diff options
authorJean-Sébastien Pédron <>2022-08-04 13:14:48 +0200
committerGitHub <>2022-08-04 13:14:48 +0200
commit659e2c1b7d1a412303c2565d18107fa73c1e81cb (patch)
parente292a34b440cb985e1c023623066f9df0c99edaf (diff)
parent72c15d0cb6c911cd3ebb2f2c8b2a71dbdbf8a02d (diff)
Merge pull request #5435 from rabbitmq/mergify/bp/v3.11.x/pr-5236
Remove pre-virtual_host_metadata feature flag compatibility code (backport #5236)
9 files changed, 71 insertions, 274 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/include/vhost.hrl b/deps/rabbit/include/vhost.hrl
index d3abc0dd2a..4f9b4aeae7 100644
--- a/deps/rabbit/include/vhost.hrl
+++ b/deps/rabbit/include/vhost.hrl
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
- (?is_vhost_v2(V) orelse
- ?is_vhost_v1(V))).
+ (?is_vhost_v2(V))).
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/include/vhost_v1.hrl b/deps/rabbit/include/vhost_v1.hrl
deleted file mode 100644
index 185739c6be..0000000000
--- a/deps/rabbit/include/vhost_v1.hrl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
--define(is_vhost_v1(V), is_record(V, vhost, 3)).
--define(vhost_v1_field_name(V), element(2, V)).
--define(vhost_v1_field_limits(V), element(3, V)).
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/src/vhost.erl b/deps/rabbit/src/vhost.erl
index d6d7e8aac7..cdd3ba3ce5 100644
--- a/deps/rabbit/src/vhost.erl
+++ b/deps/rabbit/src/vhost.erl
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
tags => [atom()],
metadata_key() => any()} | undefined).
--type vhost() :: vhost_v1:vhost_v1() | vhost_v2().
+-type vhost() :: vhost_v2().
-record(vhost, {
%% name as a binary
@@ -58,8 +58,7 @@
metadata :: metadata()
--type vhost_pattern() :: vhost_v1:vhost_v1_pattern() |
- vhost_v2_pattern().
+-type vhost_pattern() :: vhost_v2_pattern().
-type vhost_v2_pattern() :: #vhost{
virtual_host :: name() | '_',
limits :: '_',
@@ -76,104 +75,63 @@
-spec new(name(), list()) -> vhost().
new(Name, Limits) ->
- case record_version_to_use() of
- ?record_version ->
- #vhost{virtual_host = Name, limits = Limits};
- _ ->
- vhost_v1:new(Name, Limits)
- end.
+ #vhost{virtual_host = Name, limits = Limits}.
-spec new(name(), list(), map()) -> vhost().
new(Name, Limits, Metadata) ->
- case record_version_to_use() of
- ?record_version ->
- #vhost{virtual_host = Name, limits = Limits, metadata = Metadata};
- _ ->
- vhost_v1:new(Name, Limits)
- end.
+ #vhost{virtual_host = Name, limits = Limits, metadata = Metadata}.
--spec record_version_to_use() -> vhost_v1 | vhost_v2.
+-spec record_version_to_use() -> vhost_v2.
record_version_to_use() ->
- case rabbit_feature_flags:is_enabled(virtual_host_metadata) of
- true -> ?record_version;
- false -> vhost_v1:record_version_to_use()
- end.
+ ?record_version.
-spec upgrade(vhost()) -> vhost().
-upgrade(#vhost{} = VHost) -> VHost;
-upgrade(OldVHost) -> upgrade_to(record_version_to_use(), OldVHost).
+upgrade(#vhost{} = VHost) -> VHost.
--spec upgrade_to
-(vhost_v2, vhost()) -> vhost_v2();
-(vhost_v1, vhost_v1:vhost_v1()) -> vhost_v1:vhost_v1().
+-spec upgrade_to(vhost_v2, vhost()) -> vhost_v2().
upgrade_to(?record_version, #vhost{} = VHost) ->
- VHost;
-upgrade_to(?record_version, OldVHost) ->
- Fields = erlang:tuple_to_list(OldVHost) ++ [#{description => <<"">>, tags => []}],
- #vhost{} = erlang:list_to_tuple(Fields);
-upgrade_to(Version, OldVHost) ->
- vhost_v1:upgrade_to(Version, OldVHost).
+ VHost.
fields() ->
- case record_version_to_use() of
- ?record_version -> fields(?record_version);
- _ -> vhost_v1:fields()
- end.
+ fields(?record_version).
-fields(?record_version) -> record_info(fields, vhost);
-fields(Version) -> vhost_v1:fields(Version).
