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Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbitmq_federation')
41 files changed, 14662 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/.gitignore b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f05d110de3 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +.sw? +.*.sw? +*.beam +/.erlang.mk/ +/cover/ +/deps/ +/doc/ +/ebin/ +/escript/ +/escript.lock +/logs/ +/plugins/ +/plugins.lock +/sbin/ +/sbin.lock +/xrefr + +rabbitmq_federation.d diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/.travis.yml b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/.travis.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..489729b1cc --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/.travis.yml @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +# vim:sw=2:et: + +os: linux +dist: xenial +language: elixir +notifications: + email: + recipients: + - alerts@rabbitmq.com + on_success: never + on_failure: always +addons: + apt: + packages: + - awscli +cache: + apt: true +env: + global: + - secure: NPk7yFzpxl8ZhheQvf1MG3dWTQq+8o1Fp+XvrBWr3PiQAn8TWHmlmxAt74LlTqRpu8CXINCOpVUYNWF9Gl4gZ0HerV1Gobj0hrF8/PVO6Qz7bqRhcnXj1ax1q4CMjzqyBtt09Pd06Vmx/hgEOQys8+kimpaftIWfBREKyjlYSss= + - secure: PjgBRIvkFXBaty94tOf4oomMSg9B9qdVLKmlb1o8DzE4KkCt2Cb3u00tqHYkvSzzgizSYsdff21TLrdQxw04aRtSVUIk2hqMt4tHbE9+sZL1Y8Cd75ZpjiSOYqnJtG0RbNxhTplCoyDOjaJWc9pjWgafHwHrZdo1wEgfzWDPWic= + + # $base_rmq_ref is used by rabbitmq-components.mk to select the + # appropriate branch for dependencies. + - base_rmq_ref=master + +elixir: + - '1.9' +otp_release: + - '21.3' + - '22.2' + +install: + # This project being an Erlang one (we just set language to Elixir + # to ensure it is installed), we don't want Travis to run mix(1) + # automatically as it will break. + skip + +script: + # $current_rmq_ref is also used by rabbitmq-components.mk to select + # the appropriate branch for dependencies. + - make check-rabbitmq-components.mk + current_rmq_ref="${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH:-${TRAVIS_BRANCH}}" + - make xref + current_rmq_ref="${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH:-${TRAVIS_BRANCH}}" + - make tests + current_rmq_ref="${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH:-${TRAVIS_BRANCH}}" + +after_failure: + - | + cd "$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR" + if test -d logs && test "$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" && test "$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"; then + archive_name="$(basename "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG")-$TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER" + + tar -c --transform "s/^logs/${archive_name}/" -f - logs | \ + xz > "${archive_name}.tar.xz" + + aws s3 cp "${archive_name}.tar.xz" s3://server-release-pipeline/travis-ci-logs/ \ + --region eu-west-1 \ + --acl public-read + fi diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..08697906fd --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# Contributor Code of Conduct + +As contributors and maintainers of this project, and in the interest of fostering an open +and welcoming community, we pledge to respect all people who contribute through reporting +issues, posting feature requests, updating documentation, submitting pull requests or +patches, and other activities. + +We are committed to making participation in this project a harassment-free experience for +everyone, regardless of level of experience, gender, gender identity and expression, +sexual orientation, disability, personal appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, +religion, or nationality. + +Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include: + + * The use of sexualized language or imagery + * Personal attacks + * Trolling or insulting/derogatory comments + * Public or private harassment + * Publishing other's private information, such as physical or electronic addresses, + without explicit permission + * Other unethical or unprofessional conduct + +Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, +commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this +Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors +that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful. + +By adopting this Code of Conduct, project maintainers commit themselves to fairly and +consistently applying these principles to every aspect of managing this project. Project +maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct may be permanently removed +from the project team. + +This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces when an +individual is representing the project or its community. + +Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by +contacting a project maintainer at [info@rabbitmq.com](mailto:info@rabbitmq.com). All complaints will +be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and +appropriate to the circumstances. Maintainers are obligated to maintain confidentiality +with regard to the reporter of an incident. + +This Code of Conduct is adapted from the +[Contributor Covenant](https://contributor-covenant.org), version 1.3.0, available at +[contributor-covenant.org/version/1/3/0/](https://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/3/0/) diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/CONTRIBUTING.md b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/CONTRIBUTING.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..592e7ced57 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +Thank you for using RabbitMQ and for taking the time to contribute to the project. +This document has two main parts: + + * when and how to file GitHub issues for RabbitMQ projects + * how to submit pull requests + +They intend to save you and RabbitMQ maintainers some time, so please +take a moment to read through them. + +## Overview + +### GitHub issues + +The RabbitMQ team uses GitHub issues for _specific actionable items_ that +engineers can work on. This assumes the following: + +* GitHub issues are not used for questions, investigations, root cause + analysis, discussions of potential issues, etc (as defined by this team) +* Enough information is provided by the reporter for maintainers to work with + +The team receives many questions through various venues every single +day. Frequently, these questions do not include the necessary details +the team needs to begin useful work. GitHub issues can very quickly +turn into a something impossible to navigate and make sense +of. Because of this, questions, investigations, root cause analysis, +and discussions of potential features are all considered to be +[mailing list][rmq-users] material. If you are unsure where to begin, +the [RabbitMQ users mailing list][rmq-users] is the right place. + +Getting all the details necessary to reproduce an issue, make a +conclusion or even form a hypothesis about what's happening can take a +fair amount of time. Please help others help you by providing a way to +reproduce the behavior you're observing, or at least sharing as much +relevant information as possible on the [RabbitMQ users mailing +list][rmq-users]. + +Please provide versions of the software used: + + * RabbitMQ server + * Erlang + * Operating system version (and distribution, if applicable) + * All client libraries used + * RabbitMQ plugins (if applicable) + +The following information greatly helps in investigating and reproducing issues: + + * RabbitMQ server logs + * A code example or terminal transcript that can be used to reproduce + * Full exception stack traces (a single line message is not enough!) + * `rabbitmqctl report` and `rabbitmqctl environment` output + * Other relevant details about the environment and workload, e.g. a traffic capture + * Feel free to edit out hostnames and other potentially sensitive information. + +To make collecting much of this and other environment information, use +the [`rabbitmq-collect-env`][rmq-collect-env] script. It will produce an archive with +server logs, operating system logs, output of certain diagnostics commands and so on. +Please note that **no effort is made to scrub any information that may be sensitive**. + +### Pull Requests + +RabbitMQ projects use pull requests to discuss, collaborate on and accept code contributions. +Pull requests is the primary place of discussing code changes. + +Here's the recommended workflow: + + * [Fork the repository][github-fork] or repositories you plan on contributing to. If multiple + repositories are involved in addressing the same issue, please use the same branch name + in each repository + * Create a branch with a descriptive name in the relevant repositories + * Make your changes, run tests (usually with `make tests`), commit with a + [descriptive message][git-commit-msgs], push to your fork + * Submit pull requests with an explanation what has been changed and **why** + * Submit a filled out and signed [Contributor Agreement][ca-agreement] if needed (see below) + * Be patient. We will get to your pull request eventually + +If what you are going to work on is a substantial change, please first +ask the core team for their opinion on the [RabbitMQ users mailing list][rmq-users]. + +## Code of Conduct + +See [CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md](./CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). + +## Contributor Agreement + +If you want to contribute a non-trivial change, please submit a signed +copy of our [Contributor Agreement][ca-agreement] around the time you +submit your pull request. This will make it much easier (in some +cases, possible) for the RabbitMQ team at Pivotal to merge your +contribution. + +## Where to Ask Questions + +If something isn't clear, feel free to ask on our [mailing list][rmq-users]. + +[rmq-collect-env]: https://github.com/rabbitmq/support-tools/blob/master/scripts/rabbitmq-collect-env +[git-commit-msgs]: https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/ +[rmq-users]: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/rabbitmq-users +[ca-agreement]: https://cla.pivotal.io/sign/rabbitmq +[github-fork]: https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/ diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/LICENSE b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f2da65d175 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +This package is licensed under the MPL 2.0. For the MPL 2.0, please see LICENSE-MPL-RabbitMQ. + +If you have any questions regarding licensing, please contact us at +info@rabbitmq.com. diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/LICENSE-MPL-RabbitMQ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/LICENSE-MPL-RabbitMQ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..14e2f777f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/LICENSE-MPL-RabbitMQ @@ -0,0 +1,373 @@ +Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 +================================== + +1. Definitions +-------------- + +1.1. "Contributor" + means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to + the creation of, or owns Covered Software. + +1.2. "Contributor Version" + means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used + by a Contributor and that particular Contributor's Contribution. + +1.3. "Contribution" + means Covered Software of a particular Contributor. + +1.4. "Covered Software" + means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached + the notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code + Form, and Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case + including portions thereof. + +1.5. "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" + means + + (a) that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described + in Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or + + (b) that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of + version 1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the + terms of a Secondary License. + +1.6. "Executable Form" + means any form of the work other than Source Code Form. + +1.7. "Larger Work" + means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in + a separate file or files, that is not Covered Software. + +1.8. "License" + means this document. + +1.9. "Licensable" + means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible, + whether at the time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and + all of the rights conveyed by this License. + +1.10. "Modifications" + means any of the following: + + (a) any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to, + deletion from, or modification of the contents of Covered + Software; or + + (b) any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered + Software. + +1.11. "Patent Claims" of a Contributor + means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method, + process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such + Contributor that would be infringed, but for the grant of the + License, by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, having + made, import, or transfer of either its Contributions or its + Contributor Version. + +1.12. "Secondary License" + means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU + Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General + Public License, Version 3.0, or any later versions of those + licenses. + +1.13. "Source Code Form" + means the form of the work preferred for making modifications. + +1.14. "You" (or "Your") + means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this + License. For legal entities, "You" includes any entity that + controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with You. For + purposes of this definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct + or indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, + whether by contract or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than + fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding shares or beneficial + ownership of such entity. + +2. License Grants and Conditions +-------------------------------- + +2.1. Grants + +Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, +non-exclusive license: + +(a) under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark) + Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available, + modify, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its + Contributions, either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or + as part of a Larger Work; and + +(b) under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer + for sale, have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its + Contributions or its Contributor Version. + +2.2. Effective Date + +The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution +become effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first +distributes such Contribution. + +2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope + +The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under +this License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the +distribution or licensing of Covered Software under this License. +Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a +Contributor: + +(a) for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software; + or + +(b) for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party's + modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its + Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor + Version); or + +(c) under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of + its Contributions. + +This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks, +or logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with +the notice requirements in Section 3.4). + +2.4. Subsequent Licenses + +No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to +distribute the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this +License (see Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if +permitted under the terms of Section 3.3). + +2.5. Representation + +Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its +Contributions are its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights +to grant the rights to its Contributions conveyed by this License. + +2.6. Fair Use + +This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under +applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other +equivalents. + +2.7. Conditions + +Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted +in Section 2.1. + +3. Responsibilities +------------------- + +3.1. Distribution of Source Form + +All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any +Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under +the terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source +Code Form of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this +License, and how they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not +attempt to alter or restrict the recipients' rights in the Source Code +Form. + +3.2. Distribution of Executable Form + +If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then: + +(a) such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code + Form, as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of + the Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code + Form by reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more + than the cost of distribution to the recipient; and + +(b) You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this + License, or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the + license for the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter + the recipients' rights in the Source Code Form under this License. + +3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work + +You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice, +provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for +the Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered +Software with a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the +Covered Software is not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this +License permits You to additionally distribute such Covered Software +under the terms of such Secondary License(s), so that the recipient of +the Larger Work may, at their option, further distribute the Covered +Software under the terms of either this License or such Secondary +License(s). + +3.4. Notices + +You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices +(including copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty, +or limitations of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of +the Covered Software, except that You may alter any license notices to +the extent required to remedy known factual inaccuracies. + +3.5. Application of Additional Terms + +You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support, +indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered +Software. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on +behalf of any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any +such warranty, support, indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by +You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify every Contributor for any +liability incurred by such Contributor as a result of warranty, support, +indemnity or liability terms You offer. You may include additional +disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any +jurisdiction. + +4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation +--------------------------------------------------- + +If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this +License with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to +statute, judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with +the terms of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b) +describe the limitations and the code they affect. Such description must +be placed in a text file included with all distributions of the Covered +Software under this License. Except to the extent prohibited by statute +or regulation, such description must be sufficiently detailed for a +recipient of ordinary skill to be able to understand it. + +5. Termination +-------------- + +5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically +if You fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become +compliant, then the rights granted under this License from a particular +Contributor are reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such +Contributor explicitly and finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an +ongoing basis, if such Contributor fails to notify You of the +non-compliance by some reasonable means prior to 60 days after You have +come back into compliance. Moreover, Your grants from a particular +Contributor are reinstated on an ongoing basis if such Contributor +notifies You of the non-compliance by some reasonable means, this is the +first time You have received notice of non-compliance with this License +from such Contributor, and You become compliant prior to 30 days after +Your receipt of the notice. + +5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent +infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions, +counter-claims, and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version +directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to +You by any and all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section +2.1 of this License shall terminate. + +5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all +end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which +have been validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License +prior to termination shall survive termination. + +************************************************************************ +* * +* 6. Disclaimer of Warranty * +* ------------------------- * +* * +* Covered Software is provided under this License on an "as is" * +* basis, without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or * +* statutory, including, without limitation, warranties that the * +* Covered Software is free of defects, merchantable, fit for a * +* particular purpose or non-infringing. The entire risk as to the * +* quality and performance of the Covered Software is with You. * +* Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect, You * +* (not any Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing, * +* repair, or correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an * +* essential part of this License. No use of any Covered Software is * +* authorized under this License except under this disclaimer. * +* * +************************************************************************ + +************************************************************************ +* * +* 7. Limitation of Liability * +* -------------------------- * +* * +* Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort * +* (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any * +* Contributor, or anyone who distributes Covered Software as * +* permitted above, be liable to You for any direct, indirect, * +* special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character * +* including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of * +* goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any * +* and all other commercial damages or losses, even if such party * +* shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages. This * +* limitation of liability shall not apply to liability for death or * +* personal injury resulting from such party's negligence to the * +* extent applicable law prohibits such limitation. Some * +* jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of * +* incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion and * +* limitation may not apply to You. * +* * +************************************************************************ + +8. Litigation +------------- + +Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the +courts of a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal +place of business and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that +jurisdiction, without reference to its conflict-of-law provisions. +Nothing in this Section shall prevent a party's ability to bring +cross-claims or counter-claims. + +9. Miscellaneous +---------------- + +This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject +matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be +unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent +necessary to make it enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides +that the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter +shall not be used to construe this License against a Contributor. + +10. Versions of the License +--------------------------- + +10.1. New Versions + +Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section +10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or +publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a +distinguishing version number. + +10.2. Effect of New Versions + +You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version +of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software, +or under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license +steward. + +10.3. Modified Versions + +If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to +create a new license for such software, you may create and use a +modified version of this License if you rename the license and remove +any references to the name of the license steward (except to note that +such modified license differs from this License). + +10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary +Licenses + +If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is Incompatible With +Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of the License, the +notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be attached. + +Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice +------------------------------------------- + + This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public + License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this + file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. + +If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular +file, then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE +file in a relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look +for such a notice. + +You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership. + +Exhibit B - "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" Notice +--------------------------------------------------------- + + This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as + defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/Makefile b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ebe2eea6ba --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +PROJECT = rabbitmq_federation +PROJECT_DESCRIPTION = RabbitMQ Federation +PROJECT_MOD = rabbit_federation_app + +define PROJECT_ENV +[ + {pgroup_name_cluster_id, false}, + {internal_exchange_check_interval, 90000} + ] +endef + +define PROJECT_APP_EXTRA_KEYS + {broker_version_requirements, []} +endef + +DEPS = rabbit_common rabbit amqp_client +TEST_DEPS = rabbitmq_ct_helpers rabbitmq_ct_client_helpers + +DEP_EARLY_PLUGINS = rabbit_common/mk/rabbitmq-early-plugin.mk +DEP_PLUGINS = rabbit_common/mk/rabbitmq-plugin.mk + +# FIXME: Use erlang.mk patched for RabbitMQ, while waiting for PRs to be +# reviewed and merged. + +ERLANG_MK_REPO = https://github.com/rabbitmq/erlang.mk.git +ERLANG_MK_COMMIT = rabbitmq-tmp + +include rabbitmq-components.mk +include erlang.mk diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/README-hacking b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/README-hacking new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6432552fe3 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/README-hacking @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +This file is intended to tell you How It All Works, concentrating on +the things you might not expect. + +The theory +========== + +The 'x-federation' exchange is defined in +rabbit_federation_exchange. This starts up a bunch of link processes +(one for each upstream) which: + + * Connect to the upstream broker + * Create a queue and bind it to the upstream exchange + * Keep bindings in sync with the downstream exchange + * Consume messages from the upstream queue and republish them to the + downstream exchange (matching confirms with acks) + +Each link process monitors the connections / channels it opens, and +dies if they do. We use a supervisor2 to ensure that we get some +backoff when restarting. + +We use process groups to identify all link processes for a certain +exchange, as well as all link processes together. + +However, there are a bunch of wrinkles: + + +Wrinkle: The exchange will be recovered when the Erlang client is not available +=============================================================================== + +Exchange recovery happens within the rabbit application - therefore at +the time that the exchange is recovered, we can't make any connections +since the amqp_client application has not yet started. Each link +therefore initially has a state 'not_started'. When it is created it +checks to see if the rabbitmq_federation application is running. If +so, it starts fully. If not, it goes into the 'not_started' +state. When rabbitmq_federation starts, it sends a 'go' message to all +links, prodding them to bring up the link. + + +Wrinkle: On reconnect we want to assert bindings atomically +=========================================================== + +If the link goes down for whatever reason, then by the time it comes +up again the bindings downstream may no longer be in sync with those +upstream. Therefore on link establishment we want to ensure that a +certain set of bindings exists. (Of course bringing up a link for the +first time is a simple case of this.) And we want to do this with AMQP +methods. But if we were to tear down all bindings and recreate them, +we would have a time period when messages would not be forwarded for +bindings that *do* still exist before and after. + +We use exchange to exchange bindings to work around this: + +We bind the upstream exchange (X) to the upstream queue (Q) via an +internal fanout exchange (IXA) like so: (routing keys R1 and R2): + + X----R1,R2--->IXA---->Q + +This has the same effect as binding the queue to the exchange directly. + +Now imagine the link has gone down, and is about to be +reestablished. In the meanwhile, routing has changed downstream so +that we now want routing keys R1 and R3. On link reconnection we can +create and bind another internal fanout exchange IXB: + + X----R1,R2--->IXA---->Q + | ^ + | | + \----R1,R3--->IXB-----/ + +and then delete the original exchange IXA: + + X Q + | ^ + | | + \----R1,R3--->IXB-----/ + +This means that messages matching R1 are always routed during the +switchover. Messages for R3 will start being routed as soon as we bind +the second exchange, and messages for R2 will be stopped in a timely +way. Of course this could lag the downstream situation somewhat, in +which case some R2 messages will get thrown away downstream since they +are unroutable. However this lag is inevitable when the link goes +down. + +This means that the downstream only needs to keep track of whether the +upstream is currently going via internal exchange A or B. This is +held in the exchange scratch space in Mnesia. + + +Wrinkle: We need to amalgamate bindings +======================================= + +Since we only bind to one exchange upstream, but the downstream +exchange can be bound to many queues, we can have duplicated bindings +downstream (same source, routing key and args but different +destination) that cannot be duplicated upstream (since the destination +is the same). The link therefore maintains a mapping of (Key, Args) to +set(Dest). Duplicated bindings do not get repeated upstream, and are +only unbound upstream when the last one goes away downstream. + +Furthermore, this works as an optimisation since this will tend to +reduce upstream binding count and churn. + + +Wrinkle: We may receive binding events out of order +=================================================== + +The rabbit_federation_exchange callbacks are invoked by channel +processes within rabbit. Therefore they can be executed concurrently, +and can arrive at the link processes in an order that does not +correspond to the wall clock. + +We need to keep the state of the link in sync with Mnesia. Therefore +not only do we need to impose an ordering on these events, we need to +impose Mnesia's ordering on them. We therefore added a function to the +callback interface, serialise_events. When this returns true, the +callback mechanism inside rabbit increments a per-exchange counter +within an Mnesia transaction, and returns the value as part of the +add_binding and remove_binding callbacks. The link process then queues +up these events, and replays them in order. The link process's state +thus always follows Mnesia (it may be delayed, but the effects happen +in the same order). + + +Other issues +============ + +Since links are implemented in terms of AMQP, link failure may cause +messages to be redelivered. If you're unlucky this could lead to +duplication. + +Message duplication can also happen with some topologies. In some +cases it may not be possible to set max_hops such that messages arrive +once at every node. + +While we correctly order bind / unbind events, we don't do the same +thing for exchange creation / deletion. (This is harder - if you +delete and recreate an exchange with the same name, is it the same +exchange? What about if its type changes?) This would only be an issue +if exchanges churn rapidly; however we could get into a state where +Mnesia sees CDCD but we see CDDC and leave a process running when we +shouldn't. diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/README.md b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..efebf43d3a --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +## RabbitMQ Federation + +[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-federation.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-federation) + +RabbitMQ federation offers a group of features for loosely +coupled and WAN-friendly distributed RabbitMQ setups. Note that +this is not an alternative to queue mirroring. + + +## Supported RabbitMQ Versions + +This plugin ships with RabbitMQ, there is no need to +install it separately. + + +## Documentation + +See [RabbitMQ federation plugin](https://www.rabbitmq.com/federation.html) on rabbitmq.com. + + +## License and Copyright + +Released under [the same license as RabbitMQ](https://www.rabbitmq.com/mpl.html). + +2007-2015 (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/erlang.mk b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/erlang.mk new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fce4be0b0a --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/erlang.mk @@ -0,0 +1,7808 @@ +# Copyright (c) 2013-2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# +# Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any +# purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above +# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. +# +# THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES +# WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +# MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR +# ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES +# WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN +# ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF +# OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. + +.PHONY: all app apps deps search rel relup docs install-docs check tests clean distclean help erlang-mk + +ERLANG_MK_FILENAME := $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) +export ERLANG_MK_FILENAME + +ERLANG_MK_VERSION = 2019.07.01-40-geb3e4b0 +ERLANG_MK_WITHOUT = + +# Make 3.81 and 3.82 are deprecated. + +ifeq ($(MAKELEVEL)$(MAKE_VERSION),03.81) +$(warning Please upgrade to GNU Make 4 or later: https://erlang.mk/guide/installation.html) +endif + +ifeq ($(MAKELEVEL)$(MAKE_VERSION),03.82) +$(warning Please upgrade to GNU Make 4 or later: https://erlang.mk/guide/installation.html) +endif + +# Core configuration. + +PROJECT ?= $(notdir $(CURDIR)) +PROJECT := $(strip $(PROJECT)) + +PROJECT_VERSION ?= rolling +PROJECT_MOD ?= $(PROJECT)_app +PROJECT_ENV ?= [] + +# Verbosity. + +V ?= 0 + +verbose_0 = @ +verbose_2 = set -x; +verbose = $(verbose_$(V)) + +ifeq ($(V),3) +SHELL := $(SHELL) -x +endif + +gen_verbose_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; +gen_verbose_2 = set -x; +gen_verbose = $(gen_verbose_$(V)) + +gen_verbose_esc_0 = @echo " GEN " $$@; +gen_verbose_esc_2 = set -x; +gen_verbose_esc = $(gen_verbose_esc_$(V)) + +# Temporary files directory. + +ERLANG_MK_TMP ?= $(CURDIR)/.erlang.mk +export ERLANG_MK_TMP + +# "erl" command. + +ERL = erl +A1 -noinput -boot no_dot_erlang + +# Platform detection. + +ifeq ($(PLATFORM),) +UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s) + +ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Linux) +PLATFORM = linux +else ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin) +PLATFORM = darwin +else ifeq ($(UNAME_S),SunOS) +PLATFORM = solaris +else ifeq ($(UNAME_S),GNU) +PLATFORM = gnu +else ifeq ($(UNAME_S),FreeBSD) +PLATFORM = freebsd +else ifeq ($(UNAME_S),NetBSD) +PLATFORM = netbsd +else ifeq ($(UNAME_S),OpenBSD) +PLATFORM = openbsd +else ifeq ($(UNAME_S),DragonFly) +PLATFORM = dragonfly +else ifeq ($(shell uname -o),Msys) +PLATFORM = msys2 +else +$(error Unable to detect platform. Please open a ticket with the output of uname -a.) +endif + +export PLATFORM +endif + +# Core targets. + +all:: deps app rel + +# Noop to avoid a Make warning when there's nothing to do. +rel:: + $(verbose) : + +relup:: deps app + +check:: tests + +clean:: clean-crashdump + +clean-crashdump: +ifneq ($(wildcard erl_crash.dump),) + $(gen_verbose) rm -f erl_crash.dump +endif + +distclean:: clean distclean-tmp + +$(ERLANG_MK_TMP): + $(verbose) mkdir -p $(ERLANG_MK_TMP) + +distclean-tmp: + $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(ERLANG_MK_TMP) + +help:: + $(verbose) printf "%s\n" \ + "erlang.mk (version $(ERLANG_MK_VERSION)) is distributed under the terms of the ISC License." \ + "Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu>" \ + "" \ + "Usage: [V=1] $(MAKE) [target]..." \ + "" \ + "Core targets:" \ + " all Run deps, app and rel targets in that order" \ + " app Compile the project" \ + " deps Fetch dependencies (if needed) and compile them" \ + " fetch-deps Fetch dependencies recursively (if needed) without compiling them" \ + " list-deps List dependencies recursively on stdout" \ + " search q=... Search for a package in the built-in index" \ + " rel Build a release for this project, if applicable" \ + " docs Build the documentation for this project" \ + " install-docs Install the man pages for this project" \ + " check Compile and run all tests and analysis for this project" \ + " tests Run the tests for this project" \ + " clean Delete temporary and output files from most targets" \ + " distclean Delete all temporary and output files" \ + " help Display this help and exit" \ + " erlang-mk Update erlang.mk to the latest version" + +# Core functions. + +empty := +space := $(empty) $(empty) +tab := $(empty) $(empty) +comma := , + +define newline + + +endef + +define comma_list +$(subst $(space),$(comma),$(strip $(1))) +endef + +define escape_dquotes +$(subst ",\",$1) +endef + +# Adding erlang.mk to make Erlang scripts who call init:get_plain_arguments() happy. +define erlang +$(ERL) $2 -pz $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/rebar/ebin -eval "$(subst $(newline),,$(call escape_dquotes,$1))" -- erlang.mk +endef + +ifeq ($(PLATFORM),msys2) +core_native_path = $(shell cygpath -m $1) +else +core_native_path = $1 +endif + +core_http_get = curl -Lf$(if $(filter-out 0,$(V)),,s)o $(call core_native_path,$1) $2 + +core_eq = $(and $(findstring $(1),$(2)),$(findstring $(2),$(1))) + +# We skip files that contain spaces because they end up causing issues. +core_find = $(if $(wildcard $1),$(shell find $(1:%/=%) \( -type l -o -type f \) -name $(subst *,\*,$2) | grep -v " ")) + +core_lc = $(subst A,a,$(subst B,b,$(subst C,c,$(subst D,d,$(subst E,e,$(subst F,f,$(subst G,g,$(subst H,h,$(subst I,i,$(subst J,j,$(subst K,k,$(subst L,l,$(subst M,m,$(subst N,n,$(subst O,o,$(subst P,p,$(subst Q,q,$(subst R,r,$(subst S,s,$(subst T,t,$(subst U,u,$(subst V,v,$(subst W,w,$(subst X,x,$(subst Y,y,$(subst Z,z,$(1))))))))))))))))))))))))))) + +core_ls = $(filter-out $(1),$(shell echo $(1))) + +# @todo Use a solution that does not require using perl. +core_relpath = $(shell perl -e 'use File::Spec; print File::Spec->abs2rel(@ARGV) . "\n"' $1 $2) + +define core_render + printf -- '$(subst $(newline),\n,$(subst %,%%,$(subst ','\'',$(subst $(tab),$(WS),$(call $(1))))))\n' > $(2) +endef + +# Automated update. + +ERLANG_MK_REPO ?= https://github.com/ninenines/erlang.mk +ERLANG_MK_COMMIT ?= +ERLANG_MK_BUILD_CONFIG ?= build.config +ERLANG_MK_BUILD_DIR ?= .erlang.mk.build + +erlang-mk: WITHOUT ?= $(ERLANG_MK_WITHOUT) +erlang-mk: +ifdef ERLANG_MK_COMMIT + $(verbose) git clone $(ERLANG_MK_REPO) $(ERLANG_MK_BUILD_DIR) + $(verbose) cd $(ERLANG_MK_BUILD_DIR) && git checkout $(ERLANG_MK_COMMIT) +else + $(verbose) git clone --depth 1 $(ERLANG_MK_REPO) $(ERLANG_MK_BUILD_DIR) +endif + $(verbose) if [ -f $(ERLANG_MK_BUILD_CONFIG) ]; then cp $(ERLANG_MK_BUILD_CONFIG) $(ERLANG_MK_BUILD_DIR)/build.config; fi + $(gen_verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C $(ERLANG_MK_BUILD_DIR) WITHOUT='$(strip $(WITHOUT))' UPGRADE=1 + $(verbose) cp $(ERLANG_MK_BUILD_DIR)/erlang.mk ./erlang.mk + $(verbose) rm -rf $(ERLANG_MK_BUILD_DIR) + $(verbose) rm -rf $(ERLANG_MK_TMP) + +# The erlang.mk package index is bundled in the default erlang.mk build. +# Search for the string "copyright" to skip to the rest of the code. + +# Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +.PHONY: distclean-kerl + +KERL_INSTALL_DIR ?= $(HOME)/erlang + +ifeq ($(strip $(KERL)),) +KERL := $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/kerl/kerl +endif + +KERL_DIR = $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/kerl + +export KERL + +KERL_GIT ?= https://github.com/kerl/kerl +KERL_COMMIT ?= master + +KERL_MAKEFLAGS ?= + +OTP_GIT ?= https://github.com/erlang/otp + +define kerl_otp_target +$(KERL_INSTALL_DIR)/$(1): $(KERL) + $(verbose) if [ ! -d $$@ ]; then \ + MAKEFLAGS="$(KERL_MAKEFLAGS)" $(KERL) build git $(OTP_GIT) $(1) $(1); \ + $(KERL) install $(1) $(KERL_INSTALL_DIR)/$(1); \ + fi +endef + +define kerl_hipe_target +$(KERL_INSTALL_DIR)/$1-native: $(KERL) + $(verbose) if [ ! -d $$@ ]; then \ + KERL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS=--enable-native-libs \ + MAKEFLAGS="$(KERL_MAKEFLAGS)" $(KERL) build git $(OTP_GIT) $1 $1-native; \ + $(KERL) install $1-native $(KERL_INSTALL_DIR)/$1-native; \ + fi +endef + +$(KERL): $(KERL_DIR) + +$(KERL_DIR): | $(ERLANG_MK_TMP) + $(gen_verbose) git clone --depth 1 $(KERL_GIT) $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/kerl + $(verbose) cd $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/kerl && git checkout $(KERL_COMMIT) + $(verbose) chmod +x $(KERL) + +distclean:: distclean-kerl + +distclean-kerl: + $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(KERL_DIR) + +# Allow users to select which version of Erlang/OTP to use for a project. + +ifneq ($(strip $(LATEST_ERLANG_OTP)),) +# In some environments it is necessary to filter out master. +ERLANG_OTP := $(notdir $(lastword $(sort\ + $(filter-out $(KERL_INSTALL_DIR)/master $(KERL_INSTALL_DIR)/OTP_R%,\ + $(filter-out %-rc1 %-rc2 %-rc3,$(wildcard $(KERL_INSTALL_DIR)/*[^-native])))))) +endif + +ERLANG_OTP ?= +ERLANG_HIPE ?