]> XQuery Test Suite 1.0.3 (under development) Test Suite for XQuery 1.0. See http://www.w3.org/XML/Query/test-suite/. XQuery 1.0: An XML Query Language http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery/ XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Functions and Operators http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions/ XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-datamodel/ XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Formal Semantics http://www.w3.org/TR/xquery-semantics/ XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/ XML Schema Errata Current practice is to have one Errata document for all parts of Schema. http://www.w3.org/2001/05/xmlschema-errata XML Query Use Cases http://www.w3c.org/TR/xquery-use-cases/ XML Syntax for XQuery 1.0 (XQueryX) http://www.w3.org/TR/xqueryx/ XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 Serialization http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt-xquery-serialization/ The XML InfoSets should be canonicalized and compared. A 'fragment' refers to an XML based instance which has multiple top-level elements and NO XML declaration. The comparator for this should simply wrap the entire fragment in a container element and perform XML comparison. Each line of non-whitespace text should match. New-line sequences may vary and should be neutralized. Due to issues with the XML serialization of certain characters (e.g. '<'), it is not possible to simply compare the actual and expected results. Rather (as is the case with the 'Fragment' comparator) the test harness should convert the results into valid XML (by adding a container element) and perform comparison on the XML canonicalized versions of the results. Only the presence/absence of this file is significant, not its content. Automated comparison is not possible. the output should be inspected by a human. This is the source that is handed in to the processor as the initial input sequence, setting the "evaluation context" as described in XQuery chapter 2. These are sources that may be read by functions such as fn:document() as the query is evaluated. These are schema definitions that may be referenced by sources or in the query. These are dtd definitions that may be referenced by sources or in the query. This is an output (either text or XML) that will contain the query results. If the processor invocation sequence accepts a filename for results, this name may be passed, possibly prefixed by a partial directory path to allow storage of the results in a separate directory tree. This is an output (text file tagged .log) that will contain the captured "console" output for a command-line invocation, or equivalent messages from a harness. The main goal is to capture error messages that came from the processor. A test lab may choose to capture console output for every test case, in which case the presence of this element is a signal that the console log of this test contains messages that are significant to the pass/fail determination. A query this is expected to produce valid results. Principal input should always be specified, even if the query doesn't have any PathExpr. A query this is expected to raise a parsing/syntax error at query parse time. Principal input should always be specified, even if the query doesn't have any PathExpr. A query this is expected to raise a runtime error at query parse time. Runtime errors in this case include those raised by static typing rules. Principal input should always be specified, even if the query doesn't have any PathExpr. A query this is expected to produce valid results. Principal input should always be specified, even if the query doesn't have any PathExpr. The initial query returns an <xqx:xquery> element (Trivial Embedding of XQuery). This embedded query is then executed to produce the final result. XQuery Test Suite Catalog Bibliography example with extra comments and PIs. Contains just a "doc" element, no comments/text/PIs. Data about a filesystem represented in XML. Data about a filesystem represented in XML with namespace-qualified names. Small tree with element names in mixed namespaces. Use @index to identify elements precisely. Customer name/address file with some non-ASCII characters. Like TreeCompass, but with comments and PIs off the root. PI targets vary. All text nodes must have non-whitespace characters. A "compass" tree that has just one child, of an abnormal name, off the center node. One attribute each on west and center. A "compass" tree that has just a text node and no child element off the center node. A tree intended to allow many kinds of path expressions. Need multiple attributes on center, west, and south, plus @mark scattered around. Mix of text and element children in many places, but east should have only a text node. All text nodes must have non-whitespace characters. Top element is far-north. A "compass" tree that has just one "south" element at the top, bearing one "mark" attribute. A "compass" tree that has center elements off the real center node. Use @mark to distinguish center elements. "Real" center must have multiple element children, some with duplicate names (south-east). Repeating attribute names used, including same name on elements of the same name. Comments and text nodes are strewn about. All text nodes must have non-whitespace characters. A "compass" tree that has several "south" elements, some stacked within each other. Use "mark" attributes at several levels and on all south elements. A "compass" tree that has no content at all in center or west, no attributes anywhere. Data that fits first example in XQuery 3.11. Data that fits later examples in XQuery 3.11. Simple document with all node kinds Simple document with namespaces Source document for namespace copy modes Data for various NIST tests Data for fn-data-1 test. Data for various NIST tests (abbreviated, unabbreviated syntax) Data for fn:lang tests. Data for various NIST tests Source document for Function Declaration tests Data for the the XML Query XMP use cases Data for the the XML Query XMP use cases Data for the the XML Query XMP use cases Data for the the XML Query XMP use cases Data for the the XML Query TREE use cases Data for the the XML Query SEQ use cases Data for the the XML Query RDB use cases Data for the the XML Query RDB use cases Data for the the XML Query RDB use cases Data for the the XML Query STRING use cases Data for the the XML Query STRING use cases Data for the the XML Query NS use cases Data for the the XML Query PARTS use cases Data for the the XML Query SGML use cases A Schema validated xml file, that contains values for data types. Can be used by any test. A DTD validated xml file, that contains data for the ID/IDREF function tests. A non schema validated xml file, that contains values for data types. Can be used by any test. A Schema validated xml file, that contains values for some of the order by tests generated by NIST. Data for id and idref related functions (schema-based). More data for id and idref related functions (schema-based). A Schema validated XML file containing certain special types e.g. interleave types, union types, anySimpleType A schema validated XML file containing QName and QName derived types. A Scehma validated xml file with NOTATION elements Data for normalize-space functions Source file generated XML Benchmark Project's xmlgen utility. See http://www.xml-benchmark.org/. The declarations of a C++ file described in XML. A description of an graphical user interface. A file containing different forms of whitespace. A file containing ' ]' as a text node. Corner case unicode codepoints. Corner case unicode codepoints, second case. An element name containing 0xBC. Contains the codepoint 188 in an NCName. A namespace declared with a namespace declaration, as well as in the internal subset. An XML file which has two xml:id attributes with the same value. An XML file which has an invalid xml:id attribute. An XML file which has xml:id attributes. An XML which is in ISO-8859-1 encoding. Document containing namespace-sensitive constructs. Document to test erratum DM.E05. Document containing elements with various restricted and extended types. Document containing an element with mixed content but statically could have element only content. Schema for XQTSCatalog A Schema for atomic.xml A Schema for orderData.xml A Schema containing certain special types e.g. interleave types, union types, anySimpleType A schema containing QName and QName derived types A Schema for NOTATION data A schema for the id/idref functions tests A schema for simple context tests A schema for examples.xml. A schema user defined types and constructor tests A schema defining a list of unions. Test schema for Errata XQ.E6. Test schema that contains an attribute declaration. Test schema that contains two complex types, one of them with a mixed content. Schema for complex types with simple content Schema illustrating various namespace-sensitive constructs. Schema to test erratum DM.E05. Schema to test erratum XQ.E18. Schema containing extended and restricted types. Schema with unique/id/idref constraints. A simple collection of documents. bib reviews A simple collection of documents. bib reviews books Library module for "modules-18" query Library module for "modules-18" query Library module for "modules-none" query Library module with empty namespace Simple library module Library module with namespace URI set to empty string. Simple library module Library module with colliding definitions Library module with colliding definitions Library module with circular includes Library module with circular includes Library module with interesting context Library module with definitions for various NIST tests. Library module with invalid namespace prefix ("xml") Library module with variable on different namespace than target. Module that imports a schema and uses types from it. Module that imports a schema and uses types from it. Module that imports a schema and uses types from it. Module that imports a schema and uses types from it. Module that imports a schema and uses types from it. Module that imports a schema and uses types from it. Module that imports another module and uses a variable from it, testing circular dependencies. Module that imports another module and uses a function from it, testing circular dependencies. Module that imports another module and uses a variable from it, testing circular dependencies. Module that imports another module and uses a function from it, testing circular dependencies. Module that imports another module and uses a variable from it, testing circular dependencies pass case. Module that imports another module and uses a function from it, testing circular dependencies pass case. Module with simple and schema-element() types, used for functions'parameters and return results. Module with schema-attribute() types, used for functions' parameters and return results. Module with cyclic recursive imports. Module with cyclic recursive imports. Module that contains both private and public function declarations (XQuery 1.1). The version of Unicode that is used to construct expressions. The statically-known collations. The implicit timezone. The circumstances in which warnings are raised, and the ways in which warnings are handled. The method by which errors are reported to the external processing environment. Whether the implementation is based on the rules of [XML 1.0] and [XML Names] or the rules of [XML 1.1] and [XML Names 1.1]. One of these sets of rules must be applied consistently by all aspects of the implementation. Any components of the static context or dynamic context that are overwritten or augmented by the implementation. Which of the optional axes are supported by the implementation, if the Full-Axis Feature is not supported. The default handling of empty sequences returned by an ordering key (sortspec) in an order by clause (empty least or empty greatest). The names and semantics of any extension expressions (pragmas) recognized by the implementation. The names and semantics of any option declarations recognized by the implementation. Protocols (if any) by which parameters can be passed to an external function, and the result of the function can returned to the invoking query. The process by which the specific modules to be imported by a module import are identified, if the Module Feature is supported (includes processing of location hints, if any.) Any static typing extensions supported by the implementation, if the Static Typing Feature is supported. The means by which serialization is invoked, if the Serialization Feature is supported. The default values for the byte-order-mark, encoding, media-type, normalization-form, omit-xml-declaration, standalone, and version parameters, if the Serialization Feature is supported. The result of an unsuccessful call to an external function (for example, if the function implementation cannot be found or does not return a value of the declared type). Limits on ranges of values for various data types, as enumerated in 5.3 Data Model Conformance. The destination of the trace output is implementation-defined. See 4 The Trace Function. For xs:integer operations, implementations that support limited-precision integer operations must either raise an error [err:FOAR0002] or provide an implementation-defined mechanism that allows users to choose between raising an error and returning a result that is modulo the largest representable integer value. See 6.2 Operators on Numeric Values. For xs:decimal values the number of digits of precision returned by the numeric operators is implementation-defined. See 6.2 Operators on Numeric Values. See also Casting to xs:decimal and Casting to xs:integer. If the number of digits in the result exceeds the number of digits that the implementation supports, the result is truncated or rounded in an implementation-defined manner. See 6.2 Operators on Numeric Values. See also Casting to xs:decimal and Casting to xs:integer. It is implementation-defined which version of Unicode is supported by the features defined in this specification, but it is recommended that the most recent version of Unicode be used. See 7.1 String Types. For 7.4.6 fn:normalize-unicode, conforming implementations must support normalization form "NFC" and may support normalization forms "NFD", "NFKC", "NFKD", "FULLY-NORMALIZED". They may also support other normalization forms with implementation-defined semantics. The ability to decompose strings into collation units suitable for substring matching is an implementation-defined property of a collation. See 7.5 Functions Based on Substring Matching. All minimally conforming processors must support year values with a minimum of 4 digits (i.e., YYYY) and a minimum fractional second precision of 1 millisecond or three digits (i.e., s.sss). However, conforming processors may set larger implementation-defined limits on the maximum number of digits they support in these two situations. See 10.1.1 Limits and Precision. The result of casting a string to xs:decimal, when the resulting value is not too large or too small but nevertheless has too many decimal digits to be accurately represented, is implementation-defined. See 17.1.1 Casting from xs:string and xs:untypedAtomic. Various aspects of the processing provided by 15.5.4 fn:doc are implementation-defined. Implementations may provide external configuration options that allow any aspect of the processing to be controlled by the user. The manner in which implementations provide options to weaken the stable characteristic of 15.5.6 fn:collection and 15.5.4 fn:doc are implementation-defined. Support for additional user-defined or implementation-defined types is implementation-defined. (See 2.6.1 Representation of Types) Some typed values in the data model are undefined. Attempting to access an undefined property is always an error. Behavior in these cases is implementation-defined and the host language is responsible for determining the result. (See 5 Accessors) For any implementation-defined output method, it is implementation-defined whether sequence normalization process takes place. (See 2 Sequence Normalization) If the namespace URI is non-null for the method serialization parameter, then the parameter specifies an implementation-defined output method. (See 3 Serialization Parameters) If the value of the normalization-form form parameter is not NFC, NFD, NFKC, NFKD, fully-normalized, or none then the meaning of the value and it's effect is implementation-defined. (See 4 Phases of Serialization) The effect of additional serialization parameters on the output of the serializer, where the name of such a parameter must be namespace-qualified, is implementation-defined or implementation-dependent. The extent of this effect on the output must not override the provisions of this specification. (See 3 Serialization Parameters) The effect of providing an option that allows the encoding phase to be skipped, so that the result of serialization is a stream of Unicode characters, is implementation-defined. The serializer is not required to support such an option. (See 4 Phases of Serialization) An serializer may provide an implementation-defined mechanism to place CDATA sections in the result tree. (See 5.1.4 XML Output Method: the cdata-section-elements Parameter) Minimal Conformance Optional Feature Errors Single error code for extra features Evaluates simple module import to generate error code if feature not supported. module-defs test1-lib emptydoc combined-errors-1.txt XQST0016 Evaluates simple schema import to generate error code if feature not supported. emptydoc combined-errors-2.txt XQST0009 Evaluates simple schema validation feature to generate error code if feature not supported. emptydoc combined-errors-3.txt XQST0075 XQST0009 Evaluates simple full axis feature (preceding axis) to generate error code if feature not supported. works-mod combined-errors-4.txt XPST0010 Schema import binding to no namespace, and no location hint. emptydoc XQST0009 XQST0059 Schema import binding to no namespace, but has a location hint. emptydoc XQST0009 XQST0059 Schema import binding to no namespace, but has three location hints. emptydoc XQST0009 XQST0059 Schema import binding to no namespace, but has three location hints. emptydoc XQST0009 XQST0059 Schema import binding to a namespace, and has three location hints. emptydoc XQST0009 XQST0059 Schema import binding to the default element namespace, and has three location hints. emptydoc XQST0009 XQST0059 ':=' cannot be used to assing namespaces in 'import schema'. emptydoc XPST0003 A 'validate' expression with an invalid operand. emptydoc XQTY0030 XQST0075 A 'validate' expression with an invalid operand. emptydoc XQTY0030 XQST0075 A 'validate' expression with an invalid operand. emptydoc XQTY0030 XQST0075 A 'validate' expression with an invalid operand. emptydoc XQTY0030 XQST0075 A 'validate' expression with an invalid operand. emptydoc XPST0003 XQST0075 A 'validate' expression with an invalid operand. emptydoc XPST0003 XQST0075 A 'validate' expression with an invalid operand. emptydoc XPST0003 XQST0075 XQuery Basics Static Context Evaluation Evaluates an expression relies on some component of the static context that has not been assigned a value. emptydoc XPST0008 Query Types XQuery Sequence Type Syntax Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. emptydoc truevalue.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of doubles. emptydoc truevalue.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of decimal. emptydoc truevalue.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of strings. emptydoc truevalue.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of strings. (uses integer*). emptydoc falsevalue.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of one integer (Uses integer?). emptydoc truevalue.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. (Uses integer?). emptydoc falsevalue.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. (Uses integer+). emptydoc truevalue.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving castable as and a sequence of one integer. (Uses integer?). emptydoc truevalue.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving castable as and a sequence of two integers. (Uses integer?). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5747 emptydoc falsevalue.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving castable as and a sequence of one double. (Uses double?). emptydoc truevalue.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving castable as and a sequence of two double. (Uses double?). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5747 emptydoc falsevalue.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving castable as and a sequence of one decimal. (Uses decimal?). emptydoc truevalue.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving castable as and a sequence of two decimals. (Uses decimal?). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5747 emptydoc falsevalue.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving castable as and a sequence of one string. (Uses string?). emptydoc truevalue.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving castable as and a sequence of two strings. (Uses string?). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5747 emptydoc falsevalue.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving castable as and a sequence of one string. (Uses integer?). emptydoc falsevalue.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving castable as and a sequence of two strings. (Uses integer?). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5747 emptydoc falsevalue.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of two booleans. (Uses xs:boolean*). emptydoc truevalue.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of two booleans. (Uses xs:boolean?). emptydoc falsevalue.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of two booleans. (Uses xs:boolean+). emptydoc truevalue.txt XQuery Expressions Primary Expressions Literals Test string and numeric literals in XQuery. Simple use case for string literals. emptydoc Literals001.txt Simple use case for string literals. emptydoc Literals002.txt Test case where string literal contains a new line. emptydoc Literals003.txt Test case where string literal contains a new line. emptydoc Literals004.txt Test case for a sequence of string literals. emptydoc Literals005.xml Unterminated string literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Unterminated string literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Incorrectly terminated string literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Incorrectly terminated string literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Test for valid interger literal. emptydoc Literals010.txt Test for valid interger literal. emptydoc Literals011.txt Test for valid decimal literal. emptydoc Literals012.txt Test for valid decimal literal. emptydoc Literals013.txt Test for valid decimal literal. emptydoc Literals014.txt Test for valid decimal literal. emptydoc Literals015.txt Test for valid double literal. emptydoc Literals016.txt Test for valid double literal. emptydoc Literals017.txt Test for valid double literal. emptydoc Literals018.txt Test for valid double literal. emptydoc Literals019.txt Test for valid double literal. emptydoc Literals020.txt Test for valid double literal. emptydoc Literals021.txt Test for valid double literal. emptydoc Literals022.txt Test for valid double literal. emptydoc Literals023.txt Test for valid double literal. emptydoc Literals024.txt Test for valid double literal. emptydoc Literals025.txt Test for valid double literal. emptydoc Literals026.txt Test for valid double literal. emptydoc Literals027.txt Test for valid double literal. emptydoc Literals028.txt Test for valid double literal. emptydoc Literals029.txt Test for valid double literal. emptydoc Literals030.txt Test for valid double literal. emptydoc Literals031.txt Test for valid double literal. emptydoc Literals032.txt Test for valid double literal. emptydoc Literals033.txt Test for valid double literal. emptydoc Literals034.txt Test for valid double literal. emptydoc Literals035.txt Test for invalid decimal literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Test for invalid decimal literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Test for invalid decimal literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Test for invalid decimal literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Test for invalid decimal literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Test for invalid double literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Test for invalid double literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Test for invalid double literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Test for invalid double literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Test for invalid double literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Test for invalid double literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Test for invalid double literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Test for invalid double literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Test for invalid double literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Test for invalid double literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Test for invalid double literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Test for invalid double literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Test for invalid double literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Test for invalid double literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Test for invalid double literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Test for string literal containing the predefined entity reference '&amp;'. emptydoc Literals056.txt Test for string literal containing the predefined entity reference '&quot;'. emptydoc Literals057.txt Literals057-1.txt Test for string literal containing the predefined entity reference '&apos;'. emptydoc Literals058.txt Literals058-1.txt Test for string literal containing the predefined entity reference '&lt;'. emptydoc Literals059.txt Test for string literal containing the predefined entity reference '&gt;'. emptydoc Literals060.txt Literals060-1.txt Test for string literal containing the character reference '€' which transaltes into the 'Euro' currency symbol. emptydoc Literals061.txt Test the escaping of the " (quotation) character in XQuery. emptydoc Literals062.txt Literals062-1.txt Test the escaping of the ' (apostrophe) character in XQuery. emptydoc Literals063.txt Literals063-1.txt Test the escaping of the ' (apostrophe) and " (quotation) characters in XQuery. emptydoc Literals064.txt Literals064-1.txt Test the escaping of the ' (apostrophe) and " (quotation) characters in XQuery. emptydoc Literals065.txt Literals065-1.txt Test the escaping of the ' (apostrophe) and " (quotation) characters as part of an XML element constructor. emptydoc Literals066.xml Test the escaping of the ' (apostrophe) and " (quotation) characters as part of an XML attribute constructor. Notice that the " (quote) characters need to be entitized in the attribute content for XML validity. emptydoc Literals067.xml Test the escaping of the ' (apostrophe) and " (quotation) characters as part of an XML text node constructor. emptydoc Literals068.txt Literals068-1.txt Test the escaping of the ' (apostrophe) and " (quotation) characters as part of an XML text node constructor. emptydoc Literals069.txt Literals069-1.txt A test whose essence is: `'fo''o' eq 'fo''o'`. emptydoc K-Literals-1.txt A test whose essence is: `'foo' eq "foo"`. emptydoc K-Literals-2.txt A test whose essence is: `'f'oo'`. emptydoc XPST0003 '""""' is a valid string literal. emptydoc K-Literals-4.txt '''''' is a valid string literal. emptydoc K-Literals-5.txt '"fo""""' is a valid string literal. emptydoc K-Literals-6.txt '"f"oo"' is an invalid string literal. emptydoc XPST0003 '3.' is a valid number literal. emptydoc K-Literals-8.txt '.3' is a valid number literal. emptydoc K-Literals-9.txt A test whose essence is: `1.3e-3 instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-Literals-10.txt A test whose essence is: `1.e+3 instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-Literals-11.txt A test whose essence is: `1.e3 instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-Literals-12.txt A test whose essence is: `1231.123e3 instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-Literals-13.txt A test whose essence is: `1.E3 instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-Literals-14.txt A test whose essence is: `-1231.123e3 instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-Literals-15.txt A test whose essence is: `3 instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-Literals-16.txt A test whose essence is: `3.3 instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-Literals-17.txt A test whose essence is: `3.3e1 instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-Literals-18.txt A test whose essence is: `"a xs:string" instance of xs:string`. emptydoc K-Literals-19.txt A test whose essence is: `not(xs:double("NaN"))`. emptydoc K-Literals-20.txt A test whose essence is: `not(xs:float("NaN"))`. emptydoc K-Literals-21.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float("NaN") instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-Literals-22.txt '3 >E 2' is a syntatically invalid expression. emptydoc XPST0003 A syntactically invalid query, reminding of somekind of literal. emptydoc XPST0003 A syntactically invalid query. emptydoc XPST0003 '432f542' is a syntactically invalid expression. emptydoc XPST0003 '.54.45' is a syntactically invalid expression. emptydoc XPST0003 '.3' is a valid literal. emptydoc K-Literals-28.txt An empty string is not a valid XPath/XQuery expression. emptydoc XPST0003 '{1}' is a syntactically invalid XQuery expression. emptydoc XPST0003 An invalid character reference. emptydoc XPST0003 An invalid decimal character reference. emptydoc XPST0003 An invalid decimal character reference. emptydoc XPST0003 An invalid decimal character reference. emptydoc XPST0003 An invalid decimal character reference. emptydoc XPST0003 An invalid decimal character reference, they cannot contain whitespace. emptydoc XPST0003 Simple test of a decimal character reference. emptydoc K-Literals-37.txt An invalid hexa-decimal character reference. emptydoc XPST0003 An invalid hexa-decimal character reference. emptydoc XPST0003 An invalid hexa-decimal character reference. emptydoc XPST0003 An invalid hexa-decimal character reference, they cannot contain whitespace. emptydoc XPST0003 'LT' is not a predefined character reference. emptydoc XPST0003 'lte' is not a predefined character reference. emptydoc XPST0003 '&' must be escaped. emptydoc XPST0003 An invalid hexa-decimal character reference. emptydoc XPST0003 Test containing all predefined character references and one hexa and decimal character reference. emptydoc K-Literals-46.txt Simple test of a hexa decimal character reference. emptydoc K-Literals-47.txt The 'x' in a hexa decimal character reference must be lower case. emptydoc XPST0003 An '&' character reference embedded in other text. emptydoc K-Literals-49.txt Character references are only allowed inside string literals. emptydoc XPST0003 An invalid character reference. emptydoc XQST0090 An invalid character reference. emptydoc XPST0003 Preceeding zeros are allowed in character references. emptydoc K2-Literals-3.txt Use a relatively large xs:integer literal. emptydoc K2-Literals-4.txt FOAR0002 Use a relatively small xs:integer literal. emptydoc K2-Literals-5.txt FOAR0002 Use a relatively large xs:decimal literal. emptydoc K2-Literals-6.txt K2-Literals-6-2.txt FOAR0002 Use a relatively small xs:decimal literal, that might result in an underflow. emptydoc K2-Literals-7.txt K2-Literals-7-2.txt FOCA0006 An xs:double literal with a large significand. emptydoc FOAR0002 An xs:double literal with a small significand. emptydoc FOAR0002 Attempt to trigger underflow in an xs:double literal. emptydoc FOAR0002 Negative zero, as a double. emptydoc K2-Literals-11.txt Zero, as a double. emptydoc K2-Literals-12.txt Negative zero, as a decimal. emptydoc K2-Literals-13.txt Zero, as a decimal. emptydoc K2-Literals-14.txt A literal looking like a negative zero integer. emptydoc K2-Literals-15.txt Use a character reference that is a decimal 32 bit overflow. emptydoc XQST0090 Use a character reference that is a hexa decimal 32 bit overflow. emptydoc XQST0090 Use a character reference that is a decimal 64 bit overflow. emptydoc XQST0090 Use a character reference that is a hexa decimal 64 bit overflow. emptydoc XQST0090 Expressions can't be separated by semi-colons. emptydoc XPST0003 XQuery doesn't have a syntax for expressing hexa decimals. emptydoc XPST0003 A minus sign is not allowed in hexa character references. emptydoc XPST0003 A minus sign is not allowed in decimal character references. emptydoc XPST0003 A plus sign is not allowed in hexa character references. emptydoc XPST0003 A plus sign is not allowed in decimal character references. emptydoc XPST0003 Only digits are allowed in decimal character references. emptydoc XPST0003 'W' is an invalid character in a hexa character reference. emptydoc XPST0003 Ensure that EOLs are normalized in string literals. emptydoc K2-Literals-28.txt A syntactically invalid character reference. emptydoc XPST0003 Check EBNF 142. emptydoc K2-Literals-30.txt Check EBNF 142(#2). emptydoc XPST0003 Numeric literals can end with a dot. emptydoc K2-Literals-32.txt Two subsequent right curlies. emptydoc XPST0003 A main module without query body. emptydoc XPST0003 Attempt to evaluate a library module. The specification does not specify what an implementation should do, so we allow any output and any error code. emptydoc * Attempt to evaluate a library module. The specification does not specify what an implementation should do, so we allow any output and any error code. This is a simpler version of the previous query. emptydoc * Ensure 'import' is properly parsed as a keyword. emptydoc XPDY0002 Ensure 'schema' is properly parsed as a keyword. emptydoc XPDY0002 Ensure that EOLs are normalized in string literals, using single quotes. emptydoc K2-Literals-39.txt Parenthesized Expressions Arithmetic operations. emptydoc Parenexpr-1.txt Arithmetic operations. emptydoc Parenexpr-2.txt Arithmetic operations. emptydoc Parenexpr-3.txt Arithmetic operations. emptydoc Parenexpr-4.txt Arithmetic operations. emptydoc Parenexpr-5.txt Arithmetic operations. emptydoc Parenexpr-6.txt Arithmetic operations. emptydoc Parenexpr-7.txt Arithmetic operations. emptydoc Parenexpr-8.txt Logical expressions. emptydoc Parenexpr-9.txt Logical expressions. emptydoc Parenexpr-10.txt FLWOR expression. emptydoc Parenexpr-11.txt If expression. emptydoc Parenexpr-12.txt Literal. emptydoc Parenexpr-13.txt Sequence. emptydoc Parenexpr-14.txt Union and except. DupNode Parenexpr-15.xml Union and except. DupNode Parenexpr-16.xml Constructor. emptydoc Parenexpr-17.xml Constructor. emptydoc Parenexpr-18.xml Input context. Tree1Child Parenexpr-19.xml Path expression. Tree1Child Parenexpr-20.xml Context Item Expressions External Context Item Expressions Context Item expression that just uses the "name" element and no context item defined. emptydoc XPDY0002 Evaluation of external context item expression where context item is used as a string. works-mod externalcontextitem-2.txt Evaluation of external context item expression where context item is used as an integer. works-mod externalcontextitem-3.txt Evaluation of external context item expression where context item is used as a decimal. works-mod externalcontextitem-4.txt Evaluation of external context item expression where context item is used a float. works-mod externalcontextitem-5.txt Evaluation of external context item expression where context item is used as a double. works-mod externalcontextitem-6.txt Evaluation of external context item expression where context item is used as a boolean value. works-mod externalcontextitem-7.txt Evaluation of external context item expression where context item is used as a boolean with fn:not. works-mod externalcontextitem-8.txt Evaluation of external context item expression where context item is used as argument to sum function. works-mod externalcontextitem-9.txt Evaluation of external context item expression where context item used as part of addition operation. works-mod externalcontextitem-10.txt Evaluation of external context item expression where context item used as part of a subtraction operation. works-mod externalcontextitem-11.txt Evaluation of external context item expression where context item used as part of a multiplication operation. works-mod externalcontextitem-12.txt Evaluation of external context item expression where context item used as part of a modulus operation. works-mod externalcontextitem-13.txt Evaluation of external context item expression where context item used as part of a divison (div operator) operation. works-mod externalcontextitem-14.txt Evaluation of external context item expression where context item used as part of a divison (idiv operator) operation. works-mod externalcontextitem-15.txt Evaluation of external context item expression where context item used as part of a boolean expression (and operator). works-mod externalcontextitem-16.txt Evaluation of external context item expression where context item used as part of a boolean expression (or operator). works-mod externalcontextitem-17.txt Evaluation of external context item expression where context item used as argument to string-length function. works-mod externalcontextitem-18.txt Evaluation of external context item expression where context item used as argument to "avg" function. works-mod externalcontextitem-19.txt Evaluation of external context item expression where context item used as argument to "min" function. works-mod externalcontextitem-20.txt Evaluation of external context item expression where context item used as argument to "max" function. works-mod externalcontextitem-21.txt Evaluation of external context item expression where context item used as argument to "max" function. works-mod externalcontextitem-22.txt Reference to a context item that has not been bound. emptydoc XPDY0002 XPST0005 Evaluation of external context item expression where context item used as argument to "max" function. works-mod externalcontextitem-22.txt Internal Context Item Expressions Context Item expression that just uses the "." and no context item defined. emptydoc XPDY0002 Evaluation of Internal context item expression where context item is used as a string. emptydoc internalcontextitem-2.txt Evaluation of Internal context item expression where context item is used as an integer. emptydoc internalcontextitem-3.txt Evaluation of Internal context item expression where context item is used as a decimal. emptydoc internalcontextitem-4.txt Evaluation of Internal context item expression where context item is used as a float. emptydoc internalcontextitem-5.txt Evaluation of Internal context item expression where context item is used as a double. emptydoc internalcontextitem-6.txt Evaluation of Internal context item expression where context item is used as a boolean value. emptydoc internalcontextitem-7.txt Evaluation of Internal context item expression where context item is used as aboolean with fn:not. emptydoc internalcontextitem-8.txt Evaluation of Internal context item expression where context item is the empty sequence. emptydoc internalcontextitem-9.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of Internal context item expression where context item used as part of addition operation. emptydoc internalcontextitem-10.txt Evaluation of Internal context item expression where context item used as part of a subtraction operation. emptydoc internalcontextitem-11.txt Evaluation of Internal context item expression where context item used as part of a multiplication operation. emptydoc internalcontextitem-12.txt Evaluation of Internal context item expression where context item used as part of a modulus operation. emptydoc internalcontextitem-13.txt Evaluation of Internal context item expression where context item used as part of a divison (div operator) operation. emptydoc internalcontextitem-14.txt Evaluation of Internal context item expression where context item used as part of a divison (idiv operator) operation. emptydoc internalcontextitem-15.txt Evaluation of Internal context item expression where context item used as part of a boolean expression (and operator). emptydoc internalcontextitem-16.txt Evaluation of Internal context item expression where context item used as part of a boolean expression (or operator). emptydoc internalcontextitem-17.txt Evaluation of Internal context item expression where context item used as argument to string-length function. emptydoc internalcontextitem-18.txt Evaluation of Internal context item expression where context item used as argument to "avg" function. emptydoc internalcontextitem-19.txt Evaluation of Internal context item expression where context item used as argument to "min" function. emptydoc internalcontextitem-20.txt Evaluation of Internal context item expression where context item used as argument to "max" function. emptydoc internalcontextitem-21.txt Function Calls Contains tests verifying the function calling mechanism; not a particular function implementation. A test whose essence is: `func-does-not-exist(1, 2, 3)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `fn:func-does-not-exist(1, 2, 3)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `xs:func-does-not-exist(1, 2, 3)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `local:func-does-not-exist(1, 2, 3)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `prefix-does-not-exist:func-does-not-exist(1, 2, 3)`. emptydoc XPST0081 A function call containing an invalid QName as name. emptydoc XPST0003 XPST0081 A function call containing an invalid QName as name. emptydoc XPST0003 A function call containing an invalid QName as name. emptydoc XPST0003 A function call containing an invalid QName as name. emptydoc XPST0003 A function call containing an invalid QName as name. emptydoc XPST0003 XPST0081 No function by name fn:document() exists(although one does in XSL-T). emptydoc XPST0017 No function by name fn:unparsed-text() exists(although one does in XSL-T). emptydoc XPST0017 No function by name fn:unparsed-text() exists(although one does in XSL-T). emptydoc XPST0017 No function by name fn:key() exists(although one does in XSL-T). emptydoc XPST0017 No function by name fn:format-number() exists in XQuery 1.0 (although one does in XSLT and XQuery 1.1). emptydoc K-FunctionCallExpr-15.txt XPST0017 No function by name fn:format-time() exists in XQuery 1.0 (although one does in XSLT and XQuery 1.1). emptydoc K-FunctionCallExpr-16.txt XPST0017 No function by name fn:format-time() exists in XQuery 1.0 (although one does in XSLT and XQuery 1.1). emptydoc K-FunctionCallExpr-17.txt XPST0017 No function by name fn:format-date() exists in XQuery 1.0 (although one does in XSLT and XQuery 1.1). emptydoc K-FunctionCallExpr-18.txt XPST0017 No function by name fn:format-dateTime() exists in XQuery 1.0 (although one does in XSLT and XQuery 1.1). emptydoc K-FunctionCallExpr-19.txt XPST0017 No function by name fn:format-dateTime() exists in XQuery 1.0 (although one does in XSLT and XQuery 1.1). emptydoc K-FunctionCallExpr-20.txt XPST0017 No function by name fn:format-date() exists in XQuery 1.0 (although one does in XSLT and XQuery 1.1). emptydoc K-FunctionCallExpr-21.txt XPST0017 No function by name fn:current() exists(although one does in XSL-T). emptydoc XPST0017 No function by name fn:unparsed-entity-uri() exists(although one does in XSL-T). emptydoc XPST0017 No function by name fn:unparsed-entity-public-id() exists(although one does in XSL-T). emptydoc XPST0017 No function by name fn:generate-id() exists in XQuery 1.0 (although one does in XSLT and XQuery 1.1). emptydoc K-FunctionCallExpr-25.txt XPST0017 No function by name fn:system-property() exists(although one does in XSL-T). emptydoc XPST0017 No function by name fn:escape-uri() exists(although one did in older 'Functions & Operators' drafts). emptydoc XPST0017 No function by name fn:sub-sequence() exists(although one by name fn:subsequence does). emptydoc XPST0017 Two user functions with many arguments. emptydoc K2-FunctionCallExpr-1.txt Function current-grouping-key() is not available in XQuery. emptydoc XPST0017 Function current() is not available in XQuery. emptydoc XPST0017 Function unparsed-entity-uri() is not available in XQuery. emptydoc XPST0017 Function unparsed-entity-public-id() is not available in XQuery. emptydoc XPST0017 Function generate-id() is not available in XQuery. emptydoc XPST0017 Function generate-id() is not available in XQuery(#2). emptydoc XPST0017 Function system-property() is not available in XQuery(#2). emptydoc XPST0017 Function key() is not available in XQuery. emptydoc XPST0017 Check that nodes, when passed through function arguments, have proper node identities. emptydoc K2-FunctionCallExpr-10.txt A very simple string-difference function. emptydoc K2-FunctionCallExpr-11.txt Trigger an infinite recursion in one implementation. emptydoc K2-FunctionCallExpr-12.txt Have a function which recurses infintely, but which never is called. emptydoc K2-FunctionCallExpr-13.txt Path Expressions General Path Expression Tests Test condition for error code XPTY0018. emptydoc XPTY0018 Leading lone slash syntax contraints. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 OneTopElement PathExpr-1.txt Leading lone slash syntax contraints. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 OneTopElement PathExpr-2.txt Leading lone slash syntax contraints. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 OneTopElement XPST0003 Leading lone slash syntax contraints. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 OneTopElement PathExpr-4.txt Leading lone slash syntax contraints. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 OneTopElement XPST0003 Leading lone slash syntax contraints. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 OneTopElement PathExpr-6.txt Leading lone slash syntax contraints. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 OneTopElement XPST0003 Leading lone slash syntax contraints. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 OneTopElement XPST0003 Leading lone slash syntax contraints. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 OneTopElement XPST0003 Leading lone slash syntax contraints. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 OneTopElement XPST0003 Leading lone slash syntax contraints. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 OneTopElement XPST0003 Leading lone slash syntax contraints. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 OneTopElement XPST0003 Leading lone slash syntax contraints. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 OneTopElement XPST0003 Leading lone slash syntax contraints. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 OneTopElement PathExpr-14.txt Leading lone slash syntax contraints. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 OneTopElement PathExpr-15.txt Leading lone slash syntax contraints. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 OneTopElement PathExpr-16.txt Steps A 'first-item' predicate combined with a name test inside a function. emptydoc XPDY0002 A numeric predicate combined with a name test inside a function. emptydoc XPDY0002 XPST0005 A truth predicate combined with a name test inside a function. emptydoc XPDY0002 XPST0005 A predicate with last() combined with a name test inside a function. emptydoc XPDY0002 A direct element constructor as step, followed by a name test. emptydoc K2-Steps-5.txt A direct element constructor as step, followed by the context item. emptydoc K2-Steps-6.txt Apply fn:count to an atomic step. emptydoc K2-Steps-7.txt '//' by itself is a syntax error. emptydoc XPST0003 XPDY0002 A syntax error in a path step. emptydoc XPST0003 The last step containing a mixture of nodes and atomic values. emptydoc XPTY0018 '///' is an invalid expression. emptydoc XPST0003 Combine variables, the context item and path expressions. emptydoc K2-Steps-12.txt XPST0005 Ensure the focus is available through a for-expression. emptydoc K2-Steps-13.txt Ensure sorting and de-duplication is applied to variables when appearing in paths. emptydoc K2-Steps-14.txt XPST0005 Ensure sorting and de-duplication is applied to variables when appearing in paths(#2). emptydoc K2-Steps-15.txt Ensure sorting and de-duplication is applied to variables when appearing in paths(#3). emptydoc K2-Steps-16.txt Ensure sorting and de-duplication is applied to variables when appearing in paths(#4). emptydoc K2-Steps-17.txt Trigger node sorting of a peculiar case. emptydoc K2-Steps-18.txt Trigger node sorting of a peculiar case(#2). emptydoc K2-Steps-19.txt Use nested name tests. emptydoc K2-Steps-20.txt Tricky combination of focuses and function calls. emptydoc K2-Steps-21.txt Tricky combination of focuses, function calls, and a cardinality check. emptydoc K2-Steps-22.txt Tricky combination of focuses and function calls(#2). emptydoc K2-Steps-23.txt Tricky combination of focuses and function calls(#2). emptydoc K2-Steps-24.txt Tricky combination of focuses and function calls(#3). emptydoc K2-Steps-25.txt Tricky combination of focuses and function calls(#4). emptydoc K2-Steps-26.txt Tricky combination of focuses and function calls(#5). emptydoc K2-Steps-27.txt Tricky combination of focuses and function calls(#5). emptydoc K2-Steps-28.txt Tricky combination of focuses and function calls(#6). emptydoc K2-Steps-29.txt Tricky combination of focuses and function calls(#7). emptydoc K2-Steps-30.txt Tricky combination of focuses and function calls(#7). emptydoc K2-Steps-31.txt Tricky combination of focus and a recursive function call. emptydoc K2-Steps-32.txt Tricky combination of focus and a recursive function call. emptydoc K2-Steps-33.txt Tricky combination of focus and a recursive function call(#3). emptydoc K2-Steps-34.txt Combine predicate with an element and text node constructor. emptydoc K2-Steps-35.txt Verify xgc:leading-lone-slash implementation; parse error. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 XPST0003 Verify xgc:leading-lone-slash implementation; valid expression. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 Steps-leading-lone-slash-1a.txt Verify xgc:leading-lone-slash implementation; parse error. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 XPST0003 Verify xgc:leading-lone-slash implementation; valid expression. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 Steps-leading-lone-slash-2a.txt Verify xgc:leading-lone-slash implementation; parse error. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 XPST0003 Verify xgc:leading-lone-slash implementation; valid expression. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 Steps-leading-lone-slash-3a.txt Verify xgc:leading-lone-slash implementation; parse error. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 XPST0003 Verify xgc:leading-lone-slash implementation; parse error. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 XPST0003 Verify xgc:leading-lone-slash implementation; valid expression. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 Steps-leading-lone-slash-5a.txt Verify xgc:leading-lone-slash implementation; parse error. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 XPST0003 Verify xgc:leading-lone-slash implementation; parse error. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 XPST0003 Verify xgc:leading-lone-slash implementation; valid expression. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 Steps-leading-lone-slash-7a.txt Verify xgc:leading-lone-slash implementation; parse error. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 XPST0003 Verify xgc:leading-lone-slash implementation; valid expression. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 Steps-leading-lone-slash-8a.txt Verify xgc:leading-lone-slash implementation; valid path expression. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 XPST0003 Verify xgc:leading-lone-slash implementation; valid path expression. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 Steps-leading-lone-slash-10.txt Verify xgc:leading-lone-slash implementation; valid path expression. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 Steps-leading-lone-slash-11.txt Verify xgc:leading-lone-slash implementation; valid path expression. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 Steps-leading-lone-slash-12.txt Verify xgc:leading-lone-slash implementation; valid path expression. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 Steps-leading-lone-slash-13.txt Verify xgc:leading-lone-slash implementation; valid path expression. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 Steps-leading-lone-slash-14.txt Verify xgc:leading-lone-slash implementation; valid expression. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 Steps-leading-lone-slash-15.txt Verify xgc:leading-lone-slash implementation; valid expression. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 Steps-leading-lone-slash-16.txt Verify xgc:leading-lone-slash implementation; valid expression. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5727 Steps-leading-lone-slash-17.txt Axes Tests in this group focus on the axes named in XQuery and the / and // step operators of 3.2.1. Abbreviated versions (@ vs. attribute::) are included. NodeTests are typically *, node(), or a name. No children for child::*. Path 'child::*' from an element. TreeTrunc Axes001-1.txt 1 child for child::*. Path 'child::*' from an element. Tree1Child Axes001-2.txt Several children for child::*. Path 'child::*' from an element. TreeRepeat Axes001-3.txt No children, child::name gets none. Path 'child::' with element name from an element. TreeTrunc Axes002-1.txt child::name gets none, none of that name exist. Path 'child::' with element name from an element. Tree1Child Axes002-2.txt child::name gets 1 child. Path 'child::' with element name from an element. TreeCompass Axes002-3.txt Several children for child::name. Path 'child::' with element name from an element. TreeRepeat Axes002-4.txt No children of any kind, child::node() gets none. Path 'child::node()' from an element. TreeTrunc Axes003-1.txt child::node() gets 1 text node. Path 'child::node()' from an element. Tree1Text Axes003-2.txt child::node() gets 1 child element. Path 'child::node()' from an element. Tree1Child Axes003-3.txt Several nodes for child::node(). Path 'child::node()' from an element. TreeRepeat Axes003-4.txt No children for *. Test implied child axis in '*' from an element. TreeTrunc Axes004-1.txt 1 child for *. Test implied child axis in '*' from an element. Tree1Child Axes004-2.txt Several children for *. Test implied child axis in '*' from an element. TreeRepeat Axes004-3.txt No children, implied child with name gets none. Test implied child axis with element name, from an element. TreeTrunc Axes005-1.txt Implied child with name gets none, none of that name exist. Test implied child axis with element name, from an element. Tree1Child Axes005-2.txt Implied child with name gets 1 child. Test implied child axis with element name, from an element. TreeCompass Axes005-3.txt Several children for implied child with name. Test implied child axis with element name, from an element. TreeRepeat Axes005-4.txt No children, implied child with node() gets none. Test implied child axis in 'node()' from an element. TreeTrunc Axes006-1.txt Implied child with node() gets 1 text node. Test implied child axis in 'node()' from an element. Tree1Text Axes006-2.txt Implied child with node() gets 1 child element. Test implied child axis in 'node()' from an element. Tree1Child Axes006-3.txt Several nodes for implied child with node(). Test implied child axis in 'node()' from an element. TreeRepeat Axes006-4.txt No attributes for attribute::*. Path 'attribute::*' from an element. TreeTrunc Axes007-1.txt 1 attribute for attribute::*. Path 'attribute::*' from an element. Tree1Child Axes007-2.txt Several attributes for attribute::*. Path 'attribute::*' from an element. TreeCompass Axes007-3.txt No attributes, attribute::name gets none. Path 'attribute::' with name of attribute, from an element. TreeTrunc Axes008-1.txt No attribute satisfies attribute::name. Path 'attribute::' with name of attribute, from an element. Tree1Child Axes008-2.txt 1 attribute for attribute::name. Path 'attribute::' with name of attribute, from an element. TreeCompass Axes008-3.txt No attributes for attribute::node(). Path 'attribute::node()' from an element. TreeTrunc Axes009-1.txt 1 attribute for attribute::node(). Path 'attribute::node()' from an element. Tree1Child Axes009-2.txt Several attributes for attribute::node(). Path 'attribute::node()' from an element. TreeCompass Axes009-3.txt No attributes for @*. Path '@*' (abbreviated syntax) from an element. TreeTrunc Axes010-1.txt 1 attribute for @*. Path '@*' (abbreviated syntax) from an element. Tree1Child Axes010-2.txt Several attributes for @*. Path '@*' (abbreviated syntax) from an element. TreeCompass Axes010-3.txt No attributes, @name gets none. Path '@' with name of attribute, from an element. TreeTrunc Axes011-1.txt No attribute satisfies @name. Path '@' with name of attribute, from an element. Tree1Child Axes011-2.txt 1 attribute for @name. Path '@' with name of attribute, from an element. TreeCompass Axes011-3.txt Get root node from / alone. TreeCompass XPST0003 Get 1 element from parent::*. Path 'parent::*' from an element. TreeCompass Axes013-1.txt Get no nodes from parent::* at top of tree. Path 'parent::*' from document element. TreeCompass Axes014-1.txt Get 1 element from parent::name. Path 'parent::' with specified element name, from an element. TreeCompass Axes015-1.txt Get no nodes from parent::name when name is not parent's name. Path 'parent::' with specified element name that is not found, from an element. TreeCompass Axes016-1.txt Get 1 element from parent::node(). Path 'parent::node()' from an element. TreeCompass Axes017-1.txt Get root node from parent::node() at top of tree. Path 'parent::node()' from document element. TreeCompass Axes018-1.txt Get 1 element from. Test abbreviated '..' syntax from an element. TreeCompass Axes019-1.txt Get 1 element from self::*. Path 'self::*' from an element. TreeCompass Axes020-1.txt Get 1 element from self::name. Path 'self::' with specified element name, from an element. TreeCompass Axes021-1.txt Get 1 element from self::node(). Path 'self::node()' from an element. TreeCompass Axes023-1.txt Get 1 attribute from self::node(). Path 'self::node()' axis from an attribute. TreeCompass Axes027-1.txt text()/self::node() gets no nodes when no such text node exists. Path 'self::node()' from a text node. TreeTrunc Axes030-1.txt Get 1 text node from self::node(). Path 'self::node()' from a text node. Tree1Text Axes030-2.txt No subtree, descendant::* gets none. Path 'descendant::*' from an element. TreeTrunc Axes031-1.txt descendant::* gets none when there are no element children. Path 'descendant::*' from an element. Tree1Text Axes031-2.txt descendant::* gets the 1 child. Path 'descendant::*' from an element. Tree1Child Axes031-3.txt Several descendant elements found by descendant::*. Path 'descendant::*' from an element. TreeCompass Axes031-4.txt No subtree, descendant::name gets nothing. Path 'descendant::' with specified element name, from an element. TreeTrunc Axes032-1.txt descendant::name gets none when no elements have that name. Path 'descendant::' with specified element name, from an element. Tree1Child Axes032-2.txt descendant::name gets the 1 child. Path 'descendant::' with specified element name, from an element. TreeCompass Axes032-3.txt Several children for descendant::name. Path 'descendant::' with specified element name, from an element. TreeStack Axes032-4.txt No subtree, descendant::node() gets none. Path 'descendant::node()' from an element. TreeTrunc Axes033-1.txt descendant::node() gets 1 text child. Path 'descendant::node()' from an element. Tree1Text Axes033-2.txt descendant::node() gets 1 element child. Path 'descendant::node()' from an element. Tree1Child Axes033-3.txt Several descendant elements found by descendant::node(). Path 'descendant::node()' from an element. TreeCompass Axes033-4.txt descendant-or-self::* from an element gets 1 element (self). Path 'descendant-or-self::*' from an element. TreeTrunc Axes034-1.txt descendant-or-self::* from an element gets several elements. Path 'descendant-or-self::*' from an element. TreeCompass Axes034-2.txt descendant-or-self::name gets nothing when no sub-tree and self has different name. Path 'descendant-or-self::' with specified element name, from an element. TreeTrunc Axes035-1.txt descendant-or-self::name gets none when no elements have that name. Path 'descendant-or-self::' with specified element name, from an element. Tree1Child Axes035-2.txt descendant-or-self::name gets the 1 descendant of that name. Path 'descendant-or-self::' with specified element name, from an element. TreeCompass Axes035-3.txt descendant-or-self::name gets several elements. Path 'descendant-or-self::' with specified element name, from an element. TreeStack Axes035-4.txt descendant-or-self::name gets self of that name. Path 'descendant-or-self::' with self specified. TreeCompass Axes036-1.txt descendant-or-self::name gets several elements, including self. Path 'descendant-or-self::' with self specified. TreeRepeat Axes036-2.txt No descendants, descendant-or-self::node() gets self. Path 'descendant-or-self::node()' from an element. TreeTrunc Axes037-1.txt descendant-or-self::node() gets several nodes. Path 'descendant-or-self::node()' from an element. TreeCompass Axes037-2.txt descendant-or-self::node() from an attribute gets the attribute. Path 'descendant-or-self::node()' from an attribute. TreeCompass Axes041-1.txt text()/descendant-or-self::node() gets no nodes when no such text node exists. Path 'descendant-or-self::node()' from a text node. TreeTrunc Axes043-1.txt descendant-or-self::node() from a text node gets that node. Path 'descendant-or-self::node()' from a text node. Tree1Text Axes043-2.txt /child::* on typical tree gets just 1 (document) element. Test '/child::*' absolute path. TreeCompass Axes044-1.txt /child::* on tree with top-level nodes gets just 1 (document) element. Test '/child::*' absolute path. TopMany Axes044-2.txt /child::name on tree with top-level non-element nodes gets nothing. Absolute path '/child::' with element name. TreeEmpty Axes045-1.txt /child::name on typical tree gets 1 (document) element. Absolute path '/child::' with element name. TreeCompass Axes045-2.txt /child::node() on typical tree gets 1 (document) element. Test '/child::node()' absolute path. TreeCompass Axes046-1.txt /child::node() on tree with top-level nodes gets many nodes. Test '/child::node()' absolute path. TopMany Axes046-2.txt /* on typical tree gets just 1 (document) element. Test implied child axis in '/*' absolute path. TreeCompass Axes047-1.txt /* on tree with top-level nodes gets just 1 (document) element. Test implied child axis in '/*' absolute path. TopMany Axes047-2.txt /name on tree with top-level non-element nodes gets nothing. Test implied child axis with element name after /. TreeEmpty Axes048-1.txt /name on typical tree gets 1 (document) element. Test implied child axis with element name after /. TreeCompass Axes048-2.txt /node() on typical tree gets 1 (document) element. Test implied child axis in '/node()' absolute path. TreeCompass Axes049-1.txt /node() on tree with top-level nodes gets many nodes. Test implied child axis in '/node()' absolute path. TopMany Axes049-2.txt /self::node() gets root node. Test '/self::node()' absolute path. TopMany Axes055-1.txt /descendant::* gets just the document element from a 1-element tree. Test '/descendant::*' absolute path. TreeEmpty Axes056-1.txt /descendant::* gets many nodes from a typical tree. Test '/descendant::*' absolute path. TreeCompass Axes056-2.txt /descendant::* gets many nodes from a tree with top-level nodes. Test '/descendant::*' absolute path. TopMany Axes056-3.txt /descendant::name gets nothing when no element of that name. Absolute path '/descendant::' with specified element name. TreeTrunc Axes057-1.txt /descendant::name gets 1 top-level element of that name. Absolute path '/descendant::' with specified element name. TreeEmpty Axes057-2.txt /descendant::name gets the 1 descendant of that name. Absolute path '/descendant::' with specified element name. TreeCompass Axes057-3.txt /descendant::name gets several elements. Absolute path '/descendant::' with specified element name. TreeStack Axes057-4.txt /descendant::node() gets 1 top-level element. Test '/descendant::node()' absolute path. TreeEmpty Axes058-1.txt /descendant::node() on typical tree gets many nodes. Test '/descendant::node()' absolute path. TreeCompass Axes058-2.txt /descendant::node() gets many nodes from a tree with top-level nodes. Test '/descendant::node()' absolute path. TopMany Axes058-3.txt /descendant-or-self::* gets 1 element from a 1-element tree. Test '/descendant-or-self::*' absolute path. TreeEmpty Axes059-1.txt /descendant-or-self::* on typical tree gets many nodes. Test '/descendant-or-self::*' absolute path. TreeCompass Axes059-2.txt /descendant-or-self::name gets nothing when no element of that name. Absolute path '/descendant-or-self::' with specified element name. TreeTrunc Axes060-1.txt /descendant-or-self::name gets 1 top-level element of that name. Absolute path '/descendant-or-self::' with specified element name. TreeEmpty Axes060-2.txt /descendant-or-self::name gets the 1 descendant of that name. Absolute path '/descendant-or-self::' with specified element name. TreeCompass Axes060-3.txt /descendant-or-self::name gets several elements. Absolute path '/descendant-or-self::' with specified element name. TreeStack Axes060-4.txt /descendant-or-self::node() on typical tree gets many nodes. Test '/descendant-or-self::node()' absolute path. TreeCompass Axes061-1.txt /descendant-or-self::node() gets many nodes from a tree with top-level nodes. Test '/descendant-or-self::node()' absolute path. TopMany Axes061-2.txt //child::* gets 1 element from a 1-element tree. Test '//child::*' absolute path. TreeEmpty Axes062-1.txt //child::* on typical tree gets many nodes. Test '//child::*' absolute path. TreeCompass Axes062-2.txt //child::name gets nothing when no element of that name. Absolute path '//child::' with specified element name. TreeTrunc Axes063-1.txt //child::name gets 1 top-level element of that name. Absolute path '//child::' with specified element name. TreeEmpty Axes063-2.txt //child::name gets the 1 descendant of that name. Absolute path '//child::' with specified element name. TreeCompass Axes063-3.txt //child::name gets several elements. Absolute path '//child::' with specified element name. TreeStack Axes063-4.txt //child::node() gets 1 element from a 1-element tree. Test '//child::node()' absolute path. TreeEmpty Axes064-1.txt //child::node() on typical tree gets many nodes. Test '//child::node()' absolute path. TreeCompass Axes064-2.txt //child::node() gets many nodes from a tree with top-level nodes. Test '//child::node()' absolute path. TopMany Axes064-3.txt //* gets 1 element from a 1-element tree. Test implied child axis in '//*' absolute path. TreeEmpty Axes065-1.txt //* on typical tree gets many nodes. Test implied child axis in '//*' absolute path. TreeCompass Axes065-2.txt //name gets nothing when no element of that name. Absolute path with element name after // implies child axis. TreeTrunc Axes066-1.txt //name gets 1 top-level element of that name. Absolute path with element name after // implies child axis. TreeEmpty Axes066-2.txt //name gets the 1 descendant of that name. Absolute path with element name after // implies child axis. TreeCompass Axes066-3.txt //name gets several elements. Absolute path with element name after // implies child axis. TreeStack Axes066-4.txt //node() gets 1 element from a 1-element tree. Test implied child axis in '//node()' absolute path. TreeEmpty Axes067-1.txt //node() on typical tree gets many nodes. Test implied child axis in '//node()' absolute path. TreeCompass Axes067-2.txt //node() gets many nodes from a tree with top-level nodes. Test implied child axis in '//node()' absolute path. TopMany Axes067-3.txt //attribute::* gets nothing when no attributes. Test '//attribute::*' absolute path. TreeTrunc Axes068-1.txt //attribute::* gets 1 attribute from document element. Test '//attribute::*' absolute path. TreeEmpty Axes068-2.txt //attribute::* gets many attributes. Test '//attribute::*' absolute path. TreeCompass Axes068-3.txt //attribute::name gets nothing when no attributes. Absolute path '//attribute::' with specified name. TreeTrunc Axes069-1.txt //attribute::name gets 1 attribute from document element. Absolute path '//attribute::' with specified name. TreeEmpty Axes069-2.txt //attribute::name gets many attributes. Absolute path '//attribute::' with specified name. TreeCompass Axes069-3.txt //@* gets nothing when no attributes. Absolute path '//@*' has abbreviated syntax. TreeTrunc Axes070-1.txt //@* gets 1 attribute from document element. Absolute path '//@*' has abbreviated syntax. TreeEmpty Axes070-2.txt //@* gets many attributes. Absolute path '//@*' has abbreviated syntax. TreeCompass Axes070-3.txt //@name gets nothing when no attributes. Absolute path '//@' with specified name. TreeTrunc Axes071-1.txt //@name gets 1 attribute from document element. Absolute path '//@' with specified name. TreeEmpty Axes071-2.txt //@name gets many attributes. Absolute path '//@' with specified name. TreeCompass Axes071-3.txt //self::* gets 1 element from a 1-element tree. Test '//self::*' absolute path. TreeEmpty Axes072-1.txt //self::* on typical tree gets many nodes. Test '//self::*' absolute path. TreeCompass Axes072-2.txt //self::node() on typical tree gets many nodes. Test '//self::node()' absolute path. TreeCompass Axes073-1.txt //self::node() gets many nodes from a tree with top-level nodes. Test '//self::node()' absolute path. TopMany Axes073-2.txt No children of any kind, elem//child::* gets none. Path '//child::*' from an element. TreeTrunc Axes074-1.txt elem//child::* gets nothing when no element children. Path '//child::*' from an element. Tree1Text Axes074-2.txt elem//child::* gets 1 child element. Path '//child::*' from an element. Tree1Child Axes074-3.txt elem//child::* gets several nodes. Path '//child::*' from an element. TreeRepeat Axes074-4.txt elem//child::name gets nothing when no sub-tree. Path '//child::' with element name, from an element. TreeTrunc Axes075-1.txt elem//child::name gets none when no elements have that name. Path '//child::' with element name, from an element. Tree1Child Axes075-2.txt elem//child::name gets the 1 descendant of that name. Path '//child::' with element name, from an element. TreeCompass Axes075-3.txt elem//child::name gets several elements. Path '//child::' with element name, from an element. TreeStack Axes075-4.txt No children, elem//child::node() gets none. Path '//child::node()' from an element. TreeTrunc Axes076-1.txt elem//child::node() gets 1 child element. Path '//child::node()' from an element. Tree1Child Axes076-2.txt elem//child::node() gets 1 child text node. Path '//child::node()' from an element. Tree1Text Axes076-3.txt Several children for elem//child::node(). Path '//child::node()' from an element. TreeRepeat Axes076-4.txt No children for elem//*. Test implied child axis in '//*' after an element. TreeTrunc Axes077-1.txt 1 child for elem//*. Test implied child axis in '//*' after an element. Tree1Child Axes077-2.txt Many children for elem//*. Test implied child axis in '//*' after an element. TreeRepeat Axes077-3.txt elem//name gets none when there are no children. Test implied child axis in element//element. TreeTrunc Axes078-1.txt elem//name gets none when no elements have that name. Test implied child axis in element//element. Tree1Child Axes078-2.txt elem//name gets the 1 descendant of that name. Test implied child axis in element//element. TreeCompass Axes078-3.txt elem//name gets several elements. Test implied child axis in element//element. TreeStack Axes078-4.txt No children, elem//node() gets none. Test implied child axis in '//node()' from an element. TreeTrunc Axes079-1.txt elem//node() gets 1 child element. Test implied child axis in '//node()' from an element. Tree1Child Axes079-2.txt elem//node() gets 1 child text node. Test implied child axis in '//node()' from an element. Tree1Text Axes079-3.txt Several children for elem//node(). Test implied child axis in '//node()' from an element. TreeRepeat Axes079-4.txt No attributes for elem//attribute::*. Path '//attribute::*' after an element. TreeTrunc Axes080-1.txt 1 attribute for elem//attribute::*. Path '//attribute::*' after an element. Tree1Child Axes080-2.txt Several attributes for elem//attribute::*. Path '//attribute::*' after an element. TreeCompass Axes080-3.txt No attributes for elem//attribute::name, due to none existing at all. Path '//attribute::' with name of attribute, after an element. TreeTrunc Axes081-1.txt No attributes for elem//attribute::name, none of that name exist. Path '//attribute::' with name of attribute, after an element. Tree1Child Axes081-2.txt 1 attribute for elem//attribute::name. Path '//attribute::' with name of attribute, after an element. TreeCompass Axes081-3.txt Several attributes for elem//attribute::name. Path '//attribute::' with name of attribute, after an element. TreeRepeat Axes081-4.txt No attributes for elem//attribute::node(). Path '//attribute::node()' after an element. TreeTrunc Axes082-1.txt 1 attribute for elem//attribute::node(). Path '//attribute::node()' after an element. Tree1Child Axes082-2.txt Several attributes for elem//attribute::node(). Path '//attribute::node()' after an element. TreeCompass Axes082-3.txt No attributes for elem//@*. Path '//@*' (abbreviated syntax) after an element. TreeTrunc Axes083-1.txt 1 attribute for elem//@*. Path '//@*' (abbreviated syntax) after an element. Tree1Child Axes083-2.txt Several attributes for elem//@*. Path '//@*' (abbreviated syntax) after an element. TreeCompass Axes083-3.txt No attributes for elem//@name, due to none existing at all. Path '//@' with name of attribute, after an element. TreeTrunc Axes084-1.txt No attributes for elem//@name, none of that name exist. Path '//@' with name of attribute, after an element. Tree1Child Axes084-2.txt 1 attribute for elem//@name. Path '//@' with name of attribute, after an element. TreeCompass Axes084-3.txt Several attributes for elem//@name. Path '//@' with name of attribute, after an element. TreeRepeat Axes084-4.txt Use of // to get all elements of a given name. Use of // to get all elements of a given name nw_Customers Axes085.xml Parent of attribute node. Parent of attribute node Tree1Text Axes086.xml Parent of text nodes. Parent of text nodes xq311B Axes087.xml Empty step should result in parse error. Empty step should result in parse error emptydoc XPST0003 A query that performs a Night's tour of the chessboard, originally written by Michael Kay. A query that performs a Night's tour of the chessboard, originally written by Michael Kay. emptydoc Axes089.xml Self axis on exactly one element node with name test that does not match. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4261 emptydoc Axes090.txt XPST0005 Self axis on exactly one element node with local name test that does not match. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4261 emptydoc Axes091.txt XPST0005 Self axis on exactly one element node with namespace test that does not match. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4261 emptydoc Axes092.txt XPST0005 Self axis on exactly one attribute node with name test that does not match. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4261 emptydoc Axes093.txt XPST0005 Self axis on exactly one attribute node with local name test that does not match. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4261 emptydoc Axes094.txt XPST0005 Self axis on exactly one attribute node with namespace test that does not match. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4261 emptydoc Axes095.txt XPST0005 Self axis on exactly one element node with name test that does not match. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4242 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4261 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4581 emptydoc Axes096.txt XPST0005 Self axis on exactly one element node with local name test that does not match. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4242 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4261 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4581 emptydoc Axes097.txt XPST0005 Self axis on exactly one element node with namespace test that does not match. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4242 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4261 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4581 emptydoc Axes098.txt XPST0005 Self axis on exactly one attribute node with name test that does not match. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4242 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4261 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4581 emptydoc Axes099.txt XPST0005 Self axis on exactly one attribute node with local name test that does not match. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4242 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4261 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4581 emptydoc Axes100.txt XPST0005 Self axis on exactly one attribute node with namespace test that does not match. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4242 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4261 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4581 emptydoc Axes101.txt XPST0005 Assert that the static type of a wild name test on an element with a type annotation is computed correctly. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4512 emptydoc Axes102.txt Wild name test on a comment node. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4512 emptydoc Axes103.txt XPST0005 Name test on a comment node. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4512 emptydoc Axes104.txt XPST0005 Local name test on a comment node. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4512 emptydoc Axes105.txt XPST0005 Namespace test on a comment node. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4512 emptydoc Axes106.txt XPST0005 Wild name test on a processing instruction node. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4512 emptydoc Axes107.txt XPST0005 Name test on a processing instruction node. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4512 emptydoc Axes108.txt XPST0005 Local name test on a processing instruction node. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4512 emptydoc Axes109.txt XPST0005 Namespace test on a processing instruction node. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4512 emptydoc Axes110.txt XPST0005 Assert that the static type of a wild name test on an attribute with a type annotation is computed correctly. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4512 emptydoc Axes111.txt Evaluation of a step axis, which operates on a non node context item. emptydoc XPTY0020 A complex set of root path expressions. emptydoc K2-Axes-1.txt A complex set of root path expressions for where the context item is not a document node. emptydoc XPDY0050 Path expression where the last step in an xs:integer. emptydoc K2-Axes-3.txt Path expression where the last step in an xs:integer(#2). emptydoc K2-Axes-4.txt Whitespace: comment can't appear between the ncname and the colon. emptydoc XPST0003 A comment can't appear between the ncname and the colon. emptydoc XPST0003 Whitespace can't appear between the wildcard and the colon. emptydoc XPST0003 A comment can't appear between the wildcard and the colon. emptydoc XPST0003 Whitespace can't appear between the ncname and the colon. emptydoc XPST0003 A comment can't appear between the ncname and the colon. emptydoc XPST0003 Whitespace can't appear between the wildcard and the colon. emptydoc XPST0003 Whitespace can't appear between the wildcard and the colon. emptydoc XPST0003 A comment can't appear between the wildcard and the colon. emptydoc XPST0003 A comment can't appear between the wildcard and the colon. emptydoc XPST0003 Whitespace can't appear between the wildcard, colon and ncname. emptydoc XPST0003 Comments can't appear between wildcards and ncnames. emptydoc XPST0003 A nametest cannot with a colon. emptydoc XPST0003 Apply the parent axis to a computed text constructor. emptydoc K2-Axes-18.txt Apply the parent axis to a computed processing instruction constructor. emptydoc K2-Axes-19.txt Apply the parent axis to a computed attribute constructor. emptydoc K2-Axes-20.txt Apply the parent axis to a computed attribute constructor. emptydoc K2-Axes-21.txt Apply the parent axis to a computed comment constructor. emptydoc K2-Axes-22.txt Apply the parent axis to a direct element constructor. emptydoc K2-Axes-23.txt Apply the parent axis to a direct element constructor's text-child. emptydoc K2-Axes-24.txt Apply the parent axis to a direct element constructor's text-child. emptydoc K2-Axes-25.txt Apply the parent axis to a direct element constructor's attribute. emptydoc K2-Axes-26.txt Apply the parent axis to a direct element constructor's processing-instruction-child. emptydoc K2-Axes-27.txt Apply the parent axis to a direct element constructor's comment-child. emptydoc K2-Axes-28.txt No axis by name preceding-or-ancestor exists. emptydoc XPST0003 Apply axis '..' to the return value of fn:root(). emptydoc K2-Axes-30.txt XPST0005 Apply axis '..' to a directly constructed element. emptydoc K2-Axes-31.txt XPST0005 Apply axis '..' to the return value of fn:root(). emptydoc K2-Axes-32.txt XPST0005 XPDY0050 Apply axis '..' to a '/' step. emptydoc K2-Axes-33.txt XPST0005 '//' at the end of a path expression is a syntax error. emptydoc XPST0003 XPDY0002 '/' at the end of a path expression is a syntax error. emptydoc XPST0003 XPDY0002 '/' at the end of a path expression is a syntax error(#2). emptydoc XPST0003 'self()' is an invalid note test. emptydoc XPST0003 '..' inside a predicate where the context item is of wrong type. emptydoc XPTY0020 'element()' inside a predicate where the context item is of wrong type. emptydoc XPTY0020 '..' inside a predicate where the context item is of wrong type(#2). emptydoc XPTY0020 '..' inside a predicate where the context item is of wrong type(#3). emptydoc XPTY0020 Ensure a parent axis inside a predicate where the source is a direct element constructor, evaluate to the empty sequence. emptydoc K2-Axes-42.txt Ensure '5 * /' is parsed properly. emptydoc K2-Axes-43.txt XPDY0002 Ensure '/' is parsed properly. emptydoc K2-Axes-44.txt XPDY0002 Ensure '/' is parsed properly(#2). emptydoc K2-Axes-45.txt XPDY0002 '//' by itself is not a valid expression. emptydoc XPST0003 Apply '/' to a variable. emptydoc K2-Axes-47.txt Apply '/' to a variable, with an xs:integer at the end. emptydoc K2-Axes-48.txt Apply '/' to a variable, with fn:number() at the end. That is, an implicit dependency on the next-last step. emptydoc K2-Axes-49.txt '1/3' is a type error. emptydoc XPTY0019 'xs:string/3' is a type error. emptydoc XPTY0019 A type error in a complex path expression. Some implementations may optimize away the error. emptydoc K2-Axes-52.txt XPST0005 XPTY0019 Many atomic values with predicates in a path expression. emptydoc XPTY0019 The namespace axis is not recognized in XQuery. emptydoc XPST0003 Apply the attribute axis to the empty sequence. emptydoc K2-Axes-55.txt XPST0005 Apply the child axis to the empty sequence. emptydoc K2-Axes-56.txt XPST0005 The context item invokes sorting and duplicate elimination. emptydoc K2-Axes-57.txt Content being duplicated with the comma operator.. emptydoc K2-Axes-58.txt Evaluate the child node from the last node in a tree. emptydoc K2-Axes-59.txt XPST0005 Apply the child axis on a document whose last nodes are attributes. emptydoc K2-Axes-60.txt XPST0005 Apply the child axis on an element that has attributes only. emptydoc K2-Axes-61.txt XPST0005 Apply descendant-or-self to a node set constructed with element constructors. emptydoc K2-Axes-62.txt Apply the child axis to an element who has one attribute, combined with the sequence iterator. emptydoc K2-Axes-63.txt Invoke the child axis on two elements with one attribute. emptydoc K2-Axes-64.txt Invoke the child axis on two elements with one attribute. emptydoc K2-Axes-65.txt Invoke the child axis on mixed content. emptydoc K2-Axes-66.txt Apply the descendant axis on an element, as operand to the comma operator. emptydoc K2-Axes-67.txt Apply the descendant-or-self axis on an element, as operand to the comma operator. emptydoc K2-Axes-68.txt Apply the descendant axis on an element that has an attribute, as operand to the comma operator. emptydoc K2-Axes-69.txt Apply the descendant-or-self axis on an element that has an attribute, as operand to the comma operator. emptydoc K2-Axes-70.txt Apply function fn:empty() on the descendant axis applied on an element constructor. emptydoc K2-Axes-71.txt Apply function fn:empty() on the descendant-or-self axis applied on an element constructor. emptydoc K2-Axes-72.txt Apply function fn:empty() on the descendant axis applied on an element constructor that has an attribute. emptydoc K2-Axes-73.txt Apply function fn:empty() on the descendant-or-self axis applied on an element constructor that has an attribute. emptydoc K2-Axes-74.txt Combine axis descendant-or-self, function last() and axis ancestor. emptydoc K2-Axes-75.txt Combine axis descendant-or-self and function last(). emptydoc K2-Axes-76.txt There is no axis by name 'preceeding'. emptydoc XPST0003 Apply fn:count() to a set of nodes involving the parent axis. emptydoc K2-Axes-78.txt Apply fn:count() to a set of nodes involving the descendant axis. emptydoc K2-Axes-79.txt Apply fn:count() to a set of nodes involving the descendant axis. emptydoc K2-Axes-80.txt Ensure that an element name test after an attribute test matches. emptydoc K2-Axes-81.txt Ensure that an element name test after an attribute with abbreviated syntax test matches. emptydoc K2-Axes-82.txt Simple parser test of the attribute() test appearing after the attribute axis. emptydoc K2-Axes-83.txt Simple parser test of the schema-attribute() test appearing after the attribute axis. emptydoc XPST0008 The attribute name isn't optional. emptydoc XPST0003 A significant set of path expressions with different combinations of source values, axes and node tests, that always evaluate to the empty sequence, no matter what document structure that is being walked. The list is not guaranteed to be exhaustive. Some implementations detect this and rewrite away such combinations or warn the user about such constructs. Since static typing implementations may infer these expressions to the empty sequence, they may raise XPST0005. TopMany K2-Axes-86.txt XPST0005 Ensure node sorting is applied when the left operand is the result of the comma operator. emptydoc K2-Axes-87.txt Ensure node sorting is applied when the left operand is the result of the comma operator, while using variable references. emptydoc K2-Axes-88.txt Ensure attribute tests match, and that attributes are properly copied when combined with a default element namespace declaration. emptydoc K2-Axes-89.txt An incorrectly ending QName. emptydoc XPST0003 An incorrectly ending QName, with space. emptydoc XPST0003 Test parsing of 'gt'. emptydoc K2-Axes-92.txt XPDY0002 Space is disallowed after the first angle bracket in a direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Use a single 'declare' nametest. emptydoc XPDY0002 Use an invalid function declaration. emptydoc XPST0003 Use an invalid function declaration(#2). emptydoc XPST0003 Use an invalid function declaration(#3). emptydoc XPST0003 XPST0017 Use a set of reserved keywords as nametests. emptydoc XPDY0002 Use an invalid function declaration(#3). emptydoc XQST0045 XPST0017 Do a peculiar combination between axis self and last(). emptydoc K2-Axes-100.txt XPST0005 Do a peculiar combination between axis self and last(). emptydoc K2-Axes-101.txt XPST0005 Execute a query in several different ways. XMarkAuction K2-Axes-102.txt Combine a function call with paths that requires sorting. CPPGlobals K2-Axes-103.txt Use the focus from within an element constructor. emptydoc K2-Axes-104.txt Node Tests Tests in this group take the axes as a given and focus on the NodeTest syntax in XQuery Includes explicit names, *, and the various kind tests that look like functions. NodeTest Tests in this group take the axes as a given and focus on the NodeTest syntax in XQuery Includes explicit names, *, and the various kind tests that look like functions. Simple test for comment() node type. Simple test for comment() node type bib2 NodeTest001.xml Simple test for processing-instruction() node test. Simple test for processing-instruction() node test bib2 NodeTest002.xml Simple test for node type text(). Simple test for node type text() bib NodeTest006.xml processing-instruction() finds no descendant PIs of the given name anywhere. processing-instruction('name') NodeTest can apply under root TreeEmpty NodeTest007-1.xml processing-instruction() gets all PIs of the given name, including those off root. processing-instruction('name') NodeTest can apply under root TopMany NodeTest007-2.xml text() gets no descendant text nodes. text() as a NodeTest Tree1Child NodeTest008-1.xml text() gets text nodes. text() as a NodeTest TreeCompass NodeTest008-2.xml comment() gets no descendant comment nodes. comment() as a NodeTest Tree1Child NodeTest009-1.xml comment() gets comment nodes. comment() as a NodeTest TreeCompass NodeTest009-2.xml //comment() gets no comment nodes anywhere. comment() NodeTest can apply under root TreeEmpty NodeTest010-1.xml //comment() gets all comments, including those off root. comment() NodeTest can apply under root TopMany NodeTest010-2.xml processing-instruction() finds no descendant PIs. processing-instruction() as a NodeTest Tree1Child NodeTest011-1.xml processing-instruction() gets all descendant PIs. processing-instruction() as a NodeTest TreeCompass NodeTest011-2.xml processing-instruction() finds no descendant PIs anywhere. processing-instruction() NodeTest can apply under root TreeEmpty NodeTest012-1.xml processing-instruction() gets all PIs, including those off root. processing-instruction() NodeTest can apply under root TopMany NodeTest012-2.xml processing-instruction() gets descendant PIs of the given name. processing-instruction('name') matches only the given name TreeCompass NodeTest013-1.xml Simple test involving a text node and a boolean expression (and fn:true()). works-mod NodeTesthc-1.txt Simple test involving a text node and a boolean expression (or fn:true()). works-mod NodeTesthc-2.txt Simple test involving a text node and a boolean expression (and fn:false()). works-mod NodeTesthc-3.txt Simple test involving a text node and a boolean expression (or fn:false()). works-mod NodeTesthc-4.txt Simple test involving Element node types and a boolean expression (or fn:false()). works-mod NodeTesthc-5.txt Simple test involving Element node types and a boolean expression (or fn:true()). works-mod NodeTesthc-6.txt Simple test involving Element node types and a boolean expression (and fn:false()). works-mod NodeTesthc-7.txt Simple test involving Element node types and a boolean expression (and fn:true()). works-mod NodeTesthc-8.txt Check the child count of an empty direct element constructor. emptydoc K2-NodeTest-1.txt XPST0005 Check the child count of an empty direct element constructor. emptydoc K2-NodeTest-2.txt '*' is not allowed inside processing-instruction(). emptydoc XPST0003 '*' is not allowed inside text(). emptydoc XPST0003 '*' is not allowed inside comment(). emptydoc XPST0003 '*' is not allowed inside node(). emptydoc XPST0003 '*' is not allowed inside document-node(). emptydoc XPST0003 '*' is not allowed inside schema-attribute(). emptydoc XPST0003 '*' is not allowed inside schema-element(). emptydoc XPST0003 There is no type by name document(). emptydoc XPST0017 There is no type by name document(). emptydoc XPST0017 There is no type by name document(). emptydoc XPST0003 There is no type by name document(). emptydoc XPST0003 'name' is not allowed inside document-node(). emptydoc XPST0003 'name' is not allowed inside document-node(). emptydoc XPST0003 processing-instruction() isn't allowed inside document-node(). emptydoc XPST0003 unknown() isn't allowed inside document-node(). emptydoc XPST0003 schema-attribute() isn't allowed inside document-node(). emptydoc XPST0003 Use document-node() with an unkown schema-element() type. emptydoc XPST0008 Use document-node() with an unkown schema-element() type. emptydoc XPST0008 Ensure 'element(local:ncname)' is parsed correctly when inside document-node(). emptydoc K2-NodeTest-21.txt XPDY0002 Use an unbound prefix inside document-node()/element(). emptydoc XPST0081 Use an unbound prefix inside element(). emptydoc XPST0081 Use an unbound prefix inside element(). emptydoc XPST0081 Use an unbound prefix inside document-node()/schema-element(). emptydoc XPST0081 Use an unbound prefix inside schema-element(). emptydoc XPST0081 Use an unbound prefix inside schema-attribute(). emptydoc XPST0081 Invoke '/' on a tree whose root is not a document node. emptydoc XPDY0050 Apostrophes are valid separators in processing-instruction(). emptydoc XPDY0002 Ensure element() isn't parsed as a function. emptydoc XPDY0002 Trigger XPTY0018 inside a function body. emptydoc XPTY0018 We evaluate to only atomic values, although the static type does not reflect that. emptydoc K2-NodeTest-32.txt Trigger XPTY0018 inside a body for a global variable. emptydoc XPTY0018 Trigger XPTY0018 inside a body for a global variable(#2). emptydoc XPTY0018 Trigger XPTY0018 inside a function body(#2). emptydoc XPTY0018 Trigger XPTY0018 inside a function body(#3). emptydoc XPTY0018 Trigger XPTY0018 inside a function body(#4). emptydoc XPTY0018 Trigger XPTY0018 inside a function body(#4). emptydoc XPTY0018 Trigger XPTY0018 inside a let clause. emptydoc XPTY0018 Trigger XPTY0018 inside a for clause. emptydoc XPTY0018 Use fn:last() with nested predicates. emptydoc K2-NodeTest-41.txt Use fn:last() with nested predicates(#2). emptydoc K2-NodeTest-42.txt Use fn:last() with nested predicates(#3). emptydoc K2-NodeTest-43.txt NameTest Tests in this group take the axes as a given and focus on the NodeTest syntax in XQuery Includes explicit names, *, and the various kind tests that look like functions. Simple test for * node test. Simple test for * node test nw_Customers NodeTest003.xml Simple test for . node test. Simple test for . node test nw_Customers NodeTest004.xml Simple test for . and * node test. Simple test for . and * node test nw_Customers NodeTest005.xml Name test that evaluates "child::*" of a newly construted node. emptydoc nametest-1.txt Name test that evaluates "child::b" of a newly construted node. emptydoc nametest-2.txt Name test that uses an unknown prefix. emptydoc XPST0081 Name test that uses an unknown prefix. Uses "*". emptydoc XPST0081 Name test that examines "*:b" for a newly constructed element. emptydoc nametest-5.txt Name test that examines "ns1:b" for a newly constructed element that uses a declared namespace. emptydoc nametest-6.txt Name test that examines "b" for a newly constructed element node. emptydoc nametest-7.txt Name test that examines "b" for a newly constructed element node and used as argument to "node-name" function. emptydoc nametest-8.txt Name test that attempts to select a non-existent node from a newly constructed element node. emptydoc nametest-9.txt Name test that selects an "child::b" of a newly created element node and whose namespace URI is declared as the default namespace. emptydoc nametest-10.txt Name test that selects an "child::b" of a newly created element node and whose namespace URI is in no namespace. emptydoc nametest-11.txt Name test that selects an "child::*:day" of an element node used as part of an union operation. works-mod nametest-12.txt Name test that selects an "child::*" and "child::day" (same nodes) of an element node used as part of an intersect operation. works-mod nametest-13.txt Name test that selects an "child::*" and "child::day" (same nodes) of an element node used as part of an except operation. works-mod nametest-14.txt Name test that selects all the children of the context node ("child::*"). works-mod nametest-15.txt Name test that selects all the children of the context node ("child::employee"). works-mod nametest-16.txt Name test that selects all the children of the context node ("child::*:employee"). works-mod nametest-17.txt Evaluation of a name test, which selects a child that was created using a declared namespace (qualified name). Use "child::*:b" syntax. emptydoc nametest-18.txt A nodetest appearing in a wrong place, leading to syntax error. emptydoc XPST0003 '---..---' is an invalid nodetest. emptydoc XPST0003 'foo-' is an invalid nametest. Whitespace is wrong. emptydoc XPST0003 'nametest : nametest' is a syntactically invalid expression. emptydoc XPST0003 'nametest: nametest' is a syntactically invalid expression. emptydoc XPST0003 'nametest :nametest' is a syntactically invalid expression. emptydoc XPST0003 Invalid string literals and nametests mixed, stressing tokenizer and parser code. emptydoc XPST0003 Invalid string literals and nametests mixed, stressing tokenizer and parser code. emptydoc XPST0003 Invalid string literals and nametests mixed, stressing tokenizer and parser code. emptydoc XPST0003 Invalid string literals and nametests mixed, stressing tokenizer and parser code. emptydoc XPST0003 Invalid string literals and nametests mixed, stressing tokenizer and parser code. emptydoc XPST0003 "//" by itself is not a valid path expression. emptydoc XPST0003 "/*5" is a syntax error. emptydoc XPST0003 "/*5" is a syntax error. emptydoc XPST0003 "4 + / * 5" is a syntax error. emptydoc XPST0003 A complex expression to parse, taken from W3C's (obsolete) 'Building a Tokenizer for XPath or XQuery' document. The query naturally contains XPTY0004. XPDY0002 is allowed since an implementation may change the default focus from being 'none' to being undefined. emptydoc XPTY0004 XPDY0002 An axis must be specified when ".." is used. emptydoc XPST0003 An axis must be specified when ".." is used(#2). emptydoc XPST0003 "@" by itself is syntactically invalid. emptydoc XPST0003 "@" with space is syntactically invalid. emptydoc XPST0003 A node test must follow "parent::" is used. emptydoc XPST0003 No binding existing for a "prefix:*" test. emptydoc XPST0081 A nametest being "xml:space". emptydoc K2-NameTest-12.txt A nametest being "xml:*". emptydoc K2-NameTest-13.txt A nametest being "child::*". emptydoc K2-NameTest-14.txt A name test matching many different kinds of nodes. emptydoc K2-NameTest-15.txt A wild-card name test matching only elements. emptydoc K2-NameTest-16.txt A name test matching only attributes. emptydoc K2-NameTest-17.txt A wild-card name test matching only attributes. emptydoc K2-NameTest-18.txt A name test matching only processing-instructions. emptydoc K2-NameTest-19.txt A wild-card name test matching only processing-instructions. emptydoc K2-NameTest-20.txt A processing-instruction() with an invalid NCName in a string literal. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5351 emptydoc XPTY0004 A processing-instruction() with an invalid NCName in a string literal. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5351 emptydoc K2-NameTest-22.txt A processing-instruction() with an invalid NCName in a string literal. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5351 emptydoc XPTY0004 An integer literal cannot be specified as PI name. emptydoc XPST0003 A QName cannot be specified as PI name. emptydoc XPST0003 A variable reference cannot be specified as PI name. emptydoc XPST0003 A variable reference cannot be specified as PI name. emptydoc XPST0003 A element name cannot be a string literal, inside element(). emptydoc XPST0003 A element name cannot be a string literal, inside element(). emptydoc XPST0003 A element name cannot be a string literal, inside element(). emptydoc K2-NameTest-30.txt A element name cannot be a string literal, inside element(). emptydoc K2-NameTest-31.txt attribute(name) as part of a step. emptydoc K2-NameTest-32.txt String literals aren't allowed in schema-element(). emptydoc XPST0003 String literals aren't allowed in schema-attribute(). emptydoc XPST0003 An undeclared prefix inside a name in schema-element() is an error. emptydoc XPST0081 An undeclared prefix inside a name in schema-attribute() is an error. emptydoc XPST0081 Specifying an unknown type in schema-element() is an error. emptydoc XPST0008 Specifying an unknown type in schema-attribute() is an error. emptydoc XPST0008 Specifying an unknown type in schema-element() is an error(with namespace). emptydoc XPST0008 Specifying an unknown type in schema-attribute() is an error(with namespace). emptydoc XPST0008 Specifying an unknown prefix raises an error. emptydoc XPST0081 Specifying an unknown prefix raises an error. emptydoc XPST0081 The prefix 'xmlns' is not in-scope. emptydoc XPST0081 The prefix 'xmlns' is not in-scope(#2). emptydoc XPST0081 The prefix 'xmlns' is not in-scope(#3). emptydoc XPST0081 The prefix 'xmlns' is not in-scope(#4). emptydoc XPST0081 Use 'xmlns' as an element name test. emptydoc K2-NameTest-47.txt Use 'xmlns' as an attribute name test. emptydoc K2-NameTest-48.txt An child axis applies on a sequence of attributes. emptydoc K2-NameTest-49.txt XPST0005 A '@prefix:*'-test doesn't match element nodes. emptydoc K2-NameTest-50.txt XPST0005 Navigate the child axis of a computed attribute. emptydoc K2-NameTest-51.txt XPST0005 Navigate the child axis of a computed comment. emptydoc K2-NameTest-52.txt XPST0005 Navigate the child axis of a direct comment. emptydoc K2-NameTest-53.txt XPST0005 Navigate the child axis of a computed PI. emptydoc K2-NameTest-54.txt XPST0005 Navigate the child axis of a direct PI. emptydoc K2-NameTest-55.txt XPST0005 A '*:name' as operand to 'eq'. emptydoc K2-NameTest-56.txt XPTY0004 A '@*:name' as operand to 'eq'. emptydoc K2-NameTest-57.txt XPTY0004 A 'prefix:*' as operand to 'eq'. emptydoc K2-NameTest-58.txt XPTY0004 A '@*prefix:*' as operand to 'eq'. emptydoc K2-NameTest-59.txt XPTY0004 Combine the descendant-or-self axis with a processing-instruction test. emptydoc K2-NameTest-60.txt XPST0005 Apply processing-instruction() to the empty sequence. emptydoc K2-NameTest-61.txt XPST0005 Apply processing-instruction() to the result of an element constructor. emptydoc K2-NameTest-62.txt XPST0005 Combine the descendant-or-self axis with the child axis. emptydoc K2-NameTest-63.txt Ensure the axis is correct when using an attribute(*, type) test in the abbreviated axis. emptydoc K2-NameTest-64.txt Ensure the axis is correct when using an attribute(name, type) test in the abbreviated axis. emptydoc K2-NameTest-65.txt Use an unbound prefix inside attribute(). emptydoc XPST0081 Use an unbound prefix inside attribute()(#2). emptydoc XPST0081 Use a type with attribute() that doesn't match. emptydoc K2-NameTest-68.txt XPST0005 Use a type with attribute() that doesn't exist. emptydoc XPST0008 Use a type with attribute() that doesn't exist(#2). emptydoc XPST0008 Use a complex type with attribute(). emptydoc K2-NameTest-71.txt Use element() with an unbound prefix. emptydoc XPST0081 Use element() with an unbound prefix(#2). emptydoc XPST0081 Use element() with a type that doesn't exist. emptydoc XPST0008 Use element() with a type that doesn't exist. emptydoc XPST0008 Use element() with xs:anyType. emptydoc K2-NameTest-76.txt Use element() with xs:anyType. emptydoc K2-NameTest-77.txt Use 'let' as a single name test. emptydoc XPDY0002 Use 'for' as a single name test. emptydoc XPDY0002 Use 'as' as a single name test. emptydoc XPDY0002 Use 'of' as a single name test. emptydoc XPDY0002 A name cannot end with a colon. emptydoc XPST0003 A name test that is equal to a node type name. emptydoc XPDY0002 Axis names are reserved function names. However, due to the specification being unclear on this, accepting it as well as rejecting it is allowed. emptydoc K2-NameTest-84.txt XPST0003 A single '_' is a valid name test. emptydoc XPDY0002 A '_' between letters is a valid name test. emptydoc XPDY0002 Use a type with attribute() that doesn't exist(#3). emptydoc XPST0008 Use a type with attribute() that doesn't exist(#4). emptydoc XPST0008 Use a type with element() that doesn't exist(#3). emptydoc XPST0008 Use a type with element() that doesn't exist(#4). emptydoc XPST0008 Predicates Evaluation of a simple predicate with a "true" value (uses "fn:true"). atomicns predicates-1.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate with a "false" value (uses "fn:false"). Use "fn:count" to avoid empty file. atomicns predicates-2.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a simple predicate with a "true" value (uses "fn:true" and fn:not()). atomicns predicates-3.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate set to a boolean expression ("and" operator), returns true. atomicns predicates-4.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate set to a boolean expression ("or" operator), return true. atomicns predicates-5.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate set to a boolean expression ("and" operator), returns false. Use "fn:count" to avoid empty file. atomicns predicates-6.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a simple predicate set to a boolean expression ("or" operator), returns false. Use "fn:count" to avoid empty file. atomicns predicates-7.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a simple predicate, that uses the "xs:string() function. atomicns predicates-8.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate, that uses the "xs:integer()" function. atomicns predicates-9.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate, that uses the "xs:decimal()" function. atomicns predicates-10.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate, that uses the "xs:float()" function. atomicns predicates-11.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate, that uses the "xs:double()" function. atomicns predicates-12.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate, that uses the "xs:boolean()" function. atomicns predicates-13.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate, that uses the "xs:date()" function. atomicns predicates-14.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate that uses the "eq" operator. works-mod predicates-17.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate that uses the "ne" operator. works-mod predicates-18.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate that uses the "lt" operator. works-mod predicates-19.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate that uses the "le" operator. works-mod predicates-20.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate that uses the "gt" operator. works-mod predicates-21.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate that uses the "ge" operator. works-mod predicates-22.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate that uses the "=" operator. works-mod predicates-23.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate that uses the "!=" operator. works-mod predicates-24.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate that uses the "<" operator. works-mod predicates-25.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate that uses the "<=" operator. works-mod predicates-26.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate that uses the ">" operator. works-mod predicates-27.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate that uses the ">=" operator. works-mod predicates-28.txt Evaluation of numeric range used as filter expression. emptydoc FORG0006 Evaluation of predicates, where implementation may switch order of predicates order. works-mod predicates-30.txt Evaluation of predicates, where implementation may switch order of predicates for evaluation. works-mod predicates-31.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate with a "true" value (uses "fn:true"). Not Schema dependent. atomicns predicatesns-1.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate with a "false" value (uses "fn:false"). Use "fn:count" to avoid empty file. Not Schema dependent. atomicns predicatesns-2.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a simple predicate with a "true" value (uses "fn:true" and fn:not()). Not Schema dependent. atomicns predicatesns-3.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate set to a boolean expression ("and" operator), returns true. Not Schema dependent. atomicns predicatesns-4.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate set to a boolean expression ("or" operator), return true. Not Schema dependent. atomicns predicatesns-5.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate set to a boolean expression ("and" operator), returns false. Use "fn:count" to avoid empty file. Not Schema dependent. atomicns predicatesns-6.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a simple predicate set to a boolean expression ("or" operator), returns false. Use "fn:count" to avoid empty file. Not Schema dependent. atomicns predicatesns-7.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a simple predicate, that uses the "xs:string() function. Not Schema dependent. atomicns predicatesns-8.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate, that uses the "xs:integer()" function. Not Schema dependent. atomicns predicatesns-9.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate, that uses the "xs:decimal()" function. Not Schema dependent. atomicns predicatesns-10.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate, that uses the "xs:float()" function. Not Schema dependent. atomicns predicatesns-11.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate, that uses the "xs:double()" function. Not Schema dependent. atomicns predicatesns-12.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate, that uses the "xs:boolean()" function. Not Schema dependent. atomicns predicatesns-13.txt Evaluation of a simple predicate, that uses the "xs:date()" function. Not Schema dependent. atomicns predicatesns-14.txt Predicate combined with 'treat as'. emptydoc K2-Predicates-1.txt Apply a predicate to directly constructed nodes. emptydoc K2-Predicates-2.txt Apply a predicate to directly constructed nodes. emptydoc K2-Predicates-3.txt Apply a predicate to directly constructed nodes. emptydoc K2-Predicates-4.txt Apply two identical numeric predicates after each other. emptydoc K2-Predicates-5.txt Apply a predicate to a node constructor. emptydoc K2-Predicates-6.txt Apply last() to ancestor-or-self within a predicate. emptydoc K2-Predicates-7.txt Use an axis step on an expression which has static type item(), from within a predicate. emptydoc K2-Predicates-8.txt Use an axis step on an expression which has static type item(), from within a path. emptydoc K2-Predicates-9.txt Unabbreviated Syntax Evaluates unabbreviated syntax - child::empnum - select empnum children of the context node. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-1.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax - child::* - select all element children of the context node. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-2.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax - child::text() - select all text node children of the context node. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-3.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax - child::node() - select all children of the context node. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-4.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax - child::node() - select all children of the context node. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-5.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax - parent::node() - Selects the parent of the context node. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-8.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax - descendant::empnum - Selects the "empnum" descendants of the context node. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-9.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax - descendant-or-self::employee - Selects all the "employee" descendant of the context node (selects employee, if the context node is "employee"). works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-12.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax - self::employee - Selects the context node, if it is an "employee" element, otherwise returns empty sequence. This test retuns an "employee" element. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-13.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax - self::hours - Selects the context node, if it is an "hours" element, otherwise returns empty sequence. This test retuns the empty sequence. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-14.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax child::employee/descendant:empnum- Selects the empnum element descendants of the employee element children of the context node. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-15.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax child::*/child:pnum)- Selects the pnum grandchildren of the context node. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-16.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax. Evaluate /descendant::pnum - Selects all the pnum elements in the same document as the context node. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-18.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax. Evaluate /descendant::employee/child::pnum selects all the pnum elements that have an "employee" parent and that are in the same document as the context node. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-19.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax. Evaluate "child::employee[fn:position() = 1]". Selects the first employee child of the context node. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-20.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax. Evaluate "child::employee[fn:position() = fn:last()]". Selects the last "employee" child of the context node. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-21.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax. Evaluate "child::employee[fn:position() = fn:last()-1]. Selects the previous to the last one "employee" child of the context node. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-22.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax. Evaluate "child::hours[fn:position() > 1]". Selects all the para children of the context node other than the first "hours" child of the context node. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-23.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax. Evaluate "/descendant::employee[fn:position() = 12]". Selects the twelfth employee element in the document containing the context node. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-26.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax. Evaluate "/child::works/child::employee[fn:position() = 5]/child::hours[fn:position() = 2]". Selects the second "hours" of the fifth "employee" of the "works" whose parent is the document node that contains the context node. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-27.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax. Evaluate "child::employee[attribute::name eq "Jane Doe 11"]". Selects all "employee" children of the context node that have a "name" attribute with value "Jane Doe 11". works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-28.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax. Evaluate "child::employee[attribute::gender eq 'female'][fn:position() = 5]". Selects the fifth employee child of the context node that has a gender attribute with value "female". works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-29.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax. Evaluate "child::employee[child::empnum = 'E3']". Selects the employee children of the context node that have one or more empnum children whose typed value is equal to the string "E3". works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-30.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax. Evaluate "child::employee[child::status]". Selects the employee children of the context node that have one or more status children. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-31.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax. Evaluate "child::*[self::pnum or self::empnum]". Selects the pnum and empnum children of the context node. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-32.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax. Evaluate "child::*[self::empnum or self::pnum][fn:position() = fn:last()]". Selects the last empnum or pnum child of the context node. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-33.txt Abbreviated Syntax Evaluates abbreviated syntax, "hours". Selects the "hours" element children of the context node. works-mod abbreviatedSyntax-1.txt Evaluates abbreviated syntax, "text()". Selects all text node children of the context node. works-mod abbreviatedSyntax-2.txt Evaluates abbreviated syntax, "@name". Selects the name attribute of the context node. works-mod abbreviatedSyntax-3.txt Evaluates abbreviated syntax, "employee[1]". Selects the first employee child of the context node. works-mod abbreviatedSyntax-5.txt Evaluates abbreviated syntax, "para[fn:last()]". Selects the last employee child of the context node. works-mod abbreviatedSyntax-6.txt Evaluates abbreviated syntax, "*/hours". Selects all hours grandchildren of the context node. works-mod abbreviatedSyntax-7.txt Evaluates abbreviated syntax, "/works/employee[5]/hours[2]". Selects the second hours of the fifth employee of the book whose parent is the document node that contains the context node. works-mod abbreviatedSyntax-8.txt Evaluates abbreviated syntax, "employee//hours". Selects the hours element descendants of the employee element children of the context node. works-mod abbreviatedSyntax-9.txt Evaluates abbreviated syntax, "//hours". Selects all the hours descendants of the root document node and thus selects all hours elements in the same document as the context node. works-mod abbreviatedSyntax-10.txt Evaluates abbreviated syntax, "//overtime/day". Selects all the day elements in the same document as the context node that have an overtime parent. works-mod abbreviatedSyntax-12.txt Evaluates abbreviated syntax, ".//day". Selects the day element descendants of the context node. works-mod abbreviatedSyntax-13.txt Evaluates abbreviated syntax, "..". Selects the parent of the context node. works-mod abbreviatedSyntax-14.txt Evaluates abbreviated syntax, "employee[@name="Jane Doe 11"]". Selects all employee children of the context node that have a name attribute with a value "Jane Doe 11". works-mod abbreviatedSyntax-16.txt Evaluates abbreviated syntax, "employee[@gender="female"][5]". Selects the fifth element child of the context node that has a gender attribute with value "female". works-mod abbreviatedSyntax-17.txt Evaluates abbreviated syntax, "employee[5][@gender="female"]". Selects the fifth employee child of the context node if that child has a gender attribute with value "female". works-mod abbreviatedSyntax-18.txt Evaluates abbreviated syntax, "employee[status="active"]". Selects the employee children of the context node that have one or more status children whose typed value is equal to the string "active". works-mod abbreviatedSyntax-19.txt Evaluates abbreviated syntax, "employee[overtime]". Selects the employee children of the context node that have one or more overtime children. works-mod abbreviatedSyntax-20.txt Evaluates abbreviated syntax, "employee[@name and @type]". Selects all the employee children of the context node that have both a name attribute and a type attribute. works-mod abbreviatedSyntax-21.txt Evaluates abbreviated syntax, "employee/(status|overtime)/day". Selects every day element that has a parent that is either a status or an overime element, that in turn is a child of an employee element that is a child of the context node. works-mod abbreviatedSyntax-22.txt Evaluates abbreviated syntax, "employee/(status|overtime)/day". Selects every day element that has a parent that is either a status or an overime element, that in turn is a child of an employee element that is a child of the context node. Uses "union" Operator. works-mod abbreviatedSyntax-24.txt Evaluates abbreviated syntax, "employee[@name=condition or @type=condition]". Selects all the employee children of the context node that have both a name attribute and a type attribute. Uses the "or" operator. works-mod abbreviatedSyntax-25.txt Focus is undefined inside user functions; '..' axis. emptydoc XPDY0002 Sequence Expressions Constructing Sequences Tests that construct sequences Comma Operator Tests that construct sequences using the comma operator Simple Sequence construction involving integers. emptydoc sequenceexpressionhc1.txt Simple Sequence construction involving nested sequences using integers. emptydoc sequenceexpressionhc2.txt Simple Sequence construction using the empty sequence. emptydoc sequenceexpressionhc3.txt Simple Sequence construction using the "to" operand. emptydoc sequenceexpressionhc4.txt Simple Sequence construction using a repeated element. emptydoc sequenceexpressionhc5.txt Simple Sequence expression resulting in an empty sequence. emptydoc sequenceexpressionhc6.txt Simple Sequence expression resulting on a sequence in reverse order. emptydoc sequenceexpressionhc7.txt Simple Sequence expression resulting by quering string data from xml source. works sequenceexpressionhc8.txt Simple sequence expression resulting by quering string data from multiple xml source. works staff sequenceexpressionhc9.txt Simple Sequence construction, where one of the members is an addition operation. emptydoc constSeq-1.txt Simple Sequence construction, where one of the members is a subtraction operation. emptydoc constSeq-2.txt Simple Sequence construction, where one of the members is a multiplication operation. emptydoc constSeq-3.txt Simple Sequence construction, where one of the members is a division (div) operation. emptydoc constSeq-4.txt Simple Sequence construction, where one of the members is a division (idiv) operation. emptydoc constSeq-5.txt Simple Sequence construction, where one of the members contains invocation to "fn:count" function. emptydoc constSeq-6.txt Simple Sequence construction, where one of the members contains invacotion to "fn:string-length" function. emptydoc constSeq-7.txt Simple Sequence construction, where both of its members contains invocation to "fn:true" function. emptydoc constSeq-8.txt Simple Sequence construction, where both of its members contains invocation to "fn:false" function. emptydoc constSeq-9.txt Simple Sequence construction, where both of its members contains invocation to "fn:not()" function. emptydoc constSeq-10.txt Simple Sequence construction, where one of its members contains a boolean (and) operation. emptydoc constSeq-11.txt Simple Sequence construction, where one of its members contains a boolean (or) operation. emptydoc constSeq-12.txt Simple Sequence construction, where one of its members contains invocation to "xs:string()". emptydoc constSeq-13.txt Simple Sequence construction, where one of its members contains invocation to "xs:integer()". emptydoc constSeq-14.txt Simple Sequence construction, where one of its members contains invocation to "xs:decimal()". emptydoc constSeq-15.txt Simple Sequence construction, where both of its members contains invocation to "xs:anyURI". emptydoc constSeq-16.txt Simple Sequence construction, where one of its members contains invocation to "xs:float()". emptydoc constSeq-17.txt Simple Sequence construction, where one of its members contains invocation to "xs:double()". emptydoc constSeq-18.txt Simple Sequence construction, where one of its members contains invocation to "xs:boolean()". emptydoc constSeq-19.txt Simple Sequence construction, where both of its members contains invocation to "xs:date()". emptydoc constSeq-20.txt Simple Sequence construction, where both of its members contains invocation to "xs:dateTime()". emptydoc constSeq-21.txt Simple Sequence construction, where both of its members contains invocation to "xs:time()". emptydoc constSeq-22.txt Arg1 and arg2 : sequence of number. emptydoc op-concatenate-mix-args-001.txt Arg1 and arg2 : string. emptydoc op-concatenate-mix-args-002.txt Args : string. emptydoc op-concatenate-mix-args-003.txt Args : string. emptydoc op-concatenate-mix-args-004.txt Arg1 : string, arg2:anyURI. emptydoc op-concatenate-mix-args-005.txt Arg1 : string, arg2:integer, arg3:anyURI. emptydoc op-concatenate-mix-args-006.txt Arg1 : anyURI, arg2: decimal. emptydoc op-concatenate-mix-args-007.txt Arg1 and arg2 : float. emptydoc op-concatenate-mix-args-008.txt Arg1:float, arg2: double. emptydoc op-concatenate-mix-args-009.txt Arg1: double, arg2: double, arg3:float. emptydoc op-concatenate-mix-args-010.txt Arg1:boolean, arg2: boolean, arg3: integer. emptydoc op-concatenate-mix-args-011.txt Arg1:boolean, arg2: boolean. emptydoc op-concatenate-mix-args-012.txt Iarg1:date, arg2: boolean, arg3: string. emptydoc op-concatenate-mix-args-013.txt Arg1:dateTime, arg2: empty sequence. emptydoc op-concatenate-mix-args-014.txt Arg1:time, arg2: string , arg3: decimal. emptydoc op-concatenate-mix-args-015.txt Arg1:empty seq, arg2: string , arg3: decimal. emptydoc op-concatenate-mix-args-016.txt Use simple arithmetic expression with concat. emptydoc op-concatenate-mix-args-017.txt Concat more than two sequences. emptydoc op-concatenate-mix-args-018.txt Use an external variable with op:concatenate. bib op-concatenate-mix-args-019.txt Use two external variables with op:contenate. bib op-concatenate-mix-args-020.txt A heavily nested sequence of expressions with the comma operator. On some implementations this triggers certain optimization paths. emptydoc K-commaOp-1.txt An expression sequence containing only empty sequences. On some implementations this triggers certain optimization paths. emptydoc K-commaOp-2.txt An expression sequence containing many empty sequences and one xs:string. On some implementations this triggers certain optimization paths. emptydoc K-commaOp-3.txt Range Expression Tests that construct sequences using the RangeExpr Simple range expression using positive integers. emptydoc rangeExpr-1.txt Evaluation of a range expression of length one containing the single integer 10. emptydoc rangeExpr-2.txt Evaluation of a range expression that results in the sequence of length zero. emptydoc rangeExpr-3.txt Evaluation of a range expression that in conjunction with the "reverse" function. emptydoc rangeExpr-4.txt Evaluation of a range expression that uses the empty sequence. emptydoc rangeExpr-5.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a range expression, where both operands are addition operations. emptydoc rangeExpr-6.txt Evaluation of a range expression, where the first operand are negative numbers. emptydoc rangeExpr-7.txt Evaluation of a range expression, where both operands are negative integers. emptydoc rangeExpr-8.txt Evaluation of a range expression, where the first operand is "xs:integer" function. emptydoc rangeExpr-9.txt Evaluation of a range expression, where the second operand is "xs:integer" function. emptydoc rangeExpr-10.txt Evaluation of a range expression, where both operands are "xs:integer" functions. emptydoc rangeExpr-11.txt Evaluation of a range expression, using the "fn:min" function. emptydoc rangeExpr-12.txt Evaluation of a range expression, using the "fn:max" function. emptydoc rangeExpr-13.txt Evaluation of a range expression, using the "fn:min" and "fn:max" functions. emptydoc rangeExpr-14.txt Evaluation of a range expression as an argument to the "fn:min" function. emptydoc rangeExpr-15.txt Evaluation of a range expression as an argument to the "fn:max" function. emptydoc rangeExpr-16.txt Evaluation of a range expression as an argument to the "fn:avg" function. emptydoc rangeExpr-17.txt Evaluation of a range expression as an argument to the "fn:count" function. emptydoc rangeExpr-18.txt Evaluation of a range expression, where the first operand is a multiplication operation. emptydoc rangeExpr-19.txt Evaluation of a range expression, where the second operand is a multiplication operation. emptydoc rangeExpr-20.txt Evaluation of a range expression, where both operands are multiplication operations. emptydoc rangeExpr-21.txt Evaluation of a range expression, where the first operand is a subtraction operation. emptydoc rangeExpr-22.txt Evaluation of a range expression, where the second operand is a subtraction operation. emptydoc rangeExpr-23.txt Evaluation of a range expression, where both operands are subtraction operations. emptydoc rangeExpr-24.txt Evaluation of a range expression, where the first operand is a division operation. emptydoc rangeExpr-25.txt Evaluation of a range expression, where the second operand is a division operation. emptydoc rangeExpr-26.txt Evaluation of a range expression, where both operands are division operations. emptydoc rangeExpr-27.txt Since the left operand has the static cardinality zero-or-more, implementations using the static typing feature may raise XPTY0004. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-1.txt XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `empty(30 to 3)`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-2.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(0 to -3)`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-3.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(1 to ())`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-4.txt XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `empty(() to 1)`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-5.txt XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `empty(-1 to -3)`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-6.txt A test whose essence is: `count(1 to 4) eq 4`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-7.txt A test whose essence is: `count(0 to 4) eq 5`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-8.txt A test whose essence is: `count(-5 to -0) eq 6`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-9.txt A test whose essence is: `count((10, 1 to 4)) eq 5`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-10.txt A test whose essence is: `subsequence(-3 to -1, 1, 1) eq -3`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-11.txt A test whose essence is: `subsequence(-3 to -1, 3, 1) eq -1`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-12.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(reverse(4 to 1))`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-13.txt A test whose essence is: `subsequence(reverse(1 to 3), 1, 1) eq 3`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-14.txt A test whose essence is: `subsequence(reverse(1 to 3), 3, 1) eq 1`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-15.txt A test whose essence is: `subsequence(reverse(1 to 4), 2, 1) eq 3`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-16.txt A test whose essence is: `subsequence(reverse(1 to 4), 3, 1) eq 2`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-17.txt A test whose essence is: `subsequence(reverse(-4 to -1), 2, 1) eq -2`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-18.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((-1, -2, -3, -4), reverse(-4 to -1))`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-19.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((), reverse(0 to -5))`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-20.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5), reverse(-5 to 0))`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-21.txt A test whose essence is: `count(reverse(-5 to -2)) eq 4`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-22.txt A test whose essence is: `count(reverse(-5 to -0)) eq 6`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-23.txt A test whose essence is: `count(reverse(1 to 4)) eq 4`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-24.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(1 to 0)`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-25.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(0 to -5)`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-26.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(-4 to -5)`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-27.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(reverse(1 to 0))`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-28.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(reverse(0 to -5))`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-29.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(reverse(-4 to -5))`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-30.txt A test whose essence is: `(remove((2.e0, 4), 1) treat as xs:integer to 4)`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-31.txt A test whose essence is: `(4 to remove((2e0, 4), 1) treat as xs:integer)`. emptydoc K-RangeExpr-32.txt A test whose essence is: `1.1 to 3`. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `3 to 1.1`. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `1.1 to 3.3`. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `1 + 1.1 to 5`. emptydoc XPTY0004 The range expression doesn't accept xs:double as operand. emptydoc XPTY0004 The range expression doesn't accept xs:double as operand. emptydoc XPTY0004 Combine with a for expression. emptydoc K2-RangeExpr-3.txt Expressions that are tricky for local rewrites. emptydoc K2-RangeExpr-4.txt Filter Expressions Simple tests to evaluate filter sequence expressions. Simple filter using data query from xml source and the "gt" operator. works filterexpressionhc1.txt Simple filter expression returning a sequence of integers between 1 and 25 divisible by 2. emptydoc filterexpressionhc2.txt Simple filter expression returning a single number. emptydoc filterexpressionhc3.txt Simple filter expression that queris xml source and uses a "|" operator. works filterexpressionhc4.txt Simple filter expression as a stept in aptah expression. It uses the "last" function. works filterexpressionhc5.txt Simple filter expression involving the "ge" operator. emptydoc filterexpressionhc6.txt Simple filter expression involving the "lt" operator. emptydoc filterexpressionhc7.txt Simple filter expression involving the "le" operator. emptydoc filterexpressionhc8.txt Simple filter expression involving the "eq" operator. emptydoc filterexpressionhc9.txt Simple filter expression involving the "ne" operator. emptydoc filterexpressionhc10.txt Simple filter expression involving a boolean "and" expression. emptydoc filterexpressionhc11.txt Simple filter expression involving a boolean "or" expression. emptydoc filterexpressionhc12.txt Simple filter expression involving a division expression. emptydoc filterexpressionhc13.txt Simple filter expression involving a multiplication expression. emptydoc filterexpressionhc14.txt Simple filter expression involving an addition expression. emptydoc filterexpressionhc15.txt Simple filter expression involving a subtraction expression. emptydoc filterexpressionhc16.txt Simple filter expression involving an integer division (idiv) expression. emptydoc filterexpressionhc17.txt Simple filter expression involving the use of and "xs:string" function. emptydoc filterexpressionhc18.txt Simple filter expression involving two simple predicates. emptydoc filterexpressionhc19.txt Simple filter expression involving two complex predicates. emptydoc filterexpressionhc20.txt Simple filter expression involving the "fn:true" function. emptydoc filterexpressionhc21.txt Simple filter expression involving the "fn:false" function. emptydoc filterexpressionhc22.txt XPST0005 Syntactically invalid predicate. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid predicate. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid predicate. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid predicate. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid predicate. emptydoc XPST0003 A test whose essence is: `empty((1, 2, 3)[0])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-6.txt A test whose essence is: `empty((1, 2, 3)[4])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-7.txt A test whose essence is: `empty((1, 2, 3)[0])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-8.txt A test whose essence is: `empty((1, 2, 3)[4])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-9.txt A test whose essence is: `empty((1, 2, 3)[0.1])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-10.txt A test whose essence is: `empty((1, 2, 3)[1.1])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-11.txt A test whose essence is: `empty((1, 2, 3)[1.01])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-12.txt A test whose essence is: `empty((1, 2, 3)[4])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-13.txt A test whose essence is: `empty((1, 2, 3)[4.1])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-14.txt A test whose essence is: `empty((1, 2, 3)[4.01])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-15.txt A test whose essence is: `not(empty((1, 2, 3)[1]))`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-16.txt A test whose essence is: `not(empty((1, 2, 3)[3]))`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-17.txt A test whose essence is: `(1, 2, 3)[1] eq 1`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-18.txt A test whose essence is: `(1, 2, 3)[1.0] eq 1`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-19.txt A test whose essence is: `(1, 2, 3)[1.0e0] eq 1`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-20.txt A test whose essence is: `(1, 2, 3)[3] eq 3`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-21.txt A test whose essence is: `(1, 2, 3)[3.0] eq 3`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-22.txt A test whose essence is: `(1, 2, 3)[3.0e0] eq 3`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-23.txt A test whose essence is: `(0, 1, 2)[1] eq 0`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-24.txt A test whose essence is: `(0, 1, 2)[2] eq 1`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-25.txt A test whose essence is: `(0, 1, 2)[3] eq 2`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-26.txt A test whose essence is: `(0)[1] eq 0`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-27.txt A test whose essence is: `0[1] eq 0`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-28.txt A test whose essence is: `(0, 1)[1] eq 0`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-29.txt A test whose essence is: `empty((1, 2, 3)[false()])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-30.txt XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3)[true()])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-31.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3)[. instance of xs:integer])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-32.txt The context item is used as the predicate, leading to a truth predicate. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-33.txt The context item is used as the predicate, leading to a numeric predicate. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-34.txt Source expression of a predicate doesn't have to use paranteses. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-35.txt Use fn:current-time() inside a predicate. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-36.txt One xs:anyURI value is a valid predicate. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-37.txt xs:anyURI values are invalid predicates. emptydoc FORG0006 xs:untypedAtomic literal as predicate. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-39.txt Multiple xs:untypedAtomic values is an invalid predicate. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `(0, 1, 2)[true()][1] eq 0`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-41.txt A test whose essence is: `(1, 2, 3)[position() eq 2 or position() eq 3][2] eq 3`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-42.txt A test whose essence is: `empty((1, 2, 3)[position() eq 2 or position() eq 3][3])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-43.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3)[2 or 3])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-44.txt A test whose essence is: `empty((1, 2, 3)[3][2])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-45.txt A test whose essence is: `empty((1, 2, 3)[3][0])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-46.txt An excessive nesting of various predicates. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-47.txt A large numeric xs:double predicate that evaluates to the empty sequence. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-48.txt A test whose essence is: `empty((0, 1, 2)[false()][1])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-49.txt XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `deep-equal(("a", "b", "c"), (0, 1, 2, "a", "b", "c")[. instance of xs:string])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-50.txt Filter a sequence with instance of and a second predicate. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-51.txt XPDY0050 Filter a sequence with instance of and a second predicate(#2). emptydoc K-FilterExpr-52.txt XPDY0050 Two predicates, where one leading to an invalid operator mapping in the second. emptydoc XPTY0004 Predicates in combination with the empty sequence. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-54.txt XPST0005 Predicates in combination with the empty sequence. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-55.txt XPST0005 Predicates in combination with the empty sequence. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-56.txt XPST0005 Predicates in combination with the empty sequence. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-57.txt XPST0005 Predicates in combination with the empty sequence. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-58.txt XPST0005 Predicates in combination with the empty sequence. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-59.txt XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3)[position() >= 1])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-60.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3)[3 >= position()])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-61.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3)[position() ge 1])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-62.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3)[3 ge position()])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-63.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((0, 1, 2), (0, 1, 2)[position() eq position()])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-64.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((0, 1, 2), (0, 1, 2)[position() = position()])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-65.txt A test whose essence is: `(0, 1, 2)[1 eq position()]`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-66.txt A test whose essence is: `(0, 1, 2)[3 eq position()]`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-67.txt A test whose essence is: `(0, 1, 2)[position() eq 3]`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-68.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3)[number(.)])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-69.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((1, 2), (0, 1, 2)[if(. eq 1) then 2 else 3])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-70.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((0, 1, 2), (0, 1, 2)[if(. eq 8) then "str" else position()])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-71.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((0, 1, 2), (0, 1, 2)[if(. eq 8) then 0 else position()])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-72.txt A test whose essence is: `(0, 1, 2)[last()]`. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4578 emptydoc K-FilterExpr-73.txt A test whose essence is: `(0, 1, "2")[last()]`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-74.txt fn:last() in predicate, leading to invalid operator mapping. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `empty((())[last()])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-76.txt XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `empty(()[last()])`. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-77.txt XPST0005 Predicates involving the focus' context item. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-78.txt Predicates involving the focus' context item. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-79.txt Predicates involving the focus' context item. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-80.txt Predicates involving the focus' context item. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-81.txt Type related predicate tests. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-82.txt XPTY0004 Type related predicate tests. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-83.txt XPTY0004 Type related predicate tests. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-84.txt XPTY0004 XPST0005 Type related predicate tests. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-85.txt XPTY0004 XPST0005 A predicate that never can match. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-86.txt A predicate that never can match. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-87.txt A truth predicate that never match. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-88.txt XPST0005 A truth predicate that always match. emptydoc K-FilterExpr-89.txt Nested predicate with multiple calls to fn:last(). emptydoc K-FilterExpr-90.txt A predicate whose expression EBV cannot be extracted from. emptydoc FORG0006 A predicate whose expression EBV cannot be extracted from. emptydoc FORG0006 A predicate whose expression EBV cannot be extracted from. emptydoc FORG0006 A predicate whose expression EBV cannot be extracted from. emptydoc FORG0006 Apply a predicate combined with last(), on a sequence constructed with an element constructor. emptydoc K2-FilterExpr-1.txt Apply a predicate combined with a numeric literal, on a sequence constructed with an element constructor. emptydoc K2-FilterExpr-2.txt An numeric predicate that is xs:decimal. emptydoc K2-FilterExpr-3.txt An numeric predicate that is xs:decimal, as part of a path expression. emptydoc K2-FilterExpr-4.txt XPST0005 Subsequent filter expressions, and node tests whose focus depends on where a variable is declared. emptydoc K2-FilterExpr-5.txt XPST0005 Subsequent filter expressions, and node tests whose focus depends on where a variable is declared(#2). emptydoc K2-FilterExpr-6.txt Use self::processing-instruction() in a filter predicate. emptydoc K2-FilterExpr-7.txt Use self::processing-instruction() in a filter predicate, combined with a treat as. emptydoc XPDY0050 Combining Node Sequences Tests for combining Sequences Simple combination of two node sequences involving integers and the "|" operator. works combiningnodeseqhc1.txt Simple combination of two node sequences involving integers and the "union" operator. works combiningnodeseqhc2.txt Simple combination of two node sequences involving integers, member repetition and the "|" operator. works combiningnodeseqhc3.txt Simple combination of two node sequences involving integers, member repetition and the "union" operator. works combiningnodeseqhc4.txt Simple combination of two node sequences involving integers, the empty sequence and the "|" operator. works combiningnodeseqhc5.txt Simple combination of two node sequences involving integers, the empty sequence and the "union" operator. works combiningnodeseqhc6.txt Simple combination of two node sequences involving multiple (different) children of the same xml data source and the "|" operator. works combiningnodeseqhc7.txt Simple combination of two node sequences involving multiple (different) children of the same xml data source and the "union" operator. works combiningnodeseqhc8.txt Simple combination of two node sequences involving multiple xml data sources and use of the "|" operator. works staff combiningnodeseqhc9.txt Simple combination of two node sequences involving multiple xml data sources and use of the "union" operator. works staff combiningnodeseqhc10.txt Simple combination of node sequences using integer data and the "except" operator. emptydoc combiningnodeseqexcepthc1.txt combiningnodeseqexcepthcalt1.txt Simple combination of node sequences using repetition of same data and the "except" operator. emptydoc combiningnodeseqexcepthc2.txt combiningnodeseqexcepthcalt2.txt Simple combination of node sequences using the empty sequence and the "except" operator. emptydoc combiningnodeseqexcepthc3.txt XPST0005 Simple combination of node sequences that results on the empty sequence and the "except" operator. works combiningnodeseqexcepthc4.txt Simple combination of node sequences that uses multiple (different) data sources and "except" operator. works staff combiningnodeseqexcepthc5.txt Simple combination of node sequences that uses multiple data sources, repetition of a sequence and the "except" operator. works staff combiningnodeseqexcepthc6.txt Simple combination of node sequences that that results in empty sequence. Use of the "intersect" operator. emptydoc combiningnodeseqintersecthc1.txt Simple combination of two empty sequence. Use of the "intersect" operator. emptydoc combiningnodeseqintersecthc2.txt XPST0005 Simple combination of the same sequence. Use of the "intersect" operator. works combiningnodeseqintersecthc3.txt Simple combination of non trivial sequences. Second sequence contains duplicate of first sequence. use the "intersect" operator. works staff combiningnodeseqintersecthc4.txt Operators Arithmetic Operators Arithmetic Operators on Numeric Values op:numeric-add Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(mid range) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-addint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(mid range) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addintg2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addintg2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-addintg2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addintg2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(mid range) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-adddec2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-adddec2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-adddec2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-adddec2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(mid range) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-adddbl2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-adddbl2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-adddbl2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-adddbl2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(mid range) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addflt2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addflt2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-addflt2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addflt2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(mid range) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addlng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addlng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-addlng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addlng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addusht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addusht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addusht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-addusht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addusht2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addnint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addnint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-addnint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addnint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addpint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addpint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addpint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-addpint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addpint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addulng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addulng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addulng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-addulng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addulng2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addnpi2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addnpi2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-addnpi2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addnpi2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addnni2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addnni2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addnni2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-addnni2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addnni2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(mid range) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addsht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addsht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-addsht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-add" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-addsht2args-4.txt Simple addition test with () as one operand should return null. emptydoc op-numeric-addmix2args-1.txt XPST0005 Simple addition test pass string for second operator. emptydoc XPTY0004 Simple addition test, second operator cast string to integer. emptydoc op-numeric-addmix2args-3.txt Simple addition test, second operator is a node, atomization applied. emptydoc op-numeric-addmix2args-4.txt Simple addition test, second operator is a node, atomization applied. emptydoc op-numeric-addmix2args-5.txt Simple addition test, second operator node which is not atomizable. emptydoc FORG0001 Simple addition test, two operands are nodes. emptydoc op-numeric-addmix2args-7.txt Simple addition test, second operator is a node, atomizable but not castable to integer. emptydoc FORG0001 Simple addition test pass an empty node for second operator. emptydoc FORG0001 Simple addition operation for the derived types long and unsignedLong. emptydoc op-numeric-add-derived-1.txt Simple addition operation for the derived types positiveInteger and nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc op-numeric-add-derived-2.txt Simple addition operation for the derived types nonNegativeInteger and short. emptydoc op-numeric-add-derived-3.txt Simple addition operation for the derived types short and long. emptydoc op-numeric-add-derived-4.txt Simple addition operation for the derived types positiveInteger and negativeInteger. emptydoc op-numeric-add-derived-5.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double(6) + xs:double(2) eq 8`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-1.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:decimal(6) + xs:decimal(2) eq 8`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-2.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:decimal(6.1) + xs:decimal(2.1) eq 8.2`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-3.txt A test whose essence is: `1.1 + 2.2 eq 3.3`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-4.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double(1.1) + xs:double(2.2) ne 3.3`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-5.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float(1.1) + xs:float(2.2) ne 3.3`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-6.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:integer(6) + xs:integer(2) eq 8`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-7.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float(6) + xs:float(2) eq 8`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-8.txt A test whose essence is: `string(xs:float("NaN") + 3) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-9.txt A test whose essence is: `string(xs:double("NaN") + 3) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-10.txt A test whose essence is: `string(3 + xs:float("NaN")) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-11.txt A test whose essence is: `string(3 + xs:double("NaN")) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-12.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) + xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-13.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) + xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-14.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) + xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-15.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) + xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-16.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) + xs:float(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-17.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) + xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-18.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) + xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-19.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) + xs:float(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-20.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) + xs:float(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-21.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) + xs:double(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-22.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) + xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-23.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) + xs:float(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-24.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) + xs:double(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-25.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) + xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-26.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) + xs:double(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-27.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) + xs:double(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-28.txt Test parser handles '+' operator with critical whitespace. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-29.txt Test parser handles '+' operator with critical whitespace(#2). emptydoc K-NumericAdd-30.txt Invoke operator '+' where one of the operands is of type none. emptydoc FOER0000 Invoke operator '+' where one of the operands is of type none. emptydoc FOER0000 Invoke operator '+' where one of the operands is of type none. emptydoc FOER0000 Invoke operator '+' where one of the operands is of type none. emptydoc FOER0000 XPST0005 Invoke operator '+' where one of the operands is of type none. emptydoc FOER0000 XPST0005 Invoke operator '+' where one of the operands is of type none. emptydoc FOER0000 Arithmethics involving operands of integer type but with wrong cardinality. emptydoc XPTY0004 Arithmethics involving operands of integer type but with wrong cardinality. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-38.txt XPTY0004 Arithmethics involving operands of integer type but with wrong cardinality. emptydoc XPTY0004 XPST0005 Arithmethics involving operands of integer type but with wrong cardinality. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-40.txt XPTY0004 XPST0005 Number addition with error() as the left operand. emptydoc FOER0000 XPST0005 Number addition with error() as the right operand. emptydoc FOER0000 Invoke the '+' operator with invalid operands. emptydoc XPTY0004 Invoke the '+' operator with invalid operands. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `(3 + xs:untypedAtomic("3")) eq 6`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-45.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:untypedAtomic("3") + 3.0) eq 6`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-46.txt Complex combination of numeric arithmetics in order to stress operator precedence. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-47.txt Complex combination of numeric arithmetics in order to stress operator precedence. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-48.txt Complex combination of numeric arithmetics in order to stress operator precedence. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-49.txt Operand(s) which are the empty sequence. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-50.txt XPST0005 Implementations supporting the static typing feature may raise XPTy0004. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-51.txt XPTY0004 Implementations supporting the static typing feature may raise XPTy0004. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-52.txt XPTY0004 Implementations supporting the static typing feature may raise XPTy0004. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-53.txt XPTY0004 Implementations supporting the static typing feature may raise XPTy0004. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-54.txt XPTY0004 Implementations supporting the static typing feature may raise XPTy0004. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-55.txt XPTY0004 Implementations supporting the static typing feature may raise XPTy0004. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-56.txt XPTY0004 Implementations supporting the static typing feature may raise XPTy0004. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-57.txt XPTY0004 Implementations supporting the static typing feature may raise XPTy0004. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-58.txt XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `xs:untypedAtomic("3") + 3 eq 6`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-59.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:untypedAtomic("3") + 3) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-60.txt A test whose essence is: `(remove((5, 1e0), 2) + 1) eq 6`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-61.txt XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `(1 + remove((5, 1e0), 2)) eq 6`. emptydoc K-NumericAdd-62.txt XPTY0004 Invoke operator '+' where one of the operands, using subsequence(), evaluates to an invalid cardinality. emptydoc XPTY0004 Invoke operator '+' where one of the operands, using subsequence(), evaluates to an invalid cardinality. emptydoc XPTY0004 Invoke operator '+' where one of the operands is a string. emptydoc XPTY0004 Invoke operator '+' where one of the operands is a string. emptydoc XPTY0004 Arithmethics involving operands of integer type but where both have wrong cardinality. emptydoc XPTY0004 Arithmetics where the operands are directly constructed nodes. emptydoc K2-NumericAdd-2.txt Arithmetics where the operands are directly constructed attributes. emptydoc K2-NumericAdd-3.txt Check dynamic type of add on arguments of union of numeric types and untypedAtomic. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6160 op-numeric-add-1.txt op:numeric-subtract Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(mid range) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractintg2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(mid range) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractintg2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractintg2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractintg2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractintg2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractdec2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(mid range) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractdec2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractdec2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractdec2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractdec2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractdbl2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(mid range) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractdbl2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractdbl2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractdbl2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractdbl2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractflt2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(mid range) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractflt2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractflt2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractflt2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractflt2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractlng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(mid range) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractlng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractlng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractlng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractlng2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractusht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractusht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractusht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractusht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractusht2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractnint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractnint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractpint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractpint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractpint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractulng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractulng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractulng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractulng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractulng2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractnpi2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractnpi2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractnpi2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractnpi2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractnpi2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractnni2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractnni2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractnni2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractnni2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractnni2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractsht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(mid range) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractsht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractsht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractsht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-subtract" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-subtractsht2args-5.txt Simple subtraction test with () as one operand should return null. emptydoc op-numeric-subtractmix2args-1.txt XPST0005 Simple subtraction test pass string for second operator. emptydoc XPTY0004 Simple subtraction test, second operator cast string to integer. emptydoc op-numeric-subtractmix2args-3.txt Simple subtraction test, second operator is a node, atomization applied. emptydoc op-numeric-subtractmix2args-4.txt Simple subtraction test, second operator is a node, atomization applied. emptydoc op-numeric-subtractmix2args-5.txt Simple subtraction test, second operator node which is not atomizable. emptydoc FORG0001 Simple subtraction test, two operands are nodes. emptydoc op-numeric-subtractmix2args-7.txt Simple subtraction test, second operator is a node, atomizable but not castable to integer. emptydoc FORG0001 Simple subtraction test pass an empty node for second operator. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `xs:double(6) - xs:double(2) eq 4`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-1.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:decimal(6) - xs:decimal(2) eq 4`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-2.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:integer(6) - xs:integer(2) eq 4`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-3.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float(5) - xs:float(1) eq 4`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-4.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) - xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-5.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) - xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-6.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) - xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-7.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) - xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-8.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) - xs:float(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-9.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) - xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-10.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) - xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-11.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) - xs:float(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-12.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) - xs:float(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-13.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) - xs:double(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-14.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) - xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-15.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) - xs:float(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-16.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) - xs:double(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-17.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) - xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-18.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) - xs:double(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-19.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) - xs:double(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-20.txt A test whose essence is: `string(xs:float("NaN") - 3) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-21.txt A test whose essence is: `string(xs:double("NaN") - 3) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-22.txt A test whose essence is: `string(3 - xs:float("NaN")) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-23.txt A test whose essence is: `string(3 - xs:double("NaN")) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-24.txt Invoke the '-' operator with invalid operands. emptydoc XPTY0004 Invoke the '-' operator with invalid operands. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `(xs:untypedAtomic("3") - 3) eq 0`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-27.txt A test whose essence is: `(3 - xs:untypedAtomic("3")) eq 0`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-28.txt Operand(s) which are the empty sequence. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-29.txt XPST0005 Operand(s) which are the empty sequence. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-30.txt XPST0005 Operand(s) which are the empty sequence. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-31.txt XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `(xs:untypedAtomic("3") - xs:untypedAtomic("3")) eq 0`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-32.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:untypedAtomic("3") - xs:untypedAtomic("3")) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-33.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:untypedAtomic("3") - 1.1) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-34.txt A test whose essence is: `(1.1 - xs:untypedAtomic("3")) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-35.txt Substracting zero, with complex operands. Implementations supporting the static typing feature may raise XPTY0004. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-36.txt XPTY0004 Adding zero, with complex operands. Implementations supporting the static typing feature may raise XPTY0004. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-37.txt XPTY0004 Adding zero, with complex operands. Implementations supporting the static typing feature may raise XPTY0004. emptydoc K-NumericSubtract-38.txt XPTY0004 Substract xs:double(0) from xs:integer(0). emptydoc K2-NumericSubtract-1.txt Substract xs:double(0) from xs:integer(0). emptydoc K2-NumericSubtract-2.txt Check dynamic type of subtract on arguments of union of numeric types and untypedAtomic. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6160 op-numeric-subtract-1.txt op:numeric-multiply Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplydec2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(mid range) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplydec2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplydec2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplydec2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplydec2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplydbl2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(mid range) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplydbl2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplydbl2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplydbl2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplydbl2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplyflt2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(mid range) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplyflt2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplyflt2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplyflt2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplyflt2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplyusht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplyusht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplyusht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplyusht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplyusht2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplypint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplypint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplypint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplypint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplypint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplyulng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplyulng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplyulng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplyulng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplyulng2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplynpi2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplynpi2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplynni2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplynni2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplynni2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplynni2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-multiply" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-multiplynni2args-5.txt Simple multiplication test with () as one operand should return null. emptydoc op-numeric-multiplymix2args-1.txt XPST0005 Simple multiplication test pass string for second operator. emptydoc XPTY0004 Simple multiplication test, second operator cast string to integer. emptydoc op-numeric-multiplymix2args-3.txt Simple multiplication test, second operator is a node, atomization applied. emptydoc op-numeric-multiplymix2args-4.txt Simple multiplication test, second operator is a node, atomization applied. emptydoc op-numeric-multiplymix2args-5.txt Simple multiplication test, second operator node which is not atomizable. emptydoc FORG0001 Simple multiplication test, two operands are nodes. emptydoc op-numeric-multiplymix2args-7.txt Simple multiplication test, second operator is a node, atomizable but not castable to integer. emptydoc FORG0001 Simple multiplication test pass an empty node for second operator. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `xs:double(6) * xs:double(2) eq 12`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-1.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:decimal(6) * xs:decimal(2) eq 12`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-2.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:integer(6) * xs:integer(2) eq 12`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-3.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float(6) * xs:float(2) eq 12`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-4.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) * xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-5.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) * xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-6.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) * xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-7.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) * xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-8.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) * xs:float(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-9.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) * xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-10.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) * xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-11.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) * xs:float(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-12.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) * xs:float(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-13.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) * xs:double(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-14.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) * xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-15.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) * xs:float(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-16.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) * xs:double(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-17.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) * xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-18.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) * xs:double(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-19.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) * xs:double(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-20.txt A test whose essence is: `string(xs:float("NaN") * 3) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-21.txt A test whose essence is: `string(xs:double("NaN") * 3) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-22.txt A test whose essence is: `string(3 * xs:float("NaN")) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-23.txt A test whose essence is: `string(3 * xs:double("NaN")) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-24.txt Invalid whitespace involving multiplication operator and '/'. emptydoc XPST0003 Invalid whitespace involving multiplication operator and '/'. emptydoc XPST0003 Invalid whitespace involving multiplication operator and '/'. emptydoc XPST0003 Invoke the '*' operator with invalid operands. emptydoc XPTY0004 Invoke the '*' operator with invalid operands. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `(3 * xs:untypedAtomic(3)) eq 9`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-30.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:untypedAtomic(3) * 3) eq 9`. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-31.txt Operand(s) which are the empty sequence. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-32.txt XPST0005 Operand(s) which are the empty sequence. emptydoc K-NumericMultiply-33.txt XPST0005 Check dynamic type of multiply on arguments of union of numeric types and untypedAtomic. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6160 op-numeric-multiply-1.txt op:numeric-divide Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-divideint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(mid range) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-divideint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-divideint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-divideint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-divideint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-divideintg2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(mid range) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-divideintg2args-2.txt op-numeric-divideintg2argsalt-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-divideintg2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-divideintg2args-4.txt op-numeric-divideintg2argsalt-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-divideintg2args-5.txt Evaluates the type of the result of "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with both arguments of type xs:integer. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5601 emptydoc op-numeric-divideintg2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividedec2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(mid range) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividedec2args-2.txt op-numeric-dividedec2argsalt-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividedec2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-dividedec2args-4.txt op-numeric-dividedec2argsalt-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividedec2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividedbl2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(mid range) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividedbl2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividedbl2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividedbl2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-divideflt2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(mid range) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-divideflt2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-divideflt2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-divideflt2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividelng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(mid range) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividelng2args-2.txt op-numeric-dividelng2argsalt-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividelng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-dividelng2args-4.txt op-numeric-dividelng2argsalt-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividelng2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-divideusht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-divideusht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividenint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividenint2args-2.txt op-numeric-dividenint2argsalt-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividenint2args-3.txt op-numeric-dividenint2args-3-2.txt op-numeric-dividenint2argsalt-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-dividenint2args-4.txt op-numeric-dividenint2argsalt-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividenint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividepint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividepint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividepint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-dividepint2args-4.txt op-numeric-dividepint2argsalt-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividepint2args-5.txt op-numeric-dividepint2args-5-2.txt op-numeric-dividepint2argsalt-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-divideulng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-divideulng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividenpi2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividenpi2args-2.txt op-numeric-dividenpi2argsalt-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividenpi2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-dividenpi2args-4.txt op-numeric-dividenpi2argsalt-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-dividenni2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividenni2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividesht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(mid range) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividesht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividesht2args-3.txt op-numeric-dividesht2argsalt-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-dividesht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-dividesht2args-5.txt op-numeric-dividesht2args-5-2.txt op-numeric-dividesht2argsalt-5.txt Simple division test with () as one operand should return null. emptydoc op-numeric-dividemix2args-1.txt XPST0005 Simple division test pass string for second operator. emptydoc XPTY0004 Simple division test, second operator cast string to integer. emptydoc op-numeric-dividemix2args-3.txt Simple division test, second operator is a node, atomization applied. emptydoc op-numeric-dividemix2args-4.txt Simple division test, second operator is a node, atomization applied. emptydoc op-numeric-dividemix2args-5.txt Simple division test, second operator node which is not atomizable. emptydoc FORG0001 Simple division test, two operands are nodes. emptydoc op-numeric-dividemix2args-7.txt Simple division test, second operator is a node, atomizable but not castable to integer. emptydoc FORG0001 Simple division test pass an empty node for second operator. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `xs:double(6) div xs:double(2) eq 3`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-1.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:decimal(6) div xs:decimal(2) eq 3`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-2.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:integer(6) div xs:integer(2) eq 3`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-3.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float(6) div xs:float(2) eq 3`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-4.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double(5) div xs:double(2) eq 2.5`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-5.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double(5) div xs:double(2) ne 2.6`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-6.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float(5) div xs:float(2) eq 2.5`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-7.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float(5) div xs:float(2) ne 2.6`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-8.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:integer(5) div xs:integer(2) eq 2.5`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-9.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:integer(5) div xs:integer(2) ne 2.6`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-10.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:decimal(5) div xs:decimal(2) eq 2.5`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-11.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:decimal(5) div xs:decimal(2) ne 2.6`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-12.txt A test whose essence is: `5 div 2 ne 2.6`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-13.txt A test whose essence is: `5.0 div 2.0 eq 2.5`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-14.txt A test whose essence is: `5.0 div 2.0 ne 2.6`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-15.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) div xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-16.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) div xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-17.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) div xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-18.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) div xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-19.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) div xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-20.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) div xs:float(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-21.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) div xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-22.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) div xs:float(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-23.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) div xs:float(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-24.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) div xs:double(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-25.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) div xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-26.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) div xs:float(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-27.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) div xs:double(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-28.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) div xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-29.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) div xs:double(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-30.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) div xs:double(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-31.txt Invoke the 'div operator with invalid operands. emptydoc XPTY0004 Invoke the 'div' operator with invalid operands. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(3) div xs:untypedAtomic("3")) eq 1`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-34.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:untypedAtomic("3") div xs:double(3)) eq 1`. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-35.txt Invalid whitespace for the 'div' operator. emptydoc XPST0003 Invalid whitespace for the 'div' operator. emptydoc XPST0003 Invalid whitespace for the 'div' operator. emptydoc XPST0003 Operand(s) which are the empty sequence. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-39.txt XPST0005 Operand(s) which are the empty sequence. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-40.txt XPST0005 Operand(s) which are the empty sequence. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-41.txt XPST0005 Operand(s) which are the empty sequence. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-42.txt XPST0005 Operand(s) which are the empty sequence. emptydoc K-NumericDivide-43.txt XPST0005 Divide by 0. emptydoc FOAR0001 Divide by 0.0. emptydoc FOAR0001 Divide by +0.0. emptydoc FOAR0001 Divide by -0.0. emptydoc FOAR0001 Divide by 0e0. emptydoc K2-NumericDivide-5.txt Divide -1 by 0e0. emptydoc K2-NumericDivide-6.txt Divide by xs:float(0). emptydoc K2-NumericDivide-7.txt Divide -1 by xs:float(0). emptydoc K2-NumericDivide-8.txt Divide +0e0 with -0e0. emptydoc K2-NumericDivide-9.txt Divide +0e0 with +0e0. emptydoc K2-NumericDivide-10.txt Divide -0e0 with -0e0. emptydoc K2-NumericDivide-11.txt Divide -0e0 with +0e0. emptydoc K2-NumericDivide-12.txt Divide +3 with +0e0. emptydoc K2-NumericDivide-13.txt Divide -3 with +0e0. emptydoc K2-NumericDivide-14.txt Divide +3 with -0e0. emptydoc K2-NumericDivide-15.txt Divide -3 with -0e0. emptydoc K2-NumericDivide-16.txt Ensure the 'div' keyword is parsed correctly. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5601 emptydoc K2-NumericDivide-17.txt Check dynamic type of divide on arguments of union of numeric types and untypedAtomic. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6160 op-numeric-divide-1.txt op:numeric-integer-divide Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-divideint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(mid range) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-divideint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-divideint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-divideint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-divideint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-divideintg2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(mid range) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-divideintg2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-divideintg2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-divideintg2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-divideintg2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividedec2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(mid range) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividedec2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividedec2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividedec2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividedec2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividelng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(mid range) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividelng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividelng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividelng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividelng2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-divideusht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-divideusht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividenint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividenint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividenint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividenint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividenint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividepint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividepint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividepint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividepint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividepint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-divideulng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-divideulng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividenpi2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividenpi2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividenpi2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividenpi2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividenni2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividenni2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividesht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(mid range) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividesht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividesht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividesht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividesht2args-5.txt Simple integer division test with () as one operand should return null. emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividemix2args-1.txt XPST0005 Simple integer division test pass string for second operator. emptydoc XPTY0004 Simple integer division test, second operator cast string to integer. emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividemix2args-3.txt Simple integer division test, second operator is a node, atomization applied. emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividemix2args-4.txt Simple integer division test, second operator is a node, atomization applied. emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividemix2args-5.txt Simple integer division test, second operator node which is not atomizable. emptydoc FORG0001 Simple integer division test, two operands are nodes. emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividemix2args-7.txt Simple integer division test, second operator is a node, atomizable but not castable to integer. emptydoc FORG0001 Simple integer division test pass an empty node for second operator. emptydoc FORG0001 If the divisor is zeri, then an error is raised. emptydoc FOAR0001 Evaluation of "numeric-integer-divide" operator when one operand is set to NaN. emptydoc FOAR0002 A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) idiv xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-1.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) idiv xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-2.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) idiv xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-3.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) idiv xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-4.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) idiv xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-5.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) idiv xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-6.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) idiv xs:float(2)) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-7.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) idiv xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-8.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) idiv xs:float(2)) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-9.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) idiv xs:float(2)) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-10.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) idiv xs:double(2)) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-11.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) idiv xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-12.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) idiv xs:float(2)) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-13.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) idiv xs:double(2)) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-14.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) idiv xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-15.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) idiv xs:double(2)) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-16.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) idiv xs:double(2)) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-17.txt A test whose essence is: `10 idiv 3 eq 3`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-18.txt A test whose essence is: `3 idiv -2 eq -1`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-19.txt A test whose essence is: `-3 idiv 2 eq -1`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-20.txt A test whose essence is: `-3 idiv -2 eq 1`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-21.txt A test whose essence is: `5.0 idiv 2.0 eq 2`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-22.txt A test whose essence is: `9.0 idiv 3 eq 3`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-23.txt A test whose essence is: `-3.5 idiv 3 eq -1`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-24.txt A test whose essence is: `3.0 idiv 4 eq 0`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-25.txt A test whose essence is: `3.1E1 idiv 6 eq 5`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-26.txt A test whose essence is: `3.1E1 idiv 7 eq 4`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-27.txt A test whose essence is: `(1.1 idiv 1) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-28.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(1.1) idiv 1.1) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-29.txt A test whose essence is: `3 idiv 1.1 eq 2`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-30.txt A test whose essence is: `1 idiv xs:float("NaN")`. emptydoc FOAR0002 A test whose essence is: `xs:float("NaN") idiv 1`. emptydoc FOAR0002 A test whose essence is: `xs:float("INF") idiv xs:float(3)`. emptydoc FOAR0002 A test whose essence is: `xs:float("-INF") idiv xs:float(3)`. emptydoc FOAR0002 A test whose essence is: `xs:float("3") idiv xs:float("INF") eq xs:float(0)`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-35.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float("3") idiv xs:float("-INF") eq xs:float(0)`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-36.txt A test whose essence is: `1 idiv xs:double("NaN")`. emptydoc FOAR0002 A test whose essence is: `xs:double("NaN") idiv 1`. emptydoc FOAR0002 A test whose essence is: `xs:double("INF") idiv xs:double(3)`. emptydoc FOAR0002 A test whose essence is: `xs:double("-INF") idiv xs:double(3)`. emptydoc FOAR0002 A test whose essence is: `xs:double("3") idiv xs:double("INF") eq xs:double(0)`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-41.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double("3") idiv xs:double("-INF") eq xs:double(0)`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-42.txt Invalid whitespace for the 'idiv' operator. emptydoc XPST0003 Invalid whitespace for the 'idiv' operator. emptydoc XPST0003 Invalid whitespace for the 'idiv' operator. emptydoc XPST0003 Invoke the 'idiv operator with invalid operands. emptydoc XPTY0004 Invoke the 'idiv' operator with invalid operands. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `(xs:untypedAtomic("9") idiv xs:float(5)) eq 1`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-48.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(9) idiv xs:untypedAtomic("5")) eq 1`. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-49.txt Invoke 'idiv' where an untypedAtomic conversion fails. emptydoc FORG0001 Invoke 'idiv' where an untypedAtomic conversion fails. emptydoc FORG0001 Operand(s) which are the empty sequence. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-52.txt XPST0005 Operand(s) which are the empty sequence. emptydoc K-NumericIntegerDivide-53.txt XPST0005 Integer divide by 0. emptydoc FOAR0001 Integer divide by 0.0. emptydoc FOAR0001 Integer divide by +0.0. emptydoc FOAR0001 Integer divide by -0.0. emptydoc FOAR0001 Integer divide by 0e0. emptydoc FOAR0001 Integer divide -1 by 0e0. emptydoc FOAR0001 Integer divide by xs:float(0). emptydoc FOAR0001 Integer divide -1 by xs:float(0). emptydoc FOAR0001 Integer divide with operands of type xs:float. Raise [err:FOAR0002]. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3847 emptydoc FOAR0002 Integer divide with operands of type xs:float. Raise [err:FOAR0002]. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3847 emptydoc FOAR0002 Integer divide with operands of type xs:float. Raise [err:FOAR0001]. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3847 emptydoc FOAR0001 Integer divide with operands of type xs:float. Raise [err:FOAR0001]. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3847 emptydoc FOAR0001 Evaluates The "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with both arguments of type xs:float. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3847 emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividefloat2args-5.txt Integer divide with operands of type xs:double. Raise [err:FOAR0002]. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3847 emptydoc FOAR0002 Integer divide with operands of type xs:double. Raise [err:FOAR0002]. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3847 emptydoc FOAR0002 Integer divide with operands of type xs:double. Raise [err:FOAR0001]. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3847 emptydoc FOAR0001 Integer divide with operands of type xs:double. Raise [err:FOAR0001]. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3847 emptydoc FOAR0001 Evaluates The "op:numeric-integer-divide" operator with both arguments of type xs:double. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3847 emptydoc op-numeric-integer-dividedouble2args-5.txt op:numeric-mod Evaluates the "op:numeric-mod" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-modint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-mod" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-modintg2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-mod" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-modintg2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-mod" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-moddec2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-mod" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-moddec2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-mod" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-moddbl2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-mod" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-modflt2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-mod" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-modlng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-mod" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-modusht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-mod" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-modusht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-mod" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-modpint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-mod" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-modpint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-mod" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-modpint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-mod" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-modpint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-mod" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-modpint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-mod" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-modulng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-mod" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-modulng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-mod" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-modnni2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-mod" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-modnni2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-mod" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-modsht2args-1.txt Simple mod test with () as one operand should return null. emptydoc op-numeric-modmix2args-1.txt XPST0005 Simple mod test pass string for second operator. emptydoc XPTY0004 Simple mod test, second operator cast string to integer. emptydoc op-numeric-modmix2args-3.txt Simple mod test, second operator is a node, atomization applied. emptydoc op-numeric-modmix2args-4.txt Simple mod test, second operator is a node, atomization applied. emptydoc op-numeric-modmix2args-5.txt Simple mod test, second operator node which is not atomizable. emptydoc FORG0001 Simple mod test, two operands are nodes. emptydoc op-numeric-modmix2args-7.txt Simple mod test, second operator is a node, atomizable but not castable to integer. emptydoc FORG0001 Simple mod test pass an empty node for second operator. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) mod xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-NumericMod-1.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) mod xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-NumericMod-2.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) mod xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-NumericMod-3.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) mod xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-NumericMod-4.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) mod xs:float(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericMod-5.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) mod xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericMod-6.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) mod xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericMod-7.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) mod xs:float(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericMod-8.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) mod xs:float(2)) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-NumericMod-9.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(6) mod xs:double(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericMod-10.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) mod xs:decimal(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericMod-11.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) mod xs:float(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericMod-12.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:float(6) mod xs:double(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericMod-13.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) mod xs:integer(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericMod-14.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:integer(6) mod xs:double(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericMod-15.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:double(6) mod xs:double(2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NumericMod-16.txt A test whose essence is: `10 mod 3 eq 1`. emptydoc K-NumericMod-17.txt A test whose essence is: `6 mod -2 eq 0`. emptydoc K-NumericMod-18.txt A test whose essence is: `4.5 mod 1.2 eq 0.9`. emptydoc K-NumericMod-19.txt A test whose essence is: `1.23E2 mod 0.6E1 eq 3.0E0`. emptydoc K-NumericMod-20.txt Invalid whitespace for the 'mod' operator. emptydoc XPST0003 Invalid whitespace for the 'mod' operator. emptydoc XPST0003 Invalid whitespace for the 'mod' operator. emptydoc XPST0003 Invoke the 'mod operator with invalid operands. emptydoc XPTY0004 Invoke the 'mod operator with invalid operands. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `(xs:untypedAtomic("5") mod xs:double(3)) eq 2`. emptydoc K-NumericMod-26.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(5) mod xs:untypedAtomic("3")) eq 2`. emptydoc K-NumericMod-27.txt Operand(s) which are the empty sequence. emptydoc K-NumericMod-28.txt XPST0005 Operand(s) which are the empty sequence. emptydoc K-NumericMod-29.txt XPST0005 Divisor is small negative xs:integer. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-1.txt Divisor is small negative xs:decimal. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-2.txt Divisor is small negative xs:double. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-3.txt Divisor is small negative xs:float. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-4.txt Divisor is large negative xs:integer. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-5.txt FOAR0002 Divisor is large negative xs:decimal. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-6.txt Divisor is large negative xs:double. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-7.txt FOAR0002 Divisor is large negative xs:float. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-8.txt FOAR0002 Left op is xs:float/NaN. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-9.txt Right op is xs:float/NaN. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-10.txt Both ops are xs:float/NaN. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-11.txt Left op is xs:double/NaN. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-12.txt Right op is xs:double/NaN. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-13.txt Both ops are xs:double/NaN. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-14.txt Left op is xs:double/positive INF. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-15.txt Right op is xs:double/positive INF. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-16.txt Both ops are xs:double/positive INF. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-17.txt Left op is xs:double/-INF. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-18.txt Right op is xs:double/-INF. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-19.txt Both ops are xs:double/-INF. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-20.txt Left op is xs:double/positive 0. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-21.txt Right op is xs:double/positive 0. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-22.txt Both ops are xs:double/positive 0. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-23.txt Left op is xs:double/-0. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-24.txt Right op is xs:double/-0. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-25.txt Both ops are xs:double/-0. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-26.txt Left op is xs:float/positive INF. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-27.txt Right op is xs:float/positive INF. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-28.txt Both ops are xs:float/positive INF. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-29.txt Left op is xs:float/-INF. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-30.txt Right op is xs:float/-INF. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-31.txt Both ops are xs:float/-INF. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-32.txt Left op is xs:float/positive 0. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-33.txt Right op is xs:float/positive 0. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-34.txt Both ops are xs:float/positive 0. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-35.txt Left op is xs:float/-0. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-36.txt Right op is xs:float/-0. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-37.txt Both ops are xs:float/-0. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-38.txt Left op is xs:float/-0. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-39.txt Left op is xs:float/0. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-40.txt Left op is xs:double/-0. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-41.txt Left op is xs:double/0. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-42.txt Left op is xs:float/-0 with INF as divisor. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-43.txt Left op is xs:float/0 with INF as divisor. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-44.txt Left op is xs:double/-0 with INF as divisor. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-45.txt Left op is xs:double/0 with INF as divisor. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-46.txt Left op is xs:float/-0 with -INF as divisor. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-47.txt Left op is xs:float/0 with -INF as divisor. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-48.txt Left op is xs:double/-0 with -INF as divisor. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-49.txt Left op is xs:double/0 with -INF as divisor. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-50.txt Trival mod with xs:double. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-51.txt Trival mod with xs:double(#2). emptydoc K2-NumericMod-52.txt Trival mod with xs:double(#3). emptydoc K2-NumericMod-53.txt Trival mod with xs:double(#4). emptydoc K2-NumericMod-54.txt Trival mod with xs:float. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-55.txt Trival mod with xs:float(#2). emptydoc K2-NumericMod-56.txt Trival mod with xs:float(#3). emptydoc K2-NumericMod-57.txt Trival mod with xs:float(#4). emptydoc K2-NumericMod-58.txt Divide xs:integer by 0. emptydoc FOAR0001 Divide an xs:decimal by 0. emptydoc FOAR0001 Divide xs:integer by 0.0. emptydoc FOAR0001 Ensure the 'div' keyword is parsed correctly. emptydoc K2-NumericMod-62.txt Check dynamic type of mod on arguments of union of numeric types and untypedAtomic. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6160 op-numeric-mod-1.txt op:numeric-unary-plus Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusintg1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusdec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusdec1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusdec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusdbl1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusdbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusdbl1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusflt1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusflt1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-pluslng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-pluslng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-pluslng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plususht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plususht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plususht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusnint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusnint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusnint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-pluspint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-pluspint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-pluspint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusulng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusulng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusnpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusnpi1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusnpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusnni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusnni1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plusnni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plussht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plussht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-plus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-plussht1args-3.txt No unary operator is available for xs:string. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `(+3) eq 3`. emptydoc K-NumericUnaryPlus-2.txt A test whose essence is: `(+3) eq +3`. emptydoc K-NumericUnaryPlus-3.txt A test whose essence is: `(+3) eq +(3)`. emptydoc K-NumericUnaryPlus-4.txt A test whose essence is: `+(3) eq 3`. emptydoc K-NumericUnaryPlus-5.txt A test whose essence is: `+(3) eq +3`. emptydoc K-NumericUnaryPlus-6.txt A test whose essence is: `-(3) ne 3`. emptydoc K-NumericUnaryPlus-7.txt A test whose essence is: `----------3 eq 3`. emptydoc K-NumericUnaryPlus-8.txt A test whose essence is: `+++++++++++3 eq 3`. emptydoc K-NumericUnaryPlus-9.txt A test whose essence is: `-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-3 eq 3`. emptydoc K-NumericUnaryPlus-10.txt A test whose essence is: `-+-+-+-+-+-++-+-++-+-+-+-+++3 eq 3`. emptydoc K-NumericUnaryPlus-11.txt A test whose essence is: `+++3 eq ++3`. emptydoc K-NumericUnaryPlus-12.txt Unary combined with path expressions. emptydoc K2-NumericUnaryPlus-1.txt Unary with an empty sequence. emptydoc K2-NumericUnaryPlus-2.txt Check dynamic type of unary plus on argument of union of numeric types and untypedAtomic. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6160 op-numeric-unary-plus-1.txt op:numeric-unary-minus Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusintg1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusdec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusdec1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusdec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusdbl1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusdbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusdbl1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusflt1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusflt1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minuslng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minuslng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minuslng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minususht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minususht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minususht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusnint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusnint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusnint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minuspint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minuspint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minuspint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusulng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusulng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusnpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusnpi1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusnpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusnni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusnni1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minusnni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minussht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minussht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-unary-minus" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-unary-minussht1args-3.txt No unary operator is available for xs:string. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `+(-3) eq -3`. emptydoc K-NumericUnaryMinus-2.txt A test whose essence is: `(-3) eq -3`. emptydoc K-NumericUnaryMinus-3.txt A test whose essence is: `(+3) ne -3`. emptydoc K-NumericUnaryMinus-4.txt A test whose essence is: `-3 eq -3`. emptydoc K-NumericUnaryMinus-5.txt A test whose essence is: `+(-3) eq -3`. emptydoc K-NumericUnaryMinus-6.txt A test whose essence is: `-(+3) eq -3`. emptydoc K-NumericUnaryMinus-7.txt A test whose essence is: `-(3) eq -3`. emptydoc K-NumericUnaryMinus-8.txt A test whose essence is: `-(3) eq -3`. emptydoc K-NumericUnaryMinus-9.txt A test whose essence is: `---------3 eq -3`. emptydoc K-NumericUnaryMinus-10.txt A test whose essence is: `+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+3 eq -3`. emptydoc K-NumericUnaryMinus-11.txt A test whose essence is: `----+-+-++-+-+-+-+++-+--+--3 eq -3`. emptydoc K-NumericUnaryMinus-12.txt A test whose essence is: `---3 eq -3`. emptydoc K-NumericUnaryMinus-13.txt Operand is constructor function for xs:double. emptydoc K2-NumericUnaryMinus-1.txt Operand is constructor function for xs:float. emptydoc K2-NumericUnaryMinus-2.txt Operand is constructor function for xs:decimal. emptydoc K2-NumericUnaryMinus-3.txt Operand is constructor function for xs:integer. emptydoc K2-NumericUnaryMinus-4.txt -0.0. emptydoc K2-NumericUnaryMinus-5.txt Cast -0.0 to xs:float. emptydoc K2-NumericUnaryMinus-6.txt Cast -0.0 to xs:double. emptydoc K2-NumericUnaryMinus-7.txt Unary combined with path expressions. emptydoc K2-NumericUnaryMinus-8.txt Unary with an empty sequence. emptydoc K2-NumericUnaryMinus-9.txt A tricky operand, which requires various forms of argument conversion. emptydoc K2-NumericUnaryMinus-10.txt Check dynamic type of unary minus on argument of union of numeric types and untypedAtomic. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6160 op-numeric-unary-minus-1.txt Arithmetic Operators on Duration Values op:add-yearMonthDurations Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDurations" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDurations2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDurations" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDurations2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDurations" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDurations2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDurations" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDurations2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDurations" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDurations2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDurations" operator as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDurations-1.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDurations" operator as part of a boolean expression (and operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDurations-2.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDurations" opeartor as part of a boolean expression (or operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDurations-3.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDurations" operator used in conjunction with the "fn:not" function. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDurations-4.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDurations" operator as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDurations-5.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDurations" operator as an argument to the "fn:number" function. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDurations-6.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDurations" operator as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDurations-7.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDurations" operator that returns a negative value. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDurations-8.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDurations" operator, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDurations-9.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDurations" operator as part of an "or" expression. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDurations-10.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDurations" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDurations-11.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDurations" function used in conjunction with a boolean expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDurations-12.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDurations" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDurations-13.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDurations" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDurations-14.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDurations" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDurations-15.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDurations" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDurations-16.txt Simple test of adding an xs:yearMonthDuration with P0M. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationAdd-1.txt Simple test of adding P0M with an xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationAdd-2.txt Simple test of adding two arbitrary xs:yearMonthDurations. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationAdd-3.txt op:subtract-yearMonthDurations Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDurations" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDurations2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDurations" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDurations2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDurations" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDurations2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDurations" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDurations2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDurations" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDurations2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDurations" operator as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDurations-1.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDurations" operator as part of a boolean expression (and operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDurations-2.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDurations" opeartor as part of a boolean expression (or operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDurations-3.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDurations" operator used in conjunction with the "fn:not" function. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDurations-4.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDurations" operator as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDurations-5.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDurations" operator as an argument to the "fn:number" function. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDurations-6.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDurations" operator as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDurations-7.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDurations" operator that returns a negative value. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDurations-8.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDurations" operator, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDurations-9.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDurations" operator as part of an "or" expression. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDurations-10.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDurations" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDurations-11.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDurations" function used in conjunction with a boolean expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDurations-12.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDurations" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDurations-13.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDurations" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDurations-14.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDurations" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDurations-15.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDurations" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDurations-16.txt Simple test of substraction an xs:yearMonthDuration with P0M. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationSubtract-1.txt Simple test of substraction P0M with an xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationSubtract-2.txt Simple test of substraction two arbitrary xs:yearMonthDurations. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationSubtract-3.txt The addition operator is not available between xs:dayTimeDuration and xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The addition operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The addition operator is not available between xs:duration and xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The addition operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The addition operator is not available between xs:dayTimeDuration and xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The addition operator is not available between xs:duration and xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 op:multiply-yearMonthDuration Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" operator as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4621 emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration-1.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" operator as part of a boolean expression (and operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration-2.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" opeartor as part of a boolean expression (or operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration-3.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" operator used in conjunction with the "fn:not" function. emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration-4.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration-5.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:number" function. emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration-6.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration-7.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" operator that returns a negative value. emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration-8.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" operator, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration-9.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" operator as part of an "or" expression. emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration-10.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration-11.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" function used in conjunction with a boolean expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration-12.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration-13.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration-14.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration-15.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration-16.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" operator multiplied by +0. emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration-17.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" operator multiplied by +0. emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration-18.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" operator, with $arg2 set to NAN, should raise error. emptydoc FOCA0005 Tests rounding of the result of the "op:multiply-yearMonthDuration" operator. See erratum E12. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4621 emptydoc op-multiply-yearMonthDuration-20.txt Simple test of multiplying a xs:yearMonthDuration with 3. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationMultiply-1.txt Simple test of multiplying 3 with xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationMultiply-2.txt Simple test of multiplying 0 with xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationMultiply-3.txt Simple test of multiplying a xs:yearMonthDuration with 0. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationMultiply-4.txt Simple test of multiplying a xs:yearMonthDuration with INF. emptydoc FODT0002 Simple test of multiplying a xs:yearMonthDuration with -INF. emptydoc FODT0002 Simple test of multiplying a xs:yearMonthDuration with NaN. emptydoc FOCA0005 The multiplication operator is not available between xs:duration and xs:integer. emptydoc XPTY0004 The multiplication operator is not available between xs:integer and xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The multiplication operator is not available between xs:dayTimeDuration and xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The multiplication operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The multiplication operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The multiplication operator is not available between xs:dayTimeDuration and xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 op:divide-yearMonthDuration Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration" operator as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-1.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration" operator as part of a boolean expression (and operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-2.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration" opeartor as part of a boolean expression (or operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-3.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration" operator used in conjunction with the "fn:not" function. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-4.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-5.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:number" function. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-6.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-7.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration" operator that returns a negative value. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-8.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration" operator, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-9.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration" operator as part of an "or" expression. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-10.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-11.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration" function used in conjunction with a boolean expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-12.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-13.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-14.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-15.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-16.txt Tests rounding behaviour for the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration" function, see erratum FO.E12. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4621 emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-17.txt Simple test of dividing a xs:yearMonthDuration with 3. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationDivide-1.txt Simple test of dividing a xs:yearMonthDuration with xs:double('-INF'). emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationDivide-2.txt Simple test of dividing a xs:yearMonthDuration with xs:double('INF'). emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationDivide-3.txt Simple test of dividing a xs:yearMonthDuration with 0. emptydoc FODT0002 Simple test of dividing a xs:yearMonthDuration with NaN. emptydoc FOCA0005 Simple test of dividing a xs:yearMonthDuration with xs:double('-0'). emptydoc FODT0002 op:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration" operator as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yMD-1.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration" operator as part of a boolean expression (and operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yMD-2.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration" opeartor as part of a boolean expression (or operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yMD-3.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration" operator used in conjunction with the "fn:not" function. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yMD-4.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yMD-5.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:number" function. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yMD-6.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yMD-7.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration" operator that returns a negative value. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yMD-8.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration" operator, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yMD-9.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration" operator as part of an "or" expression. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yMD-10.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yMD-11.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration" function used in conjunction with a boolean expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yMD-12.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yMD-13.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yMD-14.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yMD-15.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yearMonthDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-divide-yearMonthDuration-by-yMD-16.txt Simple test of dividing a xs:yearMonthDuration with xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationDivideYMD-1.txt op:add-dayTimeDurations Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDurations" operator with the arguments set as follows: Sarg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDurations2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDurations" operator with the arguments set as follows: Sarg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDurations2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDurations" operator with the arguments set as follows: Sarg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDurations2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDurations" operator with the arguments set as follows: Sarg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDurations2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDurations" operator with the arguments set as follows: Sarg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDurations2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDurations" operator as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDurations-1.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDurations" operator as part of a boolean expression (and operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDurations-2.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDurations" opeartor as part of a boolean expression (or operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDurations-3.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDurations" operator used in conjunction with the "fn:not" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDurations-4.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDurations" operator as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDurations-5.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDurations" operator as an argument to the "fn:number" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDurations-6.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDurations" operator as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDurations-7.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDurations" operator that returns a negative value. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDurations-8.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDurations" operator, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDurations-9.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDurations" operator as part of an "or" expression. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDurations-10.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDurations" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDurations-11.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDurations" function used in conjunction with a boolean expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDurations-12.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDurations" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDurations-13.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDurations" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDurations-14.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDurations" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDurations-15.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDurations" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDurations-16.txt Simple test of adding an xs:dayTimeDuration with PT0S. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationAdd-1.txt Simple test of substraction PT0S with an xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationAdd-2.txt Simple test of adding two arbitrary xs:yearMonthDurations. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationAdd-3.txt op:subtract-dayTimeDurations Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDurations" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDurations2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDurations" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDurations2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDurations" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDurations2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDurations" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDurations2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDurations" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDurations2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDurations" operator as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDurations-1.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDurations" operator as part of a boolean expression (and operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDurations-2.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDurations" opeartor as part of a boolean expression (or operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDurations-3.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDurations" operator used in conjunction with the "fn:not" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDurations-4.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDurations" operator as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDurations-5.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDurations" operator as an argument to the "fn:number" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDurations-6.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDurations" operator as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDurations-7.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDurations" operator that returns a negative value. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDurations-8.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDurations" operator, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDurations-9.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDurations" operator as part of an "or" expression. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDurations-10.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDurations" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDurations-11.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDurations" function used in conjunction with a boolean expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDurations-12.