+fields(?record_version) -> record_info(fields, vhost).
info_keys() ->
- case record_version_to_use() of
- %% note: this reports description and tags separately even though
- %% they are stored in the metadata map. MK.
- ?record_version ->
- [name,
- description,
- tags,
- default_queue_type,
- metadata,
- tracing,
- cluster_state];
- _ ->
- vhost_v1:info_keys()
- end.
+ %% note: this reports description and tags separately even though
+ %% they are stored in the metadata map. MK.
+ [name,
+ description,
+ tags,
+ default_queue_type,
+ metadata,
+ tracing,
+ cluster_state].
-spec pattern_match_all() -> vhost_pattern().
pattern_match_all() ->
- case record_version_to_use() of
- ?record_version -> #vhost{_ = '_'};
- _ -> vhost_v1:pattern_match_all()
- end.
+ #vhost{_ = '_'}.
-spec get_name(vhost()) -> name().
-get_name(#vhost{virtual_host = Value}) -> Value;
-get_name(VHost) -> vhost_v1:get_name(VHost).
+get_name(#vhost{virtual_host = Value}) -> Value.
-spec get_limits(vhost()) -> list().
-get_limits(#vhost{limits = Value}) -> Value;
-get_limits(VHost) -> vhost_v1:get_limits(VHost).
+get_limits(#vhost{limits = Value}) -> Value.
-spec get_metadata(vhost()) -> metadata().
-get_metadata(#vhost{metadata = Value}) -> Value;
-get_metadata(VHost) -> vhost_v1:get_metadata(VHost).
+get_metadata(#vhost{metadata = Value}) -> Value.
-spec get_description(vhost()) -> binary().
get_description(#vhost{} = VHost) ->
- maps:get(description, get_metadata(VHost), undefined);
-get_description(VHost) ->
- vhost_v1:get_description(VHost).
+ maps:get(description, get_metadata(VHost), undefined).
-spec get_tags(vhost()) -> [atom()].
get_tags(#vhost{} = VHost) ->
- maps:get(tags, get_metadata(VHost), undefined);
-get_tags(VHost) ->
- vhost_v1:get_tags(VHost).
+ maps:get(tags, get_metadata(VHost), undefined).
-spec get_default_queue_type(vhost()) -> binary() | undefined.
get_default_queue_type(#vhost{} = VHost) ->
@@ -182,34 +140,17 @@ get_default_queue_type(_VHost) ->
set_limits(VHost, Value) ->
- case record_version_to_use() of
- ?record_version ->
- VHost#vhost{limits = Value};
- _ ->
- vhost_v1:set_limits(VHost, Value)
- end.
+ VHost#vhost{limits = Value}.
-spec set_metadata(vhost(), metadata()) -> vhost().
set_metadata(VHost, Value) ->
- case record_version_to_use() of
- ?record_version ->
- VHost#vhost{metadata = Value};
- _ ->
- %% the field is not available, so this is a no-op
- VHost
- end.
+ VHost#vhost{metadata = Value}.
-spec merge_metadata(vhost(), metadata()) -> vhost().
merge_metadata(VHost, Value) ->
- case record_version_to_use() of
- ?record_version ->
- Meta0 = get_metadata(VHost),
- NewMeta = maps:merge(Meta0, Value),
- VHost#vhost{metadata = NewMeta};
- _ ->
- %% the field is not available, so this is a no-op
- VHost
- end.
+ Meta0 = get_metadata(VHost),
+ NewMeta = maps:merge(Meta0, Value),
+ VHost#vhost{metadata = NewMeta}.
-spec is_tagged_with(vhost:vhost(), atom()) -> boolean().
is_tagged_with(VHost, Tag) ->
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/src/vhost_v1.erl b/deps/rabbit/src/vhost_v1.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d94b0cb4b..0000000000
--- a/deps/rabbit/src/vhost_v1.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-%% file, You can obtain one at
-%% Copyright (c) 2018-2022 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
- new/3,
- upgrade/1,
- upgrade_to/2,
- fields/0,
- fields/1,
- info_keys/0,
- field_name/0,
- record_version_to_use/0,
- pattern_match_all/0,
- get_name/1,
- get_limits/1,
- get_metadata/1,
- get_description/1,
- get_tags/1,
- set_limits/2
--define(record_version, ?MODULE).
-%% Represents a vhost.
-%% Historically this record had 2 arguments although the 2nd
-%% was never used (`dummy`, always undefined). This is because
-%% single field records were/are illegal in OTP.