= + +# Use kerl to enforce a specific Erlang/OTP version for a project. +ifneq ($(strip $(ERLANG_OTP)),) +export PATH := $(KERL_INSTALL_DIR)/$(ERLANG_OTP)/bin:$(PATH) +SHELL := env PATH=$(PATH) $(SHELL) +$(eval $(call kerl_otp_target,$(ERLANG_OTP))) + +# Build Erlang/OTP only if it doesn't already exist. +ifeq ($(wildcard $(KERL_INSTALL_DIR)/$(ERLANG_OTP))$(BUILD_ERLANG_OTP),) +$(info Building Erlang/OTP $(ERLANG_OTP)... Please wait...) +$(shell $(MAKE) $(KERL_INSTALL_DIR)/$(ERLANG_OTP) ERLANG_OTP=$(ERLANG_OTP) BUILD_ERLANG_OTP=1 >&2) +endif + +else +# Same for a HiPE enabled VM. +ifneq ($(strip $(ERLANG_HIPE)),) +export PATH := $(KERL_INSTALL_DIR)/$(ERLANG_HIPE)-native/bin:$(PATH) +SHELL := env PATH=$(PATH) $(SHELL) +$(eval $(call kerl_hipe_target,$(ERLANG_HIPE))) + +# Build Erlang/OTP only if it doesn't already exist. +ifeq ($(wildcard $(KERL_INSTALL_DIR)/$(ERLANG_HIPE)-native)$(BUILD_ERLANG_OTP),) +$(info Building HiPE-enabled Erlang/OTP $(ERLANG_OTP)... Please wait...) +$(shell $(MAKE) $(KERL_INSTALL_DIR)/$(ERLANG_HIPE)-native ERLANG_HIPE=$(ERLANG_HIPE) BUILD_ERLANG_OTP=1 >&2) +endif + +endif +endif + +PACKAGES += aberth +pkg_aberth_name = aberth +pkg_aberth_description = Generic BERT-RPC server in Erlang +pkg_aberth_homepage = https://github.com/a13x/aberth +pkg_aberth_fetch = git +pkg_aberth_repo = https://github.com/a13x/aberth +pkg_aberth_commit = master + +PACKAGES += active +pkg_active_name = active +pkg_active_description = Active development for Erlang: rebuild and reload source/binary files while the VM is running +pkg_active_homepage = https://github.com/proger/active +pkg_active_fetch = git +pkg_active_repo = https://github.com/proger/active +pkg_active_commit = master + +PACKAGES += actordb_core +pkg_actordb_core_name = actordb_core +pkg_actordb_core_description = ActorDB main source +pkg_actordb_core_homepage = http://www.actordb.com/ +pkg_actordb_core_fetch = git +pkg_actordb_core_repo = https://github.com/biokoda/actordb_core +pkg_actordb_core_commit = master + +PACKAGES += actordb_thrift +pkg_actordb_thrift_name = actordb_thrift +pkg_actordb_thrift_description = Thrift API for ActorDB +pkg_actordb_thrift_homepage = http://www.actordb.com/ +pkg_actordb_thrift_fetch = git +pkg_actordb_thrift_repo = https://github.com/biokoda/actordb_thrift +pkg_actordb_thrift_commit = master + +PACKAGES += aleppo +pkg_aleppo_name = aleppo +pkg_aleppo_description = Alternative Erlang Pre-Processor +pkg_aleppo_homepage = https://github.com/ErlyORM/aleppo +pkg_aleppo_fetch = git +pkg_aleppo_repo = https://github.com/ErlyORM/aleppo +pkg_aleppo_commit = master + +PACKAGES += alog +pkg_alog_name = alog +pkg_alog_description = Simply the best logging framework for Erlang +pkg_alog_homepage = https://github.com/siberian-fast-food/alogger +pkg_alog_fetch = git +pkg_alog_repo = https://github.com/siberian-fast-food/alogger +pkg_alog_commit = master + +PACKAGES += amqp_client +pkg_amqp_client_name = amqp_client +pkg_amqp_client_description = RabbitMQ Erlang AMQP client +pkg_amqp_client_homepage = https://www.rabbitmq.com/erlang-client-user-guide.html +pkg_amqp_client_fetch = git +pkg_amqp_client_repo = https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-erlang-client.git +pkg_amqp_client_commit = master + +PACKAGES += annotations +pkg_annotations_name = annotations +pkg_annotations_description = Simple code instrumentation utilities +pkg_annotations_homepage = https://github.com/hyperthunk/annotations +pkg_annotations_fetch = git +pkg_annotations_repo = https://github.com/hyperthunk/annotations +pkg_annotations_commit = master + +PACKAGES += antidote +pkg_antidote_name = antidote +pkg_antidote_description = Large-scale computation without synchronisation +pkg_antidote_homepage = https://syncfree.lip6.fr/ +pkg_antidote_fetch = git +pkg_antidote_repo = https://github.com/SyncFree/antidote +pkg_antidote_commit = master + +PACKAGES += apns +pkg_apns_name = apns +pkg_apns_description = Apple Push Notification Server for Erlang +pkg_apns_homepage = http://inaka.github.com/apns4erl +pkg_apns_fetch = git +pkg_apns_repo = https://github.com/inaka/apns4erl +pkg_apns_commit = master + +PACKAGES += asciideck +pkg_asciideck_name = asciideck +pkg_asciideck_description = Asciidoc for Erlang. +pkg_asciideck_homepage = https://ninenines.eu +pkg_asciideck_fetch = git +pkg_asciideck_repo = https://github.com/ninenines/asciideck +pkg_asciideck_commit = master + +PACKAGES += azdht +pkg_azdht_name = azdht +pkg_azdht_description = Azureus Distributed Hash Table (DHT) in Erlang +pkg_azdht_homepage = https://github.com/arcusfelis/azdht +pkg_azdht_fetch = git +pkg_azdht_repo = https://github.com/arcusfelis/azdht +pkg_azdht_commit = master + +PACKAGES += backoff +pkg_backoff_name = backoff +pkg_backoff_description = Simple exponential backoffs in Erlang +pkg_backoff_homepage = https://github.com/ferd/backoff +pkg_backoff_fetch = git +pkg_backoff_repo = https://github.com/ferd/backoff +pkg_backoff_commit = master + +PACKAGES += barrel_tcp +pkg_barrel_tcp_name = barrel_tcp +pkg_barrel_tcp_description = barrel is a generic TCP acceptor pool with low latency in Erlang. +pkg_barrel_tcp_homepage = https://github.com/benoitc-attic/barrel_tcp +pkg_barrel_tcp_fetch = git +pkg_barrel_tcp_repo = https://github.com/benoitc-attic/barrel_tcp +pkg_barrel_tcp_commit = master + +PACKAGES += basho_bench +pkg_basho_bench_name = basho_bench +pkg_basho_bench_description = A load-generation and testing tool for basically whatever you can write a returning Erlang function for. +pkg_basho_bench_homepage = https://github.com/basho/basho_bench +pkg_basho_bench_fetch = git +pkg_basho_bench_repo = https://github.com/basho/basho_bench +pkg_basho_bench_commit = master + +PACKAGES += bcrypt +pkg_bcrypt_name = bcrypt +pkg_bcrypt_description = Bcrypt Erlang / C library +pkg_bcrypt_homepage = https://github.com/erlangpack/bcrypt +pkg_bcrypt_fetch = git +pkg_bcrypt_repo = https://github.com/erlangpack/bcrypt.git +pkg_bcrypt_commit = master + +PACKAGES += beam +pkg_beam_name = beam +pkg_beam_description = BEAM emulator written in Erlang +pkg_beam_homepage = https://github.com/tonyrog/beam +pkg_beam_fetch = git +pkg_beam_repo = https://github.com/tonyrog/beam +pkg_beam_commit = master + +PACKAGES += beanstalk +pkg_beanstalk_name = beanstalk +pkg_beanstalk_description = An Erlang client for beanstalkd +pkg_beanstalk_homepage = https://github.com/tim/erlang-beanstalk +pkg_beanstalk_fetch = git +pkg_beanstalk_repo = https://github.com/tim/erlang-beanstalk +pkg_beanstalk_commit = master + +PACKAGES += bear +pkg_bear_name = bear +pkg_bear_description = a set of statistics functions for erlang +pkg_bear_homepage = https://github.com/boundary/bear +pkg_bear_fetch = git +pkg_bear_repo = https://github.com/boundary/bear +pkg_bear_commit = master + +PACKAGES += bertconf +pkg_bertconf_name = bertconf +pkg_bertconf_description = Make ETS tables out of statc BERT files that are auto-reloaded +pkg_bertconf_homepage = https://github.com/ferd/bertconf +pkg_bertconf_fetch = git +pkg_bertconf_repo = https://github.com/ferd/bertconf +pkg_bertconf_commit = master + +PACKAGES += bifrost +pkg_bifrost_name = bifrost +pkg_bifrost_description = Erlang FTP Server Framework +pkg_bifrost_homepage = https://github.com/thorstadt/bifrost +pkg_bifrost_fetch = git +pkg_bifrost_repo = https://github.com/thorstadt/bifrost +pkg_bifrost_commit = master + +PACKAGES += binpp +pkg_binpp_name = binpp +pkg_binpp_description = Erlang Binary Pretty Printer +pkg_binpp_homepage = https://github.com/jtendo/binpp +pkg_binpp_fetch = git +pkg_binpp_repo = https://github.com/jtendo/binpp +pkg_binpp_commit = master + +PACKAGES += bisect +pkg_bisect_name = bisect +pkg_bisect_description = Ordered fixed-size binary dictionary in Erlang +pkg_bisect_homepage = https://github.com/knutin/bisect +pkg_bisect_fetch = git +pkg_bisect_repo = https://github.com/knutin/bisect +pkg_bisect_commit = master + +PACKAGES += bitcask +pkg_bitcask_name = bitcask +pkg_bitcask_description = because you need another a key/value storage engine +pkg_bitcask_homepage = https://github.com/basho/bitcask +pkg_bitcask_fetch = git +pkg_bitcask_repo = https://github.com/basho/bitcask +pkg_bitcask_commit = develop + +PACKAGES += bitstore +pkg_bitstore_name = bitstore +pkg_bitstore_description = A document based ontology development environment +pkg_bitstore_homepage = https://github.com/bdionne/bitstore +pkg_bitstore_fetch = git +pkg_bitstore_repo = https://github.com/bdionne/bitstore +pkg_bitstore_commit = master + +PACKAGES += bootstrap +pkg_bootstrap_name = bootstrap +pkg_bootstrap_description = A simple, yet powerful Erlang cluster bootstrapping application. +pkg_bootstrap_homepage = https://github.com/schlagert/bootstrap +pkg_bootstrap_fetch = git +pkg_bootstrap_repo = https://github.com/schlagert/bootstrap +pkg_bootstrap_commit = master + +PACKAGES += boss +pkg_boss_name = boss +pkg_boss_description = Erlang web MVC, now featuring Comet +pkg_boss_homepage = https://github.com/ChicagoBoss/ChicagoBoss +pkg_boss_fetch = git +pkg_boss_repo = https://github.com/ChicagoBoss/ChicagoBoss +pkg_boss_commit = master + +PACKAGES += boss_db +pkg_boss_db_name = boss_db +pkg_boss_db_description = BossDB: a sharded, caching, pooling, evented ORM for Erlang +pkg_boss_db_homepage = https://github.com/ErlyORM/boss_db +pkg_boss_db_fetch = git +pkg_boss_db_repo = https://github.com/ErlyORM/boss_db +pkg_boss_db_commit = master + +PACKAGES += brod +pkg_brod_name = brod +pkg_brod_description = Kafka client in Erlang +pkg_brod_homepage = https://github.com/klarna/brod +pkg_brod_fetch = git +pkg_brod_repo = https://github.com/klarna/brod.git +pkg_brod_commit = master + +PACKAGES += bson +pkg_bson_name = bson +pkg_bson_description = BSON documents in Erlang, see bsonspec.org +pkg_bson_homepage = https://github.com/comtihon/bson-erlang +pkg_bson_fetch = git +pkg_bson_repo = https://github.com/comtihon/bson-erlang +pkg_bson_commit = master + +PACKAGES += bullet +pkg_bullet_name = bullet +pkg_bullet_description = Simple, reliable, efficient streaming for Cowboy. +pkg_bullet_homepage = http://ninenines.eu +pkg_bullet_fetch = git +pkg_bullet_repo = https://github.com/ninenines/bullet +pkg_bullet_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cache +pkg_cache_name = cache +pkg_cache_description = Erlang in-memory cache +pkg_cache_homepage = https://github.com/fogfish/cache +pkg_cache_fetch = git +pkg_cache_repo = https://github.com/fogfish/cache +pkg_cache_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cake +pkg_cake_name = cake +pkg_cake_description = Really simple terminal colorization +pkg_cake_homepage = https://github.com/darach/cake-erl +pkg_cake_fetch = git +pkg_cake_repo = https://github.com/darach/cake-erl +pkg_cake_commit = master + +PACKAGES += carotene +pkg_carotene_name = carotene +pkg_carotene_description = Real-time server +pkg_carotene_homepage = https://github.com/carotene/carotene +pkg_carotene_fetch = git +pkg_carotene_repo = https://github.com/carotene/carotene +pkg_carotene_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cberl +pkg_cberl_name = cberl +pkg_cberl_description = NIF based Erlang bindings for Couchbase +pkg_cberl_homepage = https://github.com/chitika/cberl +pkg_cberl_fetch = git +pkg_cberl_repo = https://github.com/chitika/cberl +pkg_cberl_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cecho +pkg_cecho_name = cecho +pkg_cecho_description = An ncurses library for Erlang +pkg_cecho_homepage = https://github.com/mazenharake/cecho +pkg_cecho_fetch = git +pkg_cecho_repo = https://github.com/mazenharake/cecho +pkg_cecho_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cferl +pkg_cferl_name = cferl +pkg_cferl_description = Rackspace / Open Stack Cloud Files Erlang Client +pkg_cferl_homepage = https://github.com/ddossot/cferl +pkg_cferl_fetch = git +pkg_cferl_repo = https://github.com/ddossot/cferl +pkg_cferl_commit = master + +PACKAGES += chaos_monkey +pkg_chaos_monkey_name = chaos_monkey +pkg_chaos_monkey_description = This is The CHAOS MONKEY. It will kill your processes. +pkg_chaos_monkey_homepage = https://github.com/dLuna/chaos_monkey +pkg_chaos_monkey_fetch = git +pkg_chaos_monkey_repo = https://github.com/dLuna/chaos_monkey +pkg_chaos_monkey_commit = master + +PACKAGES += check_node +pkg_check_node_name = check_node +pkg_check_node_description = Nagios Scripts for monitoring Riak +pkg_check_node_homepage = https://github.com/basho-labs/riak_nagios +pkg_check_node_fetch = git +pkg_check_node_repo = https://github.com/basho-labs/riak_nagios +pkg_check_node_commit = master + +PACKAGES += chronos +pkg_chronos_name = chronos +pkg_chronos_description = Timer module for Erlang that makes it easy to abstact time out of the tests. +pkg_chronos_homepage = https://github.com/lehoff/chronos +pkg_chronos_fetch = git +pkg_chronos_repo = https://github.com/lehoff/chronos +pkg_chronos_commit = master + +PACKAGES += chumak +pkg_chumak_name = chumak +pkg_chumak_description = Pure Erlang implementation of ZeroMQ Message Transport Protocol. +pkg_chumak_homepage = http://choven.ca +pkg_chumak_fetch = git +pkg_chumak_repo = https://github.com/chovencorp/chumak +pkg_chumak_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cl +pkg_cl_name = cl +pkg_cl_description = OpenCL binding for Erlang +pkg_cl_homepage = https://github.com/tonyrog/cl +pkg_cl_fetch = git +pkg_cl_repo = https://github.com/tonyrog/cl +pkg_cl_commit = master + +PACKAGES += clique +pkg_clique_name = clique +pkg_clique_description = CLI Framework for Erlang +pkg_clique_homepage = https://github.com/basho/clique +pkg_clique_fetch = git +pkg_clique_repo = https://github.com/basho/clique +pkg_clique_commit = develop + +PACKAGES += cloudi_core +pkg_cloudi_core_name = cloudi_core +pkg_cloudi_core_description = CloudI internal service runtime +pkg_cloudi_core_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_core_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_core_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_core +pkg_cloudi_core_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_api_requests +pkg_cloudi_service_api_requests_name = cloudi_service_api_requests +pkg_cloudi_service_api_requests_description = CloudI Service API requests (JSON-RPC/Erlang-term support) +pkg_cloudi_service_api_requests_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_api_requests_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_api_requests_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_api_requests +pkg_cloudi_service_api_requests_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_db +pkg_cloudi_service_db_name = cloudi_service_db +pkg_cloudi_service_db_description = CloudI Database (in-memory/testing/generic) +pkg_cloudi_service_db_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_db_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_db_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_db +pkg_cloudi_service_db_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_db_cassandra +pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_name = cloudi_service_db_cassandra +pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_description = Cassandra CloudI Service +pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_db_cassandra +pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_db_cassandra_cql +pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_cql_name = cloudi_service_db_cassandra_cql +pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_cql_description = Cassandra CQL CloudI Service +pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_cql_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_cql_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_cql_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_db_cassandra_cql +pkg_cloudi_service_db_cassandra_cql_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_db_couchdb +pkg_cloudi_service_db_couchdb_name = cloudi_service_db_couchdb +pkg_cloudi_service_db_couchdb_description = CouchDB CloudI Service +pkg_cloudi_service_db_couchdb_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_db_couchdb_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_db_couchdb_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_db_couchdb +pkg_cloudi_service_db_couchdb_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_db_elasticsearch +pkg_cloudi_service_db_elasticsearch_name = cloudi_service_db_elasticsearch +pkg_cloudi_service_db_elasticsearch_description = elasticsearch CloudI Service +pkg_cloudi_service_db_elasticsearch_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_db_elasticsearch_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_db_elasticsearch_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_db_elasticsearch +pkg_cloudi_service_db_elasticsearch_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_db_memcached +pkg_cloudi_service_db_memcached_name = cloudi_service_db_memcached +pkg_cloudi_service_db_memcached_description = memcached CloudI Service +pkg_cloudi_service_db_memcached_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_db_memcached_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_db_memcached_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_db_memcached +pkg_cloudi_service_db_memcached_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_db_mysql +pkg_cloudi_service_db_mysql_name = cloudi_service_db_mysql +pkg_cloudi_service_db_mysql_description = MySQL CloudI Service +pkg_cloudi_service_db_mysql_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_db_mysql_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_db_mysql_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_db_mysql +pkg_cloudi_service_db_mysql_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_db_pgsql +pkg_cloudi_service_db_pgsql_name = cloudi_service_db_pgsql +pkg_cloudi_service_db_pgsql_description = PostgreSQL CloudI Service +pkg_cloudi_service_db_pgsql_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_db_pgsql_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_db_pgsql_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_db_pgsql +pkg_cloudi_service_db_pgsql_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_db_riak +pkg_cloudi_service_db_riak_name = cloudi_service_db_riak +pkg_cloudi_service_db_riak_description = Riak CloudI Service +pkg_cloudi_service_db_riak_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_db_riak_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_db_riak_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_db_riak +pkg_cloudi_service_db_riak_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_db_tokyotyrant +pkg_cloudi_service_db_tokyotyrant_name = cloudi_service_db_tokyotyrant +pkg_cloudi_service_db_tokyotyrant_description = Tokyo Tyrant CloudI Service +pkg_cloudi_service_db_tokyotyrant_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_db_tokyotyrant_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_db_tokyotyrant_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_db_tokyotyrant +pkg_cloudi_service_db_tokyotyrant_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_filesystem +pkg_cloudi_service_filesystem_name = cloudi_service_filesystem +pkg_cloudi_service_filesystem_description = Filesystem CloudI Service +pkg_cloudi_service_filesystem_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_filesystem_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_filesystem_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_filesystem +pkg_cloudi_service_filesystem_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_http_client +pkg_cloudi_service_http_client_name = cloudi_service_http_client +pkg_cloudi_service_http_client_description = HTTP client CloudI Service +pkg_cloudi_service_http_client_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_http_client_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_http_client_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_http_client +pkg_cloudi_service_http_client_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_http_cowboy +pkg_cloudi_service_http_cowboy_name = cloudi_service_http_cowboy +pkg_cloudi_service_http_cowboy_description = cowboy HTTP/HTTPS CloudI Service +pkg_cloudi_service_http_cowboy_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_http_cowboy_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_http_cowboy_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_http_cowboy +pkg_cloudi_service_http_cowboy_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_http_elli +pkg_cloudi_service_http_elli_name = cloudi_service_http_elli +pkg_cloudi_service_http_elli_description = elli HTTP CloudI Service +pkg_cloudi_service_http_elli_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_http_elli_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_http_elli_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_http_elli +pkg_cloudi_service_http_elli_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_map_reduce +pkg_cloudi_service_map_reduce_name = cloudi_service_map_reduce +pkg_cloudi_service_map_reduce_description = Map/Reduce CloudI Service +pkg_cloudi_service_map_reduce_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_map_reduce_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_map_reduce_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_map_reduce +pkg_cloudi_service_map_reduce_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_oauth1 +pkg_cloudi_service_oauth1_name = cloudi_service_oauth1 +pkg_cloudi_service_oauth1_description = OAuth v1.0 CloudI Service +pkg_cloudi_service_oauth1_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_oauth1_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_oauth1_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_oauth1 +pkg_cloudi_service_oauth1_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_queue +pkg_cloudi_service_queue_name = cloudi_service_queue +pkg_cloudi_service_queue_description = Persistent Queue Service +pkg_cloudi_service_queue_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_queue_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_queue_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_queue +pkg_cloudi_service_queue_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_quorum +pkg_cloudi_service_quorum_name = cloudi_service_quorum +pkg_cloudi_service_quorum_description = CloudI Quorum Service +pkg_cloudi_service_quorum_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_quorum_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_quorum_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_quorum +pkg_cloudi_service_quorum_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_router +pkg_cloudi_service_router_name = cloudi_service_router +pkg_cloudi_service_router_description = CloudI Router Service +pkg_cloudi_service_router_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_router_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_router_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_router +pkg_cloudi_service_router_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_tcp +pkg_cloudi_service_tcp_name = cloudi_service_tcp +pkg_cloudi_service_tcp_description = TCP CloudI Service +pkg_cloudi_service_tcp_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_tcp_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_tcp_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_tcp +pkg_cloudi_service_tcp_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_timers +pkg_cloudi_service_timers_name = cloudi_service_timers +pkg_cloudi_service_timers_description = Timers CloudI Service +pkg_cloudi_service_timers_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_timers_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_timers_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_timers +pkg_cloudi_service_timers_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_udp +pkg_cloudi_service_udp_name = cloudi_service_udp +pkg_cloudi_service_udp_description = UDP CloudI Service +pkg_cloudi_service_udp_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_udp_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_udp_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_udp +pkg_cloudi_service_udp_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_validate +pkg_cloudi_service_validate_name = cloudi_service_validate +pkg_cloudi_service_validate_description = CloudI Validate Service +pkg_cloudi_service_validate_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_validate_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_validate_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_validate +pkg_cloudi_service_validate_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cloudi_service_zeromq +pkg_cloudi_service_zeromq_name = cloudi_service_zeromq +pkg_cloudi_service_zeromq_description = ZeroMQ CloudI Service +pkg_cloudi_service_zeromq_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_cloudi_service_zeromq_fetch = git +pkg_cloudi_service_zeromq_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/cloudi_service_zeromq +pkg_cloudi_service_zeromq_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cluster_info +pkg_cluster_info_name = cluster_info +pkg_cluster_info_description = Fork of Hibari's nifty cluster_info OTP app +pkg_cluster_info_homepage = https://github.com/basho/cluster_info +pkg_cluster_info_fetch = git +pkg_cluster_info_repo = https://github.com/basho/cluster_info +pkg_cluster_info_commit = master + +PACKAGES += color +pkg_color_name = color +pkg_color_description = ANSI colors for your Erlang +pkg_color_homepage = https://github.com/julianduque/erlang-color +pkg_color_fetch = git +pkg_color_repo = https://github.com/julianduque/erlang-color +pkg_color_commit = master + +PACKAGES += confetti +pkg_confetti_name = confetti +pkg_confetti_description = Erlang configuration provider / application:get_env/2 on steroids +pkg_confetti_homepage = https://github.com/jtendo/confetti +pkg_confetti_fetch = git +pkg_confetti_repo = https://github.com/jtendo/confetti +pkg_confetti_commit = master + +PACKAGES += couchbeam +pkg_couchbeam_name = couchbeam +pkg_couchbeam_description = Apache CouchDB client in Erlang +pkg_couchbeam_homepage = https://github.com/benoitc/couchbeam +pkg_couchbeam_fetch = git +pkg_couchbeam_repo = https://github.com/benoitc/couchbeam +pkg_couchbeam_commit = master + +PACKAGES += covertool +pkg_covertool_name = covertool +pkg_covertool_description = Tool to convert Erlang cover data files into Cobertura XML reports +pkg_covertool_homepage = https://github.com/idubrov/covertool +pkg_covertool_fetch = git +pkg_covertool_repo = https://github.com/idubrov/covertool +pkg_covertool_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cowboy +pkg_cowboy_name = cowboy +pkg_cowboy_description = Small, fast and modular HTTP server. +pkg_cowboy_homepage = http://ninenines.eu +pkg_cowboy_fetch = git +pkg_cowboy_repo = https://github.com/ninenines/cowboy +pkg_cowboy_commit = 1.0.4 + +PACKAGES += cowdb +pkg_cowdb_name = cowdb +pkg_cowdb_description = Pure Key/Value database library for Erlang Applications +pkg_cowdb_homepage = https://github.com/refuge/cowdb +pkg_cowdb_fetch = git +pkg_cowdb_repo = https://github.com/refuge/cowdb +pkg_cowdb_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cowlib +pkg_cowlib_name = cowlib +pkg_cowlib_description = Support library for manipulating Web protocols. +pkg_cowlib_homepage = http://ninenines.eu +pkg_cowlib_fetch = git +pkg_cowlib_repo = https://github.com/ninenines/cowlib +pkg_cowlib_commit = 1.0.2 + +PACKAGES += cpg +pkg_cpg_name = cpg +pkg_cpg_description = CloudI Process Groups +pkg_cpg_homepage = https://github.com/okeuday/cpg +pkg_cpg_fetch = git +pkg_cpg_repo = https://github.com/okeuday/cpg +pkg_cpg_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cqerl +pkg_cqerl_name = cqerl +pkg_cqerl_description = Native Erlang CQL client for Cassandra +pkg_cqerl_homepage = https://matehat.github.io/cqerl/ +pkg_cqerl_fetch = git +pkg_cqerl_repo = https://github.com/matehat/cqerl +pkg_cqerl_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cr +pkg_cr_name = cr +pkg_cr_description = Chain Replication +pkg_cr_homepage = https://synrc.com/apps/cr/doc/cr.htm +pkg_cr_fetch = git +pkg_cr_repo = https://github.com/spawnproc/cr +pkg_cr_commit = master + +PACKAGES += cuttlefish +pkg_cuttlefish_name = cuttlefish +pkg_cuttlefish_description = never lose your childlike sense of wonder baby cuttlefish, promise me? +pkg_cuttlefish_homepage = https://github.com/basho/cuttlefish +pkg_cuttlefish_fetch = git +pkg_cuttlefish_repo = https://github.com/basho/cuttlefish +pkg_cuttlefish_commit = master + +PACKAGES += damocles +pkg_damocles_name = damocles +pkg_damocles_description = Erlang library for generating adversarial network conditions for QAing distributed applications/systems on a single Linux box. +pkg_damocles_homepage = https://github.com/lostcolony/damocles +pkg_damocles_fetch = git +pkg_damocles_repo = https://github.com/lostcolony/damocles +pkg_damocles_commit = master + +PACKAGES += debbie +pkg_debbie_name = debbie +pkg_debbie_description = .DEB Built In Erlang +pkg_debbie_homepage = https://github.com/crownedgrouse/debbie +pkg_debbie_fetch = git +pkg_debbie_repo = https://github.com/crownedgrouse/debbie +pkg_debbie_commit = master + +PACKAGES += decimal +pkg_decimal_name = decimal +pkg_decimal_description = An Erlang decimal arithmetic library +pkg_decimal_homepage = https://github.com/tim/erlang-decimal +pkg_decimal_fetch = git +pkg_decimal_repo = https://github.com/tim/erlang-decimal +pkg_decimal_commit = master + +PACKAGES += detergent +pkg_detergent_name = detergent +pkg_detergent_description = An emulsifying Erlang SOAP library +pkg_detergent_homepage = https://github.com/devinus/detergent +pkg_detergent_fetch = git +pkg_detergent_repo = https://github.com/devinus/detergent +pkg_detergent_commit = master + +PACKAGES += detest +pkg_detest_name = detest +pkg_detest_description = Tool for running tests on a cluster of erlang nodes +pkg_detest_homepage = https://github.com/biokoda/detest +pkg_detest_fetch = git +pkg_detest_repo = https://github.com/biokoda/detest +pkg_detest_commit = master + +PACKAGES += dh_date +pkg_dh_date_name = dh_date +pkg_dh_date_description = Date formatting / parsing library for erlang +pkg_dh_date_homepage = https://github.com/daleharvey/dh_date +pkg_dh_date_fetch = git +pkg_dh_date_repo = https://github.com/daleharvey/dh_date +pkg_dh_date_commit = master + +PACKAGES += dirbusterl +pkg_dirbusterl_name = dirbusterl +pkg_dirbusterl_description = DirBuster successor in Erlang +pkg_dirbusterl_homepage = https://github.com/silentsignal/DirBustErl +pkg_dirbusterl_fetch = git +pkg_dirbusterl_repo = https://github.com/silentsignal/DirBustErl +pkg_dirbusterl_commit = master + +PACKAGES += dispcount +pkg_dispcount_name = dispcount +pkg_dispcount_description = Erlang task dispatcher based on ETS counters. +pkg_dispcount_homepage = https://github.com/ferd/dispcount +pkg_dispcount_fetch = git +pkg_dispcount_repo = https://github.com/ferd/dispcount +pkg_dispcount_commit = master + +PACKAGES += dlhttpc +pkg_dlhttpc_name = dlhttpc +pkg_dlhttpc_description = dispcount-based lhttpc fork for massive amounts of requests to limited endpoints +pkg_dlhttpc_homepage = https://github.com/ferd/dlhttpc +pkg_dlhttpc_fetch = git +pkg_dlhttpc_repo = https://github.com/ferd/dlhttpc +pkg_dlhttpc_commit = master + +PACKAGES += dns +pkg_dns_name = dns +pkg_dns_description = Erlang DNS library +pkg_dns_homepage = https://github.com/aetrion/dns_erlang +pkg_dns_fetch = git +pkg_dns_repo = https://github.com/aetrion/dns_erlang +pkg_dns_commit = master + +PACKAGES += dnssd +pkg_dnssd_name = dnssd +pkg_dnssd_description = Erlang interface to Apple's Bonjour D NS Service Discovery implementation +pkg_dnssd_homepage = https://github.com/benoitc/dnssd_erlang +pkg_dnssd_fetch = git +pkg_dnssd_repo = https://github.com/benoitc/dnssd_erlang +pkg_dnssd_commit = master + +PACKAGES += dynamic_compile +pkg_dynamic_compile_name = dynamic_compile +pkg_dynamic_compile_description = compile and load erlang modules from string input +pkg_dynamic_compile_homepage = https://github.com/jkvor/dynamic_compile +pkg_dynamic_compile_fetch = git +pkg_dynamic_compile_repo = https://github.com/jkvor/dynamic_compile +pkg_dynamic_compile_commit = master + +PACKAGES += e2 +pkg_e2_name = e2 +pkg_e2_description = Library to simply writing correct OTP applications. +pkg_e2_homepage = http://e2project.org +pkg_e2_fetch = git +pkg_e2_repo = https://github.com/gar1t/e2 +pkg_e2_commit = master + +PACKAGES += eamf +pkg_eamf_name = eamf +pkg_eamf_description = eAMF provides Action Message Format (AMF) support for Erlang +pkg_eamf_homepage = https://github.com/mrinalwadhwa/eamf +pkg_eamf_fetch = git +pkg_eamf_repo = https://github.com/mrinalwadhwa/eamf +pkg_eamf_commit = master + +PACKAGES += eavro +pkg_eavro_name = eavro +pkg_eavro_description = Apache Avro encoder/decoder +pkg_eavro_homepage = https://github.com/SIfoxDevTeam/eavro +pkg_eavro_fetch = git +pkg_eavro_repo = https://github.com/SIfoxDevTeam/eavro +pkg_eavro_commit = master + +PACKAGES += ecapnp +pkg_ecapnp_name = ecapnp +pkg_ecapnp_description = Cap'n Proto library for Erlang +pkg_ecapnp_homepage = https://github.com/kaos/ecapnp +pkg_ecapnp_fetch = git +pkg_ecapnp_repo = https://github.com/kaos/ecapnp +pkg_ecapnp_commit = master + +PACKAGES += econfig +pkg_econfig_name = econfig +pkg_econfig_description = simple Erlang config handler using INI files +pkg_econfig_homepage = https://github.com/benoitc/econfig +pkg_econfig_fetch = git +pkg_econfig_repo = https://github.com/benoitc/econfig +pkg_econfig_commit = master + +PACKAGES += edate +pkg_edate_name = edate +pkg_edate_description = date manipulation library for erlang +pkg_edate_homepage = https://github.com/dweldon/edate +pkg_edate_fetch = git +pkg_edate_repo = https://github.com/dweldon/edate +pkg_edate_commit = master + +PACKAGES += edgar +pkg_edgar_name = edgar +pkg_edgar_description = Erlang Does GNU AR +pkg_edgar_homepage = https://github.com/crownedgrouse/edgar +pkg_edgar_fetch = git +pkg_edgar_repo = https://github.com/crownedgrouse/edgar +pkg_edgar_commit = master + +PACKAGES += edis +pkg_edis_name = edis +pkg_edis_description = An Erlang implementation of Redis KV Store +pkg_edis_homepage = http://inaka.github.com/edis/ +pkg_edis_fetch = git +pkg_edis_repo = https://github.com/inaka/edis +pkg_edis_commit = master + +PACKAGES += edns +pkg_edns_name = edns +pkg_edns_description = Erlang/OTP DNS server +pkg_edns_homepage = https://github.com/hcvst/erlang-dns +pkg_edns_fetch = git +pkg_edns_repo = https://github.com/hcvst/erlang-dns +pkg_edns_commit = master + +PACKAGES += edown +pkg_edown_name = edown +pkg_edown_description = EDoc extension for generating Github-flavored Markdown +pkg_edown_homepage = https://github.com/uwiger/edown +pkg_edown_fetch = git +pkg_edown_repo = https://github.com/uwiger/edown +pkg_edown_commit = master + +PACKAGES += eep +pkg_eep_name = eep +pkg_eep_description = Erlang Easy Profiling (eep) application provides a way to analyze application performance and call hierarchy +pkg_eep_homepage = https://github.com/virtan/eep +pkg_eep_fetch = git +pkg_eep_repo = https://github.com/virtan/eep +pkg_eep_commit = master + +PACKAGES += eep_app +pkg_eep_app_name = eep_app +pkg_eep_app_description = Embedded Event Processing +pkg_eep_app_homepage = https://github.com/darach/eep-erl +pkg_eep_app_fetch = git +pkg_eep_app_repo = https://github.com/darach/eep-erl +pkg_eep_app_commit = master + +PACKAGES += efene +pkg_efene_name = efene +pkg_efene_description = Alternative syntax for the Erlang Programming Language focusing on simplicity, ease of use and programmer UX +pkg_efene_homepage = https://github.com/efene/efene +pkg_efene_fetch = git +pkg_efene_repo = https://github.com/efene/efene +pkg_efene_commit = master + +PACKAGES += egeoip +pkg_egeoip_name = egeoip +pkg_egeoip_description = Erlang IP Geolocation module, currently supporting the MaxMind GeoLite City Database. +pkg_egeoip_homepage = https://github.com/mochi/egeoip +pkg_egeoip_fetch = git +pkg_egeoip_repo = https://github.com/mochi/egeoip +pkg_egeoip_commit = master + +PACKAGES += ehsa +pkg_ehsa_name = ehsa +pkg_ehsa_description = Erlang HTTP server basic and digest authentication modules +pkg_ehsa_homepage = https://bitbucket.org/a12n/ehsa +pkg_ehsa_fetch = hg +pkg_ehsa_repo = https://bitbucket.org/a12n/ehsa +pkg_ehsa_commit = default + +PACKAGES += ej +pkg_ej_name = ej +pkg_ej_description = Helper module for working with Erlang terms representing JSON +pkg_ej_homepage = https://github.com/seth/ej +pkg_ej_fetch = git +pkg_ej_repo = https://github.com/seth/ej +pkg_ej_commit = master + +PACKAGES += ejabberd +pkg_ejabberd_name = ejabberd +pkg_ejabberd_description = Robust, ubiquitous and massively scalable Jabber / XMPP Instant Messaging platform +pkg_ejabberd_homepage = https://github.com/processone/ejabberd +pkg_ejabberd_fetch = git +pkg_ejabberd_repo = https://github.com/processone/ejabberd +pkg_ejabberd_commit = master + +PACKAGES += ejwt +pkg_ejwt_name = ejwt +pkg_ejwt_description = erlang library for JSON Web Token +pkg_ejwt_homepage = https://github.com/artefactop/ejwt +pkg_ejwt_fetch = git +pkg_ejwt_repo = https://github.com/artefactop/ejwt +pkg_ejwt_commit = master + +PACKAGES += ekaf +pkg_ekaf_name = ekaf +pkg_ekaf_description = A minimal, high-performance Kafka client in Erlang. +pkg_ekaf_homepage = https://github.com/helpshift/ekaf +pkg_ekaf_fetch = git +pkg_ekaf_repo = https://github.com/helpshift/ekaf +pkg_ekaf_commit = master + +PACKAGES += elarm +pkg_elarm_name = elarm +pkg_elarm_description = Alarm Manager for Erlang. +pkg_elarm_homepage = https://github.com/esl/elarm +pkg_elarm_fetch = git +pkg_elarm_repo = https://github.com/esl/elarm +pkg_elarm_commit = master + +PACKAGES += eleveldb +pkg_eleveldb_name = eleveldb +pkg_eleveldb_description = Erlang LevelDB API +pkg_eleveldb_homepage = https://github.com/basho/eleveldb +pkg_eleveldb_fetch = git +pkg_eleveldb_repo = https://github.com/basho/eleveldb +pkg_eleveldb_commit = master + +PACKAGES += elixir +pkg_elixir_name = elixir +pkg_elixir_description = Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications +pkg_elixir_homepage = https://elixir-lang.org/ +pkg_elixir_fetch = git +pkg_elixir_repo = https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir +pkg_elixir_commit = master + +PACKAGES += elli +pkg_elli_name = elli +pkg_elli_description = Simple, robust and performant Erlang web server +pkg_elli_homepage = https://github.com/elli-lib/elli +pkg_elli_fetch = git +pkg_elli_repo = https://github.com/elli-lib/elli +pkg_elli_commit = master + +PACKAGES += elvis +pkg_elvis_name = elvis +pkg_elvis_description = Erlang Style Reviewer +pkg_elvis_homepage = https://github.com/inaka/elvis +pkg_elvis_fetch = git +pkg_elvis_repo = https://github.com/inaka/elvis +pkg_elvis_commit = master + +PACKAGES += emagick +pkg_emagick_name = emagick +pkg_emagick_description = Wrapper for Graphics/ImageMagick command line tool. +pkg_emagick_homepage = https://github.com/kivra/emagick +pkg_emagick_fetch = git +pkg_emagick_repo = https://github.com/kivra/emagick +pkg_emagick_commit = master + +PACKAGES += emysql +pkg_emysql_name = emysql +pkg_emysql_description = Stable, pure Erlang MySQL driver. +pkg_emysql_homepage = https://github.com/Eonblast/Emysql +pkg_emysql_fetch = git +pkg_emysql_repo = https://github.com/Eonblast/Emysql +pkg_emysql_commit = master + +PACKAGES += enm +pkg_enm_name = enm +pkg_enm_description = Erlang driver for nanomsg +pkg_enm_homepage = https://github.com/basho/enm +pkg_enm_fetch = git +pkg_enm_repo = https://github.com/basho/enm +pkg_enm_commit = master + +PACKAGES += entop +pkg_entop_name = entop +pkg_entop_description = A top-like tool for monitoring an Erlang node +pkg_entop_homepage = https://github.com/mazenharake/entop +pkg_entop_fetch = git +pkg_entop_repo = https://github.com/mazenharake/entop +pkg_entop_commit = master + +PACKAGES += epcap +pkg_epcap_name = epcap +pkg_epcap_description = Erlang packet capture interface using pcap +pkg_epcap_homepage = https://github.com/msantos/epcap +pkg_epcap_fetch = git +pkg_epcap_repo = https://github.com/msantos/epcap +pkg_epcap_commit = master + +PACKAGES += eper +pkg_eper_name = eper +pkg_eper_description = Erlang performance and debugging tools. +pkg_eper_homepage = https://github.com/massemanet/eper +pkg_eper_fetch = git +pkg_eper_repo = https://github.com/massemanet/eper +pkg_eper_commit = master + +PACKAGES += epgsql +pkg_epgsql_name = epgsql +pkg_epgsql_description = Erlang PostgreSQL client library. +pkg_epgsql_homepage = https://github.com/epgsql/epgsql +pkg_epgsql_fetch = git +pkg_epgsql_repo = https://github.com/epgsql/epgsql +pkg_epgsql_commit = master + +PACKAGES += episcina +pkg_episcina_name = episcina +pkg_episcina_description = A simple non intrusive resource pool for connections +pkg_episcina_homepage = https://github.com/erlware/episcina +pkg_episcina_fetch = git +pkg_episcina_repo = https://github.com/erlware/episcina +pkg_episcina_commit = master + +PACKAGES += eplot +pkg_eplot_name = eplot +pkg_eplot_description = A plot engine written in erlang. +pkg_eplot_homepage = https://github.com/psyeugenic/eplot +pkg_eplot_fetch = git +pkg_eplot_repo = https://github.com/psyeugenic/eplot +pkg_eplot_commit = master + +PACKAGES += epocxy +pkg_epocxy_name = epocxy +pkg_epocxy_description = Erlang Patterns of Concurrency +pkg_epocxy_homepage = https://github.com/duomark/epocxy +pkg_epocxy_fetch = git +pkg_epocxy_repo = https://github.com/duomark/epocxy +pkg_epocxy_commit = master + +PACKAGES += epubnub +pkg_epubnub_name = epubnub +pkg_epubnub_description = Erlang PubNub API +pkg_epubnub_homepage = https://github.com/tsloughter/epubnub +pkg_epubnub_fetch = git +pkg_epubnub_repo = https://github.com/tsloughter/epubnub +pkg_epubnub_commit = master + +PACKAGES += eqm +pkg_eqm_name = eqm +pkg_eqm_description = Erlang pub sub with supply-demand channels +pkg_eqm_homepage = https://github.com/loucash/eqm +pkg_eqm_fetch = git +pkg_eqm_repo = https://github.com/loucash/eqm +pkg_eqm_commit = master + +PACKAGES += eredis +pkg_eredis_name = eredis +pkg_eredis_description = Erlang Redis client +pkg_eredis_homepage = https://github.com/wooga/eredis +pkg_eredis_fetch = git +pkg_eredis_repo = https://github.com/wooga/eredis +pkg_eredis_commit = master + +PACKAGES += eredis_pool +pkg_eredis_pool_name = eredis_pool +pkg_eredis_pool_description = eredis_pool is Pool of Redis clients, using eredis and poolboy. +pkg_eredis_pool_homepage = https://github.com/hiroeorz/eredis_pool +pkg_eredis_pool_fetch = git +pkg_eredis_pool_repo = https://github.com/hiroeorz/eredis_pool +pkg_eredis_pool_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erl_streams +pkg_erl_streams_name = erl_streams +pkg_erl_streams_description = Streams in Erlang +pkg_erl_streams_homepage = https://github.com/epappas/erl_streams +pkg_erl_streams_fetch = git +pkg_erl_streams_repo = https://github.com/epappas/erl_streams +pkg_erl_streams_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlang_cep +pkg_erlang_cep_name = erlang_cep +pkg_erlang_cep_description = A basic CEP package written in erlang +pkg_erlang_cep_homepage = https://github.com/danmacklin/erlang_cep +pkg_erlang_cep_fetch = git +pkg_erlang_cep_repo = https://github.com/danmacklin/erlang_cep +pkg_erlang_cep_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlang_js +pkg_erlang_js_name = erlang_js +pkg_erlang_js_description = A linked-in driver for Erlang to Mozilla's Spidermonkey Javascript runtime. +pkg_erlang_js_homepage = https://github.com/basho/erlang_js +pkg_erlang_js_fetch = git +pkg_erlang_js_repo = https://github.com/basho/erlang_js +pkg_erlang_js_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlang_localtime +pkg_erlang_localtime_name = erlang_localtime +pkg_erlang_localtime_description = Erlang library for conversion from one local time to another +pkg_erlang_localtime_homepage = https://github.com/dmitryme/erlang_localtime +pkg_erlang_localtime_fetch = git +pkg_erlang_localtime_repo = https://github.com/dmitryme/erlang_localtime +pkg_erlang_localtime_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlang_smtp +pkg_erlang_smtp_name = erlang_smtp +pkg_erlang_smtp_description = Erlang SMTP and POP3 server code. +pkg_erlang_smtp_homepage = https://github.com/tonyg/erlang-smtp +pkg_erlang_smtp_fetch = git +pkg_erlang_smtp_repo = https://github.com/tonyg/erlang-smtp +pkg_erlang_smtp_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlang_term +pkg_erlang_term_name = erlang_term +pkg_erlang_term_description = Erlang Term Info +pkg_erlang_term_homepage = https://github.com/okeuday/erlang_term +pkg_erlang_term_fetch = git +pkg_erlang_term_repo = https://github.com/okeuday/erlang_term +pkg_erlang_term_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlastic_search +pkg_erlastic_search_name = erlastic_search +pkg_erlastic_search_description = An Erlang app for communicating with Elastic Search's rest interface. +pkg_erlastic_search_homepage = https://github.com/tsloughter/erlastic_search +pkg_erlastic_search_fetch = git +pkg_erlastic_search_repo = https://github.com/tsloughter/erlastic_search +pkg_erlastic_search_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlasticsearch +pkg_erlasticsearch_name = erlasticsearch +pkg_erlasticsearch_description = Erlang thrift interface to elastic_search +pkg_erlasticsearch_homepage = https://github.com/dieswaytoofast/erlasticsearch +pkg_erlasticsearch_fetch = git +pkg_erlasticsearch_repo = https://github.com/dieswaytoofast/erlasticsearch +pkg_erlasticsearch_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlbrake +pkg_erlbrake_name = erlbrake +pkg_erlbrake_description = Erlang Airbrake notification client +pkg_erlbrake_homepage = https://github.com/kenpratt/erlbrake +pkg_erlbrake_fetch = git +pkg_erlbrake_repo = https://github.com/kenpratt/erlbrake +pkg_erlbrake_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlcloud +pkg_erlcloud_name = erlcloud +pkg_erlcloud_description = Cloud Computing library for erlang (Amazon EC2, S3, SQS, SimpleDB, Mechanical Turk, ELB) +pkg_erlcloud_homepage = https://github.com/gleber/erlcloud +pkg_erlcloud_fetch = git +pkg_erlcloud_repo = https://github.com/gleber/erlcloud +pkg_erlcloud_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlcron +pkg_erlcron_name = erlcron +pkg_erlcron_description = Erlang cronish system +pkg_erlcron_homepage = https://github.com/erlware/erlcron +pkg_erlcron_fetch = git +pkg_erlcron_repo = https://github.com/erlware/erlcron +pkg_erlcron_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erldb +pkg_erldb_name = erldb +pkg_erldb_description = ORM (Object-relational mapping) application implemented in Erlang +pkg_erldb_homepage = http://erldb.org +pkg_erldb_fetch = git +pkg_erldb_repo = https://github.com/erldb/erldb +pkg_erldb_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erldis +pkg_erldis_name = erldis +pkg_erldis_description = redis erlang client library +pkg_erldis_homepage = https://github.com/cstar/erldis +pkg_erldis_fetch = git +pkg_erldis_repo = https://github.com/cstar/erldis +pkg_erldis_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erldns +pkg_erldns_name = erldns +pkg_erldns_description = DNS server, in erlang. +pkg_erldns_homepage = https://github.com/aetrion/erl-dns +pkg_erldns_fetch = git +pkg_erldns_repo = https://github.com/aetrion/erl-dns +pkg_erldns_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erldocker +pkg_erldocker_name = erldocker +pkg_erldocker_description = Docker Remote API client for Erlang +pkg_erldocker_homepage = https://github.com/proger/erldocker +pkg_erldocker_fetch = git +pkg_erldocker_repo = https://github.com/proger/erldocker +pkg_erldocker_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlfsmon +pkg_erlfsmon_name = erlfsmon +pkg_erlfsmon_description = Erlang filesystem event watcher for Linux and OSX +pkg_erlfsmon_homepage = https://github.com/proger/erlfsmon +pkg_erlfsmon_fetch = git +pkg_erlfsmon_repo = https://github.com/proger/erlfsmon +pkg_erlfsmon_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlgit +pkg_erlgit_name = erlgit +pkg_erlgit_description = Erlang convenience wrapper around git executable +pkg_erlgit_homepage = https://github.com/gleber/erlgit +pkg_erlgit_fetch = git +pkg_erlgit_repo = https://github.com/gleber/erlgit +pkg_erlgit_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlguten +pkg_erlguten_name = erlguten +pkg_erlguten_description = ErlGuten is a system for high-quality typesetting, written purely in Erlang. +pkg_erlguten_homepage = https://github.com/richcarl/erlguten +pkg_erlguten_fetch = git +pkg_erlguten_repo = https://github.com/richcarl/erlguten +pkg_erlguten_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlmc +pkg_erlmc_name = erlmc +pkg_erlmc_description = Erlang memcached binary protocol client +pkg_erlmc_homepage = https://github.com/jkvor/erlmc +pkg_erlmc_fetch = git +pkg_erlmc_repo = https://github.com/jkvor/erlmc +pkg_erlmc_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlmongo +pkg_erlmongo_name = erlmongo +pkg_erlmongo_description = Record based Erlang driver for MongoDB with gridfs support +pkg_erlmongo_homepage = https://github.com/SergejJurecko/erlmongo +pkg_erlmongo_fetch = git +pkg_erlmongo_repo = https://github.com/SergejJurecko/erlmongo +pkg_erlmongo_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlog +pkg_erlog_name = erlog +pkg_erlog_description = Prolog interpreter in and for Erlang +pkg_erlog_homepage = https://github.com/rvirding/erlog +pkg_erlog_fetch = git +pkg_erlog_repo = https://github.com/rvirding/erlog +pkg_erlog_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlpass +pkg_erlpass_name = erlpass +pkg_erlpass_description = A library to handle password hashing and changing in a safe manner, independent from any kind of storage whatsoever. +pkg_erlpass_homepage = https://github.com/ferd/erlpass +pkg_erlpass_fetch = git +pkg_erlpass_repo = https://github.com/ferd/erlpass +pkg_erlpass_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlport +pkg_erlport_name = erlport +pkg_erlport_description = ErlPort - connect Erlang to other languages +pkg_erlport_homepage = https://github.com/hdima/erlport +pkg_erlport_fetch = git +pkg_erlport_repo = https://github.com/hdima/erlport +pkg_erlport_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlsh +pkg_erlsh_name = erlsh +pkg_erlsh_description = Erlang shell tools +pkg_erlsh_homepage = https://github.com/proger/erlsh +pkg_erlsh_fetch = git +pkg_erlsh_repo = https://github.com/proger/erlsh +pkg_erlsh_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlsha2 +pkg_erlsha2_name = erlsha2 +pkg_erlsha2_description = SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512 implemented in Erlang NIFs. +pkg_erlsha2_homepage = https://github.com/vinoski/erlsha2 +pkg_erlsha2_fetch = git +pkg_erlsha2_repo = https://github.com/vinoski/erlsha2 +pkg_erlsha2_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlsom +pkg_erlsom_name = erlsom +pkg_erlsom_description = XML parser for Erlang +pkg_erlsom_homepage = https://github.com/willemdj/erlsom +pkg_erlsom_fetch = git +pkg_erlsom_repo = https://github.com/willemdj/erlsom +pkg_erlsom_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlubi +pkg_erlubi_name = erlubi +pkg_erlubi_description = Ubigraph Erlang Client (and Process Visualizer) +pkg_erlubi_homepage = https://github.com/krestenkrab/erlubi +pkg_erlubi_fetch = git +pkg_erlubi_repo = https://github.com/krestenkrab/erlubi +pkg_erlubi_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlvolt +pkg_erlvolt_name = erlvolt +pkg_erlvolt_description = VoltDB Erlang Client Driver +pkg_erlvolt_homepage = https://github.com/VoltDB/voltdb-client-erlang +pkg_erlvolt_fetch = git +pkg_erlvolt_repo = https://github.com/VoltDB/voltdb-client-erlang +pkg_erlvolt_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlware_commons +pkg_erlware_commons_name = erlware_commons +pkg_erlware_commons_description = Erlware Commons is an Erlware project focused on all aspects of reusable Erlang components. +pkg_erlware_commons_homepage = https://github.com/erlware/erlware_commons +pkg_erlware_commons_fetch = git +pkg_erlware_commons_repo = https://github.com/erlware/erlware_commons +pkg_erlware_commons_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erlydtl +pkg_erlydtl_name = erlydtl +pkg_erlydtl_description = Django Template Language for Erlang. +pkg_erlydtl_homepage = https://github.com/erlydtl/erlydtl +pkg_erlydtl_fetch = git +pkg_erlydtl_repo = https://github.com/erlydtl/erlydtl +pkg_erlydtl_commit = master + +PACKAGES += errd +pkg_errd_name = errd +pkg_errd_description = Erlang RRDTool library +pkg_errd_homepage = https://github.com/archaelus/errd +pkg_errd_fetch = git +pkg_errd_repo = https://github.com/archaelus/errd +pkg_errd_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erserve +pkg_erserve_name = erserve +pkg_erserve_description = Erlang/Rserve communication interface +pkg_erserve_homepage = https://github.com/del/erserve +pkg_erserve_fetch = git +pkg_erserve_repo = https://github.com/del/erserve +pkg_erserve_commit = master + +PACKAGES += erwa +pkg_erwa_name = erwa +pkg_erwa_description = A WAMP router and client written in Erlang. +pkg_erwa_homepage = https://github.com/bwegh/erwa +pkg_erwa_fetch = git +pkg_erwa_repo = https://github.com/bwegh/erwa +pkg_erwa_commit = master + +PACKAGES += escalus +pkg_escalus_name = escalus +pkg_escalus_description = An XMPP client library in Erlang for conveniently testing XMPP servers +pkg_escalus_homepage = https://github.com/esl/escalus +pkg_escalus_fetch = git +pkg_escalus_repo = https://github.com/esl/escalus +pkg_escalus_commit = master + +PACKAGES += esh_mk +pkg_esh_mk_name = esh_mk +pkg_esh_mk_description = esh template engine plugin for erlang.mk +pkg_esh_mk_homepage = https://github.com/crownedgrouse/esh.mk +pkg_esh_mk_fetch = git +pkg_esh_mk_repo = https://github.com/crownedgrouse/esh.mk.git +pkg_esh_mk_commit = master + +PACKAGES += espec +pkg_espec_name = espec +pkg_espec_description = ESpec: Behaviour driven development framework for Erlang +pkg_espec_homepage = https://github.com/lucaspiller/espec +pkg_espec_fetch = git +pkg_espec_repo = https://github.com/lucaspiller/espec +pkg_espec_commit = master + +PACKAGES += estatsd +pkg_estatsd_name = estatsd +pkg_estatsd_description = Erlang stats aggregation app that periodically flushes data to graphite +pkg_estatsd_homepage = https://github.com/RJ/estatsd +pkg_estatsd_fetch = git +pkg_estatsd_repo = https://github.com/RJ/estatsd +pkg_estatsd_commit = master + +PACKAGES += etap +pkg_etap_name = etap +pkg_etap_description = etap is a simple erlang testing library that provides TAP compliant output. +pkg_etap_homepage = https://github.com/ngerakines/etap +pkg_etap_fetch = git +pkg_etap_repo = https://github.com/ngerakines/etap +pkg_etap_commit = master + +PACKAGES += etest +pkg_etest_name = etest +pkg_etest_description = A lightweight, convention over configuration test framework for Erlang +pkg_etest_homepage = https://github.com/wooga/etest +pkg_etest_fetch = git +pkg_etest_repo = https://github.com/wooga/etest +pkg_etest_commit = master + +PACKAGES += etest_http +pkg_etest_http_name = etest_http +pkg_etest_http_description = etest Assertions around HTTP (client-side) +pkg_etest_http_homepage = https://github.com/wooga/etest_http +pkg_etest_http_fetch = git +pkg_etest_http_repo = https://github.com/wooga/etest_http +pkg_etest_http_commit = master + +PACKAGES += etoml +pkg_etoml_name = etoml +pkg_etoml_description = TOML language erlang parser +pkg_etoml_homepage = https://github.com/kalta/etoml +pkg_etoml_fetch = git +pkg_etoml_repo = https://github.com/kalta/etoml +pkg_etoml_commit = master + +PACKAGES += eunit +pkg_eunit_name = eunit +pkg_eunit_description = The EUnit lightweight unit testing framework for Erlang - this is the canonical development repository. +pkg_eunit_homepage = https://github.com/richcarl/eunit +pkg_eunit_fetch = git +pkg_eunit_repo = https://github.com/richcarl/eunit +pkg_eunit_commit = master + +PACKAGES += eunit_formatters +pkg_eunit_formatters_name = eunit_formatters +pkg_eunit_formatters_description = Because eunit's output sucks. Let's make it better. +pkg_eunit_formatters_homepage = https://github.com/seancribbs/eunit_formatters +pkg_eunit_formatters_fetch = git +pkg_eunit_formatters_repo = https://github.com/seancribbs/eunit_formatters +pkg_eunit_formatters_commit = master + +PACKAGES += euthanasia +pkg_euthanasia_name = euthanasia +pkg_euthanasia_description = Merciful killer for your Erlang processes +pkg_euthanasia_homepage = https://github.com/doubleyou/euthanasia +pkg_euthanasia_fetch = git +pkg_euthanasia_repo = https://github.com/doubleyou/euthanasia +pkg_euthanasia_commit = master + +PACKAGES += evum +pkg_evum_name = evum +pkg_evum_description = Spawn Linux VMs as Erlang processes in the Erlang VM +pkg_evum_homepage = https://github.com/msantos/evum +pkg_evum_fetch = git +pkg_evum_repo = https://github.com/msantos/evum +pkg_evum_commit = master + +PACKAGES += exec +pkg_exec_name = erlexec +pkg_exec_description = Execute and control OS processes from Erlang/OTP. +pkg_exec_homepage = http://saleyn.github.com/erlexec +pkg_exec_fetch = git +pkg_exec_repo = https://github.com/saleyn/erlexec +pkg_exec_commit = master + +PACKAGES += exml +pkg_exml_name = exml +pkg_exml_description = XML parsing library in Erlang +pkg_exml_homepage = https://github.com/paulgray/exml +pkg_exml_fetch = git +pkg_exml_repo = https://github.com/paulgray/exml +pkg_exml_commit = master + +PACKAGES += exometer +pkg_exometer_name = exometer +pkg_exometer_description = Basic measurement objects and probe behavior +pkg_exometer_homepage = https://github.com/Feuerlabs/exometer +pkg_exometer_fetch = git +pkg_exometer_repo = https://github.com/Feuerlabs/exometer +pkg_exometer_commit = master + +PACKAGES += exs1024 +pkg_exs1024_name = exs1024 +pkg_exs1024_description = Xorshift1024star pseudo random number generator for Erlang. +pkg_exs1024_homepage = https://github.com/jj1bdx/exs1024 +pkg_exs1024_fetch = git +pkg_exs1024_repo = https://github.com/jj1bdx/exs1024 +pkg_exs1024_commit = master + +PACKAGES += exs64 +pkg_exs64_name = exs64 +pkg_exs64_description = Xorshift64star pseudo random number generator for Erlang. +pkg_exs64_homepage = https://github.com/jj1bdx/exs64 +pkg_exs64_fetch = git +pkg_exs64_repo = https://github.com/jj1bdx/exs64 +pkg_exs64_commit = master + +PACKAGES += exsplus116 +pkg_exsplus116_name = exsplus116 +pkg_exsplus116_description = Xorshift116plus for Erlang +pkg_exsplus116_homepage = https://github.com/jj1bdx/exsplus116 +pkg_exsplus116_fetch = git +pkg_exsplus116_repo = https://github.com/jj1bdx/exsplus116 +pkg_exsplus116_commit = master + +PACKAGES += exsplus128 +pkg_exsplus128_name = exsplus128 +pkg_exsplus128_description = Xorshift128plus pseudo random number generator for Erlang. +pkg_exsplus128_homepage = https://github.com/jj1bdx/exsplus128 +pkg_exsplus128_fetch = git +pkg_exsplus128_repo = https://github.com/jj1bdx/exsplus128 +pkg_exsplus128_commit = master + +PACKAGES += ezmq +pkg_ezmq_name = ezmq +pkg_ezmq_description = zMQ implemented in Erlang +pkg_ezmq_homepage = https://github.com/RoadRunnr/ezmq +pkg_ezmq_fetch = git +pkg_ezmq_repo = https://github.com/RoadRunnr/ezmq +pkg_ezmq_commit = master + +PACKAGES += ezmtp +pkg_ezmtp_name = ezmtp +pkg_ezmtp_description = ZMTP protocol in pure Erlang. +pkg_ezmtp_homepage = https://github.com/a13x/ezmtp +pkg_ezmtp_fetch = git +pkg_ezmtp_repo = https://github.com/a13x/ezmtp +pkg_ezmtp_commit = master + +PACKAGES += fast_disk_log +pkg_fast_disk_log_name = fast_disk_log +pkg_fast_disk_log_description = Pool-based asynchronous Erlang disk logger +pkg_fast_disk_log_homepage = https://github.com/lpgauth/fast_disk_log +pkg_fast_disk_log_fetch = git +pkg_fast_disk_log_repo = https://github.com/lpgauth/fast_disk_log +pkg_fast_disk_log_commit = master + +PACKAGES += feeder +pkg_feeder_name = feeder +pkg_feeder_description = Stream parse RSS and Atom formatted XML feeds. +pkg_feeder_homepage = https://github.com/michaelnisi/feeder +pkg_feeder_fetch = git +pkg_feeder_repo = https://github.com/michaelnisi/feeder +pkg_feeder_commit = master + +PACKAGES += find_crate +pkg_find_crate_name = find_crate +pkg_find_crate_description = Find Rust libs and exes in Erlang application priv directory +pkg_find_crate_homepage = https://github.com/goertzenator/find_crate +pkg_find_crate_fetch = git +pkg_find_crate_repo = https://github.com/goertzenator/find_crate +pkg_find_crate_commit = master + +PACKAGES += fix +pkg_fix_name = fix +pkg_fix_description = http://fixprotocol.org/ implementation. +pkg_fix_homepage = https://github.com/maxlapshin/fix +pkg_fix_fetch = git +pkg_fix_repo = https://github.com/maxlapshin/fix +pkg_fix_commit = master + +PACKAGES += flower +pkg_flower_name = flower +pkg_flower_description = FlowER - a Erlang OpenFlow development platform +pkg_flower_homepage = https://github.com/travelping/flower +pkg_flower_fetch = git +pkg_flower_repo = https://github.com/travelping/flower +pkg_flower_commit = master + +PACKAGES += fn +pkg_fn_name = fn +pkg_fn_description = Function utilities for Erlang +pkg_fn_homepage = https://github.com/reiddraper/fn +pkg_fn_fetch = git +pkg_fn_repo = https://github.com/reiddraper/fn +pkg_fn_commit = master + +PACKAGES += folsom +pkg_folsom_name = folsom +pkg_folsom_description = Expose Erlang Events and Metrics +pkg_folsom_homepage = https://github.com/boundary/folsom +pkg_folsom_fetch = git +pkg_folsom_repo = https://github.com/boundary/folsom +pkg_folsom_commit = master + +PACKAGES += folsom_cowboy +pkg_folsom_cowboy_name = folsom_cowboy +pkg_folsom_cowboy_description = A Cowboy based Folsom HTTP Wrapper. +pkg_folsom_cowboy_homepage = https://github.com/boundary/folsom_cowboy +pkg_folsom_cowboy_fetch = git +pkg_folsom_cowboy_repo = https://github.com/boundary/folsom_cowboy +pkg_folsom_cowboy_commit = master + +PACKAGES += folsomite +pkg_folsomite_name = folsomite +pkg_folsomite_description = blow up your graphite / riemann server with folsom metrics +pkg_folsomite_homepage = https://github.com/campanja/folsomite +pkg_folsomite_fetch = git +pkg_folsomite_repo = https://github.com/campanja/folsomite +pkg_folsomite_commit = master + +PACKAGES += fs +pkg_fs_name = fs +pkg_fs_description = Erlang FileSystem Listener +pkg_fs_homepage = https://github.com/synrc/fs +pkg_fs_fetch = git +pkg_fs_repo = https://github.com/synrc/fs +pkg_fs_commit = master + +PACKAGES += fuse +pkg_fuse_name = fuse +pkg_fuse_description = A Circuit Breaker for Erlang +pkg_fuse_homepage = https://github.com/jlouis/fuse +pkg_fuse_fetch = git +pkg_fuse_repo = https://github.com/jlouis/fuse +pkg_fuse_commit = master + +PACKAGES += gcm +pkg_gcm_name = gcm +pkg_gcm_description = An Erlang application for Google Cloud Messaging +pkg_gcm_homepage = https://github.com/pdincau/gcm-erlang +pkg_gcm_fetch = git +pkg_gcm_repo = https://github.com/pdincau/gcm-erlang +pkg_gcm_commit = master + +PACKAGES += gcprof +pkg_gcprof_name = gcprof +pkg_gcprof_description = Garbage Collection profiler for Erlang +pkg_gcprof_homepage = https://github.com/knutin/gcprof +pkg_gcprof_fetch = git +pkg_gcprof_repo = https://github.com/knutin/gcprof +pkg_gcprof_commit = master + +PACKAGES += geas +pkg_geas_name = geas +pkg_geas_description = Guess Erlang Application Scattering +pkg_geas_homepage = https://github.com/crownedgrouse/geas +pkg_geas_fetch = git +pkg_geas_repo = https://github.com/crownedgrouse/geas +pkg_geas_commit = master + +PACKAGES += geef +pkg_geef_name = geef +pkg_geef_description = Git NEEEEF (Erlang NIF) +pkg_geef_homepage = https://github.com/carlosmn/geef +pkg_geef_fetch = git +pkg_geef_repo = https://github.com/carlosmn/geef +pkg_geef_commit = master + +PACKAGES += gen_coap +pkg_gen_coap_name = gen_coap +pkg_gen_coap_description = Generic Erlang CoAP Client/Server +pkg_gen_coap_homepage = https://github.com/gotthardp/gen_coap +pkg_gen_coap_fetch = git +pkg_gen_coap_repo = https://github.com/gotthardp/gen_coap +pkg_gen_coap_commit = master + +PACKAGES += gen_cycle +pkg_gen_cycle_name = gen_cycle +pkg_gen_cycle_description = Simple, generic OTP behaviour for recurring tasks +pkg_gen_cycle_homepage = https://github.com/aerosol/gen_cycle +pkg_gen_cycle_fetch = git +pkg_gen_cycle_repo = https://github.com/aerosol/gen_cycle +pkg_gen_cycle_commit = develop + +PACKAGES += gen_icmp +pkg_gen_icmp_name = gen_icmp +pkg_gen_icmp_description = Erlang interface to ICMP sockets +pkg_gen_icmp_homepage = https://github.com/msantos/gen_icmp +pkg_gen_icmp_fetch = git +pkg_gen_icmp_repo = https://github.com/msantos/gen_icmp +pkg_gen_icmp_commit = master + +PACKAGES += gen_leader +pkg_gen_leader_name = gen_leader +pkg_gen_leader_description = leader election behavior +pkg_gen_leader_homepage = https://github.com/garret-smith/gen_leader_revival +pkg_gen_leader_fetch = git +pkg_gen_leader_repo = https://github.com/garret-smith/gen_leader_revival +pkg_gen_leader_commit = master + +PACKAGES += gen_nb_server +pkg_gen_nb_server_name = gen_nb_server +pkg_gen_nb_server_description = OTP behavior for writing non-blocking servers +pkg_gen_nb_server_homepage = https://github.com/kevsmith/gen_nb_server +pkg_gen_nb_server_fetch = git +pkg_gen_nb_server_repo = https://github.com/kevsmith/gen_nb_server +pkg_gen_nb_server_commit = master + +PACKAGES += gen_paxos +pkg_gen_paxos_name = gen_paxos +pkg_gen_paxos_description = An Erlang/OTP-style implementation of the PAXOS distributed consensus protocol +pkg_gen_paxos_homepage = https://github.com/gburd/gen_paxos +pkg_gen_paxos_fetch = git +pkg_gen_paxos_repo = https://github.com/gburd/gen_paxos +pkg_gen_paxos_commit = master + +PACKAGES += gen_rpc +pkg_gen_rpc_name = gen_rpc +pkg_gen_rpc_description = A scalable RPC library for Erlang-VM based languages +pkg_gen_rpc_homepage = https://github.com/priestjim/gen_rpc.git +pkg_gen_rpc_fetch = git +pkg_gen_rpc_repo = https://github.com/priestjim/gen_rpc.git +pkg_gen_rpc_commit = master + +PACKAGES += gen_smtp +pkg_gen_smtp_name = gen_smtp +pkg_gen_smtp_description = A generic Erlang SMTP server and client that can be extended via callback modules +pkg_gen_smtp_homepage = https://github.com/Vagabond/gen_smtp +pkg_gen_smtp_fetch = git +pkg_gen_smtp_repo = https://github.com/Vagabond/gen_smtp +pkg_gen_smtp_commit = master + +PACKAGES += gen_tracker +pkg_gen_tracker_name = gen_tracker +pkg_gen_tracker_description = supervisor with ets handling of children and their metadata +pkg_gen_tracker_homepage = https://github.com/erlyvideo/gen_tracker +pkg_gen_tracker_fetch = git +pkg_gen_tracker_repo = https://github.com/erlyvideo/gen_tracker +pkg_gen_tracker_commit = master + +PACKAGES += gen_unix +pkg_gen_unix_name = gen_unix +pkg_gen_unix_description = Erlang Unix socket interface +pkg_gen_unix_homepage = https://github.com/msantos/gen_unix +pkg_gen_unix_fetch = git +pkg_gen_unix_repo = https://github.com/msantos/gen_unix +pkg_gen_unix_commit = master + +PACKAGES += geode +pkg_geode_name = geode +pkg_geode_description = geohash/proximity lookup in pure, uncut erlang. +pkg_geode_homepage = https://github.com/bradfordw/geode +pkg_geode_fetch = git +pkg_geode_repo = https://github.com/bradfordw/geode +pkg_geode_commit = master + +PACKAGES += getopt +pkg_getopt_name = getopt +pkg_getopt_description = Module to parse command line arguments using the GNU getopt syntax +pkg_getopt_homepage = https://github.com/jcomellas/getopt +pkg_getopt_fetch = git +pkg_getopt_repo = https://github.com/jcomellas/getopt +pkg_getopt_commit = master + +PACKAGES += gettext +pkg_gettext_name = gettext +pkg_gettext_description = Erlang internationalization library. +pkg_gettext_homepage = https://github.com/etnt/gettext +pkg_gettext_fetch = git +pkg_gettext_repo = https://github.com/etnt/gettext +pkg_gettext_commit = master + +PACKAGES += giallo +pkg_giallo_name = giallo +pkg_giallo_description = Small and flexible web framework on top of Cowboy +pkg_giallo_homepage = https://github.com/kivra/giallo +pkg_giallo_fetch = git +pkg_giallo_repo = https://github.com/kivra/giallo +pkg_giallo_commit = master + +PACKAGES += gin +pkg_gin_name = gin +pkg_gin_description = The guards and for Erlang parse_transform +pkg_gin_homepage = https://github.com/mad-cocktail/gin +pkg_gin_fetch = git +pkg_gin_repo = https://github.com/mad-cocktail/gin +pkg_gin_commit = master + +PACKAGES += gitty +pkg_gitty_name = gitty +pkg_gitty_description = Git access in erlang +pkg_gitty_homepage = https://github.com/maxlapshin/gitty +pkg_gitty_fetch = git +pkg_gitty_repo = https://github.com/maxlapshin/gitty +pkg_gitty_commit = master + +PACKAGES += gold_fever +pkg_gold_fever_name = gold_fever +pkg_gold_fever_description = A Treasure Hunt for Erlangers +pkg_gold_fever_homepage = https://github.com/inaka/gold_fever +pkg_gold_fever_fetch = git +pkg_gold_fever_repo = https://github.com/inaka/gold_fever +pkg_gold_fever_commit = master + +PACKAGES += gpb +pkg_gpb_name = gpb +pkg_gpb_description = A Google Protobuf implementation for Erlang +pkg_gpb_homepage = https://github.com/tomas-abrahamsson/gpb +pkg_gpb_fetch = git +pkg_gpb_repo = https://github.com/tomas-abrahamsson/gpb +pkg_gpb_commit = master + +PACKAGES += gproc +pkg_gproc_name = gproc +pkg_gproc_description = Extended process registry for Erlang +pkg_gproc_homepage = https://github.com/uwiger/gproc +pkg_gproc_fetch = git +pkg_gproc_repo = https://github.com/uwiger/gproc +pkg_gproc_commit = master + +PACKAGES += grapherl +pkg_grapherl_name = grapherl +pkg_grapherl_description = Create graphs of Erlang systems and programs +pkg_grapherl_homepage = https://github.com/eproxus/grapherl +pkg_grapherl_fetch = git +pkg_grapherl_repo = https://github.com/eproxus/grapherl +pkg_grapherl_commit = master + +PACKAGES += grpc +pkg_grpc_name = grpc +pkg_grpc_description = gRPC server in Erlang +pkg_grpc_homepage = https://github.com/Bluehouse-Technology/grpc +pkg_grpc_fetch = git +pkg_grpc_repo = https://github.com/Bluehouse-Technology/grpc +pkg_grpc_commit = master + +PACKAGES += grpc_client +pkg_grpc_client_name = grpc_client +pkg_grpc_client_description = gRPC client in Erlang +pkg_grpc_client_homepage = https://github.com/Bluehouse-Technology/grpc_client +pkg_grpc_client_fetch = git +pkg_grpc_client_repo = https://github.com/Bluehouse-Technology/grpc_client +pkg_grpc_client_commit = master + +PACKAGES += gun +pkg_gun_name = gun +pkg_gun_description = Asynchronous SPDY, HTTP and Websocket client written in Erlang. +pkg_gun_homepage = http//ninenines.eu +pkg_gun_fetch = git +pkg_gun_repo = https://github.com/ninenines/gun +pkg_gun_commit = master + +PACKAGES += gut +pkg_gut_name = gut +pkg_gut_description = gut is a template printing, aka scaffolding, tool for Erlang. Like rails generate or yeoman +pkg_gut_homepage = https://github.com/unbalancedparentheses/gut +pkg_gut_fetch = git +pkg_gut_repo = https://github.com/unbalancedparentheses/gut +pkg_gut_commit = master + +PACKAGES += hackney +pkg_hackney_name = hackney +pkg_hackney_description = simple HTTP client in Erlang +pkg_hackney_homepage = https://github.com/benoitc/hackney +pkg_hackney_fetch = git +pkg_hackney_repo = https://github.com/benoitc/hackney +pkg_hackney_commit = master + +PACKAGES += hamcrest +pkg_hamcrest_name = hamcrest +pkg_hamcrest_description = Erlang port of Hamcrest +pkg_hamcrest_homepage = https://github.com/hyperthunk/hamcrest-erlang +pkg_hamcrest_fetch = git +pkg_hamcrest_repo = https://github.com/hyperthunk/hamcrest-erlang +pkg_hamcrest_commit = master + +PACKAGES += hanoidb +pkg_hanoidb_name = hanoidb +pkg_hanoidb_description = Erlang LSM BTree Storage +pkg_hanoidb_homepage = https://github.com/krestenkrab/hanoidb +pkg_hanoidb_fetch = git +pkg_hanoidb_repo = https://github.com/krestenkrab/hanoidb +pkg_hanoidb_commit = master + +PACKAGES += hottub +pkg_hottub_name = hottub +pkg_hottub_description = Permanent Erlang Worker Pool +pkg_hottub_homepage = https://github.com/bfrog/hottub +pkg_hottub_fetch = git +pkg_hottub_repo = https://github.com/bfrog/hottub +pkg_hottub_commit = master + +PACKAGES += hpack +pkg_hpack_name = hpack +pkg_hpack_description = HPACK Implementation for Erlang +pkg_hpack_homepage = https://github.com/joedevivo/hpack +pkg_hpack_fetch = git +pkg_hpack_repo = https://github.com/joedevivo/hpack +pkg_hpack_commit = master + +PACKAGES += hyper +pkg_hyper_name = hyper +pkg_hyper_description = Erlang implementation of HyperLogLog +pkg_hyper_homepage = https://github.com/GameAnalytics/hyper +pkg_hyper_fetch = git +pkg_hyper_repo = https://github.com/GameAnalytics/hyper +pkg_hyper_commit = master + +PACKAGES += i18n +pkg_i18n_name = i18n +pkg_i18n_description = International components for unicode from Erlang (unicode, date, string, number, format, locale, localization, transliteration, icu4e) +pkg_i18n_homepage = https://github.com/erlang-unicode/i18n +pkg_i18n_fetch = git +pkg_i18n_repo = https://github.com/erlang-unicode/i18n +pkg_i18n_commit = master + +PACKAGES += ibrowse +pkg_ibrowse_name = ibrowse +pkg_ibrowse_description = Erlang HTTP client +pkg_ibrowse_homepage = https://github.com/cmullaparthi/ibrowse +pkg_ibrowse_fetch = git +pkg_ibrowse_repo = https://github.com/cmullaparthi/ibrowse +pkg_ibrowse_commit = master + +PACKAGES += idna +pkg_idna_name = idna +pkg_idna_description = Erlang IDNA lib +pkg_idna_homepage = https://github.com/benoitc/erlang-idna +pkg_idna_fetch = git +pkg_idna_repo = https://github.com/benoitc/erlang-idna +pkg_idna_commit = master + +PACKAGES += ierlang +pkg_ierlang_name = ierlang +pkg_ierlang_description = An Erlang language kernel for IPython. +pkg_ierlang_homepage = https://github.com/robbielynch/ierlang +pkg_ierlang_fetch = git +pkg_ierlang_repo = https://github.com/robbielynch/ierlang +pkg_ierlang_commit = master + +PACKAGES += iota +pkg_iota_name = iota +pkg_iota_description = iota (Inter-dependency Objective Testing Apparatus) - a tool to enforce clean separation of responsibilities in Erlang code +pkg_iota_homepage = https://github.com/jpgneves/iota +pkg_iota_fetch = git +pkg_iota_repo = https://github.com/jpgneves/iota +pkg_iota_commit = master + +PACKAGES += irc_lib +pkg_irc_lib_name = irc_lib +pkg_irc_lib_description = Erlang irc client library +pkg_irc_lib_homepage = https://github.com/OtpChatBot/irc_lib +pkg_irc_lib_fetch = git +pkg_irc_lib_repo = https://github.com/OtpChatBot/irc_lib +pkg_irc_lib_commit = master + +PACKAGES += ircd +pkg_ircd_name = ircd +pkg_ircd_description = A pluggable IRC daemon application/library for Erlang. +pkg_ircd_homepage = https://github.com/tonyg/erlang-ircd +pkg_ircd_fetch = git +pkg_ircd_repo = https://github.com/tonyg/erlang-ircd +pkg_ircd_commit = master + +PACKAGES += iris +pkg_iris_name = iris +pkg_iris_description = Iris Erlang binding +pkg_iris_homepage = https://github.com/project-iris/iris-erl +pkg_iris_fetch = git +pkg_iris_repo = https://github.com/project-iris/iris-erl +pkg_iris_commit = master + +PACKAGES += iso8601 +pkg_iso8601_name = iso8601 +pkg_iso8601_description = Erlang ISO 8601 date formatter/parser +pkg_iso8601_homepage = https://github.com/seansawyer/erlang_iso8601 +pkg_iso8601_fetch = git +pkg_iso8601_repo = https://github.com/seansawyer/erlang_iso8601 +pkg_iso8601_commit = master + +PACKAGES += jamdb_sybase +pkg_jamdb_sybase_name = jamdb_sybase +pkg_jamdb_sybase_description = Erlang driver for SAP Sybase ASE +pkg_jamdb_sybase_homepage = https://github.com/erlangbureau/jamdb_sybase +pkg_jamdb_sybase_fetch = git +pkg_jamdb_sybase_repo = https://github.com/erlangbureau/jamdb_sybase +pkg_jamdb_sybase_commit = master + +PACKAGES += jerg +pkg_jerg_name = jerg +pkg_jerg_description = JSON Schema to Erlang Records Generator +pkg_jerg_homepage = https://github.com/ddossot/jerg +pkg_jerg_fetch = git +pkg_jerg_repo = https://github.com/ddossot/jerg +pkg_jerg_commit = master + +PACKAGES += jesse +pkg_jesse_name = jesse +pkg_jesse_description = jesse (JSon Schema Erlang) is an implementation of a json schema validator for Erlang. +pkg_jesse_homepage = https://github.com/for-GET/jesse +pkg_jesse_fetch = git +pkg_jesse_repo = https://github.com/for-GET/jesse +pkg_jesse_commit = master + +PACKAGES += jiffy +pkg_jiffy_name = jiffy +pkg_jiffy_description = JSON NIFs for Erlang. +pkg_jiffy_homepage = https://github.com/davisp/jiffy +pkg_jiffy_fetch = git +pkg_jiffy_repo = https://github.com/davisp/jiffy +pkg_jiffy_commit = master + +PACKAGES += jiffy_v +pkg_jiffy_v_name = jiffy_v +pkg_jiffy_v_description = JSON validation utility +pkg_jiffy_v_homepage = https://github.com/shizzard/jiffy-v +pkg_jiffy_v_fetch = git +pkg_jiffy_v_repo = https://github.com/shizzard/jiffy-v +pkg_jiffy_v_commit = master + +PACKAGES += jobs +pkg_jobs_name = jobs +pkg_jobs_description = a Job scheduler for load regulation +pkg_jobs_homepage = https://github.com/esl/jobs +pkg_jobs_fetch = git +pkg_jobs_repo = https://github.com/esl/jobs +pkg_jobs_commit = master + +PACKAGES += joxa +pkg_joxa_name = joxa +pkg_joxa_description = A Modern Lisp for the Erlang VM +pkg_joxa_homepage = https://github.com/joxa/joxa +pkg_joxa_fetch = git +pkg_joxa_repo = https://github.com/joxa/joxa +pkg_joxa_commit = master + +PACKAGES += json +pkg_json_name = json +pkg_json_description = a high level json library for erlang (17.0+) +pkg_json_homepage = https://github.com/talentdeficit/json +pkg_json_fetch = git +pkg_json_repo = https://github.com/talentdeficit/json +pkg_json_commit = master + +PACKAGES += json_rec +pkg_json_rec_name = json_rec +pkg_json_rec_description = JSON to erlang record +pkg_json_rec_homepage = https://github.com/justinkirby/json_rec +pkg_json_rec_fetch = git +pkg_json_rec_repo = https://github.com/justinkirby/json_rec +pkg_json_rec_commit = master + +PACKAGES += jsone +pkg_jsone_name = jsone +pkg_jsone_description = An Erlang library for encoding, decoding JSON data. +pkg_jsone_homepage = https://github.com/sile/jsone.git +pkg_jsone_fetch = git +pkg_jsone_repo = https://github.com/sile/jsone.git +pkg_jsone_commit = master + +PACKAGES += jsonerl +pkg_jsonerl_name = jsonerl +pkg_jsonerl_description = yet another but slightly different erlang <-> json encoder/decoder +pkg_jsonerl_homepage = https://github.com/lambder/jsonerl +pkg_jsonerl_fetch = git +pkg_jsonerl_repo = https://github.com/lambder/jsonerl +pkg_jsonerl_commit = master + +PACKAGES += jsonpath +pkg_jsonpath_name = jsonpath +pkg_jsonpath_description = Fast Erlang JSON data retrieval and updates via javascript-like notation +pkg_jsonpath_homepage = https://github.com/GeneStevens/jsonpath +pkg_jsonpath_fetch = git +pkg_jsonpath_repo = https://github.com/GeneStevens/jsonpath +pkg_jsonpath_commit = master + +PACKAGES += jsonx +pkg_jsonx_name = jsonx +pkg_jsonx_description = JSONX is an Erlang library for efficient decode and encode JSON, written in C. +pkg_jsonx_homepage = https://github.com/iskra/jsonx +pkg_jsonx_fetch = git +pkg_jsonx_repo = https://github.com/iskra/jsonx +pkg_jsonx_commit = master + +PACKAGES += jsx +pkg_jsx_name = jsx +pkg_jsx_description = An Erlang application for consuming, producing and manipulating JSON. +pkg_jsx_homepage = https://github.com/talentdeficit/jsx +pkg_jsx_fetch = git +pkg_jsx_repo = https://github.com/talentdeficit/jsx +pkg_jsx_commit = master + +PACKAGES += kafka +pkg_kafka_name = kafka +pkg_kafka_description = Kafka consumer and producer in Erlang +pkg_kafka_homepage = https://github.com/wooga/kafka-erlang +pkg_kafka_fetch = git +pkg_kafka_repo = https://github.com/wooga/kafka-erlang +pkg_kafka_commit = master + +PACKAGES += kafka_protocol +pkg_kafka_protocol_name = kafka_protocol +pkg_kafka_protocol_description = Kafka protocol Erlang library +pkg_kafka_protocol_homepage = https://github.com/klarna/kafka_protocol +pkg_kafka_protocol_fetch = git +pkg_kafka_protocol_repo = https://github.com/klarna/kafka_protocol.git +pkg_kafka_protocol_commit = master + +PACKAGES += kai +pkg_kai_name = kai +pkg_kai_description = DHT storage by Takeshi Inoue +pkg_kai_homepage = https://github.com/synrc/kai +pkg_kai_fetch = git +pkg_kai_repo = https://github.com/synrc/kai +pkg_kai_commit = master + +PACKAGES += katja +pkg_katja_name = katja +pkg_katja_description = A simple Riemann client written in Erlang. +pkg_katja_homepage = https://github.com/nifoc/katja +pkg_katja_fetch = git +pkg_katja_repo = https://github.com/nifoc/katja +pkg_katja_commit = master + +PACKAGES += kdht +pkg_kdht_name = kdht +pkg_kdht_description = kdht is an erlang DHT implementation +pkg_kdht_homepage = https://github.com/kevinlynx/kdht +pkg_kdht_fetch = git +pkg_kdht_repo = https://github.com/kevinlynx/kdht +pkg_kdht_commit = master + +PACKAGES += key2value +pkg_key2value_name = key2value +pkg_key2value_description = Erlang 2-way map +pkg_key2value_homepage = https://github.com/okeuday/key2value +pkg_key2value_fetch = git +pkg_key2value_repo = https://github.com/okeuday/key2value +pkg_key2value_commit = master + +PACKAGES += keys1value +pkg_keys1value_name = keys1value +pkg_keys1value_description = Erlang set associative map for key lists +pkg_keys1value_homepage = https://github.com/okeuday/keys1value +pkg_keys1value_fetch = git +pkg_keys1value_repo = https://github.com/okeuday/keys1value +pkg_keys1value_commit = master + +PACKAGES += kinetic +pkg_kinetic_name = kinetic +pkg_kinetic_description = Erlang Kinesis Client +pkg_kinetic_homepage = https://github.com/AdRoll/kinetic +pkg_kinetic_fetch = git +pkg_kinetic_repo = https://github.com/AdRoll/kinetic +pkg_kinetic_commit = master + +PACKAGES += kjell +pkg_kjell_name = kjell +pkg_kjell_description = Erlang Shell +pkg_kjell_homepage = https://github.com/karlll/kjell +pkg_kjell_fetch = git +pkg_kjell_repo = https://github.com/karlll/kjell +pkg_kjell_commit = master + +PACKAGES += kraken +pkg_kraken_name = kraken +pkg_kraken_description = Distributed Pubsub Server for Realtime Apps +pkg_kraken_homepage = https://github.com/Asana/kraken +pkg_kraken_fetch = git +pkg_kraken_repo = https://github.com/Asana/kraken +pkg_kraken_commit = master + +PACKAGES += kucumberl +pkg_kucumberl_name = kucumberl +pkg_kucumberl_description = A pure-erlang, open-source, implementation of Cucumber +pkg_kucumberl_homepage = https://github.com/openshine/kucumberl +pkg_kucumberl_fetch = git +pkg_kucumberl_repo = https://github.com/openshine/kucumberl +pkg_kucumberl_commit = master + +PACKAGES += kvc +pkg_kvc_name = kvc +pkg_kvc_description = KVC - Key Value Coding for Erlang data structures +pkg_kvc_homepage = https://github.com/etrepum/kvc +pkg_kvc_fetch = git +pkg_kvc_repo = https://github.com/etrepum/kvc +pkg_kvc_commit = master + +PACKAGES += kvlists +pkg_kvlists_name = kvlists +pkg_kvlists_description = Lists of key-value pairs (decoded JSON) in Erlang +pkg_kvlists_homepage = https://github.com/jcomellas/kvlists +pkg_kvlists_fetch = git +pkg_kvlists_repo = https://github.com/jcomellas/kvlists +pkg_kvlists_commit = master + +PACKAGES += kvs +pkg_kvs_name = kvs +pkg_kvs_description = Container and Iterator +pkg_kvs_homepage = https://github.com/synrc/kvs +pkg_kvs_fetch = git +pkg_kvs_repo = https://github.com/synrc/kvs +pkg_kvs_commit = master + +PACKAGES += lager +pkg_lager_name = lager +pkg_lager_description = A logging framework for Erlang/OTP. +pkg_lager_homepage = https://github.com/erlang-lager/lager +pkg_lager_fetch = git +pkg_lager_repo = https://github.com/erlang-lager/lager +pkg_lager_commit = master + +PACKAGES += lager_amqp_backend +pkg_lager_amqp_backend_name = lager_amqp_backend +pkg_lager_amqp_backend_description = AMQP RabbitMQ Lager backend +pkg_lager_amqp_backend_homepage = https://github.com/jbrisbin/lager_amqp_backend +pkg_lager_amqp_backend_fetch = git +pkg_lager_amqp_backend_repo = https://github.com/jbrisbin/lager_amqp_backend +pkg_lager_amqp_backend_commit = master + +PACKAGES += lager_syslog +pkg_lager_syslog_name = lager_syslog +pkg_lager_syslog_description = Syslog backend for lager +pkg_lager_syslog_homepage = https://github.com/erlang-lager/lager_syslog +pkg_lager_syslog_fetch = git +pkg_lager_syslog_repo = https://github.com/erlang-lager/lager_syslog +pkg_lager_syslog_commit = master + +PACKAGES += lambdapad +pkg_lambdapad_name = lambdapad +pkg_lambdapad_description = Static site generator using Erlang. Yes, Erlang. +pkg_lambdapad_homepage = https://github.com/gar1t/lambdapad +pkg_lambdapad_fetch = git +pkg_lambdapad_repo = https://github.com/gar1t/lambdapad +pkg_lambdapad_commit = master + +PACKAGES += lasp +pkg_lasp_name = lasp +pkg_lasp_description = A Language for Distributed, Eventually Consistent Computations +pkg_lasp_homepage = http://lasp-lang.org/ +pkg_lasp_fetch = git +pkg_lasp_repo = https://github.com/lasp-lang/lasp +pkg_lasp_commit = master + +PACKAGES += lasse +pkg_lasse_name = lasse +pkg_lasse_description = SSE handler for Cowboy +pkg_lasse_homepage = https://github.com/inaka/lasse +pkg_lasse_fetch = git +pkg_lasse_repo = https://github.com/inaka/lasse +pkg_lasse_commit = master + +PACKAGES += ldap +pkg_ldap_name = ldap +pkg_ldap_description = LDAP server written in Erlang +pkg_ldap_homepage = https://github.com/spawnproc/ldap +pkg_ldap_fetch = git +pkg_ldap_repo = https://github.com/spawnproc/ldap +pkg_ldap_commit = master + +PACKAGES += lethink +pkg_lethink_name = lethink +pkg_lethink_description = erlang driver for rethinkdb +pkg_lethink_homepage = https://github.com/taybin/lethink +pkg_lethink_fetch = git +pkg_lethink_repo = https://github.com/taybin/lethink +pkg_lethink_commit = master + +PACKAGES += lfe +pkg_lfe_name = lfe +pkg_lfe_description = Lisp Flavoured Erlang (LFE) +pkg_lfe_homepage = https://github.com/rvirding/lfe +pkg_lfe_fetch = git +pkg_lfe_repo = https://github.com/rvirding/lfe +pkg_lfe_commit = master + +PACKAGES += ling +pkg_ling_name = ling +pkg_ling_description = Erlang on Xen +pkg_ling_homepage = https://github.com/cloudozer/ling +pkg_ling_fetch = git +pkg_ling_repo = https://github.com/cloudozer/ling +pkg_ling_commit = master + +PACKAGES += live +pkg_live_name = live +pkg_live_description = Automated module and configuration reloader. +pkg_live_homepage = http://ninenines.eu +pkg_live_fetch = git +pkg_live_repo = https://github.com/ninenines/live +pkg_live_commit = master + +PACKAGES += lmq +pkg_lmq_name = lmq +pkg_lmq_description = Lightweight Message Queue +pkg_lmq_homepage = https://github.com/iij/lmq +pkg_lmq_fetch = git +pkg_lmq_repo = https://github.com/iij/lmq +pkg_lmq_commit = master + +PACKAGES += locker +pkg_locker_name = locker +pkg_locker_description = Atomic distributed 'check and set' for short-lived keys +pkg_locker_homepage = https://github.com/wooga/locker +pkg_locker_fetch = git +pkg_locker_repo = https://github.com/wooga/locker +pkg_locker_commit = master + +PACKAGES += locks +pkg_locks_name = locks +pkg_locks_description = A scalable, deadlock-resolving resource locker +pkg_locks_homepage = https://github.com/uwiger/locks +pkg_locks_fetch = git +pkg_locks_repo = https://github.com/uwiger/locks +pkg_locks_commit = master + +PACKAGES += log4erl +pkg_log4erl_name = log4erl +pkg_log4erl_description = A logger for erlang in the spirit of Log4J. +pkg_log4erl_homepage = https://github.com/ahmednawras/log4erl +pkg_log4erl_fetch = git +pkg_log4erl_repo = https://github.com/ahmednawras/log4erl +pkg_log4erl_commit = master + +PACKAGES += lol +pkg_lol_name = lol +pkg_lol_description = Lisp on erLang, and programming is fun again +pkg_lol_homepage = https://github.com/b0oh/lol +pkg_lol_fetch = git +pkg_lol_repo = https://github.com/b0oh/lol +pkg_lol_commit = master + +PACKAGES += lucid +pkg_lucid_name = lucid +pkg_lucid_description = HTTP/2 server written in Erlang +pkg_lucid_homepage = https://github.com/tatsuhiro-t/lucid +pkg_lucid_fetch = git +pkg_lucid_repo = https://github.com/tatsuhiro-t/lucid +pkg_lucid_commit = master + +PACKAGES += luerl +pkg_luerl_name = luerl +pkg_luerl_description = Lua in Erlang +pkg_luerl_homepage = https://github.com/rvirding/luerl +pkg_luerl_fetch = git +pkg_luerl_repo = https://github.com/rvirding/luerl +pkg_luerl_commit = develop + +PACKAGES += luwak +pkg_luwak_name = luwak +pkg_luwak_description = Large-object storage interface for Riak +pkg_luwak_homepage = https://github.com/basho/luwak +pkg_luwak_fetch = git +pkg_luwak_repo = https://github.com/basho/luwak +pkg_luwak_commit = master + +PACKAGES += lux +pkg_lux_name = lux +pkg_lux_description = Lux (LUcid eXpect scripting) simplifies test automation and provides an Expect-style execution of commands +pkg_lux_homepage = https://github.com/hawk/lux +pkg_lux_fetch = git +pkg_lux_repo = https://github.com/hawk/lux +pkg_lux_commit = master + +PACKAGES += machi +pkg_machi_name = machi +pkg_machi_description = Machi file store +pkg_machi_homepage = https://github.com/basho/machi +pkg_machi_fetch = git +pkg_machi_repo = https://github.com/basho/machi +pkg_machi_commit = master + +PACKAGES += mad +pkg_mad_name = mad +pkg_mad_description = Small and Fast Rebar Replacement +pkg_mad_homepage = https://github.com/synrc/mad +pkg_mad_fetch = git +pkg_mad_repo = https://github.com/synrc/mad +pkg_mad_commit = master + +PACKAGES += marina +pkg_marina_name = marina +pkg_marina_description = Non-blocking Erlang Cassandra CQL3 client +pkg_marina_homepage = https://github.com/lpgauth/marina +pkg_marina_fetch = git +pkg_marina_repo = https://github.com/lpgauth/marina +pkg_marina_commit = master + +PACKAGES += mavg +pkg_mavg_name = mavg +pkg_mavg_description = Erlang :: Exponential moving average library +pkg_mavg_homepage = https://github.com/EchoTeam/mavg +pkg_mavg_fetch = git +pkg_mavg_repo = https://github.com/EchoTeam/mavg +pkg_mavg_commit = master + +PACKAGES += mc_erl +pkg_mc_erl_name = mc_erl +pkg_mc_erl_description = mc-erl is a server for Minecraft 1.4.7 written in Erlang. +pkg_mc_erl_homepage = https://github.com/clonejo/mc-erl +pkg_mc_erl_fetch = git +pkg_mc_erl_repo = https://github.com/clonejo/mc-erl +pkg_mc_erl_commit = master + +PACKAGES += mcd +pkg_mcd_name = mcd +pkg_mcd_description = Fast memcached protocol client in pure Erlang +pkg_mcd_homepage = https://github.com/EchoTeam/mcd +pkg_mcd_fetch = git +pkg_mcd_repo = https://github.com/EchoTeam/mcd +pkg_mcd_commit = master + +PACKAGES += mcerlang +pkg_mcerlang_name = mcerlang +pkg_mcerlang_description = The McErlang model checker for Erlang +pkg_mcerlang_homepage = https://github.com/fredlund/McErlang +pkg_mcerlang_fetch = git +pkg_mcerlang_repo = https://github.com/fredlund/McErlang +pkg_mcerlang_commit = master + +PACKAGES += meck +pkg_meck_name = meck +pkg_meck_description = A mocking library for Erlang +pkg_meck_homepage = https://github.com/eproxus/meck +pkg_meck_fetch = git +pkg_meck_repo = https://github.com/eproxus/meck +pkg_meck_commit = master + +PACKAGES += mekao +pkg_mekao_name = mekao +pkg_mekao_description = SQL constructor +pkg_mekao_homepage = https://github.com/ddosia/mekao +pkg_mekao_fetch = git +pkg_mekao_repo = https://github.com/ddosia/mekao +pkg_mekao_commit = master + +PACKAGES += memo +pkg_memo_name = memo +pkg_memo_description = Erlang memoization server +pkg_memo_homepage = https://github.com/tuncer/memo +pkg_memo_fetch = git +pkg_memo_repo = https://github.com/tuncer/memo +pkg_memo_commit = master + +PACKAGES += merge_index +pkg_merge_index_name = merge_index +pkg_merge_index_description = MergeIndex is an Erlang library for storing ordered sets on disk. It is very similar to an SSTable (in Google's Bigtable) or an HFile (in Hadoop). +pkg_merge_index_homepage = https://github.com/basho/merge_index +pkg_merge_index_fetch = git +pkg_merge_index_repo = https://github.com/basho/merge_index +pkg_merge_index_commit = master + +PACKAGES += merl +pkg_merl_name = merl +pkg_merl_description = Metaprogramming in Erlang +pkg_merl_homepage = https://github.com/richcarl/merl +pkg_merl_fetch = git +pkg_merl_repo = https://github.com/richcarl/merl +pkg_merl_commit = master + +PACKAGES += mimerl +pkg_mimerl_name = mimerl +pkg_mimerl_description = library to handle mimetypes +pkg_mimerl_homepage = https://github.com/benoitc/mimerl +pkg_mimerl_fetch = git +pkg_mimerl_repo = https://github.com/benoitc/mimerl +pkg_mimerl_commit = master + +PACKAGES += mimetypes +pkg_mimetypes_name = mimetypes +pkg_mimetypes_description = Erlang MIME types library +pkg_mimetypes_homepage = https://github.com/spawngrid/mimetypes +pkg_mimetypes_fetch = git +pkg_mimetypes_repo = https://github.com/spawngrid/mimetypes +pkg_mimetypes_commit = master + +PACKAGES += mixer +pkg_mixer_name = mixer +pkg_mixer_description = Mix in functions from other modules +pkg_mixer_homepage = https://github.com/chef/mixer +pkg_mixer_fetch = git +pkg_mixer_repo = https://github.com/chef/mixer +pkg_mixer_commit = master + +PACKAGES += mochiweb +pkg_mochiweb_name = mochiweb +pkg_mochiweb_description = MochiWeb is an Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers. +pkg_mochiweb_homepage = https://github.com/mochi/mochiweb +pkg_mochiweb_fetch = git +pkg_mochiweb_repo = https://github.com/mochi/mochiweb +pkg_mochiweb_commit = master + +PACKAGES += mochiweb_xpath +pkg_mochiweb_xpath_name = mochiweb_xpath +pkg_mochiweb_xpath_description = XPath support for mochiweb's html parser +pkg_mochiweb_xpath_homepage = https://github.com/retnuh/mochiweb_xpath +pkg_mochiweb_xpath_fetch = git +pkg_mochiweb_xpath_repo = https://github.com/retnuh/mochiweb_xpath +pkg_mochiweb_xpath_commit = master + +PACKAGES += mockgyver +pkg_mockgyver_name = mockgyver +pkg_mockgyver_description = A mocking library for Erlang +pkg_mockgyver_homepage = https://github.com/klajo/mockgyver +pkg_mockgyver_fetch = git +pkg_mockgyver_repo = https://github.com/klajo/mockgyver +pkg_mockgyver_commit = master + +PACKAGES += modlib +pkg_modlib_name = modlib +pkg_modlib_description = Web framework based on Erlang's inets httpd +pkg_modlib_homepage = https://github.com/gar1t/modlib +pkg_modlib_fetch = git +pkg_modlib_repo = https://github.com/gar1t/modlib +pkg_modlib_commit = master + +PACKAGES += mongodb +pkg_mongodb_name = mongodb +pkg_mongodb_description = MongoDB driver for Erlang +pkg_mongodb_homepage = https://github.com/comtihon/mongodb-erlang +pkg_mongodb_fetch = git +pkg_mongodb_repo = https://github.com/comtihon/mongodb-erlang +pkg_mongodb_commit = master + +PACKAGES += mongooseim +pkg_mongooseim_name = mongooseim +pkg_mongooseim_description = Jabber / XMPP server with focus on performance and scalability, by Erlang Solutions +pkg_mongooseim_homepage = https://www.erlang-solutions.com/products/mongooseim-massively-scalable-ejabberd-platform +pkg_mongooseim_fetch = git +pkg_mongooseim_repo = https://github.com/esl/MongooseIM +pkg_mongooseim_commit = master + +PACKAGES += moyo +pkg_moyo_name = moyo +pkg_moyo_description = Erlang utility functions library +pkg_moyo_homepage = https://github.com/dwango/moyo +pkg_moyo_fetch = git +pkg_moyo_repo = https://github.com/dwango/moyo +pkg_moyo_commit = master + +PACKAGES += msgpack +pkg_msgpack_name = msgpack +pkg_msgpack_description = MessagePack (de)serializer implementation for Erlang +pkg_msgpack_homepage = https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-erlang +pkg_msgpack_fetch = git +pkg_msgpack_repo = https://github.com/msgpack/msgpack-erlang +pkg_msgpack_commit = master + +PACKAGES += mu2 +pkg_mu2_name = mu2 +pkg_mu2_description = Erlang mutation testing tool +pkg_mu2_homepage = https://github.com/ramsay-t/mu2 +pkg_mu2_fetch = git +pkg_mu2_repo = https://github.com/ramsay-t/mu2 +pkg_mu2_commit = master + +PACKAGES += mustache +pkg_mustache_name = mustache +pkg_mustache_description = Mustache template engine for Erlang. +pkg_mustache_homepage = https://github.com/mojombo/mustache.erl +pkg_mustache_fetch = git +pkg_mustache_repo = https://github.com/mojombo/mustache.erl +pkg_mustache_commit = master + +PACKAGES += myproto +pkg_myproto_name = myproto +pkg_myproto_description = MySQL Server Protocol in Erlang +pkg_myproto_homepage = https://github.com/altenwald/myproto +pkg_myproto_fetch = git +pkg_myproto_repo = https://github.com/altenwald/myproto +pkg_myproto_commit = master + +PACKAGES += mysql +pkg_mysql_name = mysql +pkg_mysql_description = MySQL client library for Erlang/OTP +pkg_mysql_homepage = https://github.com/mysql-otp/mysql-otp +pkg_mysql_fetch = git +pkg_mysql_repo = https://github.com/mysql-otp/mysql-otp +pkg_mysql_commit = 1.5.1 + +PACKAGES += n2o +pkg_n2o_name = n2o +pkg_n2o_description = WebSocket Application Server +pkg_n2o_homepage = https://github.com/5HT/n2o +pkg_n2o_fetch = git +pkg_n2o_repo = https://github.com/5HT/n2o +pkg_n2o_commit = master + +PACKAGES += nat_upnp +pkg_nat_upnp_name = nat_upnp +pkg_nat_upnp_description = Erlang library to map your internal port to an external using UNP IGD +pkg_nat_upnp_homepage = https://github.com/benoitc/nat_upnp +pkg_nat_upnp_fetch = git +pkg_nat_upnp_repo = https://github.com/benoitc/nat_upnp +pkg_nat_upnp_commit = master + +PACKAGES += neo4j +pkg_neo4j_name = neo4j +pkg_neo4j_description = Erlang client library for Neo4J. +pkg_neo4j_homepage = https://github.com/dmitriid/neo4j-erlang +pkg_neo4j_fetch = git +pkg_neo4j_repo = https://github.com/dmitriid/neo4j-erlang +pkg_neo4j_commit = master + +PACKAGES += neotoma +pkg_neotoma_name = neotoma +pkg_neotoma_description = Erlang library and packrat parser-generator for parsing expression grammars. +pkg_neotoma_homepage = https://github.com/seancribbs/neotoma +pkg_neotoma_fetch = git +pkg_neotoma_repo = https://github.com/seancribbs/neotoma +pkg_neotoma_commit = master + +PACKAGES += newrelic +pkg_newrelic_name = newrelic +pkg_newrelic_description = Erlang library for sending metrics to New Relic +pkg_newrelic_homepage = https://github.com/wooga/newrelic-erlang +pkg_newrelic_fetch = git +pkg_newrelic_repo = https://github.com/wooga/newrelic-erlang +pkg_newrelic_commit = master + +PACKAGES += nifty +pkg_nifty_name = nifty +pkg_nifty_description = Erlang NIF wrapper generator +pkg_nifty_homepage = https://github.com/parapluu/nifty +pkg_nifty_fetch = git +pkg_nifty_repo = https://github.com/parapluu/nifty +pkg_nifty_commit = master + +PACKAGES += nitrogen_core +pkg_nitrogen_core_name = nitrogen_core +pkg_nitrogen_core_description = The core Nitrogen library. +pkg_nitrogen_core_homepage = http://nitrogenproject.com/ +pkg_nitrogen_core_fetch = git +pkg_nitrogen_core_repo = https://github.com/nitrogen/nitrogen_core +pkg_nitrogen_core_commit = master + +PACKAGES += nkbase +pkg_nkbase_name = nkbase +pkg_nkbase_description = NkBASE distributed database +pkg_nkbase_homepage = https://github.com/Nekso/nkbase +pkg_nkbase_fetch = git +pkg_nkbase_repo = https://github.com/Nekso/nkbase +pkg_nkbase_commit = develop + +PACKAGES += nkdocker +pkg_nkdocker_name = nkdocker +pkg_nkdocker_description = Erlang Docker client +pkg_nkdocker_homepage = https://github.com/Nekso/nkdocker +pkg_nkdocker_fetch = git +pkg_nkdocker_repo = https://github.com/Nekso/nkdocker +pkg_nkdocker_commit = master + +PACKAGES += nkpacket +pkg_nkpacket_name = nkpacket +pkg_nkpacket_description = Generic Erlang transport layer +pkg_nkpacket_homepage = https://github.com/Nekso/nkpacket +pkg_nkpacket_fetch = git +pkg_nkpacket_repo = https://github.com/Nekso/nkpacket +pkg_nkpacket_commit = master + +PACKAGES += nksip +pkg_nksip_name = nksip +pkg_nksip_description = Erlang SIP application server +pkg_nksip_homepage = https://github.com/kalta/nksip +pkg_nksip_fetch = git +pkg_nksip_repo = https://github.com/kalta/nksip +pkg_nksip_commit = master + +PACKAGES += nodefinder +pkg_nodefinder_name = nodefinder +pkg_nodefinder_description = automatic node discovery via UDP multicast +pkg_nodefinder_homepage = https://github.com/erlanger/nodefinder +pkg_nodefinder_fetch = git +pkg_nodefinder_repo = https://github.com/okeuday/nodefinder +pkg_nodefinder_commit = master + +PACKAGES += nprocreg +pkg_nprocreg_name = nprocreg +pkg_nprocreg_description = Minimal Distributed Erlang Process Registry +pkg_nprocreg_homepage = http://nitrogenproject.com/ +pkg_nprocreg_fetch = git +pkg_nprocreg_repo = https://github.com/nitrogen/nprocreg +pkg_nprocreg_commit = master + +PACKAGES += oauth +pkg_oauth_name = oauth +pkg_oauth_description = An Erlang OAuth 1.0 implementation +pkg_oauth_homepage = https://github.com/tim/erlang-oauth +pkg_oauth_fetch = git +pkg_oauth_repo = https://github.com/tim/erlang-oauth +pkg_oauth_commit = master + +PACKAGES += oauth2 +pkg_oauth2_name = oauth2 +pkg_oauth2_description = Erlang Oauth2 implementation +pkg_oauth2_homepage = https://github.com/kivra/oauth2 +pkg_oauth2_fetch = git +pkg_oauth2_repo = https://github.com/kivra/oauth2 +pkg_oauth2_commit = master + +PACKAGES += observer_cli +pkg_observer_cli_name = observer_cli +pkg_observer_cli_description = Visualize Erlang/Elixir Nodes On The Command Line +pkg_observer_cli_homepage = http://zhongwencool.github.io/observer_cli +pkg_observer_cli_fetch = git +pkg_observer_cli_repo = https://github.com/zhongwencool/observer_cli +pkg_observer_cli_commit = master + +PACKAGES += octopus +pkg_octopus_name = octopus +pkg_octopus_description = Small and flexible pool manager written in Erlang +pkg_octopus_homepage = https://github.com/erlangbureau/octopus +pkg_octopus_fetch = git +pkg_octopus_repo = https://github.com/erlangbureau/octopus +pkg_octopus_commit = master + +PACKAGES += of_protocol +pkg_of_protocol_name = of_protocol +pkg_of_protocol_description = OpenFlow Protocol Library for Erlang +pkg_of_protocol_homepage = https://github.com/FlowForwarding/of_protocol +pkg_of_protocol_fetch = git +pkg_of_protocol_repo = https://github.com/FlowForwarding/of_protocol +pkg_of_protocol_commit = master + +PACKAGES += opencouch +pkg_opencouch_name = couch +pkg_opencouch_description = A embeddable document oriented database compatible with Apache CouchDB +pkg_opencouch_homepage = https://github.com/benoitc/opencouch +pkg_opencouch_fetch = git +pkg_opencouch_repo = https://github.com/benoitc/opencouch +pkg_opencouch_commit = master + +PACKAGES += openflow +pkg_openflow_name = openflow +pkg_openflow_description = An OpenFlow controller written in pure erlang +pkg_openflow_homepage = https://github.com/renatoaguiar/erlang-openflow +pkg_openflow_fetch = git +pkg_openflow_repo = https://github.com/renatoaguiar/erlang-openflow +pkg_openflow_commit = master + +PACKAGES += openid +pkg_openid_name = openid +pkg_openid_description = Erlang OpenID +pkg_openid_homepage = https://github.com/brendonh/erl_openid +pkg_openid_fetch = git +pkg_openid_repo = https://github.com/brendonh/erl_openid +pkg_openid_commit = master + +PACKAGES += openpoker +pkg_openpoker_name = openpoker +pkg_openpoker_description = Genesis Texas hold'em Game Server +pkg_openpoker_homepage = https://github.com/hpyhacking/openpoker +pkg_openpoker_fetch = git +pkg_openpoker_repo = https://github.com/hpyhacking/openpoker +pkg_openpoker_commit = master + +PACKAGES += otpbp +pkg_otpbp_name = otpbp +pkg_otpbp_description = Parse transformer for use new OTP functions in old Erlang/OTP releases (R15, R16, 17, 18, 19) +pkg_otpbp_homepage = https://github.com/Ledest/otpbp +pkg_otpbp_fetch = git +pkg_otpbp_repo = https://github.com/Ledest/otpbp +pkg_otpbp_commit = master + +PACKAGES += pal +pkg_pal_name = pal +pkg_pal_description = Pragmatic Authentication Library +pkg_pal_homepage = https://github.com/manifest/pal +pkg_pal_fetch = git +pkg_pal_repo = https://github.com/manifest/pal +pkg_pal_commit = master + +PACKAGES += parse_trans +pkg_parse_trans_name = parse_trans +pkg_parse_trans_description = Parse transform utilities for Erlang +pkg_parse_trans_homepage = https://github.com/uwiger/parse_trans +pkg_parse_trans_fetch = git +pkg_parse_trans_repo = https://github.com/uwiger/parse_trans +pkg_parse_trans_commit = master + +PACKAGES += parsexml +pkg_parsexml_name = parsexml +pkg_parsexml_description = Simple DOM XML parser with convenient and very simple API +pkg_parsexml_homepage = https://github.com/maxlapshin/parsexml +pkg_parsexml_fetch = git +pkg_parsexml_repo = https://github.com/maxlapshin/parsexml +pkg_parsexml_commit = master + +PACKAGES += partisan +pkg_partisan_name = partisan +pkg_partisan_description = High-performance, high-scalability distributed computing with Erlang and Elixir. +pkg_partisan_homepage = http://partisan.cloud +pkg_partisan_fetch = git +pkg_partisan_repo = https://github.com/lasp-lang/partisan +pkg_partisan_commit = master + +PACKAGES += pegjs +pkg_pegjs_name = pegjs +pkg_pegjs_description = An implementation of PEG.js grammar for Erlang. +pkg_pegjs_homepage = https://github.com/dmitriid/pegjs +pkg_pegjs_fetch = git +pkg_pegjs_repo = https://github.com/dmitriid/pegjs +pkg_pegjs_commit = master + +PACKAGES += percept2 +pkg_percept2_name = percept2 +pkg_percept2_description = Concurrent profiling tool for Erlang +pkg_percept2_homepage = https://github.com/huiqing/percept2 +pkg_percept2_fetch = git +pkg_percept2_repo = https://github.com/huiqing/percept2 +pkg_percept2_commit = master + +PACKAGES += pgo +pkg_pgo_name = pgo +pkg_pgo_description = Erlang Postgres client and connection pool +pkg_pgo_homepage = https://github.com/erleans/pgo.git +pkg_pgo_fetch = git +pkg_pgo_repo = https://github.com/erleans/pgo.git +pkg_pgo_commit = master + +PACKAGES += pgsql +pkg_pgsql_name = pgsql +pkg_pgsql_description = Erlang PostgreSQL driver +pkg_pgsql_homepage = https://github.com/semiocast/pgsql +pkg_pgsql_fetch = git +pkg_pgsql_repo = https://github.com/semiocast/pgsql +pkg_pgsql_commit = master + +PACKAGES += pkgx +pkg_pkgx_name = pkgx +pkg_pkgx_description = Build .deb packages from Erlang releases +pkg_pkgx_homepage = https://github.com/arjan/pkgx +pkg_pkgx_fetch = git +pkg_pkgx_repo = https://github.com/arjan/pkgx +pkg_pkgx_commit = master + +PACKAGES += pkt +pkg_pkt_name = pkt +pkg_pkt_description = Erlang network protocol library +pkg_pkt_homepage = https://github.com/msantos/pkt +pkg_pkt_fetch = git +pkg_pkt_repo = https://github.com/msantos/pkt +pkg_pkt_commit = master + +PACKAGES += plain_fsm +pkg_plain_fsm_name = plain_fsm +pkg_plain_fsm_description = A behaviour/support library for writing plain Erlang FSMs. +pkg_plain_fsm_homepage = https://github.com/uwiger/plain_fsm +pkg_plain_fsm_fetch = git +pkg_plain_fsm_repo = https://github.com/uwiger/plain_fsm +pkg_plain_fsm_commit = master + +PACKAGES += plumtree +pkg_plumtree_name = plumtree +pkg_plumtree_description = Epidemic Broadcast Trees +pkg_plumtree_homepage = https://github.com/helium/plumtree +pkg_plumtree_fetch = git +pkg_plumtree_repo = https://github.com/helium/plumtree +pkg_plumtree_commit = master + +PACKAGES += pmod_transform +pkg_pmod_transform_name = pmod_transform +pkg_pmod_transform_description = Parse transform for parameterized modules +pkg_pmod_transform_homepage = https://github.com/erlang/pmod_transform +pkg_pmod_transform_fetch = git +pkg_pmod_transform_repo = https://github.com/erlang/pmod_transform +pkg_pmod_transform_commit = master + +PACKAGES += pobox +pkg_pobox_name = pobox +pkg_pobox_description = External buffer processes to protect against mailbox overflow in Erlang +pkg_pobox_homepage = https://github.com/ferd/pobox +pkg_pobox_fetch = git +pkg_pobox_repo = https://github.com/ferd/pobox +pkg_pobox_commit = master + +PACKAGES += ponos +pkg_ponos_name = ponos +pkg_ponos_description = ponos is a simple yet powerful load generator written in erlang +pkg_ponos_homepage = https://github.com/klarna/ponos +pkg_ponos_fetch = git +pkg_ponos_repo = https://github.com/klarna/ponos +pkg_ponos_commit = master + +PACKAGES += poolboy +pkg_poolboy_name = poolboy +pkg_poolboy_description = A hunky Erlang worker pool factory +pkg_poolboy_homepage = https://github.com/devinus/poolboy +pkg_poolboy_fetch = git +pkg_poolboy_repo = https://github.com/devinus/poolboy +pkg_poolboy_commit = master + +PACKAGES += pooler +pkg_pooler_name = pooler +pkg_pooler_description = An OTP Process Pool Application +pkg_pooler_homepage = https://github.com/seth/pooler +pkg_pooler_fetch = git +pkg_pooler_repo = https://github.com/seth/pooler +pkg_pooler_commit = master + +PACKAGES += pqueue +pkg_pqueue_name = pqueue +pkg_pqueue_description = Erlang Priority Queues +pkg_pqueue_homepage = https://github.com/okeuday/pqueue +pkg_pqueue_fetch = git +pkg_pqueue_repo = https://github.com/okeuday/pqueue +pkg_pqueue_commit = master + +PACKAGES += procket +pkg_procket_name = procket +pkg_procket_description = Erlang interface to low level socket operations +pkg_procket_homepage = http://blog.listincomprehension.com/search/label/procket +pkg_procket_fetch = git +pkg_procket_repo = https://github.com/msantos/procket +pkg_procket_commit = master + +PACKAGES += prometheus +pkg_prometheus_name = prometheus +pkg_prometheus_description = Prometheus.io client in Erlang +pkg_prometheus_homepage = https://github.com/deadtrickster/prometheus.erl +pkg_prometheus_fetch = git +pkg_prometheus_repo = https://github.com/deadtrickster/prometheus.erl +pkg_prometheus_commit = master + +PACKAGES += prop +pkg_prop_name = prop +pkg_prop_description = An Erlang code scaffolding and generator system. +pkg_prop_homepage = https://github.com/nuex/prop +pkg_prop_fetch = git +pkg_prop_repo = https://github.com/nuex/prop +pkg_prop_commit = master + +PACKAGES += proper +pkg_proper_name = proper +pkg_proper_description = PropEr: a QuickCheck-inspired property-based testing tool for Erlang. +pkg_proper_homepage = http://proper.softlab.ntua.gr +pkg_proper_fetch = git +pkg_proper_repo = https://github.com/manopapad/proper +pkg_proper_commit = master + +PACKAGES += props +pkg_props_name = props +pkg_props_description = Property structure library +pkg_props_homepage = https://github.com/greyarea/props +pkg_props_fetch = git +pkg_props_repo = https://github.com/greyarea/props +pkg_props_commit = master + +PACKAGES += protobuffs +pkg_protobuffs_name = protobuffs +pkg_protobuffs_description = An implementation of Google's Protocol Buffers for Erlang, based on ngerakines/erlang_protobuffs. +pkg_protobuffs_homepage = https://github.com/basho/erlang_protobuffs +pkg_protobuffs_fetch = git +pkg_protobuffs_repo = https://github.com/basho/erlang_protobuffs +pkg_protobuffs_commit = master + +PACKAGES += psycho +pkg_psycho_name = psycho +pkg_psycho_description = HTTP server that provides a WSGI-like interface for applications and middleware. +pkg_psycho_homepage = https://github.com/gar1t/psycho +pkg_psycho_fetch = git +pkg_psycho_repo = https://github.com/gar1t/psycho +pkg_psycho_commit = master + +PACKAGES += purity +pkg_purity_name = purity +pkg_purity_description = A side-effect analyzer for Erlang +pkg_purity_homepage = https://github.com/mpitid/purity +pkg_purity_fetch = git +pkg_purity_repo = https://github.com/mpitid/purity +pkg_purity_commit = master + +PACKAGES += push_service +pkg_push_service_name = push_service +pkg_push_service_description = Push service +pkg_push_service_homepage = https://github.com/hairyhum/push_service +pkg_push_service_fetch = git +pkg_push_service_repo = https://github.com/hairyhum/push_service +pkg_push_service_commit = master + +PACKAGES += qdate +pkg_qdate_name = qdate +pkg_qdate_description = Date, time, and timezone parsing, formatting, and conversion for Erlang. +pkg_qdate_homepage = https://github.com/choptastic/qdate +pkg_qdate_fetch = git +pkg_qdate_repo = https://github.com/choptastic/qdate +pkg_qdate_commit = master + +PACKAGES += qrcode +pkg_qrcode_name = qrcode +pkg_qrcode_description = QR Code encoder in Erlang +pkg_qrcode_homepage = https://github.com/komone/qrcode +pkg_qrcode_fetch = git +pkg_qrcode_repo = https://github.com/komone/qrcode +pkg_qrcode_commit = master + +PACKAGES += quest +pkg_quest_name = quest +pkg_quest_description = Learn Erlang through this set of challenges. An interactive system for getting to know Erlang. +pkg_quest_homepage = https://github.com/eriksoe/ErlangQuest +pkg_quest_fetch = git +pkg_quest_repo = https://github.com/eriksoe/ErlangQuest +pkg_quest_commit = master + +PACKAGES += quickrand +pkg_quickrand_name = quickrand +pkg_quickrand_description = Quick Erlang Random Number Generation +pkg_quickrand_homepage = https://github.com/okeuday/quickrand +pkg_quickrand_fetch = git +pkg_quickrand_repo = https://github.com/okeuday/quickrand +pkg_quickrand_commit = master + +PACKAGES += rabbit +pkg_rabbit_name = rabbit +pkg_rabbit_description = RabbitMQ Server +pkg_rabbit_homepage = https://www.rabbitmq.com/ +pkg_rabbit_fetch = git +pkg_rabbit_repo = https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server.git +pkg_rabbit_commit = master + +PACKAGES += rabbit_exchange_type_riak +pkg_rabbit_exchange_type_riak_name = rabbit_exchange_type_riak +pkg_rabbit_exchange_type_riak_description = Custom RabbitMQ exchange type for sticking messages in Riak +pkg_rabbit_exchange_type_riak_homepage = https://github.com/jbrisbin/riak-exchange +pkg_rabbit_exchange_type_riak_fetch = git +pkg_rabbit_exchange_type_riak_repo = https://github.com/jbrisbin/riak-exchange +pkg_rabbit_exchange_type_riak_commit = master + +PACKAGES += rack +pkg_rack_name = rack +pkg_rack_description = Rack handler for erlang +pkg_rack_homepage = https://github.com/erlyvideo/rack +pkg_rack_fetch = git +pkg_rack_repo = https://github.com/erlyvideo/rack +pkg_rack_commit = master + +PACKAGES += radierl +pkg_radierl_name = radierl +pkg_radierl_description = RADIUS protocol stack implemented in Erlang. +pkg_radierl_homepage = https://github.com/vances/radierl +pkg_radierl_fetch = git +pkg_radierl_repo = https://github.com/vances/radierl +pkg_radierl_commit = master + +PACKAGES += rafter +pkg_rafter_name = rafter +pkg_rafter_description = An Erlang library application which implements the Raft consensus protocol +pkg_rafter_homepage = https://github.com/andrewjstone/rafter +pkg_rafter_fetch = git +pkg_rafter_repo = https://github.com/andrewjstone/rafter +pkg_rafter_commit = master + +PACKAGES += ranch +pkg_ranch_name = ranch +pkg_ranch_description = Socket acceptor pool for TCP protocols. +pkg_ranch_homepage = http://ninenines.eu +pkg_ranch_fetch = git +pkg_ranch_repo = https://github.com/ninenines/ranch +pkg_ranch_commit = 1.2.1 + +PACKAGES += rbeacon +pkg_rbeacon_name = rbeacon +pkg_rbeacon_description = LAN discovery and presence in Erlang. +pkg_rbeacon_homepage = https://github.com/refuge/rbeacon +pkg_rbeacon_fetch = git +pkg_rbeacon_repo = https://github.com/refuge/rbeacon +pkg_rbeacon_commit = master + +PACKAGES += rebar +pkg_rebar_name = rebar +pkg_rebar_description = Erlang build tool that makes it easy to compile and test Erlang applications, port drivers and releases. +pkg_rebar_homepage = http://www.rebar3.org +pkg_rebar_fetch = git +pkg_rebar_repo = https://github.com/rebar/rebar3 +pkg_rebar_commit = master + +PACKAGES += rebus +pkg_rebus_name = rebus +pkg_rebus_description = A stupid simple, internal, pub/sub event bus written in- and for Erlang. +pkg_rebus_homepage = https://github.com/olle/rebus +pkg_rebus_fetch = git +pkg_rebus_repo = https://github.com/olle/rebus +pkg_rebus_commit = master + +PACKAGES += rec2json +pkg_rec2json_name = rec2json +pkg_rec2json_description = Compile erlang record definitions into modules to convert them to/from json easily. +pkg_rec2json_homepage = https://github.com/lordnull/rec2json +pkg_rec2json_fetch = git +pkg_rec2json_repo = https://github.com/lordnull/rec2json +pkg_rec2json_commit = master + +PACKAGES += recon +pkg_recon_name = recon +pkg_recon_description = Collection of functions and scripts to debug Erlang in production. +pkg_recon_homepage = https://github.com/ferd/recon +pkg_recon_fetch = git +pkg_recon_repo = https://github.com/ferd/recon +pkg_recon_commit = master + +PACKAGES += record_info +pkg_record_info_name = record_info +pkg_record_info_description = Convert between record and proplist +pkg_record_info_homepage = https://github.com/bipthelin/erlang-record_info +pkg_record_info_fetch = git +pkg_record_info_repo = https://github.com/bipthelin/erlang-record_info +pkg_record_info_commit = master + +PACKAGES += redgrid +pkg_redgrid_name = redgrid +pkg_redgrid_description = automatic Erlang node discovery via redis +pkg_redgrid_homepage = https://github.com/jkvor/redgrid +pkg_redgrid_fetch = git +pkg_redgrid_repo = https://github.com/jkvor/redgrid +pkg_redgrid_commit = master + +PACKAGES += redo +pkg_redo_name = redo +pkg_redo_description = pipelined erlang redis client +pkg_redo_homepage = https://github.com/jkvor/redo +pkg_redo_fetch = git +pkg_redo_repo = https://github.com/jkvor/redo +pkg_redo_commit = master + +PACKAGES += reload_mk +pkg_reload_mk_name = reload_mk +pkg_reload_mk_description = Live reload plugin for erlang.mk. +pkg_reload_mk_homepage = https://github.com/bullno1/reload.mk +pkg_reload_mk_fetch = git +pkg_reload_mk_repo = https://github.com/bullno1/reload.mk +pkg_reload_mk_commit = master + +PACKAGES += reltool_util +pkg_reltool_util_name = reltool_util +pkg_reltool_util_description = Erlang reltool utility functionality application +pkg_reltool_util_homepage = https://github.com/okeuday/reltool_util +pkg_reltool_util_fetch = git +pkg_reltool_util_repo = https://github.com/okeuday/reltool_util +pkg_reltool_util_commit = master + +PACKAGES += relx +pkg_relx_name = relx +pkg_relx_description = Sane, simple release creation for Erlang +pkg_relx_homepage = https://github.com/erlware/relx +pkg_relx_fetch = git +pkg_relx_repo = https://github.com/erlware/relx +pkg_relx_commit = master + +PACKAGES += resource_discovery +pkg_resource_discovery_name = resource_discovery +pkg_resource_discovery_description = An application used to dynamically discover resources present in an Erlang node cluster. +pkg_resource_discovery_homepage = http://erlware.org/ +pkg_resource_discovery_fetch = git +pkg_resource_discovery_repo = https://github.com/erlware/resource_discovery +pkg_resource_discovery_commit = master + +PACKAGES += restc +pkg_restc_name = restc +pkg_restc_description = Erlang Rest Client +pkg_restc_homepage = https://github.com/kivra/restclient +pkg_restc_fetch = git +pkg_restc_repo = https://github.com/kivra/restclient +pkg_restc_commit = master + +PACKAGES += rfc4627_jsonrpc +pkg_rfc4627_jsonrpc_name = rfc4627_jsonrpc +pkg_rfc4627_jsonrpc_description = Erlang RFC4627 (JSON) codec and JSON-RPC server implementation. +pkg_rfc4627_jsonrpc_homepage = https://github.com/tonyg/erlang-rfc4627 +pkg_rfc4627_jsonrpc_fetch = git +pkg_rfc4627_jsonrpc_repo = https://github.com/tonyg/erlang-rfc4627 +pkg_rfc4627_jsonrpc_commit = master + +PACKAGES += riak_control +pkg_riak_control_name = riak_control +pkg_riak_control_description = Webmachine-based administration interface for Riak. +pkg_riak_control_homepage = https://github.com/basho/riak_control +pkg_riak_control_fetch = git +pkg_riak_control_repo = https://github.com/basho/riak_control +pkg_riak_control_commit = master + +PACKAGES += riak_core +pkg_riak_core_name = riak_core +pkg_riak_core_description = Distributed systems infrastructure used by Riak. +pkg_riak_core_homepage = https://github.com/basho/riak_core +pkg_riak_core_fetch = git +pkg_riak_core_repo = https://github.com/basho/riak_core +pkg_riak_core_commit = master + +PACKAGES += riak_dt +pkg_riak_dt_name = riak_dt +pkg_riak_dt_description = Convergent replicated datatypes in Erlang +pkg_riak_dt_homepage = https://github.com/basho/riak_dt +pkg_riak_dt_fetch = git +pkg_riak_dt_repo = https://github.com/basho/riak_dt +pkg_riak_dt_commit = master + +PACKAGES += riak_ensemble +pkg_riak_ensemble_name = riak_ensemble +pkg_riak_ensemble_description = Multi-Paxos framework in Erlang +pkg_riak_ensemble_homepage = https://github.com/basho/riak_ensemble +pkg_riak_ensemble_fetch = git +pkg_riak_ensemble_repo = https://github.com/basho/riak_ensemble +pkg_riak_ensemble_commit = master + +PACKAGES += riak_kv +pkg_riak_kv_name = riak_kv +pkg_riak_kv_description = Riak Key/Value Store +pkg_riak_kv_homepage = https://github.com/basho/riak_kv +pkg_riak_kv_fetch = git +pkg_riak_kv_repo = https://github.com/basho/riak_kv +pkg_riak_kv_commit = master + +PACKAGES += riak_pg +pkg_riak_pg_name = riak_pg +pkg_riak_pg_description = Distributed process groups with riak_core. +pkg_riak_pg_homepage = https://github.com/cmeiklejohn/riak_pg +pkg_riak_pg_fetch = git +pkg_riak_pg_repo = https://github.com/cmeiklejohn/riak_pg +pkg_riak_pg_commit = master + +PACKAGES += riak_pipe +pkg_riak_pipe_name = riak_pipe +pkg_riak_pipe_description = Riak Pipelines +pkg_riak_pipe_homepage = https://github.com/basho/riak_pipe +pkg_riak_pipe_fetch = git +pkg_riak_pipe_repo = https://github.com/basho/riak_pipe +pkg_riak_pipe_commit = master + +PACKAGES += riak_sysmon +pkg_riak_sysmon_name = riak_sysmon +pkg_riak_sysmon_description = Simple OTP app for managing Erlang VM system_monitor event messages +pkg_riak_sysmon_homepage = https://github.com/basho/riak_sysmon +pkg_riak_sysmon_fetch = git +pkg_riak_sysmon_repo = https://github.com/basho/riak_sysmon +pkg_riak_sysmon_commit = master + +PACKAGES += riak_test +pkg_riak_test_name = riak_test +pkg_riak_test_description = I'm in your cluster, testing your riaks +pkg_riak_test_homepage = https://github.com/basho/riak_test +pkg_riak_test_fetch = git +pkg_riak_test_repo = https://github.com/basho/riak_test +pkg_riak_test_commit = master + +PACKAGES += riakc +pkg_riakc_name = riakc +pkg_riakc_description = Erlang clients for Riak. +pkg_riakc_homepage = https://github.com/basho/riak-erlang-client +pkg_riakc_fetch = git +pkg_riakc_repo = https://github.com/basho/riak-erlang-client +pkg_riakc_commit = master + +PACKAGES += riakhttpc +pkg_riakhttpc_name = riakhttpc +pkg_riakhttpc_description = Riak Erlang client using the HTTP interface +pkg_riakhttpc_homepage = https://github.com/basho/riak-erlang-http-client +pkg_riakhttpc_fetch = git +pkg_riakhttpc_repo = https://github.com/basho/riak-erlang-http-client +pkg_riakhttpc_commit = master + +PACKAGES += riaknostic +pkg_riaknostic_name = riaknostic +pkg_riaknostic_description = A diagnostic tool for Riak installations, to find common errors asap +pkg_riaknostic_homepage = https://github.com/basho/riaknostic +pkg_riaknostic_fetch = git +pkg_riaknostic_repo = https://github.com/basho/riaknostic +pkg_riaknostic_commit = master + +PACKAGES += riakpool +pkg_riakpool_name = riakpool +pkg_riakpool_description = erlang riak client pool +pkg_riakpool_homepage = https://github.com/dweldon/riakpool +pkg_riakpool_fetch = git +pkg_riakpool_repo = https://github.com/dweldon/riakpool +pkg_riakpool_commit = master + +PACKAGES += rivus_cep +pkg_rivus_cep_name = rivus_cep +pkg_rivus_cep_description = Complex event processing in Erlang +pkg_rivus_cep_homepage = https://github.com/vascokk/rivus_cep +pkg_rivus_cep_fetch = git +pkg_rivus_cep_repo = https://github.com/vascokk/rivus_cep +pkg_rivus_cep_commit = master + +PACKAGES += rlimit +pkg_rlimit_name = rlimit +pkg_rlimit_description = Magnus Klaar's rate limiter code from etorrent +pkg_rlimit_homepage = https://github.com/jlouis/rlimit +pkg_rlimit_fetch = git +pkg_rlimit_repo = https://github.com/jlouis/rlimit +pkg_rlimit_commit = master + +PACKAGES += rust_mk +pkg_rust_mk_name = rust_mk +pkg_rust_mk_description = Build Rust crates in an Erlang application +pkg_rust_mk_homepage = https://github.com/goertzenator/rust.mk +pkg_rust_mk_fetch = git +pkg_rust_mk_repo = https://github.com/goertzenator/rust.mk +pkg_rust_mk_commit = master + +PACKAGES += safetyvalve +pkg_safetyvalve_name = safetyvalve +pkg_safetyvalve_description = A safety valve for your erlang node +pkg_safetyvalve_homepage = https://github.com/jlouis/safetyvalve +pkg_safetyvalve_fetch = git +pkg_safetyvalve_repo = https://github.com/jlouis/safetyvalve +pkg_safetyvalve_commit = master + +PACKAGES += seestar +pkg_seestar_name = seestar +pkg_seestar_description = The Erlang client for Cassandra 1.2+ binary protocol +pkg_seestar_homepage = https://github.com/iamaleksey/seestar +pkg_seestar_fetch = git +pkg_seestar_repo = https://github.com/iamaleksey/seestar +pkg_seestar_commit = master + +PACKAGES += service +pkg_service_name = service +pkg_service_description = A minimal Erlang behavior for creating CloudI internal services +pkg_service_homepage = http://cloudi.org/ +pkg_service_fetch = git +pkg_service_repo = https://github.com/CloudI/service +pkg_service_commit = master + +PACKAGES += setup +pkg_setup_name = setup +pkg_setup_description = Generic setup utility for Erlang-based systems +pkg_setup_homepage = https://github.com/uwiger/setup +pkg_setup_fetch = git +pkg_setup_repo = https://github.com/uwiger/setup +pkg_setup_commit = master + +PACKAGES += sext +pkg_sext_name = sext +pkg_sext_description = Sortable Erlang Term Serialization +pkg_sext_homepage = https://github.com/uwiger/sext +pkg_sext_fetch = git +pkg_sext_repo = https://github.com/uwiger/sext +pkg_sext_commit = master + +PACKAGES += sfmt +pkg_sfmt_name = sfmt +pkg_sfmt_description = SFMT pseudo random number generator for Erlang. +pkg_sfmt_homepage = https://github.com/jj1bdx/sfmt-erlang +pkg_sfmt_fetch = git +pkg_sfmt_repo = https://github.com/jj1bdx/sfmt-erlang +pkg_sfmt_commit = master + +PACKAGES += sgte +pkg_sgte_name = sgte +pkg_sgte_description = A simple Erlang Template Engine +pkg_sgte_homepage = https://github.com/filippo/sgte +pkg_sgte_fetch = git +pkg_sgte_repo = https://github.com/filippo/sgte +pkg_sgte_commit = master + +PACKAGES += sheriff +pkg_sheriff_name = sheriff +pkg_sheriff_description = Parse transform for type based validation. +pkg_sheriff_homepage = http://ninenines.eu +pkg_sheriff_fetch = git +pkg_sheriff_repo = https://github.com/extend/sheriff +pkg_sheriff_commit = master + +PACKAGES += shotgun +pkg_shotgun_name = shotgun +pkg_shotgun_description = better than just a gun +pkg_shotgun_homepage = https://github.com/inaka/shotgun +pkg_shotgun_fetch = git +pkg_shotgun_repo = https://github.com/inaka/shotgun +pkg_shotgun_commit = master + +PACKAGES += sidejob +pkg_sidejob_name = sidejob +pkg_sidejob_description = Parallel worker and capacity limiting library for Erlang +pkg_sidejob_homepage = https://github.com/basho/sidejob +pkg_sidejob_fetch = git +pkg_sidejob_repo = https://github.com/basho/sidejob +pkg_sidejob_commit = master + +PACKAGES += sieve +pkg_sieve_name = sieve +pkg_sieve_description = sieve is a simple TCP routing proxy (layer 7) in erlang +pkg_sieve_homepage = https://github.com/benoitc/sieve +pkg_sieve_fetch = git +pkg_sieve_repo = https://github.com/benoitc/sieve +pkg_sieve_commit = master + +PACKAGES += sighandler +pkg_sighandler_name = sighandler +pkg_sighandler_description = Handle UNIX signals in Er lang +pkg_sighandler_homepage = https://github.com/jkingsbery/sighandler +pkg_sighandler_fetch = git +pkg_sighandler_repo = https://github.com/jkingsbery/sighandler +pkg_sighandler_commit = master + +PACKAGES += simhash +pkg_simhash_name = simhash +pkg_simhash_description = Simhashing for Erlang -- hashing algorithm to find near-duplicates in binary data. +pkg_simhash_homepage = https://github.com/ferd/simhash +pkg_simhash_fetch = git +pkg_simhash_repo = https://github.com/ferd/simhash +pkg_simhash_commit = master + +PACKAGES += simple_bridge +pkg_simple_bridge_name = simple_bridge +pkg_simple_bridge_description = A simple, standardized interface library to Erlang HTTP Servers. +pkg_simple_bridge_homepage = https://github.com/nitrogen/simple_bridge +pkg_simple_bridge_fetch = git +pkg_simple_bridge_repo = https://github.com/nitrogen/simple_bridge +pkg_simple_bridge_commit = master + +PACKAGES += simple_oauth2 +pkg_simple_oauth2_name = simple_oauth2 +pkg_simple_oauth2_description = Simple erlang OAuth2 client module for any http server framework (Google, Facebook, Yandex, Vkontakte are preconfigured) +pkg_simple_oauth2_homepage = https://github.com/virtan/simple_oauth2 +pkg_simple_oauth2_fetch = git +pkg_simple_oauth2_repo = https://github.com/virtan/simple_oauth2 +pkg_simple_oauth2_commit = master + +PACKAGES += skel +pkg_skel_name = skel +pkg_skel_description = A Streaming Process-based Skeleton Library for Erlang +pkg_skel_homepage = https://github.com/ParaPhrase/skel +pkg_skel_fetch = git +pkg_skel_repo = https://github.com/ParaPhrase/skel +pkg_skel_commit = master + +PACKAGES += slack +pkg_slack_name = slack +pkg_slack_description = Minimal slack notification OTP library. +pkg_slack_homepage = https://github.com/DonBranson/slack +pkg_slack_fetch = git +pkg_slack_repo = https://github.com/DonBranson/slack.git +pkg_slack_commit = master + +PACKAGES += smother +pkg_smother_name = smother +pkg_smother_description = Extended code coverage metrics for Erlang. +pkg_smother_homepage = https://ramsay-t.github.io/Smother/ +pkg_smother_fetch = git +pkg_smother_repo = https://github.com/ramsay-t/Smother +pkg_smother_commit = master + +PACKAGES += snappyer +pkg_snappyer_name = snappyer +pkg_snappyer_description = Snappy as nif for Erlang +pkg_snappyer_homepage = https://github.com/zmstone/snappyer +pkg_snappyer_fetch = git +pkg_snappyer_repo = https://github.com/zmstone/snappyer.git +pkg_snappyer_commit = master + +PACKAGES += social +pkg_social_name = social +pkg_social_description = Cowboy handler for social login via OAuth2 providers +pkg_social_homepage = https://github.com/dvv/social +pkg_social_fetch = git +pkg_social_repo = https://github.com/dvv/social +pkg_social_commit = master + +PACKAGES += spapi_router +pkg_spapi_router_name = spapi_router +pkg_spapi_router_description = Partially-connected Erlang clustering +pkg_spapi_router_homepage = https://github.com/spilgames/spapi-router +pkg_spapi_router_fetch = git +pkg_spapi_router_repo = https://github.com/spilgames/spapi-router +pkg_spapi_router_commit = master + +PACKAGES += sqerl +pkg_sqerl_name = sqerl +pkg_sqerl_description = An Erlang-flavoured SQL DSL +pkg_sqerl_homepage = https://github.com/hairyhum/sqerl +pkg_sqerl_fetch = git +pkg_sqerl_repo = https://github.com/hairyhum/sqerl +pkg_sqerl_commit = master + +PACKAGES += srly +pkg_srly_name = srly +pkg_srly_description = Native Erlang Unix serial interface +pkg_srly_homepage = https://github.com/msantos/srly +pkg_srly_fetch = git +pkg_srly_repo = https://github.com/msantos/srly +pkg_srly_commit = master + +PACKAGES += sshrpc +pkg_sshrpc_name = sshrpc +pkg_sshrpc_description = Erlang SSH RPC module (experimental) +pkg_sshrpc_homepage = https://github.com/jj1bdx/sshrpc +pkg_sshrpc_fetch = git +pkg_sshrpc_repo = https://github.com/jj1bdx/sshrpc +pkg_sshrpc_commit = master + +PACKAGES += stable +pkg_stable_name = stable +pkg_stable_description = Library of assorted helpers for Cowboy web server. +pkg_stable_homepage = https://github.com/dvv/stable +pkg_stable_fetch = git +pkg_stable_repo = https://github.com/dvv/stable +pkg_stable_commit = master + +PACKAGES += statebox +pkg_statebox_name = statebox +pkg_statebox_description = Erlang state monad with merge/conflict-resolution capabilities. Useful for Riak. +pkg_statebox_homepage = https://github.com/mochi/statebox +pkg_statebox_fetch = git +pkg_statebox_repo = https://github.com/mochi/statebox +pkg_statebox_commit = master + +PACKAGES += statebox_riak +pkg_statebox_riak_name = statebox_riak +pkg_statebox_riak_description = Convenience library that makes it easier to use statebox with riak, extracted from best practices in our production code at Mochi Media. +pkg_statebox_riak_homepage = https://github.com/mochi/statebox_riak +pkg_statebox_riak_fetch = git +pkg_statebox_riak_repo = https://github.com/mochi/statebox_riak +pkg_statebox_riak_commit = master + +PACKAGES += statman +pkg_statman_name = statman +pkg_statman_description = Efficiently collect massive volumes of metrics inside the Erlang VM +pkg_statman_homepage = https://github.com/knutin/statman +pkg_statman_fetch = git +pkg_statman_repo = https://github.com/knutin/statman +pkg_statman_commit = master + +PACKAGES += statsderl +pkg_statsderl_name = statsderl +pkg_statsderl_description = StatsD client (erlang) +pkg_statsderl_homepage = https://github.com/lpgauth/statsderl +pkg_statsderl_fetch = git +pkg_statsderl_repo = https://github.com/lpgauth/statsderl +pkg_statsderl_commit = master + +PACKAGES += stdinout_pool +pkg_stdinout_pool_name = stdinout_pool +pkg_stdinout_pool_description = stdinout_pool : stuff goes in, stuff goes out. there's never any miscommunication. +pkg_stdinout_pool_homepage = https://github.com/mattsta/erlang-stdinout-pool +pkg_stdinout_pool_fetch = git +pkg_stdinout_pool_repo = https://github.com/mattsta/erlang-stdinout-pool +pkg_stdinout_pool_commit = master + +PACKAGES += stockdb +pkg_stockdb_name = stockdb +pkg_stockdb_description = Database for storing Stock Exchange quotes in erlang +pkg_stockdb_homepage = https://github.com/maxlapshin/stockdb +pkg_stockdb_fetch = git +pkg_stockdb_repo = https://github.com/maxlapshin/stockdb +pkg_stockdb_commit = master + +PACKAGES += stripe +pkg_stripe_name = stripe +pkg_stripe_description = Erlang interface to the stripe.com API +pkg_stripe_homepage = https://github.com/mattsta/stripe-erlang +pkg_stripe_fetch = git +pkg_stripe_repo = https://github.com/mattsta/stripe-erlang +pkg_stripe_commit = v1 + +PACKAGES += subproc +pkg_subproc_name = subproc +pkg_subproc_description = unix subprocess manager with {active,once|false} modes +pkg_subproc_homepage = http://dozzie.jarowit.net/trac/wiki/subproc +pkg_subproc_fetch = git +pkg_subproc_repo = https://github.com/dozzie/subproc +pkg_subproc_commit = v0.1.0 + +PACKAGES += supervisor3 +pkg_supervisor3_name = supervisor3 +pkg_supervisor3_description = OTP supervisor with additional strategies +pkg_supervisor3_homepage = https://github.com/klarna/supervisor3 +pkg_supervisor3_fetch = git +pkg_supervisor3_repo = https://github.com/klarna/supervisor3.git +pkg_supervisor3_commit = master + +PACKAGES += surrogate +pkg_surrogate_name = surrogate +pkg_surrogate_description = Proxy server written in erlang. Supports reverse proxy load balancing and forward proxy with http (including CONNECT), socks4, socks5, and transparent proxy modes. +pkg_surrogate_homepage = https://github.com/skruger/Surrogate +pkg_surrogate_fetch = git +pkg_surrogate_repo = https://github.com/skruger/Surrogate +pkg_surrogate_commit = master + +PACKAGES += swab +pkg_swab_name = swab +pkg_swab_description = General purpose buffer handling module +pkg_swab_homepage = https://github.com/crownedgrouse/swab +pkg_swab_fetch = git +pkg_swab_repo = https://github.com/crownedgrouse/swab +pkg_swab_commit = master + +PACKAGES += swarm +pkg_swarm_name = swarm +pkg_swarm_description = Fast and simple acceptor pool for Erlang +pkg_swarm_homepage = https://github.com/jeremey/swarm +pkg_swarm_fetch = git +pkg_swarm_repo = https://github.com/jeremey/swarm +pkg_swarm_commit = master + +PACKAGES += switchboard +pkg_switchboard_name = switchboard +pkg_switchboard_description = A framework for processing email using worker plugins. +pkg_switchboard_homepage = https://github.com/thusfresh/switchboard +pkg_switchboard_fetch = git +pkg_switchboard_repo = https://github.com/thusfresh/switchboard +pkg_switchboard_commit = master + +PACKAGES += syn +pkg_syn_name = syn +pkg_syn_description = A global Process Registry and Process Group manager for Erlang. +pkg_syn_homepage = https://github.com/ostinelli/syn +pkg_syn_fetch = git +pkg_syn_repo = https://github.com/ostinelli/syn +pkg_syn_commit = master + +PACKAGES += sync +pkg_sync_name = sync +pkg_sync_description = On-the-fly recompiling and reloading in Erlang. +pkg_sync_homepage = https://github.com/rustyio/sync +pkg_sync_fetch = git +pkg_sync_repo = https://github.com/rustyio/sync +pkg_sync_commit = master + +PACKAGES += syntaxerl +pkg_syntaxerl_name = syntaxerl +pkg_syntaxerl_description = Syntax checker for Erlang +pkg_syntaxerl_homepage = https://github.com/ten0s/syntaxerl +pkg_syntaxerl_fetch = git +pkg_syntaxerl_repo = https://github.com/ten0s/syntaxerl +pkg_syntaxerl_commit = master + +PACKAGES += syslog +pkg_syslog_name = syslog +pkg_syslog_description = Erlang port driver for interacting with syslog via syslog(3) +pkg_syslog_homepage = https://github.com/Vagabond/erlang-syslog +pkg_syslog_fetch = git +pkg_syslog_repo = https://github.com/Vagabond/erlang-syslog +pkg_syslog_commit = master + +PACKAGES += taskforce +pkg_taskforce_name = taskforce +pkg_taskforce_description = Erlang worker pools for controlled parallelisation of arbitrary tasks. +pkg_taskforce_homepage = https://github.com/g-andrade/taskforce +pkg_taskforce_fetch = git +pkg_taskforce_repo = https://github.com/g-andrade/taskforce +pkg_taskforce_commit = master + +PACKAGES += tddreloader +pkg_tddreloader_name = tddreloader +pkg_tddreloader_description = Shell utility for recompiling, reloading, and testing code as it changes +pkg_tddreloader_homepage = https://github.com/version2beta/tddreloader +pkg_tddreloader_fetch = git +pkg_tddreloader_repo = https://github.com/version2beta/tddreloader +pkg_tddreloader_commit = master + +PACKAGES += tempo +pkg_tempo_name = tempo +pkg_tempo_description = NIF-based date and time parsing and formatting for Erlang. +pkg_tempo_homepage = https://github.com/selectel/tempo +pkg_tempo_fetch = git +pkg_tempo_repo = https://github.com/selectel/tempo +pkg_tempo_commit = master + +PACKAGES += ticktick +pkg_ticktick_name = ticktick +pkg_ticktick_description = Ticktick is an id generator for message service. +pkg_ticktick_homepage = https://github.com/ericliang/ticktick +pkg_ticktick_fetch = git +pkg_ticktick_repo = https://github.com/ericliang/ticktick +pkg_ticktick_commit = master + +PACKAGES += tinymq +pkg_tinymq_name = tinymq +pkg_tinymq_description = TinyMQ - a diminutive, in-memory message queue +pkg_tinymq_homepage = https://github.com/ChicagoBoss/tinymq +pkg_tinymq_fetch = git +pkg_tinymq_repo = https://github.com/ChicagoBoss/tinymq +pkg_tinymq_commit = master + +PACKAGES += tinymt +pkg_tinymt_name = tinymt +pkg_tinymt_description = TinyMT pseudo random number generator for Erlang. +pkg_tinymt_homepage = https://github.com/jj1bdx/tinymt-erlang +pkg_tinymt_fetch = git +pkg_tinymt_repo = https://github.com/jj1bdx/tinymt-erlang +pkg_tinymt_commit = master + +PACKAGES += tirerl +pkg_tirerl_name = tirerl +pkg_tirerl_description = Erlang interface to Elastic Search +pkg_tirerl_homepage = https://github.com/inaka/tirerl +pkg_tirerl_fetch = git +pkg_tirerl_repo = https://github.com/inaka/tirerl +pkg_tirerl_commit = master + +PACKAGES += toml +pkg_toml_name = toml +pkg_toml_description = TOML (0.4.0) config parser +pkg_toml_homepage = http://dozzie.jarowit.net/trac/wiki/TOML +pkg_toml_fetch = git +pkg_toml_repo = https://github.com/dozzie/toml +pkg_toml_commit = v0.2.0 + +PACKAGES += traffic_tools +pkg_traffic_tools_name = traffic_tools +pkg_traffic_tools_description = Simple traffic limiting library +pkg_traffic_tools_homepage = https://github.com/systra/traffic_tools +pkg_traffic_tools_fetch = git +pkg_traffic_tools_repo = https://github.com/systra/traffic_tools +pkg_traffic_tools_commit = master + +PACKAGES += trails +pkg_trails_name = trails +pkg_trails_description = A couple of improvements over Cowboy Routes +pkg_trails_homepage = http://inaka.github.io/cowboy-trails/ +pkg_trails_fetch = git +pkg_trails_repo = https://github.com/inaka/cowboy-trails +pkg_trails_commit = master + +PACKAGES += trane +pkg_trane_name = trane +pkg_trane_description = SAX style broken HTML parser in Erlang +pkg_trane_homepage = https://github.com/massemanet/trane +pkg_trane_fetch = git +pkg_trane_repo = https://github.com/massemanet/trane +pkg_trane_commit = master + +PACKAGES += transit +pkg_transit_name = transit +pkg_transit_description = transit format for erlang +pkg_transit_homepage = https://github.com/isaiah/transit-erlang +pkg_transit_fetch = git +pkg_transit_repo = https://github.com/isaiah/transit-erlang +pkg_transit_commit = master + +PACKAGES += trie +pkg_trie_name = trie +pkg_trie_description = Erlang Trie Implementation +pkg_trie_homepage = https://github.com/okeuday/trie +pkg_trie_fetch = git +pkg_trie_repo = https://github.com/okeuday/trie +pkg_trie_commit = master + +PACKAGES += triq +pkg_triq_name = triq +pkg_triq_description = Trifork QuickCheck +pkg_triq_homepage = https://triq.gitlab.io +pkg_triq_fetch = git +pkg_triq_repo = https://gitlab.com/triq/triq.git +pkg_triq_commit = master + +PACKAGES += tunctl +pkg_tunctl_name = tunctl +pkg_tunctl_description = Erlang TUN/TAP interface +pkg_tunctl_homepage = https://github.com/msantos/tunctl +pkg_tunctl_fetch = git +pkg_tunctl_repo = https://github.com/msantos/tunctl +pkg_tunctl_commit = master + +PACKAGES += twerl +pkg_twerl_name = twerl +pkg_twerl_description = Erlang client for the Twitter Streaming API +pkg_twerl_homepage = https://github.com/lucaspiller/twerl +pkg_twerl_fetch = git +pkg_twerl_repo = https://github.com/lucaspiller/twerl +pkg_twerl_commit = oauth + +PACKAGES += twitter_erlang +pkg_twitter_erlang_name = twitter_erlang +pkg_twitter_erlang_description = An Erlang twitter client +pkg_twitter_erlang_homepage = https://github.com/ngerakines/erlang_twitter +pkg_twitter_erlang_fetch = git +pkg_twitter_erlang_repo = https://github.com/ngerakines/erlang_twitter +pkg_twitter_erlang_commit = master + +PACKAGES += ucol_nif +pkg_ucol_nif_name = ucol_nif +pkg_ucol_nif_description = ICU based collation Erlang module +pkg_ucol_nif_homepage = https://github.com/refuge/ucol_nif +pkg_ucol_nif_fetch = git +pkg_ucol_nif_repo = https://github.com/refuge/ucol_nif +pkg_ucol_nif_commit = master + +PACKAGES += unicorn +pkg_unicorn_name = unicorn +pkg_unicorn_description = Generic configuration server +pkg_unicorn_homepage = https://github.com/shizzard/unicorn +pkg_unicorn_fetch = git +pkg_unicorn_repo = https://github.com/shizzard/unicorn +pkg_unicorn_commit = master + +PACKAGES += unsplit +pkg_unsplit_name = unsplit +pkg_unsplit_description = Resolves conflicts in Mnesia after network splits +pkg_unsplit_homepage = https://github.com/uwiger/unsplit +pkg_unsplit_fetch = git +pkg_unsplit_repo = https://github.com/uwiger/unsplit +pkg_unsplit_commit = master + +PACKAGES += uuid +pkg_uuid_name = uuid +pkg_uuid_description = Erlang UUID Implementation +pkg_uuid_homepage = https://github.com/okeuday/uuid +pkg_uuid_fetch = git +pkg_uuid_repo = https://github.com/okeuday/uuid +pkg_uuid_commit = master + +PACKAGES += ux +pkg_ux_name = ux +pkg_ux_description = Unicode eXtention for Erlang (Strings, Collation) +pkg_ux_homepage = https://github.com/erlang-unicode/ux +pkg_ux_fetch = git +pkg_ux_repo = https://github.com/erlang-unicode/ux +pkg_ux_commit = master + +PACKAGES += vert +pkg_vert_name = vert +pkg_vert_description = Erlang binding to libvirt virtualization API +pkg_vert_homepage = https://github.com/msantos/erlang-libvirt +pkg_vert_fetch = git +pkg_vert_repo = https://github.com/msantos/erlang-libvirt +pkg_vert_commit = master + +PACKAGES += verx +pkg_verx_name = verx +pkg_verx_description = Erlang implementation of the libvirtd remote protocol +pkg_verx_homepage = https://github.com/msantos/verx +pkg_verx_fetch = git +pkg_verx_repo = https://github.com/msantos/verx +pkg_verx_commit = master + +PACKAGES += vmq_acl +pkg_vmq_acl_name = vmq_acl +pkg_vmq_acl_description = Component of VerneMQ: A distributed MQTT message broker +pkg_vmq_acl_homepage = https://verne.mq/ +pkg_vmq_acl_fetch = git +pkg_vmq_acl_repo = https://github.com/erlio/vmq_acl +pkg_vmq_acl_commit = master + +PACKAGES += vmq_bridge +pkg_vmq_bridge_name = vmq_bridge +pkg_vmq_bridge_description = Component of VerneMQ: A distributed MQTT message broker +pkg_vmq_bridge_homepage = https://verne.mq/ +pkg_vmq_bridge_fetch = git +pkg_vmq_bridge_repo = https://github.com/erlio/vmq_bridge +pkg_vmq_bridge_commit = master + +PACKAGES += vmq_graphite +pkg_vmq_graphite_name = vmq_graphite +pkg_vmq_graphite_description = Component of VerneMQ: A distributed MQTT message broker +pkg_vmq_graphite_homepage = https://verne.mq/ +pkg_vmq_graphite_fetch = git +pkg_vmq_graphite_repo = https://github.com/erlio/vmq_graphite +pkg_vmq_graphite_commit = master + +PACKAGES += vmq_passwd +pkg_vmq_passwd_name = vmq_passwd +pkg_vmq_passwd_description = Component of VerneMQ: A distributed MQTT message broker +pkg_vmq_passwd_homepage = https://verne.mq/ +pkg_vmq_passwd_fetch = git +pkg_vmq_passwd_repo = https://github.com/erlio/vmq_passwd +pkg_vmq_passwd_commit = master + +PACKAGES += vmq_server +pkg_vmq_server_name = vmq_server +pkg_vmq_server_description = Component of VerneMQ: A distributed MQTT message broker +pkg_vmq_server_homepage = https://verne.mq/ +pkg_vmq_server_fetch = git +pkg_vmq_server_repo = https://github.com/erlio/vmq_server +pkg_vmq_server_commit = master + +PACKAGES += vmq_snmp +pkg_vmq_snmp_name = vmq_snmp +pkg_vmq_snmp_description = Component of VerneMQ: A distributed MQTT message broker +pkg_vmq_snmp_homepage = https://verne.mq/ +pkg_vmq_snmp_fetch = git +pkg_vmq_snmp_repo = https://github.com/erlio/vmq_snmp +pkg_vmq_snmp_commit = master + +PACKAGES += vmq_systree +pkg_vmq_systree_name = vmq_systree +pkg_vmq_systree_description = Component of VerneMQ: A distributed MQTT message broker +pkg_vmq_systree_homepage = https://verne.mq/ +pkg_vmq_systree_fetch = git +pkg_vmq_systree_repo = https://github.com/erlio/vmq_systree +pkg_vmq_systree_commit = master + +PACKAGES += vmstats +pkg_vmstats_name = vmstats +pkg_vmstats_description = tiny Erlang app that works in conjunction with statsderl in order to generate information on the Erlang VM for graphite logs. +pkg_vmstats_homepage = https://github.com/ferd/vmstats +pkg_vmstats_fetch = git +pkg_vmstats_repo = https://github.com/ferd/vmstats +pkg_vmstats_commit = master + +PACKAGES += walrus +pkg_walrus_name = walrus +pkg_walrus_description = Walrus - Mustache-like Templating +pkg_walrus_homepage = https://github.com/devinus/walrus +pkg_walrus_fetch = git +pkg_walrus_repo = https://github.com/devinus/walrus +pkg_walrus_commit = master + +PACKAGES += webmachine +pkg_webmachine_name = webmachine +pkg_webmachine_description = A REST-based system for building web applications. +pkg_webmachine_homepage = https://github.com/basho/webmachine +pkg_webmachine_fetch = git +pkg_webmachine_repo = https://github.com/basho/webmachine +pkg_webmachine_commit = master + +PACKAGES += websocket_client +pkg_websocket_client_name = websocket_client +pkg_websocket_client_description = Erlang websocket client (ws and wss supported) +pkg_websocket_client_homepage = https://github.com/jeremyong/websocket_client +pkg_websocket_client_fetch = git +pkg_websocket_client_repo = https://github.com/jeremyong/websocket_client +pkg_websocket_client_commit = master + +PACKAGES += worker_pool +pkg_worker_pool_name = worker_pool +pkg_worker_pool_description = a simple erlang worker pool +pkg_worker_pool_homepage = https://github.com/inaka/worker_pool +pkg_worker_pool_fetch = git +pkg_worker_pool_repo = https://github.com/inaka/worker_pool +pkg_worker_pool_commit = master + +PACKAGES += wrangler +pkg_wrangler_name = wrangler +pkg_wrangler_description = Import of the Wrangler svn repository. +pkg_wrangler_homepage = http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/projects/wrangler/Home.html +pkg_wrangler_fetch = git +pkg_wrangler_repo = https://github.com/RefactoringTools/wrangler +pkg_wrangler_commit = master + +PACKAGES += wsock +pkg_wsock_name = wsock +pkg_wsock_description = Erlang library to build WebSocket clients and servers +pkg_wsock_homepage = https://github.com/madtrick/wsock +pkg_wsock_fetch = git +pkg_wsock_repo = https://github.com/madtrick/wsock +pkg_wsock_commit = master + +PACKAGES += xhttpc +pkg_xhttpc_name = xhttpc +pkg_xhttpc_description = Extensible HTTP Client for Erlang +pkg_xhttpc_homepage = https://github.com/seriyps/xhttpc +pkg_xhttpc_fetch = git +pkg_xhttpc_repo = https://github.com/seriyps/xhttpc +pkg_xhttpc_commit = master + +PACKAGES += xref_runner +pkg_xref_runner_name = xref_runner +pkg_xref_runner_description = Erlang Xref Runner (inspired in rebar xref) +pkg_xref_runner_homepage = https://github.com/inaka/xref_runner +pkg_xref_runner_fetch = git +pkg_xref_runner_repo = https://github.com/inaka/xref_runner +pkg_xref_runner_commit = master + +PACKAGES += yamerl +pkg_yamerl_name = yamerl +pkg_yamerl_description = YAML 1.2 parser in pure Erlang +pkg_yamerl_homepage = https://github.com/yakaz/yamerl +pkg_yamerl_fetch = git +pkg_yamerl_repo = https://github.com/yakaz/yamerl +pkg_yamerl_commit = master + +PACKAGES += yamler +pkg_yamler_name = yamler +pkg_yamler_description = libyaml-based yaml loader for Erlang +pkg_yamler_homepage = https://github.com/goertzenator/yamler +pkg_yamler_fetch = git +pkg_yamler_repo = https://github.com/goertzenator/yamler +pkg_yamler_commit = master + +PACKAGES += yaws +pkg_yaws_name = yaws +pkg_yaws_description = Yaws webserver +pkg_yaws_homepage = http://yaws.hyber.org +pkg_yaws_fetch = git +pkg_yaws_repo = https://github.com/klacke/yaws +pkg_yaws_commit = master + +PACKAGES += zab_engine +pkg_zab_engine_name = zab_engine +pkg_zab_engine_description = zab propotocol implement by erlang +pkg_zab_engine_homepage = https://github.com/xinmingyao/zab_engine +pkg_zab_engine_fetch = git +pkg_zab_engine_repo = https://github.com/xinmingyao/zab_engine +pkg_zab_engine_commit = master + +PACKAGES += zabbix_sender +pkg_zabbix_sender_name = zabbix_sender +pkg_zabbix_sender_description = Zabbix trapper for sending data to Zabbix in pure Erlang +pkg_zabbix_sender_homepage = https://github.com/stalkermn/zabbix_sender +pkg_zabbix_sender_fetch = git +pkg_zabbix_sender_repo = https://github.com/stalkermn/zabbix_sender.git +pkg_zabbix_sender_commit = master + +PACKAGES += zeta +pkg_zeta_name = zeta +pkg_zeta_description = HTTP access log parser in Erlang +pkg_zeta_homepage = https://github.com/s1n4/zeta +pkg_zeta_fetch = git +pkg_zeta_repo = https://github.com/s1n4/zeta +pkg_zeta_commit = master + +PACKAGES += zippers +pkg_zippers_name = zippers +pkg_zippers_description = A library for functional zipper data structures in Erlang. Read more on zippers +pkg_zippers_homepage = https://github.com/ferd/zippers +pkg_zippers_fetch = git +pkg_zippers_repo = https://github.com/ferd/zippers +pkg_zippers_commit = master + +PACKAGES += zlists +pkg_zlists_name = zlists +pkg_zlists_description = Erlang lazy lists library. +pkg_zlists_homepage = https://github.com/vjache/erlang-zlists +pkg_zlists_fetch = git +pkg_zlists_repo = https://github.com/vjache/erlang-zlists +pkg_zlists_commit = master + +PACKAGES += zraft_lib +pkg_zraft_lib_name = zraft_lib +pkg_zraft_lib_description = Erlang raft consensus protocol implementation +pkg_zraft_lib_homepage = https://github.com/dreyk/zraft_lib +pkg_zraft_lib_fetch = git +pkg_zraft_lib_repo = https://github.com/dreyk/zraft_lib +pkg_zraft_lib_commit = master + +PACKAGES += zucchini +pkg_zucchini_name = zucchini +pkg_zucchini_description = An Erlang INI parser +pkg_zucchini_homepage = https://github.com/devinus/zucchini +pkg_zucchini_fetch = git +pkg_zucchini_repo = https://github.com/devinus/zucchini +pkg_zucchini_commit = master + +# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +.PHONY: search + +define pkg_print + $(verbose) printf "%s\n" \ + $(if $(call core_eq,$(1),$(pkg_$(1)_name)),,"Pkg name: $(1)") \ + "App name: $(pkg_$(1)_name)" \ + "Description: $(pkg_$(1)_description)" \ + "Home page: $(pkg_$(1)_homepage)" \ + "Fetch with: $(pkg_$(1)_fetch)" \ + "Repository: $(pkg_$(1)_repo)" \ + "Commit: $(pkg_$(1)_commit)" \ + "" + +endef + +search: +ifdef q + $(foreach p,$(PACKAGES), \ + $(if $(findstring $(call core_lc,$(q)),$(call core_lc,$(pkg_$(p)_name) $(pkg_$(p)_description))), \ + $(call pkg_print,$(p)))) +else + $(foreach p,$(PACKAGES),$(call pkg_print,$(p))) +endif + +# Copyright (c) 2013-2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +.PHONY: distclean-deps clean-tmp-deps.log + +# Configuration. + +ifdef OTP_DEPS +$(warning The variable OTP_DEPS is deprecated in favor of LOCAL_DEPS.) +endif + +IGNORE_DEPS ?