path: root/deps/amqp_client/src/rabbit_routing_util.erl
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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/amqp_client/src/rabbit_routing_util.erl')
1 files changed, 222 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/amqp_client/src/rabbit_routing_util.erl b/deps/amqp_client/src/rabbit_routing_util.erl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d64a1468e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/amqp_client/src/rabbit_routing_util.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+%% file, You can obtain one at
+%% Copyright (c) 2013-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
+-export([init_state/0, dest_prefixes/0, all_dest_prefixes/0]).
+-export([ensure_endpoint/4, ensure_endpoint/5, ensure_binding/3]).
+-export([parse_endpoint/1, parse_endpoint/2]).
+-export([parse_routing/1, dest_temp_queue/1]).
+init_state() -> sets:new().
+all_dest_prefixes() -> [?TEMP_QUEUE_PREFIX | dest_prefixes()].
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+parse_endpoint(Destination) ->
+ parse_endpoint(Destination, false).
+parse_endpoint(undefined, AllowAnonymousQueue) ->
+ parse_endpoint("/queue", AllowAnonymousQueue);
+parse_endpoint(Destination, AllowAnonymousQueue) when is_binary(Destination) ->
+ parse_endpoint(unicode:characters_to_list(Destination),
+ AllowAnonymousQueue);
+parse_endpoint(Destination, AllowAnonymousQueue) when is_list(Destination) ->
+ case re:split(Destination, "/", [{return, list}]) of
+ [Name] ->
+ {ok, {queue, unescape(Name)}};
+ ["", Type | Rest]
+ when Type =:= "exchange" orelse Type =:= "queue" orelse
+ Type =:= "topic" orelse Type =:= "temp-queue" ->
+ parse_endpoint0(atomise(Type), Rest, AllowAnonymousQueue);
+ ["", "amq", "queue" | Rest] ->
+ parse_endpoint0(amqqueue, Rest, AllowAnonymousQueue);
+ ["", "reply-queue" = Prefix | [_|_]] ->
+ parse_endpoint0(reply_queue,
+ [lists:nthtail(2 + length(Prefix), Destination)],
+ AllowAnonymousQueue);
+ _ ->
+ {error, {unknown_destination, Destination}}
+ end.
+parse_endpoint0(exchange, ["" | _] = Rest, _) ->
+ {error, {invalid_destination, exchange, to_url(Rest)}};
+parse_endpoint0(exchange, [Name], _) ->
+ {ok, {exchange, {unescape(Name), undefined}}};
+parse_endpoint0(exchange, [Name, Pattern], _) ->
+ {ok, {exchange, {unescape(Name), unescape(Pattern)}}};
+parse_endpoint0(queue, [], false) ->
+ {error, {invalid_destination, queue, []}};
+parse_endpoint0(queue, [], true) ->
+ {ok, {queue, undefined}};
+parse_endpoint0(Type, [[_|_]] = [Name], _) ->
+ {ok, {Type, unescape(Name)}};
+parse_endpoint0(Type, Rest, _) ->
+ {error, {invalid_destination, Type, to_url(Rest)}}.
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ensure_endpoint(Dir, Channel, Endpoint, State) ->
+ ensure_endpoint(Dir, Channel, Endpoint, [], State).
+ensure_endpoint(source, Channel, {exchange, {Name, _}}, Params, State) ->
+ check_exchange(Name, Channel,
+ proplists:get_value(check_exchange, Params, false)),
+ Method = queue_declare_method(#'queue.declare'{}, exchange, Params),
+ #'queue.declare_ok'{queue = Queue} = amqp_channel:call(Channel, Method),
+ {ok, Queue, State};
+ensure_endpoint(source, Channel, {topic, _}, Params, State) ->
+ Method = queue_declare_method(#'queue.declare'{}, topic, Params),
+ #'queue.declare_ok'{queue = Queue} = amqp_channel:call(Channel, Method),
+ {ok, Queue, State};
+ensure_endpoint(_Dir, _Channel, {queue, undefined}, _Params, State) ->
+ {ok, undefined, State};
+ensure_endpoint(_, Channel, {queue, Name}, Params, State) ->
+ Params1 = rabbit_misc:pmerge(durable, true, Params),
+ Queue = list_to_binary(Name),
+ State1 = case sets:is_element(Queue, State) of
+ true -> State;
+ _ -> Method = queue_declare_method(
+ #'queue.declare'{queue = Queue,
+ nowait = true},
+ queue, Params1),
+ case Method#'queue.declare'.nowait of
+ true -> amqp_channel:cast(Channel, Method);
+ false -> amqp_channel:call(Channel, Method)
+ end,
+ sets:add_element(Queue, State)
+ end,
+ {ok, Queue, State1};
+ensure_endpoint(dest, Channel, {exchange, {Name, _}}, Params, State) ->
+ check_exchange(Name, Channel,
+ proplists:get_value(check_exchange, Params, false)),
+ {ok, undefined, State};
+ensure_endpoint(dest, _Ch, {topic, _}, _Params, State) ->
+ {ok, undefined, State};
+ensure_endpoint(_, _Ch, {amqqueue, Name}, _Params, State) ->
+ {ok, list_to_binary(Name), State};
+ensure_endpoint(_, _Ch, {reply_queue, Name}, _Params, State) ->
+ {ok, list_to_binary(Name), State};
+ensure_endpoint(_Direction, _Ch, _Endpoint, _Params, _State) ->
+ {error, invalid_endpoint}.