-%% As of 3.6.x, the second argument is vhost limits,
-%% which is actually used and has the same default.
-%% Nonetheless, this required a migration, see rabbit_upgrade_functions.
--record(vhost, {
- %% name as a binary
- virtual_host :: vhost:name() | '_',
- %% proplist of limits configured, if any
- limits :: list() | '_'}).
--type vhost() :: vhost_v1().
--type vhost_v1() :: #vhost{
- virtual_host :: vhost:name(),
- limits :: list()
- }.
- vhost_v1/0,
- vhost_pattern/0,
- vhost_v1_pattern/0]).
--spec new(vhost:name(), list()) -> vhost().
-new(Name, Limits) ->
- #vhost{virtual_host = Name, limits = Limits}.
--spec new(vhost:name(), list(), map()) -> vhost().
-new(Name, Limits, _Metadata) ->
- #vhost{virtual_host = Name, limits = Limits}.
--spec record_version_to_use() -> vhost_v1.
-record_version_to_use() ->
- ?record_version.
--spec upgrade(vhost()) -> vhost().
-upgrade(#vhost{} = VHost) -> VHost.
--spec upgrade_to(vhost_v1, vhost()) -> vhost().
-upgrade_to(?record_version, #vhost{} = VHost) ->
- VHost.
-fields() -> fields(?record_version).
-fields(?record_version) -> record_info(fields, vhost).
-field_name() -> #vhost.virtual_host.
-info_keys() -> [name, tracing, cluster_state].
--type vhost_pattern() :: vhost_v1_pattern().
--type vhost_v1_pattern() :: #vhost{
- virtual_host :: vhost:name() | '_',
- limits :: '_'
- }.
--spec pattern_match_all() -> vhost_pattern().
-pattern_match_all() -> #vhost{_ = '_'}.
-get_name(#vhost{virtual_host = Value}) -> Value.
-get_limits(#vhost{limits = Value}) -> Value.
-get_metadata(_VHost) -> undefined.
-get_description(_VHost) -> undefined.
-get_tags(_VHost) -> undefined.
-set_limits(VHost, Value) ->
- VHost#vhost{limits = Value}.
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/test/cluster_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbit/test/cluster_SUITE.erl
index 97373e7672..5530350024 100644
--- a/deps/rabbit/test/cluster_SUITE.erl
+++ b/deps/rabbit/test/cluster_SUITE.erl
@@ -313,34 +313,24 @@ queue_name(Name) ->
rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, Name).
credentials_obfuscation(Config) ->
- case rabbit_ct_helpers:is_mixed_versions() of
- false ->
- case rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:enable_feature_flag(Config, virtual_host_metadata) of
- ok ->
- Value = <<"amqp://something">>,
- Obfuscated0 = obfuscate_secret(Config, 0, Value),
- Obfuscated1 = obfuscate_secret(Config, 1, Value),
- ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:restart_broker(Config, 1),
- ?assertEqual(Value, deobfuscate_secret(Config, 0, Obfuscated0)),
- ?assertEqual(Value, deobfuscate_secret(Config, 1, Obfuscated1)),
- ?assertEqual(Value, deobfuscate_secret(Config, 0, Obfuscated1)),
- ?assertEqual(Value, deobfuscate_secret(Config, 1, Obfuscated1)),
- Obfuscated2 = obfuscate_secret(Config, 1, Value),
- ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:restart_broker(Config, 0),
- ?assertEqual(Value, deobfuscate_secret(Config, 0, Obfuscated2)),
- ok;
- Skip ->
- Skip
- end;
- _ ->
- %% skip the test in mixed version mode
- {skip, "Should not run in mixed version environments"}
- end.
+ Value = <<"amqp://something">>,
+ Obfuscated0 = obfuscate_secret(Config, 0, Value),
+ Obfuscated1 = obfuscate_secret(Config, 1, Value),
+ ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:restart_broker(Config, 1),
+ ?assertEqual(Value, deobfuscate_secret(Config, 0, Obfuscated0)),
+ ?assertEqual(Value, deobfuscate_secret(Config, 1, Obfuscated1)),
+ ?assertEqual(Value, deobfuscate_secret(Config, 0, Obfuscated1)),
+ ?assertEqual(Value, deobfuscate_secret(Config, 1, Obfuscated1)),
+ Obfuscated2 = obfuscate_secret(Config, 1, Value),
+ ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:restart_broker(Config, 0),
+ ?assertEqual(Value, deobfuscate_secret(Config, 0, Obfuscated2)),
+ ok.
obfuscate_secret(Config, Node, Value) ->
{encrypted, _} = Result = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, Node,
credentials_obfuscation, encrypt, [Value]),
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/test/definition_import_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbit/test/definition_import_SUITE.erl
index df1963e5a4..3e526a30fc 100644
--- a/deps/rabbit/test/definition_import_SUITE.erl
+++ b/deps/rabbit/test/definition_import_SUITE.erl
@@ -261,33 +261,22 @@ import_case14(Config) -> import_file_case(Config, "case14").
import_case15(Config) -> import_file_case(Config, "case15").