= +export IGNORE_DEPS + +APPS_DIR ?= $(CURDIR)/apps +export APPS_DIR + +DEPS_DIR ?= $(CURDIR)/deps +export DEPS_DIR + +REBAR_DEPS_DIR = $(DEPS_DIR) +export REBAR_DEPS_DIR + +REBAR_GIT ?= https://github.com/rebar/rebar +REBAR_COMMIT ?= 576e12171ab8d69b048b827b92aa65d067deea01 + +# External "early" plugins (see core/plugins.mk for regular plugins). +# They both use the core_dep_plugin macro. + +define core_dep_plugin +ifeq ($(2),$(PROJECT)) +-include $$(patsubst $(PROJECT)/%,%,$(1)) +else +-include $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1) + +$(DEPS_DIR)/$(1): $(DEPS_DIR)/$(2) ; +endif +endef + +DEP_EARLY_PLUGINS ?= + +$(foreach p,$(DEP_EARLY_PLUGINS),\ + $(eval $(if $(findstring /,$p),\ + $(call core_dep_plugin,$p,$(firstword $(subst /, ,$p))),\ + $(call core_dep_plugin,$p/early-plugins.mk,$p)))) + +# Query functions. + +query_fetch_method = $(if $(dep_$(1)),$(call _qfm_dep,$(word 1,$(dep_$(1)))),$(call _qfm_pkg,$(1))) +_qfm_dep = $(if $(dep_fetch_$(1)),$(1),$(if $(IS_DEP),legacy,fail)) +_qfm_pkg = $(if $(pkg_$(1)_fetch),$(pkg_$(1)_fetch),fail) + +query_name = $(if $(dep_$(1)),$(1),$(if $(pkg_$(1)_name),$(pkg_$(1)_name),$(1))) + +query_repo = $(call _qr,$(1),$(call query_fetch_method,$(1))) +_qr = $(if $(query_repo_$(2)),$(call query_repo_$(2),$(1)),$(call dep_repo,$(1))) + +query_repo_default = $(if $(dep_$(1)),$(word 2,$(dep_$(1))),$(pkg_$(1)_repo)) +query_repo_git = $(patsubst git://github.com/%,https://github.com/%,$(call query_repo_default,$(1))) +query_repo_git-subfolder = $(call query_repo_git,$(1)) +query_repo_git-submodule = - +query_repo_hg = $(call query_repo_default,$(1)) +query_repo_svn = $(call query_repo_default,$(1)) +query_repo_cp = $(call query_repo_default,$(1)) +query_repo_ln = $(call query_repo_default,$(1)) +query_repo_hex = https://hex.pm/packages/$(if $(word 3,$(dep_$(1))),$(word 3,$(dep_$(1))),$(1)) +query_repo_fail = - +query_repo_legacy = - + +query_version = $(call _qv,$(1),$(call query_fetch_method,$(1))) +_qv = $(if $(query_version_$(2)),$(call query_version_$(2),$(1)),$(call dep_commit,$(1))) + +query_version_default = $(if $(dep_$(1)_commit),$(dep_$(1)_commit),$(if $(dep_$(1)),$(word 3,$(dep_$(1))),$(pkg_$(1)_commit))) +query_version_git = $(call query_version_default,$(1)) +query_version_git-subfolder = $(call query_version_git,$(1)) +query_version_git-submodule = - +query_version_hg = $(call query_version_default,$(1)) +query_version_svn = - +query_version_cp = - +query_version_ln = - +query_version_hex = $(if $(dep_$(1)_commit),$(dep_$(1)_commit),$(if $(dep_$(1)),$(word 2,$(dep_$(1))),$(pkg_$(1)_commit))) +query_version_fail = - +query_version_legacy = - + +query_extra = $(call _qe,$(1),$(call query_fetch_method,$(1))) +_qe = $(if $(query_extra_$(2)),$(call query_extra_$(2),$(1)),-) + +query_extra_git = - +query_extra_git-subfolder = $(if $(dep_$(1)),subfolder=$(word 4,$(dep_$(1))),-) +query_extra_git-submodule = - +query_extra_hg = - +query_extra_svn = - +query_extra_cp = - +query_extra_ln = - +query_extra_hex = $(if $(dep_$(1)),package-name=$(word 3,$(dep_$(1))),-) +query_extra_fail = - +query_extra_legacy = - + +query_absolute_path = $(addprefix $(DEPS_DIR)/,$(call query_name,$(1))) + +# Deprecated legacy query functions. +dep_fetch = $(call query_fetch_method,$(1)) +dep_name = $(call query_name,$(1)) +dep_repo = $(call query_repo_git,$(1)) +dep_commit = $(if $(dep_$(1)_commit),$(dep_$(1)_commit),$(if $(dep_$(1)),$(if $(filter hex,$(word 1,$(dep_$(1)))),$(word 2,$(dep_$(1))),$(word 3,$(dep_$(1)))),$(pkg_$(1)_commit))) + +LOCAL_DEPS_DIRS = $(foreach a,$(LOCAL_DEPS),$(if $(wildcard $(APPS_DIR)/$(a)),$(APPS_DIR)/$(a))) +ALL_DEPS_DIRS = $(addprefix $(DEPS_DIR)/,$(foreach dep,$(filter-out $(IGNORE_DEPS),$(BUILD_DEPS) $(DEPS)),$(call dep_name,$(dep)))) + +# When we are calling an app directly we don't want to include it here +# otherwise it'll be treated both as an apps and a top-level project. +ALL_APPS_DIRS = $(if $(wildcard $(APPS_DIR)/),$(filter-out $(APPS_DIR),$(shell find $(APPS_DIR) -maxdepth 1 -type d))) +ifdef ROOT_DIR +ifndef IS_APP +ALL_APPS_DIRS := $(filter-out $(APPS_DIR)/$(notdir $(CURDIR)),$(ALL_APPS_DIRS)) +endif +endif + +ifeq ($(filter $(APPS_DIR) $(DEPS_DIR),$(subst :, ,$(ERL_LIBS))),) +ifeq ($(ERL_LIBS),) + ERL_LIBS = $(APPS_DIR):$(DEPS_DIR) +else + ERL_LIBS := $(ERL_LIBS):$(APPS_DIR):$(DEPS_DIR) +endif +endif +export ERL_LIBS + +export NO_AUTOPATCH + +# Verbosity. + +dep_verbose_0 = @echo " DEP $1 ($(call dep_commit,$1))"; +dep_verbose_2 = set -x; +dep_verbose = $(dep_verbose_$(V)) + +# Optimization: don't recompile deps unless truly necessary. + +ifndef IS_DEP +ifneq ($(MAKELEVEL),0) +$(shell rm -f ebin/dep_built) +endif +endif + +# Core targets. + +ALL_APPS_DIRS_TO_BUILD = $(if $(LOCAL_DEPS_DIRS)$(IS_APP),$(LOCAL_DEPS_DIRS),$(ALL_APPS_DIRS)) + +apps:: $(ALL_APPS_DIRS) clean-tmp-deps.log | $(ERLANG_MK_TMP) +# Create ebin directory for all apps to make sure Erlang recognizes them +# as proper OTP applications when using -include_lib. This is a temporary +# fix, a proper fix would be to compile apps/* in the right order. +ifndef IS_APP +ifneq ($(ALL_APPS_DIRS),) + $(verbose) set -e; for dep in $(ALL_APPS_DIRS) ; do \ + mkdir -p $$dep/ebin; \ + done +endif +endif +# At the toplevel: if LOCAL_DEPS is defined with at least one local app, only +# compile that list of apps. Otherwise, compile everything. +# Within an app: compile all LOCAL_DEPS that are (uncompiled) local apps. +ifneq ($(ALL_APPS_DIRS_TO_BUILD),) + $(verbose) set -e; for dep in $(ALL_APPS_DIRS_TO_BUILD); do \ + if grep -qs ^$$dep$$ $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/apps.log; then \ + :; \ + else \ + echo $$dep >> $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/apps.log; \ + $(MAKE) -C $$dep $(if $(IS_TEST),test-build-app) IS_APP=1; \ + fi \ + done +endif + +clean-tmp-deps.log: +ifeq ($(IS_APP)$(IS_DEP),) + $(verbose) rm -f $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/apps.log $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/deps.log +endif + +# Erlang.mk does not rebuild dependencies after they were compiled +# once. If a developer is working on the top-level project and some +# dependencies at the same time, he may want to change this behavior. +# There are two solutions: +# 1. Set `FULL=1` so that all dependencies are visited and +# recursively recompiled if necessary. +# 2. Set `FORCE_REBUILD=` to the specific list of dependencies that +# should be recompiled (instead of the whole set). + +FORCE_REBUILD ?= + +ifeq ($(origin FULL),undefined) +ifneq ($(strip $(force_rebuild_dep)$(FORCE_REBUILD)),) +define force_rebuild_dep +echo "$(FORCE_REBUILD)" | grep -qw "$$(basename "$1")" +endef +endif +endif + +ifneq ($(SKIP_DEPS),) +deps:: +else +deps:: $(ALL_DEPS_DIRS) apps clean-tmp-deps.log | $(ERLANG_MK_TMP) +ifneq ($(ALL_DEPS_DIRS),) + $(verbose) set -e; for dep in $(ALL_DEPS_DIRS); do \ + if grep -qs ^$$dep$$ $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/deps.log; then \ + :; \ + else \ + echo $$dep >> $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/deps.log; \ + if [ -z "$(strip $(FULL))" ] $(if $(force_rebuild_dep),&& ! ($(call force_rebuild_dep,$$dep)),) && [ ! -L $$dep ] && [ -f $$dep/ebin/dep_built ]; then \ + :; \ + elif [ -f $$dep/GNUmakefile ] || [ -f $$dep/makefile ] || [ -f $$dep/Makefile ]; then \ + $(MAKE) -C $$dep IS_DEP=1; \ + if [ ! -L $$dep ] && [ -d $$dep/ebin ]; then touch $$dep/ebin/dep_built; fi; \ + else \ + echo "Error: No Makefile to build dependency $$dep." >&2; \ + exit 2; \ + fi \ + fi \ + done +endif +endif + +# Deps related targets. + +# @todo rename GNUmakefile and makefile into Makefile first, if they exist +# While Makefile file could be GNUmakefile or makefile, +# in practice only Makefile is needed so far. +define dep_autopatch + if [ -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/erlang.mk ]; then \ + rm -rf $(DEPS_DIR)/$1/ebin/; \ + $(call erlang,$(call dep_autopatch_appsrc.erl,$(1))); \ + $(call dep_autopatch_erlang_mk,$(1)); \ + elif [ -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/Makefile ]; then \ + if [ -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$1/rebar.lock ]; then \ + $(call dep_autopatch2,$1); \ + elif [ 0 != `grep -c "include ../\w*\.mk" $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/Makefile` ]; then \ + $(call dep_autopatch2,$(1)); \ + elif [ 0 != `grep -ci "^[^#].*rebar" $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/Makefile` ]; then \ + $(call dep_autopatch2,$(1)); \ + elif [ -n "`find $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/ -type f -name \*.mk -not -name erlang.mk -exec grep -i "^[^#].*rebar" '{}' \;`" ]; then \ + $(call dep_autopatch2,$(1)); \ + fi \ + else \ + if [ ! -d $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/src/ ]; then \ + $(call dep_autopatch_noop,$(1)); \ + else \ + $(call dep_autopatch2,$(1)); \ + fi \ + fi +endef + +define dep_autopatch2 + ! test -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$1/ebin/$1.app || \ + mv -n $(DEPS_DIR)/$1/ebin/$1.app $(DEPS_DIR)/$1/src/$1.app.src; \ + rm -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$1/ebin/$1.app; \ + if [ -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$1/src/$1.app.src.script ]; then \ + $(call erlang,$(call dep_autopatch_appsrc_script.erl,$(1))); \ + fi; \ + $(call erlang,$(call dep_autopatch_appsrc.erl,$(1))); \ + if [ -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/rebar -o -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/rebar.config -o -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/rebar.config.script -o -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$1/rebar.lock ]; then \ + $(call dep_autopatch_fetch_rebar); \ + $(call dep_autopatch_rebar,$(1)); \ + else \ + $(call dep_autopatch_gen,$(1)); \ + fi +endef + +define dep_autopatch_noop + printf "noop:\n" > $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/Makefile +endef + +# Replace "include erlang.mk" with a line that will load the parent Erlang.mk +# if given. Do it for all 3 possible Makefile file names. +ifeq ($(NO_AUTOPATCH_ERLANG_MK),) +define dep_autopatch_erlang_mk + for f in Makefile makefile GNUmakefile; do \ + if [ -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$1/$$f ]; then \ + sed -i.bak s/'include *erlang.mk'/'include $$(if $$(ERLANG_MK_FILENAME),$$(ERLANG_MK_FILENAME),erlang.mk)'/ $(DEPS_DIR)/$1/$$f; \ + fi \ + done +endef +else +define dep_autopatch_erlang_mk + : +endef +endif + +define dep_autopatch_gen + printf "%s\n" \ + "ERLC_OPTS = +debug_info" \ + "include ../../erlang.mk" > $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/Makefile +endef + +# We use flock/lockf when available to avoid concurrency issues. +define dep_autopatch_fetch_rebar + if command -v flock >/dev/null; then \ + flock $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/rebar.lock sh -c "$(call dep_autopatch_fetch_rebar2)"; \ + elif command -v lockf >/dev/null; then \ + lockf $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/rebar.lock sh -c "$(call dep_autopatch_fetch_rebar2)"; \ + else \ + $(call dep_autopatch_fetch_rebar2); \ + fi +endef + +define dep_autopatch_fetch_rebar2 + if [ ! -d $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/rebar ]; then \ + git clone -q -n -- $(REBAR_GIT) $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/rebar; \ + cd $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/rebar; \ + git checkout -q $(REBAR_COMMIT); \ + ./bootstrap; \ + cd -; \ + fi +endef + +define dep_autopatch_rebar + if [ -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/Makefile ]; then \ + mv $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/Makefile $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/Makefile.orig.mk; \ + fi; \ + $(call erlang,$(call dep_autopatch_rebar.erl,$(1))); \ + rm -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/ebin/$(1).app +endef + +define dep_autopatch_rebar.erl + application:load(rebar), + application:set_env(rebar, log_level, debug), + rmemo:start(), + Conf1 = case file:consult("$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/rebar.config)") of + {ok, Conf0} -> Conf0; + _ -> [] + end, + {Conf, OsEnv} = fun() -> + case filelib:is_file("$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/rebar.config.script)") of + false -> {Conf1, []}; + true -> + Bindings0 = erl_eval:new_bindings(), + Bindings1 = erl_eval:add_binding('CONFIG', Conf1, Bindings0), + Bindings = erl_eval:add_binding('SCRIPT', "$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/rebar.config.script)", Bindings1), + Before = os:getenv(), + {ok, Conf2} = file:script("$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/rebar.config.script)", Bindings), + {Conf2, lists:foldl(fun(E, Acc) -> lists:delete(E, Acc) end, os:getenv(), Before)} + end + end(), + Write = fun (Text) -> + file:write_file("$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/Makefile)", Text, [append]) + end, + Escape = fun (Text) -> + re:replace(Text, "\\\\$$", "\$$$$", [global, {return, list}]) + end, + Write("IGNORE_DEPS += edown eper eunit_formatters meck node_package " + "rebar_lock_deps_plugin rebar_vsn_plugin reltool_util\n"), + Write("C_SRC_DIR = /path/do/not/exist\n"), + Write("C_SRC_TYPE = rebar\n"), + Write("DRV_CFLAGS = -fPIC\nexport DRV_CFLAGS\n"), + Write(["ERLANG_ARCH = ", rebar_utils:wordsize(), "\nexport ERLANG_ARCH\n"]), + ToList = fun + (V) when is_atom(V) -> atom_to_list(V); + (V) when is_list(V) -> "'\\"" ++ V ++ "\\"'" + end, + fun() -> + Write("ERLC_OPTS = +debug_info\nexport ERLC_OPTS\n"), + case lists:keyfind(erl_opts, 1, Conf) of + false -> ok; + {_, ErlOpts} -> + lists:foreach(fun + ({d, D}) -> + Write("ERLC_OPTS += -D" ++ ToList(D) ++ "=1\n"); + ({d, DKey, DVal}) -> + Write("ERLC_OPTS += -D" ++ ToList(DKey) ++ "=" ++ ToList(DVal) ++ "\n"); + ({i, I}) -> + Write(["ERLC_OPTS += -I ", I, "\n"]); + ({platform_define, Regex, D}) -> + case rebar_utils:is_arch(Regex) of + true -> Write("ERLC_OPTS += -D" ++ ToList(D) ++ "=1\n"); + false -> ok + end; + ({parse_transform, PT}) -> + Write("ERLC_OPTS += +'{parse_transform, " ++ ToList(PT) ++ "}'\n"); + (_) -> ok + end, ErlOpts) + end, + Write("\n") + end(), + GetHexVsn = fun(N, NP) -> + case file:consult("$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/rebar.lock)") of + {ok, Lock} -> + io:format("~p~n", [Lock]), + case lists:keyfind("1.1.0", 1, Lock) of + {_, LockPkgs} -> + io:format("~p~n", [LockPkgs]), + case lists:keyfind(atom_to_binary(N, latin1), 1, LockPkgs) of + {_, {pkg, _, Vsn}, _} -> + io:format("~p~n", [Vsn]), + {N, {hex, NP, binary_to_list(Vsn)}}; + _ -> + false + end; + _ -> + false + end; + _ -> + false + end + end, + SemVsn = fun + ("~>" ++ S0) -> + S = case S0 of + " " ++ S1 -> S1; + _ -> S0 + end, + case length([ok || $$. <- S]) of + 0 -> S ++ ".0.0"; + 1 -> S ++ ".0"; + _ -> S + end; + (S) -> S + end, + fun() -> + File = case lists:keyfind(deps, 1, Conf) of + false -> []; + {_, Deps} -> + [begin case case Dep of + N when is_atom(N) -> GetHexVsn(N, N); + {N, S} when is_atom(N), is_list(S) -> {N, {hex, N, SemVsn(S)}}; + {N, {pkg, NP}} when is_atom(N) -> GetHexVsn(N, NP); + {N, S, {pkg, NP}} -> {N, {hex, NP, S}}; + {N, S} when is_tuple(S) -> {N, S}; + {N, _, S} -> {N, S}; + {N, _, S, _} -> {N, S}; + _ -> false + end of + false -> ok; + {Name, Source} -> + {Method, Repo, Commit} = case Source of + {hex, NPV, V} -> {hex, V, NPV}; + {git, R} -> {git, R, master}; + {M, R, {branch, C}} -> {M, R, C}; + {M, R, {ref, C}} -> {M, R, C}; + {M, R, {tag, C}} -> {M, R, C}; + {M, R, C} -> {M, R, C} + end, + Write(io_lib:format("DEPS += ~s\ndep_~s = ~s ~s ~s~n", [Name, Name, Method, Repo, Commit])) + end end || Dep <- Deps] + end + end(), + fun() -> + case lists:keyfind(erl_first_files, 1, Conf) of + false -> ok; + {_, Files} -> + Names = [[" ", case lists:reverse(F) of + "lre." ++ Elif -> lists:reverse(Elif); + "lrx." ++ Elif -> lists:reverse(Elif); + "lry." ++ Elif -> lists:reverse(Elif); + Elif -> lists:reverse(Elif) + end] || "src/" ++ F <- Files], + Write(io_lib:format("COMPILE_FIRST +=~s\n", [Names])) + end + end(), + Write("\n\nrebar_dep: preprocess pre-deps deps pre-app app\n"), + Write("\npreprocess::\n"), + Write("\npre-deps::\n"), + Write("\npre-app::\n"), + PatchHook = fun(Cmd) -> + Cmd2 = re:replace(Cmd, "^([g]?make)(.*)( -C.*)", "\\\\1\\\\3\\\\2", [{return, list}]), + case Cmd2 of + "make -C" ++ Cmd1 -> "$$\(MAKE) -C" ++ Escape(Cmd1); + "gmake -C" ++ Cmd1 -> "$$\(MAKE) -C" ++ Escape(Cmd1); + "make " ++ Cmd1 -> "$$\(MAKE) -f Makefile.orig.mk " ++ Escape(Cmd1); + "gmake " ++ Cmd1 -> "$$\(MAKE) -f Makefile.orig.mk " ++ Escape(Cmd1); + _ -> Escape(Cmd) + end + end, + fun() -> + case lists:keyfind(pre_hooks, 1, Conf) of + false -> ok; + {_, Hooks} -> + [case H of + {'get-deps', Cmd} -> + Write("\npre-deps::\n\t" ++ PatchHook(Cmd) ++ "\n"); + {compile, Cmd} -> + Write("\npre-app::\n\tCC=$$\(CC) " ++ PatchHook(Cmd) ++ "\n"); + {Regex, compile, Cmd} -> + case rebar_utils:is_arch(Regex) of + true -> Write("\npre-app::\n\tCC=$$\(CC) " ++ PatchHook(Cmd) ++ "\n"); + false -> ok + end; + _ -> ok + end || H <- Hooks] + end + end(), + ShellToMk = fun(V0) -> + V1 = re:replace(V0, "[$$][(]", "$$\(shell ", [global]), + V = re:replace(V1, "([$$])(?![(])(\\\\w*)", "\\\\1(\\\\2)", [global]), + re:replace(V, "-Werror\\\\b", "", [{return, list}, global]) + end, + PortSpecs = fun() -> + case lists:keyfind(port_specs, 1, Conf) of + false -> + case filelib:is_dir("$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/c_src)") of + false -> []; + true -> + [{"priv/" ++ proplists:get_value(so_name, Conf, "$(1)_drv.so"), + proplists:get_value(port_sources, Conf, ["c_src/*.c"]), []}] + end; + {_, Specs} -> + lists:flatten([case S of + {Output, Input} -> {ShellToMk(Output), Input, []}; + {Regex, Output, Input} -> + case rebar_utils:is_arch(Regex) of + true -> {ShellToMk(Output), Input, []}; + false -> [] + end; + {Regex, Output, Input, [{env, Env}]} -> + case rebar_utils:is_arch(Regex) of + true -> {ShellToMk(Output), Input, Env}; + false -> [] + end + end || S <- Specs]) + end + end(), + PortSpecWrite = fun (Text) -> + file:write_file("$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/c_src/Makefile.erlang.mk)", Text, [append]) + end, + case PortSpecs of + [] -> ok; + _ -> + Write("\npre-app::\n\t@$$\(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f c_src/Makefile.erlang.mk\n"), + PortSpecWrite(io_lib:format("ERL_CFLAGS ?= -finline-functions -Wall -fPIC -I \\"~s/erts-~s/include\\" -I \\"~s\\"\n", + [code:root_dir(), erlang:system_info(version), code:lib_dir(erl_interface, include)])), + PortSpecWrite(io_lib:format("ERL_LDFLAGS ?= -L \\"~s\\" -lei\n", + [code:lib_dir(erl_interface, lib)])), + [PortSpecWrite(["\n", E, "\n"]) || E <- OsEnv], + FilterEnv = fun(Env) -> + lists:flatten([case E of + {_, _} -> E; + {Regex, K, V} -> + case rebar_utils:is_arch(Regex) of + true -> {K, V}; + false -> [] + end + end || E <- Env]) + end, + MergeEnv = fun(Env) -> + lists:foldl(fun ({K, V}, Acc) -> + case lists:keyfind(K, 1, Acc) of + false -> [{K, rebar_utils:expand_env_variable(V, K, "")}|Acc]; + {_, V0} -> [{K, rebar_utils:expand_env_variable(V, K, V0)}|Acc] + end + end, [], Env) + end, + PortEnv = case lists:keyfind(port_env, 1, Conf) of + false -> []; + {_, PortEnv0} -> FilterEnv(PortEnv0) + end, + PortSpec = fun ({Output, Input0, Env}) -> + filelib:ensure_dir("$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/)" ++ Output), + Input = [[" ", I] || I <- Input0], + PortSpecWrite([ + [["\n", K, " = ", ShellToMk(V)] || {K, V} <- lists:reverse(MergeEnv(PortEnv))], + case $(PLATFORM) of + darwin -> "\n\nLDFLAGS += -flat_namespace -undefined suppress"; + _ -> "" + end, + "\n\nall:: ", Output, "\n\t@:\n\n", + "%.o: %.c\n\t$$\(CC) -c -o $$\@ $$\< $$\(CFLAGS) $$\(ERL_CFLAGS) $$\(DRV_CFLAGS) $$\(EXE_CFLAGS)\n\n", + "%.o: %.C\n\t$$\(CXX) -c -o $$\@ $$\< $$\(CXXFLAGS) $$\(ERL_CFLAGS) $$\(DRV_CFLAGS) $$\(EXE_CFLAGS)\n\n", + "%.o: %.cc\n\t$$\(CXX) -c -o $$\@ $$\< $$\(CXXFLAGS) $$\(ERL_CFLAGS) $$\(DRV_CFLAGS) $$\(EXE_CFLAGS)\n\n", + "%.o: %.cpp\n\t$$\(CXX) -c -o $$\@ $$\< $$\(CXXFLAGS) $$\(ERL_CFLAGS) $$\(DRV_CFLAGS) $$\(EXE_CFLAGS)\n\n", + [[Output, ": ", K, " += ", ShellToMk(V), "\n"] || {K, V} <- lists:reverse(MergeEnv(FilterEnv(Env)))], + Output, ": $$\(foreach ext,.c .C .cc .cpp,", + "$$\(patsubst %$$\(ext),%.o,$$\(filter %$$\(ext),$$\(wildcard", Input, "))))\n", + "\t$$\(CC) -o $$\@ $$\? $$\(LDFLAGS) $$\(ERL_LDFLAGS) $$\(DRV_LDFLAGS) $$\(EXE_LDFLAGS)", + case {filename:extension(Output), $(PLATFORM)} of + {[], _} -> "\n"; + {_, darwin} -> "\n"; + _ -> " -shared\n" + end]) + end, + [PortSpec(S) || S <- PortSpecs] + end, + fun() -> + case lists:keyfind(plugins, 1, Conf) of + false -> ok; + {_, Plugins0} -> + Plugins = [P || P <- Plugins0, is_tuple(P)], + case lists:keyfind('lfe-compile', 1, Plugins) of + false -> ok; + _ -> Write("\nBUILD_DEPS = lfe lfe.mk\ndep_lfe.mk = git https://github.com/ninenines/lfe.mk master\nDEP_PLUGINS = lfe.mk\n") + end + end + end(), + Write("\ninclude $$\(if $$\(ERLANG_MK_FILENAME),$$\(ERLANG_MK_FILENAME),erlang.mk)"), + RunPlugin = fun(Plugin, Step) -> + case erlang:function_exported(Plugin, Step, 2) of + false -> ok; + true -> + c:cd("$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/)"), + Ret = Plugin:Step({config, "", Conf, dict:new(), dict:new(), dict:new(), + dict:store(base_dir, "", dict:new())}, undefined), + io:format("rebar plugin ~p step ~p ret ~p~n", [Plugin, Step, Ret]) + end + end, + fun() -> + case lists:keyfind(plugins, 1, Conf) of + false -> ok; + {_, Plugins0} -> + Plugins = [P || P <- Plugins0, is_atom(P)], + [begin + case lists:keyfind(deps, 1, Conf) of + false -> ok; + {_, Deps} -> + case lists:keyfind(P, 1, Deps) of + false -> ok; + _ -> + Path = "$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/)" ++ atom_to_list(P), + io:format("~s", [os:cmd("$(MAKE) -C $(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1) " ++ Path)]), + io:format("~s", [os:cmd("$(MAKE) -C " ++ Path ++ " IS_DEP=1")]), + code:add_patha(Path ++ "/ebin") + end + end + end || P <- Plugins], + [case code:load_file(P) of + {module, P} -> ok; + _ -> + case lists:keyfind(plugin_dir, 1, Conf) of + false -> ok; + {_, PluginsDir} -> + ErlFile = "$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/)" ++ PluginsDir ++ "/" ++ atom_to_list(P) ++ ".erl", + {ok, P, Bin} = compile:file(ErlFile, [binary]), + {module, P} = code:load_binary(P, ErlFile, Bin) + end + end || P <- Plugins], + [RunPlugin(P, preprocess) || P <- Plugins], + [RunPlugin(P, pre_compile) || P <- Plugins], + [RunPlugin(P, compile) || P <- Plugins] + end + end(), + halt() +endef + +define dep_autopatch_appsrc_script.erl + AppSrc = "$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/src/$1.app.src)", + AppSrcScript = AppSrc ++ ".script", + {ok, Conf0} = file:consult(AppSrc), + Bindings0 = erl_eval:new_bindings(), + Bindings1 = erl_eval:add_binding('CONFIG', Conf0, Bindings0), + Bindings = erl_eval:add_binding('SCRIPT', AppSrcScript, Bindings1), + Conf = case file:script(AppSrcScript, Bindings) of + {ok, [C]} -> C; + {ok, C} -> C + end, + ok = file:write_file(AppSrc, io_lib:format("~p.~n", [Conf])), + halt() +endef + +define dep_autopatch_appsrc.erl + AppSrcOut = "$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/src/$1.app.src)", + AppSrcIn = case filelib:is_regular(AppSrcOut) of false -> "$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$1/ebin/$1.app)"; true -> AppSrcOut end, + case filelib:is_regular(AppSrcIn) of + false -> ok; + true -> + {ok, [{application, $(1), L0}]} = file:consult(AppSrcIn), + L1 = lists:keystore(modules, 1, L0, {modules, []}), + L2 = case lists:keyfind(vsn, 1, L1) of + {_, git} -> lists:keyreplace(vsn, 1, L1, {vsn, lists:droplast(os:cmd("git -C $(DEPS_DIR)/$1 describe --dirty --tags --always"))}); + {_, {cmd, _}} -> lists:keyreplace(vsn, 1, L1, {vsn, "cmd"}); + _ -> L1 + end, + L3 = case lists:keyfind(registered, 1, L2) of false -> [{registered, []}|L2]; _ -> L2 end, + ok = file:write_file(AppSrcOut, io_lib:format("~p.~n", [{application, $(1), L3}])), + case AppSrcOut of AppSrcIn -> ok; _ -> ok = file:delete(AppSrcIn) end + end, + halt() +endef + +define dep_fetch_git + git clone -q -n -- $(call dep_repo,$(1)) $(DEPS_DIR)/$(call dep_name,$(1)); \ + cd $(DEPS_DIR)/$(call dep_name,$(1)) && git checkout -q $(call dep_commit,$(1)); +endef + +define dep_fetch_git-subfolder + mkdir -p $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/git-subfolder; \ + git clone -q -n -- $(call dep_repo,$1) \ + $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/git-subfolder/$(call dep_name,$1); \ + cd $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/git-subfolder/$(call dep_name,$1) \ + && git checkout -q $(call dep_commit,$1); \ + ln -s $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/git-subfolder/$(call dep_name,$1)/$(word 4,$(dep_$(1))) \ + $(DEPS_DIR)/$(call dep_name,$1); +endef + +define dep_fetch_git-submodule + git submodule update --init -- $(DEPS_DIR)/$1; +endef + +define dep_fetch_hg + hg clone -q -U $(call dep_repo,$(1)) $(DEPS_DIR)/$(call dep_name,$(1)); \ + cd $(DEPS_DIR)/$(call dep_name,$(1)) && hg update -q $(call dep_commit,$(1)); +endef + +define dep_fetch_svn + svn checkout -q $(call dep_repo,$(1)) $(DEPS_DIR)/$(call dep_name,$(1)); +endef + +define dep_fetch_cp + cp -R $(call dep_repo,$(1)) $(DEPS_DIR)/$(call dep_name,$(1)); +endef + +define dep_fetch_ln + ln -s $(call dep_repo,$(1)) $(DEPS_DIR)/$(call dep_name,$(1)); +endef + +# Hex only has a package version. No need to look in the Erlang.mk packages. +define dep_fetch_hex + mkdir -p $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/hex $(DEPS_DIR)/$1; \ + $(call core_http_get,$(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/hex/$1.tar,\ + https://repo.hex.pm/tarballs/$(if $(word 3,$(dep_$1)),$(word 3,$(dep_$1)),$1)-$(strip $(word 2,$(dep_$1))).tar); \ + tar -xOf $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/hex/$1.tar contents.tar.gz | tar -C $(DEPS_DIR)/$1 -xzf -; +endef + +define dep_fetch_fail + echo "Error: Unknown or invalid dependency: $(1)." >&2; \ + exit 78; +endef + +# Kept for compatibility purposes with older Erlang.mk configuration. +define dep_fetch_legacy + $(warning WARNING: '$(1)' dependency configuration uses deprecated format.) \ + git clone -q -n -- $(word 1,$(dep_$(1))) $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1); \ + cd $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1) && git checkout -q $(if $(word 2,$(dep_$(1))),$(word 2,$(dep_$(1))),master); +endef + +define dep_target +$(DEPS_DIR)/$(call dep_name,$1): | $(ERLANG_MK_TMP) + $(eval DEP_NAME := $(call dep_name,$1)) + $(eval DEP_STR := $(if $(filter $1,$(DEP_NAME)),$1,"$1 ($(DEP_NAME))")) + $(verbose) if test -d $(APPS_DIR)/$(DEP_NAME); then \ + echo "Error: Dependency" $(DEP_STR) "conflicts with application found in $(APPS_DIR)/$(DEP_NAME)." >&2; \ + exit 17; \ + fi + $(verbose) mkdir -p $(DEPS_DIR) + $(dep_verbose) $(call dep_fetch_$(strip $(call dep_fetch,$(1))),$(1)) + $(verbose) if [ -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/configure.ac -o -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/configure.in ] \ + && [ ! -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1)/configure ]; then \ + echo " AUTO " $(DEP_STR); \ + cd $(DEPS_DIR)/$(1) && autoreconf -Wall -vif -I m4; \ + fi + - $(verbose) if [ -f $(DEPS_DIR)/$(DEP_NAME)/configure ]; then \ + echo " CONF " $(DEP_STR); \ + cd $(DEPS_DIR)/$(DEP_NAME) && ./configure; \ + fi +ifeq ($(filter $(1),$(NO_AUTOPATCH)),) + $(verbose) $$(MAKE) --no-print-directory autopatch-$(DEP_NAME) +endif + +.PHONY: autopatch-$(call dep_name,$1) + +autopatch-$(call dep_name,$1):: + $(verbose) if [ "$(1)" = "amqp_client" -a "$(RABBITMQ_CLIENT_PATCH)" ]; then \ + if [ ! -d $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbitmq-codegen ]; then \ + echo " PATCH Downloading rabbitmq-codegen"; \ + git clone https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-codegen.git $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbitmq-codegen; \ + fi; \ + if [ ! -d $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbitmq-server ]; then \ + echo " PATCH Downloading rabbitmq-server"; \ + git clone https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server.git $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbitmq-server; \ + fi; \ + ln -s $(DEPS_DIR)/amqp_client/deps/rabbit_common-0.0.0 $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbit_common; \ + elif [ "$(1)" = "rabbit" -a "$(RABBITMQ_SERVER_PATCH)" ]; then \ + if [ ! -d $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbitmq-codegen ]; then \ + echo " PATCH Downloading rabbitmq-codegen"; \ + git clone https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-codegen.git $(DEPS_DIR)/rabbitmq-codegen; \ + fi \ + elif [ "$1" = "elixir" -a "$(ELIXIR_PATCH)" ]; then \ + ln -s lib/elixir/ebin $(DEPS_DIR)/elixir/; \ + else \ + $$(call dep_autopatch,$(call dep_name,$1)) \ + fi +endef + +$(foreach dep,$(BUILD_DEPS) $(DEPS),$(eval $(call dep_target,$(dep)))) + +ifndef IS_APP +clean:: clean-apps + +clean-apps: + $(verbose) set -e; for dep in $(ALL_APPS_DIRS) ; do \ + $(MAKE) -C $$dep clean IS_APP=1; \ + done + +distclean:: distclean-apps + +distclean-apps: + $(verbose) set -e; for dep in $(ALL_APPS_DIRS) ; do \ + $(MAKE) -C $$dep distclean IS_APP=1; \ + done +endif + +ifndef SKIP_DEPS +distclean:: distclean-deps + +distclean-deps: + $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(DEPS_DIR) +endif + +# Forward-declare variables used in core/deps-tools.mk. This is required +# in case plugins use them. + +ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_DEPS_LIST = $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/recursive-deps-list.log +ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_DOC_DEPS_LIST = $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/recursive-doc-deps-list.log +ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_REL_DEPS_LIST = $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/recursive-rel-deps-list.log +ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_TEST_DEPS_LIST = $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/recursive-test-deps-list.log +ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_SHELL_DEPS_LIST = $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/recursive-shell-deps-list.log + +ERLANG_MK_QUERY_DEPS_FILE = $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/query-deps.log +ERLANG_MK_QUERY_DOC_DEPS_FILE = $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/query-doc-deps.log +ERLANG_MK_QUERY_REL_DEPS_FILE = $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/query-rel-deps.log +ERLANG_MK_QUERY_TEST_DEPS_FILE = $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/query-test-deps.log +ERLANG_MK_QUERY_SHELL_DEPS_FILE = $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/query-shell-deps.log + +# Copyright (c) 2013-2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +.PHONY: clean-app + +# Configuration. + +ERLC_OPTS ?= -Werror +debug_info +warn_export_vars +warn_shadow_vars \ + +warn_obsolete_guard # +bin_opt_info +warn_export_all +warn_missing_spec +COMPILE_FIRST ?= +COMPILE_FIRST_PATHS = $(addprefix src/,$(addsuffix .erl,$(COMPILE_FIRST))) +ERLC_EXCLUDE ?= +ERLC_EXCLUDE_PATHS = $(addprefix src/,$(addsuffix .erl,$(ERLC_EXCLUDE))) + +ERLC_ASN1_OPTS ?= + +ERLC_MIB_OPTS ?= +COMPILE_MIB_FIRST ?= +COMPILE_MIB_FIRST_PATHS = $(addprefix mibs/,$(addsuffix .mib,$(COMPILE_MIB_FIRST))) + +# Verbosity. + +app_verbose_0 = @echo " APP " $(PROJECT); +app_verbose_2 = set -x; +app_verbose = $(app_verbose_$(V)) + +appsrc_verbose_0 = @echo " APP " $(PROJECT).app.src; +appsrc_verbose_2 = set -x; +appsrc_verbose = $(appsrc_verbose_$(V)) + +makedep_verbose_0 = @echo " DEPEND" $(PROJECT).d; +makedep_verbose_2 = set -x; +makedep_verbose = $(makedep_verbose_$(V)) + +erlc_verbose_0 = @echo " ERLC " $(filter-out $(patsubst %,%.erl,$(ERLC_EXCLUDE)),\ + $(filter %.erl %.core,$(?F))); +erlc_verbose_2 = set -x; +erlc_verbose = $(erlc_verbose_$(V)) + +xyrl_verbose_0 = @echo " XYRL " $(filter %.xrl %.yrl,$(?F)); +xyrl_verbose_2 = set -x; +xyrl_verbose = $(xyrl_verbose_$(V)) + +asn1_verbose_0 = @echo " ASN1 " $(filter %.asn1,$(?F)); +asn1_verbose_2 = set -x; +asn1_verbose = $(asn1_verbose_$(V)) + +mib_verbose_0 = @echo " MIB " $(filter %.bin %.mib,$(?F)); +mib_verbose_2 = set -x; +mib_verbose = $(mib_verbose_$(V)) + +ifneq ($(wildcard src/),) + +# Targets. + +app:: $(if $(wildcard ebin/test),clean) deps + $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory $(PROJECT).d + $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory app-build + +ifeq ($(wildcard src/$(PROJECT_MOD).erl),) +define app_file +{application, '$(PROJECT)', [ + {description, "$(PROJECT_DESCRIPTION)"}, + {vsn, "$(PROJECT_VERSION)"},$(if $(IS_DEP), + {id$(comma)$(space)"$(1)"}$(comma)) + {modules, [$(call comma_list,$(2))]}, + {registered, []}, + {applications, [$(call comma_list,kernel stdlib $(OTP_DEPS) $(LOCAL_DEPS) $(foreach dep,$(DEPS),$(call dep_name,$(dep))))]}, + {env, $(subst \,\\,$(PROJECT_ENV))}$(if $(findstring {,$(PROJECT_APP_EXTRA_KEYS)),$(comma)$(newline)$(tab)$(subst \,\\,$(PROJECT_APP_EXTRA_KEYS)),) +]}. +endef +else +define app_file +{application, '$(PROJECT)', [ + {description, "$(PROJECT_DESCRIPTION)"}, + {vsn, "$(PROJECT_VERSION)"},$(if $(IS_DEP), + {id$(comma)$(space)"$(1)"}$(comma)) + {modules, [$(call comma_list,$(2))]}, + {registered, [$(call comma_list,$(PROJECT)_sup $(PROJECT_REGISTERED))]}, + {applications, [$(call comma_list,kernel stdlib $(OTP_DEPS) $(LOCAL_DEPS) $(foreach dep,$(DEPS),$(call dep_name,$(dep))))]}, + {mod, {$(PROJECT_MOD), []}}, + {env, $(subst \,\\,$(PROJECT_ENV))}$(if $(findstring {,$(PROJECT_APP_EXTRA_KEYS)),$(comma)$(newline)$(tab)$(subst \,\\,$(PROJECT_APP_EXTRA_KEYS)),) +]}. +endef +endif + +app-build: ebin/$(PROJECT).app + $(verbose) : + +# Source files. + +ALL_SRC_FILES := $(sort $(call core_find,src/,*)) + +ERL_FILES := $(filter %.erl,$(ALL_SRC_FILES)) +CORE_FILES := $(filter %.core,$(ALL_SRC_FILES)) + +# ASN.1 files. + +ifneq ($(wildcard asn1/),) +ASN1_FILES = $(sort $(call core_find,asn1/,*.asn1)) +ERL_FILES += $(addprefix src/,$(patsubst %.asn1,%.erl,$(notdir $(ASN1_FILES)))) + +define compile_asn1 + $(verbose) mkdir -p include/ + $(asn1_verbose) erlc -v -I include/ -o asn1/ +noobj $(ERLC_ASN1_OPTS) $(1) + $(verbose) mv asn1/*.erl src/ + -$(verbose) mv asn1/*.hrl include/ + $(verbose) mv asn1/*.asn1db include/ +endef + +$(PROJECT).d:: $(ASN1_FILES) + $(if $(strip $?),$(call compile_asn1,$?)) +endif + +# SNMP MIB files. + +ifneq ($(wildcard mibs/),) +MIB_FILES = $(sort $(call core_find,mibs/,*.mib)) + +$(PROJECT).d:: $(COMPILE_MIB_FIRST_PATHS) $(MIB_FILES) + $(verbose) mkdir -p include/ priv/mibs/ + $(mib_verbose) erlc -v $(ERLC_MIB_OPTS) -o priv/mibs/ -I priv/mibs/ $? + $(mib_verbose) erlc -o include/ -- $(addprefix priv/mibs/,$(patsubst %.mib,%.bin,$(notdir $?))) +endif + +# Leex and Yecc files. + +XRL_FILES := $(filter %.xrl,$(ALL_SRC_FILES)) +XRL_ERL_FILES = $(addprefix src/,$(patsubst %.xrl,%.erl,$(notdir $(XRL_FILES)))) +ERL_FILES += $(XRL_ERL_FILES) + +YRL_FILES := $(filter %.yrl,$(ALL_SRC_FILES)) +YRL_ERL_FILES = $(addprefix src/,$(patsubst %.yrl,%.erl,$(notdir $(YRL_FILES)))) +ERL_FILES += $(YRL_ERL_FILES) + +$(PROJECT).d:: $(XRL_FILES) $(YRL_FILES) + $(if $(strip $?),$(xyrl_verbose) erlc -v -o src/ $(YRL_ERLC_OPTS) $?) + +# Erlang and Core Erlang files. + +define makedep.erl + E = ets:new(makedep, [bag]), + G = digraph:new([acyclic]), + ErlFiles = lists:usort(string:tokens("$(ERL_FILES)", " ")), + DepsDir = "$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR))", + AppsDir = "$(call core_native_path,$(APPS_DIR))", + DepsDirsSrc = "$(if $(wildcard $(DEPS_DIR)/*/src), $(call core_native_path,$(wildcard $(DEPS_DIR)/*/src)))", + DepsDirsInc = "$(if $(wildcard $(DEPS_DIR)/*/include), $(call core_native_path,$(wildcard $(DEPS_DIR)/*/include)))", + AppsDirsSrc = "$(if $(wildcard $(APPS_DIR)/*/src), $(call core_native_path,$(wildcard $(APPS_DIR)/*/src)))", + AppsDirsInc = "$(if $(wildcard $(APPS_DIR)/*/include), $(call core_native_path,$(wildcard $(APPS_DIR)/*/include)))", + DepsDirs = lists:usort(string:tokens(DepsDirsSrc++DepsDirsInc, " ")), + AppsDirs = lists:usort(string:tokens(AppsDirsSrc++AppsDirsInc, " ")), + Modules = [{list_to_atom(filename:basename(F, ".erl")), F} || F <- ErlFiles], + Add = fun (Mod, Dep) -> + case lists:keyfind(Dep, 1, Modules) of + false -> ok; + {_, DepFile} -> + {_, ModFile} = lists:keyfind(Mod, 1, Modules), + ets:insert(E, {ModFile, DepFile}), + digraph:add_vertex(G, Mod), + digraph:add_vertex(G, Dep), + digraph:add_edge(G, Mod, Dep) + end + end, + AddHd = fun (F, Mod, DepFile) -> + case file:open(DepFile, [read]) of + {error, enoent} -> + ok; + {ok, Fd} -> + {_, ModFile} = lists:keyfind(Mod, 1, Modules), + case ets:match(E, {ModFile, DepFile}) of + [] -> + ets:insert(E, {ModFile, DepFile}), + F(F, Fd, Mod,0); + _ -> ok + end + end + end, + SearchHrl = fun + F(_Hrl, []) -> {error,enoent}; + F(Hrl, [Dir|Dirs]) -> + HrlF = filename:join([Dir,Hrl]), + case filelib:is_file(HrlF) of + true -> + {ok, HrlF}; + false -> F(Hrl,Dirs) + end + end, + Attr = fun + (_F, Mod, behavior, Dep) -> + Add(Mod, Dep); + (_F, Mod, behaviour, Dep) -> + Add(Mod, Dep); + (_F, Mod, compile, {parse_transform, Dep}) -> + Add(Mod, Dep); + (_F, Mod, compile, Opts) when is_list(Opts) -> + case proplists:get_value(parse_transform, Opts) of + undefined -> ok; + Dep -> Add(Mod, Dep) + end; + (F, Mod, include, Hrl) -> + case SearchHrl(Hrl, ["src", "include",AppsDir,DepsDir]++AppsDirs++DepsDirs) of + {ok, FoundHrl} -> AddHd(F, Mod, FoundHrl); + {error, _} -> false + end; + (F, Mod, include_lib, Hrl) -> + case SearchHrl(Hrl, ["src", "include",AppsDir,DepsDir]++AppsDirs++DepsDirs) of + {ok, FoundHrl} -> AddHd(F, Mod, FoundHrl); + {error, _} -> false + end; + (F, Mod, import, {Imp, _}) -> + IsFile = + case lists:keyfind(Imp, 1, Modules) of + false -> false; + {_, FilePath} -> filelib:is_file(FilePath) + end, + case IsFile of + false -> ok; + true -> Add(Mod, Imp) + end; + (_, _, _, _) -> ok + end, + MakeDepend = fun + (F, Fd, Mod, StartLocation) -> + {ok, Filename} = file:pid2name(Fd), + case io:parse_erl_form(Fd, undefined, StartLocation) of + {ok, AbsData, EndLocation} -> + case AbsData of + {attribute, _, Key, Value} -> + Attr(F, Mod, Key, Value), + F(F, Fd, Mod, EndLocation); + _ -> F(F, Fd, Mod, EndLocation) + end; + {eof, _ } -> file:close(Fd); + {error, ErrorDescription } -> + file:close(Fd); + {error, ErrorInfo, ErrorLocation} -> + F(F, Fd, Mod, ErrorLocation) + end, + ok + end, + [begin + Mod = list_to_atom(filename:basename(F, ".erl")), + case file:open(F, [read]) of + {ok, Fd} -> MakeDepend(MakeDepend, Fd, Mod,0); + {error, enoent} -> ok + end + end || F <- ErlFiles], + Depend = sofs:to_external(sofs:relation_to_family(sofs:relation(ets:tab2list(E)))), + CompileFirst = [X || X <- lists:reverse(digraph_utils:topsort(G)), [] =/= digraph:in_neighbours(G, X)], + TargetPath = fun(Target) -> + case lists:keyfind(Target, 1, Modules) of + false -> ""; + {_, DepFile} -> + DirSubname = tl(string:tokens(filename:dirname(DepFile), "/")), + string:join(DirSubname ++ [atom_to_list(Target)], "/") + end + end, + Output0 = [ + "# Generated by Erlang.mk. Edit at your own risk!\n\n", + [[F, "::", [[" ", D] || D <- Deps], "; @touch \$$@\n"] || {F, Deps} <- Depend], + "\nCOMPILE_FIRST +=", [[" ", TargetPath(CF)] || CF <- CompileFirst], "\n" + ], + Output = case "é" of + [233] -> unicode:characters_to_binary(Output0); + _ -> Output0 + end, + ok = file:write_file("$(1)", Output), + halt() +endef + +ifeq ($(if $(NO_MAKEDEP),$(wildcard $(PROJECT).d),),) +$(PROJECT).d:: $(ERL_FILES) $(call core_find,include/,*.hrl) $(MAKEFILE_LIST) + $(makedep_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call makedep.erl,$@)) +endif + +ifeq ($(IS_APP)$(IS_DEP),) +ifneq ($(words $(ERL_FILES) $(CORE_FILES) $(ASN1_FILES) $(MIB_FILES) $(XRL_FILES) $(YRL_FILES)),0) +# Rebuild everything when the Makefile changes. +$(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/last-makefile-change: $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | $(ERLANG_MK_TMP) + $(verbose) if test -f $@; then \ + touch $(ERL_FILES) $(CORE_FILES) $(ASN1_FILES) $(MIB_FILES) $(XRL_FILES) $(YRL_FILES); \ + touch -c $(PROJECT).d; \ + fi + $(verbose) touch $@ + +$(ERL_FILES) $(CORE_FILES) $(ASN1_FILES) $(MIB_FILES) $(XRL_FILES) $(YRL_FILES):: $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/last-makefile-change +ebin/$(PROJECT).app:: $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/last-makefile-change +endif +endif + +$(PROJECT).d:: + $(verbose) : + +include $(wildcard $(PROJECT).d) + +ebin/$(PROJECT).app:: ebin/ + +ebin/: + $(verbose) mkdir -p ebin/ + +define compile_erl + $(erlc_verbose) erlc -v $(if $(IS_DEP),$(filter-out -Werror,$(ERLC_OPTS)),$(ERLC_OPTS)) -o ebin/ \ + -pa ebin/ -I include/ $(filter-out $(ERLC_EXCLUDE_PATHS),$(COMPILE_FIRST_PATHS) $(1)) +endef + +define validate_app_file + case file:consult("ebin/$(PROJECT).app") of + {ok, _} -> halt(); + _ -> halt(1) + end +endef + +ebin/$(PROJECT).app:: $(ERL_FILES) $(CORE_FILES) $(wildcard src/$(PROJECT).app.src) + $(eval FILES_TO_COMPILE := $(filter-out src/$(PROJECT).app.src,$?)) + $(if $(strip $(FILES_TO_COMPILE)),$(call compile_erl,$(FILES_TO_COMPILE))) +# Older git versions do not have the --first-parent flag. Do without in that case. + $(eval GITDESCRIBE := $(shell git describe --dirty --abbrev=7 --tags --always --first-parent 2>/dev/null \ + || git describe --dirty --abbrev=7 --tags --always 2>/dev/null || true)) + $(eval MODULES := $(patsubst %,'%',$(sort $(notdir $(basename \ + $(filter-out $(ERLC_EXCLUDE_PATHS),$(ERL_FILES) $(CORE_FILES) $(BEAM_FILES))))))) +ifeq ($(wildcard src/$(PROJECT).app.src),) + $(app_verbose) printf '$(subst %,%%,$(subst $(newline),\n,$(subst ','\'',$(call app_file,$(GITDESCRIBE),$(MODULES)))))' \ + > ebin/$(PROJECT).app + $(verbose) if ! $(call erlang,$(call validate_app_file)); then \ + echo "The .app file produced is invalid. Please verify the value of PROJECT_ENV." >&2; \ + exit 1; \ + fi +else + $(verbose) if [ -z "$$(grep -e '^[^%]*{\s*modules\s*,' src/$(PROJECT).app.src)" ]; then \ + echo "Empty modules entry not found in $(PROJECT).app.src. Please consult the erlang.mk documentation for instructions." >&2; \ + exit 1; \ + fi + $(appsrc_verbose) cat src/$(PROJECT).app.src \ + | sed "s/{[[:space:]]*modules[[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*\[\]}/{modules, \[$(call comma_list,$(MODULES))\]}/" \ + | sed "s/{id,[[:space:]]*\"git\"}/{id, \"$(subst /,\/,$(GITDESCRIBE))\"}/" \ + > ebin/$(PROJECT).app +endif +ifneq ($(wildcard src/$(PROJECT).appup),) + $(verbose) cp src/$(PROJECT).appup ebin/ +endif + +clean:: clean-app + +clean-app: + $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(PROJECT).d ebin/ priv/mibs/ $(XRL_ERL_FILES) $(YRL_ERL_FILES) \ + $(addprefix include/,$(patsubst %.mib,%.hrl,$(notdir $(MIB_FILES)))) \ + $(addprefix include/,$(patsubst %.asn1,%.hrl,$(notdir $(ASN1_FILES)))) \ + $(addprefix include/,$(patsubst %.asn1,%.asn1db,$(notdir $(ASN1_FILES)))) \ + $(addprefix src/,$(patsubst %.asn1,%.erl,$(notdir $(ASN1_FILES)))) + +endif + +# Copyright (c) 2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# Copyright (c) 2015, Viktor Söderqvist <viktor@zuiderkwast.se> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +.PHONY: docs-deps + +# Configuration. + +ALL_DOC_DEPS_DIRS = $(addprefix $(DEPS_DIR)/,$(DOC_DEPS)) + +# Targets. + +$(foreach dep,$(DOC_DEPS),$(eval $(call dep_target,$(dep)))) + +ifneq ($(SKIP_DEPS),) +doc-deps: +else +doc-deps: $(ALL_DOC_DEPS_DIRS) + $(verbose) set -e; for dep in $(ALL_DOC_DEPS_DIRS) ; do $(MAKE) -C $$dep IS_DEP=1; done +endif + +# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +.PHONY: rel-deps + +# Configuration. + +ALL_REL_DEPS_DIRS = $(addprefix $(DEPS_DIR)/,$(REL_DEPS)) + +# Targets. + +$(foreach dep,$(REL_DEPS),$(eval $(call dep_target,$(dep)))) + +ifneq ($(SKIP_DEPS),) +rel-deps: +else +rel-deps: $(ALL_REL_DEPS_DIRS) + $(verbose) set -e; for dep in $(ALL_REL_DEPS_DIRS) ; do $(MAKE) -C $$dep; done +endif + +# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +.PHONY: test-deps test-dir test-build clean-test-dir + +# Configuration. + +TEST_DIR ?= $(CURDIR)/test + +ALL_TEST_DEPS_DIRS = $(addprefix $(DEPS_DIR)/,$(TEST_DEPS)) + +TEST_ERLC_OPTS ?= +debug_info +warn_export_vars +warn_shadow_vars +warn_obsolete_guard +TEST_ERLC_OPTS += -DTEST=1 + +# Targets. + +$(foreach dep,$(TEST_DEPS),$(eval $(call dep_target,$(dep)))) + +ifneq ($(SKIP_DEPS),) +test-deps: +else +test-deps: $(ALL_TEST_DEPS_DIRS) + $(verbose) set -e; for dep in $(ALL_TEST_DEPS_DIRS) ; do \ + if [ -z "$(strip $(FULL))" ] && [ ! -L $$dep ] && [ -f $$dep/ebin/dep_built ]; then \ + :; \ + else \ + $(MAKE) -C $$dep IS_DEP=1; \ + if [ ! -L $$dep ] && [ -d $$dep/ebin ]; then touch $$dep/ebin/dep_built; fi; \ + fi \ + done +endif + +ifneq ($(wildcard $(TEST_DIR)),) +test-dir: $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/$(PROJECT).last-testdir-build + @: + +test_erlc_verbose_0 = @echo " ERLC " $(filter-out $(patsubst %,%.erl,$(ERLC_EXCLUDE)),\ + $(filter %.erl %.core,$(notdir $(FILES_TO_COMPILE)))); +test_erlc_verbose_2 = set -x; +test_erlc_verbose = $(test_erlc_verbose_$(V)) + +define compile_test_erl + $(test_erlc_verbose) erlc -v $(TEST_ERLC_OPTS) -o $(TEST_DIR) \ + -pa ebin/ -I include/ $(1) +endef + +ERL_TEST_FILES = $(call core_find,$(TEST_DIR)/,*.erl) +$(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/$(PROJECT).last-testdir-build: $(ERL_TEST_FILES) $(MAKEFILE_LIST) + $(eval FILES_TO_COMPILE := $(if $(filter $(MAKEFILE_LIST),$?),$(filter $(ERL_TEST_FILES),$^),$?)) + $(if $(strip $(FILES_TO_COMPILE)),$(call compile_test_erl,$(FILES_TO_COMPILE)) && touch $@) +endif + +test-build:: IS_TEST=1 +test-build:: ERLC_OPTS=$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS) +test-build:: $(if $(wildcard src),$(if $(wildcard ebin/test),,clean)) $(if $(IS_APP),,deps test-deps) +# We already compiled everything when IS_APP=1. +ifndef IS_APP +ifneq ($(wildcard src),) + $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory $(PROJECT).d ERLC_OPTS="$(call escape_dquotes,$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS))" + $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory app-build ERLC_OPTS="$(call escape_dquotes,$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS))" + $(gen_verbose) touch ebin/test +endif +ifneq ($(wildcard $(TEST_DIR)),) + $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory test-dir ERLC_OPTS="$(call escape_dquotes,$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS))" +endif +endif + +# Roughly the same as test-build, but when IS_APP=1. +# We only care about compiling the current application. +ifdef IS_APP +test-build-app:: ERLC_OPTS=$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS) +test-build-app:: deps test-deps +ifneq ($(wildcard src),) + $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory $(PROJECT).d ERLC_OPTS="$(call escape_dquotes,$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS))" + $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory app-build ERLC_OPTS="$(call escape_dquotes,$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS))" + $(gen_verbose) touch ebin/test +endif +ifneq ($(wildcard $(TEST_DIR)),) + $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory test-dir ERLC_OPTS="$(call escape_dquotes,$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS))" +endif +endif + +clean:: clean-test-dir + +clean-test-dir: +ifneq ($(wildcard $(TEST_DIR)/*.beam),) + $(gen_verbose) rm -f $(TEST_DIR)/*.beam $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/$(PROJECT).last-testdir-build +endif + +# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +.PHONY: rebar.config + +# We strip out -Werror because we don't want to fail due to +# warnings when used as a dependency. + +compat_prepare_erlc_opts = $(shell echo "$1" | sed 's/, */,/g') + +define compat_convert_erlc_opts +$(if $(filter-out -Werror,$1),\ + $(if $(findstring +,$1),\ + $(shell echo $1 | cut -b 2-))) +endef + +define compat_erlc_opts_to_list +[$(call comma_list,$(foreach o,$(call compat_prepare_erlc_opts,$1),$(call compat_convert_erlc_opts,$o)))] +endef + +define compat_rebar_config +{deps, [ +$(call comma_list,$(foreach d,$(DEPS),\ + $(if $(filter hex,$(call dep_fetch,$d)),\ + {$(call dep_name,$d)$(comma)"$(call dep_repo,$d)"},\ + {$(call dep_name,$d)$(comma)".