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDurations" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDurations-13.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDurations" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDurations-14.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDurations" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDurations-15.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDurations" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDurations-16.txt Simple test of substraction an xs:dayTimeDuration with PT0S. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationSubtract-1.txt Simple test of substraction PT0S with an xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationSubtract-2.txt Simple test of substraction two arbitrary xs:dayTimeDurations. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationSubtract-3.txt The substraction operator is not available between xs:dayTimeDuration and xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The substraction operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The substraction operator is not available between xs:duration and xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The substraction operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The substraction operator is not available between xs:dayTimeDuration and xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The substraction operator is not available between xs:duration and xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Ensure that a value from current-time() can be extracted. emptydoc K2-DayTimeDurationSubtract-1.txt Ensure that a value from current-dateTime() can be extracted. emptydoc K2-DayTimeDurationSubtract-2.txt op:multiply-dayTimeDuration Evaluates the "op:multiply-dayTimeDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-multiply-dayTimeDuration2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-dayTimeDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-multiply-dayTimeDuration2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-dayTimeDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-multiply-dayTimeDuration2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-dayTimeDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc op-multiply-dayTimeDuration2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-dayTimeDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc op-multiply-dayTimeDuration2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-dayTimeDuration" operator as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-multiply-dayTimeDuration-1.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-dayTimeDuration" operator as part of a boolean expression (and operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-multiply-dayTimeDuration-2.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-dayTimeDuration" opeartor as part of a boolean expression (or operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-multiply-dayTimeDuration-3.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-dayTimeDuration" operator used in conjunction with the "fn:not" function. emptydoc op-multiply-dayTimeDuration-4.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-dayTimeDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc op-multiply-dayTimeDuration-5.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-dayTimeDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:number" function. emptydoc op-multiply-dayTimeDuration-6.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-dayTimeDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc op-multiply-dayTimeDuration-7.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-dayTimeDuration" operator that returns a negative value. emptydoc op-multiply-dayTimeDuration-8.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-dayTimeDuration" operator, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc op-multiply-dayTimeDuration-9.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-dayTimeDuration" operator as part of an "or" expression. emptydoc op-multiply-dayTimeDuration-10.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-dayTimeDuration" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc op-multiply-dayTimeDuration-11.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-dayTimeDuration" function used in conjunction with a boolean expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc op-multiply-dayTimeDuration-12.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-dayTimeDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-multiply-dayTimeDuration-13.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-dayTimeDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-multiply-dayTimeDuration-14.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-dayTimeDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc op-multiply-dayTimeDuration-15.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-dayTimeDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-multiply-dayTimeDuration-16.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-dayTimeDuration" operator multiplied by -0. emptydoc op-multiply-dayTimeDuration-17.txt Evaluates the "op:multiply-dayTimeDuration" operator multiplied by -0. emptydoc op-multiply-dayTimeDuration-18.txt Simple test of multiplying a xs:dayTimeDuration with 3. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationMultiply-1.txt Simple test of multiplying 3 with xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationMultiply-2.txt Simple test of multiplying a xs:dayTimeDuration with 0. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationMultiply-3.txt Simple test of multiplying 0 with xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationMultiply-4.txt Simple test of multiplying a xs:dayTimeDuration with -0. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationMultiply-5.txt Simple test of multiplying -0 with xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationMultiply-6.txt Simple test of multiplying a xs:dayTimeDuration with INF. emptydoc FODT0002 Simple test of multiplying a xs:dayTimeDuration with -INF. emptydoc FODT0002 Simple test of multiplying a xs:dayTimeDuration with NaN. emptydoc FOCA0005 op:divide-dayTimeDuration Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration" operator as part of a boolean expression (and operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-2.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration" opeartor as part of a boolean expression (or operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-3.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration" operator used in conjunction with the "fn:not" function. emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-4.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-5.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:number" function. emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-6.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-7.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration" operator that returns a negative value. emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-8.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration" operator, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-9.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration" operator as part of an "or" expression. emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-10.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-11.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration" function used in conjunction with a boolean expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-12.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-13.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-14.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-15.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-16.txt Simple test of dividing a xs:dayTimeDuration with 4. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationDivide-1.txt Simple test of dividing a xs:dayTimeDuration with xs:double('-INF'). emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationDivide-2.txt Simple test of dividing a xs:dayTimeDuration with xs:double('INF'). emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationDivide-3.txt Simple test of dividing a xs:dayTimeDuration with 0. emptydoc FODT0002 Simple test of dividing a xs:dayTimeDuration with NaN. emptydoc FOCA0005 Simple test of dividing a xs:dayTimeDuration with xs:double('-0'). emptydoc FODT0002 The division operator is not available between xs:duration and xs:integer. emptydoc XPTY0004 The division operator is not available between xs:integer and xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The division operator is not available between xs:integer and xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The division operator is not available between xs:integer and xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The division operator is not available between xs:dayTimeDuration and xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The division operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The division operator is not available between xs:duration and xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The division operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The division operator is not available between xs:dayTimeDuration and xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The division operator is not available between xs:duration and xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 op:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration" operator as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dTD-1.txt op-divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dTD-1alt.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration" operator as part of a boolean expression (and operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dTD-2.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration" opeartor as part of a boolean expression (or operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dTD-3.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration" operator used in conjunction with the "fn:not" function. emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dTD-4.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dTD-5.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:number" function. emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dTD-6.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dTD-7.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration" operator that returns a negative value. emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dTD-8.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration" operator, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dTD-9.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration" operator as part of an "or" expression. emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dTD-10.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dTD-11.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration" function used in conjunction with a boolean expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dTD-12.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dTD-13.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dTD-14.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dTD-15.txt Evaluates the "op:divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dayTimeDuration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-divide-dayTimeDuration-by-dTD-16.txt Simple test of dividing a xs:dayTimeDuration with xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationDivideDTD-1.txt Arithmetic Operators on Duration and Date Time Values op:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration Evaluates the "op:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-subtract-dateTimes-yielding-DTD-1.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator whose value include a timezone of "+5:00". emptydoc op-subtract-dateTimes-yielding-DTD-2.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator whose value includes a timezone of "-6:00". emptydoc op-subtract-dateTimes-yielding-DTD-3.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator used in conjunction with the "fn:not" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dateTimes-yielding-DTD-4.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dateTimes-yielding-DTD-5.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:number" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dateTimes-yielding-DTD-6.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dateTimes-yielding-DTD-7.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator that returns a negative value. emptydoc op-subtract-dateTimes-yielding-DTD-8.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc op-subtract-dateTimes-yielding-DTD-9.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator as part of an "or" expression. emptydoc op-subtract-dateTimes-yielding-DTD-10.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator as part of a "div" expression. emptydoc op-subtract-dateTimes-yielding-DTD-11.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator used in conjunction with a boolean expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dateTimes-yielding-DTD-12.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dateTimes-yielding-DTD-13.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dateTimes-yielding-DTD-14.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dateTimes-yielding-DTD-15.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dateTimes-yielding-DTD-16.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator as part of a boolean expression (and operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dateTimes-yielding-DTD-17.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator as part of a boolean expression (or operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dateTimes-yielding-DTD-18.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator as part of a multiplication expression ("*" operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dateTimes-yielding-DTD-19.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dateTimes-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator as part of an addition expression ("+" operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dateTimes-yielding-DTD-20.txt Simple testing involving operator '-' between xs:date and xs:date that evaluates to zero. emptydoc K-dateTimesSubtract-1.txt The '+' operator is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'div' operator is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 The '*' operator is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'mod' operator is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 The '-' operator is not available between xs:dayTimeDuration and xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 op:subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration Evaluates the "op:subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-subtract-dates-yielding-DTD-1.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator as per example 2 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-subtract-dates-yielding-DTD-2.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator as per example 3 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-subtract-dates-yielding-DTD-3.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator used in conjunction with the "fn:not" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dates-yielding-DTD-4.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dates-yielding-DTD-5.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:number" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dates-yielding-DTD-6.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dates-yielding-DTD-7.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator that returns a negative value. emptydoc op-subtract-dates-yielding-DTD-8.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc op-subtract-dates-yielding-DTD-9.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator as part of an "or" expression. emptydoc op-subtract-dates-yielding-DTD-10.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator as part of a "div" expression. emptydoc op-subtract-dates-yielding-DTD-11.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator used in conjunction with a boolean expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dates-yielding-DTD-12.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dates-yielding-DTD-13.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dates-yielding-DTD-14.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dates-yielding-DTD-15.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dates-yielding-DTD-16.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator as part of a boolean expression (and operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dates-yielding-DTD-17.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator as part of a boolean expression (or operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dates-yielding-DTD-18.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator as part of a multiplication expression ("*" operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dates-yielding-DTD-19.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dates-yielding-dayTimeDuration" operator as part of an addition expression ("+" operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dates-yielding-DTD-20.txt Simple testing involving operator '-' between xs:date and xs:date. emptydoc K-DatesSubtract-1.txt Simple testing involving operator '-' between xs:date and xs:date that evaluates to zero. emptydoc K-DatesSubtract-2.txt The '+' operator is not available between xs:date and xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'div' operator is not available between xs:date and xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 The '*' operator is not available between xs:date and xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'mod' operator is not available between xs:date and xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 op:subtract-times Evaluates the "op:subtract-times" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-times2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-times" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(mid range) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-times2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-times" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-times2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-times" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(mid range). emptydoc op-subtract-times2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-times" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(upper bound). emptydoc op-subtract-times2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-times" operator as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-subtract-times-1.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-times" operator as as per example 2 (for this function) of the Functions and operators spec. emptydoc op-subtract-times-2.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-times" opeartor as per example 3 (for this function) from Functions and Operators specs. emptydoc op-subtract-times-3.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-times" operator used in conjunction with the "fn:not" function. emptydoc op-subtract-times-4.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-times" operator as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc op-subtract-times-5.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-times" operator as an argument to the "fn:number" function. emptydoc op-subtract-times-6.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-times" operator as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc op-subtract-times-7.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-times" operator that returns a negative value. emptydoc op-subtract-times-8.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-times" operator, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc op-subtract-times-9.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-times" operator as part of an "or" expression. emptydoc op-subtract-times-10.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-times" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc op-subtract-times-11.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-times" function used in conjunction with a boolean expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc op-subtract-times-12.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-times" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-subtract-times-13.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-times" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-subtract-times-14.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-times" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc op-subtract-times-15.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-times" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-subtract-times-16.txt Simple testing involving operator '-' between xs:time and xs:time. emptydoc K-TimeSubtract-1.txt Simple testing involving operator '-' between xs:time and xs:time, that evaluates to zero. emptydoc K-TimeSubtract-2.txt The '-' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 The '-' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 The '+' operator is not available between xs:time and xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 The '+' operator is not available between xs:time and xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 The '-' operator is not available between xs:time and xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'mod' operator is not available between xs:time and xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(mid range) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime" operator as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime-1.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime" operator as part of a boolean expression (and operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime-2.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime" operator as part of a boolean expression (or operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime-3.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime" operator used in conjunction with the "fn:not" function. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime-4.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime" operator as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTimealt-5.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime" operator as an argument to the "fn:number" function. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime-6.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime" operator as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime-7.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime" operator that returns a negative value. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime-8.txt op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTimealt-8.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime" operator, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime-9.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime" operator as part of an "or" expression. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime-10.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime" operator used in conjunction with a boolean expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime-12.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime-13.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime-14.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime-15.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime-16.txt Simple testing involving operator '+' between xs:dateTime and xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationAddDT-1.txt Simple testing involving operator '+' between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:dateTime. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationAddDT-2.txt The '+' operator is not available between xs:date and xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 The '+' operator is not available between xs:time and xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 The '+' operator is not available between xs:date and xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 The '+' operator is not available between xs:time and xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime" operator as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime-1.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime" operator as part of a boolean expression (and operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime-2.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime" opeartor as part of a boolean expression (or operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime-3.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime" operator used in conjunction with the "fn:not" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime-4.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime" operator as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime-5.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime" operator as an argument to the "fn:number" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime-6.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime" operator as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime-7.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime" operator that returns a negative value. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime-8.txt op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTimealt-8.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime" operator, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime-9.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime" operator as part of an "or" expression. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime-10.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime" function used in conjunction with a boolean expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime-12.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime-13.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime-14.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime-15.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime-16.txt The '+' operator is not available between xs:date and xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 The '+' operator is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 The '+' operator is not available between xs:time and xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 The '+' operator is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime" operator with the arguments set as follows: arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime" operator with the arguments set as follows: arg1 = xs:dateTime(mid range) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime" operator with the arguments set as follows: arg1 = xs:dateTime(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime" operator with the arguments set as follows: arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime" operator with the arguments set as follows: arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime2args-5.txt op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime2argsalt-5.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime" operator as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime-1.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime" operator as part of a boolean expression (and operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime-2.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime" operator as part of a boolean expression (or operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime-3.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime" operator used in conjunction with the "fn:not" function. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime-4.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime" operator as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime-5.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime" operator as an argument to the "fn:number" function. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime-6.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime" operator as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime-7.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime" operator that returns a negative value. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime-8.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime" operator, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime-9.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime" operator as part of an "or" expression. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime-10.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime" operator used in conjunction with a boolean expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime-12.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime-13.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime-14.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime-15.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime-16.txt Simple testing involving operator '-' between xs:dateTime and xs:yearMonthDuration that evaluates to zero. emptydoc K-DateTimeSubtractYMD-1.txt op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime" operator as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime-1.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime" operator as part of a boolean expression (and operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime-2.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime" opeartor as part of a boolean expression (or operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime-3.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime" operator used in conjunction with the "fn:not" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime-4.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime" operator as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime-5.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime" operator as an argument to the "fn:number" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime-6.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime" operator as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime-7.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime" operator that returns a negative value. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime-8.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime" operator, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime-9.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime" operator as part of an "or" expression. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime-10.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime" function used in conjunction with a boolean expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime-12.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime-13.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime-14.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime-15.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime-16.txt op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-date2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(mid range) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-date2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-date2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-date2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-date2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date" operator as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-date-1.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date" operator as part of a boolean expression (and operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-date-2.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date" operator as part of a boolean expression (or operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-date-3.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date" operator used in conjunction with the "fn:not" function. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-date-4.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date" operator as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-date-5.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date" operator as an argument to the "fn:number" function. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-date-6.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date" operator as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-date-7.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date" operator that returns a negative value. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-date-8.txt op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-datealt-8.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date" operator, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-date-9.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date" operator as part of an "or" expression. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-date-10.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date" operator used in conjunction with a boolean expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-date-12.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-date-13.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-date-14.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-date-15.txt Evaluates the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-date" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-add-yearMonthDuration-to-date-16.txt Simple testing involving operator '+' between xs:date and xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc K-DateAddYMD-1.txt Simple testing involving operator '+' between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:date. emptydoc K-DateAddYMD-2.txt The '-' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 The '-' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-date2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-date2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-date2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-date2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-date2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date" operator as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-date-1.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date" operator as part of a boolean expression (and operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-datealt-2.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date" opeartor as part of a boolean expression (or operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-date-3.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date" operator used in conjunction with the "fn:not" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-date-4.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date" operator as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-date-5.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date" operator as an argument to the "fn:number" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-date-6.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date" operator as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-date-7.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date" operator that returns a negative value. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-date-8.txt op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-datealt-8.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date" operator, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-date-9.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date" operator as part of an "or" expression. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-date-10.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date" function used in conjunction with a boolean expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-date-12.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-date-13.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-date-14.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-date-15.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-date-16.txt Simple testing involving operator '+' between xs:date and xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-DateAddDTD-1.txt Simple testing involving operator '+' between xs:dayTimeDuration and xs:date. emptydoc K-DateAddDTD-2.txt op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(mid range) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date2args-5.txt op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date2argsalt-5.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date" operator as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date-1.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date" operator as per example 2 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date-2.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date" operator as per example 3 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date-3.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date" operator used in conjunction with the "fn:not" function. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date-4.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date" operator as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date-5.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date" operator as an argument to the "fn:number" function. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date-6.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date" operator as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date-7.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date" operator that returns a negative value. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date-8.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date" operator, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date-9.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date" operator as part of an "or" expression. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date-10.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date" operator used in conjunction with a boolean expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date-12.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date-13.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date-14.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date-15.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date" operator, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date-16.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date" operator as part of a boolean expression (and operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date-17.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date" operator as part of a boolean expression (or operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-date-18.txt Simple testing involving operator '-' between xs:date and xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc K-DateSubtractYMD-1.txt op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date" operator as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date-1.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date" operator as part of a boolean expression (and operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date-2.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date" opeartor as part of a boolean expression (or operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date-3.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date" operator used in conjunction with the "fn:not" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date-4.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date" operator as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date-5.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date" operator as an argument to the "fn:number" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date-6.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date" operator as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date-7.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date" operator that returns a negative value. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date-8.txt op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-datealt-8.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date" operator, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date-9.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date" operator as part of an "or" expression. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date-10.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date" function used in conjunction with a boolean expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date-12.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date-13.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date-14.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date-15.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-date-16.txt Simple testing involving operator '-' between xs:date and xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-DateSubtractDTD-1.txt op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-time2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-time2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-time2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-time2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-time2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time" operator as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-time-1.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time" operator as per example 2 (for this operator) from the F and O Specs. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-time-2.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time" opeartor as part of a boolean expression (or operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-time-3.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time" operator used in conjunction with the "fn:not" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-time-4.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time" operator as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-time-5.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time" operator as an argument to the "fn:number" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-time-6.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time" operator as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-time-7.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time" operator that returns a negative value. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-time-8.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time" operator, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-time-9.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time" operator as part of an "or" expression. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-time-10.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time" function used in conjunction with a boolean expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-timealt-12.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-time-13.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-time-14.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-time-15.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-time-16.txt Evaluates the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-time" operator as part of a boolean expression (and operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-add-dayTimeDuration-to-time-17.txt Simple testing involving operator '+' between xs:time and xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-TimeAddDTD-1.txt Simple testing involving operator '+' between xs:dayTimeDuration and xs:time. emptydoc K-TimeAddDTD-2.txt No '+' operator is available between xs:time and xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time" operator as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time-1.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time" operator as part of a boolean expression (and operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time-2.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time" opeartor as part of a boolean expression (or operator) and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time-3.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time" operator used in conjunction with the "fn:not" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time-4.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time" operator as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time-5.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time" operator as an argument to the "fn:number" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time-6.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time" operator as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time-7.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time" operator that returns a negative value. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time-8.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time" operator, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time-9.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time" operator as part of an "or" expression. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time-10.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time" function used in conjunction with a boolean expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time-12.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time-13.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time-14.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time-15.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time-16.txt Evaluates the "op:subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-time-17.txt Simple testing involving operator '-' between xs:time and xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-TimeSubtractDTD-1.txt The '+' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 The '+' operator is not available between xs:time and xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The '-' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 The '-' operator is not available between xs:time and xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Comparison Operators Value Comparison Comparison of Numeric Values op:numeric-equal Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(mid range) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equalint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalint2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(mid range) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalint2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalint2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equalint2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalint2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalintg2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(mid range) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalintg2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalintg2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equalintg2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalintg2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalintg2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(mid range) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalintg2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalintg2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equalintg2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalintg2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equaldec2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(mid range) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equaldec2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equaldec2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equaldec2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equaldec2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equaldec2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(mid range) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equaldec2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equaldec2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equaldec2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equaldec2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equaldbl2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(mid range) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equaldbl2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equaldbl2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equaldbl2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equaldbl2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equaldbl2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(mid range) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equaldbl2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equaldbl2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equaldbl2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equaldbl2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalflt2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(mid range) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalflt2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalflt2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equalflt2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalflt2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalflt2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(mid range) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalflt2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalflt2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equalflt2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalflt2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equallng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(mid range) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equallng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equallng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equallng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equallng2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equallng2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(mid range) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equallng2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equallng2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equallng2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equallng2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalusht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalusht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalusht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equalusht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalusht2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalusht2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalusht2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalusht2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equalusht2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalusht2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnint2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnint2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnint2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnint2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnint2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalpint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalpint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalpint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equalpint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalpint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalpint2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalpint2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalpint2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equalpint2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalpint2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalulng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalulng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalulng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equalulng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalulng2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalulng2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalulng2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalulng2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equalulng2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalulng2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnpi2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnpi2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnpi2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnpi2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnpi2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnpi2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnpi2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnpi2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnpi2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnpi2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnni2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnni2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnni2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnni2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnni2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnni2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnni2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnni2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnni2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalnni2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalsht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(mid range) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalsht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalsht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equalsht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalsht2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalsht2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(mid range) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalsht2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalsht2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-equalsht2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-equalsht2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = () $arg2 = (). emptydoc op-numeric-equal-emptyseq.txt XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `xs:integer(1) eq xs:integer(1)`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-1.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:integer(1) ne xs:integer(2)`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-2.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:integer(1) eq xs:integer(1)`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-3.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:integer(-1) eq xs:integer(-1)`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-4.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:integer(1) ne xs:integer(2)`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-5.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:decimal(1.1) eq xs:decimal(1.1)`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-6.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:decimal(1.1) ne xs:decimal(2.1)`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-7.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:decimal(1.1) eq xs:decimal(1.1)`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-8.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:decimal(-1.1) eq xs:decimal(-1.1)`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-9.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:decimal(1.1) ne xs:decimal(2.1)`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-10.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:integer(2) ne xs:decimal(2.6)`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-11.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double(1.1) eq xs:double(1.1)`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-12.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double(-1.1) eq xs:double(-1.1)`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-13.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double(1.1) ne xs:double(2.1)`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-14.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double(-1) ne xs:double(1)`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-15.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double("NaN") ne xs:double("NaN")`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-16.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double("NaN") ne xs:double(0)`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-17.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double(0) ne xs:double("NaN")`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-18.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double("-INF") eq xs:double("-INF")`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-19.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double("INF") eq xs:double("INF")`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-20.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double("-INF") ne xs:double("INF")`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-21.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double("INF") ne xs:double("-INF")`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-22.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double("INF") ne xs:double("0")`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-23.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double("-INF") ne xs:double("0")`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-24.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double("0") ne xs:double("INF")`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-25.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double("0") ne xs:double("-INF")`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-26.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float(1.1) eq xs:float(1.1)`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-27.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float(-1.1) eq xs:float(-1.1)`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-28.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float(1.1) ne xs:float(2.1)`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-29.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float("NaN") ne xs:float("NaN")`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-30.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float("NaN") ne xs:float(0)`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-31.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float(0) ne xs:float("NaN")`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-32.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float("-INF") eq xs:float("-INF")`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-33.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float("INF") eq xs:float("INF")`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-34.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float("-INF") ne xs:float("INF")`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-35.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float("INF") ne xs:float("-INF")`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-36.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float("INF") ne xs:float("0")`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-37.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float("-INF") ne xs:float("0")`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-38.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float("0") ne xs:float("INF")`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-39.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float("0") ne xs:float("-INF")`. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-40.txt An expression involving the 'eq' operator that trigger certain optimization paths in some implementations. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-41.txt Test that fn:count combined with expressions that might disable compile time evaluations(optimization) as well as the 'eq' operator, is conformant. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-42.txt Test that fn:count combined with expressions that might disable compile time evaluations(optimization) as well as the '=' operator, is conformant. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-43.txt Test automatic xs:untypedAtomic conversion. emptydoc XPTY0004 Test automatic xs:untypedAtomic conversion. emptydoc K-NumericEqual-45.txt Test automatic xs:untypedAtomic conversion. emptydoc FORG0001 A syntactically invalid test. emptydoc XPST0003 Compare an xs:integer to a processing instuction node. emptydoc XPTY0004 Compare an xs:integer to a processing instuction node(#2). emptydoc XPTY0004 Compare an xs:integer to a comment. emptydoc XPTY0004 Compare an xs:integer to a comment(#2). emptydoc XPTY0004 Compare an xs:integer to a text node. emptydoc XPTY0004 Compare an xs:integer to a text node(#2). emptydoc XPTY0004 op:numeric-less-than Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(mid range) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanint2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(mid range) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanint2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanint2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanint2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanint2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanintg2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(mid range) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanintg2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanintg2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanintg2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanintg2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanintg2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(mid range) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanintg2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanintg2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanintg2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanintg2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thandec2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(mid range) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thandec2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thandec2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thandec2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thandec2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thandec2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(mid range) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thandec2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thandec2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thandec2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thandec2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thandbl2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(mid range) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thandbl2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thandbl2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thandbl2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thandbl2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thandbl2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(mid range) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thandbl2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thandbl2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thandbl2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thandbl2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanflt2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(mid range) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanflt2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanflt2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanflt2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanflt2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanflt2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(mid range) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanflt2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanflt2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanflt2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanflt2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanlng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(mid range) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanlng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanlng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanlng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanlng2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanlng2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(mid range) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanlng2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanlng2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanlng2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanlng2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanusht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanusht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanusht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanusht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanusht2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanusht2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanusht2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanusht2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanusht2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanusht2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannint2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannint2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannint2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannint2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannint2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanpint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanpint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanpint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanpint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanpint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanpint2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanpint2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanpint2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanpint2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanpint2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanulng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanulng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanulng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanulng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanulng2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanulng2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanulng2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanulng2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanulng2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thanulng2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannpi2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannpi2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannpi2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannpi2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannpi2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannpi2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannpi2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannpi2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannpi2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannpi2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannni2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannni2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannni2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannni2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannni2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannni2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannni2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannni2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannni2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thannni2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thansht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(mid range) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thansht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thansht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thansht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thansht2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thansht2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(mid range) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thansht2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thansht2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thansht2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-less-thansht2args-10.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:integer(-1) lt xs:integer(1)`. emptydoc K-NumericLT-1.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:integer(-1) le xs:integer(1)`. emptydoc K-NumericLT-2.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:decimal(-1) lt xs:decimal(1)`. emptydoc K-NumericLT-3.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:decimal(-1) le xs:decimal(1)`. emptydoc K-NumericLT-4.txt A test whose essence is: `0 lt xs:double("INF")`. emptydoc K-NumericLT-5.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double("-INF") lt 0`. emptydoc K-NumericLT-6.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double(-1) lt xs:double(1)`. emptydoc K-NumericLT-7.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double(-1) le xs:double(1)`. emptydoc K-NumericLT-8.txt A test whose essence is: `0 lt xs:float("INF")`. emptydoc K-NumericLT-9.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float("-INF") lt 0`. emptydoc K-NumericLT-10.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float(-1) lt xs:float(1)`. emptydoc K-NumericLT-11.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float(-1) le xs:float(1)`. emptydoc K-NumericLT-12.txt A test whose essence is: `not(xs:double("NaN") lt 1)`. emptydoc K-NumericLT-13.txt A test whose essence is: `not(xs:float("NaN") lt 1)`. emptydoc K-NumericLT-14.txt A test whose essence is: `not(xs:double("NaN") le 1)`. emptydoc K-NumericLT-15.txt A test whose essence is: `not(xs:float("NaN") le 1)`. emptydoc K-NumericLT-16.txt A test whose essence is: `not(1 lt xs:double("NaN"))`. emptydoc K-NumericLT-17.txt A test whose essence is: `not(1 lt xs:float("NaN"))`. emptydoc K-NumericLT-18.txt A test whose essence is: `not(1 le xs:double("NaN"))`. emptydoc K-NumericLT-19.txt A test whose essence is: `not(1 le xs:float("NaN"))`. emptydoc K-NumericLT-20.txt le combined with count(). emptydoc K-NumericLT-21.txt lt combined with count(). emptydoc K-NumericLT-22.txt Compare two xs:unsignedLong values. emptydoc K2-NumericLT-1.txt Compare two xs:unsignedLong values. emptydoc K2-NumericLT-2.txt op:numeric-greater-than Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(mid range) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanintg2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(mid range) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanintg2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanintg2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanintg2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanintg2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thandec2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(mid range) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thandec2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thandec2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thandec2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thandec2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thandbl2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(mid range) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thandbl2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thandbl2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thandbl2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thandbl2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanflt2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(mid range) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanflt2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanflt2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanflt2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanflt2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanlng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(mid range) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanlng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanlng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanlng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanlng2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanusht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanusht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanusht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanusht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanusht2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thannint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thannint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thannint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thannint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thannint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanpint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanpint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanpint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanpint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanpint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanulng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanulng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanulng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanulng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thanulng2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thannpi2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thannpi2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thannpi2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thannpi2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thannpi2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thannni2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thannni2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thannni2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thannni2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thannni2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thansht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(mid range) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thansht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thansht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thansht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:numeric-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc op-numeric-greater-thansht2args-5.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:integer(1) gt xs:integer(-1)`. emptydoc K-NumericGT-1.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:integer(1) ge xs:integer(1)`. emptydoc K-NumericGT-2.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:decimal(1) gt xs:decimal(-1)`. emptydoc K-NumericGT-3.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:decimal(1) ge xs:decimal(1)`. emptydoc K-NumericGT-4.txt A test whose essence is: `0 gt xs:double("-INF")`. emptydoc K-NumericGT-5.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double("INF") gt 0`. emptydoc K-NumericGT-6.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double(1) gt xs:double(-1)`. emptydoc K-NumericGT-7.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double(1) ge xs:double(1)`. emptydoc K-NumericGT-8.txt A test whose essence is: `0 gt xs:float("-INF")`. emptydoc K-NumericGT-9.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float("INF") gt 0`. emptydoc K-NumericGT-10.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float(1) gt xs:float(-1)`. emptydoc K-NumericGT-11.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float(1) ge xs:float(1)`. emptydoc K-NumericGT-12.txt A test whose essence is: `not(xs:double("NaN") gt 1)`. emptydoc K-NumericGT-13.txt A test whose essence is: `not(xs:float("NaN") gt 1)`. emptydoc K-NumericGT-14.txt A test whose essence is: `not(xs:double("NaN") ge 1)`. emptydoc K-NumericGT-15.txt A test whose essence is: `not(xs:float("NaN") ge 1)`. emptydoc K-NumericGT-16.txt A test whose essence is: `not(1 gt xs:double("NaN"))`. emptydoc K-NumericGT-17.txt A test whose essence is: `not(1 gt xs:float("NaN"))`. emptydoc K-NumericGT-18.txt A test whose essence is: `not(1 ge xs:double("NaN"))`. emptydoc K-NumericGT-19.txt A test whose essence is: `not(1 ge xs:float("NaN"))`. emptydoc K-NumericGT-20.txt le combined with count(). emptydoc K-NumericGT-21.txt ge combined with count(). emptydoc K-NumericGT-22.txt gt combined with count(). emptydoc K-NumericGT-23.txt Compare two xs:unsignedLong values. emptydoc K2-NumericGT-1.txt Compare two xs:unsignedLong values. emptydoc K2-NumericGT-2.txt Comparison Operators on Boolean Values op:boolean-equal Evaluates the "op:boolean-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:boolean(lower bound) $value2 = xs:boolean(lower bound). emptydoc op-boolean-equal2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:boolean(mid range) $value2 = xs:boolean(lower bound). emptydoc op-boolean-equal2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:boolean(upper bound) $value2 = xs:boolean(lower bound). emptydoc op-boolean-equal2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:boolean(lower bound) $value2 = xs:boolean(mid range). emptydoc op-boolean-equal2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:boolean(lower bound) $value2 = xs:boolean(upper bound). emptydoc op-boolean-equal2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-equal" operator with the operators set to "fn:not(true)" and "true" respectively. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-1.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-equal" operator with the operators set to "fn:not(true)" and "false" respectively. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-2.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-equal" operator with the operators set to "fn:not(false)" and "false" respectively. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-3.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-equal" operator with the operators set to "true and true" and "false and false" respectively. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-4.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-equal" operator with the operators set as to "fn:not(true and true)" and "true" respectively. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-5.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-equal" operator with the operators set to "fn:not(false and false)" and "true and true" respectively. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-6.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-equal" operator with the operators set to "fn:not(false)" and "fn:not(false)" respectively. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-7.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-equal" operator with the operators set to "fn:not(false and true)" and "fn:not(false and true)" respectively. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-8.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-equal" operator with the operators set to "(7 lt 7)" and "true" respectively. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-9.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-equal" operator with the operators set to "(7 eq 7)" and "false" respectively. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-10.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-equal" operator with the operators set to "fn:not(7 lt 7)" and "true" respectively. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-11.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-equal" operator with the operators set to "fn:not(7 lt 7)" and "false" respectively. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-12.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-equal" operator with the operator using multiple "eq" operators and the "and" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-13.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-equal" operator with the operator using multiple "eq" operators and the "or" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-14.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-equal" operator using the "starts-with" function. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-15.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-equal" operator using the "ends-with" function. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-16.txt Evaluates cardinality violation on "eq" operator and a sequence of two or more items. emptydoc XPTY0004 To check if args of Boolean type are equal. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-more-args-001.txt To check if args of Boolean type are equal. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-more-args-002.txt To check if args of Boolean type are equal. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-more-args-003.txt To check if args of Boolean type are equal. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-more-args-004.txt To check if args of Boolean type are equal. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-more-args-005.txt To check if args of Boolean type are equal. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-more-args-006.txt To check if args of Boolean type are equal. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-more-args-007.txt To check if args of Boolean type are equal. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-more-args-008.txt To check if args of Boolean type are equal. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-more-args-009.txt To check if args of Boolean type are equal. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-more-args-010.txt To check if args of Boolean type are equal. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-more-args-011.txt To check if args of Boolean type are equal. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-more-args-012.txt To check if args of Boolean type are equal. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-more-args-013.txt To check if args of Boolean type are equal. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-more-args-014.txt To check if args of Boolean type are equal. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-more-args-015.txt To check if args of Boolean type are equal. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-more-args-016.txt To check if args of Boolean type are equal. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-more-args-017.txt To check if args of Boolean type are equal. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-more-args-018.txt To check if args of Boolean type are equal. emptydoc op-boolean-equal-more-args-019.txt Compare two xs:boolean values. emptydoc K-BooleanEqual-1.txt Compare two xs:boolean values. emptydoc K-BooleanEqual-2.txt Compare two xs:boolean values. emptydoc K-BooleanEqual-3.txt Compare two xs:boolean values. emptydoc K-BooleanEqual-4.txt A complex value-comparison involving xs:boolean. emptydoc K-BooleanEqual-5.txt Cannot compare xs:boolean and xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc XPTY0004 Cannot compare xs:boolean and xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc XPTY0004 Cannot compare xs:boolean and xs:untypedAtomic(#2). emptydoc XPTY0004 op:boolean-less-than Evaluates the "op:boolean-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:boolean(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:boolean(lower bound). emptydoc op-boolean-less-than2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:boolean(mid range) $arg2 = xs:boolean(lower bound). emptydoc op-boolean-less-than2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:boolean(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:boolean(lower bound). emptydoc op-boolean-less-than2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:boolean(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:boolean(mid range). emptydoc op-boolean-less-than2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:boolean(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:boolean(upper bound). emptydoc op-boolean-less-than2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:boolean(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:boolean(lower bound). emptydoc op-boolean-less-than2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:boolean(mid range) $arg2 = xs:boolean(lower bound). emptydoc op-boolean-less-than2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:boolean(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:boolean(lower bound). emptydoc op-boolean-less-than2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:boolean(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:boolean(mid range). emptydoc op-boolean-less-than2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:boolean(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:boolean(upper bound). emptydoc op-boolean-less-than2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-less-than" operator with the operators set as to "fn:not(true)" and "true" respectively. Use of "lt" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-1.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-less-than" operator with the operators set as to "fn:not(true)" and "true" respectively. Use of "ge" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-2.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-less-than" operator with the operators set as to "fn:not(true)" and "false" respectively. Use of "lt" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-3.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-less-than" operator with the operators set as to "fn:not(true)" and "false" respectively. Use of "ge" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-4.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-less-than" operator with the operators set as to "fn:not(false)" and "true" respectively. Use of "lt" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-5.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-less-than" operator with the operators set as to "fn:not(false)" and "true" respectively. Use of "ge" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-6.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-less-than" operator with the operators set as to "fn:not(false)" and "false" respectively. Use of "lt" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-7.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-less-than" operator with the operators set as to "fn:not(false)" and "false" respectively. Use of "ge" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-8.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-less-than" operator with the operators set as to "(7 eq 7)" and "true" respectively. Use of "lt" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-9.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-less-than" operator with the operators set as to "(7 eq 7)" and "true" respectively. Use of "ge" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-10.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-less-than" operator with the operators set as to "(7 eq 7)" and "false" respectively. Use of "lt" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-11.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-less-than" operator with the operators set as to "(7 eq 7)" and "false" respectively. Use of "ge" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-12.txt To check if arg1: Boolean is less than arg2:Boolean. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-more-args-001.txt To check if arg1: Boolean is less than arg2:Boolean. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-more-args-002.txt To check if arg1: Boolean is less than arg2:Boolean. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-more-args-003.txt To check if arg1: Boolean is less than arg2:Boolean. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-more-args-004.txt To check if arg1: Boolean is less than arg2:Boolean. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-more-args-005.txt To check if arg1: Boolean is less than arg2:Boolean. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-more-args-006.txt To check if arg1: Boolean is less than arg2:Boolean. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-more-args-007.txt To check if arg1: Boolean is less than arg2:Boolean. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-more-args-008.txt To check if arg1: Boolean is less than arg2:Boolean. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-more-args-009.txt To check if arg1: Boolean is less than arg2:Boolean. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-more-args-010.txt To check if arg1: Boolean is less than arg2:Boolean. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-more-args-011.txt To check if arg1: Boolean is less than arg2:Boolean. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-more-args-012.txt To check if arg1: Boolean is less than arg2:Boolean. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-more-args-013.txt To check if arg1: Boolean is less than arg2:Boolean. emptydoc op-boolean-less-than-more-args-014.txt Compare two xs:boolean values. emptydoc K-BooleanLT-1.txt Compare two xs:boolean values. emptydoc K-BooleanLT-2.txt Compare two xs:boolean values. emptydoc K-BooleanLT-3.txt op:boolean-greater-than Evaluates the "op:boolean-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:boolean(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:boolean(lower bound). emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:boolean(mid range) $arg2 = xs:boolean(lower bound). emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:boolean(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:boolean(lower bound). emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:boolean(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:boolean(mid range). emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:boolean(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:boolean(upper bound). emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:boolean(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:boolean(lower bound). emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:boolean(mid range) $arg2 = xs:boolean(lower bound). emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:boolean(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:boolean(lower bound). emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:boolean(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:boolean(mid range). emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:boolean(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:boolean(upper bound). emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-greater-than" operator with the operators set as to "fn:not(true)" and "true" respectively. Use of "gt" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-1.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-greater-than" operator with the operators set as to "fn:not(true)" and "true" respectively. Use of "le" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-2.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-greater-than" operator with the operators set as to "fn:not(true)" and "false" respectively. Use of "gt" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-3.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-greater-than" operator with the operators set as to "fn:not(true)" and "false" respectively. Use of "le" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-4.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-greater-than" operator with the operators set as to "fn:not(false)" and "true" respectively. Use of "gt" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-5.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-greater-than" operator with the operators set as to "fn:not(false)" and "true" respectively. Use of "le" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-6.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-greater-than" operator with the operators set as to "fn:not(false)" and "false" respectively. Use of "gt" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-7.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-greater-than" operator with the operators set as to "fn:not(false)" and "false" respectively. Use of "le" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-8.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-greater-than" operator with the operators set as to "(7 eq 7)" and "true" respectively. Use of "gt" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-9.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-greater-than" operator with the operators set as to "(7 eq 7)" and "true" respectively. Use of "le" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-10.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-greater-than" operator with the operators set as to "(7 eq 7)" and "false" respectively. Use of "gt" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-11.txt Evaluates the "op:boolean-greater-than" operator with the operators set as to "(7 eq 7)" and "false" respectively. Use of "le" operator. emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-12.txt . emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-more-args-001.txt . emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-more-args-002.txt . emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-more-args-003.txt . emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-more-args-004.txt . emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-more-args-005.txt . emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-more-args-006.txt . emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-more-args-007.txt . emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-more-args-008.txt . emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-more-args-009.txt . emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-more-args-010.txt . emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-more-args-011.txt . emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-more-args-012.txt . emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-more-args-013.txt . emptydoc op-boolean-greater-than-more-args-014.txt Compare two xs:boolean values. emptydoc K-BooleanGT-1.txt Compare two xs:boolean values. emptydoc K-BooleanGT-2.txt Compare two xs:boolean values. emptydoc K-BooleanGT-3.txt Comparisons of Duration, Date Time Values op:yearMonthDuration-less-than Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-less-than2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-less-than2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-less-than2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-less-than2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-less-than2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-less-than2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-less-than2argsNew-7.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-less-than2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-less-than2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-less-than2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-less-than" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (lt operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-less-than-3.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-less-than" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (le operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-less-than-4.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-less-than" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (lt operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-less-than-5.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-less-than" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (le operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-less-than-6.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-less-than" operator used together with "and" expression (lt operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-less-thanNew-7.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-less-than" operator used together with "and" expression (le operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-less-than-8.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression (lt operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-less-than-9.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression (le operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-less-than-10.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (lt operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-less-than-11.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (le operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-less-than-12.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (lt operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-less-than-13.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (le operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-less-than-14.txt Simple test of 'lt' for xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationLT-1.txt Simple test of 'lt' for xs:yearMonthDuration, evaluating to false. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationLT-2.txt Simple test of 'lt' for xs:yearMonthDuration, evaluating to false. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationLT-3.txt Simple test of 'le' for xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationLT-4.txt Simple test of 'le' for xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationLT-5.txt Simple test of 'le' for xs:yearMonthDuration, evaluating to false. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationLT-6.txt op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-greater-than2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-greater-than2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-greater-than2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-greater-than2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-greater-than2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-greater-than2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-greater-than2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-greater-than2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-greater-than2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-greater-than2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (gt operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-greater-than-3.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (ge operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-greater-than-4.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (gt operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-greater-than-5.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (ge operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-greater-than-6.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than" operator used together with "and" expression (gt operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-greater-than-7.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than" operator used together with "and" expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-greater-than-8.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression (gt operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-greater-than-9.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-greater-than-10.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (gt operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-greater-than-11.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (ge operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-greater-than-12.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (gt operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-greater-than-13.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (ge operator). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-greater-than-14.txt Simple test of 'gt' for xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationGT-1.txt Simple test of 'gt' for xs:yearMonthDuration, evaluating to false. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationGT-2.txt Simple test of 'gt' for xs:yearMonthDuration, evaluating to false. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationGT-3.txt Simple test of 'ge' for xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationGT-4.txt Simple test of 'ge' for xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationGT-5.txt Simple test of 'ge' for xs:yearMonthDuration, evaluating to false. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationGT-6.txt op:dayTimeDuration-less-than Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-less-than2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-less-than2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-less-than2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-less-than2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-less-than2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-less-than2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-less-than2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-less-than2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-less-than2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-less-than2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-less-than" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (lt operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-less-than-3.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-less-than" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (le operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-less-than-4.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-less-than" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (lt operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-less-than-5.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-less-than" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (le operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-less-than-6.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-less-than" operator used together with "and" expression (lt operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-less-than-7.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-less-than" operator used together with "and" expression (le operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-less-than-8.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression (lt operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-less-than-9.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression (le operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-less-than-10.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (lt operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-less-than-11.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (le operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-less-than-12.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (lt operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-less-than-13.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (le operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-less-than-14.txt Simple test of 'lt' for xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationLT-1.txt Simple test of 'lt' for xs:dayTimeDuration, evaluating to false. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationLT-2.txt Simple test of 'lt' for xs:dayTimeDuration, evaluating to false. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationLT-3.txt Simple test of 'le' for xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationLT-4.txt Simple test of 'le' for xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationLT-5.txt Simple test of 'le' for xs:dayTimeDuration, evaluating to false. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationLT-6.txt op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-greater-than2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-greater-than2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-greater-than2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-greater-than2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-greater-than2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-greater-than2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-greater-than2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-greater-than2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-greater-than2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-greater-than2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (gt operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-greater-than-3.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (ge operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-greater-than-4.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (gt operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-greater-than-5.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (ge operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-greater-than-6.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than" operator used together with "and" expression (gt operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-greater-than-7.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than" operator used together with "and" expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-greater-than-8.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression (gt operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-greater-than-9.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-greater-than-10.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (gt operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-greater-than-11.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (ge operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-greater-than-12.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (gt operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-greater-than-13.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (ge operator). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-greater-than-14.txt Simple test of 'gt' for xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationGT-1.txt Simple test of 'gt' for xs:dayTimeDuration, evaluating to false. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationGT-2.txt Simple test of 'gt' for xs:dayTimeDuration, evaluating to false. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationGT-3.txt Simple test of 'ge' for xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationGT-4.txt Simple test of 'ge' for xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationGT-5.txt Simple test of 'ge' for xs:dayTimeDuration, evaluating to false. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationGT-6.txt op:duration equal Evaluates the "op:duration-equal" operator as per example 1 from the functions and operators specs (for this operator). emptydoc op-duration-equal-1.txt Evaluates the "op:duration-equal" operator as per example 2 from the functions and operators specs (for this operator). emptydoc op-duration-equal-2.txt Evaluates the "op:duration-equal" operator as per example 2 from the functions and operators specs (for this operator). emptydoc op-duration-equal-3.txt Evaluates the "op:duration-equal" operator with both operands set to "P1Y". Uses "eq" operator. emptydoc op-duration-equal-4.txt Evaluates the "op:duration-equal" operator with both operands set to "P1Y". Uses "ne" operator. emptydoc op-duration-equal-5.txt Evaluates the "op:duration-equal" operator with both operands set to "PT24H". Uses "eq" operator. emptydoc op-duration-equal-6.txt Evaluates the "op:duration-equal" operator with both operands set to "PT24H". Uses "ne" operator. emptydoc op-duration-equal-7.txt Evaluates the "op:duration-equal" operator with both operands set to "P12M". Uses "eq" operator. emptydoc op-duration-equal-8.txt Evaluates the "op:duration-equal" operator with both operands set to "P12M". Uses "ne" operator. emptydoc op-duration-equal-9.txt Evaluates the "op:duration-equal" operator with both operands set to "P365D". Uses "eq" operator. emptydoc op-duration-equal-10.txt Evaluates the "op:duration-equal" operator with both operands set to "P365D". Uses "ne" operator. emptydoc op-duration-equal-11.txt Evaluation of duration-equal operator with both operands set to "P36D" and "P39D" (uses eq operator). emptydoc op-duration-equal-12.txt Evaluation of duration-equal operator with both operands set to "P36D" and "P39D" (uses ne operator). emptydoc op-duration-equal-13.txt Evaluation of duration-equal operator with both operands set to "P36D" and and used as argument to fn:not function (uses eq operator). emptydoc op-duration-equal-14.txt Evaluation of duration-equal operator with both operands set to "P36D" and and used as argument to fn:not function (uses ne operator). emptydoc op-duration-equal-15.txt Evaluation of duration-equal operator with both operands set to "P36D" and and used as argument to xs:boolean function (uses eq operator). emptydoc op-duration-equal-16.txt Evaluation of duration-equal operator with both operands set to "P36D" and and used as argument to xs:boolean function (uses ne operator). emptydoc op-duration-equal-17.txt Evaluation of duration-equal operator as part of a boolean expression with "and" operator and "fn:true" function (uses eq operator). emptydoc op-duration-equal-18.txt Evaluation of duration-equal operator as part of a boolean expression with "and" operator and "fn:true" function (uses ne operator). emptydoc op-duration-equal-19.txt Evaluation of duration-equal operator as part of a boolean expression with "or" operator and "fn:true" function (uses eq operator). emptydoc op-duration-equal-20.txt Evaluation of duration-equal operator as part of a boolean expression with "or" operator and "fn:true" function (uses ne operator). emptydoc op-duration-equal-21.txt Evaluation of duration-equal operator as part of a boolean expression with "and" operator and "fn:false" function (uses eq operator). emptydoc op-duration-equal-22.txt Evaluation of duration-equal operator as part of a boolean expression with "and" operator and "fn:false" function (uses ne operator). emptydoc op-duration-equal-23.txt Evaluation of duration-equal operator as part of a boolean expression with "or" operator and "fn:false" function (uses eq operator). emptydoc op-duration-equal-24.txt Evaluation of duration-equal operator as part of a boolean expression with "or" operator and "fn:false" function (uses ne operator). emptydoc op-duration-equal-25.txt Evaluation of duration-equal operator as pe example 4 from the F and O specs for this operator. emptydoc op-duration-equal-26.txt Evaluation of duration-equal operator as per example 5 from the F and O specs for this operator. emptydoc op-duration-equal-27.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-equal2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-equal2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-equal2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-equal2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-equal2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-equal2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-equal2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-equal2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-equal2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-equal2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-equal2args-11.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-equal2args-12.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-equal2args-13.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-equal2args-14.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-equal2args-15.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-equal2args-16.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-equal2args-17.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-equal2args-18.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-equal2args-19.txt Evaluates the "op:yearMonthDuration-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-yearMonthDuration-equal2args-20.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-equal2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-equal2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-equal2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-equal2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-equal2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-equal2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-equal2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-equal2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-equal2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-equal2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-equal2args-11.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-equal2args-12.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-equal2args-13.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-equal2args-14.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-equal2args-15.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-equal2args-16.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-equal2args-17.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-equal2args-18.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-equal2args-19.txt Evaluates the "op:dayTimeDuration-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound). emptydoc op-dayTimeDuration-equal2args-20.txt Evaluates the "yearMonthDuration" and "dayTimeDuration" data types with fn:distinct function given on example. emptydoc distinct-duration-equal-1.txt distinct-duration-equalalt-1.txt Evaluates the "yearMonthDuration" and "dayTimeDuration" data types with fn:distinct function given on example. emptydoc distinct-duration-equal-2.txt distinct-duration-equalalt-2.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:duration, returning positive. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-1.txt Testing 'eq' involving xs:duration with two zeroed values. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-2.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:duration. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-3.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:duration. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-4.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:duration. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-5.txt The xs:duration values P365D and P1Y are not equal. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-6.txt The xs:duration values P12M and P1Y are equal. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-7.txt The xs:duration values P1M and P31D are not equal. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-8.txt The xs:duration values -PT0S and PT0S are equal. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-9.txt The xs:duration values -P1Y3M4DT08H4M33S and P1Y3M4DT08H4M33S are not equal. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-10.txt The 'lt' operator is not available between xs:duration and xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'le' operator is not available between xs:duration and xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'gt' operator is not available between xs:duration and xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'ge' operator is not available between xs:duration and xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Simple test of 'eq' for xs:dayTimeDuration with xs:duration on the left hand. Both values are zero. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-15.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:dayTimeDuration with xs:duration on the right hand. Both values are zero. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-16.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:yearMonthDuration with xs:duration on the right hand. Both values are zero. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-17.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:dayTimeDuration with xs:duration on the left hand. Both values are zero. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-18.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:yearMonthDuration with xs:dayTimeDuration on the right hand. Both values are zero. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-19.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:dayTimeDuration with xs:dayTimeDuration on the left hand. Both values are zero. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-20.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:dayTimeDuration with xs:duration on the left hand. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-21.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:dayTimeDuration with xs:duration on the right hand. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-22.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:dayTimeDuration with xs:duration on the left hand. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-23.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:dayTimeDuration with xs:duration on the left hand. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-24.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:yearMonthDuration with xs:dayTimeDuration on the left hand. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-25.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:dayTimeDuration with xs:yearMonthDuration on the right hand. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-26.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:yearMonthDuration with xs:duration on the right hand. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-27.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:dayTimeDuration with xs:duration on the left hand. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-28.txt Test comparing xs:duration and xs:yearMonthDuration stressing value representations are normalized properly. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-29.txt Test comparing xs:duration and xs:yearMonthDuration stressing value representations are normalized properly(with operand order switched). emptydoc K-DurationEQ-30.txt Test comparing xs:dayTimeDuration and xs:yearMonthDuration stressing value representations are normalized properly. emptydoc K-DurationEQ-31.txt Test comparing xs:dayTimeDuration and xs:yearMonthDuration stressing value representations are normalized properly(with operand order switched). emptydoc K-DurationEQ-32.txt The 'ge' operator is not available between xs:duration and xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'gt' operator is not available between xs:duration and xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'lt' operator is not available between xs:duration and xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'le' operator is not available between xs:duration and xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'ge' operator is not available between xs:duration and xs:dayTimeDuration(reversed operand order). emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'gt' operator is not available between xs:duration and xs:dayTimeDuration(reversed operand order). emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'lt' operator is not available between xs:duration and xs:dayTimeDuration(reversed operand order). emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'le' operator is not available between xs:duration and xs:dayTimeDuration(reversed operand order). emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'ge' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'gt' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'lt' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'le' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'ge' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:dayTimeDuration(reversed operand order). emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'gt' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:dayTimeDuration(reversed operand order). emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'lt' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:dayTimeDuration(reversed operand order). emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'le' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:dayTimeDuration(reversed operand order). emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'ge' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'gt' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'lt' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'le' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'ge' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:duration(reversed operand order). emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'gt' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:duration(reversed operand order). emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'lt' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:duration(reversed operand order). emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'le' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:duration(reversed operand order). emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'ge' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:duration(reversed operand order)(reversed operand order). emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'gt' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:duration(reversed operand order)(reversed operand order). emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'lt' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:duration(reversed operand order)(reversed operand order). emptydoc XPTY0004 The 'le' operator is not available between xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:duration(reversed operand order)(reversed operand order). emptydoc XPTY0004 op:dateTime-equal Evaluates the "op:dateTime-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-equal2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-equal2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-equal2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(mid range). emptydoc op-dateTime-equal2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(upper bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-equal2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-equal2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-equal2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-equal2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(mid range). emptydoc op-dateTime-equal2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(upper bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-equal2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-equal2args-11.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-equal2args-12.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-equal2args-13.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(mid range). emptydoc op-dateTime-equal2args-14.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(upper bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-equal2args-15.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-equal2args-16.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-equal2args-17.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-equal2args-18.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(mid range). emptydoc op-dateTime-equal2args-19.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(upper bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-equal2args-20.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:dateTime, returning positive. emptydoc K-DateTimeEQ-1.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:dateTime. emptydoc K-DateTimeEQ-2.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:dateTime. emptydoc K-DateTimeEQ-3.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:dateTime. emptydoc K-DateTimeEQ-4.txt Test that zone offset -00:00 is equal to Z, in xs:dateTime. emptydoc K-DateTimeEQ-5.txt Test that zone offset +00:00 is equal to Z, in xs:dateTime. emptydoc K-DateTimeEQ-6.txt Test that zone offset Z is equal to Z, in xs:dateTime. emptydoc K-DateTimeEQ-7.txt Test that zone offset -00:00 is equal to +00:00, in xs:dateTime. emptydoc K-DateTimeEQ-8.txt The operator 'eq' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'ne' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'le' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'lt' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'ge' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'gt' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'eq' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'ne' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'le' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'lt' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'ge' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'gt' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'eq' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'ne' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'le' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'lt' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'ge' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'gt' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'eq' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'ne' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'le' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'lt' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'ge' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'gt' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 Basic negative equalness test for xs:dateTime. emptydoc K2-DateTimeEQ-1.txt op:dateTime-less-than Evaluates the "op:dateTime-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-less-than2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-less-than2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-less-than2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(mid range). emptydoc op-dateTime-less-than2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(upper bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-less-than2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-less-than2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-less-than2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-less-than2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(mid range). emptydoc op-dateTime-less-than2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(upper bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-less-than2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-less-than" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (lt operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-less-than-3.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-less-than" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (le operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-less-than-4.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-less-than" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (lt operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-less-than-5.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-less-than" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (le operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-less-than-6.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-less-than" operator used together with "and" expression (lt operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-less-than-7.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-less-than" operator used together with "and" expression (le operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-less-than-8.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression (lt operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-less-than-9.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression (le operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-less-than-10.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (lt operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-less-than-11.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (le operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-less-than-12.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (lt operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-less-than-13.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (le operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-less-than-14.txt Simple test of 'lt' for xs:dateTime. emptydoc K-DateTimeLT-1.txt Simple test of 'lt' for xs:dateTime. emptydoc K-DateTimeLT-2.txt Simple test of 'lt' for xs:dateTime. emptydoc K-DateTimeLT-3.txt Simple test of 'le' for xs:dateTime. emptydoc K-DateTimeLT-4.txt Simple test of 'le' for xs:dateTime. emptydoc K-DateTimeLT-5.txt Simple test of 'le' for xs:dateTime. emptydoc K-DateTimeLT-6.txt op:dateTime-greater-than Evaluates the "op:dateTime-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-greater-than2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-greater-than2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-greater-than2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(mid range). emptydoc op-dateTime-greater-than2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(upper bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-greater-than2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-greater-than2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(mid range) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-greater-than2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-greater-than2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(mid range). emptydoc op-dateTime-greater-than2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:dateTime(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:dateTime(upper bound). emptydoc op-dateTime-greater-than2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-greater-than" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (gt operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-greater-than-3.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-greater-than" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (ge operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-greater-than-4.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-greater-than" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (gt operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-greater-than-5.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-greater-than" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (ge operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-greater-than-6.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-greater-than" operator used together with "and" expression (gt operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-greater-than-7.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-greater-than" operator used together with "and" expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-greater-than-8.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression (gt operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-greater-than-9.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-greater-than-10.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (gt operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-greater-than-11.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (ge operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-greater-than-12.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (gt operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-greater-than-13.txt Evaluates the "op:dateTime-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (ge operator). emptydoc op-dateTime-greater-than-14.txt Simple test of 'gt' for xs:dateTime. emptydoc K-DateTimeGT-1.txt Simple test of 'gt' for xs:dateTime. emptydoc K-DateTimeGT-2.txt Simple test of 'gt' for xs:dateTime. emptydoc K-DateTimeGT-3.txt Simple test of 'ge' for xs:dateTime. emptydoc K-DateTimeGT-4.txt Simple test of 'ge' for xs:dateTime. emptydoc K-DateTimeGT-5.txt Simple test of 'ge' for xs:dateTime. emptydoc K-DateTimeGT-6.txt op:date-equal Evaluates the "op:date-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-equal2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:date-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(mid range) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-equal2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:date-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-equal2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:date-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(mid range). emptydoc op-date-equal2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:date-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(upper bound). emptydoc op-date-equal2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:date-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-equal2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:date-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(mid range) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-equal2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:date-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-equal2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:date-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(mid range). emptydoc op-date-equal2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:date-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(upper bound). emptydoc op-date-equal2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:date-equal" operator(le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-equal2args-11.txt Evaluates the "op:date-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(mid range) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-equal2args-12.txt Evaluates the "op:date-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-equal2args-13.txt Evaluates the "op:date-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(mid range). emptydoc op-date-equal2args-14.txt Evaluates the "op:date-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(upper bound). emptydoc op-date-equal2args-15.txt Evaluates the "op:date-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-equal2args-16.txt Evaluates the "op:date-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(mid range) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-equal2args-17.txt Evaluates the "op:date-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-equal2args-18.txt Evaluates the "op:date-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(mid range). emptydoc op-date-equal2args-19.txt Evaluates the "op:date-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(upper bound). emptydoc op-date-equal2args-20.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:date, returning positive. emptydoc K-DateEQ-1.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:date. emptydoc K-DateEQ-2.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:date. emptydoc K-DateEQ-3.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:date. emptydoc K-DateEQ-4.txt Test that zone offset -00:00 is equal to Z, in xs:date. emptydoc K-DateEQ-5.txt Test that zone offset +00:00 is equal to Z, in xs:date. emptydoc K-DateEQ-6.txt Test that zone offset Z is equal to Z, in xs:date. emptydoc K-DateEQ-7.txt Test that zone offset -00:00 is equal to +00:00, in xs:date. emptydoc K-DateEQ-8.txt Basic negative equalness test for xs:date. emptydoc K2-DateEQ-1.txt op:date-less-than Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-less-than2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(mid range) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-less-than2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-less-than2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(mid range). emptydoc op-date-less-than2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(upper bound). emptydoc op-date-less-than2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-less-than2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(mid range) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-less-than2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-less-than2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(mid range). emptydoc op-date-less-than2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(upper bound). emptydoc op-date-less-than2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator as per example 1 for this operator from the F and O specs (lt operator). emptydoc op-date-less-than-1.txt Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator as per example 2 for this operator from the F and O specs (le operator). emptydoc op-date-less-than-2.txt Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (lt operator). emptydoc op-date-less-than-3.txt Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (le operator). emptydoc op-date-less-than-4.txt Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (lt operator). emptydoc op-date-less-than-5.txt Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (le operator). emptydoc op-date-less-than-6.txt Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator used together with "and" expression (lt operator). emptydoc op-date-less-than-7.txt Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator used together with "and" expression (le operator). emptydoc op-date-less-than-8.txt Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression (lt operator). emptydoc op-date-less-than-9.txt Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression (le operator). emptydoc op-date-less-than-10.txt Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (lt operator). emptydoc op-date-less-than-11.txt Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (le operator). emptydoc op-date-less-than-12.txt Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (lt operator). emptydoc op-date-less-than-13.txt Evaluates the "op:date-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (le operator). emptydoc op-date-less-than-14.txt Simple test of 'lt' for xs:date. emptydoc K-DateLT-1.txt Simple test of 'lt' for xs:date. emptydoc K-DateLT-2.txt Simple test of 'lt' for xs:date. emptydoc K-DateLT-3.txt Simple test of 'le' for xs:date. emptydoc K-DateLT-4.txt Simple test of 'le' for xs:date. emptydoc K-DateLT-5.txt Simple test of 'le' for xs:date. emptydoc K-DateLT-6.txt op:date-greater-than Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-greater-than2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(mid range) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-greater-than2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-greater-than2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(mid range). emptydoc op-date-greater-than2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(upper bound). emptydoc op-date-greater-than2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-greater-than2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(mid range) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-greater-than2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc op-date-greater-than2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(mid range). emptydoc op-date-greater-than2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:date(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:date(upper bound). emptydoc op-date-greater-than2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator as per example 1 for this operator from the F and O specs (gt operator). emptydoc op-date-greater-than-1.txt Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator as per example 2 for this operator from the F and O specs (ge operator). emptydoc op-date-greater-than-2.txt Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (gt operator). emptydoc op-date-greater-than-3.txt Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (ge operator). emptydoc op-date-greater-than-4.txt Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (gt operator). emptydoc op-date-greater-than-5.txt Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (ge operator). emptydoc op-date-greater-than-6.txt Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator used together with "and" expression (gt operator). emptydoc op-date-greater-than-7.txt Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator used together with "and" expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-date-greater-than-8.txt Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression (gt operator). emptydoc op-date-greater-than-9.txt Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-date-greater-than-10.txt Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (gt operator). emptydoc op-date-greater-than-11.txt Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (ge operator). emptydoc op-date-greater-than-12.txt Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (gt operator). emptydoc op-date-greater-than-13.txt Evaluates the "op:date-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (ge operator). emptydoc op-date-greater-than-14.txt Simple test of 'gt' for xs:date. emptydoc K-DateGT-1.txt Simple test of 'gt' for xs:date. emptydoc K-DateGT-2.txt Simple test of 'gt' for xs:date. emptydoc K-DateGT-3.txt Simple test of 'ge' for xs:date. emptydoc K-DateGT-4.txt Simple test of 'ge' for xs:date. emptydoc K-DateGT-5.txt Simple test of 'ge' for xs:date. emptydoc K-DateGT-6.txt op:time-equal Evaluates the "op:time-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-equal2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:time-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(mid range) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-equal2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:time-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-equal2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:time-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(mid range). emptydoc op-time-equal2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:time-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(upper bound). emptydoc op-time-equal2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:time-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-equal2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:time-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(mid range) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-equal2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:time-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-equal2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:time-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(mid range). emptydoc op-time-equal2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:time-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(upper bound). emptydoc op-time-equal2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:time-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-equal2args-11.txt Evaluates the "op:time-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(mid range) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-equal2args-12.txt Evaluates the "op:time-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-equal2args-13.txt Evaluates the "op:time-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(mid range). emptydoc op-time-equal2args-14.txt Evaluates the "op:time-equal" operator (le) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(upper bound). emptydoc op-time-equal2args-15.txt Evaluates the "op:time-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-equal2args-16.txt Evaluates the "op:time-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(mid range) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-equal2args-17.txt Evaluates the "op:time-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-equal2args-18.txt Evaluates the "op:time-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(mid range). emptydoc op-time-equal2args-19.txt Evaluates the "op:time-equal" operator (ge) with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(upper bound). emptydoc op-time-equal2args-20.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:time, returning positive. emptydoc K-TimeEQ-1.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:time. emptydoc K-TimeEQ-2.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:time. emptydoc K-TimeEQ-3.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:time. emptydoc K-TimeEQ-4.txt Test that zone offset -00:00 is equal to Z, in xs:time. emptydoc K-TimeEQ-5.txt Test that zone offset +00:00 is equal to Z, in xs:time. emptydoc K-TimeEQ-6.txt Test that zone offset Z is equal to Z, in xs:time. emptydoc K-TimeEQ-7.txt Test that zone offset -00:00 is equal to +00:00, in xs:time. emptydoc K-TimeEQ-8.txt The operator 'eq' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'ne' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'le' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'lt' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'ge' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'gt' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'eq' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'ne' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'le' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'lt' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'ge' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 The operator 'gt' is not available between xs:dateTime and xs:date . emptydoc XPTY0004 Basic negative equalness test for xs:time. emptydoc K2-TimeEQ-1.txt op:time-less-than Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-less-than2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(mid range) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-less-than2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-less-than2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(mid range). emptydoc op-time-less-than2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(upper bound). emptydoc op-time-less-than2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-less-than2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(mid range) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-less-than2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-less-than2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(mid range). emptydoc op-time-less-than2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(upper bound). emptydoc op-time-less-than2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator as per example 1 for this operator from the F and O specs. emptydoc op-time-less-than-1.txt Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator as per example 2 for this operator from the F and O specs. emptydoc op-time-less-than-2.txt Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (lt operator). emptydoc op-time-less-than-3.txt Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (le operator). emptydoc op-time-less-than-4.txt Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (lt operator). emptydoc op-time-less-than-5.txt Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (le operator). emptydoc op-time-less-than-6.txt Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator used together with "and" expression (lt operator). emptydoc op-time-less-than-7.txt Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator used together with "and" expression (le operator). emptydoc op-time-less-than-8.txt Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression (lt operator). emptydoc op-time-less-than-9.txt Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression (le operator). emptydoc op-time-less-than-10.txt Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (lt operator). emptydoc op-time-less-than-11.txt Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (le operator). emptydoc op-time-less-than-12.txt Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (lt operator). emptydoc op-time-less-than-13.txt Evaluates the "op:time-less-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (le operator). emptydoc op-time-less-than-14.txt Simple test of 'gt' for xs:time. emptydoc K-TimeLT-1.txt Simple test of 'gt' for xs:time. emptydoc K-TimeLT-2.txt Simple test of 'gt' for xs:time. emptydoc K-TimeLT-3.txt Simple test of 'ge' for xs:time. emptydoc K-TimeLT-4.txt Simple test of 'ge' for xs:time. emptydoc K-TimeLT-5.txt Simple test of 'ge' for xs:time. emptydoc K-TimeLT-6.txt op:time-greater-than Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-greater-than2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(mid range) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-greater-than2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-greater-than2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(mid range). emptydoc op-time-greater-than2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(upper bound). emptydoc op-time-greater-than2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-greater-than2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(mid range) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-greater-than2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc op-time-greater-than2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(mid range). emptydoc op-time-greater-than2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:time(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:time(upper bound). emptydoc op-time-greater-than2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator as per example 1 for this operator from the F and O specs (gt operator). emptydoc op-time-greater-than-1.txt Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator as per example 1 for this operator from the F and O specs (ge operator). emptydoc op-time-greater-than-2.txt Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (gt operator). emptydoc op-time-greater-than-3.txt Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (ge operator). emptydoc op-time-greater-than-4.txt Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (gt operator). emptydoc op-time-greater-than-5.txt Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (ge operator). emptydoc op-time-greater-than-6.txt Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator used together with "and" expression (gt operator). emptydoc op-time-greater-than-7.txt Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator used together with "and" expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-time-greater-than-8.txt Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression (gt operator). emptydoc op-time-greater-than-9.txt Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression (ge operator). emptydoc op-time-greater-than-10.txt Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (gt operator). emptydoc op-time-greater-than-11.txt Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (ge operator). emptydoc op-time-greater-than-12.txt Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (gt operator). emptydoc op-time-greater-than-13.txt Evaluates the "op:time-greater-than" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (ge operator). emptydoc op-time-greater-than-14.txt Simple test of 'lt' for xs:time. emptydoc K-TimeGT-1.txt Simple test of 'lt' for xs:time. emptydoc K-TimeGT-2.txt Simple test of 'lt' for xs:time. emptydoc K-TimeGT-3.txt Simple test of 'le' for xs:time. emptydoc K-TimeGT-4.txt Simple test of 'le' for xs:time. emptydoc K-TimeGT-5.txt Simple test of 'le' for xs:time. emptydoc K-TimeGT-6.txt op:gYearMonth-equal Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gYearMonth(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gYearMonth(lower bound). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equal2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gYearMonth(mid range) $arg2 = xs:gYearMonth(lower bound). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equal2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gYearMonth(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:gYearMonth(lower bound). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equal2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gYearMonth(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gYearMonth(mid range). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equal2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gYearMonth(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gYearMonth(upper bound). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equal2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gYearMonth(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gYearMonth(lower bound). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equal2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gYearMonth(mid range) $arg2 = xs:gYearMonth(lower bound). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equal2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gYearMonth(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:gYearMonth(lower bound). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equal2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gYearMonth(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gYearMonth(mid range). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equal2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gYearMonth(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gYearMonth(upper bound). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equal2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator as per example 1 for this operator from the F and O specs (eq operator). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equalNew-1.txt Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator as per example 2 for this operator from the F and O specs (eq operator). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equalNew-2.txt Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (eq operator). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equalNew-3.txt Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (ne operator). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equalNew-4.txt Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (eq operator). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equalNew-5.txt Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (ne operator). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equalNew-6.txt Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator used together with "and" expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equalNew-7.txt Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator used together with "and" expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equalNew-8.txt Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator used together with "or" expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equalNew-9.txt Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator used together with "or" expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equalNew-10.txt Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (eq operator). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equalNew-11.txt Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (ne operator). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equalNew-12.txt Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (eq operator). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equalNew-13.txt Evaluates the "op:gYearMonth-equal" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (ne operator). emptydoc op-gYearMonth-equalNew-14.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:gYearMonth, returning positive. emptydoc K-gYearMonthEQ-1.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc K-gYearMonthEQ-2.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc K-gYearMonthEQ-3.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc K-gYearMonthEQ-4.txt Test that zone offset -00:00 is equal to Z, in xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc K-gYearMonthEQ-5.txt Test that zone offset +00:00 is equal to Z, in xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc K-gYearMonthEQ-6.txt Test that zone offset Z is equal to Z, in xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc K-gYearMonthEQ-7.txt Test that zone offset -00:00 is equal to +00:00, in xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc K-gYearMonthEQ-8.txt op:gYear-equal Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gYear(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gYear(lower bound). emptydoc op-gYear-equal2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gYear(mid range) $arg2 = xs:gYear(lower bound). emptydoc op-gYear-equal2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gYear(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:gYear(lower bound). emptydoc op-gYear-equal2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gYear(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gYear(mid range). emptydoc op-gYear-equal2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gYear(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gYear(upper bound). emptydoc op-gYear-equal2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gYear(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gYear(lower bound). emptydoc op-gYear-equal2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gYear(mid range) $arg2 = xs:gYear(lower bound). emptydoc op-gYear-equal2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gYear(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:gYear(lower bound). emptydoc op-gYear-equal2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gYear(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gYear(mid range). emptydoc op-gYear-equal2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gYear(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gYear(upper bound). emptydoc op-gYear-equal2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator as per example 1 for this operator from the F and O specs (eq operator). emptydoc op-gYear-equal-1.txt Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator as per example 2 for this operator from the F and O specs (eq operator). emptydoc op-gYear-equal-2.txt Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (eq operator). emptydoc op-gYear-equalNew-3.txt Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (ne operator). emptydoc op-gYear-equalNew-4.txt Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (eq operator). emptydoc op-gYear-equal-5.txt Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (ne operator). emptydoc op-gYear-equalNew-6.txt Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator used together with "and" expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-gYear-equalNew-7.txt Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator used together with "and" expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-gYear-equal-8.txt Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator used together with "or" expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-gYear-equalNew-9.txt Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator used together with "or" expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-gYear-equal-10.txt Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (eq operator). emptydoc op-gYear-equal-11.txt Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (ne operator). emptydoc op-gYear-equalNew-12.txt Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (eq operator). emptydoc op-gYear-equal-13.txt Evaluates the "op:gYear-equal" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (ne operator). emptydoc op-gYear-equal-14.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:gYear, returning positive. emptydoc K-gYearEQ-1.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:gYear. emptydoc K-gYearEQ-2.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:gYear. emptydoc K-gYearEQ-3.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:gYear. emptydoc K-gYearEQ-4.txt Test that zone offset -00:00 is equal to Z, in xs:gYear. emptydoc K-gYearEQ-5.txt Test that zone offset +00:00 is equal to Z, in xs:gYear. emptydoc K-gYearEQ-6.txt Test that zone offset Z is equal to Z, in xs:gYear. emptydoc K-gYearEQ-7.txt Test that zone offset -00:00 is equal to +00:00, in xs:gYear. emptydoc K-gYearEQ-8.txt op:gMonthDay-equal Evaluates the "op:gMonthDay-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gMonthDay(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gMonthDay(lower bound). emptydoc op-gMonthDay-equal2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonthDay-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gMonthDay(mid range) $arg2 = xs:gMonthDay(lower bound). emptydoc op-gMonthDay-equal2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonthDay-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gMonthDay(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:gMonthDay(lower bound). emptydoc op-gMonthDay-equal2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonthDay-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gMonthDay(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gMonthDay(mid range). emptydoc op-gMonthDay-equal2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonthDay-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gMonthDay(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gMonthDay(upper bound). emptydoc op-gMonthDay-equal2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonthDay-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gMonthDay(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gMonthDay(lower bound). emptydoc op-gMonthDay-equal2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonthDay-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gMonthDay(mid range) $arg2 = xs:gMonthDay(lower bound). emptydoc op-gMonthDay-equal2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonthDay-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gMonthDay(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:gMonthDay(lower bound). emptydoc op-gMonthDay-equal2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonthDay-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gMonthDay(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gMonthDay(mid range). emptydoc op-gMonthDay-equal2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonthDay-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gMonthDay(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gMonthDay(upper bound). emptydoc op-gMonthDay-equal2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonthDay-equal" operator as per example 2 for this operator from the F and O specs (eq operator). emptydoc op-gMonthDay-equal-2.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonthDay-equal" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (eq operator). emptydoc op-gMonthDay-equal-3.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonthDay-equal" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (ne operator). emptydoc op-gMonthDay-equal-4.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonthDay-equal" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (eq operator). emptydoc op-gMonthDay-equal-5.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonthDay-equal" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (ne operator). emptydoc op-gMonthDay-equal-6.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonthDay-equal" operator used together with "and" expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-gMonthDay-equal-7.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonthDay-equal" operator used together with "and" expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-gMonthDay-equal-8.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonthDay-equal" operator used together with "or" expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-gMonthDay-equal-9.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonthDay-equal" operator used together with "or" expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-gMonthDay-equal-10.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonthDay-equal" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (eq operator). emptydoc op-gMonthDay-equal-11.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonthDay-equal" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (ne operator). emptydoc op-gMonthDay-equal-12.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonthDay-equal" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (eq operator). emptydoc op-gMonthDay-equal-13.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonthDay-equal" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (ne operator). emptydoc op-gMonthDay-equal-14.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:gMonthDay, returning positive. emptydoc K-gMonthDayEQ-1.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc K-gMonthDayEQ-2.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc K-gMonthDayEQ-3.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc K-gMonthDayEQ-4.txt Test that zone offset -00:00 is equal to Z, in xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc K-gMonthDayEQ-5.txt Test that zone offset +00:00 is equal to Z, in xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc K-gMonthDayEQ-6.txt Test that zone offset Z is equal to Z, in xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc K-gMonthDayEQ-7.txt Test that zone offset -00:00 is equal to +00:00, in xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc K-gMonthDayEQ-8.txt op:gMonth-equal Evaluates the "op:gMonth-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gMonth(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gMonth(lower bound). emptydoc op-gMonth-equal2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonth-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gMonth(mid range) $arg2 = xs:gMonth(lower bound). emptydoc op-gMonth-equal2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonth-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gMonth(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:gMonth(lower bound). emptydoc op-gMonth-equal2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonth-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gMonth(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gMonth(mid range). emptydoc op-gMonth-equal2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonth-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gMonth(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gMonth(upper bound). emptydoc op-gMonth-equal2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonth-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gMonth(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gMonth(lower bound). emptydoc op-gMonth-equal2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonth-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gMonth(mid range) $arg2 = xs:gMonth(lower bound). emptydoc op-gMonth-equal2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonth-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gMonth(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:gMonth(lower bound). emptydoc op-gMonth-equal2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonth-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gMonth(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gMonth(mid range). emptydoc op-gMonth-equal2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonth-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gMonth(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gMonth(upper bound). emptydoc op-gMonth-equal2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonth-equal" operator as per example 2 for this operator from the F and O specs (eq operator). emptydoc op-gMonth-equal-2.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonth-equal" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (eq operator). emptydoc op-gMonth-equal-3.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonth-equal" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (ne operator). emptydoc op-gMonth-equal-4.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonth-equal" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (eq operator). emptydoc op-gMonth-equal-5.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonth-equal" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (ne operator). emptydoc op-gMonth-equal-6.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonth-equal" operator used together with "and" expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-gMonth-equal-7.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonth-equal" operator used together with "and" expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-gMonth-equal-8.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonth-equal" operator used together with "or" expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-gMonth-equal-9.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonth-equal" operator used together with "or" expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-gMonth-equal-10.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonth-equal" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (eq operator). emptydoc op-gMonth-equal-11.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonth-equal" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (ne operator). emptydoc op-gMonth-equal-12.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonth-equal" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (eq operator). emptydoc op-gMonth-equal-13.txt Evaluates the "op:gMonth-equal" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (ne operator). emptydoc op-gMonth-equal-14.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:gMonth, returning positive. emptydoc K-gMonthEQ-1.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:gMonth. emptydoc K-gMonthEQ-2.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:gMonth. emptydoc K-gMonthEQ-3.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:gMonth. emptydoc K-gMonthEQ-4.txt Test that zone offset -00:00 is equal to Z, in xs:gMonth. emptydoc K-gMonthEQ-5.txt Test that zone offset +00:00 is equal to Z, in xs:gMonth. emptydoc K-gMonthEQ-6.txt Test that zone offset Z is equal to Z, in xs:gMonth. emptydoc K-gMonthEQ-7.txt Test that zone offset -00:00 is equal to +00:00, in xs:gMonth. emptydoc K-gMonthEQ-8.txt op:gDay-equal Evaluates the "op:gDay-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gDay(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gDay(lower bound). emptydoc op-gDay-equal2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:gDay-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gDay(mid range) $arg2 = xs:gDay(lower bound). emptydoc op-gDay-equal2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:gDay-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gDay(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:gDay(lower bound). emptydoc op-gDay-equal2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:gDay-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gDay(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gDay(mid range). emptydoc op-gDay-equal2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:gDay-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gDay(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gDay(upper bound). emptydoc op-gDay-equal2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:gDay-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gDay(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gDay(lower bound). emptydoc op-gDay-equal2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:gDay-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gDay(mid range) $arg2 = xs:gDay(lower bound). emptydoc op-gDay-equal2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:gDay-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gDay(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:gDay(lower bound). emptydoc op-gDay-equal2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:gDay-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gDay(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gDay(mid range). emptydoc op-gDay-equal2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:gDay-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:gDay(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:gDay(upper bound). emptydoc op-gDay-equal2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:gDay-equal" operator as per example 2 for this operator from the F and O specs (eq operator). emptydoc op-gDay-equal-2.txt Evaluates the "op:gDay-equal" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (eq operator). emptydoc op-gDay-equal-3.txt Evaluates the "op:gDay-equal" operator that returns true and used together with the fn:not function (ne operator). emptydoc op-gDay-equal-4.txt Evaluates the "op:gDay-equal" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (eq operator). emptydoc op-gDay-equal-5.txt Evaluates the "op:gDay-equal" operator that returns false and used together with the fn:not function (ne operator). emptydoc op-gDay-equal-6.txt Evaluates the "op:gDay-equal" operator used together with "and" expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-gDay-equal-7.txt Evaluates the "op:gDay-equal" operator used together with "and" expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-gDay-equal-8.txt Evaluates the "op:gDay-equal" operator used together with "or" expression (eq operator). emptydoc op-gDay-equal-9.txt Evaluates the "op:gDay-equal" operator used together with "or" expression (ne operator). emptydoc op-gDay-equal-10.txt Evaluates the "op:gDay-equal" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (eq operator). emptydoc op-gDay-equal-11.txt Evaluates the "op:gDay-equal" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:true function (ne operator). emptydoc op-gDay-equal-12.txt Evaluates the "op:gDay-equal" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (eq operator). emptydoc op-gDay-equal-13.txt Evaluates the "op:gDay-equal" operator used together with "or" expression and fn:false function (ne operator). emptydoc op-gDay-equal-14.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:gDay, returning positive. emptydoc K-gDayEQ-1.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:gDay. emptydoc K-gDayEQ-2.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:gDay. emptydoc K-gDayEQ-3.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:gDay. emptydoc K-gDayEQ-4.txt Test that zone offset -00:00 is equal to Z, in xs:gDay. emptydoc K-gDayEQ-5.txt Test that zone offset +00:00 is equal to Z, in xs:gDay. emptydoc K-gDayEQ-6.txt Test that zone offset Z is equal to Z, in xs:gDay. emptydoc K-gDayEQ-7.txt Test that zone offset -00:00 is equal to +00:00, in xs:gDay. emptydoc K-gDayEQ-8.txt op:yearMonthDuration-equal Simple test of 'eq' for xs:yearMonthDuration, returning positive. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationEQ-1.txt Testing 'eq' involving xs:yearMonthDuration with two zeroed values. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationEQ-2.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationEQ-3.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationEQ-4.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationEQ-5.txt The xs:yearMonthDuration values -P0M and P0M are equal. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationEQ-6.txt The xs:yearMonthDuration values -P0M and P0M are not equal. emptydoc K-YearMonthDurationEQ-7.txt op:dayTimeDuration-equal Simple test of 'eq' for xs:dayTimeDuration, returning positive. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationEQ-1.txt Testing 'eq' involving xs:dayTimeDuration with two zeroed values. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationEQ-2.txt Simple test of 'eq' for xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationEQ-3.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationEQ-4.txt Simple test of 'ne' for xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationEQ-5.txt The xs:dayTimeDuration values -PT0S and PT0S are equal. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationEQ-6.txt The xs:dayTimeDuration values -P2DT5H and P2DT5H are not equal. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationEQ-7.txt Test eq operator for xs:dayTimeDuration values with large milli second component. emptydoc K-DayTimeDurationEQ-8.txt Comparison Operators on QName Values op:QName-equal Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used with simple identical qname values (uses the eq operator). emptydoc op-qName-equal-1.txt Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used with simple identical qname values (uses the ne operator). emptydoc op-qName-equal-2.txt Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used with simple different qname values (different namespace URI values, same local part). Uses the eq operator. emptydoc op-qName-equal-3.txt Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used with simple different qname values (different namespace URI values, same local part). Uses the ne operator. emptydoc op-qName-equal-4.txt Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used with simple different qname values (same namespace URI values, different local part). Uses the eq operator. emptydoc op-qName-equal-5.txt Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used with simple different qname values (same namespace URI values, different local part). Uses the ne operator. emptydoc op-qName-equal-6.txt Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used with same namespace URI value, same local part and same prefix. Uses the eq operator. emptydoc op-qname-equal-7.txt Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used with same namespace URI value, same local part and same prefix. Uses the ne operator. emptydoc op-qname-equal-8.txt Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used with same namespace URI value, same local part and different prefix (should ignore prefix). Uses the eq operator. emptydoc op-qname-equal-9.txt Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used with same namespace URI value, same local part and different prefix (should ignore prefix). Uses the ne operator. emptydoc op-qname-equal-10.txt Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used with same namespace URI value, different local part and different prefix (should ignore prefix). Uses the eq operator. emptydoc op-qname-equal-11.txt Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used with same namespace URI value, different local part and different prefix (should ignore prefix). Uses the ne operator. emptydoc op-qname-equal-12.txt Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used with different namespace URI value, different local part and different prefix (should ignore prefix). Uses the eq operator. emptydoc op-qname-equal-13.txt Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used with different namespace URI value, different local part and different prefix (should ignore prefix). Uses the ne operator. emptydoc op-qname-equal-14.txt Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used with first namespace URI set to empty string, same local part and no prefix. Uses the eq operator. emptydoc op-qname-equal-15.txt Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used with first namespace URI set to empty string, same local part and no prefix. Uses the ne operator. emptydoc op-qname-equal-16.txt Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used with second namespace URI set to empty string, same local part and no prefix. Uses the eq operator. emptydoc op-qname-equal-17.txt Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used with second namespace URI set to empty string, same local part and no prefix. Uses the ne operator. emptydoc op-qname-equal-18.txt Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used with both namespace URI set to empty string, same local part and no prefix. Uses the eq operator. emptydoc op-qname-equal-19.txt Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used with both namespace URI set to empty string, same local part and no prefix. Uses the ne operator. emptydoc op-qname-equal-20.txt Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used as an argument to the fn:not function. Uses the eq operator. emptydoc op-qname-equal-21.txt Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used as an argument to the fn:not function. Uses the ne operator. emptydoc op-qname-equal-22.txt Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used as part of a boolean expression. Uses the "eq" and "and" operators. emptydoc op-qname-equal-23.txt Evaluates the "op:qname-equal" operator used as part of a boolean expression. Uses the "ne" and "and" operators. emptydoc op-qname-equal-24.txt Evaluates value comparison between string and QName. Uses "eq" operator. emptydoc value-comparison-1.txt Evaluates value comparison between string and QName. Uses "ne" operator. emptydoc value-comparison-2.txt A test whose essence is: `QName("example.com/", "p:ncname") eq QName("example.com/", "p:ncname")`. emptydoc K-QNameEQ-1.txt A test whose essence is: `QName("example.com/", "p:ncname") eq QName("example.com/", "pdifferent:ncname")`. emptydoc K-QNameEQ-2.txt A test whose essence is: `QName("example.com/", "p:ncname") ne QName("example.com/Nope", "p:ncname")`. emptydoc K-QNameEQ-3.txt A test whose essence is: `QName("example.com/", "p:ncname") ne QName("example.com/", "p:ncnameNope")`. emptydoc K-QNameEQ-4.txt Operator 'lt' is not available between xs:QName and xs:integer. emptydoc XPTY0004 Operator 'eq' is not available between xs:anyURI and xs:QName. emptydoc XPTY0004 Operator 'lt' is not available between values of type xs:QName. emptydoc XPTY0004 Operator 'le' is not available between values of type xs:QName. emptydoc XPTY0004 Operator 'gt' is not available between values of type xs:QName. emptydoc XPTY0004 Operator 'ge' is not available between values of type xs:QName. emptydoc XPTY0004 fn:prefix-from-QName Evaluates the "fn-prefix-from-qname" function with wrong arity. emptydoc XPST0017 Evaluates the "fn-prefix-from-qname" function with wrong argument type. emptydoc XPTY0004 Evaluates the "fn-prefix-from-qname" function as argument to fn:string function and no prefix. emptydoc fn-prefix-from-qname-3.txt Evaluates the "fn-prefix-from-qname" function as argument to xs:string function and no prefix. emptydoc fn-prefix-from-qname-4.txt Evaluates the "fn-prefix-from-qname" function as argument to xs:string function and with prefix. emptydoc fn-prefix-from-qname-5.txt Evaluates the "fn-prefix-from-qname" function as argument to fn:string function and with prefix. emptydoc fn-prefix-from-qname-6.txt Evaluates the "fn-prefix-from-qname" function with argument set to empty sequence. emptydoc fn-prefix-from-qname-7.txt Evaluates the "fn-prefix-from-qname" function with prefix that is not defined. emptydoc FONS0004 Evaluates the "fn-prefix-from-qname" function as argument to upper-case function. emptydoc fn-prefix-from-qname-9.txt Evaluates the "fn-prefix-from-qname" function as argument to lower-case function. emptydoc fn-prefix-from-qname-10.txt Evaluates the "fn-prefix-from-qname" function as argument to concat function. emptydoc fn-prefix-from-qname-11.txt Evaluates the "fn-prefix-from-qname" function as argument to substring-before function. emptydoc fn-prefix-from-qname-12.txt Evaluates the "fn-prefix-from-qname" function as argument to substring-after function. emptydoc fn-prefix-from-qname-13.txt Evaluates the "fn-prefix-from-qname" function as argument to string-length function. emptydoc fn-prefix-from-qname-14.txt Evaluates the "fn-prefix-from-qname" function as argument to substring function. emptydoc fn-prefix-from-qname-15.txt Evaluates the "fn-prefix-from-qname" function as argument to string-join function. emptydoc fn-prefix-from-qname-16.txt Evaluates the "fn-prefix-from-qname" function as argument to starts-with function. emptydoc fn-prefix-from-qname-17.txt Evaluates the "fn-prefix-from-qname" function as argument to ends-with function. emptydoc fn-prefix-from-qname-18.txt Evaluates the "fn-prefix-from-qname" function as argument to fn:contains function. emptydoc fn-prefix-from-qname-19.txt Evaluation of fn-prefix-fromQName function with two namespaces declared with same namespace (different case). emptydoc fn-prefix-from-qname-20.txt A test whose essence is: `prefix-from-QName()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `prefix-from-QName(1, 2)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(prefix-from-QName( () ))`. emptydoc K-PrefixFromQName-3.txt A test whose essence is: `prefix-from-QName( QName("example.com/", "pre:lname")) eq "pre"`. emptydoc K-PrefixFromQName-4.txt Comparison Operators on base64Binary and hexBinary Types op:hexBinary-equal Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:hexBinary(lower bound) $value2 = xs:hexBinary(lower bound). emptydoc op-hexBinary-equal2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:hexBinary(mid range) $value2 = xs:hexBinary(lower bound). emptydoc op-hexBinary-equal2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:hexBinary(upper bound) $value2 = xs:hexBinary(lower bound). emptydoc op-hexBinary-equal2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:hexBinary(lower bound) $value2 = xs:hexBinary(mid range). emptydoc op-hexBinary-equal2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:hexBinary(lower bound) $value2 = xs:hexBinary(upper bound). emptydoc op-hexBinary-equal2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:hexBinary(lower bound) $value2 = xs:hexBinary(lower bound). emptydoc op-hexBinary-equal2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:hexBinary(mid range) $value2 = xs:hexBinary(lower bound). emptydoc op-hexBinary-equal2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:hexBinary(upper bound) $value2 = xs:hexBinary(lower bound). emptydoc op-hexBinary-equal2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:hexBinary(lower bound) $value2 = xs:hexBinary(mid range). emptydoc op-hexBinary-equal2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:hexBinary(lower bound) $value2 = xs:hexBinary(upper bound). emptydoc op-hexBinary-equal2args-10.txt Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operator in conjunction with a logical expression, "and" operator. Uses the "eq" operator. emptydoc hexBinary-1.txt Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operator in conjunction with a logical expression, "or" operator. Uses the "eq" operator. emptydoc hexBinary-2.txt Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operation as argument to an "fn:not" function. Uses "eq" operator. emptydoc hexBinary-3.txt Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operator in conjunction with a logical expression, "and" operator. Uses the "eq" operator and "fn:true()". emptydoc hexBinary-4.txt Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operator in conjunction with a logical expression, "and" operator. Uses the "eq" operator and "fn:false()". emptydoc hexBinary-5.txt Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operator in conjunction with a logical expression, "or" operator. Uses the "eq" operator and "fn:true" function. emptydoc hexBinary-6.txt Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operator in conjunction with a logical expression, "or" operator. Uses the "eq" operator and "fn:false" function. emptydoc hexBinary-7.txt Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operator in conjunction with a logical expression, "and" operator. Uses the "ne" operator. emptydoc hexBinary-8.txt Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operator in conjunction with a logical expression, "or" operator. Uses the "ne" operator. emptydoc hexBinary-9.txt Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operation as argument to an "fn:not" function. Uses "ne" operator. emptydoc hexBinary-10.txt Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operator in conjunction with a logical expression, "and" operator. Uses the "ne" operator and "fn:true()". emptydoc hexBinary-11.txt Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operator in conjunction with a logical expression, "and" operator. Uses the "ne" operator and "fn:false()". emptydoc hexBinary-12.txt Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operator in conjunction with a logical expression, "or" operator. Uses the "ne" operator and "fn:true" function. emptydoc hexBinary-13.txt Evaluates the "op:hexBinary-equal" operator in conjunction with a logical expression, "or" operator. Uses the "ne" operator and "fn:false" function. emptydoc hexBinary-14.txt Compare two hexBinary values. emptydoc K-HexBinaryEQ-1.txt Compare two hexBinary values. emptydoc K-HexBinaryEQ-2.txt Compare two hexBinary values. emptydoc K-HexBinaryEQ-3.txt Complex comparison test of wrapped hexBinary/base64Binary constructor functions. emptydoc K-HexBinaryEQ-4.txt Complex comparison test of wrapped hexBinary/base64Binary constructor functions. emptydoc K-HexBinaryEQ-5.txt op:base64Binary-equal Evaluates the "op:base64Binary-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:base64Binary(lower bound) $value2 = xs:base64Binary(lower bound). emptydoc op-base64Binary-equal2args-1.txt Evaluates the "op:base64Binary-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:base64Binary(mid range) $value2 = xs:base64Binary(lower bound). emptydoc op-base64Binary-equal2args-2.txt Evaluates the "op:base64Binary-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:base64Binary(upper bound) $value2 = xs:base64Binary(lower bound). emptydoc op-base64Binary-equal2args-3.txt Evaluates the "op:base64Binary-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:base64Binary(lower bound) $value2 = xs:base64Binary(mid range). emptydoc op-base64Binary-equal2args-4.txt Evaluates the "op:base64Binary-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:base64Binary(lower bound) $value2 = xs:base64Binary(upper bound). emptydoc op-base64Binary-equal2args-5.txt Evaluates the "op:base64Binary-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:base64Binary(lower bound) $value2 = xs:base64Binary(lower bound). emptydoc op-base64Binary-equal2args-6.txt Evaluates the "op:base64Binary-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:base64Binary(mid range) $value2 = xs:base64Binary(lower bound). emptydoc op-base64Binary-equal2args-7.txt Evaluates the "op:base64Binary-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:base64Binary(upper bound) $value2 = xs:base64Binary(lower bound). emptydoc op-base64Binary-equal2args-8.txt Evaluates the "op:base64Binary-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:base64Binary(lower bound) $value2 = xs:base64Binary(mid range). emptydoc op-base64Binary-equal2args-9.txt Evaluates the "op:base64Binary-equal" operator with the arguments set as follows: $value1 = xs:base64Binary(lower bound) $value2 = xs:base64Binary(upper bound). emptydoc op-base64Binary-equal2args-10.txt Evaluates "xs:base64Binary" values in conjunction with a logical expression, "and" operator. Uses the "eq" operator. emptydoc base64BinaryEqual-1.txt Evaluates "xs:base64Binary" values in conjunction with a logical expression, "or" operator. Uses the "eq" operator. emptydoc base64BinaryEqual-2.txt Evaluates and operation using "xs:base64Binary" values as argument to an "fn:not" function. Uses "eq" operator. emptydoc base64BinaryEqual-3.txt Evaluates "xs:base64Binary" values in conjunction with a logical expression, "and" operator. Uses the "eq" operator and "fn:true()". emptydoc base64BinaryEqual-4.txt Evaluates "xs:base64Binary" values in conjunction with a logical expression, "and" operator. Uses the "eq" operator and "fn:false()". emptydoc base64BinaryEqual-5.txt Evaluates "xs:base64Binary" values in conjunction with a logical expression, "or" operator. Uses the "eq" operator and "fn:true" function. emptydoc base64BinaryEqual-6.txt Evaluates "xs:base64Binary" values in conjunction with a logical expression, "or" operator. Uses the "eq" operator and "fn:false" function. emptydoc base64BinaryEqual-7.txt Evaluates "xs:base64Binary" values in conjunction with a logical expression, "and" operator. Uses the "ne" operator. emptydoc base64BinaryEqual-8.txt Evaluates "xs:base64Binary" values in conjunction with a logical expression, "or" operator. Uses the "ne" operator. emptydoc base64BinaryEqual-9.txt Evaluates an operation on "xs:base64Binary" values as argument to an "fn:not" function. Uses "ne" operator. emptydoc base64BinaryEqual-10.txt Evaluates "xs:base64Binary" values in conjunction with a logical expression, "and" operator. Uses the "ne" operator and "fn:true()". emptydoc base64BinaryEqual-11.txt Evaluates "xs:base64Binary" values in conjunction with a logical expression, "and" operator. Uses the "ne" operator and "fn:false()". emptydoc base64BinaryEqual-12.txt Evaluates "xs:base64Binary" values in conjunction with a logical expression, "or" operator. Uses the "ne" operator and "fn:true" function. emptydoc base64BinaryEqual-13.txt Evaluates "xs:base64Binary" values in conjunction with a logical expression, "or" operator. Uses the "ne" operator and "fn:false" function. emptydoc base64BinaryEqual-14.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:base64Binary(xs:hexBinary("03")) eq xs:base64Binary(xs:hexBinary("03"))`. emptydoc K-Base64BinaryEQ-1.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:base64Binary(xs:hexBinary("03")) ne xs:base64Binary(xs:hexBinary("13"))`. emptydoc K-Base64BinaryEQ-2.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:hexBinary(xs:base64Binary("/w==")) eq xs:hexBinary("FF")`. emptydoc K-Base64BinaryEQ-3.txt Comparison Operators on NOTATION Types op:NOTATION-equal Type Checking and Error Handling A value comparison where the cardinality of the operand(s) is wrong. emptydoc XPTY0004 A value comparison where the cardinality of the operand(s) is wrong. emptydoc XPTY0004 A value comparison where the cardinality of the operand(s) is wrong. emptydoc XPTY0004 A value comparison where the cardinality of the operand(s) is wrong. emptydoc XPTY0004 A value comparison where the cardinality of the operand(s) is wrong. emptydoc XPTY0004 A value comparison where the cardinality of the operand(s) is wrong. emptydoc XPTY0004 A value comparison where the cardinality of the operand(s) is wrong. emptydoc XPTY0004 A value comparison where the cardinality of the operand(s) is wrong. emptydoc XPTY0004 A value comparison where the cardinality of the operand(s) is wrong. emptydoc XPTY0004 A value comparison where the cardinality of the operand(s) is wrong. emptydoc XPTY0004 A value comparison where the cardinality of the operand(s) is wrong. emptydoc XPTY0004 A value comparison where the cardinality of the operand(s) is wrong. emptydoc XPTY0004 A value comparison involving empty sequence(s). emptydoc K-ValCompTypeChecking-13.txt XPST0005 A value comparison involving empty sequence(s). emptydoc K-ValCompTypeChecking-14.txt XPST0005 A value comparison involving empty sequence(s). emptydoc K-ValCompTypeChecking-15.txt XPST0005 Value comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic, which leads to an inexistent operator mapping. emptydoc XPTY0004 Value comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic, which leads to an inexistent operator mapping. emptydoc XPTY0004 Value comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic, which leads to an inexistent operator mapping. emptydoc XPTY0004 Value comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic, which leads to an inexistent operator mapping. emptydoc XPTY0004 Value comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic, which leads to an inexistent operator mapping. emptydoc XPTY0004 Value comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic, which leads to an inexistent operator mapping. emptydoc XPTY0004 Value comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic, which leads to an inexistent operator mapping. emptydoc XPTY0004 Value comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic, which leads to an inexistent operator mapping. emptydoc XPTY0004 Value comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic, which leads to an inexistent operator mapping. emptydoc XPTY0004 Value comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic, which leads to an inexistent operator mapping. emptydoc XPTY0004 Value comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic, which leads to an inexistent operator mapping. emptydoc XPTY0004 Value comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic, which leads to an inexistent operator mapping. emptydoc XPTY0004 Value comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic, which leads to an inexistent operator mapping. emptydoc XPTY0004 Value comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic, which leads to an inexistent operator mapping. emptydoc XPTY0004 Compare xs:untypedAtomic and xs:string. emptydoc K-ValCompTypeChecking-30.txt Compare xs:untypedAtomic and xs:string. emptydoc K-ValCompTypeChecking-31.txt An expression involving the ge operator that trigger certain optimization paths in some implementations. emptydoc K-ValCompTypeChecking-32.txt An expression involving the ne operator that trigger certain optimization paths in some implementations. emptydoc K-ValCompTypeChecking-33.txt Test that fn:count combined with expressions that might disable compile time evaluations(optimization) as well as the '=' operator, is conformant. emptydoc K-ValCompTypeChecking-34.txt Combine error() with a value comparison, testing handling of the 'none' type. emptydoc FOER0000 Combine error() with a value comparison, testing handling of the 'none' type. emptydoc FOER0000 Combine error() with a value comparison, testing handling of the 'none' type. emptydoc FOER0000 Combine error() with a value comparison, testing handling of the 'none' type. emptydoc FOER0000 Combine error() with a value comparison, testing handling of the 'none' type. emptydoc FOER0000 Combine error() with a value comparison, testing handling of the 'none' type. emptydoc FOER0000 Combine error() with a value comparison, testing handling of the 'none' type. emptydoc FOER0000 A simple value comparison that in some Bison grammars triggers a bug. emptydoc K-ValCompTypeChecking-42.txt Comparison of String Values xs:string eq/ne xs:string A test whose essence is: `'equals' eq 'equals'`. emptydoc K-StringEqual-1.txt A test whose essence is: `'' eq ''`. emptydoc K-StringEqual-2.txt A test whose essence is: `not('nada' eq 'equalness')`. emptydoc K-StringEqual-3.txt A test whose essence is: `'not' ne 'equal'`. emptydoc K-StringEqual-4.txt A test whose essence is: `not('equal' ne 'equal')`. emptydoc K-StringEqual-5.txt Compare two values returned from fn:lower-case(). emptydoc K2-StringEqual-1.txt Compare two values returned from fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-StringEqual-2.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:lower-case(). emptydoc K2-StringEqual-3.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-StringEqual-4.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:lower-case() and fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-StringEqual-5.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:lower-case() and fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-StringEqual-6.txt xs:string gt/ge xs:string A test whose essence is: `'abc' gt 'a'`. emptydoc K-StringGT-1.txt A test whose essence is: `not('abc' gt 'abc')`. emptydoc K-StringGT-2.txt A test whose essence is: `'abc' ge 'a'`. emptydoc K-StringGT-3.txt A test whose essence is: `not('a' ge 'abc')`. emptydoc K-StringGT-4.txt A test whose essence is: `'abc' ge 'abc'`. emptydoc K-StringGT-5.txt xs:string lt/le xs:string A test whose essence is: `'a' lt 'abc'`. emptydoc K-StringLT-1.txt A test whose essence is: `not('abc' lt 'a')`. emptydoc K-StringLT-2.txt A test whose essence is: `'a' le 'abc'`. emptydoc K-StringLT-3.txt A test whose essence is: `not('abc' le 'a')`. emptydoc K-StringLT-4.txt A test whose essence is: `'abc' le 'abc'`. emptydoc K-StringLT-5.txt Compare two large codepoints. emptydoc K2-StringLT-1.txt Comparison of AnyURI Values xs:anyURI eq/ne xs:anyURI A test whose essence is: `xs:anyURI("example.com/") eq xs:anyURI("example.com/")`. emptydoc K-AnyURIEqual-1.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:anyURI("example.com/") ne xs:anyURI("example.com/No")`. emptydoc K-AnyURIEqual-2.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:anyURI("example.com/") eq xs:string("example.com/")`. emptydoc K-AnyURIEqual-3.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string("example.com/") eq xs:anyURI("example.com/")`. emptydoc K-AnyURIEqual-4.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:anyURI("example.com/") ne xs:string("example.com/No")`. emptydoc K-AnyURIEqual-5.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string("example.com/") ne xs:anyURI("example.com/No")`. emptydoc K-AnyURIEqual-6.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:anyURI("example.com/") eq xs:untypedAtomic("example.com/")`. emptydoc K-AnyURIEqual-7.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:untypedAtomic("example.com/") eq xs:anyURI("example.com/")`. emptydoc K-AnyURIEqual-8.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:anyURI("example.com/") ne xs:untypedAtomic("example.com/No")`. emptydoc K-AnyURIEqual-9.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:untypedAtomic("example.com/") ne xs:anyURI("example.com/No")`. emptydoc K-AnyURIEqual-10.txt Invoked 'eq' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURIEqual-1.txt Invoked 'eq' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURIEqual-2.txt Invoked 'eq' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURIEqual-3.txt Invoked 'eq' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURIEqual-4.txt Invoked 'eq' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURIEqual-5.txt Invoked 'eq' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURIEqual-6.txt Invoked 'ne' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURIEqual-7.txt Invoked 'ne' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURIEqual-8.txt Invoked 'ne' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURIEqual-9.txt Invoked 'ne' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURIEqual-10.txt Invoked 'ne' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURIEqual-11.txt Invoked 'ne' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURIEqual-12.txt xs:anyURI lt/gt xs:anyURI Invoked 'lt' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURILtGt-1.txt Invoked 'lt' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURILtGt-2.txt Invoked 'lt' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURILtGt-3.txt Invoked 'lt' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURILtGt-4.txt Invoked 'gt' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURILtGt-5.txt Invoked 'gt' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURILtGt-6.txt Invoked 'gt' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURILtGt-7.txt Invoked 'gt' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURILtGt-8.txt xs:anyURI le/ge xs:anyURI Invoked 'le' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURILeGe-1.txt Invoked 'le' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURILeGe-2.txt Invoked 'le' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURILeGe-3.txt Invoked 'gt' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURILeGe-4.txt Invoked 'gt' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURILeGe-5.txt Invoked 'gt' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURILeGe-6.txt Invoked 'le' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURILeGe-7.txt Invoked 'le' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURILeGe-8.txt Invoked 'gt' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURILeGe-9.txt Invoked 'gt' on xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-AnyURILeGe-10.txt General Comparisons The "=" operator for general comparisons The general comparison operator"=" Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence = Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression1.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence = Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression2.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence = Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression3.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence = Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression4.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence = Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression5.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence = Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression6.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence = Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression7.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence = Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression8.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence = Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression9.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence = Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression10.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value = Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression11.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value = Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression12.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value = Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression13.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value = Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression14.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value = Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression15.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value = Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression16.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value = Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression17.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value = Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression18.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value = Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression19.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value = Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression20.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value = Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression21.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value = Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression22.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value = Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression23.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value = Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression24.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value = Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression25.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value = Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression26.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value = Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression27.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value = Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression28.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value = Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression29.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values = Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression30.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values = Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression31.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values = Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression32.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values = Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression33.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values = Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression34.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values = Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression35.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values = Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression36.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values = Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression37.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values = Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression38.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values = Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression39.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor = Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression40.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor = Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression41.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor = Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression42.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor = Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression43.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor = Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression44.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor = Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression45.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor = Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression46.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor = Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression47.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor = Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression48.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor = Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression49.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor = Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression50.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor = Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression51.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor = Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression52.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor = Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression53.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor = Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression54.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor = Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression55.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor = Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression56.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor = Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression57.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor = Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression58.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor = Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression59.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors = Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression60.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors = Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression61.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors = Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression62.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors = Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression63.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors = Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression64.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors = Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression65.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors = Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression66.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors = Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression67.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors = Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression68.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors = Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression69.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes = Empty sequence. works generalexpression70.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes = Atomic Value. works generalexpression71.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes = Sequence of single atomic value. works generalexpression72.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes = Sequence of single atomic values. works generalexpression73.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes = Element Constructor. works generalexpression74.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes = Sequence of single element constructor. works generalexpression75.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes = Sequence of multiple element constructors. works generalexpression76.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes = Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression77.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes = Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression78.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes = Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression79.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) = Empty sequence. works generalexpression80.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) = Atomic Value. works generalexpression81.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) = Sequence of single atomic value. works generalexpression82.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) = Sequence of single atomic values. works generalexpression83.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) = Element Constructor. works generalexpression84.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) = Sequence of single element constructor. works generalexpression85.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) = Sequence of multiple element constructors. works generalexpression86.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) = Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression87.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) = Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression88.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) = Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression89.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) = Empty sequence. works staff generalexpression90.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) = Atomic Value. works staff generalexpression91.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) = Sequence of single atomic value. works staff generalexpression92.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) = Sequence of single atomic values. works staff generalexpression93.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) = Element Constructor. works staff generalexpression94.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) = Sequence of single element constructor. works staff generalexpression95.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) = Sequence of multiple element constructors. works staff generalexpression96.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) = Sequence of single element nodes. works staff generalexpression97.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) = Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works staff generalexpression98.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) = Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression99.txt General comparisons involving the empty sequence. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-1.txt General comparisons involving the empty sequence. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-2.txt General comparisons involving the empty sequence. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-3.txt General comparisons involving the empty sequence. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-4.txt A syntactically invalid expression that reminds of a general comparison operator. emptydoc XPST0003 Example from the XPath 2.0 specification. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-6.txt Example from the XPath 2.0 specification. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-7.txt Example from the XPath 2.0 specification. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-8.txt Example from the XPath 2.0 specification. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-9.txt XPTY0004 Example from the XPath 2.0 specification. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-10.txt XPTY0004 General comparison causing numeric promotion from xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-11.txt General comparison causing numeric promotion from xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-12.txt General comparison causing numeric promotion from xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-13.txt General comparison causing numeric promotion from xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-14.txt General comparison causing numeric promotion from xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-15.txt A general comparison involving the error() function. emptydoc FOER0000 A general comparison involving the error() function. emptydoc FOER0000 A general comparison involving the error() function. emptydoc FOER0000 A general comparison involving the error() function. emptydoc FOER0000 An expression involving the '=' operator that trigger certain optimization paths in some implementations. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-20.txt Test that fn:count combined with expressions that might disable compile time evaluations(optimization) as well as the '=' operator, is conformant. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-21.txt Test that fn:count combined with expressions that might disable compile time evaluations(optimization) as well as the '=' operator, is conformant. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-22.txt Comparison where type of operands are incompatible. emptydoc XPTY0004 General comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic/xs:string. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-24.txt General comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic/xs:string. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-25.txt General comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic/xs:string. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-26.txt General comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic/xs:string. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-27.txt General comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic/xs:string. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-28.txt General comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic/xs:string. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-29.txt General comparison with remove() as operand, resulting in incompatible operand types. emptydoc XPTY0004 General comparison with remove() as operand, resulting in incompatible operand types. emptydoc XPTY0004 General comparison involving remove(), resulting in operands that require conversion to numeric from xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-32.txt XPTY0004 General comparison involving remove(), resulting in operands that require conversion to numeric from xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-33.txt XPTY0004 General comparison involving remove(), resulting in operands that require conversion to numeric from xs:untypedAtomic. Implementations supporting the static typing feature may raise XPTY0004. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-34.txt XPTY0004 General comparison involving remove(), resulting in operands that require conversion to numeric from xs:untypedAtomic. Implementations supporting the static typing feature may raise XPTY0004. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-35.txt XPTY0004 General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-36.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-37.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-38.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-39.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-40.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-41.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-42.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-43.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-44.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-45.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompEq-46.txt General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc XPTY0004 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc XPTY0004 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc XPTY0004 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc XPTY0004 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc FORG0001 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc XPTY0004 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc XPTY0004 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc FORG0001 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc XPTY0004 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc FORG0001 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc FORG0001 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc XPTY0004 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc XPTY0004 Compare two values returned from fn:lower-case(). emptydoc K2-GenCompEq-1.txt Compare two values returned from fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-GenCompEq-2.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:lower-case(). emptydoc K2-GenCompEq-3.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-GenCompEq-4.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:lower-case() and fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-GenCompEq-5.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:lower-case() and fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-GenCompEq-6.txt A failing call to a codepoints-to-string(), that may be written to true. See section 2.3.4. emptydoc K2-GenCompEq-7.txt FOCH0001 The operator causes atomization. emptydoc K2-GenCompEq-8.txt XPST0005 General comparison where both types are instances of xs:untypedAtomic. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5223 emptydoc GenCompEq-1.txt General comparison where one of the types is xs:untypedAtomic and the other xs:NCName. Expected error FORG0001. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5223 emptydoc GenCompEq-2.txt General comparison where one of the types is xs:untypedAtomic and the other xs:dayTimeDuration. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5223 emptydoc GenCompEq-3.txt General comparison where one of the types is xs:untypedAtomic and the other xs:dayTimeDuration. Expected error FORG0001. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5223 emptydoc FORG0001 General comparison where one of the types is xs:untypedAtomic and the other xs:yearMonthDuration. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5223 emptydoc GenCompEq-5.txt General comparison where one of the types is xs:untypedAtomic and the other xs:yearMonthDuration. Expected error FORG0001. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5223 emptydoc FORG0001 The "!=" operator for general comparisons The general comparison operator"!=" Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence != Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression100.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence != Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression101.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence != Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression102.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence != Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression103.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence != Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression104.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence != Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression105.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence != Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression106.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence != Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression107.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence != Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression108.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence != Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression109.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value != Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression110.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value != Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression111.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value != Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression112.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value != Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression113.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value != Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression114.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value != Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression115.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value != Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression116.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value != Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression117.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value != Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression118.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value != Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression119.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value != Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression120.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value != Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression121.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value != Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression122.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value != Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression123.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value != Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression124.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value != Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression125.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value != Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression126.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value != Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression127.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value != Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression128.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values != Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression129.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values != Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression130.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values != Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression131.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values != Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression132.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values != Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression133.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values != Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression134.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values != Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression135.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values != Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression136.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values != Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression137.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values != Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression138.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor != Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression139.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor != Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression140.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor != Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression141.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor != Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression142.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor != Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression143.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor != Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression144.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor != Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression145.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor != Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression146.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor != Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression147.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor != Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression148.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor != Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression149.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor != Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression150.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor != Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression151.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor != Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression152.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor != Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression153.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor != Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression154.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor != Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression155.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor != Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression156.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor != Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression157.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor != Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression158.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors != Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression159.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors != Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression160.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors != Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression161.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors != Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression162.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors != Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression163.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors != Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression164.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors != Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression165.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors != Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression166.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors != Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression167.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors != Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression168.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes != Empty sequence. works generalexpression169.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes != Atomic Value. works generalexpression170.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes != Sequence of single atomic value. works generalexpression171.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes != Sequence of single atomic values. works generalexpression172.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes != Element Constructor. works generalexpression173.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes != Sequence of single element constructor. works generalexpression174.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes != Sequence of multiple element constructors. works generalexpression175.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes != Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression176.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes != Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression177.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes != Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression178.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) != Empty sequence. works generalexpression179.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) != Atomic Value. works generalexpression180.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) != Sequence of single atomic value. works generalexpression181.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) != Sequence of single atomic values. works generalexpression182.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) != Element Constructor. works generalexpression183.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) != Sequence of single element constructor. works generalexpression184.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) != Sequence of multiple element constructors. works generalexpression185.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) != Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression186.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) != Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression187.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) != Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression188.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) != Empty sequence. works staff generalexpression189.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) != Atomic Value. works staff generalexpression190.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) != Sequence of single atomic value. works staff generalexpression191.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) != Sequence of single atomic values. works staff generalexpression192.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) != Element Constructor. works staff generalexpression193.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) != Sequence of single element constructor. works staff generalexpression194.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) != Sequence of multiple element constructors. works staff generalexpression195.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) != Sequence of single element nodes. works staff generalexpression196.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) != Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works staff generalexpression197.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) != Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression198.txt General comparison where one or more operands is the empty sequence. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-1.txt General comparison where one or more operands is the empty sequence. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-2.txt General comparison where one or more operands is the empty sequence. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-3.txt General comparison where one or more operands is the empty sequence. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-4.txt General comparison where one or more operands is the empty sequence. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-5.txt A syntactically invalid expression that reminds of a general comparison operator. emptydoc XPST0003 Example from the XPath 2.0 specification. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-7.txt General comparison causing numeric promotion from xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-8.txt General comparison causing numeric promotion from xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-9.txt General comparison causing numeric promotion from xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-10.txt General comparison causing numeric promotion from xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-11.txt General comparison causing numeric promotion from xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-12.txt An expression involving the '!=' operator that trigger certain optimization paths in some implementations. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-13.txt General comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic/xs:string. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-14.txt General comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic/xs:string. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-15.txt General comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic/xs:string. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-16.txt General comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic/xs:string. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-17.txt General comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic/xs:string. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-18.txt General comparison involving xs:untypedAtomic/xs:string. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-19.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-20.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-21.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-22.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-23.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-24.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-25.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-26.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-27.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-28.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-29.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompNE-30.txt General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc FORG0001 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc FORG0001 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc XPTY0004 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc XPTY0004 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc FORG0001 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc XPTY0004 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc XPTY0004 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc XPTY0004 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc FORG0001 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc XPTY0004 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc XPTY0004 The "< (less than)" operator for general comparisons The general comparison operator "less than (<)" Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence < Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression199.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence < Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression200.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence < Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression201.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence < Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression202.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence < Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression203.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence < Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression204.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence < Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression205.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence < Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression206.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence < Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression207.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence < Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression208.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value < Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression209.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value < Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression210.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value < Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression211.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value < Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression212.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value < Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression213.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value < Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression214.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value < Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression215.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value < Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression216.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value < Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression217.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value < Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression218.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value < Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression219.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value < Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression220.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value < Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression221.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value < Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression222.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value < Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression223.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value < Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression224.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value < Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression225.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value < Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression226.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value < Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression227.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values < Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression228.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values < Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression229.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values < Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression230.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values < Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression231.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values < Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression232.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values < Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression233.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values < Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression234.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values < Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression235.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values < Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression236.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values < Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression237.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor < Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression238.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor < Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression239.