diff options
authorPhilip Kuryloski <>2020-03-11 22:13:16 +0100
committerPhilip Kuryloski <>2020-03-13 10:29:35 +0100
commitdd8ff0c9bdcacb54004ea1ca61e64449df83dd28 (patch)
parent141f6bfc2ba058b5e57f93dc08a2d5a0595a3f1e (diff)
Add tests for gatherer.erl
I could not find any specific tests of this module's behavior, and the way in which it blocks producers was not immediately obvious to me. This test intends in part to document that behavior.
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/gatherer_SUITE.erl b/test/gatherer_SUITE.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ba57455438
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/gatherer_SUITE.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+%% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
+%% at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
+%% Copyright (c) 2020 Pivotal Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
+ groups/0,
+ init_per_group/2,
+ end_per_group/2,
+ init_per_testcase/2,
+ end_per_testcase/2,
+ enqueue_and_dequeue/1,
+ enqueue_and_dequeue_multiple/1,
+ enqueue_and_dequeue_before_finish/1,
+ producer_is_blocked_until_exists_consumer/1,
+ producer_cannot_outpace_consumer/1
+ ]).
+all() ->
+ [
+ {group, synchronous_tests},
+ {group, asynchronous_tests}
+ ].
+groups() ->
+ [
+ {synchronous_tests, [],
+ [enqueue_and_dequeue,
+ enqueue_and_dequeue_multiple,
+ enqueue_and_dequeue_before_finish]},
+ {asynchronous_tests, [],
+ [producer_is_blocked_until_exists_consumer,
+ producer_cannot_outpace_consumer]}
+ ].
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Testsuite setup/teardown.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+init_per_group(_, Config) ->
+ Config.
+end_per_group(_, Config) ->
+ Config.
+init_per_testcase(_Testcase, Config) ->
+ Config.
+end_per_testcase(_Testcase, _Config) ->
+ ok.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Testcases.
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
+enqueue_and_dequeue(_Config) ->
+ {ok, Gatherer} = gatherer:start_link(),
+ ok = gatherer:fork(Gatherer),
+ ok = gatherer:in(Gatherer, test_value),
+ ok = gatherer:finish(Gatherer),
+ ?assertEqual({value, test_value}, gatherer:out(Gatherer)),
+ ?assertEqual(empty, gatherer:out(Gatherer)),
+ ok = gatherer:stop(Gatherer).
+enqueue_and_dequeue_multiple(_Config) ->
+ {ok, Gatherer} = gatherer:start_link(),
+ ok = gatherer:fork(Gatherer),
+ ok = gatherer:in(Gatherer, test_value),
+ ok = gatherer:in(Gatherer, test_value2),
+ ok = gatherer:finish(Gatherer),
+ ?assertEqual({value, test_value}, gatherer:out(Gatherer)),
+ ?assertEqual({value, test_value2}, gatherer:out(Gatherer)),
+ ?assertEqual(empty, gatherer:out(Gatherer)),
+ ok = gatherer:stop(Gatherer).
+enqueue_and_dequeue_before_finish(_Config) ->
+ {ok, Gatherer} = gatherer:start_link(),
+ ok = gatherer:fork(Gatherer),
+ ok = gatherer:in(Gatherer, test_value),
+ ?assertEqual({value, test_value}, gatherer:out(Gatherer)),
+ ok = gatherer:finish(Gatherer),
+ empty = gatherer:out(Gatherer),
+ ok = gatherer:stop(Gatherer).
+producer_is_blocked_until_exists_consumer(_Config) ->
+ {ok, Gatherer} = gatherer:start_link(),
+ Consumer = self(),
+ Producer = spawn_link(fun () ->
+ ok = gatherer:fork(Gatherer),
+ ok = gatherer:sync_in(Gatherer, test_value),
+ Consumer ! finished,
+ ok = gatherer:finish(Gatherer)
+ end),
+ receive
+ _ ->
+ ?assert(false, "Producer should not have finished yet")
+ after
+ 500 ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ ?assertEqual({value, test_value}, gatherer:out(Gatherer)),
+ receive
+ finished ->
+ ok
+ after
+ 500 ->
+ ?assert(false, "Producer failed to finish")
+ end,
+ empty = gatherer:out(Gatherer),
+ ok = gatherer:stop(Gatherer).
+producer_cannot_outpace_consumer(_Config) ->
+ {ok, Gatherer} = gatherer:start_link(),
+ Consumer = self(),
+ Producer = spawn_link(fun () ->
+ ok = gatherer:fork(Gatherer),
+ ok = gatherer:sync_in(Gatherer, test_value),
+ ok = gatherer:sync_in(Gatherer, test_value2),
+ Consumer ! finished,
+ ok = gatherer:finish(Gatherer)
+ end),
+ receive
+ _ ->
+ ?assert(false, "Producer should not have finished yet")
+ after
+ 500 ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ ?assertEqual({value, test_value}, gatherer:out(Gatherer)),
+ receive
+ _ ->
+ ?assert(false, "Producer should not have finished yet")
+ after
+ 500 ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ ?assertEqual({value, test_value2}, gatherer:out(Gatherer)),
+ receive
+ finished ->
+ ok
+ after
+ 500 ->
+ ?assert(false, "Producer failed to finish")
+ end,
+ empty = gatherer:out(Gatherer),
+ ok = gatherer:stop(Gatherer).