*"$(comma){git,"$(call dep_repo,$d)"$(comma)"$(call dep_commit,$d)"}}))) +]}. +{erl_opts, $(call compat_erlc_opts_to_list,$(ERLC_OPTS))}. +endef + +rebar.config: + $(gen_verbose) $(call core_render,compat_rebar_config,rebar.config) + +# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +ifeq ($(filter asciideck,$(DEPS) $(DOC_DEPS)),asciideck) + +.PHONY: asciidoc asciidoc-guide asciidoc-manual install-asciidoc distclean-asciidoc-guide distclean-asciidoc-manual + +# Core targets. + +docs:: asciidoc + +distclean:: distclean-asciidoc-guide distclean-asciidoc-manual + +# Plugin-specific targets. + +asciidoc: asciidoc-guide asciidoc-manual + +# User guide. + +ifeq ($(wildcard doc/src/guide/book.asciidoc),) +asciidoc-guide: +else +asciidoc-guide: distclean-asciidoc-guide doc-deps + a2x -v -f pdf doc/src/guide/book.asciidoc && mv doc/src/guide/book.pdf doc/guide.pdf + a2x -v -f chunked doc/src/guide/book.asciidoc && mv doc/src/guide/book.chunked/ doc/html/ + +distclean-asciidoc-guide: + $(gen_verbose) rm -rf doc/html/ doc/guide.pdf +endif + +# Man pages. + +ASCIIDOC_MANUAL_FILES := $(wildcard doc/src/manual/*.asciidoc) + +ifeq ($(ASCIIDOC_MANUAL_FILES),) +asciidoc-manual: +else + +# Configuration. + +MAN_INSTALL_PATH ?= /usr/local/share/man +MAN_SECTIONS ?= 3 7 +MAN_PROJECT ?= $(shell echo $(PROJECT) | sed 's/^./\U&\E/') +MAN_VERSION ?= $(PROJECT_VERSION) + +# Plugin-specific targets. + +define asciidoc2man.erl +try + [begin + io:format(" ADOC ~s~n", [F]), + ok = asciideck:to_manpage(asciideck:parse_file(F), #{ + compress => gzip, + outdir => filename:dirname(F), + extra2 => "$(MAN_PROJECT) $(MAN_VERSION)", + extra3 => "$(MAN_PROJECT) Function Reference" + }) + end || F <- [$(shell echo $(addprefix $(comma)\",$(addsuffix \",$1)) | sed 's/^.//')]], + halt(0) +catch C:E -> + io:format("Exception ~p:~p~nStacktrace: ~p~n", [C, E, erlang:get_stacktrace()]), + halt(1) +end. +endef + +asciidoc-manual:: doc-deps + +asciidoc-manual:: $(ASCIIDOC_MANUAL_FILES) + $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call asciidoc2man.erl,$?)) + $(verbose) $(foreach s,$(MAN_SECTIONS),mkdir -p doc/man$s/ && mv doc/src/manual/*.$s.gz doc/man$s/;) + +install-docs:: install-asciidoc + +install-asciidoc: asciidoc-manual + $(foreach s,$(MAN_SECTIONS),\ + mkdir -p $(MAN_INSTALL_PATH)/man$s/ && \ + install -g `id -g` -o `id -u` -m 0644 doc/man$s/*.gz $(MAN_INSTALL_PATH)/man$s/;) + +distclean-asciidoc-manual: + $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(addprefix doc/man,$(MAN_SECTIONS)) +endif +endif + +# Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +.PHONY: bootstrap bootstrap-lib bootstrap-rel new list-templates + +# Core targets. + +help:: + $(verbose) printf "%s\n" "" \ + "Bootstrap targets:" \ + " bootstrap Generate a skeleton of an OTP application" \ + " bootstrap-lib Generate a skeleton of an OTP library" \ + " bootstrap-rel Generate the files needed to build a release" \ + " new-app in=NAME Create a new local OTP application NAME" \ + " new-lib in=NAME Create a new local OTP library NAME" \ + " new t=TPL n=NAME Generate a module NAME based on the template TPL" \ + " new t=T n=N in=APP Generate a module NAME based on the template TPL in APP" \ + " list-templates List available templates" + +# Bootstrap templates. + +define bs_appsrc +{application, $p, [ + {description, ""}, + {vsn, "0.1.0"}, + {id, "git"}, + {modules, []}, + {registered, []}, + {applications, [ + kernel, + stdlib + ]}, + {mod, {$p_app, []}}, + {env, []} +]}. +endef + +define bs_appsrc_lib +{application, $p, [ + {description, ""}, + {vsn, "0.1.0"}, + {id, "git"}, + {modules, []}, + {registered, []}, + {applications, [ + kernel, + stdlib + ]} +]}. +endef + +# To prevent autocompletion issues with ZSH, we add "include erlang.mk" +# separately during the actual bootstrap. +define bs_Makefile +PROJECT = $p +PROJECT_DESCRIPTION = New project +PROJECT_VERSION = 0.1.0 +$(if $(SP), +# Whitespace to be used when creating files from templates. +SP = $(SP) +) +endef + +define bs_apps_Makefile +PROJECT = $p +PROJECT_DESCRIPTION = New project +PROJECT_VERSION = 0.1.0 +$(if $(SP), +# Whitespace to be used when creating files from templates. +SP = $(SP) +) +# Make sure we know where the applications are located. +ROOT_DIR ?= $(call core_relpath,$(dir $(ERLANG_MK_FILENAME)),$(APPS_DIR)/app) +APPS_DIR ?= .. +DEPS_DIR ?= $(call core_relpath,$(DEPS_DIR),$(APPS_DIR)/app) + +include $$(ROOT_DIR)/erlang.mk +endef + +define bs_app +-module($p_app). +-behaviour(application). + +-export([start/2]). +-export([stop/1]). + +start(_Type, _Args) -> + $p_sup:start_link(). + +stop(_State) -> + ok. +endef + +define bs_relx_config +{release, {$p_release, "1"}, [$p, sasl, runtime_tools]}. +{extended_start_script, true}. +{sys_config, "config/sys.config"}. +{vm_args, "config/vm.args"}. +endef + +define bs_sys_config +[ +]. +endef + +define bs_vm_args +-name $p@ +-setcookie $p +-heart +endef + +# Normal templates. + +define tpl_supervisor +-module($(n)). +-behaviour(supervisor). + +-export([start_link/0]). +-export([init/1]). + +start_link() -> + supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []). + +init([]) -> + Procs = [], + {ok, {{one_for_one, 1, 5}, Procs}}. +endef + +define tpl_gen_server +-module($(n)). +-behaviour(gen_server). + +%% API. +-export([start_link/0]). + +%% gen_server. +-export([init/1]). +-export([handle_call/3]). +-export([handle_cast/2]). +-export([handle_info/2]). +-export([terminate/2]). +-export([code_change/3]). + +-record(state, { +}). + +%% API. + +-spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()}. +start_link() -> + gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [], []). + +%% gen_server. + +init([]) -> + {ok, #state{}}. + +handle_call(_Request, _From, State) -> + {reply, ignored, State}. + +handle_cast(_Msg, State) -> + {noreply, State}. + +handle_info(_Info, State) -> + {noreply, State}. + +terminate(_Reason, _State) -> + ok. + +code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> + {ok, State}. +endef + +define tpl_module +-module($(n)). +-export([]). +endef + +define tpl_cowboy_http +-module($(n)). +-behaviour(cowboy_http_handler). + +-export([init/3]). +-export([handle/2]). +-export([terminate/3]). + +-record(state, { +}). + +init(_, Req, _Opts) -> + {ok, Req, #state{}}. + +handle(Req, State=#state{}) -> + {ok, Req2} = cowboy_req:reply(200, Req), + {ok, Req2, State}. + +terminate(_Reason, _Req, _State) -> + ok. +endef + +define tpl_gen_fsm +-module($(n)). +-behaviour(gen_fsm). + +%% API. +-export([start_link/0]). + +%% gen_fsm. +-export([init/1]). +-export([state_name/2]). +-export([handle_event/3]). +-export([state_name/3]). +-export([handle_sync_event/4]). +-export([handle_info/3]). +-export([terminate/3]). +-export([code_change/4]). + +-record(state, { +}). + +%% API. + +-spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()}. +start_link() -> + gen_fsm:start_link(?MODULE, [], []). + +%% gen_fsm. + +init([]) -> + {ok, state_name, #state{}}. + +state_name(_Event, StateData) -> + {next_state, state_name, StateData}. + +handle_event(_Event, StateName, StateData) -> + {next_state, StateName, StateData}. + +state_name(_Event, _From, StateData) -> + {reply, ignored, state_name, StateData}. + +handle_sync_event(_Event, _From, StateName, StateData) -> + {reply, ignored, StateName, StateData}. + +handle_info(_Info, StateName, StateData) -> + {next_state, StateName, StateData}. + +terminate(_Reason, _StateName, _StateData) -> + ok. + +code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, StateData, _Extra) -> + {ok, StateName, StateData}. +endef + +define tpl_gen_statem +-module($(n)). +-behaviour(gen_statem). + +%% API. +-export([start_link/0]). + +%% gen_statem. +-export([callback_mode/0]). +-export([init/1]). +-export([state_name/3]). +-export([handle_event/4]). +-export([terminate/3]). +-export([code_change/4]). + +-record(state, { +}). + +%% API. + +-spec start_link() -> {ok, pid()}. +start_link() -> + gen_statem:start_link(?MODULE, [], []). + +%% gen_statem. + +callback_mode() -> + state_functions. + +init([]) -> + {ok, state_name, #state{}}. + +state_name(_EventType, _EventData, StateData) -> + {next_state, state_name, StateData}. + +handle_event(_EventType, _EventData, StateName, StateData) -> + {next_state, StateName, StateData}. + +terminate(_Reason, _StateName, _StateData) -> + ok. + +code_change(_OldVsn, StateName, StateData, _Extra) -> + {ok, StateName, StateData}. +endef + +define tpl_cowboy_loop +-module($(n)). +-behaviour(cowboy_loop_handler). + +-export([init/3]). +-export([info/3]). +-export([terminate/3]). + +-record(state, { +}). + +init(_, Req, _Opts) -> + {loop, Req, #state{}, 5000, hibernate}. + +info(_Info, Req, State) -> + {loop, Req, State, hibernate}. + +terminate(_Reason, _Req, _State) -> + ok. +endef + +define tpl_cowboy_rest +-module($(n)). + +-export([init/3]). +-export([content_types_provided/2]). +-export([get_html/2]). + +init(_, _Req, _Opts) -> + {upgrade, protocol, cowboy_rest}. + +content_types_provided(Req, State) -> + {[{{<<"text">>, <<"html">>, '*'}, get_html}], Req, State}. + +get_html(Req, State) -> + {<<"<html><body>This is REST!</body></html>">>, Req, State}. +endef + +define tpl_cowboy_ws +-module($(n)). +-behaviour(cowboy_websocket_handler). + +-export([init/3]). +-export([websocket_init/3]). +-export([websocket_handle/3]). +-export([websocket_info/3]). +-export([websocket_terminate/3]). + +-record(state, { +}). + +init(_, _, _) -> + {upgrade, protocol, cowboy_websocket}. + +websocket_init(_, Req, _Opts) -> + Req2 = cowboy_req:compact(Req), + {ok, Req2, #state{}}. + +websocket_handle({text, Data}, Req, State) -> + {reply, {text, Data}, Req, State}; +websocket_handle({binary, Data}, Req, State) -> + {reply, {binary, Data}, Req, State}; +websocket_handle(_Frame, Req, State) -> + {ok, Req, State}. + +websocket_info(_Info, Req, State) -> + {ok, Req, State}. + +websocket_terminate(_Reason, _Req, _State) -> + ok. +endef + +define tpl_ranch_protocol +-module($(n)). +-behaviour(ranch_protocol). + +-export([start_link/4]). +-export([init/4]). + +-type opts() :: []. +-export_type([opts/0]). + +-record(state, { + socket :: inet:socket(), + transport :: module() +}). + +start_link(Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts) -> + Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [Ref, Socket, Transport, Opts]), + {ok, Pid}. + +-spec init(ranch:ref(), inet:socket(), module(), opts()) -> ok. +init(Ref, Socket, Transport, _Opts) -> + ok = ranch:accept_ack(Ref), + loop(#state{socket=Socket, transport=Transport}). + +loop(State) -> + loop(State). +endef + +# Plugin-specific targets. + +ifndef WS +ifdef SP +WS = $(subst a,,a $(wordlist 1,$(SP),a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a)) +else +WS = $(tab) +endif +endif + +bootstrap: +ifneq ($(wildcard src/),) + $(error Error: src/ directory already exists) +endif + $(eval p := $(PROJECT)) + $(if $(shell echo $p | LC_ALL=C grep -x "[a-z0-9_]*"),,\ + $(error Error: Invalid characters in the application name)) + $(eval n := $(PROJECT)_sup) + $(verbose) $(call core_render,bs_Makefile,Makefile) + $(verbose) echo "include erlang.mk" >> Makefile + $(verbose) mkdir src/ +ifdef LEGACY + $(verbose) $(call core_render,bs_appsrc,src/$(PROJECT).app.src) +endif + $(verbose) $(call core_render,bs_app,src/$(PROJECT)_app.erl) + $(verbose) $(call core_render,tpl_supervisor,src/$(PROJECT)_sup.erl) + +bootstrap-lib: +ifneq ($(wildcard src/),) + $(error Error: src/ directory already exists) +endif + $(eval p := $(PROJECT)) + $(if $(shell echo $p | LC_ALL=C grep -x "[a-z0-9_]*"),,\ + $(error Error: Invalid characters in the application name)) + $(verbose) $(call core_render,bs_Makefile,Makefile) + $(verbose) echo "include erlang.mk" >> Makefile + $(verbose) mkdir src/ +ifdef LEGACY + $(verbose) $(call core_render,bs_appsrc_lib,src/$(PROJECT).app.src) +endif + +bootstrap-rel: +ifneq ($(wildcard relx.config),) + $(error Error: relx.config already exists) +endif +ifneq ($(wildcard config/),) + $(error Error: config/ directory already exists) +endif + $(eval p := $(PROJECT)) + $(verbose) $(call core_render,bs_relx_config,relx.config) + $(verbose) mkdir config/ + $(verbose) $(call core_render,bs_sys_config,config/sys.config) + $(verbose) $(call core_render,bs_vm_args,config/vm.args) + +new-app: +ifndef in + $(error Usage: $(MAKE) new-app in=APP) +endif +ifneq ($(wildcard $(APPS_DIR)/$in),) + $(error Error: Application $in already exists) +endif + $(eval p := $(in)) + $(if $(shell echo $p | LC_ALL=C grep -x "[a-z0-9_]*"),,\ + $(error Error: Invalid characters in the application name)) + $(eval n := $(in)_sup) + $(verbose) mkdir -p $(APPS_DIR)/$p/src/ + $(verbose) $(call core_render,bs_apps_Makefile,$(APPS_DIR)/$p/Makefile) +ifdef LEGACY + $(verbose) $(call core_render,bs_appsrc,$(APPS_DIR)/$p/src/$p.app.src) +endif + $(verbose) $(call core_render,bs_app,$(APPS_DIR)/$p/src/$p_app.erl) + $(verbose) $(call core_render,tpl_supervisor,$(APPS_DIR)/$p/src/$p_sup.erl) + +new-lib: +ifndef in + $(error Usage: $(MAKE) new-lib in=APP) +endif +ifneq ($(wildcard $(APPS_DIR)/$in),) + $(error Error: Application $in already exists) +endif + $(eval p := $(in)) + $(if $(shell echo $p | LC_ALL=C grep -x "[a-z0-9_]*"),,\ + $(error Error: Invalid characters in the application name)) + $(verbose) mkdir -p $(APPS_DIR)/$p/src/ + $(verbose) $(call core_render,bs_apps_Makefile,$(APPS_DIR)/$p/Makefile) +ifdef LEGACY + $(verbose) $(call core_render,bs_appsrc_lib,$(APPS_DIR)/$p/src/$p.app.src) +endif + +new: +ifeq ($(wildcard src/)$(in),) + $(error Error: src/ directory does not exist) +endif +ifndef t + $(error Usage: $(MAKE) new t=TEMPLATE n=NAME [in=APP]) +endif +ifndef n + $(error Usage: $(MAKE) new t=TEMPLATE n=NAME [in=APP]) +endif +ifdef in + $(verbose) $(call core_render,tpl_$(t),$(APPS_DIR)/$(in)/src/$(n).erl) +else + $(verbose) $(call core_render,tpl_$(t),src/$(n).erl) +endif + +list-templates: + $(verbose) @echo Available templates: + $(verbose) printf " %s\n" $(sort $(patsubst tpl_%,%,$(filter tpl_%,$(.VARIABLES)))) + +# Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +.PHONY: clean-c_src distclean-c_src-env + +# Configuration. + +C_SRC_DIR ?= $(CURDIR)/c_src +C_SRC_ENV ?= $(C_SRC_DIR)/env.mk +C_SRC_OUTPUT ?= $(CURDIR)/priv/$(PROJECT) +C_SRC_TYPE ?= shared + +# System type and C compiler/flags. + +ifeq ($(PLATFORM),msys2) + C_SRC_OUTPUT_EXECUTABLE_EXTENSION ?= .exe + C_SRC_OUTPUT_SHARED_EXTENSION ?= .dll +else + C_SRC_OUTPUT_EXECUTABLE_EXTENSION ?= + C_SRC_OUTPUT_SHARED_EXTENSION ?= .so +endif + +ifeq ($(C_SRC_TYPE),shared) + C_SRC_OUTPUT_FILE = $(C_SRC_OUTPUT)$(C_SRC_OUTPUT_SHARED_EXTENSION) +else + C_SRC_OUTPUT_FILE = $(C_SRC_OUTPUT)$(C_SRC_OUTPUT_EXECUTABLE_EXTENSION) +endif + +ifeq ($(PLATFORM),msys2) +# We hardcode the compiler used on MSYS2. The default CC=cc does +# not produce working code. The "gcc" MSYS2 package also doesn't. + CC = /mingw64/bin/gcc + export CC + CFLAGS ?= -O3 -std=c99 -finline-functions -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes + CXXFLAGS ?= -O3 -finline-functions -Wall +else ifeq ($(PLATFORM),darwin) + CC ?= cc + CFLAGS ?= -O3 -std=c99 -arch x86_64 -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes + CXXFLAGS ?= -O3 -arch x86_64 -Wall + LDFLAGS ?= -arch x86_64 -flat_namespace -undefined suppress +else ifeq ($(PLATFORM),freebsd) + CC ?= cc + CFLAGS ?= -O3 -std=c99 -finline-functions -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes + CXXFLAGS ?= -O3 -finline-functions -Wall +else ifeq ($(PLATFORM),linux) + CC ?= gcc + CFLAGS ?= -O3 -std=c99 -finline-functions -Wall -Wmissing-prototypes + CXXFLAGS ?= -O3 -finline-functions -Wall +endif + +ifneq ($(PLATFORM),msys2) + CFLAGS += -fPIC + CXXFLAGS += -fPIC +endif + +CFLAGS += -I"$(ERTS_INCLUDE_DIR)" -I"$(ERL_INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIR)" +CXXFLAGS += -I"$(ERTS_INCLUDE_DIR)" -I"$(ERL_INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIR)" + +LDLIBS += -L"$(ERL_INTERFACE_LIB_DIR)" -lei + +# Verbosity. + +c_verbose_0 = @echo " C " $(filter-out $(notdir $(MAKEFILE_LIST) $(C_SRC_ENV)),$(^F)); +c_verbose = $(c_verbose_$(V)) + +cpp_verbose_0 = @echo " CPP " $(filter-out $(notdir $(MAKEFILE_LIST) $(C_SRC_ENV)),$(^F)); +cpp_verbose = $(cpp_verbose_$(V)) + +link_verbose_0 = @echo " LD " $(@F); +link_verbose = $(link_verbose_$(V)) + +# Targets. + +ifeq ($(wildcard $(C_SRC_DIR)),) +else ifneq ($(wildcard $(C_SRC_DIR)/Makefile),) +app:: app-c_src + +test-build:: app-c_src + +app-c_src: + $(MAKE) -C $(C_SRC_DIR) + +clean:: + $(MAKE) -C $(C_SRC_DIR) clean + +else + +ifeq ($(SOURCES),) +SOURCES := $(sort $(foreach pat,*.c *.C *.cc *.cpp,$(call core_find,$(C_SRC_DIR)/,$(pat)))) +endif +OBJECTS = $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(SOURCES))) + +COMPILE_C = $(c_verbose) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c +COMPILE_CPP = $(cpp_verbose) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c + +app:: $(C_SRC_ENV) $(C_SRC_OUTPUT_FILE) + +test-build:: $(C_SRC_ENV) $(C_SRC_OUTPUT_FILE) + +$(C_SRC_OUTPUT_FILE): $(OBJECTS) + $(verbose) mkdir -p $(dir $@) + $(link_verbose) $(CC) $(OBJECTS) \ + $(LDFLAGS) $(if $(filter $(C_SRC_TYPE),shared),-shared) $(LDLIBS) \ + -o $(C_SRC_OUTPUT_FILE) + +$(OBJECTS): $(MAKEFILE_LIST) $(C_SRC_ENV) + +%.o: %.c + $(COMPILE_C) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $< + +%.o: %.cc + $(COMPILE_CPP) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $< + +%.o: %.C + $(COMPILE_CPP) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $< + +%.o: %.cpp + $(COMPILE_CPP) $(OUTPUT_OPTION) $< + +clean:: clean-c_src + +clean-c_src: + $(gen_verbose) rm -f $(C_SRC_OUTPUT_FILE) $(OBJECTS) + +endif + +ifneq ($(wildcard $(C_SRC_DIR)),) +ERL_ERTS_DIR = $(shell $(ERL) -eval 'io:format("~s~n", [code:lib_dir(erts)]), halt().') + +$(C_SRC_ENV): + $(verbose) $(ERL) -eval "file:write_file(\"$(call core_native_path,$(C_SRC_ENV))\", \ + io_lib:format( \ + \"# Generated by Erlang.mk. Edit at your own risk!~n~n\" \ + \"ERTS_INCLUDE_DIR ?= ~s/erts-~s/include/~n\" \ + \"ERL_INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIR ?= ~s~n\" \ + \"ERL_INTERFACE_LIB_DIR ?= ~s~n\" \ + \"ERTS_DIR ?= $(ERL_ERTS_DIR)~n\", \ + [code:root_dir(), erlang:system_info(version), \ + code:lib_dir(erl_interface, include), \ + code:lib_dir(erl_interface, lib)])), \ + halt()." + +distclean:: distclean-c_src-env + +distclean-c_src-env: + $(gen_verbose) rm -f $(C_SRC_ENV) + +-include $(C_SRC_ENV) + +ifneq ($(ERL_ERTS_DIR),$(ERTS_DIR)) +$(shell rm -f $(C_SRC_ENV)) +endif +endif + +# Templates. + +define bs_c_nif +#include "erl_nif.h" + +static int loads = 0; + +static int load(ErlNifEnv* env, void** priv_data, ERL_NIF_TERM load_info) +{ + /* Initialize private data. */ + *priv_data = NULL; + + loads++; + + return 0; +} + +static int upgrade(ErlNifEnv* env, void** priv_data, void** old_priv_data, ERL_NIF_TERM load_info) +{ + /* Convert the private data to the new version. */ + *priv_data = *old_priv_data; + + loads++; + + return 0; +} + +static void unload(ErlNifEnv* env, void* priv_data) +{ + if (loads == 1) { + /* Destroy the private data. */ + } + + loads--; +} + +static ERL_NIF_TERM hello(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[]) +{ + if (enif_is_atom(env, argv[0])) { + return enif_make_tuple2(env, + enif_make_atom(env, "hello"), + argv[0]); + } + + return enif_make_tuple2(env, + enif_make_atom(env, "error"), + enif_make_atom(env, "badarg")); +} + +static ErlNifFunc nif_funcs[] = { + {"hello", 1, hello} +}; + +ERL_NIF_INIT($n, nif_funcs, load, NULL, upgrade, unload) +endef + +define bs_erl_nif +-module($n). + +-export([hello/1]). + +-on_load(on_load/0). +on_load() -> + PrivDir = case code:priv_dir(?MODULE) of + {error, _} -> + AppPath = filename:dirname(filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE))), + filename:join(AppPath, "priv"); + Path -> + Path + end, + erlang:load_nif(filename:join(PrivDir, atom_to_list(?MODULE)), 0). + +hello(_) -> + erlang:nif_error({not_loaded, ?MODULE}). +endef + +new-nif: +ifneq ($(wildcard $(C_SRC_DIR)/$n.c),) + $(error Error: $(C_SRC_DIR)/$n.c already exists) +endif +ifneq ($(wildcard src/$n.erl),) + $(error Error: src/$n.erl already exists) +endif +ifndef n + $(error Usage: $(MAKE) new-nif n=NAME [in=APP]) +endif +ifdef in + $(verbose) $(MAKE) -C $(APPS_DIR)/$(in)/ new-nif n=$n in= +else + $(verbose) mkdir -p $(C_SRC_DIR) src/ + $(verbose) $(call core_render,bs_c_nif,$(C_SRC_DIR)/$n.c) + $(verbose) $(call core_render,bs_erl_nif,src/$n.erl) +endif + +# Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +.PHONY: ci ci-prepare ci-setup + +CI_OTP ?= +CI_HIPE ?= +CI_ERLLVM ?= + +ifeq ($(CI_VM),native) +ERLC_OPTS += +native +TEST_ERLC_OPTS += +native +else ifeq ($(CI_VM),erllvm) +ERLC_OPTS += +native +'{hipe, [to_llvm]}' +TEST_ERLC_OPTS += +native +'{hipe, [to_llvm]}' +endif + +ifeq ($(strip $(CI_OTP) $(CI_HIPE) $(CI_ERLLVM)),) +ci:: +else + +ci:: $(addprefix ci-,$(CI_OTP) $(addsuffix -native,$(CI_HIPE)) $(addsuffix -erllvm,$(CI_ERLLVM))) + +ci-prepare: $(addprefix $(KERL_INSTALL_DIR)/,$(CI_OTP) $(addsuffix -native,$(CI_HIPE))) + +ci-setup:: + $(verbose) : + +ci-extra:: + $(verbose) : + +ci_verbose_0 = @echo " CI " $(1); +ci_verbose = $(ci_verbose_$(V)) + +define ci_target +ci-$1: $(KERL_INSTALL_DIR)/$2 + $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory clean + $(ci_verbose) \ + PATH="$(KERL_INSTALL_DIR)/$2/bin:$(PATH)" \ + CI_OTP_RELEASE="$1" \ + CT_OPTS="-label $1" \ + CI_VM="$3" \ + $(MAKE) ci-setup tests + $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory ci-extra +endef + +$(foreach otp,$(CI_OTP),$(eval $(call ci_target,$(otp),$(otp),otp))) +$(foreach otp,$(CI_HIPE),$(eval $(call ci_target,$(otp)-native,$(otp)-native,native))) +$(foreach otp,$(CI_ERLLVM),$(eval $(call ci_target,$(otp)-erllvm,$(otp)-native,erllvm))) + +$(foreach otp,$(filter-out $(ERLANG_OTP),$(CI_OTP)),$(eval $(call kerl_otp_target,$(otp)))) +$(foreach otp,$(filter-out $(ERLANG_HIPE),$(sort $(CI_HIPE) $(CI_ERLLLVM))),$(eval $(call kerl_hipe_target,$(otp)))) + +help:: + $(verbose) printf "%s\n" "" \ + "Continuous Integration targets:" \ + " ci Run '$(MAKE) tests' on all configured Erlang versions." \ + "" \ + "The CI_OTP variable must be defined with the Erlang versions" \ + "that must be tested. For example: CI_OTP = OTP-17.3.4 OTP-17.5.3" + +endif + +# Copyright (c) 2020, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +ifdef CONCUERROR_TESTS + +.PHONY: concuerror distclean-concuerror + +# Configuration + +CONCUERROR_LOGS_DIR ?= $(CURDIR)/logs +CONCUERROR_OPTS ?= + +# Core targets. + +check:: concuerror + +ifndef KEEP_LOGS +distclean:: distclean-concuerror +endif + +# Plugin-specific targets. + +$(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/Concuerror/bin/concuerror: | $(ERLANG_MK_TMP) + $(verbose) git clone https://github.com/parapluu/Concuerror $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/Concuerror + $(verbose) $(MAKE) -C $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/Concuerror + +$(CONCUERROR_LOGS_DIR): + $(verbose) mkdir -p $(CONCUERROR_LOGS_DIR) + +define concuerror_html_report +<!DOCTYPE html> +<html lang="en"> +<head> +<meta charset="utf-8"> +<title>Concuerror HTML report</title> +</head> +<body> +<h1>Concuerror HTML report</h1> +<p>Generated on $(concuerror_date)</p> +<ul> +$(foreach t,$(concuerror_targets),<li><a href="$(t).txt">$(t)</a></li>) +</ul> +</body> +</html> +endef + +concuerror: $(addprefix concuerror-,$(subst :,-,$(CONCUERROR_TESTS))) + $(eval concuerror_date := $(shell date)) + $(eval concuerror_targets := $^) + $(verbose) $(call core_render,concuerror_html_report,$(CONCUERROR_LOGS_DIR)/concuerror.html) + +define concuerror_target +.PHONY: concuerror-$1-$2 + +concuerror-$1-$2: test-build | $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/Concuerror/bin/concuerror $(CONCUERROR_LOGS_DIR) + $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/Concuerror/bin/concuerror \ + --pa $(CURDIR)/ebin --pa $(TEST_DIR) \ + -o $(CONCUERROR_LOGS_DIR)/concuerror-$1-$2.txt \ + $$(CONCUERROR_OPTS) -m $1 -t $2 +endef + +$(foreach test,$(CONCUERROR_TESTS),$(eval $(call concuerror_target,$(firstword $(subst :, ,$(test))),$(lastword $(subst :, ,$(test)))))) + +distclean-concuerror: + $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(CONCUERROR_LOGS_DIR) + +endif + +# Copyright (c) 2013-2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +.PHONY: ct apps-ct distclean-ct + +# Configuration. + +CT_OPTS ?= + +ifneq ($(wildcard $(TEST_DIR)),) +ifndef CT_SUITES +CT_SUITES := $(sort $(subst _SUITE.erl,,$(notdir $(call core_find,$(TEST_DIR)/,*_SUITE.erl)))) +endif +endif +CT_SUITES ?= +CT_LOGS_DIR ?= $(CURDIR)/logs + +# Core targets. + +tests:: ct + +ifndef KEEP_LOGS +distclean:: distclean-ct +endif + +help:: + $(verbose) printf "%s\n" "" \ + "Common_test targets:" \ + " ct Run all the common_test suites for this project" \ + "" \ + "All your common_test suites have their associated targets." \ + "A suite named http_SUITE can be ran using the ct-http target." + +# Plugin-specific targets. + +CT_RUN = ct_run \ + -no_auto_compile \ + -noinput \ + -pa $(CURDIR)/ebin $(TEST_DIR) \ + -dir $(TEST_DIR) \ + -logdir $(CT_LOGS_DIR) + +ifeq ($(CT_SUITES),) +ct: $(if $(IS_APP)$(ROOT_DIR),,apps-ct) +else +# We do not run tests if we are in an apps/* with no test directory. +ifneq ($(IS_APP)$(wildcard $(TEST_DIR)),1) +ct: test-build $(if $(IS_APP)$(ROOT_DIR),,apps-ct) + $(verbose) mkdir -p $(CT_LOGS_DIR) + $(gen_verbose) $(CT_RUN) -sname ct_$(PROJECT) -suite $(addsuffix _SUITE,$(CT_SUITES)) $(CT_OPTS) +endif +endif + +ifneq ($(ALL_APPS_DIRS),) +define ct_app_target +apps-ct-$1: test-build + $$(MAKE) -C $1 ct IS_APP=1 +endef + +$(foreach app,$(ALL_APPS_DIRS),$(eval $(call ct_app_target,$(app)))) + +apps-ct: $(addprefix apps-ct-,$(ALL_APPS_DIRS)) +endif + +ifdef t +ifeq (,$(findstring :,$t)) +CT_EXTRA = -group $t +else +t_words = $(subst :, ,$t) +CT_EXTRA = -group $(firstword $(t_words)) -case $(lastword $(t_words)) +endif +else +ifdef c +CT_EXTRA = -case $c +else +CT_EXTRA = +endif +endif + +define ct_suite_target +ct-$(1): test-build + $(verbose) mkdir -p $(CT_LOGS_DIR) + $(gen_verbose_esc) $(CT_RUN) -sname ct_$(PROJECT) -suite $(addsuffix _SUITE,$(1)) $(CT_EXTRA) $(CT_OPTS) +endef + +$(foreach test,$(CT_SUITES),$(eval $(call ct_suite_target,$(test)))) + +distclean-ct: + $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(CT_LOGS_DIR) + +# Copyright (c) 2013-2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +.PHONY: plt distclean-plt dialyze + +# Configuration. + +DIALYZER_PLT ?= $(CURDIR)/.$(PROJECT).plt +export DIALYZER_PLT + +PLT_APPS ?= +DIALYZER_DIRS ?= --src -r $(wildcard src) $(ALL_APPS_DIRS) +DIALYZER_OPTS ?= -Werror_handling -Wrace_conditions -Wunmatched_returns # -Wunderspecs +DIALYZER_PLT_OPTS ?= + +# Core targets. + +check:: dialyze + +distclean:: distclean-plt + +help:: + $(verbose) printf "%s\n" "" \ + "Dialyzer targets:" \ + " plt Build a PLT file for this project" \ + " dialyze Analyze the project using Dialyzer" + +# Plugin-specific targets. + +define filter_opts.erl + Opts = init:get_plain_arguments(), + {Filtered, _} = lists:foldl(fun + (O, {Os, true}) -> {[O|Os], false}; + (O = "-D", {Os, _}) -> {[O|Os], true}; + (O = [\\$$-, \\$$D, _ | _], {Os, _}) -> {[O|Os], false}; + (O = "-I", {Os, _}) -> {[O|Os], true}; + (O = [\\$$-, \\$$I, _ | _], {Os, _}) -> {[O|Os], false}; + (O = "-pa", {Os, _}) -> {[O|Os], true}; + (_, Acc) -> Acc + end, {[], false}, Opts), + io:format("~s~n", [string:join(lists:reverse(Filtered), " ")]), + halt(). +endef + +# DIALYZER_PLT is a variable understood directly by Dialyzer. +# +# We append the path to erts at the end of the PLT. This works +# because the PLT file is in the external term format and the +# function binary_to_term/1 ignores any trailing data. +$(DIALYZER_PLT): deps app + $(eval DEPS_LOG := $(shell test -f $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/deps.log && \ + while read p; do test -d $$p/ebin && echo $$p/ebin; done <$(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/deps.log)) + $(verbose) dialyzer --build_plt $(DIALYZER_PLT_OPTS) --apps \ + erts kernel stdlib $(PLT_APPS) $(OTP_DEPS) $(LOCAL_DEPS) $(DEPS_LOG) || test $$? -eq 2 + $(verbose) $(ERL) -eval 'io:format("~n~s~n", [code:lib_dir(erts)]), halt().' >> $@ + +plt: $(DIALYZER_PLT) + +distclean-plt: + $(gen_verbose) rm -f $(DIALYZER_PLT) + +ifneq ($(wildcard $(DIALYZER_PLT)),) +dialyze: $(if $(filter --src,$(DIALYZER_DIRS)),,deps app) + $(verbose) if ! tail -n1 $(DIALYZER_PLT) | \ + grep -q "^`$(ERL) -eval 'io:format("~s", [code:lib_dir(erts)]), halt().'`$$"; then \ + rm $(DIALYZER_PLT); \ + $(MAKE) plt; \ + fi +else +dialyze: $(DIALYZER_PLT) +endif + $(verbose) dialyzer --no_native `$(ERL) \ + -eval "$(subst $(newline),,$(call escape_dquotes,$(call filter_opts.erl)))" \ + -extra $(ERLC_OPTS)` $(DIALYZER_DIRS) $(DIALYZER_OPTS) $(if $(wildcard ebin/),-pa ebin/) + +# Copyright (c) 2013-2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +.PHONY: distclean-edoc edoc + +# Configuration. + +EDOC_OPTS ?= +EDOC_SRC_DIRS ?= +EDOC_OUTPUT ?= doc + +define edoc.erl + SrcPaths = lists:foldl(fun(P, Acc) -> + filelib:wildcard(atom_to_list(P) ++ "/{src,c_src}") ++ Acc + end, [], [$(call comma_list,$(patsubst %,'%',$(call core_native_path,$(EDOC_SRC_DIRS))))]), + DefaultOpts = [{dir, "$(EDOC_OUTPUT)"}, {source_path, SrcPaths}, {subpackages, false}], + edoc:application($(1), ".", [$(2)] ++ DefaultOpts), + halt(0). +endef + +# Core targets. + +ifneq ($(strip $(EDOC_SRC_DIRS)$(wildcard doc/overview.edoc)),) +docs:: edoc +endif + +distclean:: distclean-edoc + +# Plugin-specific targets. + +edoc: distclean-edoc doc-deps + $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call edoc.erl,$(PROJECT),$(EDOC_OPTS))) + +distclean-edoc: + $(gen_verbose) rm -f $(EDOC_OUTPUT)/*.css $(EDOC_OUTPUT)/*.html $(EDOC_OUTPUT)/*.png $(EDOC_OUTPUT)/edoc-info + +# Copyright (c) 2013-2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +# Configuration. + +DTL_FULL_PATH ?= +DTL_PATH ?= templates/ +DTL_PREFIX ?= +DTL_SUFFIX ?= _dtl +DTL_OPTS ?= + +# Verbosity. + +dtl_verbose_0 = @echo " DTL " $(filter %.dtl,$(?F)); +dtl_verbose = $(dtl_verbose_$(V)) + +# Core targets. + +DTL_PATH := $(abspath $(DTL_PATH)) +DTL_FILES := $(sort $(call core_find,$(DTL_PATH),*.dtl)) + +ifneq ($(DTL_FILES),) + +DTL_NAMES = $(addprefix $(DTL_PREFIX),$(addsuffix $(DTL_SUFFIX),$(DTL_FILES:$(DTL_PATH)/%.dtl=%))) +DTL_MODULES = $(if $(DTL_FULL_PATH),$(subst /,_,$(DTL_NAMES)),$(notdir $(DTL_NAMES))) +BEAM_FILES += $(addsuffix .beam,$(addprefix ebin/,$(DTL_MODULES))) + +ifneq ($(words $(DTL_FILES)),0) +# Rebuild templates when the Makefile changes. +$(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/last-makefile-change-erlydtl: $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | $(ERLANG_MK_TMP) + $(verbose) if test -f $@; then \ + touch $(DTL_FILES); \ + fi + $(verbose) touch $@ + +ebin/$(PROJECT).app:: $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/last-makefile-change-erlydtl +endif + +define erlydtl_compile.erl + [begin + Module0 = case "$(strip $(DTL_FULL_PATH))" of + "" -> + filename:basename(F, ".dtl"); + _ -> + "$(call core_native_path,$(DTL_PATH))/" ++ F2 = filename:rootname(F, ".dtl"), + re:replace(F2, "/", "_", [{return, list}, global]) + end, + Module = list_to_atom("$(DTL_PREFIX)" ++ string:to_lower(Module0) ++ "$(DTL_SUFFIX)"), + case erlydtl:compile(F, Module, [$(DTL_OPTS)] ++ [{out_dir, "ebin/"}, return_errors]) of + ok -> ok; + {ok, _} -> ok + end + end || F <- string:tokens("$(1)", " ")], + halt(). +endef + +ebin/$(PROJECT).app:: $(DTL_FILES) | ebin/ + $(if $(strip $?),\ + $(dtl_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call erlydtl_compile.erl,$(call core_native_path,$?)),\ + -pa ebin/)) + +endif + +# Copyright (c) 2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# Copyright (c) 2014, Dave Cottlehuber <dch@skunkwerks.at> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +.PHONY: distclean-escript escript escript-zip + +# Configuration. + +ESCRIPT_NAME ?= $(PROJECT) +ESCRIPT_FILE ?= $(ESCRIPT_NAME) + +ESCRIPT_SHEBANG ?= /usr/bin/env escript +ESCRIPT_COMMENT ?= This is an -*- erlang -*- file +ESCRIPT_EMU_ARGS ?= -escript main $(ESCRIPT_NAME) + +ESCRIPT_ZIP ?= 7z a -tzip -mx=9 -mtc=off $(if $(filter-out 0,$(V)),,> /dev/null) +ESCRIPT_ZIP_FILE ?= $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/escript.zip + +# Core targets. + +distclean:: distclean-escript + +help:: + $(verbose) printf "%s\n" "" \ + "Escript targets:" \ + " escript Build an executable escript archive" \ + +# Plugin-specific targets. + +escript-zip:: FULL=1 +escript-zip:: deps app + $(verbose) mkdir -p $(dir $(ESCRIPT_ZIP)) + $(verbose) rm -f $(ESCRIPT_ZIP_FILE) + $(gen_verbose) cd .. && $(ESCRIPT_ZIP) $(ESCRIPT_ZIP_FILE) $(PROJECT)/ebin/* +ifneq ($(DEPS),) + $(verbose) cd $(DEPS_DIR) && $(ESCRIPT_ZIP) $(ESCRIPT_ZIP_FILE) \ + $(subst $(DEPS_DIR)/,,$(addsuffix /*,$(wildcard \ + $(addsuffix /ebin,$(shell cat $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/deps.log))))) +endif + +escript:: escript-zip + $(gen_verbose) printf "%s\n" \ + "#!$(ESCRIPT_SHEBANG)" \ + "%% $(ESCRIPT_COMMENT)" \ + "%%! $(ESCRIPT_EMU_ARGS)" > $(ESCRIPT_FILE) + $(verbose) cat $(ESCRIPT_ZIP_FILE) >> $(ESCRIPT_FILE) + $(verbose) chmod +x $(ESCRIPT_FILE) + +distclean-escript: + $(gen_verbose) rm -f $(ESCRIPT_FILE) + +# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# Copyright (c) 2014, Enrique Fernandez <enrique.fernandez@erlang-solutions.com> +# This file is contributed to erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +.PHONY: eunit apps-eunit + +# Configuration + +EUNIT_OPTS ?= +EUNIT_ERL_OPTS ?= + +# Core targets. + +tests:: eunit + +help:: + $(verbose) printf "%s\n" "" \ + "EUnit targets:" \ + " eunit Run all the EUnit tests for this project" + +# Plugin-specific targets. + +define eunit.erl + $(call cover.erl) + CoverSetup(), + case eunit:test($1, [$(EUNIT_OPTS)]) of + ok -> ok; + error -> halt(2) + end, + CoverExport("$(call core_native_path,$(COVER_DATA_DIR))/eunit.coverdata"), + halt() +endef + +EUNIT_ERL_OPTS += -pa $(TEST_DIR) $(CURDIR)/ebin + +ifdef t +ifeq (,$(findstring :,$(t))) +eunit: test-build cover-data-dir + $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call eunit.erl,['$(t)']),$(EUNIT_ERL_OPTS)) +else +eunit: test-build cover-data-dir + $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call eunit.erl,fun $(t)/0),$(EUNIT_ERL_OPTS)) +endif +else +EUNIT_EBIN_MODS = $(notdir $(basename $(ERL_FILES) $(BEAM_FILES))) +EUNIT_TEST_MODS = $(notdir $(basename $(call core_find,$(TEST_DIR)/,*.erl))) + +EUNIT_MODS = $(foreach mod,$(EUNIT_EBIN_MODS) $(filter-out \ + $(patsubst %,%_tests,$(EUNIT_EBIN_MODS)),$(EUNIT_TEST_MODS)),'$(mod)') + +eunit: test-build $(if $(IS_APP)$(ROOT_DIR),,apps-eunit) cover-data-dir +ifneq ($(wildcard src/ $(TEST_DIR)),) + $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call eunit.erl,[$(call comma_list,$(EUNIT_MODS))]),$(EUNIT_ERL_OPTS)) +endif + +ifneq ($(ALL_APPS_DIRS),) +apps-eunit: test-build + $(verbose) eunit_retcode=0 ; for app in $(ALL_APPS_DIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$app eunit IS_APP=1; \ + [ $$? -ne 0 ] && eunit_retcode=1 ; done ; \ + exit $$eunit_retcode +endif +endif + +# Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +ifeq ($(filter proper,$(DEPS) $(TEST_DEPS)),proper) +.PHONY: proper + +# Targets. + +tests:: proper + +define proper_check.erl + $(call cover.erl) + code:add_pathsa([ + "$(call core_native_path,$(CURDIR)/ebin)", + "$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/*/ebin)", + "$(call core_native_path,$(TEST_DIR))"]), + Module = fun(M) -> + [true] =:= lists:usort([ + case atom_to_list(F) of + "prop_" ++ _ -> + io:format("Testing ~p:~p/0~n", [M, F]), + proper:quickcheck(M:F(), nocolors); + _ -> + true + end + || {F, 0} <- M:module_info(exports)]) + end, + try begin + CoverSetup(), + Res = case $(1) of + all -> [true] =:= lists:usort([Module(M) || M <- [$(call comma_list,$(3))]]); + module -> Module($(2)); + function -> proper:quickcheck($(2), nocolors) + end, + CoverExport("$(COVER_DATA_DIR)/proper.coverdata"), + Res + end of + true -> halt(0); + _ -> halt(1) + catch error:undef -> + io:format("Undefined property or module?~n~p~n", [erlang:get_stacktrace()]), + halt(0) + end. +endef + +ifdef t +ifeq (,$(findstring :,$(t))) +proper: test-build cover-data-dir + $(verbose) $(call erlang,$(call proper_check.erl,module,$(t))) +else +proper: test-build cover-data-dir + $(verbose) echo Testing $(t)/0 + $(verbose) $(call erlang,$(call proper_check.erl,function,$(t)())) +endif +else +proper: test-build cover-data-dir + $(eval MODULES := $(patsubst %,'%',$(sort $(notdir $(basename \ + $(wildcard ebin/*.beam) $(call core_find,$(TEST_DIR)/,*.beam)))))) + $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call proper_check.erl,all,undefined,$(MODULES))) +endif +endif + +# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +# Verbosity. + +proto_verbose_0 = @echo " PROTO " $(filter %.proto,$(?F)); +proto_verbose = $(proto_verbose_$(V)) + +# Core targets. + +ifneq ($(wildcard src/),) +ifneq ($(filter gpb protobuffs,$(BUILD_DEPS) $(DEPS)),) +PROTO_FILES := $(filter %.proto,$(ALL_SRC_FILES)) +ERL_FILES += $(addprefix src/,$(patsubst %.proto,%_pb.erl,$(notdir $(PROTO_FILES)))) + +ifeq ($(PROTO_FILES),) +$(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/last-makefile-change-protobuffs: + $(verbose) : +else +# Rebuild proto files when the Makefile changes. +# We exclude $(PROJECT).d to avoid a circular dependency. +$(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/last-makefile-change-protobuffs: $(filter-out $(PROJECT).d,$(MAKEFILE_LIST)) | $(ERLANG_MK_TMP) + $(verbose) if test -f $@; then \ + touch $(PROTO_FILES); \ + fi + $(verbose) touch $@ + +$(PROJECT).d:: $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/last-makefile-change-protobuffs +endif + +ifeq ($(filter gpb,$(BUILD_DEPS) $(DEPS)),) +define compile_proto.erl + [begin + protobuffs_compile:generate_source(F, [ + {output_include_dir, "./include"}, + {output_src_dir, "./src"}]) + end || F <- string:tokens("$1", " ")], + halt(). +endef +else +define compile_proto.erl + [begin + gpb_compile:file(F, [ + {include_as_lib, true}, + {module_name_suffix, "_pb"}, + {o_hrl, "./include"}, + {o_erl, "./src"}]) + end || F <- string:tokens("$1", " ")], + halt(). +endef +endif + +ifneq ($(PROTO_FILES),) +$(PROJECT).d:: $(PROTO_FILES) + $(verbose) mkdir -p ebin/ include/ + $(if $(strip $?),$(proto_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call compile_proto.erl,$?))) +endif +endif +endif + +# Copyright (c) 2013-2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +.PHONY: relx-rel relx-relup distclean-relx-rel run + +# Configuration. + +RELX ?= $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/relx +RELX_CONFIG ?= $(CURDIR)/relx.config + +RELX_URL ?= https://erlang.mk/res/relx-v3.27.0 +RELX_OPTS ?= +RELX_OUTPUT_DIR ?= _rel +RELX_REL_EXT ?= +RELX_TAR ?= 1 + +ifdef SFX + RELX_TAR = 1 +endif + +ifeq ($(firstword $(RELX_OPTS)),-o) + RELX_OUTPUT_DIR = $(word 2,$(RELX_OPTS)) +else + RELX_OPTS += -o $(RELX_OUTPUT_DIR) +endif + +# Core targets. + +ifeq ($(IS_DEP),) +ifneq ($(wildcard $(RELX_CONFIG)),) +rel:: relx-rel + +relup:: relx-relup +endif +endif + +distclean:: distclean-relx-rel + +# Plugin-specific targets. + +$(RELX): | $(ERLANG_MK_TMP) + $(gen_verbose) $(call core_http_get,$(RELX),$(RELX_URL)) + $(verbose) chmod +x $(RELX) + +relx-rel: $(RELX) rel-deps app + $(verbose) $(RELX) $(if $(filter 1,$V),-V 3) -c $(RELX_CONFIG) $(RELX_OPTS) release + $(verbose) $(MAKE) relx-post-rel +ifeq ($(RELX_TAR),1) + $(verbose) $(RELX) $(if $(filter 1,$V),-V 3) -c $(RELX_CONFIG) $(RELX_OPTS) tar +endif + +relx-relup: $(RELX) rel-deps app + $(verbose) $(RELX) $(if $(filter 1,$V),-V 3) -c $(RELX_CONFIG) $(RELX_OPTS) release + $(MAKE) relx-post-rel + $(verbose) $(RELX) $(if $(filter 1,$V),-V 3) -c $(RELX_CONFIG) $(RELX_OPTS) relup $(if $(filter 1,$(RELX_TAR)),tar) + +distclean-relx-rel: + $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(RELX_OUTPUT_DIR) + +# Default hooks. +relx-post-rel:: + $(verbose) : + +# Run target. + +ifeq ($(wildcard $(RELX_CONFIG)),) +run:: +else + +define get_relx_release.erl + {ok, Config} = file:consult("$(call core_native_path,$(RELX_CONFIG))"), + {release, {Name, Vsn0}, _} = lists:keyfind(release, 1, Config), + Vsn = case Vsn0 of + {cmd, Cmd} -> os:cmd(Cmd); + semver -> ""; + {semver, _} -> ""; + VsnStr -> Vsn0 + end, + Extended = case lists:keyfind(extended_start_script, 1, Config) of + {_, true} -> "1"; + _ -> "" + end, + io:format("~s ~s ~s", [Name, Vsn, Extended]), + halt(0). +endef + +RELX_REL := $(shell $(call erlang,$(get_relx_release.erl))) +RELX_REL_NAME := $(word 1,$(RELX_REL)) +RELX_REL_VSN := $(word 2,$(RELX_REL)) +RELX_REL_CMD := $(if $(word 3,$(RELX_REL)),console) + +ifeq ($(PLATFORM),msys2) +RELX_REL_EXT := .cmd +endif + +run:: all + $(verbose) $(RELX_OUTPUT_DIR)/$(RELX_REL_NAME)/bin/$(RELX_REL_NAME)$(RELX_REL_EXT) $(RELX_REL_CMD) + +ifdef RELOAD +rel:: + $(verbose) $(RELX_OUTPUT_DIR)/$(RELX_REL_NAME)/bin/$(RELX_REL_NAME)$(RELX_REL_EXT) ping + $(verbose) $(RELX_OUTPUT_DIR)/$(RELX_REL_NAME)/bin/$(RELX_REL_NAME)$(RELX_REL_EXT) \ + eval "io:format(\"~p~n\", [c:lm()])" +endif + +help:: + $(verbose) printf "%s\n" "" \ + "Relx targets:" \ + " run Compile the project, build the release and run it" + +endif + +# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# Copyright (c) 2014, M Robert Martin <rob@version2beta.com> +# This file is contributed to erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +.PHONY: shell + +# Configuration. + +SHELL_ERL ?= erl +SHELL_PATHS ?= $(CURDIR)/ebin $(TEST_DIR) +SHELL_OPTS ?= + +ALL_SHELL_DEPS_DIRS = $(addprefix $(DEPS_DIR)/,$(SHELL_DEPS)) + +# Core targets + +help:: + $(verbose) printf "%s\n" "" \ + "Shell targets:" \ + " shell Run an erlang shell with SHELL_OPTS or reasonable default" + +# Plugin-specific targets. + +$(foreach dep,$(SHELL_DEPS),$(eval $(call dep_target,$(dep)))) + +ifneq ($(SKIP_DEPS),) +build-shell-deps: +else +build-shell-deps: $(ALL_SHELL_DEPS_DIRS) + $(verbose) set -e; for dep in $(ALL_SHELL_DEPS_DIRS) ; do \ + if [ -z "$(strip $(FULL))" ] && [ ! -L $$dep ] && [ -f $$dep/ebin/dep_built ]; then \ + :; \ + else \ + $(MAKE) -C $$dep IS_DEP=1; \ + if [ ! -L $$dep ] && [ -d $$dep/ebin ]; then touch $$dep/ebin/dep_built; fi; \ + fi \ + done +endif + +shell:: build-shell-deps + $(gen_verbose) $(SHELL_ERL) -pa $(SHELL_PATHS) $(SHELL_OPTS) + +# Copyright 2017, Stanislaw Klekot <dozzie@jarowit.net> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +.PHONY: distclean-sphinx sphinx + +# Configuration. + +SPHINX_BUILD ?= sphinx-build +SPHINX_SOURCE ?= doc +SPHINX_CONFDIR ?= +SPHINX_FORMATS ?= html +SPHINX_DOCTREES ?= $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/sphinx.doctrees +SPHINX_OPTS ?= + +#sphinx_html_opts = +#sphinx_html_output = html +#sphinx_man_opts = +#sphinx_man_output = man +#sphinx_latex_opts = +#sphinx_latex_output = latex + +# Helpers. + +sphinx_build_0 = @echo " SPHINX" $1; $(SPHINX_BUILD) -N -q +sphinx_build_1 = $(SPHINX_BUILD) -N +sphinx_build_2 = set -x; $(SPHINX_BUILD) +sphinx_build = $(sphinx_build_$(V)) + +define sphinx.build +$(call sphinx_build,$1) -b $1 -d $(SPHINX_DOCTREES) $(if $(SPHINX_CONFDIR),-c $(SPHINX_CONFDIR)) $(SPHINX_OPTS) $(sphinx_$1_opts) -- $(SPHINX_SOURCE) $(call sphinx.output,$1) + +endef + +define sphinx.output +$(if $(sphinx_$1_output),$(sphinx_$1_output),$1) +endef + +# Targets. + +ifneq ($(wildcard $(if $(SPHINX_CONFDIR),$(SPHINX_CONFDIR),$(SPHINX_SOURCE))/conf.py),) +docs:: sphinx +distclean:: distclean-sphinx +endif + +help:: + $(verbose) printf "%s\n" "" \ + "Sphinx targets:" \ + " sphinx Generate Sphinx documentation." \ + "" \ + "ReST sources and 'conf.py' file are expected in directory pointed by" \ + "SPHINX_SOURCE ('doc' by default). SPHINX_FORMATS lists formats to build (only" \ + "'html' format is generated by default); target directory can be specified by" \ + 'setting sphinx_$${format}_output, for example: sphinx_html_output = output/html' \ + "Additional Sphinx options can be set in SPHINX_OPTS." + +# Plugin-specific targets. + +sphinx: + $(foreach F,$(SPHINX_FORMATS),$(call sphinx.build,$F)) + +distclean-sphinx: + $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(filter-out $(SPHINX_SOURCE),$(foreach F,$(SPHINX_FORMATS),$(call sphinx.output,$F))) + +# Copyright (c) 2017, Jean-Sébastien Pédron <jean-sebastien@rabbitmq.com> +# This file is contributed to erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +.PHONY: show-ERL_LIBS show-ERLC_OPTS show-TEST_ERLC_OPTS + +show-ERL_LIBS: + @echo $(ERL_LIBS) + +show-ERLC_OPTS: + @$(foreach opt,$(ERLC_OPTS) -pa ebin -I include,echo "$(opt)";) + +show-TEST_ERLC_OPTS: + @$(foreach opt,$(TEST_ERLC_OPTS) -pa ebin -I include,echo "$(opt)";) + +# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +ifeq ($(filter triq,$(DEPS) $(TEST_DEPS)),triq) +.PHONY: triq + +# Targets. + +tests:: triq + +define triq_check.erl + $(call cover.erl) + code:add_pathsa([ + "$(call core_native_path,$(CURDIR)/ebin)", + "$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/*/ebin)", + "$(call core_native_path,$(TEST_DIR))"]), + try begin + CoverSetup(), + Res = case $(1) of + all -> [true] =:= lists:usort([triq:check(M) || M <- [$(call comma_list,$(3))]]); + module -> triq:check($(2)); + function -> triq:check($(2)) + end, + CoverExport("$(COVER_DATA_DIR)/triq.coverdata"), + Res + end of + true -> halt(0); + _ -> halt(1) + catch error:undef -> + io:format("Undefined property or module?~n~p~n", [erlang:get_stacktrace()]), + halt(0) + end. +endef + +ifdef t +ifeq (,$(findstring :,$(t))) +triq: test-build cover-data-dir + $(verbose) $(call erlang,$(call triq_check.erl,module,$(t))) +else +triq: test-build cover-data-dir + $(verbose) echo Testing $(t)/0 + $(verbose) $(call erlang,$(call triq_check.erl,function,$(t)())) +endif +else +triq: test-build cover-data-dir + $(eval MODULES := $(patsubst %,'%',$(sort $(notdir $(basename \ + $(wildcard ebin/*.beam) $(call core_find,$(TEST_DIR)/,*.beam)))))) + $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(call triq_check.erl,all,undefined,$(MODULES))) +endif +endif + +# Copyright (c) 2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# Copyright (c) 2015, Erlang Solutions Ltd. +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +.PHONY: xref distclean-xref + +# Configuration. + +ifeq ($(XREF_CONFIG),) + XREFR_ARGS := +else + XREFR_ARGS := -c $(XREF_CONFIG) +endif + +XREFR ?= $(CURDIR)/xrefr +export XREFR + +XREFR_URL ?