%% contains a virtual host with tags
import_case16(Config) ->
- case rabbit_ct_helpers:is_mixed_versions() of
- false ->
- case rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:enable_feature_flag(Config, virtual_host_metadata) of
- ok ->
- import_file_case(Config, "case16"),
- VHost = <<"tagged">>,
- VHostIsImported =
- fun () ->
- case vhost_lookup(Config, VHost) of
- {error, {no_such_vhosts, _}} -> false;
- _ -> true
- end
- end,
- rabbit_ct_helpers:await_condition(VHostIsImported, 20000),
- VHostRec = vhost_lookup(Config, VHost),
- ?assertEqual(<<"A case16 description">>, vhost:get_description(VHostRec)),
- ?assertEqual(<<"quorum">>, vhost:get_default_queue_type(VHostRec)),
- ?assertEqual([multi_dc_replication,ab,cde], vhost:get_tags(VHostRec)),
- ok;
- Skip ->
- Skip
- end;
- _ ->
- %% skip the test in mixed version mode
- {skip, "Should not run in mixed version environments"}
- end.
+ import_file_case(Config, "case16"),
+ VHost = <<"tagged">>,
+ VHostIsImported =
+ fun () ->
+ case vhost_lookup(Config, VHost) of
+ {error, {no_such_vhosts, _}} -> false;
+ _ -> true
+ end
+ end,
+ rabbit_ct_helpers:await_condition(VHostIsImported, 20000),
+ VHostRec = vhost_lookup(Config, VHost),
+ ?assertEqual(<<"A case16 description">>, vhost:get_description(VHostRec)),
+ ?assertEqual(<<"quorum">>, vhost:get_default_queue_type(VHostRec)),
+ ?assertEqual([multi_dc_replication,ab,cde], vhost:get_tags(VHostRec)),
+ ok.
import_case17(Config) -> import_invalid_file_case(Config, "failing_case17").
diff --git a/deps/rabbit/test/quorum_queue_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbit/test/quorum_queue_SUITE.erl
index 5fcbe320e6..d22aa735c7 100644
--- a/deps/rabbit/test/quorum_queue_SUITE.erl
+++ b/deps/rabbit/test/quorum_queue_SUITE.erl
@@ -222,8 +222,6 @@ init_per_group(Group, Config) ->
%% more time after clustering before running the
%% tests.
timer:sleep(ClusterSize * 1000),
- ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:enable_feature_flag(
- Config2, virtual_host_metadata),
Skip ->
end_per_group(Group, Config2),
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_management/test/rabbit_mgmt_http_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_management/test/rabbit_mgmt_http_SUITE.erl
index 323128a1b1..9b975988a1 100644
--- a/deps/rabbitmq_management/test/rabbit_mgmt_http_SUITE.erl
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_management/test/rabbit_mgmt_http_SUITE.erl
@@ -462,21 +462,13 @@ vhosts_test(Config) ->
vhosts_description_test(Config) ->
- Ret = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:enable_feature_flag(
- Config, virtual_host_metadata),
http_put(Config, "/vhosts/myvhost", [{description, <<"vhost description">>},
{tags, <<"tag1,tag2">>}], {group, '2xx'}),
- Expected = case Ret of
- {skip, _} ->
- #{name => <<"myvhost">>};
- _ ->
- #{name => <<"myvhost">>,
- metadata => #{
- description => <<"vhost description">>,
- tags => [<<"tag1">>, <<"tag2">>]
- }}
- end,
+ Expected = #{name => <<"myvhost">>,
+ metadata => #{
+ description => <<"vhost description">>,
+ tags => [<<"tag1">>, <<"tag2">>]
+ }},
assert_item(Expected, http_get(Config, "/vhosts/myvhost")),
%% Delete it
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_stream/test/rabbit_stream_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_stream/test/rabbit_stream_SUITE.erl
index 78abc4fb48..7749c1bca1 100644
--- a/deps/rabbitmq_stream/test/rabbit_stream_SUITE.erl
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_stream/test/rabbit_stream_SUITE.erl
@@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ init_per_group(Group, Config)
- virtual_host_metadata,