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authorLuke Bakken <>2020-10-30 08:27:30 -0700
committerJean-Sébastien Pédron <>2020-10-30 17:15:35 +0100
commit3215357d971a04a425bcc287bf9e4f57a8198f7f (patch)
parent74ca4e0365ac32b43d99c29cc19e568d6a9c207d (diff)
rabbit_variable_queue: Ensure modified state is not discarded in ifoldrabbitmq-server-2488
Commit d12b4d8e08005f97c5557f0948b3d03c15ef8c1b introduced a bug where the old value of `State` is returned in the `stop` case. The problem was sometimes visible in the backing_queue_SUITE's `variable_queue_fold` testcase. The testcase crashed with the following exception: === Location: [{rabbit_ct_broker_helpers,rpc,1509}, {backing_queue_SUITE,variable_queue_fold,1144}, {test_server,ts_tc,1754}, {test_server,run_test_case_eval1,1263}, {test_server,run_test_case_eval,1195}] === === Reason: {error, {case_clause,undefined}, [{file_handle_cache,'-partition_handles/1-fun-0-',2, [{file,"src/file_handle_cache.erl"},{line,804}]}, {file_handle_cache,get_or_reopen,1, [{file,"src/file_handle_cache.erl"},{line,743}]}, {file_handle_cache_stats,timer_tc,1, [{file,"src/file_handle_cache_stats.erl"}, {line,54}]}, {file_handle_cache_stats,update,2, [{file,"src/file_handle_cache_stats.erl"}, {line,40}]}, {file_handle_cache,with_handles,3, [{file,"src/file_handle_cache.erl"},{line,700}]}, {rabbit_msg_store,read_from_disk,2, [{file,"src/rabbit_msg_store.erl"},{line,1259}]}, {rabbit_msg_store,client_read3,3, [{file,"src/rabbit_msg_store.erl"},{line,671}]}, {rabbit_msg_store,safe_ets_update_counter,5, [{file,"src/rabbit_msg_store.erl"},{line,1314}]}]} The `State` (a #vqstate{} record) contains the rabbit_msg_store's state as well (a #client_msstate{} record). This msg store client state is updated after most calls to the msg store. In particular, the msg store client state contains a map in the `file_handle_cache` field of that record to store all file handles returned by the file_handle_cache. So each time the msg store opens or closes files as part of its operation, the client state is updated with a modifed `file_handle_cache` map. In addition to that, the file_handle_cache module uses the process dictionary to store even more data about the various file handles used by that process. Therefore, by discarding the updated #client_msstate{}, we loose the up-to-date `file_handle_cache` map. However, the process dictionary is still updated by the file_handle_cache module. This means that the map and the process dictionary are out-of-sync at this point. That's what causes the crash in the file_handle_cache module: it is called with arguments which don't work with the data in the process dictionary. This commit fixes that and re-names some variables to clearly show the progression of modified data. Fixes #2488 Major props to @dumbbell for figuring this out, and @pjk25 for assistance!
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_variable_queue.erl b/src/rabbit_variable_queue.erl
index e3837c726e..cf6fa4a189 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_variable_queue.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_variable_queue.erl
@@ -2366,21 +2366,23 @@ inext(It, {Its, IndexState}) ->
{[{MsgStatus1, Unacked, It1} | Its], IndexState1}
-ifold(_Fun, Acc, [], State) ->
- {Acc, State};
-ifold(Fun, Acc, Its, State) ->
+ifold(_Fun, Acc, [], State0) ->
+ {Acc, State0};
+ifold(Fun, Acc, Its0, State0) ->
[{MsgStatus, Unacked, It} | Rest] =
lists:sort(fun ({#msg_status{seq_id = SeqId1}, _, _},
{#msg_status{seq_id = SeqId2}, _, _}) ->
SeqId1 =< SeqId2
- end, Its),
- {Msg, State1} = read_msg(MsgStatus, State),
+ end, Its0),
+ {Msg, State1} = read_msg(MsgStatus, State0),
case Fun(Msg, MsgStatus#msg_status.msg_props, Unacked, Acc) of
{stop, Acc1} ->
- {Acc1, State};
+ {Acc1, State1};
{cont, Acc1} ->
- {Its1, IndexState1} = inext(It, {Rest, State1#vqstate.index_state}),
- ifold(Fun, Acc1, Its1, State1#vqstate{index_state = IndexState1})
+ IndexState0 = State1#vqstate.index_state,
+ {Its1, IndexState1} = inext(It, {Rest, IndexState0}),
+ State2 = State1#vqstate{index_state = IndexState1},
+ ifold(Fun, Acc1, Its1, State2)