= https://github.com/inaka/xref_runner/releases/download/1.1.0/xrefr + +# Core targets. + +help:: + $(verbose) printf '%s\n' '' \ + 'Xref targets:' \ + ' xref Run Xrefr using $$XREF_CONFIG as config file if defined' + +distclean:: distclean-xref + +# Plugin-specific targets. + +$(XREFR): + $(gen_verbose) $(call core_http_get,$(XREFR),$(XREFR_URL)) + $(verbose) chmod +x $(XREFR) + +xref: deps app $(XREFR) + $(gen_verbose) $(XREFR) $(XREFR_ARGS) + +distclean-xref: + $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(XREFR) + +# Copyright (c) 2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# Copyright (c) 2015, Viktor Söderqvist <viktor@zuiderkwast.se> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +COVER_REPORT_DIR ?= cover +COVER_DATA_DIR ?= $(COVER_REPORT_DIR) + +ifdef COVER +COVER_APPS ?= $(notdir $(ALL_APPS_DIRS)) +COVER_DEPS ?= +endif + +# Code coverage for Common Test. + +ifdef COVER +ifdef CT_RUN +ifneq ($(wildcard $(TEST_DIR)),) +test-build:: $(TEST_DIR)/ct.cover.spec + +$(TEST_DIR)/ct.cover.spec: cover-data-dir + $(gen_verbose) printf "%s\n" \ + "{incl_app, '$(PROJECT)', details}." \ + "{incl_dirs, '$(PROJECT)', [\"$(call core_native_path,$(CURDIR)/ebin)\" \ + $(foreach a,$(COVER_APPS),$(comma) \"$(call core_native_path,$(APPS_DIR)/$a/ebin)\") \ + $(foreach d,$(COVER_DEPS),$(comma) \"$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$d/ebin)\")]}." \ + '{export,"$(call core_native_path,$(abspath $(COVER_DATA_DIR))/ct.coverdata)"}.' > $@ + +CT_RUN += -cover $(TEST_DIR)/ct.cover.spec +endif +endif +endif + +# Code coverage for other tools. + +ifdef COVER +define cover.erl + CoverSetup = fun() -> + Dirs = ["$(call core_native_path,$(CURDIR)/ebin)" + $(foreach a,$(COVER_APPS),$(comma) "$(call core_native_path,$(APPS_DIR)/$a/ebin)") + $(foreach d,$(COVER_DEPS),$(comma) "$(call core_native_path,$(DEPS_DIR)/$d/ebin)")], + [begin + case filelib:is_dir(Dir) of + false -> false; + true -> + case cover:compile_beam_directory(Dir) of + {error, _} -> halt(1); + _ -> true + end + end + end || Dir <- Dirs] + end, + CoverExport = fun(Filename) -> cover:export(Filename) end, +endef +else +define cover.erl + CoverSetup = fun() -> ok end, + CoverExport = fun(_) -> ok end, +endef +endif + +# Core targets + +ifdef COVER +ifneq ($(COVER_REPORT_DIR),) +tests:: + $(verbose) $(MAKE) --no-print-directory cover-report +endif + +cover-data-dir: | $(COVER_DATA_DIR) + +$(COVER_DATA_DIR): + $(verbose) mkdir -p $(COVER_DATA_DIR) +else +cover-data-dir: +endif + +clean:: coverdata-clean + +ifneq ($(COVER_REPORT_DIR),) +distclean:: cover-report-clean +endif + +help:: + $(verbose) printf "%s\n" "" \ + "Cover targets:" \ + " cover-report Generate a HTML coverage report from previously collected" \ + " cover data." \ + " all.coverdata Merge all coverdata files into all.coverdata." \ + "" \ + "If COVER=1 is set, coverage data is generated by the targets eunit and ct. The" \ + "target tests additionally generates a HTML coverage report from the combined" \ + "coverdata files from each of these testing tools. HTML reports can be disabled" \ + "by setting COVER_REPORT_DIR to empty." + +# Plugin specific targets + +COVERDATA = $(filter-out $(COVER_DATA_DIR)/all.coverdata,$(wildcard $(COVER_DATA_DIR)/*.coverdata)) + +.PHONY: coverdata-clean +coverdata-clean: + $(gen_verbose) rm -f $(COVER_DATA_DIR)/*.coverdata $(TEST_DIR)/ct.cover.spec + +# Merge all coverdata files into one. +define cover_export.erl + $(foreach f,$(COVERDATA),cover:import("$(f)") == ok orelse halt(1),) + cover:export("$(COVER_DATA_DIR)/$@"), halt(0). +endef + +all.coverdata: $(COVERDATA) cover-data-dir + $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(cover_export.erl)) + +# These are only defined if COVER_REPORT_DIR is non-empty. Set COVER_REPORT_DIR to +# empty if you want the coverdata files but not the HTML report. +ifneq ($(COVER_REPORT_DIR),) + +.PHONY: cover-report-clean cover-report + +cover-report-clean: + $(gen_verbose) rm -rf $(COVER_REPORT_DIR) +ifneq ($(COVER_REPORT_DIR),$(COVER_DATA_DIR)) + $(if $(shell ls -A $(COVER_DATA_DIR)/),,$(verbose) rmdir $(COVER_DATA_DIR)) +endif + +ifeq ($(COVERDATA),) +cover-report: +else + +# Modules which include eunit.hrl always contain one line without coverage +# because eunit defines test/0 which is never called. We compensate for this. +EUNIT_HRL_MODS = $(subst $(space),$(comma),$(shell \ + grep -H -e '^\s*-include.*include/eunit\.hrl"' src/*.erl \ + | sed "s/^src\/\(.*\)\.erl:.*/'\1'/" | uniq)) + +define cover_report.erl + $(foreach f,$(COVERDATA),cover:import("$(f)") == ok orelse halt(1),) + Ms = cover:imported_modules(), + [cover:analyse_to_file(M, "$(COVER_REPORT_DIR)/" ++ atom_to_list(M) + ++ ".COVER.html", [html]) || M <- Ms], + Report = [begin {ok, R} = cover:analyse(M, module), R end || M <- Ms], + EunitHrlMods = [$(EUNIT_HRL_MODS)], + Report1 = [{M, {Y, case lists:member(M, EunitHrlMods) of + true -> N - 1; false -> N end}} || {M, {Y, N}} <- Report], + TotalY = lists:sum([Y || {_, {Y, _}} <- Report1]), + TotalN = lists:sum([N || {_, {_, N}} <- Report1]), + Perc = fun(Y, N) -> case Y + N of 0 -> 100; S -> round(100 * Y / S) end end, + TotalPerc = Perc(TotalY, TotalN), + {ok, F} = file:open("$(COVER_REPORT_DIR)/index.html", [write]), + io:format(F, "<!DOCTYPE html><html>~n" + "<head><meta charset=\"UTF-8\">~n" + "<title>Coverage report</title></head>~n" + "<body>~n", []), + io:format(F, "<h1>Coverage</h1>~n<p>Total: ~p%</p>~n", [TotalPerc]), + io:format(F, "<table><tr><th>Module</th><th>Coverage</th></tr>~n", []), + [io:format(F, "<tr><td><a href=\"~p.COVER.html\">~p</a></td>" + "<td>~p%</td></tr>~n", + [M, M, Perc(Y, N)]) || {M, {Y, N}} <- Report1], + How = "$(subst $(space),$(comma)$(space),$(basename $(COVERDATA)))", + Date = "$(shell date -u "+%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")", + io:format(F, "</table>~n" + "<p>Generated using ~s and erlang.mk on ~s.</p>~n" + "</body></html>", [How, Date]), + halt(). +endef + +cover-report: + $(verbose) mkdir -p $(COVER_REPORT_DIR) + $(gen_verbose) $(call erlang,$(cover_report.erl)) + +endif +endif # ifneq ($(COVER_REPORT_DIR),) + +# Copyright (c) 2016, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +.PHONY: sfx + +ifdef RELX_REL +ifdef SFX + +# Configuration. + +SFX_ARCHIVE ?= $(RELX_OUTPUT_DIR)/$(RELX_REL_NAME)/$(RELX_REL_NAME)-$(RELX_REL_VSN).tar.gz +SFX_OUTPUT_FILE ?= $(RELX_OUTPUT_DIR)/$(RELX_REL_NAME).run + +# Core targets. + +rel:: sfx + +# Plugin-specific targets. + +define sfx_stub +#!/bin/sh + +TMPDIR=`mktemp -d` +ARCHIVE=`awk '/^__ARCHIVE_BELOW__$$/ {print NR + 1; exit 0;}' $$0` +FILENAME=$$(basename $$0) +REL=$${FILENAME%.*} + +tail -n+$$ARCHIVE $$0 | tar -xzf - -C $$TMPDIR + +$$TMPDIR/bin/$$REL console +RET=$$? + +rm -rf $$TMPDIR + +exit $$RET + +__ARCHIVE_BELOW__ +endef + +sfx: + $(verbose) $(call core_render,sfx_stub,$(SFX_OUTPUT_FILE)) + $(gen_verbose) cat $(SFX_ARCHIVE) >> $(SFX_OUTPUT_FILE) + $(verbose) chmod +x $(SFX_OUTPUT_FILE) + +endif +endif + +# Copyright (c) 2013-2017, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +# External plugins. + +DEP_PLUGINS ?= + +$(foreach p,$(DEP_PLUGINS),\ + $(eval $(if $(findstring /,$p),\ + $(call core_dep_plugin,$p,$(firstword $(subst /, ,$p))),\ + $(call core_dep_plugin,$p/plugins.mk,$p)))) + +help:: help-plugins + +help-plugins:: + $(verbose) : + +# Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Loïc Hoguin <essen@ninenines.eu> +# Copyright (c) 2015-2016, Jean-Sébastien Pédron <jean-sebastien@rabbitmq.com> +# This file is part of erlang.mk and subject to the terms of the ISC License. + +# Fetch dependencies recursively (without building them). + +.PHONY: fetch-deps fetch-doc-deps fetch-rel-deps fetch-test-deps \ + fetch-shell-deps + +.PHONY: $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_DEPS_LIST) \ + $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_DOC_DEPS_LIST) \ + $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_REL_DEPS_LIST) \ + $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_TEST_DEPS_LIST) \ + $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_SHELL_DEPS_LIST) + +fetch-deps: $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_DEPS_LIST) +fetch-doc-deps: $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_DOC_DEPS_LIST) +fetch-rel-deps: $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_REL_DEPS_LIST) +fetch-test-deps: $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_TEST_DEPS_LIST) +fetch-shell-deps: $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_SHELL_DEPS_LIST) + +ifneq ($(SKIP_DEPS),) +$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_DEPS_LIST) \ +$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_DOC_DEPS_LIST) \ +$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_REL_DEPS_LIST) \ +$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_TEST_DEPS_LIST) \ +$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_SHELL_DEPS_LIST): + $(verbose) :> $@ +else +# By default, we fetch "normal" dependencies. They are also included no +# matter the type of requested dependencies. +# +# $(ALL_DEPS_DIRS) includes $(BUILD_DEPS). + +$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_DEPS_LIST): $(LOCAL_DEPS_DIRS) $(ALL_DEPS_DIRS) +$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_DOC_DEPS_LIST): $(LOCAL_DEPS_DIRS) $(ALL_DEPS_DIRS) $(ALL_DOC_DEPS_DIRS) +$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_REL_DEPS_LIST): $(LOCAL_DEPS_DIRS) $(ALL_DEPS_DIRS) $(ALL_REL_DEPS_DIRS) +$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_TEST_DEPS_LIST): $(LOCAL_DEPS_DIRS) $(ALL_DEPS_DIRS) $(ALL_TEST_DEPS_DIRS) +$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_SHELL_DEPS_LIST): $(LOCAL_DEPS_DIRS) $(ALL_DEPS_DIRS) $(ALL_SHELL_DEPS_DIRS) + +# Allow to use fetch-deps and $(DEP_TYPES) to fetch multiple types of +# dependencies with a single target. +ifneq ($(filter doc,$(DEP_TYPES)),) +$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_DEPS_LIST): $(ALL_DOC_DEPS_DIRS) +endif +ifneq ($(filter rel,$(DEP_TYPES)),) +$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_DEPS_LIST): $(ALL_REL_DEPS_DIRS) +endif +ifneq ($(filter test,$(DEP_TYPES)),) +$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_DEPS_LIST): $(ALL_TEST_DEPS_DIRS) +endif +ifneq ($(filter shell,$(DEP_TYPES)),) +$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_DEPS_LIST): $(ALL_SHELL_DEPS_DIRS) +endif + +ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_TMP_LIST := $(abspath $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/recursive-tmp-deps-$(shell echo $$PPID).log) + +$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_DEPS_LIST) \ +$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_DOC_DEPS_LIST) \ +$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_REL_DEPS_LIST) \ +$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_TEST_DEPS_LIST) \ +$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_SHELL_DEPS_LIST): | $(ERLANG_MK_TMP) +ifeq ($(IS_APP)$(IS_DEP),) + $(verbose) rm -f $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_TMP_LIST) +endif + $(verbose) touch $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_TMP_LIST) + $(verbose) set -e; for dep in $^ ; do \ + if ! grep -qs ^$$dep$$ $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_TMP_LIST); then \ + echo $$dep >> $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_TMP_LIST); \ + if grep -qs -E "^[[:blank:]]*include[[:blank:]]+(erlang\.mk|.*/erlang\.mk|.*ERLANG_MK_FILENAME.*)$$" \ + $$dep/GNUmakefile $$dep/makefile $$dep/Makefile; then \ + $(MAKE) -C $$dep fetch-deps \ + IS_DEP=1 \ + ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_TMP_LIST=$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_TMP_LIST); \ + fi \ + fi \ + done +ifeq ($(IS_APP)$(IS_DEP),) + $(verbose) sort < $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_TMP_LIST) | \ + uniq > $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_TMP_LIST).sorted + $(verbose) cmp -s $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_TMP_LIST).sorted $@ \ + || mv $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_TMP_LIST).sorted $@ + $(verbose) rm -f $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_TMP_LIST).sorted + $(verbose) rm $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_TMP_LIST) +endif +endif # ifneq ($(SKIP_DEPS),) + +# List dependencies recursively. + +.PHONY: list-deps list-doc-deps list-rel-deps list-test-deps \ + list-shell-deps + +list-deps: $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_DEPS_LIST) +list-doc-deps: $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_DOC_DEPS_LIST) +list-rel-deps: $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_REL_DEPS_LIST) +list-test-deps: $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_TEST_DEPS_LIST) +list-shell-deps: $(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_SHELL_DEPS_LIST) + +list-deps list-doc-deps list-rel-deps list-test-deps list-shell-deps: + $(verbose) cat $^ + +# Query dependencies recursively. + +.PHONY: query-deps query-doc-deps query-rel-deps query-test-deps \ + query-shell-deps + +QUERY ?= name fetch_method repo version + +define query_target +$(1): $(2) clean-tmp-query.log +ifeq ($(IS_APP)$(IS_DEP),) + $(verbose) rm -f $(4) +endif + $(verbose) $(foreach dep,$(3),\ + echo $(PROJECT): $(foreach q,$(QUERY),$(call query_$(q),$(dep))) >> $(4) ;) + $(if $(filter-out query-deps,$(1)),,\ + $(verbose) set -e; for dep in $(3) ; do \ + if grep -qs ^$$$$dep$$$$ $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/query.log; then \ + :; \ + else \ + echo $$$$dep >> $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/query.log; \ + $(MAKE) -C $(DEPS_DIR)/$$$$dep $$@ QUERY="$(QUERY)" IS_DEP=1 || true; \ + fi \ + done) +ifeq ($(IS_APP)$(IS_DEP),) + $(verbose) touch $(4) + $(verbose) cat $(4) +endif +endef + +clean-tmp-query.log: +ifeq ($(IS_DEP),) + $(verbose) rm -f $(ERLANG_MK_TMP)/query.log +endif + +$(eval $(call query_target,query-deps,$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_DEPS_LIST),$(BUILD_DEPS) $(DEPS),$(ERLANG_MK_QUERY_DEPS_FILE))) +$(eval $(call query_target,query-doc-deps,$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_DOC_DEPS_LIST),$(DOC_DEPS),$(ERLANG_MK_QUERY_DOC_DEPS_FILE))) +$(eval $(call query_target,query-rel-deps,$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_REL_DEPS_LIST),$(REL_DEPS),$(ERLANG_MK_QUERY_REL_DEPS_FILE))) +$(eval $(call query_target,query-test-deps,$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_TEST_DEPS_LIST),$(TEST_DEPS),$(ERLANG_MK_QUERY_TEST_DEPS_FILE))) +$(eval $(call query_target,query-shell-deps,$(ERLANG_MK_RECURSIVE_SHELL_DEPS_LIST),$(SHELL_DEPS),$(ERLANG_MK_QUERY_SHELL_DEPS_FILE))) diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/etc/rabbit-test.sh b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/etc/rabbit-test.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5697412c26 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/etc/rabbit-test.sh @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +#!/bin/sh +CTL=$1 + +# Test direct connections +$CTL set_parameter federation-upstream localhost '{"uri": "amqp://"}' +# We will test the guest:guest gets stripped out in user_id_test +$CTL set_parameter federation-upstream local5673 '{"uri": "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5673"}' + +$CTL set_parameter federation-upstream-set upstream '[{"upstream": "localhost", "exchange": "upstream", "queue": "upstream"}]' +$CTL set_parameter federation-upstream-set upstream2 '[{"upstream": "localhost", "exchange": "upstream2", "queue": "upstream2"}]' +$CTL set_parameter federation-upstream-set localhost '[{"upstream": "localhost"}]' +$CTL set_parameter federation-upstream-set upstream12 '[{"upstream": "localhost", "exchange": "upstream", "queue": "upstream"}, + {"upstream": "localhost", "exchange": "upstream2", "queue": "upstream2"}]' +$CTL set_parameter federation-upstream-set one '[{"upstream": "localhost", "exchange": "one", "queue": "one"}]' +$CTL set_parameter federation-upstream-set two '[{"upstream": "localhost", "exchange": "two", "queue": "two"}]' +$CTL set_parameter federation-upstream-set upstream5673 '[{"upstream": "local5673", "exchange": "upstream"}]' + +$CTL set_policy fed "^fed\." '{"federation-upstream-set": "upstream"}' +$CTL set_policy fed12 "^fed12\." '{"federation-upstream-set": "upstream12"}' +$CTL set_policy one "^two$" '{"federation-upstream-set": "one"}' +$CTL set_policy two "^one$" '{"federation-upstream-set": "two"}' +$CTL set_policy hare "^hare\." '{"federation-upstream-set": "upstream5673"}' +$CTL set_policy all "^all\." '{"federation-upstream-set": "all"}' +$CTL set_policy new "^new\." '{"federation-upstream-set": "new-set"}' diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/etc/setup-rabbit-test.sh b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/etc/setup-rabbit-test.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000000..2e2282ee07 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/etc/setup-rabbit-test.sh @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#!/bin/sh -e +sh -e `dirname $0`/rabbit-test.sh "$DEPS_DIR/rabbit/scripts/rabbitmqctl -n $RABBITMQ_NODENAME" diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/include/rabbit_federation.hrl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/include/rabbit_federation.hrl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..af92e1aa25 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/include/rabbit_federation.hrl @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-record(upstream, {uris, + exchange_name, + queue_name, + consumer_tag, + prefetch_count, + max_hops, + reconnect_delay, + expires, + message_ttl, + trust_user_id, + ack_mode, + ha_policy, + name, + bind_nowait, + resource_cleanup_mode}). + +-record(upstream_params, + {uri, + params, + x_or_q, + %% The next two can be derived from the above three, but we don't + %% want to do that every time we forward a message. + safe_uri, + table}). + +%% Name of the message header used to collect the hop (forwarding) path +%% metadata as the message is forwarded by exchange federation. +-define(ROUTING_HEADER, <<"x-received-from">>). +-define(BINDING_HEADER, <<"x-bound-from">>). +-define(MAX_HOPS_ARG, <<"x-max-hops">>). +%% Identifies a cluster, used by exchange federation cycle detection +-define(DOWNSTREAM_NAME_ARG, <<"x-downstream-name">>). +%% Identifies a virtual host, used by exchange federation cycle detection +-define(DOWNSTREAM_VHOST_ARG, <<"x-downstream-vhost">>). +-define(DEF_PREFETCH, 1000). + +-define(FEDERATION_GUIDE_URL, <<"https://rabbitmq.com/federation.html">>). diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/rabbitmq-components.mk b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/rabbitmq-components.mk new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b2a3be8b35 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/rabbitmq-components.mk @@ -0,0 +1,359 @@ +ifeq ($(.DEFAULT_GOAL),) +# Define default goal to `all` because this file defines some targets +# before the inclusion of erlang.mk leading to the wrong target becoming +# the default. +.DEFAULT_GOAL = all +endif + +# PROJECT_VERSION defaults to: +# 1. the version exported by rabbitmq-server-release; +# 2. the version stored in `git-revisions.txt`, if it exists; +# 3. a version based on git-describe(1), if it is a Git clone; +# 4. 0.0.0 + +PROJECT_VERSION := $(RABBITMQ_VERSION) + +ifeq ($(PROJECT_VERSION),) +PROJECT_VERSION := $(shell \ +if test -f git-revisions.txt; then \ + head -n1 git-revisions.txt | \ + awk '{print $$$(words $(PROJECT_DESCRIPTION) version);}'; \ +else \ + (git describe --dirty --abbrev=7 --tags --always --first-parent \ + 2>/dev/null || echo rabbitmq_v0_0_0) | \ + sed -e 's/^rabbitmq_v//' -e 's/^v//' -e 's/_/./g' -e 's/-/+/' \ + -e 's/-/./g'; \ +fi) +endif + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------- +# RabbitMQ components. +# -------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# For RabbitMQ repositories, we want to checkout branches which match +# the parent project. For instance, if the parent project is on a +# release tag, dependencies must be on the same release tag. If the +# parent project is on a topic branch, dependencies must be on the same +# topic branch or fallback to `stable` or `master` whichever was the +# base of the topic branch. + +dep_amqp_client = git_rmq rabbitmq-erlang-client $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_amqp10_client = git_rmq rabbitmq-amqp1.0-client $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_amqp10_common = git_rmq rabbitmq-amqp1.0-common $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbit = git_rmq rabbitmq-server $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbit_common = git_rmq rabbitmq-common $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_amqp1_0 = git_rmq rabbitmq-amqp1.0 $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_auth_backend_amqp = git_rmq rabbitmq-auth-backend-amqp $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_auth_backend_cache = git_rmq rabbitmq-auth-backend-cache $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_auth_backend_http = git_rmq rabbitmq-auth-backend-http $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap = git_rmq rabbitmq-auth-backend-ldap $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2 = git_rmq rabbitmq-auth-backend-oauth2 $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_auth_mechanism_ssl = git_rmq rabbitmq-auth-mechanism-ssl $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_aws = git_rmq rabbitmq-aws $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_boot_steps_visualiser = git_rmq rabbitmq-boot-steps-visualiser $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_cli = git_rmq rabbitmq-cli $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_codegen = git_rmq rabbitmq-codegen $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_consistent_hash_exchange = git_rmq rabbitmq-consistent-hash-exchange $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_ct_client_helpers = git_rmq rabbitmq-ct-client-helpers $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_ct_helpers = git_rmq rabbitmq-ct-helpers $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_delayed_message_exchange = git_rmq rabbitmq-delayed-message-exchange $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_dotnet_client = git_rmq rabbitmq-dotnet-client $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_event_exchange = git_rmq rabbitmq-event-exchange $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_federation = git_rmq rabbitmq-federation $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_federation_management = git_rmq rabbitmq-federation-management $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_java_client = git_rmq rabbitmq-java-client $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_jms_client = git_rmq rabbitmq-jms-client $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_jms_cts = git_rmq rabbitmq-jms-cts $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_jms_topic_exchange = git_rmq rabbitmq-jms-topic-exchange $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_lvc_exchange = git_rmq rabbitmq-lvc-exchange $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_management = git_rmq rabbitmq-management $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_management_agent = git_rmq rabbitmq-management-agent $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_management_exchange = git_rmq rabbitmq-management-exchange $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_management_themes = git_rmq rabbitmq-management-themes $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_message_timestamp = git_rmq rabbitmq-message-timestamp $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_metronome = git_rmq rabbitmq-metronome $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_mqtt = git_rmq rabbitmq-mqtt $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_objc_client = git_rmq rabbitmq-objc-client $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_peer_discovery_aws = git_rmq rabbitmq-peer-discovery-aws $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_peer_discovery_common = git_rmq rabbitmq-peer-discovery-common $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_peer_discovery_consul = git_rmq rabbitmq-peer-discovery-consul $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_peer_discovery_etcd = git_rmq rabbitmq-peer-discovery-etcd $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_peer_discovery_k8s = git_rmq rabbitmq-peer-discovery-k8s $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_prometheus = git_rmq rabbitmq-prometheus $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_random_exchange = git_rmq rabbitmq-random-exchange $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_recent_history_exchange = git_rmq rabbitmq-recent-history-exchange $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_routing_node_stamp = git_rmq rabbitmq-routing-node-stamp $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_rtopic_exchange = git_rmq rabbitmq-rtopic-exchange $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_server_release = git_rmq rabbitmq-server-release $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_sharding = git_rmq rabbitmq-sharding $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_shovel = git_rmq rabbitmq-shovel $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_shovel_management = git_rmq rabbitmq-shovel-management $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_stomp = git_rmq rabbitmq-stomp $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_stream = git_rmq rabbitmq-stream $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_toke = git_rmq rabbitmq-toke $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_top = git_rmq rabbitmq-top $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_tracing = git_rmq rabbitmq-tracing $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_trust_store = git_rmq rabbitmq-trust-store $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_test = git_rmq rabbitmq-test $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_web_dispatch = git_rmq rabbitmq-web-dispatch $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_web_stomp = git_rmq rabbitmq-web-stomp $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_web_stomp_examples = git_rmq rabbitmq-web-stomp-examples $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_web_mqtt = git_rmq rabbitmq-web-mqtt $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_web_mqtt_examples = git_rmq rabbitmq-web-mqtt-examples $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master +dep_rabbitmq_website = git_rmq rabbitmq-website $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) live master +dep_toke = git_rmq toke $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master + +dep_rabbitmq_public_umbrella = git_rmq rabbitmq-public-umbrella $(current_rmq_ref) $(base_rmq_ref) master + +# Third-party dependencies version pinning. +# +# We do that in this file, which is copied in all projects, to ensure +# all projects use the same versions. It avoids conflicts and makes it +# possible to work with rabbitmq-public-umbrella. + +dep_accept = hex 0.3.5 +dep_cowboy = hex 2.8.0 +dep_cowlib = hex 2.9.1 +dep_jsx = hex 2.11.0 +dep_lager = hex 3.8.0 +dep_prometheus = git https://github.com/deadtrickster/prometheus.erl.git master +dep_ra = git https://github.com/rabbitmq/ra.git master +dep_ranch = hex 1.7.1 +dep_recon = hex 2.5.1 +dep_observer_cli = hex 1.5.4 +dep_stdout_formatter = hex 0.2.4 +dep_sysmon_handler = hex 1.3.0 + +RABBITMQ_COMPONENTS = amqp_client \ + amqp10_common \ + amqp10_client \ + rabbit \ + rabbit_common \ + rabbitmq_amqp1_0 \ + rabbitmq_auth_backend_amqp \ + rabbitmq_auth_backend_cache \ + rabbitmq_auth_backend_http \ + rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap \ + rabbitmq_auth_backend_oauth2 \ + rabbitmq_auth_mechanism_ssl \ + rabbitmq_aws \ + rabbitmq_boot_steps_visualiser \ + rabbitmq_cli \ + rabbitmq_codegen \ + rabbitmq_consistent_hash_exchange \ + rabbitmq_ct_client_helpers \ + rabbitmq_ct_helpers \ + rabbitmq_delayed_message_exchange \ + rabbitmq_dotnet_client \ + rabbitmq_event_exchange \ + rabbitmq_federation \ + rabbitmq_federation_management \ + rabbitmq_java_client \ + rabbitmq_jms_client \ + rabbitmq_jms_cts \ + rabbitmq_jms_topic_exchange \ + rabbitmq_lvc_exchange \ + rabbitmq_management \ + rabbitmq_management_agent \ + rabbitmq_management_exchange \ + rabbitmq_management_themes \ + rabbitmq_message_timestamp \ + rabbitmq_metronome \ + rabbitmq_mqtt \ + rabbitmq_objc_client \ + rabbitmq_peer_discovery_aws \ + rabbitmq_peer_discovery_common \ + rabbitmq_peer_discovery_consul \ + rabbitmq_peer_discovery_etcd \ + rabbitmq_peer_discovery_k8s \ + rabbitmq_prometheus \ + rabbitmq_random_exchange \ + rabbitmq_recent_history_exchange \ + rabbitmq_routing_node_stamp \ + rabbitmq_rtopic_exchange \ + rabbitmq_server_release \ + rabbitmq_sharding \ + rabbitmq_shovel \ + rabbitmq_shovel_management \ + rabbitmq_stomp \ + rabbitmq_stream \ + rabbitmq_toke \ + rabbitmq_top \ + rabbitmq_tracing \ + rabbitmq_trust_store \ + rabbitmq_web_dispatch \ + rabbitmq_web_mqtt \ + rabbitmq_web_mqtt_examples \ + rabbitmq_web_stomp \ + rabbitmq_web_stomp_examples \ + rabbitmq_website + +# Erlang.mk does not rebuild dependencies by default, once they were +# compiled once, except for those listed in the `$(FORCE_REBUILD)` +# variable. +# +# We want all RabbitMQ components to always be rebuilt: this eases +# the work on several components at the same time. + +FORCE_REBUILD = $(RABBITMQ_COMPONENTS) + +# Several components have a custom erlang.mk/build.config, mainly +# to disable eunit. Therefore, we can't use the top-level project's +# erlang.mk copy. +NO_AUTOPATCH += $(RABBITMQ_COMPONENTS) + +ifeq ($(origin current_rmq_ref),undefined) +ifneq ($(wildcard .git),) +current_rmq_ref := $(shell (\ + ref=$$(LANG=C git branch --list | awk '/^\* \(.*detached / {ref=$$0; sub(/.*detached [^ ]+ /, "", ref); sub(/\)$$/, "", ref); print ref; exit;} /^\* / {ref=$$0; sub(/^\* /, "", ref); print ref; exit}');\ + if test "$$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" != "$$ref"; then echo "$$ref"; fi)) +else +current_rmq_ref := master +endif +endif +export current_rmq_ref + +ifeq ($(origin base_rmq_ref),undefined) +ifneq ($(wildcard .git),) +possible_base_rmq_ref := master +ifeq ($(possible_base_rmq_ref),$(current_rmq_ref)) +base_rmq_ref := $(current_rmq_ref) +else +base_rmq_ref := $(shell \ + (git rev-parse --verify -q master >/dev/null && \ + git rev-parse --verify -q $(possible_base_rmq_ref) >/dev/null && \ + git merge-base --is-ancestor $$(git merge-base master HEAD) $(possible_base_rmq_ref) && \ + echo $(possible_base_rmq_ref)) || \ + echo master) +endif +else +base_rmq_ref := master +endif +endif +export base_rmq_ref + +# Repository URL selection. +# +# First, we infer other components' location from the current project +# repository URL, if it's a Git repository: +# - We take the "origin" remote URL as the base +# - The current project name and repository name is replaced by the +# target's properties: +# eg. rabbitmq-common is replaced by rabbitmq-codegen +# eg. rabbit_common is replaced by rabbitmq_codegen +# +# If cloning from this computed location fails, we fallback to RabbitMQ +# upstream which is GitHub. + +# Macro to transform eg. "rabbit_common" to "rabbitmq-common". +rmq_cmp_repo_name = $(word 2,$(dep_$(1))) + +# Upstream URL for the current project. +RABBITMQ_COMPONENT_REPO_NAME := $(call rmq_cmp_repo_name,$(PROJECT)) +RABBITMQ_UPSTREAM_FETCH_URL ?= https://github.com/rabbitmq/$(RABBITMQ_COMPONENT_REPO_NAME).git +RABBITMQ_UPSTREAM_PUSH_URL ?= git@github.com:rabbitmq/$(RABBITMQ_COMPONENT_REPO_NAME).git + +# Current URL for the current project. If this is not a Git clone, +# default to the upstream Git repository. +ifneq ($(wildcard .git),) +git_origin_fetch_url := $(shell git config remote.origin.url) +git_origin_push_url := $(shell git config remote.origin.pushurl || git config remote.origin.url) +RABBITMQ_CURRENT_FETCH_URL ?= $(git_origin_fetch_url) +RABBITMQ_CURRENT_PUSH_URL ?= $(git_origin_push_url) +else +RABBITMQ_CURRENT_FETCH_URL ?= $(RABBITMQ_UPSTREAM_FETCH_URL) +RABBITMQ_CURRENT_PUSH_URL ?= $(RABBITMQ_UPSTREAM_PUSH_URL) +endif + +# Macro to replace the following pattern: +# 1. /foo.git -> /bar.git +# 2. /foo -> /bar +# 3. /foo/ -> /bar/ +subst_repo_name = $(patsubst %/$(1)/%,%/$(2)/%,$(patsubst %/$(1),%/$(2),$(patsubst %/$(1).git,%/$(2).git,$(3)))) + +# Macro to replace both the project's name (eg. "rabbit_common") and +# repository name (eg. "rabbitmq-common") by the target's equivalent. +# +# This macro is kept on one line because we don't want whitespaces in +# the returned value, as it's used in $(dep_fetch_git_rmq) in a shell +# single-quoted string. +dep_rmq_repo = $(if $(dep_$(2)),$(call subst_repo_name,$(PROJECT),$(2),$(call subst_repo_name,$(RABBITMQ_COMPONENT_REPO_NAME),$(call rmq_cmp_repo_name,$(2)),$(1))),$(pkg_$(1)_repo)) + +dep_rmq_commits = $(if $(dep_$(1)), \ + $(wordlist 3,$(words $(dep_$(1))),$(dep_$(1))), \ + $(pkg_$(1)_commit)) + +define dep_fetch_git_rmq + fetch_url1='$(call dep_rmq_repo,$(RABBITMQ_CURRENT_FETCH_URL),$(1))'; \ + fetch_url2='$(call dep_rmq_repo,$(RABBITMQ_UPSTREAM_FETCH_URL),$(1))'; \ + if test "$$$$fetch_url1" != '$(RABBITMQ_CURRENT_FETCH_URL)' && \ + git clone -q -n -- "$$$$fetch_url1" $(DEPS_DIR)/$(call dep_name,$(1)); then \ + fetch_url="$$$$fetch_url1"; \ + push_url='$(call dep_rmq_repo,$(RABBITMQ_CURRENT_PUSH_URL),$(1))'; \ + elif git clone -q -n -- "$$$$fetch_url2" $(DEPS_DIR)/$(call dep_name,$(1)); then \ + fetch_url="$$$$fetch_url2"; \ + push_url='$(call dep_rmq_repo,$(RABBITMQ_UPSTREAM_PUSH_URL),$(1))'; \ + fi; \ + cd $(DEPS_DIR)/$(call dep_name,$(1)) && ( \ + $(foreach ref,$(call dep_rmq_commits,$(1)), \ + git checkout -q $(ref) >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ + ) \ + (echo "error: no valid pathspec among: $(call dep_rmq_commits,$(1))" \ + 1>&2 && false) ) && \ + (test "$$$$fetch_url" = "$$$$push_url" || \ + git remote set-url --push origin "$$$$push_url") +endef + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Component distribution. +# -------------------------------------------------------------------- + +list-dist-deps:: + @: + +prepare-dist:: + @: + +# -------------------------------------------------------------------- +# Umbrella-specific settings. +# -------------------------------------------------------------------- + +# If the top-level project is a RabbitMQ component, we override +# $(DEPS_DIR) for this project to point to the top-level's one. +# +# We also verify that the guessed DEPS_DIR is actually named `deps`, +# to rule out any situation where it is a coincidence that we found a +# `rabbitmq-components.mk` up upper directories. + +possible_deps_dir_1 = $(abspath ..) +possible_deps_dir_2 = $(abspath ../../..) + +ifeq ($(notdir $(possible_deps_dir_1)),deps) +ifneq ($(wildcard $(possible_deps_dir_1)/../rabbitmq-components.mk),) +deps_dir_overriden = 1 +DEPS_DIR ?= $(possible_deps_dir_1) +DISABLE_DISTCLEAN = 1 +endif +endif + +ifeq ($(deps_dir_overriden),) +ifeq ($(notdir $(possible_deps_dir_2)),deps) +ifneq ($(wildcard $(possible_deps_dir_2)/../rabbitmq-components.mk),) +deps_dir_overriden = 1 +DEPS_DIR ?= $(possible_deps_dir_2) +DISABLE_DISTCLEAN = 1 +endif +endif +endif + +ifneq ($(wildcard UMBRELLA.md),) +DISABLE_DISTCLEAN = 1 +endif + +# We disable `make distclean` so $(DEPS_DIR) is not accidentally removed. + +ifeq ($(DISABLE_DISTCLEAN),1) +ifneq ($(filter distclean distclean-deps,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) +SKIP_DEPS = 1 +endif +endif diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.Ctl.Commands.FederationStatusCommand.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.Ctl.Commands.FederationStatusCommand.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bab4dddeec --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.Ctl.Commands.FederationStatusCommand.erl @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module('Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.Ctl.Commands.FederationStatusCommand'). + +-include("rabbit_federation.hrl"). + +-behaviour('Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.CommandBehaviour'). + +-export([ + usage/0, + usage_additional/0, + usage_doc_guides/0, + flags/0, + validate/2, + merge_defaults/2, + banner/2, + run/2, + switches/0, + aliases/0, + output/2, + scopes/0, + formatter/0, + help_section/0, + description/0 + ]). + + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +%% Callbacks +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +usage() -> + <<"federation_status [--only-down]">>. + +usage_additional() -> + [ + {<<"--only-down">>, <<"only display links that failed or are not currently connected">>} + ]. + +usage_doc_guides() -> + [?FEDERATION_GUIDE_URL]. + +help_section() -> + {plugin, federation}. + +description() -> + <<"Displays federation link status">>. + +flags() -> + []. + +validate(_,_) -> + ok. + +formatter() -> + 'Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.Formatters.Erlang'. + +merge_defaults(A, Opts) -> + {A, maps:merge(#{only_down => false}, Opts)}. + +banner(_, #{node := Node, only_down := true}) -> + erlang:iolist_to_binary([<<"Listing federation links which are down on node ">>, + atom_to_binary(Node, utf8), <<"...">>]); +banner(_, #{node := Node, only_down := false}) -> + erlang:iolist_to_binary([<<"Listing federation links on node ">>, + atom_to_binary(Node, utf8), <<"...">>]). + +run(_Args, #{node := Node, only_down := OnlyDown}) -> + case rabbit_misc:rpc_call(Node, rabbit_federation_status, status, []) of + {badrpc, _} = Error -> + Error; + Status -> + {stream, filter(Status, OnlyDown)} + end. + +switches() -> + [{only_down, boolean}]. + +aliases() -> + []. + +output({stream, FederationStatus}, _) -> + Formatted = [begin + Timestamp = proplists:get_value(timestamp, St), + Map0 = maps:remove(timestamp, maps:from_list(St)), + Map1 = maps:merge(#{queue => <<>>, + exchange => <<>>, + upstream_queue => <<>>, + upstream_exchange => <<>>, + local_connection => <<>>, + error => <<>>}, Map0), + Map1#{last_changed => fmt_ts(Timestamp)} + end || St <- FederationStatus], + {stream, Formatted}; +output(E, _Opts) -> + 'Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.DefaultOutput':output(E). + +scopes() -> + ['ctl', 'diagnostics']. + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +%% Formatting +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +fmt_ts({{YY, MM, DD}, {Hour, Min, Sec}}) -> + erlang:list_to_binary( + io_lib:format("~4..0w-~2..0w-~2..0w ~2..0w:~2..0w:~2..0w", + [YY, MM, DD, Hour, Min, Sec])). + +filter(Status, _OnlyDown = false) -> + Status; +filter(Status, _OnlyDown = true) -> + [St || St <- Status, + not lists:member(proplists:get_value(status, St), [running, starting])]. diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.Ctl.Commands.RestartFederationLinkCommand.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.Ctl.Commands.RestartFederationLinkCommand.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8d062c692c --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.Ctl.Commands.RestartFederationLinkCommand.erl @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module('Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.Ctl.Commands.RestartFederationLinkCommand'). + +-include("rabbit_federation.hrl"). + +-behaviour('Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.CommandBehaviour'). + +-export([ + usage/0, + usage_additional/0, + usage_doc_guides/0, + flags/0, + validate/2, + merge_defaults/2, + banner/2, + run/2, + aliases/0, + output/2, + help_section/0, + description/0 + ]). + + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +%% Callbacks +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +usage() -> + <<"restart_federation_link <link_id>">>. + +usage_additional() -> + [ + {<<"<link_id>">>, <<"ID of the link to restart">>} + ]. + +usage_doc_guides() -> + [?FEDERATION_GUIDE_URL]. + +help_section() -> + {plugin, federation}. + +description() -> + <<"Restarts a running federation link">>. + +flags() -> + []. + +validate([], _Opts) -> + {validation_failure, not_enough_args}; +validate([_, _ | _], _Opts) -> + {validation_failure, too_many_args}; +validate([_], _) -> + ok. + +merge_defaults(A, O) -> + {A, O}. + +banner([Link], #{node := Node}) -> + erlang:iolist_to_binary([<<"Restarting federation link ">>, Link, << " on node ">>, + atom_to_binary(Node, utf8)]). + +run([Id], #{node := Node}) -> + case rabbit_misc:rpc_call(Node, rabbit_federation_status, lookup, [Id]) of + {badrpc, _} = Error -> + Error; + not_found -> + {error, <<"Link with the given ID was not found">>}; + Obj -> + Upstream = proplists:get_value(upstream, Obj), + Supervisor = proplists:get_value(supervisor, Obj), + rabbit_misc:rpc_call(Node, rabbit_federation_link_sup, restart, + [Supervisor, Upstream]) + end. + +aliases() -> + []. + +output(Output, _Opts) -> + 'Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.DefaultOutput':output(Output). diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_app.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_app.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ee7ba91e5f --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_app.erl @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(rabbit_federation_app). + +-behaviour(application). +-export([start/2, stop/1]). + +%% Dummy supervisor - see Ulf Wiger's comment at +%% http://erlang.2086793.n4.nabble.com/initializing-library-applications-without-processes-td2094473.html + +%% All of our actual server processes are supervised by +%% rabbit_federation_sup, which is started by a rabbit_boot_step +%% (since it needs to start up before queue / exchange recovery, so it +%% can't be part of our application). +%% +%% However, we still need an application behaviour since we need to +%% know when our application has started since then the Erlang client +%% will have started and we can therefore start our links going. Since +%% the application behaviour needs a tree of processes to supervise, +%% this is it... +-behaviour(supervisor). +-export([init/1]). + +start(_Type, _StartArgs) -> + rabbit_federation_exchange_link:go(), + rabbit_federation_queue_link:go(), + supervisor:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, []). + +stop(_State) -> + ok. +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +init([]) -> {ok, {{one_for_one, 3, 10}, []}}. diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_db.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_db.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e35e3646a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_db.erl @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(rabbit_federation_db). + +-include("rabbit_federation.hrl"). +-include_lib("amqp_client/include/amqp_client.hrl"). + +-define(DICT, orddict). + +-export([get_active_suffix/3, set_active_suffix/3, prune_scratch/2]). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +get_active_suffix(XName, Upstream, Default) -> + case rabbit_exchange:lookup_scratch(XName, federation) of + {ok, Dict} -> + case ?DICT:find(key(Upstream), Dict) of + {ok, Suffix} -> Suffix; + error -> Default + end; + {error, not_found} -> + Default + end. + +set_active_suffix(XName, Upstream, Suffix) -> + ok = rabbit_exchange:update_scratch( + XName, federation, + fun(D) -> ?DICT:store(key(Upstream), Suffix, ensure(D)) end). + +prune_scratch(XName, Upstreams) -> + ok = rabbit_exchange:update_scratch( + XName, federation, + fun(D) -> Keys = [key(U) || U <- Upstreams], + ?DICT:filter( + fun(K, _V) -> lists:member(K, Keys) end, ensure(D)) + end). + +key(#upstream{name = UpstreamName, exchange_name = XNameBin}) -> + {UpstreamName, XNameBin}. + +ensure(undefined) -> ?DICT:new(); +ensure(D) -> D. diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_event.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_event.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..417b8ecba3 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_event.erl @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(rabbit_federation_event). +-behaviour(gen_event). + +-include_lib("rabbit_common/include/rabbit.hrl"). + +-export([add_handler/0, remove_handler/0]). + +-export([init/1, handle_call/2, handle_event/2, handle_info/2, + terminate/2, code_change/3]). + +-import(rabbit_misc, [pget/2]). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +add_handler() -> + gen_event:add_handler(rabbit_event, ?MODULE, []). + +remove_handler() -> + gen_event:delete_handler(rabbit_event, ?MODULE, []). + +init([]) -> + {ok, []}. + +handle_call(_Request, State) -> + {ok, not_understood, State}. + +handle_event(#event{type = parameter_set, + props = Props0}, State) -> + Props = rabbit_data_coercion:to_list(Props0), + case {pget(component, Props), pget(name, Props)} of + {global, cluster_name} -> + rabbit_federation_parameters:adjust(everything); + _ -> + ok + end, + {ok, State}; +handle_event(_Event, State) -> + {ok, State}. + +handle_info(_Info, State) -> + {ok, State}. + +terminate(_Arg, _State) -> + ok. + +code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> + {ok, State}. diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_exchange.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_exchange.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6b85b6756b --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_exchange.erl @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +%% TODO rename this +-module(rabbit_federation_exchange). + +-rabbit_boot_step({?MODULE, + [{description, "federation exchange decorator"}, + {mfa, {rabbit_registry, register, + [exchange_decorator, <<"federation">>, ?MODULE]}}, + {requires, rabbit_registry}, + {cleanup, {rabbit_registry, unregister, + [exchange_decorator, <<"federation">>]}}, + {enables, recovery}]}). + +-include_lib("amqp_client/include/amqp_client.hrl"). + +-behaviour(rabbit_exchange_decorator). + +-export([description/0, serialise_events/1]). +-export([create/2, delete/3, policy_changed/2, + add_binding/3, remove_bindings/3, route/2, active_for/1]). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +description() -> + [{description, <<"Federation exchange decorator">>}]. + +serialise_events(X) -> federate(X). + +create(transaction, _X) -> + ok; +create(none, X) -> + maybe_start(X). + +delete(transaction, _X, _Bs) -> + ok; +delete(none, X, _Bs) -> + maybe_stop(X). + +policy_changed(OldX, NewX) -> + maybe_stop(OldX), + maybe_start(NewX). + +add_binding(transaction, _X, _B) -> + ok; +add_binding(Serial, X = #exchange{name = XName}, B) -> + case federate(X) of + true -> rabbit_federation_exchange_link:add_binding(Serial, XName, B), + ok; + false -> ok + end. + +remove_bindings(transaction, _X, _Bs) -> + ok; +remove_bindings(Serial, X = #exchange{name = XName}, Bs) -> + case federate(X) of + true -> rabbit_federation_exchange_link:remove_bindings(Serial, XName, Bs), + ok; + false -> ok + end. + +route(_, _) -> []. + +active_for(X) -> + case federate(X) of + true -> noroute; + false -> none + end. + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% Don't federate default exchange, we can't bind to it +federate(#exchange{name = #resource{name = <<"">>}}) -> + false; + +%% Don't federate any of our intermediate exchanges. Note that we use +%% internal=true since older brokers may not declare +%% x-federation-upstream on us. Also other internal exchanges should +%% probably not be federated. +federate(#exchange{internal = true}) -> + false; + +federate(X) -> + rabbit_federation_upstream:federate(X). + +maybe_start(X = #exchange{name = XName})-> + case federate(X) of + true -> ok = rabbit_federation_db:prune_scratch( + XName, rabbit_federation_upstream:for(X)), + ok = rabbit_federation_exchange_link_sup_sup:start_child(X), + ok; + false -> ok + end. + +maybe_stop(X = #exchange{name = XName}) -> + case federate(X) of + true -> ok = rabbit_federation_exchange_link_sup_sup:stop_child(X), + rabbit_federation_status:remove_exchange_or_queue(XName); + false -> ok + end. diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_exchange_link.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_exchange_link.