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor < Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression240.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor < Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression241.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor < Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression242.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor < Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression243.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor < Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression244.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor < Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression245.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor < Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression246.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor < Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression247.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor < Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression248.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor < Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression249.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor < Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression250.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor < Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression251.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor < Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression252.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor < Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression253.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor < Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression254.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor < Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression255.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor < Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression256.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor < Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression257.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors < Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression258.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors < Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression259.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors < Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression260.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors < Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression261.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors < Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression262.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors < Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression263.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors < Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression264.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors < Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression265.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors < Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression266.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors < Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression267.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes < Empty sequence. works generalexpression268.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes < Atomic Value. works generalexpression269.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes < Sequence of single atomic value. works generalexpression270.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes < Sequence of single atomic values. works generalexpression271.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes < Element Constructor. works generalexpression272.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes < Sequence of single element constructor. works generalexpression273.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes < Sequence of multiple element constructors. works generalexpression274.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes < Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression275.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes < Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression276.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes < Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression277.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) < Empty sequence. works generalexpression278.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) < Atomic Value. works generalexpression279.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) < Sequence of single atomic value. works generalexpression280.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) < Sequence of single atomic values. works generalexpression281.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) < Element Constructor. works generalexpression282.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) < Sequence of single element constructor. works generalexpression283.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) < Sequence of multiple element constructors. works generalexpression284.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) < Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression285.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) < Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression286.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) < Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression287.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) < Empty sequence. works staff generalexpression288.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) < Atomic Value. works staff generalexpression289.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) < Sequence of single atomic value. works staff generalexpression290.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) < Sequence of single atomic values. works staff generalexpression291.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) < Element Constructor. works staff generalexpression292.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) < Sequence of single element constructor. works staff generalexpression293.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) < Sequence of multiple element constructors. works staff generalexpression294.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) < Sequence of single element nodes. works staff generalexpression295.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) < Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works staff generalexpression296.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) < Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression297.txt Evaluation of "lt" operator on an xs:anyURI datatype. emptydoc false.txt General comparison where one or more operands is the empty sequence. emptydoc K-GenCompLT-1.txt General comparison where one or more operands is the empty sequence. emptydoc K-GenCompLT-2.txt General comparison where one or more operands is the empty sequence. emptydoc K-GenCompLT-3.txt A syntactically invalid expression that reminds of a general comparison operator. emptydoc XPST0003 General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompLT-5.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompLT-6.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompLT-7.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompLT-8.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompLT-9.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompLT-10.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompLT-11.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompLT-12.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompLT-13.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompLT-14.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompLT-15.txt General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc XPTY0004 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc XPTY0004 <= combined with count(). emptydoc K-GenCompLT-18.txt < combined with count(). emptydoc K-GenCompLT-19.txt Do a comparison that requires conversion via element()->xs:untypedAtomic->xs:double(LHS), triggered by xs:integer. emptydoc K2-GenCompLT-1.txt Do a comparison that requires conversion via element()->xs:untypedAtomic->xs:double(RHS), triggered by xs:integer. emptydoc K2-GenCompLT-2.txt Do a comparison that requires conversion via element()->xs:untypedAtomic->xs:double(LHS), triggered by xs:integer. emptydoc K2-GenCompLT-3.txt Do a comparison that requires conversion via element()->xs:untypedAtomic->xs:double(RHS), triggered by xs:integer. emptydoc K2-GenCompLT-4.txt Do a comparison that requires conversion via element()->xs:untypedAtomic->xs:double(LHS), triggered by xs:double. emptydoc K2-GenCompLT-5.txt Do a comparison that requires conversion via element()->xs:untypedAtomic->xs:double(RHS), triggered by xs:double. emptydoc K2-GenCompLT-6.txt Do a comparison that requires conversion via element()->xs:untypedAtomic->xs:double(LHS), triggered by xs:double. emptydoc K2-GenCompLT-7.txt Do a comparison that requires conversion via element()->xs:untypedAtomic->xs:double(RHS), triggered by xs:double. emptydoc K2-GenCompLT-8.txt The "<= (less than or equal)" operator for general comparisons The general comparison operator "less than or equal (<=)" Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence <= Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression298.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence <= Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression299.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence <= Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression300.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence <= Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression301.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence <= Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression302.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence <= Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression303.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence <= Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression304.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence <= Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression305.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence <= Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression306.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence <= Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression307.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value <= Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression308.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value <= Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression309.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value <= Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression310.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value <= Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression311.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value <= Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression312.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value <= Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression313.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value <= Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression314.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value <= Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression315.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value <= Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression316.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value <= Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression317.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value <= Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression318.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value <= Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression319.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value <= Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression320.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value <= Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression321.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value <= Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression322.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value <= Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression323.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value <= Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression324.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value <= Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression325.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value <= Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression326.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values <= Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression327.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values <= Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression328.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values <= Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression329.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values <= Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression330.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values <= Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression331.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values <= Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression332.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values <= Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression333.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values <= Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression334.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values <= Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression335.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values <= Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression336.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor <= Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression337.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor <= Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression338.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor <= Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression339.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor <= Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression340.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor <= Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression341.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor <= Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression342.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor <= Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression343.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor <= Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression344.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor <= Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression345.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor <= Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression346.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor <= Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression347.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor <= Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression348.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor <= Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression349.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor <= Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression350.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor <= Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression351.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor <= Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression352.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor <= Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression353.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor <= Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression354.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor <= Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression355.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor <= Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression356.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors <= Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression357.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors <= Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression358.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors <= Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression359.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors <= Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression360.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors <= Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression361.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors <= Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression362.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors <= Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression363.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors <= Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression364.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors <= Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression365.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors <= Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression366.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes <= Empty sequence. works generalexpression367.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes <= Atomic Value. works generalexpression368.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes <= Sequence of single atomic value. works generalexpression369.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes <= Sequence of single atomic values. works generalexpression370.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes <= Element Constructor. works generalexpression371.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes <= Sequence of single element constructor. works generalexpression372.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes <= Sequence of multiple element constructors. works generalexpression373.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes <= Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression374.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes <= Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression375.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes <= Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression376.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) <= Empty sequence. works generalexpression377.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) <= Atomic Value. works generalexpression378.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) <= Sequence of single atomic value. works generalexpression379.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) <= Sequence of single atomic values. works generalexpression380.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) <= Element Constructor. works generalexpression381.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) <= Sequence of single element constructor. works generalexpression382.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) <= Sequence of multiple element constructors. works generalexpression383.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) <= Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression384.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) <= Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression385.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) <= Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression386.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) <= Empty sequence. works staff generalexpression387.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) <= Atomic Value. works staff generalexpression388.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) <= Sequence of single atomic value. works staff generalexpression389.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) <= Sequence of single atomic values. works staff generalexpression390.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) <= Element Constructor. works staff generalexpression391.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) <= Sequence of single element constructor. works staff generalexpression392.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) <= Sequence of multiple element constructors. works staff generalexpression393.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) <= Sequence of single element nodes. works staff generalexpression394.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) <= Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works staff generalexpression395.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) <= Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression396.txt Evaluation of "le" operator on an xs:anyURI datatype. emptydoc true.txt General comparison where one or more operands is the empty sequence. emptydoc K-GenCompLTEQ-1.txt General comparison where one or more operands is the empty sequence. emptydoc K-GenCompLTEQ-2.txt General comparison where one or more operands is the empty sequence. emptydoc K-GenCompLTEQ-3.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompLTEQ-4.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompLTEQ-5.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompLTEQ-6.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompLTEQ-7.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompLTEQ-8.txt The "> (greater than)" operator for general comparisons The general comparison operator "greater than (>)" Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence > Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression397.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence > Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression398.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence > Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression399.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence > Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression400.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence > Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression401.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence > Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression402.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence > Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression403.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence > Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression404.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence > Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression405.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence > Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression406.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value > Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression407.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value > Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression408.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value > Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression409.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value > Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression410.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value > Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression411.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value > Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression412.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value > Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression413.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value > Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression414.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value > Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression415.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value > Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression416.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value > Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression417.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value > Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression418.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value > Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression419.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value > Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression420.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value > Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression421.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value > Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression422.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value > Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression423.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value > Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression424.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value > Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression425.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values > Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression426.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values > Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression427.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values > Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression428.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values > Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression429.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values > Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression430.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values > Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression431.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values > Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression432.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values > Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression433.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values > Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression434.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values > Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression435.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor > Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression436.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor > Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression437.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor > Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression438.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor > Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression439.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor > Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression440.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor > Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression441.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor > Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression442.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor > Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression443.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor > Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression444.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor > Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression445.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor > Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression446.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor > Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression447.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor > Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression448.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor > Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression449.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor > Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression450.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor > Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression451.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor > Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression452.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor > Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression453.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor > Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression454.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor > Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression455.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors > Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression456.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors > Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression457.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors > Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression458.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors > Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression459.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors > Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression460.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors > Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression461.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors > Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression462.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors > Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression463.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors > Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression464.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors > Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression465.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes > Empty sequence. works generalexpression466.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes > Atomic Value. works generalexpression467.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes > Sequence of single atomic value. works generalexpression468.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes > Sequence of single atomic values. works generalexpression469.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes > Element Constructor. works generalexpression470.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes > Sequence of single element constructor. works generalexpression471.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes > Sequence of multiple element constructors. works generalexpression472.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes > Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression473.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes > Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression474.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes > Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression475.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) > Empty sequence. works generalexpression476.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) > Atomic Value. works generalexpression477.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) > Sequence of single atomic value. works generalexpression478.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) > Sequence of single atomic values. works generalexpression479.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) > Element Constructor. works generalexpression480.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) > Sequence of single element constructor. works generalexpression481.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) > Sequence of multiple element constructors. works generalexpression482.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) > Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression483.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) > Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression484.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) > Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression485.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) > Empty sequence. works staff generalexpression486.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) > Atomic Value. works staff generalexpression487.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) > Sequence of single atomic value. works staff generalexpression488.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) > Sequence of single atomic values. works staff generalexpression489.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) > Element Constructor. works staff generalexpression490.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) > Sequence of single element constructor. works staff generalexpression491.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) > Sequence of multiple element constructors. works staff generalexpression492.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) > Sequence of single element nodes. works staff generalexpression493.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) > Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works staff generalexpression494.txt Evaluation of "gt" operator on xs:anyURI data type. emptydoc false.txt General comparison where one or more operands is the empty sequence. emptydoc K-GenCompGT-1.txt General comparison where one or more operands is the empty sequence. emptydoc K-GenCompGT-2.txt General comparison where one or more operands is the empty sequence. emptydoc K-GenCompGT-3.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompGT-4.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompGT-5.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompGT-6.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompGT-7.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompGT-8.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompGT-9.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompGT-10.txt General comparison where the operands are various various sequence of xs:integers. emptydoc K-GenCompGT-11.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompGT-12.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompGT-13.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompGT-14.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompGT-15.txt General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc XPTY0004 General comparison which fails due to invalid operator combination or casting. emptydoc XPTY0004 > combined with count(). emptydoc K-GenCompGT-18.txt >= combined with count(). emptydoc K-GenCompGT-19.txt The ">= (greater than or equal)" operator for general comparisons The general comparison operator "greater than or equal (>=)" Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence >= Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression496.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence >= Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression497.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence >= Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression498.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence >= Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression499.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence >= Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression500.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence >= Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression501.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence >= Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression502.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence >= Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression503.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence >= Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression504.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Empty sequence >= Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression505.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value >= Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression506.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value >= Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression507.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value >= Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression508.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value >= Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression509.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value >= Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression510.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value >= Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression511.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value >= Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression512.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value >= Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression513.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Atomic Value >= Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression514.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value >= Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression515.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value >= Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression516.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value >= Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression517.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value >= Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression518.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value >= Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression519.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value >= Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression520.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value >= Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression521.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value >= Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression522.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value >= Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression523.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic value >= Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression524.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values >= Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression525.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values >= Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression526.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values >= Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression527.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values >= Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression528.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values >= Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression529.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values >= Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression530.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values >= Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression531.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values >= Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression532.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values >= Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression533.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single atomic values >= Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression534.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor >= Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression535.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor >= Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression536.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor >= Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression537.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor >= Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression538.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor >= Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression539.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor >= Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression540.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor >= Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression541.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor >= Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression542.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor >= Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression543.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Element Constructor >= Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression544.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor >= Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression545.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor >= Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression546.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor >= Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression547.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor >= Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression548.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor >= Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression549.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor >= Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression550.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor >= Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression551.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor >= Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression552.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor >= Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression553.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element constructor >= Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression554.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors >= Empty sequence. emptydoc generalexpression555.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors >= Atomic Value. emptydoc generalexpression556.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors >= Sequence of single atomic value. emptydoc generalexpression557.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors >= Sequence of single atomic values. emptydoc generalexpression558.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors >= Element Constructor. emptydoc generalexpression559.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors >= Sequence of single element constructor. emptydoc generalexpression560.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors >= Sequence of multiple element constructors. emptydoc generalexpression561.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors >= Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression562.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors >= Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression563.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element constructors >= Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression564.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes >= Empty sequence. works generalexpression565.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes >= Atomic Value. works generalexpression566.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes >= Sequence of single atomic value. works generalexpression567.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes >= Sequence of single atomic values. works generalexpression568.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes >= Element Constructor. works generalexpression569.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes >= Sequence of single element constructor. works generalexpression570.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes >= Sequence of multiple element constructors. works generalexpression571.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes >= Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression572.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes >= Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression573.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single element nodes >= Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression574.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) >= Empty sequence. works generalexpression575.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) >= Atomic Value. works generalexpression576.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) >= Sequence of single atomic value. works generalexpression577.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) >= Sequence of single atomic values. works generalexpression578.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) >= Element Constructor. works generalexpression579.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) >= Sequence of single element constructor. works generalexpression580.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) >= Sequence of multiple element constructors. works generalexpression581.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) >= Sequence of single element nodes. works generalexpression582.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) >= Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works generalexpression583.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source) >= Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression584.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) >= Empty sequence. works staff generalexpression585.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) >= Atomic Value. works staff generalexpression586.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) >= Sequence of single atomic value. works staff generalexpression587.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) >= Sequence of single atomic values. works staff generalexpression588.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) >= Element Constructor. works staff generalexpression589.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) >= Sequence of single element constructor. works staff generalexpression590.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) >= Sequence of multiple element constructors. works staff generalexpression591.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) >= Sequence of single element nodes. works staff generalexpression592.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) >= Sequence of multiple element nodes (single source). works staff generalexpression593.txt Evaluation of a General expression with the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources) >= Sequence of multiple element nodes (multiple sources). works staff generalexpression594.txt Evaluation of "ge" operator on xs:anyURI data type. emptydoc true.txt General comparison where one or more operands is the empty sequence. emptydoc K-GenCompGTEQ-1.txt General comparison where one or more operands is the empty sequence. emptydoc K-GenCompGTEQ-2.txt General comparison where one or more operands is the empty sequence. emptydoc K-GenCompGTEQ-3.txt A syntactically invalid expression that reminds of a general comparison operator. emptydoc XPST0003 An expression involving the '>=' operator that trigger certain optimization paths in some implementations. emptydoc K-GenCompGTEQ-5.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompGTEQ-6.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompGTEQ-7.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompGTEQ-8.txt General comparison causing a xs:untypedAtomic value to be cast to xs:boolean, and then compared. emptydoc K-GenCompGTEQ-9.txt <= combined with count(). emptydoc K-GenCompGTEQ-10.txt Node Comparisons op:is-same-node Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: empty Sequence is empty Sequence. emptydoc nodeexpression1.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: empty Sequence is Single Element Constructor. emptydoc nodeexpression2.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: empty Sequence is Single Node Element. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3818 works nodeexpression3.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: empty Sequence is Sequence of single Element Node. staff nodeexpression4.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Element Constructor is empty Sequence. emptydoc nodeexpression5.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Element Constructor is Single Element Constructor. emptydoc nodeexpression6.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Element Constructor is Single Node Element. works nodeexpression7.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Element Constructor is Sequence of single Element Node. staff nodeexpression8.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Node Element is empty Sequence. works nodeexpression9.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Node Element is Single Element Constructor. works nodeexpression10.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Node Element is Single Node Element. works nodeexpression11.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Node Element is Sequence of single Element Node. works staff nodeexpression12.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single Element Node is empty Sequence. staff nodeexpression13.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single Element Node is Single Element Constructor. staff nodeexpression14.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single Element Node is Single Node Element. works staff nodeexpression15.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single Element Node is Sequence of single Element Node. staff nodeexpression16.txt Evaluation of a node expression used as argument to a fn:not function. staff nodeexpressionhc1.txt Evaluation of a node expression used as part of a boolean less than expression (lt operator). staff nodeexpressionhc2.txt Evaluation of a node expression used as part of a boolean less than expression (ge operator). staff nodeexpressionhc3.txt Evaluation of a node expression used as part of a boolean greater than expression (gt operator). staff nodeexpressionhc4.txt Evaluation of a node expression used as part of a boolean greater than expression (ge operator). staff nodeexpressionhc5.txt Evaluation of the "is-same-node" operator with one of the operands is not a single node or the empty sequence. emptydoc nodecomparisonerr-1.txt XPTY0004 XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `empty(1 is ())`. emptydoc K-NodeSame-1.txt XPTY0004 XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `empty(() is 1)`. emptydoc K-NodeSame-2.txt XPTY0004 XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `1 is 1`. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `empty(() is ())`. emptydoc K-NodeSame-4.txt XPST0005 A syntactically invalid expression. emptydoc XPST0003 A query reminding of an invokation of 'is' operator. However, this is not a parse error(XPST0003), because it is a valid function call, although to a non-existant function. 'is' is not a reserved function name. emptydoc XPST0017 Ensure node identity is is correct for variables and element constructors. emptydoc K2-NodeSame-1.txt Ensure node identity is is correct between variable references. emptydoc K2-NodeSame-2.txt Ensure node identity is is correct for variables and element constructors(#2). emptydoc K2-NodeSame-3.txt Ensure node identity of nodes used with node constructors. emptydoc K2-NodeSame-4.txt exactly-one() to is, that fails. Inferrence may conclude that it will always evaluate to false, so that is valid as well. emptydoc K2-NodeSame-5.txt FORG0005 Compare two empty sequences, that are tricky to infer at compile time. emptydoc K2-NodeSame-6.txt op:node-before Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: empty Sequence "<<" empty Sequence. emptydoc nodeexpression17.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: empty Sequence "<<" Single Element Constructor. emptydoc nodeexpression18.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: empty Sequence "<<" Single Node Element. works nodeexpression19.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: empty Sequence "<<" Sequence of single Element Node. staff nodeexpression20.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Element Constructor "<<" empty Sequence. emptydoc nodeexpression21.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Element Constructor "<<" Single Element Constructor. emptydoc nodeexpression22.txt nodeexpressionalt22.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Element Constructor "<<" Single Node Element. works nodeexpression23.txt nodeexpressionalt23.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Element Constructor "<<" Sequence of single Element Node. staff nodeexpression24.txt nodeexpressionalt24.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Node Element "<<" empty Sequence. works nodeexpression25.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Node Element "<<" Single Element Constructor. works nodeexpression26.txt nodeexpression26alt.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Node Element "<<" Single Node Element. works nodeexpression27.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Node Element "<<" Sequence of single Element Node. works staff nodeexpression28.txt nodeexpressionalt28.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single Element Node "<<" empty Sequence. staff nodeexpression29.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single Element Node "<<" Single Element Constructor. staff nodeexpression30.txt nodeexpression30alt.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single Element Node "<<" Single Node Element. works staff nodeexpression31.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single Element Node "<<" Sequence of single Element Node. staff nodeexpression32.txt Evaluation of a Node before expression as an argument to the "fn:not" function. staff nodeexpressionhc6.txt Evaluation of a Node before expression used as part of a boolean-less-than expression (lt operator). staff nodeexpressionhc7.txt Evaluation of a Node before expression used as part of a boolean-less-than expression (ge operator). staff nodeexpressionhc8.txt Evaluation of a Node before expression used as part of a boolean-greater-than expression (gt operator). staff nodeexpressionhc9.txt Evaluation of a Node before expression used as part of a boolean-greater-than expression (le operator). staff nodeexpressionhc10.txt Evaluation of the "node-before" operator with one of the operands is not a single node or the empty sequence. emptydoc nodecomparisonerr-2.txt XPTY0004 XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `empty(1 << ())`. emptydoc K-NodeBefore-1.txt XPTY0004 XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `empty(() << 1)`. emptydoc K-NodeBefore-2.txt XPTY0004 XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `1 << 1`. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `empty(() << ())`. emptydoc K-NodeBefore-4.txt XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `() <<< ()`. emptydoc XPST0003 A test whose essence is: `() <<`. emptydoc XPST0003 A test whose essence is: `<< ()`. emptydoc XPST0003 A test whose essence is: `<<`. emptydoc XPST0003 A test whose essence is: `1 <<`. emptydoc XPST0003 A test whose essence is: `<< 1`. emptydoc XPST0003 A test whose essence is: `<<<`. emptydoc XPST0003 op:node-after Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: empty Sequence ">>" empty Sequence. emptydoc nodeexpression33.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: empty Sequence ">>" Single Element Constructor. emptydoc nodeexpression34.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: empty Sequence ">>" Single Node Element. works nodeexpression35.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: empty Sequence ">>" Sequence of single Element Node. staff nodeexpression36.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Element Constructor ">>" empty Sequence. emptydoc nodeexpression37.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Element Constructor ">>" Single Element Constructor. emptydoc nodeexpression38.txt nodeexpressionalt38.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Element Constructor ">>" Single Node Element. works nodeexpression39.txt nodeexpressionalt39.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Element Constructor ">>" Sequence of single Element Node. staff nodeexpression40.txt nodeexpressionalt40.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Node Element ">>" empty Sequence. works nodeexpression41.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Node Element ">>" Single Element Constructor. works nodeexpression42.txt nodeexpression42alt.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Node Element ">>" Single Node Element. works nodeexpression43.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Single Node Element ">>" Sequence of single Element Node. works staff nodeexpression44.txt nodeexpressionalt44.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single Element Node ">>" empty Sequence. staff nodeexpression45.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single Element Node ">>" Single Element Constructor. staff nodeexpression46.txt nodeexpression46alt.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single Element Node ">>" Single Node Element. works staff nodeexpression47.txt Evaluation of a Node expression With the operands/operator set with the following format: Sequence of single Element Node ">>" Sequence of single Element Node. staff nodeexpression48.txt Evaluation of a node after expression used as an argument to an fn:not function. staff nodeexpressionhc11.txt Evaluation of a node after expression used as part of a boolean-less-than expression (lt operator). staff nodeexpressionhc12.txt Evaluation of a node after expression used as part of a boolean-less-than expression (ge operator). staff nodeexpressionhc13.txt Evaluation of a node after expression used as part of a boolean-greater-than expression (gt operator). staff nodeexpressionhc14.txt Evaluation of a node after expression used as part of a boolean-greater-than expression (le operator). staff nodeexpressionhc15.txt Evaluation of the "node-after" operator with one of the operands is not a single node or the empty sequence. emptydoc nodecomparisonerr-3.txt XPTY0004 XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `empty(1 >> ())`. emptydoc K-NodeAfter-1.txt XPTY0004 XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `empty(() >> 1)`. emptydoc K-NodeAfter-2.txt XPTY0004 XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `1 >> 1`. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `empty(() >> ())`. emptydoc K-NodeAfter-4.txt XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `() >>> ()`. emptydoc XPST0003 A test whose essence is: `() >>`. emptydoc XPST0003 A test whose essence is: `>> ()`. emptydoc XPST0003 A test whose essence is: `>>`. emptydoc XPST0003 A test whose essence is: `1 >>`. emptydoc XPST0003 A test whose essence is: `>> 1`. emptydoc XPST0003 A test whose essence is: `>>>`. emptydoc XPST0003 Operators on Sequences op:union Arg: node. bib2 fn-union-node-args-001.txt Arg: incorrect nodes. bib2 fn-union-node-args-002.txt Arg: node. bib2 fn-union-node-args-003.txt Arg: text node and node. bib2 fn-union-node-args-004.txt Arg: processing-instruction node and node. bib2 fn-union-node-args-005.txt Arg: processing-instruction node and node. bib2 fn-union-node-args-006.txt Arg: comment node and node. bib2 fn-union-node-args-007.txt Arg: text node and node. bib2 fn-union-node-args-008.txt Arg: processing-instruction node and node. bib2 fn-union-node-args-009.txt Arg: processing-instruction node and node. bib2 fn-union-node-args-010.txt Arg: comment node and node. bib2 fn-union-node-args-011.txt Arg: node and non existing node. bib2 fn-union-node-args-012.txt Arg: node and empty sequence. bib2 fn-union-node-args-013.txt Arg: empty sequence and empty sequence. emptydoc fn-union-node-args-014.txt XPST0005 Arg: node and node. atomic fn-union-node-args-015.txt Arg: node and node. atomic fn-union-node-args-016.txt Arg: node and node. atomic fn-union-node-args-017.txt Arg: text node and text node. atomic fn-union-node-args-018.txt Arg: text node and text node. atomic fn-union-node-args-019.txt Arg: text node and text node. atomic fn-union-node-args-020.txt Arg: text node and text node. atomic fn-union-node-args-021.txt Arg: text node and text node. atomic fn-union-node-args-022.txt Arg: node and node. bib2 fn-union-node-args-023.txt Ensure nodes are deduplicated and sorted even though one of the operands is the empty sequence. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-1.txt Ensure nodes are deduplicated and sorted even though one of the operands is the empty sequence(#2). emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-2.txt Use 'comment' as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-3.txt Ensure node deduplication is done on the operands. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-4.txt Only nodes are allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 Use a node kind keyword, text, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-6.txt Use a node kind keyword, node, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-7.txt Use a node kind keyword, element, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-8.txt Use a node kind keyword, attribute, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-9.txt Use a node kind keyword, document-node, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-10.txt Use a node kind keyword, comment, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-11.txt Use a node kind keyword, processing-instruction, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-12.txt Use a node kind keyword, item, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-13.txt Use a node kind keyword, document, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-14.txt Use a node kind keyword, if, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-15.txt Use a node kind keyword, then, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-16.txt Use a node kind keyword, mod, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-17.txt Use a node kind keyword, div, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-18.txt Use a node kind keyword, empty-sequence, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-19.txt Use a node kind keyword, schema-attribute, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-20.txt Use a node kind keyword, schema-element, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-21.txt Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-22.txt Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand(#2). emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-23.txt Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-24.txt XPST0005 Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand(#2). emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-25.txt XPST0005 Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-26.txt Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-27.txt Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-28.txt Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-29.txt Use a name test that is the descendant axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-30.txt Use a name test that is the attribute axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-31.txt Use a name test that is the self axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-32.txt Use a name test that is the descendant-or-self axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-33.txt Use a name test that is the following-sibling axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-34.txt Use a name test that is the following axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-35.txt Use a name test that is the preceding-sibling axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-36.txt Use a name test that is the preceding axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-37.txt Use a name test that is the parent axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-38.txt Use a name test that is the ancestor axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-39.txt Use a name test that is the ancestor axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-40.txt Use a name test that is the ancestor-or-self axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-41.txt Use 'declare as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqUnion-42.txt Extract the boolean value from a union expression. acme_corp K2-SeqUnion-43.txt Extract the boolean value from a union expression(different keyword). acme_corp K2-SeqUnion-44.txt Explicitly sort the result of a union expression. acme_corp K2-SeqUnion-45.txt Ensure two sequential union operators can be parsed(|). emptydoc XPTY0004 Ensure two sequential union operators can be parsed(union). emptydoc XPTY0004 op:intersect Arg: node. bib2 fn-intersect-node-args-001.txt Arg: incorrect nodes. bib2 fn-intersect-node-args-002.txt Arg: node. bib2 fn-intersect-node-args-003.txt Arg: text node and node. bib2 fn-intersect-node-args-004.txt Arg: processing-instruction node and node. bib2 fn-intersect-node-args-005.txt Arg: processing-instruction node and node. bib2 fn-intersect-node-args-006.txt Arg: comment node and node. bib2 fn-intersect-node-args-007.txt Arg: text node and node. bib2 fn-intersect-node-args-008.txt Arg: processing-instruction node and node. bib2 fn-intersect-node-args-009.txt Arg: processing-instruction node and node. bib2 fn-intersect-node-args-010.txt Arg: comment node and node. bib2 fn-intersect-node-args-011.txt Arg: node and non existing node. bib2 fn-intersect-node-args-012.txt Arg: node and empty sequence. bib2 fn-intersect-node-args-013.txt Arg: empty sequence and empty sequence. emptydoc fn-intersect-node-args-014.txt XPST0005 Arg: node and node. atomic fn-intersect-node-args-015.txt Arg: node and node. atomic fn-intersect-node-args-016.txt Arg: node and node. atomic fn-intersect-node-args-017.txt Arg: text node and text node. atomic fn-intersect-node-args-018.txt Arg: text node and text node. atomic fn-intersect-node-args-019.txt Arg: text node and text node. atomic fn-intersect-node-args-020.txt Arg: text node and text node. atomic fn-intersect-node-args-021.txt Arg: text node and text node. atomic fn-intersect-node-args-022.txt Arg: node and node. bib2 fn-intersect-node-args-023.txt Only nodes are allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 Use a node kind keyword, text, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-2.txt Use a node kind keyword, node, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-3.txt Use a node kind keyword, element, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-4.txt Use a node kind keyword, attribute, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-5.txt Use a node kind keyword, document-node, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-6.txt Use a node kind keyword, comment, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-7.txt Use a node kind keyword, processing-instruction, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-8.txt Use a node kind keyword, item, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-9.txt Use a node kind keyword, document, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-10.txt Use a node kind keyword, if, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-11.txt Use a node kind keyword, then, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-12.txt Use a node kind keyword, mod, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-13.txt Use a node kind keyword, div, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-14.txt Use a node kind keyword, empty-sequence, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-15.txt Use a node kind keyword, schema-attribute, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-16.txt Use a node kind keyword, schema-element, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-17.txt Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-18.txt Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand(#2). emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-19.txt Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-20.txt XPST0005 Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand(#2). emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-21.txt XPST0005 Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-22.txt Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-23.txt Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-24.txt Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-25.txt Use a name test that is the descendant axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-26.txt Use a name test that is the attribute axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-27.txt Use a name test that is the self axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-28.txt Use a name test that is the descendant-or-self axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-29.txt Use a name test that is the following-sibling axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-30.txt Use a name test that is the following axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-31.txt Use a name test that is the preceding-sibling axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-32.txt Use a name test that is the preceding axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-33.txt Use a name test that is the parent axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-34.txt Use a name test that is the ancestor axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-35.txt Use a name test that is the ancestor axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-36.txt Use a name test that is the ancestor-or-self axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-37.txt Use 'declare as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-38.txt Extract the boolean value from a intersect expression. acme_corp K2-SeqIntersect-39.txt Explicitly sort the result of an intersect expression. acme_corp K2-SeqIntersect-40.txt Ensure node deduplication is done. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-41.txt Perform intersection between two singleton document nodes. emptydoc K2-SeqIntersect-42.txt Ensure two sequential union operators can be parsed(intersect). emptydoc XPTY0004 Ensure two sequential union operators can be parsed(except). emptydoc XPTY0004 op:except Arg: node. bib2 fn-except-node-args-001.txt Arg: incorrect nodes. bib2 fn-except-node-args-002.txt Arg: node. bib2 fn-except-node-args-003.txt Arg: text node and node. bib2 fn-except-node-args-004.txt Arg: processing-instruction node and node. bib2 fn-except-node-args-005.txt Arg: processing-instruction node and node. bib2 fn-except-node-args-006.txt Arg: comment node and node. bib2 fn-except-node-args-007.txt Arg: text node and node. bib2 fn-except-node-args-008.txt Arg: processing-instruction node and node. bib2 fn-except-node-args-009.txt Arg: processing-instruction node and node. bib2 fn-except-node-args-010.txt Arg: comment node and node. bib2 fn-except-node-args-011.txt XPST0005 Arg: node and non existing node. bib2 fn-except-node-args-012.txt Arg: node and empty sequence. bib2 fn-except-node-args-013.txt Arg: empty sequence and empty sequence. bib2 fn-except-node-args-014.txt XPST0005 Arg: node and node. atomic fn-except-node-args-015.txt XPST0005 Arg: node and node. atomic fn-except-node-args-016.txt XPST0005 Arg: node and node. atomic fn-except-node-args-017.txt Arg: text node and text node. atomic fn-except-node-args-018.txt Arg: text node and text node. atomic fn-except-node-args-019.txt Arg: text node and text node. atomic fn-except-node-args-020.txt Arg: text node and text node. atomic fn-except-node-args-021.txt Arg: node and node. bib2 fn-except-node-args-022.txt Arg: node and node. bib2 fn-except-node-args-023.txt Only nodes are allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 Use a node kind keyword, text, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-2.txt Use a node kind keyword, node, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-3.txt Use a node kind keyword, element, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-4.txt Use a node kind keyword, attribute, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-5.txt Use a node kind keyword, document-node, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-6.txt Use a node kind keyword, comment, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-7.txt Use a node kind keyword, processing-instruction, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-8.txt Use a node kind keyword, item, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-9.txt Use a node kind keyword, document, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-10.txt Use a node kind keyword, if, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-11.txt Use a node kind keyword, then, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-12.txt Use a node kind keyword, mod, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-13.txt Use a node kind keyword, div, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-14.txt Use a node kind keyword, empty-sequence, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-15.txt Use a node kind keyword, schema-attribute, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-16.txt Use a node kind keyword, schema-element, to test query parsing. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-17.txt Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-18.txt Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand(#2). emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-19.txt Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-20.txt XPST0005 Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand(#2). emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-21.txt XPST0005 Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-22.txt Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-23.txt Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-24.txt Use a computed attribute constructor as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-25.txt Use a name test that is the descendant axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-26.txt Use a name test that is the attribute axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-27.txt Use a name test that is the self axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-28.txt Use a name test that is the descendant-or-self axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-29.txt Use a name test that is the following-sibling axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-30.txt Use a name test that is the following axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-31.txt Use a name test that is the preceding-sibling axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-32.txt Use a name test that is the preceding axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-33.txt Use a name test that is the parent axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-34.txt Use a name test that is the ancestor axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-35.txt Use a name test that is the ancestor axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-36.txt Use a name test that is the ancestor-or-self axis as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-37.txt Use 'declare as right operand. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-38.txt Extract the boolean value from an except expression. acme_corp K2-SeqExcept-39.txt Explicitly sort the result of an except expression. acme_corp K2-SeqExcept-40.txt Compare two nodes from different trees. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-41.txt Ensure node deduplication is done. emptydoc K2-SeqExcept-42.txt Logical Expressions Logical 'and' using Boolean values. emptydoc op-logical-and-001.xml Logical 'and' using Boolean values. emptydoc op-logical-and-002.xml Logical 'and' using Boolean values. emptydoc op-logical-and-003.xml Logical 'and' using Boolean values. emptydoc op-logical-and-004.xml Logical 'and' using sequences. emptydoc op-logical-and-005.xml Logical 'and' using sequences. emptydoc op-logical-and-006.xml Logical 'and' using sequences. emptydoc op-logical-and-007.xml Logical 'and' using sequences. emptydoc op-logical-and-008.xml Logical 'and' using sequences. emptydoc op-logical-and-009.xml Logical 'and' using sequences. emptydoc op-logical-and-010.xml Logical 'and' using sequences. emptydoc op-logical-and-011.xml Logical 'and' using sequences. emptydoc op-logical-and-012.xml Logical 'and' using sequences. emptydoc op-logical-and-013.xml Logical 'and' using sequences. bib op-logical-and-014.xml Logical 'and' using sequences. bib op-logical-and-015.xml Logical 'and' using sequences. bib op-logical-and-016.xml Logical 'and' using string values. emptydoc op-logical-and-017.xml Logical 'and' using string values. emptydoc op-logical-and-018.xml Logical 'and' using string values. emptydoc op-logical-and-019.xml Logical 'and' using string values. emptydoc op-logical-and-020.xml Logical 'and' using string values. emptydoc op-logical-and-021.xml Logical 'and' using string values. emptydoc op-logical-and-022.xml Logical 'and' using string values. emptydoc op-logical-and-023.xml Logical 'and' using string values. emptydoc op-logical-and-024.xml Logical 'and' using untypedAtomic values. emptydoc op-logical-and-025.xml Logical 'and' using untypedAtomic values. emptydoc op-logical-and-026.xml Logical 'and' using untypedAtomic values. emptydoc op-logical-and-027.xml Logical 'and' using untypedAtomic values. emptydoc op-logical-and-028.xml Logical 'and' using number values. emptydoc op-logical-and-029.xml Logical 'and' using number values. emptydoc op-logical-and-030.xml Logical 'and' using number values. emptydoc op-logical-and-031.xml Logical 'and' using number values. emptydoc op-logical-and-032.xml Logical 'and' using number values. emptydoc op-logical-and-033.xml Logical 'and' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-and-034.xml Logical 'and' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-and-035.xml Logical 'and' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-and-036.xml Logical 'and' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-and-037.xml Logical 'and' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-and-038.xml Logical 'and' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-and-039.xml Logical 'and' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-and-040.xml Logical 'and' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-and-041.xml Logical 'and' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-and-042.xml Logical 'and' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-and-043.xml Logical 'and' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-and-044.xml Logical 'and' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-and-045.xml Logical 'and' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-and-046.xml Logical 'and' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-and-047.xml Logical 'and' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-and-048.xml Logical 'and' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-and-049.xml Logical 'and' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-and-050.xml Logical 'and' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-and-051.xml Logical 'and' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-and-052.xml Logical 'and' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-and-053.xml Logical 'and' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-and-054.xml Logical 'and' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-and-055.xml Logical 'and' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-and-056.xml Logical 'and' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-and-057.xml Logical 'and' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-and-058.xml Logical 'and' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-and-059.xml Logical 'and' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-and-060.xml Logical 'and' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-and-061.xml Logical 'and' using decimal values. emptydoc op-logical-and-062.xml Logical 'and' using decimal values. emptydoc op-logical-and-063.xml Logical 'and' using decimal values. emptydoc op-logical-and-064.xml Logical 'and' using decimal values. emptydoc op-logical-and-065.xml Logical 'and' using decimal values. emptydoc op-logical-and-066.xml FOCA0006 Logical 'and' using decimal values. emptydoc op-logical-and-067.xml Logical 'and' using decimal values. emptydoc op-logical-and-068.xml FOCA0006 Logical 'and' using integer values. emptydoc op-logical-and-069.xml Logical 'and' using integer values. emptydoc op-logical-and-070.xml Logical 'and' using integer values. emptydoc op-logical-and-071.xml Logical 'and' using integer values. emptydoc op-logical-and-072.xml Logical 'and' using integer values. emptydoc op-logical-and-073.xml Logical 'and' using integer values. emptydoc op-logical-and-074.xml Logical 'and' using integer values. emptydoc op-logical-and-075.xml Logical 'and' using nonPositiveInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-and-076.xml Logical 'and' using nonPositiveInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-and-077.xml Logical 'and' using nonPositiveInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-and-078.xml Logical 'and' using nonPositiveInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-and-079.xml Logical 'and' using nonPositiveInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-and-080.xml Logical 'and' using nonPositiveInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-and-081.xml Logical 'and' using nonPositiveInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-and-082.xml Logical 'and' using nonNegativeInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-and-083.xml Logical 'and' using nonNegativeInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-and-084.xml Logical 'and' using nonNegativeInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-and-085.xml Logical 'and' using nonNegativeInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-and-086.xml Logical 'and' using nonNegativeInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-and-087.xml Logical 'and' using nonNegativeInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-and-088.xml Logical 'and' using nonNegativeInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-and-089.xml Logical 'and' using negativeInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-and-090.xml Logical 'and' using negativeInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-and-091.xml Logical 'and' using negativeInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-and-092.xml Logical 'and' using positiveInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-and-093.xml Logical 'and' using positiveInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-and-094.xml Logical 'and' using positiveInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-and-095.xml Logical 'and' using long values. emptydoc op-logical-and-096.xml Logical 'and' using long values. emptydoc op-logical-and-097.xml Logical 'and' using long values. emptydoc op-logical-and-098.xml Logical 'and' using long values. emptydoc op-logical-and-099.xml Logical 'and' using long values. emptydoc op-logical-and-100.xml Logical 'and' using long values. emptydoc op-logical-and-101.xml Logical 'and' using long values. emptydoc op-logical-and-102.xml Logical 'and' using long values. emptydoc op-logical-and-103.xml Logical 'and' using long values. emptydoc op-logical-and-104.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedLong values. emptydoc op-logical-and-105.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedLong values. emptydoc op-logical-and-106.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedLong values. emptydoc op-logical-and-107.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedLong values. emptydoc op-logical-and-108.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedLong values. emptydoc op-logical-and-109.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedLong values. emptydoc op-logical-and-110.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedLong values. emptydoc op-logical-and-111.xml Logical 'and' using int values. emptydoc op-logical-and-112.xml Logical 'and' using int values. emptydoc op-logical-and-113.xml Logical 'and' using int values. emptydoc op-logical-and-114.xml Logical 'and' using int values. emptydoc op-logical-and-115.xml Logical 'and' using int values. emptydoc op-logical-and-116.xml Logical 'and' using int values. emptydoc op-logical-and-117.xml Logical 'and' using int values. emptydoc op-logical-and-118.xml Logical 'and' using int values. emptydoc op-logical-and-119.xml Logical 'and' using int values. emptydoc op-logical-and-120.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedInt values. emptydoc op-logical-and-121.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedInt values. emptydoc op-logical-and-122.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedInt values. emptydoc op-logical-and-123.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedInt values. emptydoc op-logical-and-124.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedInt values. emptydoc op-logical-and-125.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedInt values. emptydoc op-logical-and-126.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedInt values. emptydoc op-logical-and-127.xml Logical 'and' using short values. emptydoc op-logical-and-128.xml Logical 'and' using short values. emptydoc op-logical-and-129.xml Logical 'and' using short values. emptydoc op-logical-and-130.xml Logical 'and' using short values. emptydoc op-logical-and-131.xml Logical 'and' using short values. emptydoc op-logical-and-132.xml Logical 'and' using short values. emptydoc op-logical-and-133.xml Logical 'and' using short values. emptydoc op-logical-and-134.xml Logical 'and' using short values. emptydoc op-logical-and-135.xml Logical 'and' using short values. emptydoc op-logical-and-136.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedShort values. emptydoc op-logical-and-137.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedShort values. emptydoc op-logical-and-138.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedShort values. emptydoc op-logical-and-139.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedShort values. emptydoc op-logical-and-140.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedShort values. emptydoc op-logical-and-141.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedShort values. emptydoc op-logical-and-142.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedShort values. emptydoc op-logical-and-143.xml Logical 'and' using byte values. emptydoc op-logical-and-144.xml Logical 'and' using byte values. emptydoc op-logical-and-145.xml Logical 'and' using byte values. emptydoc op-logical-and-146.xml Logical 'and' using byte values. emptydoc op-logical-and-147.xml Logical 'and' using byte values. emptydoc op-logical-and-148.xml Logical 'and' using byte values. emptydoc op-logical-and-149.xml Logical 'and' using byte values. emptydoc op-logical-and-150.xml Logical 'and' using byte values. emptydoc op-logical-and-151.xml Logical 'and' using byte values. emptydoc op-logical-and-152.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedByte values. emptydoc op-logical-and-153.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedByte values. emptydoc op-logical-and-154.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedByte values. emptydoc op-logical-and-155.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedByte values. emptydoc op-logical-and-156.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedByte values. emptydoc op-logical-and-157.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedByte values. emptydoc op-logical-and-158.xml Logical 'and' using unsignedByte values. emptydoc op-logical-and-159.xml Logical 'or' using boolean values. emptydoc op-logical-or-001.xml Logical 'or' using boolean values. emptydoc op-logical-or-002.xml Logical 'or' using boolean values. emptydoc op-logical-or-003.xml Logical 'or' using boolean values. emptydoc op-logical-or-004.xml Logical 'or' using sequences values. emptydoc op-logical-or-005.xml Logical 'or' using sequences values. emptydoc op-logical-or-006.xml Logical 'or' using sequences values. emptydoc op-logical-or-007.xml Logical 'or' using sequences values. emptydoc op-logical-or-008.xml Logical 'or' using sequences values. emptydoc op-logical-or-009.xml Logical 'or' using sequences values. emptydoc op-logical-or-010.xml Logical 'or' using sequences values. emptydoc op-logical-or-011.xml Logical 'or' using sequences values. emptydoc op-logical-or-012.xml Logical 'or' using sequences values. emptydoc op-logical-or-013.xml Logical 'or' using sequences values. bib op-logical-or-014.xml Logical 'or' using sequences values. bib op-logical-or-015.xml Logical 'or' using sequences values. bib op-logical-or-016.xml Logical 'or' using string values. emptydoc op-logical-or-017.xml Logical 'or' using string values. emptydoc op-logical-or-018.xml Logical 'or' using string values. emptydoc op-logical-or-019.xml Logical 'or' using string values. emptydoc op-logical-or-020.xml Logical 'or' using string values. emptydoc op-logical-or-021.xml Logical 'or' using string values. emptydoc op-logical-or-022.xml Logical 'or' using string values. emptydoc op-logical-or-023.xml Logical 'or' using string values. emptydoc op-logical-or-024.xml Logical 'or' using untypedAtomic values. emptydoc op-logical-or-025.xml Logical 'or' using untypedAtomic values. emptydoc op-logical-or-026.xml Logical 'or' using untypedAtomic values. emptydoc op-logical-or-027.xml Logical 'or' using untypedAtomic values. emptydoc op-logical-or-028.xml Logical 'or' using number values. emptydoc op-logical-or-029.xml Logical 'or' using number values. emptydoc op-logical-or-030.xml Logical 'or' using number values. emptydoc op-logical-or-031.xml Logical 'or' using number values. emptydoc op-logical-or-032.xml Logical 'or' using number values. emptydoc op-logical-or-033.xml Logical 'or' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-or-034.xml Logical 'or' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-or-035.xml Logical 'or' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-or-036.xml Logical 'or' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-or-037.xml Logical 'or' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-or-038.xml Logical 'or' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-or-039.xml Logical 'or' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-or-040.xml Logical 'or' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-or-041.xml Logical 'or' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-or-042.xml Logical 'or' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-or-043.xml Logical 'or' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-or-044.xml Logical 'or' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-or-045.xml Logical 'or' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-or-046.xml Logical 'or' using float values. emptydoc op-logical-or-047.xml Logical 'or' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-or-048.xml Logical 'or' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-or-049.xml Logical 'or' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-or-050.xml Logical 'or' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-or-051.xml Logical 'or' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-or-052.xml Logical 'or' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-or-053.xml Logical 'or' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-or-054.xml Logical 'or' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-or-055.xml Logical 'or' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-or-056.xml Logical 'or' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-or-057.xml Logical 'or' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-or-058.xml Logical 'or' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-or-059.xml Logical 'or' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-or-060.xml Logical 'or' using double values. emptydoc op-logical-or-061.xml Logical 'or' using decimal values. emptydoc op-logical-or-062.xml Logical 'or' using decimal values. emptydoc op-logical-or-063.xml Logical 'or' using decimal values. emptydoc op-logical-or-064.xml Logical 'or' using decimal values. emptydoc op-logical-or-065.xml Logical 'or' using decimal values. emptydoc op-logical-or-066.xml FOCA0006 Logical 'or' using decimal values. emptydoc op-logical-or-067.xml Logical 'or' using decimal values. emptydoc op-logical-or-068.xml FOCA0006 Logical 'or' using integer values. emptydoc op-logical-or-069.xml Logical 'or' using integer values. emptydoc op-logical-or-070.xml Logical 'or' using integer values. emptydoc op-logical-or-071.xml Logical 'or' using integer values. emptydoc op-logical-or-072.xml Logical 'or' using integer values. emptydoc op-logical-or-073.xml Logical 'or' using integer values. emptydoc op-logical-or-074.xml Logical 'or' using integer values. emptydoc op-logical-or-075.xml Logical 'or' using nonPositiveInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-or-076.xml Logical 'or' using nonPositiveInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-or-077.xml Logical 'or' using nonPositiveInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-or-078.xml Logical 'or' using nonPositiveInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-or-079.xml Logical 'or' using nonPositiveInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-or-080.xml Logical 'or' using nonPositiveInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-or-081.xml Logical 'or' using nonPositiveInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-or-082.xml Logical 'or' using nonNegativeInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-or-083.xml Logical 'or' using nonNegativeInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-or-084.xml Logical 'or' using nonNegativeInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-or-085.xml Logical 'or' using nonNegativeInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-or-086.xml Logical 'or' using nonNegativeInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-or-087.xml Logical 'or' using nonNegativeInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-or-088.xml Logical 'or' using nonNegativeInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-or-089.xml Logical 'or' using negativeInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-or-090.xml Logical 'or' using negativeInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-or-091.xml Logical 'or' using negativeInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-or-092.xml Logical 'or' using positiveInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-or-093.xml Logical 'or' using positiveInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-or-094.xml Logical 'or' using positiveInteger values. emptydoc op-logical-or-095.xml Logical 'or' using long values. emptydoc op-logical-or-096.xml Logical 'or' using long values. emptydoc op-logical-or-097.xml Logical 'or' using long values. emptydoc op-logical-or-098.xml Logical 'or' using long values. emptydoc op-logical-or-099.xml Logical 'or' using long values. emptydoc op-logical-or-100.xml Logical 'or' using long values. emptydoc op-logical-or-101.xml Logical 'or' using long values. emptydoc op-logical-or-102.xml Logical 'or' using long values. emptydoc op-logical-or-103.xml Logical 'or' using long values. emptydoc op-logical-or-104.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedLong values. emptydoc op-logical-or-105.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedLong values. emptydoc op-logical-or-106.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedLong values. emptydoc op-logical-or-107.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedLong values. emptydoc op-logical-or-108.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedLong values. emptydoc op-logical-or-109.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedLong values. emptydoc op-logical-or-110.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedLong values. emptydoc op-logical-or-111.xml Logical 'or' using int values. emptydoc op-logical-or-112.xml Logical 'or' using int values. emptydoc op-logical-or-113.xml Logical 'or' using int values. emptydoc op-logical-or-114.xml Logical 'or' using int values. emptydoc op-logical-or-115.xml Logical 'or' using int values. emptydoc op-logical-or-116.xml Logical 'or' using int values. emptydoc op-logical-or-117.xml Logical 'or' using int values. emptydoc op-logical-or-118.xml Logical 'or' using int values. emptydoc op-logical-or-119.xml Logical 'or' using int values. emptydoc op-logical-or-120.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedInt values. emptydoc op-logical-or-121.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedInt values. emptydoc op-logical-or-122.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedInt values. emptydoc op-logical-or-123.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedInt values. emptydoc op-logical-or-124.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedInt values. emptydoc op-logical-or-125.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedInt values. emptydoc op-logical-or-126.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedInt values. emptydoc op-logical-or-127.xml Logical 'or' using short values. emptydoc op-logical-or-128.xml Logical 'or' using short values. emptydoc op-logical-or-129.xml Logical 'or' using short values. emptydoc op-logical-or-130.xml Logical 'or' using short values. emptydoc op-logical-or-131.xml Logical 'or' using short values. emptydoc op-logical-or-132.xml Logical 'or' using short values. emptydoc op-logical-or-133.xml Logical 'or' using short values. emptydoc op-logical-or-134.xml Logical 'or' using short values. emptydoc op-logical-or-135.xml Logical 'or' using short values. emptydoc op-logical-or-136.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedShort values. emptydoc op-logical-or-137.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedShort values. emptydoc op-logical-or-138.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedShort values. emptydoc op-logical-or-139.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedShort values. emptydoc op-logical-or-140.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedShort values. emptydoc op-logical-or-141.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedShort values. emptydoc op-logical-or-142.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedShort values. emptydoc op-logical-or-143.xml Logical 'or' using byte values. emptydoc op-logical-or-144.xml Logical 'or' using byte values. emptydoc op-logical-or-145.xml Logical 'or' using byte values. emptydoc op-logical-or-146.xml Logical 'or' using byte values. emptydoc op-logical-or-147.xml Logical 'or' using byte values. emptydoc op-logical-or-148.xml Logical 'or' using byte values. emptydoc op-logical-or-149.xml Logical 'or' using byte values. emptydoc op-logical-or-150.xml Logical 'or' using byte values. emptydoc op-logical-or-151.xml Logical 'or' using byte values. emptydoc op-logical-or-152.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedByte values. emptydoc op-logical-or-153.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedByte values. emptydoc op-logical-or-154.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedByte values. emptydoc op-logical-or-155.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedByte values. emptydoc op-logical-or-156.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedByte values. emptydoc op-logical-or-157.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedByte values. emptydoc op-logical-or-158.xml Logical 'or' using unsignedByte values. emptydoc op-logical-or-159.xml A test whose essence is: `not("" or 0)`. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-1.txt A test whose essence is: `not(0 or 0)`. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-2.txt A test whose essence is: `not(0 or 0)`. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-3.txt A test whose essence is: `not("" or 0)`. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-4.txt A test whose essence is: `1 or 1`. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-5.txt A test whose essence is: `1 or 0`. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-6.txt A test whose essence is: `1 or 5`. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-7.txt Non-empty xs:anyURIs in the left branch of an or-expression has an EBV value of true. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-8.txt Non-empty xs:anyURIs in the right branch of an or-expression has an EBV value of true. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-9.txt Non-empty xs:anyURIs in the left branch of an or-expression has an EBV value of true. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-10.txt Non-empty xs:anyURIs in the right branch of an or-expression has an EBV value of true. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-11.txt Non-empty xs:untypedAtomics in the left branch of an or-expression has an EBV value of true. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-12.txt Non-empty xs:untypedAtomics in the right branch of an or-expression has an EBV value of true. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-13.txt A test whose essence is: `true() or (0, current-time())[1] treat as xs:integer`. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-14.txt A test whose essence is: `(0, current-time())[1] treat as xs:integer or true()`. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-15.txt An 'or' expression having an operand which EBV cannot be extracted from. emptydoc FORG0006 An 'or' expression having an operand which EBV cannot be extracted from. emptydoc FORG0006 An 'or' expression whose operands EBV cannot be extracted from. emptydoc FORG0006 An 'and' expression having an operand which EBV cannot be extracted from. emptydoc FORG0006 An 'and' expression having an operand which EBV cannot be extracted from. emptydoc FORG0006 An 'and' expression whose operands EBV cannot be extracted from. emptydoc FORG0006 An and-test applied on fn:count(). emptydoc K-LogicExpr-22.txt An or-test applied on fn:count(). emptydoc K-LogicExpr-23.txt An or-test applied on fn:count(). emptydoc K-LogicExpr-24.txt or expression combined with fn:boolean(). emptydoc K-LogicExpr-25.txt and expression combined or fn:boolean(). emptydoc K-LogicExpr-26.txt or expression combined with fn:boolean(). emptydoc K-LogicExpr-27.txt A test whose essence is: `not("" and 0)`. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-28.txt A test whose essence is: `1 and 1`. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-29.txt A test whose essence is: `10.3 and "non-zero length string"`. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-30.txt A test whose essence is: `1 and 5`. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-31.txt A test whose essence is: `not((1, current-time())[1] treat as xs:integer and false())`. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-32.txt A test whose essence is: `not(false() and (1, current-time())[1] treat as xs:integer)`. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-33.txt Non-empty xs:anyURIs have an EBV value of true. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-34.txt Empty xs:anyURIs have an EBV value of false. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-35.txt Empty xs:anyURIs have an EBV value of false. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-36.txt Non-empty xs:untypedAtomics have an EBV value of true. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-37.txt Empty xs:untypedAtomics have an EBV value of false. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-38.txt An and-test applied on fn:count(). emptydoc K-LogicExpr-39.txt An and-test applied on fn:count(). emptydoc K-LogicExpr-40.txt An and-test applied on fn:count(). emptydoc K-LogicExpr-41.txt and-expression combined with fn:boolean(). emptydoc K-LogicExpr-42.txt and-expression combined with fn:boolean(). emptydoc K-LogicExpr-43.txt and-expression combined with fn:boolean(). emptydoc K-LogicExpr-44.txt A test whose essence is: `"a string is ok" and QName("", "local")`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `"a string is ok" or QName("", "local")`. emptydoc K-LogicExpr-46.txt FORG0006 Keywords are case-sensitive. emptydoc XPST0003 Keywords are case-sensitive. emptydoc XPST0003 Constructors Direct Element Constructors Empty element constructor. emptydoc Constr-elem-empty-1.xml Empty element constructor with closing tag. emptydoc Constr-elem-empty-2.xml Number of child nodes for empty element. emptydoc Constr-elem-empty-3.txt Number of child nodes for empty element. emptydoc Constr-elem-empty-4.txt XPST0005 Whitespace in element constructor. emptydoc Constr-elem-empty-5.xml Begin tag does not match end tag. emptydoc XPST0003 Begin tag does not match end tag with namespace prefix. emptydoc XPST0003 Element constructor with open curly brace. emptydoc Constr-elem-curlybr-1.xml Element constructor with closing curly brace. emptydoc Constr-elem-curlybr-2.xml Character reference for open curly brace. emptydoc Constr-elem-curlybr-3.xml Character reference for closing curly brace. emptydoc Constr-elem-curlybr-4.xml Single open curly brace. emptydoc XPST0003 Single closing curly brace. emptydoc XPST0003 Ensure processing-instructions aren't included when extracting the string-value from elements. emptydoc K2-DirectConElem-1.txt Ensure comments aren't included when extracting the string-value from elements. emptydoc K2-DirectConElem-2.txt Syntax error in direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 XPST0081 Syntax error in direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Enclosed expressions aren't allowed inside element constructors. emptydoc XPST0003 Enclosed expressions aren't allowed inside element constructors.(#2). emptydoc XPST0003 Enclosed expressions aren't allowed inside element constructors.(#3). emptydoc XPST0003 A simple direct element constructor. emptydoc K2-DirectConElem-28.txt Serialize a sequence of direct element constructors. emptydoc K2-DirectConElem-29.txt Serialize a couple of element constructors. emptydoc K2-DirectConElem-30.txt A couple of simple elements. emptydoc K2-DirectConElem-31.txt A couple of simple elements(#2). emptydoc K2-DirectConElem-32.txt A couple of simple elements(#3). emptydoc K2-DirectConElem-33.txt An element with a computed attribute and element. emptydoc K2-DirectConElem-34.txt Bind the 'xml' namespace URI to an invalid prefix. emptydoc XQST0070 Bind the 'xml' namespace URI to an invalid prefix(#2). emptydoc XQST0070 Bind the 'xml' namespace URI to an invalid prefix(#3). emptydoc XQST0070 Bind the 'xml' namespace URI to a valid prefix. The output doesn't expect the declaration because the c14n specification ignores declarations of the xml prefix if it binds to the XML namespace(see section 2.3). In either case, serializing this declaration is redundant. See the public report #4217 in W3C's Bugzilla database. emptydoc K2-DirectConElem-38.txt Bind the 'xmlns' namespace URI to an invalid prefix(#3). emptydoc XQST0070 Bind the 'xmlns' namespace URI to an invalid prefix(#3). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4463 emptydoc XQST0070 Bind the 'xmlns' namespace URI to an invalid prefix(#3). emptydoc XQST0070 Use a content sequence that is a strange combination of a computed document constructor and a path. emptydoc K2-DirectConElem-42.txt Use a content sequence that is a computed document constructor. emptydoc K2-DirectConElem-43.txt Extract the string value of a single element node. emptydoc K2-DirectConElem-44.txt Extract the typed value of a single element node. emptydoc K2-DirectConElem-45.txt Use an element constructor that use a namespace declare in a prolog declaration. emptydoc K2-DirectConElem-46.txt Use content that needs to be escaped, inside namespace declaration attributes. emptydoc K2-DirectConElem-47.txt XQST0046 In XQuery, as opposed to XML, the sequence ]]< is allowed in element content. emptydoc K2-DirectConElem-48.txt In XQuery, as opposed to XML, the sequence ]]< is allowed in attribute content. emptydoc K2-DirectConElem-49.txt Character < cannot appear in attributes. emptydoc XPST0003 Ensure that whitespace normalization of xml:id is performed. emptydoc K2-DirectConElem-51.txt Output sharp S. emptydoc K2-DirectConElem-52.txt There is no 'namespace' constructor in XQuery. emptydoc XPST0003 There is no 'namespace-node' constructor in XQuery. emptydoc XPST0003 Attributes Single attribute. emptydoc Constr-attr-syntax-1.xml Multiple attributes. emptydoc Constr-attr-syntax-2.xml Single quotes for attribute. emptydoc Constr-attr-syntax-3.xml Escaped single quote. emptydoc Constr-attr-syntax-4.xml Escaped double quote. emptydoc Constr-attr-syntax-5.xml Mismatched quotes. emptydoc XPST0003 Mismatched quotes. emptydoc XPST0003 Whitespace between attributes. emptydoc Constr-attr-syntax-8.xml Whitespace in attribute definition. emptydoc Constr-attr-syntax-9.xml Whitespace after last attribute. emptydoc Constr-attr-syntax-10.xml Attribute parent element. emptydoc Constr-attr-parent-1.txt Namespace declaration does not count as attribute. emptydoc Constr-attr-nsdecl-1.txt Namespace default declaration does not count as attribute. emptydoc Constr-attr-nsdecl-2.txt Attribute prefix declared in prolog. emptydoc Constr-attr-nspre-1.xml Attribute prefix declared in parent element. emptydoc Constr-attr-nspre-2.xml Attribute prefix declared in same element before. emptydoc Constr-attr-nsprein-1.xml Attribute prefix declared in same element after. emptydoc Constr-attr-nsprein-2.xml Attributes with identical local names. emptydoc XQST0040 Attributes with identical local names. emptydoc XQST0040 Attributes with identical local names. emptydoc XQST0040 Attributes with identical local name and URI. emptydoc XQST0040 Direct attribute content characters. emptydoc Constr-attr-content-1.xml Constr-attr-content-1b.xml Illegal attribute content {. emptydoc XPST0003 Illegal attribute content }. emptydoc XPST0003 Illegal attribute content <. emptydoc XPST0003 Illegal attribute content &. emptydoc XPST0003 Attribute normalization line feed. emptydoc Constr-attr-ws-1.xml Attribute normalization tab. emptydoc Constr-attr-ws-2.xml Attribute normalization char ref. emptydoc Constr-attr-ws-3.xml Attribute normalization char ref. emptydoc Constr-attr-ws-4.xml Attribute normalization char ref. emptydoc Constr-attr-ws-5.xml Entity references in attribute content. emptydoc Constr-attr-entref-1.xml Entity references in attribute content. emptydoc Constr-attr-entref-2.txt Character references in attribute content. emptydoc Constr-attr-charref-1.xml Enclosed expression in attribute content - atomic values. emptydoc Constr-attr-enclexpr-1.xml Enclosed expression in attribute content - nodes. emptydoc Constr-attr-enclexpr-2.xml Enclosed expression in attribute content - empty string. emptydoc Constr-attr-enclexpr-3.xml Enclosed expression in attribute content - empty node. emptydoc Constr-attr-enclexpr-4.xml Enclosed expression in attribute content - mix direct content and enclosed expressions. emptydoc Constr-attr-enclexpr-5.xml Enclosed expression in attribute content - mix direct content and enclosed expressions. emptydoc Constr-attr-enclexpr-6.xml Enclosed expression in attribute content - mix direct content and enclosed expressions. emptydoc Constr-attr-enclexpr-7.xml Multiple content units in attribute content. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3771 Constr-attr-enclexpr-8.xml Enclosed expression in attribute content - xml:id attribute value is ncname. emptydoc Constr-attr-id-1.xml Enclosed expression in attribute content - xml:id attribute value must be further normalized. emptydoc Constr-attr-id-2.xml XQDY0091 Comments cannot appear inside direct element constructors. emptydoc XPST0003 Comments cannot appear inside direct element constructors. emptydoc XPST0003 Space is not allowed between '</' and the element name. emptydoc XPST0003 Comments are not allowed where whitespace is, in direct element constructors. emptydoc XPST0003 Whitespace is allowed in the end tag after the QName. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-5.txt XML tags must be balanced. emptydoc XPST0003 CDATA sections can only appear inside element constructors. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct attribute constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct attribute constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct attribute constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct attribute constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct attribute constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct attribute constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct attribute constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct attribute constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct attribute constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct attribute constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct attribute constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct attribute constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct attribute constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct attribute constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct attribute constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct attribute constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in direct attribute constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Comments cannot appear inside direct element/attribute constructors. emptydoc XPST0003 Comments cannot appear inside direct element/attribute constructors. emptydoc XPST0003 Comments cannot appear inside direct element/attribute constructors. emptydoc XPST0003 Comments cannot appear inside direct element/attribute constructors. emptydoc XPST0003 Attribute containing two quotes. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-29.txt Attribute containing two quotes(#2). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-30.txt Attribute containing two apostrophes. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-31.txt Attribute containing two apostrophes(#2). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-32.txt Test that simple content computation is done properly with complex input sequence. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-33.txt Extract the string value from a directly constructed attribute whose content consists of a computed comment constructor. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-34.txt Extract the string value from a directly constructed attribute whose content consists of a computed comment constructor. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-35.txt Extract the string value from a directly constructed attribute whose content consists of a computed processing-instruction constructor. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-36.txt Extract the local-name from a directly constructed attribute whose content consists of a computed processing-instruction constructor. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-37.txt Extract the string value from a directly constructed attribute whose content consists of a computed attribute constructor. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-38.txt Extract the string value from a directly constructed attribute whose content consists of a computed attribute constructor. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-39.txt Attributes with many apostrophes and quotes. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-40.txt A direct attribute constructor taking a direct element constructor as input. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-41.txt A direct attribute constructor taking a direct comment constructor as input. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-42.txt A direct attribute constructor taking a direct PI constructor as input. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-43.txt xml:base attributes do not affect the static base-uri. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-44.txt xml:base attributes do not affect the static base-uri(#2). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-45.txt Copy attributes from one element to another. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-46.txt Ensure the typed value of directly constructed attributes has the correct type. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-47.txt There must be space between attributes. emptydoc XPST0003 A newline is a valid separator between two attributes. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-49.txt A tab is a valid separator between two attributes. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-50.txt There must be space between attributes(using apostrophes). emptydoc XPST0003 A tab is a valid separator between two attributes(using apostrophes). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-52.txt '/' is an invalid separator between two attributes. emptydoc XPST0003 '/' is an invalid separator between two attributes(using apostrophes). emptydoc XPST0003 '/' is an invalid separator between two attributes. emptydoc XPST0003 '/' is an invalid separator between two attributes(using apostrophes). emptydoc XPST0003 End unexpectedly inside a direct element constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 End unexpectedly inside a direct element constructor(#2). emptydoc XPST0003 End unexpectedly inside a direct element constructor(#3). emptydoc XPST0003 End unexpectedly inside a direct element constructor(#4). emptydoc XPST0003 End unexpectedly inside a direct element constructor(#5). emptydoc XPST0003 End unexpectedly inside a direct element constructor(#6). emptydoc XPST0003 End unexpectedly inside a direct element constructor(#7). emptydoc XPST0003 End unexpectedly inside a direct element constructor(#8). emptydoc XPST0003 End unexpectedly inside a direct element constructor(#9). emptydoc XPST0003 End unexpectedly inside a direct element constructor(#10). emptydoc XPST0003 End unexpectedly inside a direct element constructor(#10). emptydoc XPST0003 Use two namespace declarations with the same name. emptydoc XQST0071 Use two namespace declarations with the same name, in addition to doing invalid bindings. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4463 emptydoc XQST0071 Ensure that attributes constructed with direct constructors doesn't pick up the default namespace. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-70.txt Ensure that attributes constructed with computed constructors doesn't pick up the default namespace. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-71.txt Ensure that attributes constructed with computed constructors doesn't pick up the default namespace. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-72.txt Ensure that attributes constructed with computed constructors doesn't pick up the default namespace(#2). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-73.txt Check that character references next to embedded expressions are parsed correctly. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-74.txt Mix several ways for creating text for various kinds of nodes. This test is useful if an implementation is performing normalization of such constructors. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-75.txt Pass text nodes through a function and variable, into AVTs. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemAttr-76.txt Namespace declaration attributes in direct element constructors. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc DirectConElemAttr-1.txt Namespace declaration attributes in direct element constructors. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc DirectConElemAttr-2.txt Namespace Declaration Attributes Use undeclared namespace prefix. emptydoc XPST0081 Declare namespace with prefix. emptydoc Constr-namespace-2.xml Declare default namespace. emptydoc Constr-namespace-3.xml Duplicate namespace prefix. emptydoc XQST0071 Duplicate default namespace. emptydoc XQST0071 Local part of declaration is xml. emptydoc XQST0070 Local part of declaration is xmlns. emptydoc XQST0070 Child inherits namespace prefix. emptydoc Constr-namespace-8.xml Overriding parents namespace prefix. emptydoc Constr-namespace-9.xml Overriding prolog namespace prefix. emptydoc Constr-namespace-10.xml Select child of element overriding parent namespace prefix. emptydoc Constr-namespace-11.xml Select child of element overriding prolog namespace prefix. emptydoc Constr-namespace-12.xml Undeclare namespace prefix. emptydoc Constr-namespace-13.xml XQST0085 Use undeclared parent prefix in child. emptydoc XPST0081 XQST0085 Use undeclared prolog prefix in child. emptydoc XPST0081 XQST0085 Select child of element overriding namespace prefix. emptydoc Constr-namespace-16.xml XQST0085 Child inherits default namespace. emptydoc Constr-namespace-17.xml Override parents default namespace. emptydoc Constr-namespace-18.xml Override prologs default namespace. emptydoc Constr-namespace-19.xml Child inherits overridden parents default namespace. emptydoc Constr-namespace-20.xml Child inherits overridden prologs default namespace. emptydoc Constr-namespace-21.xml Undeclare default namespace. emptydoc Constr-namespace-22.xml Child inherits undeclared default namespace. emptydoc Constr-namespace-23.xml Namespace Declarations - namespace URI is not string literal. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc XQST0022 Namespace Declarations - namespace URI is not string literal. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc XQST0022 Test namespace added to statically known namespaces: element content. MixNS Constr-namespace-26.xml Test namespace added to statically known namespaces: attribute content. MixNS Constr-namespace-27.xml Test namespace removed from statically known namespaces after end of element. MixNS XPST0081 A namespace declaration inside a direct element constructor is not in-scope for the next operand of the comma operator. emptydoc XPST0081 Element constructors aren't well-formed despite the namespace declarations. emptydoc XPST0003 Element constructors aren't well-formed despite the namespace declarations. emptydoc XPST0003 A namespace declaration binding to a a one-letter NCName. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-4.txt XPDY0002 Verify the 'xml' prefix is in scope in a direct constructor. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-5.txt Verify the 'xml' prefix is in scope in a computed constructor. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-6.txt Default namespace declarations does not affect the default function namespace. emptydoc XPST0017 Default namespace declarations does not affect the default function namespace(#2). emptydoc XPST0017 Default namespace declarations does not affect the default function namespace(#3). emptydoc XPST0017 Default namespace declarations does not affect the default function namespace(#4). emptydoc XPST0017 A name test whose namespace is declared with a default namespace attribute. emptydoc XPDY0002 A name test whose namespace is declared with a default namespace attribute(#2). emptydoc XPDY0002 A name test whose namespace is declared with a prefixed namespace attribute. emptydoc XPDY0002 A name test whose namespace is declared with a prefixed namespace attribute(#2). emptydoc XPDY0002 A namespace must be a literal. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc XQST0022 A namespace must be a literal(#2). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc XQST0022 A namespace must be a literal, for which bracket-escapes are invalid. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc XQST0022 A namespace must be a literal, for which bracket-escapes are invalid(#2). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc XQST0022 Ensure that the correct default element namespace is used, with 'instance of'. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-19.txt Ensure that the correct default element namespace is used, with 'treat as'. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-20.txt Ensure that the correct default element namespace is used, with 'cast as'. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-21.txt Ensure that the correct default element namespace is used, with 'cast as'. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-22.txt Ensure that the correct default element namespace is used, with an element name test. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-23.txt Ensure that the correct default element namespace is used, with an attribute name test. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-24.txt Test that an empty namespace declaration is handled correctly. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-25.txt XPST0005 Ensure that a declaration is only in-scope for the element constructor. emptydoc XPST0081 Ensure that when one namespace declaration goes out of scope, that the one above doesn't dissapear. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-27.txt Ensure that when one namespace declaration goes out of scope, that the one above persists. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-28.txt Ensure that the correct namespace is used, with 'instance of'. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-29.txt Ensure that the correct namespace is used, with 'treat as'. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-30.txt Ensure that the correct namespace is used, with 'cast as'. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-31.txt Ensure that the correct namespace is used, with 'cast as'. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-32.txt Use a namespace binding in range variables that appears after them in query order. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-33.txt Use an enclosed expression inside an namespace declaration. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc XQST0022 Use an enclosed expression inside an namespace declaration(#2). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc XQST0022 Use an enclosed expression inside an namespace declaration(#3). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc XQST0022 Use an enclosed expression inside an namespace declaration(#3). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc XQST0022 Use an inproperly enclosed expression inside an namespace declaration. emptydoc XPST0003 Combine an empty default namespace, with a full namespace. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-39.txt Ensure the namespaces in-scope are outputted. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-40.txt Ensure all namespaces in-scope, through a couple of elements, are found by in-scope-prefixes(). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-41.txt A direct element constructor with a redundant, prefixed namespace declaration. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-42.txt A direct element constructor with a redundant namespace declaration. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-43.txt Use an inproperly enclosed expression inside an namespace declaration(#2). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc XPST0003 Ensure the namespace declaration is output for a copied attribute. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-45.txt Ensure no declaration is output for the XML namespace. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-46.txt Use an empty-string namespace declaration. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-47.txt Declare a prefix that isn't used. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-48.txt Use a 'declare default element namespace' in addition to binding to the empty prefix. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-49.txt Ensure undeclarations affect path expressions correctly. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-50.txt K2-DirectConElemNamespace-50-2.txt Use an empty-string namespace declaration(#2). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-51.txt Use an empty-string namespace declaration(#3). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-52.txt Ensure a namespace undeclaration aren't counted as a namespace binding. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-53.txt Ensure an undeclaration is treated properly. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-54.txt A combination of computed and direct constructors with namespace undeclarations. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-55.txt Check that an attribute name tests properly interact with namespace declarations. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-56.txt Attempt an attribute node copy that never will happen. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-57.txt Use the pre-declared prefixes in element constructors. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-58.txt Use the {}-escape mechanism. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-59.txt XQST0046 An non-matched { inside a namespace constructor. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc XPST0003 An non-matched } inside a namespace constructor(#2). emptydoc XPST0003 An non-matched { inside a namespace constructor(#3). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc XPST0003 An non-matched } inside a namespace constructor(#4). emptydoc XPST0003 Extract an escaped namespace with fn:namespace-for-prefix(). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-65.txt XQST0046 An non-matched { inside a namespace constructor with content afterwards. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc XPST0003 An non-matched } inside a namespace constructor with content afterwards(#2). emptydoc XPST0003 An non-matched { inside a namespace constructor with content afterwards(#3). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc XPST0003 An non-matched } inside a namespace constructor with content afterwards(#4). emptydoc XPST0003 Enclosed expressions cannot be used. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc XQST0022 Enclosed expressions cannot be used(#2). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc XQST0022 Enclosed expressions containing the empty sequence cannot be used. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc XQST0022 Enclosed expressions containing the empty sequence cannot be used(#2). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc XQST0022 Serialize a namespace that has braces. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-75.txt XQST0046 Serialize a prefixed namespace that has braces. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5343 emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-76.txt XQST0046 Pull out a namespace prefix that shadows another. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-77.txt Ensure that namespaces are expanded in the correct places(positive test). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemNamespace-78.txt Ensure that namespaces are expanded in the correct places(negative test). emptydoc XPTY0004 Use the ""-escape mechanism. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc DirectConElemNamespace-3.txt XQST0046 Use the ""-escape mechanism. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc DirectConElemNamespace-4.txt XQST0046 Use the ''-escape mechanism. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc DirectConElemNamespace-5.txt Use the ''-escape mechanism. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5083 emptydoc DirectConElemNamespace-6.txt Content Invalid character '{' in element content. emptydoc XPST0003 Invalid character '}' in element content. emptydoc XPST0003 Invalid character '<' in element content. emptydoc XPST0003 Invalid character '&' in element content. emptydoc XPST0003 End-of-line handling. emptydoc Constr-cont-eol-1.xml End-of-line handling. emptydoc Constr-cont-eol-2.xml End-of-line handling with character reference. emptydoc Constr-cont-eol-3.xml End-of-line handling with character reference. emptydoc Constr-cont-eol-4.xml Pre-defined entity reference in element content. emptydoc Constr-cont-entref-1.txt Pre-defined entity reference in element content. emptydoc Constr-cont-entref-2.txt Pre-defined entity reference in element content. emptydoc Constr-cont-entref-3.txt Pre-defined entity reference in element content. emptydoc Constr-cont-entref-4.txt Pre-defined entity reference in element content. emptydoc Constr-cont-entref-5.txt Character reference. emptydoc Constr-cont-charref-1.xml Invalid character reference. emptydoc XQST0090 CDATA section in element constructor. emptydoc Constr-cont-cdata-1.xml Count text nodes for direct element content. emptydoc Constr-cont-text-1.txt Count text nodes for direct element content and CDATA section. emptydoc Constr-cont-text-2.txt Nested element nodes. emptydoc Constr-cont-nested-1.xml Nested pi nodes. emptydoc Constr-cont-nested-2.xml Nested comment nodes. emptydoc Constr-cont-nested-3.xml Nested mix of nodes. emptydoc Constr-cont-nested-4.xml 1 text node for enclosed expression with atomic values. emptydoc Constr-cont-enclexpr-1.txt 1 text node for enclosed expression with atomic values. emptydoc Constr-cont-enclexpr-2.txt Space between atomic values in enclosed expression. emptydoc Constr-cont-enclexpr-3.xml Enclosed expression with mix of atomic values and nodes. DupNode Constr-cont-enclexpr-4.xml Space between atomic values and empty string. DupNode Constr-cont-enclexpr-5.xml Copied node structure in element content. DupNode Constr-cont-nested-5.xml Copied element node has new node identity. emptydoc Constr-cont-nodeid-1.txt Copied attribute node has new node identity. emptydoc Constr-cont-nodeid-2.txt Copied comment node has new node identity. emptydoc Constr-cont-nodeid-3.txt Copied pi node has new node identity. emptydoc Constr-cont-nodeid-4.txt Copied text node has new node identity. emptydoc Constr-cont-nodeid-5.txt Strip IDREFS type. atomic Constr-cont-constrmod-1.txt Preserve IDREFS type. atomic Constr-cont-constrmod-2.txt Constr-cont-constrmodalt-2.txt Strip decimal type. atomic FORG0001 Preserve decimal type. atomic Constr-cont-constrmod-4.txt FORG0001 Strip IDREFS type. atomic Constr-cont-constrmod-5.txt Preserve IDREFS type. atomic Constr-cont-constrmod-6.txt Constr-cont-constrmodalt-6.txt Strip decimal type. atomic FORG0001 Preserve decimal type. atomic Constr-cont-constrmod-8.txt FORG0001 Copy-namespace mode preserve, inherit. nsmode Constr-cont-nsmode-1.xml Copy-namespace mode no-preserve, inherit. nsmode Constr-cont-nsmode-2.xml Copy-namespace mode preserve, no-inherit. nsmode Constr-cont-nsmode-3.xml Copy-namespace mode no-preserve, no-inherit. nsmode Constr-cont-nsmode-4.xml Copy namespace sensitive content. atomic Constr-cont-nsmode-5.txt XQTY0086 Copy namespace sensitive content. atomic Constr-cont-nsmode-6.txt XQTY0086 Copy namespace sensitive attribute content: see bug 4151 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4151 atomic XQTY0086 Copy namespace sensitive attribute content: see bug 4151 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4151 atomic XQTY0086 Copy namespace sensitive attribute content: see bug 4151. This test succeeds: a namespace-sensitive element can be copied if copy-namespaces=preserve, and its namespace-sensitive attribute can be copied if its parent element is copied http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4151 atomic Constr-cont-nsmode-9.txt Copy namespace sensitive content http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4151 atomic XQTY0086 Test copying of potentially namespace-sensitive nodes preserves their type correctly. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=7239 namespace-sensitive Constr-cont-nsmode-11a.txt Constr-cont-nsmode-11b.txt Preserve base uri for copied element nodes. emptydoc Constr-cont-uripres-1.txt Single text node in element content. emptydoc Constr-cont-adjtext-1.txt Two text nodes in element content. emptydoc Constr-cont-adjtext-2.txt Strip empty text node. emptydoc Constr-cont-adjtext-3.txt No text node for empty sequence constructed. emptydoc Constr-cont-adjtext-4.txt Strip document nodes. DupNode Constr-cont-doc-1.xml Attribute node following atomic value. TopMany XQTY0024 Attribute node following node. TopMany XQTY0024 Attribute node following empty sequence. TopMany Constr-cont-attr-3.xml Attribute node following direct content. TopMany XQTY0024 Base-uri through xml:base attribute. emptydoc Constr-cont-baseuri-1.txt Base-uri through parent. emptydoc Constr-cont-baseuri-2.txt Base-uri through declaration. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3771 emptydoc Constr-cont-baseuri-3.txt Empty parent. emptydoc Constr-cont-parent-1.txt Attributes in content. TopMany Constr-cont-attr-5.xml Attributes direct and in content. TopMany Constr-cont-attr-6.xml Attributes in content with same name. TopMany XQDY0025 Attributes direct and in content with same name. TopMany XQDY0025 Attributes in seperate content units. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3771 TopMany Constr-cont-attr-9.xml String value of element. emptydoc Constr-cont-string-1.txt Typed value of element. emptydoc Constr-cont-data-1.txt Check the merging of text nodes introduced by the contents of a document node http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3637 emptydoc Constr-cont-document-1.txt Check the merging of text nodes introduced by the contents of a document node http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3637 emptydoc Constr-cont-document-2.txt Check the merging of text nodes introduced by the contents of a document node emptydoc Constr-cont-document-3.txt Check the merging of text nodes introduced by the contents of a document node. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3637 emptydoc Constr-cont-document-4.txt Check the merging of text nodes introduced by the contents of a document node. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3637 emptydoc Constr-cont-document-5.txt An astray '}'. emptydoc XPST0003 An astray '}'. emptydoc XPST0003 An astray '}'. emptydoc XPST0003 An astray '}'. emptydoc XPST0003 Test that the typed value of element nodes is correct. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-5.txt Test that the typed value of element nodes is correct. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-6.txt Test that the typed value of element nodes is correct. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-7.txt Test that the typed of element nodes is correct. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-8.txt Test that the typed value of comment nodes is correct. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-9.txt Test that the typed value of comment nodes is correct. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-10.txt Test that the typed value of comment nodes is correct. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-11.txt Test that the typed value of comment nodes is correct. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-12.txt Test that the typed value of comment nodes is correct. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-13.txt Test that the typed value of PI nodes is correct. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-14.txt Test that the typed value of PI nodes is correct. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-15.txt Test that the typed value of PI nodes is correct. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-16.txt Test that the typed value of PI nodes is correct. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-17.txt Syntactically invalid CDATA section. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid CDATA section. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid CDATA section. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid CDATA section. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid CDATA section. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid CDATA section. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid CDATA section. emptydoc XPST0003 XQuery comments inside elements are not recognized. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-25.txt Enclosed expressions in element content must have expressions. emptydoc XPST0003 Many CDATA sections. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-27.txt Ensure CDATA doesn't receive special attention. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-28.txt Test that the type annotation of text nodes is correct. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-29.txt Two atomic values with a text node inbetween. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-30.txt Two atomic values with a text node inbetween(#2). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-31.txt Tests the type of the typed value of a directly constructed element node. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-32.txt Tests the typed value of a directly constructed element node. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-33.txt Check that a directly constructed element gets the right type. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-34.txt Check that a directly constructed element gets the right type(#2). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-35.txt Check that a directly constructed element gets the right type(#3). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-36.txt Check that a directly constructed element gets the right type, and that the name test fails. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-37.txt Check that a directly constructed element gets the right type, and that the name test fails(#2). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-38.txt Use many enclosed expressions. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-39.txt Use many enclosed expressions(#2). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-40.txt Use many enclosed expressions(#3). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-41.txt Use many enclosed expressions(#4). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-42.txt Tricky whitespace case. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-43.txt Inproperly balanced attribute quotes. emptydoc XPST0003 Inproperly balanced attribute quotes(#2). emptydoc XPST0003 Have an empty text node constructor between two atomic values. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-46.txt Have an text node constructor that constructs an empty string, between two atomic values. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-47.txt Serialize an undeclaration. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemContent-48.txt White Space Element Content Strip whitespace space. emptydoc Constr-ws-tag-1.xml Strip whitespace line feed. emptydoc Constr-ws-tag-2.xml Strip whitespace tab. emptydoc Constr-ws-tag-3.xml Strip mixed whitespace. emptydoc Constr-ws-tag-4.xml Count text nodes when stripping whitespace. emptydoc Constr-ws-tag-5.txt Preserve whitespace space. emptydoc Constr-ws-tag-6.xml Preserve whitespace line feed. emptydoc Constr-ws-tag-7.xml Preserve whitespace tab. emptydoc Constr-ws-tag-8.xml Preserve mixed whitespace. emptydoc Constr-ws-tag-9.xml Count text nodes when preserving whitespace. emptydoc Constr-ws-tag-10.txt Strip whitespace space between open tag and enclosed expression. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-1.xml Strip whitespace line feed between open tag and enclosed expression. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-2.xml Strip whitespace tab between open tag and enclosed expression. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-3.xml Strip whitespace space between enclosed expressions. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-4.xml Strip whitespace line feed between enclosed expressions. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-5.xml Strip whitespace tab between enclosed expressions. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-6.xml Strip whitespace space between enclosed expression and close tag. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-7.xml Strip whitespace line feed between enclosed expression and close tag. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-8.xml Strip whitespace tab between enclosed expression and close tag. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-9.xml Strip whitespace space between child elements. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-10.xml Strip whitespace line feed between child elements. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-11.xml Strip whitespace tab between child elements. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-12.xml Preserve whitespace space between open tag and enclosed expression. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-13.xml Preserve whitespace line feed between open tag and enclosed expression. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-14.xml Preserve whitespace tab between open tag and enclosed expression. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-15.xml Preserve whitespace space between enclosed expressions. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-16.xml Preserve whitespace line feed between enclosed expressions. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-17.xml Preserve whitespace tab between enclosed expressions. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-18.xml Preserve whitespace space between enclosed expression and close tag. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-19.xml Preserve whitespace line feed between enclosed expression and close tag. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-20.xml Preserve whitespace tab between enclosed expression and close tag. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-21.xml Preserve whitespace space between child elements. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-22.xml Preserve whitespace line feed between child elements. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-23.xml Preserve whitespace tab between child elements. emptydoc Constr-ws-enclexpr-24.xml Preserve leading space. emptydoc Constr-ws-nobound-1.xml Preserve leading line feed. emptydoc Constr-ws-nobound-2.xml Preserve leading tab. emptydoc Constr-ws-nobound-3.xml Preserve trailing space. emptydoc Constr-ws-nobound-4.xml Preserve trailing line feed. emptydoc Constr-ws-nobound-5.xml Preserve trailing tab. emptydoc Constr-ws-nobound-6.xml Preserve character reference x20. emptydoc Constr-ws-genchref-1.xml Preserve character reference xA. emptydoc Constr-ws-genchref-2.xml Preserve character reference xD. emptydoc Constr-ws-genchref-3.xml Preserve character reference x9. emptydoc Constr-ws-genchref-4.xml Preserve cdata space. emptydoc Constr-ws-gencdata-1.xml Preserve cdata tab. emptydoc Constr-ws-gencdata-3.xml Preserve space adjacent to character reference. emptydoc Constr-ws-adjchref-1.xml Preserve line feed adjacent to character reference. emptydoc Constr-ws-adjchref-2.xml Preserve tab adjacent to character reference. emptydoc Constr-ws-adjchref-3.xml Preserve space adjacent to cdata section. emptydoc Constr-ws-adjcdata-1.xml Preserve line feed adjacent to cdata section. emptydoc Constr-ws-adjcdata-2.xml Preserve tab adjacent to cdata section. emptydoc Constr-ws-adjcdata-3.xml Preserve enclosed exp space. emptydoc Constr-ws-genenclexpr-1.xml Preserve enclosed exp line feed. emptydoc Constr-ws-genenclexpr-2.xml Preserve enclosed exp tab. emptydoc Constr-ws-genenclexpr-3.xml Ignore xml:space attribute preserve. emptydoc Constr-ws-xmlspace-1.xml Ignore xml:space attribute strip. emptydoc Constr-ws-xmlspace-2.xml XQDY0092 Apply fn:string() on a direct element constructor with preserved whitespace. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-1.txt Element constructor with no content. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-2.txt Apply fn:string to an element constructor with two text nodes. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-3.txt Serialize a direct element constructor with preserved whitespace. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-4.txt xml:space declarations are ignored. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-5.txt xml:space declarations are ignored(#2). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-6.txt xml:space declarations are ignored(#3). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-7.txt xml:space declarations are ignored(#4). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-8.txt No escaping mechanism applies for quotes/apostrophes inside element content. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-9.txt Ensure non-boundary characters, a character reference, are handled properly. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-10.txt Ensure non-boundary characters, CDATA, are handled properly. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-11.txt Ensure extracting the string value from mixed content involving elements is properly done. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-12.txt Ensure extracting the string value from mixed content involving comments is properly done. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-13.txt Ensure extracting the string value from mixed content involving processing instructions is properly done. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-14.txt Ensure only one text node is constructed for contiguous data. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-15.txt Test empty element content result in an element with no children. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-16.txt Test empty element content result in an element with no children(#2). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-17.txt Empty CDATA sections nevertheless causes whitespace to be preserved. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-18.txt Extract the string value of nested elements. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-19.txt Extract the string value of nested elements with adjacent enclosed expressions. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-20.txt Extract the string value of nested elements with adjacent enclosed expressions(#2). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-21.txt It is valid to put ']]>' in element content. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-22.txt Extract the string value of mixed content. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-23.txt Extract the string value of mixed content(#2). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-24.txt Extract the string value of mixed content(#3). emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-25.txt Extract the string value of a couple of nested elements. emptydoc K2-DirectConElemWhitespace-26.txt Other Direct Constructors PI constructor - regular. emptydoc Constr-pi-content-1.xml PI constructor - regular content. emptydoc Constr-pi-content-2.txt PI constructor - empty. emptydoc Constr-pi-content-3.xml PI constructor - empty content. emptydoc Constr-pi-content-4.txt PI constructor - special characters. emptydoc Constr-pi-content-5.xml PI constructor - leading whitespace. emptydoc Constr-pi-content-6.xml PI constructor - trailing whitespace. emptydoc Constr-pi-content-7.xml PI constructor - syntax error. emptydoc XPST0003 emptydoc XPST0003 emptydoc XPST0003 emptydoc XPST0003 emptydoc XPST0003 Comment constructor - regular. emptydoc Constr-comment-1.xml Comment constructor - regular content. emptydoc Constr-comment-2.txt Comment constructor - empty. emptydoc Constr-comment-3.xml Comment constructor - empty content. emptydoc Constr-comment-4.txt Comment constructor - special characters. emptydoc Constr-comment-5.xml Constructor - single dash. emptydoc XPST0003 Comment constructor - trailing dash. emptydoc XPST0003 Comment constructor - double dash. emptydoc XPST0003 Test that processing-instruction data does not receive any special treatment. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-1.txt Syntax error in comment. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in comment. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in comment. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in comment. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in comment. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in comment. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in comment. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in comment. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in comment. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in comment. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in comment. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in comment. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in comment. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in comment. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in comment. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in comment. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in comment. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in comment. emptydoc XPST0003 Space is not allowed between '<?' and the target name. emptydoc XPST0003 '|' is not allowed in PI target names. emptydoc XPST0003 ':' is not allowed in PI target names. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in processing instruction. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in processing instruction. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in processing instruction. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in processing instruction. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in processing instruction. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in processing instruction. emptydoc XPST0003 Extract the name from a PI. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-29.txt Extract the name from a PI. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-30.txt Extract the name from a PI. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-31.txt Extract the data from a directly constructed PI. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-32.txt Extract the data from a directly constructed PI. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-33.txt Extract the data from a directly constructed PI. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-34.txt Extract the content from a comment. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-35.txt Extract the content from a comment. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-36.txt Enclosed expressions aren't recognized inside processing instructions. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-37.txt Space after PI data isn't stripped. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-38.txt Mixed content involving two text nodes and one comment node. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-39.txt Mixed content involving two text nodes and one comment node. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-40.txt Ensure comment content doesn't receive special interpretation. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-41.txt A PI target must be specified. emptydoc XPST0003 Two subsequent processing instructions as a primary expression is a syntax error. emptydoc XPST0003 Test the atomized type of a PI. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-44.txt Test the atomized type of a comment. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-45.txt Test serialization of tricky comment content. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-46.txt Use an ending ']]>' string inside a processing instruction. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-47.txt Ensure xml:id is properly normalized, when using a direct constructor. The value is also an invalid xs:ID value, hence the allowed error code. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-48.txt XQDY0091 Check that an attribute value's value is properly read and serialized. Since the whitespace is expressed with character references they are preserved and hence aren't subject to for instance end-of-line handling. Subsequently, the serialization process must escape such characters in order to not have the parser normalize the values when being read back in. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-49.txt Ensure that EOL-normalization also takes place in CDATA sections. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-50.txt Ensure that EOL-normalization also takes place in CDATA sections(#2). emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-51.txt Ensure that EOLs are normalized in text nodes. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-52.txt Ensure that EOLs are normalized in comment nodes. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-53.txt Ensure that EOLs are normalized in processing instructions. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-54.txt A single '>'. emptydoc XPST0003 A single '<'. emptydoc XPST0003 '/>' is a syntax error. emptydoc XPST0003 Ensure whitespace at the beginning of attributes, isn't stripped. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-58.txt Check attribute normalization, with apostrophes. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-59.txt Check normalization of attributes. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-60.txt An unmatched curly in an attribute value template(quotes). emptydoc XPST0003 An unmatched curly in an attribute value template(apostrophes). emptydoc XPST0003 '1' is an invalid value for xml:id. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-63.txt XQDY0091 'PRESERVE' is an invalid value for xml:space. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-64.txt XQDY0092 ' preserve' is an invalid value for xml:space. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-65.txt XQDY0092 Ensure direct element constructors makes namespaces in scope for other node constructors. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-66.txt Ensure the default namespace is picked up by independent child constructors. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-67.txt Ensure that EOLs are normalized in attributes surrounded with quotes. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-68.txt Ensure that EOLs are normalized in attributes surrounded with apostrophes. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-69.txt Ensure that EOLs are normalized in text nodes, but not when specified with character references. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-70.txt A small fragment using namespaces. emptydoc K2-DirectConOther-71.txt Conformance to the XML 1.0 3-5th edition and XML 1.1 CDATA sections, comments and PIs may occur in ANY content in XML 1.0 3th edition and older http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5347 emptydoc XML10-3ed-Mixed-content.xml The character #x037E is excluded from the start of a Name in XML 1.0 4th edition and older. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5347 emptydoc XML10-4ed-Excluded-char-1.xml XPST0003 The character #x0100 is excluded from the start of a Name in XML 1.0 4th edition and older. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5347 emptydoc XML10-4ed-Excluded-char-2.xml XPST0003 Contains a DEL, legal in XML 1.0, a restricted character in XML 1.1 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5347 emptydoc XML10-5ed-Included-char-1.xml Has a "long s" in a name, legal in XML 1.1, illegal in XML 1.0. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5347 emptydoc XML11-1ed-Included-char-1.xml XPST0003 Computed Constructors Computed Element Constructors NCName for computed element constructor. emptydoc Constr-compelem-name-1.xml QName for computed element constructor. emptydoc Constr-compelem-name-2.xml QName with undeclared prefix for computed element constructor. emptydoc XPST0081 Empty computed name. emptydoc XPTY0004 Two strings as name. emptydoc XPTY0004 Two untypedAtomic values as name. emptydoc XPTY0004 Content of two nodes as name. DupNode XPTY0004 Two numeric values as name. emptydoc XPTY0004 Numeric value as name. emptydoc XPTY0004 DataTime value as name. emptydoc XPTY0004 NCName as name. atomic Constr-compelem-compname-8.xml QName as name. emptydoc Constr-compelem-compname-9.xml String as name. emptydoc Constr-compelem-compname-10.xml String as name. emptydoc Constr-compelem-compname-11.xml String as name. emptydoc Constr-compelem-compname-12.xml String with prefix as name. emptydoc Constr-compelem-compname-13.xml String with undeclared prefix as name. emptydoc XQDY0074 Untyped atomic as name. emptydoc Constr-compelem-compname-15.xml Untyped atomic with prefix as name. emptydoc Constr-compelem-compname-16.xml Untyped atomic with undeclared prefix as name. emptydoc XQDY0074 Non-ncname string as name. emptydoc XQDY0074 Non-ncname untyped atomic as name. emptydoc XQDY0074 Merge adjacent atomic values to text node. emptydoc Constr-compelem-adjtext-1.txt Merge adjacent atomic values and text nodes to text node. DupNode Constr-compelem-adjtext-2.txt Merge adjacent atomic values between other nodes to text node. emptydoc Constr-compelem-adjtext-3.txt Nested computed element constructors. emptydoc Constr-compelem-nested-1.xml Copy node tree into computed element constructor. DupNode Constr-compelem-nested-2.xml Empty computed element content. emptydoc Constr-compelem-enclexpr-1.xml Atomic values in computed element content. emptydoc Constr-compelem-enclexpr-2.xml Atomic values and nodes in computed element content. DupNode Constr-compelem-enclexpr-3.xml Empty string in element content. emptydoc Constr-compelem-enclexpr-4.xml Copied element node has new node identity. emptydoc Constr-compelem-nodeid-1.txt Copied attribute node has new node identity. emptydoc Constr-compelem-nodeid-2.txt Copied comment node has new node identity. emptydoc Constr-compelem-nodeid-3.txt Copied pi node has new node identity. emptydoc Constr-compelem-nodeid-4.txt Copied text node has new node identity. emptydoc Constr-compelem-nodeid-5.txt Strip decimal type. atomicns FORG0001 Preserve decimal type. atomicns Constr-compelem-constrmod-4.txt FORG0001 Strip decimal type. atomicns FORG0001 Preserve decimal type. atomicns Constr-compelem-constrmod-8.txt FORG0001 XPTY0004 Base-uri through xml:base attribute. emptydoc Constr-compelem-baseuri-1.txt Base-uri through parent. emptydoc Constr-compelem-baseuri-2.txt Base-uri through declaration. emptydoc Constr-compelem-baseuri-3.txt Strip document nodes. DupNode Constr-compelem-doc-1.xml Empty parent. emptydoc Constr-compelem-parent-1.txt String value of element. emptydoc Constr-compelem-string-1.txt Typed value of element. emptydoc Constr-compelem-data-1.txt Attribute node following atomic value. TopMany XQTY0024 Attribute node following node. TopMany XQTY0024 Attributes in content. TopMany Constr-compelem-attr-3.xml Attribute in content with same name. TopMany XQDY0025 The name can't be specified as a string literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Simple content that only is empty string in an element constructor. emptydoc K2-ComputeConElem-2.txt Simple content that only is empty string in an element constructor(#2). emptydoc K2-ComputeConElem-3.txt An unbound prefix in a lexical QName yields QDY0074. emptydoc XQDY0074 An unbound prefix in a lexical QName yields QDY0074. emptydoc XQDY0074 Test the type of the typed value of a computationally constructed element node. emptydoc K2-ComputeConElem-6.txt Test the data of the typed value of a computationally constructed element node. emptydoc K2-ComputeConElem-7.txt Check that a directly constructed element gets the right type. emptydoc K2-ComputeConElem-8.txt Check that a directly constructed element gets the right type(#2). emptydoc K2-ComputeConElem-9.txt Check that a directly constructed element gets the right type(#3). emptydoc K2-ComputeConElem-10.txt Check that a directly constructed element gets the right type, and that the name test fails. emptydoc K2-ComputeConElem-11.txt Check that a directly constructed element gets the right type, and that the name test fails(#2). emptydoc K2-ComputeConElem-12.txt Two simple nested constructors. emptydoc K2-ComputeConElem-13.txt Use a technique that sometimes is used for adding namespace nodes. emptydoc K2-ComputeConElem-14.txt . acme_corp K2-ComputeConElem-15.txt XQ.E19 XQDY0096 if namespace prefix is 'xmlns' http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4463 emptydoc XQDY0096 XQ.E19 XQDY0096 if namespace URI is 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/' http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4463 emptydoc XQDY0096 XQ.E19 XQDY0096 if namespace URI is 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/' http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4463 emptydoc XQDY0096 XQ.E19 XQDY0096 if namespace prefix is 'xml' and namespace URI is not 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace' http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4463 emptydoc XQDY0096 XQ.E19 XQDY0096 if namespace prefix is not 'xml' and namespace URI is 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace' http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4463 emptydoc XQDY0096 XQ.E19 XQDY0096 if namespace prefix is 'xmlns' http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4463 emptydoc XQDY0096 Computed Attribute Constructors NCName for computed attribute constructor. emptydoc Constr-compattr-name-1.xml QName for computed element constructor. emptydoc Constr-compattr-name-2.xml QName with undeclared prefix for computed attribute constructor. emptydoc XPST0081 Empty computed name. emptydoc XPTY0004 Two strings as name. emptydoc XPTY0004 Two untypedAtomic values as name. emptydoc XPTY0004 Content of two nodes as name. DupNode XPTY0004 Two numeric values as name. emptydoc XPTY0004 Numeric value as name. emptydoc XPTY0004 DataTime value as name. emptydoc XPTY0004 NCName as name. atomic Constr-compattr-compname-8.xml QName as name. emptydoc Constr-compattr-compname-9.xml String as name. emptydoc Constr-compattr-compname-10.xml String as name. emptydoc Constr-compattr-compname-11.xml String as name. emptydoc Constr-compattr-compname-12.xml String with prefix as name. emptydoc Constr-compattr-compname-13.xml String with undeclared prefix as name. emptydoc XQDY0074 Untyped atomic as name. emptydoc Constr-compattr-compname-15.xml Untyped atomic with prefix as name. emptydoc Constr-compattr-compname-16.xml Untyped atomic with undeclared prefix as name. emptydoc XQDY0074 Non-ncname string as name. emptydoc XQDY0074 Non-ncname untyped atomic as name. emptydoc XQDY0074 Strip document nodes. DupNode Constr-compattr-doc-1.xml Empty parent. emptydoc Constr-compattr-parent-1.txt String value of attribute. emptydoc Constr-compattr-string-1.txt Typed value of attribute. emptydoc Constr-compattr-data-1.txt Enclosed expression in attribute content - atomic values. emptydoc Constr-compattr-enclexpr-1.xml Enclosed expression in attribute content - nodes. emptydoc Constr-compattr-enclexpr-2.xml Enclosed expression in attribute content - empty string. emptydoc Constr-compattr-enclexpr-3.xml Enclosed expression in attribute content - empty node. emptydoc Constr-compattr-enclexpr-4.xml Enclosed expression in attribute content - xml:id attribute value is ncname. emptydoc Constr-compattr-id-1.xml Enclosed expression in attribute content - xml:id attribute value must be further normalized. emptydoc Constr-compattr-id-2.xml XQDY0091 Computed attribute node with "xmlns" name. emptydoc XQDY0044 The name can't be specified as a string literal. emptydoc XPST0003 Ensure XQTY0024 is issued when content appears before computed attributes. emptydoc XQTY0024 Ensure XQTY0024 is issued when content appears before computed attributes. emptydoc XQTY0024 Ensure XQTY0024 is issued when content appears before computed attributes. emptydoc XQTY0024 Ensure XQTY0024 is issued when content appears before computed attributes. emptydoc XQTY0024 Ensure XQTY0024 is issued when content appears before computed attributes. emptydoc XQTY0024 Ensure XQTY0024 is issued when content appears before computed attributes. emptydoc XQTY0024 Ensure XQTY0024 is issued when content appears before computed attributes. emptydoc XQTY0024 Ensure XQTY0024 is issued when content appears before computed attributes. emptydoc XQTY0024 Ensure XQTY0024 is not issued when appearing nested. emptydoc K2-ComputeConAttr-10.txt Ensure XQTY0024 is not issued when a predicate is used to filter the children. emptydoc K2-ComputeConAttr-11.txt Ensure XQTY0024 is issued when content appears before computed attributes. emptydoc XQTY0024 Ensure XQTY0024 is issued when content appears before computed attributes. emptydoc XQTY0024 Ensure XQTY0024 is issued when content, set via a user declared function, appears before computed attributes. emptydoc XQTY0024 Ensure XQTY0024 is issued when content, set via a user declared function, appears before computed attributes. emptydoc XQTY0024 Ensure XQTY0024 is issued when content, set via a user declared function, appears before computed attributes. emptydoc XQTY0024 Ensure XQTY0024 is issued when content, set via a user declared function, appears before computed attributes. emptydoc XQTY0024 Ensure XQTY0024 is issued when content, set via a user declared function, appears before computed attributes. emptydoc XQTY0024 Ensure XQTY0024 is issued when content, set via a user declared, recursive function, appears before computed attributes. emptydoc XQTY0024 Ensure XQTY0024 is issued when content, set via a user declared, recursive function, appears before computed attributes. emptydoc XQTY0024 Ensure XQTY0024 is issued when content, set via a user declared, recursive function, appears before computed attributes. emptydoc XQTY0024 Ensure XQTY0024 is issued when content, set via a user declared variable, appears before computed attributes. emptydoc XQTY0024 Ensure XQTY0024 is not issued when a predicate avoid the condition. emptydoc K2-ComputeConAttr-23.txt Ensure XQTY0024 is issued when content, set via a user declared variable, appears before computed attributes. emptydoc K2-ComputeConAttr-24.txt Add many attributes with a recursive user function. emptydoc K2-ComputeConAttr-25.txt Add many attributes with a recursive user function. emptydoc K2-ComputeConAttr-26.txt Add many attributes with a recursive user function. emptydoc K2-ComputeConAttr-27.txt Ensure XQTY0024 is issued when content, set via a user declared variable, appears before computed attributes. emptydoc XQTY0024 Ensure XQTY0024 is issued when content, set via a user declared variable, appears before computed attributes. emptydoc XQTY0024 Add an attribute from a variable to an element. emptydoc K2-ComputeConAttr-30.txt Add an attribute from a function to an element. emptydoc K2-ComputeConAttr-31.txt Add two computed attributes, where one gets it content from an element. emptydoc K2-ComputeConAttr-32.txt Add two computed attributes, where one gets it content from an atomic value. emptydoc K2-ComputeConAttr-33.txt Add two computed attributes, where one gets it content from an atomic value. emptydoc K2-ComputeConAttr-34.txt Empty CDATA sections generate no text nodes. emptydoc K2-ComputeConAttr-35.txt Empty CDATA sections generate no text nodes(#2). emptydoc K2-ComputeConAttr-36.txt This query yields XPST0081 because the prefix 'xmlns' is unbound. emptydoc XPST0081 This query yields XPST0081 because the prefix 'xmlns' is unbound(#2). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4463 emptydoc XQDY0044 XQDY0074 This query yields XPST0081 because the prefix 'aPrefix' is unbound. emptydoc XPST0081 An unbound prefix in a lexical QName yields QDY0074. emptydoc XQDY0074 An unbound prefix in a lexical QName yields QDY0074. emptydoc XQDY0074 It's not allowed to bind the xmlns to any prefix with computed attribute constructors. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4463 emptydoc XQST0070 It's not allowed to bind the xmlns to any prefix with computed attribute constructors(#2). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4463 emptydoc XQST0070 One cannot create namespace declarations with computed attribute constructors. emptydoc XQDY0044 One cannot create namespace declarations with computed attribute constructors(#2). emptydoc XQDY0044 The default element namespace declaration doesn't affect attribute declarations. emptydoc XQDY0044 Ensure the typed value of computed, constructed attributes has the correct type. emptydoc K2-ComputeConAttr-47.txt Ensure xml:id is properly normalized, and not done at the serialization stage. emptydoc K2-ComputeConAttr-48.txt XQDY0091 Ensure XQDY0025 is issued when triggered by computed constructors. emptydoc XQDY0025 Duplicate attributes whose names are non-prefixed while non-empty namespace URIs. emptydoc XQDY0025 Construct an attribute with no prefix and a non-empty namespace URI. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4443 emptydoc Duplicated attributes, but constructed from different kinds of constructors. emptydoc XQDY0025 Serialize an attribute that has a namespace URI but no prefix. The implementation invents a prefix in this case. emptydoc Ensure that a valid prefix has been constructed for a QName which the implementation is supposed to create a prefix for. See http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4443. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4443 emptydoc K2-ComputeConAttr-54.txt Ensure that the 'xml' prefix has been constructed for a QName which has the XML namespace. emptydoc K2-ComputeConAttr-55.txt Ensure that the 'xml' prefix is used for the XML namespace when no prefix is supplied. emptydoc K2-ComputeConAttr-56.txt Ensure the xmlns namespace is flagged as invalid even though no prefix is supplied. emptydoc XQDY0044 Serialize an attribute that has a namespace URI but no prefix, and whose namespace URI is already in scope. emptydoc '1' is an invalid value for xml:id. emptydoc K2-ComputeConAttr-59.txt XQDY0091 'DEFAULT' is an invalid value for xml:space. emptydoc K2-ComputeConAttr-60.txt XQDY0092 Trigger XQTY0024 in a query with a bit of complexity. emptydoc XQTY0024 XQ.E19 XQDY0044 if namespace prefix is 'xmlns' http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4463 emptydoc XQDY0044 XQDY0074 XQ.E19 XQDY0044 if namespace prefix is empty and local name is 'xmlns' http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4463 emptydoc XQDY0044 XQ.E19 XQDY0044 if namespace URI is 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/' http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4463 emptydoc XQDY0044 XQ.E19 XQDY0044 if namespace URI is 'http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/' http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4463 emptydoc XQDY0044 XQ.E19 XQDY0044 if namespace prefix is 'xml' and namespace URI is not 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace' http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4463 emptydoc XQDY0044 XQ.E19 XQDY0044 if namespace prefix is 'xml' and namespace URI is not 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace' http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4463 emptydoc XQDY0044 XQ.E19 XQDY0044 if namespace prefix is 'xmlns' http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4463 emptydoc XQDY0044 Document Node Constructors Merge adjacent atomic values to text node. emptydoc Constr-docnode-adjtext-1.txt Merge adjacent atomic values and text nodes to text node. DupNode Constr-docnode-adjtext-2.txt Merge adjacent atomic values between other nodes to text node. emptydoc Constr-docnode-adjtext-3.txt Nested document constructors. emptydoc Constr-docnode-nested-1.xml Copy node tree into document constructor. DupNode Constr-docnode-nested-2.xml Check that text nodes are merged in nested document constructors. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3637 Constr-docnode-nested-3.txt Check that empty text nodes are stripped in nested document constructors. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3637 Constr-docnode-nested-4.txt Empty document content. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3771 emptydoc Constr-docnode-enclexpr-1.xml Atomic values in document content. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3771 emptydoc Constr-docnode-enclexpr-2.xml Atomic values and nodes in document content. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3771 DupNode Constr-docnode-enclexpr-3.xml Empty string in document content. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3771 emptydoc Constr-docnode-enclexpr-4.xml Copied element node has new node identity. emptydoc Constr-docnode-nodeid-1.txt Copied comment node has new node identity. emptydoc Constr-docnode-nodeid-3.txt Copied pi node has new node identity. emptydoc Constr-docnode-nodeid-4.txt Copied text node has new node identity. emptydoc Constr-docnode-nodeid-5.txt Strip IDREFS type. atomic Constr-docnode-constrmod-1.txt Preserve IDREFS type. atomic Constr-docnode-constrmod-2.txt Constr-docnode-constrmodalt-2.txt Strip decimal type. atomic FORG0001 Preserve decimal type. atomic Constr-docnode-constrmod-4.txt FORG0001 Strip document nodes. DupNode Constr-docnode-doc-1.xml XPST0005 Empty parent. emptydoc Constr-docnode-parent-1.txt XPST0005 String value of document. emptydoc Constr-docnode-string-1.txt Typed value of document. emptydoc Constr-docnode-data-1.txt Attribute in document constructor. TreeEmpty XPTY0004 Attribute in document constructor. TreeEmpty XPTY0004 Attribute in document constructor. TreeEmpty XPTY0004 No node constructor by name document-node exists. emptydoc XPST0003 A semi-colon can't follow document{}. emptydoc XPST0003 A document constructor can't receive attribute nodes. emptydoc XPTY0004 A document constructor can't receive attribute nodes(#2). emptydoc XPTY0004 A document constructor can't receive attribute nodes(#3). emptydoc XPTY0004 A document constructor can't receive attribute nodes(#4). emptydoc XPTY0004 A document constructor can't receive attribute nodes(#5). emptydoc XPTY0004 A document constructor can't receive attribute nodes(#7). emptydoc XPTY0004 Document nodes may have several elements as children(#8). emptydoc K2-ConDocNode-9.txt Document nodes may have several elements as children. emptydoc K2-ConDocNode-10.txt Extract the typed value from a document node. emptydoc K2-ConDocNode-11.txt Extract the string value from a document node. emptydoc K2-ConDocNode-12.txt Extract the string value from a document node. emptydoc K2-ConDocNode-13.txt Extract the string value from a document node. emptydoc K2-ConDocNode-14.txt Test the atomized type. emptydoc K2-ConDocNode-15.txt Test node identity of two document nodes. emptydoc K2-ConDocNode-16.txt Extract the string value from a complex document node. emptydoc K2-ConDocNode-17.txt Ensure processing instructions and comments are ignored when extracting the string value from a document node. emptydoc K2-ConDocNode-18.txt A recursive construction of document nodes. emptydoc K2-ConDocNode-19.txt A recursive construction of document nodes, combined with the comma operator. emptydoc K2-ConDocNode-20.txt A recursive construction of document nodes, with one child element. emptydoc K2-ConDocNode-21.txt A recursive construction of document nodes, combined with elements. emptydoc K2-ConDocNode-22.txt Extract the string value from a document node with four computed text nodes. emptydoc K2-ConDocNode-23.txt Ensure text nodes gets merged. emptydoc K2-ConDocNode-24.txt Ensure text nodes gets merged(#2). emptydoc K2-ConDocNode-25.txt Attributes cannot be children of document nodes. emptydoc XPTY0004 Attributes cannot be children of document nodes(#2). emptydoc XPTY0004 Attributes cannot be children of document nodes(#3). emptydoc XPTY0004 An invalid attribute constructor as child to the document constructor. emptydoc XQTY0024 Ensure two text nodes appearing after a document constructor are merged properly. emptydoc K2-ConDocNode-30.txt Ensure a text node is properly constructed with nested document constructors, when extracting the string-value. emptydoc K2-ConDocNode-31.txt Ensure a text node is properly constructed with nested document constructors, when serializing. emptydoc K2-ConDocNode-32.txt Text Node Constructors Enclosed expression in text node content - atomic values. emptydoc Constr-text-enclexpr-1.txt Enclosed expression in text node content - nodes. emptydoc Constr-text-enclexpr-2.txt Enclosed expression in text node content - empty string. emptydoc Constr-text-enclexpr-3.txt Enclosed expression in text node content - empty node. emptydoc Constr-text-enclexpr-4.txt Enclosed expression in text node content - empty node. DupNode Constr-text-enclexpr-5.txt Strip document nodes. DupNode Constr-text-doc-1.txt Empty parent. emptydoc Constr-text-parent-1.txt String value of text node. emptydoc Constr-text-string-1.txt Typed value of text node. emptydoc Constr-text-data-1.txt Count text nodes. emptydoc Constr-text-count-1.txt Count text nodes. emptydoc Constr-text-count-2.txt Count text nodes. emptydoc Constr-text-count-3.txt Count text nodes. emptydoc Constr-text-count-4.txt XPST0005 Count text nodes. emptydoc Constr-text-count-5.txt Count text nodes. emptydoc Constr-text-count-6.txt XPST0005 emptydoc Constr-text-adjtext-1.txt emptydoc Constr-text-adjtext-2.txt Nested text node constructors. emptydoc Constr-text-nested-1.txt Nested text node constructors. emptydoc Constr-text-nested-2.xml Nested text node constructors. emptydoc Constr-text-nested-3.xml Text constructors cannot specify a name. emptydoc XPST0003 Text constructors cannot specify a name(#2). emptydoc XPST0003 An empty text node is nevertheless a text node, not the empty sequence. emptydoc K2-ConText-3.txt Construct from an empty sequence. emptydoc K2-ConText-4.txt The enclosed expression isn't optional. emptydoc XPST0003 Test the atomized type. emptydoc K2-ConText-6.txt The end of content in a CDATA section may end with ']'. emptydoc K2-ConText-7.txt The end of content in a CDATA section may end with many ']'(#2). emptydoc K2-ConText-8.txt The end of content in a CDATA section may end with ']'(#3). emptydoc K2-ConText-9.txt The end of content in a CDATA section may end with many ']'(#4). emptydoc K2-ConText-10.txt A CDATA section ending incorrectly. emptydoc XPST0003 A CDATA section ending incorrectly(#2). emptydoc XPST0003 An element ending incorrectly. emptydoc XPST0003 Ensure that an empty text node between two atomic values are serialized correctly. emptydoc K2-ConText-14.txt Ensure that an empty text node between two atomic values are serialized correctly(#2). emptydoc K2-ConText-15.txt Computed Processing-instruction Constructors NCName for computed attribute constructor. emptydoc Constr-comppi-name-1.xml QName for PI constructor. emptydoc XPST0003 Empty computed name. emptydoc XPTY0004 Two strings as name. emptydoc XPTY0004 Two untypedAtomic values as name. emptydoc XPTY0004 Content of two nodes as name. DupNode XPTY0004 Two numeric values as name. emptydoc XPTY0004 Numeric value as name. emptydoc XPTY0004 DataTime value as name. emptydoc XPTY0004 NCName as name. atomic Constr-comppi-compname-8.xml QName as name. atomic XQDY0041 XPTY0004 String as name. emptydoc Constr-comppi-compname-10.xml String as name. emptydoc Constr-comppi-compname-11.xml String as name. emptydoc Constr-comppi-compname-12.xml String with prefix as name. emptydoc XQDY0041 Untyped atomic as name. emptydoc Constr-comppi-compname-15.xml Untyped atomic with prefix as name. emptydoc XQDY0041 Non-ncname string as name. emptydoc XQDY0041 Non-ncname untyped atomic as name. emptydoc XQDY0041 Strip document nodes. DupNode Constr-comppi-doc-1.xml Empty parent. emptydoc Constr-comppi-parent-1.txt String value of attribute. emptydoc Constr-comppi-string-1.txt Typed value of PI. emptydoc Constr-comppi-data-1.txt Enclosed expression in PI node content - atomic values. emptydoc Constr-comppi-enclexpr-1.xml Enclosed expression in PI node content - nodes. emptydoc Constr-comppi-enclexpr-2.xml Enclosed expression in PI node content - empty string. emptydoc Constr-comppi-enclexpr-3.xml Enclosed expression in PI node content - empty node. emptydoc Constr-comppi-enclexpr-4.xml Enclosed expression in PI node content - empty node. DupNode Constr-comppi-enclexpr-5.xml Invalid PI target XML. emptydoc XQDY0064 Invalid PI target XML. emptydoc XQDY0064 Invalid PI target XML. emptydoc XQDY0064 Invalid PI target XML. emptydoc XQDY0064 Invalid PI content. emptydoc XQDY0026 Invalid PI content. emptydoc XQDY0026 Invalid PI content. emptydoc XQDY0026 Leading whitespace in PI content. emptydoc Constr-comppi-space-1.xml Leading whitespace in PI content. emptydoc Constr-comppi-space-2.xml Leading whitespace in PI content. emptydoc Constr-comppi-space-3.txt Leading whitespace in PI content. emptydoc Constr-comppi-space-4.txt Empty PI node. emptydoc Constr-comppi-empty-1.xml Empty PI node. emptydoc Constr-comppi-empty-2.xml The name can't be specified as a string literal. emptydoc XPST0003 An invalid name for a processing-instruction. emptydoc XQDY0064 An invalid name for a processing-instruction. emptydoc XQDY0064 Extract the name from a computed PI. emptydoc K2-ComputeConPI-4.txt Extract the name from a computed PI. emptydoc K2-ComputeConPI-5.txt Invalid target name. emptydoc XQDY0041 PI data containing '?>'. emptydoc XQDY0026 Extract the data from a computed PI. emptydoc K2-ComputeConPI-8.txt Extract (possible parser-confusing) PI data. emptydoc K2-ComputeConPI-9.txt Data that only is whitespace. emptydoc K2-ComputeConPI-10.txt Test the atomized type. emptydoc K2-ComputeConPI-11.txt Computed Comment Constructors Enclosed expression in comment node content - atomic values. emptydoc Constr-compcomment-enclexpr-1.xml Enclosed expression in comment node content - nodes. emptydoc Constr-compcomment-enclexpr-2.xml Enclosed expression in comment node content - empty string. emptydoc Constr-compcomment-enclexpr-3.xml Enclosed expression in comment node content - empty node. emptydoc Constr-compcomment-enclexpr-4.xml Enclosed expression in comment node content - empty node. DupNode Constr-compcomment-enclexpr-5.xml Strip document nodes. DupNode Constr-compcomment-doc-1.xml Empty parent. emptydoc Constr-compcomment-parent-1.txt String value of text node. emptydoc Constr-compcomment-string-1.txt Typed value of text node. emptydoc Constr-compcomment-data-1.txt Nested comment constructors. emptydoc Constr-compcomment-nested-1.xml Nested comment constructors. emptydoc Constr-compcomment-nested-2.xml Nested comment constructors. emptydoc Constr-compcomment-nested-3.xml Dash as comment. emptydoc XQDY0072 Comment ends with a dash. emptydoc XQDY0072 Character ref as dash. emptydoc XQDY0072 Dash at the end of content - XQTSCatalog XQDY0072 Double dash as comment. emptydoc XQDY0072 Comment contains double dash. emptydoc XQDY0072 Character ref as double dash. emptydoc XQDY0072 Double dash -- in content. XQTSCatalog XQDY0072 Dash at the end of content -. emptydoc Constr-compcomment-doubledash-5.xml Comment constructors cannot specify a name. emptydoc XPST0003 Comment constructors cannot specify a name. emptydoc XPST0003 A computed comment constructor having an empty sequence as input. emptydoc K2-ComputeConComment-3.txt The enclosed expression isn't optional. emptydoc XPST0003 Test the atomized type. emptydoc K2-ComputeConComment-5.txt In-scope Namespaces of a Constructed Element Rename inscope namespace. inscope Constr-inscope-1.xml Rename inscope namespace. inscope Constr-inscope-2.xml Rename inscope namespace. emptydoc Constr-inscope-3.xml Rename inscope namespace. emptydoc Constr-inscope-4.xml Copy element node with namespace. inscope Constr-inscope-5.xml Copy element node with namespace. inscope Constr-inscope-6.xml Copy element node with namespace. emptydoc Constr-inscope-7.xml Copy element node with namespace. emptydoc Constr-inscope-8.xml Copy element node with namespace. inscope Constr-inscope-9.xml Copy element node with namespace. inscope Constr-inscope-10.xml Copy element node with namespace. emptydoc Constr-inscope-11.xml Copy element node with namespace. emptydoc Constr-inscope-12.xml Declared element namespace. emptydoc Constr-inscope-13.xml Declared element namespace. emptydoc Constr-inscope-14.xml Element with prefix xml. emptydoc Constr-inscope-15.xml Attribute with prefix xml. emptydoc Constr-inscope-16.xml Copy element with same prefix. inscope Constr-inscope-17.xml Copy element with same prefix. inscope Constr-inscope-18.xml Copy element with different default namespace. inscope Constr-inscope-19.xml Copy element with same default namespace. inscope Constr-inscope-20.xml Ensure the in-scope prefixes are correct for all top-level elements. emptydoc K2-ConInScopeNamespace-1.txt Tests of For-Let-Where-OrderBy-Return Expressions Tests in this group focus on the FLWOR expressions in XQuery 3.8. FOR Clause Tests for the FOR part of the FLWOR expression syntax FOR Clause without TypeDeclaration Tests for the FOR part of the FLWOR expression syntax For+Return - to iterate a constant sequence. For+Return - to iterate a constant sequence emptydoc ForExpr001.txt For+Return - error, undefined variable in 'IN' Expr. For+Return - error, undefined variable in 'IN' Expr fsx XPST0008 For+Return - use predicate in 'IN' Expr. For+Return - use predicate in 'IN' Expr fsx ForExpr003.xml For+Return - use more than one predicates in 'IN' Expr. For+Return - use more than one predicates in 'IN' Expr fsx ForExpr004.xml For+Return - use sequence(security/right) as the predicate. For+Return - use sequence(security/right) as the predicate fsx ForExpr005.xml For+Return - 2 For will generate two iterations. For+Return - 2 For will generate two iterations fsx ForExpr006.xml For+Return - use special character in variable name. For+Return - use special character in variable name fsx ForExpr007.xml For+Where+Return - use special characters in variable name. For+Where+Return - use special characters in variable name fsx ForExpr008.xml For+Return - error, use variable in it's own declaration. For+Return - error, use variable in it's own declaration emptydoc XPST0008 FLWOR expression with multiple, interdependent variables. FLWOR expression with multiple, interdependent variables fsx ForExpr010.xml FLWOR expression with multiple, interdependent variables. FLWOR expression with multiple, interdependent variables fsx ForExpr011.xml Nested FLWOR expressions. Nested FLWOR expressions fsx ForExpr012.txt Multiple variables based off the same input context. Multiple variables based off the same input context fsx ForExpr013.xml Incorrect syntax for nested loop. Multiple return statements at the same level. Incorrect syntax for nested loop. Multiple return statements at the same level fsx XPST0003 Return expression contains nested for expression. Return expression contains nested for expression fsx ForExpr015.txt Interate over nodes in document and constant sequence. Return value based on both. Interate over nodes in document and constant sequence. Return value based on both fsx ForExpr016.xml Multiple return statements from single for expression. Multiple return statements from single for expression fsx XPST0003 Multiple in statements for single variable binding. Multiple in statements for single variable binding fsx XPST0003 Multiple for statements for single variable binding. Multiple for statements for single variable binding fsx XPST0003 Multiple variable bindings followed by a trailing ,. Multiple variable bindings followed by a trailing , fsx XPST0003 Test order of iteration between two variables in the same 'for' statement. Test order of iteration between two variables in the same 'for' statement fsx ForExpr021.txt FLWOR expressions with positional variable. FLWOR expressions with positional variable fsx ForExpr022.txt Use positional variable in binding for new variable. Use positional variable in binding for new variable fsx ForExpr023.txt Reuse existing variable name for positional variable. Reuse existing variable name for positional variable fsx XQST0089 Redefine existing bound variable. Second binding overrides first. Redefine existing bound variable. Second binding overrides first fsx ForExpr025.xml Missing 'in'. Missing 'in' fsx XPST0003 Wrong order for positional variable. Wrong order for positional variable fsx XPST0003 FLWOR expression iterating over constructed XML. FLWOR expression iterating over constructed XML fsx ForExpr028.xml Embedded FLOWR expression that binds same variable on both expressions (two for clauses). emptydoc ForExpr029.txt Embedded FLOWR expression that binds same variable on both expressions (Use two commas). emptydoc ForExpr030.txt FLOWR expression that binds the same variable on both ends of "at". emptydoc XQST0089 Syntactically invalid for-expression. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid for-expression. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid for-expression. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntactically invalid for-expression. emptydoc XPST0003 A test whose essence is: `deep-equal(1 to 5, (for $i in (1,2,3,4,5) return $i))`. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-5.txt A test whose essence is: `3 eq (for $foo in 1 return 3)`. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-6.txt A test whose essence is: `1 eq (for $foo in 1 return $foo)`. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-7.txt A test whose essence is: `2 eq (for $foo in 1 return $foo + 1)`. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-8.txt A test whose essence is: `3 eq (for $foo in 1 return for $foo in 3 return $foo)`. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-9.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((for $var in (1, 2, 3) return $var), (1, 2, 3))`. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-10.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((2, 2), (for $foo in (1, 1) return 1 + $foo))`. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-11.txt A test whose essence is: `4 eq (for $foo in 1, $bar in 2, $moo in 3 return 4)`. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-12.txt A test whose essence is: `3 eq (for $foo in 1 return for $bar in 2 return $bar + $foo)`. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-13.txt A test whose essence is: `3 eq (for $foo in 1 return for $bar in 2 return $bar + $foo)`. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-14.txt A test whose essence is: `3 eq (for $foo in 1, $foo in 3 return $foo)`. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-15.txt A test whose essence is: `8 eq (for $foo in 1, $foo in 3, $moo in 5 return $moo + $foo)`. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-16.txt A test whose essence is: `6 eq (for $foo in 1, $foo in 3 return $foo + $foo)`. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-17.txt A for variable binding to the empty sequence. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-18.txt XPST0005 A for variable binding to the empty sequence. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-19.txt XPST0005 A for variable binding to the empty sequence, combined with value comparison. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-20.txt XPST0005 A for variable binding to the empty sequence, combined with value comparison. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-21.txt XPST0005 A for variable binding to the empty sequence, combined with value comparison. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-22.txt An for-return expression which only is the binding variable. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-23.txt A test whose essence is: `(for $fn:name in (1, 1) return $fn:name) instance of xs:integer+`. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-24.txt A test whose essence is: `(for $xs:name in (1, 1) return $xs:name) instance of xs:integer+`. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-25.txt Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0081 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0081 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0081 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Type check: $foo is of type xs:string, which cannot be added to xs:integer 1. emptydoc XPTY0004 A variable's for expression causes type error in a value comparison. emptydoc XPTY0004 Parser test: variable names in a for expression that only exist of one character are valid. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-48.txt For-expression involving a simple return statement that in some implementations trigger optimization paths. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-49.txt Ensure scanners/parsers accept small QNames in for-expressions. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-50.txt Ensure scanners/parsers accept small QNames in for-expressions(#2). emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-51.txt A binding in a for-expression shadows global variables. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-52.txt Ensure the correct variable is used in an for-expression whose return sequence is only a variable reference. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-53.txt Ensure the correct variable is used in an for-expression whose return sequence is only a variable reference(#2). emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-54.txt Apply fn:count() to a for-expression. emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-55.txt Apply fn:count() to a for-expression(#2). emptydoc K-ForExprWithout-56.txt Keywords are case sensitive. emptydoc XPST0003 A for-expression doesn't create a focus. emptydoc XPDY0002 A for-expression doesn't create a focus(#2). emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-3.txt XPDY0002 A for-expression with a positional variable doesn't create a focus. emptydoc XPDY0002 A for-expression with a positional variable doesn't create a focus(#2). emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-5.txt XPDY0002 A query that performs up-transformation of dates. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-6.txt Ensure use of the undefined focus gets flagged. emptydoc XPDY0002 Wrap a path expression. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-8.txt Ensure positional variables and bindings handles nesting. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-9.txt Make use of many syntactical combinations. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-10.txt XPST0005 The return expression does not depend on the for iteration. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-11.txt The order by expression does not depend on the for iteration. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-12.txt Use the focus from within a for-expression. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-13.txt Use the focus from within a for tail-expression. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-14.txt Use a name test named 'node' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-15.txt Use a name test named 'document' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-16.txt Use a name test named 'document' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-17.txt Use a name test named 'attribute' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-18.txt Use a name test named 'comment' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-19.txt Use a name test named 'processing-instruction' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-20.txt Use a name test named 'processing-instruction' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-21.txt Use a name test named 'text' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-22.txt Use a name test named 'typeswitch' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-23.txt Use a name test named 'if' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-24.txt Use a name test named 'for' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-25.txt Use a name test named 'let' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-26.txt Use a name test named 'declare' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-27.txt Use a name test named 'some' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-28.txt Use a name test named 'child' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-29.txt Use a name test named 'ordered' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-30.txt Use a name test named 'unordered' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-31.txt Use a name test named 'schema-attribute' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-32.txt Use a name test named 'schema-attribute' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-33.txt Use a name test named 'item' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-34.txt Use a name test named 'following-sibling' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-35.txt Use a name test named 'validate' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-36.txt Use a name test named 'instance' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-37.txt Use a name test named 'castable' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-38.txt Use a name test named 'import' inside a for loop, inside a user function. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-39.txt Use a name test named 'import' inside a for loop. emptydoc XPDY0002 Use a name test named 'document' inside a for loop. emptydoc XPDY0002 Use a computed attribute constructor with name return, inside a for loop. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-42.txt Use a computed element constructor with name return, inside a for loop. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-43.txt Use a computed processing-instruction constructor with name return, inside a for loop. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-44.txt Use name test 'attribute' constructor with name return, inside a for loop. emptydoc K2-ForExprWithout-45.txt XPDY0002 FOR Clause with TypeDeclaration Tests for the FOR part of the FLWOR expression syntax FLWOR expressions with type declaration (element type). FLWOR expressions with type declaration (element type) fsx ForExprType001.xml FLWOR expressions with type declaration (attribute type). FLWOR expressions with type declaration (attribute type) fsx ForExprType002.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration (PI type). FLWOR expressions with type declaration (PI type) fsx ForExprType003.xml FLWOR expressions with type declaration (comment type). FLWOR expressions with type declaration (comment type) fsx ForExprType004.xml FLWOR expressions with type declaration (simple type). FLWOR expressions with type declaration (simple type) fsx ForExprType005.txt Wrong order for positional variable. Wrong order for positional variable fsx XPTY0004 Wrong order for positional variable. Wrong order for positional variable fsx XPST0003 Wrong order for positional variable. Wrong order for positional variable fsx XPST0003 FLWOR with type expression matching a user defined type. FLWOR with type expression matching a user defined type orderData ForExprType009.xml ForExprType009-1.xml FLWOR with type expression referencing an unknown type. FLWOR with type expression referencing an unknown type orderData XPST0051 Missing type declaration on type expression. Missing type declaration on type expression fsx XPST0003 Type declaration containing multiple 'as' keywords. Type declaration containing multiple 'as' keywords orderData XPST0003 Type expression value is void. This will never match anything bound to a variable by a FLWOR statement. Type expression value is void. This will never match anything bound to a variable by a FLWOR statement orderData XPTY0004 Type declaration is a super type. Type declaration is a super type fsx ForExprType015.txt Type declaration is a super type of the union type bound to the variable. Type declaration is a super type of the union type bound to the variable fsx ForExprType016.txt Bound sequence is a union type containing a single instance that does not match the type declaration. Bound sequence is a union type containing a single instance that does not match the type declaration fsx XPTY0004 Match a 'node' type. Match a 'node' type fsx ForExprType018.xml Match a text node type. Match a text node type fsx ForExprType019.txt Match a 'item' type. Match a 'item' type fsx ForExprType020.txt Match a 'document' type. Match a 'document' type fsx ForExprType021.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration (attribute type). Simple attribute wildcard. FLWOR expressions with type declaration (attribute type). Simple attribute wildcard SpecialTypes ForExprType022.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration (attribute type). Simple attribute name test (no type). FLWOR expressions with type declaration (attribute type). Simple attribute name test (no type) SpecialTypes ForExprType023.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration (attribute type). anySimpleType attribute. FLWOR expressions with type declaration (attribute type). anySimpleType attribute SpecialTypes ForExprType024.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Value subtype promotion: Numeric based types -> integer. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Value subtype promotion: Numeric based types -> integer emptydoc ForExprType028.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Value subtype promotion: Numeric based types -> decimal. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Value subtype promotion: Numeric based types -> decimal emptydoc ForExprType029.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Value subtype promotion: String based types -> normalizedString. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Value subtype promotion: String based types -> normalizedString emptydoc ForExprType030.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Value subtype promotion: Time based types -> anyAtomicType. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Value subtype promotion: Time based types -> anyAtomicType emptydoc ForExprType031.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Value based subtype promotion: 2nd level derived types. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Value based subtype promotion: 2nd level derived types emptydoc ForExprType032.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Value based subtype promotion: Types from all levels. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Value based subtype promotion: Types from all levels emptydoc ForExprType033.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Value based subtype promotion: numeric literal values -> double. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Value based subtype promotion: numeric literal values -> double emptydoc ForExprType034.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Value based subtype promotion: string and numeric literal values -> anyAtomicType. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Value based subtype promotion: string and numeric literal values -> anyAtomicType emptydoc ForExprType035.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration (element type). Simple element wildcard. FLWOR expressions with type declaration (element type). Simple element wildcard SpecialTypes ForExprType036.xml FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Unknown Type. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Unknown Type SpecialTypes XPST0051 FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt to promote xs:decimal | xs:double | xs:integer - no common subtype. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt to promote xs:decimal | xs:double | xs:integer - no common subtype SpecialTypes XPTY0004 FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Test matching no atomic simple types. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Test matching no atomic simple types SpecialTypes XPST0051 FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Type declaration matching item() values. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Type declaration matching item() values fsx_NS ForExprType054.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Type declaration matching node() values. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Type declaration matching node() values fsx_NS ForExprType055.xml FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Type declaration matching a document node. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Type declaration matching a document node fsx_NS ForExprType056.xml FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Type declaration matcing text nodes. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Type declaration matcing text nodes fsx_NS ForExprType057.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Type declaration matcing XML comment nodes. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Type declaration matcing XML comment nodes fsx_NS ForExprType058.xml FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Type declaration matcing PI nodes. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Type declaration matcing PI nodes fsx_NS ForExprType059.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Type declaration matcing named PI nodes. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3946 FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Type declaration matcing named PI nodes fsx_NS ForExprType060.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Type declaration matcing PI nodes - no matching PI found. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3946 FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Type declaration matcing PI nodes - no matching PI found fsx_NS XPTY0004 FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of item() on a set of nodes. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of item() on a set of nodes fsx_NS ForExprType062.xml FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of node() on a set of items. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of node() on a set of items fsx_NS XPTY0004 FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of text() on a set of element nodes. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of text() on a set of element nodes fsx_NS XPTY0004 FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of text() on a set of values. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of text() on a set of values fsx_NS XPTY0004 FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of comment() on a set of element nodes. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of comment() on a set of element nodes fsx_NS XPTY0004 FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of comment() on a set of values. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of comment() on a set of values fsx_NS XPTY0004 FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of processing-instruction() on a set of element nodes. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of processing-instruction() on a set of element nodes fsx_NS XPTY0004 FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of processing-instruction() on a set of values. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of processing-instruction() on a set of values fsx_NS XPTY0004 FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of processing-instruction() with name specifier, on a set of element nodes. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of processing-instruction() with name specifier, on a set of element nodes fsx_NS XPTY0004 FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of processing-instruction() with name specifier, on a set of values. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of processing-instruction() with name specifier, on a set of values fsx_NS XPTY0004 FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of document-node() on a set of element nodes. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of document-node() on a set of element nodes fsx_NS XPTY0004 FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of document-node() on a set of values. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Attempt type declaration of document-node() on a set of values fsx_NS XPTY0004 For declarations does not cause type promotions to apply. emptydoc XPTY0004 FOR Clause with a Positional Variable Tests for the 'at' variable in FLWOR expression. Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Position variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Position variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Position variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 The name for a positional variable must be preceeded with '$'. emptydoc XPST0003 Verify positional variable with fn:deep-equal(). emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-6.txt Extract the EBV from a positional variable. emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-7.txt A positional variable causing a type error. emptydoc XPTY0004 Verify that the position is properly computed for fn:string-to-codepoints(). emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-9.txt Verify that the position is properly computed for fn:string-to-codepoints(). emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-10.txt Verify that the position is properly computed for the empty sequence. emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-11.txt XPST0005 Verify that the position is properly computed for fn:insert-before(). emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-12.txt Verify that the position is properly computed for fn:insert-before()(#2). emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-13.txt Verify that the position is properly computed for fn:insert-before()(#3). emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-14.txt Verify that the position is properly computed for the range expression. emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-15.txt Verify that the position is properly computed for the range expression(#2). emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-16.txt Verify that the position is properly computed for fn:remove(). emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-17.txt Verify that the position is properly computed for fn:remove(). emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-18.txt Verify that the position is properly computed for fn:remove(). emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-19.txt Verify that the position is properly computed for fn:remove(). emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-20.txt Verify that the position is properly computed for fn:remove(). emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-21.txt Verify that the position is properly computed for fn:remove(). emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-22.txt Verify that the position is properly computed for fn:subsequence(). emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-23.txt Verify that the position is properly computed for fn:subsequence(). emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-24.txt XPST0005 Verify that the position is properly computed for fn:subsequence(). emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-25.txt XPST0005 Verify that the position is properly computed for fn:subsequence(). emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-26.txt Verify that the position is properly computed for fn:subsequence(). emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-27.txt Verify that the position is properly computed for fn:subsequence(). emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-28.txt Verify that the position is properly computed for a singleton value. emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-29.txt Evaluate the positional and binding expression at the same time. emptydoc K-ForExprPositionalVar-30.txt Combine fn:remove() and a positional for-variable. emptydoc K2-ForExprPositionalVar-1.txt A query that possibly could raise a type error. emptydoc K2-ForExprPositionalVar-2.txt XPTY0004 Usage of two positional variable references. emptydoc K2-ForExprPositionalVar-3.txt Cache a positional variable with a let-binding. emptydoc K2-ForExprPositionalVar-4.txt LET Clause Tests for the LET part of the FLWOR expression syntax LET Clause without TypeDeclaration Tests for the LET part of the FLWOR expression syntax Assign a simple string using let. emptydoc LetExpr001.txt Assign a simple integer using let. emptydoc LetExpr002.txt Use an arithmetic operator with let. emptydoc LetExpr003.txt Use xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc LetExpr004.txt Use xs:long(lower bound) +1. emptydoc LetExpr005.txt Use xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc LetExpr006.txt A node with an expression in curly braces. emptydoc LetExpr007.xml More than one variable cross referencing compatible values. emptydoc LetExpr008.txt More than one variable cross referencing compatible values. emptydoc LetExpr009.xml More than one variable cross referencing incompatible values. emptydoc XPTY0004 Use sequences with filter expressions. emptydoc LetExpr011.txt Use sequences with filter expressions with more than one variable. emptydoc LetExpr012.txt Use a function in the let. emptydoc LetExpr013.txt Use incompatible types in let. emptydoc XPTY0004 Use a sequence of different types of scalars. emptydoc LetExpr015.txt Use a sequence of nodes. emptydoc LetExpr016.xml Use a sequence with step. emptydoc LetExpr017.xml Use a sequence of different types of values. emptydoc XPTY0019 Combine two 'Let' exprs in one 'Return'. emptydoc LetExpr019.txt Use three variables. emptydoc LetExpr020.txt Refer to an undefined variable. emptydoc XPST0008 A 'let' variable is out-of-scope due to FLWOR has higher precendence than the comma operator. emptydoc XPST0008 A value in a 'let' variable cannot be assigned to with '=', it must be ':='. emptydoc XPST0003 A value in a 'let' variable cannot be assigned to with 'in', it must be ':='. emptydoc XPST0003 A binding in a let-expression shadows global variables. emptydoc K-LetExprWithout-4.txt fn:deep-equal combined with a for/let expression. emptydoc K2-LetExprWithout-1.txt fn:deep-equal combined with a for/let expression(#2). emptydoc K2-LetExprWithout-2.txt The focus is undefined inside the initializing expression for a 'let' variable. emptydoc XPDY0002 The focus is undefined inside the initializing expression for a 'let' variable(#2). emptydoc XPDY0002 The focus is undefined inside the initializing expression for a 'let' variable(#3). emptydoc XPDY0002 The focus is undefined inside the initializing expression for a 'let' variable(#4). emptydoc K2-LetExprWithout-6.txt XPDY0002 let-declarations doesn't cause type conversion. emptydoc XPTY0004 A single return statement is syntactically incorrect. emptydoc XPST0003 let-declarations doesn't cause numeric promotion. emptydoc XPTY0004 let-declarations doesn't cause numeric promotion(#2). emptydoc XPTY0004 let-declarations doesn't cause numeric promotion(#3). emptydoc XPTY0004 let-declarations doesn't cause numeric promotion(#4). emptydoc XPTY0004 let-declarations doesn't cause numeric promotion(#5). emptydoc XPTY0004 let-declarations doesn't cause string promotion conversion. emptydoc XPTY0004 let-declarations doesn't cause URI promotion conversion. emptydoc XPTY0004 Ensure node identity is properly handled through a for binding. emptydoc K2-LetExprWithout-16.txt Ensure a name test is reported for using the undefined focus, when appearing as a child of a let binding. However, since the let body is the empty sequence, it does not have to be evaluated. emptydoc K2-LetExprWithout-17.txt XPDY0002 XPST0005 Use a let-variable that acts as an alias for a function argument. emptydoc K2-LetExprWithout-18.txt Use an undefined focus in a let binding. emptydoc K2-LetExprWithout-19.txt XPDY0002 Bind to let and subsequently use the for expression. acme_corp K2-LetExprWithout-20.txt Use a focus within a LET tail expression. emptydoc K2-LetExprWithout-21.txt Use a focus within a LET expression. emptydoc K2-LetExprWithout-22.txt Bind the context item to a variable. emptydoc K2-LetExprWithout-23.txt Ensure a name test is reported for using the undefined focus, when appearing as a child of a let binding. emptydoc K2-LetExprWithout-24.txt XPDY0002 A combination of expressions that triggers a bug in some parsers. emptydoc K2-LetExprWithout-25.txt An element() test whose cardinality doesn't match. emptydoc XPTY0004 XQuery 1.0 keywords can be used as variable names emptydoc xquery10keywords.txt XQuery 1.0 keywords can be used as element name tests emptydoc xquery10keywords2.txt XQuery 1.0 keywords can be used as element names emptydoc xquery10keywords3.xml XQuery 1.1 keywords can be used as variable names emptydoc xquery11keywords.txt XQuery 1.1 keywords can be used as element name tests emptydoc xquery11keywords2.txt XQuery 1.1 keywords can be used as element names emptydoc xquery11keywords3.xml LET Clause with TypeDeclaration Tests for the LET part of the FLWOR expression syntax Variable bound with let clause and used in expression that raises type error. emptydoc XPTY0004 Let clause used with decimal type. emptydoc letexprwith-2.txt Let clause used with integer type. emptydoc letexprwith-3.txt Let clause used with decimal type. emptydoc letexprwith-4.txt Let clause used with string type. emptydoc letexprwith-5.txt Let clause used with boolean (true) type. emptydoc letexprwith-6.txt Let clause used with boolean (false) type. emptydoc letexprwith-7.txt Let clause used with date type. emptydoc letexprwith-8.txt Let clause used with time type. emptydoc letexprwith-9.txt Let clause used with dateTime type. emptydoc letexprwith-10.txt Let clause used with dateTime type. emptydoc letexprwith-11.txt Let clause used with an integer expression. emptydoc letexprwith-12.txt Let clause used with fn:count function. emptydoc letexprwith-13.txt Let clause used with fn:not function. emptydoc letexprwith-14.txt Let clause used with "and" operator. emptydoc letexprwith-15.txt Let clause used with "or" operator. emptydoc letexprwith-16.txt Let clause used with "fn:string-length" function. emptydoc letexprwith-17.txt Let clause used with casting from integer to string. emptydoc letexprwith-18.txt Let clause used with casting from decimal to string. emptydoc letexprwith-19.txt Let clause used with casting from double to string. emptydoc letexprwith-20.txt Let clause used with casting from boolean to string. emptydoc letexprwith-21.txt Let clause used with integer type and addition expression on return clause. emptydoc letexprwith-22.txt Let clause used with an "if" expression. emptydoc letexprwith-23.txt Let clause used with an "if" expression. emptydoc letexprwith-24.txt WHERE Clause Tests for the WHERE part of the FLWOR expression syntax For+Where+Return - test existence of child elements in Where clause. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5670 For+Where+Return - test existence of child elements in Where clause fsx WhereExpr001.xml For+Where+Return - error, variable in 'Where' Expr hasn't been defined. For+Where+Return - error, variable in 'Where' Expr hasn't been defined fsx XPST0008 For+Where+Return - using same predicate (as FLWOR003) in 'Where' predicate. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5670 For+Where+Return - using same predicate (as FLWOR003) in 'Where' predicate fsx WhereExpr003.xml For+Where+Return - filters in 'Where' expr and in 'In' expr using predicate. For+Where+Return - filters in 'Where' expr and in 'In' expr using predicate fsx WhereExpr004.xml For+Where+Return - use always-false-predicate in 'Where' expr. For+Where+Return - use always-false-predicate in 'Where' expr fsx WhereExpr005.xml XPST0005 For+Where+Return - In the inner For+Where+Return, uses outer variable in 'Where' expr. For+Where+Return - In the inner For+Where+Return, uses outer variable in 'Where' expr fsx WhereExpr006.xml For+Where+Return 2 iterations use 'Where' to build relationship. For+Where+Return 2 iterations use 'Where' to build relationship fsx WhereExpr007.xml Test 'where' expression with the empty sequence literal. Test 'where' expression with the empty sequence literal fsx WhereExpr008.xml XPST0005 Test 'where' expression returning a sequence with one or more nodes. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5670 Test 'where' expression returning a sequence with one or more nodes fsx WhereExpr009.xml Test 'where' expression returning a sequence with multiple values. Test 'where' expression returning a sequence with multiple values fsx FORG0006 Test 'where' expression returning a sequence with a single boolean value. Test 'where' expression returning a sequence with a single boolean value fsx WhereExpr013.xml Test 'where' expression returning a sequence with a constant boolean value. Test 'where' expression returning a sequence with a constant boolean value fsx WhereExpr014.xml Test 'where' expression returning a sequence with a constant boolean value. Test 'where' expression returning a sequence with a constant boolean value fsx WhereExpr015.xml XPST0005 Test 'where' clause based on a positional variable. Test 'where' clause based on a positional variable fsx WhereExpr016.xml Attempt to use multiple expressions in a 'where' clause. Attempt to use multiple expressions in a 'where' clause fsx XPST0003 Use of undefined variable in 'where' clause. Use of undefined variable in 'where' clause fsx XPST0008 Typo on 'where' clause. Typo on 'where' clause fsx XPST0003 Multiple 'where' clauses. Multiple 'where' clauses fsx WhereExpr020.txt XPST0003 Test 'where' clause using a single item sequence and an "or" expression with fn:true() function. emptydoc whereClause-1.txt Test 'where' clause using a single item sequence and an "or" expression with fn:false() function. emptydoc whereClause-2.txt Test 'where' clause using a single item sequence and an "or" ("and" operator) expression with fn:true() function. emptydoc whereClause-3.txt Test 'where' clause using a single item sequence and an "or" ("and" operator) expression with fn:false() function. emptydoc whereClause-4.txt Test 'where' clause with a typeswitch expression. emptydoc whereClause-5.txt Test 'where' clause used with the fn:string function. emptydoc whereClause-6.txt Test 'where' clause used with the fn:string-length function. emptydoc whereClause-7.txt Test 'where' clause used with the fn:count function. emptydoc whereClause-8.txt Test 'where' clause used with the "is" node comparator. emptydoc whereClause-9.txt Test 'where' clause used with a quantified expression ("some" keyword). emptydoc whereClause-10.txt Test 'where' clause used with a quantified expression ("every" keyword). emptydoc whereClause-11.txt A for/where combination where the cardinality of the return statement is crucially affected by the binding sequence. emptydoc K-WhereExpr-1.txt Get the string value of the return statement of a for expression after being filtered by a where clause. emptydoc K-WhereExpr-2.txt A where clause containing a value which EBV cannot be extracted from. emptydoc FORG0006 A for/where expression combined with fn:count(). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5670 emptydoc K-WhereExpr-4.txt A for expression binding to one single value, combined with a positive where clause. emptydoc K-WhereExpr-5.txt A for expression binding to one single value, combined with a negative where clause. emptydoc K-WhereExpr-6.txt A for expression binding to one single value, combined with a positive where clause. emptydoc K-WhereExpr-7.txt A for expression binding to one single value, combined with a negative where clause. emptydoc K-WhereExpr-8.txt A for/where expression combined with fn:boolean. emptydoc K-WhereExpr-9.txt A for/where expression combined with fn:boolean and xs:anyURI. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5670 emptydoc K-WhereExpr-10.txt A for/where expression combined with fn:boolean and xs:anyURI. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5670 emptydoc K-WhereExpr-11.txt Multiple where clauses is not allowed. emptydoc K2-WhereExpr-1.txt XPST0003 Multiple where clauses is not allowed(#2). emptydoc XPST0003 ORDER BY Clause Tests for the ORDER BY part of the FLWOR expression syntax ORDER BY Clause with OrderModifier Tests for the ORDER BY part of the FLWOR expression syntax Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to ascending. orderData orderBy1.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy2.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat($x,"()") ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to ascending. orderData orderBy3.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat($x,"()") ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy4.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat($x,"another String After") ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to ascending. orderData orderBy5.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat($x,"another String After") ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy6.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat($x,"another String Before") ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to ascending. orderData orderBy7.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat($x,"another String Before") ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy8.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat($x,"") ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy9.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat($x,"") ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to ascending. orderData orderBy10.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat("",$x) ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy11.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat("",$x) ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to ascending. orderData orderBy12.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat("",$x) ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to ascending. orderData orderBy13.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x is $x ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to ascending. orderData orderBy14.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x is $x ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy15.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat($x,$x) ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to ascending. orderData orderBy16.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "string-length($x) ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to ascending. orderData orderBy17.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "count($x) ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to ascending. orderData orderBy18.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "string-length($x) ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to ascending. orderData orderBy19.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of negative numbers and the ordering mode set to ascending. orderData orderBy20.txt orderBy20alt.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy21.txt orderBy21alt.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "($x + $x) ", where $x is a set of negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy22.txt orderBy22alt.txt orderBy22alt2.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x is $x ", where $x is a set of negative numbers and the ordering mode set to ascending. orderData orderBy23.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x is $x ", where $x is a set of negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy24.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:float($x) ", where $x is a set of negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy25.txt orderBy25alt.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:decimal($x) ", where $x is a set of negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy26.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:double($x) ", where $x is a set of negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy27.txt orderBy27alt.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:integer($x) ", where $x is a set of negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy28.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "($x * -1) ", where $x is a set of negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy29.txt orderBy29alt.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of positive numbers and the ordering mode set to ascending. orderData orderBy30.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy31.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "($x + $x) ", where $x is a set of positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy32.txt orderBy32alt.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x is $x ", where $x is a set of positive numbers and the ordering mode set to ascending. orderData orderBy33.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x is $x ", where $x is a set of positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy34.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:float($x) ", where $x is a set of positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy35.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:decimal($x) ", where $x is a set of positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy36.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:double($x) ", where $x is a set of positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy37.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:integer($x) ", where $x is a set of positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy38.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "string($x) ", where $x is a set of positive numbers and the ordering mode set to ascending. orderData orderBy39.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of small positive numbers and the ordering mode set to ascending. orderData orderBy40.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of small positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy41.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "($x + $x) ", where $x is a set of small positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy42.txt orderBy42alt.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x is $x ", where $x is a set of small positive numbers and the ordering mode set to ascending. orderData orderBy43.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x is $x ", where $x is a set of small positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy44.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:float($x) ", where $x is a set of small positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy45.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:decimal($x) ", where $x is a set of small positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy46.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:double($x) ", where $x is a set of small positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy47.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "string($x) ", where $x is a set of small positive numbers and the ordering mode set to ascending. orderData orderBy49.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of small negative numbers and the ordering mode set to ascending. orderData orderBy50.txt orderBy50alt.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of small negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy51.txt orderBy51alt.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "($x + $x) ", where $x is a set of small negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy52.txt orderBy52alt.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x is $x ", where $x is a set of small negative numbers and the ordering mode set to ascending. orderData orderBy53.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x is $x ", where $x is a set of small negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy54.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:float($x) ", where $x is a set of small negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy55.txt orderBy55alt.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:decimal($x) ", where $x is a set of small negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy56.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:double($x) ", where $x is a set of small negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. orderData orderBy57.txt orderBy57alt.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "string($x) ", where $x is a set of small negative numbers and the ordering mode set to ascending. orderData orderBy59.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause using a relative, valid collation. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5290 orderData orderBy60.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause using a relative, valid collation. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5290 orderData orderBy61.txt Evaluation of a FLOWR over a sequence of decimals, with an orderspec specifying a collation but comparing xs:decimal values. XQ.E17 specifies the collation should be ignored. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5290 orderData orderBy62.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to ascending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-1.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-2.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat($x,"()") ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to ascending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-3.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat($x,"()") ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-4.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat($x,"another String After") ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to ascending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-5.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat($x,"another String After") ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-6.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat("another String Before",$x) ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to ascending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-7.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat("another String Before",$x) ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-8.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat($x,"") ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-9.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat($x,"") ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to ascending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-10.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat("",$x) ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-11.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat("",$x) ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to ascending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-12.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat($x,$x) ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to ascending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-16.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "string-length($x) ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to ascending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-17.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "count($x) ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to ascending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-18.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "string-length($x) ", where $x is a set of Strings and the ordering mode set to ascending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-19.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of negative numbers and the ordering mode set to ascending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-20.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-21.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "($x + $x) ", where $x is a set of negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-22.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:float($x) ", where $x is a set of negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-25.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:decimal($x) ", where $x is a set of negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-26.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:double($x) ", where $x is a set of negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-27.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:integer($x) ", where $x is a set of negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-28.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "($x * -1) ", where $x is a set of negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-29.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of positive numbers and the ordering mode set to ascending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-30.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-31.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "($x + $x) ", where $x is a set of positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-32.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:float($x) ", where $x is a set of positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-35.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:decimal($x) ", where $x is a set of positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-36.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:double($x) ", where $x is a set of positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-37.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:integer($x) ", where $x is a set of positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-38.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "string($x) ", where $x is a set of positive numbers and the ordering mode set to ascending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-39.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of small positive numbers and the ordering mode set to ascending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-40.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of small positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-41.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "($x + $x) ", where $x is a set of small positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-42.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x is $x ", where $x is a set of small positive numbers and the ordering mode set to ascending. Use local sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-43.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x is $x ", where $x is a set of small positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use local sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-44.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:float($x) ", where $x is a set of small positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-45.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:decimal($x) ", where $x is a set of small positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-46.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:double($x) ", where $x is a set of small positive numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-47.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "string($x) ", where $x is a set of small positive numbers and the ordering mode set to ascending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-49.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of small negative numbers and the ordering mode set to ascending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-50.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of small negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-51.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "($x + $x) ", where $x is a set of small negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-52.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:float($x) ", where $x is a set of small negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-55.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:decimal($x) ", where $x is a set of small negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-56.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:double($x) ", where $x is a set of small negative numbers and the ordering mode set to descending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-57.