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ensure_binding(QueueBin, {"", Queue}, _Channel) ->
+ %% i.e., we should only be asked to bind to the default exchange a
+ %% queue with its own name
+ QueueBin = list_to_binary(Queue),
+ ok;
+ensure_binding(Queue, {Exchange, RoutingKey}, Channel) ->
+ #'queue.bind_ok'{} =
+ amqp_channel:call(Channel,
+ #'queue.bind'{
+ queue = Queue,
+ exchange = list_to_binary(Exchange),
+ routing_key = list_to_binary(RoutingKey)}),
+ ok.
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+parse_routing({exchange, {Name, undefined}}) ->
+ {Name, ""};
+parse_routing({exchange, {Name, Pattern}}) ->
+ {Name, Pattern};
+parse_routing({topic, Name}) ->
+ {"amq.topic", Name};
+parse_routing({Type, Name})
+ when Type =:= queue orelse Type =:= reply_queue orelse Type =:= amqqueue ->
+ {"", Name}.
+dest_temp_queue({temp_queue, Name}) -> Name;
+dest_temp_queue(_) -> none.
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+check_exchange(_, _, false) ->
+ ok;
+check_exchange(ExchangeName, Channel, true) ->
+ XDecl = #'exchange.declare'{ exchange = list_to_binary(ExchangeName),
+ passive = true },
+ #'exchange.declare_ok'{} = amqp_channel:call(Channel, XDecl),
+ ok.
+update_queue_declare_arguments(Method, Params) ->
+ Method#'queue.declare'{arguments =
+ proplists:get_value(arguments, Params, [])}.
+update_queue_declare_exclusive(Method, Params) ->
+ case proplists:get_value(exclusive, Params) of
+ undefined -> Method;
+ Val -> Method#'queue.declare'{exclusive = Val}
+ end.
+update_queue_declare_auto_delete(Method, Params) ->
+ case proplists:get_value(auto_delete, Params) of
+ undefined -> Method;
+ Val -> Method#'queue.declare'{auto_delete = Val}
+ end.
+update_queue_declare_nowait(Method, Params) ->
+ case proplists:get_value(nowait, Params) of
+ undefined -> Method;
+ Val -> Method#'queue.declare'{nowait = Val}
+ end.
+queue_declare_method(#'queue.declare'{} = Method, Type, Params) ->
+ %% defaults
+ Method1 = case proplists:get_value(durable, Params, false) of
+ true -> Method#'queue.declare'{durable = true};
+ false -> Method#'queue.declare'{auto_delete = true,
+ exclusive = true}
+ end,
+ %% set the rest of queue.declare fields from Params
+ Method2 = lists:foldl(fun (F, Acc) -> F(Acc, Params) end,
+ Method1, [fun update_queue_declare_arguments/2,
+ fun update_queue_declare_exclusive/2,
+ fun update_queue_declare_auto_delete/2,
+ fun update_queue_declare_nowait/2]),
+ case {Type, proplists:get_value(subscription_queue_name_gen, Params)} of
+ {topic, SQNG} when is_function(SQNG) ->
+ Method2#'queue.declare'{queue = SQNG()};
+ {exchange, SQNG} when is_function(SQNG) ->
+ Method2#'queue.declare'{queue = SQNG()};
+ _ ->
+ Method2
+ end.
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+to_url([]) -> [];
+to_url(Lol) -> "/" ++ string:join(Lol, "/").
+atomise(Name) when is_list(Name) ->
+ list_to_atom(re:replace(Name, "-", "_", [{return,list}, global])).
+unescape(Str) -> unescape(Str, []).
+unescape("%2F" ++ Str, Acc) -> unescape(Str, [$/ | Acc]);
+unescape([C | Str], Acc) -> unescape(Str, [C | Acc]);
+unescape([], Acc) -> lists:reverse(Acc).