = launcherName(); my $endTime = time(); my $buildTime = formatBuildTime($endTime - $startTime); print "\n"; print "====================================================================\n"; print " WebKit is now built ($buildTime). \n"; if ($launcherPath && $launcherName) { print " To run $launcherName with this newly-built code, use the\n"; print " \"$launcherPath\" script.\n"; } print "====================================================================\n"; }