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "string($x) ", where $x is a set of small negative numbers and the ordering mode set to ascending. Use a locally defined sequence. emptydoc orderbylocal-59.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with an unknown collation. emptydoc XQST0076 ORDER BY Clause without OrderModifier Tests for the ORDER BY part of the FLWOR expression syntax Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of Strings. emptydoc orderbywithout-1.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "concat($x,"()") ", where $x is a set of Strings. emptydoc orderbywithout-2.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "concat($x,"another String After") ", where $x is a set of Strings. emptydoc orderbywithout-3.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "concat("another String Before",$x) ", where $x is a set of Strings. emptydoc orderbywithout-4.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "concat($x,"") ", where $x is a set of Strings. emptydoc orderbywithout-5.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "concat("",$x) ", where $x is a set of Strings. emptydoc orderbywithout-6.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "$x is $x ", where $x is a set of nodes with strings as content. emptydoc orderbywithout-7.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "concat($x,$x) ", where $x is a set of Strings. emptydoc orderbywithout-8.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "string-length($x) ", where $x is a set of Nodes with strings as content. emptydoc orderbywithout-9.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "count($x) ", where $x is a set of node with strings as content. emptydoc orderbywithout-10.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of negative numbers casted as decimals. emptydoc orderbywithout-11.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "($x + $x) ", where $x is a set of negative numbers casted as decimals. emptydoc orderbywithout-12.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "$x is $x ", where $x is a set of nodes with negative numbers as content. emptydoc orderbywithout-13.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "xs:float($x) ", where $x is a set of negative numbers. emptydoc orderbywithout-14.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "xs:double($x) ", where $x is a set of negative numbers. emptydoc orderbywithout-15.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "xs:integer($x) ", where $x is a set of negative numbers. emptydoc orderbywithout-16.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "($x * -1) ", where $x is a set of negative numbers. emptydoc orderbywithout-17.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of positive numbers. emptydoc orderbywithout-18.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "($x + $x) ", where $x is a set of positive numbers. emptydoc orderbywithout-19.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "$x is $x ", where $x is a set of nodes with positive numbers as content. emptydoc orderbywithout-20.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "xs:float($x) ", where $x is a set of positive numbers. emptydoc orderbywithout-21.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWR expression set to "xs:decimal($x)", where $x is a set of positive numbers. emptydoc orderbywithout-22.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "xs:double($x)", where $x is a set of positive numbers. emptydoc orderbywithout-23.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "xs:integer($x)", where $x is a set of positive numbers. emptydoc orderbywithout-24.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "string($x)", where $x is a set of positive numbers. emptydoc orderbywithout-25.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "$x", where $x is a set of small positive numbers. emptydoc orderbywithout-26.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "$x", where $x is a set of small positive numbers casted as decimals. emptydoc orderbywithout-27.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "($x + $x) ", where $x is a set of small positive numbers casted as decimals. emptydoc orderbywithout-28.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "$x is $x ", where $x is a set nodes with small positive numbers as content. emptydoc orderbywithout-29.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "xs:float($x) ", where $x is a set of small positive numbers. emptydoc orderbywithout-30.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "xs:decimal($x) ", where $x is a set of small positive numbers. emptydoc orderbywithout-31.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "xs:double($x) ", where $x is a set of small positive numbers. emptydoc orderbywithout-32.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "string($x) ", where $x is a set of small positive numbers. emptydoc orderbywithout-33.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "$x ", where $x is a set of small negative numbers casted as decimals. emptydoc orderbywithout-34.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "($x + $x) ", where $x is a set of small negative numbers casted as decimals. emptydoc orderbywithout-35.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "$x is $x ", where $x is a set of nodes with small negative numbers as argument. emptydoc orderbywithout-36.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "xs:float($x) ", where $x is a set of small negative numbers. emptydoc orderbywithout-37.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "xs:decimal($x) ", where $x is a set of small negative numbers. emptydoc orderbywithout-38.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "xs:double($x) ", where $x is a set of small negative numbers. emptydoc orderbywithout-39.txt Evaluation of "order by" clause with the "order by" clause of a FLWOR expression set to "string($x) ", where $x is a set of small negative numbers. emptydoc orderbywithout-40.txt Use a relative, valid collation. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5290 emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-1.txt Use a relative, invalid collation. emptydoc XQST0076 Use a relative, unknown collation. emptydoc XQST0076 Use an absolute, invalid collation. emptydoc XQST0046 A simple sorting of integers. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-5.txt A simple sorting of integers(#2). emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-6.txt A simple sorting of integers(#2). emptydoc XPST0003 Sorting only involving a let-binding, no for-clause. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-8.txt XPTY0004 Sorting of 4 6 5. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-9.txt XPTY0004 Cardinality error in the order spec. emptydoc XPTY0004 A sort where the for-binding is only used as a sort key. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-11.txt A sort with an unused for-binding. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-12.txt A sort with a for-binding whose only purpose is sorting. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-13.txt Apply fn:avg() to the return value of a for clause with sorting. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-14.txt Ensure that cardinality checks are effective on the return value of a . emptydoc FORG0005 Sort booleans. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-16.txt Extract the effective boolean value from a order by expression. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-17.txt Sort a single atomic value. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-18.txt Multiple atomic values as sort key trigger a type error. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-19.txt XPTY0004 Multiple nodes as sort key trigger a type error. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-20.txt XPTY0004 A sort key that doesn't affect the result. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-21.txt order by preceded by an unused let binding. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-22.txt K2-OrderbyExprWithout-22-2.txt XPST0005 Multiple atomic values as sort key trigger a type error(stable sort). emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-23.txt XPTY0004 Multiple nodes as sort key trigger a type error(stable sort). emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-24.txt XPTY0004 xs:hexBinary values cannot be compared(stable sort). emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-25.txt XPTY0004 xs:hexBinary values cannot be compared. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-26.txt XPTY0004 xs:time and xs:date values cannot be compared(stable sort). emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-27.txt XPTY0004 xs:time and xs:date values cannot be compared. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-28.txt XPTY0004 An empty order by and an empty return clause, with node constructor. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-29.txt XPST0005 An empty order by and an empty return clause, with atomic value. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-30.txt XPST0005 A type error in order by, but without for clause(unstable sort). emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-31.txt XPTY0004 A type error in order by, but without for clause(stable sort). emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-32.txt XPTY0004 Uncomparable values in order by, but without for clause(stable sort). emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-33.txt XPTY0004 Uncomparable values in order by, but without for clause(stable sort). emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-34.txt XPTY0004 Uncomparable values in order by, but without for clause(stable sort). emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-35.txt XPTY0004 Uncomparable values in order by, but without for clause(stable sort). emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-36.txt XPTY0004 Unused order by. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-37.txt K2-OrderbyExprWithout-37-2.txt XPST0005 'order by' combined with reverse(). emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-38.txt Contains a type error, but the result can be computed without evaluation. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-39.txt XPTY0004 Overshadowing variable that leads to type error. emptydoc XPTY0004 order by, with many let bindings inbetween. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-41.txt Apply fn:string() on a for clause that only produces on item, and that cannot easily constant propagate. emptydoc Extract the effective boolean value from the result of order by. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-43.txt Sort, with a where and let clause in between. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-44.txt Short key-for involved in sorting. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-45.txt Sort special floating point values. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-46.txt Sort special floating point values(stable sort). emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-47.txt Sort special floating point values. emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-48.txt Sort special floating point values(stable sort). emptydoc K2-OrderbyExprWithout-49.txt RETURN Clause Tests for the RETURN part of the FLWOR expression syntax For+Return - use element's text to construct new element. For+Return - use element's text to construct new element fsx ReturnExpr001.xml For+Return - use existing attribute to generate new attribute for new element. For+Return - use existing attribute to generate new attribute for new element fsx ReturnExpr002.xml For+Return - one For+Return expr contains another one For+Return expr. For+Return - one For+Return expr contains another one For+Return expr fsx ReturnExpr003.xml For+Where+Return - filters in 'Where' expr and in 'Return' expr using predicate. For+Where+Return - filters in 'Where' expr and in 'Return' expr using predicate fsx ReturnExpr004.xml FLWOR expression returns selected element nodes. FLWOR expression returns selected element nodes fsx ReturnExpr005.xml FLWOR expression returns selected values. FLWOR expression returns selected values fsx ReturnExpr006.txt FLWOR expression return parent of select nodes. FLWOR expression return parent of select nodes fsx ReturnExpr007.xml FLWOR expression returns constant value, independent of input bindings. FLWOR expression returns constant value, independent of input bindings fsx ReturnExpr008.txt FLWOR expression returns node from document, independent of input bindings. FLWOR expression returns node from document, independent of input bindings fsx ReturnExpr009.xml FLWOR expression returns empty sequence literal. FLWOR expression returns empty sequence literal fsx ReturnExpr010.xml XPST0005 FLWOR expression returns a constructed sequence. FLWOR expression returns a constructed sequence fsx ReturnExpr011.xml Multiple return statements. Multiple return statements fsx XPST0003 Missing 'return' statement in FLWOR expression. Missing 'return' statement in FLWOR expression fsx XPST0003 FLWOR expression return statement depends on undefined variable. FLWOR expression return statement depends on undefined variable fsx XPST0008 Variable bound to value from return statement. Variable bound to value from return statement fsx ReturnExpr015.xml Return value of positional variable. Return value of positional variable fsx ReturnExpr016.xml Apply arithmetic operator inside 'return' statement. Apply arithmetic operator inside 'return' statement fsx ReturnExpr017.txt Apply comparison operator inside 'return' statement. Apply comparison operator inside 'return' statement fsx ReturnExpr018.txt Multiple 'return' statements. Multiple 'return' statements fsx XPST0003 'return' expression containing a typed value constructor function. 'return' expression containing a typed value constructor function fsx ReturnExpr020.txt Only a return clause is syntactically invalid. emptydoc XPST0003 XPDY0002 Ordered and Unordered Expressions Tests involving "Ordered" and/or "unordered" Path expression ordered. partlist Orderexpr-1.xml Path expression unordered. partlist Orderexpr-1.xml Orderexpr-2.xml Position predicate ordered. partlist Orderexpr-3.xml Position predicate unordered. partlist Orderexpr-3.xml Orderexpr-4.xml Union ordered. partlist Orderexpr-9.xml Union unordered. partlist Orderexpr-9.xml Orderexpr-10.xml Intersect ordered. partlist Orderexpr-9.xml Intersect unordered. partlist Orderexpr-9.xml Orderexpr-10.xml Except ordered. partlist Orderexpr-9.xml Except unordered. partlist Orderexpr-9.xml Orderexpr-10.xml fn:subsequence ordered. emptydoc Orderexpr-15.txt fn:subsequence unordered. emptydoc Orderexpr-15.txt Orderexpr-16.txt fn:reverse ordered. emptydoc Orderexpr-15.txt fn:reverse unordered. emptydoc Orderexpr-15.txt Orderexpr-16.txt FLWOR ordered. partlist Orderexpr-19.txt FLWOR unordered. partlist Orderexpr-19.txt Orderexpr-20.txt Ordered expression used with and if expression. emptydoc orderedunorderedexpr-1.txt Ordered expression used with an "or" expression ("and" operator). emptydoc orderedunorderedexpr-2.txt Ordered expression used with an "or" expression ("or" operator). emptydoc orderedunorderedexpr-3.txt Ordered expression used with a quantify expression ("some" operator). emptydoc orderedunorderedexpr-4.txt Ordered expression used with a quantify expression ("every" operator). emptydoc orderedunorderedexpr-5.txt Ordered expression used with a typeswitch expression. emptydoc orderedunorderedexpr-6.txt A nested expression must be present when 'ordered' is used. emptydoc XPST0003 A nested expression must be present when 'unordered' is used. emptydoc XPST0003 A simple test of 'ordered{}'. emptydoc K-OrderExpr-3.txt A simple test of 'unordered{}'. emptydoc K-OrderExpr-4.txt Conditional Expressions Tests in this group focus on the conditional expressions in XQuery 3.10. Simple if expression where boolean is a constant true. Simple if expression where boolean is a constant true emptydoc CondExpr002.xml Simple if expression where boolean is a constant false. Simple if expression where boolean is a constant false emptydoc CondExpr003.xml Node set from a path expression as test condition. Node set from a path expression as test condition nw_Customers CondExpr004.xml Empty node set from a path expression as test condition. Empty node set from a path expression as test condition nw_Customers CondExpr005.xml Then-expression has another if expression. then-expression has another if expression emptydoc CondExpr006.xml Else-expr has another if expression. else-expr has another if expression nw_Customers CondExpr007.xml And-expression in test expression. and-expression in test expression nw_Customers CondExpr008.xml Or-expression in test expression. or-expression in test expression nw_Customers CondExpr009.xml A true expression in if expression. a true expression in if expression emptydoc CondExpr010.xml If expression as argument to a function. If expression as argument to a function emptydoc CondExpr011.xml Adapted from example in spec; test expression is a relational expression. Adapted from example in spec; test expression is a relational expression xq311A CondExpr012.xml Test expression has another if expression. test expression has another if expression xq311A CondExpr013.xml Test expression has another if expression. test expression has another if expression xq311A CondExpr014.xml Two if expressions at same depth in larger expression. Two if expressions at same depth in larger expression emptydoc CondExpr015.xml If where branches return different valid types. if where branches return different valid types fsx CondExpr016.xml If where branches return different valid types. if where branches return different valid types fsx CondExpr017.xml If where branches return different valid types. if where branches return different valid types fsx CondExpr018.txt Test with test expression not contained in ( ... ). Test with test expression not contained in ( ... ) fsx XPST0003 Test case where then-expression raises a dynamic error, but test-expression selects else-expression so no error is raised. Test case where then-expression raises a dynamic error, but test-expression selects else-expression so no error is raised fsx CondExpr020.txt Test case where else-expression raises a dynamic error, but test-expression selects then-expression so no error is raised. Test case where else-expression raises a dynamic error, but test-expression selects then-expression so no error is raised fsx CondExpr021.txt Test case where then-expression raises a dynamic error, but test-expression selects else-expression so no error is raised. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4446 Test case where else-expression raises a dynamic error, but test-expression selects then-expression so no error is raised. emptydoc CondExpr022.txt A test whose essence is: `(if(2) then 1 else 0) eq 1`. emptydoc K-CondExpr-1.txt A test whose essence is: `if(()) then false() else true()`. emptydoc K-CondExpr-2.txt An expression involving the if expression that trigger certain optimization paths in some implementations. emptydoc K-CondExpr-3.txt An expression involving the if expression that trigger certain optimization paths in some implementations(#2). emptydoc K-CondExpr-4.txt An expression involving the if expression that trigger certain optimization paths in some implementations(#2). emptydoc K-CondExpr-5.txt An expression involving the if expression that trigger certain optimization paths in some implementations(#3). emptydoc K-CondExpr-6.txt An if-test which EBV cannot be extracted from. emptydoc FORG0006 An if-test which EBV cannot be extracted from. emptydoc K-CondExpr-8.txt An if-test which EBV cannot be extracted from. emptydoc K-CondExpr-9.txt An if-test applied on fn:count(). emptydoc K-CondExpr-10.txt An if-test applied on fn:count() combined with fn:not(). emptydoc K-CondExpr-11.txt if-then clause combined with fn:boolean(). emptydoc K-CondExpr-12.txt An expression that can be rewritten to the empty sequence, no matter the test branch. emptydoc K2-CondExpr-1.txt XPST0005 An expression that can be simplified to any of the result branches, no matter the test branch. emptydoc K2-CondExpr-2.txt It is ok to name a function 'unordered'. emptydoc K2-CondExpr-3.txt Extract the EBV from a node sequence. Sorting and deduplication isn't necessary in that case. acme_corp K2-CondExpr-4.txt There is no exclamation mark operator in XQuery. emptydoc XPST0003 An if expression cannot directly be an axis step. emptydoc XPST0003 Use a set of expressions that trigger a bug in some parsers. emptydoc K2-CondExpr-7.txt Quantified Expressions Quantified Expressions Without TypeDeclaration Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and addition expression. Returns false. emptydoc quantExpr-1.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and addition expression. Returns true. emptydoc quantExpr-2.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and subtraction expression. Returns false. emptydoc quantExpr-3.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and subtraction expression. Returns true. emptydoc quantExpr-4.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and a multiplication expression. emptydoc quantExpr-5.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and a division (div) expression. emptydoc quantExpr-6.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and a division (idiv) expression. emptydoc quantExpr-7.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and use of "fn:avg" function. emptydoc quantExpr-8.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and use of "fn:string" function. emptydoc quantExpr-9.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and use of "fn:string-length" function. emptydoc quantExpr-10.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and use of "fn:count" function. emptydoc quantExpr-11.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and use of "fn:true" function. emptydoc quantExpr-12.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and use of "fn:false" function. emptydoc quantExpr-13.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and use of "fn:not" function. emptydoc quantExpr-14.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and use of logical expression (or operand). emptydoc quantExpr-15.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and use of logical expression (and operand). emptydoc quantExpr-16.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and use of string data. emptydoc quantExpr-17.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and use of multiple variables with addition operation . emptydoc quantExpr-18.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and use of multiple variables with subtraction operation . emptydoc quantExpr-19.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and use of multiple variables with multiplication operation . emptydoc quantExpr-20.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and use of multiple variables with division (div) operation . emptydoc quantExpr-21.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and use of multiple variables with division (idiv) operation . emptydoc quantExpr-22.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and use of multiple variables and the "fn:string" function. emptydoc quantExpr-23.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and use of multiple variables and the xs:integer data type. emptydoc quantExpr-24.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and use of multiple variables and the xs:decimal data type. emptydoc quantExpr-25.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and use of multiple variables and the xs:float data type. emptydoc quantExpr-26.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and use of multiple variables and the xs:double data type. emptydoc quantExpr-27.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and use of multiple variables and the xs:boolean data type. emptydoc quantExpr-28.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and use of multiple variables and the xs:dateTime data type. emptydoc quantExpr-29.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword and use of multiple variables and the xs:date data type. emptydoc quantExpr-30.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and addition expression. Returns false. emptydoc quantExpr-31.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and addition expression. Returns true. emptydoc quantExpr-32.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and subtraction expression. Returns false. emptydoc quantExpr-33.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and subtraction expression. Returns true. emptydoc quantExpr-34.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and a multiplication expression. emptydoc quantExpr-35.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and a division (div) expression. emptydoc quantExpr-36.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and a division (idiv) expression. emptydoc quantExpr-37.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and use of "fn:avg" function. emptydoc quantExpr-38.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and use of "fn:string" function. emptydoc quantExpr-39.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and use of "fn:string-length" function. emptydoc quantExpr-40.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and use of "fn:count" function. emptydoc quantExpr-41.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and use of "fn:true" function. emptydoc quantExpr-42.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and use of "fn:false" function. emptydoc quantExpr-43.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and use of "fn:not" function. emptydoc quantExpr-44.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and use of logical expression (or operand). emptydoc quantExpr-45.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and use of logical expression (and operand). emptydoc quantExpr-46.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and use of string data. emptydoc quantExpr-47.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and use of multiple variables with addition operation . emptydoc quantExpr-48.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and use of multiple variables with subtraction operation . emptydoc quantExpr-49.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and use of multiple variables with multiplication operation . emptydoc quantExpr-50.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and use of multiple variables with division (div) operation . emptydoc quantExpr-51.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and use of multiple variables with division (idiv) operation . emptydoc quantExpr-52.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and use of multiple variables and the "fn:string" function. emptydoc quantExpr-53.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and use of multiple variables and the xs:integer data type. emptydoc quantExpr-54.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and use of multiple variables and the xs:decimal data type. emptydoc quantExpr-55.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and use of multiple variables and the xs:float data type. emptydoc quantExpr-56.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and use of multiple variables and the xs:double data type. emptydoc quantExpr-57.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and use of multiple variables and the xs:boolean data type. emptydoc quantExpr-58.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and use of multiple variables and the xs:dateTime data type. emptydoc quantExpr-59.txt 'every': EBV can't be extracted from xs:QName. emptydoc FORG0006 'some': EBV can't be extracted from xs:QName. emptydoc FORG0006 $foo has static type xs:integer; which cannot be compared to xs:string. emptydoc XPTY0004 $foo has static type xs:integer; which cannot be compared to xs:string. emptydoc XPTY0004 A some-quantification applied on fn:count(). emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-5.txt A some-quantification applied on fn:count(). emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-6.txt some-quantification combined with fn:boolean(). emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-7.txt every-quantification combined with fn:boolean(). emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-8.txt every-quantification combined with empty variable binding. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-9.txt some-quantification combined with empty variable binding. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-10.txt A test whose essence is: `some $foo in 1 satisfies true()`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-11.txt A test whose essence is: `every $foo in 1 satisfies true()`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-12.txt A test whose essence is: `not(some $foo in 1 satisfies false())`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-13.txt A test whose essence is: `not(every $foo in 1 satisfies false())`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-14.txt A test whose essence is: `some $foo in 1 satisfies 1`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-15.txt A test whose essence is: `every $foo in 1 satisfies 1`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-16.txt A test whose essence is: `some $foo in 1 satisfies "a string"`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-17.txt A test whose essence is: `every $foo in 1 satisfies "a string"`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-18.txt A test whose essence is: `every $var in (true(), true(), true()) satisfies $var`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-19.txt A test whose essence is: `not(every $var in (true(), false(), true()) satisfies $var)`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-20.txt A test whose essence is: `not(every $var in (false(), true(), true()) satisfies $var)`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-21.txt A test whose essence is: `not(every $var in (true(), true(), false()) satisfies $var)`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-22.txt A test whose essence is: `some $var in (true(), true(), true()) satisfies $var`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-23.txt A test whose essence is: `some $var in (true(), false(), true()) satisfies $var`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-24.txt A test whose essence is: `some $var in (false(), true(), true()) satisfies $var`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-25.txt A test whose essence is: `some $var in (true(), true(), false()) satisfies $var`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-26.txt A test whose essence is: `not(some $var in (false(), false(), false()) satisfies $var)`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-27.txt EBV cannot be extracted fro xs:hexBinary. emptydoc FORG0006 EBV cannot be extracted fro xs:hexBinary. emptydoc FORG0006 EBV cannot be extracted fro xs:hexBinary. emptydoc FORG0006 EBV cannot be extracted fro xs:hexBinary. emptydoc FORG0006 EBV cannot be extracted fro xs:hexBinary. emptydoc FORG0006 Since EBV cannot be extracted from xs:hexBinary, FORG0006 is allowed. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-33.txt FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `not(every $var in (false(), true(), true()) satisfies $var)`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-34.txt A test whose essence is: `not(every $var in (true(), false(), true()) satisfies $var)`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-35.txt A test whose essence is: `not(every $var in (true(), true(), false()) satisfies $var)`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-36.txt A test whose essence is: `some $var in (true(), true(), true()) satisfies $var`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-37.txt A test whose essence is: `some $var in (true(), false(), true()) satisfies $var`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-38.txt A test whose essence is: `some $var in (false(), true(), true()) satisfies $var`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-39.txt A test whose essence is: `some $var in (true(), true(), false()) satisfies $var`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-40.txt A test whose essence is: `not(some $var in (false(), false(), false()) satisfies $var)`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-41.txt A binding in a 'some' quantification shadows global variables. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-42.txt A binding in a 'some' quantification shadows global variables. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-43.txt A binding in a 'every' quantification shadows global variables. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-44.txt A binding in a 'every' quantification shadows global variables. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-45.txt A test whose essence is: `some $var in (1, 2, 3) satisfies $var eq 3`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-46.txt A test whose essence is: `not(every $var in (1, 2, 3) satisfies $var eq 3)`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-47.txt A test whose essence is: `every $var in (1, 2, 3) satisfies $var eq 1 or $var eq 2 or $var eq 3`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-48.txt A test whose essence is: `some $var in (1, 2, 3) satisfies $var eq 1 or $var eq 2 or $var eq 3`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-49.txt A test whose essence is: `some $aaa in (1, 2, 3), $bbb in (3, 2, 1) satisfies $aaa + $bbb eq 4`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-50.txt A test whose essence is: `every $aaa in (3, 3, 3), $bbb in (3, 3, 3) satisfies $aaa + $bbb eq 6`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-51.txt A test whose essence is: `not(every $var in (1, 2, 3) satisfies $var eq 3)`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-52.txt A test whose essence is: `some $var in (1, 2, 3) satisfies $var eq 3`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-53.txt A test whose essence is: `true() eq (some $a in 1 satisfies $a)`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-54.txt A test whose essence is: `true() eq (every $a in 1 satisfies $a)`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-55.txt A test whose essence is: `true() eq (some $fn:name in (1, 2) satisfies $fn:name)`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-56.txt A test whose essence is: `true() eq (some $xs:name in (1, 2) satisfies $xs:name)`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-57.txt A test whose essence is: `true() eq (every $fn:name in (1, 2) satisfies $fn:name)`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-58.txt A test whose essence is: `true() eq (every $xs:name in (1, 2) satisfies $xs:name)`. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-59.txt Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 The 'return' keyword is not valid in a 'some' expression, it must be 'satisfies'. emptydoc XPST0003 The 'return' keyword is not valid in an 'every' expression, it must be 'satisfies'. emptydoc XPST0003 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 Nested variable bindings can reference each other. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-89.txt Nested variable bindings can reference each other. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-90.txt Nested variable bindings can reference each other. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-91.txt Nested variable bindings can reference each other. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-92.txt Nested variable bindings can reference each other. emptydoc K-QuantExprWithout-93.txt It is a type error to try to extract the EBV value of two integers. emptydoc FORG0006 It is a type error to try to extract the EBV value of two integers. emptydoc FORG0006 It is a type error to try to extract the EBV value of two integers. emptydoc FORG0006 It is a type error to try to extract the EBV value of two integers. emptydoc FORG0006 No 'at' declaration is allowed in 'some'-quantification. emptydoc XPST0003 No 'at' declaration is allowed in 'every'-quantification. emptydoc XPST0003 Keywords are case sensitive. emptydoc XPST0003 Keywords are case sensitive. emptydoc XPST0003 Ensure the focus is defined. emptydoc K2-QuantExprWithout-3.txt Ensure use of the undefined focus gets flagged. emptydoc XPDY0002 Use the focus from within a some-expression. emptydoc K2-QuantExprWithout-5.txt Use the focus from within a every-expression. emptydoc K2-QuantExprWithout-6.txt Use the focus from within a every-expression's tail. emptydoc K2-QuantExprWithout-7.txt Use the focus from within a some-expression's tail. emptydoc K2-QuantExprWithout-8.txt Combine some with fn:deep-equal(). emptydoc K2-QuantExprWithout-9.txt Quantified Expressions With TypeDeclaration Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword and use of multiple variables and the xs:date data type. emptydoc quantExpr-60.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword that binds the declared variables to and xs:integer type. emptydoc truevalue.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword that binds the declared variable to an xs:string type. emptydoc truevalue.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword that binds the declared variable to an xs:string type. emptydoc truevalue.txt Simple quantified expression using "every" keyword that binds the declared variables to an xs:string and xs:integer type respectively. emptydoc truevalue.txt Simple quantified expression using "some" keyword that binds the declared variable to an xs:integer and xs:float type respectively. emptydoc truevalue.txt Every-quantification carrying type declarations(cardinalities have no impact). emptydoc K-QuantExprWith-1.txt Every-quantification carrying type declarations(cardinalities have no impact). emptydoc K-QuantExprWith-2.txt Every-quantification carrying type declarations(cardinalities have no impact). emptydoc K-QuantExprWith-3.txt Every-quantification carrying type declarations(cardinalities have no impact). emptydoc K-QuantExprWith-4.txt Every-quantification carrying type declarations(cardinalities have no impact). emptydoc K-QuantExprWith-5.txt Every-quantification carrying type declarations(cardinalities have no impact). emptydoc K-QuantExprWith-6.txt Every-quantification; the empty-sequence() cannot have an occurrence indicator. emptydoc XPST0003 Every-quantification; the empty-sequence() cannot have an occurrence indicator. emptydoc XPST0003 Some-quantification carrying invalid type declarations. emptydoc XPTY0004 Some-quantification carrying invalid type declarations. emptydoc XPTY0004 Every-quantification carrying invalid type declarations. emptydoc XPTY0004 Every-quantification carrying invalid type declarations. emptydoc XPTY0004 Every-quantification carrying invalid type declarations. emptydoc XPTY0004 Some-quantification carrying invalid type declarations. emptydoc XPTY0004 Some-quantification carrying invalid type declarations. emptydoc XPTY0004 Some-quantification carrying invalid type declarations. emptydoc XPTY0004 Every-quantification carrying invalid type declarations. emptydoc K-QuantExprWith-17.txt Every-quantification carrying invalid type declarations. emptydoc K-QuantExprWith-18.txt No 'at' declaration is allowed in 'some'-quantification. emptydoc XPST0003 No 'at' declaration is allowed in 'every'-quantification. emptydoc XPST0003 Every-quantification with type-declaration. An implementation supporting the static typing feature may raise XPTY0004. emptydoc K-QuantExprWith-21.txt XPTY0004 Every-quantification with type-declaration. An implementation supporting the static typing feature may raise XPTY0004. emptydoc K-QuantExprWith-22.txt XPTY0004 Every-quantification with type-declaration. emptydoc K-QuantExprWith-23.txt Every-quantification with type-declaration. emptydoc K-QuantExprWith-24.txt Expressions on Sequence Types Instance Of Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "dateTime instance of xs:dateTime". emptydoc instanceof1.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "dateTime instance of xs:time". emptydoc instanceof2.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "dateTime instance of xs:date". emptydoc instanceof3.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "dateTime instance of xs:boolean". emptydoc instanceof4.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "dateTime instance of xs:float". emptydoc instanceof5.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "dateTime instance of xs:double". emptydoc instanceof6.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "dateTime instance of xs:anyURI". emptydoc instanceof7.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "dateTime instance of xs:string". emptydoc instanceof8.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "dateTime instance of xs:decimal". emptydoc instanceof9.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "dateTime instance of xs:integer". emptydoc instanceof10.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "dateTime instance of xs:int". emptydoc instanceof11.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "time instance of xs:dateTime". emptydoc instanceof12.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "time instance of xs:time". emptydoc instanceof13.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "time instance of xs:date". emptydoc instanceof14.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "time instance of xs:boolean". emptydoc instanceof15.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "time instance of xs:float". emptydoc instanceof16.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "time instance of xs:double". emptydoc instanceof17.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "time instance of xs:anyURI". emptydoc instanceof18.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "time instance of xs:string". emptydoc instanceof19.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "time instance of xs:decimal". emptydoc instanceof20.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "time instance of xs:integer". emptydoc instanceof21.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "time instance of xs:int". emptydoc instanceof22.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "date instance of xs:dateTime". emptydoc instanceof23.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "date instance of xs:time". emptydoc instanceof24.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "date instance of xs:date". emptydoc instanceof25.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "date instance of xs:boolean". emptydoc instanceof26.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "date instance of xs:float". emptydoc instanceof27.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "date instance of xs:double". emptydoc instanceof28.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "date instance of xs:anyURI". emptydoc instanceof29.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "date instance of xs:string". emptydoc instanceof30.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "date instance of xs:decimal". emptydoc instanceof31.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "date instance of xs:integer". emptydoc instanceof32.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "date instance of xs:int". emptydoc instanceof33.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "boolean instance of xs:dateTime". emptydoc instanceof34.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "boolean instance of xs:time". emptydoc instanceof35.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "boolean instance of xs:date". emptydoc instanceof36.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "boolean instance of xs:boolean". emptydoc instanceof37.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "boolean instance of xs:float". emptydoc instanceof38.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "boolean instance of xs:double". emptydoc instanceof39.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "boolean instance of xs:anyURI". emptydoc instanceof40.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "boolean instance of xs:string". emptydoc instanceof41.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "boolean instance of xs:decimal". emptydoc instanceof42.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "boolean instance of xs:integer". emptydoc instanceof43.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "boolean instance of xs:int". emptydoc instanceof44.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "float instance of xs:dateTime". emptydoc instanceof45.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "float instance of xs:time". emptydoc instanceof46.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "float instance of xs:date". emptydoc instanceof47.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "float instance of xs:boolean". emptydoc instanceof48.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "float instance of xs:float". emptydoc instanceof49.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "float instance of xs:double". emptydoc instanceof50.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "float instance of xs:anyURI". emptydoc instanceof51.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "float instance of xs:string". emptydoc instanceof52.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "float instance of xs:decimal". emptydoc instanceof53.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "float instance of xs:integer". emptydoc instanceof54.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "float instance of xs:int". emptydoc instanceof55.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "double instance of xs:dateTime". emptydoc instanceof56.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "double instance of xs:time". emptydoc instanceof57.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "double instance of xs:date". emptydoc instanceof58.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "double instance of xs:boolean". emptydoc instanceof59.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "double instance of xs:float". emptydoc instanceof60.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "double instance of xs:double". emptydoc instanceof61.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "double instance of xs:anyURI". emptydoc instanceof62.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "double instance of xs:string". emptydoc instanceof63.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "double instance of xs:decimal". emptydoc instanceof64.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "double instance of xs:integer". emptydoc instanceof65.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "double instance of xs:int". emptydoc instanceof66.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "anyURI instance of xs:dateTime". emptydoc instanceof67.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "anyURI instance of xs:time". emptydoc instanceof68.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "anyURI instance of xs:date". emptydoc instanceof69.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "anyURI instance of xs:boolean". emptydoc instanceof70.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "anyURI instance of xs:float". emptydoc instanceof71.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "anyURI instance of xs:double". emptydoc instanceof72.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "anyURI instance of xs:anyURI". emptydoc instanceof73.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "anyURI instance of xs:string". emptydoc instanceof74.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "anyURI instance of xs:decimal". emptydoc instanceof75.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "anyURI instance of xs:integer". emptydoc instanceof76.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "anyURI instance of xs:int". emptydoc instanceof77.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "string instance of xs:dateTime". emptydoc instanceof78.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "string instance of xs:time". emptydoc instanceof79.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "string instance of xs:date". emptydoc instanceof80.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "string instance of xs:boolean". emptydoc instanceof81.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "string instance of xs:float". emptydoc instanceof82.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "string instance of xs:double". emptydoc instanceof83.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "string instance of xs:anyURI". emptydoc instanceof84.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "string instance of xs:string". emptydoc instanceof85.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "string instance of xs:decimal". emptydoc instanceof86.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "string instance of xs:integer". emptydoc instanceof87.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "string instance of xs:int". emptydoc instanceof88.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "decimal instance of xs:dateTime". emptydoc instanceof89.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "decimal instance of xs:time". emptydoc instanceof90.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "decimal instance of xs:date". emptydoc instanceof91.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "decimal instance of xs:boolean". emptydoc instanceof92.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "decimal instance of xs:float". emptydoc instanceof93.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "decimal instance of xs:double". emptydoc instanceof94.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "decimal instance of xs:anyURI". emptydoc instanceof95.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "decimal instance of xs:string". emptydoc instanceof96.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "decimal instance of xs:decimal". emptydoc instanceof97.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "decimal instance of xs:integer". emptydoc instanceof98.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "decimal instance of xs:int". emptydoc instanceof99.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "integer instance of xs:dateTime". emptydoc instanceof100.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "integer instance of xs:time". emptydoc instanceof101.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "integer instance of xs:date". emptydoc instanceof102.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "integer instance of xs:boolean". emptydoc instanceof103.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "integer instance of xs:float". emptydoc instanceof104.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "integer instance of xs:double". emptydoc instanceof105.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "integer instance of xs:anyURI". emptydoc instanceof106.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "integer instance of xs:string". emptydoc instanceof107.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "integer instance of xs:decimal". emptydoc instanceof108.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "integer instance of xs:integer". emptydoc instanceof109.txt Evaluation of "instance of" expression for pattern "integer instance of xs:int". emptydoc instanceof110.txt A test whose essence is: `1 instance of item()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-1.txt item() type with comment appearing inside the paranteses. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-2.txt A test whose essence is: `1 instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-3.txt A test whose essence is: `1 instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-4.txt A test whose essence is: `1 instance of xs:integer?`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-5.txt A test whose essence is: `1 instance of xs:integer+`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-6.txt A test whose essence is: `1 instance of xs:integer*`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-7.txt A test whose essence is: `false() instance of xs:boolean`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-8.txt A test whose essence is: `false() instance of xs:anyAtomicType`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-9.txt A test whose essence is: `"a string" instance of xs:string`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-10.txt A test whose essence is: `not("false" instance of xs:boolean)`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-11.txt A test whose essence is: `1.1 instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-12.txt A test whose essence is: `not(1.1 instance of xs:integer)`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-13.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:anyURI("http://www.example.com/") instance of xs:anyURI`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-14.txt A test whose essence is: `not(xs:anyURI("http://www.example.com/") instance of xs:string)`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-15.txt A test whose essence is: `not("a string" instance of xs:untypedAtomic)`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-16.txt A test whose essence is: `(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) instance of xs:integer+`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-17.txt A test whose essence is: `not((1, 2, 3, 4, 5) instance of xs:integer)`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-18.txt A test whose essence is: `not((1, 2, 3, 4, 5) instance of xs:integer?)`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-19.txt A test whose essence is: `(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) instance of xs:integer*`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-20.txt A test whose essence is: `(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) instance of item()+`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-21.txt A test whose essence is: `not((1, 2, "a string", 4, 5) instance of xs:integer*)`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-22.txt A test whose essence is: `not((1, 2, 1.1, 4, 5) instance of xs:integer*)`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-23.txt A test whose essence is: `not((1, 2, "a string", 4, 5) instance of xs:string*)`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-24.txt A test whose essence is: `(1, 2, "a string", 4, 5) instance of xs:anyAtomicType*`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-25.txt A test whose essence is: `(1, 2, count("one"), 4, 5) instance of xs:integer+`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-26.txt A test whose essence is: `not(1 instance of text())`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-27.txt A test whose essence is: `not(1 instance of node())`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-28.txt A test whose essence is: `not(1 instance of element())`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-29.txt A test whose essence is: `not(1 instance of processing-instruction())`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-30.txt A test whose essence is: `not(1 instance of comment())`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-31.txt A comment appearing inside the paranteses of the sequence type text(). emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-32.txt A comment appearing inside the paranteses of the sequence type node(). emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-33.txt A comment appearing inside the paranteses of the sequence type element(). emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-34.txt A comment appearing inside the paranteses of the sequence type processing-instruction(). emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-35.txt A comment appearing inside the paranteses of the sequence type comment(). emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-36.txt A test whose essence is: `not(1 instance of empty-sequence())`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-37.txt A test whose essence is: `not( (1, 2, 3) instance of empty-sequence())`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-38.txt A test whose essence is: `() instance of empty-sequence()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-39.txt Comment appearing inside the paranteses of empty-sequence(). emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-40.txt A test whose essence is: `(((()))) instance of empty-sequence()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-41.txt A test whose essence is: `((), (), ()) instance of empty-sequence()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-42.txt A test whose essence is: `((), "xs:string") instance of xs:string`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-43.txt A test whose essence is: `("xs:string", (), "xs:string") instance of xs:string+`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-44.txt A test whose essence is: `(1.1, (), 1) instance of xs:decimal+`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-45.txt A test whose essence is: `not("a string" instance of xs:NOTATION)`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-46.txt A test whose essence is: `not("a string" instance of xs:QName)`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-47.txt A test whose essence is: `1.1 instance of xs:decimal and not(1.1 instance of xs:integer)`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-48.txt A type is referenced which doesn't exist. emptydoc XPST0081 A type is referenced which doesn't exist. emptydoc XPST0051 A type is referenced which doesn't exist. emptydoc XPST0051 A type is referenced which doesn't exist. emptydoc XPST0051 A type is referenced which doesn't exist. emptydoc XPST0051 A type is referenced which doesn't exist. emptydoc XPST0051 XPST0003 A type is referenced which doesn't exist. emptydoc XPST0051 XPST0003 The fn:error() function in combination with 'instance of'. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-56.txt FOER0000 The fn:error() function in combination with 'instance of'. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-57.txt FOER0000 The fn:error() function in combination with 'instance of'. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-58.txt FOER0000 The fn:error() function in combination with 'instance of'. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-59.txt FOER0000 The fn:error() function in combination with 'instance of'. emptydoc FOER0000 The fn:error() function in combination with 'instance of'. emptydoc FOER0000 The fn:error() function in combination with 'instance of'. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-62.txt FOER0000 The fn:error() function in combination with 'instance of'. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-63.txt FOER0000 A test whose essence is: `not(((10)div(3)) instance of xs:integer)`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-64.txt A test whose essence is: `((10)idiv(3)) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-65.txt A test whose essence is: `((10)mod(3)) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-SeqExprInstanceOf-66.txt Test an element node against type element(). emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-1.txt Test an element node against type element(*). emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-2.txt Test an element node against type element(*). emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-3.txt Test an element node against type element(name). emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-4.txt Test an element node against type attribute(). emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-5.txt Test an element node against type attribute(*). emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-6.txt Test an element node against type attribute(e). emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-7.txt Test an attribute node against type element(name). emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-8.txt Test an attribute node against type attribute(). emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-9.txt Test an attribute node against type attribute(*). emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-10.txt Test an attribute node against type element(e). emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-11.txt Test an attribute node against type element(). emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-12.txt Test an attribute node against type element(*). emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-13.txt Test an attribute node against type element(name). emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-14.txt Check the return type of xs:nonPositiveInteger in a simple way. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-15.txt Check the return type of xs:negativeInteger in a simple way. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-16.txt Check the return type of xs:long in a simple way. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-17.txt Check the return type of xs:int in a simple way. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-18.txt Check the return type of xs:short in a simple way. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-19.txt Check the return type of xs:byte in a simple way. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-20.txt Check the return type of xs:nonNegativeInteger in a simple way. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-21.txt Check the return type of xs:nonNegativeInteger in a simple way. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-22.txt Check the return type of xs:unsignedLong in a simple way. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-23.txt Check the return type of xs:unsignedInt in a simple way. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-24.txt Check the return type of xs:unsignedShort in a simple way. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-25.txt Check the return type of xs:unsignedByte in a simple way. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-26.txt Check the return type of xs:positiveInteger in a simple way. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-27.txt Check the return type of xs:normalizedString in a simple way. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-28.txt Check the return type of xs:token in a simple way. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-29.txt Check the return type of xs:language in a simple way. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-30.txt Check the return type of xs:NMTOKEN in a simple way. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-31.txt Check the return type of xs:Name in a simple way. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-32.txt Check the return type of xs:NCName in a simple way. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-33.txt Check the return type of xs:ID in a simple way. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-34.txt Check the return type of xs:IDREF in a simple way. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-35.txt Check the return type of xs:ENTITY in a simple way. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-36.txt Check that xs:normalizedString has the correct parent type. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-37.txt Check that xs:token has the correct parent type. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-38.txt Check that xs:language has the correct parent type. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-39.txt Check that xs:NMTOKEN has the correct parent type. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-40.txt Check that xs:Name has the correct parent type. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-41.txt Check that xs:NCName has the correct parent type. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-42.txt Check that xs:ID has the correct parent type. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-43.txt Check that xs:IDREF has the correct parent type. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-44.txt Check that xs:ENTITY has the correct parent type. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-45.txt Check that xs:nonPositiveInteger has the correct parent type. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-46.txt Check that xs:negativeInteger has the correct parent type. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-47.txt Check that xs:long has the correct parent type. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-48.txt Check that xs:int has the correct parent type. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-49.txt Check that xs:short has the correct parent type. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-50.txt Check that xs:byte has the correct parent type. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-51.txt Check that xs:nonNegativeInteger has the correct parent type. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-52.txt Check that xs:unsignedLong has the correct parent type. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-53.txt Check that xs:unsignedInt has the correct parent type. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-54.txt Check that xs:unsignedShort has the correct parent type. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-55.txt Check that xs:unsignedByte has the correct parent type. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-56.txt Check that xs:positiveInteger has the correct parent type. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-57.txt Check that xs:nonNegativeInteger is not a child of nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-58.txt Check that xs:nonNegativeInteger is not a child of negativeInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-59.txt Check that xs:positiveInteger is not a child of negativeInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-60.txt Check that xs:positiveInteger is not a child of nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-61.txt Check that xs:long is not a child of negativeInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-62.txt Check that xs:long is not a child of nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-63.txt Check that xs:long is not a child of nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-64.txt Check that xs:long is not a child of positiveInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-65.txt Check that xs:token is not a child of xs:NCName. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-66.txt Check that xs:ID is not a child of xs:NCName. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-67.txt Check that xs:ENTITY is not a child of xs:NCName. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-68.txt Check that xs:language is not a child of xs:NMTOKEN. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-69.txt Check that xs:Name is not a child of xs:language. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-70.txt Check that xs:normalizedString is not a child of xs:token. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-71.txt Ensure a name test with the attribute axis gets the correct type. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-72.txt Ensure a name test with the abbreviated attribute axis gets the correct type. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-73.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:byte is of the right type, when casting from xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-74.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:nonPositiveInteger is of the right type, when casting from xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-75.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:negativeInteger is of the right type, when casting from xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-76.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:long is of the right type, when casting from xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-77.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:int is of the right type, when casting from xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-78.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:short is of the right type, when casting from xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-79.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:nonNegativeInteger is of the right type, when casting from xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-80.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:unsignedLong is of the right type, when casting from xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-81.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:unsignedInt is of the right type, when casting from xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-82.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:unsignedShort is of the right type, when casting from xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-83.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:unsignedByte is of the right type, when casting from xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-84.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:positiveInteger is of the right type, when casting from xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-85.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:byte is of the right type, when casting from xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-86.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:nonPositiveInteger is of the right type, when casting from xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-87.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:negativeInteger is of the right type, when casting from xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-88.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:long is of the right type, when casting from xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-89.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:int is of the right type, when casting from xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-90.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:short is of the right type, when casting from xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-91.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:nonNegativeInteger is of the right type, when casting from xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-92.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:unsignedLong is of the right type, when casting from xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-93.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:unsignedInt is of the right type, when casting from xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-94.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:unsignedShort is of the right type, when casting from xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-95.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:unsignedByte is of the right type, when casting from xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-96.txt Ensure that a cast to xs:positiveInteger is of the right type, when casting from xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-97.txt Instance of involving empty-sequence(). emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-98.txt Test using attribute(). emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-99.txt Test using element(). emptydoc K2-SeqExprInstanceOf-100.txt Typeswitch Evaluating a typeswitch expression with operand expression using an atomic integer value. emptydoc typeswitchhc1.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression with operand expression using an atomic decimal value. emptydoc typeswitchhc2.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression with operand expression using an atomic double value. emptydoc typeswitchhc3.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression with operand expression using an atomic string value. emptydoc typeswitchhc4.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression with operand expression using an atomic float value. emptydoc typeswitchhc5.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression with operand expression using an atomic boolean value. emptydoc typeswitchhc6.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression with operand expression using a date value. emptydoc typeswitchhc7.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression with operand expression using a time value. emptydoc typeswitchhc8.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression with operand expression using a dateTime value. emptydoc typeswitchhc9.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression where the "default" should be evaluated. emptydoc typeswitchhc10.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression where a dynamic error from default clause should not be raised. emptydoc typeswitchhc11.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression where a dynamic error from default clause should not be raised. emptydoc typeswitchhc12.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression operand expression is an if expression that evaluates to integer type. emptydoc typeswitchhc13.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression operand expression is an "and expression" that evaluates to boolean type. emptydoc typeswitchhc14.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression operand expression is an "or expression" that evaluates to boolean type. emptydoc typeswitchhc15.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression operand expression is a "typeswitch expression" that evaluates to integer type. emptydoc typeswitchhc16.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression with return clause containing an integer addition operation. emptydoc typeswitchhc17.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression with return clause containing a decimal addition operation. emptydoc typeswitchhc18.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression with return clause containing a double addition operation. emptydoc typeswitchhc19.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression with return clause containing a string operation. emptydoc typeswitchhc20.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression with return clause containing an fn:count function. emptydoc typeswitchhc21.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression with return clause containing a subtraction operation. emptydoc typeswitchhc22.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression with return clause containing a multiplication operation. emptydoc typeswitchhc23.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression with return clause containing a division (div) operation. emptydoc typeswitchhc24.txt Evaluating a typeswitch expression with return clause containing a division (idiv) operation. emptydoc typeswitchhc25.txt typeswitch test where the sequence types only differs in cardinality. emptydoc K-sequenceExprTypeswitch-1.txt A string literal is of type xs:string, even though it can be promoted to xs:anyURI. emptydoc K-sequenceExprTypeswitch-2.txt typeswitch test: A string literal is of type xs:string, even though it can be promoted to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K-sequenceExprTypeswitch-3.txt A sequence of atomic items are not treated individually, but as a whole. emptydoc K-sequenceExprTypeswitch-4.txt A typeswitch scenario which in some implementations trigger certain optimization code paths. emptydoc K-sequenceExprTypeswitch-5.txt A typeswitch scenario involving empty-sequence(). Both the 'xs:integer*' branch and the 'empty-sequnec()' branch are valid. emptydoc K-sequenceExprTypeswitch-6.txt A typeswitch with an operand expression being the comma operator using no paranteses. emptydoc K-sequenceExprTypeswitch-7.txt A typeswitch where the case clauses will never be evaluated. In some implementations this trigger optimization code paths. emptydoc K-sequenceExprTypeswitch-8.txt Extract the EBV from the result of a typeswitch. emptydoc K2-sequenceExprTypeswitch-1.txt A default clause must be specified. emptydoc XPST0003 Parenteses must be specified for the expression that's switched. emptydoc XPST0003 A variable is only in scope for the case branch it is declared for. emptydoc XPST0008 A variable is only in scope for the case branch it is declared for(#2). emptydoc XPST0008 A variable is only in scope for the case branch it is declared for(#3). emptydoc XPST0008 A variable is only in scope for the case branch it is declared for(#3). emptydoc XPST0008 A type declaration is not allowed in the default branch. emptydoc XPST0003 Typeswitch variables are not in scope outside the typeswitch expression. emptydoc XPST0008 Typeswitch variables are not in scope outside the typeswitch expression. emptydoc XPST0008 A variable declared in the default branch doesn't carry over to a subsequent typeswitch. emptydoc XPST0008 Two nested typeswitches. emptydoc K2-sequenceExprTypeswitch-12.txt A complex query that constructs nodes in the wrong order. emptydoc XQTY0024 Use the focus from within a typeswitch's case-branch. emptydoc K2-sequenceExprTypeswitch-14.txt Use the focus from within a typeswitch's case-branch. emptydoc K2-sequenceExprTypeswitch-15.txt Use variables with type declarations. emptydoc K2-sequenceExprTypeswitch-16.txt Cast from Derived types Evaluation of cast from float to a decimal. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from float to an integer. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from float to non positive integer. emptydoc minus10.txt Evaluation of cast from float to a long. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from float to a nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from float to negativeInteger. emptydoc minus10.txt Evaluation of cast from float to an int. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from float to an unsignedLong. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from float to an positiveInteger. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from float to an short. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from float to an unsignedInt. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from float to an unsignedShort. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from float to an unsignedByte. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from float to a byte. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from double to a decimal. emptydoc thousand.txt Evaluation of cast from double to an integer. emptydoc thousand.txt Evaluation of cast from double to a positiveInteger. emptydoc thousand.txt Evaluation of cast from double to a long. emptydoc thousand.txt Evaluation of cast from double to a int. emptydoc thousand.txt Evaluation of cast from double to a unsignedLong. emptydoc thousand.txt Evaluation of cast from double to a short. emptydoc thousand.txt Cast from Derived types To Parents Evaluation of cast from decimal to a float. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from integer to an float. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from nonPositiveInteger to a float. emptydoc minus10.txt Evaluation of cast from long float to a float. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from a nonNegativeInteger to a float. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from negativeInteger to float. emptydoc minus10.txt Evaluation of cast from an int to float. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from an unsignedLong to float. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from a positiveInteger to float. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from a short to float. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from an unsignedInt to float. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from an unsignedShort to float. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from an unsignedByte to float. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast a byte to float. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from a decimal to a double. emptydoc thousand.txt Evaluation of cast from an integer to a double. emptydoc thousand.txt Evaluation of cast from a positiveInteger to a double. emptydoc thousand.txt Evaluation of cast from a long to a double. emptydoc thousand.txt Evaluation of cast from an int to a double. emptydoc thousand.txt Evaluation of cast from unsignedLong to a double. emptydoc thousand.txt Evaluation of cast from a short to a double. emptydoc thousand.txt Casting within a branch of the type hierarchy Evaluation of cast from integer to nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc minus10.txt Evaluation of cast from integer to long. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from integer to nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from integer to negativeInteger. emptydoc minus10.txt Evaluation of cast from integer to int. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from integer to unsignedLong. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from integer to positiveInteger. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from integer to short. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from integer to unsignedInt. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from integer to byte. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from integer to unsignedShort. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from integer to an unsignedByte. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from a long to an integer. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from long to a nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from long to a negativeInteger. emptydoc minus10.txt Evaluation of cast from long to an int. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from long to an unsignedLong. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from long to a positiveInteger. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from long to a short. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from long to unsignedInt. emptydoc value10.txt Evaluation of cast from long to a byte. emptydoc value10.txt Cast Evaluate an expression and cast it as an xs:integer. emptydoc casthc1.txt Evaluate an expression and cast it as an xs:float. emptydoc casthc2.txt Evaluate an expression and cast it as an xs:boolean. emptydoc casthc3.txt Evaluate an expression and cast it as an xs:double. emptydoc casthc4.txt Evaluate an expression and cast it as an xs:decimal. emptydoc casthc5.txt Evaluate an expression and cast it as an xs:string. emptydoc casthc6.txt Evaluation of a xs:string value casted as an xs:string. emptydoc casthc7.txt Evaluation of a xs:float value casted as an xs:float. emptydoc casthc8.txt Evaluation of a xs:float value casted as an xs:string. emptydoc casthc9.txt Evaluation of a xs:float value casted as an xs:double. emptydoc casthc10.txt Evaluation of a xs:float value casted as an xs:boolean. emptydoc casthc11.txt Evaluation of an xs:double value casted as an xs:double. emptydoc casthc12.txt Evaluation of an xs:double value casted as an xs:string. emptydoc casthc13.txt Evaluation of an xs:double value casted as an xs:float. emptydoc truevalue.txt Evaluation of an xs:double value casted as an xs:boolean. emptydoc casthc15.txt Evaluation of an xs:decimal value casted as an xs:string. emptydoc casthc16.txt Evaluation of an xs:decimal value casted as an xs:float. emptydoc casthc17.txt Evaluation of an xs:decimal value casted as an xs:double. emptydoc casthc18.txt Evaluation of an xs:decimal value casted as an xs:decimal. emptydoc casthc19.txt Evaluation of an xs:decimal value casted as an xs:integer. emptydoc casthc20.txt Evaluation of an xs:decimal value casted as an xs:boolean. emptydoc casthc21.txt Evaluation of an xs:integer value casted as an xs:string. emptydoc casthc22.txt Evaluation of an xs:integer value casted as an xs:float. emptydoc truevalue.txt Evaluation of an xs:integer value casted as an xs:double. emptydoc casthc24.txt Evaluation of an xs:integer value casted as an xs:decimal. emptydoc casthc25.txt Evaluation of an xs:integer value casted as an xs:integer. emptydoc casthc26.txt Evaluation of an xs:integer value casted as an xs:boolean. emptydoc casthc27.txt Evaluation of an xs:dateTime value casted as an xs:string. emptydoc casthc28.txt Evaluation of an xs:dateTime value casted as an xs:dateTime. emptydoc casthc29.txt Evaluation of an xs:dateTime value casted as an xs:time. emptydoc casthc30.txt Evaluation of an xs:dateTime value casted as an xs:date. emptydoc casthc31.txt Evaluation of an xs:date value casted as an xs:string. emptydoc casthc32.txt Evaluation of an xs:date value casted as an xs:dateTime. emptydoc casthc33.txt Evaluation of an xs:date value casted as an xs:date. emptydoc casthc34.txt Evaluation of an xs:time value casted as an xs:string. emptydoc casthc35.txt Evaluation of an xs:time value casted as an xs:time. emptydoc casthc36.txt Evaluation of an xs:boolean value casted as an xs:string. emptydoc casthc37.txt Evaluation of an xs:boolean value casted as an xs:float. emptydoc casthc38.txt Evaluation of an xs:boolean value casted as an xs:double. emptydoc casthc39.txt Evaluation of an xs:boolean value casted as an xs:decimal. emptydoc casthc40.txt Evaluation of an xs:boolean value casted as an xs:integer. emptydoc casthc41.txt Evaluation of an xs:boolean value casted as an xs:boolean. emptydoc casthc42.txt Evaluation of an xs:string value casted as an xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0080 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(INF) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs001.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(0.0E0) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs002.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(true) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs003.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(INF) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs004.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(0.0E0) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs005.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(true) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs006.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(-0.0E0) to xs:float. emptydoc CastAs007.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(NaN) to xs:float. emptydoc CastAs008.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(1e-5) to xs:float. emptydoc CastAs009.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(-10000000) to xs:float. emptydoc CastAs010.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(true) to xs:float. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(-0.0E0) to xs:double. emptydoc CastAs012.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(NaN) to xs:double. emptydoc CastAs013.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(1e-5) to xs:double. emptydoc CastAs014.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(-10000000) to xs:double. emptydoc CastAs015.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(true) to xs:double. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(-0.0E0) to xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(NaN) to xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(1e-5) to xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(5.5432) to xs:decimal. emptydoc CastAs020.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(true) to xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(-0.0E0) to xs:integer. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(NaN) to xs:integer. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(1e-5) to xs:integer. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(-1.1234) to xs:integer. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(true) to xs:integer. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) to xs:duration. emptydoc CastAs027.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(-P1Y1M1DT1H1M1.123S) to xs:duration. emptydoc CastAs028.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(true) to xs:duration. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(-P1Y1M1DT1H1M1.123S) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(P24M) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastAs031.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(-P21M) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastAs032.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(true) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(-P1Y1M1DT1H1M1.123S) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(P3DT10H30M) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastAs035.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(-PT100M) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastAs036.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(true) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(1999-05-31T13:20:00) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastAs038.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(-1999-05-31T13:20:00+14:00) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastAs039.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(2000-01-16T00:00:00Z) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastAs040.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(true) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(13:20:00-05:00) to xs:time. emptydoc CastAs042.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(13:20:02.123) to xs:time. emptydoc CastAs043.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(13:20:00Z) to xs:time. emptydoc CastAs044.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(true) to xs:time. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(1999-05-31) to xs:date. emptydoc CastAs046.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(-0012-12-03-05:00) to xs:date. emptydoc CastAs047.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(1999-05-31Z) to xs:date. emptydoc CastAs048.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(true) to xs:date. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(1999-05) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastAs050.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(-0012-12-05:00) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastAs051.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(1999-05Z) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastAs052.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(true) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(1999) to xs:gYear. emptydoc CastAs054.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(-0012-05:00) to xs:gYear. emptydoc CastAs055.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(1999Z) to xs:gYear. emptydoc CastAs056.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(true) to xs:gYear. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(--05-31) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastAs058.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(--05-31+14:00) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastAs059.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(--05-31Z) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastAs060.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(true) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(---31) to xs:gDay. emptydoc CastAs062.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(---03-05:00) to xs:gDay. emptydoc CastAs063.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(---31Z) to xs:gDay. emptydoc CastAs064.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(true) to xs:gDay. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(--05) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastAs066.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(--12-05:00) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastAs067.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(--05Z) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastAs068.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(true) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(0.0) to xs:boolean. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(0) to xs:boolean. emptydoc CastAs071.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(true) to xs:boolean. emptydoc CastAs072.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(true) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastAs073.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(00000000) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastAs074.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(D74D35D35D35) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastAs075.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(true) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(010010101) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(0fb7) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastAs078.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(D74D35D35D35) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastAs079.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(http://www.example.com/~b%C3%A9b%C3%A9) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastAs080.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(true) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastAs081.txt Try casting xs:untypedAtomic(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastAs082.txt Try casting xs:string(INF) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs083.txt Try casting xs:string(0.0E0) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs084.txt Try casting xs:string(true) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs085.txt Try casting xs:string(INF) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs086.txt Try casting xs:string(0.0E0) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs087.txt Try casting xs:string(true) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs088.txt Try casting xs:string(-0.0E0) to xs:float. emptydoc CastAs089.txt Try casting xs:string(NaN) to xs:float. emptydoc CastAs090.txt Try casting xs:string(1e-5) to xs:float. emptydoc CastAs091.txt Try casting xs:string(-10000000) to xs:float. emptydoc CastAs092.txt Try casting xs:string(true) to xs:float. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(-0.0E0) to xs:double. emptydoc CastAs094.txt Try casting xs:string(NaN) to xs:double. emptydoc CastAs095.txt Try casting xs:string(1e-5) to xs:double. emptydoc CastAs096.txt Try casting xs:string(-10000000) to xs:double. emptydoc CastAs097.txt Try casting xs:string(true) to xs:double. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(-0.0E0) to xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(NaN) to xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(1e-5) to xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(5.5432) to xs:decimal. emptydoc CastAs102.txt Try casting xs:string(true) to xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(-0.0E0) to xs:integer. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(NaN) to xs:integer. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(1e-5) to xs:integer. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(-1.1234) to xs:integer. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(true) to xs:integer. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) to xs:duration. emptydoc CastAs109.txt Try casting xs:string(-P1Y1M1DT1H1M1.123S) to xs:duration. emptydoc CastAs110.txt Try casting xs:string(true) to xs:duration. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(-P1Y1M1DT1H1M1.123S) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(P24M) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastAs113.txt Try casting xs:string(-P21M) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastAs114.txt Try casting xs:string(true) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(-P1Y1M1DT1H1M1.123S) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(P3DT10H30M) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastAs117.txt Try casting xs:string(-PT100M) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastAs118.txt Try casting xs:string(true) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(1999-05-31T13:20:00) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastAs120.txt Try casting xs:string(-1999-05-31T13:20:00+14:00) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastAs121.txt Try casting xs:string(2000-01-16T00:00:00Z) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastAs122.txt Try casting xs:string(true) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(13:20:00-05:00) to xs:time. emptydoc CastAs124.txt Try casting xs:string(13:20:02.123) to xs:time. emptydoc CastAs125.txt Try casting xs:string(13:20:00Z) to xs:time. emptydoc CastAs126.txt Try casting xs:string(true) to xs:time. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(1999-05-31) to xs:date. emptydoc CastAs128.txt Try casting xs:string(-0012-12-03-05:00) to xs:date. emptydoc CastAs129.txt Try casting xs:string(1999-05-31Z) to xs:date. emptydoc CastAs130.txt Try casting xs:string(true) to xs:date. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(1999-05) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastAs132.txt Try casting xs:string(-0012-12-05:00) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastAs133.txt Try casting xs:string(1999-05Z) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastAs134.txt Try casting xs:string(true) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(1999) to xs:gYear. emptydoc CastAs136.txt Try casting xs:string(-0012-05:00) to xs:gYear. emptydoc CastAs137.txt Try casting xs:string(1999Z) to xs:gYear. emptydoc CastAs138.txt Try casting xs:string(true) to xs:gYear. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(--05-31) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastAs140.txt Try casting xs:string(--05-31+14:00) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastAs141.txt Try casting xs:string(--05-31Z) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastAs142.txt Try casting xs:string(true) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(---31) to xs:gDay. emptydoc CastAs144.txt Try casting xs:string(---03-05:00) to xs:gDay. emptydoc CastAs145.txt Try casting xs:string(---31Z) to xs:gDay. emptydoc CastAs146.txt Try casting xs:string(true) to xs:gDay. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(--05) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastAs148.txt Try casting xs:string(--12-05:00) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastAs149.txt Try casting xs:string(--05Z) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastAs150.txt Try casting xs:string(true) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(0.0) to xs:boolean. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(0) to xs:boolean. emptydoc CastAs153.txt Try casting xs:string(true) to xs:boolean. emptydoc CastAs154.txt Try casting xs:string(true) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastAs155.txt Try casting xs:string(00000000) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastAs156.txt Try casting xs:string(D74D35D35D35) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastAs157.txt Try casting xs:string(true) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(010010101) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc FORG0001 Try casting xs:string(0fb7) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastAs160.txt Try casting xs:string(D74D35D35D35) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastAs161.txt Try casting xs:string(http://www.example.com/~b%C3%A9b%C3%A9) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastAs162.txt Try casting xs:string(true) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastAs163.txt Try casting xs:string(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastAs164.txt Try casting xs:float(1e5) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs165.txt Try casting xs:float(-INF) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs166.txt Try casting xs:float(-0.0E0) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs167.txt Try casting xs:float(NaN) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs168.txt Try casting xs:float(5.4321E-100) to xs:float. emptydoc CastAs169.txt FOAR0002 Try casting xs:float(-1.75e-3) to xs:float. emptydoc CastAs170.txt Try casting xs:float(INF) to xs:float. emptydoc CastAs171.txt Try casting xs:float(-0.0E0) to xs:double. emptydoc CastAs172.txt Try casting xs:float(-INF) to xs:double. emptydoc CastAs173.txt Try casting xs:float(-0.0E0) to xs:decimal. emptydoc CastAs174.txt Try casting xs:float(5.4321E-100) to xs:decimal. emptydoc CastAs175.txt Try casting xs:float(1e5) to xs:decimal. emptydoc CastAs176.txt Try casting xs:float(-1.75e-3) to xs:decimal. emptydoc CastAs177.txt Try casting xs:float(-0.0E0) to xs:integer. emptydoc CastAs178.txt Try casting xs:float(1e5) to xs:integer. emptydoc CastAs179.txt Try casting xs:float(INF) to xs:integer. emptydoc FOCA0002 Try casting xs:float(-1.75e-3) to xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:float(5.4321E-100) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 FOAR0002 Try casting xs:float(5.4321E-100) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 FOAR0002 Try casting xs:float(5.4321E-100) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 FOAR0002 Try casting xs:float(5.4321E-100) to xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 FOAR0002 Try casting xs:float(5.4321E-100) to xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 FOAR0002 Try casting xs:float(5.4321E-100) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 FOAR0002 Try casting xs:float(5.4321E-100) to xs:gYear. emptydoc XPTY0004 FOAR0002 Try casting xs:float(5.4321E-100) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 FOAR0002 Try casting xs:float(5.4321E-100) to xs:gDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 FOAR0002 Try casting xs:float(5.4321E-100) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 FOAR0002 Try casting xs:float(-0.0E0) to xs:boolean. emptydoc CastAs192.txt Try casting xs:float(1e5) to xs:boolean. emptydoc CastAs193.txt Try casting xs:float(-INF) to xs:boolean. emptydoc CastAs194.txt Try casting xs:float(NaN) to xs:boolean. emptydoc CastAs195.txt Try casting xs:float(5.4321E-100) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc XPTY0004 FOAR0002 Try casting xs:float(5.4321E-100) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc XPTY0004 FOAR0002 Try casting xs:float(5.4321E-100) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc XPTY0004 FOAR0002 Try casting xs:double(1e5) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs199.txt Try casting xs:double(INF) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs200.txt Try casting xs:double(1e8) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs201.txt Try casting xs:double(INF) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs202.txt Try casting xs:double(-0.0E0) to xs:float. emptydoc CastAs203.txt Try casting xs:double(5.4321E-1001) to xs:float. emptydoc CastAs204.txt FOAR0002 Try casting xs:double(1e5) to xs:float. emptydoc CastAs205.txt Try casting xs:double(-1.75e-3) to xs:float. emptydoc CastAs206.txt Try casting xs:double(NaN) to xs:float. emptydoc CastAs207.txt Try casting xs:double(1e5) to xs:double. emptydoc CastAs208.txt Try casting xs:double(INF) to xs:double. emptydoc CastAs209.txt Try casting xs:double(-0.0E0) to xs:decimal. emptydoc CastAs210.txt Try casting xs:double(5.4321E-1001) to xs:decimal. emptydoc CastAs211.txt Try casting xs:double(-1.75e-3) to xs:decimal. emptydoc CastAs212.txt Try casting xs:double(INF) to xs:decimal. emptydoc FOCA0002 FORG0001 Try casting xs:double(-0.0E0) to xs:integer. emptydoc CastAs214.txt Try casting xs:double(1e5) to xs:integer. emptydoc CastAs215.txt Try casting xs:double(-1.75e-3) to xs:integer. emptydoc CastAs216.txt Try casting xs:double(INF) to xs:integer. emptydoc FOCA0002 Try casting xs:double(NaN) to xs:integer. emptydoc FOCA0002 Try casting xs:double(1e5) to xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:double(1e5) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:double(1e5) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:double(1e5) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:double(1e5) to xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:double(1e5) to xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:double(1e5) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:double(1e5) to xs:gYear. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:double(1e5) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:double(1e5) to xs:gDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:double(1e5) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:double(1e5) to xs:boolean. emptydoc CastAs230.txt Try casting xs:double(1e5) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:double(1e5) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:double(1e5) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:decimal(-1.1234) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs234.txt Try casting xs:decimal(-1.1234) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs235.txt Try casting xs:decimal(-1.1234) to xs:float. emptydoc CastAs236.txt Try casting xs:decimal(-1.1234) to xs:double. emptydoc CastAs237.txt Try casting xs:decimal(-1.1234) to xs:decimal. emptydoc CastAs238.txt Try casting xs:decimal(-1.1234) to xs:integer. emptydoc CastAs239.txt Try casting xs:decimal(5.5432) to xs:integer. emptydoc CastAs240.txt Try casting xs:decimal(-1.1234) to xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:decimal(-1.1234) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:decimal(-1.1234) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:decimal(-1.1234) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:decimal(-1.1234) to xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:decimal(-1.1234) to xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:decimal(-1.1234) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:decimal(-1.1234) to xs:gYear. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:decimal(-1.1234) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:decimal(-1.1234) to xs:gDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:decimal(-1.1234) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:decimal(-1.1234) to xs:boolean. emptydoc CastAs252.txt Try casting xs:decimal(-1.1234) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:decimal(-1.1234) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:decimal(-1.1234) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:integer(1) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs256.txt Try casting xs:integer(-100) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs257.txt Try casting xs:integer(-100) to xs:float. emptydoc CastAs258.txt Try casting xs:integer(-100) to xs:double. emptydoc CastAs259.txt Try casting xs:integer(-100) to xs:decimal. emptydoc CastAs260.txt Try casting xs:integer(-100) to xs:integer. emptydoc CastAs261.txt Try casting xs:integer(-100) to xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:integer(-100) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:integer(-100) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:integer(-100) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:integer(-100) to xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:integer(-100) to xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:integer(-100) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:integer(-100) to xs:gYear. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:integer(-100) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:integer(-100) to xs:gDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:integer(-100) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:integer(-100) to xs:boolean. emptydoc CastAs273.txt Try casting xs:integer(-100) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:integer(-100) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:integer(-100) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs277.txt Try casting xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs278.txt Try casting xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) to xs:float. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) to xs:double. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) to xs:decimal. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) to xs:integer. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) to xs:duration. emptydoc CastAs283.txt Try casting xs:duration(PT10H) to xs:duration. emptydoc CastAs284.txt Try casting xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastAs285.txt Try casting xs:duration(PT10H) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastAs286.txt Try casting xs:duration(P24M) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastAs287.txt Try casting xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastAs288.txt Try casting xs:duration(PT10H) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastAs289.txt Try casting xs:duration(P24M) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastAs290.txt Try casting xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) to xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) to xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) to xs:gYear. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) to xs:gDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) to xs:boolean. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs303.txt Try casting xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs304.txt Try casting xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) to xs:float. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) to xs:double. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) to xs:decimal. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) to xs:integer. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) to xs:duration. emptydoc CastAs309.txt Try casting xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastAs310.txt Try casting xs:yearMonthDuration(-P21M) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastAs311.txt Try casting xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastAs312.txt Try casting xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) to xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) to xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) to xs:gYear. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) to xs:gDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) to xs:boolean. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs325.txt Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(-PT100M) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs326.txt Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs327.txt Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(-PT100M) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs328.txt Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) to xs:float. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) to xs:double. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) to xs:decimal. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) to xs:integer. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) to xs:duration. emptydoc CastAs333.txt Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(PT24H) to xs:duration. emptydoc CastAs334.txt Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(-PT100M) to xs:duration. emptydoc CastAs335.txt Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastAs336.txt Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastAs337.txt Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(P14D) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastAs338.txt Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(-PT100M) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastAs339.txt Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) to xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) to xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) to xs:gYear. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) to xs:gDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) to xs:boolean. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs352.txt Try casting xs:dateTime(-1999-05-31T13:20:00+14:00) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs353.txt Try casting xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs354.txt Try casting xs:dateTime(-1999-05-31T13:20:00+14:00) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs355.txt Try casting xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) to xs:float. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dateTime(2000-01-16T00:00:00Z) to xs:float. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) to xs:decimal. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) to xs:integer. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) to xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastAs363.txt Try casting xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) to xs:time. emptydoc CastAs364.txt Try casting xs:dateTime(-1999-05-31T13:20:00+14:00) to xs:time. emptydoc CastAs365.txt Try casting xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) to xs:date. emptydoc CastAs366.txt Try casting xs:dateTime(-1999-05-31T13:20:00+14:00) to xs:date. emptydoc CastAs367.txt Try casting xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastAs368.txt Try casting xs:dateTime(-1999-05-31T13:20:00+14:00) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastAs369.txt Try casting xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) to xs:gYear. emptydoc CastAs370.txt Try casting xs:dateTime(-1999-05-31T13:20:00+14:00) to xs:gYear. emptydoc CastAs371.txt Try casting xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastAs372.txt Try casting xs:dateTime(-1999-05-31T13:20:00+14:00) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastAs373.txt Try casting xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) to xs:gDay. emptydoc CastAs374.txt Try casting xs:dateTime(-1999-05-31T13:20:00+14:00) to xs:gDay. emptydoc CastAs375.txt Try casting xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastAs376.txt Try casting xs:dateTime(-1999-05-31T13:20:00+14:00) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastAs377.txt Try casting xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) to xs:boolean. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs382.txt Try casting xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs383.txt Try casting xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) to xs:float. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) to xs:double. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) to xs:decimal. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) to xs:integer. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) to xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) to xs:time. emptydoc CastAs392.txt Try casting xs:time(13:20:02.123) to xs:time. emptydoc CastAs393.txt Try casting xs:time(13:20:00Z) to xs:time. emptydoc CastAs394.txt Try casting xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) to xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) to xs:gYear. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) to xs:gDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) to xs:boolean. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs405.txt Try casting xs:date(-0012-12-03-05:00) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs406.txt Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs407.txt Try casting xs:date(-0012-12-03-05:00) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs408.txt Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31) to xs:float. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31) to xs:double. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31Z) to xs:double. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31) to xs:integer. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31) to xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastAs416.txt Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31) to xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31) to xs:date. emptydoc CastAs418.txt Try casting xs:date(-0012-12-03-05:00) to xs:date. emptydoc CastAs419.txt Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31Z) to xs:date. emptydoc CastAs420.txt Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastAs421.txt Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31) to xs:gYear. emptydoc CastAs422.txt Try casting xs:date(-0012-12-03-05:00) to xs:gYear. emptydoc CastAs423.txt Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31Z) to xs:gYear. emptydoc CastAs424.txt Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastAs425.txt Try casting xs:date(-0012-12-03-05:00) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastAs426.txt Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31Z) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastAs427.txt Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31Z) to xs:gDay. emptydoc CastAs428.txt Try casting xs:date(-0012-12-03-05:00) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastAs429.txt Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31Z) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastAs430.txt Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31) to xs:boolean. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:date(1999-05-31) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYearMonth(1999-05) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs435.txt Try casting xs:gYearMonth(1999-05) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs436.txt Try casting xs:gYearMonth(1999-05) to xs:float. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYearMonth(1999-05) to xs:double. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) to xs:double. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) to xs:decimal. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) to xs:integer. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) to xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) to xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) to xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYearMonth(1999-05) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastAs448.txt Try casting xs:gYearMonth(-0012-12-05:00) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastAs449.txt Try casting xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastAs450.txt Try casting xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) to xs:gYear. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) to xs:gDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) to xs:boolean. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYear(1999) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs459.txt Try casting xs:gYear(1999) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs460.txt Try casting xs:gYear(1999) to xs:float. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYear(1999) to xs:double. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYear(1999) to xs:decimal. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYear(1999) to xs:integer. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYear(1999) to xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYear(1999) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYear(1999) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYear(1999) to xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYear(1999) to xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYear(1999) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYear(1999) to xs:gYear. emptydoc CastAs471.txt Try casting xs:gYear(-0012-05:00) to xs:gYear. emptydoc CastAs472.txt Try casting xs:gYear(1999Z) to xs:gYear. emptydoc CastAs473.txt Try casting xs:gYear(1999) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYear(1999) to xs:gDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYear(1999) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYear(1999) to xs:boolean. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYear(1999) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYear(1999) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gYear(1999) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs481.txt Try casting xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs482.txt Try casting xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) to xs:float. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) to xs:double. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) to xs:decimal. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) to xs:integer. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) to xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) to xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) to xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) to xs:gYear. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastAs495.txt Try casting xs:gMonthDay(--12-03-05:00) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastAs496.txt Try casting xs:gMonthDay(--05-31Z) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastAs497.txt Try casting xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) to xs:gDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) to xs:boolean. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gDay(---31) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs504.txt Try casting xs:gDay(---31) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs505.txt Try casting xs:gDay(---31) to xs:float. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gDay(---31) to xs:double. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gDay(---31) to xs:decimal. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gDay(---31) to xs:integer. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gDay(---31) to xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gDay(---31) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gDay(---31) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gDay(---31) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gDay(---31) to xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gDay(---31) to xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gDay(---31) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gDay(---31) to xs:gYear. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gDay(---31) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gDay(---31) to xs:gDay. emptydoc CastAs519.txt Try casting xs:gDay(---03-05:00) to xs:gDay. emptydoc CastAs520.txt Try casting xs:gDay(---31Z) to xs:gDay. emptydoc CastAs521.txt Try casting xs:gDay(---31) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gDay(---31) to xs:boolean. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gDay(---31) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gDay(---31) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gDay(---31) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonth(--05) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs527.txt Try casting xs:gMonth(--05) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs528.txt Try casting xs:gMonth(--05) to xs:float. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonth(--05) to xs:double. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonth(--05) to xs:decimal. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonth(--05) to xs:integer. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonth(--05) to xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonth(--05) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonth(--05) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonth(--05) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonth(--05) to xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonth(--05) to xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonth(--05) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonth(--05) to xs:gYear. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonth(--05) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonth(--05) to xs:gDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonth(--05) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastAs543.txt Try casting xs:gMonth(--12-05:00) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastAs544.txt Try casting xs:gMonth(--05Z) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastAs545.txt Try casting xs:gMonth(--05) to xs:boolean. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonth(--05) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonth(--05) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:gMonth(--05) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:boolean(true) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs550.txt Try casting xs:boolean(true) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs551.txt Try casting xs:boolean(true) to xs:float. emptydoc CastAs552.txt Try casting xs:boolean(false) to xs:float. emptydoc CastAs553.txt Try casting xs:boolean(true) to xs:double. emptydoc CastAs554.txt Try casting xs:boolean(false) to xs:double. emptydoc CastAs555.txt Try casting xs:boolean(true) to xs:decimal. emptydoc CastAs556.txt Try casting xs:boolean(false) to xs:decimal. emptydoc CastAs557.txt Try casting xs:boolean(true) to xs:integer. emptydoc CastAs558.txt Try casting xs:boolean(false) to xs:integer. emptydoc CastAs559.txt Try casting xs:boolean(true) to xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:boolean(true) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:boolean(true) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:boolean(true) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:boolean(true) to xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:boolean(true) to xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:boolean(true) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:boolean(true) to xs:gYear. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:boolean(true) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:boolean(true) to xs:gDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:boolean(true) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:boolean(true) to xs:boolean. emptydoc CastAs571.txt Try casting xs:boolean(false) to xs:boolean. emptydoc CastAs572.txt Try casting xs:boolean(true) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:boolean(true) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:boolean(true) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:base64Binary(01001010) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs576.txt Try casting xs:base64Binary(0FB7) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs577.txt Try casting xs:base64Binary(01001010) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs578.txt Try casting xs:base64Binary(0FB7) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs579.txt Try casting xs:base64Binary(10010101) to xs:float. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:base64Binary(10010101) to xs:double. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:base64Binary(10010101) to xs:decimal. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:base64Binary(10010101) to xs:integer. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:base64Binary(10010101) to xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:base64Binary(10010101) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:base64Binary(10010101) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:base64Binary(10010101) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:base64Binary(10010101) to xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:base64Binary(10010101) to xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:base64Binary(10010101) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:base64Binary(10010101) to xs:gYear. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:base64Binary(10010101) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:base64Binary(10010101) to xs:gDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:base64Binary(10010101) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:base64Binary(10010101) to xs:boolean. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:base64Binary(01001010) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastAs596.txt Try casting xs:base64Binary(0FB7) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastAs597.txt Try casting xs:base64Binary(00000000) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastAs598.txt Try casting xs:base64Binary(10010101) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastAs599.txt Try casting xs:base64Binary(aA+zZ/09) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastAs600.txt Try casting xs:base64Binary(0FB7) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastAs601.txt Try casting xs:base64Binary(10010101) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs603.txt Try casting xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs604.txt Try casting xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) to xs:float. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) to xs:double. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) to xs:decimal. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) to xs:integer. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) to xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) to xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) to xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) to xs:gYear. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) to xs:gDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) to xs:boolean. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastAs621.txt Try casting xs:hexBinary(0fb7) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastAs622.txt Try casting xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastAs623.txt Try casting xs:hexBinary(d74d35d35d35) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastAs624.txt Try casting xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastAs626.txt Try casting xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) to xs:string. emptydoc CastAs627.txt Try casting xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) to xs:float. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) to xs:double. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) to xs:decimal. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) to xs:integer. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) to xs:duration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) to xs:dateTime. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) to xs:time. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) to xs:date. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) to xs:gYear. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) to xs:gDay. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) to xs:gMonth. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) to xs:boolean. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) to xs:base64Binary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) to xs:hexBinary. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try casting xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) to xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastAs646.txt Try casting large string (of numbers) as an xs:decimal. May have multiple outcomes. emptydoc CastAs647.txt FOCA0006 Try casting a string (of numbers) as an xs:nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc CastAs648.txt Try casting a string (of numbers) as an xs:long emptydoc CastAs649.txt Try casting a string (of numbers) as an xs:nonNegativeInteger emptydoc CastAs650.txt Try casting a string (of numbers) as an xs:negativeInteger emptydoc CastAs651.txt Try casting a string (of numbers) as an xs:int emptydoc CastAs652.txt Try casting a string (of numbers) as an xs:unsignedLong emptydoc CastAs653.txt Try casting a string (of numbers) as an xs:positiveInteger emptydoc CastAs654.txt Try casting a string (of numbers) as an xs:short emptydoc CastAs655.txt Try casting a string (of numbers) as an xs:unsignedInt emptydoc CastAs656.txt Try casting a string (of numbers) as an xs:byte emptydoc CastAs657.txt Try casting a string (of numbers) as an xs:unsignedShort emptydoc CastAs658.txt Try casting a string (of numbers) as an xs:unsignedByte emptydoc CastAs659.txt Try casting an xs:long as an xs:short. emptydoc truevalue.txt Try casting an xs:short as an xs:long. emptydoc truevalue.txt Try casting an xs:nonPositiveInteger as an xs:NegativeInteger. emptydoc truevalue.txt Try casting an xs:nonNegativeInteger as an xs:positiveInteger. emptydoc truevalue.txt Try casting an xs:short as an xs:unsignedShort. emptydoc truevalue.txt Try casting an xs:int as an xs:long. emptydoc truevalue.txt Try casting an xs:long as an xs:int. emptydoc truevalue.txt Try casting an xs:unsignedShort as an xs:unsignedInt. emptydoc truevalue.txt Try casting an xs:unsignedInt as an xs:unsignedShort. emptydoc truevalue.txt Try casting an xs:byte as an xs:unsignedByte. emptydoc truevalue.txt Evaluates overflow of an xs:date time (error FODT0001). It adds 9,000 years to a date created in 2006. Some implementations may return a value emptydoc CastAs670.txt FODT0001 Evaluates Casting a string into an ENTITY. emptydoc truevalue.txt Evaluates casting a sequence of strings into an ENTITY. emptydoc XPTY0004 Try to cast a variable to xs:QName. acme_corp XPTY0004 A value too big to be casted as xs:decimal. May process it or generate error. emptydoc CastFOCA0001-1.txt CastFOCA0001alt-1.txt FOCA0001 A value too big to be casted as xs:integer. may proccess it or generate error. emptydoc CastFOCA0003-1.txt CastFOCA0003alt-1.txt FOCA0003 Syntax: only ? is allowed as occurence indicator in 'cast as' expressions. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax: only ? is allowed as occurence indicator in 'cast as' expressions. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax: only ? is allowed as occurence indicator in 'cast as' expressions. emptydoc XPST0003 XPST0051 'cast as' where the type is invalid. emptydoc XPST0051 'cast as' where the type is invalid. emptydoc XPST0051 'cast as' where the type is invalid. emptydoc XPST0080 'cast as' where the type is invalid. emptydoc XPST0051 A prefix is used which isn't declared. emptydoc XPST0081 A type is specified which doesn't exist. emptydoc XPST0051 A non-atomic type is referenced, leading to a syntax error. emptydoc XPST0003 XPST0051 A non-atomic type is referenced, leading to a syntax error. emptydoc XPST0003 XPST0051 A non-atomic type is referenced, leading to a syntax error. emptydoc XPST0003 XPST0051 A non-atomic type is referenced, leading to a syntax error. emptydoc XPST0003 XPST0051 A test whose essence is: `'1' cast as xs:boolean eq true()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-14.txt A test whose essence is: `'true' cast as xs:boolean eq true()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-15.txt A test whose essence is: `'false' cast as xs:boolean eq false()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-16.txt A test whose essence is: `'0' cast as xs:boolean eq false()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-17.txt A test whose essence is: `false() cast as xs:boolean eq false()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-18.txt A test whose essence is: `not(true() cast as xs:boolean eq false())`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-19.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:boolean(xs:double(3)) eq true()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-20.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:boolean(xs:string(1)) eq true()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-21.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:boolean(xs:integer(3)) eq true()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-22.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:boolean(xs:decimal(3)) eq true()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-23.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:boolean(xs:double(0)) eq false()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-24.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:boolean(xs:string(0)) eq false()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-25.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:boolean(xs:integer(0)) eq false()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-26.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:boolean(xs:decimal(0)) eq false()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-27.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:boolean(xs:decimal(0.0)) eq false()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-28.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:boolean(+0) eq false()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-29.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:boolean(-0) eq false()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-30.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:boolean(xs:double(+0)) eq false()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-31.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:boolean(xs:double(-0)) eq false()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-32.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:boolean(0.0E0) eq false()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-33.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:boolean(xs:double("NaN")) eq false()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-34.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:boolean(xs:float("NaN")) eq false()`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-35.txt Invalid casting combination, combined with value comparison. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `false() cast as xs:string eq "false"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-37.txt A test whose essence is: `true() cast as xs:string eq "true"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-38.txt A test whose essence is: `('1' cast as xs:boolean) cast as xs:string eq 'true'`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-39.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:boolean('0') cast as xs:string eq 'false'`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-40.txt A test whose essence is: `" white space left alone" cast as xs:string eq xs:string(" white space left alone")`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-41.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:QName("fn:local-name") cast as xs:string) eq "fn:local-name"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-42.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:QName("local-name") cast as xs:string) eq "local-name"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-43.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:anyURI('example.com/')) eq 'example.com/'`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-44.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:double(3)) eq '3'`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-45.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:string(3)) eq '3'`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-46.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:integer(3)) eq '3'`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-47.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:decimal(3)) eq '3'`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-48.txt A test whose essence is: `"untyped a " cast as xs:untypedAtomic eq xs:untypedAtomic("untyped a ")`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-49.txt A test whose essence is: `false() cast as xs:untypedAtomic eq xs:untypedAtomic("false")`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-50.txt A test whose essence is: `true() cast as xs:untypedAtomic eq xs:untypedAtomic("true")`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-51.txt A test whose essence is: `false() cast as xs:untypedAtomic instance of xs:untypedAtomic`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-52.txt A test whose essence is: `true() cast as xs:untypedAtomic instance of xs:untypedAtomic`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-53.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:QName("local-name") cast as xs:untypedAtomic) eq xs:untypedAtomic("local-name")`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-54.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:QName("fn:local-name") cast as xs:untypedAtomic) eq xs:untypedAtomic("fn:local-name")`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-55.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:untypedAtomic(xs:anyURI('example.com/')) eq 'example.com/'`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-56.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:untypedAtomic(xs:double(3)) eq '3'`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-57.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:untypedAtomic(xs:string(3)) eq '3'`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-58.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:untypedAtomic(xs:integer(3)) eq '3'`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-59.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:untypedAtomic(xs:decimal(3)) eq '3'`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-60.txt Casting to xs:notation is not allowed. emptydoc XPST0080 Casting to xs:notation is not allowed. emptydoc XPST0080 Casting to xs:notation is not allowed. emptydoc XPST0080 XPST0005 Casting to xs:notation is not allowed. emptydoc XPST0080 XPST0005 XPTY0004 Casting to xs:notation is not allowed. emptydoc XPST0017 Casting to xs:notation is not allowed. emptydoc XPST0017 Casting to xs:QName where the cardinality is wrong. emptydoc XPTY0004 XPST0005 Input when casting to xs:QName must be a string literal. emptydoc XPTY0004 Input when casting to xs:QName must be a string literal. emptydoc XPTY0004 XPDY0002 Casting a xs:QName value to xs:QName is possible. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-70.txt Casting xs:untypedAtomic to xs:QName is an error. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `"example.com/" cast as xs:anyURI eq xs:anyURI('example.com/')`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-72.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:untypedAtomic("example.com/") cast as xs:anyURI eq xs:anyURI('example.com/')`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-73.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:anyURI("example.com/") cast as xs:anyURI eq xs:anyURI('example.com/')`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-74.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double(3) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-75.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double(3.1) eq 3.1`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-76.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:double(6) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-77.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:double("INF")) eq "INF"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-78.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:double("-INF")) eq "-INF"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-79.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float(3) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-80.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float(3.1) eq 3.1`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-81.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float(6) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-82.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:float("INF")) eq "INF"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-83.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:float("-INF")) eq "-INF"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-84.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:decimal(3) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-85.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:decimal(3.1) eq 3.1`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-86.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:decimal(6) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-87.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:integer(3) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-88.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:integer(3.1) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-89.txt Test that when casting xs:decimal to xs:integer that conversion happens. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-90.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:integer(6) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-91.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:integer(6) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-92.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:hexBinary("FFF")`. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `xs:hexBinary("FFxF")`. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `xs:hexBinary("0xFF")`. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `xs:hexBinary("F")`. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `xs:hexBinary("x")`. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `exists(xs:hexBinary("Ab08bcFFAA08b6"))`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-98.txt A test whose essence is: `exists(xs:hexBinary("FF"))`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-99.txt A test whose essence is: `exists(xs:hexBinary("aa"))`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-100.txt A test whose essence is: `count(xs:hexBinary(xs:hexBinary("03"))) eq 1`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-101.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:hexBinary("aa")) eq "AA"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-102.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:hexBinary("0a")) eq "0A"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-103.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:hexBinary("a0")) eq "A0"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-104.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:hexBinary("a4")) eq "A4"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-105.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:hexBinary("c0")) eq "C0"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-106.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:hexBinary("fA")) eq "FA"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-107.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:hexBinary("10")) eq "10"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-108.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:hexBinary("031a34123b")) eq "031A34123B"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-109.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:hexBinary("03")) eq "03"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-110.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:hexBinary("0c")) eq "0C"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-111.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:hexBinary("0b")) eq "0B"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-112.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:hexBinary("3a")) eq "3A"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-113.txt An empty string is a valid lexical representation for xs:hexBinary, and means 'no data. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-114.txt An invalid lexical representation for xs:base64Binary. emptydoc FORG0001 An invalid lexical representation for xs:base64Binary. emptydoc FORG0001 An invalid lexical representation for xs:base64Binary. emptydoc FORG0001 An invalid lexical representation for xs:base64Binary. emptydoc FORG0001 An invalid lexical representation for xs:base64Binary. emptydoc FORG0001 An invalid lexical representation for xs:base64Binary. emptydoc FORG0001 An invalid lexical representation for xs:base64Binary. emptydoc FORG0001 An invalid lexical representation for xs:base64Binary. emptydoc FORG0001 An invalid lexical representation for xs:base64Binary. emptydoc FORG0001 An invalid lexical representation for xs:base64Binary. emptydoc FORG0001 An invalid lexical representation for xs:base64Binary. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:base64Binary("0w==")) eq "0w=="`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-126.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:base64Binary("aaa a")) eq "aaaa"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-127.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:base64Binary("frfhforlksid7453")) eq "frfhforlksid7453"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-128.txt If the last tetragram ends in '==' then the previous character must be one of [AQgw]. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:base64Binary(xs:hexBinary("03"))) eq "Aw=="`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-130.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:base64Binary(xs:hexBinary("0f3c"))) eq "Dzw="`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-131.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:base64Binary(xs:hexBinary("12"))) eq "Eg=="`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-132.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:base64Binary(xs:hexBinary("3B"))) eq "Ow=="`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-133.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:base64Binary(xs:hexBinary("69A69A"))) eq "aaaa"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-134.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:base64Binary(xs:hexBinary("F43D1234ce8f"))) eq "9D0SNM6P"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-135.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:base64Binary(xs:hexBinary("f0"))) eq "8A=="`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-136.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:base64Binary(xs:hexBinary("ffaabbddcceeff0134f001d8ca9bc77899c83e6f7d"))) eq "/6q73czu/wE08AHYypvHeJnIPm99"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-137.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:base64Binary(xs:hexBinary("ffff"))) eq "//8="`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-138.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:base64Binary(xs:hexBinary("ffff34564321deac9876"))) eq "//80VkMh3qyYdg=="`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-139.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:hexBinary(xs:base64Binary("Ow=="))) eq "3B"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-140.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:string(xs:hexBinary(xs:base64Binary("aaa a"))) eq "69A69A"`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-141.txt An empty string is a valid lexical representation for xs:base64Binary, and means 'no data. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-142.txt Casting where the source type typically cannot be determined statically. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-143.txt A test whose essence is: `(xs:decimal(remove((3e3, 1.1), 1))) eq 1.1`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-144.txt XPTY0004 Casting where the cardinality of the source value is wrong. emptydoc XPTY0004 A preceding plus sign('+') is disallowed for xs:duration. emptydoc FORG0001 No zone offset is allowed for xs:duration. emptydoc FORG0001 A preceding 'P' must always exist in a xs:duration value. emptydoc FORG0001 At least one number and its designator must be present in a xs:duration value. emptydoc FORG0001 At least one number and its designator must be present in a xs:duration value, a minus sign is insufficient. emptydoc FORG0001 A 'T' separator in a xs:duration must be followed by time components. emptydoc FORG0001 'P24H' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:duration. emptydoc FORG0001 Ensure that when casting xs:duration to xs:string, preceding zeros are handled properly. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-154.txt Ensure that a negative xs:duration is properly serialized when cast to xs:string. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-155.txt Ensure that when casting xs:duration to xs:string, that empty fields are properly serialized. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-156.txt Ensure that when casting xs:duration to xs:string, that empty components are handled properly. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-157.txt Casting a xs:duration with zeroed time components to xs:string. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-158.txt The canonical lexical representation for the xs:duration value P365D is 'P365D'. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-159.txt The canonical lexical representation for the xs:duration value P12M is 'P1Y'. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-160.txt The canonical lexical representation for the xs:duration value P31D is 'P31D'. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-161.txt The canonical lexical representation for the xs:duration value P3Y0M is 'P3Y'. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-162.txt Test that a xs:duration value with a small second component is serialized properly. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-163.txt The canonical form of the xs:duration value -PT0S is PT0S. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-164.txt Simple test of casting xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:duration. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-165.txt Simple test of casting xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:duration. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-166.txt Simple test of casting a negative xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:duration. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-167.txt Simple test of casting a negative xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:duration. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-168.txt A preceding plus sign('+') is disallowed for xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc FORG0001 No zone offset is allowed for xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc FORG0001 A preceding 'P' must always exist in a xs:dayTimeDuration value. emptydoc FORG0001 At least one number and its designator must be present in a xs:dayTimeDuration value. emptydoc FORG0001 At least one number and its designator must be present in a xs:dayTimeDuration value, a minus sign is insufficient. emptydoc FORG0001 A 'T' separator in a xs:dayTimeDuration must be followed by time components. emptydoc FORG0001 Ensure that when casting xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:string, that empty fields are properly serialized. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-175.txt 'P1Y12M1D' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc FORG0001 'P24M1D' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc FORG0001 'PDT3H2M10.001S' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc FORG0001 Ensure that when casting xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:string, that preceding zeros are handled properly. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-179.txt Ensure that a negative xs:dayTimeDuration is properly serialized when cast to xs:string. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-180.txt Ensure that when casting xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:string, that empty components are handled properly. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-181.txt Casting a xs:duration with zeroed time components to xs:string. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-182.txt Test that a xs:dayTimeDuration value with a large day component is serialized properly. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-183.txt Test that a xs:dayTimeDuration value with a large hour component is serialized properly. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-184.txt Test that a xs:dayTimeDuration value with a large minute component is serialized properly. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-185.txt Test that a xs:dayTimeDuration value with a large second component is serialized properly. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-186.txt Test that a xs:dayTimeDuration value with a small second component is serialized properly. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-187.txt The canonical form of the xs:dayTimeDuration value -PT0S is PT0S. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-188.txt Simple test of casting xs:duration to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-189.txt Simple test of casting xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-190.txt Simple test of casting a negative xs:duration to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-191.txt Simple test of casting a negative xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-192.txt The canonical lexical representation for the xs:dayTimeDuration value P3D is 'P3D'. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-193.txt A preceding plus sign('+') is disallowed for xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc FORG0001 No zone offset is allowed for xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc FORG0001 A preceding 'P' must always exist in a xs:yearMonthDuration value. emptydoc FORG0001 At least one number and its designator must be present in a xs:yearMonthDuration value. emptydoc FORG0001 At least one number and its designator must be present in a xs:yearMonthDuration value, a minus sign is insufficient. emptydoc FORG0001 A 'T' separator in a xs:yearMonthDuration is not allowed. emptydoc FORG0001 'P731D' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc FORG0001 '-P3' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc FORG0001 Ensure that when casting xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:string, that preceding zeros are handled properly. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-202.txt Ensure that a negative xs:yearMonthDuration is properly serialized when cast to xs:string. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-203.txt Ensure that when casting xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:string, that empty fields are properly serialized. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-204.txt Test that a xs:yearMonthDuration value with a large year component is serialized properly. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-205.txt Test that a xs:yearMonthDuration value with a large year and month component is serialized properly. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-206.txt The canonical form of the xs:yearMonthDuration value -P0M is P0M. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-207.txt Simple test of casting xs:duration to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-208.txt Simple test of casting xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-209.txt Simple test of casting a negative xs:duration to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-210.txt Simple test of casting a negative xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-211.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:gYear("1")`. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `xs:gYear("12")`. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `xs:gYear("867")`. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `xs:gYear("+1999")`. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `xs:gYear("+1999")`. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `xs:gYear("+0000")`. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `xs:gYear("1111-")`. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `xs:gYear("1111a")`. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `xs:gYear("a1111")`. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `xs:gYear("1 111")`. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `xs:gYear("1111 Z")`. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `xs:gYear("1111 Z")`. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gYear: the hour component cannot be -15. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gYear: the hour component cannot be +15. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gYear: the minute component cannot be +60. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gYear: the minute component cannot be -60. emptydoc FORG0001 '02004' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gYear. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gYear: the minute field must always be present. emptydoc FORG0001 Ensure casting xs:gYear to xs:string, with timezone '-00:00' is properly handled. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-231.txt Ensure casting xs:gYear to xs:string, with timezone '+00:00' is properly handled. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4471 emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-232.txt Ensure casting xs:gYear to xs:string, with timezone 'Z' is properly handled. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-233.txt '10' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gDay. emptydoc FORG0001 '-01' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gDay. emptydoc FORG0001 '---321' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gDay. emptydoc FORG0001 '--01' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gDay. emptydoc FORG0001 'E---01' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gDay. emptydoc FORG0001 '---01E' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gDay. emptydoc FORG0001 '---01-' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gDay. emptydoc FORG0001 '---001' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gDay. emptydoc FORG0001 '---32' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gDay. emptydoc FORG0001 '---00' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gDay. emptydoc FORG0001 '---8' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gDay. emptydoc FORG0001 '+--08' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gDay. emptydoc FORG0001 '+---08' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gDay. emptydoc FORG0001 '---08 Z' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gDay. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gDay: the hour component cannot be -15. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gDay: the hour component cannot be +15. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gDay: the minute component cannot be +60. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gDay: the minute component cannot be -60. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gDay: the minute field must always be present. emptydoc FORG0001 Ensure casting xs:gDay to xs:string, with timezone '-00:00' is properly handled. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-253.txt Ensure casting xs:gDay to xs:string, with timezone '+00:00' is properly handled. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4471 emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-254.txt Ensure casting xs:gDay to xs:string, with timezone 'Z' is properly handled. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-255.txt '-01' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gMonth. emptydoc FORG0001 '---01' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gMonth. emptydoc FORG0001 '+--01' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gMonth. emptydoc FORG0001 '--13' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gMonth. emptydoc FORG0001 '--431' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gMonth. emptydoc FORG0001 '--11-' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gMonth. emptydoc FORG0001 '--00' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gMonth. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gMonth: the hour component cannot be -15. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gMonth: the hour component cannot be +15. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gMonth: the minute component cannot be +60. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gMonth: the minute component cannot be -60. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gMonth: the minute field must always be present. emptydoc FORG0001 Ensure casting xs:gMonth to xs:string, with timezone '-00:00' is properly handled. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-268.txt Ensure casting xs:gMonth to xs:string, with timezone '+00:00' is properly handled. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4471 emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-269.txt Ensure casting xs:gMonth to xs:string, with timezone 'Z' is properly handled. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-270.txt '--1999-12' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc FORG0001 '+1999-12' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc FORG0001 '1999-12-' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc FORG0001 '1999--12' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc FORG0001 '1999-13' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc FORG0001 '1999-00' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc FORG0001 '02004-08' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gYearMonth: the minute field must always be present. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gYearMonth: the hour component cannot be -15. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gYearMonth: the hour component cannot be +15. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gYearMonth: the minute component cannot be +60. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gYearMonth: the minute component cannot be -60. emptydoc FORG0001 Ensure casting xs:gYearMonth to xs:string, with timezone '-00:00' is properly handled. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-283.txt Ensure casting xs:gYearMonth to xs:string, with timezone '+00:00' is properly handled. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4471 emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-284.txt Ensure casting xs:gYearMonth to xs:string, with timezone 'Z' is properly handled. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-285.txt '-01-12' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc FORG0001 '+--01-12' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc FORG0001 '01-12-' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc FORG0001 '--01--12' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc FORG0001 '--01-00' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc FORG0001 '--00-01' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc FORG0001 '--13-01' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc FORG0001 '--111-01' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc FORG0001 '--1967-01' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc FORG0001 '--02-31' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gMonthDay: the minute field must always be present. emptydoc FORG0001 The xs:gMonthDay value '--02-30' represents a non-existent date. emptydoc FORG0001 The xs:gMonthDay value '--04-31' represents a non-existent date. emptydoc FORG0001 The xs:gMonthDay value '--11-31' represents a non-existent date. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gMonthDay: the hour component cannot be -15. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gMonthDay: the hour component cannot be +15. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gMonthDay: the minute component cannot be +60. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:gMonthDay: the minute component cannot be -60. emptydoc FORG0001 Ensure casting xs:gMonthDay to xs:string, with timezone '-00:00' is properly handled. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-304.txt Ensure casting xs:gMonthDay to xs:string, with timezone '+00:00' is properly handled. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4471 emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-305.txt Ensure casting xs:gMonthDay to xs:string, with timezone 'Z' is properly handled. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-306.txt Simple xs:gMonthDay test involving --02-29. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-307.txt '+2004-08-01T12:44:05' is an invalid lexical representation, a preceding '+' sign is not allowed for xs:dateTime. emptydoc FORG0001 '02004-08-01T12:44:05' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:dateTime; if the year part has more than four digits, leading zeros are prohibited. emptydoc FORG0001 '00004-08-01T12:44:05' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:dateTime; if the year part has more than four digits, leading zeros are prohibited. emptydoc FORG0001 '2004-32-01T12:44:05' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:dateTime; the month part cannot be larger than 32. emptydoc FORG0001 '2002-02-30T12:44:05' is a non-existent xs:dateTime date. emptydoc FORG0001 '2002-002-15T12:44:05' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:dateTime. emptydoc FORG0001 '2002-02-150T12:44:05' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:dateTime. emptydoc FORG0001 '2002-02-15T24:00:00.001' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:dateTime; if hour is 24, seconds part must be 00. emptydoc FORG0001 '2002-02-15T24:01:00' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:dateTime; if hour is 24, minutes part must be 00. emptydoc FORG0001 '2002-02-15T25:00:00' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:dateTime; hour part can never be larger than 24. emptydoc FORG0001 '2002-02-15T21:60:00' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:dateTime; minute part can never be larger than 59. emptydoc FORG0001 '2002-02-15T21:01:60' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:dateTime; seconds part can never be larger than 59. emptydoc FORG0001 '--2002-02-15T21:01:23' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:dateTime. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:dateTime: the hour component cannot be -15. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:dateTime: the hour component cannot be +15. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:dateTime: the minute component cannot be +60. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:dateTime: the minute component cannot be -60. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:dateTime: the minute field must always be present. emptydoc FORG0001 Simple test of casting a xs:dateTime with UTC timezone to xs:gYear. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-326.txt Simple test of casting a xs:dateTime with UTC offset to xs:gYear. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-327.txt Simple test of casting a xs:dateTime with UTC timezone to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-328.txt Simple test of casting a xs:dateTime with UTC offset to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-329.txt Simple test of casting a xs:dateTime with UTC timezone to xs:gMonth. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-330.txt Simple test of casting a xs:dateTime with UTC offset to xs:gMonth. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-331.txt Simple test of casting a xs:dateTime with UTC timezone to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-332.txt Simple test of casting a xs:dateTime with UTC offset to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-333.txt Simple test of casting a xs:dateTime with UTC timezone to xs:gDay. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-334.txt Simple test of casting a xs:dateTime with UTC offset to xs:gDay. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-335.txt Simple test of casting a xs:dateTime with UTC timezone to xs:date. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-336.txt Simple test of casting a xs:dateTime with UTC offset to xs:date. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-337.txt Simple test of casting a xs:dateTime with UTC timezone to xs:time. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-338.txt Simple test of casting a xs:dateTime with UTC offset to xs:time. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-339.txt Ensure casting xs:dateTime to xs:string, with timezone '-00:00' is properly handled. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-340.txt Ensure casting xs:dateTime to xs:string, with timezone '+00:00' is properly handled. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4471 emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-341.txt Ensure when casting xs:dateTime to xs:string that an empty milli seconds part is not serialized. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-342.txt Ensure when casting xs:dateTime to xs:string that milli seconds have no trailing zeros. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-343.txt Ensure when casting xs:dateTime to xs:string that milli seconds are properly padded with zeros. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-344.txt Ensure when casting xs:dateTime to xs:string that milli seconds are properly padded with zeros. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-345.txt Ensure when casting xs:dateTime to xs:string that a milli seconds part of '435' is handled properly. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-346.txt Ensure when casting xs:dateTime to xs:string that a milli seconds part of '11' is handled properly. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-347.txt Ensure when casting xs:dateTime to xs:string that a milli seconds part of '110' is handled properly. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-348.txt Simple xs:dateTime involving time with no milli seconds. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-349.txt The canonical form of an xs:dateTime containing 24:00:00 is the following day at 00:00:00. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-350.txt '24:00:00.001' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:time; if hour is 24, seconds part must be 00. emptydoc FORG0001 '24:01:00' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:time; if hour is 24, minutes part must be 00. emptydoc FORG0001 '25:00:00' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:time; hour part can never be larger than 24. emptydoc FORG0001 '21:60:00' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:time; minute part can never be larger than 59. emptydoc FORG0001 '21:01:60' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:time; seconds part can never be larger than 59. emptydoc FORG0001 '+21:01:50' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:time. emptydoc FORG0001 '-21:01:50' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:time. emptydoc FORG0001 A valid xs:dateTime is an invalid xs:time. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:time: the hour component cannot be -15. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:time: the hour component cannot be +15. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:time: the minute component cannot be +60. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:time: the minute component cannot be -60. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:time: the minute field must always be present. emptydoc FORG0001 Simple xs:time involving time with no milli seconds. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-364.txt Ensure casting xs:time to xs:string, with timezone '-00:00' is properly handled. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-365.txt Ensure casting xs:time to xs:string, with timezone '+00:00' is properly handled. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4471 emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-366.txt Ensure when casting xs:time to xs:string that an empty milli seconds part is not serialized. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-367.txt Ensure when casting xs:time to xs:string that milli seconds have no trailing zeros. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-368.txt Ensure when casting xs:time to xs:string that milli seconds are properly padded with zeros. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-369.txt Ensure when casting xs:time to xs:string that milli seconds are properly padded with zeros. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-370.txt Ensure when casting xs:time to xs:string that a milli seconds part of '435' is handled properly. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-371.txt Ensure when casting xs:time to xs:string that a milli seconds part of '11' is handled properly. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-372.txt Ensure when casting xs:time to xs:string that a milli seconds part of '110' is handled properly. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-373.txt The canonical form of an xs:time containing 24:00:00 is 00:00:00. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-374.txt '+2004-08-01' is an invalid lexical representation, a preceding '+' sign is not allowed for xs:date. emptydoc FORG0001 '02004-08-01' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:date; if the year part has more than four digits, leading zeros are prohibited. emptydoc FORG0001 '00004-08-01' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:date; if the year part has more than four digits, leading zeros are prohibited. emptydoc FORG0001 '2004-32-01' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:date; the month part cannot be larger than 32. emptydoc FORG0001 '2002-02-30' is a non-existent xs:date date. emptydoc FORG0001 '2002-002-15' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:date. emptydoc FORG0001 '2002-02-150' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:date. emptydoc FORG0001 '--2002-02-15' is an invalid lexical representation for xs:date. emptydoc FORG0001 A valid xs:dateTime is an invalid xs:date. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:date: the hour component cannot be -15. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:date: the hour component cannot be +15. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:date: the minute component cannot be +60. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing timezone field in xs:date: the minute component cannot be -60. emptydoc FORG0001 Testing datezone field in xs:date: the minute field must always be present. emptydoc FORG0001 Simple test of casting a xs:date with UTC timezone to xs:gYear. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-389.txt Simple test of casting a xs:date with UTC offset to xs:gYear. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-390.txt Simple test of casting a xs:date with UTC timezone to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-391.txt Simple test of casting a xs:date with UTC offset to xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-392.txt Simple test of casting a xs:date with UTC timezone to xs:gMonth. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-393.txt Simple test of casting a xs:date with UTC offset to xs:gMonth. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-394.txt Simple test of casting a xs:date with UTC timezone to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-395.txt Simple test of casting a xs:date with UTC offset to xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-396.txt Simple test of casting a xs:date with UTC timezone to xs:gDay. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-397.txt Simple test of casting a xs:date with UTC offset to xs:gDay. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-398.txt Simple test of casting a xs:date with UTC timezone to xs:time. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-399.txt Simple test of casting a xs:date with UTC offset to xs:dateTime. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-400.txt Ensure casting xs:date to xs:string, with timezone '-00:00' is properly handled. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-401.txt Ensure casting xs:date to xs:string, with timezone '+00:00' is properly handled. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4471 emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-402.txt Ensure when casting xs:date to xs:string that an empty milli seconds part is not serialized. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-403.txt Ensure when casting xs:date to xs:string that milli seconds have no trailing zeros. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-404.txt Ensure when casting xs:date to xs:string that milli seconds are properly padded with zeros. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-405.txt Ensure when casting xs:date to xs:string that milli seconds are properly padded with zeros. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-406.txt Ensure when casting xs:date to xs:string that a milli seconds part of '435' is handled properly. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-407.txt Ensure when casting xs:date to xs:string that a milli seconds part of '11' is handled properly. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-408.txt Ensure when casting xs:date to xs:string that a milli seconds part of '110' is handled properly. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-409.txt The xs:untypedAtomic constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 The xs:untypedAtomic constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not two. emptydoc XPST0017 Verify with 'instance of' that the xs:untypedAtomic constructor function produces values of the correct type. The subsequence() function makes it more difficult for optimizers to take short cuts based on static type information. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-413.txt A simple test exercising the whitespace facet for type xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-414.txt An empty string is a valid lexical representation of xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-415.txt Cast a simple xs:untypedAtomic value to "an arbitrary string(untypedAtomic source)" . emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-416.txt Applying fn:boolean() to a value of type xs:untypedAtomic that has the lexical value ' "an arbitrary string(untypedAtomic source)" ' should result in the boolean value true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-417.txt Casting from xs:untypedAtomic to xs:untypedAtomic is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-418.txt 'castable as' involving xs:untypedAtomic as source type and xs:untypedAtomic as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-419.txt Casting from xs:untypedAtomic to xs:string is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-420.txt 'castable as' involving xs:untypedAtomic as source type and xs:string as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-421.txt Casting from xs:untypedAtomic to xs:QName isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:untypedAtomic as source type and xs:QName as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-423.txt 'castable as' involving xs:untypedAtomic as sourceType and xs:NOTATION should fail due to it involving xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0080 The xs:string constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 The xs:string constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not two. emptydoc XPST0017 Verify with 'instance of' that the xs:string constructor function produces values of the correct type. The subsequence() function makes it more difficult for optimizers to take short cuts based on static type information. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-427.txt A simple test exercising the whitespace facet for type xs:string. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-428.txt An empty string is a valid lexical representation of xs:string. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-429.txt Cast a simple xs:untypedAtomic value to "an arbitrary string" . emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-430.txt Applying fn:boolean() to a value of type xs:string that has the lexical value ' "an arbitrary string" ' should result in the boolean value true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-431.txt Casting from xs:string to xs:untypedAtomic is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-432.txt 'castable as' involving xs:string as source type and xs:untypedAtomic as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-433.txt Casting from xs:string to xs:string is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-434.txt 'castable as' involving xs:string as source type and xs:string as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-435.txt 'castable as' involving xs:string as sourceType and xs:NOTATION should fail due to it involving xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0080 The xs:float constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 The xs:float constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not two. emptydoc XPST0017 Verify with 'instance of' that the xs:float constructor function produces values of the correct type. The subsequence() function makes it more difficult for optimizers to take short cuts based on static type information. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-439.txt A simple test exercising the whitespace facet for type xs:float. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-440.txt An empty string is not a valid lexical representation of xs:float. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a simple xs:untypedAtomic value to "3.4e5" . emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-442.txt Applying fn:boolean() to a value of type xs:float that has the lexical value ' "3.4e5" ' should result in the boolean value true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-443.txt Casting from xs:float to xs:untypedAtomic is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-444.txt 'castable as' involving xs:float as source type and xs:untypedAtomic as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-445.txt Casting from xs:float to xs:string is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-446.txt 'castable as' involving xs:float as source type and xs:string as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-447.txt Casting from xs:float to xs:float is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-448.txt 'castable as' involving xs:float as source type and xs:float as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-449.txt Casting from xs:float to xs:double is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-450.txt 'castable as' involving xs:float as source type and xs:double as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-451.txt Casting from xs:float to xs:duration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:float as source type and xs:duration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-453.txt Casting from xs:float to xs:yearMonthDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:float as source type and xs:yearMonthDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-455.txt Casting from xs:float to xs:dayTimeDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:float as source type and xs:dayTimeDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-457.txt Casting from xs:float to xs:dateTime isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:float as source type and xs:dateTime as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-459.txt Casting from xs:float to xs:time isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:float as source type and xs:time as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-461.txt Casting from xs:float to xs:date isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:float as source type and xs:date as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-463.txt Casting from xs:float to xs:gYearMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:float as source type and xs:gYearMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-465.txt Casting from xs:float to xs:gYear isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:float as source type and xs:gYear as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-467.txt Casting from xs:float to xs:gMonthDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:float as source type and xs:gMonthDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-469.txt Casting from xs:float to xs:gDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:float as source type and xs:gDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-471.txt Casting from xs:float to xs:gMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:float as source type and xs:gMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-473.txt Casting from xs:float to xs:boolean is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-474.txt 'castable as' involving xs:float as source type and xs:boolean as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-475.txt Casting from xs:float to xs:base64Binary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:float as source type and xs:base64Binary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-477.txt Casting from xs:float to xs:hexBinary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:float as source type and xs:hexBinary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-479.txt Casting from xs:float to xs:anyURI isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:float as source type and xs:anyURI as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-481.txt Casting from xs:float to xs:QName isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:float as source type and xs:QName as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-483.txt 'castable as' involving xs:float as sourceType and xs:NOTATION should fail due to it involving xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0080 The xs:double constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 The xs:double constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not two. emptydoc XPST0017 Verify with 'instance of' that the xs:double constructor function produces values of the correct type. The subsequence() function makes it more difficult for optimizers to take short cuts based on static type information. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-487.txt A simple test exercising the whitespace facet for type xs:double. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-488.txt An empty string is not a valid lexical representation of xs:double. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a simple xs:untypedAtomic value to "3.3e3" . emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-490.txt Applying fn:boolean() to a value of type xs:double that has the lexical value ' "3.3e3" ' should result in the boolean value true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-491.txt Casting from xs:double to xs:untypedAtomic is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-492.txt 'castable as' involving xs:double as source type and xs:untypedAtomic as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-493.txt Casting from xs:double to xs:string is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-494.txt 'castable as' involving xs:double as source type and xs:string as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-495.txt Casting from xs:double to xs:float is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-496.txt 'castable as' involving xs:double as source type and xs:float as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-497.txt Casting from xs:double to xs:double is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-498.txt 'castable as' involving xs:double as source type and xs:double as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-499.txt Casting from xs:double to xs:duration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:double as source type and xs:duration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-501.txt Casting from xs:double to xs:yearMonthDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:double as source type and xs:yearMonthDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-503.txt Casting from xs:double to xs:dayTimeDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:double as source type and xs:dayTimeDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-505.txt Casting from xs:double to xs:dateTime isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:double as source type and xs:dateTime as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-507.txt Casting from xs:double to xs:time isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:double as source type and xs:time as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-509.txt Casting from xs:double to xs:date isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:double as source type and xs:date as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-511.txt Casting from xs:double to xs:gYearMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:double as source type and xs:gYearMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-513.txt Casting from xs:double to xs:gYear isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:double as source type and xs:gYear as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-515.txt Casting from xs:double to xs:gMonthDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:double as source type and xs:gMonthDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-517.txt Casting from xs:double to xs:gDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:double as source type and xs:gDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-519.txt Casting from xs:double to xs:gMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:double as source type and xs:gMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-521.txt Casting from xs:double to xs:boolean is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-522.txt 'castable as' involving xs:double as source type and xs:boolean as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-523.txt Casting from xs:double to xs:base64Binary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:double as source type and xs:base64Binary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-525.txt Casting from xs:double to xs:hexBinary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:double as source type and xs:hexBinary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-527.txt Casting from xs:double to xs:anyURI isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:double as source type and xs:anyURI as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-529.txt Casting from xs:double to xs:QName isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:double as source type and xs:QName as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-531.txt 'castable as' involving xs:double as sourceType and xs:NOTATION should fail due to it involving xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0080 The xs:decimal constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 The xs:decimal constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not two. emptydoc XPST0017 Verify with 'instance of' that the xs:decimal constructor function produces values of the correct type. The subsequence() function makes it more difficult for optimizers to take short cuts based on static type information. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-535.txt A simple test exercising the whitespace facet for type xs:decimal. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-536.txt An empty string is not a valid lexical representation of xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a simple xs:untypedAtomic value to "10.01" . emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-538.txt Applying fn:boolean() to a value of type xs:decimal that has the lexical value ' "10.01" ' should result in the boolean value true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-539.txt Casting from xs:decimal to xs:untypedAtomic is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-540.txt 'castable as' involving xs:decimal as source type and xs:untypedAtomic as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-541.txt Casting from xs:decimal to xs:string is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-542.txt 'castable as' involving xs:decimal as source type and xs:string as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-543.txt Casting from xs:decimal to xs:float is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-544.txt 'castable as' involving xs:decimal as source type and xs:float as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-545.txt Casting from xs:decimal to xs:double is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-546.txt 'castable as' involving xs:decimal as source type and xs:double as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-547.txt Casting from xs:decimal to xs:decimal is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-548.txt 'castable as' involving xs:decimal as source type and xs:decimal as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-549.txt Casting from xs:decimal to xs:integer is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-550.txt 'castable as' involving xs:decimal as source type and xs:integer as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-551.txt Casting from xs:decimal to xs:duration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:decimal as source type and xs:duration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-553.txt Casting from xs:decimal to xs:yearMonthDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:decimal as source type and xs:yearMonthDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-555.txt Casting from xs:decimal to xs:dayTimeDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:decimal as source type and xs:dayTimeDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-557.txt Casting from xs:decimal to xs:dateTime isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:decimal as source type and xs:dateTime as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-559.txt Casting from xs:decimal to xs:time isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:decimal as source type and xs:time as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-561.txt Casting from xs:decimal to xs:date isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:decimal as source type and xs:date as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-563.txt Casting from xs:decimal to xs:gYearMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:decimal as source type and xs:gYearMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-565.txt Casting from xs:decimal to xs:gYear isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:decimal as source type and xs:gYear as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-567.txt Casting from xs:decimal to xs:gMonthDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:decimal as source type and xs:gMonthDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-569.txt Casting from xs:decimal to xs:gDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:decimal as source type and xs:gDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-571.txt Casting from xs:decimal to xs:gMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:decimal as source type and xs:gMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-573.txt Casting from xs:decimal to xs:boolean is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-574.txt 'castable as' involving xs:decimal as source type and xs:boolean as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-575.txt Casting from xs:decimal to xs:base64Binary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:decimal as source type and xs:base64Binary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-577.txt Casting from xs:decimal to xs:hexBinary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:decimal as source type and xs:hexBinary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-579.txt Casting from xs:decimal to xs:anyURI isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:decimal as source type and xs:anyURI as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-581.txt Casting from xs:decimal to xs:QName isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:decimal as source type and xs:QName as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-583.txt 'castable as' involving xs:decimal as sourceType and xs:NOTATION should fail due to it involving xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0080 The xs:integer constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 The xs:integer constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not two. emptydoc XPST0017 Verify with 'instance of' that the xs:integer constructor function produces values of the correct type. The subsequence() function makes it more difficult for optimizers to take short cuts based on static type information. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-587.txt A simple test exercising the whitespace facet for type xs:integer. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-588.txt An empty string is not a valid lexical representation of xs:integer. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a simple xs:untypedAtomic value to "6789" . emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-590.txt Applying fn:boolean() to a value of type xs:integer that has the lexical value ' "6789" ' should result in the boolean value true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-591.txt Casting from xs:integer to xs:untypedAtomic is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-592.txt 'castable as' involving xs:integer as source type and xs:untypedAtomic as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-593.txt Casting from xs:integer to xs:string is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-594.txt 'castable as' involving xs:integer as source type and xs:string as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-595.txt Casting from xs:integer to xs:float is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-596.txt 'castable as' involving xs:integer as source type and xs:float as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-597.txt Casting from xs:integer to xs:double is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-598.txt 'castable as' involving xs:integer as source type and xs:double as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-599.txt Casting from xs:integer to xs:decimal is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-600.txt 'castable as' involving xs:integer as source type and xs:decimal as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-601.txt Casting from xs:integer to xs:integer is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-602.txt 'castable as' involving xs:integer as source type and xs:integer as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-603.txt Casting from xs:integer to xs:duration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:integer as source type and xs:duration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-605.txt Casting from xs:integer to xs:yearMonthDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:integer as source type and xs:yearMonthDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-607.txt Casting from xs:integer to xs:dayTimeDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:integer as source type and xs:dayTimeDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-609.txt Casting from xs:integer to xs:dateTime isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:integer as source type and xs:dateTime as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-611.txt Casting from xs:integer to xs:time isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:integer as source type and xs:time as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-613.txt Casting from xs:integer to xs:date isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:integer as source type and xs:date as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-615.txt Casting from xs:integer to xs:gYearMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:integer as source type and xs:gYearMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-617.txt Casting from xs:integer to xs:gYear isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:integer as source type and xs:gYear as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-619.txt Casting from xs:integer to xs:gMonthDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:integer as source type and xs:gMonthDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-621.txt Casting from xs:integer to xs:gDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:integer as source type and xs:gDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-623.txt Casting from xs:integer to xs:gMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:integer as source type and xs:gMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-625.txt Casting from xs:integer to xs:boolean is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-626.txt 'castable as' involving xs:integer as source type and xs:boolean as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-627.txt Casting from xs:integer to xs:base64Binary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:integer as source type and xs:base64Binary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-629.txt Casting from xs:integer to xs:hexBinary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:integer as source type and xs:hexBinary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-631.txt Casting from xs:integer to xs:anyURI isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:integer as source type and xs:anyURI as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-633.txt Casting from xs:integer to xs:QName isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:integer as source type and xs:QName as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-635.txt 'castable as' involving xs:integer as sourceType and xs:NOTATION should fail due to it involving xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0080 The xs:duration constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 The xs:duration constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not two. emptydoc XPST0017 Verify with 'instance of' that the xs:duration constructor function produces values of the correct type. The subsequence() function makes it more difficult for optimizers to take short cuts based on static type information. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-639.txt A simple test exercising the whitespace facet for type xs:duration. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-640.txt An empty string is not a valid lexical representation of xs:duration. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a simple xs:untypedAtomic value to "P1Y2M3DT10H30M" . emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-642.txt It is not possible to extract an Effective Boolean Value from the type xs:duration, with the boolean() function. emptydoc FORG0006 Casting from xs:duration to xs:untypedAtomic is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-644.txt 'castable as' involving xs:duration as source type and xs:untypedAtomic as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-645.txt Casting from xs:duration to xs:string is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-646.txt 'castable as' involving xs:duration as source type and xs:string as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-647.txt Casting from xs:duration to xs:float isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:duration as source type and xs:float as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-649.txt Casting from xs:duration to xs:double isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:duration as source type and xs:double as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-651.txt Casting from xs:duration to xs:decimal isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:duration as source type and xs:decimal as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-653.txt Casting from xs:duration to xs:integer isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:duration as source type and xs:integer as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-655.txt Casting from xs:duration to xs:duration is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-656.txt 'castable as' involving xs:duration as source type and xs:duration as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-657.txt Casting from xs:duration to xs:yearMonthDuration is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-658.txt 'castable as' involving xs:duration as source type and xs:yearMonthDuration as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-659.txt Casting from xs:duration to xs:dayTimeDuration is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-660.txt 'castable as' involving xs:duration as source type and xs:dayTimeDuration as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-661.txt Casting from xs:duration to xs:dateTime isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:duration as source type and xs:dateTime as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-663.txt Casting from xs:duration to xs:time isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:duration as source type and xs:time as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-665.txt Casting from xs:duration to xs:date isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:duration as source type and xs:date as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-667.txt Casting from xs:duration to xs:gYearMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:duration as source type and xs:gYearMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-669.txt Casting from xs:duration to xs:gYear isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:duration as source type and xs:gYear as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-671.txt Casting from xs:duration to xs:gMonthDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:duration as source type and xs:gMonthDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-673.txt Casting from xs:duration to xs:gDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:duration as source type and xs:gDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-675.txt Casting from xs:duration to xs:gMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:duration as source type and xs:gMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-677.txt Casting from xs:duration to xs:boolean isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:duration as source type and xs:boolean as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-679.txt Casting from xs:duration to xs:base64Binary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:duration as source type and xs:base64Binary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-681.txt Casting from xs:duration to xs:hexBinary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:duration as source type and xs:hexBinary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-683.txt Casting from xs:duration to xs:anyURI isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:duration as source type and xs:anyURI as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-685.txt Casting from xs:duration to xs:QName isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:duration as source type and xs:QName as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-687.txt 'castable as' involving xs:duration as sourceType and xs:NOTATION should fail due to it involving xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0080 The xs:yearMonthDuration constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 The xs:yearMonthDuration constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not two. emptydoc XPST0017 Verify with 'instance of' that the xs:yearMonthDuration constructor function produces values of the correct type. The subsequence() function makes it more difficult for optimizers to take short cuts based on static type information. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-691.txt A simple test exercising the whitespace facet for type xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-692.txt An empty string is not a valid lexical representation of xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a simple xs:untypedAtomic value to "P1Y12M" . emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-694.txt It is not possible to extract an Effective Boolean Value from the type xs:yearMonthDuration, with the boolean() function. emptydoc FORG0006 Casting from xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:untypedAtomic is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-696.txt 'castable as' involving xs:yearMonthDuration as source type and xs:untypedAtomic as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-697.txt Casting from xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:string is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-698.txt 'castable as' involving xs:yearMonthDuration as source type and xs:string as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-699.txt Casting from xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:float isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:yearMonthDuration as source type and xs:float as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-701.txt Casting from xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:double isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:yearMonthDuration as source type and xs:double as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-703.txt Casting from xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:decimal isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:yearMonthDuration as source type and xs:decimal as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-705.txt Casting from xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:integer isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:yearMonthDuration as source type and xs:integer as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-707.txt Casting from xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:duration is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-708.txt 'castable as' involving xs:yearMonthDuration as source type and xs:duration as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-709.txt Casting from xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:yearMonthDuration is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-710.txt 'castable as' involving xs:yearMonthDuration as source type and xs:yearMonthDuration as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-711.txt Casting from xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:dayTimeDuration is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-712.txt 'castable as' involving xs:yearMonthDuration as source type and xs:dayTimeDuration as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-713.txt Casting from xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:dateTime isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:yearMonthDuration as source type and xs:dateTime as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-715.txt Casting from xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:time isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:yearMonthDuration as source type and xs:time as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-717.txt Casting from xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:date isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:yearMonthDuration as source type and xs:date as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-719.txt Casting from xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:gYearMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:yearMonthDuration as source type and xs:gYearMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-721.txt Casting from xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:gYear isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:yearMonthDuration as source type and xs:gYear as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-723.txt Casting from xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:gMonthDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:yearMonthDuration as source type and xs:gMonthDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-725.txt Casting from xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:gDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:yearMonthDuration as source type and xs:gDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-727.txt Casting from xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:gMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:yearMonthDuration as source type and xs:gMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-729.txt Casting from xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:boolean isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:yearMonthDuration as source type and xs:boolean as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-731.txt Casting from xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:base64Binary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:yearMonthDuration as source type and xs:base64Binary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-733.txt Casting from xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:hexBinary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:yearMonthDuration as source type and xs:hexBinary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-735.txt Casting from xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:anyURI isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:yearMonthDuration as source type and xs:anyURI as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-737.txt Casting from xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:QName isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:yearMonthDuration as source type and xs:QName as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-739.txt 'castable as' involving xs:yearMonthDuration as sourceType and xs:NOTATION should fail due to it involving xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0080 The xs:dayTimeDuration constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 The xs:dayTimeDuration constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not two. emptydoc XPST0017 Verify with 'instance of' that the xs:dayTimeDuration constructor function produces values of the correct type. The subsequence() function makes it more difficult for optimizers to take short cuts based on static type information. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-743.txt A simple test exercising the whitespace facet for type xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-744.txt An empty string is not a valid lexical representation of xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a simple xs:untypedAtomic value to "P3DT2H" . emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-746.txt It is not possible to extract an Effective Boolean Value from the type xs:dayTimeDuration, with the boolean() function. emptydoc FORG0006 Casting from xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:untypedAtomic is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-748.txt 'castable as' involving xs:dayTimeDuration as source type and xs:untypedAtomic as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-749.txt Casting from xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:string is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-750.txt 'castable as' involving xs:dayTimeDuration as source type and xs:string as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-751.txt Casting from xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:float isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dayTimeDuration as source type and xs:float as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-753.txt Casting from xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:double isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dayTimeDuration as source type and xs:double as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-755.txt Casting from xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:decimal isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dayTimeDuration as source type and xs:decimal as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-757.txt Casting from xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:integer isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dayTimeDuration as source type and xs:integer as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-759.txt Casting from xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:duration is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-760.txt 'castable as' involving xs:dayTimeDuration as source type and xs:duration as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-761.txt Casting from xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:yearMonthDuration is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-762.txt 'castable as' involving xs:dayTimeDuration as source type and xs:yearMonthDuration as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-763.txt Casting from xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:dayTimeDuration is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-764.txt 'castable as' involving xs:dayTimeDuration as source type and xs:dayTimeDuration as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-765.txt Casting from xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:dateTime isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dayTimeDuration as source type and xs:dateTime as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-767.txt Casting from xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:time isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dayTimeDuration as source type and xs:time as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-769.txt Casting from xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:date isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dayTimeDuration as source type and xs:date as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-771.txt Casting from xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:gYearMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dayTimeDuration as source type and xs:gYearMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-773.txt Casting from xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:gYear isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dayTimeDuration as source type and xs:gYear as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-775.txt Casting from xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:gMonthDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dayTimeDuration as source type and xs:gMonthDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-777.txt Casting from xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:gDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dayTimeDuration as source type and xs:gDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-779.txt Casting from xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:gMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dayTimeDuration as source type and xs:gMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-781.txt Casting from xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:boolean isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dayTimeDuration as source type and xs:boolean as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-783.txt Casting from xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:base64Binary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dayTimeDuration as source type and xs:base64Binary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-785.txt Casting from xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:hexBinary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dayTimeDuration as source type and xs:hexBinary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-787.txt Casting from xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:anyURI isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dayTimeDuration as source type and xs:anyURI as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-789.txt Casting from xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:QName isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dayTimeDuration as source type and xs:QName as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-791.txt 'castable as' involving xs:dayTimeDuration as sourceType and xs:NOTATION should fail due to it involving xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0080 The xs:dateTime constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 The xs:dateTime constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not two. emptydoc XPST0017 Verify with 'instance of' that the xs:dateTime constructor function produces values of the correct type. The subsequence() function makes it more difficult for optimizers to take short cuts based on static type information. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-795.txt A simple test exercising the whitespace facet for type xs:dateTime. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-796.txt An empty string is not a valid lexical representation of xs:dateTime. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a simple xs:untypedAtomic value to "2002-10-10T12:00:00-05:00" . emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-798.txt It is not possible to extract an Effective Boolean Value from the type xs:dateTime, with the boolean() function. emptydoc FORG0006 Casting from xs:dateTime to xs:untypedAtomic is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-800.txt 'castable as' involving xs:dateTime as source type and xs:untypedAtomic as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-801.txt Casting from xs:dateTime to xs:string is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-802.txt 'castable as' involving xs:dateTime as source type and xs:string as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-803.txt Casting from xs:dateTime to xs:float isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dateTime as source type and xs:float as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-805.txt Casting from xs:dateTime to xs:double isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dateTime as source type and xs:double as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-807.txt Casting from xs:dateTime to xs:decimal isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dateTime as source type and xs:decimal as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-809.txt Casting from xs:dateTime to xs:integer isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dateTime as source type and xs:integer as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-811.txt Casting from xs:dateTime to xs:duration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dateTime as source type and xs:duration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-813.txt Casting from xs:dateTime to xs:yearMonthDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dateTime as source type and xs:yearMonthDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-815.txt Casting from xs:dateTime to xs:dayTimeDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dateTime as source type and xs:dayTimeDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-817.txt Casting from xs:dateTime to xs:dateTime is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-818.txt 'castable as' involving xs:dateTime as source type and xs:dateTime as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-819.txt Casting from xs:dateTime to xs:time is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-820.txt 'castable as' involving xs:dateTime as source type and xs:time as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-821.txt Casting from xs:dateTime to xs:date is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-822.txt 'castable as' involving xs:dateTime as source type and xs:date as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-823.txt Casting from xs:dateTime to xs:gYearMonth is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-824.txt 'castable as' involving xs:dateTime as source type and xs:gYearMonth as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-825.txt Casting from xs:dateTime to xs:gYear is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-826.txt 'castable as' involving xs:dateTime as source type and xs:gYear as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-827.txt Casting from xs:dateTime to xs:gMonthDay is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-828.txt 'castable as' involving xs:dateTime as source type and xs:gMonthDay as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-829.txt Casting from xs:dateTime to xs:gDay is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-830.txt 'castable as' involving xs:dateTime as source type and xs:gDay as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-831.txt Casting from xs:dateTime to xs:gMonth is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-832.txt 'castable as' involving xs:dateTime as source type and xs:gMonth as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-833.txt Casting from xs:dateTime to xs:boolean isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dateTime as source type and xs:boolean as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-835.txt Casting from xs:dateTime to xs:base64Binary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dateTime as source type and xs:base64Binary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-837.txt Casting from xs:dateTime to xs:hexBinary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dateTime as source type and xs:hexBinary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-839.txt Casting from xs:dateTime to xs:anyURI isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dateTime as source type and xs:anyURI as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-841.txt Casting from xs:dateTime to xs:QName isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:dateTime as source type and xs:QName as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-843.txt 'castable as' involving xs:dateTime as sourceType and xs:NOTATION should fail due to it involving xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0080 The xs:time constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 The xs:time constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not two. emptydoc XPST0017 Verify with 'instance of' that the xs:time constructor function produces values of the correct type. The subsequence() function makes it more difficult for optimizers to take short cuts based on static type information. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-847.txt A simple test exercising the whitespace facet for type xs:time. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-848.txt An empty string is not a valid lexical representation of xs:time. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a simple xs:untypedAtomic value to "03:20:00-05:00" . emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-850.txt It is not possible to extract an Effective Boolean Value from the type xs:time, with the boolean() function. emptydoc FORG0006 Casting from xs:time to xs:untypedAtomic is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-852.txt 'castable as' involving xs:time as source type and xs:untypedAtomic as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-853.txt Casting from xs:time to xs:string is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-854.txt 'castable as' involving xs:time as source type and xs:string as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-855.txt Casting from xs:time to xs:float isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:time as source type and xs:float as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-857.txt Casting from xs:time to xs:double isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:time as source type and xs:double as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-859.txt Casting from xs:time to xs:decimal isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:time as source type and xs:decimal as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-861.txt Casting from xs:time to xs:integer isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:time as source type and xs:integer as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-863.txt Casting from xs:time to xs:duration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:time as source type and xs:duration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-865.txt Casting from xs:time to xs:yearMonthDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:time as source type and xs:yearMonthDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-867.txt Casting from xs:time to xs:dayTimeDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:time as source type and xs:dayTimeDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-869.txt Casting from xs:time to xs:dateTime isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:time as source type and xs:dateTime as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-871.txt Casting from xs:time to xs:time is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-872.txt 'castable as' involving xs:time as source type and xs:time as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-873.txt Casting from xs:time to xs:date isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:time as source type and xs:date as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-875.txt Casting from xs:time to xs:gYearMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:time as source type and xs:gYearMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-877.txt Casting from xs:time to xs:gYear isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:time as source type and xs:gYear as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-879.txt Casting from xs:time to xs:gMonthDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:time as source type and xs:gMonthDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-881.txt Casting from xs:time to xs:gDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:time as source type and xs:gDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-883.txt Casting from xs:time to xs:gMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:time as source type and xs:gMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-885.txt Casting from xs:time to xs:boolean isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:time as source type and xs:boolean as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-887.txt Casting from xs:time to xs:base64Binary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:time as source type and xs:base64Binary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-889.txt Casting from xs:time to xs:hexBinary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:time as source type and xs:hexBinary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-891.txt Casting from xs:time to xs:anyURI isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:time as source type and xs:anyURI as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-893.txt Casting from xs:time to xs:QName isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:time as source type and xs:QName as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-895.txt 'castable as' involving xs:time as sourceType and xs:NOTATION should fail due to it involving xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0080 The xs:date constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 The xs:date constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not two. emptydoc XPST0017 Verify with 'instance of' that the xs:date constructor function produces values of the correct type. The subsequence() function makes it more difficult for optimizers to take short cuts based on static type information. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-899.txt A simple test exercising the whitespace facet for type xs:date. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-900.txt An empty string is not a valid lexical representation of xs:date. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a simple xs:untypedAtomic value to "2004-10-13" . emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-902.txt It is not possible to extract an Effective Boolean Value from the type xs:date, with the boolean() function. emptydoc FORG0006 Casting from xs:date to xs:untypedAtomic is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-904.txt 'castable as' involving xs:date as source type and xs:untypedAtomic as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-905.txt Casting from xs:date to xs:string is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-906.txt 'castable as' involving xs:date as source type and xs:string as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-907.txt Casting from xs:date to xs:float isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:date as source type and xs:float as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-909.txt Casting from xs:date to xs:double isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:date as source type and xs:double as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-911.txt Casting from xs:date to xs:decimal isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:date as source type and xs:decimal as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-913.txt Casting from xs:date to xs:integer isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:date as source type and xs:integer as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-915.txt Casting from xs:date to xs:duration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:date as source type and xs:duration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-917.txt Casting from xs:date to xs:yearMonthDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:date as source type and xs:yearMonthDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-919.txt Casting from xs:date to xs:dayTimeDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:date as source type and xs:dayTimeDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-921.txt Casting from xs:date to xs:dateTime is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-922.txt 'castable as' involving xs:date as source type and xs:dateTime as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-923.txt Casting from xs:date to xs:time isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:date as source type and xs:time as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-925.txt Casting from xs:date to xs:date is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-926.txt 'castable as' involving xs:date as source type and xs:date as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-927.txt Casting from xs:date to xs:gYearMonth is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-928.txt 'castable as' involving xs:date as source type and xs:gYearMonth as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-929.txt Casting from xs:date to xs:gYear is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-930.txt 'castable as' involving xs:date as source type and xs:gYear as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-931.txt Casting from xs:date to xs:gMonthDay is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-932.txt 'castable as' involving xs:date as source type and xs:gMonthDay as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-933.txt Casting from xs:date to xs:gDay is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-934.txt 'castable as' involving xs:date as source type and xs:gDay as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-935.txt Casting from xs:date to xs:gMonth is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-936.txt 'castable as' involving xs:date as source type and xs:gMonth as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-937.txt Casting from xs:date to xs:boolean isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:date as source type and xs:boolean as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-939.txt Casting from xs:date to xs:base64Binary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:date as source type and xs:base64Binary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-941.txt Casting from xs:date to xs:hexBinary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:date as source type and xs:hexBinary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-943.txt Casting from xs:date to xs:anyURI isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:date as source type and xs:anyURI as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-945.txt Casting from xs:date to xs:QName isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:date as source type and xs:QName as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-947.txt 'castable as' involving xs:date as sourceType and xs:NOTATION should fail due to it involving xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0080 The xs:gYearMonth constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 The xs:gYearMonth constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not two. emptydoc XPST0017 Verify with 'instance of' that the xs:gYearMonth constructor function produces values of the correct type. The subsequence() function makes it more difficult for optimizers to take short cuts based on static type information. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-951.txt A simple test exercising the whitespace facet for type xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-952.txt An empty string is not a valid lexical representation of xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a simple xs:untypedAtomic value to "1999-11" . emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-954.txt It is not possible to extract an Effective Boolean Value from the type xs:gYearMonth, with the boolean() function. emptydoc FORG0006 Casting from xs:gYearMonth to xs:untypedAtomic is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-956.txt 'castable as' involving xs:gYearMonth as source type and xs:untypedAtomic as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-957.txt Casting from xs:gYearMonth to xs:string is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-958.txt 'castable as' involving xs:gYearMonth as source type and xs:string as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-959.txt Casting from xs:gYearMonth to xs:float isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYearMonth as source type and xs:float as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-961.txt Casting from xs:gYearMonth to xs:double isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYearMonth as source type and xs:double as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-963.txt Casting from xs:gYearMonth to xs:decimal isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYearMonth as source type and xs:decimal as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-965.txt Casting from xs:gYearMonth to xs:integer isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYearMonth as source type and xs:integer as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-967.txt Casting from xs:gYearMonth to xs:duration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYearMonth as source type and xs:duration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-969.txt Casting from xs:gYearMonth to xs:yearMonthDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYearMonth as source type and xs:yearMonthDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-971.txt Casting from xs:gYearMonth to xs:dayTimeDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYearMonth as source type and xs:dayTimeDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-973.txt Casting from xs:gYearMonth to xs:dateTime isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYearMonth as source type and xs:dateTime as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-975.txt Casting from xs:gYearMonth to xs:time isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYearMonth as source type and xs:time as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-977.txt Casting from xs:gYearMonth to xs:date isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYearMonth as source type and xs:date as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-979.txt Casting from xs:gYearMonth to xs:gYearMonth is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-980.txt 'castable as' involving xs:gYearMonth as source type and xs:gYearMonth as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-981.txt Casting from xs:gYearMonth to xs:gYear isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYearMonth as source type and xs:gYear as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-983.txt Casting from xs:gYearMonth to xs:gMonthDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYearMonth as source type and xs:gMonthDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-985.txt Casting from xs:gYearMonth to xs:gDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYearMonth as source type and xs:gDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-987.txt Casting from xs:gYearMonth to xs:gMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYearMonth as source type and xs:gMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-989.txt Casting from xs:gYearMonth to xs:boolean isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYearMonth as source type and xs:boolean as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-991.txt Casting from xs:gYearMonth to xs:base64Binary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYearMonth as source type and xs:base64Binary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-993.txt Casting from xs:gYearMonth to xs:hexBinary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYearMonth as source type and xs:hexBinary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-995.txt Casting from xs:gYearMonth to xs:anyURI isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYearMonth as source type and xs:anyURI as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-997.txt Casting from xs:gYearMonth to xs:QName isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYearMonth as source type and xs:QName as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-999.txt 'castable as' involving xs:gYearMonth as sourceType and xs:NOTATION should fail due to it involving xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0080 The xs:gYear constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 The xs:gYear constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not two. emptydoc XPST0017 Verify with 'instance of' that the xs:gYear constructor function produces values of the correct type. The subsequence() function makes it more difficult for optimizers to take short cuts based on static type information. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1003.txt A simple test exercising the whitespace facet for type xs:gYear. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1004.txt An empty string is not a valid lexical representation of xs:gYear. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a simple xs:untypedAtomic value to "1999" . emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1006.txt It is not possible to extract an Effective Boolean Value from the type xs:gYear, with the boolean() function. emptydoc FORG0006 Casting from xs:gYear to xs:untypedAtomic is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1008.txt 'castable as' involving xs:gYear as source type and xs:untypedAtomic as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1009.txt Casting from xs:gYear to xs:string is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1010.txt 'castable as' involving xs:gYear as source type and xs:string as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1011.txt Casting from xs:gYear to xs:float isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYear as source type and xs:float as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1013.txt Casting from xs:gYear to xs:double isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYear as source type and xs:double as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1015.txt Casting from xs:gYear to xs:decimal isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYear as source type and xs:decimal as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1017.txt Casting from xs:gYear to xs:integer isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYear as source type and xs:integer as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1019.txt Casting from xs:gYear to xs:duration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYear as source type and xs:duration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1021.txt Casting from xs:gYear to xs:yearMonthDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYear as source type and xs:yearMonthDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1023.txt Casting from xs:gYear to xs:dayTimeDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYear as source type and xs:dayTimeDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1025.txt Casting from xs:gYear to xs:dateTime isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYear as source type and xs:dateTime as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1027.txt Casting from xs:gYear to xs:time isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYear as source type and xs:time as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1029.txt Casting from xs:gYear to xs:date isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYear as source type and xs:date as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1031.txt Casting from xs:gYear to xs:gYearMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYear as source type and xs:gYearMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1033.txt Casting from xs:gYear to xs:gYear is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1034.txt 'castable as' involving xs:gYear as source type and xs:gYear as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1035.txt Casting from xs:gYear to xs:gMonthDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYear as source type and xs:gMonthDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1037.txt Casting from xs:gYear to xs:gDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYear as source type and xs:gDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1039.txt Casting from xs:gYear to xs:gMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYear as source type and xs:gMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1041.txt Casting from xs:gYear to xs:boolean isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYear as source type and xs:boolean as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1043.txt Casting from xs:gYear to xs:base64Binary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYear as source type and xs:base64Binary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1045.txt Casting from xs:gYear to xs:hexBinary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYear as source type and xs:hexBinary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1047.txt Casting from xs:gYear to xs:anyURI isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYear as source type and xs:anyURI as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1049.txt Casting from xs:gYear to xs:QName isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gYear as source type and xs:QName as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1051.txt 'castable as' involving xs:gYear as sourceType and xs:NOTATION should fail due to it involving xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0080 The xs:gMonthDay constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 The xs:gMonthDay constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not two. emptydoc XPST0017 Verify with 'instance of' that the xs:gMonthDay constructor function produces values of the correct type. The subsequence() function makes it more difficult for optimizers to take short cuts based on static type information. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1055.txt A simple test exercising the whitespace facet for type xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1056.txt An empty string is not a valid lexical representation of xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a simple xs:untypedAtomic value to "--11-13" . emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1058.txt It is not possible to extract an Effective Boolean Value from the type xs:gMonthDay, with the boolean() function. emptydoc FORG0006 Casting from xs:gMonthDay to xs:untypedAtomic is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1060.txt 'castable as' involving xs:gMonthDay as source type and xs:untypedAtomic as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1061.txt Casting from xs:gMonthDay to xs:string is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1062.txt 'castable as' involving xs:gMonthDay as source type and xs:string as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1063.txt Casting from xs:gMonthDay to xs:float isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonthDay as source type and xs:float as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1065.txt Casting from xs:gMonthDay to xs:double isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonthDay as source type and xs:double as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1067.txt Casting from xs:gMonthDay to xs:decimal isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonthDay as source type and xs:decimal as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1069.txt Casting from xs:gMonthDay to xs:integer isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonthDay as source type and xs:integer as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1071.txt Casting from xs:gMonthDay to xs:duration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonthDay as source type and xs:duration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1073.txt Casting from xs:gMonthDay to xs:yearMonthDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonthDay as source type and xs:yearMonthDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1075.txt Casting from xs:gMonthDay to xs:dayTimeDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonthDay as source type and xs:dayTimeDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1077.txt Casting from xs:gMonthDay to xs:dateTime isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonthDay as source type and xs:dateTime as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1079.txt Casting from xs:gMonthDay to xs:time isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonthDay as source type and xs:time as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1081.txt Casting from xs:gMonthDay to xs:date isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonthDay as source type and xs:date as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1083.txt Casting from xs:gMonthDay to xs:gYearMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonthDay as source type and xs:gYearMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1085.txt Casting from xs:gMonthDay to xs:gYear isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonthDay as source type and xs:gYear as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1087.txt Casting from xs:gMonthDay to xs:gMonthDay is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1088.txt 'castable as' involving xs:gMonthDay as source type and xs:gMonthDay as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1089.txt Casting from xs:gMonthDay to xs:gDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonthDay as source type and xs:gDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1091.txt Casting from xs:gMonthDay to xs:gMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonthDay as source type and xs:gMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1093.txt Casting from xs:gMonthDay to xs:boolean isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonthDay as source type and xs:boolean as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1095.txt Casting from xs:gMonthDay to xs:base64Binary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonthDay as source type and xs:base64Binary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1097.txt Casting from xs:gMonthDay to xs:hexBinary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonthDay as source type and xs:hexBinary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1099.txt Casting from xs:gMonthDay to xs:anyURI isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonthDay as source type and xs:anyURI as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1101.txt Casting from xs:gMonthDay to xs:QName isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonthDay as source type and xs:QName as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1103.txt 'castable as' involving xs:gMonthDay as sourceType and xs:NOTATION should fail due to it involving xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0080 The xs:gDay constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 The xs:gDay constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not two. emptydoc XPST0017 Verify with 'instance of' that the xs:gDay constructor function produces values of the correct type. The subsequence() function makes it more difficult for optimizers to take short cuts based on static type information. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1107.txt A simple test exercising the whitespace facet for type xs:gDay. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1108.txt An empty string is not a valid lexical representation of xs:gDay. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a simple xs:untypedAtomic value to "---03" . emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1110.txt It is not possible to extract an Effective Boolean Value from the type xs:gDay, with the boolean() function. emptydoc FORG0006 Casting from xs:gDay to xs:untypedAtomic is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1112.txt 'castable as' involving xs:gDay as source type and xs:untypedAtomic as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1113.txt Casting from xs:gDay to xs:string is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1114.txt 'castable as' involving xs:gDay as source type and xs:string as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1115.txt Casting from xs:gDay to xs:float isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gDay as source type and xs:float as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1117.txt Casting from xs:gDay to xs:double isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gDay as source type and xs:double as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1119.txt Casting from xs:gDay to xs:decimal isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gDay as source type and xs:decimal as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1121.txt Casting from xs:gDay to xs:integer isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gDay as source type and xs:integer as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1123.txt Casting from xs:gDay to xs:duration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gDay as source type and xs:duration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1125.txt Casting from xs:gDay to xs:yearMonthDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gDay as source type and xs:yearMonthDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1127.txt Casting from xs:gDay to xs:dayTimeDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gDay as source type and xs:dayTimeDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1129.txt Casting from xs:gDay to xs:dateTime isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gDay as source type and xs:dateTime as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1131.txt Casting from xs:gDay to xs:time isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gDay as source type and xs:time as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1133.txt Casting from xs:gDay to xs:date isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gDay as source type and xs:date as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1135.txt Casting from xs:gDay to xs:gYearMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gDay as source type and xs:gYearMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1137.txt Casting from xs:gDay to xs:gYear isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gDay as source type and xs:gYear as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1139.txt Casting from xs:gDay to xs:gMonthDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gDay as source type and xs:gMonthDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1141.txt Casting from xs:gDay to xs:gDay is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1142.txt 'castable as' involving xs:gDay as source type and xs:gDay as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1143.txt Casting from xs:gDay to xs:gMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gDay as source type and xs:gMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1145.txt Casting from xs:gDay to xs:boolean isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gDay as source type and xs:boolean as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1147.txt Casting from xs:gDay to xs:base64Binary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gDay as source type and xs:base64Binary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1149.txt Casting from xs:gDay to xs:hexBinary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gDay as source type and xs:hexBinary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1151.txt Casting from xs:gDay to xs:anyURI isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gDay as source type and xs:anyURI as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1153.txt Casting from xs:gDay to xs:QName isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gDay as source type and xs:QName as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1155.txt 'castable as' involving xs:gDay as sourceType and xs:NOTATION should fail due to it involving xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0080 The xs:gMonth constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 The xs:gMonth constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not two. emptydoc XPST0017 Verify with 'instance of' that the xs:gMonth constructor function produces values of the correct type. The subsequence() function makes it more difficult for optimizers to take short cuts based on static type information. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1159.txt A simple test exercising the whitespace facet for type xs:gMonth. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1160.txt An empty string is not a valid lexical representation of xs:gMonth. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a simple xs:untypedAtomic value to "--11" . emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1162.txt It is not possible to extract an Effective Boolean Value from the type xs:gMonth, with the boolean() function. emptydoc FORG0006 Casting from xs:gMonth to xs:untypedAtomic is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1164.txt 'castable as' involving xs:gMonth as source type and xs:untypedAtomic as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1165.txt Casting from xs:gMonth to xs:string is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1166.txt 'castable as' involving xs:gMonth as source type and xs:string as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1167.txt Casting from xs:gMonth to xs:float isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonth as source type and xs:float as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1169.txt Casting from xs:gMonth to xs:double isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonth as source type and xs:double as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1171.txt Casting from xs:gMonth to xs:decimal isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonth as source type and xs:decimal as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1173.txt Casting from xs:gMonth to xs:integer isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonth as source type and xs:integer as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1175.txt Casting from xs:gMonth to xs:duration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonth as source type and xs:duration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1177.txt Casting from xs:gMonth to xs:yearMonthDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonth as source type and xs:yearMonthDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1179.txt Casting from xs:gMonth to xs:dayTimeDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonth as source type and xs:dayTimeDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1181.txt Casting from xs:gMonth to xs:dateTime isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonth as source type and xs:dateTime as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1183.txt Casting from xs:gMonth to xs:time isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonth as source type and xs:time as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1185.txt Casting from xs:gMonth to xs:date isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonth as source type and xs:date as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1187.txt Casting from xs:gMonth to xs:gYearMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonth as source type and xs:gYearMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1189.txt Casting from xs:gMonth to xs:gYear isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonth as source type and xs:gYear as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1191.txt Casting from xs:gMonth to xs:gMonthDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonth as source type and xs:gMonthDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1193.txt Casting from xs:gMonth to xs:gDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonth as source type and xs:gDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1195.txt Casting from xs:gMonth to xs:gMonth is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1196.txt 'castable as' involving xs:gMonth as source type and xs:gMonth as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1197.txt Casting from xs:gMonth to xs:boolean isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonth as source type and xs:boolean as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1199.txt Casting from xs:gMonth to xs:base64Binary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonth as source type and xs:base64Binary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1201.txt Casting from xs:gMonth to xs:hexBinary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonth as source type and xs:hexBinary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1203.txt Casting from xs:gMonth to xs:anyURI isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonth as source type and xs:anyURI as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1205.txt Casting from xs:gMonth to xs:QName isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:gMonth as source type and xs:QName as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1207.txt 'castable as' involving xs:gMonth as sourceType and xs:NOTATION should fail due to it involving xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0080 The xs:boolean constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 The xs:boolean constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not two. emptydoc XPST0017 Verify with 'instance of' that the xs:boolean constructor function produces values of the correct type. The subsequence() function makes it more difficult for optimizers to take short cuts based on static type information. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1211.txt A simple test exercising the whitespace facet for type xs:boolean. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1212.txt An empty string is not a valid lexical representation of xs:boolean. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a simple xs:untypedAtomic value to "true" . emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1214.txt Applying fn:boolean() to a value of type xs:boolean that has the lexical value ' "true" ' should result in the boolean value true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1215.txt Casting from xs:boolean to xs:untypedAtomic is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1216.txt 'castable as' involving xs:boolean as source type and xs:untypedAtomic as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1217.txt Casting from xs:boolean to xs:string is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1218.txt 'castable as' involving xs:boolean as source type and xs:string as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1219.txt Casting from xs:boolean to xs:float is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1220.txt 'castable as' involving xs:boolean as source type and xs:float as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1221.txt Casting from xs:boolean to xs:double is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1222.txt 'castable as' involving xs:boolean as source type and xs:double as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1223.txt Casting from xs:boolean to xs:decimal is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1224.txt 'castable as' involving xs:boolean as source type and xs:decimal as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1225.txt Casting from xs:boolean to xs:integer is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1226.txt 'castable as' involving xs:boolean as source type and xs:integer as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1227.txt Casting from xs:boolean to xs:duration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:boolean as source type and xs:duration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1229.txt Casting from xs:boolean to xs:yearMonthDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:boolean as source type and xs:yearMonthDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1231.txt Casting from xs:boolean to xs:dayTimeDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:boolean as source type and xs:dayTimeDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1233.txt Casting from xs:boolean to xs:dateTime isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:boolean as source type and xs:dateTime as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1235.txt Casting from xs:boolean to xs:time isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:boolean as source type and xs:time as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1237.txt Casting from xs:boolean to xs:date isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:boolean as source type and xs:date as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1239.txt Casting from xs:boolean to xs:gYearMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:boolean as source type and xs:gYearMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1241.txt Casting from xs:boolean to xs:gYear isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:boolean as source type and xs:gYear as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1243.txt Casting from xs:boolean to xs:gMonthDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:boolean as source type and xs:gMonthDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1245.txt Casting from xs:boolean to xs:gDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:boolean as source type and xs:gDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1247.txt Casting from xs:boolean to xs:gMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:boolean as source type and xs:gMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1249.txt Casting from xs:boolean to xs:boolean is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1250.txt 'castable as' involving xs:boolean as source type and xs:boolean as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1251.txt Casting from xs:boolean to xs:base64Binary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:boolean as source type and xs:base64Binary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1253.txt Casting from xs:boolean to xs:hexBinary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:boolean as source type and xs:hexBinary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1255.txt Casting from xs:boolean to xs:anyURI isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:boolean as source type and xs:anyURI as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1257.txt Casting from xs:boolean to xs:QName isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:boolean as source type and xs:QName as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1259.txt 'castable as' involving xs:boolean as sourceType and xs:NOTATION should fail due to it involving xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0080 The xs:base64Binary constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 The xs:base64Binary constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not two. emptydoc XPST0017 Verify with 'instance of' that the xs:base64Binary constructor function produces values of the correct type. The subsequence() function makes it more difficult for optimizers to take short cuts based on static type information. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1263.txt A simple test exercising the whitespace facet for type xs:base64Binary. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1264.txt An empty string is a valid lexical representation of xs:base64Binary. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1265.txt Cast a simple xs:untypedAtomic value to "aaaa" . emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1266.txt It is not possible to extract an Effective Boolean Value from the type xs:base64Binary, with the boolean() function. emptydoc FORG0006 Casting from xs:base64Binary to xs:untypedAtomic is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1268.txt 'castable as' involving xs:base64Binary as source type and xs:untypedAtomic as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1269.txt Casting from xs:base64Binary to xs:string is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1270.txt 'castable as' involving xs:base64Binary as source type and xs:string as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1271.txt Casting from xs:base64Binary to xs:float isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:base64Binary as source type and xs:float as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1273.txt Casting from xs:base64Binary to xs:double isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:base64Binary as source type and xs:double as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1275.txt Casting from xs:base64Binary to xs:decimal isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:base64Binary as source type and xs:decimal as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1277.txt Casting from xs:base64Binary to xs:integer isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:base64Binary as source type and xs:integer as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1279.txt Casting from xs:base64Binary to xs:duration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:base64Binary as source type and xs:duration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1281.txt Casting from xs:base64Binary to xs:yearMonthDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:base64Binary as source type and xs:yearMonthDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1283.txt Casting from xs:base64Binary to xs:dayTimeDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:base64Binary as source type and xs:dayTimeDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1285.txt Casting from xs:base64Binary to xs:dateTime isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:base64Binary as source type and xs:dateTime as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1287.txt Casting from xs:base64Binary to xs:time isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:base64Binary as source type and xs:time as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1289.txt Casting from xs:base64Binary to xs:date isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:base64Binary as source type and xs:date as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1291.txt Casting from xs:base64Binary to xs:gYearMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:base64Binary as source type and xs:gYearMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1293.txt Casting from xs:base64Binary to xs:gYear isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:base64Binary as source type and xs:gYear as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1295.txt Casting from xs:base64Binary to xs:gMonthDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:base64Binary as source type and xs:gMonthDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1297.txt Casting from xs:base64Binary to xs:gDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:base64Binary as source type and xs:gDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1299.txt Casting from xs:base64Binary to xs:gMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:base64Binary as source type and xs:gMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1301.txt Casting from xs:base64Binary to xs:boolean isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:base64Binary as source type and xs:boolean as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1303.txt Casting from xs:base64Binary to xs:base64Binary is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1304.txt 'castable as' involving xs:base64Binary as source type and xs:base64Binary as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1305.txt Casting from xs:base64Binary to xs:hexBinary is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1306.txt 'castable as' involving xs:base64Binary as source type and xs:hexBinary as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1307.txt Casting from xs:base64Binary to xs:anyURI isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:base64Binary as source type and xs:anyURI as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1309.txt Casting from xs:base64Binary to xs:QName isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:base64Binary as source type and xs:QName as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1311.txt 'castable as' involving xs:base64Binary as sourceType and xs:NOTATION should fail due to it involving xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0080 The xs:hexBinary constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 The xs:hexBinary constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not two. emptydoc XPST0017 Verify with 'instance of' that the xs:hexBinary constructor function produces values of the correct type. The subsequence() function makes it more difficult for optimizers to take short cuts based on static type information. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1315.txt A simple test exercising the whitespace facet for type xs:hexBinary. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1316.txt An empty string is a valid lexical representation of xs:hexBinary. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1317.txt Cast a simple xs:untypedAtomic value to "0FB7" . emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1318.txt It is not possible to extract an Effective Boolean Value from the type xs:hexBinary, with the boolean() function. emptydoc FORG0006 Casting from xs:hexBinary to xs:untypedAtomic is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1320.txt 'castable as' involving xs:hexBinary as source type and xs:untypedAtomic as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1321.txt Casting from xs:hexBinary to xs:string is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1322.txt 'castable as' involving xs:hexBinary as source type and xs:string as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1323.txt Casting from xs:hexBinary to xs:float isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:hexBinary as source type and xs:float as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1325.txt Casting from xs:hexBinary to xs:double isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:hexBinary as source type and xs:double as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1327.txt Casting from xs:hexBinary to xs:decimal isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:hexBinary as source type and xs:decimal as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1329.txt Casting from xs:hexBinary to xs:integer isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:hexBinary as source type and xs:integer as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1331.txt Casting from xs:hexBinary to xs:duration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:hexBinary as source type and xs:duration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1333.txt Casting from xs:hexBinary to xs:yearMonthDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:hexBinary as source type and xs:yearMonthDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1335.txt Casting from xs:hexBinary to xs:dayTimeDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:hexBinary as source type and xs:dayTimeDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1337.txt Casting from xs:hexBinary to xs:dateTime isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:hexBinary as source type and xs:dateTime as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1339.txt Casting from xs:hexBinary to xs:time isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:hexBinary as source type and xs:time as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1341.txt Casting from xs:hexBinary to xs:date isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:hexBinary as source type and xs:date as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1343.txt Casting from xs:hexBinary to xs:gYearMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:hexBinary as source type and xs:gYearMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1345.txt Casting from xs:hexBinary to xs:gYear isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:hexBinary as source type and xs:gYear as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1347.txt Casting from xs:hexBinary to xs:gMonthDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:hexBinary as source type and xs:gMonthDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1349.txt Casting from xs:hexBinary to xs:gDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:hexBinary as source type and xs:gDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1351.txt Casting from xs:hexBinary to xs:gMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:hexBinary as source type and xs:gMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1353.txt Casting from xs:hexBinary to xs:boolean isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:hexBinary as source type and xs:boolean as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1355.txt Casting from xs:hexBinary to xs:base64Binary is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1356.txt 'castable as' involving xs:hexBinary as source type and xs:base64Binary as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1357.txt Casting from xs:hexBinary to xs:hexBinary is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1358.txt 'castable as' involving xs:hexBinary as source type and xs:hexBinary as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1359.txt Casting from xs:hexBinary to xs:anyURI isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:hexBinary as source type and xs:anyURI as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1361.txt Casting from xs:hexBinary to xs:QName isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:hexBinary as source type and xs:QName as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1363.txt 'castable as' involving xs:hexBinary as sourceType and xs:NOTATION should fail due to it involving xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0080 The xs:anyURI constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 The xs:anyURI constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not two. emptydoc XPST0017 Verify with 'instance of' that the xs:anyURI constructor function produces values of the correct type. The subsequence() function makes it more difficult for optimizers to take short cuts based on static type information. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1367.txt A simple test exercising the whitespace facet for type xs:anyURI. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1368.txt An empty string is a valid lexical representation of xs:anyURI. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1369.txt Cast a simple xs:untypedAtomic value to "http://www.example.com/an/arbitrary/URI.ext" . emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1370.txt Applying fn:boolean() to a value of type xs:anyURI that has the lexical value ' "http://www.example.com/an/arbitrary/URI.ext" ' should result in the boolean value true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1371.txt Casting from xs:anyURI to xs:untypedAtomic is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1372.txt 'castable as' involving xs:anyURI as source type and xs:untypedAtomic as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1373.txt Casting from xs:anyURI to xs:string is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1374.txt 'castable as' involving xs:anyURI as source type and xs:string as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1375.txt Casting from xs:anyURI to xs:float isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:anyURI as source type and xs:float as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1377.txt Casting from xs:anyURI to xs:double isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:anyURI as source type and xs:double as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1379.txt Casting from xs:anyURI to xs:decimal isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:anyURI as source type and xs:decimal as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1381.txt Casting from xs:anyURI to xs:integer isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:anyURI as source type and xs:integer as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1383.txt Casting from xs:anyURI to xs:duration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:anyURI as source type and xs:duration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1385.txt Casting from xs:anyURI to xs:yearMonthDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:anyURI as source type and xs:yearMonthDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1387.txt Casting from xs:anyURI to xs:dayTimeDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:anyURI as source type and xs:dayTimeDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1389.txt Casting from xs:anyURI to xs:dateTime isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:anyURI as source type and xs:dateTime as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1391.txt Casting from xs:anyURI to xs:time isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:anyURI as source type and xs:time as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1393.txt Casting from xs:anyURI to xs:date isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:anyURI as source type and xs:date as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1395.txt Casting from xs:anyURI to xs:gYearMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:anyURI as source type and xs:gYearMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1397.txt Casting from xs:anyURI to xs:gYear isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:anyURI as source type and xs:gYear as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1399.txt Casting from xs:anyURI to xs:gMonthDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:anyURI as source type and xs:gMonthDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1401.txt Casting from xs:anyURI to xs:gDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:anyURI as source type and xs:gDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1403.txt Casting from xs:anyURI to xs:gMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:anyURI as source type and xs:gMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1405.txt Casting from xs:anyURI to xs:boolean isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:anyURI as source type and xs:boolean as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1407.txt Casting from xs:anyURI to xs:base64Binary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:anyURI as source type and xs:base64Binary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1409.txt Casting from xs:anyURI to xs:hexBinary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:anyURI as source type and xs:hexBinary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1411.txt Casting from xs:anyURI to xs:anyURI is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1412.txt 'castable as' involving xs:anyURI as source type and xs:anyURI as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1413.txt Casting from xs:anyURI to xs:QName isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:anyURI as source type and xs:QName as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1415.txt 'castable as' involving xs:anyURI as sourceType and xs:NOTATION should fail due to it involving xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0080 The xs:QName constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 The xs:QName constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not two. emptydoc XPST0017 Verify with 'instance of' that the xs:QName constructor function produces values of the correct type. The subsequence() function makes it more difficult for optimizers to take short cuts based on static type information. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1419.txt A simple test exercising the whitespace facet for type xs:QName. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1420.txt An empty string is not a valid lexical representation of xs:QName. emptydoc FORG0001 It is not possible to extract an Effective Boolean Value from the type xs:QName, with the boolean() function. emptydoc FORG0006 Casting from xs:QName to xs:untypedAtomic is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1423.txt 'castable as' involving xs:QName as source type and xs:untypedAtomic as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1424.txt Casting from xs:QName to xs:string is allowed and should always succeed. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1425.txt 'castable as' involving xs:QName as source type and xs:string as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1426.txt Casting from xs:QName to xs:float isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:QName as source type and xs:float as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1428.txt Casting from xs:QName to xs:double isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:QName as source type and xs:double as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1430.txt Casting from xs:QName to xs:decimal isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:QName as source type and xs:decimal as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1432.txt Casting from xs:QName to xs:integer isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:QName as source type and xs:integer as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1434.txt Casting from xs:QName to xs:duration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:QName as source type and xs:duration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1436.txt Casting from xs:QName to xs:yearMonthDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:QName as source type and xs:yearMonthDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1438.txt Casting from xs:QName to xs:dayTimeDuration isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:QName as source type and xs:dayTimeDuration as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1440.txt Casting from xs:QName to xs:dateTime isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:QName as source type and xs:dateTime as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1442.txt Casting from xs:QName to xs:time isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:QName as source type and xs:time as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1444.txt Casting from xs:QName to xs:date isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:QName as source type and xs:date as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1446.txt Casting from xs:QName to xs:gYearMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:QName as source type and xs:gYearMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1448.txt Casting from xs:QName to xs:gYear isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:QName as source type and xs:gYear as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1450.txt Casting from xs:QName to xs:gMonthDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:QName as source type and xs:gMonthDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1452.txt Casting from xs:QName to xs:gDay isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:QName as source type and xs:gDay as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1454.txt Casting from xs:QName to xs:gMonth isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:QName as source type and xs:gMonth as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1456.txt Casting from xs:QName to xs:boolean isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:QName as source type and xs:boolean as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1458.txt Casting from xs:QName to xs:base64Binary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:QName as source type and xs:base64Binary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1460.txt Casting from xs:QName to xs:hexBinary isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:QName as source type and xs:hexBinary as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1462.txt Casting from xs:QName to xs:anyURI isn't allowed. emptydoc XPTY0004 'castable as' involving xs:QName as source type and xs:anyURI as target type should always evaluate to false. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1464.txt 'castable as' involving xs:QName as source type and xs:QName as target type should always evaluate to true. emptydoc K-SeqExprCast-1465.txt 'castable as' involving xs:QName as sourceType and xs:NOTATION should fail due to it involving xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0080 The xs:NOTATION constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 The xs:NOTATION constructor function must be passed exactly one argument, not two. emptydoc XPST0017 No constructor function exists for xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0017 No constructor function exists for xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0017 No constructor function exists for xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0017 No constructor function exists for xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0017 No constructor function exists for xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0017 No constructor function exists for xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0017 No constructor function exists for xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0017 No constructor function exists for xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0017 No constructor function exists for xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0017 No constructor function exists for xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0017 No constructor function exists for xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0017 No constructor function exists for xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0017 No constructor function exists for xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0017 No constructor function exists for xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0017 No constructor function exists for xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0017 No constructor function exists for xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0017 No constructor function exists for xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0017 No constructor function exists for xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0017 No constructor function exists for xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0017 No constructor function exists for xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0017 No constructor function exists for xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0017 No constructor function exists for xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0017 No constructor function exists for xs:NOTATION. emptydoc XPST0017 XPST0080 Cast to xs:QName where the prefix is declared in the prolog. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-1.txt Casting the empty sequence to xs:QName? is ok. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-2.txt XPST0005 Pass a small, the smallest if such a limit exists, to nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-3.txt Pass a small, the smallest if such a limit exists, to negativeInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-4.txt Pass a small, the smallest if such a limit exists, to long. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-5.txt Pass a small, the smallest if such a limit exists, to int. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-6.txt Pass a small, the smallest if such a limit exists, to short. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-7.txt Pass a small, the smallest if such a limit exists, to byte. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-8.txt Pass a small, the smallest if such a limit exists, to nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-9.txt Pass a small, the smallest if such a limit exists, to unsignedLong. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-10.txt Pass a small, the smallest if such a limit exists, to unsignedInt. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-11.txt Pass a small, the smallest if such a limit exists, to unsignedByte. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-12.txt Pass a small, the smallest if such a limit exists, to unsignedShort. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-13.txt Pass a small, the smallest if such a limit exists, to positiveInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-14.txt Pass a large, the largest if such a limit exists, to nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-15.txt Pass a large, the largest if such a limit exists, to negativeInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-16.txt Pass a large, the largest if such a limit exists, to long. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-17.txt Pass a large, the largest if such a limit exists, to int. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-18.txt Pass a large, the largest if such a limit exists, to short. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-19.txt Pass a large, the largest if such a limit exists, to byte. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-20.txt Pass a large, the largest if such a limit exists, to nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-21.txt Pass a large, the largest if such a limit exists, to unsignedLong. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-22.txt FOAR0002 Pass a large, the largest if such a limit exists, to unsignedInt. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-23.txt Pass a large, the largest if such a limit exists, to unsignedShort. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-24.txt Pass a large, the largest if such a limit exists, to unsignedByte. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-25.txt Pass a large, the largest if such a limit exists, to positiveInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-26.txt Cast fn:false() to nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-27.txt Cast fn:true() to nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast fn:false() to negativeInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast fn:true() to negativeInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast fn:false() to long. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-31.txt Cast fn:true() to long. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-32.txt Cast fn:false() to int. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-33.txt Cast fn:true() to int. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-34.txt Cast fn:false() to short. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-35.txt Cast fn:true() to short. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-36.txt Cast fn:false() to byte. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-37.txt Cast fn:true() to byte. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-38.txt Cast fn:false() to nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-39.txt Cast fn:true() to nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-40.txt Cast fn:false() to unsignedLong. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-41.txt Cast fn:true() to unsignedLong. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-42.txt Cast fn:false() to unsignedInt. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-43.txt Cast fn:true() to unsignedInt. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-44.txt Cast fn:false() to unsignedShort. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-45.txt Cast fn:true() to unsignedShort. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-46.txt Cast fn:false() to unsignedByte. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-47.txt Cast fn:true() to unsignedByte. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-48.txt Cast fn:false() to positiveInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast fn:true() to positiveInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-50.txt -0 is an invalid value for xs:negativeInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 The minus sign is allowed unsignedLong. S4S is considered normative, and WXS 1.1 adjusted the prose to say the same. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-52.txt The minus sign is allowed unsignedInt. S4S is considered normative, and WXS 1.1 adjusted the prose to say the same. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-53.txt The minus sign is allowed unsignedShort. S4S is considered normative, and WXS 1.1 adjusted the prose to say the same. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-54.txt The minus sign is allowed in unsignedByte. S4S is considered normative, and WXS 1.1 adjusted the prose to say the same. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-55.txt The minus sign is prohibited in positiveInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 The minus sign is prohibited in positiveInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 The plus sign is allowed in unsignedLong. S4S is considered normative, and WXS 1.1 adjusted the prose to say the same. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-58.txt The plus sign is allowed in unsignedInt. S4S is considered normative, and WXS 1.1 adjusted the prose to say the same. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-59.txt The plus sign is allowed in unsignedShort. S4S is considered normative, and WXS 1.1 adjusted the prose to say the same. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-60.txt The plus sign is allowed in unsignedByte. S4S is considered normative, and WXS 1.1 adjusted the prose to say the same. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-61.txt The plus sign is prohibited in negativeInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 The plus sign is prohibited in nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 The minus sign is allowed in nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-64.txt The minus sign is allowed in negativeInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-65.txt The minus sign is allowed in nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-66.txt The minus sign is allowed in nonPositiveInteger(#2). emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-67.txt Ensure a plus sign is accepted for positiveInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-68.txt Ensure a plus sign is accepted for nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-69.txt Ensure a plus sign is accepted for nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-70.txt Multiple minus signs is disallowed in nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Multiple minus signs is disallowed in negativeInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Multiple minus signs is disallowed in nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Multiple minus signs is disallowed in nonPositiveInteger(#2). emptydoc FORG0001 Multiple plus signs is allowed in positiveInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Multiple plus signs is allowed in nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Multiple plus signs is allowed in nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a too small value to long. emptydoc FORG0001 FOAR0002 Cast a too small value to int. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a too small value to short. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a too small value to byte. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a too small value to nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a too small value to unsignedLong. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a too small value to unsignedInt. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a too small value to unsignedShort. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a too small value to unsignedByte. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a too small value to positiveInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a too large value to nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a too large value to negativeInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a too large value to long. emptydoc FORG0001 FOAR0002 Cast a too large value to int. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a too large value to short. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a too large value to byte. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass an empty string to nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass an empty string to negativeInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass an empty string to long. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass an empty string to int. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass an empty string to short. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass an empty string to byte. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass an empty string to nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass an empty string to unsignedLong. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass an empty string to unsignedInt. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass an empty string to unsignedByte. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass an empty string to unsignedShort. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass an empty string to positiveInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Fractions are disallowed in nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Fractions are disallowed in negativeInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Fractions are disallowed in long. emptydoc FORG0001 Fractions are disallowed in int. emptydoc FORG0001 Fractions are disallowed in short. emptydoc FORG0001 Fractions are disallowed in byte. emptydoc FORG0001 Fractions are disallowed in nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Fractions are disallowed in unsignedLong. emptydoc FORG0001 Fractions are disallowed in unsignedInt. emptydoc FORG0001 Fractions are disallowed in unsignedByte. emptydoc FORG0001 Fractions are disallowed in unsignedShort. emptydoc FORG0001 Fractions are disallowed in positiveInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Space between the sign and the digits is disallowed for nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Space between the sign and the digits is disallowed for nonPositiveInteger(#2). emptydoc FORG0001 Space between the sign and the digits is disallowed for negativeInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Space between the sign and the digits is disallowed for long. emptydoc FORG0001 Space between the sign and the digits is disallowed for int. emptydoc FORG0001 Space between the sign and the digits is disallowed for short. emptydoc FORG0001 Space between the sign and the digits is disallowed for byte. emptydoc FORG0001 Space between the sign and the digits is disallowed for long. emptydoc FORG0001 Space between the sign and the digits is disallowed for int. emptydoc FORG0001 Space between the sign and the digits is disallowed for short. emptydoc FORG0001 Space between the sign and the digits is disallowed for byte. emptydoc FORG0001 Space between the sign and the digits is disallowed for nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Space between the sign and the digits is disallowed for nonNegativeInteger(#2). emptydoc FORG0001 Space between the sign and the digits is disallowed for positiveInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass preceding zeros to nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-132.txt Pass preceding zeros to nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-133.txt Pass preceding zeros to negativeInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-134.txt Pass preceding zeros to long. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-135.txt Pass preceding zeros to int. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-136.txt Pass preceding zeros to short. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-137.txt Pass preceding zeros to byte. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-138.txt Pass preceding zeros to nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-139.txt Pass preceding zeros to unsignedLong. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-140.txt Pass preceding zeros to unsignedInt. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-141.txt Pass preceding zeros to unsignedByte. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-142.txt Pass preceding zeros to unsignedShort. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-143.txt Pass preceding zeros to positiveInteger. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-144.txt Hexa-decimal notation isn't allowed in nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Hexa-decimal notation isn't allowed in negativeInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Hexa-decimal notation isn't allowed in long. emptydoc FORG0001 Hexa-decimal notation isn't allowed in int. emptydoc FORG0001 Hexa-decimal notation isn't allowed in short. emptydoc FORG0001 Hexa-decimal notation isn't allowed in byte. emptydoc FORG0001 Hexa-decimal notation isn't allowed in nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Hexa-decimal notation isn't allowed in unsignedLong. emptydoc FORG0001 Hexa-decimal notation isn't allowed in unsignedInt. emptydoc FORG0001 Hexa-decimal notation isn't allowed in unsignedByte. emptydoc FORG0001 Hexa-decimal notation isn't allowed in unsignedShort. emptydoc FORG0001 Hexa-decimal notation isn't allowed in positiveInteger. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast fn:false() to xs:language. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-157.txt Cast fn:true() to xs:language. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-158.txt Cast an empty string to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a too long string to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast string with invalid characters to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast string with invalid characters to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast string with invalid characters to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast string with invalid characters to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast string with invalid characters to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast string with invalid characters to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast string with invalid characters to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast string with invalid characters to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast string with invalid characters to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast string with invalid characters to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast string with invalid characters to xs:language. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-171.txt Cast string with invalid characters to xs:language. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-172.txt Cast string with invalid characters to xs:language. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-173.txt Cast string with invalid characters to xs:language. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-174.txt Cast an integer to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a short to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a xs:date to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a xs:time to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast a xs:dateTime to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 No function by name xs:name exists. emptydoc XPST0017 Pass invalid input to xs:Name. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass invalid input to xs:Name. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass invalid input to xs:Name. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass invalid input to xs:Name. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass invalid input to xs:Name. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass tricky, valid input to xs:Name. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-186.txt Pass tricky, valid input to xs:Name. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-187.txt Pass tricky, valid input to xs:Name. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-188.txt Pass tricky, valid input to xs:Name. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-189.txt Pass tricky, valid input to xs:Name. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-190.txt Pass tricky, valid input to xs:Name. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-191.txt Pass an empty string to normalizedString. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-192.txt Pass an empty string to token. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-193.txt Pass an empty string to language. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass an empty string to NMTOKEN. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass an empty string to Name. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass an empty string to NCName. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass an empty string to ID. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass an empty string to IDREF. emptydoc FORG0001 Pass an empty string to ENTITY. emptydoc FORG0001 When casting to xs:QName, the declared default element namespace is considered. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-201.txt Use complex input to xs:NMTOKEN. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-202.txt Whitespace is disallowed inside NMOKEN. emptydoc FORG0001 The empty string is invalid in xs:NMTOKEN. emptydoc FORG0001 The empty string is invalid in xs:NMTOKEN(#2). emptydoc FORG0001 Pass a single semi colon to xs:NMTOKEN. emptydoc FORG0001 Construct an xs:anyURI from an invalid string. However, in F&O 17.1.1, it is said that "For xs:anyURI, the extent to which an implementation validates the lexical form of xs:anyURI is implementation dependent.". emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-207.txt FORG0001 Use a large chunk of whitespace in an xs:anyURI. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-208.txt Ensure that a large Unicode codepoint is handled correctly in xs:anyURI. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-209.txt '%' is not a disallowed character and therefore it's not encoded before being considered for RFC 2396 validness. emptydoc FORG0001 No type by name xs:anyAtomic exists. emptydoc XPST0017 No type by name xs:anyAtomic exists(2). emptydoc XPST0017 Cast an xs:positiveInteger value to xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-213.txt Cast an xs:int value to xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-214.txt 'Inf' is not a valid value for xs:double. emptydoc FORG0001 'Inf' is not a valid value for xs:float. emptydoc FORG0001 '-Inf' is not a valid value for xs:double. emptydoc FORG0001 '-Inf' is not a valid value for xs:float. emptydoc FORG0001 '+Inf' is not a valid value for xs:double. emptydoc FORG0001 '+Inf' is not a valid value for xs:float. emptydoc FORG0001 Whitespace is ignored for xs:float's lexical space. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-221.txt Whitespace is ignored for xs:double's lexical space. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-222.txt Whitespace is ignored for xs:float's lexical space(#2). emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-223.txt Whitespace is ignored for xs:double's lexical space(#2). emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-224.txt 'nan' is not a valid value for xs:double. emptydoc FORG0001 'nan' is not a valid value for xs:float. emptydoc FORG0001 '- INF' is not a valid value for xs:double. emptydoc FORG0001 '- INF' is not a valid value for xs:float. emptydoc FORG0001 '+ INF' is not a valid value for xs:double. emptydoc FORG0001 '+ INF' is not a valid value for xs:float. emptydoc FORG0001 '+INF' is not a valid value for xs:double. emptydoc FORG0001 '+INF' is not a valid value for xs:float. emptydoc FORG0001 'Inf' is not a valid value for xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 '-Inf' is not a valid value for xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 '+Inf' is not a valid value for xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 'nan' is not a valid value for xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 '- INF' is not a valid value for xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 '+ INF' is not a valid value for xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 '+INF' is not a valid value for xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 'INF' is not a valid value for xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 'NaN' is not a valid value for xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:float(NaN) to xs:decimal. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(NaN) to xs:decimal. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(NaN) to xs:integer. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(NaN) to xs:integer. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(INF) to xs:decimal. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(INF) to xs:decimal. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(INF) to xs:integer. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(INF) to xs:integer. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(-INF) to xs:decimal. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(-INF) to xs:decimal. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(-INF) to xs:integer. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(-INF) to xs:integer. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(-INF) to xs:byte. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(-INF) to xs:byte. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(INF) to xs:byte. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(INF) to xs:byte. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(NaN) to xs:byte. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(NaN) to xs:byte. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(-INF) to xs:nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(-INF) to xs:nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(INF) to xs:nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(INF) to xs:nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(NaN) to xs:nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(NaN) to xs:nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(-INF) to xs:negativeInteger. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(-INF) to xs:negativeInteger. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(INF) to xs:negativeInteger. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(INF) to xs:negativeInteger. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(NaN) to xs:negativeInteger. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(NaN) to xs:negativeInteger. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(-INF) to xs:long. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(-INF) to xs:long. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(INF) to xs:long. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(INF) to xs:long. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(NaN) to xs:long. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(NaN) to xs:long. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(-INF) to xs:int. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(-INF) to xs:int. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(INF) to xs:int. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(INF) to xs:int. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(NaN) to xs:int. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(NaN) to xs:int. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(-INF) to xs:short. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(-INF) to xs:short. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(INF) to xs:short. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(INF) to xs:short. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(NaN) to xs:short. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(NaN) to xs:short. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(-INF) to xs:byte. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(-INF) to xs:byte. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(INF) to xs:byte. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(INF) to xs:byte. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(NaN) to xs:byte. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(NaN) to xs:byte. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(-INF) to xs:nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(-INF) to xs:nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(INF) to xs:nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(INF) to xs:nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc FOCA0002 XPST0005 Cast xs:float(NaN) to xs:nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(NaN) to xs:nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(-INF) to xs:unsignedLong. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(-INF) to xs:unsignedLong. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(INF) to xs:unsignedLong. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(INF) to xs:unsignedLong. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(NaN) to xs:unsignedLong. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(NaN) to xs:unsignedLong. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(-INF) to xs:unsignedInt. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(-INF) to xs:unsignedInt. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(INF) to xs:unsignedInt. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(INF) to xs:unsignedInt. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(NaN) to xs:unsignedInt. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(NaN) to xs:unsignedInt. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(-INF) to xs:unsignedShort. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(-INF) to xs:unsignedShort. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(INF) to xs:unsignedShort. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(INF) to xs:unsignedShort. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(NaN) to xs:unsignedShort. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(NaN) to xs:unsignedShort. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(-INF) to xs:unsignedByte. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(-INF) to xs:unsignedByte. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(INF) to xs:unsignedByte. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(INF) to xs:unsignedByte. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(NaN) to xs:unsignedByte. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(NaN) to xs:unsignedByte. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(-INF) to xs:unsignedInt. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(-INF) to xs:unsignedInt. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(INF) to xs:unsignedInt. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(INF) to xs:unsignedInt. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:float(NaN) to xs:unsignedInt. emptydoc FOCA0002 Cast xs:double(NaN) to xs:unsignedInt. emptydoc FOCA0002 No function by name xs:unsignedInteger exists. emptydoc XPST0017 Cast xs:byte to xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-333.txt Cast xs:int to xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-334.txt Cast xs:long to xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-335.txt Cast xs:negativeInteger to xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-336.txt Cast xs:nonNegativeInteger to xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-337.txt Cast xs:nonPositiveInteger to xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-338.txt Cast xs:short to xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-339.txt Cast xs:unsignedByte to xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-340.txt Cast xs:unsignedInt to xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-341.txt Cast xs:unsignedInt to xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-342.txt Cast xs:unsignedLong to xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-343.txt Cast xs:unsignedShort to xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-344.txt Cast xs:byte to xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-345.txt Cast xs:int to xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-346.txt Cast xs:long to xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-347.txt Cast xs:negativeInteger to xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-348.txt Cast xs:nonNegativeInteger to xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-349.txt Cast xs:nonPositiveInteger to xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-350.txt Cast xs:short to xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-351.txt Cast xs:unsignedByte to xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-352.txt Cast xs:unsignedInt to xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-353.txt Cast xs:unsignedInt to xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-354.txt Cast xs:unsignedLong to xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-355.txt Cast xs:unsignedShort to xs:float. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-356.txt Cast xs:byte to xs:decimal. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-357.txt Cast xs:int to xs:decimal. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-358.txt Cast xs:long to xs:decimal. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-359.txt Cast xs:negativeInteger to xs:decimal. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-360.txt Cast xs:nonNegativeInteger to xs:decimal. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-361.txt Cast xs:nonPositiveInteger to xs:decimal. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-362.txt Cast xs:short to xs:decimal. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-363.txt Cast xs:unsignedByte to xs:decimal. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-364.txt Cast xs:unsignedInt to xs:decimal. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-365.txt Cast xs:unsignedInt to xs:decimal. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-366.txt Cast xs:unsignedLong to xs:decimal. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-367.txt Cast xs:unsignedShort to xs:decimal. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-368.txt Cast xs:byte to xs:string. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-369.txt Cast xs:int to xs:string. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-370.txt Cast xs:long to xs:string. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-371.txt Cast xs:negativeInteger to xs:string. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-372.txt Cast xs:nonNegativeInteger to xs:string. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-373.txt Cast xs:nonPositiveInteger to xs:string. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-374.txt Cast xs:short to xs:string. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-375.txt Cast xs:unsignedByte to xs:string. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-376.txt Cast xs:unsignedInt to xs:string. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-377.txt Cast xs:unsignedInt to xs:string. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-378.txt Cast xs:unsignedLong to xs:string. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-379.txt Cast xs:unsignedShort to xs:string. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-380.txt Cast xs:byte to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-381.txt Cast xs:int to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-382.txt Cast xs:long to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-383.txt Cast xs:negativeInteger to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-384.txt Cast xs:nonNegativeInteger to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-385.txt Cast xs:nonPositiveInteger to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-386.txt Cast xs:short to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-387.txt Cast xs:unsignedByte to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-388.txt Cast xs:unsignedInt to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-389.txt Cast xs:unsignedInt to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-390.txt Cast xs:unsignedLong to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-391.txt Cast xs:unsignedShort to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-392.txt Cast xs:unsignedShort to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-393.txt Cast xs:token to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-394.txt Cast xs:language to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-395.txt Cast xs:NMTOKEN to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-396.txt Cast xs:Name to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-397.txt Cast xs:NCName to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-398.txt Cast xs:ID to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-399.txt Cast xs:IDREF to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-400.txt Cast xs:ENTITY to xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-401.txt Cast xs:unsignedShort to xs:string. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-402.txt Cast xs:token to xs:string. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-403.txt Cast xs:language to xs:string. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-404.txt Cast xs:NMTOKEN to xs:string. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-405.txt Cast xs:Name to xs:string. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-406.txt Cast xs:NCName to xs:string. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-407.txt Cast xs:ID to xs:string. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-408.txt Cast xs:IDREF to xs:string. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-409.txt Cast xs:ENTITY to xs:string. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-410.txt Cast "a" to xs:language. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-411.txt Cast "ab" to xs:language. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-412.txt Cast "abc" to xs:language. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-413.txt Cast "abcd" to xs:language. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-414.txt Cast "abcde" to xs:language. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-415.txt Cast "abcdef" to xs:language. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-416.txt Cast "abcdefg" to xs:language. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-417.txt Cast "abcdefgh" to xs:language. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-418.txt Cast "abcdefgh-abcdefgh" to xs:language. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-419.txt The whitespace facet for xs:anyURI is collapse. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-420.txt Pass an invalid anyURI. The specifications are unclear on this, so various kinds of output is accepted, see W3C's public report 5705. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-421.txt K2-SeqExprCast-421-2.txt FORG0001 Pass an invalid anyURI(#2). emptydoc FORG0001 An URI without scheme. emptydoc FORG0001 An URI without scheme, combined with a relative directory. emptydoc FORG0001 Serialize a set of xs:QName instances. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-425.txt Cast a set of QName to xs:string. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-426.txt Use a relative URI with double slashes. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-427.txt A relatively large negative number, fed to xs:unsignedLong. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11:-1:11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11:+1:11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11: 1:11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11:11:-1"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11:11:-1"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11:11:+1"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11:11: 1"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("-1:11:11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("+1:11:11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("+1:11:11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11:11:1e0"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11:11:1E0"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11:11:1b0"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11:11: 10"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11:11:11b33"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11:11:111"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11:11:11.+11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11:11:11.-11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11:11:11. 11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("24:00:00.1"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("24:01:00"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("24:00:01"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11:11:11++1:11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11:11:11+-1:11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11:11:11+ 1:11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11:11:11+11:+1"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11:11:11+11:-1"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11:11:11+11: 1"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("1 :11:11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time("11:11:1 "), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:date("+2002-12-11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:date(" 111-11-11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:date(" +11-11-11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:date("1111- 1-11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:date("-111-11-11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:date("+111-11-11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:date("1111-11- 1"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:date("1111-+1-11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:date("1111-11-+1"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:date("1111--1-11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:date("1111-11--1"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:date("1111-11-1F"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:date("0x10-11-11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:date("111 -11-11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:date("1111-1 -11"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:date("1111-11-1 "), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:dateTime("2002-11-23"), which is an invalid lexical representation. emptydoc FORG0001 Serialize xs:gYear("0040"). emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-477.txt Serialize xs:gYearMonth("0040-01"). emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-478.txt Cast to xs:QName, using a namespace from an element constructor. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-479.txt All primites in one query. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-480.txt Try to cast inf to xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 Try to cast 'inF' to xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 Try to cast '-inF' to xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 Try to cast 'inF ' to xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 Try to cast '-inF(space)' to xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 Try to cast 'naN' to xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 Try to cast ' naN' to xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:QName to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:base64Binary to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:hexBinary to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:gMonth to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:gDay to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:gMonthDay to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:gYear to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:integer to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:decimal to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:double to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:float to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:time to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:date to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:duration to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:dayTimeDuration to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast xs:yearMonthDuration to xs:language. emptydoc FORG0001 Use a series of corner case Unicode codepoints. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCast-504.txt ':/' is an invalid URI, no scheme. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast invalid gMonth. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast inF to xs:float. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast inF to xs:double. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast inF to xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast inf to xs:float. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast inf to xs:double. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast inf to xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast InF to xs:float. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast InF to xs:double. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast InF to xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast -InF to xs:float. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast -InF to xs:double. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast -InF to xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast +InF to xs:float. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast +InF to xs:double. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast +InF to xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast naN to xs:float. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast naN to xs:double. emptydoc FORG0001 Cast naN to xs:decimal. emptydoc FORG0001 Castable Try xs:untypedAtomic(INF) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs001.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(0.0E0) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs002.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(true) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs003.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(INF) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs004.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(0.0E0) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs005.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(true) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs006.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(-0.0E0) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs007.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(NaN) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs008.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(1e-5) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs009.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(-10000000) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs010.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(true) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs011.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(-0.0E0) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs012.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(NaN) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs013.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(1e-5) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs014.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(-10000000) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs015.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(true) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs016.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(-0.0E0) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs017.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(NaN) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs018.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(1e-5) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs019.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(5.5432) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs020.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(true) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs021.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(-0.0E0) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs022.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(NaN) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs023.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(1e-5) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs024.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(-1.1234) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs025.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(true) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs026.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs027.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(-P1Y1M1DT1H1M1.123S) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs028.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(true) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs029.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(-P1Y1M1DT1H1M1.123S) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs030.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(P24M) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs031.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(-P21M) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs032.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(true) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs033.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(-P1Y1M1DT1H1M1.123S) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs034.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(P3DT10H30M) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs035.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(-PT100M) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs036.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(true) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs037.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(1999-05-31T13:20:00) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs038.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(-1999-05-31T13:20:00+14:00) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs039.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(2000-01-16T00:00:00Z) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs040.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(true) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs041.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(13:20:00-05:00) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs042.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(13:20:02.123) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs043.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(13:20:00Z) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs044.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(true) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs045.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(1999-05-31) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs046.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(-0012-12-03-05:00) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs047.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(1999-05-31Z) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs048.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(true) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs049.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(1999-05) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs050.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(-0012-12-05:00) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs051.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(1999-05Z) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs052.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(true) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs053.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(1999) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs054.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(-0012-05:00) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs055.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(1999Z) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs056.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(true) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs057.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(--05-31) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs058.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(--05-31+14:00) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs059.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(--05-31Z) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs060.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(true) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs061.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(---31) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs062.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(---03-05:00) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs063.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(---31Z) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs064.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(true) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs065.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(--05) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs066.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(--12-05:00) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs067.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(--05Z) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs068.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(true) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs069.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(0.0) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs070.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(0) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs071.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(true) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs072.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(true) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs073.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(00000000) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs074.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs075.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(true) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs076.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(010010101) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs077.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(0fb7) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs078.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs079.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(http://www.example.com/~b%C3%A9b%C3%A9) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs080.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(true) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs081.txt Try xs:untypedAtomic(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs082.txt Try xs:string(INF) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs083.txt Try xs:string(0.0E0) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs084.txt Try xs:string(true) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs085.txt Try xs:string(INF) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs086.txt Try xs:string(0.0E0) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs087.txt Try xs:string(true) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs088.txt Try xs:string(-0.0E0) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs089.txt Try xs:string(NaN) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs090.txt Try xs:string(1e-5) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs091.txt Try xs:string(-10000000) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs092.txt Try xs:string(true) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs093.txt Try xs:string(-0.0E0) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs094.txt Try xs:string(NaN) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs095.txt Try xs:string(1e-5) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs096.txt Try xs:string(-10000000) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs097.txt Try xs:string(true) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs098.txt Try xs:string(-0.0E0) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs099.txt Try xs:string(NaN) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs100.txt Try xs:string(1e-5) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs101.txt Try xs:string(5.5432) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs102.txt Try xs:string(true) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs103.txt Try xs:string(-0.0E0) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs104.txt Try xs:string(NaN) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs105.txt Try xs:string(1e-5) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs106.txt Try xs:string(-1.1234) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs107.txt Try xs:string(true) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs108.txt Try xs:string(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs109.txt Try xs:string(-P1Y1M1DT1H1M1.123S) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs110.txt Try xs:string(true) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs111.txt Try xs:string(-P1Y1M1DT1H1M1.123S) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs112.txt Try xs:string(P24M) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs113.txt Try xs:string(-P21M) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs114.txt Try xs:string(true) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs115.txt Try xs:string(-P1Y1M1DT1H1M1.123S) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs116.txt Try xs:string(P3DT10H30M) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs117.txt Try xs:string(-PT100M) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs118.txt Try xs:string(true) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs119.txt Try xs:string(1999-05-31T13:20:00) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs120.txt Try xs:string(-1999-05-31T13:20:00+14:00) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs121.txt Try xs:string(2000-01-16T00:00:00Z) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs122.txt Try xs:string(true) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs123.txt Try xs:string(13:20:00-05:00) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs124.txt Try xs:string(13:20:02.123) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs125.txt Try xs:string(13:20:00Z) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs126.txt Try xs:string(true) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs127.txt Try xs:string(1999-05-31) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs128.txt Try xs:string(-0012-12-03-05:00) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs129.txt Try xs:string(1999-05-31Z) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs130.txt Try xs:string(true) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs131.txt Try xs:string(1999-05) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs132.txt Try xs:string(-0012-12-05:00) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs133.txt Try xs:string(1999-05Z) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs134.txt Try xs:string(true) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs135.txt Try xs:string(1999) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs136.txt Try xs:string(-0012-05:00) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs137.txt Try xs:string(1999Z) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs138.txt Try xs:string(true) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs139.txt Try xs:string(--05-31) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs140.txt Try xs:string(--05-31+14:00) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs141.txt Try xs:string(--05-31Z) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs142.txt Try xs:string(true) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs143.txt Try xs:string(---31) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs144.txt Try xs:string(---03-05:00) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs145.txt Try xs:string(---31Z) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs146.txt Try xs:string(true) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs147.txt Try xs:string(--05) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs148.txt Try xs:string(--12-05:00) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs149.txt Try xs:string(--05Z) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs150.txt Try xs:string(true) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs151.txt Try xs:string(0.0) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs152.txt Try xs:string(0) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs153.txt Try xs:string(true) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs154.txt Try xs:string(true) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs155.txt Try xs:string(00000000) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs156.txt Try xs:string(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs157.txt Try xs:string(true) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs158.txt Try xs:string(010010101) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs159.txt Try xs:string(0fb7) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs160.txt Try xs:string(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs161.txt Try xs:string(http://www.example.com/~b%C3%A9b%C3%A9) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs162.txt Try xs:string(true) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs163.txt Try xs:string(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs164.txt Try xs:float(1e5) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs165.txt Try xs:float(-INF) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs166.txt Try xs:float(-0.0E0) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs167.txt Try xs:float(NaN) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs168.txt Try xs:float(5.4321E-100) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs169.txt Try xs:float(-1.75e-3) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs170.txt Try xs:float(INF) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs171.txt Try xs:float(-0.0E0) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs172.txt Try xs:float(-INF) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs173.txt Try xs:float(-0.0E0) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs174.txt Try xs:float(5.4321E-100) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs175.txt Try xs:float(1e5) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs176.txt Try xs:float(-1.75e-3) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs177.txt Try xs:float(-0.0E0) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs178.txt Try xs:float(1e5) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs179.txt Try xs:float(INF) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs180.txt Try xs:float(-1.75e-3) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs181.txt Try xs:float(5.4321E-100) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs182.txt Try xs:float(5.4321E-100) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs183.txt Try xs:float(5.4321E-100) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs184.txt Try xs:float(5.4321E-100) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs185.txt Try xs:float(5.4321E-100) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs186.txt Try xs:float(5.4321E-100) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs187.txt Try xs:float(5.4321E-100) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs188.txt Try xs:float(5.4321E-100) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs189.txt Try xs:float(5.4321E-100) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs190.txt Try xs:float(5.4321E-100) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs191.txt Try xs:float(-0.0E0) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs192.txt Try xs:float(1e5) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs193.txt Try xs:float(-INF) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs194.txt Try xs:float(NaN) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs195.txt Try xs:float(5.4321E-100) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs196.txt Try xs:float(5.4321E-100) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs197.txt Try xs:float(5.4321E-100) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs198.txt Try xs:double(1e5) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs199.txt Try xs:double(INF) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs200.txt Try xs:double(1e8) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs201.txt Try xs:double(INF) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs202.txt Try xs:double(-0.0E0) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs203.txt Try xs:double(5.4321E-1001) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs204.txt Try xs:double(1e5) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs205.txt Try xs:double(-1.75e-3) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs206.txt Try xs:double(NaN) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs207.txt Try xs:double(1e5) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs208.txt Try xs:double(INF) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs209.txt Try xs:double(-0.0E0) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs210.txt Try xs:double(5.4321E-1001) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs211.txt Try xs:double(-1.75e-3) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs212.txt Try xs:double(INF) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs213.txt Try xs:double(-0.0E0) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs214.txt Try xs:double(1e5) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs215.txt Try xs:double(-1.75e-3) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs216.txt Try xs:double(INF) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs217.txt Try xs:double(NaN) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs218.txt Try xs:double(1e5) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs219.txt Try xs:double(1e5) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs220.txt Try xs:double(1e5) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs221.txt Try xs:double(1e5) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs222.txt Try xs:double(1e5) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs223.txt Try xs:double(1e5) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs224.txt Try xs:double(1e5) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs225.txt Try xs:double(1e5) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs226.txt Try xs:double(1e5) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs227.txt Try xs:double(1e5) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs228.txt Try xs:double(1e5) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs229.txt Try xs:double(1e5) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs230.txt Try xs:double(1e5) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs231.txt Try xs:double(1e5) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs232.txt Try xs:double(1e5) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs233.txt Try xs:decimal(-1.1234) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs234.txt Try xs:decimal(-1.1234) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs235.txt Try xs:decimal(-1.1234) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs236.txt Try xs:decimal(-1.1234) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs237.txt Try xs:decimal(-1.1234) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs238.txt Try xs:decimal(-1.1234) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs239.txt Try xs:decimal(5.5432) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs240.txt Try xs:decimal(-1.1234) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs241.txt Try xs:decimal(-1.1234) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs242.txt Try xs:decimal(-1.1234) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs243.txt Try xs:decimal(-1.1234) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs244.txt Try xs:decimal(-1.1234) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs245.txt Try xs:decimal(-1.1234) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs246.txt Try xs:decimal(-1.1234) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs247.txt Try xs:decimal(-1.1234) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs248.txt Try xs:decimal(-1.1234) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs249.txt Try xs:decimal(-1.1234) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs250.txt Try xs:decimal(-1.1234) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs251.txt Try xs:decimal(-1.1234) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs252.txt Try xs:decimal(-1.1234) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs253.txt Try xs:decimal(-1.1234) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs254.txt Try xs:decimal(-1.1234) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs255.txt Try xs:integer(1) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs256.txt Try xs:integer(-100) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs257.txt Try xs:integer(-100) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs258.txt Try xs:integer(-100) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs259.txt Try xs:integer(-100) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs260.txt Try xs:integer(-100) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs261.txt Try xs:integer(-100) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs262.txt Try xs:integer(-100) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs263.txt Try xs:integer(-100) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs264.txt Try xs:integer(-100) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs265.txt Try xs:integer(-100) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs266.txt Try xs:integer(-100) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs267.txt Try xs:integer(-100) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs268.txt Try xs:integer(-100) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs269.txt Try xs:integer(-100) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs270.txt Try xs:integer(-100) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs271.txt Try xs:integer(-100) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs272.txt Try xs:integer(-100) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs273.txt Try xs:integer(-100) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs274.txt Try xs:integer(-100) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs275.txt Try xs:integer(-100) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs276.txt Try xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs277.txt Try xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs278.txt Try xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs279.txt Try xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs280.txt Try xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs281.txt Try xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs282.txt Try xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs283.txt Try xs:duration(PT10H) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs284.txt Try xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs285.txt Try xs:duration(PT10H) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs286.txt Try xs:duration(P24M) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs287.txt Try xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs288.txt Try xs:duration(PT10H) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs289.txt Try xs:duration(P24M) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs290.txt Try xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs291.txt Try xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs292.txt Try xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs293.txt Try xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs294.txt Try xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs295.txt Try xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs296.txt Try xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs297.txt Try xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs298.txt Try xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs299.txt Try xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs300.txt Try xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs301.txt Try xs:duration(P1Y2M3DT10H30M23S) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs302.txt Try xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs303.txt Try xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs304.txt Try xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs305.txt Try xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs306.txt Try xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs307.txt Try xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs308.txt Try xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs309.txt Try xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs310.txt Try xs:yearMonthDuration(-P21M) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs311.txt Try xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs312.txt Try xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs313.txt Try xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs314.txt Try xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs315.txt Try xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs316.txt Try xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs317.txt Try xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs318.txt Try xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs319.txt Try xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs320.txt Try xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs321.txt Try xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs322.txt Try xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs323.txt Try xs:yearMonthDuration(P1Y2M) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs324.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs325.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(-PT100M) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs326.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs327.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(-PT100M) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs328.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs329.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs330.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs331.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs332.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs333.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(PT24H) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs334.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(-PT100M) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs335.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs336.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs337.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(P14D) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs338.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(-PT100M) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs339.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs340.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs341.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs342.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs343.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs344.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs345.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs346.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs347.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs348.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs349.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs350.txt Try xs:dayTimeDuration(P3DT10H30M) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs351.txt Try xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs352.txt Try xs:dateTime(-1999-05-31T13:20:00+14:00) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs353.txt Try xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs354.txt Try xs:dateTime(-1999-05-31T13:20:00+14:00) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs355.txt Try xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs356.txt Try xs:dateTime(2000-01-16T00:00:00Z) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs357.txt Try xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs358.txt Try xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs359.txt Try xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs360.txt Try xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs361.txt Try xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs362.txt Try xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs363.txt Try xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs364.txt Try xs:dateTime(-1999-05-31T13:20:00+14:00) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs365.txt Try xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs366.txt Try xs:dateTime(-1999-05-31T13:20:00+14:00) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs367.txt Try xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs368.txt Try xs:dateTime(-1999-05-31T13:20:00+14:00) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs369.txt Try xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs370.txt Try xs:dateTime(-1999-05-31T13:20:00+14:00) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs371.txt Try xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs372.txt Try xs:dateTime(-1999-05-31T13:20:00+14:00) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs373.txt Try xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs374.txt Try xs:dateTime(-1999-05-31T13:20:00+14:00) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs375.txt Try xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs376.txt Try xs:dateTime(-1999-05-31T13:20:00+14:00) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs377.txt Try xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs378.txt Try xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs379.txt Try xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs380.txt Try xs:dateTime(1999-05-31T13:20:00) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs381.txt Try xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs382.txt Try xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs383.txt Try xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs384.txt Try xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs385.txt Try xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs386.txt Try xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs387.txt Try xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs388.txt Try xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs389.txt Try xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs390.txt Try xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs391.txt Try xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs392.txt Try xs:time(13:20:02.123) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs393.txt Try xs:time(13:20:00Z) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs394.txt Try xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs395.txt Try xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs396.txt Try xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs397.txt Try xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs398.txt Try xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs399.txt Try xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs400.txt Try xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs401.txt Try xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs402.txt Try xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs403.txt Try xs:time(13:20:00-05:00) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs404.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs405.txt Try xs:date(-0012-12-03-05:00) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs406.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs407.txt Try xs:date(-0012-12-03-05:00) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs408.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs409.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs410.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31Z) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs411.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs412.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs413.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs414.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs415.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs416.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs417.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs418.txt Try xs:date(-0012-12-03-05:00) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs419.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31Z) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs420.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs421.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs422.txt Try xs:date(-0012-12-03-05:00) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs423.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31Z) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs424.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs425.txt Try xs:date(-0012-12-03-05:00) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs426.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31Z) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs427.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31Z) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs428.txt Try xs:date(-0012-12-03-05:00) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs429.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31Z) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs430.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs431.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs432.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs433.txt Try xs:date(1999-05-31) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs434.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(1999-05) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs435.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(1999-05) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs436.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(1999-05) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs437.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(1999-05) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs438.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs439.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs440.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs441.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs442.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs443.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs444.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs445.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs446.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs447.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(1999-05) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs448.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(-0012-12-05:00) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs449.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs450.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs451.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs452.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs453.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs454.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs455.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs456.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs457.txt Try xs:gYearMonth(1999-05Z) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs458.txt Try xs:gYear(1999) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs459.txt Try xs:gYear(1999) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs460.txt Try xs:gYear(1999) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs461.txt Try xs:gYear(1999) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs462.txt Try xs:gYear(1999) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs463.txt Try xs:gYear(1999) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs464.txt Try xs:gYear(1999) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs465.txt Try xs:gYear(1999) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs466.txt Try xs:gYear(1999) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs467.txt Try xs:gYear(1999) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs468.txt Try xs:gYear(1999) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs469.txt Try xs:gYear(1999) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs470.txt Try xs:gYear(1999) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs471.txt Try xs:gYear(-0012-05:00) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs472.txt Try xs:gYear(1999Z) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs473.txt Try xs:gYear(1999) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs474.txt Try xs:gYear(1999) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs475.txt Try xs:gYear(1999) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs476.txt Try xs:gYear(1999) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs477.txt Try xs:gYear(1999) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs478.txt Try xs:gYear(1999) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs479.txt Try xs:gYear(1999) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs480.txt Try xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs481.txt Try xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs482.txt Try xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs483.txt Try xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs484.txt Try xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs485.txt Try xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs486.txt Try xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs487.txt Try xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs488.txt Try xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs489.txt Try xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs490.txt Try xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs491.txt Try xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs492.txt Try xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs493.txt Try xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs494.txt Try xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs495.txt Try xs:gMonthDay(--12-03-05:00) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs496.txt Try xs:gMonthDay(--05-31Z) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs497.txt Try xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs498.txt Try xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs499.txt Try xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs500.txt Try xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs501.txt Try xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs502.txt Try xs:gMonthDay(--05-31) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs503.txt Try xs:gDay(---31) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs504.txt Try xs:gDay(---31) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs505.txt Try xs:gDay(---31) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs506.txt Try xs:gDay(---31) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs507.txt Try xs:gDay(---31) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs508.txt Try xs:gDay(---31) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs509.txt Try xs:gDay(---31) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs510.txt Try xs:gDay(---31) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs511.txt Try xs:gDay(---31) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs512.txt Try xs:gDay(---31) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs513.txt Try xs:gDay(---31) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs514.txt Try xs:gDay(---31) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs515.txt Try xs:gDay(---31) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs516.txt Try xs:gDay(---31) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs517.txt Try xs:gDay(---31) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs518.txt Try xs:gDay(---31) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs519.txt Try xs:gDay(---03-05:00) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs520.txt Try xs:gDay(---31Z) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs521.txt Try xs:gDay(---31) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs522.txt Try xs:gDay(---31) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs523.txt Try xs:gDay(---31) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs524.txt Try xs:gDay(---31) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs525.txt Try xs:gDay(---31) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs526.txt Try xs:gMonth(--05) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs527.txt Try xs:gMonth(--05) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs528.txt Try xs:gMonth(--05) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs529.txt Try xs:gMonth(--05) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs530.txt Try xs:gMonth(--05) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs531.txt Try xs:gMonth(--05) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs532.txt Try xs:gMonth(--05) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs533.txt Try xs:gMonth(--05) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs534.txt Try xs:gMonth(--05) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs535.txt Try xs:gMonth(--05) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs536.txt Try xs:gMonth(--05) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs537.txt Try xs:gMonth(--05) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs538.txt Try xs:gMonth(--05) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs539.txt Try xs:gMonth(--05) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs540.txt Try xs:gMonth(--05) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs541.txt Try xs:gMonth(--05) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs542.txt Try xs:gMonth(--05) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs543.txt Try xs:gMonth(--12-05:00) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs544.txt Try xs:gMonth(--05Z) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs545.txt Try xs:gMonth(--05) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs546.txt Try xs:gMonth(--05) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs547.txt Try xs:gMonth(--05) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs548.txt Try xs:gMonth(--05) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs549.txt Try xs:boolean(true) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs550.txt Try xs:boolean(true) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs551.txt Try xs:boolean(true) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs552.txt Try xs:boolean(false) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs553.txt Try xs:boolean(true) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs554.txt Try xs:boolean(false) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs555.txt Try xs:boolean(true) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs556.txt Try xs:boolean(false) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs557.txt Try xs:boolean(true) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs558.txt Try xs:boolean(false) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs559.txt Try xs:boolean(true) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs560.txt Try xs:boolean(true) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs561.txt Try xs:boolean(true) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs562.txt Try xs:boolean(true) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs563.txt Try xs:boolean(true) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs564.txt Try xs:boolean(true) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs565.txt Try xs:boolean(true) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs566.txt Try xs:boolean(true) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs567.txt Try xs:boolean(true) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs568.txt Try xs:boolean(true) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs569.txt Try xs:boolean(true) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs570.txt Try xs:boolean(true) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs571.txt Try xs:boolean(false) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs572.txt Try xs:boolean(true) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs573.txt Try xs:boolean(true) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs574.txt Try xs:boolean(true) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs575.txt Try xs:base64Binary(01001010) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs576.txt Try xs:base64Binary(0FB7) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs577.txt Try xs:base64Binary(01001010) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs578.txt Try xs:base64Binary(0FB7) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs579.txt Try xs:base64Binary(10010101) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs580.txt Try xs:base64Binary(10010101) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs581.txt Try xs:base64Binary(10010101) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs582.txt Try xs:base64Binary(10010101) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs583.txt Try xs:base64Binary(10010101) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs584.txt Try xs:base64Binary(10010101) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs585.txt Try xs:base64Binary(10010101) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs586.txt Try xs:base64Binary(10010101) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs587.txt Try xs:base64Binary(10010101) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs588.txt Try xs:base64Binary(10010101) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs589.txt Try xs:base64Binary(10010101) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs590.txt Try xs:base64Binary(10010101) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs591.txt Try xs:base64Binary(10010101) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs592.txt Try xs:base64Binary(10010101) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs593.txt Try xs:base64Binary(10010101) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs594.txt Try xs:base64Binary(10010101) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs595.txt Try xs:base64Binary(01001010) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs596.txt Try xs:base64Binary(0FB7) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs597.txt Try xs:base64Binary(00000000) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs598.txt Try xs:base64Binary(10010101) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs599.txt Try xs:base64Binary(aA+zZ/09) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs600.txt Try xs:base64Binary(0FB7) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs601.txt Try xs:base64Binary(10010101) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs602.txt Try xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs603.txt Try xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs604.txt Try xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs605.txt Try xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs606.txt Try xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs607.txt Try xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs608.txt Try xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs609.txt Try xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs610.txt Try xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs611.txt Try xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs612.txt Try xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs613.txt Try xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs614.txt Try xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs615.txt Try xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs616.txt Try xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs617.txt Try xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs618.txt Try xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs619.txt Try xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs620.txt Try xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs621.txt Try xs:hexBinary(0fb7) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs622.txt Try xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs623.txt Try xs:hexBinary(d74d35d35d35) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs624.txt Try xs:hexBinary(D74D35D35D35) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs625.txt Try xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) castable as xs:untypedAtomic. emptydoc CastableAs626.txt Try xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) castable as xs:string. emptydoc CastableAs627.txt Try xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) castable as xs:float. emptydoc CastableAs628.txt Try xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) castable as xs:double. emptydoc CastableAs629.txt Try xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) castable as xs:decimal. emptydoc CastableAs630.txt Try xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) castable as xs:integer. emptydoc CastableAs631.txt Try xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) castable as xs:duration. emptydoc CastableAs632.txt Try xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) castable as xs:yearMonthDuration. emptydoc CastableAs633.txt Try xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) castable as xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc CastableAs634.txt Try xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) castable as xs:dateTime. emptydoc CastableAs635.txt Try xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) castable as xs:time. emptydoc CastableAs636.txt Try xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) castable as xs:date. emptydoc CastableAs637.txt Try xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) castable as xs:gYearMonth. emptydoc CastableAs638.txt Try xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) castable as xs:gYear. emptydoc CastableAs639.txt Try xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) castable as xs:gMonthDay. emptydoc CastableAs640.txt Try xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) castable as xs:gDay. emptydoc CastableAs641.txt Try xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) castable as xs:gMonth. emptydoc CastableAs642.txt Try xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) castable as xs:boolean. emptydoc CastableAs643.txt Try xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) castable as xs:base64Binary. emptydoc CastableAs644.txt Try xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) castable as xs:hexBinary. emptydoc CastableAs645.txt Try xs:anyURI(http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt) castable as xs:anyURI. emptydoc CastableAs646.txt Try string lieral castable as xs:QName. emptydoc CastableAs647.txt Try variable castable as xs:QName. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4446 emptydoc CastableAs648.txt Reordering the predicates should not cause the expression to raise an error. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4446 acme_corp CastableAs649.txt The expression should not raise a dynamic error. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4446 acme_corp CastableAs650.txt '+' nor '?' is allowed as a cardinality specifier in 'castable as'. emptydoc XPST0003 '+' nor '?' is allowed as a cardinality specifier in 'castable as'. emptydoc XPST0003 '+' nor '?' is allowed as a cardinality specifier in 'castable as'. emptydoc XPST0003 '+' nor '?' is allowed as a cardinality specifier in 'castable as'. emptydoc XPST0003 XPST0051 An invalid type for 'castable as' is specified. emptydoc XPST0051 An invalid type for 'castable as' is specified. emptydoc XPST0051 An invalid type for 'castable as' is specified. emptydoc XPST0080 An invalid type for 'castable as' is specified. emptydoc XPST0080 An invalid type for 'castable as' is specified. emptydoc XPST0080 An invalid type for 'castable as' is specified. emptydoc XPST0080 An invalid type for 'castable as' is specified. emptydoc XPST0080 An invalid type for 'castable as' is specified. emptydoc XPST0003 XPST0051 An invalid type for 'castable as' is specified, leading to a syntax error. emptydoc XPST0003 XPST0051 An invalid type for 'castable as' is specified, leading to a syntax error. emptydoc XPST0003 XPST0051 An invalid type for 'castable as' is specified, leading to a syntax error. emptydoc XPST0003 XPST0051 An invalid type for 'castable as' is specified, leading to a syntax error. emptydoc XPST0003 XPST0051 A test whose essence is: `not(QName("", "lname") castable as xs:integer)`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCastable-17.txt When casting to xs:QName the source value can be a xs:QName value. emptydoc K-SeqExprCastable-18.txt Casting an xs:string to xs:QName works. emptydoc K-SeqExprCastable-19.txt Casting an empty sequence to xs:QName does not work. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5747 emptydoc K-SeqExprCastable-20.txt Casting an empty sequence to xs:QName? works. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5747 emptydoc K-SeqExprCastable-21.txt Casting an xs:untypedAtomic to xs:QName does not work. emptydoc K-SeqExprCastable-22.txt A test whose essence is: `not(("one", "two") castable as xs:string?)`. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5747 emptydoc K-SeqExprCastable-23.txt A test whose essence is: `not('string' castable as xs:boolean)`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCastable-24.txt A test whose essence is: `'true' castable as xs:boolean`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCastable-25.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float(1) castable as xs:float`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCastable-26.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float(1) castable as xs:untypedAtomic`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCastable-27.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:float(1) castable as xs:string`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCastable-28.txt A test whose essence is: `not(xs:anyURI("example.com/") castable as xs:integer)`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCastable-29.txt A test whose essence is: `not("three" castable as xs:float)`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCastable-30.txt A test whose essence is: `not("three" castable as xs:integer)`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCastable-31.txt A test whose essence is: `not("three" castable as xs:decimal)`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCastable-32.txt A test whose essence is: `not("three" castable as xs:double)`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCastable-33.txt A test whose essence is: `not((1, 2, 3) castable as xs:integer)`. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5747 emptydoc K-SeqExprCastable-34.txt A test whose essence is: `not(() castable as xs:integer)`. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5747 emptydoc K-SeqExprCastable-35.txt A test whose essence is: `() castable as xs:integer?`. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5747 emptydoc K-SeqExprCastable-36.txt A test whose essence is: `(1) castable as xs:integer?`. emptydoc K-SeqExprCastable-37.txt A test whose essence is: `not(("one", "two") castable as xs:string?)`. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5747 emptydoc K-SeqExprCastable-38.txt Testing castability to xs:QName where the cardinality is wrong. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5747 emptydoc K2-SeqExprCastable-1.txt Testing castability to xs:QName where the cardinality is wrong(#2). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5747 emptydoc K2-SeqExprCastable-2.txt Combine operator div with castable as. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4873 emptydoc FOAR0001 Combine operator div with castable as(#2). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4873 emptydoc FOAR0001 Check casting an xs:positiveInteger value to xs:double. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCastable-5.txt Check that an invalid xs:anyURI gets flagged as not being castable. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCastable-6.txt Check that an invalid xs:anyURI gets flagged as not being castable. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCastable-7.txt Check castability of an invalid xs:anyURI. emptydoc K2-SeqExprCastable-8.txt K2-SeqExprCastable-8-2.txt Treat Evaluation of treat as expression where dynamic type does not match expected type. emptydoc XPDY0050 Evaluation of treat as expression involving the xs:string data type and a function that expects a string. emptydoc treat-as-2.txt Evaluation of treat as expression involving the xs:integer data type and a div expression. emptydoc treat-as-3.txt Evaluation of treat as expression involving the xs:decimal data type and a function that can take an decimal/integer (integer treated as decimal). emptydoc treat-as-4.txt Evaluation of treat as expression involving the xs:decimal data type and a function that can take a decimal/integer (decimal treated as integer). emptydoc treat-as-5.txt Evaluation of treat as expression involving the xs:float data type and a function that can take a float (fn:abs). emptydoc treat-as-6.txt Evaluation of treat as expression involving the xs:double data type and a function that can take a double (fn:abs). emptydoc treat-as-7.txt Evaluation of treat as expression involving the xs:boolean data type and a function that can take a boolean (fn:not). emptydoc treat-as-8.txt Evaluation of treat as expression involving the xs:date data type and a function that can take a date (fn:year-from-date). emptydoc treat-as-9.txt Evaluation of treat as expression involving the xs:dateTime data type and a function that can take a dateTime (fn:minutes-from-dateTime). emptydoc treat-as-10.txt Evaluation of treat as expression involving the xs:time data type and a function that can take a time (fn:hours-from-time). emptydoc treat-as-11.txt Evaluation of treat as expression involving the xs:integer data type and a homogeneous sequence. emptydoc treat-as-12.txt Evaluation of treat as expression involving the xs:integer data type and a heterogeneous sequence. emptydoc treat-as-13.txt Evaluation of treat as expression with a "cast as" expression and integer/float data types. emptydoc treat-as-14.txt Evaluation of treat as expression with a "cast as" expression and integer/double data types. emptydoc treat-as-15.txt Evaluation of treat as expression with a "cast as" expression and float/integer data types. emptydoc treat-as-16.txt Evaluation of treat as expression with a "cast as" expression and double/integer data types. emptydoc treat-as-17.txt Evaluation of treat as expression with a "cast as" expression and double/float data types. emptydoc treat-as-18.txt Evaluation of treat as expression with a "cast as" expression and float/double data types. emptydoc treat-as-19.txt Evaluation of treat as expression with a "cast as" expression and decimal/double data types. emptydoc treat-as-20.txt Evaluation of treat as expression with a "cast as" expression and decimal/float data types. emptydoc treat-as-21.txt Evaluation of treat as expression with a "cast as" expression and float/decimal data types (float cast as decimal treat as decimal). emptydoc treat-as-22.txt Evaluation of treat as expression with a "cast as" expression and double/decimal data types (double cast as decimal treat as decimal). emptydoc treat-as-23.txt Evaluation of treat as expression used as part of an addition operation. emptydoc treat-as-24.txt Evaluation of treat as expression used as part of a subtraction operation. emptydoc treat-as-25.txt A test whose essence is: `3 treat as xs:string`. emptydoc XPDY0050 A test whose essence is: `xs:double("3") treat as xs:float`. emptydoc XPDY0050 A test whose essence is: `xs:anyURI("example.com/") treat as xs:float`. emptydoc XPDY0050 A test whose essence is: `3.0 treat as xs:integer`. emptydoc XPDY0050 A test whose essence is: `xs:integer(3) treat as xs:decimal instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-SeqExprTreat-5.txt A test whose essence is: `"3" treat as xs:string eq '3'`. emptydoc K-SeqExprTreat-6.txt A test whose essence is: `xs:integer("3") treat as xs:decimal instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-SeqExprTreat-7.txt A type is specified which doesn't exist. emptydoc XPST0081 A type is specified which doesn't exist. emptydoc XPST0051 Exactly-one xs:integer does not match empty-sequence(). emptydoc XPDY0050 Implementations using the static typing feature, may raise XPTY0004 because one of the operands to operator 'eq' has cardinality 'one-or-more'. emptydoc K-SeqExprTreat-11.txt XPTY0004 Implementations using the static typing feature, may raise XPTY0004 because one of the operands to operator 'eq' has cardinality 'zero-or-more'. emptydoc K-SeqExprTreat-12.txt XPTY0004 Implementations using the static typing feature, may raise XPTY0004 because one of the operands to the multiply-operator has cardinality 'zero-or-more'. emptydoc K-SeqExprTreat-13.txt XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `(3 treat as xs:integer ? * 3) eq 9`. emptydoc K-SeqExprTreat-14.txt A complex 'treat as' expression, stressing parser and evaluation logic. Implementations supporting the static typing feature may issue XPTY0004. emptydoc K-SeqExprTreat-15.txt XPTY0004 '3 treat as item(' is a syntatically invalid expression. emptydoc XPST0003 A test whose essence is: `(remove((5, 1e0), 2) treat as xs:integer) eq 5`. emptydoc K-SeqExprTreat-17.txt An xs:decimal, despite being a valid integer, cannot be treated as an xs:integer. emptydoc XPDY0050 Use three pluses on a row, combined with 'treat as'. emptydoc K2-SeqExprTreat-2.txt Lhs must be a StepExpr, and TreatExpr is not. emptydoc XPST0003 Treat the result of an empty node test, as the empty-sequence(). emptydoc K2-SeqExprTreat-4.txt Modules and Prologs Version Declaration Demonstrates version declaration,the version. emptydoc version_declaration-001.txt * Demonstrates version declaration,the version. emptydoc version_declaration-002.txt * Demonstrates version declaration,the version. bib2 version_declaration-003.txt * Demonstrates version declaration,the version. bib2 version_declaration-004.txt * Demonstrates version declaration, the version "1.1" fails under 1.0, succeeds under 1.1. emptydoc version_declaration-006.txt XQST0031 Demonstrates version declaration,the version. emptydoc XQST0031 Demonstrates version declaration,the version. emptydoc XQST0031 Demonstrates version declaration,the version. emptydoc XPST0003 Evaluation of version declaration, for which the encoding does not conforms to "encName" from XML 1.0. emptydoc XQST0087 Evaluation of prolog version declaration with both version and encoding information (set to 1.0 and "UTF-8") respectively. emptydoc prolog-version-1.txt Evaluation of prolog version declaration with both version and encoding information (set to 1.0 and "UTF-16") respectively. emptydoc prolog-version-2.txt XPST0003 Evaluation of prolog version declaration with both version and encoding information (set to 1.0 and "US-ASCII") respectively. emptydoc prolog-version-3.txt Evaluation of prolog version as described in "version_declaration-001.xq". However comments here are after version declaration. emptydoc prolog-version-4.txt Evaluation of prolog version as described in "version_declaration-002.xq". However comments here are after version declaration. emptydoc prolog-version-5.txt Evaluation of prolog version as described in "version_declaration-003.xq". However comments here are after version declaration. bib2 prolog-version-6.txt Evaluation of prolog version as described in "version_declaration-004.xq". However comments here are after version declaration. bib2 prolog-version-7.txt Evaluation of prolog version as described in "version_declaration-006.xq". However comments here are after version declaration. emptydoc prolog-version-9.txt XQST0031 Evaluation of prolog version as described in "version_declaration-007.xq". However comments here are after version declaration. emptydoc XQST0031 Evaluation of prolog version as described in "version_declaration-008.xq". However comments here are after version declaration. emptydoc XQST0031 Evaluation of prolog version as described in "version_declaration-009.xq". However comments here are after version declaration. emptydoc XPST0003 A simple version declaration including encoding. Since it's implementation defined how comments before the version declaration is handled, any error is allowed. emptydoc K-VersionProlog-1.txt * A simple version declaration excluding encoding. emptydoc K-VersionProlog-2.txt A version declaration with an encoding containing whitespace. emptydoc XQST0087 A version declaration with an encoding containing an disallowed character. emptydoc XQST0087 A prolog containing many different declarations. emptydoc K-VersionProlog-5.txt a string literal reminding of an xquery version declaration. emptydoc K2-VersionProlog-1.txt a string literal reminding of an xquery version declaration. emptydoc K2-VersionProlog-2.txt Use an invalid keyword as encoding. emptydoc XPST0003 Whitespace isn't allowed after a prefix in a QName. emptydoc XPST0003 Check that the 'xquery' name test is parsed correctly. emptydoc XPDY0002 Boundary-space Declaration Demonstrates stripping/preserving of boundary. emptydoc boundary-space-001.txt Demonstrates stripping/preserving of boundary. emptydoc boundary-space-002.txt Demonstrates stripping/preserving of boundary. emptydoc boundary-space-003.txt Demonstrates stripping/preserving of boundary. emptydoc boundary-space-004.txt Demonstrates stripping/preserving of boundary. emptydoc boundary-space-005.txt Demonstrates stripping/preserving of boundary. emptydoc boundary-space-006.txt Demonstrates stripping/preserving of boundary. emptydoc boundary-space-007.txt Demonstrates stripping/preserving of boundary. emptydoc boundary-space-008.txt Demonstrates stripping/preserving of boundary. emptydoc boundary-space-009.txt Demonstrates stripping/preserving of boundary. emptydoc boundary-space-010.txt Demonstrates stripping/preserving of boundary. emptydoc boundary-space-011.txt Demonstrates stripping/preserving of boundary. emptydoc boundary-space-012.txt Demonstrates stripping/preserving of boundary. emptydoc boundary-space-013.txt Demonstrates stripping/preserving of boundary. emptydoc boundary-space-014.txt Demonstrates stripping/preserving of boundary. emptydoc boundary-space-015.txt Demonstrates stripping/preserving of boundary. emptydoc boundary-space-016.txt Demonstrates stripping/preserving of boundary. emptydoc boundary-space-017.txt Demonstrates stripping/preserving of boundary. emptydoc boundary-space-018.txt Demonstrates stripping/preserving of boundary. emptydoc boundary-space-019.txt Demonstrates stripping/preserving of boundary. emptydoc boundary-space-020.txt Demonstrates stripping/preserving of boundary. emptydoc boundary-space-021.txt Demonstrates stripping/preserving of boundary. emptydoc boundary-space-022.txt Evaluation of a prolog with two boundary space declarations. emptydoc XQST0068 A simple 'declare boundary-space' declaration, specifying 'preserve'. emptydoc K-BoundarySpaceProlog-1.txt A simple 'declare boundary-space' declaration, specifying 'strip'. emptydoc K-BoundarySpaceProlog-2.txt Two 'declare boundary-space' declarations are invalid. emptydoc XQST0068 The expression 'declare boundary space' is invalid. emptydoc XPST0003 Ensure the 'boundary-space' keyword is parsed correctly. emptydoc XPDY0002 Default Collation Declaration Evaluates the declaration of two default collation in the prolog. emptydoc XQST0038 Evaluates the declaration default collation in the prolog that should raise an error for most (if not all implementations). emptydoc XQST0038 A 'declare default collation' that uses a relative URI combined with setting the base-uri, to specify the Unicode Codepoint collation. emptydoc K-CollationProlog-1.txt A 'declare default collation' that uses a relative URI combined with setting the base-uri, to specify an invalid collation. emptydoc XQST0038 Any implementation must support setting the default collation to the Unicode Codepoint collation with 'declare default collation'. emptydoc K-CollationProlog-3.txt A 'declare default collation' expression may occur only once. emptydoc XQST0038 Two 'declare default collation' declarations where the collations differs. emptydoc XQST0038 Invalid URI literal in prolog. emptydoc XPST0003 Copy Namespaces Declaration Evaluation of a prolog with more than one copy-namespace declaration. emptydoc XQST0055 Evaluates that local namespace overrides default namespace. emptydoc copynamespace-2.txt Evaluates copy namespace declaration with value set to "preserve no-inherit". emptydoc copynamespace-3.txt copynamespace-3alt.txt Evaluates copy namespace declaration with value set to "preserve inherit". emptydoc copynamespace-4.txt Evaluates copy namespace declaration with value set to "preserve no-inherit" and copied element uses same namespace as constructor element. emptydoc copynamespace-5.txt Evaluates copy namespace declaration with value set to "preserve inherit" and copied element uses same namespace as constructor element. emptydoc copynamespace-6.txt Evaluates copy namespace declaration with value set to "no-preserve no-inherit". Use Global variables with namespaces with prefixes. emptydoc copynamespace-7.txt Evaluates copy namespace declaration with value set to "preserve no-inherit". Use Global variables with namespaces with prefixes. emptydoc copynamespace-8.txt Evaluates copy namespace declaration with value set to "no-preserve inherit". Use Global variables with namespaces with prefixes. emptydoc copynamespace-9.txt Evaluates copy namespace declaration with value set to "preserve inherit". Use Global variables with namespaces with prefixes. emptydoc copynamespace-10.txt Evaluates copy namespace declaration with value set to "preserve inherit". Use Global variables with namespaces with same prefixes and different namespace URI. emptydoc copynamespace-11.txt Evaluates copy namespace declaration with value set to "preserve inherit". Use Global variables with namespaces with different prefixes and same namespace URI. emptydoc copynamespace-12.txt Evaluates copy namespace declaration with value set to "preserve inherit". Use global variables. Only the XML prefix is used. emptydoc copynamespace-13.txt Evaluates copy namespace declaration with value set to "preserve inherit". Use global variables where prefix differes in case. emptydoc copynamespace-14.txt Evaluates copy namespace declaration with value set to "preserve inherit" with multiple inclusions. Examines last element in subtree. emptydoc copynamespace-15.txt Evaluates copy namespace declaration with value set to "no-preserve inherit" with multiple inclusions. Examines last element in subtree. emptydoc copynamespace-16.txt Evaluates copy namespace declaration with value set to "no-preserve no-inherit" with multiple inclusions. Examines last element in subtree. emptydoc copynamespace-17.txt Evaluates copy namespace declaration with value set to "preserve no-inherit" with multiple inclusions. Examines last element in subtree. emptydoc copynamespace-18.txt Evaluates copy namespace declaration with value set to "preserve inherit" with multiple inclusions. Examines mid element in subtree. emptydoc copynamespace-19.txt Evaluates copy namespace declaration with value set to "no-preserve inherit" with multiple inclusions. Examines mid element in subtree. emptydoc copynamespace-20.txt Evaluates copy namespace declaration with value set to "no-preserve no-inherit" with multiple inclusions. Examines mid element in subtree. emptydoc copynamespace-21.txt Evaluates copy namespace declaration with value set to "preserve no-inherit" with multiple inclusions. Examines mid element in subtree. emptydoc copynamespace-22.txt A prolog may not contain two copy-namespaces declarations. emptydoc XQST0055 A 'declare copy-namespaces' declaration specifying no-preserve and no-inherit. emptydoc K-CopyNamespacesProlog-2.txt A 'declare copy-namespaces' declaration specifying no-preserve and no-inherit. emptydoc K-CopyNamespacesProlog-3.txt A 'declare copy-namespaces' declaration specifying no-preserve and no-inherit in a wrong order . emptydoc XPST0003 A 'declare copy-namespaces' declaration specifying preserve and inherit in a wrong order . emptydoc XPST0003 Use no-preserve, inherit with the default namespace. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4869 emptydoc K2-CopyNamespacesProlog-1.txt Ensure the 'copy-namespaces' keyword is parsed correctly. emptydoc XPDY0002 Ensure the 'namespace' keyword is parsed correctly. emptydoc XPDY0002 Verify that the default element namespace is not touched when using no-inherit. emptydoc K2-CopyNamespacesProlog-4.txt Have a namespace which is used further down. emptydoc K2-CopyNamespacesProlog-5.txt Check in-scope bindings of constructed nodes. emptydoc K2-CopyNamespacesProlog-6.txt Have an unused prefix further down the hierarchy. emptydoc K2-CopyNamespacesProlog-7.txt Copy an element with no children. emptydoc K2-CopyNamespacesProlog-8.txt Use direct element constructors inside enclosed expressions. emptydoc K2-CopyNamespacesProlog-9.txt Base URI Declaration Evaluates the declaration of two base-uri in the prolog. emptydoc XQST0032 Evaluates that a declaration containing "abc<" is a valid base-uri declaration. emptydoc base-URI-2.txt XQST0046 Evaluates that a declaration containing "abc>" is a valid base-uri declaration. emptydoc base-URI-3.txt XQST0046 Evaluates that a declaration containing "abc&" is a valid base-uri declaration. emptydoc base-URI-4.txt Evaluates that a declaration containing "abc"" is a valid base-uri declaration. emptydoc base-URI-5.txt XQST0046 Evaluates that a declaration containing "abc'" is a valid base-uri declaration. emptydoc base-URI-6.txt Evaluates base-uri property with the resolve-uri function. Typical usage. emptydoc base-URI-7.txt Evaluates usage of base-uri property with resolve-uri function. base-usi not defined. emptydoc base-URI-8.txt FONS0005 Evaluates base-uri property with the static-base-uri function. Typical usage. emptydoc base-URI-9.txt Evaluates base-uri property with the static-base-uri function. base-uri property not defined. emptydoc base-URI-10.txt base-URIalt-10.txt Verify that the value of the base-uri can have numbers. Used with the static-base-uri function. emptydoc base-URI-11.txt Verify that the value of the base-uri can have an escape quote. Used with the static-base-uri function. emptydoc base-URI-12.txt XQST0046 Verify that the value of the base-uri can have an escape apostrophe. Used with the static-base-uri function. emptydoc base-URI-13.txt Verify that the value of the base-uri can have a "ampersand pound pound 0 semi "(spaces removed)pattern on it. Use with the static-base-uri function. emptydoc base-URI-14.txt XQST0046 Verify that the value of the base-uri can be a single character. Use with the static-base-uri function. emptydoc base-URI-15.txt Verify that the value of the base-uri can contain the string "ampersand pound a ;". Use with the static-base-uri function. emptydoc base-URI-18.txt XQST0046 Verify that the value of the base-uri can bet set to the string "declare base-uri". Use with the static-base-uri function. emptydoc base-URI-19.txt XQST0046 Verify that the value of the base-uri can bet set to the string "base-uri". Use with the static-base-uri function. emptydoc base-URI-20.txt Verify that the value of the base-uri can bet set to the string "BASE-URI". Use with the static-base-uri function. emptydoc base-URI-21.txt Verify normalization of xs:anyURI (leading whitespace). Use with the static-base-uri function. emptydoc base-URI-22.txt Verify normalization of xs:anyURI (trailing whitespace). Use with the static-base-uri function. emptydoc base-URI-23.txt Verify normalization of xs:anyURI (whitespace in the middle). Use with the static-base-uri function. emptydoc base-URI-24.txt XQST0046 Verify normalization of xs:anyURI (encoded whitespace in the middle). Use with the static-base-uri function. emptydoc base-URI-25.txt Evaluation of base-uri declaration set to a relative value. It uses the static-base-uri function. emptydoc base-URI-26.txt relative base-uri emptydoc base-uri-27.txt relative base-uri through parent emptydoc base-uri-28.txt relative base-uri through parent emptydoc base-uri-29.txt Test 'declare base-uri' with fn:static-base-uri(). emptydoc K-BaseURIProlog-1.txt Two 'declare base-uri' expressions, where the URIs differs. emptydoc XQST0032 Two 'declare base-uri' expressions, where the URIs are equal. emptydoc XQST0032 Specify an invalid URI. emptydoc K2-BaseURIProlog-1.txt XQST0046 A base-uri declaration with a Windows file path which is invalid. emptydoc K2-BaseURIProlog-2.txt XQST0046 A base-uri declaration with a Windows file path which is invalid, and which is being used by a call to fn:doc(). emptydoc XQST0046 FODC0005 FODC0002 The static base-uri must be absolute. Since the declaration supplies a relative URI, an implementation may fail with computing an absolute URI, hence XPST0001 is allowed. The test checks that the static base-uri is absolute. emptydoc K2-BaseURIProlog-4.txt XPST0001 Use an empty use as base-uri. Since the implementation may fail with determining the base-uri, XPST0001 is allowed. emptydoc XPST0001 The static base-uri is not affected by xml:base declarations on direct element constructors. emptydoc K2-BaseURIProlog-6.txt Ensure the 'base-uri' keyword is parsed correctly. emptydoc XPDY0002 Construction Declaration Evaluation of prolog with two construction declarations. emptydoc XQST0067 Evaluation of a prolog with construction declaration set to "strip" and used with directly construted element. emptydoc constprolog-2.txt Evaluation of a prolog with construction declaration set to "strip" and used with computed construted element. emptydoc constprolog-3.txt Evaluation of a prolog with construction declaration set to "preserve" and used with directly construted element. emptydoc constprolog-4.txt Evaluation of a prolog with construction declaration set to "preserve" and used with computed element. emptydoc constprolog-5.txt Evaluation of a prolog with construction declaration set to "strip" and used with directly constructed element compare against "xs:anyType". emptydoc constprolog-6.txt Evaluation of a prolog with construction declaration set to "strip" and used with computed element compare against "xs:anyType". emptydoc constprolog-7.txt Evaluation of a prolog with construction declaration set to "strip" and used with direct element and used as argument to fn:not(). emptydoc constprolog-8.txt Evaluation of a prolog with construction declaration set to "strip" and used with computed element and used as argument to fn:not(). emptydoc constprolog-9.txt Evaluation of a prolog with construction declaration set to "preserve" and used with direct element and used as argument to fn:not(). emptydoc constprolog-10.txt Evaluation of a prolog with construction declaration set to "preserve" and used with computed element and used as argument to fn:not(). emptydoc constprolog-11.txt Evaluation of a prolog with construction declaration set to "strip" and used with direct element (build inside instance of expression) and used as argument to fn:not(). emptydoc constprolog-12.txt Evaluation of a prolog with construction declaration set to "preserve" and used with computed element (build inside instance of expression) and used as argument to fn:not(). emptydoc constprolog-13.txt Evaluation of a prolog with construction declaration set to "strip" and used with direct element and used with "and" and "fn:true". emptydoc constprolog-14.txt Evaluation of a prolog with construction declaration set to "strip" and used with computed element and used with "and" and "fn:true". emptydoc constprolog-15.txt Evaluation of a prolog with construction declaration set to "preserve" and used with direct element and used with "and" and "fn:true". emptydoc constprolog-16.txt Evaluation of a prolog with construction declaration set to "preserve" and used with computed element and used with "and" and "fn:true". emptydoc constprolog-17.txt Evaluation of a prolog with construction declaration set to "strip" and used with direct element and used with "or" and "fn:false". emptydoc constprolog-18.txt Evaluation of a prolog with construction declaration set to "strip" and used with computed element and used with "or" and "fn:false". emptydoc constprolog-19.txt Evaluation of a prolog with construction declaration set to "preserve" and used with direct element and used with "or" and "fn:false()". emptydoc constprolog-20.txt Evaluation of a prolog with construction declaration set to "preserve" and used with computed element and used with "or" and "fn:false". emptydoc constprolog-21.txt Test that 'declare construction' with the preserve keyword is parsed properly. emptydoc K-ConstructionProlog-1.txt 'declare construction Preserve' is syntactically invalid. emptydoc XPST0003 Test that 'declare construction' with the strip keyword is parsed properly. emptydoc K-ConstructionProlog-3.txt Two 'declare construction' expressions is invalid. emptydoc XQST0067 Ensure the 'construction' keyword is parsed correctly. emptydoc XPDY0002 Default Namespace Declaration Demonstrates Default namespace declaration facilitates the use of unprefixed QNames. emptydoc default_namespace-001.txt Demonstrates Default namespace declaration facilitates the use of unprefixed QNames. emptydoc default_namespace-002.txt Demonstrates Default namespace declaration facilitates the use of unprefixed QNames. bib default_namespace-003.txt Demonstrates Default namespace declaration facilitates the use of unprefixed QNames. acme_corp default_namespace-004.txt Demonstrates Default namespace declaration facilitates the use of unprefixed QNames. emptydoc default_namespace-005.txt Demonstrates Default namespace declaration facilitates the use of unprefixed QNames. emptydoc default_namespace-006.txt Demonstrates Default namespace declaration facilitates the use of unprefixed QNames. emptydoc default_namespace-007.txt Demonstrates Default namespace declaration facilitates the use of unprefixed QNames. emptydoc default_namespace-008.txt Demonstrates Default namespace declaration facilitates the use of unprefixed QNames. emptydoc default_namespace-009.txt Demonstrates Default namespace declaration facilitates the use of unprefixed QNames. emptydoc default_namespace-010.txt Demonstrates Default namespace declaration facilitates the use of unprefixed QNames. emptydoc default_namespace-011.txt Demonstrates Default namespace declaration facilitates the use of unprefixed QNames. emptydoc default_namespace-012.txt Demonstrates Default namespace declaration facilitates the use of unprefixed QNames. emptydoc default_namespace-013.txt Demonstrates Default namespace declaration facilitates the use of unprefixed QNames. emptydoc default_namespace-014.txt Demonstrates Default namespace declaration facilitates the use of unprefixed QNames. emptydoc default_namespace-015.txt Demonstrates Default namespace declaration facilitates the use of unprefixed QNames. bib2 default_namespace-016.txt Demonstrates Default namespace declaration facilitates the use of unprefixed QNames. emptydoc default_namespace-017.txt Demonstrates Default namespace declaration facilitates the use of unprefixed QNames. emptydoc default_namespace-018.txt Demonstrates Default namespace declaration facilitates the use of unprefixed QNames. emptydoc default_namespace-019.txt Demonstrates Default namespace declaration facilitates the use of unprefixed QNames. emptydoc default_namespace-020.txt Demonstrates Default namespace declaration facilitates the use of unprefixed QNames. emptydoc default_namespace-021.txt Demonstrates Default namespace declaration facilitates the use of unprefixed QNames. emptydoc default_namespace-022.txt Evaluation of the of a query prolog with two default namespace declarations (two element namespace). emptydoc XQST0066 Evaluation of the of a query prolog with two default namespace declarations (two functions namespace). emptydoc XQST0066 A 'declare default element namespace' expression containing many comments, using apostrophes for the URILiteral. emptydoc K-DefaultNamespaceProlog-1.txt A 'declare default element namespace' expression containing many comments, using quotes for the URILiteral. emptydoc K-DefaultNamespaceProlog-2.txt A 'declare default function namespace' expression containing many comments, using apostrophes for the URILiteral. emptydoc K-DefaultNamespaceProlog-3.txt A 'declare default function namespace' expression containing many comments, using quotes for the URILiteral. emptydoc K-DefaultNamespaceProlog-4.txt No function named boolean is available in the namespace 'example.com' set via 'declare default function namespace'. emptydoc XPST0017 'declare function namespace' is a syntactically invalid declaration. emptydoc XPST0003 'declare function namespace' is a syntactically invalid declaration. emptydoc XPST0003 '=' cannot be used in a 'declare namespace' declaration. emptydoc XPST0003 '=' cannot be used in a 'declare namespace' declaration. emptydoc XPST0003 ':=' cannot be used in a 'declare namespace' declaration. emptydoc XPST0003 ':=' cannot be used in a 'declare namespace' declaration. emptydoc XPST0003 In direct element constructors, the declared default element namespace is respected. emptydoc K2-DefaultNamespaceProlog-1.txt 'xmlns' declarations on direct element constructors override the declared default element namespace. emptydoc K2-DefaultNamespaceProlog-2.txt Syntax error in the keywords. emptydoc XPST0003 Syntax error in the keywords(#2). emptydoc XPST0003 XPST0081 Syntax error in the keywords(#3). emptydoc XPST0003 Ensure the default element namespace is properly handled with default namespace attribute declarations. emptydoc K2-DefaultNamespaceProlog-6.txt Use two default namespace declarations on the same element. emptydoc XQST0071 Use two default namespace declarations on the same element, but with different namespace URIs. emptydoc XQST0071 Use two namespace declarations on the same element, but with different namespace URIs. emptydoc XQST0071 Two attributes that have identical expanded names, but indifferent lexical names. emptydoc XQST0040 Ensure the default namespaces are correctly set. emptydoc K2-DefaultNamespaceProlog-11.txt Ensure that default namespaces override each other properly. emptydoc XPST0051 Variables cannot occur before namespace declarations. emptydoc XPST0003 Variables cannot occur before namespace declarations. emptydoc XPST0003 Functions cannot occur before namespace declarations. emptydoc XPST0003 Options cannot occur before namespace declarations. emptydoc XPST0003 Ensure that the right namespace binding is picked up. emptydoc K2-DefaultNamespaceProlog-17.txt Ensure the 'default' keyword is parsed correctly. emptydoc XPDY0002 Ordering Mode Declaration Declaration of both "ordered" and "unordered" mode. Should raise a type error. emptydoc XQST0065 Testing of a simple "union" operation with ordering mode to "ordered". emptydoc orderdecl-2.txt Testing of a simple "union" operation with ordering mode to "unordered". emptydoc orderdecl-3.txt orderdeclalt-3.txt Testing of a simple "intersect" operation with ordering mode to "ordered". works-mod orderdecl-4.txt Testing of a simple "intersect" operation with ordering mode to "unordered". works-mod orderdecl-5.txt Testing of a simple "except" operation with ordering mode to "ordered". works-mod orderdecl-6.txt Testing of a simple "except" operation with ordering mode to "unordered". works-mod orderdecl-7.txt Test of prolog ordering mode "ordered" on a FLOWR expression with no ordering mode. works-mod orderdecl-8.txt Test of prolog ordering mode "ordered" on a FLOWR expression with order modifier of "descending". works-mod orderdecl-9.txt Test of prolog ordering mode "ordered" on a FLOWR expression with order modifier of "ascending". works-mod orderdecl-10.txt Test of prolog ordering mode "unordered" on a FLOWR expression with order modifier of "descending". works-mod orderdecl-11.txt Test of prolog ordering mode "unordered" on a FLOWR expression with order modifier of "ascending". works-mod orderdecl-12.txt Test of prolog ordering mode "ordered" on an XPATH expression containing" "/". works-mod orderdecl-13.txt Test of prolog ordering mode "unordered" on an XPATH expression containing "/". works-mod orderdecl-14.txt orderdeclalt-14.txt Test of prolog ordering mode "ordered" on an XPATH expression containing "//". works-mod orderdecl-15.txt Test of prolog ordering mode "unordered" on an XPATH expression containing "//". works-mod orderdecl-16.txt orderdeclalt-16.txt Test of prolog ordering mode set to "unordered", which is overridden by an "ordered" expression. works-mod orderdecl-17.txt Test of prolog ordering mode set to "ordered", which is overridden by an "unordered" expression. works-mod orderdecl-18.txt orderdeclalt-18.txt Test of prolog ordering mode set to "ordered", and use of the "child" axis. works-mod orderdecl-20.txt Test of prolog ordering mode set to "ordered", and use of the "parent" axis. works-mod orderdecl-21.txt Test of prolog ordering mode set to "ordered", and use of the "following" axis. works-mod orderdecl-22.txt XPST0010 Test of prolog ordering mode set to "ordered", and use of the "descendant" axis. works-mod orderdecl-23.txt A simple 'declare ordering mode' declaration, specifying 'preserve'. emptydoc K-DefaultOrderingProlog-1.txt A simple 'declare ordering mode' declaration, specifying 'strip'. emptydoc K-DefaultOrderingProlog-2.txt Two 'declare ordering mode' declarations are invalid. emptydoc XQST0065 Ensure the 'ordering' keyword is parsed correctly. emptydoc XPDY0002 Ensure the 'order' keyword is parsed correctly. emptydoc XPDY0002 Empty Order Declaration Evaluation of a prolog with two empty order declarations. emptydoc XQST0069 Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty greatest" and a set of nodes (one empty) sorted in ascending order. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-2.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty greatest" and a set of nodes (two empty) sorted in ascending order. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-3.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty greatest" and a set numbers (one set to NaN Expression) sorted in ascending order. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-4.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty greatest" and a set numbers (two set to NaN Expressions) sorted in ascending order. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-5.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty greatest" and a set of nodes (one empty) with no order by clause. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-6.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty least" and a set of nodes (one empty) with no order by clause. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-7.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty greatest" and a set of numbers (one NaN expresssion) with no order by clause. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-8.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty least" and a set of numbers (two NaN expressions) with no order by clause. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-9.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty greatest" and a set of nodes (one empty) sorted in descending order. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-10.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty greatest" and a set of nodes (two of them empty) sorted in descending order. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-11.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty greatest" and a set of numbers (one of them set to a NaN expression) sorted in descending order. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-12.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty greatest" and a set of numbers (two of them set to a NaN expression) sorted in descending order. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-13.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty least" and a set of nodes (one empty) sorted in ascending order. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-14.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty least" and a set of nodes (two of them empty) sorted in ascending order. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-15.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty least" and a set of numbers (one of them set to a NaN expression) sorted in ascending order. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-16.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty least" and a set of numbers (two of them set to a NaN expression) sorted in ascending order. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-17.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty least" and a set of nodes (one empty) sorted in descending order. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-18.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty least" and a set of nodes (two of them empty) sorted in descending order. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-19.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty least" and a set of numbers (one of them set to a NaN expression) sorted in descending order. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-20.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty least" and a set of numbers (two of them set to a NaN expression) sorted indescending order. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-21.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty greatest" and a set of nodes (one of them set to empty) sorted in ascending order and local order by clause overrides empty order declaration in prolog (empty least). emptydoc emptyorderdecl-22.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty greatest" and a set of numbers (one of them set to NaN expression) sorted in ascending order and local order by clause overrides empty order declaration in prolog (empty least). emptydoc emptyorderdecl-23.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty greatest" and a set of nodes (one of them set to empty) sorted in ascending order and local order by clause set to empty greatest. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-24.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty greatest" and a set of numbers (one of them set to NaN expression) sorted in ascending order and local order by clause set to empty greatest. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-25.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty least" and a set of nodes (one of them set to empty) sorted in ascending order and local order by clause overriddes prolog. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-26.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty least" and a set of numbers (one of them set to NaN expression) sorted in ascending order and local order by clause overriddes declaration in prolog. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-27.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty least" and a set of nodes (one of them set to empty) sorted in ascending order and local order by clause set the same value. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-28.txt Evaluation of empty order declaration set to "empty least" and a set of numbers (one of them set to NaN expression) sorted in ascending order and local order by clause set to same value. emptydoc emptyorderdecl-29.txt A simple 'declare default order empty' declaration, specifying 'greatest'. emptydoc K-EmptyOrderProlog-1.txt A simple 'declare default order empty' declaration, specifying 'strip'. emptydoc K-EmptyOrderProlog-2.txt Two 'declare default order empty' declarations are invalid. emptydoc XQST0069 Namespace Declaration Evaluation of multiple namespace declaration with same prefix. emptydoc XQST0033 Evaluation of usage namespace prefix with no declaration. emptydoc XPST0081 Evaluation of redeclaration of xml prefix and its namespace uri. emptydoc XQST0070 Evaluation of redeclaration of the namespace uri associated with "xml". http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4463 emptydoc XQST0070 Evaluation of redeclaration of the "xmls" prefix. emptydoc XQST0070 Evaluation of typical usage of namespace declaration as per exmaple 1 for this section in the query specs. emptydoc namespaceDecl-6.txt Evaluation usage of namespace declaration, different prefix bounded to same namespace uri and use of same local name (example 2 of this section from the query specs). emptydoc namespaceDecl-7.txt Verify that during a namespace declaration, the prefix name should be an NCName. emptydoc XPST0003 Verify that the "xs" prefix can be redeclared. emptydoc namespaceDecl-9.txt Verify that the "xsi" prefix can be redeclared. emptydoc namespaceDecl-10.txt Verify that the "fn" prefix can be redeclared. emptydoc namespaceDecl-11.txt Verify that the "xdt" prefix can be redeclared. emptydoc namespaceDecl-12.txt Verify that the "local" prefix can be redeclared. emptydoc namespaceDecl-13.txt Verify that "XML" is different from "xml" as prefix for namespace declaration. emptydoc namespaceDecl-14.txt Verify that "XMLNS" is different from "xmlns" as prefix for namespace declaration. emptydoc namespaceDecl-15.txt Verify that a query wide namespace declaration can be overriden by a loal declaration during element construction. emptydoc namespaceDecl-16.txt Verify that "abc" is a valid namespace declaration. emptydoc namespaceDecl-17.txt Verify that "ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/somefile.txt" is a valid namespace declaration. emptydoc namespaceDecl-18.txt Verify that the same namespace URI can be bound to different prefixes. emptydoc namespaceDecl-19.txt Verify that the same namespace URI literal can contain digits. emptydoc namespaceDecl-20.txt Verify that the prefix name and the namespace URI can be the same. emptydoc namespaceDecl-21.txt Verify that "gopher://spinaltap.micro.umn.edu/00/Weather/California/somefile" is a valid namespace declaration. emptydoc namespaceDecl-22.txt Verify that "abc&" is a valid namespace declaration. emptydoc namespaceDecl-23.txt Verify that "mailto:someuser@someserver.com" is a valid namespace declaration. emptydoc namespaceDecl-24.txt A 'declare namespace' expression containing many comments, using apostrophes for the URILiteral. emptydoc K-NamespaceProlog-1.txt A 'declare namespace' expression containing many comments, using quotes for the URILiteral. emptydoc K-NamespaceProlog-2.txt ':=' can't be used in 'declare namespace, '=' must be used. emptydoc XPST0003 A namespace declaration cannot occur twice for the same prefix, no matter what. emptydoc XQST0033 A namespace declaration cannot occur twice for the same prefix, no matter what. emptydoc XQST0033 A namespace declaration cannot occur twice for the same prefix, no matter what. emptydoc XQST0033 When a pre-declared namespace prefix has been undeclared, it is not available. emptydoc XPST0081 It is ok to undeclare a non-bound namespace. emptydoc K2-NamespaceProlog-5.txt It is not possible to undeclare the 'xml' prefix. emptydoc XQST0070 It is not possible to undeclare the 'xmlns' prefix. emptydoc XQST0070 Undeclare the 'xdt' prefix. emptydoc XPST0081 Undeclare the 'xs' prefix. emptydoc XPST0081 Undeclare the 'local' prefix. emptydoc XPST0081 Undeclare the 'fn' prefix. emptydoc XPST0081 Undeclare the 'xsi' prefix. emptydoc XPST0081 Use the focus from within a attribute value template. emptydoc K2-NamespaceProlog-13.txt Namespace declaration must appear before a variable declaration. emptydoc XPST0003 Bind the prefix 'xml' to an invalid namespace. emptydoc XQST0070 XQuery has no such expression. emptydoc XPST0003 Variable Declaration External Variable References without TypeDeclaration External Variable without type definition. Eventually used as a string. emptydoc extvardeclwithouttype-1.txt XPTY0004 External Variable without type definition. Eventually used as xs:date. emptydoc extvardeclwithouttype-2.txt XPTY0004 External Variable without type definition. Eventually used as xs:integer. emptydoc extvardeclwithouttype-3.txt XPTY0004 External Variable without type definition. Eventually used as xs:double. emptydoc extvardeclwithouttype-4.txt XPTY0004 External Variable without type definition. Eventually used as xs:boolean. emptydoc extvardeclwithouttype-5.txt XPTY0004 External Variable without type definition. Eventually used as xs:float. emptydoc extvardeclwithouttype-6.txt XPTY0004 External Variable without type definition. Eventually used as xs:decimal. emptydoc extvardeclwithouttype-7.txt XPTY0004 External Variable without type used to evaluate addition operation involving 2 values (both queries perform operation). emptydoc extvardeclwithouttype-8.txt XPTY0004 External Variable without type used to evaluate addition expression involving 2 values (only input query performs operation). emptydoc extvardeclwithouttype-9.txt XPTY0004 External Variable without type used to evaluate addition expression involving 2 values (only the main query performs operation). emptydoc extvardeclwithouttype-10.txt XPTY0004 External Variable without type used to evaluate multiplication operation involving 2 values (both queries performs operation). emptydoc extvardeclwithouttype-11.txt XPTY0004 External Variable without type used to evaluate multiplication operation involving 2 values (both queries performs operation). emptydoc extvardeclwithouttype-12.txt XPTY0004 External Variable without type used to evaluate division operation (idiv operator) involving 2 values (both queries performs operation). emptydoc extvardeclwithouttype-13.txt XPTY0004 External Variable without type used to evaluate division operation (div operator) involving 2 values (both queries performs operation). emptydoc extvardeclwithouttype-14.txt XPTY0004 External Variable without type used to evaluate mod operation involving 2 values (both queries performs operation). emptydoc extvardeclwithouttype-15.txt XPTY0004 External Variable without type used to evaluate a boolen expression for "and" operator (both queries performs operation). emptydoc extvardeclwithouttype-16.txt FORG0006 External Variable without type used to evaluate a boolean expression for "or" operator (both queries performs operation). emptydoc extvardeclwithouttype-17.txt FORG0006 External Variable without type used to evaluate results of avg function. emptydoc extvardeclwithouttype-18.txt extvardeclwithouttypealt-18.txt XPTY0004 External Variable without used to cast results of avg function and results in cast error. emptydoc XPTY0004 External Variable without type used to reverse the case (to upper) of results given to the variable. emptydoc extvardeclwithouttype-20.txt XPTY0004 External Variable without type used to reverse the case (to lower) of results given to the variable. emptydoc extvardeclwithouttype-21.txt XPTY0004 External Variable without casted successfully to be used with fn:not function. emptydoc extvardeclwithouttype-22.txt FORG0006 Evaluates usage of external variable, that is never assigned a value. emptydoc XPDY0002 Two external variables with the same name. emptydoc XQST0049 Two external variables with the same name and where the variable is used. emptydoc XQST0049 An external variable using an undeclared prefix. emptydoc XPST0081 If the value for an external variable can't be supplied, XPDY0002 must be raised. emptydoc XPDY0002 If the value for an external variable can't be supplied, XPDY0002 must be raised(#2). emptydoc XPDY0002 An implementation may raise XPDY0002 on a declared external variable, although not necessary since it isn't used. emptydoc K2-ExternalVariablesWithout-6.txt XPDY0002 An implementation may raise XPDY0002 on a declared external variable, although not necessary since it isn't used(#2). emptydoc K2-ExternalVariablesWithout-7.txt XPDY0002 It is ok to have space between '$' and the name in variable names. emptydoc K2-ExternalVariablesWithout-8.txt Ensure a variable declaration doesn't violate stability rules. emptydoc K2-ExternalVariablesWithout-9.txt Ensure node identity is handled through several variables. emptydoc K2-ExternalVariablesWithout-10.txt Description ensure node identity is handled through variables that has cardinality zero or more. emptydoc K2-ExternalVariablesWithout-11.txt Reference a variable from two different node constructors. emptydoc K2-ExternalVariablesWithout-12.txt Evaluate the boolean value of a variable. emptydoc K2-ExternalVariablesWithout-13.txt Double colon in assignment is syntactically invalid. emptydoc XPST0003 Space in assignment is syntactically invalid. emptydoc XPST0003 Ensure that a start looking like a declaration, isn't treated as so. emptydoc XPDY0002 Ensure the 'variable' keyword is parsed correctly. emptydoc XPDY0002 XQuery 1.0 doesn't allow externals to have a default value. emptydoc K2-ExternalVariablesWithout-18.txt XPST0003 Ensure XPDY0002 is raised for global variables if there's no focus defined. emptydoc XPDY0002 Ensure XPDY0002 is raised for global variables if there's no focus defined. Reference the variable twice. emptydoc XPDY0002 Use the global focus in various ways. works-mod K2-ExternalVariablesWithout-21.txt Use the global focus in various ways three references. works-mod K2-ExternalVariablesWithout-22.txt External Variable References with TypeDeclatation External Variable with type (xs:string)definition. emptydoc extvardeclwithtype-1.txt External Variable with type (xs:date)definition. emptydoc extvardeclwithtype-2.txt External Variable with type (xs:integer)definition. emptydoc extvardeclwithtype-3.txt External Variable with type (xs:double)definition. emptydoc extvardeclwithtype-4.txt External Variable with type (xs:boolean)definition. emptydoc extvardeclwithtype-5.txt External Variable with type (xs:float)definition. emptydoc extvardeclwithtype-6.txt extvardeclwithtypealt-6.txt External Variable with type (xs:decimal)definition. emptydoc extvardeclwithtype-7.txt External Variable used to evaluate addition operation involving 2 integers (both queries perform operation). emptydoc extvardeclwithtype-8.txt External Variable used to evaluate addition expression involving 2 integers (only input query performs operation). emptydoc extvardeclwithtype-9.txt External Variable used to evaluate addition expression involving 2 integers (only the main query performs operation). emptydoc extvardeclwithtype-10.txt External Variable used to evaluate multiplication operation involving 2 integers (both queries performs operation). emptydoc extvardeclwithtype-11.txt External Variable used to evaluate multiplication operation involving 2 integers (both queries performs operation). emptydoc extvardeclwithtype-12.txt External Variable used to evaluate division operation (idiv operator) involving 2 integers (both queries performs operation). emptydoc extvardeclwithtype-13.txt External Variable used to evaluate division operation (div operator) involving 2 integers (both queries performs operation). emptydoc extvardeclwithtype-14.txt External Variable used to evaluate mod operation involving 2 integers (both queries performs operation). emptydoc extvardeclwithtype-15.txt External Variable used to evaluate a boolean expression for "and" operator (both queries performs operation). emptydoc extvardeclwithtype-16.txt External Variable used to evaluate a boolean expression for "or" operator (both queries performs operation). emptydoc extvardeclwithtype-17.txt External Variable used to evaluate results of avg function. emptydoc extvardeclwithtype-18.txt extvardeclwithtypealt-18.txt External Variable used to cast results of avg function and results in cast error. emptydoc XPTY0004 External Variable used to reverse the case (to upper) of results given to teh variable. emptydoc extvardeclwithtype-20.txt External Variable used to reverse the case (to lower) of results given to teh variable. emptydoc extvardeclwithtype-21.txt External Variable casted successfully to be used with fn:not function. emptydoc extvardeclwithtype-22.txt Execute a moderately complex query. CPPGlobals extvardeclwithtype-23.txt Two external variables with the same name where the first has a type declaration. emptydoc XQST0049 Two external variables with the same name where the last has a type declaration. emptydoc XQST0049 Two external variables with the same name where both have a type declaration. emptydoc XQST0049 Two external variables with the same name where both have a type declaration and the variable is used. emptydoc XQST0049 Two external variables with the same name where both have a type declaration. emptydoc XQST0049 Two external variables with the same name where both have a type declaration which are different. emptydoc XQST0049 If the value for an external variable can't be supplied, XPDY0002 must be raised. emptydoc XPDY0002 If the value for an external variable can't be supplied, XPDY0002 must be raised(#2). emptydoc XPDY0002 An implementation may raise XPDY0002 on a declared external variable, although not necessary since it isn't used. emptydoc K2-ExternalVariablesWith-9.txt XPDY0002 An implementation may raise XPDY0002 on a declared external variable, although not necessary since it isn't used(#2). emptydoc K2-ExternalVariablesWith-10.txt XPDY0002 The assignment expression is ExprSingle, not Expr. emptydoc XPST0003 Variable declarations doesn't cause type conversion. emptydoc XPTY0004 variable declarations doesn't cause numeric promotion. emptydoc XPTY0004 variable declarations doesn't cause numeric promotion(#2). emptydoc XPTY0004 variable declarations doesn't cause numeric promotion(#3). emptydoc XPTY0004 variable declarations doesn't cause numeric promotion(#4). emptydoc XPTY0004 variable declarations doesn't cause numeric promotion(#5). emptydoc XPTY0004 variable declarations doesn't cause string promotion conversion. emptydoc XPTY0004 variable declarations doesn't cause URI promotion conversion. emptydoc XPTY0004 The name of an external variable clashing with the name of a variable declared in the query. TopMany XQST0049 The name of an external variable clashing with the name of a variable declared in the query(reversed order). TopMany XQST0049 A complex type declaration. emptydoc K2-ExternalVariablesWith-22.txt A complex type declaration. emptydoc K2-ExternalVariablesWith-23.txt '+' is not allowed for the atomic type in element(). emptydoc XPST0003 '*' is not allowed for the atomic type in element(). emptydoc XPST0003 '+' is not allowed for the atomic type in element(). emptydoc XPST0003 '*' is not allowed for the atomic type in element(). emptydoc XPST0003 Internal Variable References without TypeDeclaration Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl001.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl002.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl003.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl004.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl005.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl006.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl007.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl008.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl009.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl010.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl011.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl012.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl013.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl014.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl015.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl016.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl017.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl018.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl019.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl020.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl021.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl022.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl023.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl024.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl025.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl026.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl027.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl028.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl029.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl030.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl031.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl032.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl033.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl034.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl035.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl036.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl037.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl038.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl039.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl040.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl041.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl042.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl043.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl044.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl045.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl046.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl047.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl048.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl049.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl050.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl051.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl052.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl053.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl054.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl055.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl056.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl057.txt Variable with no type definition. emptydoc VarDecl058.txt Variable with no type definition. bib VarDecl059.txt Variable with no type definition. bib VarDecl060.txt Variable with no type definition. bib2 VarDecl061.txt Variable with no type definition. bib2 VarDecl062.txt Test circularity on variable declaration. emptydoc XQST0054 Evaluates an external variable named "$var" and multiple embedded comments. emptydoc internalvar-2.txt A variable depending on a recursive function. emptydoc XQST0054 A variable depending on a recursive function. emptydoc XQST0054 A variable depending on a recursive function. emptydoc XQST0054 A variable depending on a recursive function. emptydoc XQST0054 A variable depending indirectly on a recursive function. emptydoc XQST0054 A variable depending indirectly on a recursive function. emptydoc XQST0054 A variable depending indirectly on a recursive function. emptydoc XQST0054 A variable depending indirectly on a recursive function. emptydoc XQST0054 A variable depending on its self through the argument of a user function callsite. emptydoc XQST0054 Function arguments shadow global variables. emptydoc K2-InternalVariablesWithout-10.txt A variable initialized with a function that doesn't exist. emptydoc K2-InternalVariablesWithout-11.txt XPST0017 A variable initialized with a function that doesn't exist. emptydoc XPST0017 A prolog containing 20 variable declarations. emptydoc K2-InternalVariablesWithout-13.txt A focus doesn't propagate through variable references. emptydoc XPDY0002 Multiple assignments is invalid. emptydoc XPST0003 Internal Variable References with TypeDeclatation Evaluates declare variable feature with type. Use xs:string. emptydoc vardeclwithtype-1.txt Evaluates declare variable feature with type. Use xs:integer. emptydoc vardeclwithtype-2.txt Evaluates declare variable feature with type. Use xs:decimal. emptydoc vardeclwithtype-3.txt Evaluates declare variable feature with type. Use xs:boolean (true value). emptydoc vardeclwithtype-4.txt Evaluates declare variable feature with type. Use xs:boolean (false value). emptydoc vardeclwithtype-5.txt Evaluates declare variable feature with type. Use xs:float. emptydoc vardeclwithtype-6.txt Evaluates declare variable feature with type. Use xs:double. emptydoc vardeclwithtype-7.txt Evaluates declare variable feature with type. Use xs:anyURI. emptydoc vardeclwithtype-8.txt Evaluates declare variable feature with type. Use xs:dateTime. emptydoc vardeclwithtype-9.txt Evaluates declare variable feature with type. Use xs:time. emptydoc vardeclwithtype-10.txt Evaluates declare variable feature with type. Use xs:date. emptydoc vardeclwithtype-11.txt Evaluates declare variable feature with type. same variable declared twice. emptydoc XQST0049 Evaluates declare variable feature with type and expression. Expression returns different type that declared variable type. emptydoc XPTY0004 Evaluates declare variable feature with type that uses a previously defined variable. emptydoc vardeclwithtype-14.txt Evaluates declare variable feature with type and expression. Expression uses variable not yet declared. emptydoc XPST0008 Evaluates declare variable feature with type that uses a declared namespace. emptydoc vardeclwithtype-16.txt Evaluates declare variable feature with type that uses a declared namespace. Two variables declared with different namespaces. emptydoc vardeclwithtype-17.txt Evaluates declare variable feature with type. Variable declared on two uri's taht are the same. emptydoc XQST0049 Evaluates declare variable feature with type that uses the fn:count function. emptydoc vardeclwithtype-19.txt Evaluates declare variable feature with type that uses the fn:string-length function. emptydoc vardeclwithtype-20.txt Evaluates declare variable feature with type that uses the fn:not function. emptydoc vardeclwithtype-21.txt Evaluates declare variable feature with type that uses the fn:empty function. emptydoc vardeclwithtype-22.txt Evaluates an external variable named "$var" declared as "item()*" and multiple embedded comments. emptydoc internalvar-1.txt A variable declaration involving assignment and type declaration, and many comments. emptydoc K-InternalVariablesWith-1.txt A variable declaration involving assignment, and many comments. emptydoc K-InternalVariablesWith-2.txt A variable declaration whose source expression doesn't match the declared type, and where it typically is difficult to deduce statically. emptydoc XPTY0004 A variable declaration whose source expression doesn't match the declared type, and where it can be deduced statically. emptydoc K-InternalVariablesWith-4.txt XPTY0004 A variable declaration whose source expression doesn't match the declared type, and where it can be deduced statically. emptydoc XPTY0004 A prolog variable depending on a variable which is not in scope, and the variable is not used. emptydoc XPST0008 'declare variable' must be followed by '$'. emptydoc XPST0003 '=' cannot be used to assign values in 'declare variable', it must be ':='. emptydoc XPST0003 A prolog variable depending on a variable which is not in scope. emptydoc XPST0008 A namespace declaration must appear before a variable declaration, and its prefix is not inscope for the variable declaration. emptydoc XPST0003 XPST0081 One prolog variable initialized via another. emptydoc K-InternalVariablesWith-11.txt One prolog variable depending on a user function appearing after it. emptydoc K-InternalVariablesWith-12.txt One prolog variable depending on a user function, but where the user-specified types doesn't match. emptydoc XPTY0004 One prolog variable depending on a user function, but where the types doesn't match. emptydoc XPTY0004 One prolog variable depending on itself. emptydoc XPST0008 A prolog variable having a circular dependency, stretching through many functions. emptydoc XQST0054 A prolog variable having a circular dependency, by having a variable reference in a call site argument. This is an error even though the variable isn't used, because implementations cannot skip reporting static errors. emptydoc XQST0054 A prolog variable having a circular dependency, by having a variable reference in a call site argument. emptydoc XQST0054 A prolog variable having a circular dependency, stretching through functions and variables. emptydoc XQST0054 A prolog variable having a circular dependency, stretching through functions and variables(#2). emptydoc XQST0054 The query contains a type error despite the 'treat as' declaration. emptydoc XPTY0004 Function Declaration Demonstrate function declaration in different combination. emptydoc function-declaration-001.txt Demonstrate function declaration in different combination. emptydoc function-declaration-002.txt Demonstrate function declaration in different combination. bib function-declaration-003.txt Demonstrate function declaration in different combination. acme_corp function-declaration-004.txt Demonstrate function declaration in different combination. emptydoc function-declaration-005.txt Demonstrate function declaration in different combination. emptydoc function-declaration-006.txt Demonstrate function declaration in different combination. emptydoc function-declaration-007.txt Demonstrate function declaration in different combination. emptydoc function-declaration-008.txt Demonstrate function declaration in different combination. emptydoc function-declaration-009.txt Demonstrate function declaration in different combination. emptydoc function-declaration-010.txt Demonstrate function declaration - forward declaration. emptydoc function-declaration-011.txt Demonstrate function declaration in different combination. emptydoc function-declaration-012.txt Demonstrate function declaration in different combination. emptydoc function-declaration-013.txt Demonstrate function declaration in different combination. emptydoc function-declaration-014.txt Demonstrate function declaration in different combination. emptydoc function-declaration-015.txt Demonstrate function declaration in different combination. bib2 function-declaration-016.txt Demonstrate function declaration in different combination. emptydoc function-declaration-017.txt Demonstrate function declaration in different combination. emptydoc function-declaration-018.txt Demonstrate function declaration in different combination. emptydoc function-declaration-019.txt Demonstrate function declaration - overloading. emptydoc function-declaration-020.txt Demonstrate function declaration - negative test. emptydoc XPTY0004 Demonstrate function declaration - negative test. emptydoc XQST0034 Demonstrate function declaration - negative test. emptydoc XQST0045 XPST0017 Demonstrate function declaration - negative test. emptydoc XQST0039 Evaluation of user defined function with no namespace. emptydoc XQST0060 Use a global variable which has a node test, from within a function. works-mod function-declaration-026.txt The 'XPath Data Types' namespace is not reserved anymore, although it was in older drafts. emptydoc K-FunctionProlog-1.txt A function cannot be declared in the 'http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions' namespace. emptydoc XQST0045 A function cannot be declared in the 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace' namespace. emptydoc XQST0045 A function cannot be declared in the 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' namespace. emptydoc XQST0045 A function cannot be declared in the 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' namespace. emptydoc XQST0045 Arguments in functions cannot have default values initialized with '='(or in any other way). emptydoc XPST0003 Arguments in functions cannot have default values initialized with '='(or in any other way). emptydoc XPST0003 Arguments in functions cannot have default values initialized with ':='(or in any other way). emptydoc XPST0003 Arguments in functions cannot have default values initialized with ':='(or in any other way). emptydoc XPST0003 A user declared function whose return value simply doesn't match the return type. emptydoc XPTY0004 A user declared function whose return value simply doesn't match the return type(#2). emptydoc XPTY0004 Variables appearing after a function declaration is not in scope inside the function. emptydoc XPST0008 Namespaces declarations appearing after a function declaration are not in scope inside the function. emptydoc XPST0081 XPST0003 A user function which when run doesn't match the declared returned type. emptydoc XPTY0004 A user function whose return type doesn't match the body, which can be statically inferred. emptydoc K-FunctionProlog-15.txt XPTY0004 When declaring a function, the paranteses must be present even though it doesn't have any arguments. emptydoc XPST0003 When declaring a function, the paranteses must be present even though it doesn't have any arguments. emptydoc XPST0003 Two user functions using global variables. emptydoc K-FunctionProlog-18.txt A user function where all its arguments are unused. emptydoc K-FunctionProlog-19.txt User functions which in some implementations causes constant propagation combined with function versioning. emptydoc K-FunctionProlog-20.txt User functions where the middle argument of three arguments is unused. emptydoc K-FunctionProlog-21.txt User functions where the first argument of three arguments is unused. emptydoc K-FunctionProlog-22.txt User functions where the last argument of three arguments is unused. emptydoc K-FunctionProlog-23.txt A function cannot be declared in the 'http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions' namespace. emptydoc XQST0045 A function and a variable can have the same name. emptydoc K-FunctionProlog-25.txt A function declaration duplicated. emptydoc XQST0034 A function declaration duplicated; difference in return types is insignificant. emptydoc XQST0034 A function declaration duplicated; difference in arguments types is insignificant. emptydoc XQST0034 A function declaration duplicated; difference in arguments name is insignificant. emptydoc XQST0034 Overloading user functions based on arity. emptydoc K-FunctionProlog-30.txt One cannot declare a user function as fn:count. emptydoc XQST0045 One cannot declare a user function as xs:gYear. emptydoc XQST0045 A type error inside a function. emptydoc K-FunctionProlog-33.txt XPTY0004 A call to a user declared function which almost is spelled correctly(capitalization wrong). emptydoc XPST0017 A call to a user declared function which almost is spelled correctly(#2). emptydoc XPST0017 The variable '$myArg' is in scope inside the function, but not in the query body. emptydoc XPST0008 The variable '$myArg' is in scope inside one function, but not the other function. emptydoc XPST0008 The variable '$myArg2' is in scope inside one function, but not the other function. emptydoc XPST0008 Function arguments shadows global variables. emptydoc K-FunctionProlog-39.txt Variables declared inside functions shadow function arguments. emptydoc K-FunctionProlog-40.txt Type error in body of user function caused by the argument value. emptydoc XPTY0004 Type error(cardinality) in return value of user function caused by the argument value. emptydoc XPTY0004 Item type error in argument value. emptydoc XPTY0004 Cardinality error in argument value. emptydoc XPTY0004 Item type error in argument value. xs:decimal doesn't match xs:integer. emptydoc XPTY0004 '1' doesn't match the empty-sequence(). emptydoc XPTY0004 XPST0005 'empty-sequence()+' is syntactically invalid. emptydoc XPST0003 'empty-sequence()? is syntactically invalid. emptydoc XPST0003 It is valid to declare an argument to be of type empty-sequence(). emptydoc K-FunctionProlog-49.txt XPST0005 empty-sequence() as return type, but body doesn't match when run. emptydoc XPTY0004 Too few arguments passed to a user function. emptydoc XPST0017 empty-sequence() as return type, and a body containing fn:error(). emptydoc FOER0000 A global variable referenced from inside a function. emptydoc K-FunctionProlog-53.txt XPST0005 A more realistic case involving fn:error(). emptydoc * A more realistic case involving fn:error(), #2. emptydoc * A more realistic case involving fn:error(), #3. emptydoc K-FunctionProlog-56.txt XPST0005 The type 'none' isn't available to users. emptydoc XPST0051 The type 'none()' isn't available to users. emptydoc XPST0003 XPST0051 A call to a user function where the argument in the callsite corresponding to an unused argument contains a type error. emptydoc K-FunctionProlog-59.txt XPTY0004 An argument in a user function is not in scope in the query body. emptydoc XPST0008 An argument in a user function is not in scope in the query body. emptydoc XPST0008 Check that a global variable is in scope despite an unused function being declared. emptydoc K-FunctionProlog-62.txt A function call that could be a call to a hypotehical user function. emptydoc XPST0017 A function call that could be a call to a hypothetical user function(#2). emptydoc XPST0017 Since the return type is empty-sequence() it is a type error(XPTY0004) to pass its return value to anything which requires cardinality exactly-one. That the function's body is of type 'none', doesn't affect that, it only adapts to the declared return type. However, there's no constraints on what is reported first, so FOER0000 can also be issued. emptydoc XPTY0004 FOER0000 If static typing is in use, XPTY004 is issued since local:myFunction() has static type item()*. However, if the function is invoked FOER0000 is issued. emptydoc FOER0000 XPTY0004 A function call that reminds of the range expression. emptydoc K-FunctionProlog-67.txt A call to a user function where the argument in the callsite corresponding to a used argument contains a type error. emptydoc XPTY0004 Have two function callsites as arguments to 'eq'. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-1.txt Have two function callsites as arguments to 'ne'. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-2.txt Have two function callsites as arguments to '='. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-3.txt Have two function callsites as arguments to '!='. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-4.txt A function requiring xs:integer but is passed an xs:decimal. emptydoc XPTY0004 A function requiring xs:integer as return value, but is passed xs:decimal. emptydoc XPTY0004 A declared return value invokes numeric promotion. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-7.txt A recursive function stretching through several function calls. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-8.txt A recursive function multiplying a sequence. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-9.txt A function whose name is only '_' and is declared in the default namespace. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-10.txt A function whose name is only '_'. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-11.txt An argument requiring a node, but is passed an integer. emptydoc XPTY0004 An argument requiring a node, but is passed an integer(#2). emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-13.txt XPTY0004 A focus doesn't propagate into function. emptydoc XPDY0002 XPST0005 Use a range variable inside the assignment expression of a global variable. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-15.txt Ensure three subsequent stars are parsed. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-16.txt XPDY0002 Conversions are invoked when an element is returned from a function with declared return type xs:integer. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-17.txt Conversions are invoked when an attribute is returned from a function with declared return type xs:integer. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-18.txt Conversions are invoked when a document is returned from a function with declared return type xs:integer. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-19.txt Comments cannot be converted into xs:integer. emptydoc XPTY0004 Processing instructions cannot be converted into xs:integer. emptydoc XPTY0004 Conversions are invoked when a text node is returned from a function with declared return type xs:integer. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-22.txt Call a function that subsequently calls a recursive function. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-23.txt The empty string cannot be cast to an xs:boolean. emptydoc FORG0001 A call site that has an operand that gets treated as an xs:integer. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-25.txt A type declaration whose body doesn't match. emptydoc XPTY0004 A type declaration whose body doesn't match(#2). emptydoc XPTY0004 Compute the levenshtein distance between strings. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-28.txt Ensure the 'function' keyword is parsed correctly. emptydoc XPDY0002 Ensure an invalid value, reached through conversions, is reported as invalid. emptydoc FORG0001 XPTY0004 Pass a sequence of mixed atomic values and nodes to an argument which has no type declared. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-31.txt Pass a value which cannot be converted to the expected type. emptydoc XPTY0004 Mix in an atomic value which doesn't match the type it's being converted to. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-33.txt Call fn:true() and fn:false() and pass to a user function. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-34.txt Call fn:true() and fn:false() and pass to a user function. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-35.txt Call fn:true() and fn:false() and pass to a user function(different cardinality). emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-36.txt Mix in an atomic value which matches the type it's being converted to. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-37.txt Trigger a crash in an implementation by having a user declared function with type, that has a text node constructor containing a call to a nonexisting function. emptydoc XPST0017 Use complex real-world case for function calls, with automatic conversion not needed. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-39.txt Use complex real-world case for function calls, with automatic conversion. emptydoc K2-FunctionProlog-40.txt Option Declaration Declaration Evaluation of simple prolog option declaration. emptydoc optiondeclprolog-1.txt Evaluation of prolog option declaration for which there is no namespace prefix defined. emptydoc XPST0081 The name of an option must be a full QName. emptydoc XPST0081 Five identical options appearing after each other. emptydoc K-OptionDeclarationProlog-2.txt A simple option using double quotes for the value. emptydoc K-OptionDeclarationProlog-3.txt A simple option using single quotes for the value. emptydoc K-OptionDeclarationProlog-4.txt An undeclared prefix in a option declaration is an error regardless of any option support in the implementation. emptydoc XPST0081 A syntactically invalid option declaration. emptydoc XPST0003 XQuery Comments Tests for the XQuery comment syntax Simple use case for XQuery comments. emptydoc XQueryComment001.xml Simple use case for XQuery comments. fsx_NS XQueryComment002.xml Simple use case for XQuery comment containing '-'. emptydoc XQueryComment003.xml Empty comment. emptydoc XQueryComment004.xml Comment containing only '-'. emptydoc XQueryComment005.xml Comment containing ':'. emptydoc XQueryComment006.xml Comment containing ')'. emptydoc XQueryComment007.xml Simple example of embedded comments. emptydoc XQueryComment008.xml Comments inside a conditional expression. fsx_NS XQueryComment009.txt Comments inside a conditional expression. fsx_NS XQueryComment010.xml Comments inside a conditional expression. fsx_NS XQueryComment011.txt Comments that looks like a function call. TreeEmpty XQueryComment012.xml Comments inside a sequence expression. emptydoc XQueryComment013.txt Comments inside a cast expression. emptydoc XQueryComment014.txt Incorrect comment syntax. emptydoc XPST0003 Invalid comment. emptydoc XPST0003 Invalid comment. emptydoc XPST0003 Invalid comment. emptydoc XPST0003 Old style comment syntax. emptydoc XPST0003 Comment containing enclosed expression. emptydoc XQueryComment020.xml A test whose essence is: `(3(: comment inbetween :)- 1) eq 2`. emptydoc K-XQueryComment-1.txt A test whose essence is: `1 (: a (: nested :) comment :) eq 1`. emptydoc K-XQueryComment-2.txt A test whose essence is: `1 (: comment (: inside :) comment :) eq 1`. emptydoc K-XQueryComment-3.txt Comparison of two string literals, whose content reminds of comments. emptydoc K-XQueryComment-4.txt A test whose essence is: `5 instance (: strange place for a comment :) of item()`. emptydoc K-XQueryComment-5.txt A test whose essence is: `1 (: simple comment :) eq 1`. emptydoc K-XQueryComment-6.txt A test whose essence is: `1 (: comment (: inside :) NEW LINE comment :) eq 1`. emptydoc K-XQueryComment-7.txt A test whose essence is: `(: "recursive comments must be balanced, this one is not :)" :)`. emptydoc XPST0003 An empty comment inbetween the 'eq' operator and a number literal. emptydoc K-XQueryComment-9.txt An empty comment at the very beginning of an expression. emptydoc K-XQueryComment-10.txt An empty comment after a function's paranteses. emptydoc K-XQueryComment-11.txt A for loop with a comment inbetween. emptydoc K-XQueryComment-12.txt A test whose essence is: `if((: comment inbetween :)) then 1 else 1`. emptydoc XPST0003 A syntactically invalid comment that never ends. emptydoc XPST0003 A comment inside a comment that isn't terminated. emptydoc XPST0003 A comment inside a comment that does not start properly. emptydoc XPST0003 Colons and paranteses appearing freely in comment content. emptydoc K-XQueryComment-17.txt Three comments appearing serially inside a comment. emptydoc K-XQueryComment-18.txt A test stressing many nested comments. emptydoc K-XQueryComment-19.txt A syntactically invalid comment that doesn't properly start. emptydoc XPST0003 An invalid comment after a name test. emptydoc XPST0003 An invalid comment after a name test(#2). emptydoc XPST0003 Have a computed comment constructor as a last step. emptydoc K2-XQueryComment-3.txt Have a direct comment constructor as a last step. emptydoc K2-XQueryComment-4.txt Have a direct comment constructor as a last step(#2). emptydoc K2-XQueryComment-5.txt Extension Expression Simple extension expression that should not be recognized by any implementation and thus ignored. works-mod extexpr-1.txt An extension expression with no expression. emptydoc XQST0079 A pragma content containing the "#" symbol, which is ignored in an extension expression. works-mod extexpr-3.txt A extension expression, for which its QName can not be resolved to a namespace URI. emptydoc XPST0081 A extension expression that contains more than one pragma, both of wihc are ignored. works-mod extexpr-5.txt A FLOWR expression that uses the same pragma twice and both times should be ignored. works-mod extexpr-6.txt An extension expression for which the pragma is ignored and default expression is a quantified expression ("every" operator). emptydoc extexpr-7.txt An extension expression for which the pragma is ignored and default expression is a quantified expression ("some" operator). emptydoc extexpr-8.txt An extension expression for which the pragma is ignored and default expression is a cal to fn:true function. emptydoc extexpr-9.txt An extension expression for which the pragma is ignored and default expression is a cal to fn:false function. emptydoc extexpr-10.txt An extension expression for which the pragma is ignored and default expression is an "or" true expression ("or" operator). emptydoc extexpr-11.txt An extension expression for which the pragma is ignored and default expression is an "or" false expression ("or" operator). emptydoc extexpr-12.txt An extension expression for which the pragma is ignored and default expression is an "or" true expression ("and" operator). emptydoc extexpr-13.txt An extension expression for which the pragma is ignored and default expression is an "or" false expression ("and" operator). emptydoc extexpr-14.txt An extension expression for which the pragma is ignored and default expression is an "if" expression (returns "then" part of expression). emptydoc extexpr-15.txt An extension expression for which the pragma is ignored and default expression is an "if" expression (returns "else" part of expression). emptydoc extexpr-16.txt An extension expression for which the pragma is ignored and default expression is a "typeswitch" expression. emptydoc extexpr-17.txt An extension expression for which the pragma is ignored and default expression uses the fn:not function. emptydoc extexpr-18.txt An extension expression for which the pragma is ignored and default expression uses the fn:string-length function. emptydoc extexpr-19.txt An extension expression for which the pragma is ignored and default expression uses the fn:concat function. emptydoc extexpr-20.txt An extension expression for which the pragma is ignored and default expression is an addition operation. emptydoc extexpr-21.txt An extension expression for which the pragma is ignored and default expression is a subtraction operation. emptydoc extexpr-22.txt An extension expression for which the pragma is ignored and default expression is a multiplication operation. emptydoc extexpr-23.txt An extension expression for which the pragma is ignored and default expression is a division operation (div operator). emptydoc extexpr-24.txt An extension expression for which the pragma is ignored and default expression is a division operation (idiv operator). emptydoc extexpr-25.txt Extension expression for missing space after pragma name. emptydoc extexpr-26.txt A pragma expression that never ends is syntactically invalid. emptydoc XPST0003 A pragma expression that never starts is syntactically invalid. emptydoc XPST0003 A simple pragma expression. emptydoc K-ExtensionExpression-3.txt A pragma expression cannot be in the empty namespace. emptydoc XPST0081 A pragma expression cannot be in the empty namespace even though a prefix is used. emptydoc XPST0081 A pragma expression containing complex content. emptydoc K-ExtensionExpression-6.txt A fallback expression must be present when no supported pragmas are specified. emptydoc XQST0079 A pragma expression containing many comments. emptydoc K-ExtensionExpression-8.txt An extension expression cannot be in an undeclared namespace. emptydoc XPST0081 Whitespace isn't required if there is no pragma content. emptydoc K2-ExtensionExpression-2.txt Whitespace is allowed but not required if there is no pragma content. emptydoc K2-ExtensionExpression-3.txt Content looking like comments are not recognized as so in pragma content. emptydoc K2-ExtensionExpression-4.txt Content looking like comments are not recognized as so in pragma content. emptydoc K2-ExtensionExpression-5.txt A single whitespace must separate pragma name and content. emptydoc XPST0003 A single whitespace must separate pragma name and content. emptydoc XPST0003 A single whitespace must separate pragma name and content. emptydoc XPST0003 Whitespace between pragma-start and name cannot contain comments. emptydoc XPST0003 Whitespace between pragma-start and name cannot contain comments. emptydoc XPST0003 A single whitespace must separate pragma name and content. emptydoc K2-ExtensionExpression-11.txt No whitespace is required between pragma content and name if the content is empty. emptydoc K2-ExtensionExpression-12.txt A pragma expression that hasn't even specified a name, but has trailing whitespace. emptydoc XPST0003 A pragma expression that hasn't even specified a name. emptydoc XPST0003 A pragma expression with name and trailing whitespace, but without content and end. emptydoc XPST0003 A pragma expression with name but without content and end. emptydoc XPST0003 Use four nested pragma expressions. emptydoc K2-ExtensionExpression-17.txt Implicit Context Implementations are allowed to define an implicit context for their queries. What this means is that an XQuery expression can use the '.' or '/' axes without specifying any explicit context to bind these to. The binding of the implicit context to some input document is an implementation specific detail and should be handled by the individual test harness. Functions Accessor Functions fn:node-name Evaluates the "node-name" function with argument set to empty sequence. emptydoc fn-node-name-1.txt Evaluates the "node-name" function with argument set to a comment node. works-mod fn-node-name-2.txt Evaluates the "node-name" function with argument set to an element node query from a file. works-mod fn-node-name-3.txt Evaluates the "node-name" function with argument set to directly constructed element node. emptydoc fn-node-name-4.txt Evaluates the "node-name" function with argument set to a comment node. emptydoc fn-node-name-5.txt Evaluates the "node-name" function with argument set to a processing instruction node. emptydoc fn-node-name-6.txt Evaluates the "node-name" function with argument set to a directly constructed element node with namespace declaration. emptydoc fn-node-name-7.txt Evaluates the "node-name" function with argument set to a computed constructed element node with no namespace declaration and no children. emptydoc fn-node-name-8.txt Evaluates the "node-name" function with argument set to a computed constructed element node with no namespace declaration and no children. Used as argument to namespace-uri-from-QName. emptydoc fn-node-name-9.txt Evaluates the "node-name" function with argument set to a computed constructed element node with no namespace declaration and one child. Used as argument to local-name-from-QName. emptydoc fn-node-name-10.txt Evaluates the "node-name" function with argument set to a computed constructed attribute node with value set to empty string. Used as argument to local-name-from-QName. emptydoc fn-node-name-11.txt Evaluates the "node-name" function with argument set to a computed constructed attribute node with value set to a non empty value. Used as argument to local-name-from-QName. emptydoc fn-node-name-12.txt Evaluates the "node-name" function with argument set to a computed constructed attribute node with value set to a non empty value. Used as argument to namespace-uri-from-QName. emptydoc fn-node-name-13.txt Evaluates the "node-name" function with argument set to a computed constructed document node with value set to empty string. Used as argument to local-name-from-QName. emptydoc fn-node-name-14.txt Evaluates the "node-name" function with argument set to a computed constructed document node with value set to empty string. Used as argument to namespace-uri-from-QName. emptydoc fn-node-name-15.txt Evaluates the "node-name" function with argument set to a computed constructed document node with value set to non empty string. Used as argument to local-name-from-QName. emptydoc fn-node-name-16.txt Evaluates the "node-name" function with argument set to a computed constructed document node with value set to non empty string. Used as argument to namespace-uri-from-QName. emptydoc fn-node-name-17.txt Evaluates the "node-name" function with argument set to a computed constructed text node with value set to empty string. Used as argument to local-name-from-QName. emptydoc fn-node-name-18.txt Evaluates the "node-name" function with argument set to a computed constructed text node with value set to empty string. Used as argument to namespace-uri-from-QName. emptydoc fn-node-name-19.txt Evaluates the "node-name" function with argument set to a computed constructed text node with value set to a non-empty value. Used as argument to local-name-from-QName. emptydoc fn-node-name-20.txt Evaluates the "node-name" function with argument set to a computed constructed text node with value set to a non-empty value. Used as argument to namespace-uri-from-QName. emptydoc fn-node-name-21.txt Evaluates the "node-name" function with argument set to a computed constructed processing instruction node. Used as argument to local-name-from-QName. emptydoc fn-node-name-22.txt Evaluates the "node-name" function with argument set to a computed constructed processing instruction node. Used as argument to namespace-uri-from-QName. emptydoc fn-node-name-23.txt Evaluates the "node-name" function with wrong arity (2 arguments). emptydoc XPST0017 node-name() must be passed one argument, it doesn't use the context item by default. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `node-name((), "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(node-name(()))`. emptydoc K-NodeNameFunc-3.txt Invoke fn:node-name() with too many arguments. emptydoc XPST0017 Invoke fn:node-name() with an invalid argument. emptydoc XPTY0004 Check the return value of fn:node-name(). emptydoc K2-NodeNameFunc-3.txt fn:nilled Evaluates the "nilled" function with argument set to empty sequence. emptydoc fn-nilled-1.txt Evaluates the "nilled" function with argument set to a comment node. works-mod fn-nilled-2.txt Evaluates the "nilled" function with argument set to a non-nilled element node. works-mod fn-nilled-3.txt Evaluates the "nilled" function with argument set to a non-nilled directly constructed element node. emptydoc fn-nilled-4.txt Evaluates the "nilled" function with argument set to a directly constructed element node with xs:nill="true". emptydoc fn-nilled-5.txt Evaluates the "nilled" function with argument set to a directly constructed element node with xs:nill="false". emptydoc fn-nilled-6.txt Evaluates the "nilled" function with argument set to a directly constructed element node with xs:nill="{fn:true()}". emptydoc fn-nilled-7.txt Evaluates the "nilled" function with argument set to a directly constructed element node with xs:nill="{fn:false()}". emptydoc fn-nilled-8.txt Evaluates the "nilled" function with more than one argument. emptydoc XPST0017 Evaluates the "nilled" function as argument to fn:not function. Returns true. emptydoc fn-nilled-10.txt Evaluates the "nilled" function as argument to fn:not function. Returns false. emptydoc fn-nilled-11.txt Evaluates the "nilled" function as part of boolean expression ("and" operator and "fn:true" function). emptydoc fn-nilled-12.txt Evaluates the "nilled" function as part of boolean expression ("and" operator and "fn:false" function). emptydoc fn-nilled-13.txt Evaluates the "nilled" function as part of boolean expression ("or" operator and "fn:true" function). emptydoc fn-nilled-14.txt Evaluates the "nilled" function as part of boolean expression ("or" operator and "fn:false" function). emptydoc fn-nilled-15.txt Evaluates the "nilled" function as argument to fn:string function. emptydoc fn-nilled-16.txt Evaluates the "nilled" function as argument to xs:boolean function. Returns true. emptydoc fn-nilled-17.txt Evaluates the "nilled" function as argument to xs:boolean function. Returns false. emptydoc fn-nilled-18.txt Evaluates the "nilled" function with argument set to a document node. emptydoc fn-nilled-19.txt Evaluates the "nilled" function with argument set to an attribute node. emptydoc fn-nilled-20.txt Evaluates the "nilled" function with argument set to a comment node. emptydoc fn-nilled-21.txt Evaluates the "nilled" function with argument set to a Processing Instruction node. emptydoc fn-nilled-22.txt A test whose essence is: `nilled()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `nilled((), "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(nilled( () ))`. emptydoc K-NilledFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `nilled(1)`. emptydoc XPTY0004 fn:string Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-stringint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-stringint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-stringint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-stringintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-stringintg1args-2.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-stringintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-stringdec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-stringdec1args-2.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-stringdec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-stringdbl1args-1.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-stringdbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-stringdbl1args-3.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-stringflt1args-1.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-stringflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-stringflt1args-3.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-stringlng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-stringlng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-stringlng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-stringusht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-stringusht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-stringusht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-stringnint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-stringnint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-stringnint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-stringpint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-stringpint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-stringpint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-stringulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-stringulng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-stringulng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-stringnpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-stringnpi1args-2.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-stringnpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-stringnni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-stringnni1args-2.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-stringnni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-stringsht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-stringsht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "string" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-stringsht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "string" function with no argument set and context item undefined. emptydoc XPDY0002 Evaluates the "string" function with argument set to the empty sequence. emptydoc fn-string-2.txt Evaluates the "string" function with argument set to "." and context item undefined. emptydoc XPDY0002 A test whose essence is: `string(1, 2)`. emptydoc XPST0017 Simple test which ensures that no arguments isn't flagged as invalid. emptydoc K-StringFunc-2.txt XPDY0002 A test whose essence is: `string(1) eq "1"`. emptydoc K-StringFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `string(()) eq ""`. emptydoc K-StringFunc-4.txt Apply fn:string() on xs:string. emptydoc K-StringFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `string( (1, 2) )`. emptydoc XPTY0004 fn:data Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-dataint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-dataint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-dataint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-dataintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-dataintg1args-2.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-dataintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-datadec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-datadec1args-2.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-datadec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-datadbl1args-1.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-datadbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-datadbl1args-3.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-dataflt1args-1.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-dataflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-dataflt1args-3.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-datalng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-datalng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-datalng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-datausht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-datausht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-datausht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-datanint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-datanint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-datanint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-datapint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-datapint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-datapint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-dataulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-dataulng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-dataulng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-datanpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-datanpi1args-2.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-datanpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-datanni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-datanni1args-2.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-datanni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-datasht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-datasht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "data" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-datasht1args-3.txt A test whose essence is: `data()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `data(1, "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `count(data((1, 2, 3, 4, 5))) eq 5`. emptydoc K-DataFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(data( () ))`. emptydoc K-DataFunc-4.txt fn:data() must be passed at least one argument. emptydoc XPST0017 fn:data() must be passed at most one argument. emptydoc XPST0017 Evaluates The "data" function with the argument set to a complex element. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4273 emptydoc FOTY0012 fn:base-uri Evaluates the "base-uri" function with no arguments and no context node set. Should raise runtime error. emptydoc XPDY0002 Evaluates the "base-uri" function with context item no a node. emptydoc XPTY0004 Evaluates the "base-uri" function with argument set to the empty sequence. emptydoc fn-base-uri-3.txt Evaluates the "base-uri" function with argument set to a comment node (via direct construction as argument). emptydoc fn-base-uri-4.txt Evaluates the "base-uri" function with argument set to a comment node (via computed construction as argument). emptydoc fn-base-uri-5.txt Evaluates the "base-uri" function with argument set to a text node (via computed construction as argument). emptydoc fn-base-uri-6.txt Evaluates the "base-uri" function with argument set to an Element node with no xml-base argument (via computed construction as argument). emptydoc fn-base-uri-7.txt fn-base-urialt-7.txt Evaluates the "base-uri" function with argument set to an Element node with no xml-base argument (via direct construction as argument). emptydoc fn-base-uri-8.txt fn-base-urialt-8.txt Evaluates the "base-uri" function with argument set to an Element node with xml-base argument (via direct construction as argument). emptydoc fn-base-uri-9.txt Evaluates the "base-uri" function with argument set to an Element node with xml-base argument (via direct construction as argument). Requires no escaping of characters. emptydoc fn-base-uri-10.txt Evaluates the "base-uri" function with argument set to a Document node (via computed construction as argument). emptydoc fn-base-uri-11.txt fn-base-urialt-11.txt Evaluates the "base-uri" function with argument set to a Document node (via computed construction as argument). Use declared base-uri property. emptydoc fn-base-uri-12.txt Evaluates the "base-uri" function with argument set to an Element node (via direct construction as argument). Use declared base-uri property. emptydoc fn-base-uri-13.txt Evaluates the "base-uri" function with argument set to an attribute node (via computed construction as argument). emptydoc fn-base-uri-14.txt Evaluates the "base-uri" function with argument set to a PI node (via direct construction as argument). emptydoc fn-base-uri-15.txt Evaluates the "base-uri" function with argument set to a PI node (via computed construction as argument). emptydoc fn-base-uri-16.txt Evaluates the "base-uri" function with argument set to a PI node (via computed construction as argument). emptydoc fn-base-uri-17.txt Evaluates the "base-uri" function with argument set to an element node (via direct construction as part of FLOWR expr). Uses declared base-uri property. emptydoc fn-base-uri-18.txt Evaluates the "base-uri" function with argument set to an element node (via direct construction as part of FLOWR expr). Uses "xml-base" attribute. emptydoc fn-base-uri-19.txt Evaluates the "base-uri" function with argument set to an element node (via direct construction as part of FLOWR expr). Uses "xml-base" attribute and should ignore declare base-uri property. emptydoc fn-base-uri-20.txt Evaluates the "base-uri" function with argument set to comment node (via direct construction as part of FLOWR expr). Should ignore declare base-uri property. emptydoc fn-base-uri-21.txt Evaluates the "base-uri" function with argument set to "." and no context node set. Should raise runtime error. emptydoc XPDY0002 Evaluates the "base-uri" function with argument set to an Element node with xml-base argument (via direct construction as argument). Requires escaping of characters. emptydoc fn-base-uri-23.txt A test whose essence is: `base-uri((), "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(base-uri(()))`. emptydoc K-BaseURIFunc-2.txt Invoke on a comment node. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-1.txt Invoke on an attribute node. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-2.txt Invoke on a processing instruction node. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-3.txt Invoke on a processing instruction node. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-4.txt Invoke on a text node. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-5.txt Invoke on a single element node. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-6.txt Invoke on a single attribute node. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-7.txt Invoke on a single document node. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-8.txt Ensure processing-instructions pick up the correct xml:base value. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-9.txt Ensure computed processing-instructions pick up the correct xml:base value. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-10.txt Ensure comments pick up the correct xml:base value. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-11.txt Ensure computed comments pick up the correct xml:base value. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-12.txt Ensure computed comments don't pick up the base-uri from the static context. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-13.txt Ensure computed comments don't pick up the base-uri from the static context. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-14.txt Ensure computed processing-instructions don't pick up the base-uri from the static context. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-15.txt Ensure processing-instructions don't pick up the base-uri from the static context. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-16.txt Ensure computed attributes don't pick up the base-uri from the static context. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-17.txt Ensure computed attributes pick up the base-uri from parent. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-18.txt Ensure computed attributes pick up the resolved base-uri of the parent. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-19.txt Ensure computed attributes pick up the resolved base-uri of the parent(#2). emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-20.txt Ensure that the return value of document-uri() is of correct type. TopMany K2-BaseURIFunc-21.txt Ensure that the base URI is empty for direct PI constructors. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-22.txt Ensure that the base URI is empty for computed PI constructors. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-23.txt Ensure that the base URI is empty for direct PI constructors, with no base-uri declaration. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-24.txt Ensure that the base URI is empty for computed PI constructors, with no base-uri declaration. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-25.txt Ensure that the base URI is empty for computed attribute constructors, with no base-uri declaration. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-26.txt Ensure that the base URI is set for computed documents. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-27.txt Check the document URI and base URI simultaneously for a computed document node. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-28.txt Use an URI in an xml:base element that is a valid URI, but an invalid HTTP URL. Since implementations aren't required to validate specific schemes but allowed to, this may either raise an error or return the URI. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-29.txt Use an empty xml:base attribute. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-30.txt Compute the base URI from a processing instruction. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-31.txt Compute the base URI from a comment. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-32.txt Ensure recursive resolution works. emptydoc K2-BaseURIFunc-33.txt fn:static-base-uri Evaluates the "static-base-uri" function with incorrect arity. emptydoc XPST0017 Evaluates the "static-base-uri" function using "ftp" flavor for base-uri . emptydoc fn-static-base-uri-2.txt Evaluates the "static-base-uri" function using "mailto" flavor for base-uri. emptydoc fn-static-base-uri-3.txt Evaluates the "static-base-uri" function using "news" flavor for base-uri . emptydoc fn-static-base-uri-4.txt Evaluates the "static-base-uri" function using "telnet" flavor for base-uri . emptydoc fn-static-base-uri-5.txt Evaluates the "static-base-uri" function using "tel" flavor for base-uri . emptydoc fn-static-base-uri-6.txt Evaluates the "static-base-uri" function using "urn" flavor for base-uri . emptydoc fn-static-base-uri-7.txt Evaluates the "static-base-uri" function used as argument to fn:upper-case. emptydoc fn-static-base-uri-8.txt Evaluates the "static-base-uri" function used as argument to fn:lower-case. emptydoc fn-static-base-uri-9.txt Evaluates the "static-base-uri" function used as argument to fn:concat. emptydoc fn-static-base-uri-10.txt Evaluates the "static-base-uri" function used as argument to fn:string-join. emptydoc fn-static-base-uri-11.txt Evaluates the "static-base-uri" function used as argument to fn:string-length. emptydoc fn-static-base-uri-12.txt Evaluates the "static-base-uri" function used as argument to fn:string-before. emptydoc fn-static-base-uri-13.txt Evaluates the "static-base-uri" function used as argument to fn:string-before. emptydoc fn-static-base-uri-14.txt A test whose essence is: `static-base-uri(.)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `static-base-uri(1, 2)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `if(static-base-uri()) then true() else true()`. emptydoc K-StaticBaseURIFunc-3.txt fn:document-uri Evaluates the "document-uri" function with incorrect arity. emptydoc XPST0017 Evaluates the "document-uri" function with argument set to empty sequence. emptydoc fn-document-uri-2.txt Evaluates the "document-uri" function with argument set to computed element node. emptydoc fn-document-uri-3.txt Evaluates the "document-uri" function with argument set to computed comment node. emptydoc fn-document-uri-4.txt Evaluates the "document-uri" function with argument set to computed text node. emptydoc fn-document-uri-5.txt Evaluates the "document-uri" function with argument set to computed attribute node. emptydoc fn-document-uri-6.txt Evaluates the "document-uri" function with argument set to computed processing instruction node. emptydoc fn-document-uri-7.txt Evaluates the "document-uri" function with argument set to a directly constructed processing instruction node. emptydoc fn-document-uri-8.txt Evaluates the "document-uri" function with argument set to a directly constructed comment node. emptydoc fn-document-uri-9.txt Evaluates the "document-uri" function with argument set to a directly constructed element node. emptydoc fn-document-uri-10.txt Evaluates the "document-uri" function with argument set to a directly constructed document node. it should be empty document-uri property. emptydoc fn-document-uri-11.txt Evaluates the "document-uri" function with argument set to a document node from an XML file (Normal usage). works-mod fn-document-uri-12.txt fn-document-urialt-12.txt Evaluates the "document-uri" function with argument set to an element node from an XML file. works-mod fn-document-uri-13.txt Evaluates the "document-uri" function with argument set to an attribute node from an XML file. works-mod fn-document-uri-14.txt Evaluates the "document-uri" function as argument to fn:string-length function. works-mod fn-document-uri-15.txt fn-document-urialt-15.txt Evaluates the "document-uri" function as argument to fn:upper-case function. works-mod fn-document-uri-16.txt fn-document-urialt-16.txt Evaluates the "document-uri" function as argument to fn:lower-case function. works-mod fn-document-uri-17.txt fn-document-urialt-17.txt Evaluates the "document-uri" function as argument to fn:concat function. works-mod fn-document-uri-18.txt fn-document-urialt-18.txt Evaluates the "document-uri" function as argument to fn:string-join function. works-mod fn-document-uri-19.txt fn-document-urialt-19.txt Evaluates the "document-uri" function as argument to fn:substring-before function. works-mod fn-document-uri-20.txt Evaluates the "document-uri" function as argument to fn:substring-after function. works-mod fn-document-uri-21.txt A test whose essence is: `document-uri((), "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `document-uri()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(document-uri(()))`. emptydoc K-DocumentURIFunc-3.txt Invoke on a comment node. emptydoc K2-DocumentURIFunc-1.txt Invoke on an attribute node. emptydoc K2-DocumentURIFunc-2.txt Invoke on a processing instruction node. emptydoc K2-DocumentURIFunc-3.txt Invoke on a processing instruction node. emptydoc K2-DocumentURIFunc-4.txt Invoke on a text node. emptydoc K2-DocumentURIFunc-5.txt Invoke on a single element node. emptydoc K2-DocumentURIFunc-6.txt Invoke on a single attribute node. emptydoc K2-DocumentURIFunc-7.txt Invoke on a single document node. emptydoc K2-DocumentURIFunc-8.txt Invoke on a tree document node. emptydoc K2-DocumentURIFunc-9.txt Invoke on a tree document node with fn:root(). emptydoc K2-DocumentURIFunc-10.txt XPST0005 Ensure that the return value of document-uri() is of correct type. TopMany K2-DocumentURIFunc-11.txt The Error Function Evaluates the "fn:error" function without arguments. emptydoc FOER0000 Evaluates the "fn:error" function as per example 2 for this function from the Fncs. and Ops. Specifications. emptydoc * Evaluates the "fn:error" function with argument type. emptydoc XPTY0004 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "FOCH0004". emptydoc FOCH0004 Evaluates the "fn:error" function with first argument of third signature set to the empty sequence. emptydoc FOER0000 Evaluates the "fn:error" function with first argument of fourth signature set to the empty sequence. emptydoc FOER0000 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "FODT0001". emptydoc FODT0001 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "FORG0009". emptydoc FORG0009 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "FOTY0012". emptydoc FOTY0012 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "SENR0001". emptydoc SENR0001 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "SEPM0004". emptydoc SEPM0004 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "SEPM0009". emptydoc SEPM0009 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "SEPM0010". emptydoc SEPM0010 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "SEPM0016". emptydoc SEPM0016 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "SERE0003". emptydoc SERE0003 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "SERE0005". emptydoc SERE0005 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "SERE0006". emptydoc SERE0006 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "SERE0008". emptydoc SERE0008 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "SERE0012". emptydoc SERE0012 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "SERE0014". emptydoc SERE0014 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "SESU0007". emptydoc SESU0007 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "SESU0011". emptydoc SESU0011 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XPDY0002". emptydoc XPDY0002 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XPST0010". emptydoc XPST0010 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XPST0080". emptydoc XPST0080 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XPTY0018". emptydoc XPTY0018 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XQDY0027". emptydoc XQDY0027 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XQDY0061". emptydoc XQDY0061 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XQDY0084". emptydoc XQDY0084 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XQST0009". emptydoc XQST0009 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XQST0012". emptydoc XQST0012 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XQST0013". emptydoc XQST0013 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XQST0016". emptydoc XQST0016 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XQST0035". emptydoc XQST0035 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XQST0036". emptydoc XQST0036 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XQST0046". emptydoc XQST0046 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XQST0047". emptydoc XQST0047 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XQST0048". emptydoc XQST0048 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XQST0054". emptydoc XQST0054 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XQST0055". emptydoc XQST0055 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XQST0057". emptydoc XQST0057 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XQST0058". emptydoc XQST0058 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XQST0060". emptydoc XQST0060 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XQST0073". emptydoc XQST0073 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XQST0075". emptydoc XQST0075 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XQST0076". emptydoc XQST0076 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XQST0079". emptydoc XQST0079 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XQST0087". emptydoc XQST0087 Evaluates the "fn:error" function for error code "XQTY0030". emptydoc XQTY0030 A test whose essence is: `if(true()) then true() else error()`. emptydoc K-ErrorFunc-1.txt A test whose essence is: `if(true()) then true() else error(QName("", "local"), "description")`. emptydoc K-ErrorFunc-2.txt A test whose essence is: `error(QName("", "local"), "description", "object", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `error( () )`. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `error(QName('http://www.w3.org/2005/xqt-errors', 'err:FOER0000'))`. emptydoc FOER0000 When fn:error() is passed a description, the first argument may be an empty sequence. emptydoc FOER0000 A test whose essence is: `if(false()) then error((), "description") else true()`. emptydoc K-ErrorFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `error()`. emptydoc FOER0000 A test whose essence is: `error(QName("", "XPDY6666"), "description", "error object")`. emptydoc * A test whose essence is: `exactly-one((true(), error()))`. emptydoc FOER0000 Combine fn:error() with a predicate. emptydoc K2-ErrorFunc-1.txt FOER0000 Using a QName with namespace 'none' as identifier. emptydoc * Use a QName with no namespace URI. emptydoc * Errors and Optimization Conditional and typeswitch expressions must not raise a dynamic error in respect of subexpressions occurring in a branch that is not selected http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4446 emptydoc errors-and-optimization-1.txt Conditional expressions must not return the value delivered by a branch unless that branch is selected. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4446 emptydoc FOAR0001 To avoid unexpected errors caused by expression rewrite, tests that are designed to prevent dynamic errors should be expressed using conditional or typeswitch expressions. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4446 emptydoc errors-and-optimization-3.txt If a processor evaluates an operand E (wholly or in part), then it is required to establish that the actual value of the operand E does not violate any constraints on its cardinality. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4446 emptydoc XPTY0004 If a processor evaluates an operand E (wholly or in part), then it is required to establish that the actual value of the operand E does not violate any constraints on its cardinality. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4446 emptydoc XPTY0004 Expressions must not be rewritten in such a way as to create or remove static errors. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4446 emptydoc XPST0017 Expressions must not be rewritten in such a way as to create or remove static errors. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4446 emptydoc XPST0081 The Trace Function Evaluates the "fn:trace" function with wrong arity. emptydoc XPST0017 Simple call to the "fn:trace" function with an integer value. emptydoc fn-trace-2.txt Evaluation of the "fn:trace" function used with an addition operation. emptydoc fn-trace-3.txt Evaluation of the "fn:trace" function used with a subtraction operation. emptydoc fn-trace-4.txt Evaluation of the "fn:trace" function used with a multiplication operation. emptydoc fn-trace-5.txt Evaluation of the "fn:trace" function used with a division (div operator) operation. emptydoc fn-trace-6.txt Evaluation of the "fn:trace" function used with a division (idiv operator) operation. emptydoc fn-trace-7.txt Evaluation of the "fn:trace" function used with a modulus operation. emptydoc fn-trace-8.txt Evaluation of the "fn:trace" function used with two variables, where the second one uses the first one in a more complex math expression. emptydoc fn-trace-9.txt Evaluation of the "fn:trace" function used with string manipulation (fn:concat). emptydoc fn-trace-10.txt Evaluation of the "fn:trace" function used for numbers manipulation readed from an xml file. works-mod fn-trace-11.txt Evaluation of the "fn:trace" function used for numbers manipulation readed from an xml file. The entire query is inside the function. works-mod fn-trace-12.txt Evaluation of the "fn:trace" function used in a math expression using the "avg" function. emptydoc fn-trace-13.txt Evaluation of the "fn:trace" function involving casting (floats to integers). emptydoc fn-trace-14.txt Evaluation of the "fn:trace" function that uses another fn:trace as part of its argument. emptydoc fn-trace-15.txt Evaluation of the "fn:trace" function used in a math expression using the "fn:count" function. emptydoc fn-trace-16.txt Evaluation of the "fn:trace" function used in a boolean expression ("and" and fn:true()). emptydoc fn-trace-17.txt Evaluation of the "fn:trace" function used in a boolean expression ("or" and fn:true()). emptydoc fn-trace-18.txt Evaluation of the "fn:trace" function where the first argument is the empty sequence. emptydoc fn-trace-19.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of the "fn:trace" function where the first argument is the zero length string. emptydoc fn-trace-20.txt Evaluation of the "fn:trace" function string manipulation (upper/lower case functions). emptydoc fn-trace-21.txt A test whose essence is: `trace()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `trace(.)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `trace(., "message", "wrong parameter")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `trace("a string", "trace message")`. emptydoc K-TraceFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(trace((), "trace message"))`. emptydoc K-TraceFunc-5.txt XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `empty(trace(error(), "trace message"))`. emptydoc FOER0000 Constructor Functions fn:dateTime Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" function as per example 1 for this function from the F and O Specs. emptydoc fn-dateTime-1.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" function as per example 2 for this function from the F and O Specs. emptydoc fn-dateTime-2.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime", where only the first argument have a timezone. emptydoc fn-dateTime-3.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime", where only the second argument have a timezone. emptydoc fn-dateTime-4.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime", where both arguments have the same timezone (Z). emptydoc fn-dateTime-5.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime", where both arguments have the same timezone (+10:00). emptydoc fn-dateTime-6.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" function together together with the op:dateTime-equal operator(eq). emptydoc fn-dateTime-7.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" function together together with the op:dateTime-equal operator(ne). emptydoc fn-dateTime-8.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" function together together with the op:dateTime-equal operator(le). emptydoc fn-dateTime-9.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" function together together with the op:dateTime-equal operator(ge). emptydoc fn-dateTime-10.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" function together together with the op:dateTime-equal operator(lt). emptydoc fn-dateTime-11.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" function together together with the op:dateTime-equal operator(le). emptydoc fn-dateTime-12.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" function together together with the op:dateTime-equal operator(gt). emptydoc fn-dateTime-13.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" function together together with the op:dateTime-equal operator(ge). emptydoc fn-dateTime-14.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" as an argument to the function "year-from-dateTime". emptydoc fn-dateTime-15.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" as an argument to the function "month-from-dateTime". emptydoc fn-dateTime-16.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" as an argument to the function "day-from-dateTime". emptydoc fn-dateTime-17.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" as an argument to the function "hours-from-dateTime". emptydoc fn-dateTime-18.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" as an argument to the function "minutes-from-dateTime". emptydoc fn-dateTime-19.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" as an argument to the function "seconds-from-dateTime". emptydoc fn-dateTime-20.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" as an argument to the function "timezone-from-dateTime". emptydoc fn-dateTime-21.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" as an argument to the function "adjust-dateTime-to-timezone". emptydoc fn-dateTime-22.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" part of a subtraction operation. emptydoc fn-dateTime-23.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" used together with the "op:add-yearMonthDuration-to-dateTime" operator. emptydoc fn-dateTime-24.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" used together with the "op:add-dayTimeDuration-to-dateTime" operator. emptydoc fn-dateTime-25.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" used together with the "subtract-yearMonthDuration-from-dateTime" operator. emptydoc fn-dateTime-26.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" used together with the "subtract-dayTimeDuration-from-dateTime" operator. emptydoc fn-dateTime-27.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" where the first argument is the empty sequence. emptydoc zero.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" where the second argument is the empty sequence. emptydoc zero.txt Evaluation of "fn:dateTime" where both arguments are equal to the empty sequence. emptydoc zero.txt Evaluation of error FORG008, different timezones for DateTimeFunc. emptydoc FORG0008 Passing too few parameters(none) to fn:dateTime(). emptydoc XPST0017 Passing too few parameters(only one) to fn:dateTime(). emptydoc XPST0017 Passing too many parameters to fn:dateTime(). emptydoc XPST0017 Passing the empty sequence as second argument is allowed(recent change in the specification). emptydoc K-DateTimeFunc-4.txt Passing the empty sequence as first argument is allowed(recent change in the specification). emptydoc K-DateTimeFunc-5.txt Passing different timezones to fn:dateTime() is an error. emptydoc FORG0008 Passing different timezones to fn:dateTime() is an error. emptydoc FORG0008 Invoke fn:dateTime() with timezones +00:00 and -00:00. emptydoc K-DateTimeFunc-8.txt Invoke fn:dateTime() with identical timezones. emptydoc K-DateTimeFunc-9.txt Invoke fn:dateTime() with the first value having no timezone. emptydoc K-DateTimeFunc-10.txt Invoke fn:dateTime() with the second value having no timezone. emptydoc K-DateTimeFunc-11.txt Invoke fn:dateTime() with the time value being 24:00:00. emptydoc K-DateTimeFunc-12.txt Invoke fn:dateTime() with timezones being canonical UTC('Z'). emptydoc K-DateTimeFunc-13.txt Invoke fn:dateTime() with the first value's timezone being canonical UTC('Z'). emptydoc K-DateTimeFunc-14.txt Invoke fn:dateTime() with the first value's timezone being an arbitrary value. emptydoc K-DateTimeFunc-15.txt Invoke fn:dateTime() with the second value's timezone being an arbitrary value. emptydoc K-DateTimeFunc-16.txt Invoke fn:dateTime() where none of its values has a timezone. emptydoc K-DateTimeFunc-17.txt Invoke fn:dateTime() with the first value's timezone being canonical UTC('Z'). emptydoc K-DateTimeFunc-18.txt Passing the empty sequence as both arguments is allowed(recent change in the specification). emptydoc K2-DateTimeFunc-1.txt Functions on Numeric Values fn:abs Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-absint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-absint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-absint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-absintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-absintg1args-2.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-absintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-absdec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-absdec1args-2.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-absdec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-absdbl1args-1.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-absdbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-absdbl1args-3.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-absflt1args-1.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-absflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-absflt1args-3.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-abslng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-abslng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-abslng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-absusht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-absusht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-absusht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-absnint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-absnint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-absnint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-abspint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-abspint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-abspint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-absulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-absulng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-absulng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-absnpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-absnpi1args-2.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-absnpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-absnni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-absnni1args-2.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-absnni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-abssht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-abssht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "abs" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-abssht1args-3.txt Arg: double. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-001.txt Arg: double. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-002.txt Arg: double. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-003.txt Arg: double. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-004.txt Arg: double. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-005.txt Arg: decimal. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-006.txt Arg: decimal. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-007.txt Arg: float. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-008.txt Arg: float. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-009.txt Arg: float. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-010.txt Arg: float. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-011.txt Arg: float. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-012.txt Arg: int. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-013.txt Arg: int. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-014.txt Arg: integer. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-015.txt Arg: integer. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-016.txt Arg: long. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-017.txt Arg: long. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-018.txt Arg: nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-019.txt Arg: nonPositiveIntege. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-020.txt Arg: short. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-021.txt Arg: short. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-022.txt Arg: unsignedLong. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-023.txt Arg: unsignedShort. emptydoc fn-abs-more-args-024.txt Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives FORG0001. emptydoc FORG0001 Negative Test gives XPTY0004. emptydoc XPTY0004 Negative Test gives XPTY0004. emptydoc XPTY0004 Negative Test gives XPTY0004. emptydoc XPTY0004 Negative Test gives XPTY0004. emptydoc XPTY0004 Negative Test gives XPTY0004. emptydoc XPTY0004 Negative Test gives XPTY0004. emptydoc XPTY0004 Negative Test gives XPTY0004. emptydoc XPTY0004 Negative Test gives XPTY0004. emptydoc XPTY0004 Negative Test gives XPTY0004. emptydoc XPTY0004 Negative Test gives XPTY0004. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `abs()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `abs(1, 2)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(abs(()))`. emptydoc K-ABSFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `abs(10.5) eq 10.5`. emptydoc K-ABSFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `abs(-10.5) eq 10.5`. emptydoc K-ABSFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `abs("a string")`. emptydoc XPTY0004 Invoke fn:abs() on -4 of type xs:integer. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-1.txt Invoke fn:abs() on -4 of type xs:nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-2.txt Invoke fn:abs() on -4 of type xs:negativeInteger. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-3.txt Invoke fn:abs() on -4 of type xs:long. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-4.txt Invoke fn:abs() on -4 of type xs:int. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-5.txt Invoke fn:abs() on -4 of type xs:short. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-6.txt Invoke fn:abs() on -4 of type xs:byte. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-7.txt Invoke fn:abs() on 4 of type xs:nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-8.txt Invoke fn:abs() on 4 of type xs:unsignedLong. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-9.txt Invoke fn:abs() on 4 of type xs:unsignedInt. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-10.txt Invoke fn:abs() on 4 of type xs:unsignedShort. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-11.txt Invoke fn:abs() on 4 of type xs:unsignedByte. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-12.txt Invoke fn:abs() on 4 of type xs:positiveInteger. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-13.txt Invoke fn:abs() on xs:integer and check the return type. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-14.txt Invoke fn:abs() on xs:nonPositiveInteger and check the return type. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-15.txt Invoke fn:abs() on xs:negativeInteger and check the return type. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-16.txt Invoke fn:abs() on xs:long and check the return type. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-17.txt Invoke fn:abs() on xs:int and check the return type. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-18.txt Invoke fn:abs() on xs:short and check the return type. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-19.txt Invoke fn:abs() on xs:byte and check the return type. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-20.txt Invoke fn:abs() on xs:nonNegativeInteger and check the return type. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-21.txt Invoke fn:abs() on xs:unsignedLong and check the return type. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-22.txt Invoke fn:abs() on xs:unsignedInt and check the return type. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-23.txt Invoke fn:abs() on xs:unsignedShort and check the return type. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-24.txt Invoke fn:abs() on xs:unsignedByte and check the return type. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-25.txt Invoke fn:abs() on xs:positiveInteger and check the return type. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-26.txt Invoke fn:abs() on xs:decimal and check the return type(negative test). emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-27.txt Invoke fn:abs() on xs:double and check the return type(negative test). emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-28.txt Invoke fn:abs() on xs:float and check the return type(negative test). emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-29.txt Invoke fn:abs() on xs:integer and check the return type(negative test). emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-30.txt Invoke fn:abs() on xs:decimal and check the return type. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-31.txt Invoke fn:abs() on xs:double and check the return type. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-32.txt Invoke fn:abs() on xs:float and check the return type. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-33.txt Invoke fn:abs() on xs:integer and check the return type. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-34.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for unsignedShort. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-35.txt K2-ABSFunc-35-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for unsignedLong. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-36.txt K2-ABSFunc-36-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for unsignedInt. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-37.txt K2-ABSFunc-37-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for unsignedByte. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-38.txt K2-ABSFunc-38-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for positiveInteger. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-39.txt K2-ABSFunc-39-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-40.txt K2-ABSFunc-40-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-41.txt K2-ABSFunc-41-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for negativeInteger. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-42.txt K2-ABSFunc-42-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for long. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-43.txt K2-ABSFunc-43-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for int. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-44.txt K2-ABSFunc-44-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for short. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-45.txt K2-ABSFunc-45-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for byte. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-46.txt K2-ABSFunc-46-2.txt Invoke on -INF/xs:float. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-47.txt Invoke on -INF/xs:double. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-48.txt Invoke on INF/xs:float. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-49.txt Invoke on -INF/xs:double. emptydoc K2-ABSFunc-50.txt check dynamic type of fn:abs on argument of union of numeric types. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5459 fn-abs-1.txt fn:ceiling Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-ceilingint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-ceilingintg1args-2.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingdec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-ceilingdec1args-2.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingdec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingdbl1args-1.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-ceilingdbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingdbl1args-3.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingflt1args-1.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-ceilingflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingflt1args-3.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-ceilinglng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-ceilinglng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-ceilinglng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingusht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-ceilingusht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingusht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingnint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-ceilingnint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingnint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingpint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-ceilingpint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingpint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-ceilingulng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingulng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingnpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-ceilingnpi1args-2.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingnpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingnni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-ceilingnni1args-2.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingnni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingsht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-ceilingsht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "ceiling" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-ceilingsht1args-3.txt A test whose essence is: `ceiling()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `ceiling(1, 2)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(ceiling(()))`. emptydoc K-CeilingFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `ceiling(10.5) eq 11`. emptydoc K-CeilingFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `ceiling(-10.5) eq -10`. emptydoc K-CeilingFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `ceiling("a string")`. emptydoc XPTY0004 Ensure the return type is properly inferred for unsignedShort. emptydoc K2-CeilingFunc-1.txt K2-CeilingFunc-1-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for unsignedLong. emptydoc K2-CeilingFunc-2.txt K2-CeilingFunc-2-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for unsignedInt. emptydoc K2-CeilingFunc-3.txt K2-CeilingFunc-3-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for unsignedByte. emptydoc K2-CeilingFunc-4.txt K2-CeilingFunc-4-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for positiveInteger. emptydoc K2-CeilingFunc-5.txt K2-CeilingFunc-5-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc K2-CeilingFunc-6.txt K2-CeilingFunc-6-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc K2-CeilingFunc-7.txt K2-CeilingFunc-7-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for negativeInteger. emptydoc K2-CeilingFunc-8.txt K2-CeilingFunc-8-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for long. emptydoc K2-CeilingFunc-9.txt K2-CeilingFunc-9-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for int. emptydoc K2-CeilingFunc-10.txt K2-CeilingFunc-10-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for short. emptydoc K2-CeilingFunc-11.txt K2-CeilingFunc-11-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for byte. emptydoc K2-CeilingFunc-12.txt K2-CeilingFunc-12-2.txt check dynamic type of fn:ceiling on argument of union of numeric types. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5459 fn-ceiling-1.txt fn:floor Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-floorint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-floorint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-floorint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-floorintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-floorintg1args-2.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-floorintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-floordec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-floordec1args-2.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-floordec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-floordbl1args-1.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-floordbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-floordbl1args-3.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-floorflt1args-1.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-floorflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-floorflt1args-3.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-floorlng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-floorlng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-floorlng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-floorusht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-floorusht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-floorusht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-floornint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-floornint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-floornint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-floorpint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-floorpint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-floorpint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-floorulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-floorulng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-floorulng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-floornpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-floornpi1args-2.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-floornpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-floornni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-floornni1args-2.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-floornni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-floorsht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-floorsht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "floor" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-floorsht1args-3.txt A test whose essence is: `floor()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `floor(1, 2)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(floor(()))`. emptydoc K-FloorFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `floor(10.5) eq 10`. emptydoc K-FloorFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `floor(-10.5) eq -11`. emptydoc K-FloorFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `floor("a string")`. emptydoc XPTY0004 Ensure the return type is properly inferred. emptydoc K2-FloorFunc-1.txt K2-FloorFunc-1-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for unsignedShort. emptydoc K2-FloorFunc-2.txt K2-FloorFunc-2-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for unsignedLong. emptydoc K2-FloorFunc-3.txt K2-FloorFunc-3-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for unsignedInt. emptydoc K2-FloorFunc-4.txt K2-FloorFunc-4-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for unsignedByte. emptydoc K2-FloorFunc-5.txt K2-FloorFunc-5-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for positiveInteger. emptydoc K2-FloorFunc-6.txt K2-FloorFunc-6-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc K2-FloorFunc-7.txt K2-FloorFunc-7-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc K2-FloorFunc-8.txt K2-FloorFunc-8-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for negativeInteger. emptydoc K2-FloorFunc-9.txt K2-FloorFunc-9-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for long. emptydoc K2-FloorFunc-10.txt K2-FloorFunc-10-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for int. emptydoc K2-FloorFunc-11.txt K2-FloorFunc-11-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for short. emptydoc K2-FloorFunc-12.txt K2-FloorFunc-12-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for byte. emptydoc K2-FloorFunc-13.txt K2-FloorFunc-13-2.txt check dynamic type of fn:floor on argument of union of numeric types. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5459 fn-floor-1.txt fn:round Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-roundint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-roundint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-roundint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-roundintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-roundintg1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-roundintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-rounddec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-rounddec1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-rounddec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-rounddbl1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-rounddbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-rounddbl1args-3.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-roundflt1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-roundflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-roundflt1args-3.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-roundlng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-roundlng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-roundlng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-roundusht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-roundusht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-roundusht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-roundnint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-roundnint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-roundnint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-roundpint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-roundpint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-roundpint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-roundulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-roundulng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-roundulng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-roundnpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-roundnpi1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-roundnpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-roundnni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-roundnni1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-roundnni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-roundsht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-roundsht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-roundsht1args-3.txt A test whose essence is: `round()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `round(1, 2)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(round(()))`. emptydoc K-RoundFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `round(1) eq 1`. emptydoc K-RoundFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `round(1.1) eq 1`. emptydoc K-RoundFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `round(xs:double(1)) eq 1`. emptydoc K-RoundFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `round(xs:float(1)) eq 1`. emptydoc K-RoundFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `round(2.4999) eq 2`. emptydoc K-RoundFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `round(-2.5) eq -2`. emptydoc K-RoundFunc-9.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for unsignedShort. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-1.txt K2-RoundFunc-1-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for unsignedLong. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-2.txt K2-RoundFunc-2-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for unsignedInt. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-3.txt K2-RoundFunc-3-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for unsignedByte. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-4.txt K2-RoundFunc-4-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for positiveInteger. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-5.txt K2-RoundFunc-5-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-6.txt K2-RoundFunc-6-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-7.txt K2-RoundFunc-7-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for negativeInteger. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-8.txt K2-RoundFunc-8-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for long. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-9.txt K2-RoundFunc-9-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for int. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-10.txt K2-RoundFunc-10-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for short. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-11.txt K2-RoundFunc-11-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for byte. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-12.txt K2-RoundFunc-12-2.txt Invoke on xs:double INF. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-13.txt Invoke on xs:double -INF. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-14.txt Invoke on xs:double 0. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-15.txt Invoke on xs:double -0. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-16.txt Invoke on xs:float INF. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-17.txt Invoke on xs:float -INF. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-18.txt Invoke on xs:float 0. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-19.txt Invoke on xs:float -0. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-20.txt Invoke on xs:float NaN. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-21.txt Invoke on xs:double NaN. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-22.txt Invoke on 0.01, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-23.txt Invoke on 0.01, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-24.txt Invoke on -0.01, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-25.txt Invoke on -0.01, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-26.txt Invoke on 0.04, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-27.txt Invoke on 0.04, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-28.txt Invoke on -0.04, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-29.txt Invoke on -0.04, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-30.txt Invoke on 0.05, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-31.txt Invoke on 0.05, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-32.txt Invoke on -0.05, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-33.txt Invoke on -0.05, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-34.txt Invoke on 0.06, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-35.txt Invoke on 0.06, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-36.txt Invoke on -0.06, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-37.txt Invoke on -0.06, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-38.txt Invoke on 0.09, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-39.txt Invoke on 0.09, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-40.txt Invoke on -0.09, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-41.txt Invoke on -0.09, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-42.txt Invoke on 0.00, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-43.txt Invoke on 0.00, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-44.txt Invoke on -0.00, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-45.txt Invoke on -0.00, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-46.txt Invoke on 0.11, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-47.txt Invoke on 0.11, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-48.txt Invoke on -0.11, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-49.txt Invoke on -0.11, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-50.txt Invoke on 0.14, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-51.txt Invoke on 0.14, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-52.txt Invoke on -0.14, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-53.txt Invoke on -0.14, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-54.txt Invoke on 0.15, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-55.txt Invoke on 0.15, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-56.txt Invoke on -0.15, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-57.txt Invoke on -0.15, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-58.txt Invoke on 0.16, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-59.txt Invoke on 0.16, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-60.txt Invoke on -0.16, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-61.txt Invoke on -0.16, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-62.txt Invoke on 0.19, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-63.txt Invoke on 0.19, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-64.txt Invoke on -0.19, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-65.txt Invoke on -0.19, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-66.txt Invoke on 0.10, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-67.txt Invoke on 0.10, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-68.txt Invoke on -0.10, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-69.txt Invoke on -0.10, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-70.txt Invoke on 0.41, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-71.txt Invoke on 0.41, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-72.txt Invoke on -0.41, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-73.txt Invoke on -0.41, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-74.txt Invoke on 0.44, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-75.txt Invoke on 0.44, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-76.txt Invoke on -0.44, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-77.txt Invoke on -0.44, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-78.txt Invoke on 0.45, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-79.txt Invoke on 0.45, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-80.txt Invoke on -0.45, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-81.txt Invoke on -0.45, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-82.txt Invoke on 0.46, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-83.txt Invoke on 0.46, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-84.txt Invoke on -0.46, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-85.txt Invoke on -0.46, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-86.txt Invoke on 0.49, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-87.txt Invoke on 0.49, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-88.txt Invoke on -0.49, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-89.txt Invoke on -0.49, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-90.txt Invoke on 0.40, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-91.txt Invoke on 0.40, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-92.txt Invoke on -0.40, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-93.txt Invoke on -0.40, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-94.txt Invoke on 0.51, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-95.txt Invoke on 0.51, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-96.txt Invoke on -0.51, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-97.txt Invoke on -0.51, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-98.txt Invoke on 0.54, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-99.txt Invoke on 0.54, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-100.txt Invoke on -0.54, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-101.txt Invoke on -0.54, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-102.txt Invoke on 0.55, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-103.txt Invoke on 0.55, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-104.txt Invoke on -0.55, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-105.txt Invoke on -0.55, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-106.txt Invoke on 0.56, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-107.txt Invoke on 0.56, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-108.txt Invoke on -0.56, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-109.txt Invoke on -0.56, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-110.txt Invoke on 0.59, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-111.txt Invoke on 0.59, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-112.txt Invoke on -0.59, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-113.txt Invoke on -0.59, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-114.txt Invoke on 0.50, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-115.txt Invoke on 0.50, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-116.txt Invoke on -0.50, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-117.txt Invoke on -0.50, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-118.txt Invoke on 0.61, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-119.txt Invoke on 0.61, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-120.txt Invoke on -0.61, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-121.txt Invoke on -0.61, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-122.txt Invoke on 0.64, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-123.txt Invoke on 0.64, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-124.txt Invoke on -0.64, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-125.txt Invoke on -0.64, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-126.txt Invoke on 0.65, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-127.txt Invoke on 0.65, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-128.txt Invoke on -0.65, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-129.txt Invoke on -0.65, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-130.txt Invoke on 0.66, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-131.txt Invoke on 0.66, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-132.txt Invoke on -0.66, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-133.txt Invoke on -0.66, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-134.txt Invoke on 0.69, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-135.txt Invoke on 0.69, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-136.txt Invoke on -0.69, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-137.txt Invoke on -0.69, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-138.txt Invoke on 0.60, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-139.txt Invoke on 0.60, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-140.txt Invoke on -0.60, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-141.txt Invoke on -0.60, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-142.txt Invoke on 0.91, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-143.txt Invoke on 0.91, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-144.txt Invoke on -0.91, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-145.txt Invoke on -0.91, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-146.txt Invoke on 0.94, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-147.txt Invoke on 0.94, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-148.txt Invoke on -0.94, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-149.txt Invoke on -0.94, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-150.txt Invoke on 0.95, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-151.txt Invoke on 0.95, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-152.txt Invoke on -0.95, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-153.txt Invoke on -0.95, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-154.txt Invoke on 0.96, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-155.txt Invoke on 0.96, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-156.txt Invoke on -0.96, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-157.txt Invoke on -0.96, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-158.txt Invoke on 0.99, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-159.txt Invoke on 0.99, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-160.txt Invoke on -0.99, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-161.txt Invoke on -0.99, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-162.txt Invoke on 0.90, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-163.txt Invoke on 0.90, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-164.txt Invoke on -0.90, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-165.txt Invoke on -0.90, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-166.txt Invoke on 0.101, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-167.txt Invoke on 0.101, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-168.txt Invoke on -0.101, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-169.txt Invoke on -0.101, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-170.txt Invoke on 0.104, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-171.txt Invoke on 0.104, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-172.txt Invoke on -0.104, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-173.txt Invoke on -0.104, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-174.txt Invoke on 0.105, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-175.txt Invoke on 0.105, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-176.txt Invoke on -0.105, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-177.txt Invoke on -0.105, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-178.txt Invoke on 0.106, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-179.txt Invoke on 0.106, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-180.txt Invoke on -0.106, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-181.txt Invoke on -0.106, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-182.txt Invoke on 0.109, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-183.txt Invoke on 0.109, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-184.txt Invoke on -0.109, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-185.txt Invoke on -0.109, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-186.txt Invoke on 0.100, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-187.txt Invoke on 0.100, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-188.txt Invoke on -0.100, type xs:float. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-189.txt Invoke on -0.100, type xs:double. emptydoc K2-RoundFunc-190.txt check dynamic type of fn:round on argument of union of numeric types. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5459 fn-round-1.txt fn:round-half-to-even Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evenint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evenint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evenint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evenintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evenintg1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evenintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evendec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evendec1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evendec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evendbl1args-1.txt FOCA0001 Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evendbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evendbl1args-3.txt FOCA0001 Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evenflt1args-1.txt FOCA0001 Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evenflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evenflt1args-3.txt FOCA0001 Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evenlng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evenlng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evenlng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evenusht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evenusht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evenusht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evennint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evennint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evennint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evenpint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evenpint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evenpint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evenulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evenulng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evenulng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evennpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evennpi1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evennpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evennni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evennni1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evennni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evensht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evensht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "round-half-to-even" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-round-half-to-evensht1args-3.txt A test whose essence is: `round-half-to-even()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `round-half-to-even(1.1, 3, "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(round-half-to-even(()))`. emptydoc K-RoundEvenFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(round-half-to-even((), 3))`. emptydoc K-RoundEvenFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `round-half-to-even("a string")`. emptydoc XPTY0004 Invoked fn:round-half-to-even() on 1. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-1.txt Invoked fn:round-half-to-even() on 1.0. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-2.txt Invoked fn:round-half-to-even() on 0.5. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-3.txt Invoked fn:round-half-to-even() on 1.5. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-4.txt Invoked fn:round-half-to-even() on 2.5. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-5.txt Invoked fn:round-half-to-even() on a large double. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-6.txt Invoked fn:round-half-to-even() on a large double with 2 in precision. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-7.txt Invoked fn:round-half-to-even() on a large double with -2 in precision. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-8.txt Invoked fn:round-half-to-even() on xs:double -0. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-9.txt Invoked fn:round-half-to-even() on xs:float -0. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-10.txt Invoked fn:round-half-to-even() on xs:double NaN. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-11.txt Invoked fn:round-half-to-even() on xs:float NaN. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-12.txt Invoked fn:round-half-to-even() on xs:double -INF. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-13.txt Invoked fn:round-half-to-even() on xs:float -INF. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-14.txt Invoked fn:round-half-to-even() on xs:double INF. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-15.txt Invoked fn:round-half-to-even() on xs:float INF. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-16.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for unsignedShort. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-17.txt K2-RoundEvenFunc-17-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for unsignedLong. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-18.txt K2-RoundEvenFunc-18-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for unsignedInt. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-19.txt K2-RoundEvenFunc-19-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for unsignedByte. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-20.txt K2-RoundEvenFunc-20-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for positiveInteger. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-21.txt K2-RoundEvenFunc-21-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-22.txt K2-RoundEvenFunc-22-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for nonNegativeInteger. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-23.txt K2-RoundEvenFunc-23-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for negativeInteger. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-24.txt K2-RoundEvenFunc-24-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for long. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-25.txt K2-RoundEvenFunc-25-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for int. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-26.txt K2-RoundEvenFunc-26-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for short. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-27.txt K2-RoundEvenFunc-27-2.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred for byte. emptydoc K2-RoundEvenFunc-28.txt K2-RoundEvenFunc-28-2.txt check dynamic type of fn:round-half-to-even on argument of union of numeric types. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5459 fn-round-half-to-even-1.txt check dynamic type of fn:round-half-to-even on argument of union of numeric types. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5459 fn-round-half-to-even-2.txt Functions on Strings Functions to Assemble and Disassemble Strings fn:codepoints-to-string Test codepoints-to-string with variety of characters. emptydoc fn-codepoints-to-string1args-1.txt Test codepoints-to-string with an empty sequence argument. emptydoc fn-codepoints-to-string1args-2.txt Test invalid type in argument for codepoints-to-string. emptydoc XPTY0004 Test incorrect arity for codepoints-to-string. emptydoc XPST0017 Invalid codepoint (0)code for fucntion's argument. emptydoc FOCH0001 Invalid codepoint (10000000)code for function's argument. emptydoc FOCH0001 Evaluation of fn:codepoints-to-string function with argument set to codepoint 49 (single character '1'). emptydoc fn-codepoints-to-string-3.txt Evaluation of fn:codepoints-to-string function with argument set to codepoint 97 (single character 'a'). emptydoc fn-codepoints-to-string-4.txt Evaluation of fn:codepoints-to-string function with argument set to codepoint 49, 97 (characters '1a'). emptydoc fn-codepoints-to-string-5.txt Evaluation of fn:codepoints-to-string function with argument set to codepoints 35, 42, 94 36 (characters "#*^$"). emptydoc fn-codepoints-to-string-6.txt Evaluation of fn:codepoints-to-string function with argument set to codepoints 99 111 100 101 112 111 105 110 116 115 45 116 111 45 115 116 114 105 110 103 (the string "codepoints-to-string"). emptydoc fn-codepoints-to-string-7.txt Evaluation of fn:codepoints-to-string function used as argument to "xs:string()" function and uses codepoints 65, 32, 83 116, 114, 105, 110, 103 ("A String"). emptydoc fn-codepoints-to-string-8.txt Evaluation of fn:codepoints-to-string function used as argument to "upper-case" function and uses codepoints 65,32,83,84,82,73,78,71. emptydoc fn-codepoints-to-string-9.txt Evaluation of fn:codepoints-to-string function used as argument to "lower-case" function and uses codepoints 97,32,115,116,114,105,110,103. emptydoc fn-codepoints-to-string-10.txt Evaluation of fn:codepoints-to-string function that uses "xs:integer" function as argument and use codepoint 97. emptydoc fn-codepoints-to-string-11.txt Evaluation of fn:codepoints-to-string function that uses "fn:avg"/"xs:integer" functions as argument and use codepoints 65,32,83,116,114,105,110,103. emptydoc fn-codepoints-to-string-12.txt Evaluation of fn:codepoints-to-string function that is used as argument to fn:concat function. emptydoc fn-codepoints-to-string-13.txt Evaluation of fn:codepoints-to-string function that is used as argument to fn:string-to-codepoints function. emptydoc fn-codepoints-to-string-14.txt Evaluation of fn:codepoints-to-string function that is used as argument to fn:string-length function. emptydoc fn-codepoints-to-string-15.txt Evaluation of fn:codepoints-to-string function that is used as argument to fn:string-join function. emptydoc fn-codepoints-to-string-16.txt A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string((84, 104), "INVALID")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string(()) eq ""`. emptydoc K-CodepointToStringFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string((87, 36, 56, 87, 102, 96)) eq "W$8Wf`"`. emptydoc K-CodepointToStringFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string(57343)`. emptydoc FOCH0001 A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string(-500)`. emptydoc FOCH0001 A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string(0)`. emptydoc FOCH0001 Codepoint 8 is invalid in XML 1.0 but valid in XML 1.1. emptydoc K-CodepointToStringFunc-8.txt FOCH0001 A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string(9) eq "&#x9;"`. emptydoc K-CodepointToStringFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string(10) eq "&#xA;"`. emptydoc K-CodepointToStringFunc-10.txt Codepoint 11 is invalid in XML 1.0 but valid in XML 1.1. emptydoc K-CodepointToStringFunc-11.txt FOCH0001 Codepoint 12 is invalid in XML 1.0 but valid in XML 1.1. emptydoc K-CodepointToStringFunc-12.txt FOCH0001 A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string(13) eq "&#xd;"`. emptydoc K-CodepointToStringFunc-13.txt Codepoint 14 is invalid in XML 1.0 but valid in XML 1.1. emptydoc K-CodepointToStringFunc-14.txt FOCH0001 Codepoint 31 is invalid in XML 1.0 but valid in XML 1.1. emptydoc K-CodepointToStringFunc-15.txt FOCH0001 A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string(32) eq "&#x20;"`. emptydoc K-CodepointToStringFunc-16.txt A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string(27637) eq "&#x6bf5;"`. emptydoc K-CodepointToStringFunc-17.txt A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string(55295) eq "&#xD7FF;"`. emptydoc K-CodepointToStringFunc-18.txt A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string(55296)`. emptydoc FOCH0001 A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string(57343)`. emptydoc FOCH0001 A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string(57344) eq "&#xE000;"`. emptydoc K-CodepointToStringFunc-21.txt A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string(61438) eq "&#xEFFE;"`. emptydoc K-CodepointToStringFunc-22.txt A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string(65533) eq "&#xFFFD;"`. emptydoc K-CodepointToStringFunc-23.txt A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string(65534)`. emptydoc FOCH0001 A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string(65535)`. emptydoc FOCH0001 A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string(65536) eq "&#x10000;"`. emptydoc K-CodepointToStringFunc-26.txt A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string(589823) eq "&#x8FFFF;"`. emptydoc K-CodepointToStringFunc-27.txt A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string(1114111) eq "&#x10FFFF;"`. emptydoc K-CodepointToStringFunc-28.txt A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string(1114112)`. emptydoc FOCH0001 fn:string-to-codepoints Evaluates the "string-to-codepoints" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-string-to-codepoints1args-1.txt Evaluates the "string-to-codepoints" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:string(mid range). emptydoc fn-string-to-codepoints1args-2.txt Evaluates the "string-to-codepoints" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:string(upper bound). emptydoc fn-string-to-codepoints1args-3.txt Test string-to-codepoints with variety of characters. emptydoc fn-string-to-codepoints1args-4.txt Test string-to-codepoints with an empty string argument. emptydoc fn-string-to-codepoints1args-5.txt Test string-to-codepoints with empty sequence argument. emptydoc fn-string-to-codepoints1args-6.txt Test string-to-codepoints with invalid type in argument. emptydoc XPTY0004 Test string-to-codepoints with incorrect function arity. emptydoc XPST0017 Test string-to-codepoints with argument set to a single character ('1'). emptydoc fn-string-to-codepoints-1.txt Test string-to-codepoints with argument set to a single character ('a'). emptydoc fn-string-to-codepoints-2.txt Test string-to-codepoints with argument set to a combination of character/number ('1a'). emptydoc fn-string-to-codepoints-3.txt Test string-to-codepoints with argument set to the characters "#*^$". emptydoc fn-string-to-codepoints-4.txt Test string-to-codepoints with argument set to the characters "string-to-codepoints". emptydoc fn-string-to-codepoints-5.txt Test string-to-codepoints with argument that uses the "xs:string" function. emptydoc fn-string-to-codepoints-6.txt Test string-to-codepoints with argument that uses the "fn:upper-case" function. emptydoc fn-string-to-codepoints-7.txt Test string-to-codepoints with argument that uses the "fn:lower-case" function. emptydoc fn-string-to-codepoints-8.txt Test string-to-codepoints used as argument to the "fn:count" function. emptydoc fn-string-to-codepoints-9.txt Test string-to-codepoints used as argument to the "fn:avg" function. emptydoc fn-string-to-codepoints-10.txt Test string-to-codepoints used as argument to the "fn:empty" function (return false). emptydoc fn-string-to-codepoints-11.txt Test string-to-codepoints used as argument to the "fn:empty" function (returns true). emptydoc fn-string-to-codepoints-12.txt Test string-to-codepoints used as argument to the "fn:exists" function (return false). emptydoc fn-string-to-codepoints-13.txt Test string-to-codepoints used as argument to the "fn:exits" function (returns true). emptydoc fn-string-to-codepoints-14.txt A test whose essence is: `string-to-codepoints()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `string-to-codepoints("str", "INVALID")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(string-to-codepoints(()))`. emptydoc K-StringToCodepointFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(string-to-codepoints(""))`. emptydoc K-StringToCodepointFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `count(string-to-codepoints("123")) eq 3`. emptydoc K-StringToCodepointFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `count(string-to-codepoints("")) eq 0`. emptydoc K-StringToCodepointFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(string-to-codepoints(""))`. emptydoc K-StringToCodepointFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `string-to-codepoints("e")`. emptydoc K-StringToCodepointFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal(string-to-codepoints("ee"), (101, 101))`. emptydoc K-StringToCodepointFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal(string-to-codepoints("eee"), (101, 101, 101))`. emptydoc K-StringToCodepointFunc-10.txt A test whose essence is: `string-join(for $code in string-to-codepoints("example.com/") return string($code), "") eq "10112097109112108101469911110947"`. emptydoc K-StringToCodepointFunc-11.txt Combine fn:deep-equal and string-to-codepoints(). emptydoc K-StringToCodepointFunc-12.txt A test whose essence is: `codepoints-to-string((87, 36, 56, 87, 102, 96)) eq "W$8Wf`"`. emptydoc K-StringToCodepointFunc-13.txt Combine string-to-codepoints() and a predicate. emptydoc K-StringToCodepointFunc-14.txt Combine string-to-codepoints() and a predicate. emptydoc K-StringToCodepointFunc-15.txt Combine string-to-codepoints() and a predicate. emptydoc K-StringToCodepointFunc-16.txt Combine string-to-codepoints() and a predicate. emptydoc K-StringToCodepointFunc-17.txt Combine string-to-codepoints() and a predicate. emptydoc K-StringToCodepointFunc-18.txt Combine string-to-codepoints() and a predicate. emptydoc K-StringToCodepointFunc-19.txt Combine string-to-codepoints() and a predicate. emptydoc K-StringToCodepointFunc-20.txt Combine string-to-codepoints() and a predicate. emptydoc K-StringToCodepointFunc-21.txt Equality and Comparison of Strings fn:compare Evaluates the "compare" function with the arguments set as follows: $comparand1 = xs:string(lower bound) $comparand2 = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-compare2args-1.txt Evaluates the "compare" function with the arguments set as follows: $comparand1 = xs:string(mid range) $comparand2 = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-compare2args-2.txt Evaluates the "compare" function with the arguments set as follows: $comparand1 = xs:string(upper bound) $comparand2 = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-compare2args-3.txt Evaluates the "compare" function with the arguments set as follows: $comparand1 = xs:string(lower bound) $comparand2 = xs:string(mid range). emptydoc fn-compare2args-4.txt Evaluates the "compare" function with the arguments set as follows: $comparand1 = xs:string(lower bound) $comparand2 = xs:string(upper bound). emptydoc fn-compare2args-5.txt Evaluates the "compare" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "" $arg2 = "". emptydoc fn-compare-1.txt Evaluates the "compare" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "" $arg2 = "A Character String". emptydoc fn-compare-2.txt Evaluates the "compare" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A Character String" $arg2 = "". emptydoc fn-compare-3.txt Evaluates the "compare" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = () $arg2 = "". emptydoc fn-compare-4.txt Evaluates the "compare" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "" $arg2 = (). emptydoc fn-compare-5.txt Evaluates the "compare" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A Character String" $arg2 = (). emptydoc fn-compare-6.txt Evaluates the "compare" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = () $arg2 = "A Character String". emptydoc fn-compare-7.txt Evaluates the "compare" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "AAAAABBBBBCCCCC" $arg2 = "BBBBB". emptydoc fn-compare-8.txt Evaluates the "compare" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "AAAAABBBBB" $arg2 = " ". emptydoc fn-compare-9.txt Evaluates the "compare" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = " " $arg2 = "AAAAABBBBB". emptydoc fn-compare-10.txt Evaluates the "compare" function as an argument of another function (fn:not)- return true. emptydoc fn-compare-11.txt Evaluates the "compare" function as an argument of another function (fn:not) - return false. emptydoc fn-compare-12.txt Evaluates the "compare" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string("A") $arg2 = "A". emptydoc fn-compare-13.txt Evaluates the "compare" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A" $arg2 = xs:string("A"). emptydoc fn-compare-14.txt Evaluates the "compare" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A" $arg2 = "a". emptydoc fn-compare-15.txt Evaluates the "compare" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "a" $arg2 = "A". emptydoc fn-compare-16.txt Evaluates the "compare" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "compare" $arg2 = "compare". emptydoc fn-compare-17.txt Evaluates the "compare" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "comparecompare" $arg2 = "compare". emptydoc fn-compare-18.txt Evaluates the "compare" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "****" $arg2 = "***". emptydoc fn-compare-19.txt Evaluates the "compare" function using numbers as part of the string. Arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "12345" $arg2 = "1234". emptydoc fn-compare-20.txt Evaluates the "compare" function using "compare" backwards. Arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "compare" $arg2 = "reapmco". emptydoc fn-compare-21.txt Evaluates the "compare" function using "compare" that specifies a non-existent collation. emptydoc FOCH0002 A test whose essence is: `codepoint-equal()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `codepoint-equal(())`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `codepoint-equal((), (), ())`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(codepoint-equal((), "a string"))`. emptydoc K-compareFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(codepoint-equal("a string", ()))`. emptydoc K-compareFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `codepoint-equal("a string", "a string")`. emptydoc K-compareFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `not(codepoint-equal("cow", "a string"))`. emptydoc K-compareFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `compare()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `compare(())`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `compare((), (), "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(compare((), "a string"))`. emptydoc K-compareFunc-11.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(compare("a string", ()))`. emptydoc K-compareFunc-12.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(compare("a string", (), "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint"))`. emptydoc K-compareFunc-13.txt A test whose essence is: `compare("str", "str") instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-compareFunc-14.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(compare("a string", "a string", "http://www.example.com/COLLATION/NOT/SUPPORTED"))`. emptydoc K-compareFunc-15.txt FOCH0002 fn:codepoint-equal Evaluation of fn-codepoint-equal with wrong arity. emptydoc XPST0017 Evaluation of fn-codepoint-equal with arguments set to empty sequence. emptydoc fn-codepoint-equal-2.txt Evaluation of fn-codepoint-equal with arguments set to zero length string. emptydoc fn-codepoint-equal-3.txt Evaluation of an "fn:codepoint-equal" with arguments set to same value "a". emptydoc fn-codepoint-equal-4.txt Evaluation of an "fn:codepoint-equal" with arguments set to different values "a" and "b" respectively. emptydoc fn-codepoint-equal-5.txt Evaluation of an "fn:codepoint-equal" as argument to fn:not. Returns true. emptydoc fn-codepoint-equal-6.txt Evaluation of an "fn:codepoint-equal" as argument to fn:not. Returns false. emptydoc fn-codepoint-equal-7.txt Evaluation of an "fn:codepoint-equal" whose arguments use fn:string() for a number. emptydoc fn-codepoint-equal-8.txt Evaluation of an "fn:codepoint-equal" whose arguments use fn:string() for a string. emptydoc fn-codepoint-equal-9.txt Evaluation of fn-codepoint-equal with wrong argument type. emptydoc XPTY0004 Evaluation of fn-codepoint-equal with wrong argument type (only second argument). emptydoc XPTY0004 Evaluation of an "fn:codepoint-equal" whose arguments are "aa" "AA" strings respectively. emptydoc fn-codepoint-equal-12.txt Evaluation of an "fn:codepoint-equal" with arguments set to "aa" and lower-case("AA") respectively. emptydoc fn-codepoint-equal-13.txt Evaluation of an "fn:codepoint-equal" with arguments set to "aa" and upper-case("aa") respectively. emptydoc fn-codepoint-equal-14.txt Evaluation of an "fn:codepoint-equal" as an argument to xs:boolean. emptydoc fn-codepoint-equal-15.txt Evaluation of an "fn:codepoint-equal" as part of a boolean expression ("and" operator and "fn:true()"). emptydoc fn-codepoint-equal-16.txt Evaluation of an "fn:codepoint-equal" as part of a boolean expression ("and" operator and "fn:false()"). emptydoc fn-codepoint-equal-17.txt Evaluation of an "fn:codepoint-equal" as part of a boolean expression ("or" operator and "fn:true()"). emptydoc fn-codepoint-equal-18.txt Evaluation of an "fn:codepoint-equal" as part of a boolean expression ("or" operator and "fn:false()"). emptydoc fn-codepoint-equal-19.txt Evaluation of an "fn:codepoint-equal" as part of a boolean expression involving two fn:codepoint-equal functions ("and" operator). emptydoc fn-codepoint-equal-20.txt Evaluation of an "fn:codepoint-equal" as part of a boolean expression involving two fn:codepoint-equal functions ("or" operator). emptydoc fn-codepoint-equal-21.txt Compare two values returned from fn:lower-case(). emptydoc K2-CodepointEqual-1.txt Compare two values returned from fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-CodepointEqual-2.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:lower-case(). emptydoc K2-CodepointEqual-3.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-CodepointEqual-4.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:lower-case() and fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-CodepointEqual-5.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:lower-case() and fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-CodepointEqual-6.txt fn:compare Use a complex collation argument. emptydoc K2-CompareFunc-1.txt Use a complex collation argument. emptydoc K2-CompareFunc-2.txt Use a complex collation argument. emptydoc K2-CompareFunc-3.txt Compare two values returned from fn:lower-case(). emptydoc K2-CompareFunc-4.txt Compare two values returned from fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-CompareFunc-5.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:lower-case(). emptydoc K2-CompareFunc-6.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-CompareFunc-7.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:lower-case() and fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-CompareFunc-8.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:lower-case() and fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-CompareFunc-9.txt Functions on String Values fn:concat Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(mid range) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-concatint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-concatint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatintg2args-1.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(mid range) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatintg2args-2.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatintg2args-3.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-concatintg2args-4.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-concatintg2args-5.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatdec2args-1.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(mid range) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatdec2args-2.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatdec2args-3.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-concatdec2args-4.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-concatdec2args-5.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatdbl2args-1.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(mid range) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatdbl2args-2.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatdbl2args-3.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-concatdbl2args-4.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-concatdbl2args-5.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatflt2args-1.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(mid range) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatflt2args-2.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatflt2args-3.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-concatflt2args-4.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-concatflt2args-5.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatlng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(mid range) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatlng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatlng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-concatlng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-concatlng2args-5.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatusht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatusht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatusht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-concatusht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-concatusht2args-5.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatnint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatnint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatnint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-concatnint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-concatnint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatpint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatpint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatpint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-concatpint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-concatpint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatulng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatulng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatulng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-concatulng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-concatulng2args-5.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatnpi2args-1.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatnpi2args-2.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatnpi2args-3.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-concatnpi2args-4.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-concatnpi2args-5.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatnni2args-1.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatnni2args-2.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatnni2args-3.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-concatnni2args-4.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-concatnni2args-5.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatsht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(mid range) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatsht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-concatsht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-concatsht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-concatsht2args-5.txt Evaluates the "concat" function as per example 1 (for this function) from the Functions and Ops specs. emptydoc fn-concat-1.txt Evaluates the "concat" function as per example 2 (for this function) from the Functions and Ops specs. emptydoc fn-concat-2.txt Evaluates the "concat" function as per example 3 (for this function) from the Functions and Ops specs. emptydoc fn-concat-3.txt Evaluates the "concat" function as per example 4 (for this function) from the Functions and Ops specs. emptydoc fn-concat-4.txt Evaluates the "concat" function that uses only upper case letters as part of argument. emptydoc fn-concat-5.txt Evaluates the "concat" function that uses only lower case letters as part of argument. emptydoc fn-concat-6.txt Evaluates the "concat" function that uses both, upper and lower case letters as part of argument. emptydoc fn-concat-7.txt Evaluates the "concat" function that uses the empty string as part of argument. emptydoc fn-concat-8.txt Evaluates the "concat" function that uses the "upper-case" functions as part of argument. emptydoc fn-concat-9.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with argument set to "*****". emptydoc fn-concat-10.txt Evaluates the "concat" function that uses "fn:concat" as part of the argument. emptydoc fn-concat-11.txt Evaluates the "concat" function as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc fn-concat-12.txt Evaluates the "concat" function as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc fn-concat-13.txt Evaluates the "concat" function as an argument to the "fn:not" function. emptydoc fn-concat-14.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with argument set to "%$","#@!" . emptydoc fn-concat-15.txt Evaluates the "concat" function with argument set to "concat","concat". emptydoc fn-concat-16.txt Evaluates the "concat" function as part of a boolean expression. emptydoc fn-concat-17.txt A test whose essence is: `concat()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `concat("a string")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `concat("ab", "c") eq "abc"`. emptydoc K-ConcatFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `concat("ab", "c") instance of xs:string`. emptydoc K-ConcatFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `concat((), ()) instance of xs:string`. emptydoc K-ConcatFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `concat((), ()) eq ""`. emptydoc K-ConcatFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `concat('a', 'b', 'c', (), 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', ' ', 'i', 'j', 'k l') eq "abcdefgh ijk l"`. emptydoc K-ConcatFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `concat(1, 2, 3) eq "123"`. emptydoc K-ConcatFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `concat(1, "2", 3) eq "123"`. emptydoc K-ConcatFunc-9.txt Invalid amount of arguments to fn:concat(). emptydoc XPTY0004 Invalid amount of arguments to fn:concat(). emptydoc XPTY0004 Invalid amount of arguments to fn:concat(). emptydoc XPTY0004 fn:string-join Evaluates the "string-join" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-string-join2args-1.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string(mid range) $arg2 = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-string-join2args-2.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-string-join2args-3.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:string(mid range). emptydoc fn-string-join2args-4.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:string(upper bound). emptydoc fn-string-join2args-5.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function as per example 1 for this function in the FandO specs. emptydoc fn-string-join-1.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function as per example 2 for this function in the FandO specs. emptydoc fn-string-join-2.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function as per example 3 for this function in the FandO specs. emptydoc fn-string-join-3.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = () $arg2 = "". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-string-join-4.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "" $arg2 = "". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-string-join-5.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "" $arg2 = "A Character String". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-string-join-6.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = () $arg2 = "A Character String". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-string-join-7.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "AAAAABBBBBCCCCC" $arg2 = "BBBBB". emptydoc fn-string-join-8.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "AAAAABBBBB" $arg2 = " ". emptydoc fn-string-join-9.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = " " $arg2 = "AAAAABBBBB". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-string-join-10.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function as an argument of another function (fn:not)- return true. emptydoc fn-string-join-11.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function as an argument of another function (fn:not) - return true. emptydoc fn-string-join-12.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string("A") $arg2 = "A". emptydoc fn-string-join-13.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A" $arg2 = xs:string("A"). emptydoc fn-string-join-14.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A" $arg2 = "a". emptydoc fn-string-join-15.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "a" $arg2 = "A". emptydoc fn-string-join-16.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "string-join" $arg2 = "string-join". emptydoc fn-string-join-17.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "string-joinstring-join" $arg2 = "string-join". emptydoc fn-string-join-18.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "****" $arg2 = "***". emptydoc fn-string-join-19.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function using numbers as part of the string. Arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "12345" $arg2 = "1234". emptydoc fn-string-join-20.txt Evaluates the "string-join" function using "string-join" backwards. Arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "string-join" $arg2 = "nioj-gnirts". emptydoc fn-string-join-21.txt A test whose essence is: `string-join("a string")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `string-join("a string", "a string", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `string-join(('Now', 'is', 'the', 'time', '...'), ' ') eq "Now is the time ..."`. emptydoc K-StringJoinFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `string-join(("abc", "def"), "") eq "abcdef"`. emptydoc K-StringJoinFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `string-join(('Blow, ', 'blow, ', 'thou ', 'winter ', 'wind!'), '') eq "Blow, blow, thou winter wind!"`. emptydoc K-StringJoinFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `string-join((), 'separator') eq ""`. emptydoc K-StringJoinFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `string-join("a string", ())`. emptydoc XPTY0004 fn:substring Evaluates the "substring" function as per example 1 (for this function) from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-substring-1.txt Evaluates the "substring" function as per example 2 (for this function) from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-substring-2.txt Evaluates the "substring" function as per example 3 (for this function) from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-substring-3.txt Evaluates the "substring" function as per example 4 (for this function) from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-substring-4.txt Evaluates the "substring" function as per example 5 (for this function) from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-substring-5.txt Evaluates the "substring" function as per example 6 (for this function) from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-substring-6.txt Evaluates the "substring" function as per example 7 (for this function) from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-substring-7.txt Evaluates the "substring" function as per example 8 (for this function) from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-substring-8.txt Evaluates the "substring" function as per example 9 (for this function) from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-substring-9.txt Evaluates the "substring" function as per example 10 (for this function) from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-substring-10.txt Evaluates the "substring" function as per example 11 (for this function) from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-substring-11.txt Evaluates the "substring" function where the source string is the empty string. emptydoc fn-substring-12.txt Evaluates the "substring" function as an argument to an "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc fn-substring-13.txt Evaluates the "substring" function as an argument to an "fn:not" function. emptydoc fn-substring-14.txt Evaluates the "substring" function as an argument to another "fn:substring" function. emptydoc fn-substring-15.txt Evaluates the "substring" function where the source string is the string "substring". emptydoc fn-substring-16.txt Evaluates the "substring" function as an argument to a concat function. emptydoc fn-substring-17.txt Evaluates the "substring" function as an argument to a contains function. emptydoc fn-substring-18.txt Evaluates the "substring" function with the source string set to the characters "!@#$%^*()". emptydoc fn-substring-19.txt Evaluates the "substring" function, where the starting location uses an "xs:double" constructor function. emptydoc fn-substring-20.txt Evaluates the "substring" function, where the starting location is an addition expression. emptydoc fn-substring-21.txt Evaluates the "substring" function, where (start lt 0) and (start+len lt 0). emptydoc fn-substring-22.txt A test whose essence is: `sub-string("a string")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `sub-string("a string", 1, 2, "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `substring((), 1, 2) eq ""`. emptydoc K-SubstringFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `substring((), 1) eq ""`. emptydoc K-SubstringFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `substring("12345", 1.5, 2.6) eq "234"`. emptydoc K-SubstringFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `substring((), 1, 3) eq ""`. emptydoc K-SubstringFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `substring("motor car", 6) eq " car"`. emptydoc K-SubstringFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `substring("12345", 0, 3) eq "12"`. emptydoc K-SubstringFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `substring("metadata", 4, 3) eq "ada"`. emptydoc K-SubstringFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `substring("12345", 0 div 0E0, 3) eq ""`. emptydoc K-SubstringFunc-10.txt A test whose essence is: `substring("12345", 1, 0 div 0E0) eq ""`. emptydoc K-SubstringFunc-11.txt A test whose essence is: `substring("12345", -3, 5) eq "1"`. emptydoc K-SubstringFunc-12.txt A test whose essence is: `substring("12345", -42, 1 div 0E0) eq "12345"`. emptydoc K-SubstringFunc-13.txt A test whose essence is: `substring("12345", -1 div 0E0, 1 div 0E0) eq ""`. emptydoc K-SubstringFunc-14.txt A test whose essence is: `substring("12345", 5, -3) eq ""`. emptydoc K-SubstringFunc-15.txt fn:string-length Evaluates the "string-length" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-string-length1args-1.txt Evaluates the "string-length" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:string(mid range). emptydoc fn-string-length1args-2.txt Evaluates the "string-length" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:string(upper bound). emptydoc fn-string-length1args-3.txt Evaluates the "string-length" function as per example 1 (for this function) from the Functions and Ops specs. emptydoc fn-string-length-1.txt Evaluates the "string-length" function that uses the empty sequence. emptydoc fn-string-length-2.txt Evaluates the "string-length" function that uses only numbers as part of argument. emptydoc fn-string-length-3.txt Evaluates the "string-length" function that uses both numbers and letters as part of argument. emptydoc fn-string-length-4.txt Evaluates the "string-length" function that uses only upper case letters as part of argument. emptydoc fn-string-length-5.txt Evaluates the "string-length" function that uses only lower case letters as part of argument. emptydoc fn-string-length-6.txt Evaluates the "string-length" function that uses both, upper and lower case letters as part of argument. emptydoc fn-string-length-7.txt Evaluates the "string-length" function that uses the empty string as part of argument. emptydoc fn-string-length-8.txt Evaluates the "string-length" function that uses the "string" function as part of argument. emptydoc fn-string-length-9.txt Evaluates the "string-length" function with argument set to "*****". emptydoc fn-string-length-10.txt Evaluates the "string-length" function as part of an addition operation. emptydoc fn-string-length-11.txt Evaluates the "string-length" function as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc fn-string-length-12.txt Evaluates the "string-length" function as an argument to the "fn:concat" function. emptydoc fn-string-length-13.txt Evaluates the "string-length" function as an argument to the "fn:not" function. emptydoc fn-string-length-14.txt Evaluates the "string-length" function with argument set to "%$#@!" . emptydoc fn-string-length-15.txt Evaluates the "string-length" function with argument set to "string-length" . emptydoc fn-string-length-16.txt Evaluates the "string-length" function as part of a boolean expression. emptydoc fn-string-length-17.txt Evaluates the "string-length" function with no arguments and no context node defined. Should raise error. emptydoc XPDY0002 Evaluation of string-length function with an argument that is a sequence of more than one item. acme_corp XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `string-length("a string", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `string-length("ebv") eq 3`. emptydoc K-StringLengthFunc-2.txt A test whose essence is: `string-length("ebv") instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-StringLengthFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `string-length(()) eq 0`. emptydoc K-StringLengthFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `string-length("") eq 0`. emptydoc K-StringLengthFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `string-length(()) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-StringLengthFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `if(false()) then string-length() else true()`. emptydoc K-StringLengthFunc-7.txt XPDY0002 A test whose essence is: `string-length("Harp not on that string, madam; that is past.") eq 45`. emptydoc K-StringLengthFunc-8.txt fn:normalize-space Evaluates the "normalize-space" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = notNormalizedString(lower bound). emptydoc fn-normalize-space1args-1.txt Evaluates the "normalize-space" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = notNormalizedString(mid range). emptydoc fn-normalize-space1args-2.txt Evaluates the "normalize-space" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = notNormalizedString(upper bound). emptydoc fn-normalize-space1args-3.txt Test normalize-space with an empty sequence argument. emptydoc fn-normalize-space1args-4.txt Test normalize-space without argument. textWithSpaces fn-normalize-space0args-1.txt Test normalize-space function as per example 1 of the Functions and Operators specs for this function. emptydoc fn-normalize-space-1.txt Test normalize-space function with no arguments and no context node. Should raise an error. emptydoc XPDY0002 Test normalize-space function with argument containing a single tab character. emptydoc fn-normalize-space-3.txt Test normalize-space function with argument containing a single newline character. emptydoc fn-normalize-space-4.txt Test normalize-space function with argument containing multiple tab characters. emptydoc fn-normalize-space-5.txt Test normalize-space function with argument containing multiple newline characters. emptydoc fn-normalize-space-6.txt Test normalize-space function with argument containing a single tab and a single newline character. emptydoc fn-normalize-space-7.txt Test normalize-space function with argument containing multiple tab and newline characters. emptydoc fn-normalize-space-8.txt Test normalize-space function with argument string containing only spaces. emptydoc fn-normalize-space-9.txt Test normalize-space function with argument string containing only a single space. emptydoc fn-normalize-space-10.txt Test normalize-space function with argument string containing the zero length string. emptydoc fn-normalize-space-11.txt Test normalize-space function with argument string containing only a single tab character. emptydoc fn-normalize-space-12.txt Test normalize-space function with argument string containing only tab characters. emptydoc fn-normalize-space-13.txt Test normalize-space function with argument string containing only a single newline character. emptydoc fn-normalize-space-14.txt Test normalize-space function with argument string containing only multiple newline characters. emptydoc fn-normalize-space-15.txt Test normalize-space function with argument string containing only spaces and tab characters. emptydoc fn-normalize-space-16.txt Test normalize-space function with argument string containing only spaces and newline characters. emptydoc fn-normalize-space-17.txt Test normalize-space function with argument string containing only tab and newline characters. emptydoc fn-normalize-space-18.txt Test normalize-space function with argument string containing only tabs and numerical characters. emptydoc fn-normalize-space-19.txt Test normalize-space function with argument set to invocation to fn:string function. emptydoc fn-normalize-space-20.txt Test normalize-space function with argument set another fn:normalize-space function. emptydoc fn-normalize-space-21.txt A test whose essence is: `normalize-space("a string", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `if(false()) then normalize-space() else true()`. emptydoc K-NormalizeSpaceFunc-2.txt XPDY0002 A test whose essence is: `normalize-space("foo") eq "foo"`. emptydoc K-NormalizeSpaceFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `normalize-space(" foo") eq "foo"`. emptydoc K-NormalizeSpaceFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `normalize-space("foo ") eq "foo"`. emptydoc K-NormalizeSpaceFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `normalize-space(()) eq ""`. emptydoc K-NormalizeSpaceFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `normalize-space("f o o ") eq "f o o"`. emptydoc K-NormalizeSpaceFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `normalize-space(" 143 1239 fhjkls ") eq "143 1239 fhjkls"`. emptydoc K-NormalizeSpaceFunc-8.txt Invoke normalize-space on itself. Implementations supporting the static typing feature may raise XPTY0004. emptydoc K-NormalizeSpaceFunc-9.txt XPTY0004 fn:normalize-unicode Test normalize-unicode with simple text input. emptydoc fn-normalize-unicode1args-1.txt Test normalize-unicode with empty sequence argument. emptydoc fn-normalize-unicode1args-2.txt Test fn:normalize-unicode on combining characters for LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING (w/ ACUTE) and ANGSTROM SIGN. emptydoc fn-normalize-unicode1args-3.txt Test fn:normalize-unicode on combining characters for LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING (w/ ACUTE) and ANGSTROM SIGN. emptydoc fn-normalize-unicode1args-4.txt Test fn:normalize-unicode on combining characters for LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING (w/ ACUTE) and ANGSTROM SIGN. emptydoc fn-normalize-unicode1args-5.txt Test fn:normalize-unicode on combining characters for LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING (w/ ACUTE) and ANGSTROM SIGN. emptydoc fn-normalize-unicode1args-6.txt Test normalize-unicode with invalid argument types. emptydoc XPTY0004 Test normalize-unicode with incorrect arity. emptydoc XPST0017 Test normalize-unicode with simple text input and stated "NFC". emptydoc fn-normalize-unicode2args-1.txt Test normalize-unicode with simple text input and stated "nFc" (note case). emptydoc fn-normalize-unicode2args-2.txt Test normalize-unicode with text set to empty sequence and stated "NFC". emptydoc fn-normalize-unicode2args-3.txt Test normalize-unicode with second argument set to empty string. Nothing is normalized. emptydoc fn-normalize-unicode2args-4.txt Test normalize-unicode with invalid argument types. Normalization form set to empty sequence. emptydoc XPTY0004 Test normalize-unicode with invalid argument types. Normalization form set to integer. emptydoc XPTY0004 Test fn:normalize-unicode to ensure that " NFC " is the same as "NFC". emptydoc fn-normalize-unicode-1.txt Test fn:normalize-unicode with a normalization form that most likely is not supported. emptydoc FOCH0003 Test fn:normalize-unicode with nothing to normalize and used as argument to fn:upper-case. emptydoc fn-normalize-unicode-3.txt Test fn:normalize-unicode with nothing to normalize and used as argument to fn:lower-case. emptydoc fn-normalize-unicode-4.txt Test fn:normalize-unicode with nothing to normalize and used as argument to fn:string-length. emptydoc fn-normalize-unicode-5.txt Test fn:normalize-unicode with nothing to normalize and used as argument to fn:concat. emptydoc fn-normalize-unicode-6.txt Test fn:normalize-unicode with nothing to normalize and used as argument to fn:substring. emptydoc fn-normalize-unicode-7.txt Evaluation of fn:normalize-unicode with noncharacter argument. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=7935 emptydoc fn-normalize-unicode-8.txt Evaluation of fn:normalize-unicode with noncharacters in argument http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=7935 emptydoc fn-normalize-unicode-9.txt Evaluation of fn:normalize-unicode with noncharacters in argument http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=7935 emptydoc fn-normalize-unicode-10.txt Evaluation of fn:normalize-unicode with noncharacters in argument http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=7935 fn-normalize-unicode-11.txt A test whose essence is: `normalize-unicode()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `normalize-unicode("a string", "NFC", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `normalize-unicode("a string", "example.com/notSupported/")`. emptydoc FOCH0003 A test whose essence is: `normalize-unicode("foo") eq "foo"`. emptydoc K-NormalizeUnicodeFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `normalize-unicode("foo", "NFC") eq "foo"`. emptydoc K-NormalizeUnicodeFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `normalize-unicode("foo", "NFD") eq "foo"`. emptydoc K-NormalizeUnicodeFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `normalize-unicode("foo", "NFKD") eq "foo"`. emptydoc K-NormalizeUnicodeFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `normalize-unicode("foo", "NFKC") eq "foo"`. emptydoc K-NormalizeUnicodeFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `normalize-unicode("f oo", "") eq "f oo"`. emptydoc K-NormalizeUnicodeFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `normalize-unicode("foo", "") eq "foo"`. emptydoc K-NormalizeUnicodeFunc-10.txt A test whose essence is: `normalize-unicode("f oo") eq "f oo"`. emptydoc K-NormalizeUnicodeFunc-11.txt A test whose essence is: `normalize-unicode("f oo", "NFC") eq "f oo"`. emptydoc K-NormalizeUnicodeFunc-12.txt Static typing implementations may raise XPTY0004. See http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4551 for details. emptydoc FOER0000 XPTY0004 fn:upper-case Evaluates the "upper-case" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-upper-case1args-1.txt Evaluates the "upper-case" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:string(mid range). emptydoc fn-upper-case1args-2.txt Evaluates the "upper-case" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:string(upper bound). emptydoc fn-upper-case1args-3.txt Evaluates the "upper-case" function as per example 1 (for this function) from the Functions and Ops specs. emptydoc fn-upper-case-1.txt Evaluates the "upper-case" function that uses the empty sequence. emptydoc fn-upper-case-2.txt Evaluates the "upper-case" function that uses only numbers as part of argument. emptydoc fn-upper-case-3.txt Evaluates the "upper-case" function that uses both numbers and letters as part of argument. emptydoc fn-upper-case-4.txt Evaluates the "upper-case" function that uses only upper case letters as part of argument. emptydoc fn-upper-case-5.txt Evaluates the "upper-case" function that uses only lower case letters as part of argument. emptydoc fn-upper-case-6.txt Evaluates the "upper-case" function that uses both, upper and lower case letters as part of argument. emptydoc fn-upper-case-7.txt Evaluates the "upper-case" function that uses the empty string as part of argument. emptydoc fn-upper-case-8.txt Evaluates the "upper-case" function that uses the "lower-case" function as part of argument. emptydoc fn-upper-case-9.txt Evaluates the "upper-case" function with argument set to "*****". emptydoc fn-upper-case-10.txt Evaluates the "upper-case" function with argument set to another upper-case function. emptydoc fn-upper-case-11.txt Evaluates the "upper-case" function as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc fn-upper-case-12.txt Evaluates the "upper-case" function as an argument to the "fn:concat" function. emptydoc fn-upper-case-13.txt Evaluates the "upper-case" function as an argument to the "fn:not" function. emptydoc fn-upper-case-14.txt Evaluates the "upper-case" function with argument set to "%$#@!" . emptydoc fn-upper-case-15.txt Evaluates the "upper-case" function with argument set to "upper-case" . emptydoc fn-upper-case-16.txt Evaluates the "upper-case" function as part of a boolean expression. emptydoc fn-upper-case-17.txt A test whose essence is: `upper-case()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `upper-case("string", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `upper-case(()) eq ""`. emptydoc K-UpperCaseFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `lower-case("ABc!D") eq "abc!d"`. emptydoc K-UpperCaseFunc-4.txt fn:lower-case Evaluates the "lower-case" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-lower-case1args-1.txt Evaluates the "lower-case" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:string(mid range). emptydoc fn-lower-case1args-2.txt Evaluates the "lower-case" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:string(upper bound). emptydoc fn-lower-case1args-3.txt Evaluates the "lower-case" function as per example 1 (for this function) from the Functions and Ops specs. emptydoc fn-lower-case-1.txt Evaluates the "lower-case" function that uses the empty sequence. emptydoc fn-lower-case-2.txt Evaluates the "lower-case" function that uses only numbers as part of argument. emptydoc fn-lower-case-3.txt Evaluates the "lower-case" function that uses both numbers and letters as part of argument. emptydoc fn-lower-case-4.txt Evaluates the "lower-case" function that uses only upper case letters as part of argument. emptydoc fn-lower-case-5.txt Evaluates the "lower-case" function that uses only lower case letters as part of argument. emptydoc fn-lower-case-6.txt Evaluates the "lower-case" function that uses both, upper and lower case letters as part of argument. emptydoc fn-lower-case-7.txt Evaluates the "lower-case" function that uses the empty string as part of argument. emptydoc fn-lower-case-8.txt Evaluates the "lower-case" function that uses the "upper-case" function as part of argument. emptydoc fn-lower-case-9.txt Evaluates the "lower-case" function with argument set to "*****". emptydoc fn-lower-case-10.txt Evaluates the "lower-case" function with argument set to another lower-case function. emptydoc fn-lower-case-11.txt Evaluates the "lower-case" function as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc fn-lower-case-12.txt Evaluates the "lower-case" function as an argument to the "fn:concat" function. emptydoc fn-lower-case-13.txt Evaluates the "lower-case" function as an argument to the "fn:not" function. emptydoc fn-lower-case-14.txt Evaluates the "lower-case" function with argument set to "%$#@!" . emptydoc fn-lower-case-15.txt Evaluates the "lower-case" function with argument set to "lower-case" . emptydoc fn-lower-case-16.txt Evaluates the "lower-case" function as part of a boolean expression. emptydoc fn-lower-case-17.txt A test whose essence is: `lower-case()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `lower-case("string", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `lower-case(()) eq ""`. emptydoc K-LowerCaseFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `upper-case("abCd0") eq "ABCD0"`. emptydoc K-LowerCaseFunc-4.txt fn:translate Test simple translate expression. emptydoc fn-translate3args-1.txt Test translate on space, tab, and newline. emptydoc fn-translate3args-2.txt Test translate with zero-length string argument. emptydoc fn-translate3args-3.txt Test translate with an empty sequence argument. emptydoc fn-translate3args-4.txt Test translate with invalid type in 1st argument. emptydoc XPTY0004 Test translate with invalid type in 2nd argument. emptydoc XPTY0004 Test translate with invalid type in 3rd argument. emptydoc XPTY0004 Test translate with incorrect arity. emptydoc XPST0017 Test translate as per example 1 of the Functions and Operators specs for this function. emptydoc fn-translate-1.txt Test translate as per example 2 of the Functions and Operators specs for this function. emptydoc fn-translate-2.txt Test translate as per example 3 of the Functions and Operators specs for this function. emptydoc fn-translate-3.txt Evaluation of translate function. Translate lower case letters to upper case letters. emptydoc fn-translate-4.txt Evaluation of translate function. Translate upper case letters to lower case letters. emptydoc fn-translate-5.txt Evaluation of translate function, where all three arguments are the zero length string. emptydoc fn-translate-6.txt Evaluation of translate function, where all three arguments are the same (letters). emptydoc fn-translate-7.txt Evaluation of translate function, where all three arguments are the same (numbers). emptydoc fn-translate-8.txt Evaluation of translate function, where all three arguments are a mixture of numbers and letters. emptydoc fn-translate-9.txt Evaluation of translate function, where all three arguments are an invocation to fn:string. emptydoc fn-translate-10.txt Evaluation of translate function, as an argument to the fn:string. emptydoc fn-translate-11.txt Evaluation of translate function, as an argument to the fn:string-length. emptydoc fn-translate-12.txt Evaluation of translate function, as an argument to the xs:decimal constructor function. emptydoc fn-translate-13.txt Evaluation of translate function, as an argument to the xs:integer constructor function. emptydoc fn-translate-14.txt Evaluation of translate function, as an argument to the xs:float constructor function. emptydoc fn-translate-15.txt Evaluation of translate function, as an argument to the xs:double constructor function. emptydoc fn-translate-16.txt A test whose essence is: `translate()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `translate("string", "map string")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `translate("arg", "map string", "transString", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `translate("--aaa--","-","") eq "aaa"`. emptydoc K-TranslateFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `translate("--aaa--","bbb++","") eq "--aaa--"`. emptydoc K-TranslateFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `translate("argstr", "", "matrs") eq "argstr"`. emptydoc K-TranslateFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `translate((), "map", "trans") eq ""`. emptydoc K-TranslateFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `translate("abcdabc", "abc", "AB") eq "ABdAB"`. emptydoc K-TranslateFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `translate("bar","abc","ABC") eq "BAr"`. emptydoc K-TranslateFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `translate("--aaa--","abc-","ABC") eq "AAA"`. emptydoc K-TranslateFunc-10.txt The second argument to fn:translate() cannot be the empty sequence. emptydoc XPTY0004 The third argument to fn:translate() cannot be the empty sequence. emptydoc XPTY0004 surrogate values for various string functions. String-length() when non-BMP characters are present. emptydoc surrogates01.txt Substring() when non-BMP characters are present. emptydoc surrogates02.txt Substring() when non-BMP characters are present. emptydoc surrogates03.txt Translate() when non-BMP characters are present. emptydoc surrogates04.txt Translate() when non-BMP characters are present. emptydoc surrogates05.txt Translate() when non-BMP characters are present. emptydoc surrogates06.txt String-to-codepoints() when non-BMP characters are present. emptydoc surrogates07.txt Codepoints-to-string() when non-BMP characters are present. emptydoc surrogates08.txt Substring-before() when non-BMP characters are present. emptydoc surrogates09.txt Substring-before() when non-BMP characters are present. emptydoc surrogates10.txt Substring-after() when non-BMP characters are present. emptydoc surrogates11.txt matches() when non-BMP characters are present emptydoc surrogates12.txt Matches() when non-BMP characters are present. emptydoc surrogates13.txt Replace() when non-BMP characters are present. emptydoc surrogates14.txt Replace() when non-BMP characters are present. emptydoc surrogates15.txt fn:encode-for-uri Test encode-for-uri from example defined in functions and operators specification. emptydoc fn-encode-for-uri1args-1.txt Test encode-for-uri from example defined in functions and operators specification. emptydoc fn-encode-for-uri1args-2.txt Test encode-for-uri from example defined in functions and operators specification. emptydoc fn-encode-for-uri1args-3.txt Test encode-for-uri with zero-length string argument. emptydoc fn-encode-for-uri1args-4.txt Test encode-for-uri with empty sequence argument. emptydoc fn-encode-for-uri1args-5.txt Test encode-for-uri with invalid argument type. emptydoc XPTY0004 Test encode-for-uri with incorrect arity. emptydoc XPST0017 Test encode-for-uri with nothing to encode. emptydoc fn-encode-for-uri-1.txt Test encode-for-uri does escape the "#" symbol. emptydoc fn-encode-for-uri-2.txt Test encode-for-uri does not escape the "-" symbol. emptydoc fn-encode-for-uri-3.txt Test encode-for-uri does not escape the "_" symbol. emptydoc fn-encode-for-uri-4.txt Test encode-for-uri does not escape the "." symbol. emptydoc fn-encode-for-uri-5.txt Test encode-for-uri does escape the "!" symbol. emptydoc fn-encode-for-uri-6.txt Test encode-for-uri does not escape the "~" symbol. emptydoc fn-encode-for-uri-7.txt Test encode-for-uri does escape the "*" symbol. emptydoc fn-encode-for-uri-8.txt Test encode-for-uri does escape the "'" symbol. emptydoc fn-encode-for-uri-9.txt Test encode-for-uri does escape the "(" symbol. emptydoc fn-encode-for-uri-10.txt Test encode-for-uri does escape the ")" symbol. emptydoc fn-encode-for-uri-11.txt Test encode-for-uri does not escape numbers. emptydoc fn-encode-for-uri-12.txt Test encode-for-uri escapes the space. emptydoc fn-encode-for-uri-13.txt Test encode-for-uri escapes the "/" character. emptydoc fn-encode-for-uri-14.txt Test encode-for-uri escapes the ":" character. emptydoc fn-encode-for-uri-15.txt Test encode-for-uri escapes the "%" character. emptydoc fn-encode-for-uri-16.txt A test whose essence is: `encode-for-uri()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `encode-for-uri("http://example.com/", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `encode-for-uri(()) eq ""`. emptydoc K-EncodeURIfunc-3.txt Combine fn:concat and fn:encode-for-uri. emptydoc K-EncodeURIfunc-4.txt Combine fn:concat and fn:encode-for-uri. emptydoc K-EncodeURIfunc-5.txt Invoke fn:normalize-space() on the return value of fn:encode-for-uri(). emptydoc K-EncodeURIfunc-6.txt fn:iri-to-uri Test iri-to-uri from example defined in functions and operators specification. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri1args-1.txt Test iri-to-uri from example defined in functions and operators specification. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri1args-2.txt Test iri-to-uri with zero-length string argument. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri1args-3.txt Test iri-to-uri with empty sequence argument. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri1args-4.txt Test iri-to-uri with invalid argument type. emptydoc XPTY0004 Test iri-to-uri with incorrect arity. emptydoc XPST0017 Test iri-to-uri with nothing to escape. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-1.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape numbers. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-2.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape the "#" symbol. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-3.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape the "-" symbol. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-4.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape the "_" symbol. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-5.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape the "." symbol. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-6.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape the "!" symbol. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-7.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape the "~" symbol. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-8.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape the "*" symbol. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-9.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape the "'" symbol. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-10.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape the "(" symbol. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-11.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape the ")" symbol. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-12.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape the ";" symbol. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-13.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape the "/" symbol. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-14.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape the "?" symbol. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-15.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape the ":" symbol. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-16.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape the "@" symbol. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-17.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape the ampersand symbol. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-18.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape the "=" symbol. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-19.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape the "+" symbol. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-20.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape the "$" symbol. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-21.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape the "," symbol. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-22.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape the "[" symbol. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-23.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape the "]" symbol. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-24.txt Examines that iri-to-uri does not escape the "%" symbol. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-25.txt Examines the iri-to-uri function with the iri containing a space. emptydoc fn-iri-to-uri-26.txt A test whose essence is: `iri-to-uri()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `iri-to-uri("http://example.com/", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `iri-to-uri(()) eq ""`. emptydoc K-IRIToURIfunc-3.txt Invoke fn:normalize-space() on the return value of fn:iri-to-uri(). Implementations supporting the static typing feature may raise XPTY0004. emptydoc K-IRIToURIfunc-4.txt XPTY0004 Must be passed at least one argument. emptydoc XPST0017 Must be passed at most one argument. emptydoc XPST0017 Must be passed a string. emptydoc XPTY0004 Must be passed at most one string. emptydoc XPTY0004 Passing xs:anyURI causes type promotion. emptydoc K2-IRIToURIfunc-5.txt Passing xs:untypedAtomic causes type promotion. emptydoc K2-IRIToURIfunc-6.txt Check some ASCII characters that must be escaped. emptydoc K2-IRIToURIfunc-7.txt Pass a new-line character. emptydoc K2-IRIToURIfunc-8.txt Pass the range of 0x20 to 0x126(hexa decimals). emptydoc K2-IRIToURIfunc-9.txt Pass a relatively high range of unicode characters. emptydoc K2-IRIToURIfunc-10.txt fn:escape-html-uri Test escape-html-uri from example defined in functions and operators specification. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri1args-1.txt Test escape-html-uri from example defined in functions and operators specification. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri1args-2.txt Test escape-html-uri with zero-length string argument. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri1args-3.txt Test escape-html-uri with empty sequence argument. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri1args-4.txt Test escape-html-uri with invalid argument types. emptydoc XPTY0004 Test escape-html-uri with incorrect arity. emptydoc XPST0017 Evaluates that escape-html-uri does not escape lower case letters. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri-1.txt Evaluates that escape-html-uri does not escape upper case letters. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri-2.txt Evaluates that escape-html-uri does not escape digits. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri-3.txt Evaluates that escape-html-uri does not escape the space. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri-4.txt Evaluates that escape-html-uri does not escape the "!" symbol. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri-5.txt Evaluates that escape-html-uri does not escape the "#" symbol. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri-6.txt Evaluates that escape-html-uri does not escape the "$" symbol. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri-7.txt Evaluates that escape-html-uri does not escape the "'" symbol. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri-8.txt Evaluates that escape-html-uri does not escape the "(" symbol. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri-9.txt Evaluates that escape-html-uri does not escape the ")" symbol. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri-10.txt Evaluates that escape-html-uri does not escape the "*" symbol. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri-11.txt Evaluates that escape-html-uri does not escape the "+" symbol. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri-12.txt Evaluates that escape-html-uri does not escape the "," symbol. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri-13.txt Evaluates that escape-html-uri does not escape the "-" symbol. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri-14.txt Evaluates that escape-html-uri does not escape the "." symbol. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri-15.txt Evaluates that escape-html-uri does not escape the "/" symbol. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri-16.txt Evaluates that escape-html-uri does not escape the ";" symbol. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri-17.txt Evaluates that escape-html-uri does not escape the ":" symbol. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri-18.txt Evaluates that escape-html-uri does not escape the "@" symbol. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri-19.txt Evaluates that escape-html-uri does escape the extended ascii (decimal 233) symbol. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri-20.txt Evaluates that escape-html-uri does escape the euro symbol. emptydoc fn-escape-html-uri-21.txt A test whose essence is: `escape-html-uri()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `escape-html-uri("http://example.com/", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `escape-html-uri(()) eq ""`. emptydoc K-EscapeHTMLURIFunc-3.txt Combine fn:concat and fn:escape-html-uri. emptydoc K-EscapeHTMLURIFunc-4.txt Combine fn:concat and fn:escape-html-uri. emptydoc K-EscapeHTMLURIFunc-5.txt Invoke fn:normalize-space() on the return value of fn:escape-html-uri(). emptydoc K-EscapeHTMLURIFunc-6.txt Functions Based on Substring Matching fn:contains Evaluates the "contains" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-contains2args-1.txt Evaluates the "contains" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string(mid range) $arg2 = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-contains2args-2.txt Evaluates the "contains" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-contains2args-3.txt Evaluates the "contains" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:string(mid range). emptydoc fn-contains2args-4.txt Evaluates the "contains" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:string(upper bound). emptydoc fn-contains2args-5.txt Evaluates the "contains" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "" $arg2 = "". emptydoc fn-contains-1.txt Evaluates the "contains" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "" $arg2 = "A Character String". emptydoc fn-contains-2.txt Evaluates the "contains" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A Character String" $arg2 = "". emptydoc fn-contains-3.txt Evaluates the "contains" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = () $arg2 = "". emptydoc fn-contains-4.txt Evaluates the "contains" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "" $arg2 = (). emptydoc fn-contains-5.txt Evaluates the "contains" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A Character String" $arg2 = (). emptydoc fn-contains-6.txt Evaluates the "contains" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = () $arg2 = "A Character String". emptydoc fn-contains-7.txt Evaluates the "contains" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "AAAAABBBBBCCCCC" $arg2 = "BBBBB". emptydoc fn-contains-8.txt Evaluates the "contains" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "AAAAABBBBB" $arg2 = " ". emptydoc fn-contains-9.txt Evaluates the "contains" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = " " $arg2 = "AAAAABBBBB". emptydoc fn-contains-10.txt Evaluates the "contains" function as an argument of another function (fn:not)- return false. emptydoc fn-contains-11.txt Evaluates the "contains" function as an argument of another function (fn:not) - return true. emptydoc fn-contains-12.txt Evaluates the "contains" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string("A") $arg2 = "A". emptydoc fn-contains-13.txt Evaluates the "contains" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A" $arg2 = xs:string("A"). emptydoc fn-contains-14.txt Evaluates the "contains" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A" $arg2 = "a". emptydoc fn-contains-15.txt Evaluates the "contains" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "a" $arg2 = "A". emptydoc fn-contains-16.txt A test whose essence is: `contains()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `contains(())`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `contains((), (), "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `contains("a string", "a string", "http://www.example.com/COLLATION/NOT/SUPPORTED")`. emptydoc FOCH0002 A test whose essence is: `contains("foo", "foo", "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint")`. emptydoc K-ContainsFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `contains("tattoo", "t")`. emptydoc K-ContainsFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `not(contains("tattoo", "ttt"))`. emptydoc K-ContainsFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `contains("", ())`. emptydoc K-ContainsFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `contains("a string", ())`. emptydoc K-ContainsFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `contains("foo", "foo")`. emptydoc K-ContainsFunc-10.txt A test whose essence is: `not(contains("", "a string"))`. emptydoc K-ContainsFunc-11.txt Compare two values returned from fn:lower-case(). emptydoc K2-ContainsFunc-1.txt Compare two values returned from fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-ContainsFunc-2.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:lower-case(). emptydoc K2-ContainsFunc-3.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-ContainsFunc-4.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:lower-case() and fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-ContainsFunc-5.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:lower-case() and fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-ContainsFunc-6.txt fn:starts-with Evaluates the "starts-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-starts-with2args-1.txt Evaluates the "starts-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string(mid range) $arg2 = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-starts-with2args-2.txt Evaluates the "starts-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-starts-with2args-3.txt Evaluates the "starts-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:string(mid range). emptydoc fn-starts-with2args-4.txt Evaluates the "starts-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:string(upper bound). emptydoc fn-starts-with2args-5.txt Evaluates the "starts-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "" $arg2 = "". emptydoc fn-starts-with-1.txt Evaluates the "starts-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "" $arg2 = "A Character String". emptydoc fn-starts-with-2.txt Evaluates the "starts-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A Character String" $arg2 = "". emptydoc fn-starts-with-3.txt Evaluates the "starts-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = () $arg2 = "". emptydoc fn-starts-with-4.txt Evaluates the "starts-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "" $arg2 = (). emptydoc fn-starts-with-5.txt Evaluates the "starts-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A Character String" $arg2 = (). emptydoc fn-starts-with-6.txt Evaluates the "starts-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = () $arg2 = "A Character String". emptydoc fn-starts-with-7.txt Evaluates the "starts-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "AAAAABBBBBCCCCC" $arg2 = "BBBBB". emptydoc fn-starts-with-8.txt Evaluates the "starts-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "AAAAABBBBB" $arg2 = " ". emptydoc fn-starts-with-9.txt Evaluates the "starts-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = " " $arg2 = "AAAAABBBBB". emptydoc fn-starts-with-10.txt Evaluates the "starts-with" function as an argument of another function (fn:not)- return false. emptydoc fn-starts-with-11.txt Evaluates the "starts-with" function as an argument of another function (fn:not) - return true. emptydoc fn-starts-with-12.txt Evaluates the "starts-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string("A") $arg2 = "A". emptydoc fn-starts-with-13.txt Evaluates the "starts-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A" $arg2 = xs:string("A"). emptydoc fn-starts-with-14.txt Evaluates the "starts-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A" $arg2 = "a". emptydoc fn-starts-with-15.txt Evaluates the "starts-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "a" $arg2 = "A". emptydoc fn-starts-with-16.txt A test whose essence is: `starts-with()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `starts-with(())`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `starts-with((), (), "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `starts-with("a string", "a string", "http://www.example.com/COLLATION/NOT/SUPPORTED")`. emptydoc FOCH0002 A test whose essence is: `starts-with("foo", "foo", "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint")`. emptydoc K-StartsWithFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `starts-with("foo", "foo")`. emptydoc K-StartsWithFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `starts-with("tattoo", "tat")`. emptydoc K-StartsWithFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `not(starts-with("tattoo", "att"))`. emptydoc K-StartsWithFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `starts-with((), ())`. emptydoc K-StartsWithFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `starts-with("a string", ())`. emptydoc K-StartsWithFunc-10.txt A test whose essence is: `not(starts-with("", "a string"))`. emptydoc K-StartsWithFunc-11.txt Compare two values returned from fn:lower-case(). emptydoc K2-StartsWithFunc-1.txt Compare two values returned from fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-StartsWithFunc-2.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:lower-case(). emptydoc K2-StartsWithFunc-3.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-StartsWithFunc-4.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:lower-case() and fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-StartsWithFunc-5.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:lower-case() and fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-StartsWithFunc-6.txt fn:ends-with Evaluates the "ends-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-ends-with2args-1.txt Evaluates the "ends-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string(mid range) $arg2 = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-ends-with2args-2.txt Evaluates the "ends-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-ends-with2args-3.txt Evaluates the "ends-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:string(mid range). emptydoc fn-ends-with2args-4.txt Evaluates the "ends-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:string(upper bound). emptydoc fn-ends-with2args-5.txt Evaluates the "ends-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "" $arg2 = "". emptydoc fn-ends-with-1.txt Evaluates the "ends-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "" $arg2 = "A Character String". emptydoc fn-ends-with-2.txt Evaluates the "ends-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A Character String" $arg2 = "". emptydoc fn-ends-with-3.txt Evaluates the "ends-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = () $arg2 = "". emptydoc fn-ends-with-4.txt Evaluates the "ends-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "" $arg2 = (). emptydoc fn-ends-with-5.txt Evaluates the "ends-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A Character String" $arg2 = (). emptydoc fn-ends-with-6.txt Evaluates the "ends-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = () $arg2 = "A Character String". emptydoc fn-ends-with-7.txt Evaluates the "ends-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "AAAAABBBBBCCCCC" $arg2 = "BBBBB". emptydoc fn-ends-with-8.txt Evaluates the "ends-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "AAAAABBBBB" $arg2 = " ". emptydoc fn-ends-with-9.txt Evaluates the "ends-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = " " $arg2 = "AAAAABBBBB". emptydoc fn-ends-with-10.txt Evaluates the "ends-with" function as an argument of another function (fn:not)- return false. emptydoc fn-ends-with-11.txt Evaluates the "ends-with" function as an argument of another function (fn:not) - return true. emptydoc fn-ends-with-12.txt Evaluates the "ends-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string("A") $arg2 = "A". emptydoc fn-ends-with-13.txt Evaluates the "ends-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A" $arg2 = xs:string("A"). emptydoc fn-ends-with-14.txt Evaluates the "ends-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A" $arg2 = "a". emptydoc fn-ends-with-15.txt Evaluates the "ends-with" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "a" $arg2 = "A". emptydoc fn-ends-with-16.txt A test whose essence is: `ends-with()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `ends-with(())`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `ends-with((), (), "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `ends-with("a string", "a string", "http://www.example.com/COLLATION/NOT/SUPPORTED")`. emptydoc FOCH0002 A test whose essence is: `ends-with("foo", "foo", "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint")`. emptydoc K-EndsWithFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `ends-with("tattoo", "tattoo")`. emptydoc K-EndsWithFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `not(ends-with("tattoo", "atto"))`. emptydoc K-EndsWithFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `not(ends-with("tattoo", "atto"))`. emptydoc K-EndsWithFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `ends-with((), ())`. emptydoc K-EndsWithFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `not(ends-with ((), "a string"))`. emptydoc K-EndsWithFunc-10.txt Compare two values returned from fn:lower-case(). emptydoc K2-EndsWithFunc-1.txt Compare two values returned from fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-EndsWithFunc-2.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:lower-case(). emptydoc K2-EndsWithFunc-3.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-EndsWithFunc-4.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:lower-case() and fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-EndsWithFunc-5.txt Compare two non-matching values returned from fn:lower-case() and fn:upper-case(). emptydoc K2-EndsWithFunc-6.txt fn:substring-before Evaluates the "substring-before" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "" $arg2 = "". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-before-1.txt Evaluates the "substring-before" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "" $arg2 = "A Character String". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-before-2.txt Evaluates the "substring-before" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A Character String" $arg2 = "". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-before-3.txt Evaluates the "substring-before" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = () $arg2 = "". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-before-4.txt Evaluates the "substring-before" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "" $arg2 = (). Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-before-5.txt Evaluates the "substring-before" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A Character String" $arg2 = (). Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-before-6.txt Evaluates the "substring-before" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = () $arg2 = "A Character String". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-before-7.txt Evaluates the "substring-before" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "AAAAABBBBBCCCCC" $arg2 = "BBBBB". emptydoc fn-substring-before-8.txt Evaluates the "substring-before" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "AAAAABBBBB" $arg2 = " ". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-before-9.txt Evaluates the "substring-before" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = " " $arg2 = "AAAAABBBBB". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-before-10.txt Evaluates the "substring-before" function as an argument of another function (fn:not)- return true. emptydoc fn-substring-before-11.txt Evaluates the "substring-before" function as an argument of another function (fn:not) - return true. emptydoc fn-substring-before-12.txt Evaluates the "substring-before" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string("A") $arg2 = "A". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-before-13.txt Evaluates the "substring-before" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A" $arg2 = xs:string("A"). Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-before-14.txt Evaluates the "substring-before" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A" $arg2 = "a". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-before-15.txt Evaluates the "substring-before" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "a" $arg2 = "A". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-before-16.txt Evaluates the "substring-before" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "substring-before" $arg2 = "substring-before". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-before-17.txt Evaluates the "substring-before" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "substring-beforesubstring-before" $arg2 = "substring-before". emptydoc fn-substring-before-18.txt Evaluates the "substring-before" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "****" $arg2 = "***". emptydoc fn-substring-before-19.txt Evaluates the "substring-before" function using numbers as part of the string. Arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "12345" $arg2 = "2345". emptydoc fn-substring-before-20.txt Evaluates the "substring-before" function using "substring-before" backwards. Arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "substring-before" $arg2 = "erofeb-gnirtsbus". Use count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-before-21.txt A test whose essence is: `substring-before()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `substring-before(())`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `substring-before((), (), "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `substring-before("a string", "a string", "http://www.example.com/COLLATION/NOT/SUPPORTED")`. emptydoc FOCH0002 A test whose essence is: `substring-before("foo", "oo", "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint") eq "f"`. emptydoc K-SubstringBeforeFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `substring-before("tattoo", "attoo") eq "t"`. emptydoc K-SubstringBeforeFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `substring-before("tattoo", "tatto") eq ""`. emptydoc K-SubstringBeforeFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `substring-before((), ()) eq ""`. emptydoc K-SubstringBeforeFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `substring-before("a string", "") eq ""`. emptydoc K-SubstringBeforeFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `substring-before("a string", "not in other") eq ""`. emptydoc K-SubstringBeforeFunc-10.txt fn:substring-after Evaluates the "substring-after" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "" $arg2 = "". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-after-1.txt Evaluates the "substring-after" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "" $arg2 = "A Character String". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-after-2.txt Evaluates the "substring-after" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A Character String" $arg2 = "". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-after-3.txt Evaluates the "substring-after" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = () $arg2 = "". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-after-4.txt Evaluates the "substring-after" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "" $arg2 = (). Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-after-5.txt Evaluates the "substring-after" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A Character String" $arg2 = (). Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-after-6.txt Evaluates the "substring-after" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = () $arg2 = "A Character String". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-after-7.txt Evaluates the "substring-after" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "AAAAABBBBBCCCCC" $arg2 = "BBBBB". emptydoc fn-substring-after-8.txt Evaluates the "substring-after" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "AAAAABBBBB" $arg2 = " ". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-after-9.txt Evaluates the "substring-after" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = " " $arg2 = "AAAAABBBBB". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-after-10.txt Evaluates the "substring-after" function as an argument of another function (fn:not)- return true. emptydoc fn-substring-after-11.txt Evaluates the "substring-after" function as an argument of another function (fn:not) - return true. emptydoc fn-substring-after-12.txt Evaluates the "substring-after" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:string("A") $arg2 = "A". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-after-13.txt Evaluates the "substring-after" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A" $arg2 = xs:string("A"). Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-after-14.txt Evaluates the "substring-after" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "A" $arg2 = "a". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-after-15.txt Evaluates the "substring-after" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "a" $arg2 = "A". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-after-16.txt Evaluates the "substring-after" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "substring-after" $arg2 = "substring-after". Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-after-17.txt Evaluates the "substring-after" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "substring-aftersubstring-after" $arg2 = "substring-after". emptydoc fn-substring-after-18.txt Evaluates the "substring-after" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "****" $arg2 = "***". emptydoc fn-substring-after-19.txt Evaluates the "substring-after" function using numbers as part of the string. Arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "12345" $arg2 = "1234". emptydoc fn-substring-after-20.txt Evaluates the "substring-after" function using "substring-after" backwards. Arguments set as follows: $arg1 = "substring-after" $arg2 = "retfa-gnirtsbus". Use count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-substring-after-21.txt A test whose essence is: `substring-after()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `substring-after(())`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `substring-after((), (), "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `substring-after("a string", "a string", "http://www.example.com/COLLATION/NOT/SUPPORTED")`. emptydoc FOCH0002 A test whose essence is: `substring-after("foo", "fo", "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint") eq "o"`. emptydoc K-SubstringAfterFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `substring-after("tattoo", "tat") eq "too"`. emptydoc K-SubstringAfterFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `substring-after("tattoo", "tattoo") eq ""`. emptydoc K-SubstringAfterFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `substring-after("abcdefgedij", "def") eq "gedij"`. emptydoc K-SubstringAfterFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `substring-after((), ()) eq ""`. emptydoc K-SubstringAfterFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `substring-after("a string", ()) eq "a string"`. emptydoc K-SubstringAfterFunc-10.txt A test whose essence is: `substring-after("a string", "not in other") eq ""`. emptydoc K-SubstringAfterFunc-11.txt String Functions that Use Pattern Matching fn:matches Evaluates the "matches" function with the arguments set as follows: $input = xs:string(lower bound) $pattern = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-matches2args-1.txt Evaluates the "matches" function with the arguments set as follows: $input = xs:string(mid range) $pattern = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-matches2args-2.txt Evaluates the "matches" function with the arguments set as follows: $input = xs:string(upper bound) $pattern = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-matches2args-3.txt Evaluates the "matches" function with the arguments set as follows: $input = xs:string(lower bound) $pattern = xs:string(mid range). emptydoc fn-matches2args-4.txt Evaluates the "matches" function with the arguments set as follows: $input = xs:string(lower bound) $pattern = xs:string(upper bound). emptydoc fn-matches2args-5.txt Invalid flag for the "matches" function third argument. emptydoc FORX0001 Invalid back-reference within square brackets. emptydoc FORX0002 Invalid single-digit back-reference. emptydoc FORX0002 Invalid single-digit back-reference. emptydoc FORX0002 Invalid double-digit back-reference. emptydoc FORX0002 Evaluation of matches function as per example 1 (for this function). emptydoc fn-matches-1.txt Evaluation of matches function as per example 2 (for this function). Pattern set to "^a.*a$". emptydoc fn-matches-2.txt Evaluation of matches function as per example 3 (for this function). Pattern set to "^bra". emptydoc fn-matches-3.txt Test that calling the function with flags set to the empty string is the same as ommiting the flags. emptydoc fn-matches-4.txt Evaluation of fn:matches with the input string set to the empty sequence. emptydoc fn-matches-5.txt Evaluation of matches function with pattern set to "\^". emptydoc fn-matches-6.txt Evaluation of matches function with pattern set to "\?" for an input string that contains "?". emptydoc fn-matches-7.txt Evaluation of matches function with pattern set to "\*" for an input string that contains "*". emptydoc fn-matches-8.txt Evaluation of matches function with pattern set to "\+" for an input string that contains "+". emptydoc fn-matches-9.txt Evaluation of matches function with pattern set to "\{" for an input string that contains "{". emptydoc fn-matches-10.txt Evaluation of matches function with pattern set to "\}" for an input string that contains "}". emptydoc fn-matches-11.txt Evaluation of matches function with pattern set to "\(" for an input string that contains "(". emptydoc fn-matches-12.txt Evaluation of matches function with pattern set to "\)" for an input string that contains ")". emptydoc fn-matches-13.txt Evaluation of matches function with pattern set to "\[" for an input string that contains "[". emptydoc fn-matches-14.txt Evaluation of matches function with pattern set to "\]" for an input string that contains "]". emptydoc fn-matches-15.txt Evaluation of matches function with pattern set to "\-" for an input string that contains "-". emptydoc fn-matches-16.txt Evaluation of matches function with pattern set to "\." for an input string that contains ".". emptydoc fn-matches-17.txt Evaluation of matches function with pattern set to "\|" for an input string that contains "|". emptydoc fn-matches-18.txt Evaluation of matches function with pattern set to "\\" for an input string that contains "\". emptydoc fn-matches-19.txt Evaluation of matches function with pattern set to "\t" for an input string that contains the tab character. emptydoc fn-matches-20.txt Evaluation of matches function with pattern set to "\n" for an input string that contains the newline character. emptydoc fn-matches-21.txt Evaluation of matches function with pattern set to "aa{1}" (exact quantity) for an input string that contains the "aa" string. emptydoc fn-matches-22.txt Evaluation of matches function with pattern set to "aa{1,}" (min quantity) for an input string that contains the "aa" string twice. emptydoc fn-matches-23.txt Evaluation of matches function with pattern set to "aa{1,2}" (range quantity) for an input string that contains the "aa" string twice. emptydoc fn-matches-24.txt Evaluation of matches function with an invalid pattern. emptydoc FORX0002 Check for the correct behavior of ^ and $ in multi-line mode http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4543 emptydoc fn-matches-26.txt Check for the correct behavior of ^ and $ in multi-line mode http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4543 emptydoc fn-matches-27.txt Check for the correct behavior of ^ and $ in multi-line mode http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4543 emptydoc fn-matches-28.txt Two digits not treated as back-reference http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4543 emptydoc fn-matches-29.txt Two digits treated as back-reference http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4543 emptydoc fn-matches-30.txt Call on matches with non-capturing groups (allowed in XQuery 1.1) emptydoc fn-matches-31.txt XQST0031 FORX0002 Call on matches with "q" flag (allowed in XQuery 1.1) emptydoc fn-matches-32.txt XQST0031 FORX0002 Call on matches with "q" flag (allowed in XQuery 1.1) emptydoc fn-matches-33.txt XQST0031 FORX0002 Call on matches with "q" flag (allowed in XQuery 1.1) emptydoc fn-matches-34.txt XQST0031 FORX0002 Test for bug fix of 5348 in Errata for FO http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5348 emptydoc FORX0002 Test for bug fix of 5348 in Errata for FO http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5348 emptydoc fn-matches-36.txt Test for bug fix of 5348 in Errata for FO http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5348 emptydoc FORX0002 Test for bug fix of 5348 in Errata for FO http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5348 emptydoc FORX0002 Test for bug fix of 5348 in Errata for FO http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5348 emptydoc FORX0002 Test for bug fix of 5348 in Errata for FO http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5348 emptydoc FORX0002 Simple call of matches() with "i" flag set. emptydoc caselessmatch-true.txt Call of matches() with "i" flag and a character range. emptydoc caselessmatch-true.txt Call of matches() with "i" flag and a character range. emptydoc caselessmatch-true.txt Description: Call of matches() with "i" flag and Kelvin sign. emptydoc caselessmatch-true.txt Description: Call of matches() with "i" flag and Kelvin sign. emptydoc caselessmatch-true.txt Call of matches() with "i" flag and Kelvin sign. emptydoc caselessmatch-true.txt Call of matches() with "i" flag and Kelvin sign. emptydoc caselessmatch-true.txt Call of matches() with "i" flag and range subtraction. emptydoc caselessmatch-true.txt Call of matches() with "i" flag and range subtraction. emptydoc caselessmatch-true.txt Call of matches() with "i" flag and range subtraction. emptydoc caselessmatch-false.txt Call of matches() with "i" flag and range subtraction. emptydoc caselessmatch-false.txt Call of matches() with "i" flag and negation. emptydoc caselessmatch-false.txt Call of matches() with "i" flag and negation. emptydoc caselessmatch-false.txt Call of matches() with "i" flag and upper-case category. emptydoc caselessmatch-false.txt Call of matches() with "i" flag and upper-case category. emptydoc caselessmatch-true.txt The pattern can't be the empty sequence. emptydoc XPTY0004 fn:matches() takes at least two arguments, not one. emptydoc XPST0017 The third argument cannot be the empty sequence. emptydoc XPTY0004 Only three arguments are accepted. emptydoc XPST0017 The flags argument cannot contain whitespace. emptydoc FORX0001 The flags argument cannot contain 'X'. emptydoc FORX0001 Whitespace in the regexp is collapsed. emptydoc K2-MatchesFunc-1.txt Whitespace(before) in the regexp is collapsed, but not inside a character class. emptydoc K2-MatchesFunc-2.txt Whitespace(after) in the regexp is collapsed, but not inside a character class. emptydoc K2-MatchesFunc-3.txt Whitespace(in the middle) in the regexp is collapsed, but not inside a character class. emptydoc K2-MatchesFunc-4.txt whitespace in the regexp is collapsed, and should therefore compile. emptydoc K2-MatchesFunc-5.txt whitespace in the regexp is collapsed completely, and should therefore compile and match. emptydoc K2-MatchesFunc-6.txt whitespace in the regexp is not collapsed, and should therefore not compile. emptydoc FORX0002 Since no string is captured by the back-reference, the single character is matched. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4634 emptydoc FORX0002 Since no string is captured by the back-reference, the single character is matched(#2). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4634 emptydoc FORX0002 A non-matching backwards-reference matches the empty string. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4634 emptydoc FORX0002 Use a back reference inside a character class. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4106 emptydoc FORX0002 Use a back reference inside a character class(#2). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4106 emptydoc FORX0002 Use a back reference inside a character class(#3). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4106 emptydoc FORX0002 Use a back reference inside a character class(#3). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4106 emptydoc FORX0002 A negative character class never match a non-character. emptydoc K2-MatchesFunc-15.txt Use a pattern whose interpretation is unknown. See public report 4466. emptydoc * Caseless match with back-reference. emptydoc K2-MatchesFunc-17.txt fn:replace Evaluates the "replace" function with the arguments set as follows: $input = xs:string(lower bound) $pattern = xs:string(lower bound) $replacement = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-replace3args-1.txt Evaluates the "replace" function with the arguments set as follows: $input = xs:string(mid range) $pattern = xs:string(lower bound) $replacement = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-replace3args-2.txt Evaluates the "replace" function with the arguments set as follows: $input = xs:string(upper bound) $pattern = xs:string(lower bound) $replacement = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-replace3args-3.txt Evaluates the "replace" function with the arguments set as follows: $input = xs:string(lower bound) $pattern = xs:string(mid range) $replacement = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-replace3args-4.txt Evaluates the "replace" function with the arguments set as follows: $input = xs:string(lower bound) $pattern = xs:string(upper bound) $replacement = xs:string(lower bound). emptydoc fn-replace3args-5.txt Evaluates the "replace" function with the arguments set as follows: $input = xs:string(lower bound) $pattern = xs:string(lower bound) $replacement = xs:string(mid range). emptydoc fn-replace3args-6.txt Evaluates the "replace" function with the arguments set as follows: $input = xs:string(lower bound) $pattern = xs:string(lower bound) $replacement = xs:string(upper bound). emptydoc fn-replace3args-7.txt Invalid flag for the "replace" function. emptydoc FORX0001 The value of $replacement contains a "\" character that is not part of a "\\" pair, unless it is immediately followed by a "$" character. emptydoc FORX0004 The value of $replacement contains a "$" character that is not immediately followed by a digit 0-9 and not immediately preceded by a "\". emptydoc FORX0004 Evaluation of replace function with replacement = "*" as per example 1 for this function. emptydoc fn-replace-1.txt Evaluation of replace function with pattern = "a.*a" and replacement = "*" as an example 2 for this function. emptydoc fn-replace-2.txt Evaluation of replace function with pattern = "a.*?a" and replacement = "*" as an example 3 for this function. emptydoc fn-replace-3.txt Evaluation of replace function with pattern = "a" and replacement = "" as an example 4 for this function. emptydoc fn-replace-4.txt Evaluation of replace function with pattern = "a(.)" and replacement = "a$1$1" as an example 5 for this function. emptydoc fn-replace-5.txt Evaluation of replace function with pattern = ".*?" and replacement = "$1" as an example 6 for this function. This should raise error. emptydoc FORX0003 Evaluation of replace function with pattern = "A+" and replacement = "b" as an example 7 for this function. emptydoc fn-replace-7.txt Evaluation of replace function with pattern = "A+?" and replacement = "b" as an example 8 for this function. emptydoc fn-replace-8.txt Evaluation of replace function with pattern = "^(.*?)d(.*)" and replacement = "$1c$2" as an example 9 for this function. emptydoc fn-replace-9.txt Two alternatives within the pattern both match at the same position in the $input. The first one is chosen. emptydoc fn-replace-10.txt Evaluation of fn:replace function with input set to empty sequence. emptydoc fn-replace-11.txt Evaluate that calling function with flags ommited is same as flags being the zero length string. emptydoc fn-replace-12.txt Test of "replace" with the pattern set to "\?" for an input string that contains "?". emptydoc fn-replace-13.txt Test of "replace" with the pattern set to "\*" for an input string that contains "*". emptydoc fn-replace-14.txt Test of "replace" with the pattern set to "\+" for an input string that contains "+". emptydoc fn-replace-15.txt Test of "replace" with the pattern set to "\{" for an input string that contains "{". emptydoc fn-replace-16.txt Test of "replace" with the pattern set to "\}" for an input string that contains "}". emptydoc fn-replace-17.txt Test of "replace" with the pattern set to "\(" for an input string that contains "(". emptydoc fn-replace-18.txt Test of "replace" with the pattern set to "\)" for an input string that contains ")". emptydoc fn-replace-19.txt Test of "replace" with the pattern set to "\[" for an input string that contains "[". emptydoc fn-replace-20.txt Test of "replace" with the pattern set to "\]" for an input string that contains "]". emptydoc fn-replace-21.txt Test of "replace" with the pattern set to "\-" for an input string that contains "-". emptydoc fn-replace-22.txt Test of "replace" with the pattern set to "\." for an input string that contains ".". emptydoc fn-replace-23.txt Test of "replace" with the pattern set to "\|" for an input string that contains "|". emptydoc fn-replace-24.txt Test of "replace" with the pattern set to "\\" for an input string that contains "\". emptydoc fn-replace-25.txt Test of "replace" with the pattern set to "\t" for an input string that contains the tab character. emptydoc fn-replace-26.txt Test of "replace" with the pattern set to "\n" for an input string that contains the newline character. emptydoc fn-replace-27.txt Evaluation of replace function with pattern set to "aa{1}" (exact quantity) for an input string that contains the "aa" string. emptydoc fn-replace-28.txt Evaluation of replace function with pattern set to "aa{1,}" (min quantity) for an input string that contains the "aa" string twice. emptydoc fn-replace-29.txt Evaluation of replace function with pattern set to "aa{1,2}" (range quantity) for an input string that contains the "aa" string twice. emptydoc fn-replace-30.txt Evaluation of replace function with pattern set to "\^" for an input string that contains the "^" character. emptydoc fn-replace-31.txt Evaluation of replace function with pattern set to "^a". emptydoc fn-replace-32.txt Evaluation of replace function with pattern that does not match the input string. emptydoc fn-replace-33.txt The flags argument cannot contain whitespace. emptydoc FORX0001 The pattern can't be the empty sequence. emptydoc XPTY0004 The replacement can't be the empty sequence. emptydoc XPTY0004 The flags argument cannot contain 'X'. emptydoc FORX0001 Only four arguments are accepted. emptydoc XPST0017 A '\' cannot occur at the end of the line. emptydoc FORX0004 A '$' cannot occur at the end of the line. emptydoc FORX0004 A '\' cannot be used to escape whitespace. emptydoc FORX0004 A '$' cannot be followed by whitespace. emptydoc FORX0004 Unexpectedly ending escape. emptydoc FORX0004 Unexpectedly ending escape. emptydoc FORX0004 Use a back reference that isn't preceeded by sufficiently many captures, and therefore match the empty sequence. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4634 emptydoc FORX0002 Use a back reference inside a character class. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4106 emptydoc FORX0002 Use a back reference inside a character class(#2). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4106 emptydoc FORX0002 Use a back reference inside a character class(#3). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4106 emptydoc FORX0002 Use a back reference inside a character class(#3). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4106 emptydoc FORX0002 Use fn:replace inside user function. emptydoc K2-ReplaceFunc-8.txt fn:tokenize The supplied $pattern matches a zero-length string and thus and error must be raised. emptydoc FORX0003 Test of "tokenize" function with an invalid value for flags. emptydoc FORX0001 Test of "tokenize" with pattern value set to "\s+" as per example 1 for this function from the Func and Ops sepcs. emptydoc fn-tokenize-3.txt Test of "tokenize" with pattern value set to "\s*" as per example 2 for this function from the Func and Ops sepcs. . emptydoc fn-tokenize-4.txt Test of "tokenize" with pattern value set to "\s*<br>\s*" and flag set to "i" as per example 4 for this function from the Func and Ops sepcs. . emptydoc fn-tokenize-5.txt Test of "tokenize" with pattern with the falgs argument set to the zero length string. emptydoc fn-tokenize-6.txt Test of "tokenize" with pattern with the $input set to empty sequence. emptydoc fn-tokenize-7.txt Test of "tokenize" with pattern with the $input set to the zero length string. emptydoc fn-tokenize-8.txt Test of "tokenize" with two patterns that match the input string. emptydoc fn-tokenize-9.txt Test of "tokenize" where the pattern does not matches the input string. emptydoc fn-tokenize-10.txt Test of "tokenize" with the pattern set to "^a". emptydoc fn-tokenize-11.txt Test of "tokenize" with the pattern set to "\^a" for an input string that contains "^". emptydoc fn-tokenize-12.txt Test of "tokenize" with the pattern set to "\?" for an input string that contains "?". emptydoc fn-tokenize-13.txt Test of "tokenize" with the pattern set to "\*" for an input string that contains "*". emptydoc fn-tokenize-14.txt Test of "tokenize" with the pattern set to "\+" for an input string that contains "+". emptydoc fn-tokenize-15.txt Test of "tokenize" with the pattern set to "\{" for an input string that contains "{". emptydoc fn-tokenize-16.txt Test of "tokenize" with the pattern set to "\}" for an input string that contains "}". emptydoc fn-tokenize-17.txt Test of "tokenize" with the pattern set to "\(" for an input string that contains "(". emptydoc fn-tokenize-18.txt Test of "tokenize" with the pattern set to "\)" for an input string that contains ")". emptydoc fn-tokenize-19.txt Test of "tokenize" with the pattern set to "\]" for an input string that contains "]". emptydoc fn-tokenize-20.txt Test of "tokenize" with the pattern set to "\[" for an input string that contains "[". emptydoc fn-tokenize-21.txt Test of "tokenize" with the pattern set to "\-" for an input string that contains "-". emptydoc fn-tokenize-22.txt Test of "tokenize" with the pattern set to "\." for an input string that contains ".". emptydoc fn-tokenize-23.txt Test of "tokenize" with the pattern set to "\|" for an input string that contains "|". emptydoc fn-tokenize-24.txt Test of "tokenize" with the pattern set to "\\" for an input string that contains "\". emptydoc fn-tokenize-25.txt Test of "tokenize" with the pattern set to "\t" for an input string that contains the tab character. emptydoc fn-tokenize-26.txt Test of "tokenize" with the pattern set to "\n" for an input string that contains the newline character. emptydoc fn-tokenize-27.txt Test of "tokenize" with the pattern set to "aa{1}" (exact quantity) for an input string that the "aa" string. emptydoc fn-tokenize-28.txt Test of "tokenize" with the pattern set to "aa{1,}" (exact quantity) for an input string that the "aa" string twice. emptydoc fn-tokenize-29.txt Test of "tokenize" with the pattern set to "aa{1,2}" (range quantity) for an input string that the "aa" string twice. emptydoc fn-tokenize-30.txt fn:tokenize takes at least two arguments. emptydoc XPST0017 The pattern can't be the empty sequence. emptydoc XPTY0004 The flags argument cannot contain whitespace. emptydoc FORX0001 The flags argument cannot contain 'X'. emptydoc FORX0001 Only three arguments are accepted. emptydoc XPST0017 fn:tokenize with a positional predicate. emptydoc K2-TokenizeFunc-1.txt fn:tokenize with a positional predicate. emptydoc K2-TokenizeFunc-2.txt fn:tokenize with a positional predicate(#2). emptydoc K2-TokenizeFunc-3.txt fn:tokenize with a positional predicate(#3). emptydoc K2-TokenizeFunc-4.txt Tokenize a sequence of words. emptydoc K2-TokenizeFunc-5.txt A regexp that some Java versions have trouble with. emptydoc K2-TokenizeFunc-6.txt Tokenize on a single whitespace. emptydoc K2-TokenizeFunc-7.txt Tests of XQuery 1.1 analyze-string() function New function in XQuery 1.1 Purpose: analyze-string on a zero length string. analyzeString-001.out XQST0031 XPST0017 Purpose: analyze-string on an empty sequence. analyzeString-002.out XQST0031 XPST0017 Purpose: analyze-string with a mix of matching and non-matching strings. analyzeString-003.out XQST0031 XPST0017 Purpose: analyze-string with a single non-matching string. analyzeString-004.out XQST0031 XPST0017 Purpose: analyze-string with a single matching string. analyzeString-005.out XQST0031 XPST0017 Purpose: analyze-string with adjacent matching strings. analyzeString-006.out XQST0031 XPST0017 Purpose: analyze-string with a single captured group. analyzeString-007.out XQST0031 XPST0017 Purpose: analyze-string with nested captured groups. analyzeString-008.out XQST0031 XPST0017 Purpose: analyze-string, groups in alternative branches. analyzeString-009.out XQST0031 XPST0017 Purpose: analyze-string, with "i" flag. analyzeString-010.out XQST0031 XPST0017 Purpose: analyze-string, with "i" and "x" flag. analyzeString-011.out XQST0031 XPST0017 Purpose: analyze-string, flags set to zero-length string. analyzeString-012.out XQST0031 XPST0017 Purpose: analyze-string, with "s" flag. analyzeString-013.out XQST0031 XPST0017 Purpose: analyze-string, multiple lines without "s" flag. analyzeString-014.out XQST0031 XPST0017 Purpose: analyze-string, multiple lines with "m" flag. analyzeString-015.out XQST0031 XPST0017 Purpose: analyze-string, multiple lines without "m" flag. analyzeString-016.out XQST0031 XPST0017 Subtle distinction in the nesting of an empty captured group analyzeString-017.out XQST0031 XPST0017 Subtle distinction in the nesting of an empty captured group analyzeString-018.out XQST0031 XPST0017 "q" flag suppresses grouping analyzeString-019.out XQST0031 XPST0017 test typing of result of analyze-string: with no import-schema analyzeString-020.out XQST0031 XPST0017 test typing of result of analyze-string: with no import-schema analyzeString-021.out XQST0031 XPST0017 test string value of result of analyze-string analyzeString-022.out XQST0031 XPST0017 test string value of result of analyze-string analyzeString-023.out XQST0031 XPST0017 test typed value of result of analyze-string: referencing a name defined in the schema analyzeString-024.out XQST0031 XPST0017 Purpose: analyze-string with bad regex pattern. FORX0002 XQST0031 XPST0017 Purpose: analyze-string with bad regex flags. FORX0001 XQST0031 XPST0017 Purpose: analyze-string, error, regex matches zero-length string. FORX0003 XQST0031 XPST0017 Functions for anyURI fn:resolve-uri Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with first argument (relative) set to empty sequence. emptydoc fn-resolve-uri-1.txt Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with first argument (relative) set to zero length string. Use base-uri property, which is set. emptydoc fn-resolve-uri-2.txt Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with first argument set to an invalid uri. emptydoc FORG0002 Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with second argument set to an invalid uri. emptydoc FORG0002 Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with first argument (relative) set to an absolute URI. Two argument version of the function. emptydoc fn-resolve-uri-5.txt Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with argument (relative) set to an absolute URI. Two argument version of the function. emptydoc fn-resolve-uri-6.txt Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with argument (relative) set to an absolute URI and given as argument to xs:string. Two argument version of the function. emptydoc fn-resolve-uri-7.txt Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with argument (relative) set to an absolute URI and given as argument to fn:string. Two argument version of the function. emptydoc fn-resolve-uri-8.txt Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with argument (relative) set to an absolute URI and given as argument to fn:upper-case. Two argument version of the function. emptydoc fn-resolve-uri-9.txt Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with argument (relative) set to an absolute URI and given as argument to fn:lower-case. Two argument version of the function. emptydoc fn-resolve-uri-10.txt Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with argument (relative) set to an absolute URI and given as argument to fn:substring function. Two argument version of the function. emptydoc fn-resolve-uri-11.txt Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with argument (relative) set to an absolute URI and given as argument to fn:string-join function. Two argument version of the function. emptydoc fn-resolve-uri-12.txt Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with argument (relative) set to an absolute URI and given as argument to fn:concat function. Two argument version of the function. emptydoc fn-resolve-uri-13.txt Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with argument (relative) set to an absolute URI and given as argument to fn:substring-before function. Two argument version of the function. emptydoc fn-resolve-uri-14.txt Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with argument (relative) set to an absolute URI and given as argument to fn:substring-after function. Two argument version of the function. emptydoc fn-resolve-uri-15.txt Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with argument (relative) set to an absolute URI and given as argument to fn:string function. Second argument set to zero length stringTwo argument version of the function. emptydoc fn-resolve-uri-16.txt Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with argument (relative) set to an absolute URI and given as argument to fn:upper-case function. Two argument version of the function. emptydoc fn-resolve-uri-17.txt Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with argument (relative) set to an absolute URI and given as argument to fn:lower-case function. Two argument version of the function. emptydoc fn-resolve-uri-18.txt Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with argument (relative) set to an absolute URI and given as argument to fn:substring function. Two argument version of the function. emptydoc fn-resolve-uri-19.txt Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with argument (relative) set to an absolute URI and given as argument to fn:string-join function. Two argument version of the function. emptydoc fn-resolve-uri-20.txt Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with argument (relative) set to an absolute URI and given as argument to fn:concat function. Two argument version of the function. emptydoc fn-resolve-uri-21.txt Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with argument (relative) set to an absolute URI and given as argument to fn:substring-before function. Two argument version of the function. emptydoc fn-resolve-uri-22.txt Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with argument (relative) set to an absolute URI and given as argument to fn:substring-after function. Two argument version of the function. emptydoc fn-resolve-uri-23.txt Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with second argument ($base) being a relative URI. See erratum FO.E1 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4373 FORG0002 Evaluation of "fn:resolve-uri" function with first argument ($relative) being an absolute URI and second argument ($base) being a relative URI. See erratum FO.E1 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4373 fn-resolve-uri-25.txt A test whose essence is: `resolve-uri()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `resolve-uri("http://www.example.com/", "relative/uri.ext", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `resolve-uri("relative/uri.ext", "http://www.example.com/") eq xs:anyURI("http://www.example.com/relative/uri.ext")`. emptydoc K-ResolveURIFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `resolve-uri("", "http://www.example.com/") eq xs:anyURI("http://www.example.com/")`. emptydoc K-ResolveURIFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(resolve-uri((), "http://www.example.com/"))`. emptydoc K-ResolveURIFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `resolve-uri("http://www.example.com/absolute", "http://www.example.com/") eq xs:anyURI("http://www.example.com/absolute")`. emptydoc K-ResolveURIFunc-6.txt Functions on Boolean Values fn:true Simple call to an "fn:true" function. emptydoc fn-true-1.txt Evaluation to an "fn:true" function as an argument to an "fn:not()" function. emptydoc fn-true-2.txt Evaluation of an "fn:true()" function with a logical expression involving the "and" operator. emptydoc fn-true-3.txt Evaluation of an "fn:function" function with a logical expression involving the "or" operator. emptydoc fn-true-4.txt Evaluation of an "fn:true()" function with a comparison expression involving the "eq" operator. emptydoc fn-true-5.txt Evaluation of an "fn:true()" function with a comparison expression involving the "ne" operator. emptydoc fn-true-6.txt Evaluation of an "fn:true()" function with a comparison expression involving the "lt" operator. emptydoc fn-true-7.txt Evaluation of an "fn:true()" function with a comparison expression involving the "le" operator. emptydoc fn-true-8.txt Evaluation of an "fn:true()" function with a comparison expression involving the "gt" operator. emptydoc fn-true-9.txt Evaluation of an "fn:true()" function with a comparison expression involving the "ge" operator. emptydoc fn-true-10.txt Evaluation of an "fn:true()" function with a comparison expression involving the "=" operator. emptydoc fn-true-11.txt Evaluation of an "fn:true()" function with a comparison expression involving the "!=" operator. emptydoc fn-true-12.txt Evaluation of an "fn:true()" function with a comparison expression involving the "<" operator. emptydoc fn-true-13.txt Evaluation of an "fn:true()" function with a comparison expression involving the "<=" operator. emptydoc fn-true-14.txt Evaluation of an "fn:true()" function with a comparison expression involving the ">" operator. emptydoc fn-true-15.txt Evaluation of an "fn:true()" function with a comparison expression involving the ">=" operator. emptydoc fn-true-16.txt Evaluation of an "fn:true()" function as an argument to an "xs:boolean" function. emptydoc fn-true-17.txt Evaluation of an "fn:true()" function as an argument to an "fn:string" function. emptydoc fn-true-18.txt Evaluation of an "fn:true()" function (string representation) as arguments to an "fn:concat" function. emptydoc fn-true-19.txt Evaluation of an "fn:true()" function (string representation) as arguments to an "fn:contains" function. emptydoc fn-true-20.txt Evaluation of an "fn:true()" function (string representation) as an argument to an "fn:string-length" function. emptydoc fn-true-21.txt A test whose essence is: `true(1)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `true() eq true()`. emptydoc K-TrueFunc-2.txt A test whose essence is: `true()`. emptydoc K-TrueFunc-3.txt fn:false Simple call to an "fn:false" function. emptydoc fn-false-1.txt Evaluation to an "fn:false" function as an argument to an "fn:not()" function. emptydoc fn-false-2.txt Evaluation of an "fn:false()" function with a logical expression involving the "and" operator. emptydoc fn-false-3.txt Evaluation of an "fn:function" function with a logical expression involving the "or" operator. emptydoc fn-false-4.txt Evaluation of an "fn:false()" function with a comparison expression involving the "eq" operator. emptydoc fn-false-5.txt Evaluation of an "fn:false()" function with a comparison expression involving the "ne" operator. emptydoc fn-false-6.txt Evaluation of an "fn:false()" function with a comparison expression involving the "lt" operator. emptydoc fn-false-7.txt Evaluation of an "fn:false()" function with a comparison expression involving the "le" operator. emptydoc fn-false-8.txt Evaluation of an "fn:false()" function with a comparison expression involving the "gt" operator. emptydoc fn-false-9.txt Evaluation of an "fn:false()" function with a comparison expression involving the "ge" operator. emptydoc fn-false-10.txt Evaluation of an "fn:false()" function with a comparison expression involving the "=" operator. emptydoc fn-false-11.txt Evaluation of an "fn:false()" function with a comparison expression involving the "!=" operator. emptydoc fn-false-12.txt Evaluation of an "fn:false()" function with a comparison expression involving the "<" operator. emptydoc fn-false-13.txt Evaluation of an "fn:false()" function with a comparison expression involving the "<=" operator. emptydoc fn-false-14.txt Evaluation of an "fn:false()" function with a comparison expression involving the ">" operator. emptydoc fn-false-15.txt Evaluation of an "fn:false()" function with a comparison expression involving the ">=" operator. emptydoc fn-false-16.txt Evaluation of an "fn:false()" function as an argument to an "xs:boolean" function. emptydoc fn-false-17.txt Evaluation of an "fn:false()" function as an argument to an "fn:string" function. emptydoc fn-false-18.txt Evaluation of an "fn:false()" function (string representation) as arguments to an "fn:concat" function. emptydoc fn-false-19.txt Evaluation of an "fn:false()" function (string representation) as arguments to an "fn:contains" function. emptydoc fn-false-20.txt Evaluation of an "fn:false()" function (string representation) as an argument to an "fn:string-length" function. emptydoc fn-false-21.txt A test whose essence is: `false(1)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `false() eq false()`. emptydoc K-FalseFunc-2.txt A test whose essence is: `not(false())`. emptydoc K-FalseFunc-3.txt fn:not Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-notint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-notint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-notint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-notintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-notintg1args-2.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-notintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-notdec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-notdec1args-2.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-notdec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-notdbl1args-1.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-notdbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-notdbl1args-3.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-notflt1args-1.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-notflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-notflt1args-3.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-notlng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-notlng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-notlng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-notusht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-notusht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-notusht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-notnint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-notnint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-notnint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-notpint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-notpint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-notpint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-notulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-notulng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-notulng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-notnpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-notnpi1args-2.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-notnpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-notnni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-notnni1args-2.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-notnni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-notsht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-notsht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "not" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-notsht1args-3.txt Simple call to an "fn:not" function. emptydoc fn-not-1.txt Evaluation to an "fn:not" function as an argument to an "fn:not()" function. emptydoc fn-not-2.txt Evaluation of an "fn:not()" function with a logical expression involving the "and" operator. emptydoc fn-not-3.txt Evaluation of an "fn:function" function with a logical expression involving the "or" operator. emptydoc fn-not-4.txt Evaluation of an "fn:not()" function with a comparison expression involving the "eq" operator. emptydoc fn-not-5.txt Evaluation of an "fn:not()" function with a comparison expression involving the "ne" operator. emptydoc fn-not-6.txt Evaluation of an "fn:not()" function with a comparison expression involving the "lt" operator. emptydoc fn-not-7.txt Evaluation of an "fn:not()" function with a comparison expression involving the "le" operator. emptydoc fn-not-8.txt Evaluation of an "fn:not()" function with a comparison expression involving the "gt" operator. emptydoc fn-not-9.txt Evaluation of an "fn:not()" function with a comparison expression involving the "ge" operator. emptydoc fn-not-10.txt Evaluation of an "fn:not()" function with a comparison expression involving the "=" operator. emptydoc fn-not-11.txt Evaluation of an "fn:not()" function with a comparison expression involving the "!=" operator. emptydoc fn-not-12.txt Evaluation of an "fn:not()" function with a comparison expression involving the "<" operator. emptydoc fn-not-13.txt Evaluation of an "fn:not()" function with a comparison expression involving the "<=" operator. emptydoc fn-not-14.txt Evaluation of an "fn:not()" function with a comparison expression involving the ">" operator. emptydoc fn-not-15.txt Evaluation of an "fn:not()" function with a comparison expression involving the ">=" operator. emptydoc fn-not-16.txt Evaluation of an "fn:not()" function as an argument to an "xs:boolean" function. emptydoc fn-not-17.txt Evaluation of an "fn:not()" function as an argument to an "fn:string" function. emptydoc fn-not-18.txt Evaluation of an "fn:not()" function (string representation) as arguments to an "fn:concat" function. emptydoc fn-not-19.txt Evaluation of an "fn:not()" function (string representation) as arguments to an "fn:contains" function. emptydoc fn-not-20.txt Evaluation of an "fn:not()" function (string representation) as an argument to an "fn:string-length" function. emptydoc fn-not-21.txt A test whose essence is: `not()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `not(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `not(false() and false())`. emptydoc K-NotFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `not(not(true()))`. emptydoc K-NotFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `not(false())`. emptydoc K-NotFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `not(0)`. emptydoc K-NotFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `not(())`. emptydoc K-NotFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `not(xs:anyURI(""))`. emptydoc K-NotFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `not(not(xs:anyURI("example.com/")))`. emptydoc K-NotFunc-9.txt fn:not() combined with fn:boolean(). emptydoc K-NotFunc-10.txt Functions on Durations, Dates and Times Component Extraction Functions on Durations, Dates and Times fn:years-from-duration Evaluates the "years-from-duration" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc fn-years-from-duration1args-1.txt Evaluates the "years-from-duration" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range). emptydoc fn-years-from-duration1args-2.txt Evaluates the "years-from-duration" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound). emptydoc fn-years-from-duration1args-3.txt Evaluates the "years-from-duration" function as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc fn-years-from-duration-1.txt Evaluates the "years-from-duration" function as as per example 2 (for this function) of the Functions and operators spec. emptydoc fn-years-from-duration-2.txt Evaluates the "years-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (lt operator). emptydoc fn-years-from-duration-3.txt Evaluates the "years-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-years-from-duration-4.txt Evaluates the "years-from-duration" function using empty sequence as argument. Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-years-from-duration-5.txt Evaluates the "years-from-duration" function with argument set so the function returns 1. emptydoc fn-years-from-duration-6.txt Evaluates the "years-from-duration" function used as arguments to an avg function. emptydoc fn-years-from-duration-7.txt Evaluates the "years-from-duration" function, which is part of an addition expression. emptydoc fn-years-from-duration-8.txt Evaluates the "years-from-duration" function, which is part of a subtraction expression. emptydoc fn-years-from-duration-9.txt Evaluates the "years-from-duration" function, which is part of a multiplication expression. emptydoc fn-years-from-duration-10.txt Evaluates the "years-from-duration" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc fn-years-from-duration-11.txt Evaluates the "years-from-duration" function, which is part of an idiv expression. emptydoc fn-years-from-duration-12.txt Evaluates the "years-from-duration" function, which is part of a mod expression. emptydoc fn-years-from-duration-13.txt Evaluates the "years-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-plus expression. emptydoc fn-years-from-duration-14.txt Evaluates the "years-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-minus expression. emptydoc fn-years-from-duration-15.txt Evaluates the "years-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc fn-years-from-duration-16.txt Evaluates the "years-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc fn-years-from-duration-17.txt Evaluates the "years-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-years-from-duration-18.txt Evaluates the "years-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-years-from-duration-19.txt Evaluates the "years-from-duration" function with wrong argument types. emptydoc fn-years-from-duration-20.txt A test whose essence is: `years-from-duration()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `years-from-duration((), "Wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(years-from-duration(()))`. emptydoc K-YearsFromDurationFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `years-from-duration(()) instance of xs:integer?`. emptydoc K-YearsFromDurationFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `years-from-duration(xs:yearMonthDuration("P0003Y2M")) eq 3`. emptydoc K-YearsFromDurationFunc-5.txt Simple test invoking years-from-duration() on a negative duration. emptydoc K-YearsFromDurationFunc-6.txt Simple test invoking years-from-duration() on an negative xs:duration. emptydoc K-YearsFromDurationFunc-7.txt fn:months-from-duration Evaluates the "months-from-duration" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:yearMonthDuration(lower bound). emptydoc fn-months-from-duration1args-1.txt Evaluates the "months-from-duration" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:yearMonthDuration(mid range). emptydoc fn-months-from-duration1args-2.txt Evaluates the "months-from-duration" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:yearMonthDuration(upper bound). emptydoc fn-months-from-duration1args-3.txt Evaluates the "months-from-duration" function as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc fn-months-from-duration-1.txt Evaluates the "months-from-duration" function as as per example 2 (for this function) of the Functions and operators spec. emptydoc fn-months-from-duration-2.txt Evaluates the "months-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (lt operator). emptydoc fn-months-from-duration-3.txt Evaluates the "months-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-months-from-duration-4.txt Evaluates the "months-from-duration" function using empty sequence as argument. Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-months-from-duration-5.txt Evaluates the "months-from-duration" function with argument set so the function returns 1. emptydoc fn-months-from-duration-6.txt Evaluates the "months-from-duration" function used as arguments to an avg function. emptydoc fn-months-from-duration-7.txt Evaluates the "months-from-duration" function, which is part of an addition expression. emptydoc fn-months-from-duration-8.txt Evaluates the "months-from-duration" function, which is part of a subtraction expression. emptydoc fn-months-from-duration-9.txt Evaluates the "months-from-duration" function, which is part of a multiplication expression. emptydoc fn-months-from-duration-10.txt Evaluates the "months-from-duration" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc fn-months-from-duration-11.txt Evaluates the "months-from-duration" function, which is part of an idiv expression. emptydoc fn-months-from-duration-12.txt Evaluates the "months-from-duration" function, which is part of a mod expression. emptydoc fn-months-from-duration-13.txt Evaluates the "months-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-plus expression. emptydoc fn-months-from-duration-14.txt Evaluates the "months-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-minus expression. emptydoc fn-months-from-duration-15.txt Evaluates the "months-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc fn-months-from-duration-16.txt Evaluates the "months-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc fn-months-from-duration-17.txt Evaluates the "months-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-months-from-duration-18.txt Evaluates the "months-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-months-from-duration-19.txt Evaluates the "months-from-duration" function with wrong argument type. emptydoc fn-months-from-duration-20.txt A test whose essence is: `months-from-duration()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `months-from-duration((), "Wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(months-from-duration(()))`. emptydoc K-MonthsFromDurationFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `months-from-duration(()) instance of xs:integer?`. emptydoc K-MonthsFromDurationFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `months-from-duration(xs:yearMonthDuration("P0003Y2M")) eq 2`. emptydoc K-MonthsFromDurationFunc-5.txt Simple test invoking months-from-duration() on a negative duration. emptydoc K-MonthsFromDurationFunc-6.txt Simple test invoking months-from-duration() on an negative xs:duration. emptydoc K-MonthsFromDurationFunc-7.txt fn:days-from-duration Evaluates the "days-from-duration" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc fn-days-from-duration1args-1.txt Evaluates the "days-from-duration" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range). emptydoc fn-days-from-duration1args-2.txt Evaluates the "days-from-duration" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound). emptydoc fn-days-from-duration1args-3.txt Evaluates the "days-from-duration" function as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc fn-days-from-duration-1.txt Evaluates the "days-from-duration" function as as per example 2 (for this function) of the Functions and operators spec. emptydoc fn-days-from-duration-2.txt Evaluates the "days-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (lt operator). emptydoc fn-days-from-duration-3.txt Evaluates the "days-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-days-from-duration-4.txt Evaluates the "days-from-duration" function using empty sequence as argument. Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-days-from-duration-5.txt Evaluates the "days-from-duration" function with argument set so the function returns 1. emptydoc fn-days-from-duration-6.txt Evaluates the "days-from-duration" function used as arguments to an avg function. emptydoc fn-days-from-duration-7.txt Evaluates the "days-from-duration" function, which is part of an addition expression. emptydoc fn-days-from-duration-8.txt Evaluates the "days-from-duration" function, which is part of a subtraction expression. emptydoc fn-days-from-duration-9.txt Evaluates the "days-from-duration" function, which is part of a multiplication expression. emptydoc fn-days-from-duration-10.txt Evaluates the "days-from-duration" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc fn-days-from-duration-11.txt Evaluates the "days-from-duration" function, which is part of an idiv expression. emptydoc fn-days-from-duration-12.txt Evaluates the "days-from-duration" function, which is part of a mod expression. emptydoc fn-days-from-duration-13.txt Evaluates the "days-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-plus expression. emptydoc fn-days-from-duration-14.txt Evaluates the "days-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-minus expression. emptydoc fn-days-from-duration-15.txt Evaluates the "days-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc fn-days-from-duration-16.txt Evaluates the "days-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc fn-days-from-duration-17.txt Evaluates the "days-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-days-from-duration-18.txt Evaluates the "days-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-days-from-duration-19.txt Evaluates the "days-from-duration" function with wrong argument type. emptydoc fn-days-from-duration-20.txt A test whose essence is: `days-from-duration()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `days-from-duration((), "Wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(days-from-duration(()))`. emptydoc K-DaysFromDurationFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `days-from-duration(()) instance of xs:integer?`. emptydoc K-DaysFromDurationFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `days-from-duration(xs:dayTimeDuration("P45678DT8H2M1.03S")) eq 45678`. emptydoc K-DaysFromDurationFunc-5.txt Simple test invoking days-from-duration() on a negative duration. emptydoc K-DaysFromDurationFunc-6.txt Simple test invoking days-from-duration() on an negative xs:duration. emptydoc K-DaysFromDurationFunc-7.txt fn:hours-from-duration Evaluates the "hours-from-duration" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc fn-hours-from-duration1args-1.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-duration" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range). emptydoc fn-hours-from-duration1args-2.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-duration" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound). emptydoc fn-hours-from-duration1args-3.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-duration" function as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc fn-hours-from-duration-1.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-duration" function as as per example 2 (for this function) of the Functions and operators spec. emptydoc fn-hours-from-duration-2.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-duration" function as per example 3 (for this function) from the Function and Operators sepcs. emptydoc fn-hours-from-duration-3.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-duration" function as per example 4 (for this function) from the Function and Operators specs. emptydoc fn-hours-from-duration-4.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-duration" function using empty sequence as argument. Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-hours-from-duration-5.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-duration" function with argument set so the function returns 1. emptydoc fn-hours-from-duration-6.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-duration" function used as arguments to an avg function. emptydoc fn-hours-from-duration-7.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-duration" function, which is part of an addition expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-duration-8.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-duration" function, which is part of a subtraction expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-duration-9.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-duration" function, which is part of a multiplication expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-duration-10.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-duration" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-duration-11.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-duration" function, which is part of an idiv expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-duration-12.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-duration" function, which is part of a mod expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-duration-13.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-plus expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-duration-14.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-minus expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-duration-15.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc fn-hours-from-duration-16.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc fn-hours-from-duration-17.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-hours-from-duration-18.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-hours-from-duration-19.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-duration" function with wrong argument type. emptydoc fn-hours-from-duration-20.txt A test whose essence is: `hours-from-duration()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `hours-from-duration((), "Wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(hours-from-duration(()))`. emptydoc K-HoursFromDurationFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `hours-from-duration(()) instance of xs:integer?`. emptydoc K-HoursFromDurationFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `hours-from-duration(xs:dayTimeDuration("P3DT8H2M1.03S")) eq 8`. emptydoc K-HoursFromDurationFunc-5.txt Simple test invoking hours-from-duration() on a negative duration. emptydoc K-HoursFromDurationFunc-6.txt Simple test invoking days-from-hours() on an negative xs:duration. emptydoc K-HoursFromDurationFunc-7.txt fn:minutes-from-duration Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration1args-1.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration1args-2.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration1args-3.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration-1.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function as as per example 2 (for this function) of the Functions and operators spec. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration-2.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (lt operator). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration-3.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration-4.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function using empty sequence as argument. Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration-5.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function with argument set so the function returns 1. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration-6.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function used as arguments to an avg function. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration-7.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function, which is part of an addition expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration-8.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function, which is part of a subtraction expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration-9.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function, which is part of a multiplication expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration-10.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration-11.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function, which is part of an idiv expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration-12.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function, which is part of a mod expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration-13.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-plus expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration-14.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-minus expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration-15.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration-16.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration-17.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration-18.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration-19.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function with wrong argument type. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration-20.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-duration" function to test the normalization of duration. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-duration-21.txt A test whose essence is: `minutes-from-duration()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `minutes-from-duration((), "Wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(minutes-from-duration(()))`. emptydoc K-MinutesFromDurationFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `minutes-from-duration(()) instance of xs:integer?`. emptydoc K-MinutesFromDurationFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `minutes-from-duration(xs:dayTimeDuration("P3DT8H2M1.03S")) eq 2`. emptydoc K-MinutesFromDurationFunc-5.txt Simple test invoking minutes-from-duration() on a negative duration. emptydoc K-MinutesFromDurationFunc-6.txt Simple test invoking minutes-from-hours() on an negative xs:duration. emptydoc K-MinutesFromDurationFunc-7.txt fn:seconds-from-duration Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dayTimeDuration(lower bound). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration1args-1.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dayTimeDuration(mid range). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration1args-2.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dayTimeDuration(upper bound). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration1args-3.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration-1.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function as as per example 2 (for this function) of the Functions and operators spec. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration-2.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (lt operator). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration-3.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration-4.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function using empty sequence as argument. Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration-5.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function with argument set so the function returns 1. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration-6.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function used as arguments to an avg function. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration-7.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function, which is part of an addition expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration-8.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function, which is part of a subtraction expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration-9.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function, which is part of a multiplication expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration-10.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration-11.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function, which is part of an idiv expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration-12.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function, which is part of a mod expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration-13.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-plus expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration-14.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-minus expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration-15.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration-16.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration-17.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration-18.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration-19.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function with wrong argument type. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration-20.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-duration" function to evaluate the normalization of the duration. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-duration-21.txt A test whose essence is: `seconds-from-duration()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `seconds-from-duration((), "Wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(seconds-from-duration(()))`. emptydoc K-SecondsFromDurationFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `seconds-from-duration(()) instance of xs:decimal?`. emptydoc K-SecondsFromDurationFunc-4.txt Simple test invoking seconds-from-duration() on a positive duration. emptydoc K-SecondsFromDurationFunc-5.txt Simple test invoking seconds-from-duration() on a negative duration. emptydoc K-SecondsFromDurationFunc-6.txt Simple test invoking minutes-from-seconds() on an negative xs:duration. emptydoc K-SecondsFromDurationFunc-7.txt fn:year-from-dateTime Evaluates the "year-from-dateTime" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc fn-year-from-dateTime1args-1.txt Evaluates the "year-from-dateTime" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dateTime(mid range). emptydoc fn-year-from-dateTime1args-2.txt Evaluates the "year-from-dateTime" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dateTime(upper bound). emptydoc fn-year-from-dateTime1args-3.txt Evaluates the "year-from-dateTime" function as per example 1 (of this function) of the Functions Operators spec. emptydoc fn-year-from-dateTime-1.txt Evaluates the "year-from-dateTime" function as per example 2(of this function) of the Functions Operators spec. emptydoc fn-year-from-dateTime-2.txt Evaluates the "year-from-dateTime" function as per example 3 (of this function) of the Functions Operators spec. emptydoc fn-year-from-dateTime-3.txt Evaluates the "year-from-dateTime" function used as an argument of an avg function. emptydoc fn-year-from-dateTime-4.txt Evaluates the "year-from-dateTime" function using empty sequence as argument. Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-year-from-dateTime-5.txt Evaluates the "year-from-dateTime" function with argument set so that function returns a negative number. emptydoc fn-year-from-dateTime-6.txt Evaluates the "year-from-dateTime" function with argument set so the function returns 0001. emptydoc fn-year-from-dateTime-7.txt Evaluates the "year-from-dateTime" function, which is part of an addition expression. emptydoc fn-year-from-dateTime-8.txt Evaluates the "year-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a subtraction expression. emptydoc fn-year-from-dateTime-9.txt Evaluates the "year-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a multiplication expression. emptydoc fn-year-from-dateTime-10.txt Evaluates the "year-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc fn-year-from-dateTime-11.txt Evaluates the "year-from-dateTime" function, which is part of an idiv expression. emptydoc fn-year-from-dateTime-12.txt Evaluates the "year-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a mod expression. emptydoc fn-year-from-dateTime-13.txt Evaluates the "year-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-plus expression. emptydoc fn-year-from-dateTimeNew-14.txt Evaluates the "year-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-minus expression. emptydoc fn-year-from-dateTimeNew-15.txt Evaluates the "year-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc fn-year-from-dateTime-16.txt Evaluates the "year-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc fn-year-from-dateTime-17.txt Evaluates the "year-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-year-from-dateTime-18.txt Evaluates the "year-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-year-from-dateTime-19.txt A test whose essence is: `year-from-dateTime()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `year-from-dateTime((), "Wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(year-from-dateTime(()))`. emptydoc K-YearFromDateTimeFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `year-from-dateTime(()) instance of xs:integer?`. emptydoc K-YearFromDateTimeFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `year-from-dateTime(xs:dateTime("2001-02-03T08:23:12.43")) eq 2001`. emptydoc K-YearFromDateTimeFunc-5.txt fn:month-from-dateTime Evaluates the "month-from-dateTime" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc fn-month-from-dateTime1args-1.txt Evaluates the "month-from-dateTime" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dateTime(mid range). emptydoc fn-month-from-dateTime1args-2.txt Evaluates the "month-from-dateTime" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dateTime(upper bound). emptydoc fn-month-from-dateTime1args-3.txt Evaluates the "month-from-dateTime" function as per example 1 (of this function) of the Functions Operators spec. emptydoc fn-month-from-dateTime-1.txt Evaluates the "month-from-dateTime" function as per example 2(of this function) of the Functions Operators spec. emptydoc fn-month-from-dateTime-2.txt Evaluates the "month-from-dateTime" function as per example 3 (of this function) of the Functions Operators spec. emptydoc fn-month-from-dateTime-3.txt Evaluates the "month-from-dateTime" function used as an argument of an avg function. emptydoc fn-month-from-dateTime-4.txt Evaluates the "month-from-dateTime" function using empty sequence as argument. Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-month-from-dateTime-5.txt Evaluates the "month-from-dateTime" function with argument set so that function returns 1. emptydoc fn-month-from-dateTime-6.txt Evaluates the "month-from-dateTime" function with argument set so the function returns 12. Use Zulu. emptydoc fn-month-from-dateTime-7.txt Evaluates the "month-from-dateTime" function, which is part of an addition expression. emptydoc fn-month-from-dateTime-8.txt Evaluates the "month-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a subtraction expression. emptydoc fn-month-from-dateTime-9.txt Evaluates the "month-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a multiplication expression. emptydoc fn-month-from-dateTimeNew-10.txt Evaluates the "month-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc fn-month-from-dateTime-11.txt Evaluates the "month-from-dateTime" function, which is part of an idiv expression. emptydoc fn-month-from-dateTime-12.txt Evaluates the "month-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a mod expression. emptydoc fn-month-from-dateTime-13.txt Evaluates the "month-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-plus expression. emptydoc fn-month-from-dateTime-14.txt Evaluates the "month-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-minus expression. emptydoc fn-month-from-dateTime-15.txt Evaluates the "month-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc fn-month-from-dateTime-16.txt Evaluates the "month-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc fn-month-from-dateTime-17.txt Evaluates the "month-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-month-from-dateTime-18.txt Evaluates the "month-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-month-from-dateTime-19.txt A test whose essence is: `month-from-dateTime()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `month-from-dateTime((), "Wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(month-from-dateTime(()))`. emptydoc K-MonthFromDateTimeFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `month-from-dateTime(()) instance of xs:integer?`. emptydoc K-MonthFromDateTimeFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `month-from-dateTime(xs:dateTime("2001-02-03T08:23:12.43")) eq 2`. emptydoc K-MonthFromDateTimeFunc-5.txt fn:day-from-dateTime Evaluates the "day-from-dateTime" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc fn-day-from-dateTime1args-1.txt Evaluates the "day-from-dateTime" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dateTime(mid range). emptydoc fn-day-from-dateTime1args-2.txt Evaluates the "day-from-dateTime" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dateTime(upper bound). emptydoc fn-day-from-dateTime1args-3.txt Evaluates the "day-from-dateTime" function as per example 1 (of this function) of the Functions Operators spec. emptydoc fn-day-from-dateTime-1.txt Evaluates the "day-from-dateTime" function as per example 2(of this function) of the Functions Operators spec. emptydoc fn-day-from-dateTime-2.txt Evaluates the "day-from-dateTime" function as per example 3 (of this function) of the Functions Operators spec. emptydoc fn-day-from-dateTime-3.txt Evaluates the "day-from-dateTime" function used as an argument of an avg function. emptydoc fn-day-from-dateTime-4.txt Evaluates the "day-from-dateTime" function using empty sequence as argument. Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-day-from-dateTime-5.txt Evaluates the "day-from-dateTime" function with argument set so that function returns 1. emptydoc fn-day-from-dateTime-6.txt Evaluates the "day-from-dateTime" function with argument set so the function returns 31. Use Zulu. emptydoc fn-day-from-dateTime-7.txt Evaluates the "day-from-dateTime" function, which is part of an addition expression. emptydoc fn-day-from-dateTime-8.txt Evaluates the "day-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a subtraction expression. emptydoc fn-day-from-dateTime-9.txt Evaluates the "day-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a multiplication expression. emptydoc fn-day-from-dateTimeNew-10.txt Evaluates the "day-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc fn-day-from-dateTime-11.txt Evaluates the "day-from-dateTime" function, which is part of an idiv expression. emptydoc fn-day-from-dateTime-12.txt Evaluates the "day-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a mod expression. emptydoc fn-day-from-dateTime-13.txt Evaluates the "day-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-plus expression. emptydoc fn-day-from-dateTime-14.txt Evaluates the "day-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-minus expression. emptydoc fn-day-from-dateTime-15.txt Evaluates the "day-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc fn-day-from-dateTime-16.txt Evaluates the "day-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc fn-day-from-dateTime-17.txt Evaluates the "day-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-day-from-dateTime-18.txt Evaluates the "day-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-day-from-dateTime-19.txt A test whose essence is: `day-from-dateTime()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `day-from-dateTime((), "Wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(day-from-dateTime(()))`. emptydoc K-DayFromDateTimeFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `day-from-dateTime(()) instance of xs:integer?`. emptydoc K-DayFromDateTimeFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `day-from-dateTime(xs:dateTime("2001-02-03T08:23:12.43")) eq 3`. emptydoc K-DayFromDateTimeFunc-5.txt fn:hours-from-dateTime Evaluates the "hours-from-dateTime" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc fn-hours-from-dateTime1args-1.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-dateTime" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dateTime(mid range). emptydoc fn-hours-from-dateTime1args-2.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-dateTime" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dateTime(upper bound). emptydoc fn-hours-from-dateTime1args-3.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-dateTime" function as per example 1 of the Functions Operators spec. emptydoc fn-hours-from-dateTime-1.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-dateTime" function as per example 2 of the Functions Operators spec. emptydoc fn-hours-from-dateTime-2.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-dateTime" function as per example 3 of the Functions Operators spec. emptydoc fn-hours-from-dateTime-3.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-dateTime" function as per example 4 of the Functions Operators spec. emptydoc fn-hours-from-dateTime-4.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-dateTime" function using empty sequence as argument. Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-hours-from-dateTime-5.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-dateTime" function with argument set so the function returns 0. emptydoc fn-hours-from-dateTime-6.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-dateTime" function with argument set so the function returns 23. emptydoc fn-hours-from-dateTime-7.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-dateTime" function, which is part of an addition expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-dateTime-8.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a substraction expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-dateTime-9.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a multiplication expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-dateTime-10.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-dateTime-11.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-dateTime" function, which is part of an idiv expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-dateTime-12.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a mod expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-dateTime-13.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-plus expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-dateTime-14.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-minus expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-dateTime-15.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc fn-hours-from-dateTime-16.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc fn-hours-from-dateTime-17.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-hours-from-dateTime-18.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-hours-from-dateTime-19.txt A test whose essence is: `hours-from-dateTime()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `hours-from-dateTime((), "Wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(hours-from-dateTime(()))`. emptydoc K-HoursFromDateTimeFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `hours-from-dateTime(()) instance of xs:integer?`. emptydoc K-HoursFromDateTimeFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `hours-from-dateTime(xs:dateTime("2001-02-03T08:23:12.43")) eq 8`. emptydoc K-HoursFromDateTimeFunc-5.txt fn:minutes-from-dateTime Evaluates the "minutes-from-dateTime" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-dateTime1args-1.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-dateTime" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dateTime(mid range). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-dateTime1args-2.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-dateTime" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dateTime(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-dateTime1args-3.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-dateTime" function as per example 1 of the Functions Operators spec. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-dateTime-1.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-dateTime" function as per example 2 of the Functions Operators spec. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-dateTime-2.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (lt operator). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-dateTime-3.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (lee operator). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-dateTime-4.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-dateTime" function using empty sequence as argument. Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-dateTime-5.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-dateTime" function with argument set so the function returns 0. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-dateTime-6.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-dateTime" function with argument set so the function returns 59. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-dateTime-7.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-dateTime" function, which is part of an addition expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-dateTime-8.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a subtraction expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-dateTime-9.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a multiplication expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-dateTime-10.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-dateTime-11.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-dateTime" function, which is part of an idiv expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-dateTime-12.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a mod expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-dateTime-13.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-plus expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-dateTime-14.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-minus expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-dateTime-15.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-dateTime-16.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-dateTime-17.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-dateTime-18.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-dateTime-19.txt A test whose essence is: `minutes-from-dateTime()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `minutes-from-dateTime((), "Wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(minutes-from-dateTime(()))`. emptydoc K-MinutesFromDateTimeFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `minutes-from-dateTime(()) instance of xs:integer?`. emptydoc K-MinutesFromDateTimeFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `minutes-from-dateTime(xs:dateTime("2001-02-03T08:23:12.43")) eq 23`. emptydoc K-MinutesFromDateTimeFunc-5.txt fn:seconds-from-dateTime Evaluates the "seconds-from-dateTime" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-dateTime1args-1.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-dateTime" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dateTime(mid range). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-dateTime1args-2.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-dateTime" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dateTime(upper bound). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-dateTime1args-3.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-dateTime" function as per example 1 of the Functions Operators spec. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-dateTime-1.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-dateTime" function as as an argument to the "avg" function. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-dateTime-2.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (lt operator). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-dateTime-3.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-dateTime-4.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-dateTime" function using empty sequence as argument. Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-dateTime-5.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-dateTime" function with argument set so the function returns 0. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-dateTime-6.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-dateTime" function with argument set so the function returns 59. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-dateTime-7.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-dateTime" function, which is part of an addition expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-dateTime-8.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a subtraction expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-dateTime-9.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a multiplication expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-dateTime-10.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-dateTime-11.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-dateTime" function, which is part of an idiv expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-dateTime-12.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a mod expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-dateTime-13.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-plus expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-dateTime-14.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-minus expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-dateTime-15.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-dateTime-16.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-dateTime-17.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-dateTime-18.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-dateTime-19.txt A test whose essence is: `seconds-from-dateTime()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `seconds-from-dateTime((), "Wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(seconds-from-dateTime(()))`. emptydoc K-SecondsFromDateTimeFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `seconds-from-dateTime(()) instance of xs:decimal?`. emptydoc K-SecondsFromDateTimeFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `seconds-from-dateTime(xs:dateTime("2001-02-03T08:23:12.43")) eq 12.43`. emptydoc K-SecondsFromDateTimeFunc-5.txt fn:timezone-from-dateTime Evaluates the "timezone-from-dateTime" function as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-dateTimealt-1.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-dateTime" function as as per example 2 (for this function) of the Functions and operators spec. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-dateTimealt-2.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-dateTime" function as as per example 3 (for this function) of the Functions and operators spec. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-dateTimealt-3.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-timezone-from-dateTimealt-4.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-dateTime" function using empty sequence as argument. Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-dateTimealt-5.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-dateTime" function with argument set so the function returns a dayTimeDuration of 0. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-dateTimealt-6.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-dateTime" function that uses a timezone of "-00:00". emptydoc fn-timezone-from-dateTimealt-7.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-dateTime" function, which is part of an addition expression. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-dateTimealt-8.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a subtraction expression. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-dateTimealt-9.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-dateTime" function as an argument to the "fn:not" function. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-dateTimealt-10.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-dateTimealt-11.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-dateTime" function as an argument to the fn:number function. Should return NaN. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-dateTimealt-12.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-dateTime" function used as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-dateTimealt-13.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-dateTime" function as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-dateTimealt-14.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-dateTime" function, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-dateTimealt-15.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc fn-timezone-from-dateTimealt-16.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc fn-timezone-from-dateTimealt-17.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-timezone-from-dateTimealt-18.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-dateTime" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-timezone-from-dateTimealt-19.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-dateTime" function, which is part of an "or" expression. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-dateTimealt-20.txt A test whose essence is: `timezone-from-dateTime()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `timezone-from-dateTime((), "Wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(timezone-from-dateTime(()))`. emptydoc K-TimezoneFromDateTimeFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `timezone-from-dateTime(()) instance of xs:dayTimeDuration?`. emptydoc K-TimezoneFromDateTimeFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `timezone-from-dateTime(xs:dateTime("2004-10-12T23:43:12Z")) eq xs:dayTimeDuration("PT0S")`. emptydoc K-TimezoneFromDateTimeFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `timezone-from-dateTime(xs:dateTime("2004-10-12T23:43:12-08:23")) eq xs:dayTimeDuration("-PT8H23M")`. emptydoc K-TimezoneFromDateTimeFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(timezone-from-dateTime(xs:dateTime("2004-12-10T23:43:41.965")))`. emptydoc K-TimezoneFromDateTimeFunc-7.txt fn:year-from-date Evaluates the "year-from-date" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc fn-year-from-date1args-1.txt Evaluates the "year-from-date" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:date(mid range). emptydoc fn-year-from-date1args-2.txt Evaluates the "year-from-date" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:date(upper bound). emptydoc fn-year-from-date1args-3.txt Evaluates the "year-from-date" function as per example 1 of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc fn-year-from-date-1.txt Evaluates the "year-from-date" function as as per example 2 of the Functions and operators spec. emptydoc fn-year-from-date-2.txt Evaluates the "year-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (lt operator). emptydoc fn-year-from-date-3.txt Evaluates the "year-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-year-from-date-4.txt Evaluates the "year-from-date" function using empty sequence as argument. Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-year-from-date-5.txt Evaluates the "year-from-date" function with argument set so the function returns 1. emptydoc fn-year-from-date-6.txt Evaluates the "year-from-date" function with argument set so the function returns a negative number. emptydoc fn-year-from-date-7.txt Evaluates the "year-from-date" function, which is part of an addition expression. emptydoc fn-year-from-date-8.txt Evaluates the "year-from-date" function, which is part of a subtraction expression. emptydoc fn-year-from-date-9.txt Evaluates the "year-from-date" function, which is part of a multiplication expression. emptydoc fn-year-from-date-10.txt Evaluates the "year-from-date" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc fn-year-from-date-11.txt Evaluates the "year-from-date" function, which is part of an idiv expression. emptydoc fn-year-from-date-12.txt Evaluates the "year-from-date" function, which is part of a mod expression. emptydoc fn-year-from-date-13.txt Evaluates the "year-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-plus expression. emptydoc fn-year-from-date-14.txt Evaluates the "year-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-minus expression. emptydoc fn-year-from-date-15.txt Evaluates the "year-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc fn-year-from-date-16.txt Evaluates the "year-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc fn-year-from-date-17.txt Evaluates the "year-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-year-from-date-18.txt Evaluates the "year-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-year-from-date-19.txt A test whose essence is: `year-from-date()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `year-from-date((), "Wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(year-from-date(()))`. emptydoc K-YearFromDateFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `year-from-date(()) instance of xs:integer?`. emptydoc K-YearFromDateFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `year-from-date(xs:date("2000-02-03")) eq 2000`. emptydoc K-YearFromDateFunc-5.txt fn:month-from-date Evaluates the "month-from-date" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc fn-month-from-date1args-1.txt Evaluates the "month-from-date" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:date(mid range). emptydoc fn-month-from-date1args-2.txt Evaluates the "month-from-date" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:date(upper bound). emptydoc fn-month-from-date1args-3.txt Evaluates the "month-from-date" function as per example 1 of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc fn-month-from-date-1.txt Evaluates the "month-from-date" function as as per example 2 of the Functions and operators spec. emptydoc fn-month-from-date-2.txt Evaluates the "month-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (lt operator). emptydoc fn-month-from-date-3.txt Evaluates the "month-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-month-from-date-4.txt Evaluates the "month-from-date" function using empty sequence as argument. Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-month-from-date-5.txt Evaluates the "month-from-date" function with argument set so the function returns 1. emptydoc fn-month-from-date-6.txt Evaluates the "month-from-date" function with argument set so the function returns 12. emptydoc fn-month-from-date-7.txt Evaluates the "month-from-date" function, which is part of an addition expression. emptydoc fn-month-from-date-8.txt Evaluates the "month-from-date" function, which is part of a subtraction expression. emptydoc fn-month-from-date-9.txt Evaluates the "month-from-date" function, which is part of a multiplication expression. emptydoc fn-month-from-date-10.txt Evaluates the "month-from-date" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc fn-month-from-date-11.txt Evaluates the "month-from-date" function, which is part of an idiv expression. emptydoc fn-month-from-date-12.txt Evaluates the "month-from-date" function, which is part of a mod expression. emptydoc fn-month-from-date-13.txt Evaluates the "month-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-plus expression. emptydoc fn-month-from-date-14.txt Evaluates the "month-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-minus expression. emptydoc fn-month-from-date-15.txt Evaluates the "month-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc fn-month-from-date-16.txt Evaluates the "month-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc fn-month-from-date-17.txt Evaluates the "month-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-month-from-date-18.txt Evaluates the "month-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-month-from-date-19.txt A test whose essence is: `month-from-date()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `month-from-date((), "Wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(month-from-date(()))`. emptydoc K-MonthFromDateFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `month-from-date(()) instance of xs:integer?`. emptydoc K-MonthFromDateFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `month-from-date(xs:date("2000-02-03")) eq 2`. emptydoc K-MonthFromDateFunc-5.txt fn:day-from-date Evaluates the "day-from-date" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc fn-day-from-date1args-1.txt Evaluates the "day-from-date" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:date(mid range). emptydoc fn-day-from-date1args-2.txt Evaluates the "day-from-date" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:date(upper bound). emptydoc fn-day-from-date1args-3.txt Evaluates the "day-from-date" function as per example 1 of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc fn-day-from-date-1.txt Evaluates the "day-from-date" function as as per example 2 of the Functions and operators spec. emptydoc fn-day-from-date-2.txt Evaluates the "day-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (lt operator). emptydoc fn-day-from-date-3.txt Evaluates the "day-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-day-from-date-4.txt Evaluates the "day-from-date" function using empty sequence as argument. Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-day-from-date-5.txt Evaluates the "day-from-date" function with argument set so the function returns 31. emptydoc fn-day-from-date-6.txt Evaluates the "day-from-date" function used as arguments to an avg function. emptydoc fn-day-from-date-7.txt Evaluates the "day-from-date" function, which is part of an addition expression. emptydoc fn-day-from-date-8.txt Evaluates the "day-from-date" function, which is part of a subtraction expression. emptydoc fn-day-from-date-9.txt Evaluates the "day-from-date" function, which is part of a multiplication expression. emptydoc fn-day-from-date-10.txt Evaluates the "day-from-date" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc fn-day-from-date-11.txt Evaluates the "day-from-date" function, which is part of an idiv expression. emptydoc fn-day-from-date-12.txt Evaluates the "day-from-date" function, which is part of a mod expression. emptydoc fn-day-from-date-13.txt Evaluates the "day-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-plus expression. emptydoc fn-day-from-date-14.txt Evaluates the "day-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-minus expression. emptydoc fn-day-from-date-15.txt Evaluates the "day-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc fn-day-from-date-16.txt Evaluates the "day-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc fn-day-from-date-17.txt Evaluates the "day-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-day-from-date-18.txt Evaluates the "day-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-day-from-date-19.txt A test whose essence is: `day-from-date()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `day-from-date((), "Wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(day-from-date(()))`. emptydoc K-DayFromDateFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `day-from-date(()) instance of xs:integer?`. emptydoc K-DayFromDateFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `day-from-date(xs:date("2000-02-03")) eq 3`. emptydoc K-DayFromDateFunc-5.txt fn:timezone-from-date Evaluates the "timezone-from-date" function as per example 1 of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-date-1.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-date" function as as per example 2 of the Functions and operators spec. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-date-2.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (lt operator). emptydoc fn-timezone-from-date-3.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-timezone-from-date-4.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-date" function using empty sequence as argument. Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-date-5.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-date" function with argument set so the function returns a dayTimeDuration of 0. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-date-6.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-date" function that uses a timezone of "-00:00". emptydoc fn-timezone-from-date-7.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-date" function, which is part of an addition expression. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-date-8.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-date" function, which is part of a subtraction expression. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-date-9.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-date" function as an argument to the "fn:not" function. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-date-10.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-date" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-date-11.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-date" function as an argument to the fn:number function. Should return NaN. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-date-12.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-date" function used as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-date-13.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-date" function as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-date-14.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-date" function, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-date-15.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc fn-timezone-from-date-16.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc fn-timezone-from-date-17.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-timezone-from-date-18.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-date" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-timezone-from-date-19.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-date" function, which is part of an "or" expression. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-date-20.txt A test whose essence is: `timezone-from-date()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `timezone-from-date((), "Wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(timezone-from-date(()))`. emptydoc K-TimezoneFromDateFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `timezone-from-date(()) instance of xs:dayTimeDuration?`. emptydoc K-TimezoneFromDateFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `timezone-from-date(xs:date("2004-10-12Z")) eq xs:dayTimeDuration("PT0S")`. emptydoc K-TimezoneFromDateFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `timezone-from-date(xs:date("2004-10-12-08:23")) eq xs:dayTimeDuration("-PT8H23M")`. emptydoc K-TimezoneFromDateFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(timezone-from-date(xs:date("2004-10-12")))`. emptydoc K-TimezoneFromDateFunc-7.txt fn:hours-from-time Evaluates the "hours-from-time" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc fn-hours-from-time1args-1.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-time" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:time(mid range). emptydoc fn-hours-from-time1args-2.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-time" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:time(upper bound). emptydoc fn-hours-from-time1args-3.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-time" function as per example 1 (of this function) of the Functions Operators spec. emptydoc fn-hours-from-time-1.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-time" function as per example 2 (of this function) of the Functions Operators spec. emptydoc fn-hours-from-time-2.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-time" function as per example 3 (of this function) of the Functions Operators spec. emptydoc fn-hours-from-time-3.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-time" function as per example 4 (of this function) of the Functions Operators spec. emptydoc fn-hours-from-time-4.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-time" function using empty sequence as argument. Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-hours-from-time-5.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-time" function with argument set so the function returns 0. emptydoc fn-hours-from-time-6.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-time" function with argument set so the function returns 23. emptydoc fn-hours-from-time-7.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-time" function, which is part of an addition expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-time-8.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-time" function, which is part of a substraction expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-time-9.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-time" function, which is part of a multiplication expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-time-10.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-time" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-time-11.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-time" function, which is part of an idiv expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-time-12.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-time" function, which is part of a mod expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-time-13.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-plus expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-time-14.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-minus expression. emptydoc fn-hours-from-time-15.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc fn-hours-from-time-16.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc fn-hours-from-time-17.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-hours-from-time-18.txt Evaluates the "hours-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-hours-from-time-19.txt A test whose essence is: `hours-from-time()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `hours-from-time((), "Wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(hours-from-time(()))`. emptydoc K-HoursFromTimeFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `hours-from-time(()) instance of xs:integer?`. emptydoc K-HoursFromTimeFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `hours-from-time(xs:time("23:11:12.43")) eq 23`. emptydoc K-HoursFromTimeFunc-5.txt fn:minutes-from-time Evaluates the "minutes-from-time" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-time1args-1.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-time" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:time(mid range). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-time1args-2.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-time" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:time(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-time1args-3.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-time" function as per example 1 (of this function) of the Functions Operators spec. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-time-1.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-time" function used as part of a numeric less than operation (lt operator). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-time-2.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-time" function as part of a numeric greater than operation (gt operator). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-time-3.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-time" function used as an argument to an avg function. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-time-4.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-time" function using empty sequence as argument. Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-time-5.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-time" function with argument set so the function returns 59. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-time-6.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-time" function as part of an abs function. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-time-7.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-time" function, which is part of an addition expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-time-8.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-time" function, which is part of a subtraction expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-time-9.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-time" function, which is part of a multiplication expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-time-10.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-time" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-time-11.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-time" function, which is part of an idiv expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-time-12.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-time" function, which is part of a mod expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-time-13.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-plus expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-time-14.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-minus expression. emptydoc fn-minutes-from-time-15.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-time-16.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-time-17.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-time-18.txt Evaluates the "minutes-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-minutes-from-time-19.txt A test whose essence is: `minutes-from-time()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `minutes-from-time((), "Wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(minutes-from-time(()))`. emptydoc K-MinutesFromTimeFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `minutes-from-time(()) instance of xs:integer?`. emptydoc K-MinutesFromTimeFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `minutes-from-time(xs:time("23:11:12.43")) eq 11`. emptydoc K-MinutesFromTimeFunc-5.txt fn:seconds-from-time Evaluates the "seconds-from-time" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-time1args-1.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-time" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:time(mid range). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-time1args-2.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-time" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:time(upper bound). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-time1args-3.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-time" function as per example 1 (of this function) of the Functions Operators spec. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-time-1.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-time" function used as part of a numeric less than operation (lt operator). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-time-2.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-time" function as part of a numeric greater than operation (gt operator). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-time-3.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-time" function used as an argument to an avg function. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-time-4.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-time" function using empty sequence as argument. Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-time-5.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-time" function with argument set so the function returns 0. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-time-6.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-time" function with argument set to return 59. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-time-7.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-time" function, which is part of an addition expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-time-8.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-time" function, which is part of a subtraction expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-time-9.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-time" function, which is part of a multiplication expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-time-10.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-time" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-time-11.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-time" function, which is part of an idiv expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-time-12.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-time" function, which is part of a mod expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-time-13.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-plus expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-time-14.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-unary-minus expression. emptydoc fn-seconds-from-time-15.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-time-16.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-time-17.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-time-18.txt Evaluates the "seconds-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-seconds-from-time-19.txt A test whose essence is: `seconds-from-time()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `seconds-from-time((), "Wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(seconds-from-time(()))`. emptydoc K-SecondsFromTimeFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `seconds-from-time(()) instance of xs:decimal?`. emptydoc K-SecondsFromTimeFunc-4.txt Simple test invoking seconds-from-time(). emptydoc K-SecondsFromTimeFunc-5.txt fn:timezone-from-time Evaluates the "timezone-from-time" function as per example 1 (for this function) of the Functions and Operators spec. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-time-1.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-time" function as as per example 2 (for this function) of the Functions and operators spec. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-time-2.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-time" function as part of a numeric-greater-tha expression (gt operator). emptydoc fn-timezone-from-time-3.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-less-than expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-timezone-from-time-4.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-time" function using empty sequence as argument. Use of fn:count to avoid empty file. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-time-5.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-time" function with argument set so the function returns a dayTimeDuration of 0. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-time-6.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-time" function that uses a timezone of "-00:00". emptydoc fn-timezone-from-time-7.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-time" function, which is part of an addition expression. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-time-8.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-time" function, which is part of a subtraction expression. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-time-9.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-time" function as an argument to the "fn:not" function. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-time-10.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-time" function, which is part of a div expression. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-time-11.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-time" function as an argument to the fn:number function. Should return NaN. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-time-12.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-time" function used as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-time-13.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-time" function as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-time-14.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-time" function, which is part of an "and" expression. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-time-15.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (eq operator). emptydoc fn-timezone-from-time-16.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ne operator). emptydoc fn-timezone-from-time-17.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (le operator). emptydoc fn-timezone-from-time-18.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-time" function, which is part of a numeric-equal expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-timezone-from-time-19.txt Evaluates the "timezone-from-time" function, which is part of an "or" expression. emptydoc fn-timezone-from-time-20.txt A test whose essence is: `timezone-from-time()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `timezone-from-time((), "Wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(timezone-from-time(()))`. emptydoc K-TimezoneFromTimeFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `timezone-from-time(()) instance of xs:dayTimeDuration?`. emptydoc K-TimezoneFromTimeFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `timezone-from-time(xs:time("23:43:12.765Z")) eq xs:dayTimeDuration("PT0S")`. emptydoc K-TimezoneFromTimeFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `timezone-from-time(xs:time("23:43:12.765-08:23")) eq xs:dayTimeDuration("-PT8H23M")`. emptydoc K-TimezoneFromTimeFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(timezone-from-time(xs:time("23:43:12.765")))`. emptydoc K-TimezoneFromTimeFunc-7.txt Timezone Adjustment on Dates and Time Values fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone Evaluates the "adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dateTime(lower bound). emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone1args-1.txt Evaluates the "adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dateTime(mid range). emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone1args-2.txt Evaluates the "adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:dateTime(upper bound). emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone1args-3.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function as per example 1 for this function from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-1.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function as per example 2 for this function from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-2.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function as per example 3 for this function from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-3.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function as per example 4 for this function from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-4.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function as per example 5 for this function from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-5.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function as per example 6 for this function from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-6.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function as per example 7 for this function from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-7.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function as per example 8 for this function from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-8.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function as part of expression that yields a negative number (two adjust-dateTime-to-timezone functions used). emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-9.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function as part of subtraction expression. emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-10.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-11.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-12.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function as an argument to the "fn:not" function. emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-13.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function as part of a boolean (or) expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-14.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function as part of a boolean (or) expression and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-15.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function as part of a boolean (and) expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-16.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function as part of a boolean (and) expression and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-17.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function as part of a subtraction expression that yields a negative number (an adjust-dateTime-to-timezone function and an xs:dateTime constructor used). emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-18.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function where an xs:dateTime value is subtracted. emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-19.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function as part of a comparison expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-20.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" function where teh first argument is the empty sequence. emptydoc fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-21.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" with the value of $timezone is less than -PT14H. emptydoc FODT0003 Evaluates the "fn:adjust-dateTime-to-timezone" with the value of $timezone is greater than PT14H. emptydoc FODT0003 A test whose essence is: `adjust-dateTime-to-timezone()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `adjust-dateTime-to-timezone((), (), "WRONG PARAM")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(adjust-dateTime-to-timezone(()))`. emptydoc K-AdjDateTimeToTimezoneFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(adjust-dateTime-to-timezone((), ()))`. emptydoc K-AdjDateTimeToTimezoneFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `adjust-dateTime-to-timezone(()) instance of xs:dateTime?`. emptydoc K-AdjDateTimeToTimezoneFunc-5.txt Test that the implicit timezone in the dynamic context is used if $timezone is empty; indirectly also tests context stability. emptydoc K-AdjDateTimeToTimezoneFunc-6.txt Passing a too large xs:dayTimeDuration as timezone to adjust-dateTime-to-timezone(). emptydoc FODT0003 Passing a too small xs:dayTimeDuration as timezone to adjust-dateTime-to-timezone(). emptydoc FODT0003 Passing a xs:dayTimeDuration as timezone to adjust-dateTime-to-timezone() which isn't an integral number of minutes. emptydoc FODT0003 Example from F&O. emptydoc K-AdjDateTimeToTimezoneFunc-10.txt Example from F&O. emptydoc K-AdjDateTimeToTimezoneFunc-11.txt Example from F&O. emptydoc K-AdjDateTimeToTimezoneFunc-12.txt Example from F&O. emptydoc K-AdjDateTimeToTimezoneFunc-13.txt Example from F&O. emptydoc K-AdjDateTimeToTimezoneFunc-14.txt Example from F&O. emptydoc K-AdjDateTimeToTimezoneFunc-15.txt Example from F&O. emptydoc K-AdjDateTimeToTimezoneFunc-16.txt Ensure dateTime values are properly normalized. emptydoc K2-AdjDateTimeToTimezoneFunc-1.txt fn:adjust-date-to-timezone Evaluates the "adjust-date-to-timezone" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:date(lower bound). emptydoc fn-adjust-date-to-timezone1args-1.txt Evaluates the "adjust-date-to-timezone" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:date(mid range). emptydoc fn-adjust-date-to-timezone1args-2.txt Evaluates the "adjust-date-to-timezone" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:date(upper bound). emptydoc fn-adjust-date-to-timezone1args-3.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-date-to-timezone" function as per example 1 for this function from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-1.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-date-to-timezone" function as per example 2 for this function from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-2.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-date-to-timezone" function as per example 3 for this function from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-3.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-date-to-timezone" function as per example 4 for this function from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-4.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-date-to-timezone" function as per example 5 for this function from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-5.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-date-to-timezone" function as per example 6 for this function from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-6.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-date-to-timezone" function using the empty sequence as the value for the first argument. emptydoc fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-7.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-date-to-timezone" function as part of expression that yields a negative number (two adjust-date-to-timezone functions used). emptydoc fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-9.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-date-to-timezone" function as part of subtraction expression. emptydoc fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-10.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-date-to-timezone" function as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-11.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-date-to-timezone" function as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-12.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-date-to-timezone" function as an argument to the "fn:not" function. emptydoc fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-13.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-date-to-timezone" function as part of a boolean (or) expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-14.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-date-to-timezone" function as part of a boolean (or) expression and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-15.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-date-to-timezone" function as part of a boolean (and) expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-16.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-date-to-timezone" function as part of a boolean (and) expression and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-17.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-date-to-timezone" function as part of a subtraction expression that yields a negative number (an adjust-date-to-timezone function and an xs:date constructor used). emptydoc fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-18.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-date-to-timezone" function where an xs:date value is subtracted. emptydoc fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-19.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-date-to-timezone" function as part of a comparison expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-20.txt A test whose essence is: `adjust-date-to-timezone()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `adjust-date-to-timezone((), (), "WRONG PARAM")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(adjust-date-to-timezone(()))`. emptydoc K-AdjDateToTimezoneFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(adjust-date-to-timezone((), ()))`. emptydoc K-AdjDateToTimezoneFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `adjust-date-to-timezone(()) instance of xs:date?`. emptydoc K-AdjDateToTimezoneFunc-5.txt Passing a too large xs:dayTimeDuration as timezone to adjust-date-to-timezone(). emptydoc FODT0003 Passing a too small xs:dayTimeDuration as timezone to adjust-date-to-timezone(). emptydoc FODT0003 Passing a xs:dayTimeDuration as timezone to adjust-date-to-timezone() which isn't an integral number of minutes. emptydoc FODT0003 Example from F&O. emptydoc K-AdjDateToTimezoneFunc-9.txt Example from F&O. emptydoc K-AdjDateToTimezoneFunc-10.txt Example from F&O. emptydoc K-AdjDateToTimezoneFunc-11.txt Example from F&O. emptydoc K-AdjDateToTimezoneFunc-12.txt Example from F&O. emptydoc K-AdjDateToTimezoneFunc-13.txt Example from F&O. emptydoc K-AdjDateToTimezoneFunc-14.txt fn:adjust-time-to-timezone Evaluates the "adjust-time-to-timezone" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:time(lower bound). emptydoc fn-adjust-time-to-timezone1args-1.txt Evaluates the "adjust-time-to-timezone" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:time(mid range). emptydoc fn-adjust-time-to-timezone1args-2.txt Evaluates the "adjust-time-to-timezone" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:time(upper bound). emptydoc fn-adjust-time-to-timezone1args-3.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone" function as per example 1 for this function from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-1.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone" function as per example 2 for this function from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-2.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone" function as per example 3 for this function from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-3.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone" function as per example 4 for this function from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-4.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone" function as per example 5 for this function from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-5.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone" function as per example 6 for this function from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-6.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone" function as per example 7 for this function from the F and O specs. emptydoc fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-7.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone" function using the empty sequence as the first argument to the function. emptydoc fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-8.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone" function as part of expression that yields a negative number (two adjust-time-to-timezone functions used). emptydoc fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-9.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone" function as part of subtraction expression. emptydoc fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-10.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone" function as an argument to the "fn:string" function. emptydoc fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-11.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone" function as an argument to the "fn:boolean" function. emptydoc fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-12.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone" function as an argument to the "fn:not" function. emptydoc fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-13.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone" function as part of a boolean (or) expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-14.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone" function as part of a boolean (or) expression and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-15.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone" function as part of a boolean (and) expression and the "fn:true" function. emptydoc fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-16.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone" function as part of a boolean (and) expression and the "fn:false" function. emptydoc fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-17.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone" function as part of a subtraction expression that yields a negative number (an adjust-time-to-timezone function and an xs:date constructor used). emptydoc fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-18.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone" function where an xs:date value is subtracted. emptydoc fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-19.txt Evaluates the "fn:adjust-time-to-timezone" function as part of a comparison expression (ge operator). emptydoc fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-20.txt A test whose essence is: `adjust-time-to-timezone()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `adjust-time-to-timezone((), (), "WRONG PARAM")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(adjust-time-to-timezone(()))`. emptydoc K-AdjTimeToTimezoneFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(adjust-time-to-timezone((), ()))`. emptydoc K-AdjTimeToTimezoneFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `adjust-time-to-timezone(()) instance of xs:time?`. emptydoc K-AdjTimeToTimezoneFunc-5.txt Passing a too large xs:dayTimeDuration as timezone to adjust-time-to-timezone(). emptydoc FODT0003 Passing a too small xs:dayTimeDuration as timezone to adjust-time-to-timezone(). emptydoc FODT0003 Passing a xs:dayTimeDuration as timezone to adjust-time-to-timezone() which isn't an integral number of minutes. emptydoc FODT0003 Test that the implicit timezone in the dynamic context is used if $timezone is empty; indirectly also tests context stability. emptydoc K-AdjTimeToTimezoneFunc-9.txt Example from F&O. emptydoc K-AdjTimeToTimezoneFunc-10.txt Example from F&O. emptydoc K-AdjTimeToTimezoneFunc-11.txt Example from F&O. emptydoc K-AdjTimeToTimezoneFunc-12.txt Example from F&O. emptydoc K-AdjTimeToTimezoneFunc-13.txt Example from F&O. emptydoc K-AdjTimeToTimezoneFunc-14.txt Example from F&O. emptydoc K-AdjTimeToTimezoneFunc-15.txt Example from F&O. emptydoc K-AdjTimeToTimezoneFunc-16.txt Functions Related to QNames Additional Constructor Functions for QNames fn:resolve-QName Evaluation of fn-resolve-QName, where the given qname does not have the correct lexical form. emptydoc FOCA0002 Evaluation of fn-resolve-QName, where the given qname have a prefix that and there is no namespace binding for the element. emptydoc FONS0004 Evaluation of fn-resolve-QName, where the given qname is the empty sequence. emptydoc fn-resolve-qname-3.txt Evaluation of fn-resolve-QName, where the given qname has a prefix and the element have a matching namespace declaration (same prefix). Second argument is a direct element, use local-name-from-QName. emptydoc fn-resolve-qname-4.txt Evaluation of fn-resolve-QName, where the given qname has a prefix and the element have a matching namespace declaration (same prefix). Second argument is a direct element, use namespace-uri-from-QName. emptydoc fn-resolve-qname-5.txt Evaluation of fn-resolve-QName, where the given qname has a prefix and the element have a matching namespace declaration (multiple prefixes). Second argument is a direct element, use local-name-from-QName. emptydoc fn-resolve-qname-6.txt Evaluation of fn-resolve-QName, where the given qname has a prefix and the element have a matching namespace declaration (multiple prefixes). Second argument is a direct element, use namespace-uri-from-QName. emptydoc fn-resolve-qname-7.txt Evaluation of fn-resolve-QName, where the given qname has no prefix and the element have namespace declaration. Second argument is a direct element, use local-name-from-QName. emptydoc fn-resolve-qname-8.txt Evaluation of fn-resolve-QName, where the given qname has no prefix and the element have namespace declaration. Second argument is a direct element, use namespace-uri-from-QName. emptydoc fn-resolve-qname-9.txt Evaluation of fn-resolve-QName, where the given qname has no prefix and the element have namespace declaration with prefix. Second argument is a direct element, use namespace-uri-from-QName. emptydoc fn-resolve-qname-10.txt Evaluation of fn-resolve-QName, where the given qname has a prefix used together with xs:string and the element have namespace declaration with prefix. Second argument is a direct element, use local-name-from-Qname. emptydoc fn-resolve-qname-11.txt Evaluation of fn-resolve-QName, where the given qname has a prefix used together with xs:string and the element have namespace declaration with prefix. Second argument is a direct element, use namespace-uri-from-Qname. emptydoc fn-resolve-qname-12.txt Evaluation of fn-resolve-QName, where the given qname has a prefix used together with fn:concat and the element have namespace declaration with prefix. Second argument is a direct element, use local-name-from-Qname. emptydoc fn-resolve-qname-13.txt Evaluation of fn-resolve-QName, where the given qname has a prefix used together with fn:concat and the element have namespace declaration with prefix. Second argument is a direct element, use namespace-uri-from-Qname. emptydoc fn-resolve-qname-14.txt Evaluation of fn-resolve-QName, where the given qname has a prefix used together with fn:string-join and the element have namespace declaration with prefix. Second argument is a direct element, use local-name-from-Qname. emptydoc fn-resolve-qname-15.txt Evaluation of fn-resolve-QName, where the given qname has a prefix used together with fn:string-join and the element have namespace declaration with prefix. Second argument is a direct element, use namespace-uri-from-Qname. emptydoc fn-resolve-qname-16.txt Evaluation of fn-resolve-QName, where the given qname has a prefix used together with fn:substring-before and the element have namespace declaration with prefix. Second argument is a direct element, use local-name-from-Qname. emptydoc fn-resolve-qname-17.txt Evaluation of fn-resolve-QName, where the given qname has a prefix used together with fn:substring-before and the element have namespace declaration with prefix. Second argument is a direct element, use namespace-uri-from-Qname. emptydoc fn-resolve-qname-18.txt Evaluation of fn-resolve-QName, where the given qname has a prefix used together with fn:substring-after and the element have namespace declaration with prefix. Second argument is a direct element, use local-name-from-Qname. emptydoc fn-resolve-qname-19.txt Evaluation of fn-resolve-QName, where the given qname has a prefix used together with fn:substring-after and the element have namespace declaration with prefix. Second argument is a direct element, use namespace-uri-from-Qname. emptydoc fn-resolve-qname-20.txt Evaluation of fn-resolve-QName, where the given qname has a prefix used together with fn:substring and the element have namespace declaration with prefix. Second argument is a direct element, use local-name-from-Qname. emptydoc fn-resolve-qname-21.txt Evaluation of fn-resolve-QName, where the given qname has a prefix used together with fn:substring and the element have namespace declaration with prefix. Second argument is a direct element, use namespace-uri-from-Qname. emptydoc fn-resolve-qname-22.txt A test whose essence is: `resolve-QName()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `resolve-QName("wrongparam")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `resolve-QName("wrongparam", "takes a node", "wrong")`. emptydoc XPST0017 Although the second argument contains a type error(because an element is expected), it is also valid to return the empty sequence because one must not evaluate all arguments. emptydoc K-ResolveQNameConstructFunc-4.txt XPTY0004 fn:QName Returns an xs:QName with the namespace URI given in the first argument and the local name and prefix in the second argument. Test function fn:QName. Simple use case from functions and operators spec. emptydoc ExpandedQNameConstructFunc001.xml Test function fn:QName. Simple use case from functions and operators spec. emptydoc ExpandedQNameConstructFunc002.xml Test function fn:QName. Simple use case for 'no namespace' QName. emptydoc ExpandedQNameConstructFunc003.xml Test function fn:QName. Simple use case for 'no namespace' QName. emptydoc ExpandedQNameConstructFunc004.xml Test function fn:QName. Error case - local name contains a prefix, but no namespace URI is specified. emptydoc FOCA0002 Test function fn:QName. Error case - local name contains a prefix, but no namespace URI is specified. emptydoc FOCA0002 Test function fn:QName. Error case - invalid lexical representation for the local-name part. emptydoc FOCA0002 Test function fn:QName. Error case - invalid lexical representation for the local-name part. emptydoc FOCA0002 Test function fn:QName. Error case - invalid lexical representation for the local-name part. emptydoc FOCA0002 Test function fn:QName. Error case - invalid lexical representation for the local-name part. emptydoc FOCA0002 Test function fn:QName. Error case - invalid lexical representation for the local-name part. emptydoc FOCA0002 Test function fn:QName. Error case - invalid lexical representation for the local-name part. emptydoc FOCA0002 Test function fn:QName. Error case - wrong number of input parameters. emptydoc XPST0017 Test function fn:QName. Error case - wrong number of input parameters. emptydoc XPST0017 Test function fn:QName. Error case - invalid input type for parameters (integer). emptydoc XPTY0004 Test function fn:QName. Error case - invalid input type for parameters (integer). emptydoc XPTY0004 Test function fn:QName. Select local-name part from source document. fsx ExpandedQNameConstructFunc017.xml Test function fn:QName. Select local-name part from source document. fsx ExpandedQNameConstructFunc018.xml Test function fn:QName. Error case - zero length string for local-name. emptydoc FOCA0002 Test function fn:QName. Local-name references an already defined namespace prefix which is assigned to a different URI. emptydoc ExpandedQNameConstructFunc020.xml Test function fn:QName. Local-name references an already defined namespace prefix which is assigned to a different URI. emptydoc ExpandedQNameConstructFunc021.xml Test function xs:QName with argument not set to a string literal. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `QName()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `QName("http://www.example.com/")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `QName("http://www.example.com/", "ncname", "error")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `QName("http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions", "prefix:local") eq xs:QName("fn:local")`. emptydoc K-ExpandedQNameConstructFunc-4.txt A QName cannot start with a digit. emptydoc FOCA0002 A test whose essence is: `QName("", "error:ncname")`. emptydoc FOCA0002 A test whose essence is: `QName((), "error:ncname")`. emptydoc FOCA0002 URI/QName arguments appearing in wrong order, leading to an invalid QName. emptydoc FOCA0002 A test whose essence is: `QName("", "local") eq xs:QName("local")`. emptydoc K-ExpandedQNameConstructFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `QName((), "local") eq xs:QName("local")`. emptydoc K-ExpandedQNameConstructFunc-10.txt The last argument must be a string. emptydoc XPTY0004 fn:local-name-from-QName Function Returns an xs:NCName representing the local-name part of the single xs:QName argument Test function fn:local-name-from-QName. Using QName element as input. QNameSource LocalNameFromQNameFunc001.txt Test function fn:local-name-from-QName. Using QName attribute as input. QNameSource LocalNameFromQNameFunc002.txt Test function fn:local-name-from-QName. Using element derived from QName as input. QNameSource LocalNameFromQNameFunc003.txt Test function fn:local-name-from-QName. Using attribute derived from QName as input. QNameSource LocalNameFromQNameFunc004.txt Test function fn:local-name-from-QName. Check return type of function is xs:NCName. QNameSource LocalNameFromQNameFunc005.txt Test function fn:local-name-from-QName. Empty sequence literal as input. emptydoc LocalNameFromQNameFunc006.xml Test function fn:local-name-from-QName. Empty sequence literal as input. emptydoc LocalNameFromQNameFunc007.xml Test function fn:local-name-from-QName. Error case - invalid parameter type (string). emptydoc XPTY0004 Test function fn:local-name-from-QName. Error case - multiple input values. QNameSource XPTY0004 Test function fn:local-name-from-QName. Error case - no input parameter. emptydoc XPST0017 Test function fn:local-name-from-QName. Error case - typo in function name. QNameSource XPST0017 Test function fn:local-name-from-QName. Error case - typo in function name. QNameSource XPST0017 Test function fn:local-name-from-QName. Error case - typo in function name. QNameSource XPST0017 Test function fn:local-name-from-QName. Error case - invalid parameter type (simple type). fsx XPTY0004 Test function fn:local-name-from-QName. Error case - invalid parameter type (integer). emptydoc XPTY0004 Test function fn:local-name-from-QName. Error case - invalid parameter type (time). emptydoc XPTY0004 Test function fn:local-name-from-QName. Explicit call to data to extract simple typed QName value. QNameSource LocalNameFromQNameFunc018.txt Test function fn:local-name-from-QName. Conditional expression as parameter where both branches result in QName value. QNameSource LocalNameFromQNameFunc019.txt Test function fn:local-name-from-QName. Conditional expression as parameter where both branches result in QName value. QNameSource LocalNameFromQNameFunc020.txt Test function fn:local-name-from-QName. Conditional expression as parameter where one branch does NOT result in a QName value. QNameSource XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `local-name-from-QName()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `local-name-from-QName(1, 2)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(local-name-from-QName( () ))`. emptydoc K-LocalNameFromQNameFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `local-name-from-QName( QName("example.com/", "pre:lname")) eq "lname"`. emptydoc K-LocalNameFromQNameFunc-4.txt fn:namespace-uri-from-QName Function Returns an xs:NCName representing the namespace-URI part of of the single xs:QName argument Test function fn:namespace-uri-from-QName. Using QName element as input. QNameSource NamespaceURIFromQNameFunc001.txt Test function fn:namespace-uri-from-QName. Using QName attribute as input. QNameSource NamespaceURIFromQNameFunc002.txt Test function fn:namespace-uri-from-QName. Using element derived from QName as input. QNameSource NamespaceURIFromQNameFunc003.txt Test function fn:namespace-uri-from-QName. Using attribute derived from QName as input. QNameSource NamespaceURIFromQNameFunc004.txt Test function fn:namespace-uri-from-QName. Check return type of function is xs:NCName. QNameSource NamespaceURIFromQNameFunc005.txt Test function fn:namespace-uri-from-QName. Empty sequence literal as input. emptydoc NamespaceURIFromQNameFunc006.xml Test function fn:namespace-uri-from-QName. Empty sequence literal as input. emptydoc NamespaceURIFromQNameFunc007.xml Test function fn:namespace-uri-from-QName. Error case - invalid parameter type (string). emptydoc XPTY0004 Test function fn:namespace-uri-from-QName. Error case - multiple input values. QNameSource XPTY0004 Test function fn:namespace-uri-from-QName. Error case - no input parameter. emptydoc XPST0017 Test function fn:namespace-uri-from-QName. Error case - typo in function name. QNameSource XPST0017 Test function fn:namespace-uri-from-QName. Error case - typo in function name. QNameSource XPST0017 Test function fn:namespace-uri-from-QName. Error case - typo in function name. QNameSource XPST0017 Test function fn:namespace-uri-from-QName. Error case - invalid parameter type (simple type). fsx XPTY0004 Test function fn:namespace-uri-from-QName. Error case - invalid parameter type (integer). emptydoc XPTY0004 Test function fn:namespace-uri-from-QName. Error case - invalid parameter type (time). emptydoc XPTY0004 Test function fn:namespace-uri-from-QName. Explicit call to data to extract simple typed QName value. QNameSource NamespaceURIFromQNameFunc018.txt Test function fn:namespace-uri-from-QName. Conditional expression as parameter where both branches result in QName value. QNameSource NamespaceURIFromQNameFunc019.txt Test function fn:namespace-uri-from-QName. Conditional expression as parameter where both branches result in QName value. QNameSource NamespaceURIFromQNameFunc020.txt Test function fn:namespace-uri-from-QName. Conditional expression as parameter where one branch does NOT result in a QName value. QNameSource XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `namespace-uri-from-QName()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `namespace-uri-from-QName(1, 2)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(namespace-uri-from-QName( () ))`. emptydoc K-NamespaceURIFromQNameFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `namespace-uri-from-QName( QName("example.com/", "pre:lname")) eq xs:anyURI("example.com/")`. emptydoc K-NamespaceURIFromQNameFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `namespace-uri-from-QName( QName("example.com/", "pre:lname")) instance of xs:anyURI`. emptydoc K-NamespaceURIFromQNameFunc-5.txt Test that xmlns declarations in direct element constructors are honored in embedded expressions. emptydoc K2-NamespaceURIFromQNameFunc-1.txt Check that the default element namespace is picked up with computed element constructors. emptydoc K2-NamespaceURIFromQNameFunc-2.txt Check that xmlns declarations overrides. emptydoc K2-NamespaceURIFromQNameFunc-3.txt Check that xmlns declarations overrides(#2). emptydoc K2-NamespaceURIFromQNameFunc-4.txt fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix function with a direct element, for which the namespace prefix is set. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-1.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix function with a direct element, for which the namespace prefix does not exists. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-2.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix function with a direct element, for which the namespace prefix is set to zero length string. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-3.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix function with a direct element, for which the namespace prefix is set to the empty sequence. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-4.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix function with a direct element given as argument, for which the namespace prefix is set. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-5.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix function with a direct element given as argument, for which the namespace prefix is not set. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-6.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix function with a direct element given as argument, for which the namespace prefix uses the xs:string function. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-7.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix function with a direct element given as argument, for which the namespace prefix uses the fn:string function. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-8.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix function with a direct element given as argument, for which the namespace prefix uses the fn:upper-case function. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-9.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix function with a direct element given as argument, for which the namespace prefix uses the fn:lower-case function. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-10.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix function with a direct element given as argument, for which the namespace prefix uses the fn:substring function. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-11.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix function with a direct element given as argument, for which the namespace prefix uses the fn:concat function. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-12.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix function with a direct element given as argument, for which the namespace prefix uses the fn:string-join function. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-13.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix function with a direct element given as argument, for which the namespace prefix uses the fn:substring-before function. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-14.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix function with a direct element given as argument, for which the namespace prefix uses the fn:substring-after function. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-15.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix function with a direct element given as argument with no namespace defined. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-16.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix function with a computed element given as argument with no namespace defined. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-17.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix function with a computed element as variable (via let) with no namespace defined. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-18.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix function with a computed element as variable (via for) with no namespace defined. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-19.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix function with a computed element as variable (via declare variable) with no namespace defined. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-20.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri-for-prefix function with a directly constructed element with multiple namespace definitions. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-21.txt A test whose essence is: `namespace-uri-for-prefix()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `namespace-uri-for-prefix("string", (), "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 Test that the correct default namespace is picked up. emptydoc K2-NamespaceURIForPrefixFunc-1.txt Test that the correct default namespace is picked up(#2). emptydoc K2-NamespaceURIForPrefixFunc-2.txt Test that the correct default namespace is picked up(#3). emptydoc K2-NamespaceURIForPrefixFunc-3.txt fn:in-scope-prefixes Evaluation of "in-scope-prefixes" function with incorrect arity . emptydoc XPST0017 Evaluation of "in-scope-prefixes" function with incorrect argument type. emptydoc XPTY0004 Evaluation of "in-scope-prefixes" function for a directly constructed element node with no namesapces. emptydoc fn-in-scope-prefixes-3.txt Evaluation of "in-scope-prefixes" function for a directly constructed element node with a namespace declaration. emptydoc fn-in-scope-prefixes-4.txt fn-in-scope-prefixesalt-4.txt Evaluation of "in-scope-prefixes" function for a computed constructed element node with no namespace declaration. emptydoc fn-in-scope-prefixes-5.txt Evaluation of "in-scope-prefixes" function for a computed constructed element node and a default namespace declaration. emptydoc fn-in-scope-prefixes-6.txt Evaluation of "in-scope-prefixes" function for a directly constructed element node and a default namespace declaration. emptydoc fn-in-scope-prefixes-7.txt Evaluation of "in-scope-prefixes" function for a directly constructed element node with xmlns and a prolog namespace declaration. emptydoc fn-in-scope-prefixes-8.txt fn-in-scope-prefixesalt-8.txt Evaluation of "in-scope-prefixes" function for a directly constructed element node without xmlns and a prolog namespace declaration. emptydoc fn-in-scope-prefixes-9.txt Evaluation of "in-scope-prefixes" function for a directly constructed element node used as argument to fn:string-length function. emptydoc fn-in-scope-prefixes-10.txt Evaluation of "in-scope-prefixes" function for a directly constructed element node used as argument to fn:upper-case function. emptydoc fn-in-scope-prefixes-11.txt Evaluation of "in-scope-prefixes" function for a directly constructed element node used as argument to fn:lower-case function. emptydoc fn-in-scope-prefixes-12.txt Evaluation of "in-scope-prefixes" function for a directly constructed element node used as argument to fn:string-to-codepoints function. emptydoc fn-in-scope-prefixes-13.txt Evaluation of "in-scope-prefixes" function for a directly constructed element node used as argument to xs:string function. emptydoc fn-in-scope-prefixes-14.txt Evaluation of "in-scope-prefixes" function for a directly constructed element node used as argument to fn:substring-before function. emptydoc fn-in-scope-prefixes-15.txt Evaluation of "in-scope-prefixes" function for a directly constructed element node used as argument to fn:substring-after function. emptydoc fn-in-scope-prefixes-16.txt Evaluation of "in-scope-prefixes" function for a directly constructed element node used as argument to fn:concat function. emptydoc fn-in-scope-prefixes-17.txt Evaluation of "in-scope-prefixes" function for a directly constructed element node used as argument to fn:string-join function. emptydoc fn-in-scope-prefixes-18.txt Evaluation of "in-scope-prefixes" function for a directly constructed element node used as argument to fn:substring function. emptydoc fn-in-scope-prefixes-19.txt Evaluation of "in-scope-prefixes" function for a directly constructed element node used as argument to fn:contains function. emptydoc fn-in-scope-prefixes-20.txt A test whose essence is: `in-scope-prefixes()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `in-scope-prefixes("string", "nodetest", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 For a directly constructed element fn:in-scope-prefixes() returns 'xml' and the zero length string for the default element namespace. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-1.txt For a computed element fn:in-scope-prefixes() returns 'xml'. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-2.txt in-scope-prefixes() can't take text nodes. emptydoc XPTY0004 in-scope-prefixes() can't take text nodes. emptydoc XPTY0004 in-scope-prefixes() can't take processing instructions. emptydoc XPTY0004 Ensure the default element namespace is in-scope properly. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-6.txt Ensure the default namespace is properly handled. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-7.txt Ensure the in-scope prefixes dealt with correctly for double default namespace declarations of different kinds. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-8.txt Check that a prefix declaration is in scope in a sub-node. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-9.txt Check that a default namespace declaration is picked up. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-10.txt Check the in-scope namespaces of different elements, constructed with direct constructors. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-11.txt Check the in-scope namespaces of different elements, constructed with computed constructors. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-12.txt Ensure the in-scope prefixes are correct with computed constructors when combined with a default element namespace declaration. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-13.txt Check the in-scope namespaces of a single, computed element. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-14.txt Ensure the in-scope prefixes are correct with computed constructors. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-15.txt Check that a default namespace declaration attribute on a direct element constructor correctly affect a computed child constructor. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-16.txt Ensure the namespace used in the name is part of the in-scope prefixes. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-17.txt Ensure prefix namespace declarations are counted as in-scope bindings. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-18.txt Count the in-scope namespaces of a node with name xml:space. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-19.txt Count the in-scope namespaces of a node with name fn:space. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-20.txt Count the in-scope namespaces of a node with name fn:space. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-21.txt Count the in-scope namespaces of a node with name fn:space(#2). emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-22.txt Count the in-scope namespaces of a node with name fn:space(#2). emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-23.txt Ensure a prolog namespace declaration isn't in the in-scope bindings unless it's used. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-24.txt Check the in-scope namespaces of two nodes. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-25.txt . emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-26.txt Check in scope namespaces. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-27.txt Check in-scope declaration of a tree fragment overriding and undeclaration the default namespace. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-28.txt Use a computed element constructor which undeclares the default namespace, as operand to a path expression. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-29.txt Use a computed element constructor which undeclares the default namespace, as operand to a path expression. emptydoc K2-InScopePrefixesFunc-30.txt Functions on Nodes fn:name Evaluation of the fn:name function with the argument set to the empty sequence. works-mod fn-name-1.txt Evaluation of the fn:name function with the argument set to an element node. works-mod fn-name-2.txt Evaluation of the fn:name function with the argument set to an attribute node. works-mod fn-name-3.txt Evaluation of the fn:name function with the argument set to a document element node. works-mod fn-name-4.txt Evaluation of the fn:name function with the argument set to a non existing element node. works-mod fn-name-5.txt Evaluation of the fn:name function with the argument set to a text node. works-mod fn-name-6.txt Evaluation of the fn:name function with no context node defined. emptydoc XPDY0002 Evaluation of the fn:name function used as argument to fn:upper-case function. works-mod fn-name-8.txt Evaluation of the fn:name function used as argument to fn:lower-case function. works-mod fn-name-9.txt Evaluation of the fn:name function for which the argument uses "parent::node()" axes. works-mod fn-name-10.txt Evaluation of the fn:name function for which the argument uses "descendant" axes. works-mod fn-name-11.txt Evaluation of the fn:name function for which the argument uses "descendant-or-self" axes. works-mod fn-name-12.txt Evaluation of the fn:name function used as argument to fn:substring function. works-mod fn-name-13.txt Evaluation of the fn:name function used as argument to fn:concat function. works-mod fn-name-14.txt Evaluation of the fn:name function for which the argument uses "self" axes. Retuns a string. works-mod fn-name-15.txt Evaluation of the fn:name function for which the argument uses "self" axes. Retuns the empty sequence. works-mod fn-name-16.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of the fn:name function for which the argument uses "parent::node()" axes. Context node is an attribute node. works-mod fn-name-17.txt Evaluation of the fn:name function as argument to the "fn:string-length()" attribute. works-mod fn-name-18.txt Evaluation of the fn:name function, whose argument is a direct element constructor. works-mod fn-name-19.txt Evaluation of the fn:name function, whose argument is a direct element constructor with an attribute. works-mod fn-name-20.txt Evaluation of the fn:name function, which is part of a sequence. works-mod fn-name-21.txt Evaluation of fn:name functions as arguments to "fn:count". works-mod fn-name-22.txt Evaluation of the fn:name function with no context node defined and argument set to ".". emptydoc XPDY0002 A test whose essence is: `name((), "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `if(false()) then name() else true()`. emptydoc K-NameFunc-2.txt XPDY0002 A test whose essence is: `name(()) eq ""`. emptydoc K-NameFunc-3.txt fn:local-name Evaluation of the fn:local-name function with no argument and no context node. Should raise an error. emptydoc XPDY0002 Evaluation of the fn:local-name function with context item not a node. Should raise an error. emptydoc XPTY0004 Evaluation of the fn:local-name function with incorrect arity. Should raise an error. emptydoc XPST0017 Evaluation of the fn:local-name function with argument set to empty sequence. emptydoc fn-local-name-4.txt Evaluation of the fn:local-name function with argument set to a computed text node. emptydoc fn-local-name-5.txt Evaluation of the fn:local-name function with argument set to computed comment node. emptydoc fn-local-name-6.txt Evaluation of the fn:local-name function with argument set to directly constructed comment node. emptydoc fn-local-name-7.txt Evaluation of the fn:local-name function with argument set to a computed Document node. emptydoc fn-local-name-8.txt Evaluation of the fn:local-name function with argument set to a computed element node with no prefix. emptydoc fn-local-name-9.txt Evaluation of the fn:local-name function with argument set to a directly element node with no prefix. emptydoc fn-local-name-10.txt Evaluation of the fn:local-name function with argument set to a directly element node with a prefix. emptydoc fn-local-name-11.txt Evaluation of the fn:local-name function with argument set to a computed attribute node with no prefix. emptydoc fn-local-name-12.txt Evaluation of the fn:local-name function with argument set to a computed attribute node with a prefix. emptydoc fn-local-name-13.txt Evaluation of the fn:local-name function with argument set to a computed PI node. emptydoc fn-local-name-14.txt Evaluation of the fn:local-name function with argument set to a directly constructed PI node. emptydoc fn-local-name-15.txt Evaluation of the fn:local-name function with argument set to a directly constructed element node with prefix and a namespace declaration. emptydoc fn-local-name-16.txt Evaluation of the fn:local-name function with argument set to a directly constructed element node with no prefix and used as argument to string-length. emptydoc fn-local-name-17.txt Evaluation of the fn:local-name function with argument set to a computed element node with prefix and a namespace declaration. emptydoc fn-local-name-18.txt Evaluation of the fn:local-name function with argument set to a directly constructed element node with no prefix and used as argument to upper-case function. emptydoc fn-local-name-19.txt Evaluation of the fn:local-name function with argument set to a directly constructed element node with no prefix and used as argument to lower-case function. emptydoc fn-local-name-20.txt Evaluation of the fn:local-name function with argument set to a computed attribute node with no prefix and used as argument to upper-case function. emptydoc fn-local-name-21.txt Evaluation of the fn:local-name function with argument set to a computed attribute node with no prefix and used as argument to lower-case function. emptydoc fn-local-name-22.txt Evaluation of the fn:local-name function with second argument set to "." and no context node. Should raise an error. emptydoc XPDY0002 A test whose essence is: `local-name((), "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `if(false()) then local-name() else true()`. emptydoc K-NodeLocalNameFunc-2.txt XPDY0002 A test whose essence is: `local-name(()) eq ""`. emptydoc K-NodeLocalNameFunc-3.txt Call fn:local-name() on an attribute node. emptydoc K2-NodeLocalNameFunc-1.txt fn:namespace-uri Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with no argument and no context node. Should raise an error. emptydoc XPDY0002 Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with more than one argument (2 arguments). emptydoc XPST0017 Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with context node not being a node. emptydoc XPTY0004 Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with argument set to empty sequence. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-4.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with argument set to a directly constructed comment node. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-5.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with argument set to a computed comment node. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-6.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with argument set to a direct processing instruction node. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-7.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with argument set to a computed processing instruction node. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-8.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with argument set to a computed text node. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-9.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with argument set to a direct element node with no namespace. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-10.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with argument set to a computed element node with no namespace. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-11.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with argument set to a direct attribute node with no namespace. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-12.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with argument set to a computed attribute node with no namespace. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-13.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with argument set to an element node with no namespace queried from an xml file. works-mod fn-namespace-uri-14.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with argument set to an attribute node with no namespace queried from an xml file. works-mod fn-namespace-uri-15.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with no argument. Use an element node with no namespace queried from an xml file. works-mod fn-namespace-uri-16.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with argument set to a direct element node with a namespace. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-17.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with argument set to a computed element node (with prefix) that uses a declared namespace. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-18.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with argument set to a computed element node (with no prefix), that should not use a declared namespace. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-19.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with argument set to a direct element node (with no prefix), that should not use a declared namespace. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-20.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with argument set to a direct element node with prefix, that should use a declared namespace. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-21.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with argument set to a direct element node with no prefix, that should use a declared default namespace. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-22.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with argument set to a direct element node with a prefix, that should not use a declared default namespace. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-23.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with argument set to a computed element node with a prefix, that should not use a declared default namespace. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-24.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with argument set to a computed element node with no prefix, that should use a declared default namespace. emptydoc fn-namespace-uri-25.txt Evaluation of the fn:namespace-uri function with argumen set to "." and no context node. Should raise an error. emptydoc XPDY0002 A test whose essence is: `namespace-uri((), "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `if(false()) then namespace-uri() else true()`. emptydoc K-NodeNamespaceURIFunc-2.txt XPDY0002 A test whose essence is: `namespace-uri(()) eq xs:anyURI("")`. emptydoc K-NodeNamespaceURIFunc-3.txt Extract the namespace URI from a processing instruction node. emptydoc K2-NodeNamespaceURIFunc-1.txt Extract the namespace URI from a comment node. emptydoc K2-NodeNamespaceURIFunc-2.txt Extract the namespace URI from a text node. emptydoc K2-NodeNamespaceURIFunc-3.txt fn:number Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-numberint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-numberint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-numberint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-numberintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc truevalue.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-numberintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-numberdec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc truevalue.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-numberdec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-numberdbl1args-1.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-numberdbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-numberdbl1args-3.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc truevalue.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-numberflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-numberflt1args-3.txt fn-numberflt1argsalt-3.txt fn-numberflt1argsalt1-3.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-numberlng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc truevalue.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-numberlng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-numberusht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-numberusht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-numberusht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-numbernint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc truevalue.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-numbernint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-numberpint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc truevalue.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-numberpint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-numberulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-numberulng1args-2.txt fn-numberulng1argsalt-2.txt fn-numberulng1argsalt-2-02.txt fn-numberulng1argsalt-2-03.txt fn-numberulng1argsalt-2-04.txt fn-numberulng1argsalt-2-05.txt fn-numberulng1argsalt-2-06.txt fn-numberulng1argsalt-2-07.txt fn-numberulng1argsalt-2-08.txt fn-numberulng1argsalt-2-09.txt fn-numberulng1argsalt-2-10.txt fn-numberulng1argsalt-2-11.txt fn-numberulng1argsalt-2-12.txt fn-numberulng1argsalt-2-13.txt fn-numberulng1argsalt-2-14.txt fn-numberulng1argsalt-2-15.txt fn-numberulng1argsalt-2-16.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc truevalue.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-numbernpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-numbernpi1args-2.txt fn-numbernpi1argsalt-2.txt fn-numbernpi1argsalt1-2.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-numbernpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-numbernni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc truevalue.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-numbernni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-numbersht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-numbersht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "number" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-numbersht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "fn:number" function with the argument set to empty sequence. emptydoc fn-number-1.txt Evaluates the "fn:number" function with the argument set to a string (can not convert to xs:double). emptydoc fn-number-2.txt Evaluates the "fn:number" function with undefined context node. emptydoc XPDY0002 Evaluates the "fn:number" function with undefined context node and argumen set to ".". emptydoc XPDY0002 A test whose essence is: `number(1, 2)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `fn:number(1) eq 1`. emptydoc K-NodeNumberFunc-2.txt A test whose essence is: `not(fn:number("results in NaN"))`. emptydoc K-NodeNumberFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `fn:number("results in NaN") instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NodeNumberFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `fn:number(1) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NodeNumberFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `fn:number(1.1) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NodeNumberFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `fn:number(xs:float(3)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NodeNumberFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `fn:number(xs:double(3)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NodeNumberFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `fn:number("NaN") instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NodeNumberFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `fn:number(()) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-NodeNumberFunc-10.txt A test whose essence is: `not(fn:number(()))`. emptydoc K-NodeNumberFunc-11.txt fn:number() applied to a type which a cast regardless of source value never would succeed for. emptydoc K-NodeNumberFunc-12.txt A test whose essence is: `string(number(xs:anyURI("1"))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-NodeNumberFunc-13.txt A test whose essence is: `string(number("1")) eq "1"`. emptydoc K-NodeNumberFunc-14.txt A test whose essence is: `string(number(xs:gYear("2005"))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-NodeNumberFunc-15.txt fn:number() inside a predicate. emptydoc K-NodeNumberFunc-16.txt fn:number() inside a predicate(#2). emptydoc K-NodeNumberFunc-17.txt fn:lang Evaluates the "lang" function with the arguments set as follows: $testlang = "en" and context node not containing "xml-lang" attribute. atomicns fn-lang1args-1.txt Evaluates the "lang" function with the arguments set as follows: $testlang = Evaluates The "lang" function with the arguments set as follows: $testlang = "EN" and context node not containing "xml-lang" attribute. atomicns fn-lang1args-2.txt Evaluates the "lang" function with the arguments set as follows: $testlang = Evaluates The "lang" function with the arguments set as follows: $testlang = "eN" and context node not containing "xml-lang" attribute. atomicns fn-lang1args-3.txt Evaluates the "lang" function with the second argument not set and no context item defined. emptydoc XPDY0002 Evaluation of the fn:lang function with testlang set to empty sequence. lang fn-lang-2.txt Evaluation of the fn:lang function with testlang "en" and context node having an "xml:lang" attribute set to "en". lang fn-lang-3.txt Evaluation of the fn:lang function with testlang set to "en". Immediate ancestor have the "xml:lang" attribute set to "en". lang fn-lang-4.txt Evaluation of the fn:lang function with testlang "en" and context node having an "xml:lang" attribute set to "EN". lang fn-lang-5.txt Evaluation of the fn:lang function with testlang "En" and context node having an "xml:lang" attribute set to "EN". lang fn-lang-6.txt Evaluation of the fn:lang function with testlang "eN" and context node having an "xml:lang" attribute set to "EN". lang fn-lang-7.txt Evaluation of the fn:lang function with testlang "en" and context node having an "xml:lang" attribute set to "EN". lang fn-lang-8.txt Evaluation of the fn:lang function with testlang "en" and context node having an "xml:lang" attribute set to "en-us". lang fn-lang-9.txt Evaluation of the fn:lang function with testlang "EN" and context node having an "xml:lang" attribute set to "en-us". lang fn-lang-10.txt Evaluation of the fn:lang function with testlang "En" and context node having an "xml:lang" attribute set to "en-us". lang fn-lang-11.txt Evaluation of the fn:lang function with testlang "eN" and context node having an "xml:lang" attribute set to "en-us". lang fn-lang-12.txt Evaluation of the fn:lang function with testlang "en" and context node having an "xml:lang" attribute set to "en-us". lang fn-lang-13.txt Evaluation of the fn:lang function with testlang "en-us" and context node having an "xml:lang" attribute set to "en-us". lang fn-lang-14.txt Evaluates the "lang" function with the context item not being a node. emptydoc XPTY0004 Evaluation of the fn:lang function with testlang "us-en" and context node having an "xml:lang" attribute set to "en-us". lang fn-lang-16.txt Evaluation of the fn:lang function with testlang set to "fr" and context node having an "xml:lang" attribute set to "EN". lang fn-lang-17.txt Evaluation of the fn:lang function with testlang set to "en" and specified node (second argument) having an "xml:lang" attribute set to "en". lang fn-lang-18.txt Evaluation of the fn:lang function with testlang set to "fr" and specified node (second argument) having an "xml:lang" attribute set to "en". lang fn-lang-19.txt Evaluation of the fn:lang function with testlang set to "en" and specified node (second argument) having an "xml:lang" attribute set to "en-us". lang fn-lang-20.txt Evaluation of the fn:lang function with testlang set to "en" and specified node (second argument) having an "xml:lang" attribute set to "EN". lang fn-lang-21.txt Evaluates the "lang" function with the second argument set to "." and no context item defined. emptydoc XPDY0002 A test whose essence is: `lang()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `if(false()) then lang("en", .) else true()`. emptydoc K-NodeLangFunc-2.txt XPDY0002 A test whose essence is: `if(false()) then lang("en") else true()`. emptydoc K-NodeLangFunc-3.txt XPDY0002 A test whose essence is: `lang("en", 2)`. emptydoc XPTY0004 Invoke fn:lang from the top and bottom of a tree. emptydoc K2-NodeLangFunc-1.txt Start navigating from the actual attribute node. emptydoc K2-NodeLangFunc-2.txt Navigate a single, empty attribute. emptydoc K2-NodeLangFunc-3.txt Sub-languages must be separated with dashes. emptydoc K2-NodeLangFunc-4.txt Use a single attribute node as input. emptydoc K2-NodeLangFunc-5.txt Use a single attribute node as input. emptydoc K2-NodeLangFunc-6.txt fn:root Evaluates the "fn:root" function with no arguments set and no context item defined. emptydoc XPDY0002 Evaluates the "fn:root" function that uses context item that is not a node. emptydoc XPTY0004 Evaluates the "fn:root" function with argument set to the empty sequence. emptydoc fn-root-3.txt XPST0005 Evaluates the "fn:root" function with argument set to a comment node (via variable). emptydoc fn-root-4.txt Evaluates the "fn:root" function with argument set to a comment node, which is set directly as argument. emptydoc fn-root-5.txt Evaluates the "fn:root" function with argument set to an element node (via variable). emptydoc fn-root-6.txt Evaluates the "fn:root" function with argument set to a element node, which is set directly as argument. emptydoc fn-root-7.txt Evaluates the "fn:root" function with argument set to a processing instruction node (via variable). emptydoc fn-root-8.txt Evaluates the "fn:root" function with argument set to a processing instruction node, which is set directly as argument. emptydoc fn-root-9.txt Evaluates the "fn:root" function with argument set to a element node with attribute (via variable). emptydoc fn-root-10.txt Evaluates the "fn:root" function with argument set to an element node with attribute, which is set directly as argument. emptydoc fn-root-11.txt Evaluates the "fn:root" function with argument set to a document node via a variable. emptydoc fn-root-12.txt Evaluates the "fn:root" function with argument set to a document node, which is set directly as argument. emptydoc fn-root-13.txt Evaluates the "fn:root" function with argument set to an element node, which is query from an xml file. lang fn-root-14.txt Evaluates the "fn:root" function with argument set to an attribute node, which is query from an xml file. lang fn-root-15.txt Evaluates the "fn:root" function with argument set to a text node via a variable. emptydoc fn-root-16.txt Evaluates the "fn:root" function with argument set to a text node, which is set directly as argument. emptydoc fn-root-17.txt Evaluates the "fn:root" function used in conjunction with "is" operator (returns true). emptydoc fn-root-18.txt Evaluates the "fn:root" function used in conjunction with "is" operator (returns false). emptydoc fn-root-19.txt Evaluates the "fn:root" function used as argument to namespace-uri (use a node element). emptydoc fn-root-20.txt Evaluates the "fn:root" function used as argument to namespace-uri (use a comment node). emptydoc fn-root-21.txt Evaluates the "fn:root" function used as argument to namespace-uri (use a processing instruction). emptydoc fn-root-22.txt Evaluates the "fn:root" function used as argument to namespace-uri (use a text node). emptydoc fn-root-23.txt Evaluates the "fn:root" function with argument set to "." and no context item defined. emptydoc XPDY0002 A test whose essence is: `Root(2)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `(1, 2, 3)[root()]`. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `root(2)`. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `empty(root(()))`. emptydoc K-NodeRootFunc-4.txt XPST0005 Apply fn:root() to a directly constructed element. emptydoc K2-NodeRootFunc-1.txt Apply fn:root() to an empty sequence coming from a parent axis. emptydoc K2-NodeRootFunc-2.txt Invoke on a comment node. emptydoc K2-NodeRootFunc-3.txt Invoke on an attribute node. emptydoc K2-NodeRootFunc-4.txt Invoke on a processing instruction node. emptydoc K2-NodeRootFunc-5.txt Invoke on a processing instruction node. emptydoc K2-NodeRootFunc-6.txt Invoke on a processing instruction node. emptydoc K2-NodeRootFunc-7.txt Invoke on a single document node. emptydoc K2-NodeRootFunc-8.txt Functions on Sequences General Functions and Operators on Sequences fn:boolean Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-booleanint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-booleanint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-booleanint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-booleanintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-booleanintg1args-2.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-booleanintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-booleandec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-booleandec1args-2.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-booleandec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-booleandbl1args-1.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-booleandbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-booleandbl1args-3.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-booleanflt1args-1.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-booleanflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-booleanflt1args-3.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-booleanlng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-booleanlng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-booleanlng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-booleanusht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-booleanusht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-booleanusht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-booleannint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-booleannint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-booleannint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-booleanpint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-booleanpint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-booleanpint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-booleanulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-booleanulng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-booleanulng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-booleannpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-booleannpi1args-2.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-booleannpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-booleannni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-booleannni1args-2.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-booleannni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-booleansht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-booleansht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "boolean" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-booleansht1args-3.txt Arg: empty sequence. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-001.xml Arg: string. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-002.xml Arg: boolean function. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-003.xml Arg: boolean function. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-004.xml Arg: string. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-005.xml Arg: string. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-006.xml Arg: string. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-007.xml Arg: integer. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-008.xml Arg: integer. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-009.xml Arg: integer. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-010.xml Arg: float. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-011.xml Arg: float. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-012.xml Arg: float. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-013.xml Arg: float. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-014.xml Arg: float. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-015.xml Arg: float. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-016.xml Arg: double. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-017.xml Arg: double. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-018.xml Arg: double. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-019.xml Arg: double. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-020.xml Arg: double. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-021.xml Arg: double. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-022.xml Arg: double. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-023.xml Arg: decimal. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-024.xml Arg: decimal. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-025.xml Arg: decimal. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-026.xml Arg: decimal. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-027.xml Arg: decimal. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-028.xml Arg: integer. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-029.xml Arg: integer. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-030.xml Arg: integer. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-031.xml Arg: nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-032.xml Arg: nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-033.xml Arg: nonPositiveInteger. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-034.xml Arg: negativeInteger. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-035.xml Arg: negativeInteger. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-036.xml Arg: positiveInteger. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-037.xml Arg: positiveInteger. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-038.xml Arg: long. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-039.xml Arg: long. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-040.xml Arg: long. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-041.xml Arg: long. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-042.xml Arg: long. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-043.xml Arg: int. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-044.xml Arg: int. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-045.xml Arg: int. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-046.xml Arg: int. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-047.xml Arg: int. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-048.xml Evaluates fn:boolean with argument set to an xs:anyURI. emptydoc fn-boolean-mixed-args-049.txt Evaluates fn:boolean with argument set to an xs:dateTime value. Should rise an error. emptydoc FORG0006 Evaluates fn:boolean that uses a context item, which is not defined. emptydoc XPDY0002 A test whose essence is: `boolean()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `boolean(1, "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `boolean((1, 2))`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `boolean(xs:QName("valid-local-name"))`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `boolean(xs:hexBinary("03"))`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `boolean(xs:base64Binary("aaaa"))`. emptydoc FORG0006 Extracting EBV from xs:anyURI is allowed. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-7.txt Extracting EBV from xs:anyURI is allowed. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-8.txt fn:boolean() invoked on an non-empty xs:string should return true. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-9.txt fn:boolean() invoked on an non-empty xs:untypedAtomic should return true. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-10.txt fn:boolean() invoked on an non-empty xs:untypedAtomic should return false. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-11.txt A test whose essence is: `boolean(1)`. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-12.txt A test whose essence is: `not(boolean(""))`. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-13.txt A test whose essence is: `not(boolean(false()))`. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-14.txt A test whose essence is: `boolean(true())`. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-15.txt A test whose essence is: `true() eq boolean(remove((xs:hexBinary("FF"), 1), 1) treat as xs:integer)`. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-16.txt A test whose essence is: `not(0)`. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-17.txt A test whose essence is: `boolean(1)`. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-18.txt A test whose essence is: `boolean(1.1)`. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-19.txt A test whose essence is: `boolean(1.1e1)`. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-20.txt A test whose essence is: `not(0.0e0)`. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-21.txt A test whose essence is: `not(0.0)`. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-22.txt A test whose essence is: `boolean(-1)`. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-23.txt A test whose essence is: `not(())`. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-24.txt A test whose essence is: `not(boolean(()))`. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-25.txt A test whose essence is: `not(())`. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-26.txt A test whose essence is: `not(empty((1, 2)))`. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-27.txt A test whose essence is: `not(empty(((), 1, 2)))`. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-28.txt A test whose essence is: `boolean('nada')`. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-29.txt A test whose essence is: `boolean('""')`. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-30.txt A test whose essence is: `not('')`. emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-31.txt Apply fn:boolean() on fn:count(). emptydoc K-SeqBooleanFunc-32.txt fn:index-of Arg1: Sequence of integers , arg2: integer. emptydoc fn-indexof-mix-args-001.txt Arg1: Sequence of integers , arg2: integer. emptydoc fn-indexof-mix-args-002.txt Arg1: Sequence of string , arg2: string. emptydoc fn-indexof-mix-args-003.txt Arg1: Sequence of string , arg2: string. emptydoc fn-indexof-mix-args-004.txt Arg1: empty Sequence , arg2: string. emptydoc fn-indexof-mix-args-005.txt Arg1: Sequence of string , arg2: string. emptydoc fn-indexof-mix-args-006.txt Arg1: empty Sequence , arg2: untypedAtomic. emptydoc fn-indexof-mix-args-007.txt Arg1: Sequence of float , arg2: float. emptydoc fn-indexof-mix-args-008.txt Arg1: Sequence of double , arg2: double. emptydoc fn-indexof-mix-args-009.txt Arg1: Sequence of double, arg2: double. emptydoc fn-indexof-mix-args-010.txt Arg1: Sequence of double, arg2: double. emptydoc fn-indexof-mix-args-011.txt Arg1: Sequence of decimal, arg2: decimal. emptydoc fn-indexof-mix-args-012.txt Arg1: Sequence of decimal, arg2: decimal. emptydoc fn-indexof-mix-args-013.txt Arg1: Sequence of positiveInteger, arg2: positiveInteger. emptydoc fn-indexof-mix-args-014.txt Arg1: Sequence of negativeInteger, arg2: negativeInteger. emptydoc fn-indexof-mix-args-015.txt Use a nested sequence in the sequence to search. emptydoc fn-indexof-mix-args-016.txt Use multiple nested sequence in the sequence to search. emptydoc fn-indexof-mix-args-017.txt Use external variable for the sequence parameter. bib fn-indexof-mix-args-018.txt Use external variable both in sequence and search parameter. bib fn-indexof-mix-args-019.txt Use empty string with other strings in sequence. emptydoc fn-indexof-mix-args-020.txt Use empty string with integers in the sequence parameter. emptydoc fn-indexof-mix-args-021.txt Use no search parameter. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `index-of()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `index-of(1)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `index-of((1, 2, 3), 1, ())`. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `index-of("a string", "a string", "http://www.example.com/COLLATION/NOT/SUPPORTED")`. emptydoc FOCH0002 A test whose essence is: `index-of("a string", "a string", "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `index-of("a string", "a string", "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint")`. emptydoc K-SeqIndexOfFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(index-of(xs:double("NaN"), xs:float("NaN")))`. emptydoc K-SeqIndexOfFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(index-of(xs:float("NaN"), xs:double("NaN")))`. emptydoc K-SeqIndexOfFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(index-of(xs:float("NaN"), xs:float("NaN")))`. emptydoc K-SeqIndexOfFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(index-of(xs:double("NaN"), xs:double("NaN")))`. emptydoc K-SeqIndexOfFunc-10.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(index-of(4, "4"))`. emptydoc K-SeqIndexOfFunc-11.txt A test whose essence is: `index-of(4, 4)`. emptydoc K-SeqIndexOfFunc-12.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(index-of((), 4))`. emptydoc K-SeqIndexOfFunc-13.txt A test whose essence is: `index-of(4, 4)`. emptydoc K-SeqIndexOfFunc-14.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), index-of((4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4), 4))`. emptydoc K-SeqIndexOfFunc-15.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(index-of(xs:anyURI("example.com/"), xs:hexBinary("FF")))`. emptydoc K-SeqIndexOfFunc-16.txt A test whose essence is: `index-of(xs:untypedAtomic("example.com/"), xs:anyURI("example.com/"))`. emptydoc K-SeqIndexOfFunc-17.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal(index-of((1, 2, "three", 5, 5, 6), 5), (4, 5))`. emptydoc K-SeqIndexOfFunc-18.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(index-of((10, 20, 30, 40), 35))`. emptydoc K-SeqIndexOfFunc-19.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal(index-of((10, 20, 30, 30, 20, 10), 20), (2, 5))`. emptydoc K-SeqIndexOfFunc-20.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal(index-of(("a", "sport", "and", "a", "pastime"), "a"), (1, 4))`. emptydoc K-SeqIndexOfFunc-21.txt A test whose essence is: `count(index-of((1, 2, 3, 2, 1), 2)) eq 2`. emptydoc K-SeqIndexOfFunc-22.txt A test whose essence is: `count(index-of((1, 2, 3, 2, 1), 1)) eq 2`. emptydoc K-SeqIndexOfFunc-23.txt A test whose essence is: `count(index-of((1, 2, 3, 2, 1), 3)) eq 1`. emptydoc K-SeqIndexOfFunc-24.txt A test whose essence is: `count(index-of((1, 2, 3, 2, 1), 4)) eq 0`. emptydoc K-SeqIndexOfFunc-25.txt fn:empty Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-emptyint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-emptyint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-emptyint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-emptyintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-emptyintg1args-2.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-emptyintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-emptydec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-emptydec1args-2.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-emptydec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-emptydbl1args-1.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-emptydbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-emptydbl1args-3.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-emptyflt1args-1.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-emptyflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-emptyflt1args-3.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-emptylng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-emptylng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-emptylng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-emptyusht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-emptyusht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-emptyusht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-emptynint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-emptynint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-emptynint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-emptypint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-emptypint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-emptypint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-emptyulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-emptyulng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-emptyulng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-emptynpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-emptynpi1args-2.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-emptynpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-emptynni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-emptynni1args-2.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-emptynni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-emptysht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-emptysht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "empty" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-emptysht1args-3.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(1, 2)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `not(empty("string"))`. emptydoc K-SeqEmptyFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `not(empty((1, (), "string")))`. emptydoc K-SeqEmptyFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `not(empty((1, "string")))`. emptydoc K-SeqEmptyFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `not(empty( ((), 1, "string") ))`. emptydoc K-SeqEmptyFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(())`. emptydoc K-SeqEmptyFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `empty( ((), (), ()) )`. emptydoc K-SeqEmptyFunc-8.txt fn:empty combined with fn:remove and fn:not. emptydoc K-SeqEmptyFunc-9.txt fn:exists Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-existsint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-existsint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-existsint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-existsintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-existsintg1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-existsintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-existsdec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-existsdec1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-existsdec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-existsdbl1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-existsdbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-existsdbl1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-existsflt1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-existsflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-existsflt1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-existslng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-existslng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-existslng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-existsusht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-existsusht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-existsusht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-existsnint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-existsnint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-existsnint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-existspint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-existspint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-existspint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-existsulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-existsulng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-existsulng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-existsnpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-existsnpi1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-existsnpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-existsnni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-existsnni1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-existsnni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-existssht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-existssht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exists" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-existssht1args-3.txt A test whose essence is: `exists(1, 2)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `exists()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `not(exists(()))`. emptydoc K-SeqExistsFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `exists(1)`. emptydoc K-SeqExistsFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `exists((1))`. emptydoc K-SeqExistsFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `exists((1, 2, 3))`. emptydoc K-SeqExistsFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `not(exists(()))`. emptydoc K-SeqExistsFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `not(exists( ((), (), (), ()) ))`. emptydoc K-SeqExistsFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `exists(reverse((1, 2, 3)))`. emptydoc K-SeqExistsFunc-9.txt The Dynamic Context property 'current dateTime' must have an explicit timezone when presented as a xs:dateTime. emptydoc K-SeqExistsFunc-10.txt The Dynamic Context property 'current dateTime' must have an explicit timezone when presented as a xs:date. emptydoc K-SeqExistsFunc-11.txt The Dynamic Context property 'current dateTime' must have an explicit timezone when presented as a xs:time. emptydoc K-SeqExistsFunc-12.txt fn:empty combined with fn:remove. emptydoc K-SeqExistsFunc-13.txt fn:empty combined with fn:remove and fn:not. emptydoc K-SeqExistsFunc-14.txt fn:distinct-values Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesintg1args-2.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesdec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesdec1args-2.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesdec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesdbl1args-1.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesdbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesdbl1args-3.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesflt1args-1.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesflt1args-3.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valueslng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-distinct-valueslng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valueslng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesusht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesusht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesusht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesnint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesnint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesnint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuespint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuespint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuespint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesulng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesulng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesnpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesnpi1args-2.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesnpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesnni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesnni1args-2.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuesnni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuessht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuessht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "distinct-values" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-distinct-valuessht1args-3.txt Arg: sequence of integer and decimal. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-alt-001.txt fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-001.txt Arg: sequence of integer. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-002.txt Arg: sequence of integer and decimal. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-alt-003.txt fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-003.txt Arg: sequence of integer. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-004.txt Arg: sequence of integer and double. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-alt-005.txt fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-005.txt Arg: sequence of string. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-alt-006.txt fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-006.txt Arg: sequence of string. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-007.txt Arg: sequence of string. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-008.txt Arg: sequence of integer,decimal,boolean,string. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-alt-009.txt fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-009.txt Arg: sequence of decimal. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-alt-010.txt fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-010.txt Arg: sequence of decimal and string. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-011.txt Arg: sequence of decimal and float. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-012.txt Arg: sequence of decimal and double. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-013.txt Arg: sequence of float and string. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-014.txt Arg: sequence of float and string. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-015.txt Arg: sequence of float and string. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-016.txt Arg: sequence of float and float. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-017.txt Arg: sequence of float and float. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-alt-018.txt fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-018.txt Arg: sequence of float and float. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-019.txt Arg: sequence of float and float. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-020.txt Arg: sequence of float and double. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-021.txt Arg: sequence of float and double. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-022.txt Arg: sequence of float and double. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-023.txt Arg: sequence of double and double. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-alt-024.txt fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-024.txt Arg: sequence of double and double. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-025.txt Arg: sequence of double and double. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-026.txt Arg: sequence of string. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-alt-027.txt fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-027.txt Arg: sequence of string. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-alt-028.txt fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-028.txt Arg: sequence of boolean. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-029.txt Arg: sequence of boolean. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-030.txt Arg: sequence of boolean. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-031.txt Arg: sequence of boolean. emptydoc fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-alt-032.txt fn-distinct-values-mixed-args-032.txt A test whose essence is: `distinct-values()`. emptydoc XPST0017 Invoke fn:distinct-values() with a collation argument, although the function does not perform string comparison. For that reason, output is valid as well. emptydoc K-SeqDistinctValuesFunc-2.txt FOCH0002 A test whose essence is: `distinct-values("a string", "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `distinct-values("a string", "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint") eq "a string"`. emptydoc K-SeqDistinctValuesFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(distinct-values(()))`. emptydoc K-SeqDistinctValuesFunc-5.txt XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `deep-equal(distinct-values( ("1", 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, xs:anyURI("example.com/"), xs:anyURI("example.com/"))), ("1", 1, 2, 3, xs:anyURI("example.com/")))`. emptydoc K-SeqDistinctValuesFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `distinct-values((1, 1))`. emptydoc K-SeqDistinctValuesFunc-7.txt XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `distinct-values((-3, -3))`. emptydoc K-SeqDistinctValuesFunc-8.txt XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `count(distinct-values((1, 2.0, 3, 2))) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqDistinctValuesFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal(distinct-values((1, 2.0, 3, 2)), (1, 2.0, 3))`. emptydoc K-SeqDistinctValuesFunc-10.txt A test whose essence is: `exists(distinct-values((1, 2, 3, 1)))`. emptydoc K-SeqDistinctValuesFunc-11.txt A test whose essence is: `not(empty(distinct-values((1, 1))))`. emptydoc K-SeqDistinctValuesFunc-12.txt A test whose essence is: `count(distinct-values((1, 2, 2, current-time()))) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqDistinctValuesFunc-13.txt A test whose essence is: `count(distinct-values(())) eq 0`. emptydoc K-SeqDistinctValuesFunc-14.txt XPST0005 fn:distinct-values() applied on an argument of cardinality exactly-one. emptydoc K-SeqDistinctValuesFunc-15.txt Invoke fn:distinct-values() with an invalid collation. emptydoc FOCH0002 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5183 emptydoc fn-distinct-values-1.txt fn:insert-before Arg1: Sequence of string, arg2:integer, arg3: string. emptydoc fn-insert-before-mix-args-001.txt Arg1: Sequence of string, arg2:integer, arg3: empty sequence. emptydoc fn-insert-before-mix-args-002.txt Arg1: Sequence of string, arg2:integer, arg3: empty sequence. emptydoc fn-insert-before-mix-args-003.txt Arg1: Sequence of string, arg2:integer, arg3: string. emptydoc fn-insert-before-mix-args-004.txt Arg1: Sequence of string, arg2:integer, arg3: anyURI. emptydoc fn-insert-before-mix-args-005.txt Arg1: Sequence of string, arg2:integer, arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-insert-before-mix-args-006.txt Arg1: Sequence of string, arg2:integer, arg3: decimal. emptydoc fn-insert-before-mix-args-007.txt Arg1: Sequence of string, arg2:integer, arg3: float. emptydoc fn-insert-before-mix-args-008.txt Arg1: Sequence of string, arg2:integer, arg3: float. emptydoc fn-insert-before-mix-args-009.txt Arg1: Sequence of string, arg2:integer, arg3: float. emptydoc fn-insert-before-mix-args-010.txt fn-insert-before-mix-args-010_alt.txt Arg1: Sequence of string, arg2:integer, arg3: float. emptydoc fn-insert-before-mix-args-011.txt Arg1: Sequence of string, arg2:integer, arg3: double. emptydoc fn-insert-before-mix-args-012.txt Arg1: Sequence of string, arg2:integer, arg3: double. emptydoc fn-insert-before-mix-args-013.txt Arg1: Sequence of string, arg2:integer, arg3: boolean. emptydoc fn-insert-before-mix-args-014.txt Arg1: Sequence of string, arg2:integer, arg3: boolean. emptydoc fn-insert-before-mix-args-015.txt Arg1: Sequence of string, arg2:integer, arg3: boolean. emptydoc fn-insert-before-mix-args-016.txt Arg1: Sequence of string, arg2:integer, arg3: boolean. emptydoc fn-insert-before-mix-args-017.txt Arg1: Sequence of string, arg2:integer, arg3: date. emptydoc fn-insert-before-mix-args-018.txt Arg1: Sequence of string, arg2:integer, arg3: dateTime. emptydoc fn-insert-before-mix-args-019.txt Arg1: Sequence of string, arg2:integer, arg3: time. emptydoc fn-insert-before-mix-args-020.txt A test whose essence is: `insert-before()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `insert-before("wrong params", 2)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `insert-before("wrong params", 2, 3, 4)`. emptydoc XPST0017 The second argument to fn:insert-before cannot be the empty sequence. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `insert-before((), -31, "a string") eq "a string"`. emptydoc K-SeqInsertBeforeFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `count(insert-before((1, 2, 3), 1, (4, 5, 6))) eq 6`. emptydoc K-SeqInsertBeforeFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `insert-before((), 1, 3) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqInsertBeforeFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `insert-before((), 1, "a string") eq "a string"`. emptydoc K-SeqInsertBeforeFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `count(insert-before((), 1, (1, 2, 3))) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqInsertBeforeFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `insert-before((), 30, 7) eq 7`. emptydoc K-SeqInsertBeforeFunc-10.txt A test whose essence is: `count(insert-before((1, 2, 3, 4), 30, ())) eq 4`. emptydoc K-SeqInsertBeforeFunc-11.txt A test whose essence is: `insert-before(9, 30, ()) eq 9`. emptydoc K-SeqInsertBeforeFunc-12.txt A test whose essence is: `count(insert-before((1, 2, 3, 4), 1, ())) eq 4`. emptydoc K-SeqInsertBeforeFunc-13.txt A test whose essence is: `count(insert-before((1, 2, 3), 30, (4, 5, 6))) eq 6`. emptydoc K-SeqInsertBeforeFunc-14.txt A test whose essence is: `count(insert-before((), 30, (1, 2, 3))) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqInsertBeforeFunc-15.txt A test whose essence is: `count(insert-before((error(), 1), 1, (1, "two", 3))) > 1`. emptydoc K-SeqInsertBeforeFunc-16.txt FOER0000 Apply a predicate to the result of fn:insert-before(). emptydoc K-SeqInsertBeforeFunc-17.txt Apply a predicate to the result of fn:insert-before(). emptydoc K-SeqInsertBeforeFunc-18.txt Apply a predicate to the result of fn:insert-before(). emptydoc K-SeqInsertBeforeFunc-19.txt Apply a predicate to the result of fn:insert-before(). emptydoc K-SeqInsertBeforeFunc-20.txt Apply a predicate to the result of fn:insert-before(). emptydoc K-SeqInsertBeforeFunc-21.txt fn:remove Arg1: sequence of string, arg2: integer. emptydoc fn-remove-mix-args-001.txt Arg1: sequence of string, arg2: integer. emptydoc fn-remove-mix-args-002.txt Arg1: sequence of string, arg2: integer. emptydoc fn-remove-mix-args-003.txt Arg1: sequence of string, arg2: integer. emptydoc fn-remove-mix-args-004.txt Arg1: sequence of string,anyURI,arg2: integer. emptydoc fn-remove-mix-args-005.txt Arg1: sequence of string,anyURI,arg2: integer. emptydoc fn-remove-mix-args-006.txt Arg1: sequence of string,anyURI,arg2: integer. emptydoc fn-remove-mix-args-007.txt Arg1:sequence of string,integer,arg2: integer. emptydoc fn-remove-mix-args-008.txt Arg1: sequence of decimal, integer, anyURI arg2: integer. emptydoc fn-remove-mix-args-009.txt Arg1: sequence of string,float ,arg2: integer. emptydoc fn-remove-mix-args-010.txt Arg1: sequence of float,integer,arg2: integer. emptydoc fn-remove-mix-args-011.txt Arg1: sequence of string,float, decimal arg2: integer. emptydoc fn-remove-mix-args-012.txt Arg1: sequence of double,float,boolean ,arg2: integer. emptydoc fn-remove-mix-args-013.txt Arg1: sequence of double, integer ,arg2: integer. emptydoc fn-remove-mix-args-014.txt Arg1: sequence of string,double ,arg2: integer. emptydoc fn-remove-mix-args-015.txt Arg1: sequence of string,boolean, double ,arg2: integer. emptydoc fn-remove-mix-args-016.txt Arg1: sequence of boolean ,arg2: integer. emptydoc fn-remove-mix-args-017.txt Arg1: sequence of string,boolean, date ,arg2: integer. emptydoc fn-remove-mix-args-018.txt Arg1: sequence of string,dateTime,boolean ,arg2: integer. emptydoc fn-remove-mix-args-019.txt Arg1: sequence of time,decimal, integer ,arg2: integer. emptydoc fn-remove-mix-args-020.txt A test whose essence is: `remove()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `remove(1, 2, "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `count(remove((1, 2, 3), 0)) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqRemoveFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `count(remove((1, 2, 3), -4)) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqRemoveFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(remove((), 4))`. emptydoc K-SeqRemoveFunc-5.txt XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `remove(("one", 2, 3), 1) instance of xs:integer+`. emptydoc K-SeqRemoveFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `remove((1, "two", 3), 2) instance of xs:integer+`. emptydoc K-SeqRemoveFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `remove((1, 2, "three"), 3) instance of xs:integer+`. emptydoc K-SeqRemoveFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `count(remove(("one", 2, 3), 1)) eq 2`. emptydoc K-SeqRemoveFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `count(remove((1, "two", 3), 2)) eq 2`. emptydoc K-SeqRemoveFunc-10.txt A test whose essence is: `count(remove((1, 2, "three"), 3)) eq 2`. emptydoc K-SeqRemoveFunc-11.txt A test whose essence is: `remove((3.1, "four"), 1)`. emptydoc K-SeqRemoveFunc-12.txt A test whose essence is: `remove(error(), 1)`. emptydoc FOER0000 XPST0005 Combine fn:remove() with operator 'eq'. emptydoc K-SeqRemoveFunc-14.txt XPTY0004 Combine fn:remove() with operator 'eq'. emptydoc K-SeqRemoveFunc-15.txt XPTY0004 Combine remove(), with a predicate and the 'eq' operator. emptydoc XPTY0004 Combine fn:remove() with operator 'eq'. emptydoc XPTY0004 Combine fn:remove() with operator 'eq'. emptydoc XPTY0004 An expression involving the eq operator that trigger certain optimization paths in some implementations. emptydoc K-SeqRemoveFunc-19.txt An expression involving the eq operator that trigger certain optimization paths in some implementations. emptydoc K-SeqRemoveFunc-20.txt Apply a predicate to the result of fn:remove(). emptydoc K-SeqRemoveFunc-21.txt Apply a predicate to the result of fn:remove(). emptydoc K-SeqRemoveFunc-22.txt Apply a predicate to the result of fn:remove(). emptydoc K-SeqRemoveFunc-23.txt Apply a predicate to the result of fn:remove(). emptydoc K-SeqRemoveFunc-24.txt fn:reverse Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-reverseint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-reverseint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-reverseint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-reverseintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-reverseintg1args-2.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-reverseintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-reversedec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-reversedec1args-2.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-reversedec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-reversedbl1args-1.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-reversedbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-reversedbl1args-3.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-reverseflt1args-1.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-reverseflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-reverseflt1args-3.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-reverselng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-reverselng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-reverselng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-reverseusht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-reverseusht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-reverseusht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-reversenint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-reversenint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-reversenint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-reversepint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-reversepint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-reversepint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-reverseulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-reverseulng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-reverseulng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-reversenpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-reversenpi1args-2.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-reversenpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-reversenni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-reversenni1args-2.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-reversenni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-reversesht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-reversesht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "reverse" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-reversesht1args-3.txt A test whose essence is: `reverse()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `reverse(1, 2)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(reverse(()))`. emptydoc K-SeqReverseFunc-3.txt XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `not(empty(reverse((1))))`. emptydoc K-SeqReverseFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `not(reverse(()))`. emptydoc K-SeqReverseFunc-5.txt XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `not(exists(reverse(())))`. emptydoc K-SeqReverseFunc-6.txt XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `exists(reverse((1)))`. emptydoc K-SeqReverseFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `reverse((1, current-time())[1])`. emptydoc K-SeqReverseFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `exists(reverse((1, 2, 3)))`. emptydoc K-SeqReverseFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `count(reverse((1, 2, 3)))`. emptydoc K-SeqReverseFunc-10.txt A test whose essence is: `count(reverse((1, 2, 3)))`. emptydoc K-SeqReverseFunc-11.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((3, 2, 1), reverse(1 to 3))`. emptydoc K-SeqReverseFunc-12.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((3, 2, 1), reverse((1, 2, 3)))`. emptydoc K-SeqReverseFunc-13.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1), reverse(((), (), 1, 2, (3, 4), (5), (6, (7, 8), 9), 10, (), 11, ())))`. emptydoc K-SeqReverseFunc-14.txt A test whose essence is: `reverse(error())`. emptydoc FOER0000 Apply a predicate to the result of fn:reverse(). emptydoc K-SeqReverseFunc-16.txt Apply a predicate to the result of fn:reverse(). emptydoc K-SeqReverseFunc-17.txt Apply a predicate to the result of fn:reverse(). emptydoc K-SeqReverseFunc-18.txt Apply a predicate to the result of fn:reverse(). emptydoc K-SeqReverseFunc-19.txt Apply a predicate to the result of fn:reverse(). emptydoc K-SeqReverseFunc-20.txt Apply a predicate to the result of fn:reverse(). emptydoc K-SeqReverseFunc-21.txt Apply fn:reverse() on a node sequence. emptydoc K2-SeqReverseFunc-1.txt Apply a confusing amount of ordered/unordered{} expressions. emptydoc K2-SeqReverseFunc-2.txt Apply fn:unordered() to fn:reverse(). emptydoc K2-SeqReverseFunc-3.txt fn:reverse() takes only one argument. emptydoc XPST0017 fn:reverse() takes one argument. emptydoc XPST0017 Combine unordered declaration with fn:reverse(). emptydoc K2-SeqReverseFunc-6.txt fn:subsequence Arg1: sequence of string, arg2 and arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-001.txt Arg1: sequence of string, arg2 and arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-002.txt Arg1: sequence of string, arg2 and arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-003.txt Arg1: sequence of string, arg2 and arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-004.txt Arg1: sequence of string and anyURI, arg2 and arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-005.txt Arg1: sequence of string, arg2 and arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-006.txt Arg1: sequence of string and integer, arg2 and arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-007.txt Arg1: sequence of string,decimal and integer, arg2 and arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-008.txt Arg1: sequence of string and float , arg2 and arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-009.txt Arg1: sequence of string and float , arg2 and arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-010.txt Arg1: sequence of string and float , arg2 and arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-011.txt Arg1: sequence of string and float , arg2 and arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-012.txt Arg1: sequence of string and double , arg2 and arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-013.txt Arg1: sequence of string and double , arg2 and arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-014.txt Arg1: sequence of string and double , arg2 and arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-015.txt Arg1: sequence of string and double , arg2 and arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-016.txt Arg1: sequence of string and boolean, arg2 and arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-017.txt Arg1: sequence of string and boolean, arg2 and arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-018.txt Arg1: sequence of string and boolean, arg2 and arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-019.txt Arg1: sequence of string and boolean, arg2 and arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-020.txt Arg1: sequence of string and date , arg2 and arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-021.txt Arg1: sequence of string and dateTime, arg2 and arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-022.txt Arg1: sequence of string and time , arg2 and arg3: integer. emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-023.txt subsequence(X, -INF, +INF) emptydoc fn-subsequence-mix-args-024.txt A test whose essence is: `subsequence()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `subsequence(1)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `subsequence(1, 1, 1, 1)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(subsequence((), 2, 3))`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-4.txt XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `empty(subsequence((1, 2, 3), 2, -10))`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `count(subsequence((1, 2, 3, "four"), 4)) eq 1`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `count(subsequence((1, 2, 3, "four"), 4, 1)) eq 1`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `subsequence((1, 2, 3.1, "four"), 4)`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `subsequence((1, 2, 3.1, "four"), 4, 1)`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `subsequence((1, 2, 3.1, "four"), 3, 1) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-10.txt A test whose essence is: `subsequence((1, 2, 3.1, "four"), 1, 1)`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-11.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(subsequence((1, 2, 3, "four"), 4, -3))`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-12.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(subsequence((1, 2, 3, "four"), -4, -3))`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-13.txt A test whose essence is: `subsequence((1, 2, 3), 1, 1) eq 1`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-14.txt A test whose essence is: `subsequence((1, 2, 3), 1, 1) eq 1`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-15.txt A test whose essence is: `subsequence((1, 2, 3), 3) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-16.txt A test whose essence is: `count(subsequence((1, 2, 3), 1, 1)) eq 1`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-17.txt A test whose essence is: `count(subsequence((1, 2, 3), 1, 3)) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-18.txt A test whose essence is: `count(subsequence((1, 2, 3, "four"), 4)) eq 1`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-19.txt A test whose essence is: `count(subsequence(1 to 3, 1, 1)) eq 1`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-20.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(subsequence((1, 2), 4))`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-21.txt A test whose essence is: `subsequence((5, 6, 7, 8), 2, 1) eq 6`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-22.txt A test whose essence is: `count(subsequence((1, 2), 2)) eq 1`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-23.txt A test whose essence is: `count(subsequence((1, 2, 3, "four"), 2)) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-24.txt A test whose essence is: `count(subsequence((1, 2, 3, "four"), 2, 2)) eq 2`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-25.txt A test whose essence is: `subsequence((1, 2, 3.1, "four"), 1, 1)`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-26.txt A test whose essence is: `1 eq "a string"`. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `1 eq subsequence(("1", 2, 3.1, "four"), 1, 1)`. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `subsequence(("1", 2, 3.1, "four"), 1, 1) eq 1`. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `subsequence(error(), 1, 1)`. emptydoc FOER0000 A test whose essence is: `count(subsequence((1, 2, 2, current-time()), 2, 2)) eq 2`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-31.txt A test whose essence is: `count(subsequence(remove(current-time(), 1), 1, 1)) eq 0`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-32.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal(1, subsequence((1, 2, current-time()), 1, 1))`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-33.txt Using subsequence inside a predicate. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-34.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(subsequence((current-time(), 1), 4))`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-35.txt A test whose essence is: `count(subsequence((current-time(), 1), 4)) eq 0`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-36.txt A test whose essence is: `count(subsequence((current-time(), 2 , 3), 1)) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-37.txt A test whose essence is: `count(subsequence((current-time(), 2 , 3), 3)) eq 1`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-38.txt A test whose essence is: `count(subsequence((current-time(), 2 , 3, 4), 2, 2)) eq 2`. emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-39.txt Apply a predicate to the result of fn:subsequence(). emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-40.txt Apply a predicate to the result of fn:subsequence(). emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-41.txt Apply a predicate to the result of fn:subsequence(). emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-42.txt Apply a predicate to the result of fn:subsequence(). emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-43.txt Apply a predicate to the result of fn:subsequence(). emptydoc K-SeqSubsequenceFunc-44.txt Use fn:subsequence where the input is via variable references. emptydoc K2-SeqSubsequenceFunc-1.txt A zero length. emptydoc K2-SeqSubsequenceFunc-2.txt A negative length. emptydoc K2-SeqSubsequenceFunc-3.txt Ensure rounding is done properly, 1.1. emptydoc K2-SeqSubsequenceFunc-4.txt Ensure rounding is done properly, 1.8. emptydoc K2-SeqSubsequenceFunc-5.txt Ensure rounding is done properly, 1.4. emptydoc K2-SeqSubsequenceFunc-6.txt Ensure rounding is done properly, 1.5. emptydoc K2-SeqSubsequenceFunc-7.txt Have subsequence inside a function body, to trap bugs related to inference, rewrites and function call sites. emptydoc K2-SeqSubsequenceFunc-8.txt Have subsequence inside a function body, to trap bugs related to inference, rewrites and function call sites(#2). emptydoc K2-SeqSubsequenceFunc-9.txt Have a call to subsequence that triggers a type error in an expression which can be const folded(derived from functionbc20_037). emptydoc XPTY0004 fn:unordered Arg: sequence of string. emptydoc fn-unordered-mix-args-001.txt Arg: sequence of string. emptydoc fn-unordered-mix-args-002.txt Arg: sequence of string. emptydoc fn-unordered-mix-args-003.txt Arg: sequence of string. emptydoc fn-unordered-mix-args-004.txt Arg: sequence of string and anyURI. emptydoc fn-unordered-mix-args-005.txt Arg: sequence of string. emptydoc fn-unordered-mix-args-006.txt Arg: sequence of string and integer. emptydoc fn-unordered-mix-args-007.txt Arg: sequence of string , decimal and integer. emptydoc fn-unordered-mix-args-008.txt Arg: sequence of string and float. emptydoc fn-unordered-mix-args-009.txt Arg: sequence of string and float. emptydoc fn-unordered-mix-args-010.txt Arg: sequence of string and float. emptydoc fn-unordered-mix-args-011.txt Arg: sequence of string and float. emptydoc fn-unordered-mix-args-012.txt Arg: sequence of string and double. emptydoc fn-unordered-mix-args-013.txt Arg: sequence of string and double. emptydoc fn-unordered-mix-args-014.txt Arg: sequence of string and double. emptydoc fn-unordered-mix-args-015.txt Arg: sequence of string and double. emptydoc fn-unordered-mix-args-016.txt Arg: sequence of string and boolean. emptydoc fn-unordered-mix-args-017.txt Arg: sequence of string and boolean. emptydoc fn-unordered-mix-args-018.txt Arg: sequence of string and boolean. emptydoc fn-unordered-mix-args-019.txt Arg: sequence of string and boolean. emptydoc fn-unordered-mix-args-020.txt Arg: sequence of string and date. emptydoc fn-unordered-mix-args-021.txt Arg: sequence of string and dateTime. emptydoc fn-unordered-mix-args-022.txt Arg: sequence of string and time. emptydoc fn-unordered-mix-args-023.txt A test whose essence is: `unordered()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `unordered(1, 2)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `unordered(1) eq 1`. emptydoc K-SeqUnorderedFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `count(unordered((1, 2, 3))) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqUnorderedFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `count(unordered((1, 2, current-time()))) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqUnorderedFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(unordered(()))`. emptydoc K-SeqUnorderedFunc-6.txt XPST0005 A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((1, 2, 3), unordered((1, 2, 3)))`. emptydoc K-SeqUnorderedFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `unordered(error())`. emptydoc FOER0000 Functions That Test the Cardinality of Sequences fn:zero-or-one Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-oneint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-zero-or-oneint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-oneint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-oneintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-zero-or-oneintg1args-2.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-oneintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onedec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onedec1args-2.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onedec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onedbl1args-1.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onedbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onedbl1args-3.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-oneflt1args-1.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-zero-or-oneflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-oneflt1args-3.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onelng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onelng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onelng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-oneusht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-zero-or-oneusht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-oneusht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onenint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onenint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onenint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onepint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onepint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onepint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-oneulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-zero-or-oneulng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-oneulng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onenpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onenpi1args-2.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onenpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onenni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onenni1args-2.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onenni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onesht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onesht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-zero-or-onesht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "zero-or-one" function the argument is a sequence of two items. emptydoc FORG0003 A test whose essence is: `zero-or-one(1, 2)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `zero-or-one()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `zero-or-one(true())`. emptydoc K-SeqZeroOrOneFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(zero-or-one(()))`. emptydoc K-SeqZeroOrOneFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `count(zero-or-one( "one" )) eq 1`. emptydoc K-SeqZeroOrOneFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `count(zero-or-one( () )) eq 0`. emptydoc K-SeqZeroOrOneFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `zero-or-one(error())`. emptydoc FOER0000 A test whose essence is: `zero-or-one( (1, 2, 3) )`. emptydoc FORG0003 fn:one-or-more Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-moreint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-one-or-moreint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-moreint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-moreintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-one-or-moreintg1args-2.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-moreintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-moredec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-one-or-moredec1args-2.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-moredec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-moredbl1args-1.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-one-or-moredbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-moredbl1args-3.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-moreflt1args-1.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-one-or-moreflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-moreflt1args-3.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-morelng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-one-or-morelng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-morelng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-moreusht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-one-or-moreusht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-moreusht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-morenint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-one-or-morenint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-morenint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-morepint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-one-or-morepint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-morepint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-moreulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-one-or-moreulng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-moreulng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-morenpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-one-or-morenpi1args-2.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-morenpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-morenni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-one-or-morenni1args-2.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-morenni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-moresht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-one-or-moresht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-one-or-moresht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "one-or-more" function with the argument set to empty sequence. emptydoc FORG0004 A test whose essence is: `one-or-more(1, 2)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `one-or-more()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `one-or-more("one")`. emptydoc K-SeqOneOrMoreFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `exists(one-or-more(("one", 2)))`. emptydoc K-SeqOneOrMoreFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `count(one-or-more( "one" )) eq 1`. emptydoc K-SeqOneOrMoreFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `count(one-or-more( (1, 2, 3, "four") )) eq 4`. emptydoc K-SeqOneOrMoreFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `one-or-more(error())`. emptydoc FOER0000 A test whose essence is: `one-or-more( () )`. emptydoc FORG0004 Have fn:one-or-more() as an operand to an expression that requires zero or more, that itself has cardinality zero or more. emptydoc K2-SeqOneOrMoreFunc-1.txt fn:exactly-one Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-oneint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-exactly-oneint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-oneint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-oneintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-exactly-oneintg1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-oneintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-onedec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-exactly-onedec1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-onedec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-onedbl1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-exactly-onedbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-onedbl1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-oneflt1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-exactly-oneflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-oneflt1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-onelng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-exactly-onelng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-onelng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-oneusht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-exactly-oneusht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-oneusht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-onenint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-exactly-onenint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-onenint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-onepint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-exactly-onepint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-onepint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-oneulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-exactly-oneulng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-oneulng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-onenpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-exactly-onenpi1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-onenpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-onenni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-exactly-onenni1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-onenni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-onesht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-exactly-onesht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-exactly-onesht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "exactly-one" function with the argument set to a sequence with more than one item. emptydoc FORG0005 A test whose essence is: `exactly-one(1, 2)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `exactly-one()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `exactly-one( (1, 2, 3) )`. emptydoc FORG0005 A test whose essence is: `exactly-one("one") eq "one"`. emptydoc K-SeqExactlyOneFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `count(exactly-one( "one" )) eq 1`. emptydoc K-SeqExactlyOneFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `exactly-one(error())`. emptydoc FOER0000 A test whose essence is: `exactly-one((true(), error()))`. emptydoc FOER0000 A test whose essence is: `exactly-one(( error(), true()))`. emptydoc FOER0000 A test whose essence is: `exactly-one( () )`. emptydoc FORG0005 No function by name zero-or-more exists. emptydoc XPST0017 fn:deep-equal Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:int(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:int(mid range) $parameter2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:int(upper bound) $parameter2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:int(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-deep-equalint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:int(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalintg2args-1.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:integer(mid range) $parameter2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalintg2args-2.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:integer(upper bound) $parameter2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalintg2args-3.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-deep-equalintg2args-4.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalintg2args-5.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equaldec2args-1.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:decimal(mid range) $parameter2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equaldec2args-2.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:decimal(upper bound) $parameter2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equaldec2args-3.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-deep-equaldec2args-4.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equaldec2args-5.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:double(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equaldbl2args-1.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:double(mid range) $parameter2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equaldbl2args-2.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:double(upper bound) $parameter2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equaldbl2args-3.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:double(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-deep-equaldbl2args-4.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:double(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equaldbl2args-5.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:float(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalflt2args-1.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:float(mid range) $parameter2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalflt2args-2.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:float(upper bound) $parameter2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalflt2args-3.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:float(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-deep-equalflt2args-4.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:float(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalflt2args-5.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:long(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equallng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:long(mid range) $parameter2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equallng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:long(upper bound) $parameter2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equallng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:long(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-deep-equallng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:long(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equallng2args-5.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalusht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range) $parameter2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalusht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound) $parameter2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalusht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-deep-equalusht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalusht2args-5.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalnint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range) $parameter2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalnint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound) $parameter2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalnint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-deep-equalnint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalnint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalpint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range) $parameter2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalpint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound) $parameter2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalpint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-deep-equalpint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalpint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalulng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range) $parameter2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalulng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound) $parameter2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalulng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-deep-equalulng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalulng2args-5.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalnpi2args-1.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range) $parameter2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalnpi2args-2.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound) $parameter2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalnpi2args-3.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-deep-equalnpi2args-4.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalnpi2args-5.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalnni2args-1.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range) $parameter2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalnni2args-2.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound) $parameter2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalnni2args-3.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-deep-equalnni2args-4.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalnni2args-5.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:short(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalsht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:short(mid range) $parameter2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalsht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:short(upper bound) $parameter2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalsht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:short(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-deep-equalsht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "deep-equal" function with the arguments set as follows: $parameter1 = xs:short(lower bound) $parameter2 = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-deep-equalsht2args-5.txt The order of elements in sequence is important. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-001.txt Two sequences are deep-equal if items have same value and same order. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-002.txt Comparing arguments of type string. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-003.txt Arg of type string, but case is different. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-004.txt Arg1: string, arg2: sequence with 1 element of type string. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-005.txt Comparing null strings. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-006.txt Comparing null sequences. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-007.txt Comparing nested null and a null sequence. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-008.txt Comparing arg1: sequence with a space with agr2: empty sequence. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-009.txt Comparing strings with different value. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-010.txt Comparing arg1: anyURI, arg2: string. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-011.txt Comparing arg1:anyURI and arg2:string. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-012.txt Comparing arg1:integer and arg2:decimal. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-013.txt Comapring integer args with different values. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-014.txt Comparing arg1:integer and arg2:float. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-015.txt Comparing arg1:integer, arg2:double. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-016.txt Comparing arg1:decimal , arg2:float. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-017.txt Comparing arg1:decimal, arg2:double. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-018.txt Comparing arg1:float , arg2:double. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-019.txt Comparing arg1:float, arg2:double values INF. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-020.txt Comparing arg1:float, arg2:double values -INF. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-021.txt Comparing arg1:float, arg2:double values NaN. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-022.txt Comparing two boolean args. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-023.txt Comparing two boolean args. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-024.txt Comparing arg1:boolean arg2:value returned by true fn. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-025.txt Comparing two boolean args. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-026.txt Comparing arg1:boolean arg2:value of false fn. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-027.txt Comparing arg1:date, arg2: string. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-028.txt Comparing arg1:date, arg2: string. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-029.txt Comparing arg1:dateTime, arg2: string. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-030.txt Comparing arg1:time, arg2: string. emptydoc fn-deep-equal-mix-args-031.txt Apply deep-equal to nodes bib fn-deep-equal-node-args-1.txt Apply deep-equal to nodes bib fn-deep-equal-node-args-2.txt Apply deep-equal to nodes bib fn-deep-equal-node-args-3.txt Apply deep-equal to nodes bib fn-deep-equal-node-args-4.txt Apply deep-equal to nodes bib fn-deep-equal-node-args-5.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `deep-equal("a string")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `deep-equal("a string", "a string", "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `deep-equal("a string", "a string", "http://www.example.com/COLLATION/NOT/SUPPORTED")`. emptydoc FOCH0002 A test whose essence is: `deep-equal("a string", "a string", ())`. emptydoc XPTY0004 A test whose essence is: `deep-equal("a string", "a string", "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint")`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((), ()) eq true()`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal(xs:float("NaN"), xs:float("NaN"))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal(xs:double("NaN"), xs:double("NaN"))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal(xs:float("NaN"), xs:double("NaN"))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-10.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal(xs:double("NaN"), xs:float("NaN"))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-11.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal(xs:float("NaN"), xs:float(0)))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-12.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal(xs:float(0), xs:float("NaN")))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-13.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal(xs:double(0), xs:double("NaN")))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-14.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal(xs:double("NaN"), xs:double(0)))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-15.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal(xs:decimal("1"), xs:anyURI("example.com")))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-16.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal(QName("example.com", "ncname"), 3e2))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-17.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal((1, 2, xs:anyURI("example.com")), (1, 2, 3)))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-18.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal((1, xs:decimal("2.2"), 3), (1, 2, 3)))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-19.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal((true(), 2, 3), (1, 2, 3)))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-20.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal((1, 2, 3), (1, 2, QName("example.com", "ncname"))))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-21.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal((1, 2, 3), (1, xs:hexBinary("FF"), 3)))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-22.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal((1, 2, 3), (xs:base64Binary("FFFF"), 2, 3)))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-23.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((1, 2, xs:base64Binary("FFFF")), (1, 2, xs:base64Binary("FFFF")))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-24.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-25.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal((1, 1, 3), (1, 1, 1)))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-26.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal((1, 3, 1), (1, 1, 1)))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-27.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal((3, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1)))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-28.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal((1, 1, 1), (3, 1, 1)))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-29.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal((1, 1, 1), (1, 3, 1)))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-30.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal((1, 1, 1), (1, 1, 3)))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-31.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal(index-of(20, 20), (1))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-32.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal(index-of((20, 40), 20), (1))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-33.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal(index-of((20, 20), 20), (1, 2))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-34.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal(index-of((20, 40, 20), 20), (1, 3))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-35.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((1, 1, "str"), (1, 1, "str"))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-36.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((1, "str", 1), (1, "str", 1))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-37.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal(("str", 1, 1), ("str", 1, 1))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-38.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((1, 1, ()), (1, 1, ()))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-39.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((1, (), 1), (1, (), 1))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-40.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal(((), 1, 1), ((), 1, 1))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-41.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal((1, 1, ()), (1, 1, 1)))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-42.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal((1, (), 1), (1, 1, 1)))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-43.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal(((), 1, 1), (1, 1, 1)))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-44.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal((1, 1, 1), (1, 1, ())))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-45.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal((1, 1, 1), (1, (), 1)))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-46.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal((1, 1, 1), ((), 1, 1)))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-47.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal((1, 1), (1, 1, 1)))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-48.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal((1, 1, 1), (1, 1)))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-49.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal((), (1, 1, 1)))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-50.txt A test whose essence is: `not(deep-equal((1, 1, 1), ()))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-51.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((), reverse(0 to -5))`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-52.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((), 0 to -5)`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-53.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal(reverse(0 to -5), ())`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-54.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal(0 to -5, ())`. emptydoc K-SeqDeepEqualFunc-55.txt Two date/time values that never will compare equal. emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-1.txt A date and node value that never will compare equal. emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-2.txt A date and node value that never will compare equal(#2). emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-3.txt Time values that never will compare equal. emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-4.txt Comparing mixed content. emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-5.txt Comparing mixed content(#2). emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-6.txt Comparing mixed content(#3). emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-7.txt fn:deep-equal() takes two arguments, not zero. emptydoc XPST0017 fn:deep-equal() takes two arguments, not one. emptydoc XPST0017 fn:deep-equal() with two sequence of nodes. emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-10.txt fn:deep-equal() with two sequence of nodes(#2). emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-11.txt fn:deep-equal() with two sequence of nodes(#3). emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-12.txt fn:deep-equal() with two sequence of nodes(#4). emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-13.txt Ensure processing instructions are ignored if children of a document node. emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-14.txt Ensure processing instructions are ignored if children of a document node(#2). emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-15.txt Ensure processing instructions are ignored if children of a document node. emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-16.txt Ensure processing instructions are ignored if children of a document node(#2). emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-17.txt fn:deep-equal() with mixed content. emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-18.txt fn:deep-equal() with mixed content(#2). emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-19.txt One of the operands has two text nodes, and hence it evaluate to false. emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-20.txt Processing instructions inside elements are ignored. emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-21.txt One of the operands has two text nodes besides the comment, and hence it evaluate to false. emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-22.txt Comments inside elements are ignored. emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-23.txt Compare attribute nodes. emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-24.txt Compare attribute nodes in a weird order. emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-25.txt Compare operands with attributes nodes of different size. emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-26.txt Compare operands with attributes nodes of different size(#2). emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-27.txt Test deep-equalness of two attribute nodes. emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-28.txt Test deep-equalness of two attribute nodes. emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-29.txt Test deep-equalness of two attribute nodes that has the same name, but different string values. emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-30.txt Test deep-equalness of two attribute nodes that has same text content but different names. emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-31.txt Test deep-equalness of two attribute nodes that has identical text content but different names. emptydoc K2-SeqDeepEqualFunc-32.txt Aggregate Functions fn:count Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-countint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-countint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-countint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-countintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-countintg1args-2.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-countintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-countdec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-countdec1args-2.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-countdec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-countdbl1args-1.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-countdbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-countdbl1args-3.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-countflt1args-1.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-countflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-countflt1args-3.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-countlng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-countlng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-countlng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-countusht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-countusht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-countusht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-countnint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-countnint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-countnint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-countpint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-countpint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-countpint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-countulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-countulng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-countulng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-countnpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-countnpi1args-2.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-countnpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-countnni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-countnni1args-2.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-countnni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-countsht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-countsht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "count" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-countsht1args-3.txt A test whose essence is: `count()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `count(1, ())`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `count( () ) eq 0`. emptydoc K-SeqCountFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `count( (1, 2, 3) ) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqCountFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `count( (1, 2, ()) ) eq 2`. emptydoc K-SeqCountFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `count(()) eq 0`. emptydoc K-SeqCountFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `count(((((()))))) eq 0`. emptydoc K-SeqCountFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `count( (((), (), ()), (), (), (), ()) ) eq 0`. emptydoc K-SeqCountFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `count( (1, 2, 3) ) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqCountFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `count( ((), "one", 2, "three")) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqCountFunc-10.txt A test whose essence is: `count( ("one", (2, "three")) ) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqCountFunc-11.txt A test whose essence is: `count((1, 2)) eq 2`. emptydoc K-SeqCountFunc-12.txt A test whose essence is: `count((1, 2, 3, "four")) eq 4`. emptydoc K-SeqCountFunc-13.txt A test whose essence is: `count((1, 2, 3, "four")) eq 4`. emptydoc K-SeqCountFunc-14.txt A test whose essence is: `count(1 to 3) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqCountFunc-15.txt A test whose essence is: `count(reverse((1, 2, 3))) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqCountFunc-16.txt A test whose essence is: `count(reverse((1, 2, 3))) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqCountFunc-17.txt A test whose essence is: `not(count((1, 2, current-time(), 4))) eq false()`. emptydoc K-SeqCountFunc-18.txt fn:count() doesn't implicitly get the context node. emptydoc XPST0017 fn:avg Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-avgint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-avgintg1args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgdec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-avgdec1args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgdec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgdbl1args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-avgdbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgdbl1args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgflt1args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-avgflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgflt1args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avglng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-avglng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avglng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgusht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-avgusht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgusht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgnint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-avgnint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgnint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgpint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-avgpint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgpint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-avgulng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgulng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgnpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-avgnpi1args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgnpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgnni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-avgnni1args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgnni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgsht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-avgsht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgsht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(mid range) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-avgint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgintg2args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(mid range) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgintg2args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgintg2args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-avgintg2args-4.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgintg2args-5.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgdec2args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(mid range) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgdec2args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgdec2args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-avgdec2args-4.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgdec2args-5.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc truevalue.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(mid range) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc truevalue.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgdbl2args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc truevalue.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgdbl2args-5.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgflt2args-1.txt fn-avgflt2argsalt-1.txt FOAR0002 Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(mid range) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgflt2args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgflt2args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-avgflt2args-4.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgflt2args-5.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avglng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(mid range) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avglng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avglng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-avglng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avglng2args-5.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgusht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgusht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgusht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-avgusht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgusht2args-5.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgnint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgnint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgnint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-avgnint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgnint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgpint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgpint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgpint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-avgpint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgpint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgulng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgulng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgulng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-avgulng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgulng2args-5.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgnpi2args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgnpi2args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgnpi2args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-avgnpi2args-4.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgnpi2args-5.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgnni2args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgnni2args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgnni2args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-avgnni2args-4.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgnni2args-5.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgsht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(mid range) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgsht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-avgsht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-avgsht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-avgsht2args-5.txt Arg: seq of integer. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-001.txt Arg: yearMonthDuration. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-002.txt Arg: empty seq. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-003.txt Arg: float. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-004.txt Arg: seq of integer, float. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-005.txt Arg: seq of integer. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-006.txt Arg: seq of integer. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-007.txt Arg: seq of integer. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-008.txt Arg: seq of integer,decimal. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-009.txt fn-avg-mix-argsalt-009.txt Arg: seq of integer,decimal. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-010.txt Arg: seq of integer,float,empty seq. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-011.txt Arg: seq of float,decimal. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-012.txt Arg: seq of float,decimal. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-013.txt Arg: seq of float,decimal. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-014.txt Arg: seq of float,decimal. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-015.txt Arg: seq of float,decimal. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-016.txt Arg: seq of float,decimal. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-017.txt Arg: seq of float. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-018.txt Arg: seq of float,decimal. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-019.txt Arg: seq of double,integer. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-020.txt Arg: seq of double,integer. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-021.txt Arg: seq of double,integer. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-022.txt Arg: seq of double,integer. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-023.txt Arg: seq of double,integer. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-024.txt Arg: seq of double,integer. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-025.txt Arg: seq of double,float. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-026.txt Arg: seq of double,integer. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-027.txt Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-047.txt FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc fn-avg-mix-args-056.txt FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0006. emptydoc FORG0006 Negative test gives FORG0001. bib2 FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `avg()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `avg(1, "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(avg(()))`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `avg((3, 3, 3)) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `avg((-3, -3, -3)) eq -3`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `avg((xs:float(1), xs:integer(3), xs:float(3))) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `avg((xs:float(1), xs:integer(3), xs:decimal(3))) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `avg((xs:float(1), xs:integer(3), xs:double(3))) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `avg((xs:integer(1), xs:integer(3), xs:decimal(3))) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `avg((xs:float(1), xs:integer(0), xs:float(5))) eq 2.0`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-10.txt A test whose essence is: `avg((xs:float(1), xs:integer(0), xs:untypedAtomic(-4))) eq -1`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-11.txt A test whose essence is: `avg((xs:float(1), xs:integer(0), xs:untypedAtomic(3))) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-12.txt A test whose essence is: `avg((xs:untypedAtomic(3), xs:integer(0), xs:decimal(1))) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-13.txt A test whose essence is: `string(avg((3, 3, xs:double("NaN")))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-14.txt A test whose essence is: `string(avg((3, xs:double("NaN"), 3))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-15.txt A test whose essence is: `string(avg((xs:double("NaN"), 3, 3))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-16.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(avg(()))`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-17.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(avg(((), ())))`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-18.txt A test whose essence is: `avg((-5, -0, -3, -6)) eq -3.5`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-19.txt A test whose essence is: `string(avg((1, 2, 3, xs:float("NaN")))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-20.txt A test whose essence is: `string(avg((1, 2, 3, xs:double("NaN")))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-21.txt A test whose essence is: `string(avg((xs:double("NaN"), 1, 2, 3))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-22.txt A test whose essence is: `string(avg((xs:float("NaN"), 1, 2, 3))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-23.txt A test whose essence is: `string(avg((1, 2, xs:double("NaN"), 1, 2, 3))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-24.txt A test whose essence is: `string(avg((1, 2, xs:float("NaN"), 1, 2, 3))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-25.txt A test whose essence is: `avg(xs:untypedAtomic("3")) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-26.txt A test whose essence is: `avg((1, 2, xs:untypedAtomic("3"))) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-27.txt A test whose essence is: `avg((1, 2, xs:untypedAtomic("3"))) eq 2`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-28.txt A test whose essence is: `avg((xs:float(1), 2, xs:untypedAtomic("3"))) eq 2`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-29.txt A test whose essence is: `avg((xs:float(1), 2, xs:untypedAtomic("3"))) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-30.txt A test whose essence is: `avg("a string")`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `avg(xs:anyURI("a string"))`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `avg((1, 2, 3, xs:anyURI("a string"), xs:double("NaN")))`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `avg("a string")`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `avg((xs:untypedAtomic(3), xs:integer(3), xs:string(1)))`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `avg((xs:string(1), xs:integer(3), xs:untypedAtomic(3)))`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `avg((xs:float(2), xs:integer(3), "a string", xs:double(2)))`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `avg((xs:yearMonthDuration("P20Y"), (3, 4, 5)))`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `avg((xs:yearMonthDuration("P20Y"), xs:yearMonthDuration("P10M"))) eq xs:yearMonthDuration("P125M")`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-39.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(avg( () ))`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-40.txt A test whose essence is: `string(avg((xs:float('INF'), xs:float('-INF')))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-41.txt A test whose essence is: `string(avg(((3, 4, 5), xs:float('NaN')))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-42.txt A test whose essence is: `avg((3, 4, 5)) eq 4.0`. emptydoc K-SeqAVGFunc-43.txt Ensure the return type is correct when type promotion is required. emptydoc K2-SeqAVGFunc-1.txt Ensure the return type is correct when type promotion is required(#2). emptydoc K2-SeqAVGFunc-2.txt Check the average of two integers. emptydoc K2-SeqAVGFunc-3.txt Evaluates the "avg" function with the argument set to a sequence of strings. Should raise a type error. emptydoc FORG0006 Evaluates the "avg" function with the argument set to the empty sequence. emptydoc fn-avg-2.txt Test fn:avg on a sequence of xs:dayTimeDuration arguments. fn-avg-3.txt Test fn:avg on a sequence of xs:dayTimeDuration arguments. fn-avg-4.txt Test fn:avg on a sequence of xs:yearMonthDuration arguments. fn-avg-5.txt Test fn:avg on a sequence of xs:yearMonthDuration arguments. fn-avg-6.txt Test fn:avg on a sequence of xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:dayTimeDuration arguments. FORG0006 XPTY0004 Test fn:avg on a sequence of xs:duration arguments. FORG0006 XPTY0004 fn:max Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxintg1args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxdec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxdec1args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxdec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxdbl1args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxdbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxdbl1args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxflt1args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxflt1args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxlng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxlng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxlng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxusht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxusht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxusht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxnint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxnint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxnint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxpint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxpint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxpint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxulng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxulng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxnpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxnpi1args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxnpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxnni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxnni1args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxnni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxsht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxsht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxsht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(mid range) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxintg2args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(mid range) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxintg2args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxintg2args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxintg2args-4.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxintg2args-5.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxdec2args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(mid range) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxdec2args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxdec2args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxdec2args-4.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxdec2args-5.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxdbl2args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(mid range) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxdbl2args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxdbl2args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxdbl2args-4.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxdbl2args-5.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxflt2args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(mid range) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxflt2args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxflt2args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxflt2args-4.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxflt2args-5.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxlng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(mid range) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxlng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxlng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxlng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxlng2args-5.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxusht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxusht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxusht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxusht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxusht2args-5.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxnint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxnint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxnint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxnint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxnint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxpint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxpint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxpint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxpint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxpint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxulng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxulng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxulng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxulng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxulng2args-5.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxnpi2args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxnpi2args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxnpi2args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxnpi2args-4.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxnpi2args-5.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxnni2args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxnni2args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxnni2args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxnni2args-4.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxnni2args-5.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxsht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(mid range) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxsht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-maxsht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-maxsht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-maxsht2args-5.txt A test whose essence is: `max()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `max("a string", "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(max(()))`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `max((3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3)) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `max((3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `max((1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3)) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `max((3, 1, 5, 1, 1, 3)) eq 5`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `max((3, -5.0, 5, 1, -3, 3)) eq 5`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `max(xs:untypedAtomic("3")) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `max(xs:untypedAtomic("3")) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-10.txt A test whose essence is: `max((xs:untypedAtomic("3"), 1, 2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-11.txt A test whose essence is: `max((1, xs:float(2), xs:untypedAtomic("3"))) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-12.txt A test whose essence is: `max((1, xs:float(2), xs:untypedAtomic("3"))) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-13.txt A test whose essence is: `max((1, xs:float(2), xs:decimal(3))) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-14.txt A test whose essence is: `max((1, xs:untypedAtomic("3"), xs:float(2))) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-15.txt A test whose essence is: `string(max((1, xs:untypedAtomic("NaN"), xs:float(2)))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-16.txt A test whose essence is: `string(max((xs:float("NaN"), xs:untypedAtomic("3"), xs:float(2)))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-17.txt A test whose essence is: `max((xs:float("NaN"), xs:untypedAtomic("3"), xs:float(2))) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-18.txt A test whose essence is: `max((xs:float("NaN"), 1, 1, 2, xs:double("NaN"))) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-19.txt A test whose essence is: `max((xs:double("NaN"), 1, 1, 2, xs:float("NaN"))) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-20.txt An xs:string cannot be compared to a numeric, even if a value is NaN. emptydoc FORG0006 An xs:string cannot be compared to a numeric, even if a value is NaN. emptydoc FORG0006 A type error must be reported even if one of other values is NaN. emptydoc FORG0001 A type error must be reported even if one of other values is NaN. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `string(max((xs:double("NaN"), xs:double("NaN")))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-25.txt A test whose essence is: `string(max((xs:float("NaN"), xs:float("NaN")))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-26.txt A test whose essence is: `string(max((3, xs:double("NaN")))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-27.txt A test whose essence is: `string(max((3, xs:float("NaN")))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-28.txt A test whose essence is: `max((3, xs:double("NaN"))) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-29.txt A test whose essence is: `max((3, xs:float("NaN"))) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-30.txt A test whose essence is: `string(max((xs:float(-3), xs:untypedAtomic("3"), xs:double("NaN")))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-31.txt A test whose essence is: `max((xs:float(-3), xs:untypedAtomic("3"), xs:double("NaN"))) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-32.txt A test whose essence is: `string(max(xs:float("NaN"))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-33.txt A test whose essence is: `string(max(xs:double("NaN"))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-34.txt A test whose essence is: `max(xs:untypedAtomic("three"))`. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `max((xs:untypedAtomic("3"), "a string"))`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `max(("a string", xs:untypedAtomic("3")))`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `max(QName("example.com/", "ncname"))`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `max(xs:anyURI("example.com/")) eq xs:anyURI("example.com/")`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-39.txt A test whose essence is: `max((xs:anyURI("example.com/"), xs:anyURI("example.com/"))) eq xs:anyURI("example.com/")`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-40.txt A test whose essence is: `max(("a string")) eq "a string"`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-41.txt A test whose essence is: `max(("a string", QName("example.com/", "ncname")))`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `max((5, 5.0e0)) eq 5.0e0`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-43.txt A test whose essence is: `max((5, 5.0e0)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-44.txt A test whose essence is: `max((5, 3.0e0)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-45.txt A test whose essence is: `max((5.0e0, 5)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-46.txt A test whose essence is: `max((3, 5.0e0)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-47.txt A test whose essence is: `max((5.0e0, 3)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-48.txt A test whose essence is: `max((1, 1, 1, 1, 1.0)) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-49.txt A test whose essence is: `max((1.0, 1, 1, 1, 1)) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-50.txt A test whose essence is: `max((1.0, 1, 1.0, 1, 1)) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-51.txt A test whose essence is: `max((5.0e0, 5)) eq 5.0e0`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-52.txt A test whose essence is: `max((3, 5.0e0)) eq 5.0e0`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-53.txt A test whose essence is: `max((5.0e0, 3)) eq 5.0e0`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-54.txt Testing max() with current-date(). emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-55.txt A test whose essence is: `max((3,4,5)) eq 5`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-56.txt A test whose essence is: `max((5, 5.0e0)) eq 5.0e0`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-57.txt A test whose essence is: `max((3,4, "Zero"))`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `max(("a", "b", "c")) eq "c"`. emptydoc K-SeqMAXFunc-59.txt Invoke fn:max() on two identical xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-SeqMAXFunc-1.txt Invoke fn:max() on two different xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-SeqMAXFunc-2.txt Invoke fn:max() on two different xs:anyURI values(#2). emptydoc K2-SeqMAXFunc-3.txt Invoke fn:max() with an unsupported collation. emptydoc FOCH0002 Invoke fn:max() with too many arguments. emptydoc XPST0017 Invoke fn:max() with an unsupported collation and one xs:anyURI value. emptydoc K2-SeqMAXFunc-6.txt FOCH0002 Ensure the return type is properly inferred. emptydoc K2-SeqMAXFunc-7.txt Evaluates the "max" function with the argument set to a sequence of different types. emptydoc FORG0006 Evaluates type promotion with the fn:max function. emptydoc fn-max-2.txt Evaluates type promotion with the fn:max function. Used derived types that should promote to least common type. emptydoc fn-max-3.txt Test fn:max on a sequence of xs:dayTimeDuration arguments. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5459 fn-max-4.txt Test fn:max on a sequence of xs:dayTimeDuration arguments. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5459 fn-max-5.txt Test fn:max on a sequence of xs:yearMonthDuration arguments. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5459 fn-max-6.txt Test fn:max on a sequence of xs:yearMonthDuration arguments. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5459 fn-max-7.txt Test fn:max on a sequence of xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:dayTimeDuration arguments. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5459 FORG0006 XPTY0004 Test fn:max on a sequence of xs:duration arguments. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5459 FORG0006 XPTY0004 Test dynamic type of fn:max on a sequence of numeric arguments. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5459 fn-max-10.txt fn:min Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-minint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-minintg1args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-mindec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-mindec1args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-mindec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-mindbl1args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-mindbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-mindbl1args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minflt1args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-minflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minflt1args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minlng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-minlng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minlng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minusht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-minusht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minusht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minnint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-minnint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minnint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minpint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-minpint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minpint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-minulng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minulng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minnpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-minnpi1args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minnpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minnni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-minnni1args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minnni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minsht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-minsht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minsht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(mid range) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-minint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minintg2args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(mid range) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minintg2args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minintg2args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-minintg2args-4.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minintg2args-5.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-mindec2args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(mid range) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-mindec2args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-mindec2args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-mindec2args-4.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-mindec2args-5.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-mindbl2args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(mid range) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-mindbl2args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-mindbl2args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-mindbl2args-4.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-mindbl2args-5.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minflt2args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(mid range) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minflt2args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minflt2args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-minflt2args-4.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minflt2args-5.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minlng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(mid range) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minlng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minlng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-minlng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minlng2args-5.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minusht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minusht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minusht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-minusht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minusht2args-5.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minnint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minnint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minnint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-minnint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minnint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minpint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minpint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minpint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-minpint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minpint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minulng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minulng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minulng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-minulng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minulng2args-5.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minnpi2args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minnpi2args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minnpi2args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-minnpi2args-4.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minnpi2args-5.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minnni2args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minnni2args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minnni2args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-minnni2args-4.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minnni2args-5.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minsht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(mid range) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minsht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-minsht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-minsht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-minsht2args-5.txt A test whose essence is: `min()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `min("a string", "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint", "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `empty(min(()))`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `min((3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3)) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `min((3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)) eq 1`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `min((1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3)) eq 1`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `min((3, 1, 5, 1, 1, 3)) eq 1`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `min((3, -5.0, 5, 1, -3, 3)) eq -5.0`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `min(xs:untypedAtomic("3")) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `min(xs:untypedAtomic("3")) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-10.txt A test whose essence is: `min((xs:untypedAtomic("1"), 3, 2)) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-11.txt A test whose essence is: `min((3, xs:float(2), xs:untypedAtomic("1"))) eq 1`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-12.txt A test whose essence is: `min((3, xs:float(2), xs:untypedAtomic("1"))) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-13.txt A test whose essence is: `min((1, xs:float(2), xs:decimal(3))) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-14.txt A test whose essence is: `min((3, xs:untypedAtomic("1"), xs:float(2))) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-15.txt A test whose essence is: `string(min((1, xs:untypedAtomic("NaN"), xs:float(2)))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-16.txt A test whose essence is: `string(min((xs:float("NaN"), xs:untypedAtomic("3"), xs:float(2)))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-17.txt A test whose essence is: `min((xs:float("NaN"), xs:untypedAtomic("3"), xs:double(2))) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-18.txt A test whose essence is: `min((xs:float("NaN"), 1, 1, 2, xs:double("NaN"))) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-19.txt A test whose essence is: `min((xs:double("NaN"), 1, 1, 2, xs:float("NaN"))) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-20.txt An xs:string cannot be compared to a numeric, even if a value is NaN. emptydoc FORG0006 An xs:string cannot be compared to a numeric, even if a value is NaN. emptydoc FORG0006 A type error must be reported even if one of other values is NaN. emptydoc FORG0001 A type error must be reported even if one of other values is NaN. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `string(min((xs:double("NaN"), xs:double("NaN")))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-25.txt A test whose essence is: `string(min((xs:float("NaN"), xs:float("NaN")))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-26.txt A test whose essence is: `string(min((3, xs:double("NaN")))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-27.txt A test whose essence is: `string(min((3, xs:float("NaN")))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-28.txt A test whose essence is: `min((3, xs:double("NaN"))) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-29.txt A test whose essence is: `min((3, xs:float("NaN"))) instance of xs:float`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-30.txt A test whose essence is: `string(min((xs:float(-3), xs:untypedAtomic("3"), xs:double("NaN")))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-31.txt A test whose essence is: `min((xs:float(-3), xs:untypedAtomic("3"), xs:double("NaN"))) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-32.txt A test whose essence is: `string(min(xs:float("NaN"))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-33.txt A test whose essence is: `string(min(xs:double("NaN"))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-34.txt A test whose essence is: `min(xs:untypedAtomic("three"))`. emptydoc FORG0001 A test whose essence is: `min((xs:untypedAtomic("3"), "a string"))`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `min(("a string", xs:untypedAtomic("3")))`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `min(QName("example.com/", "ncname"))`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `min(xs:anyURI("example.com/")) eq xs:anyURI("example.com/")`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-39.txt A test whose essence is: `min((xs:anyURI("example.com/"), xs:anyURI("example.com/"))) eq xs:anyURI("example.com/")`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-40.txt A test whose essence is: `min(("a string")) eq "a string"`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-41.txt A test whose essence is: `min(("a string", QName("example.com/", "ncname")))`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `min((5, 5.0e0)) eq 5.0e0`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-43.txt A test whose essence is: `min((5.0e0, 5)) eq 5.0e0`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-44.txt A test whose essence is: `min((3, 5.0e0)) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-45.txt A test whose essence is: `min((5.0e0, 3)) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-46.txt Simple test for min() involving xs:date. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-47.txt A test whose essence is: `min((3,4,5)) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-48.txt A test whose essence is: `min((5, 5.0e0)) eq 5.0e0`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-49.txt A test whose essence is: `min((3,4, "Zero"))`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `min((xs:float(0.0E0), xs:float(-0.0E0))) eq xs:float("-0")`. emptydoc K-SeqMINFunc-51.txt Invoke fn:min() on two identical xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-SeqMINFunc-1.txt Invoke fn:min() on two different xs:anyURI values. emptydoc K2-SeqMINFunc-2.txt Invoke fn:min() on two different xs:anyURI values(#2). emptydoc K2-SeqMINFunc-3.txt Invoke fn:min() with an unsupported collation. emptydoc FOCH0002 Invoke fn:min() with an unsupported collation and one xs:anyURI value. emptydoc K2-SeqMINFunc-5.txt FOCH0002 Invoke fn:min() with too many arguments. emptydoc XPST0017 fn:min() and xs:double promotion. emptydoc K2-SeqMINFunc-7.txt fn:min() and xs:double promotion. emptydoc K2-SeqMINFunc-8.txt fn:min() and xs:double promotion. emptydoc K2-SeqMINFunc-9.txt fn:min() and xs:double promotion. emptydoc K2-SeqMINFunc-10.txt fn:min() and xs:double promotion. emptydoc K2-SeqMINFunc-11.txt fn:min() and xs:double promotion. emptydoc K2-SeqMINFunc-12.txt fn:min() and xs:double promotion. emptydoc K2-SeqMINFunc-13.txt fn:min() and xs:double promotion. emptydoc K2-SeqMINFunc-14.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred. emptydoc K2-SeqMINFunc-15.txt Evaluates the "min" function with the argument set to a sequence of items with different types. emptydoc FORG0006 Evaluates type promotion and the fn:min function. emptydoc fn-min-2.txt Evaluates type promotion and the fn:min function (derived types promoted to least common type). emptydoc fn-min-3.txt Test fn:min on a sequence of xs:dayTimeDuration arguments. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5459 fn-min-4.txt Test fn:min on a sequence of xs:dayTimeDuration arguments. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5459 fn-min-5.txt Test fn:min on a sequence of xs:yearMonthDuration arguments. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5459 fn-min-6.txt Test fn:min on a sequence of xs:yearMonthDuration arguments. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5459 fn-min-7.txt Test fn:min on a sequence of xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:dayTimeDuration arguments. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5459 FORG0006 XPTY0004 Test fn:min on a sequence of xs:duration arguments. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5459 FORG0006 XPTY0004 Test dynamic type of fn:min on a sequence of numeric arguments. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5459 fn-min-10.txt fn:sum Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumintg1args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumintg1args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumintg1args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumdec1args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumdec1args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumdec1args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumdbl1args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumdbl1args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumdbl1args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumflt1args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumflt1args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumflt1args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumlng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumlng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumlng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumusht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumusht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumusht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumnint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumnint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumnint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumpint1args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumpint1args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumpint1args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumulng1args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumulng1args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumulng1args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumnpi1args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumnpi1args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumnpi1args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumnni1args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumnni1args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumnni1args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumsht1args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumsht1args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumsht1args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(mid range) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(mid range) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumintg2args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumintg2args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumintg2args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumintg2args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(mid range) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumdec2args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumdec2args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumdec2args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumdec2args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(mid range) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumdbl2args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumdbl2args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumdbl2args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumdbl2args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(mid range) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumflt2args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumflt2args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumflt2args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumflt2args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(mid range) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumlng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumlng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumlng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumlng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumusht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumusht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumusht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumusht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumusht2args-5.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumnint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumnint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumnint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumnint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumpint2args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumpint2args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumpint2args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumpint2args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumpint2args-5.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumulng2args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumulng2args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumulng2args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumulng2args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumulng2args-5.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumnpi2args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumnpi2args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumnpi2args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumnpi2args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumnni2args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumnni2args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumnni2args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumnni2args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumnni2args-5.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(mid range) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumsht2args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumsht2args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumsht2args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumsht2args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(mid range) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound) $zero = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumint3args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(mid range) $zero = xs:int(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumint3args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound) $zero = xs:int(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumint3args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:int(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:int(lower bound) $zero = xs:int(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumint3args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound) $zero = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumintg3args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(upper bound) $zero = xs:integer(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumintg3args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound) $zero = xs:integer(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumintg3args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:integer(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:integer(lower bound) $zero = xs:integer(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumintg3args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $zero = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumdec3args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(upper bound) $zero = xs:decimal(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumdec3args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $zero = xs:decimal(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumdec3args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:decimal(lower bound) $zero = xs:decimal(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumdec3args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(mid range) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound) $zero = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumdbl3args-1.txt FOAR0002 Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound) $zero = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumdbl3args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(mid range) $zero = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumdbl3args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(upper bound) $zero = xs:double(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumdbl3args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound) $zero = xs:double(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumdbl3args-5.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:double(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:double(lower bound) $zero = xs:double(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumdbl3args-6.txt fn-sumdbl3argsalt-6.txt FOAR0002 Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(mid range) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound) $zero = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumflt3args-1.txt FOAR0002 Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound) $zero = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumflt3args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(mid range) $zero = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumflt3args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(upper bound) $zero = xs:float(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumflt3args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound) $zero = xs:float(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumflt3args-5.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:float(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:float(lower bound) $zero = xs:float(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumflt3args-6.txt fn-sumflt3argsalt-6.txt FOAR0002 Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(mid range) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound) $zero = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumlng3args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound) $zero = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumlng3args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(mid range) $zero = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumlng3args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(upper bound) $zero = xs:long(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumlng3args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound) $zero = xs:long(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumlng3args-5.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:long(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:long(lower bound) $zero = xs:long(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumlng3args-6.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $zero = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumusht3args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $zero = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumusht3args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $zero = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumusht3args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(mid range) $zero = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumusht3args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound) $zero = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumusht3args-5.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $zero = xs:unsignedShort(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumusht3args-6.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedShort(lower bound) $zero = xs:unsignedShort(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumusht3args-7.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $zero = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumnint3args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:negativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound) $zero = xs:negativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumnint3args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $zero = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumpint3args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $zero = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumpint3args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $zero = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumpint3args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(mid range) $zero = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumpint3args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound) $zero = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumpint3args-5.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $zero = xs:positiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumpint3args-6.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:positiveInteger(lower bound) $zero = xs:positiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumpint3args-7.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $zero = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumulng3args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $zero = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumulng3args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $zero = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumulng3args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(mid range) $zero = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumulng3args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound) $zero = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumulng3args-5.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $zero = xs:unsignedLong(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumulng3args-6.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:unsignedLong(lower bound) $zero = xs:unsignedLong(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumulng3args-7.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $zero = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumnpi3args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $zero = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumnpi3args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range) $zero = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumnpi3args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound) $zero = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumnpi3args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $zero = xs:nonPositiveInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumnpi3args-5.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonPositiveInteger(lower bound) $zero = xs:nonPositiveInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumnpi3args-6.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $zero = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumnni3args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $zero = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumnni3args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $zero = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumnni3args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range) $zero = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumnni3args-4.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound) $zero = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumnni3args-5.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $zero = xs:nonNegativeInteger(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumnni3args-6.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:nonNegativeInteger(lower bound) $zero = xs:nonNegativeInteger(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumnni3args-7.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(mid range) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound) $zero = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumsht3args-1.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(mid range) $zero = xs:short(lower bound). emptydoc fn-sumsht3args-2.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound) $zero = xs:short(mid range). emptydoc fn-sumsht3args-3.txt Evaluates the "sum" function with the arguments set as follows: $arg1 = xs:short(lower bound) $arg2 = xs:short(lower bound) $zero = xs:short(upper bound). emptydoc fn-sumsht3args-4.txt A test whose essence is: `sum()`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `sum(1, 1, "wrong param")`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `sum((), 3) eq 3`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `sum((), 3) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `empty(sum((), ()))`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `sum((), 0.0) instance of xs:decimal`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-6.txt A test whose essence is: `sum((), 0.0) eq 0.0`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-7.txt A test whose essence is: `sum(()) eq 0`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-8.txt A test whose essence is: `sum(()) instance of xs:integer`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-9.txt A test whose essence is: `sum((-5, -0, -3, -6)) eq -14`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-10.txt A test whose essence is: `string(sum((1, 2, 3, xs:float("NaN")))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-11.txt A test whose essence is: `string(sum((1, 2, 3, xs:double("NaN")))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-12.txt A test whose essence is: `string(sum((xs:double("NaN"), 1, 2, 3))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-13.txt A test whose essence is: `string(sum((xs:float("NaN"), 1, 2, 3))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-14.txt A test whose essence is: `string(sum((1, 2, xs:double("NaN"), 1, 2, 3))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-15.txt A test whose essence is: `string(sum((1, 2, xs:float("NaN"), 1, 2, 3))) eq "NaN"`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-16.txt A test whose essence is: `sum(xs:untypedAtomic("3")) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-17.txt A test whose essence is: `sum((1, 2, xs:untypedAtomic("3"))) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-18.txt A test whose essence is: `sum((1, 2, xs:untypedAtomic("3"))) eq 6`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-19.txt A test whose essence is: `sum((xs:float(1), 2, xs:untypedAtomic("3"))) eq 6`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-20.txt A test whose essence is: `sum((xs:float(1), 2, xs:untypedAtomic("3"))) instance of xs:double`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-21.txt fn:sum() having an input sequence whose static type is xs:anyAtomicType. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-22.txt A test whose essence is: `sum("a string")`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `sum(xs:anyURI("a string"))`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `sum((1, 2, 3, xs:anyURI("a string"), xs:double("NaN")))`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `sum((1, 2, 3, xs:anyURI("a string"), xs:double("NaN")), 3)`. emptydoc FORG0006 A test whose essence is: `sum(((),())) eq 0`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-27.txt A test whose essence is: `sum(()) eq 0`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-28.txt A test whose essence is: `sum((3, 4, 5)) eq 12`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-29.txt A test whose essence is: `sum((xs:yearMonthDuration("P20Y"), xs:yearMonthDuration("P10M"))) eq xs:yearMonthDuration("P250M")`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-30.txt A test whose essence is: `sum((xs:yearMonthDuration("P20Y"), xs:yearMonthDuration("P10M")) [. < xs:yearMonthDuration("P3M")], xs:yearMonthDuration("P0M")) eq xs:yearMonthDuration("P0M")`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-31.txt A test whose essence is: `sum((1 to 100)[. < 0], 0) eq 0`. emptydoc K-SeqSUMFunc-32.txt A test whose essence is: `sum((xs:yearMonthDuration("P20Y"), (3, 4, 5)))`. emptydoc FORG0006 Pass in an empty sequence as zero. emptydoc K2-SeqSUMFunc-1.txt Ensure the return type is correct when type promotion is required. emptydoc K2-SeqSUMFunc-2.txt Ensure the return type is correct when type promotion is required(#2). emptydoc K2-SeqSUMFunc-3.txt Ensure the return type is properly inferred. emptydoc K2-SeqSUMFunc-4.txt Test fn:sum on a sequence of xs:dayTimeDuration arguments. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5460 fn-sum-1.txt Test fn:sum on a sequence of xs:dayTimeDuration arguments. fn-sum-2.txt Test fn:sum on a sequence of xs:dayTimeDuration arguments. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5460 fn-sum-3.txt Test fn:sum on a sequence of xs:yearMonthDuration arguments. fn-sum-4.txt Test fn:sum on a sequence of xs:yearMonthDuration arguments. fn-sum-5.txt Test fn:sum on a sequence of xs:yearMonthDuration arguments. fn-sum-6.txt Test fn:sum on a sequence of xs:yearMonthDuration and xs:dayTimeDuration arguments. FORG0006 XPTY0004 Test fn:sum with $zero as xs:duration. fn-sum-8.txt Test fn:sum on a sequence of xs:duration arguments. FORG0006 XPTY0004 Test fn:sum on a sequence of xs:duration arguments. FORG0006 XPTY0004 Functions that Generate Sequences fn:id Evaluation of fn:id with incorrect arity. emptydoc XPST0017 Evaluation of fn:id with second argument ommited an no context node. emptydoc XPDY0002 Evaluation of fn:id with second argument not a node. emptydoc XPTY0004 Evaluation of fn:id with given node not being part of a document with root not Document Element. emptydoc FODC0001 Evaluation of fn:id with given IDREF matching a single element. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-id-dtd-5.txt Evaluation of fn:id with given IDREF does not match any element. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-id-dtd-6.txt Evaluation of fn:id with given IDREF matches same element (Eliminates duplicates). This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-id-dtd-7.txt Evaluation of fn:id with multiple IDREF matching more than one element (Eliminates duplicates). This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-id-dtd-8.txt fn-id-dtdalt-8.txt Evaluation of fn:id with multiple IDREF, but only one matching element. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-id-dtd-9.txt Evaluation of fn:id with multiple IDREF, and none matching an element. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-id-dtd-10.txt Evaluation of fn:id with multiple IDREF set to empty string. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-id-dtd-11.txt Evaluation of fn:id function, where first argument is given as part of fn:substring function. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-id-dtd-12.txt Evaluation of fn:id, where the same IDREF makes reference to the same element. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-id-dtd-13.txt Evaluation of fn:id for for which the given the given IDREF contains a prefix. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-id-dtd-14.txt Evaluation of fn:id for which all members of the IDREF list having the same value. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-id-dtd-15.txt Evaluation of fn:id for which all members of the IDREF list having the same value (but different cases). This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-id-dtd-16.txt Evaluation of fn:id for which the give IDREF uses the lower-case function. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-id-dtd-17.txt Evaluation of fn:id for which the give IDREF uses the upper-case function. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-id-dtd-18.txt Evaluation of fn:id for which the give IDREF uses the fn:concat function. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-id-dtd-19.txt Evaluation of fn:id for which the give IDREF uses the xs:string function. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-id-dtd-20.txt Evaluation of fn:id for which the give IDREF uses the fn:string-join function. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-id-dtd-21.txt Evaluation of fn:id with second argument set to "." an no context node. emptydoc XPDY0002 Evaluation of fn:id together with declare ordering. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-id-dtd-23.txt Wrong arguments to fn:id(). emptydoc XPTY0004 Wrong arguments to fn:id(). emptydoc XPTY0004 Wrong arguments to fn:id(). emptydoc XPTY0004 Use an invalid target node. emptydoc FODC0001 Use an invalid target node. emptydoc FODC0001 Use an invalid target node. emptydoc FODC0001 Use an invalid target node. emptydoc FODC0001 Use an invalid target node. emptydoc FODC0001 Use an invalid target node. emptydoc K2-SeqIDFunc-9.txt Select elements with xml:id, and trigger node sorting. UsingXMLId K2-SeqIDFunc-10.txt Select elements with xml:id, and trigger node sorting. UsingXMLId K2-SeqIDFunc-11.txt Select elements with xml:id, trigger node sorting, and use an invalid NCName in the lookup. UsingXMLId K2-SeqIDFunc-12.txt Use on xml:id with input strings which contains many IDREFs, and invalid ones too. XMLIDMany K2-SeqIDFunc-13.txt fn:idref Evaluation of fn:idref with incorrect arity. emptydoc XPST0017 Evaluation of fn:idref with second argument ommited and no context item. emptydoc XPDY0002 Evaluation of fn:idref with second argument not a node. emptydoc XPTY0004 Evaluation of fn:idref with given node not being part of a document with root not Document Element. emptydoc FODC0001 Evaluation of fn:idref with given ID matching a single element. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-idref-dtd-5.txt Evaluation of fn:idref with given ID not matching a single element. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-idref-dtd-6.txt Evaluation of fn:idref with given ID matching multiple elements. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-idref-dtd-7.txt Evaluation of fn:idref function, which attempts to create element with two attributes with same name. id-idref-dtd XQDY0025 Evaluation of fn:idref with multiple ID, but only one matching one element. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-idref-dtd-9.txt Evaluation of fn:idref with multiple ID, but none matching one element. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-idref-dtd-10.txt Evaluation of fn:idref with ID set to empty string. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-idref-dtd-11.txt Evaluation of fn:idref used as ar argument to function fn:node-name(). This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-idref-dtd-12.txt Evaluation of fn:idref used as part of a node expression ("is" operand). Compare same elements. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-idref-dtd-13.txt Evaluation of fn:idref used as part of a node expression ("is" operand). Compare different elements. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-idref-dtd-14.txt Evaluation of fn:idref for which ID list have the same value for all its members. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-idref-dtd-15.txt Evaluation of fn:idref for which ID list have the same value for all its members but different case. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-idref-dtd-16.txt Evaluation of fn:idref for which ID uses the fn lower-case function. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-idref-dtd-17.txt Evaluation of fn:idref for which ID uses the fn:upper-case function. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-idref-dtd-18.txt Evaluation of fn:idref for which $arg uses the fn:concat function. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-idref-dtd-19.txt Evaluation of fn:idref for which $arg uses the xs:string function. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-idref-dtd-20.txt Evaluation of fn:idref for which $arg uses the fn:string-join function. This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-idref-dtd-21.txt Evaluation of fn:idref with second argument set to "." and no context item. emptydoc XPDY0002 Evaluation of fn:idref together with declare ordering (ordered). This test uses a DTD. id-idref-dtd fn-idref-dtd-23.txt Evaluation of fn:idref where an IDREFS node contains multiple IDREFs. This test uses a DTD. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6306 functx_book fn-idref-dtd-24.txt Wrong arguments to fn:idref(). emptydoc XPTY0004 Wrong arguments to fn:idref(). emptydoc XPTY0004 Wrong arguments to fn:idref(). emptydoc XPTY0004 fn:doc-available Evaluation of fn:doc-available function with wrong arity. emptydoc XPST0017 Evaluation of fn:doc-available function with wrong argument type. emptydoc XPTY0004 Open an XML document that has an xml:id attribute duplicated. XMLIdDuplicated fn-doc-available-3.txt fn-doc-available-3-2.txt Open an XML document that has an invalid xml:id attribute. InvalidXMLId fn-doc-available-4.txt fn-doc-available-4-2.txt Use doc-available on the document URI of a known document emptydoc fn-doc-available-5.txt Use doc-available with a non-existent but valid URI fn-doc-available-6.txt Use doc-available with an empty sequence http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5688 fn-doc-available-7.txt ':/' is an invalid URI, no scheme. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5688 emptydoc K2-SeqDocAvailableFunc-1.txt FODC0005 fn:doc Evaluation of fn:doc function with an invalid argument. emptydoc FODC0005 FODC0002 Evaluation of fn:doc function with wrong arity. emptydoc XPST0017 Evaluation of fn:doc, for a non existent resource. emptydoc FODC0002 Evaluation of fn:doc with argument set to empty sequence. emptydoc fn-doc-4.txt Evaluation of fn:doc as per example 1 from the Functions and Operators specs for the function (usage of "is" operator). works-mod fn-doc-5.txt Evaluation of fn:doc (two different resources) with "is" operator. works-mod works fn-doc-6.txt Evaluation of fn:doc (normal usage) and retrieve part of the resources. works-mod fn-doc-7.txt Evaluation of fn:doc as an argument to the fn:nilled function. works-mod fn-doc-15.txt Evaluation of fn:doc as an argument to the fn:node-name function. works-mod fn-doc-16.txt Evaluation of fn:doc with argument set to an invalid URI. emptydoc FODC0005 Evaluation of fn:doc used together with "is" operator and a the fn:not function. works-mod fn-doc-18.txt Evaluation of fn:doc used together with "is" operator and a the fn:true() function and the "and" operator. works-mod fn-doc-19.txt Evaluation of fn:doc used together with "is" operator and a the fn:false() function and the "and" operator. works-mod fn-doc-20.txt Evaluation of fn:doc used together with "is" operator and a the fn:true() function and the "or" operator. works-mod fn-doc-21.txt Evaluation of fn:doc used together with "is" operator and a the fn:false() function and the "or" operator. works-mod fn-doc-22.txt Invoke fn:doc() on the empty sequence. emptydoc K2-SeqDocFunc-1.txt Invoke fn:doc() on the empty sequence(#2). emptydoc K2-SeqDocFunc-2.txt Load an unexisting file via the file:// protocol. emptydoc FODC0002 Invoke fn:doc with a relative, Unix-like URI. Since it's relative, and the base-uri may be undefined, XPST0001 is allowed. emptydoc FODC0002 XPST0001 Invoke fn:doc with a relative, Unix-like URI and a declared base-uri. emptydoc FODC0002 Invoke fn:doc with a relative, Unix-like URI and a declared base-uri. emptydoc FODC0002 A windows file path is an invalid URI to fn:doc(). emptydoc FODC0002 A windows file path is an invalid URI to fn:doc()(#2). emptydoc FODC0002 A windows file path is an invalid URI to fn:doc()(#3). emptydoc FODC0002 FODC0005 Invoke fn:doc() with a static base-uri that is complete, but doesn't point to a file. emptydoc FODC0002 Invoke fn:doc() with a static base-uri that points to a non-existent directory. emptydoc FODC0002 General query complexity, combined with a call to fn:doc() that is never evaluated. emptydoc K2-SeqDocFunc-12.txt XPST0005 Never use the result of calls to fn:doc. Since implementations are allowed to dereference the sources in any case, an error is allowed. emptydoc K2-SeqDocFunc-13.txt FODC0002 Open an XML file that contains ' ]' as a text node. SpaceBracket fn-doc-24.txt Open a file with corner case Unicode codepoints. HighUnicode fn-doc-25.txt Open a file with corner case Unicode codepoints. HighUnicode2 fn-doc-26.txt Open a file with corner case Unicode codepoints. BCIsInvalid FODC0002 Open a file containing the codepoint 188 in an NCName. InvalidUmlaut FODC0002 A namespace declared with a namespace declaration, as well as in the internal subset. NamespaceSuppliedInternally fn-doc-29.txt Open an XML document that has an xml:id attribute duplicated. XMLIdDuplicated fn-doc-30.txt FODC0002 Open an XML document that has an invalid xml:id attribute. InvalidXMLId fn-doc-31.txt FODC0002 ':/' is an invalid URI, no scheme. emptydoc FODC0005 Open an XML document in ISO-8859-1 encoding. Books2 fn-doc-32-2.txt A moderately complex query. QObject fn-doc-33.txt A moderately complex query. Char010D fn-doc-34.txt Load a not well-formed XML file. badxml FODC0002 Count text nodes in a document containing character references. builtinEntities fn-doc-36.txt Use an xml:id attribute that has whitespace, whitespace normalization is performed. XMLIdWhitespace fn-doc-37.txt fn-doc-37-2.txt fn:collection Evaluation of fn:collection function with wrong arity. emptydoc XPST0017 Evaluation of fn:collection, for a non existent resource. emptydoc FODC0004 Evaluation of fn:collection with argument set to an invalid URI. emptydoc FODC0004 Count the number of nodes in the collection. collection1 fn-collection-4.txt Count the number of nodes in the collection. collection1 fn-collection-4.txt Count the number of nodes in the collection. collection2 fn-collection-5.txt Count the number of nodes in the collection. collection2 fn-collection-5.txt Return the titles in the collection ordered by the title. collection2 fn-collection-6.txt Return elements that immediately contain TCP/IP. collection2 fn-collection-7.txt fn-collection-7alt1.txt fn-collection-7alt2.txt XPST0005 Return the first title element in each document. collection1 fn-collection-8.txt fn-collection-8alt.txt Count the title elements in each document. collection2 fn-collection-9.txt Test that two uses of fn:collection are stable. collection2 fn-collection-10.txt Test that two uses of fn:collection are stable. collection2 fn-collection-10.txt Pass an invalid xs:anyURI to fn:collection(). emptydoc FODC0004 ':/ is an invalid URI. emptydoc FODC0004 Context Functions fn:position Simple position test, where the context node is an element node and position is first. works-mod position-1.txt Evaluation of "fn:position", for which no context node is defined. emptydoc XPDY0002 Evaluation of "fn:position", where the last node is selected. works-mod position-3.txt Evaluation of "fn:position" together with the fn:last function (format position() = last()). works-mod position-4.txt Evaluation of "fn:position" together with the fn:last function (format last() = position()). works-mod position-5.txt Evaluation of "fn:position" together with a variable of type integer. works-mod position-6.txt Evaluation of "fn:position" together with a variable of type string casted to integer inside the predicate. works-mod position-7.txt Evaluation of "fn:position", where two position functions are used inside the predicate. works-mod position-8.txt Evaluation of "fn:position", where the position function is part of a second predicate. works-mod position-9.txt Evaluation of "fn:position", where the position function is part of the first of two predicates. works-mod position-10.txt Evaluation of "fn:position" used in conjunction with the fn:not function. works-mod position-11.txt Evaluation of "fn:position" used as part of a predicate to a wildcrard (*). works-mod position-12.txt Evaluation of "fn:position" used together with an addition operation. works-mod position-13.txt Evaluation of "fn:position" used together with a subtraction operation. works-mod position-14.txt Evaluation of "fn:position" used together with a multiplication operation. works-mod position-15.txt Evaluation of "fn:position" used together with a division operation (div). works-mod position-16.txt Evaluation of "fn:position" used together with a division operation (idiv). works-mod position-17.txt Evaluation of "fn:position" used together with logical operation ("and" operand and "fn:true"). works-mod position-18.txt Evaluation of "fn:position" used together with logical operation ("and" operand and "fn:false"). works-mod position-19.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of "fn:position" used together with logical operation ("or" operand and "fn:true"). works-mod position-20.txt Evaluation of "fn:position" used together with logical operation ("or" operand and "fn:false"). works-mod position-21.txt Evaluation of "fn:position" used in the middle of a path expression. works-mod position-22.txt A test whose essence is: `position(1)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `(1, 2, 3)[if(1) then 1 else position()]`. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-2.txt fn:position() can never return 0('='). emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-3.txt fn:position() can never return 0('='), #2. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-4.txt fn:position() can never return 0('eq'). emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-5.txt fn:position() can never return 0('eq'), #2. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-6.txt fn:position() can never return 0('!='). emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-7.txt fn:position() can never return 0('ne'). emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-8.txt fn:position() can never return 0('!='), #2. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-9.txt fn:position() can never return 0('ne'), #2. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-10.txt fn:position() can never return anything less than 1(lt). emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-11.txt fn:position() can never return anything less than 1(<). emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-12.txt fn:position() can never return anything less or equal to 0(le). emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-13.txt fn:position() can never return anything less or equal to 0(<=). emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-14.txt The return value of fn:position() is always greater than 0('ne'). emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-15.txt The return value of fn:position() is always greater than 0('>'). emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-16.txt The return value of fn:position() is always greater than 0('gt'). emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-17.txt The return value of fn:position() is always greater or equal to 0('>='). emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-18.txt The return value of fn:position() is always greater or equal to 0('ge'). emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-19.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-20.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-21.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-22.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-23.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-24.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-25.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-26.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-27.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-28.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-29.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-30.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-31.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-32.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-33.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-34.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-35.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-36.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-37.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-38.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-39.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-40.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-41.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-42.txt position() combined with a comparison operator inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextPositionFunc-43.txt fn:last Simple last test, where the context node is an element node and the position is last. works-mod last-1.txt Evaluation of "fn:last", for which no context node is defined. emptydoc XPDY0002 Evaluation of "fn:last", where the last node is selected. works-mod last-3.txt Evaluation of "fn:last" together with the fn:position function (format position() = last()). works-mod last-4.txt Evaluation of "fn:last" together with the fn:position function (format last() = position()). works-mod last-5.txt Evaluation of "fn:last" together with the "<<" node operator. works-mod last-6.txt Evaluation of "fn:last" together with the "is" node operator. works-mod last-7.txt Evaluation of "fn:last", where two last functions are used inside the predicate. works-mod last-8.txt Evaluation of "fn:last", where the last function is part of a second predicate. works-mod last-9.txt Evaluation of "fn:last", where the last function is part of the first of two predicates. works-mod last-10.txt Evaluation of "fn:last" used in conjunction with the fn:not function. works-mod last-11.txt Evaluation of "fn:last" used as part of a predicate to a wildcrard (*). works-mod last-12.txt Evaluation of "fn:last" used together with an addition operation. works-mod last-13.txt Evaluation of "fn:last" used together with a subtraction operation. works-mod last-14.txt Evaluation of "fn:last" used together with a multiplication operation. works-mod last-15.txt Evaluation of "fn:last" used together with a division operation (div). works-mod last-16.txt Evaluation of "fn:last" used together with a division operation (idiv). works-mod last-17.txt Evaluation of "fn:last" used together with logical operation ("and" operand and "fn:true"). works-mod last-18.txt Evaluation of "fn:last" used together with logical operation ("and" operand and "fn:false"). works-mod last-19.txt XPST0005 Evaluation of "fn:last" used together with logical operation ("or" operand and "fn:true"). works-mod last-20.txt Evaluation of "fn:last" used together with logical operation ("or" operand and "fn:false"). works-mod last-21.txt Evaluation of "fn:last" used in the middle of a path expression. works-mod last-22.txt Evaluation of "position() = N to last()" used in a predicate. works-mod last-23.txt A test whose essence is: `last(1)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `(1, 2, 3)[if(1) then 1 else last()]`. emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-2.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((1, 2, 3)[count((last(), last())) eq 2], (1, 2, 3))`. emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-3.txt A test whose essence is: `deep-equal((1, 2, 3)[last() eq last()], (1, 2, 3))`. emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-4.txt A test whose essence is: `(1, 2, 3, current-time())[last() - 1] treat as xs:integer eq 3`. emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-5.txt A test whose essence is: `empty((1, 2, 3, current-time())[last() + 1])`. emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-6.txt fn:last() can never return 0('='). emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-7.txt XPST0005 fn:last() can never return 0('='), #2. emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-8.txt XPST0005 fn:last() can never return 0('eq'). emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-9.txt XPST0005 fn:last() can never return 0('eq'), #2. emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-10.txt XPST0005 fn:last() can never return 0('!='). emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-11.txt fn:last() can never return 0('ne'). emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-12.txt fn:last() can never return 0('!='). emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-13.txt fn:last() can never return 0('ne'), #2. emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-14.txt fn:last() can never return anything less than 1(lt). emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-15.txt XPST0005 fn:last() can never return anything less than 1(<). emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-16.txt XPST0005 fn:last() can never return anything less or equal to 0(le). emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-17.txt XPST0005 fn:last() can never return anything less or equal to 0(<=). emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-18.txt XPST0005 The return value of fn:last() is always greater than 0('ne'). emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-19.txt The return value of fn:last() is always greater than 0('>'). emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-20.txt The return value of fn:last() is always greater than 0('gt'). emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-21.txt The return value of fn:last() is always greater or equal to 0('>='). emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-22.txt The return value of fn:last() is always greater or equal to 0('ge'). emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-23.txt fn:last() inside a predicate combined with a offset. emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-24.txt fn:last() inside a predicate combined with a offset. emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-25.txt fn:last() inside a predicate. emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-26.txt fn:last() inside a predicate and an insignificant offset. emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-27.txt fn:last() inside a predicate combined with a range expression. emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-28.txt fn:last() inside a predicate combined with a range expression and offset. emptydoc K-ContextLastFunc-29.txt fn:current-dateTime Evaluation simple call to "fn:current-dateTime" function. emptydoc fn-current-dateTime-1.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-dateTime" function as argument to year-from-date function. emptydoc fn-current-dateTime-2.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-dateTime" function as argument to month-from-date function. emptydoc fn-current-dateTime-3.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-dateTime" function as argument to day-from-date function. emptydoc fn-current-dateTime-4.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-time" function as part of a subtraction operation. emptydoc fn-current-dateTime-5.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-dateTime" function as part of an addition operation and a dayTimeDuration. emptydoc fn-current-dateTime-6.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-dateTime" function as part of a subtraction operation and a dayTimeDuration. emptydoc fn-current-dateTime-7.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-dateTime" function with incorrect arity. emptydoc XPST0017 Evaluation of "fn:current-dateTime" function as part of a subtration operation both operands are equal to current-time function. emptydoc fn-current-dateTime-9.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-dateTime" function as an argument to the xs:string function. emptydoc fn-current-dateTime-10.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-dateTime" function as an argument to the timezone-from-time function. emptydoc fn-current-dateTime-11.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-dateTime" function (string value) as part of an equal comparison (eq operator). emptydoc fn-current-dateTime-12.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-dateTime" function (string value) as part of an equal comparison (ne operator). emptydoc fn-current-dateTime-13.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-dateTime" function (string value) as part of an equal comparison (le operator). emptydoc fn-current-dateTime-14.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-dateTime" function (string value) as part of an equal comparison (ge operator). emptydoc fn-current-dateTime-15.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-dateTime" function (string value) as part of a boolean expression ("and" operator and fn:true function). emptydoc fn-current-dateTime-16.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-dateTime" function (string value) as part of a boolean expression ("and" operator and fn:false function). emptydoc fn-current-dateTime-17.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-dateTime" function (string value) as part of a boolean expression ("or" operator and fn:true function). emptydoc fn-current-dateTime-18.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-dateTime" function (string value) as part of a boolean expression ("or" operator and fn:false function). emptydoc fn-current-dateTime-19.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-dateTime" function (string value) as an argument to the fn:not function. emptydoc fn-current-dateTime-20.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-dateTime" function as part of a subtraction operation and a yearMonthDuration type. emptydoc fn-current-dateTime-21.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-dateTime" function as argument to hours-from-date function. emptydoc fn-current-dateTime-22.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-dateTime" function as argument to minutes-from-date function. emptydoc fn-current-dateTime-23.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-dateTime" function as argument to seconds-from-date function. emptydoc fn-current-dateTime-24.txt A test whose essence is: `current-dateTime("WRONG PARAM")`. emptydoc XPST0017 Test that the Dynamic Context property 'current dateTime' when presented as a xs:dateTime is stable during execution. emptydoc K-ContextCurrentDatetimeFunc-2.txt fn:current-date Evaluation simple call to "fn:current-date" function. emptydoc fn-current-date-1.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-date" function as argument to year-from-date function. emptydoc fn-current-date-2.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-date" function as argument to month-from-date function. emptydoc fn-current-date-3.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-date" function as argument to day-from-date function. emptydoc fn-current-date-4.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-time" function as part of a subtraction operation. emptydoc fn-current-date-5.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-date" function as part of an addition operation and a dayTimeDuration. emptydoc fn-current-date-6.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-date" function as part of a subtraction operation and a dayTimeDuration. emptydoc fn-current-date-7.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-date" function with incorrect arity. emptydoc XPST0017 Evaluation of "fn:current-date" function as part of a subtration operation both operands are equal to current-time function. emptydoc fn-current-date-9.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-date" function as an argument to the xs:string function. emptydoc fn-current-date-10.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-date" function as an argument to the timezone-from-time function. emptydoc fn-current-date-11.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-date" function (string value) as part of an equal comparison (eq operator). emptydoc fn-current-date-12.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-date" function (string value) as part of an equal comparison (ne operator). emptydoc fn-current-date-13.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-date" function (string value) as part of an equal comparison (le operator). emptydoc fn-current-date-14.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-date" function (string value) as part of an equal comparison (ge operator). emptydoc fn-current-date-15.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-date" function (string value) as part of a boolean expression ("and" operator and fn:true function). emptydoc fn-current-date-16.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-date" function (string value) as part of a boolean expression ("and" operator and fn:false function). emptydoc fn-current-date-17.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-date" function (string value) as part of a boolean expression ("or" operator and fn:true function). emptydoc fn-current-date-18.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-date" function (string value) as part of a boolean expression ("or" operator and fn:false function). emptydoc fn-current-date-19.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-date" function (string value) as an argument to the fn:not function. emptydoc fn-current-date-20.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-date" function as part of a subtraction operation and a yearMonthDuration type. emptydoc fn-current-date-21.txt A test whose essence is: `current-date("WRONG PARAM")`. emptydoc XPST0017 Test that the Dynamic Context property 'current dateTime' when presented as a xs:date is stable during execution. emptydoc K-ContextCurrentDateFunc-2.txt fn:current-time Evaluation simple call to "fn:current-time" function. emptydoc fn-current-time-1.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-time" function as argument to hours-from-time function. emptydoc fn-current-time-2.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-time" function as argument to minutes-from-time function. emptydoc fn-current-time-3.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-time" function as argument to fn-seconds-from time function. emptydoc fn-current-time-4.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-time" function as part of a subtraction operation. emptydoc fn-current-time-5.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-time" function as part of an addition operation and a dayTimeDuration. emptydoc fn-current-time-6.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-time" function as part of a subtraction operation and a dayTimeDuration. emptydoc fn-current-time-7.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-time" function with incorrect arity. emptydoc XPST0017 Evaluation of "fn:current-time" function as part of a subtration operation both operands are equal to current-time function. emptydoc fn-current-time-9.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-time" function as an argument to the xs:string function. emptydoc fn-current-time-10.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-time" function as an argument to the timezone-from-time function. emptydoc fn-current-time-11.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-time" function (string value) as part of an equal comparison (eq operator). emptydoc fn-current-time-12.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-time" function (string value) as part of an equal comparison (ne operator). emptydoc fn-current-time-13.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-time" function (string value) as part of an equal comparison (le operator). emptydoc fn-current-time-14.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-time" function (string value) as part of an equal comparison (ge operator). emptydoc fn-current-time-15.txt Evaluation of fn:current-time" function (string value) as part of a boolean expression ("and" operator and fn:true function). emptydoc fn-current-time-16.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-time" function (string value) as part of a boolean expression ("and" operator and fn:false function). emptydoc fn-current-time-17.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-time" function (string value) as part of a boolean expression ("or" operator and fn:true function). emptydoc fn-current-time-18.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-time" function (string value) as part of a boolean expression ("or" operator and fn:false function). emptydoc fn-current-time-19.txt Evaluation of "fn:current-time" function (string value) as an argument to the fn:not function. emptydoc fn-current-time-20.txt A test whose essence is: `current-time("WRONG PARAM")`. emptydoc XPST0017 Test that the Dynamic Context property 'current dateTime' when presented as a xs:time is stable during execution. emptydoc K-ContextCurrentTimeFunc-2.txt fn:default-collation Evaluation of "fn:default-collation" function with incorrect arity. emptydoc XPST0017 Evaluation of "fn:default-collation" function that fetches the default collation. emptydoc fn-default-collation-2.txt A test whose essence is: `default-collation(.)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `default-collation(1, 2)`. emptydoc XPST0017 A test whose essence is: `default-collation() eq "http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/collation/codepoint"`. emptydoc K-ContextDefaultCollationFunc-3.txt fn:implicit-timezone Evaluation of "fn:implicit-timezone" function with incorrect arity. emptydoc XPST0017 Normal call to "fn:implicit-timezone" function. emptydoc fn-implicit-timezone-2.txt Evaluation of "fn:implicit-timezone" as part of an addition operation. emptydoc fn-implicit-timezone-3.txt Evaluation of "fn:implicit-timezone" as part of a subtraction operation. emptydoc fn-implicit-timezone-4.txt Evaluation of "fn:implicit-timezone" as part of a multiplication operation. emptydoc fn-implicit-timezone-5.txt Evaluation of "fn:implicit-timezone" as part of multiplication operation, where second argument is expression that results in Nan. emptydoc FOCA0005 Evaluation of "fn:implicit-timezone" as part of a multiplication operation. Second argument is 0. emptydoc fn-implicit-timezone-7.txt Evaluation of "fn:implicit-timezone" as part of a multiplication operation. Second argument is -0. emptydoc fn-implicit-timezone-8.txt Evaluation of "fn:implicit-timezone" as part of a division operation. emptydoc fn-implicit-timezone-9.txt Evaluation of "fn:implicit-timezone" as part of a division operation. Second argument results in NaN. emptydoc FOCA0005 Evaluation of "fn:implicit-timezone" as part of a division operation. Second argument is 0. emptydoc FODT0002 Evaluation of "fn:implicit-timezone" as part of a division operation. Second argument is -0. emptydoc FODT0002 Evaluation of "fn:implicit-timezone" as part of a division operation. Both operands are the fn:implicit-timezone. emptydoc fn-implicit-timezone-13.txt Evaluation of "fn:implicit-timezone" as part of a division operation. Second operand is a call to xs:dayTimeDuration. emptydoc fn-implicit-timezone-14.txt Evaluation of "fn:implicit-timezone" as part of an addition operation. First operand is an xs:time() type. emptydoc fn-implicit-timezone-15.txt Evaluation of "fn:implicit-timezone" as part of a subtraction operation. First operand is an xs:time() type. emptydoc fn-implicit-timezone-16.txt Evaluation of "fn:implicit-timezone" as part of a subtraction operation. First operand is an xs:date() type. emptydoc fn-implicit-timezone-17.txt Evaluation of "fn:implicit-timezone" as part of an addition operation. First operand is an xs:date() type. emptydoc fn-implicit-timezone-18.txt Evaluation of "fn:implicit-timezone" as part of a subtraction operation. First operand is an xs:dateTime() type. emptydoc fn-implicit-timezone-19.txt Evaluation of "fn:implicit-timezone" as part of an addition operation. First operand is an xs:dateTime() type. emptydoc fn-implicit-timezone-20.txt Evaluation of "fn:implicit-timezone" as an argument to adjust-date-to-timezone function. emptydoc fn-implicit-timezone-21.txt Evaluation of "fn:implicit-timezone" as an argument to adjust-time-to-timezone function. emptydoc fn-implicit-timezone-22.txt Evaluation of "fn:implicit-timezone" as an argument to adjust-dateTime-to-timezone function. emptydoc fn-implicit-timezone-23.txt A test whose essence is: `implicit-timezone("WRONG PARAM")`. emptydoc XPST0017 Simple test of implicit-timezone(). emptydoc K-ContextImplicitTimezoneFunc-2.txt Test that implicit-timezone() do return a value. emptydoc K-ContextImplicitTimezoneFunc-3.txt Optional Features Schema Import Feature FLWOR Expressions that requires a schema import FLWOR expressions with type declaration (attribute type). Interleave type integer|decimal -> decimal. FLWOR expressions with type declaration (attribute type). Interleave type integer|decimal -> decimal SpecialTypes ForExprType025.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration (attribute type). Match user defined simple type on attribute. FLWOR expressions with type declaration (attribute type). Match user defined simple type on attribute SpecialTypes ForExprType026.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration (attribute type). Wildcard match on user defined simple type on attribute. FLWOR expressions with type declaration (attribute type). Wildcard match on user defined simple type on attribute SpecialTypes ForExprType027.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration (element type). Simple element name test (no type). FLWOR expressions with type declaration (element type). Simple element name test (no type) SpecialTypes ForExprType037.xml FLWOR expressions with type declaration (element type). Match complex, user defined type. FLWOR expressions with type declaration (element type). Match complex, user defined type SpecialTypes ForExprType038.xml FLWOR expressions with type declaration (element type). Wildcard for name on matching complex, user defined type. FLWOR expressions with type declaration (element type). Wildcard for name on matching complex, user defined type SpecialTypes ForExprType039.xml FLWOR expressions with type declaration (element type). Match user defined simple type on element. FLWOR expressions with type declaration (element type). Match user defined simple type on element SpecialTypes ForExprType040.xml FLWOR expressions with type declaration (element type). Wildcard match on user defined simple type on element. FLWOR expressions with type declaration (element type). Wildcard match on user defined simple type on element SpecialTypes ForExprType041.xml FLWOR expressions with type declaration (element type). Interleave value type integer|decimal -> decimal. FLWOR expressions with type declaration (element type). Interleave value type integer|decimal -> decimal SpecialTypes ForExprType042.xml FLWOR expressions with type declaration (element type). Union type integer|decimal -> decimal. FLWOR expressions with type declaration (element type). Union type integer|decimal -> decimal SpecialTypes ForExprType043.xml FLWOR expressions with type declaration (element type). List type. FLWOR expressions with type declaration (element type). List type SpecialTypes ForExprType044.xml FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Non-trivial value type promotion: anyAtomicType value type -> anyAtomicType. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Non-trivial value type promotion: anyAtomicType value type -> anyAtomicType SpecialTypes ForExprType048.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Non-trivial value type promotion: Interleave value type integer|decimal -> decimal. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Non-trivial value type promotion: Interleave value type integer|decimal -> decimal SpecialTypes ForExprType049.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Non-trivial value type promotion: Union type integer|decimal -> decimal. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Non-trivial value type promotion: Union type integer|decimal -> decimal SpecialTypes ForExprType050.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Non-trivial value type promotion: List type. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Non-trivial value type promotion: List type SpecialTypes ForExprType051.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Non-trivial value type promotion: User defined simple type. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Non-trivial value type promotion: User defined simple type SpecialTypes ForExprType052.txt FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Non-trivial value type promotion: User defined simple type on attribute. FLWOR expressions with type declaration. Non-trivial value type promotion: User defined simple type on attribute SpecialTypes ForExprType053.txt Computed Element Constructors Strip IDREFS type. atomic Constr-compelem-constrmod-1.txt Preserve IDREFS type. atomic Constr-compelem-constrmod-2.txt Constr-compelem-constrmodalt-2.txt Strip IDREFS type. atomic Constr-compelem-constrmod-5.txt Preserve IDREFS type. atomic Constr-compelem-constrmod-6.txt Constr-compelem-constrmodalt-6.txt Version Declaration Demonstrates version declaration,the version. emptydoc version_declaration-005.txt XQST0038 XQST0059 Evaluation of prolog version as described in "version_declaration-005.xq". However comments here are after version declaration. emptydoc prolog-version-8.txt XQST0038 XQST0059 Misc Functions that depends entirely on schema validation. Evaluation of fn:id with given IDREF matching a single element. id-idref fn-id-5.txt Evaluation of fn:id with given IDREF does not match any element. id-idref fn-id-6.txt Evaluation of fn:id with given IDREF matches same element (Eliminates duplicates). id-idref fn-id-7.txt Evaluation of fn:id with multiple IDREF matching more than one element (Eliminates duplicates). id-idref fn-id-8.txt fn-idalt-8.txt Evaluation of fn:id with multiple IDREF, but only one matching element. id-idref fn-id-9.txt Evaluation of fn:id with multiple IDREF, and none matching an element. id-idref fn-id-10.txt Evaluation of fn:id with multiple IDREF set to empty string. id-idref fn-id-11.txt Evaluation of fn:id function, where first argument is given as part of fn:substring function. id-idref fn-id-12.txt Evaluation of fn:id, where the same IDREF makes reference to the same element. id-idref fn-id-13.txt Evaluation of fn:id for for which the given the given IDREF contains a prefix. id-idref fn-id-14.txt Evaluation of fn:id for which all members of the IDREF list having the same value. id-idref fn-id-15.txt Evaluation of fn:id for which all members of the IDREF list having the same value (but different cases). id-idref fn-id-16.txt Evaluation of fn:id for which the give IDREF uses the lower-case function. id-idref fn-id-17.txt Evaluation of fn:id for which the give IDREF uses the upper-case function. id-idref fn-id-18.txt Evaluation of fn:id for which the give IDREF uses the fn:concat function. id-idref fn-id-19.txt Evaluation of fn:id for which the give IDREF uses the xs:string function. id-idref fn-id-20.txt Evaluation of fn:id for which the give IDREF uses the fn:string-join function. id-idref fn-id-21.txt Evaluation of fn:id together with declare ordering. id-idref fn-id-23.txt Evaluation of fn:idref with given ID matching a single element. id-idref fn-idref-5.txt Evaluation of fn:idref with given ID not matching a single element. id-idref fn-idref-6.txt Evaluation of fn:idref with given ID matching multiple elements. id-idref fn-idref-7.txt Evaluation of fn:idref with multiple ID matching multiple elements. id-idref fn-idref-8.txt Evaluation of fn:idref with multiple ID, but only one matching one element. id-idref fn-idref-9.txt Evaluation of fn:idref with multiple ID, but none matching one element. id-idref fn-idref-10.txt Evaluation of fn:idref with ID set to empty string. id-idref fn-idref-11.txt Evaluation of fn:idref used as ar argument to function fn:node-name(). id-idref fn-idref-12.txt Evaluation of fn:idref used as part of a node expression ("is" operand). Compare same elements. id-idref fn-idref-13.txt Evaluation of fn:idref used as part of a node expression ("is" operand). Compare different elements. id-idref fn-idref-14.txt Evaluation of fn:idref for which ID list have the same value for all its members. id-idref fn-idref-15.txt Evaluation of fn:idref for which ID list have the same value for all its members but different case. id-idref fn-idref-16.txt Evaluation of fn:idref for which ID uses the fn lower-case function. id-idref fn-idref-17.txt Evaluation of fn:idref for which ID uses the fn:upper-case function. id-idref fn-idref-18.txt Evaluation of fn:idref for which $arg uses the fn:concat function. id-idref fn-idref-19.txt Evaluation of fn:idref for which $arg uses the xs:string function. id-idref fn-idref-20.txt Evaluation of fn:idref for which $arg uses the fn:string-join function. id-idref fn-idref-21.txt Evaluation of fn:idref together with declare ordering (ordered). id-idref fn-idref-23.txt Evaluation of fn:idref using IDREF values derived from xs:IDREF by restriction, union, and list. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6306 id-idref2 fn-idref-30.txt Evaluation of fn:idref using IDREF values derived from xs:IDREF by restriction, union, and list. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6306 id-idref2 fn-idref-31.txt Evaluation of the fn:data whose argument is a complex type with element only content. examples fn-data-1.txt FOTY0012 Cast Evaluates casting a QName to another QName. emptydoc value1.txt Evaluates casting QName derived type to a QName. emptydoc value1.txt Evaluates casting QName derived type to another QName derived type. emptydoc value1.txt XPST0017 Evaluates casting QName type to a QName derived type. emptydoc value1.txt XPST0051 Evaluates casting a type derived from an xs:NOTATION to an xs:NOTATION type. emptydoc XPST0080 XPST0017 Evaluates casting a type derived from an xs:NOTATION to a type derived from xs:NOTATION. emptydoc mytype-value1.txt XPST0017 Evaluate an expression and cast it as an xs:integer. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds1.txt Evaluate an expression and cast it as an xs:float. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic truevalue.txt Evaluate an expression and cast it as an xs:boolean. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds3.txt FORG0001 Evaluate an expression and cast it as an xs:double. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds4.txt Evaluate an expression and cast it as an xs:decimal. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds5.txt Evaluate an expression and cast it as an xs:string. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds6.txt Evaluation of a xs:string value casted as an xs:string. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds7.txt Evaluation of a xs:float value casted as an xs:float. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic truevalue.txt Evaluation of a xs:float value casted as an xs:string. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds9.txt casthcds9alt.txt Evaluation of a xs:float value casted as an xs:double. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds10.txt Evaluation of a xs:float value casted as an xs:boolean. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds11.txt FORG0001 Evaluation of an xs:double value casted as an xs:double. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds12.txt Evaluation of an xs:double value casted as an xs:string. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds13.txt Evaluation of an xs:double value casted as an xs:float. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic truevalue.txt Evaluation of an xs:double value casted as an xs:boolean. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds15.txt FORG0001 Evaluation of an xs:decimal value casted as an xs:string. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds16.txt Evaluation of an xs:decimal value casted as an xs:float. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds17.txt Evaluation of an xs:decimal value casted as an xs:double. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds18.txt Evaluation of an xs:decimal value casted as an xs:decimal. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds19.txt Evaluation of an xs:decimal value casted as an xs:integer. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds20.txt FORG0001 Evaluation of an xs:decimal value casted as an xs:boolean. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds21.txt FORG0001 Evaluation of an xs:integer value casted as an xs:string. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds22.txt Evaluation of an xs:integer value casted as an xs:float. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic truevalue.txt Evaluation of an xs:integer value casted as an xs:double. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds24.txt Evaluation of an xs:integer value casted as an xs:decimal. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds25.txt Evaluation of an xs:integer value casted as an xs:integer. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds26.txt Evaluation of an xs:integer value casted as an xs:boolean. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds27.txt FORG0001 Evaluation of an xs:dateTime value casted as an xs:string. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds28.txt Evaluation of an xs:dateTime value casted as an xs:dateTime. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds29.txt Evaluation of an xs:dateTime value casted as an xs:time. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds30.txt FORG0001 Evaluation of an xs:dateTime value casted as an xs:date. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds31.txt FORG0001 Evaluation of an xs:date value casted as an xs:string. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds32.txt Evaluation of an xs:date value casted as an xs:dateTime. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds33.txt FORG0001 Evaluation of an xs:date value casted as an xs:date. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds34.txt Evaluation of an xs:time value casted as an xs:string. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds35.txt Evaluation of an xs:time value casted as an xs:time. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds36.txt Evaluation of an xs:boolean value casted as an xs:string. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds37.txt Evaluation of an xs:boolean value casted as an xs:float. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds38.txt FORG0001 Evaluation of an xs:boolean value casted as an xs:double. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds39.txt FORG0001 Evaluation of an xs:boolean value casted as an xs:decimal. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds40.txt FORG0001 Evaluation of an xs:boolean value casted as an xs:integer. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds41.txt FORG0001 Evaluation of an xs:boolean value casted as an xs:boolean. This test queries an XML file to obtain data. atomic casthcds42.txt op:numeric-equal Evaluation of numeric value comparison involving type promotion to least common type. Uses "eq" operator between integer and float types. emptydoc value-comparison-3.txt XQST0009 XPST0017 Evaluation of numeric value comparison involving type promotion to least common type. Uses "ne" operator between integer and float types. emptydoc value-comparison-4.txt XQST0009 XPST0017 op:NOTATION-equal Notation comparison. notation Comp-notation-1.txt Notation comparison. notation Comp-notation-2.txt Comp-notationalt-2.txt Notation comparison. notation Comp-notation-3.txt Notation comparison using "ne". notation Comp-notation-4.txt Notation comparison using "ne". notation Comp-notation-5.txt Notation comparison using "ne". notation Comp-notation-6.txt Evaluation of notation comparison using "eq" and used with fn:not - returns false. notation Comp-notation-7.txt Evaluation of notation comparison using "eq" and used with fn:not - returns true. notation Comp-notation-8.txt Evaluation of notation comparison using "ne" and used with fn:not - returns true. notation Comp-notation-9.txt Evaluation of notation comparison using "ne" and used with fn:not - returns false. notation Comp-notation-10.txt Evaluation of notation comparison using "eq" and used with fn:boolean function. notation Comp-notation-11.txt Evaluation of notation comparison using "ne" and used with fn:boolean function. notation Comp-notation-12.txt Evaluation of notation comparison using "eq" used in boolean expression with "fn:true" and "and". notation Comp-notation-13.txt Evaluation of notation comparison using "ne" used in boolean expression with "fn:true" and "and". notation Comp-notation-14.txt Evaluation of notation comparison using "eq" used in boolean expression with "fn:true" and "or". notation Comp-notation-15.txt Evaluation of notation comparison using "ne" used in boolean expression with "fn:true" and "or". notation Comp-notation-16.txt Evaluation of notation comparison using "eq" used in boolean expression with "fn:false" and "and". notation Comp-notation-17.txt Evaluation of notation comparison using "ne" used in boolean expression with "fn:false" and "and". notation Comp-notation-18.txt Evaluation of notation comparison using "eq" used in boolean expression with "fn:false" and "or". notation Comp-notation-19.txt Evaluation of notation comparison using "ne" used in boolean expression with "fn:false" and "or". notation Comp-notation-20.txt Evaluation of expression for notation comparison using "eq" ar argument to "fn:false" function. notation Comp-notation-21.txt Evaluation of expression for notation comparison using "ne" ar argument to "fn:false" function. notation Comp-notation-22.txt Comp-notationalt-22.txt Constructor Functions for User Defined Functions Evaluation of simple constructor function for user defined data type derived from xs:integer. emptydoc user-defined-1.txt XQST0009 XPST0017 Evaluation of simple constructor function violation for user defined data type derived from xs:integer. emptydoc FORG0001 XQST0009 XPST0017 Evaluation of simple constructor function for used in addition operation. Type derived from xs:integer. emptydoc user-defined-3.txt XQST0009 XPST0017 Evaluation of simple constructor function for user defined data type derived from xs:string. emptydoc user-defined-4.txt XQST0009 XPST0017 Evaluation of usage of fn:concat on constructor function for user defined data type derived from xs:string. emptydoc user-defined-5.txt XQST0009 XPST0017 Use constructor function to cast a value to its base type (xs:integer). emptydoc user-defined-6.txt XQST0009 XPST0017 Use constructor function to check if user defined type is castable as its base type (xs:integer). emptydoc user-defined-7.txt XQST0009 XPST0017 Use constructor function to evaluate if two user defined types can be casted to another user defined type. emptydoc user-defined-8.txt XQST0009 XPST0017 Use constructor function to evaluate if two user defined types are castable to another user defined type. emptydoc user-defined-9.txt XQST0009 XPST0017 Use constructor functions on addition operation on two user defined types. emptydoc user-defined-10.txt XQST0009 XPST0017 Schema Import Evaluation of a schema import, where the schema should not be available. emptydoc XQST0059 Evaluation of a two schema imports, where both specifies the same target namespace. emptydoc XQST0058 Evaluation of a schema import with target namespace set to zero-length string and specifies a prefix. emptydoc XQST0057 Evaluation of usage of xs:boolean type as argument to fn:not(). atomic schema-import-4.txt Evaluation of usage of xs:float type as argument to fn:avg(). atomic truevalue.txt Evaluation of usage of xs:integer type as argument to fn:avg(). atomic truevalue.txt Evaluation of usage of xs:decimal type as argument to fn:avg(). atomic truevalue.txt Evaluation of usage of xs:double type as argument to fn:avg(). atomic schema-import-8.txt Evaluation of usage of xs:float type as argument to fn:abs(). atomic truevalue.txt Evaluation of usage of xs:integer type as argument to fn:abs(). atomic truevalue.txt Evaluation of usage of xs:decimal type as argument to fn:abs(). atomic truevalue.txt Evaluation of usage of xs:double type as argument to fn:abs(). atomic schema-import-12.txt Evaluation of usage of xs:float type as argument to fn:max(). atomic truevalue.txt Evaluation of usage of xs:integer type as argument to fn:max(). atomic truevalue.txt Evaluation of usage of xs:decimal type as argument to fn:max(). atomic truevalue.txt Evaluation of usage of xs:double type as argument to fn:max(). atomic schema-import-16.txt Evaluation of usage of xs:float type as argument to fn:min(). atomic truevalue.txt Evaluation of usage of xs:integer type as argument to fn:min(). atomic truevalue.txt Evaluation of usage of xs:decimal type as argument to fn:min(). atomic truevalue.txt Evaluation of usage of xs:double type as argument to fn:min(). atomic schema-import-20.txt Evaluation of usage of xs:dateTime type as argument to fn:hours-from-dateTime(). atomic schema-import-21.txt Evaluation of usage of xs:dateTime type as argument to fn:minutes-from-dateTime(). atomic schema-import-22.txt Evaluation of usage of xs:dateTime type as argument to fn:seconds-from-dateTime(). atomic schema-import-23.txt Evaluation of schema import of numeric type (float) and used in addition expression. atomic truevalue.txt Evaluation of schema import of numeric type (integer) and used in addition expression. atomic truevalue.txt Evaluation of schema import of numeric type (decimal) and used in addition expression. atomic truevalue.txt Evaluation of schema import of numeric type (double) and used in addition expression. atomic schema-import-28.txt Evaluation of schema import of numeric type (integer) and used in division (idiv operator) expression. atomic schema-import-29.txt Evaluation of schema import of numeric type (integer) and used in subtraction expression. atomic schema-import-30.txt Evaluation of library module that imports a schema. context-lib emptydoc modules-schema-context.xml Evaluation of schema import with an invalid namespace prefix ("xml"). atomic XQST0070 FOR Clause with TypeDeclaration Tests for the FOR part of the FLWOR expression syntax FLWOR with type expression matching a type from the schema. FLWOR with type expression matching a type from the schema orderData ForExprType010.txt Schema import path expression tests. Tests on path expressions using the schema import feature Ensure that the type of the child axis on an extended schema type is computed correctly. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4189 extendedTypes XPTY0004 Ensure that static type of the child axis on a restricted schema type is computed correctly. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4189 extendedTypes step-expr-si-2.xml Ensure that static type of the child axis on a restricted schema type is computed correctly. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4189 extendedTypes step-expr-si-3.xml Schema Validation Feature Validate Expression Evaluation of a validate expression with improper operand for operation. orderData XQTY0030 Evaluation of a validate expression with newly constructed Element node and strict validation. orderData validateexpr-2.txt Evaluation of a validate expression with newly constructed Element node and strict validation. orderData validateexpr-3.txt Evaluation of a validate expression with implicit strict mode for a comment node. emptydoc XQTY0030 Evaluation of a validate expression with "lax" mode for a comment node. emptydoc XQTY0030 Evaluation of a validate expression with explicit strict mode for a PI node. emptydoc XQTY0030 Evaluation of a validate expression with explicit lax mode for a PI node. emptydoc XQTY0030 Evaluation of a validate expression with explicit strict mode for a text node. emptydoc XQTY0030 Evaluation of a validate expression with lax mode for a text node. emptydoc XQTY0030 Verify that a validate expression of a node readed from an xml file does not have a parent. strict mode. orderData validateexpr-10.txt Verify that a validate expression of a node readed from an xml file does not have a parent. lax mode. orderData validateexpr-11.txt Verify that a validate expression of a newly constructed node does not have a parent. strict mode. emptydoc validateexpr-12.txt Verify that a validate expression of a newly constructed node does not have a parent. lax mode. emptydoc validateexpr-13.txt Evaluate a validate expression (strict) of a newly constructed node used with an if expression. emptydoc validateexpr-14.txt Evaluate a validate expression (lax) of a newly constructed node used with an if expression. emptydoc validateexpr-15.txt Evaluate a validate expression (lax) of a newly constructed node used with an if expression. (uses else part of expression). emptydoc validateexpr-16.txt Evaluate a validate expression (lax) of a newly constructed node used with an "or" expression. emptydoc validateexpr-17.txt Evaluate a validate expression (lax) of a newly constructed node used with quantifed expression expression ("every" operand). emptydoc validateexpr-18.txt Evaluate a validate expression (lax) of a newly constructed node used with quantifed expression expression ("some" operand). emptydoc validateexpr-19.txt Evaluate a validate expression (lax) of a newly constructed node used with typeswitch expression expression. emptydoc validateexpr-20.txt Evaluate a validate expression (lax) of a newly constructed node used with FLWOR expression expression. emptydoc validateexpr-21.txt Evalauation of strict validated expression for constructed element node for which there is no declaration. emptydoc XQDY0084 Test for the correct typed value when a list of union types is used. emptydoc validateexpr-24.txt Test for Error condition XQDY0027. Dynamic error during validation. emptydoc XQDY0027 Test for error condition XQDY0061 using a document node. emptydoc XQDY0061 XQDY0027 Ensure the validate keyword is parsed correclty. emptydoc XPDY0002 Test validation of elements with unique/id/idref schema constraints. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4353 emptydoc XQDY0027 Test validation of elements with unique/id/idref schema constraints. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4353 emptydoc XQDY0027 Test validation of elements with unique/id/idref schema constraints. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4353 emptydoc XQDY0027 Test validation of elements with unique/id/idref schema constraints. emptydoc validate-constraints-4.xml Test validation of elements of simple content http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4413 emptydoc validateexpr-sc-1.txt Test validation of elements of simple content http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4413 emptydoc validateexpr-sc-2.txt Test validation of elements of simple content http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4413 emptydoc validateexpr-sc-4.txt Test validation of elements of simple content http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4413 emptydoc validateexpr-sc-5.txt Test validation of elements of simple content http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4413 emptydoc validateexpr-sc-6.txt Test validation of elements of simple content http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4413 emptydoc validateexpr-sc-7.txt Test validation of elements of simple content http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4413 emptydoc validateexpr-sc-8.txt Test validation of elements of simple content http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4413 emptydoc validateexpr-sc-9.txt Test Bug 4519, [DM] Definition of is-id property http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4519 dm-e005 validateexpr-27.xml Test Bug 5223, [XPath] Casting rules in 3.5.2 General Comparisons (editorial) http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5223 emptydoc validateexpr-28.xml XQST0012 Test for error condition XQDY0061 using a document node. XQDY0061 Test that validating a document node (with processing instructions and comments) does not throw a type error in static typing implementations when used as an expression of type document(). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5254 validateexpr-30.txt Description: Test that validating a union of element nodes does not raise a type error. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5254 validateexpr-31.txt Description: Test that validating a union of document nodes does not raise a type error. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5254 validateexpr-32.txt Description: Test that validating a union of element and document nodes does not raise a type error. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5254 validateexpr-33.txt Static Typing Feature Static Typing of Path Expressions Static Typing of Steps Expressions Static Typing of Axes Steps Tests dealing with the static typing of axes step expressions self:: axis with explicit name test called on set of nodes which do not contain any nodes of this name. TreeCompass XPST0005 Get no attributes from self::*, because node kind differs. TreeCompass XPST0005 self::name from an attribute gets nothing when name matches, because node kind differs. TreeCompass XPST0005 self::name gets nothing from an attribute when name is different. TreeCompass XPST0005 self::name from a text node gets nothing, because node kind differs. TreeCompass XPST0005 self::name from a text node gets nothing, because node kind differs. TreeCompass XPST0005 descendant-or-self::* from an attribute gets nothing. TreeCompass XPST0005 descendant-or-self::name from an attribute gets nothing. TreeCompass XPST0005 descendant-or-self::name from an attribute gets nothing, even with attribute's name. TreeCompass XPST0005 descendant-or-self::* from a text node gets nothing. Tree1Text XPST0005 /attribute::* gets nothing because root can't have attributes. TreeCompass XPST0005 /@* gets nothing because root can't have attributes. TreeCompass XPST0005 /parent::* gets nothing because root can't have parent. TreeCompass XPST0005 /.. gets nothing because root can't have parent. TreeCompass XPST0005 /self::* gets nothing because root is not an element node. TopMany XPST0005 Evaluates static typing on child axis. Context item not a node. emptydoc XPTY0019 Evaluates static typing on self axis. Context item not a node. emptydoc XPTY0019 Evaluates static typing on attribute axis. Context item not a node. emptydoc XPTY0019 Evaluates static typing on parent axis. Context item not a node. emptydoc XPTY0019 Evaluates static typing on descendant axis. Context item not a node. emptydoc XPTY0019 Evaluates static typing on descendant-or-self axis. Context item not a node. emptydoc XPTY0019 Static Typing of Functions Tests dealing with the static typing of functions Evaluates The "data" function with the argument set to a complex element with a mixed content type. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4273 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=9327 mixed FOTY0012 Static Typing of FLWOR expressions Tests for expressions involving static type failures in FLWOR expressions Evaluation of a let expression, where a variable is used and whose value is not set. emptydoc XPST0008 Evaluation of a let expression, where a variable is used in prolog and whose value is not set. emptydoc XPST0008 Evaluation of a for expression, where a variable is used and whose value is not set. emptydoc XPST0008 Evaluation of static typing feature within a "where" clause. Wrong operand for expression (uses fn:not). http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=5651 emptydoc XPTY0004 Test 'where' clause with heterogenous sequences. First item is a node. Test 'where' clause with heterogenous sequences. First item is a node. fsx XPTY0004 FORG0006 Test 'where' clause with heterogenous sequences. First item is a value. Test 'where' clause with heterogenous sequences. First item is a value. fsx XPTY0004 FORG0006 Test 'where' clause with expression that contains wrong operand for expression (addition expression). emptydoc XPTY0004 Test 'where' clause with expression that contains wrong operand for expression (uses fn:abs). emptydoc XPTY0004 Test 'where' clause with expression that contains wrong operand for expression (uses fn:avg). emptydoc FORG0006 Test 'where' clause with expression that contains wrong operand for expression (uses fn:max). emptydoc FORG0006 Test 'where' clause with expression that contains wrong operand for expression (uses fn:min). emptydoc FORG0006 Test 'where' clause with expression that contains wrong operand for expression (uses fn:sum). emptydoc FORG0006 Test 'where' clause with expression that contains wrong operand for expression (uses fn:boolean). emptydoc XPTY0004 FORG0006 Test 'where' clause with expression that contains wrong operand for expression (uses subtraction operation). emptydoc XPTY0004 Test 'where' clause with expression that contains wrong operand for expression (uses multiplication operation). emptydoc XPTY0004 Test 'where' clause with expression that contains wrong operand for expression (uses "div" operator). emptydoc XPTY0004 Test 'where' clause with expression that contains wrong operand for expression (uses "idiv" operator). emptydoc XPTY0004 Test 'where' clause with expression that contains wrong operand for expression (uses mod operator). emptydoc XPTY0004 Test 'where' clause with expression that contains wrong cardinality for operator(uses "eq" operator). emptydoc XPTY0004 Test 'where' clause with expression that contains wrong cardinality for operator(uses "le" operator). emptydoc XPTY0004 Test 'where' clause with expression that contains wrong cardinality for operator(uses "lt" operator). emptydoc XPTY0004 Test 'where' clause with expression that contains wrong cardinality for operator(uses "gt" operator). emptydoc XPTY0004 Test 'where' clause with expression that contains wrong cardinality for operator(uses "ne" operator). emptydoc XPTY0004 Test 'where' clause with expression that contains wrong cardinality for operator(uses "+" operator). emptydoc XPTY0004 Test 'where' clause with expression that contains wrong cardinality for operator(uses "-" operator). emptydoc XPTY0004 Test 'where' clause with expression that contains wrong cardinality for operator(uses "*" operator). emptydoc XPTY0004 In LetClause, binding expr's ST must be subtype of variable's ST. Under REC FS, both are 'processing-instruction?', so STA succeeds. Under PER FS, former is 'processing-instruction filesystem?', latter is 'processing-instruction filesytem', so STA fails, raises error. (Note that an implementation that doesn't do STA will not raise an error.) http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3946 fsx_NS XPTY0004 In LetClause, binding expr's ST must be subtype of variable's ST. Under REC FS, both are 'processing-instruction?', so STA succeeds. Under PER FS, former is 'processing-instruction nonexistent', latter is 'processing-instruction filesytem', so STA fails, raises error. (Note that an implementation that doesn't do STA will not raise an error, because the LetClause isn't evaluated.) http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=3946 fsx_NS XPTY0004 Full Axis Feature ancestor Axis Evaluation of an ancestor axis for which the context node is not a node. emptydoc XPTY0019 Evaluation of an ancestor axis for which the given node does not exists. works-mod ancestor-2.txt Evaluation of an ancestor axis that is part of an "is" expression (return true). works-mod ancestor-3.txt Evaluation of an ancestor axis that is part of an "is" expression (return false). works-mod ancestor-4.txt Evaluation of an ancestor axis that is part of an "node before" expression (return true). works-mod ancestor-5.txt Evaluation of an ancestor axis that is part of an "node before" expression and both operands are the same (return false). works-mod ancestor-6.txt Evaluation of an ancestor axis that is part of an "node before" expression and operands are different (return false). works-mod ancestor-7.txt Evaluation of an ancestor axis that is part of an "node-after" expression (return true). works-mod ancestor-8.txt Evaluation of an ancestor axis that is part of an "node-after" expression and both operands the same (return false). works-mod ancestor-9.txt Evaluation of an ancestor axis that is part of an "node-after" expression operands are different (return false). works-mod ancestor-10.txt Evaluation of an ancestor axis that is part of an "union" operation and both operands are the same. works-mod ancestor-11.txt Evaluation of an ancestor axis that is part of an "union" operation and both operands are different. works-mod ancestor-12.txt Evaluation of an ancestor axis that is part of an "intersect" operation and both operands are the same. works-mod ancestor-13.txt Evaluation of an ancestor axis that is part of an "except" operation and both operands are the same. works-mod ancestor-14.txt Evaluation of an ancestor axis that is part of an "except" operation and operands are different. works-mod ancestor-15.txt Evaluation of an ancestor axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "and" and "fn:true()". works-mod ancestor-16.txt Evaluation of an ancestor axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "and" and "fn:false()". works-mod ancestor-17.txt Evaluation of an ancestor axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "or" and "fn:true()". works-mod ancestor-18.txt Evaluation of an ancestor axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "or" and "fn:false()". works-mod ancestor-19.txt Evaluation of an ancestor axis as an argument to fn:deep-equal function. works-mod ancestor-20.txt Evaluation of an ancestor axis used together with a newly constructed element. emptydoc ancestor-21.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax - ancestor::employee - Selects all the "employee" ancestors of the context node. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-10.txt Apply the ancestor axis to a single processing instruction. emptydoc K2-ancestorAxis-1.txt XPST0005 Apply the ancestor axis to a single comment. emptydoc K2-ancestorAxis-2.txt XPST0005 Apply the ancestor axis to a single element. emptydoc K2-ancestorAxis-3.txt XPST0005 Apply the ancestor axis to a single attribute. emptydoc K2-ancestorAxis-4.txt XPST0005 Apply the ancestor axis to a single document node. emptydoc K2-ancestorAxis-5.txt XPST0005 Apply the ancestor axis to a single document node with content. emptydoc K2-ancestorAxis-6.txt XPST0005 Apply the ancestor axis to a simple tree constructed with constructors. emptydoc K2-ancestorAxis-7.txt Apply the ancestor axis to a simple tree constructed with constructors, combined with a [1]-predicate. emptydoc K2-ancestorAxis-8.txt Apply the ancestor axis to a simple tree constructed with constructors, combined with a [1]-predicate. Paranteses are added to ensure that the result of the axis step is delivered in document order. emptydoc K2-ancestorAxis-9.txt Apply axis ancestor on a single root node. emptydoc K2-ancestorAxis-10.txt Apply the ancestor axis to a simple tree constructed with constructors, combined with fn:last(). emptydoc K2-ancestorAxis-11.txt Apply the ancestor axis to a simple tree constructed with constructors, combined with fn:last(). Paranteses are added to ensure that the result of the axis step is delivered in document order. emptydoc K2-ancestorAxis-12.txt Apply axis ancestor on a single element. emptydoc K2-ancestorAxis-13.txt Apply axis ancestor to a single processing instruction. emptydoc K2-ancestorAxis-14.txt Apply axis ancestor to a single attribute. emptydoc K2-ancestorAxis-15.txt Apply axis ancestor to a single comment. emptydoc K2-ancestorAxis-16.txt Apply axis ancestor to a single document node. emptydoc K2-ancestorAxis-17.txt XPST0005 Apply axis ancestor to a single text node. emptydoc K2-ancestorAxis-18.txt Apply fn:count() to the result of axis ancestor. emptydoc K2-ancestorAxis-19.txt Apply fn:count() to the result of axis ancestor(#2). emptydoc K2-ancestorAxis-20.txt Use positional predicates. emptydoc K2-ancestorAxis-21.txt ancestor-or-self Axis Evaluation of an ancestor-or-self axis for which the context node is not a node. emptydoc XPTY0019 Evaluation of an ancestor-or-self axis for which the given node does not exists. works-mod ancestorself-2.txt Evaluation of an ancestor-or-self axis that is part of an "is" expression (return true). works-mod ancestorself-3.txt Evaluation of an ancestor-or-self axis that is part of an "is" expression (return false). works-mod ancestorself-4.txt Evaluation of an ancestor-or-self axis that is part of an "node before" expression (return true). works-mod ancestorself-5.txt Evaluation of an ancestor-or-self axis that is part of an "node before" expression and both operands are the same (return false). works-mod ancestorself-6.txt Evaluation of an ancestor-or-self axis that is part of an "node before" expression and operands are different (return false). works-mod ancestorself-7.txt Evaluation of an ancestor-or-self axis that is part of an "node-after" expression (return true). works-mod ancestorself-8.txt Evaluation of an ancestor-or-self axis that is part of an "node-after" expression and both operands the same (return false). works-mod ancestorself-9.txt Evaluation of an ancestor-or-self axis that is part of an "node-after" expression operands are different (return false). works-mod ancestorself-10.txt Evaluation of an ancestor-or-self axis that is part of an "union" operation and both operands are the same. works-mod ancestorself-11.txt Evaluation of an ancestor-or-self axis that is part of an "union" operation and both operands are different. works-mod ancestorself-12.txt Evaluation of an ancestor-or-self axis that is part of an "intersect" operation and both operands are the same. works-mod ancestorself-13.txt Evaluation of an ancestor-or-self axis that is part of an "except" operation and both operands are the same. works-mod ancestorself-14.txt Evaluation of an ancestor-or-self axis that is part of an "except" operation and operands are different. works-mod ancestorself-15.txt Evaluation of an ancestor-or-self axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "and" and "fn:true()". works-mod ancestorself-16.txt Evaluation of an ancestor-or-self axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "and" and "fn:false()". works-mod ancestorself-17.txt Evaluation of an ancestor-or-self axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "or" and "fn:true()". works-mod ancestorself-18.txt Evaluation of an ancestor-or-self axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "or" and "fn:false()". works-mod ancestorself-19.txt Evaluation of an ancestor-or-self axis as an argument to fn:deep-equal function. works-mod ancestorself-20.txt Evaluation of an ancestor-or-self axis used together with a newly constructed element. emptydoc ancestorself-21.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax - ancestor-or-self::employee - Selects all the "employee" ancestors of the context node (selects employee, if the context node is "employee"). works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-11.txt Apply axis ancestor on a single element. emptydoc K2-ancestor-or-selfAxis-1.txt Apply axis ancestor to a single processing instruction. emptydoc K2-ancestor-or-selfAxis-2.txt Apply axis ancestor to a single attribute. emptydoc SENR0001 Apply axis ancestor to a single comment. emptydoc K2-ancestor-or-selfAxis-4.txt Apply axis ancestor-or-self to a single document node. emptydoc K2-ancestor-or-selfAxis-5.txt Apply axis ancestor to a single text node. emptydoc K2-ancestor-or-selfAxis-6.txt Apply fn:count() to the result of axis ancestor-or-self. emptydoc K2-ancestor-or-selfAxis-7.txt Apply fn:count() to the result of axis ancestor-or-self(#2). emptydoc K2-ancestor-or-selfAxis-8.txt Use positional predicates. emptydoc K2-ancestor-or-selfAxis-9.txt following Axis Evaluation of an following axis for which the context node is not a node. emptydoc XPTY0019 Evaluation of an following axis for which the given node does not exists. works-mod following-2.txt Evaluation of an following axis that is part of an "is" expression (return true). works-mod following-3.txt Evaluation of an following axis that is part of an "is" expression (return false). works-mod following-4.txt Evaluation of an following axis that is part of an "node before" expression (return true). works-mod following-5.txt Evaluation of an following axis that is part of an "node before" expression and both operands are the same (return false). works-mod following-6.txt Evaluation of an following axis that is part of an "node before" expression and operands are different (return false). works-mod following-7.txt Evaluation of an following axis that is part of an "node-after" expression (return true). works-mod following-8.txt Evaluation of an following axis that is part of an "node-after" expression and both operands the same (return false). works-mod following-9.txt Evaluation of an following axis that is part of an "node-after" expression operands are different (return false). works-mod following-10.txt Evaluation of an following axis that is part of an "union" operation and both operands are the same. works-mod following-11.txt Evaluation of an following axis that is part of an "union" operation and both operands are different. works-mod following-12.txt Evaluation of an following axis that is part of an "intersect" operation and both operands are the same. works-mod following-13.txt Evaluation of an following axis that is part of an "except" operation and both operands are the same. works-mod following-14.txt Evaluation of an following axis that is part of an "except" operation and operands are different. works-mod following-15.txt Evaluation of an following axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "and" and "fn:true()". works-mod following-16.txt Evaluation of an following axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "and" and "fn:false()". works-mod following-17.txt Evaluation of an following axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "or" and "fn:true()". works-mod following-18.txt Evaluation of an following axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "or" and "fn:false()". works-mod following-19.txt Evaluation of an following axis as an argument to fn:deep-equal function. works-mod following-20.txt Evaluation of an following axis used together with a newly constructed element. emptydoc following-21.txt Evaluate the 'following' axis on a html document. emptydoc K2-followingAxis-1.txt Evaluate the child node from the last node in a tree. emptydoc K2-followingAxis-2.txt Evaluate the child node from root of a tree. emptydoc K2-followingAxis-3.txt Evaluate fn:count() on a range of nodes, navigated with axis following. emptydoc K2-followingAxis-4.txt following-sibling Axis Evaluation of an following-sibling axis for which the context node is not a node. emptydoc XPTY0019 Evaluation of an following-sibling axis for which the given node does not exists. works-mod followingsibling-2.txt Evaluation of an following-sibling axis that is part of an "is" expression (return true). works-mod followingsibling-3.txt Evaluation of an following-sibling axis that is part of an "is" expression (return false). works-mod followingsibling-4.txt Evaluation of an following-sibling axis that is part of an "node before" expression (return true). works-mod followingsibling-5.txt Evaluation of an following-sibling axis that is part of an "node before" expression and both operands are the same (return false). works-mod followingsibling-6.txt Evaluation of an following-sibling axis that is part of an "node before" expression and operands are different (return false). works-mod followingsibling-7.txt Evaluation of an following-sibling axis that is part of an "node-after" expression (return true). works-mod followingsibling-8.txt Evaluation of an following-sibling axis that is part of an "node-after" expression and both operands the same (return false). works-mod followingsibling-9.txt Evaluation of an following-sibling axis that is part of an "node-after" expression operands are different (return false). works-mod followingsibling-10.txt Evaluation of an following-sibling axis that is part of an "union" operation and both operands are the same. works-mod followingsibling-11.txt Evaluation of an following-sibling axis that is part of an "union" operation and both operands are different. works-mod followingsibling-12.txt Evaluation of an following-sibling axis that is part of an "intersect" operation and both operands are the same. works-mod followingsibling-13.txt Evaluation of an following-sibling axis that is part of an "except" operation and both operands are the same. works-mod followingsibling-14.txt Evaluation of an following-sibling axis that is part of an "except" operation and operands are different. works-mod followingsibling-15.txt Evaluation of an following-sibling axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "and" and "fn:true()". works-mod followingsibling-16.txt Evaluation of an following-sibling axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "and" and "fn:false()". works-mod followingsibling-17.txt Evaluation of an following-sibling axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "or" and "fn:true()". works-mod followingsibling-18.txt Evaluation of an following-sibling axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "or" and "fn:false()". works-mod followingsibling-19.txt Evaluation of an following-sibling axis as an argument to fn:deep-equal function. works-mod followingsibling-20.txt Evaluation of an following-sibling axis used together with a newly constructed element. emptydoc followingsibling-21.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax. Evaluate "following-sibling::employee[fn:position() = 1]". Selects the next employee sibling of the context node. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-24.txt Apply following-sibling to a child whose siblings are the last in a document. emptydoc K2-following-siblingAxis-1.txt Apply following-sibling to a child whose last nodes in document order are attributes. emptydoc K2-following-siblingAxis-2.txt Apply fn:count() to the result of axis following-sibling. emptydoc K2-following-siblingAxis-3.txt Evaluate fn:count() on a range of nodes, navigated with axis following. emptydoc K2-following-siblingAxis-4.txt Evaluate on a small tree. emptydoc K2-following-siblingAxis-5.txt A type error with the following-sibling axis. emptydoc XPTY0018 Apply count to axis following-sibling. emptydoc K2-following-siblingAxis-7.txt Apply count to axis following-sibling, combined with the comma operator. emptydoc K2-following-siblingAxis-8.txt Apply count to axis following-sibling to a single node, combined with the comma operator. emptydoc K2-following-siblingAxis-9.txt Use a positional predicate beyond the output. emptydoc K2-following-siblingAxis-10.txt Apply the following-sibling axis to an attribute node. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6538 emptydoc following-sibling-attr.txt preceding Axis Evaluation of an preceding axis for which the context node is not a node. emptydoc XPTY0019 Evaluation of an preceding axis for which the given node does not exists. works-mod preceding-2.txt Evaluation of an preceding axis that is part of an "is" expression (return true). works-mod preceding-3.txt Evaluation of an preceding axis that is part of an "is" expression (return false). works-mod preceding-4.txt Evaluation of an preceding axis that is part of an "node before" expression (return true). works-mod preceding-5.txt Evaluation of an preceding axis that is part of an "node before" expression and both operands are the same (return false). works-mod preceding-6.txt Evaluation of an preceding axis that is part of an "node before" expression and operands are different (return false). works-mod preceding-7.txt Evaluation of an preceding axis that is part of an "node-after" expression (return true). works-mod preceding-8.txt Evaluation of an preceding axis that is part of an "node-after" expression and both operands the same (return false). works-mod preceding-9.txt Evaluation of an preceding axis that is part of an "node-after" expression operands are different (return false). works-mod preceding-10.txt Evaluation of an preceding axis that is part of an "union" operation and both operands are the same. works-mod preceding-11.txt Evaluation of an preceding axis that is part of an "union" operation and both operands are different. works-mod preceding-12.txt Evaluation of an preceding axis that is part of an "intersect" operation and both operands are the same. works-mod preceding-13.txt Evaluation of an preceding axis that is part of an "except" operation and both operands are the same. works-mod preceding-14.txt Evaluation of an preceding axis that is part of an "except" operation and operands are different. works-mod preceding-15.txt Evaluation of an preceding axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "and" and "fn:true()". works-mod preceding-16.txt Evaluation of an preceding axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "and" and "fn:false()". works-mod preceding-17.txt Evaluation of an preceding axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "or" and "fn:true()". works-mod preceding-18.txt Evaluation of an preceding axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "or" and "fn:false()". works-mod preceding-19.txt Evaluation of an preceding axis as an argument to fn:deep-equal function. works-mod preceding-20.txt Evaluation of an preceding axis used together with a newly constructed element. emptydoc preceding-21.txt Walk from the node from the last node in the document. SmallTree preceding-22.txt Walk from the node from the last node in the document. AttributesAndElements preceding-23.txt Evaluate the child node from the last node in a tree. emptydoc K2-precedingAxis-1.txt Evaluate from a node that has no preceding nodes. emptydoc K2-precedingAxis-2.txt Apply a numeric predicate to axis preceding. emptydoc K2-precedingAxis-3.txt Apply a numeric predicate to axis preceding, combined with a numeric predicate. The paranteses ensures the step is parsed as a primary expression, and hence is in document order, not reversed. emptydoc K2-precedingAxis-4.txt Apply a numeric predicate to axis preceding, combined with fn:last(). The paranteses ensures the step is parsed as a primary expression, and hence is in document order, not reversed. emptydoc K2-precedingAxis-5.txt Apply fn:last() to axis preceding. emptydoc K2-precedingAxis-6.txt Apply fn:count() to axis preceding. emptydoc K2-precedingAxis-7.txt Apply fn:count() to axis preceding. emptydoc K2-precedingAxis-8.txt preceding-sibling Axis Evaluation of an preceding-sibling axis for which the context node is not a node. emptydoc XPTY0019 Evaluation of an preceding-sibling axis for which the given node does not exists. works-mod preceding-sibling-2.txt Evaluation of an preceding-sibling axis that is part of an "is" expression (return true). works-mod preceding-sibling-3.txt Evaluation of an preceding-sibling axis that is part of an "is" expression (return false). works-mod preceding-sibling-4.txt Evaluation of an preceding-sibling axis that is part of an "node before" expression (return true). works-mod preceding-sibling-5.txt Evaluation of an preceding-sibling axis that is part of an "node before" expression and both operands are the same (return false). works-mod preceding-sibling-6.txt Evaluation of an preceding-sibling axis that is part of an "node before" expression and operands are different (return false). works-mod preceding-sibling-7.txt Evaluation of an preceding-sibling axis that is part of an "node-after" expression (return true). works-mod preceding-sibling-8.txt Evaluation of an preceding-sibling axis that is part of an "node-after" expression and both operands the same (return false). works-mod preceding-sibling-9.txt Evaluation of an preceding-sibling axis that is part of an "node-after" expression operands are different (return false). works-mod preceding-sibling-10.txt Evaluation of an preceding-sibling axis that is part of an "union" operation and both operands are the same. works-mod preceding-sibling-11.txt Evaluation of an preceding-sibling axis that is part of an "union" operation and both operands are different. works-mod preceding-sibling-12.txt Evaluation of an preceding-sibling axis that is part of an "intersect" operation and both operands are the same. works-mod preceding-sibling-13.txt Evaluation of an preceding-sibling axis that is part of an "except" operation and both operands are the same. works-mod preceding-sibling-14.txt Evaluation of an preceding-sibling axis that is part of an "except" operation and operands are different. works-mod preceding-sibling-15.txt Evaluation of an preceding-sibling axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "and" and "fn:true()". works-mod preceding-sibling-16.txt Evaluation of an preceding-sibling axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "and" and "fn:false()". works-mod preceding-sibling-17.txt Evaluation of an preceding-sibling axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "or" and "fn:true()". works-mod preceding-sibling-18.txt Evaluation of an preceding-sibling axis as part of a boolean expression. Uses "or" and "fn:false()". works-mod preceding-sibling-19.txt Evaluation of an preceding-sibling axis as an argument to fn:deep-equal function. works-mod preceding-sibling-20.txt Evaluation of an preceding-sibling axis used together with a newly constructed element. emptydoc preceding-sibling-21.txt Evaluates unabbreviated syntax. Evaluate "preceding-sibling::employee[fn:position() = 1]". Selects the previous employee sibling of the context node. works-mod unabbreviatedSyntax-25.txt Iterate from the root node. emptydoc K2-preceding-siblingAxis-1.txt Iterate from the root node. emptydoc K2-preceding-siblingAxis-2.txt Apply fn:count() to the result of axis preceding. emptydoc K2-preceding-siblingAxis-3.txt Apply fn:count() to the result of axis preceding. emptydoc K2-preceding-siblingAxis-4.txt Apply fn:count() to the result of axis preceding. emptydoc K2-preceding-siblingAxis-5.txt Apply the preceding-sibling axis to an attribute node. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6538 emptydoc preceding-sibling-attr.txt Module Feature Module Import Import simple library module. test1-lib emptydoc modules-simple.xml Import library module with wrong namespace. test1-lib emptydoc XQST0059 Import non-existent library module. empty-lib emptydoc XQST0059 Import two library module (wrong way). test1-lib test1a-lib emptydoc XQST0047 Import two library module (right way). test1-lib test1a-lib emptydoc modules-two-import-ok.xml Imports with colliding variables. test1-lib test1collide1-lib emptydoc XQST0049 Imports with colliding variables. test1-lib emptydoc XQST0049 Colliding functions. test1-lib test1collide2-lib emptydoc XQST0034 Colliding functions. test1-lib emptydoc XQST0034 Colliding imports. emptyns-lib emptydoc XQST0088 Circular imports. test1c1-lib test2c1-lib emptydoc modules-circular.txt Namespaces from imported modules are not visible. module-defs test1-lib emptydoc XPST0081 Evaluation of same namespace used in importing/imported module. module-defs test1-lib emptydoc modules-2.txt Evaluates that module imports are not transitive. module-defs test1-lib emptydoc XPST0081 Evaluation of actual usage of variable from imported module. module-defs test1-lib emptydoc modules-4.txt Evaluation of module that uses a variable from an imported module and modifies a variable. The importing module in turn uses that modified value. module-defs test1-lib emptydoc modules-5.txt Evaluation of usage of variable from imported module and usage of variable with same name in importing module, but with different namespace prefix. test1-lib emptydoc modules-6.txt Evaluation of of an importing module that uses both a variable and a function from an importing module. test1-lib emptydoc modules-7.txt Evaluation of usage of same function name from imported/importing module, but different namespaces. test1-lib emptydoc modules-8.txt Evaluation of import module feature that applies the upper case function to a value from an imported module. test1-lib emptydoc modules-9.txt Evaluation of import module feature that applies the lower case function to a value from an imported module. test1-lib emptydoc modules-10.txt Evaluation of import module feature that applies the string-length function to a value from an imported module. test1-lib emptydoc modules-11.txt Evaluation of import module feature that performs an addition operation to a value from an imported module. test1-lib emptydoc modules-12.txt Evaluation of import module feature that performs a subtraction operation to a value from an imported module. test1-lib emptydoc modules-13.txt Evaluation of import module feature that applies the xs:integer function to a value from an imported module. test1-lib emptydoc modules-14.txt Evaluation of importing a library module whose namespace URI is se to to the empty string. test2-lib emptydoc XQST0088 Evaluation of importing a library module with invalid namespace("xml"). modulewrongprefix-lib emptydoc XQST0070 Evaluation of importing a library module where variable has different namespace from target namespsce. modulesdiffns emptydoc XQST0048 Import module, which import two modules, one of which import the other module with interesting function calling. module1-lib module2-lib emptydoc modules-18.txt Load a library but do not import the schema. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4418 module3-lib emptydoc XQST0036 Load a library but do not import the schema. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4418 module3-lib emptydoc XQST0036 Load a library but do not import the schema. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4418 module3-lib emptydoc XPST0081 XQST0036 Load a library but do not import the schema. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4418 module3-lib emptydoc XQST0036 Load a library but do not import the schema. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4418 module3-lib emptydoc XQST0036 Load a library but do not import the schema. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4418 module3-lib emptydoc XPST0081 XQST0036 Load a library but do not import the schema. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4418 module4-lib emptydoc XQST0036 Load a library but do not import the schema. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4418 module4-lib emptydoc XQST0036 Load a library but do not import the schema. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4418 module4-lib emptydoc XQST0036 Cyclic module imports. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4418 modules-recursive1 modules-recursive2 emptydoc XQST0093 Module import with empty target namespace. emptydoc XQST0088 Module import with empty target namespace, and two location hints. emptydoc XQST0088 ':=' cannot be used to assing namespaces in 'import module'. emptydoc XPST0003 Ensure that a start looking like an import, isn't treated as so. emptydoc XPDY0002 Test XQST0036 for unknown simple type in imported function parameter type http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4321 errata6-module1 emptydoc XQST0036 Test XQST0036 for unknown simple type in imported function return type http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4321 errata6-module2 emptydoc XQST0036 Test XQST0036 for known simple type in imported function return type http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4321 errata6-module2 emptydoc errata6-003.txt Test of XQST0036 for unknown simple type in imported global variable http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4321 errata6-module4 emptydoc XQST0036 Test of XQST0036 for unknown element declaration in imported function parameter type http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4321 errata6-module5 emptydoc XQST0036 Test of XQST0036 for unknown attribute declaration in imported function parameter type http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4321 errata6-module6 emptydoc XQST0036 Test of XQST0036 for unknown complex type in imported function parameter type http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4321 errata6-module7 emptydoc XQST0036 Test XQST0093 by importing a module with a circular dependency http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4418 errata8-module1a errata8-module1b emptydoc XQST0093 Test XQST0093 by importing a module with a more complex circular dependency http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4418 errata8-module2a errata8-module2b emptydoc XQST0093 Test lack of XQST0093 by importing a module without a circular dependency http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=4418 errata8-module3a errata8-module3b emptydoc errata8-003.txt Public functions can be imported (XQuery 1.1). module-pub-priv emptydoc modules-pub-priv-1.txt XQST0031 XPST0003 Private functions from imported modules are not visible (XQuery 1.1). module-pub-priv emptydoc XPST0017 XQST0031 XPST0003 Module Declaration A library module that has a query body. emptydoc XPST0003 fn:element-with-id function Tests for fn:element-with-id function (introduced by erratum; implementation is optional for XQuery 1.0) Tests for element-with-id() function, introduced by erratum. Depends entirely on schema validation. Compares the new element-with-id() function with the id() function. http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6028 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6591 id-idref2 fn-element-with-id-1.txt Compares the new element-with-id() function with the id() function. Uses elements whose type is derived from xs:ID by restriction http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6028 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6591 id-idref2 fn-element-with-id-2.txt Compares the new element-with-id() function with the id() function. Uses elements whose type is a complex type with simple xs:ID content http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6028 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6591 id-idref2 fn-element-with-id-3.txt Compares the new element-with-id() function with the id() function. Uses elements whose type is derived from xs:ID by list http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6028 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6591 id-idref2 fn-element-with-id-4.txt Compares the new element-with-id() function with the id() function. Uses elements whose type is derived from xs:ID by union http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6028 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=6591 id-idref2 fn-element-with-id-5.txt Serialization A standalone attribute node cannot be serialized. emptydoc SENR0001 An attribute node appearing after an element cannot be serialized. emptydoc SENR0001 An attribute node appearing before an element cannot be serialized. emptydoc SENR0001 An attribute node appearing between two element nodes cannot be serialized. emptydoc SENR0001 Ensure that CR, NEL and LINE SEPARATOR in text nodes are escaped when serialized. emptydoc K2-Serialization-5.txt Ensure that CR, NL, TAB, NEL and LINE SEPARATOR in attributes are escaped when serialized. emptydoc K2-Serialization-6.txt Use characters in a text node that in XML 1.0 are invalid, and in XML 1.1 must be escaped. emptydoc K2-Serialization-7.txt FOCH0001 Use characters in an attribute node that in XML 1.0 are invalid, and in XML 1.1 must be escaped. emptydoc K2-Serialization-8.txt FOCH0001 Use characters in the range of #x7F through #x9F in an attribute node and ensure they are escaped properly. emptydoc K2-Serialization-9.txt Use characters in the range of #x7F through #x9F in an attribute node and ensure they are escaped properly. emptydoc K2-Serialization-10.txt Ensure a new-line character is properly escaped. emptydoc K2-Serialization-11.txt Write out elements and attributes that have the same names except for their prefixes. emptydoc K2-Serialization-12.txt Tests for the appendices. Tests for Appendix A-4 of the Query Specs. Evaluates precedence order between "+" and "*". emptydoc appendix-A4-1.txt Evaluates precedence order between "-" and "*". emptydoc appendix-A4-2.txt Evaluates precedence order between "+" and "div". emptydoc appendix-A4-3.txt Evaluates precedence order between "-" and "div". emptydoc appendix-A4-4.txt Evaluates precedence order between "+" and "idiv". emptydoc appendix-A4-5.txt Evaluates precedence order between "-" and "idiv". emptydoc appendix-A4-6.txt Evaluates precedence order between "+" and "mod". emptydoc appendix-A4-7.txt Evaluates precedence order between "-" and "mod". emptydoc appendix-A4-8.txt Evaluates precedence order between unary "-" and unary "+". emptydoc appendix-A4-9.txt Various User defined functions from annex "E" of the F and O specs. User defined function as described on example 1 of annex "E" from the F and O specs. emptydoc annex-1.txt User defined function as described on example 2 of annex "E" from the F and O s.pecs. emptydoc annex-2.txt User defined function as described on example 3 of annex "E" from the F and O specs. emptydoc annex-3.txt User defined function as described on example 4 of annex "E" from the F and O specs. Implementations supporting the static typing feature, may raise XPTY0004. emptydoc annex-4.txt XPTY0004 User defined function as described on example 5 of annex "E" from the F and O specs. Implementations supporting the static typing feature, may raise XPTY0004. emptydoc annex-5.txt XPTY0004 User defined function as described on example 6 of annex "E" from the F and O specs. emptydoc annex-6.txt User defined function as described on example 7 of annex "E" from the F and O specs. emptydoc annex-7.txt User defined function as described on example 8 of annex "E" from the F and O specs. emptydoc annex-8.txt Use Cases Use Case "XMP": Experiences and Exemplars example queries that illustrate requirements gathered from the database and document communities. List books published by Addison-Wesley after 1991, including their year and title. bib xmp-queries-results-q1.txt Create a flat list of all the title-author pairs, with each pair enclosed in a "result" element. bib xmp-queries-results-q2.txt For each book in the bibliography, list the title and authors, grouped inside a "result" element. bib xmp-queries-results-q3.txt For each author in the bibliography, list the author's name and the titles of all books by that author, grouped inside a "result" element. bib xmp-queries-results-q4.txt For each book found at both bstore1.example.com and bstore2.example.com, list the title of the book and its price from each source. bib reviews xmp-queries-results-q5.txt For each book that has at least one author, list the title and first two authors, and an empty "et-al" element if the book has additional authors. bib xmp-queries-results-q6.txt List the titles and years of all books published by Addison-Wesley after 1991, in alphabetic order. bib xmp-queries-results-q7.txt Find books in which the name of some element ends with the string "or" and the same element contains the string "Suciu" somewhere in its content. For each such book, return the title and the qualifying element. bib xmp-queries-results-q8.txt In the document "books.xml", find all section or chapter titles that contain the word "XML", regardless of the level of nesting. books xmp-queries-results-q9.txt In the document "prices.xml", find the minimum price for each book, in the form of a "minprice" element with the book title as its title attribute. prices xmp-queries-results-q10.txt For each book with an author, return the book with its title and authors. For each book with an editor, return a reference with the book title and the editor's affiliation. bib xmp-queries-results-q11.txt Find pairs of books that have different titles but the same set of authors (possibly in a different order). bib xmp-queries-results-q12.txt Use Case "TREE": Queries that preserve hierarchy An XML query language should have the ability to extract elements from documents while preserving their original hierarchy. This Use Case illustrates this requirement by means of a flexible document type named Book. Prepare a (nested) table of contents for Book1, listing all the sections and their titles. Preserve the original attributes of each "section" element, if any. book tree-queries-results-q1.txt Prepare a (flat) figure list for Book1, listing all the figures and their titles. Preserve the original attributes of each "figure" element, if any. book tree-queries-results-q2.txt How many sections are in Book1, and how many figures? book tree-queries-results-q3.txt How many top-level sections are in Book1? book tree-queries-results-q4.txt Make a flat list of the section elements in Book1. In place of its original attributes, each section element should have two attributes, containing the title of the section and the number of figures immediately contained in the section. book tree-queries-results-q5.txt Make a nested list of the section elements in Book1, preserving their original attributes and hierarchy. Inside each section element, include the title of the section and an element that includes the number of figures immediately contained in the section. book tree-queries-results-q6.txt Use Case "SEQ" - Queries based on Sequence Although sequence is not significant in most traditional database systems or object systems, it can be quite significant in structured documents. This use case presents a series of queries based on a medical report. In the Procedure section of Report1, what Instruments were used in the second Incision? report1 seq-queries-results-q1.txt In the Procedure section of Report1, what are the first two Instruments to be used? report1 seq-queries-results-q2.txt In Report1, what Instruments were used in the first two Actions after the second Incision? report1 seq-queries-results-q3.txt In Report1, find "Procedure" sections where no Anesthesia element occurs before the first Incision. report1 seq-queries-results-q4.txt In Report1, what happened between the first Incision and the second Incision? report1 seq-queries-results-q5.txt Use Case "R" - Access to Relational Data One important use of an XML query language will be to access data stored in relational databases. This use case describes one possible way in which this access might be accomplished. List the item number and description of all bicycles that currently have an auction in progress, ordered by item number. items rdb-queries-results-q1.txt For all bicycles, list the item number, description, and highest bid (if any), ordered by item number. items bids rdb-queries-results-q2.txt Find cases where a user with a rating worse (alphabetically, greater) than "C" is offering an item with a reserve price of more than 1000. items users rdb-queries-results-q3.txt List item numbers and descriptions of items that have no bids. items bids rdb-queries-results-q4.txt For bicycle(s) offered by Tom Jones that have received a bid, list the item number, description, highest bid, and name of the highest bidder, ordered by item number. users items bids rdb-queries-results-q5.txt For each item whose highest bid is more than twice its reserve price, list the item number, description, reserve price, and highest bid. items bids rdb-queries-results-q6.txt Find the highest bid ever made for a bicycle or tricycle. items bids rdb-queries-results-q7.txt How many items were actioned (auction ended) in March 1999? items rdb-queries-results-q8.txt List the number of items auctioned each month in 1999 for which data is available, ordered by month. items rdb-queries-results-q9.txt For each item that has received a bid, list the item number, the highest bid, and the name of the highest bidder, ordered by item number. users bids rdb-queries-results-q10.txt List the item number and description of the item(s) that received the highest bid ever recorded, and the amount of that bid. items bids rdb-queries-results-q11.txt List the item number and description of the item(s) that received the largest number of bids, and the number of bids it (or they) received. items bids rdb-queries-results-q12.txt For each user who has placed a bid, give the userid, name, number of bids, and average bid, in order by userid. users bids rdb-queries-results-q13.txt List item numbers and average bids for items that have received three or more bids, in descending order by average bid. bids rdb-queries-results-q14.txt List names of users who have placed multiple bids of at least $100 each. bids users rdb-queries-results-q15.txt List all registered users in order by userid; for each user, include the userid, name, and an indication of whether the user is active (has at least one bid on record) or inactive (has no bid on record). bids users rdb-queries-results-q16.txt List the names of users, if any, who have bid on every item. bids users items rdb-queries-results-q17.txt List all users in alphabetic order by name. For each user, include descriptions of all the items (if any) that were bid on by that user, in alphabetic order. bids users items rdb-queries-results-q18.txt Use Case "SGML": Standard Generalized Markup Language The example document and queries in this Use Case were first created for a 1992 conference on Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). Locate all paragraphs in the report (all "para" elements occurring anywhere within the "report" element). sgml sgml-queries-results-q1.txt Locate all paragraph elements in an introduction (all "para" elements directly contained within an "intro" element). sgml sgml-queries-results-q2.txt Locate all paragraphs in the introduction of a section that is in a chapter that has no introduction (all "para" elements directly contained within an "intro" element directly contained in a "section" element directly contained in a "chapter" element. The "chapter" element must not directly contain an "intro" element). sgml sgml-queries-results-q3.txt Locate the second paragraph in the third section in the second chapter (the second "para" element occurring in the third "section" element occurring in the second "chapter" element occurring in the "report"). sgml sgml-queries-results-q4.txt Locate all classified paragraphs (all "para" elements whose "security" attribute has the value "c"). sgml sgml-queries-results-q5.txt List the short titles of all sections (the values of the "shorttitle" attributes of all "section" elements, expressing each short title as the value of a new element.). sgml sgml-queries-results-q6.txt Locate the initial letter of the initial paragraph of all introductions (the first character in the content [character content as well as element content] of the first "para" element contained in an "intro" element). sgml sgml-queries-results-q7.txt Locate all sections with a title that has "is SGML" in it. The string may occur anywhere in the descendants of the title element, and markup boundaries are ignored. sgml sgml-queries-results-q8a.txt Same as (Q8a), but the string "is SGML" cannot be interrupted by sub-elements, and must appear in a single text node. sgml sgml-queries-results-q8b.txt XPST0005 Locate all the topics referenced by a cross-reference anywhere in the report (all the "topic" elements whose "topicid" attribute value is the same as an "xrefid" attribute value of any "xref" element). sgml sgml-queries-results-q9.txt Locate the closest title preceding the cross-reference ("xref") element whose "xrefid" attribute is "top4" (the "title" element that would be touched last before this "xref" element when touching each element in document order). sgml sgml-queries-results-q10.txt Use Case "STRING": String Search This use case is based on company profiles and a set of news documents which contain data for PR, mergers and acquisitions, etc. Given a company, the use case illustrates several different queries for searching text in news documents and different ways of providing query results by matching the information from the company profile and the content of the news items. Find the titles of all news items where the string "Foobar Corporation" appears in the title. string string-queries-results-q1.txt Find news items where the Foobar Corporation and one or more of its partners are mentioned in the same paragraph and/or title. List each news item by its title and date. string company-data string-queries-results-q2.txt Find news items where a company and one of its partners is mentioned in the same news item and the news item is not authored by the company itself. string company-data string-queries-results-q4.txt For each news item that is relevant to the Gorilla Corporation, create an "item summary" element. The content of the item summary is the content of the title, date, and first paragraph of the news item, separated by periods. A news item is relevant if the name of the company is mentioned anywhere within the content of the news item. string string-queries-results-q5.txt Use Case "NS" - Queries Using Namespaces This use case is based on a scenario in which a neutral mediator is acting with public auction servers on behalf of clients. The reason for a client to use this imaginary service may be anonymity, better insurance, or the possibility to cover more than one market at a time. List all unique namespaces used in the sample data. auction ns-queries-results-q1.txt Select the title of each record that is for sale. auction ns-queries-results-q2.txt Select all elements that have an attribute whose name is in the XML Schema namespace. auction ns-queries-results-q3.txt List the target URI's of all XLinks in the document. auction ns-queries-results-q4.txt Select all records that have a remark in German. auction ns-queries-results-q5.txt Select the closing time elements of all AnyZone auctions currently monitored. auction ns-queries-results-q6.txt Select the homepage of all auctions where both seller and high bidder are registered at the same auctioneer. auction ns-queries-results-q7.txt Select all traders (either seller or high bidder) without negative comments. auction ns-queries-results-q8.txt Use Case "PARTS" - Recursive Parts Explosion This use case is based on a "parts explosion" database that contains information about how parts are used in other parts. Convert the sample document from "partlist" format to "parttree" format (see DTD section for definitions). In the result document, part containment is represented by containment of one "part" element inside another. Each part that is not part of any other part should appear as a separate top-level element in the output document. partlist parts-queries-results-q1.txt XPTY0004 XMark -- An XML Benchmark This test suite group contains XMark, the XML Benchmark Project which was kindly donated to W3C's XQuery Test Suite. Frans Englich is marked as the creator of these tests and this is for the purpose of being able to locate the maintainer. The original author of these tests is the XML Benchmark team, see http://www.xml-benchmark.org/. XMarkAuction XMark-Q1.xml XMarkAuction XMark-Q2.xml XMarkAuction XMark-Q3.xml XMarkAuction XMark-Q4.xml XMarkAuction XMark-Q5.xml XMarkAuction XMark-Q6.xml XMarkAuction XMark-Q7.xml XMarkAuction XMark-Q8.xml XMarkAuction XMark-Q9.xml XMarkAuction XMark-Q10.xml XMarkAuction XMark-Q11.xml XMarkAuction XMark-Q12.xml XMarkAuction XMark-Q13.xml XMarkAuction XMark-Q14.xml XMarkAuction XMark-Q15.xml XMarkAuction XMark-Q16.xml XMarkAuction XMark-Q17.xml XMarkAuction XMark-Q18.xml XMarkAuction XMark-Q19.xml XMarkAuction XMark-Q20.xml Contains all the twenty XMark queries essentially concatenated with the comma operator, into one single query. XMarkAuction XMark-All.xml FunctX -- A Collection Of Functions This test suite group contains FunctX, a collection of XQuery functions. They were written by Priscilla Walmsley, but is maintained by Frans Englich within the XQTS. functx-fn-abs Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-abs-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-abs-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-abs-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-abs-all.txt functx-fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-adjust-dateTime-to-timezone-all.txt functx-fn-adjust-date-to-timezone Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-adjust-date-to-timezone-all.txt functx-fn-adjust-time-to-timezone Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-adjust-time-to-timezone-all.txt functx-fn-avg Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-avg-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-avg-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-avg-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-avg-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-avg-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-avg-all.txt functx-fn-base-uri Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_cats functx-fn-base-uri-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_cats functx-fn-base-uri-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_cats functx-fn-base-uri-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_cats functx-fn-base-uri-all.txt functx-fn-boolean Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-boolean-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-boolean-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-boolean-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-boolean-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-boolean-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-boolean-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-boolean-7.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-boolean-8.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-boolean-9.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-boolean-all.txt functx-fn-ceiling Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-ceiling-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-ceiling-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-ceiling-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-ceiling-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-ceiling-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-ceiling-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-ceiling-all.txt functx-fn-codepoint-equal Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-codepoint-equal-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-codepoint-equal-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-codepoint-equal-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-codepoint-equal-all.txt functx-fn-codepoints-to-string Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-codepoints-to-string-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-codepoints-to-string-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-codepoints-to-string-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-codepoints-to-string-all.txt functx-fn-collection functx-fn-compare Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-compare-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-compare-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-compare-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-compare-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-compare-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-compare-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-compare-7.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-compare-all.txt functx-fn-concat Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-concat-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-concat-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-concat-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-concat-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-concat-all.txt functx-fn-contains Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-contains-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-contains-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-contains-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-contains-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-contains-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-contains-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-contains-7.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-contains-all.txt functx-fn-count Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-count-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-count-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-count-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-count-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-count-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-count-all.txt functx-fn-current-dateTime functx-fn-current-date functx-fn-current-grouping-key functx-fn-current-group functx-fn-current-time functx-fn-current functx-fn-data Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_catalog functx-fn-data-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_catalog functx-fn-data-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_catalog functx-fn-data-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_catalog functx-fn-data-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_catalog functx-fn-data-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_catalog functx-fn-data-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_catalog functx-fn-data-all.txt functx-fn-dateTime Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-dateTime-1.txt functx-fn-day-from-dateTime Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-day-from-dateTime-1.txt functx-fn-day-from-date Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-day-from-date-1.txt functx-fn-days-from-duration Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-days-from-duration-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-days-from-duration-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-days-from-duration-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-days-from-duration-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-days-from-duration-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-days-from-duration-all.txt functx-fn-deep-equal Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-deep-equal-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-deep-equal-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-deep-equal-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-deep-equal-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-deep-equal-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-deep-equal-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-deep-equal-all.txt functx-fn-default-collation Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-default-collation-1.txt functx-fn-distinct-values Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-distinct-values-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-distinct-values-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-distinct-values-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-distinct-values-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-distinct-values-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-distinct-values-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-distinct-values-all.txt functx-fn-doc-available Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-doc-available-1.txt functx-fn-document-uri functx-fn-document functx-fn-doc functx-fn-element-available functx-fn-empty Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-empty-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-empty-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-empty-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-empty-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-empty-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-empty-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-empty-7.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-empty-all.txt functx-fn-encode-for-uri Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-encode-for-uri-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-encode-for-uri-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-encode-for-uri-all.txt functx-fn-ends-with Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-ends-with-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-ends-with-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-ends-with-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-ends-with-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-ends-with-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-ends-with-all.txt functx-fn-error functx-fn-escape-html-uri Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-escape-html-uri-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-escape-html-uri-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-escape-html-uri-all.txt functx-fn-exactly-one Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-exactly-one-1.txt functx-fn-exists Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-exists-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-exists-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-exists-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-exists-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-exists-all.txt functx-fn-false Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-false-1.txt functx-fn-floor Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-floor-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-floor-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-floor-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-floor-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-floor-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-floor-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-floor-all.txt functx-fn-format-dateTime functx-fn-format-date functx-fn-format-number functx-fn-format-time functx-fn-function-available functx-fn-generate-id functx-fn-hours-from-dateTime Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-hours-from-dateTime-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-hours-from-dateTime-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-hours-from-dateTime-all.txt functx-fn-hours-from-duration Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-hours-from-duration-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-hours-from-duration-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-hours-from-duration-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-hours-from-duration-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-hours-from-duration-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-hours-from-duration-all.txt functx-fn-hours-from-time Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-hours-from-time-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-hours-from-time-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-hours-from-time-all.txt functx-fn-idref functx-fn-id functx-fn-implicit-timezone functx-fn-index-of Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-index-of-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-index-of-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-index-of-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-index-of-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-index-of-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-index-of-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-index-of-7.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-index-of-all.txt functx-fn-in-scope-prefixes functx-fn-insert-before Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-insert-before-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-insert-before-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-insert-before-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-insert-before-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-insert-before-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-insert-before-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-insert-before-all.txt functx-fn-iri-to-uri Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-iri-to-uri-1.txt functx-fn-key functx-fn-lang Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-lang-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-lang-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-lang-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-lang-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-lang-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-lang-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-lang-all.txt functx-fn-last Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_catalog functx-fn-last-1.txt functx-fn-local-name-from-QName Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-local-name-from-QName-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-local-name-from-QName-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-local-name-from-QName-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-local-name-from-QName-all.txt functx-fn-local-name Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-local-name-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-local-name-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-local-name-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-local-name-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-local-name-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-local-name-all.txt functx-fn-lower-case Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-lower-case-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-lower-case-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-lower-case-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-lower-case-all.txt functx-fn-matches Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-matches-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-matches-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-matches-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-matches-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-matches-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-matches-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-matches-7.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-matches-8.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-matches-9.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-matches-10.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-matches-11.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-matches-12.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-matches-13.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-matches-14.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-matches-15.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-matches-16.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-matches-17.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-matches-18.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-matches-all.txt functx-fn-max Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-max-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-max-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-max-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-max-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-max-all.txt functx-fn-minutes-from-dateTime Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-minutes-from-dateTime-1.txt functx-fn-minutes-from-duration Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-minutes-from-duration-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-minutes-from-duration-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-minutes-from-duration-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-minutes-from-duration-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-minutes-from-duration-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-minutes-from-duration-all.txt functx-fn-minutes-from-time Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-minutes-from-time-1.txt functx-fn-min Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-min-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-min-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-min-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-min-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-min-all.txt functx-fn-month-from-dateTime Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-month-from-dateTime-1.txt functx-fn-month-from-date Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-month-from-date-1.txt functx-fn-months-from-duration Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-months-from-duration-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-months-from-duration-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-months-from-duration-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-months-from-duration-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-months-from-duration-all.txt functx-fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-namespace-uri-for-prefix-all.txt functx-fn-namespace-uri-from-QName Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-namespace-uri-from-QName-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-namespace-uri-from-QName-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-namespace-uri-from-QName-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-namespace-uri-from-QName-all.txt functx-fn-namespace-uri Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-namespace-uri-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-namespace-uri-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-namespace-uri-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-namespace-uri-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-namespace-uri-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-namespace-uri-all.txt functx-fn-name Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-name-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-name-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-name-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-name-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-name-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-name-all.txt functx-fn-nilled Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-nilled-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-nilled-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-nilled-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-nilled-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-nilled-all.txt functx-fn-node-name Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-node-name-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-node-name-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-node-name-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-node-name-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-node-name-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-node-name-all.txt functx-fn-normalize-space Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-normalize-space-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-normalize-space-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-normalize-space-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-normalize-space-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-normalize-space-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-normalize-space-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-normalize-space-7.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-normalize-space-8.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-normalize-space-9.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-normalize-space-all.txt functx-fn-normalize-unicode Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-normalize-unicode-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-normalize-unicode-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-normalize-unicode-all.txt functx-fn-not Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-not-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_catalog functx-fn-not-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-not-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-not-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-not-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-not-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-not-7.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_catalog functx-fn-not-all.txt functx-fn-number Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_prices functx-fn-number-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_prices functx-fn-number-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_prices functx-fn-number-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_prices functx-fn-number-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_prices functx-fn-number-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_prices functx-fn-number-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_prices functx-fn-number-all.txt functx-fn-one-or-more Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-one-or-more-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-one-or-more-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-one-or-more-all.txt functx-fn-position Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-position-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-position-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-position-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-position-all.txt functx-fn-prefix-from-QName Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-prefix-from-QName-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-prefix-from-QName-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-prefix-from-QName-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-prefix-from-QName-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-prefix-from-QName-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-prefix-from-QName-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-prefix-from-QName-all.txt functx-fn-QName Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-QName-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-QName-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-QName-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-QName-all.txt functx-fn-regex-group functx-fn-remove Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-remove-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-remove-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-remove-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-remove-all.txt functx-fn-replace Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-replace-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-replace-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-replace-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-replace-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-replace-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-replace-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-replace-7.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-replace-8.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-replace-9.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-replace-10.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-replace-11.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-replace-12.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-replace-13.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-replace-14.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-replace-15.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-replace-16.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-replace-17.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-replace-18.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-replace-19.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-replace-all.txt functx-fn-resolve-QName Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-resolve-QName-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-resolve-QName-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-resolve-QName-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-resolve-QName-all.txt functx-fn-resolve-uri Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-resolve-uri-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-resolve-uri-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-resolve-uri-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-resolve-uri-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-resolve-uri-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-resolve-uri-all.txt functx-fn-reverse Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-reverse-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-reverse-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-reverse-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-reverse-all.txt functx-fn-root Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-root-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-root-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-root-all.txt functx-fn-round-half-to-even Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-round-half-to-even-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-round-half-to-even-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-round-half-to-even-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-round-half-to-even-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-round-half-to-even-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-round-half-to-even-all.txt functx-fn-round Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-round-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-round-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-round-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-round-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-round-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-round-all.txt functx-fn-seconds-from-dateTime Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-seconds-from-dateTime-1.txt functx-fn-seconds-from-duration Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-seconds-from-duration-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-seconds-from-duration-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-seconds-from-duration-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-seconds-from-duration-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-seconds-from-duration-all.txt functx-fn-seconds-from-time Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-seconds-from-time-1.txt functx-fn-starts-with Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-starts-with-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-starts-with-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-starts-with-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-starts-with-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-starts-with-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-starts-with-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-starts-with-7.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-starts-with-8.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-starts-with-all.txt functx-fn-static-base-uri functx-fn-string-join Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-string-join-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-string-join-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-string-join-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-string-join-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-string-join-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-string-join-all.txt functx-fn-string-length Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-string-length-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-string-length-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-string-length-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-string-length-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-string-length-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-string-length-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-string-length-all.txt functx-fn-string-to-codepoints Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-string-to-codepoints-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-string-to-codepoints-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-string-to-codepoints-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-string-to-codepoints-all.txt functx-fn-string Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-string-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-string-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-string-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-string-all.txt functx-fn-subsequence Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-subsequence-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-subsequence-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-subsequence-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-subsequence-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-subsequence-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-subsequence-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-subsequence-all.txt functx-fn-substring-after Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-after-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-after-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-after-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-after-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-after-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-after-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-after-all.txt functx-fn-substring-before Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-before-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-before-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-before-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-before-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-before-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-before-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-before-7.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-before-all.txt functx-fn-substring Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-7.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-8.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-9.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-10.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-11.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-substring-all.txt functx-fn-sum Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-sum-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-sum-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-sum-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-sum-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-sum-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-sum-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-fn-sum-all.txt functx-fn-system-property functx-fn-timezone-from-dateTime Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-timezone-from-dateTime-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-timezone-from-dateTime-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-timezone-from-dateTime-all.txt functx-fn-timezone-from-date Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-timezone-from-date-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-timezone-from-date-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-timezone-from-date-all.txt functx-fn-timezone-from-time Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-timezone-from-time-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-timezone-from-time-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-timezone-from-time-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-timezone-from-time-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-timezone-from-time-all.txt functx-fn-tokenize Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-tokenize-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-tokenize-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-tokenize-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-tokenize-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-tokenize-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-tokenize-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-tokenize-7.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-tokenize-8.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-tokenize-9.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-tokenize-10.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-tokenize-11.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-tokenize-12.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-tokenize-all.txt functx-fn-trace functx-fn-translate Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-translate-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-translate-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-translate-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-translate-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-translate-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-translate-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-translate-7.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-translate-all.txt functx-fn-true Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-true-1.txt functx-fn-type-available functx-fn-unordered functx-fn-unparsed-entity-public-id functx-fn-unparsed-entity-uri functx-fn-unparsed-text-available functx-fn-unparsed-text functx-fn-upper-case Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-upper-case-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-upper-case-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-upper-case-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-upper-case-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-upper-case-all.txt functx-fn-year-from-dateTime Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-year-from-dateTime-1.txt functx-fn-year-from-date Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-year-from-date-1.txt functx-fn-years-from-duration Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-years-from-duration-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-years-from-duration-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-years-from-duration-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-years-from-duration-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-years-from-duration-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-years-from-duration-all.txt functx-fn-zero-or-one Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-zero-or-one-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-zero-or-one-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-fn-zero-or-one-all.txt functx-functx-add-attributes Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-add-attributes-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-add-attributes-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-add-attributes-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-add-attributes-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-add-attributes-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-add-attributes-all.txt functx-functx-add-months Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-add-months-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-add-months-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-add-months-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-add-months-all.txt functx-functx-add-or-update-attributes Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-add-or-update-attributes-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-add-or-update-attributes-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-add-or-update-attributes-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-add-or-update-attributes-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-add-or-update-attributes-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-add-or-update-attributes-all.txt functx-functx-all-whitespace Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-all-whitespace-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-all-whitespace-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-all-whitespace-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-all-whitespace-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-all-whitespace-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-all-whitespace-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-all-whitespace-all.txt functx-functx-are-distinct-values Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-are-distinct-values-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-are-distinct-values-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-are-distinct-values-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-are-distinct-values-all.txt functx-functx-atomic-type Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-atomic-type-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-atomic-type-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-atomic-type-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-atomic-type-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-atomic-type-all.txt functx-functx-avg-empty-is-zero Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-avg-empty-is-zero-1.txt functx-functx-between-exclusive Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-between-exclusive-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-between-exclusive-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-between-exclusive-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-between-exclusive-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-between-exclusive-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-between-exclusive-all.txt functx-functx-between-inclusive Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-between-inclusive-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-between-inclusive-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-between-inclusive-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-between-inclusive-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-between-inclusive-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-between-inclusive-all.txt functx-functx-camel-case-to-words Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-camel-case-to-words-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-camel-case-to-words-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-camel-case-to-words-all.txt functx-functx-capitalize-first Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-capitalize-first-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-capitalize-first-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-capitalize-first-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-capitalize-first-all.txt functx-functx-change-element-names-deep Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-change-element-names-deep-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-change-element-names-deep-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-change-element-names-deep-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-change-element-names-deep-all.txt functx-functx-change-element-ns-deep Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-change-element-ns-deep-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-change-element-ns-deep-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-change-element-ns-deep-all.txt functx-functx-change-element-ns Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-change-element-ns-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-change-element-ns-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-change-element-ns-all.txt functx-functx-chars Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-chars-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-chars-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-chars-all.txt functx-functx-contains-any-of Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-contains-any-of-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-contains-any-of-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-contains-any-of-all.txt functx-functx-contains-case-insensitive Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-contains-case-insensitive-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-contains-case-insensitive-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-contains-case-insensitive-all.txt functx-functx-contains-word Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-contains-word-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-contains-word-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-contains-word-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-contains-word-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-contains-word-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-contains-word-all.txt functx-functx-copy-attributes Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-copy-attributes-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-copy-attributes-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-copy-attributes-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-copy-attributes-all.txt functx-functx-dateTime Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-dateTime-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-dateTime-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-dateTime-all.txt functx-functx-date Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-date-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-date-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-date-all.txt functx-functx-day-in-year Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-day-in-year-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-day-in-year-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-day-in-year-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-day-in-year-all.txt functx-functx-day-of-week-abbrev-en Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-day-of-week-abbrev-en-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-day-of-week-abbrev-en-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-day-of-week-abbrev-en-all.txt functx-functx-day-of-week-name-en Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-day-of-week-name-en-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-day-of-week-name-en-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-day-of-week-name-en-all.txt functx-functx-day-of-week Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-day-of-week-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-day-of-week-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-day-of-week-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-day-of-week-all.txt functx-functx-days-in-month Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-days-in-month-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-days-in-month-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-days-in-month-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-days-in-month-all.txt functx-functx-dayTimeDuration Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-dayTimeDuration-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-dayTimeDuration-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-dayTimeDuration-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-dayTimeDuration-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-dayTimeDuration-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-dayTimeDuration-all.txt functx-functx-ddmmyyyy-to-date Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-ddmmyyyy-to-date-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-ddmmyyyy-to-date-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-ddmmyyyy-to-date-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-ddmmyyyy-to-date-all.txt functx-functx-depth-of-node Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-depth-of-node-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-depth-of-node-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-depth-of-node-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-depth-of-node-all.txt functx-functx-distinct-attribute-names Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-distinct-attribute-names-1.txt functx-functx-distinct-deep Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-distinct-deep-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-distinct-deep-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-distinct-deep-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-distinct-deep-all.txt functx-functx-distinct-element-names Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-distinct-element-names-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-distinct-element-names-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-distinct-element-names-all.txt functx-functx-distinct-element-paths Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-distinct-element-paths-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-distinct-element-paths-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-distinct-element-paths-all.txt functx-functx-distinct-nodes Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-distinct-nodes-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-distinct-nodes-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-distinct-nodes-all.txt functx-functx-duration-from-timezone Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-duration-from-timezone-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-duration-from-timezone-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-duration-from-timezone-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-duration-from-timezone-all.txt functx-functx-dynamic-path Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-dynamic-path-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-dynamic-path-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-dynamic-path-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-dynamic-path-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-dynamic-path-all.txt functx-functx-escape-for-regex Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-escape-for-regex-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-escape-for-regex-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-escape-for-regex-all.txt functx-functx-exclusive-or Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-exclusive-or-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-exclusive-or-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-exclusive-or-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-exclusive-or-all.txt functx-functx-first-day-of-month Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-first-day-of-month-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-first-day-of-month-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-first-day-of-month-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-first-day-of-month-all.txt functx-functx-first-day-of-year Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-first-day-of-year-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-first-day-of-year-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-first-day-of-year-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-first-day-of-year-all.txt functx-functx-first-node Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-first-node-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-first-node-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-first-node-all.txt functx-functx-follows-not-descendant Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-follows-not-descendant-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-follows-not-descendant-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-follows-not-descendant-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-follows-not-descendant-all.txt functx-functx-format-as-title-en Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-format-as-title-en-1.txt functx-functx-fragment-from-uri Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-fragment-from-uri-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-fragment-from-uri-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-fragment-from-uri-all.txt functx-functx-get-matches-and-non-matches Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-get-matches-and-non-matches-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-get-matches-and-non-matches-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-get-matches-and-non-matches-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-get-matches-and-non-matches-all.txt functx-functx-get-matches Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-get-matches-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-get-matches-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-get-matches-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-get-matches-all.txt functx-functx-has-element-only-content Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-element-only-content-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-element-only-content-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-element-only-content-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-element-only-content-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-element-only-content-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-element-only-content-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-element-only-content-7.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-element-only-content-8.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-element-only-content-9.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-element-only-content-all.txt functx-functx-has-empty-content Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-empty-content-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-empty-content-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-empty-content-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-empty-content-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-empty-content-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-empty-content-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-empty-content-7.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-empty-content-all.txt functx-functx-has-mixed-content Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-mixed-content-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-mixed-content-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-mixed-content-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-mixed-content-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-mixed-content-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-mixed-content-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-mixed-content-7.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-mixed-content-all.txt functx-functx-has-simple-content Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-simple-content-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-simple-content-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-simple-content-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-simple-content-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-simple-content-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-simple-content-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-has-simple-content-all.txt functx-functx-id-from-element Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_book functx-functx-id-from-element-1.txt functx-functx-id-untyped Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-id-untyped-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-id-untyped-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-id-untyped-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-id-untyped-all.txt functx-functx-if-absent Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-if-absent-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-if-absent-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-if-absent-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-if-absent-all.txt functx-functx-if-empty Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-if-empty-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-if-empty-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-if-empty-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-if-empty-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-if-empty-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-if-empty-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-if-empty-all.txt functx-functx-index-of-deep-equal-node Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-deep-equal-node-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-deep-equal-node-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-deep-equal-node-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-deep-equal-node-all.txt functx-functx-index-of-match-first Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-match-first-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-match-first-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-match-first-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-match-first-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-match-first-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-match-first-all.txt functx-functx-index-of-node Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-node-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-node-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-node-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-node-all.txt functx-functx-index-of-string-first Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-string-first-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-string-first-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-string-first-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-string-first-all.txt functx-functx-index-of-string-last Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-string-last-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-string-last-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-string-last-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-string-last-all.txt functx-functx-index-of-string Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-string-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-string-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-string-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-index-of-string-all.txt functx-functx-insert-string Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-insert-string-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-insert-string-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-insert-string-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-insert-string-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-insert-string-all.txt functx-functx-is-absolute-uri Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-absolute-uri-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-absolute-uri-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-absolute-uri-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-absolute-uri-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-absolute-uri-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-absolute-uri-all.txt functx-functx-is-ancestor Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-ancestor-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-ancestor-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-ancestor-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-ancestor-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-ancestor-all.txt functx-functx-is-a-number Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-a-number-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-a-number-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-a-number-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-a-number-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-a-number-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-a-number-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-a-number-7.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-a-number-8.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-a-number-all.txt functx-functx-is-descendant Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-descendant-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-descendant-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-descendant-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-descendant-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-descendant-all.txt functx-functx-is-leap-year Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-leap-year-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-leap-year-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-leap-year-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-leap-year-all.txt functx-functx-is-node-among-descendants-deep-equal Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-node-among-descendants-deep-equal-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-node-among-descendants-deep-equal-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-node-among-descendants-deep-equal-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-node-among-descendants-deep-equal-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-node-among-descendants-deep-equal-all.txt functx-functx-is-node-among-descendants Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-node-among-descendants-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-node-among-descendants-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-node-among-descendants-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-node-among-descendants-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-node-among-descendants-all.txt functx-functx-is-node-in-sequence-deep-equal Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-node-in-sequence-deep-equal-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-node-in-sequence-deep-equal-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-node-in-sequence-deep-equal-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-node-in-sequence-deep-equal-all.txt functx-functx-is-node-in-sequence Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-node-in-sequence-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-node-in-sequence-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-node-in-sequence-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-node-in-sequence-all.txt functx-functx-is-value-in-sequence Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-value-in-sequence-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-value-in-sequence-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-value-in-sequence-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-is-value-in-sequence-all.txt functx-functx-last-day-of-month Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-last-day-of-month-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-last-day-of-month-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-last-day-of-month-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-last-day-of-month-all.txt functx-functx-last-day-of-year Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-last-day-of-year-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-last-day-of-year-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-last-day-of-year-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-last-day-of-year-all.txt functx-functx-last-node Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-last-node-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-last-node-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-last-node-all.txt functx-functx-leaf-elements Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-leaf-elements-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-leaf-elements-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-leaf-elements-all.txt functx-functx-left-trim Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-left-trim-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-left-trim-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-left-trim-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-left-trim-all.txt functx-functx-line-count Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-line-count-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-line-count-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-line-count-all.txt functx-functx-lines Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-lines-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-lines-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-lines-all.txt functx-functx-max-depth Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-max-depth-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-max-depth-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-max-depth-all.txt functx-functx-max-determine-type Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-max-determine-type-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-max-determine-type-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-max-determine-type-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-max-determine-type-all.txt functx-functx-max-line-length Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-max-line-length-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-max-line-length-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-max-line-length-all.txt functx-functx-max-node Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-max-node-1.txt functx-functx-max-string Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-max-string-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-max-string-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-max-string-all.txt functx-functx-min-determine-type Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-min-determine-type-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-min-determine-type-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-min-determine-type-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-min-determine-type-all.txt functx-functx-min-node Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-min-node-1.txt functx-functx-min-non-empty-string Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-min-non-empty-string-1.txt functx-functx-min-string Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-min-string-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-min-string-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-min-string-all.txt functx-functx-mmddyyyy-to-date Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-mmddyyyy-to-date-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-mmddyyyy-to-date-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-mmddyyyy-to-date-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-mmddyyyy-to-date-all.txt functx-functx-month-abbrev-en Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-month-abbrev-en-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-month-abbrev-en-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-month-abbrev-en-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-month-abbrev-en-all.txt functx-functx-month-name-en Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-month-name-en-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-month-name-en-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-month-name-en-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-month-name-en-all.txt functx-functx-namespaces-in-use Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-namespaces-in-use-1.txt functx-functx-name-test Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-name-test-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-name-test-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-name-test-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-name-test-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-name-test-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-name-test-all.txt functx-functx-next-day Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-next-day-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-next-day-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-next-day-all.txt functx-functx-node-kind Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-node-kind-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-node-kind-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-node-kind-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-node-kind-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-node-kind-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-functx-node-kind-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx_order functx-functx-node-kind-all.txt functx-functx-non-distinct-values Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-non-distinct-values-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-non-distinct-values-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-non-distinct-values-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-non-distinct-values-all.txt functx-functx-number-of-matches Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-number-of-matches-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-number-of-matches-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-number-of-matches-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-number-of-matches-all.txt functx-functx-open-ref-document functx-functx-ordinal-number-en Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-ordinal-number-en-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-ordinal-number-en-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-ordinal-number-en-all.txt functx-functx-pad-integer-to-length Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-pad-integer-to-length-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-pad-integer-to-length-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-pad-integer-to-length-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-pad-integer-to-length-all.txt functx-functx-pad-string-to-length Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-pad-string-to-length-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-pad-string-to-length-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-pad-string-to-length-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-pad-string-to-length-all.txt functx-functx-path-to-node-with-pos Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-path-to-node-with-pos-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-path-to-node-with-pos-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-path-to-node-with-pos-all.txt functx-functx-path-to-node Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-path-to-node-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-path-to-node-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-path-to-node-all.txt functx-functx-precedes-not-ancestor Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-precedes-not-ancestor-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-precedes-not-ancestor-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-precedes-not-ancestor-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-precedes-not-ancestor-all.txt functx-functx-previous-day Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-previous-day-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-previous-day-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-previous-day-all.txt functx-functx-remove-attributes-deep Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-remove-attributes-deep-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-remove-attributes-deep-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-remove-attributes-deep-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-remove-attributes-deep-all.txt functx-functx-remove-attributes Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-remove-attributes-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-remove-attributes-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-remove-attributes-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-remove-attributes-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-remove-attributes-all.txt functx-functx-remove-elements-deep Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-remove-elements-deep-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-remove-elements-deep-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-remove-elements-deep-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-remove-elements-deep-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-remove-elements-deep-all.txt functx-functx-remove-elements-not-contents Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-remove-elements-not-contents-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-remove-elements-not-contents-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-remove-elements-not-contents-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-remove-elements-not-contents-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-remove-elements-not-contents-all.txt functx-functx-remove-elements Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-remove-elements-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-remove-elements-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-remove-elements-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-remove-elements-all.txt functx-functx-repeat-string Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-repeat-string-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-repeat-string-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-repeat-string-all.txt functx-functx-replace-beginning Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-replace-beginning-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-replace-beginning-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-replace-beginning-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-replace-beginning-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-replace-beginning-all.txt functx-functx-replace-element-values Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-replace-element-values-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-replace-element-values-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-replace-element-values-all.txt functx-functx-replace-first Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-replace-first-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-replace-first-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-replace-first-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-replace-first-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-replace-first-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-replace-first-all.txt functx-functx-replace-multi Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-replace-multi-1.txt functx-functx-reverse-string Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-reverse-string-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-reverse-string-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-reverse-string-all.txt functx-functx-right-trim Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-right-trim-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-right-trim-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-right-trim-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-right-trim-all.txt functx-functx-scheme-from-uri Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-scheme-from-uri-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-scheme-from-uri-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-scheme-from-uri-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-scheme-from-uri-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-scheme-from-uri-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-scheme-from-uri-all.txt functx-functx-sequence-deep-equal Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-deep-equal-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-deep-equal-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-deep-equal-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-deep-equal-all.txt functx-functx-sequence-node-equal-any-order Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-node-equal-any-order-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-node-equal-any-order-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-node-equal-any-order-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-node-equal-any-order-all.txt functx-functx-sequence-node-equal Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-node-equal-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-node-equal-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-node-equal-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-node-equal-all.txt functx-functx-sequence-type Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-type-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-type-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-type-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-type-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-type-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-type-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-type-7.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-type-8.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-type-9.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-type-10.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-type-11.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sequence-type-all.txt functx-functx-siblings-same-name Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-siblings-same-name-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-siblings-same-name-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-siblings-same-name-all.txt functx-functx-siblings Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-siblings-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-siblings-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-siblings-all.txt functx-functx-sort-as-numeric Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sort-as-numeric-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sort-as-numeric-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sort-as-numeric-all.txt functx-functx-sort-case-insensitive Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sort-case-insensitive-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sort-case-insensitive-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sort-case-insensitive-all.txt functx-functx-sort-document-order Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sort-document-order-1.txt functx-functx-sort Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sort-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sort-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-sort-all.txt functx-functx-substring-after-if-contains Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-after-if-contains-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-after-if-contains-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-after-if-contains-all.txt functx-functx-substring-after-last-match Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-after-last-match-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-after-last-match-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-after-last-match-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-after-last-match-all.txt functx-functx-substring-after-last Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-after-last-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-after-last-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-after-last-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-after-last-all.txt functx-functx-substring-after-match Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-after-match-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-after-match-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-after-match-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-after-match-all.txt functx-functx-substring-before-if-contains Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-before-if-contains-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-before-if-contains-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-before-if-contains-all.txt functx-functx-substring-before-last-match Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-before-last-match-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-before-last-match-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-before-last-match-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-before-last-match-all.txt functx-functx-substring-before-last Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-before-last-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-before-last-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-before-last-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-before-last-all.txt functx-functx-substring-before-match Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-before-match-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-before-match-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-before-match-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-substring-before-match-all.txt functx-functx-time Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-time-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-time-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-time-all.txt functx-functx-timezone-from-duration Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-timezone-from-duration-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-timezone-from-duration-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-timezone-from-duration-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-timezone-from-duration-all.txt functx-functx-total-days-from-duration Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-days-from-duration-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-days-from-duration-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-days-from-duration-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-days-from-duration-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-days-from-duration-all.txt functx-functx-total-hours-from-duration Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-hours-from-duration-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-hours-from-duration-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-hours-from-duration-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-hours-from-duration-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-hours-from-duration-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-hours-from-duration-all.txt functx-functx-total-minutes-from-duration Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-minutes-from-duration-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-minutes-from-duration-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-minutes-from-duration-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-minutes-from-duration-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-minutes-from-duration-all.txt functx-functx-total-months-from-duration Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-months-from-duration-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-months-from-duration-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-months-from-duration-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-months-from-duration-all.txt functx-functx-total-seconds-from-duration Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-seconds-from-duration-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-seconds-from-duration-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-seconds-from-duration-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-seconds-from-duration-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-seconds-from-duration-all.txt functx-functx-total-years-from-duration Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-years-from-duration-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-years-from-duration-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-years-from-duration-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-total-years-from-duration-all.txt functx-functx-trim Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-trim-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-trim-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-trim-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-trim-all.txt functx-functx-update-attributes Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-update-attributes-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-update-attributes-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-update-attributes-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-update-attributes-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-update-attributes-all.txt functx-functx-value-except Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-value-except-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-value-except-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-value-except-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-value-except-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-value-except-all.txt functx-functx-value-intersect Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-value-intersect-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-value-intersect-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-value-intersect-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-value-intersect-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-value-intersect-all.txt functx-functx-value-union Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-value-union-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-value-union-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-value-union-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-value-union-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-value-union-all.txt functx-functx-word-count Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-word-count-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-word-count-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-word-count-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-word-count-all.txt functx-functx-words-to-camel-case Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-words-to-camel-case-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-words-to-camel-case-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-words-to-camel-case-all.txt functx-functx-wrap-values-in-elements Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-wrap-values-in-elements-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-wrap-values-in-elements-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-wrap-values-in-elements-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-wrap-values-in-elements-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-wrap-values-in-elements-all.txt functx-functx-yearMonthDuration Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-yearMonthDuration-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-yearMonthDuration-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-yearMonthDuration-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-yearMonthDuration-4.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-yearMonthDuration-5.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-yearMonthDuration-6.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-yearMonthDuration-7.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-yearMonthDuration-all.txt functx-functx-yyyyddmm-to-date Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-yyyyddmm-to-date-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-yyyyddmm-to-date-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-yyyyddmm-to-date-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-yyyyddmm-to-date-all.txt functx-functx-yyyymmdd-to-date Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-yyyymmdd-to-date-1.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-yyyymmdd-to-date-2.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-yyyymmdd-to-date-3.txt Simple evaluation of sequence type matching involving instance of and a sequence of integers. functx-functx-yyyymmdd-to-date-all.txt XQuery 1.1 test cases Extended QNames ("uri":local) Test cases for extended QName syntax introduced in XQuery 1.1 Use EQName as a step in a path expression eqname-001.out XQST0031 Use EQName in a variable name eqname-002.out XQST0031 Use EQName in a function name eqname-003.out XQST0031 Use EQName in a type name eqname-004.out XQST0031 Use EQName in an option declaration eqname-005.out XQST0031 Use EQName in a pragma eqname-006.out XQST0031 Use EQName in a named decimal format eqname-007.out XQST0031 Use character references in an EQName eqname-008.out XQST0031 Use whitespace in an EQName eqname-009.out XQST0046 XQST0031 Use quotes in an EQName eqname-010.out XQST0031 Invalid EQName - doubled colon XPST0003 XQST0031 Invalid EQName - mismatched quotes XPST0003 XQST0031 EQName - not allowed in direct element constructor XPST0003 XQST0031 Higher Order Functions Test cases for higher order functions in XQuery 1.1 Inline function literal for user-defined function hof-001.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Inline function literal for user-defined function, two functions with different arity hof-002.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Inline function literal for user-defined function, imported function hof-003.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Inline function literal for system function round() hof-004.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Inline function literal for system function concat() hof-005.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Inline function literal for user function with default function namespace hof-006.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Inline function literal for constructor function with default function namespace hof-007.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Inline function literal for constructor function with non default function namespace hof-008.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Inline function literal for constructor function fofr user-defined atomic type hof-009.out XQST0031 XPST0003 SequenceType function() hof-010.out XQST0031 XPST0003 SequenceType function(x) as y hof-011.out XQST0031 XPST0003 SequenceType function(x,y) as z hof-012.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Selecting from a sequence of functions hof-013.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Function returning a function, abbreviated signature hof-014.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Function returning a function, full signature hof-015.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Function expecting a function, abbreviated signature, system function supplied hof-016.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Function expecting a function, full signature, system function supplied hof-017.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Function expecting a function, user function supplied hof-018.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Function expecting a function, user function supplied hof-019.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Function expecting a function, inline function supplied hof-020.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Function expecting a function, inline function supplied. Needs function coercion hof-021.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Function name and arity of a user-defined function hof-022.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Function name and arity of a system function hof-023.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Function name and arity of a constructor function hof-024.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Function name and arity of a concat() function with many args hof-025.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Function name and arity of an inline function hof-026.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Curry a system function hof-027.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Return an inline function from another function. Needs function coercion hof-028.out XQST0031 XPST0003 An inline function that declares internal variables. Needs function coercion hof-029.out XQST0031 XPST0003 An inline function that accesses global variables hof-030.out XQST0031 XPST0003 An inline function that accesses a local variable in the calling environment. SAXON RESTRICTION: this doesn't yet work hof-031.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Bracketed conditional calculating the function item in a call hof-032.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Context item as a function item hof-033.out XQST0031 XPST0003 ordered{} applied to a function item hof-034.out XQST0031 XPST0003 unordered{} applied to a function item hof-035.out XQST0031 XPST0003 mixing atomics and functions on rhs of "/" (is this allowed?) hof-036.out XQST0031 XPST0003 instance-of tests on user-defined function, varying the argument types - all true hof-037.out XQST0031 XPST0003 instance-of tests on user-defined function, varying the argument types - all false hof-038.out XQST0031 XPST0003 instance-of tests on user-defined function, varying the result type hof-039.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Supply a sequence of function items that require coercion in different ways hof-040.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Return a sequence of function items that require coercion in different ways hof-041.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Atomization is applied when calling various kinds of function item hof-042.out XQST0031 XPST0003 untypedAtomic conversion is applied when calling various kinds of function item hof-043.out XQST0031 XPST0003 numeric promotion is applied when calling various kinds of function item hof-044.out XQST0031 XPST0003 partial-apply supplying an argument of type function() hof-045.out XQST0031 XPST0003 return an inline function using inner and outer local variables hof-046.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Nested inline functions including references to "grandfather" variables hof-047.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Forward reference in literal function item hof-048.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Literal function item, unknown function XPST0017 XQST0031 XPST0003 Literal function item, unknown function XPST0017 XQST0031 XPST0003 Literal function item, unknown constructor function XPST0017 XQST0031 XPST0003 Literal function item, unknown system function XPST0017 XQST0031 XPST0003 Applying string() to a function item FOTY0014 XQST0031 XPST0003 Applying data() to a function item FOTY0013 XQST0031 XPST0003 Applying deep-equal() to a function item FOTY0015 XQST0031 XPST0003 Atomize a function item implicitly FOTY0013 XQST0031 XPST0003 Atomize a function item implicitly FOTY0013 XQST0031 XPST0003 in SequenceType, result type must be given if an item type is given XQST0031 XPST0003 Heterogeneous sequence on rhs of "/" XPTY0018 XQST0031 XPST0003 Function coercion: Supplied function has wrong number of arguments XPTY0004 XQST0031 XPST0003 Function coercion: Supplied function has wrong result type XPTY0004 XQST0031 XPST0003 Function coercion: Supplied function has wrong argument type XPTY0004 XQST0031 XPST0003 partial-apply(): bind non-existent argument FOFU0001 XQST0031 XPST0003 partial-apply(): bind non-existent argument FOFU0001 XQST0031 XPST0003 partial-apply(): bind value of wrong type XPTY0004 XQST0031 XPST0003 partial-apply(): bind value of wrong function type XPTY0004 XQST0031 XPST0003 One-to-one mapping map-001.out XQST0031 XPST0003 One-to-many mapping map-002.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Mapping sometimes delivers empty sequence map-003.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Creating nodes with a mapping function map-004.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Double mapping, creating and accessing nodes map-005.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Mapping using a complex user-created anonymous function map-006.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Map an empty sequence map-007.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Partial application of map() function map-008.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Function supplied to map() has wrong arity XPTY0004 XQST0031 XPST0003 Function supplied to map() can't handle type of input item XPTY0004 XQST0031 XPST0003 First argument to map() isn't a function XPTY0004 XQST0031 XPST0003 Filter using a partially-applied system function filter-001.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Filter using an inline function filter-002.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Filter a sequence of nodes filter-003.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Filter involving context and position filter-004.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Test examples function eg:index-of-node filter-005.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Function supplied to filter() returns a string XPTY0004 XQST0031 XPST0003 Function supplied to filter() returns an empty sequence XPTY0004 XQST0031 XPST0003 Function supplied to filter() returns a non-singleton sequence XPTY0004 XQST0031 XPST0003 Item in sequence supplied to filter() is of wrong type for the function XPTY0004 XQST0031 XPST0003 Map pairs of values, equal length sequences map-pairs-001.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Map pairs of values, unequal length sequences map-pairs-002.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Map pairs of values, unequal length sequences map-pairs-003.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Map pairs of values, partially-applied function map-pairs-004.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Map pairs of values, inline function map-pairs-005.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Map pairs of values, inline function with closure map-pairs-006.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Map pairs of values, inline function returning variable number of items including none map-pairs-007.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Map pairs of values, solution to exercise at XML Prague 2010 map-pairs-008.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Map pairs of values, wrong arity function XPTY0004 XQST0031 XPST0003 Map pairs of values, wrong input to function XPTY0004 XQST0031 XPST0003 fold over addition fold-left-001.out XQST0031 XPST0003 fold over multiplication fold-left-002.out XQST0031 XPST0003 fold over boolean or fold-left-003.out XQST0031 XPST0003 fold over boolean and fold-left-004.out XQST0031 XPST0003 fold over swap position fold-left-005.out XQST0031 XPST0003 fold over concat fold-left-006.out XQST0031 XPST0003 fold over concat fold-left-007.out XQST0031 XPST0003 fold-left used to implement eg:highest works-mod fold-left-008.out XQST0031 XPST0003 fold-left used to implement eg:distinct-nodes-stable fold-left-009.out XQST0031 XPST0003 fold over addition fold-right-001.out XQST0031 XPST0003 fold over multiplication fold-right-002.out XQST0031 XPST0003 fold over boolean or fold-right-003.out XQST0031 XPST0003 fold over boolean and fold-right-004.out XQST0031 XPST0003 fold over swap position fold-right-005.out XQST0031 XPST0003 fold over concat fold-right-006.out XQST0031 XPST0003 fold over concat fold-right-007.out XQST0031 XPST0003 Head and Tail Functions Test cases for head() and tail() functions in XQuery 1.1 head() of a simple sequence head-001.out XQST0031 head() of a simple sequence head-002.out XQST0031 head() of a node sequence head-003.out XQST0031 head() of a singleton sequence head-004.out XQST0031 head() of an empty sequence head-005.out XQST0031 head() preserves identity head-006.out XQST0031 tail() of a simple sequence tail-001.out XQST0031 tail() of a simple sequence tail-002.out XQST0031 tail() of a singleton sequence tail-003.out XQST0031 tail() of an empty sequence tail-004.out XQST0031 tail() of a node sequence tail-005.out XQST0031 head-tail recursion using head() and tail() tail-006.out XQST0031 switch expression (XQuery 1.1) Test cases for switch expression introduced in XQuery 1.1 Basic switch example switch-001.out XQST0031 Basic switch example, matches default clause switch-002.out XQST0031 switch test, non-constant case clause switch-003.out XQST0031 switch test, multiple case clause switch-004.out XQST0031 switch test, multiple case clause switch-005.out XQST0031 switch test, numeric case clause, no type error switch-006.out XQST0031 switch test, switch operand atomized and converted to string switch-007.out XQST0031 switch test, case operand atomized and converted to string switch-008.out XQST0031 switch test, empty matches empty switch-009.out XQST0031 switch test, non-matching empty case operand switch-010.out XQST0031 switch test, NaN matches NaN switch-011.out XQST0031 switch test, no dynamic errors switch-012.out XQST0031 switch test, no dynamic errors switch-013.out XQST0031 switch test, type error, switch operand has more than one item XQST0031 XPTY0004 switch test, type error, case operand has more than one item XQST0031 XPTY0004 switch test, bad syntax XQST0031 XPST0003 switch test, bad syntax XQST0031 XPST0003 switch test, bad syntax XQST0031 XPST0003 switch test, bad syntax XQST0031 XPST0003 switch test, bad syntax XQST0031 XPST0003 switch test, bad syntax XQST0031 XPST0003 switch test, bad syntax XQST0031 XPST0003 Consistency in XQTS Catalog Check variable name is used, if source is not "emptydoc". XQTSCatalog Catalog001.xml Test all standard test cases have at least one output file. XQTSCatalog Catalog002.xml Test all error test cases have at least one expected error. XQTSCatalog Catalog003.xml