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..869ab047ae --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_exchange_link.erl @@ -0,0 +1,696 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(rabbit_federation_exchange_link). + +%% pg2 is deprecated in OTP 23. +-compile(nowarn_deprecated_function). + +-include_lib("amqp_client/include/amqp_client.hrl"). +-include("rabbit_federation.hrl"). + +-behaviour(gen_server2). + +-export([go/0, add_binding/3, remove_bindings/3]). +-export([list_routing_keys/1]). %% For testing + +-export([start_link/1]). + +-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, + terminate/2, code_change/3]). + +-import(rabbit_misc, [pget/2]). +-import(rabbit_federation_util, [name/1, vhost/1, pgname/1]). + +-record(state, {upstream, + upstream_params, + upstream_name, + connection, + channel, + cmd_channel, + consumer_tag, + queue, + internal_exchange, + waiting_cmds = gb_trees:empty(), + next_serial, + bindings = #{}, + downstream_connection, + downstream_channel, + downstream_exchange, + unacked, + internal_exchange_timer, + internal_exchange_interval}). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% We start off in a state where we do not connect, since we can first +%% start during exchange recovery, when rabbit is not fully started +%% and the Erlang client is not running. This then gets invoked when +%% the federation app is started. +go() -> cast(go). + +add_binding(S, XN, B) -> cast(XN, {enqueue, S, {add_binding, B}}). +remove_bindings(S, XN, Bs) -> cast(XN, {enqueue, S, {remove_bindings, Bs}}). + +list_routing_keys(XN) -> call(XN, list_routing_keys). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +start_link(Args) -> + gen_server2:start_link(?MODULE, Args, [{timeout, infinity}]). + +init({Upstream, XName}) -> + %% If we are starting up due to a policy change then it's possible + %% for the exchange to have been deleted before we got here, in which + %% case it's possible that delete callback would also have been called + %% before we got here. So check if we still exist. + case rabbit_exchange:lookup(XName) of + {ok, X} -> + DeobfuscatedUpstream = rabbit_federation_util:deobfuscate_upstream(Upstream), + DeobfuscatedUParams = rabbit_federation_upstream:to_params(DeobfuscatedUpstream, X), + UParams = rabbit_federation_util:obfuscate_upstream_params(DeobfuscatedUParams), + rabbit_federation_status:report(Upstream, UParams, XName, starting), + join(rabbit_federation_exchanges), + join({rabbit_federation_exchange, XName}), + gen_server2:cast(self(), maybe_go), + {ok, {not_started, {Upstream, UParams, XName}}}; + {error, not_found} -> + rabbit_federation_link_util:log_warning(XName, "not found, stopping link~n", []), + {stop, gone} + end. + +handle_call(list_routing_keys, _From, State = #state{bindings = Bindings}) -> + {reply, lists:sort([K || {K, _} <- maps:keys(Bindings)]), State}; + +handle_call(Msg, _From, State) -> + {stop, {unexpected_call, Msg}, State}. + +handle_cast(maybe_go, S0 = {not_started, _Args}) -> + case federation_up() of + true -> go(S0); + false -> {noreply, S0} + end; + +handle_cast(go, S0 = {not_started, _Args}) -> + go(S0); + +%% There's a small race - I think we can realise federation is up +%% before 'go' gets invoked. Ignore. +handle_cast(go, State) -> + {noreply, State}; + +handle_cast({enqueue, _, _}, State = {not_started, _}) -> + {noreply, State}; + +handle_cast({enqueue, Serial, Cmd}, + State = #state{waiting_cmds = Waiting, + downstream_exchange = XName}) -> + Waiting1 = gb_trees:insert(Serial, Cmd, Waiting), + try + {noreply, play_back_commands(State#state{waiting_cmds = Waiting1})} + catch exit:{{shutdown, {server_initiated_close, 404, Text}}, _} -> + rabbit_federation_link_util:log_warning( + XName, "detected upstream changes, restarting link: ~p~n", [Text]), + {stop, {shutdown, restart}, State} + end; + +handle_cast(Msg, State) -> + {stop, {unexpected_cast, Msg}, State}. + +handle_info(#'basic.consume_ok'{}, State) -> + {noreply, State}; + +handle_info(#'basic.ack'{} = Ack, State = #state{channel = Ch, + unacked = Unacked}) -> + Unacked1 = rabbit_federation_link_util:ack(Ack, Ch, Unacked), + {noreply, State#state{unacked = Unacked1}}; + +handle_info(#'basic.nack'{} = Nack, State = #state{channel = Ch, + unacked = Unacked}) -> + Unacked1 = rabbit_federation_link_util:nack(Nack, Ch, Unacked), + {noreply, State#state{unacked = Unacked1}}; + +handle_info({#'basic.deliver'{routing_key = Key, + redelivered = Redelivered} = DeliverMethod, Msg}, + State = #state{ + upstream = Upstream = #upstream{max_hops = MaxH}, + upstream_params = UParams = #upstream_params{x_or_q = UpstreamX}, + upstream_name = UName, + downstream_exchange = #resource{name = XNameBin, virtual_host = DVhost}, + downstream_channel = DCh, + channel = Ch, + unacked = Unacked}) -> + UVhost = vhost(UpstreamX), + PublishMethod = #'basic.publish'{exchange = XNameBin, + routing_key = Key}, + HeadersFun = fun (H) -> update_routing_headers(UParams, UName, UVhost, Redelivered, H) end, + %% We need to check should_forward/2 here in case the upstream + %% does not have federation and thus is using a fanout exchange. + ForwardFun = fun (H) -> + DName = rabbit_nodes:cluster_name(), + rabbit_federation_util:should_forward(H, MaxH, DName, DVhost) + end, + Unacked1 = rabbit_federation_link_util:forward( + Upstream, DeliverMethod, Ch, DCh, PublishMethod, + HeadersFun, ForwardFun, Msg, Unacked), + {noreply, State#state{unacked = Unacked1}}; + +handle_info(#'basic.cancel'{}, State = #state{upstream = Upstream, + upstream_params = UParams, + downstream_exchange = XName}) -> + rabbit_federation_link_util:connection_error( + local, basic_cancel, Upstream, UParams, XName, State); + +handle_info({'DOWN', _Ref, process, Pid, Reason}, + State = #state{downstream_channel = DCh, + channel = Ch, + cmd_channel = CmdCh, + upstream = Upstream, + upstream_params = UParams, + downstream_exchange = XName}) -> + handle_down(Pid, Reason, Ch, CmdCh, DCh, + {Upstream, UParams, XName}, State); + +handle_info(check_internal_exchange, State = #state{internal_exchange = IntXNameBin, + internal_exchange_interval = Interval}) -> + case check_internal_exchange(IntXNameBin, State) of + upstream_not_found -> + rabbit_log_federation:warning("Federation link could not find upstream exchange '~s' and will restart", + [IntXNameBin]), + {stop, {shutdown, restart}, State}; + _ -> + TRef = erlang:send_after(Interval, self(), check_internal_exchange), + {noreply, State#state{internal_exchange_timer = TRef}} + end; + +handle_info(Msg, State) -> + {stop, {unexpected_info, Msg}, State}. + +terminate(_Reason, {not_started, _}) -> + ok; +terminate(Reason, #state{downstream_connection = DConn, + connection = Conn, + upstream = Upstream, + upstream_params = UParams, + downstream_exchange = XName, + internal_exchange_timer = TRef, + internal_exchange = IntExchange, + queue = Queue}) when Reason =:= shutdown; + Reason =:= {shutdown, restart}; + Reason =:= gone -> + timer:cancel(TRef), + rabbit_federation_link_util:ensure_connection_closed(DConn), + + rabbit_log:debug("Exchange federation: link is shutting down, resource cleanup mode: ~p", [Upstream#upstream.resource_cleanup_mode]), + case Upstream#upstream.resource_cleanup_mode of + never -> ok; + _ -> + %% This is a normal shutdown and we are allowed to clean up the internally used queue and exchange + rabbit_log:debug("Federated exchange '~s' link will delete its internal queue '~s'", [Upstream#upstream.exchange_name, Queue]), + delete_upstream_queue(Conn, Queue), + rabbit_log:debug("Federated exchange '~s' link will delete its upstream exchange", [Upstream#upstream.exchange_name]), + delete_upstream_exchange(Conn, IntExchange) + end, + + rabbit_federation_link_util:ensure_connection_closed(Conn), + rabbit_federation_link_util:log_terminate(Reason, Upstream, UParams, XName), + ok; +%% unexpected shutdown +terminate(Reason, #state{downstream_connection = DConn, + connection = Conn, + upstream = Upstream, + upstream_params = UParams, + downstream_exchange = XName, + internal_exchange_timer = TRef}) -> + timer:cancel(TRef), + + rabbit_federation_link_util:ensure_connection_closed(DConn), + + %% unlike in the clean shutdown case above, we keep the queue + %% and exchange around + + rabbit_federation_link_util:ensure_connection_closed(Conn), + rabbit_federation_link_util:log_terminate(Reason, Upstream, UParams, XName), + ok. + +code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> + {ok, State}. + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +call(XName, Msg) -> [gen_server2:call(Pid, Msg, infinity) || Pid <- x(XName)]. +cast(Msg) -> [gen_server2:cast(Pid, Msg) || Pid <- all()]. +cast(XName, Msg) -> [gen_server2:cast(Pid, Msg) || Pid <- x(XName)]. + +join(Name) -> + pg2:create(pgname(Name)), + ok = pg2:join(pgname(Name), self()). + +all() -> + pg2:create(pgname(rabbit_federation_exchanges)), + pg2:get_members(pgname(rabbit_federation_exchanges)). + +x(XName) -> + pg2:create(pgname({rabbit_federation_exchange, XName})), + pg2:get_members(pgname({rabbit_federation_exchange, XName})). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +federation_up() -> is_pid(whereis(rabbit_federation_app)). + +handle_command({add_binding, Binding}, State) -> + add_binding(Binding, State); + +handle_command({remove_bindings, Bindings}, State) -> + lists:foldl(fun remove_binding/2, State, Bindings). + +play_back_commands(State = #state{waiting_cmds = Waiting, + next_serial = Next}) -> + case gb_trees:is_empty(Waiting) of + false -> case gb_trees:take_smallest(Waiting) of + {Next, Cmd, Waiting1} -> + %% The next one. Just execute it. + play_back_commands( + handle_command(Cmd, State#state{ + waiting_cmds = Waiting1, + next_serial = Next + 1})); + {Serial, _Cmd, Waiting1} when Serial < Next -> + %% This command came from before we executed + %% binding:list_for_source. Ignore it. + play_back_commands(State#state{ + waiting_cmds = Waiting1}); + _ -> + %% Some future command. Don't do anything. + State + end; + true -> State + end. + +add_binding(B, State) -> + binding_op(fun record_binding/2, bind_cmd(bind, B, State), B, State). + +remove_binding(B, State) -> + binding_op(fun forget_binding/2, bind_cmd(unbind, B, State), B, State). + +record_binding(B = #binding{destination = Dest}, + State = #state{bindings = Bs}) -> + {DoIt, Set} = case maps:find(key(B), Bs) of + error -> {true, sets:from_list([Dest])}; + {ok, Dests} -> {false, sets:add_element( + Dest, Dests)} + end, + {DoIt, State#state{bindings = maps:put(key(B), Set, Bs)}}. + +forget_binding(B = #binding{destination = Dest}, + State = #state{bindings = Bs}) -> + Dests = sets:del_element(Dest, maps:get(key(B), Bs)), + {DoIt, Bs1} = case sets:size(Dests) of + 0 -> {true, maps:remove(key(B), Bs)}; + _ -> {false, maps:put(key(B), Dests, Bs)} + end, + {DoIt, State#state{bindings = Bs1}}. + +binding_op(UpdateFun, Cmd, B = #binding{args = Args}, + State = #state{cmd_channel = Ch}) -> + {DoIt, State1} = + case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Args, ?BINDING_HEADER) of + undefined -> UpdateFun(B, State); + {array, _} -> {Cmd =/= ignore, State} + end, + case DoIt of + true -> amqp_channel:call(Ch, Cmd); + false -> ok + end, + State1. + +bind_cmd(Type, #binding{key = Key, args = Args}, + State = #state{internal_exchange = IntXNameBin, + upstream_params = UpstreamParams, + upstream = Upstream}) -> + #upstream_params{x_or_q = X} = UpstreamParams, + #upstream{bind_nowait = Nowait} = Upstream, + case update_binding(Args, State) of + ignore -> ignore; + NewArgs -> bind_cmd0(Type, name(X), IntXNameBin, Key, NewArgs, Nowait) + end. + +bind_cmd0(bind, Source, Destination, RoutingKey, Arguments, Nowait) -> + #'exchange.bind'{source = Source, + destination = Destination, + routing_key = RoutingKey, + arguments = Arguments, + nowait = Nowait}; + +bind_cmd0(unbind, Source, Destination, RoutingKey, Arguments, Nowait) -> + #'exchange.unbind'{source = Source, + destination = Destination, + routing_key = RoutingKey, + arguments = Arguments, + nowait = Nowait}. + +%% This function adds information about the current node to the +%% binding arguments, or returns 'ignore' if it determines the binding +%% should propagate no further. The interesting part is the latter. +%% +%% We want bindings to propagate in the same way as messages +%% w.r.t. max_hops - if we determine that a message can get from node +%% A to B (assuming bindings are in place) then it follows that a +%% binding at B should propagate back to A, and no further. There is +%% no point in propagating bindings past the point where messages +%% would propagate, and we will lose messages if bindings don't +%% propagate as far. +%% +%% Note that we still want to have limits on how far messages can +%% propagate: limiting our bindings is not enough, since other +%% bindings from other nodes can overlap. +%% +%% So in short we want bindings to obey max_hops. However, they can't +%% just obey the max_hops of the current link, since they are +%% travelling in the opposite direction to messages! Consider the +%% following federation: +%% +%% A -----------> B -----------> C +%% max_hops=1 max_hops=2 +%% +%% where the arrows indicate message flow. A binding created at C +%% should propagate to B, then to A, and no further. Therefore every +%% time we traverse a link, we keep a count of the number of hops that +%% a message could have made so far to reach this point, and still be +%% able to propagate. When this number ("hops" below) reaches 0 we +%% propagate no further. +%% +%% hops(link(N)) is given by: +%% +%% min(hops(link(N-1))-1, max_hops(link(N))) +%% +%% where link(N) is the link that bindings propagate over after N +%% steps (e.g. link(1) is CB above, link(2) is BA). +%% +%% In other words, we count down to 0 from the link with the most +%% restrictive max_hops we have yet passed through. + +update_binding(Args, #state{downstream_exchange = X, + upstream = Upstream, + upstream_params = #upstream_params{x_or_q = UpstreamX}, + upstream_name = UName}) -> + #upstream{max_hops = MaxHops} = Upstream, + UVhost = vhost(UpstreamX), + Hops = case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Args, ?BINDING_HEADER) of + undefined -> MaxHops; + {array, All} -> [{table, Prev} | _] = All, + PrevHops = get_hops(Prev), + case rabbit_federation_util:already_seen( + UName, UVhost, All) of + true -> 0; + false -> lists:min([PrevHops - 1, MaxHops]) + end + end, + case Hops of + 0 -> ignore; + _ -> Cluster = rabbit_nodes:cluster_name(), + ABSuffix = rabbit_federation_db:get_active_suffix( + X, Upstream, <<"A">>), + DVhost = vhost(X), + DName = name(X), + Down = <<DVhost/binary,":", DName/binary, " ", ABSuffix/binary>>, + Info = [{<<"cluster-name">>, longstr, Cluster}, + {<<"vhost">>, longstr, DVhost}, + {<<"exchange">>, longstr, Down}, + {<<"hops">>, short, Hops}], + rabbit_basic:prepend_table_header(?BINDING_HEADER, Info, Args) + end. + + + +key(#binding{key = Key, args = Args}) -> {Key, Args}. + +go(S0 = {not_started, {Upstream, UParams, DownXName}}) -> + Unacked = rabbit_federation_link_util:unacked_new(), + + log_link_startup_attempt(Upstream, DownXName), + rabbit_federation_link_util:start_conn_ch( + fun (Conn, Ch, DConn, DCh) -> + {ok, CmdCh} = open_cmd_channel(Conn, Upstream, UParams, DownXName, S0), + erlang:monitor(process, CmdCh), + Props = pget(server_properties, + amqp_connection:info(Conn, [server_properties])), + UName = case rabbit_misc:table_lookup( + Props, <<"cluster_name">>) of + {longstr, N} -> N; + _ -> unknown + end, + {Serial, Bindings} = + rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction( + fun () -> + {rabbit_exchange:peek_serial(DownXName), + rabbit_binding:list_for_source(DownXName)} + end), + true = is_integer(Serial), + %% If we are very short lived, Serial can be undefined at + %% this point (since the deletion of the X could have + %% overtaken the creation of this process). However, this + %% is not a big deal - 'undefined' just becomes the next + %% serial we will process. Since it compares larger than + %% any number we never process any commands. And we will + %% soon get told to stop anyway. + {ok, Interval} = application:get_env(rabbitmq_federation, + internal_exchange_check_interval), + State = ensure_upstream_bindings( + consume_from_upstream_queue( + #state{upstream = Upstream, + upstream_params = UParams, + upstream_name = UName, + connection = Conn, + channel = Ch, + cmd_channel = CmdCh, + next_serial = Serial, + downstream_connection = DConn, + downstream_channel = DCh, + downstream_exchange = DownXName, + unacked = Unacked, + internal_exchange_interval = Interval}), + Bindings), + rabbit_log_federation:info("Federation link for ~s (upstream: ~s) will perform internal exchange checks " + "every ~b seconds", [rabbit_misc:rs(DownXName), UName, round(Interval / 1000)]), + TRef = erlang:send_after(Interval, self(), check_internal_exchange), + {noreply, State#state{internal_exchange_timer = TRef}} + end, Upstream, UParams, DownXName, S0). + +log_link_startup_attempt(OUpstream, DownXName) -> + rabbit_log_federation:debug("Will try to start a federation link for ~s, upstream: '~s'", + [rabbit_misc:rs(DownXName), OUpstream#upstream.name]). + +open_cmd_channel(Conn, Upstream = #upstream{name = UName}, UParams, DownXName, S0) -> + rabbit_log_federation:debug("Will open a command channel to upstream '~s' for downstream federated ~s", + [UName, rabbit_misc:rs(DownXName)]), + case amqp_connection:open_channel(Conn) of + {ok, CCh} -> + erlang:monitor(process, CCh), + {ok, CCh}; + E -> + rabbit_federation_link_util:ensure_connection_closed(Conn), + rabbit_federation_link_util:connection_error(command_channel, E, + Upstream, UParams, DownXName, S0), + E + end. + +consume_from_upstream_queue( + State = #state{upstream = Upstream, + upstream_params = UParams, + channel = Ch, + downstream_exchange = DownXName}) -> + #upstream{prefetch_count = Prefetch, + expires = Expiry, + message_ttl = TTL, + ha_policy = HA} = Upstream, + #upstream_params{x_or_q = X, + params = Params} = UParams, + Q = upstream_queue_name(name(X), vhost(Params), DownXName), + Args = [A || {_K, _T, V} = A + <- [{<<"x-expires">>, long, Expiry}, + {<<"x-message-ttl">>, long, TTL}, + {<<"x-ha-policy">>, longstr, HA}, + {<<"x-internal-purpose">>, longstr, <<"federation">>}], + V =/= none], + amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'queue.declare'{queue = Q, + durable = true, + arguments = Args}), + NoAck = Upstream#upstream.ack_mode =:= 'no-ack', + case NoAck of + false -> amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'basic.qos'{prefetch_count = Prefetch}); + true -> ok + end, + #'basic.consume_ok'{consumer_tag = CTag} = + amqp_channel:subscribe(Ch, #'basic.consume'{queue = Q, + no_ack = NoAck}, self()), + State#state{consumer_tag = CTag, + queue = Q}. + +ensure_upstream_bindings(State = #state{upstream = Upstream, + connection = Conn, + channel = Ch, + downstream_exchange = DownXName, + queue = Q}, Bindings) -> + OldSuffix = rabbit_federation_db:get_active_suffix( + DownXName, Upstream, <<"A">>), + Suffix = case OldSuffix of + <<"A">> -> <<"B">>; + <<"B">> -> <<"A">> + end, + IntXNameBin = upstream_exchange_name(Q, Suffix), + ensure_upstream_exchange(State), + ensure_internal_exchange(IntXNameBin, State), + amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'queue.bind'{exchange = IntXNameBin, queue = Q}), + State1 = State#state{internal_exchange = IntXNameBin}, + rabbit_federation_db:set_active_suffix(DownXName, Upstream, Suffix), + State2 = lists:foldl(fun add_binding/2, State1, Bindings), + OldIntXNameBin = upstream_exchange_name(Q, OldSuffix), + delete_upstream_exchange(Conn, OldIntXNameBin), + State2. + +ensure_upstream_exchange(#state{upstream_params = UParams, + connection = Conn, + channel = Ch}) -> + #upstream_params{x_or_q = X} = UParams, + #exchange{type = Type, + durable = Durable, + auto_delete = AutoDelete, + internal = Internal, + arguments = Arguments} = X, + Decl = #'exchange.declare'{exchange = name(X), + type = list_to_binary(atom_to_list(Type)), + durable = Durable, + auto_delete = AutoDelete, + internal = Internal, + arguments = Arguments}, + rabbit_federation_link_util:disposable_channel_call( + Conn, Decl#'exchange.declare'{passive = true}, + fun(?NOT_FOUND, _Text) -> + amqp_channel:call(Ch, Decl) + end). + +ensure_internal_exchange(IntXNameBin, + #state{upstream = #upstream{max_hops = MaxHops, name = UName}, + upstream_params = UParams, + connection = Conn, + channel = Ch, + downstream_exchange = #resource{virtual_host = DVhost}}) -> + rabbit_log_federation:debug("Exchange federation will set up exchange '~s' in upstream '~s'", + [IntXNameBin, UName]), + #upstream_params{params = Params} = rabbit_federation_util:deobfuscate_upstream_params(UParams), + rabbit_log_federation:debug("Will delete upstream exchange '~s'", [IntXNameBin]), + delete_upstream_exchange(Conn, IntXNameBin), + rabbit_log_federation:debug("Will declare an internal upstream exchange '~s'", [IntXNameBin]), + Base = #'exchange.declare'{exchange = IntXNameBin, + durable = true, + internal = true, + auto_delete = true}, + Purpose = [{<<"x-internal-purpose">>, longstr, <<"federation">>}], + XFUArgs = [{?MAX_HOPS_ARG, long, MaxHops}, + {?DOWNSTREAM_NAME_ARG, longstr, cycle_detection_node_identifier()}, + {?DOWNSTREAM_VHOST_ARG, longstr, DVhost} + | Purpose], + XFU = Base#'exchange.declare'{type = <<"x-federation-upstream">>, + arguments = XFUArgs}, + Fan = Base#'exchange.declare'{type = <<"fanout">>, + arguments = Purpose}, + rabbit_federation_link_util:disposable_connection_call( + Params, XFU, fun(?COMMAND_INVALID, _Text) -> + amqp_channel:call(Ch, Fan) + end). + +check_internal_exchange(IntXNameBin, + #state{upstream = #upstream{max_hops = MaxHops, name = UName}, + upstream_params = UParams, + downstream_exchange = XName = #resource{virtual_host = DVhost}}) -> + #upstream_params{params = Params} = + rabbit_federation_util:deobfuscate_upstream_params(UParams), + rabbit_log_federation:debug("Exchange federation will check on exchange '~s' in upstream '~s'", + [IntXNameBin, UName]), + Base = #'exchange.declare'{exchange = IntXNameBin, + passive = true, + durable = true, + internal = true, + auto_delete = true}, + Purpose = [{<<"x-internal-purpose">>, longstr, <<"federation">>}], + XFUArgs = [{?MAX_HOPS_ARG, long, MaxHops}, + {?DOWNSTREAM_NAME_ARG, longstr, cycle_detection_node_identifier()}, + {?DOWNSTREAM_VHOST_ARG, longstr, DVhost} + | Purpose], + XFU = Base#'exchange.declare'{type = <<"x-federation-upstream">>, + arguments = XFUArgs}, + rabbit_federation_link_util:disposable_connection_call( + Params, XFU, fun(404, Text) -> + rabbit_federation_link_util:log_warning( + XName, "detected internal upstream exchange changes," + " restarting link: ~p~n", [Text]), + upstream_not_found; + (Code, Text) -> + rabbit_federation_link_util:log_warning( + XName, "internal upstream exchange check failed: ~p ~p~n", + [Code, Text]), + error + end). + +upstream_queue_name(XNameBin, VHost, #resource{name = DownXNameBin, + virtual_host = DownVHost}) -> + Node = rabbit_nodes:cluster_name(), + DownPart = case DownVHost of + VHost -> case DownXNameBin of + XNameBin -> <<"">>; + _ -> <<":", DownXNameBin/binary>> + end; + _ -> <<":", DownVHost/binary, + ":", DownXNameBin/binary>> + end, + <<"federation: ", XNameBin/binary, " -> ", Node/binary, DownPart/binary>>. + +cycle_detection_node_identifier() -> + rabbit_nodes:cluster_name(). + +upstream_exchange_name(UpstreamQName, Suffix) -> + <<UpstreamQName/binary, " ", Suffix/binary>>. + +delete_upstream_exchange(Conn, XNameBin) -> + rabbit_federation_link_util:disposable_channel_call( + Conn, #'exchange.delete'{exchange = XNameBin}). + +delete_upstream_queue(Conn, Queue) -> + rabbit_federation_link_util:disposable_channel_call( + Conn, #'queue.delete'{queue = Queue}). + +update_routing_headers(#upstream_params{table = Table}, UpstreamName, UVhost, Redelivered, Headers) -> + NewValue = Table ++ + [{<<"redelivered">>, bool, Redelivered}] ++ + header_for_upstream_name(UpstreamName) ++ + header_for_upstream_vhost(UVhost), + rabbit_basic:prepend_table_header(?ROUTING_HEADER, NewValue, Headers). + +header_for_upstream_name(unknown) -> []; +header_for_upstream_name(Name) -> [{<<"cluster-name">>, longstr, Name}]. + +header_for_upstream_vhost(unknown) -> []; +header_for_upstream_vhost(Name) -> [{<<"vhost">>, longstr, Name}]. + +get_hops(Table) -> + case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Table, <<"hops">>) of + %% see rabbit_binary_generator + {short, N} -> N; + {long, N} -> N; + {byte, N} -> N; + {signedint, N} -> N; + {unsignedbyte, N} -> N; + {unsignedshort, N} -> N; + {unsignedint, N} -> N; + {_, N} when is_integer(N) andalso N >= 0 -> N + end. + +handle_down(DCh, Reason, _Ch, _CmdCh, DCh, Args, State) -> + rabbit_federation_link_util:handle_downstream_down(Reason, Args, State); +handle_down(ChPid, Reason, Ch, CmdCh, _DCh, Args, State) + when ChPid =:= Ch; ChPid =:= CmdCh -> + rabbit_federation_link_util:handle_upstream_down(Reason, Args, State). diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_exchange_link_sup_sup.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_exchange_link_sup_sup.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fda76a5070 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_exchange_link_sup_sup.erl @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(rabbit_federation_exchange_link_sup_sup). + +-behaviour(mirrored_supervisor). + +-include_lib("rabbit_common/include/rabbit.hrl"). +-define(SUPERVISOR, ?MODULE). + +%% Supervises the upstream links for all exchanges (but not queues). We need +%% different handling here since exchanges want a mirrored sup. + +-export([start_link/0, start_child/1, adjust/1, stop_child/1]). +-export([init/1]). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +start_link() -> + mirrored_supervisor:start_link({local, ?SUPERVISOR}, ?SUPERVISOR, + fun rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction/1, + ?MODULE, []). + +%% Note that the next supervisor down, rabbit_federation_link_sup, is common +%% between exchanges and queues. +start_child(X) -> + case mirrored_supervisor:start_child( + ?SUPERVISOR, + {id(X), {rabbit_federation_link_sup, start_link, [X]}, + transient, ?SUPERVISOR_WAIT, supervisor, + [rabbit_federation_link_sup]}) of + {ok, _Pid} -> ok; + {error, {already_started, _Pid}} -> + #exchange{name = ExchangeName} = X, + rabbit_log_federation:debug("Federation link for exchange ~p was already started", + [rabbit_misc:rs(ExchangeName)]), + ok; + %% A link returned {stop, gone}, the link_sup shut down, that's OK. + {error, {shutdown, _}} -> ok + end. + +adjust({clear_upstream, VHost, UpstreamName}) -> + [rabbit_federation_link_sup:adjust(Pid, X, {clear_upstream, UpstreamName}) || + {#exchange{name = Name} = X, Pid, _, _} <- mirrored_supervisor:which_children(?SUPERVISOR), + Name#resource.virtual_host == VHost], + ok; +adjust(Reason) -> + [rabbit_federation_link_sup:adjust(Pid, X, Reason) || + {X, Pid, _, _} <- mirrored_supervisor:which_children(?SUPERVISOR)], + ok. + +stop_child(X) -> + case mirrored_supervisor:terminate_child(?SUPERVISOR, id(X)) of + ok -> ok; + {error, Err} -> + #exchange{name = ExchangeName} = X, + rabbit_log_federation:warning( + "Attempt to stop a federation link for exchange ~p failed: ~p", + [rabbit_misc:rs(ExchangeName), Err]), + ok + end, + ok = mirrored_supervisor:delete_child(?SUPERVISOR, id(X)). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +init([]) -> + {ok, {{one_for_one, 1200, 60}, []}}. + +%% See comment in rabbit_federation_queue_link_sup_sup:id/1 +id(X = #exchange{policy = Policy}) -> X1 = rabbit_exchange:immutable(X), + X1#exchange{policy = Policy}. diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_link_sup.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_link_sup.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..27d1b50277 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_link_sup.erl @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(rabbit_federation_link_sup). + +-behaviour(supervisor2). + +-include_lib("rabbit_common/include/rabbit.hrl"). +-include_lib("rabbit/include/amqqueue.hrl"). +-include("rabbit_federation.hrl"). + +%% Supervises the upstream links for an exchange or queue. + +-export([start_link/1, adjust/3, restart/2]). +-export([init/1]). + +start_link(XorQ) -> + supervisor2:start_link(?MODULE, XorQ). + +adjust(Sup, XorQ, everything) -> + [stop(Sup, Upstream, XorQ) || + {Upstream, _, _, _} <- supervisor2:which_children(Sup)], + [{ok, _Pid} = supervisor2:start_child(Sup, Spec) || Spec <- specs(XorQ)]; + +adjust(Sup, XorQ, {upstream, UpstreamName}) -> + OldUpstreams0 = children(Sup, UpstreamName), + NewUpstreams0 = rabbit_federation_upstream:for(XorQ, UpstreamName), + %% If any haven't changed, don't restart them. The broker will + %% avoid telling us about connections that have not changed + %% syntactically, but even if one has, this XorQ may not have that + %% connection in an upstream, so we still need to check here. + {OldUpstreams, NewUpstreams} = + lists:foldl( + fun (OldU, {OldUs, NewUs}) -> + case lists:member(OldU, NewUs) of + true -> {OldUs -- [OldU], NewUs -- [OldU]}; + false -> {OldUs, NewUs} + end + end, {OldUpstreams0, NewUpstreams0}, OldUpstreams0), + [stop(Sup, OldUpstream, XorQ) || OldUpstream <- OldUpstreams], + [start(Sup, NewUpstream, XorQ) || NewUpstream <- NewUpstreams]; + +adjust(Sup, XorQ, {clear_upstream, UpstreamName}) -> + ok = rabbit_federation_db:prune_scratch( + name(XorQ), rabbit_federation_upstream:for(XorQ)), + [stop(Sup, Upstream, XorQ) || Upstream <- children(Sup, UpstreamName)]; + +adjust(Sup, X = #exchange{name = XName}, {upstream_set, _Set}) -> + adjust(Sup, X, everything), + case rabbit_federation_upstream:federate(X) of + false -> ok; + true -> ok = rabbit_federation_db:prune_scratch( + XName, rabbit_federation_upstream:for(X)) + end; +adjust(Sup, Q, {upstream_set, _}) when ?is_amqqueue(Q) -> + adjust(Sup, Q, everything); +adjust(Sup, XorQ, {clear_upstream_set, _}) -> + adjust(Sup, XorQ, everything). + +restart(Sup, Upstream) -> + ok = supervisor2:terminate_child(Sup, Upstream), + {ok, _Pid} = supervisor2:restart_child(Sup, Upstream), + ok. + +start(Sup, Upstream, XorQ) -> + {ok, _Pid} = supervisor2:start_child(Sup, spec(rabbit_federation_util:obfuscate_upstream(Upstream), XorQ)), + ok. + +stop(Sup, Upstream, XorQ) -> + ok = supervisor2:terminate_child(Sup, Upstream), + ok = supervisor2:delete_child(Sup, Upstream), + %% While the link will report its own removal, that only works if + %% the link was actually up. If the link was broken and failing to + %% come up, the possibility exists that there *is* no link + %% process, but we still have a report in the status table. So + %% remove it here too. + rabbit_federation_status:remove(Upstream, name(XorQ)). + +children(Sup, UpstreamName) -> + rabbit_federation_util:find_upstreams( + UpstreamName, [U || {U, _, _, _} <- supervisor2:which_children(Sup)]). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +init(XorQ) -> + %% 1, ?MAX_WAIT so that we always give up after one fast retry and get + %% into the reconnect delay. + {ok, {{one_for_one, 1, ?MAX_WAIT}, specs(XorQ)}}. + +specs(XorQ) -> + [spec(rabbit_federation_util:obfuscate_upstream(Upstream), XorQ) + || Upstream <- rabbit_federation_upstream:for(XorQ)]. + +spec(U = #upstream{reconnect_delay = Delay}, #exchange{name = XName}) -> + {U, {rabbit_federation_exchange_link, start_link, [{U, XName}]}, + {permanent, Delay}, ?WORKER_WAIT, worker, + [rabbit_federation_exchange_link]}; + +spec(Upstream = #upstream{reconnect_delay = Delay}, Q) when ?is_amqqueue(Q) -> + {Upstream, {rabbit_federation_queue_link, start_link, [{Upstream, Q}]}, + {permanent, Delay}, ?WORKER_WAIT, worker, + [rabbit_federation_queue_link]}. + +name(#exchange{name = XName}) -> XName; +name(Q) when ?is_amqqueue(Q) -> amqqueue:get_name(Q). diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_link_util.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_link_util.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a5fd560f0b --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_link_util.erl @@ -0,0 +1,364 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(rabbit_federation_link_util). + +-include_lib("rabbit/include/amqqueue.hrl"). +-include_lib("amqp_client/include/amqp_client.hrl"). +-include("rabbit_federation.hrl"). + +%% real +-export([start_conn_ch/5, disposable_channel_call/2, disposable_channel_call/3, + disposable_connection_call/3, ensure_connection_closed/1, + log_terminate/4, unacked_new/0, ack/3, nack/3, forward/9, + handle_downstream_down/3, handle_upstream_down/3, + get_connection_name/2, log_debug/3, log_info/3, log_warning/3, + log_error/3]). + +%% temp +-export([connection_error/6]). + +-import(rabbit_misc, [pget/2]). + +-define(MAX_CONNECTION_CLOSE_TIMEOUT, 10000). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +start_conn_ch(Fun, OUpstream, OUParams, + XorQName = #resource{virtual_host = DownVHost}, State) -> + + Upstream = rabbit_federation_util:deobfuscate_upstream(OUpstream), + UParams = rabbit_federation_util:deobfuscate_upstream_params(OUParams), + + ConnName = get_connection_name(Upstream, UParams), + case open_monitor(#amqp_params_direct{virtual_host = DownVHost}, ConnName) of + {ok, DConn, DCh} -> + case Upstream#upstream.ack_mode of + 'on-confirm' -> + #'confirm.select_ok'{} = + amqp_channel:call(DCh, #'confirm.select'{}), + amqp_channel:register_confirm_handler(DCh, self()); + _ -> + ok + end, + case open_monitor(UParams#upstream_params.params, ConnName) of + {ok, Conn, Ch} -> + %% Don't trap exits until we have established + %% connections so that if we try to delete + %% federation upstreams while waiting for a + %% connection to be established then we don't + %% block + process_flag(trap_exit, true), + try + R = Fun(Conn, Ch, DConn, DCh), + log_info( + XorQName, "connected to ~s~n", + [rabbit_federation_upstream:params_to_string( + UParams)]), + Name = pget(name, amqp_connection:info(DConn, [name])), + rabbit_federation_status:report( + OUpstream, OUParams, XorQName, {running, Name}), + R + catch exit:E -> + %% terminate/2 will not get this, as we + %% have not put them in our state yet + ensure_connection_closed(DConn), + ensure_connection_closed(Conn), + connection_error(remote_start, E, + OUpstream, OUParams, XorQName, State) + end; + E -> + ensure_connection_closed(DConn), + connection_error(remote_start, E, + OUpstream, OUParams, XorQName, State) + end; + E -> + connection_error(local_start, E, + OUpstream, OUParams, XorQName, State) + end. + +get_connection_name(#upstream{name = UpstreamName}, + #upstream_params{x_or_q = Resource}) when is_record(Resource, exchange)-> + Policy = Resource#exchange.policy, + PolicyName = proplists:get_value(name, Policy), + connection_name(UpstreamName, PolicyName); + +get_connection_name(#upstream{name = UpstreamName}, + #upstream_params{x_or_q = Resource}) when ?is_amqqueue(Resource) -> + Policy = amqqueue:get_policy(Resource), + PolicyName = proplists:get_value(name, Policy), + connection_name(UpstreamName, PolicyName); + +get_connection_name(_, _) -> + connection_name(undefined, undefined). + +connection_name(Upstream, Policy) when is_binary(Upstream), is_binary(Policy) -> + <<<<"Federation link (upstream: ">>/binary, Upstream/binary, <<", policy: ">>/binary, Policy/binary, <<")">>/binary>>; +connection_name(_, _) -> + <<"Federation link">>. + +open_monitor(Params, Name) -> + case open(Params, Name) of + {ok, Conn, Ch} -> erlang:monitor(process, Ch), + {ok, Conn, Ch}; + E -> E + end. + +open(Params, Name) -> + try + amqp_connection:start(Params, Name) + of + {ok, Conn} -> + try + amqp_connection:open_channel(Conn) + of + {ok, Ch} -> {ok, Conn, Ch}; + E -> ensure_connection_closed(Conn), + E + catch + _:E -> + ensure_connection_closed(Conn), + E + end; + E -> E + catch + _:E -> E + end. + +ensure_channel_closed(Ch) -> catch amqp_channel:close(Ch). + +ensure_connection_closed(Conn) -> + catch amqp_connection:close(Conn, ?MAX_CONNECTION_CLOSE_TIMEOUT). + +connection_error(remote_start, {{shutdown, {server_initiated_close, Code, Message}}, _} = E, + Upstream, UParams, XorQName, State) -> + rabbit_federation_status:report( + Upstream, UParams, XorQName, clean_reason(E)), + log_warning(XorQName, + "did not connect to ~s. Server has closed the connection due to an error, code: ~p, " + "message: ~s", + [rabbit_federation_upstream:params_to_string(UParams), + Code, Message]), + {stop, {shutdown, restart}, State}; + +connection_error(remote_start, E, Upstream, UParams, XorQName, State) -> + rabbit_federation_status:report( + Upstream, UParams, XorQName, clean_reason(E)), + log_warning(XorQName, "did not connect to ~s. Reason: ~p", + [rabbit_federation_upstream:params_to_string(UParams), + E]), + {stop, {shutdown, restart}, State}; + +connection_error(remote, E, Upstream, UParams, XorQName, State) -> + rabbit_federation_status:report( + Upstream, UParams, XorQName, clean_reason(E)), + log_info(XorQName, "disconnected from ~s~n~p", + [rabbit_federation_upstream:params_to_string(UParams), E]), + {stop, {shutdown, restart}, State}; + +connection_error(command_channel, E, Upstream, UParams, XorQName, State) -> + rabbit_federation_status:report( + Upstream, UParams, XorQName, clean_reason(E)), + log_info(XorQName, "failed to open a command channel for upstream ~s~n~p", + [rabbit_federation_upstream:params_to_string(UParams), E]), + {stop, {shutdown, restart}, State}; + +connection_error(local, basic_cancel, Upstream, UParams, XorQName, State) -> + rabbit_federation_status:report( + Upstream, UParams, XorQName, {error, basic_cancel}), + log_info(XorQName, "received a 'basic.cancel'", []), + {stop, {shutdown, restart}, State}; + +connection_error(local_start, E, Upstream, UParams, XorQName, State) -> + rabbit_federation_status:report( + Upstream, UParams, XorQName, clean_reason(E)), + log_warning(XorQName, "did not connect locally~n~p", [E]), + {stop, {shutdown, restart}, State}. + +%% If we terminate due to a gen_server call exploding (almost +%% certainly due to an amqp_channel:call() exploding) then we do not +%% want to report the gen_server call in our status. +clean_reason({E = {shutdown, _}, _}) -> E; +clean_reason(E) -> E. + +%% local / disconnected never gets invoked, see handle_info({'DOWN', ... + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +unacked_new() -> gb_trees:empty(). + +ack(#'basic.ack'{delivery_tag = Seq, + multiple = Multiple}, Ch, Unack) -> + amqp_channel:cast(Ch, #'basic.ack'{delivery_tag = gb_trees:get(Seq, Unack), + multiple = Multiple}), + remove_delivery_tags(Seq, Multiple, Unack). + + +%% Note: at time of writing the broker will never send requeue=false. And it's +%% hard to imagine why it would. But we may as well handle it. +nack(#'basic.nack'{delivery_tag = Seq, + multiple = Multiple, + requeue = Requeue}, Ch, Unack) -> + amqp_channel:cast(Ch, #'basic.nack'{delivery_tag = gb_trees:get(Seq, Unack), + multiple = Multiple, + requeue = Requeue}), + remove_delivery_tags(Seq, Multiple, Unack). + +remove_delivery_tags(Seq, false, Unacked) -> + gb_trees:delete(Seq, Unacked); +remove_delivery_tags(Seq, true, Unacked) -> + case gb_trees:is_empty(Unacked) of + true -> Unacked; + false -> {Smallest, _Val, Unacked1} = gb_trees:take_smallest(Unacked), + case Smallest > Seq of + true -> Unacked; + false -> remove_delivery_tags(Seq, true, Unacked1) + end + end. + +forward(#upstream{ack_mode = AckMode, + trust_user_id = Trust}, + #'basic.deliver'{delivery_tag = DT}, + Ch, DCh, PublishMethod, HeadersFun, ForwardFun, Msg, Unacked) -> + Headers = extract_headers(Msg), + case ForwardFun(Headers) of + true -> Msg1 = maybe_clear_user_id( + Trust, update_headers(HeadersFun(Headers), Msg)), + Seq = case AckMode of + 'on-confirm' -> amqp_channel:next_publish_seqno(DCh); + _ -> ignore + end, + amqp_channel:cast(DCh, PublishMethod, Msg1), + case AckMode of + 'on-confirm' -> + gb_trees:insert(Seq, DT, Unacked); + 'on-publish' -> + amqp_channel:cast(Ch, #'basic.ack'{delivery_tag = DT}), + Unacked; + 'no-ack' -> + Unacked + end; + false -> amqp_channel:cast(Ch, #'basic.ack'{delivery_tag = DT}), + %% Drop it, but acknowledge it! + Unacked + end. + +maybe_clear_user_id(false, Msg = #amqp_msg{props = Props}) -> + Msg#amqp_msg{props = Props#'P_basic'{user_id = undefined}}; +maybe_clear_user_id(true, Msg) -> + Msg. + +extract_headers(#amqp_msg{props = #'P_basic'{headers = Headers}}) -> + Headers. + +update_headers(Headers, Msg = #amqp_msg{props = Props}) -> + Msg#amqp_msg{props = Props#'P_basic'{headers = Headers}}. + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% If the downstream channel shuts down cleanly, we can just ignore it +%% - we're the same node, we're presumably about to go down too. +handle_downstream_down(shutdown, _Args, State) -> + {noreply, State}; + +handle_downstream_down(Reason, _Args, State) -> + {stop, {downstream_channel_down, Reason}, State}. + +%% If the upstream channel goes down for an intelligible reason, just +%% log it and die quietly. +handle_upstream_down({shutdown, Reason}, {Upstream, UParams, XName}, State) -> + rabbit_federation_link_util:connection_error( + remote, {upstream_channel_down, Reason}, Upstream, UParams, XName, State); + +handle_upstream_down(Reason, _Args, State) -> + {stop, {upstream_channel_down, Reason}, State}. + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +log_terminate(gone, _Upstream, _UParams, _XorQName) -> + %% the link cannot start, this has been logged already + ok; +log_terminate({shutdown, restart}, _Upstream, _UParams, _XorQName) -> + %% We've already logged this before munging the reason + ok; +log_terminate(shutdown, Upstream, UParams, XorQName) -> + %% The supervisor is shutting us down; we are probably restarting + %% the link because configuration has changed. So try to shut down + %% nicely so that we do not cause unacked messages to be + %% redelivered. + log_info(XorQName, "disconnecting from ~s~n", + [rabbit_federation_upstream:params_to_string(UParams)]), + rabbit_federation_status:remove(Upstream, XorQName); + +log_terminate(Reason, Upstream, UParams, XorQName) -> + %% Unexpected death. sasl will log it, but we should update + %% rabbit_federation_status. + rabbit_federation_status:report( + Upstream, UParams, XorQName, clean_reason(Reason)). + +log_debug(XorQName, Fmt, Args) -> log(debug, XorQName, Fmt, Args). +log_info(XorQName, Fmt, Args) -> log(info, XorQName, Fmt, Args). +log_warning(XorQName, Fmt, Args) -> log(warning, XorQName, Fmt, Args). +log_error(XorQName, Fmt, Args) -> log(error, XorQName, Fmt, Args). + +log(Level, XorQName, Fmt0, Args0) -> + Fmt = "Federation ~s " ++ Fmt0, + Args = [rabbit_misc:rs(XorQName) | Args0], + case Level of + debug -> rabbit_log_federation:debug(Fmt, Args); + info -> rabbit_log_federation:info(Fmt, Args); + warning -> rabbit_log_federation:warning(Fmt, Args); + error -> rabbit_log_federation:error(Fmt, Args) + end. + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +disposable_channel_call(Conn, Method) -> + disposable_channel_call(Conn, Method, fun(_, _) -> ok end). + +disposable_channel_call(Conn, Method, ErrFun) -> + try + {ok, Ch} = amqp_connection:open_channel(Conn), + try + amqp_channel:call(Ch, Method) + catch exit:{{shutdown, {server_initiated_close, Code, Message}}, _} -> + ErrFun(Code, Message) + after + ensure_channel_closed(Ch) + end + catch + Exception:Reason -> + rabbit_log_federation:error("Federation link could not create a disposable (one-off) channel due to an error ~p: ~p~n", [Exception, Reason]) + end. + +disposable_connection_call(Params, Method, ErrFun) -> + try + rabbit_log_federation:debug("Disposable connection parameters: ~p", [Params]), + case open(Params, <<"Disposable exchange federation link connection">>) of + {ok, Conn, Ch} -> + try + amqp_channel:call(Ch, Method) + catch exit:{{shutdown, {connection_closing, {server_initiated_close, Code, Message}}}, _} -> + ErrFun(Code, Message); + exit:{{shutdown, {server_initiated_close, Code, Message}}, _} -> + ErrFun(Code, Message) + after + ensure_connection_closed(Conn) + end; + {error, {auth_failure, Message}} -> + rabbit_log_federation:error("Federation link could not open a disposable (one-off) connection " + "due to an authentication failure: ~s~n", [Message]); + Error -> + rabbit_log_federation:error("Federation link could not open a disposable (one-off) connection, " + "reason: ~p~n", [Error]), + Error + end + catch + Exception:Reason -> + rabbit_log_federation:error("Federation link could not create a disposable (one-off) connection " + "due to an error ~p: ~p~n", [Exception, Reason]) + end. diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_parameters.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_parameters.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..928e41dc0f --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_parameters.erl @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(rabbit_federation_parameters). +-behaviour(rabbit_runtime_parameter). +-behaviour(rabbit_policy_validator). + +-include_lib("rabbit_common/include/rabbit.hrl"). + +-export([validate/5, notify/5, notify_clear/4]). +-export([register/0, unregister/0, validate_policy/1, adjust/1]). + +-define(RUNTIME_PARAMETERS, + [{runtime_parameter, <<"federation">>}, + {runtime_parameter, <<"federation-upstream">>}, + {runtime_parameter, <<"federation-upstream-set">>}, + {policy_validator, <<"federation-upstream">>}, + {policy_validator, <<"federation-upstream-pattern">>}, + {policy_validator, <<"federation-upstream-set">>}]). + +-rabbit_boot_step({?MODULE, + [{description, "federation parameters"}, + {mfa, {rabbit_federation_parameters, register, []}}, + {requires, rabbit_registry}, + {cleanup, {rabbit_federation_parameters, unregister, []}}, + {enables, recovery}]}). + +register() -> + [rabbit_registry:register(Class, Name, ?MODULE) || + {Class, Name} <- ?RUNTIME_PARAMETERS], + ok. + +unregister() -> + [rabbit_registry:unregister(Class, Name) || + {Class, Name} <- ?RUNTIME_PARAMETERS], + ok. + +validate(_VHost, <<"federation-upstream-set">>, Name, Term0, _User) -> + Term = [rabbit_data_coercion:to_proplist(Upstream) || Upstream <- Term0], + [rabbit_parameter_validation:proplist( + Name, + [{<<"upstream">>, fun rabbit_parameter_validation:binary/2, mandatory} | + shared_validation()], Upstream) + || Upstream <- Term]; + +validate(_VHost, <<"federation-upstream">>, Name, Term0, _User) -> + Term = rabbit_data_coercion:to_proplist(Term0), + rabbit_parameter_validation:proplist( + Name, [{<<"uri">>, fun validate_uri/2, mandatory} | + shared_validation()], Term); + +validate(_VHost, _Component, Name, _Term, _User) -> + {error, "name not recognised: ~p", [Name]}. + +notify(_VHost, <<"federation-upstream-set">>, Name, _Term, _Username) -> + adjust({upstream_set, Name}); + +notify(_VHost, <<"federation-upstream">>, Name, _Term, _Username) -> + adjust({upstream, Name}). + +notify_clear(_VHost, <<"federation-upstream-set">>, Name, _Username) -> + adjust({clear_upstream_set, Name}); + +notify_clear(VHost, <<"federation-upstream">>, Name, _Username) -> + rabbit_federation_exchange_link_sup_sup:adjust({clear_upstream, VHost, Name}), + rabbit_federation_queue_link_sup_sup:adjust({clear_upstream, VHost, Name}). + +adjust(Thing) -> + rabbit_federation_exchange_link_sup_sup:adjust(Thing), + rabbit_federation_queue_link_sup_sup:adjust(Thing). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +shared_validation() -> + [{<<"exchange">>, fun rabbit_parameter_validation:binary/2, optional}, + {<<"queue">>, fun rabbit_parameter_validation:binary/2, optional}, + {<<"consumer-tag">>, fun rabbit_parameter_validation:binary/2, optional}, + {<<"prefetch-count">>, fun rabbit_parameter_validation:number/2, optional}, + {<<"reconnect-delay">>,fun rabbit_parameter_validation:number/2, optional}, + {<<"max-hops">>, fun rabbit_parameter_validation:number/2, optional}, + {<<"expires">>, fun rabbit_parameter_validation:number/2, optional}, + {<<"message-ttl">>, fun rabbit_parameter_validation:number/2, optional}, + {<<"trust-user-id">>, fun rabbit_parameter_validation:boolean/2, optional}, + {<<"ack-mode">>, rabbit_parameter_validation:enum( + ['no-ack', 'on-publish', 'on-confirm']), optional}, + {<<"resource-cleanup-mode">>, rabbit_parameter_validation:enum(['default', 'never']), optional}, + {<<"ha-policy">>, fun rabbit_parameter_validation:binary/2, optional}, + {<<"bind-nowait">>, fun rabbit_parameter_validation:boolean/2, optional}]. + +validate_uri(Name, Term) when is_binary(Term) -> + case rabbit_parameter_validation:binary(Name, Term) of + ok -> case amqp_uri:parse(binary_to_list(Term)) of + {ok, _} -> ok; + {error, E} -> {error, "\"~s\" not a valid URI: ~p", [Term, E]} + end; + E -> E + end; +validate_uri(Name, Term) -> + case rabbit_parameter_validation:list(Name, Term) of + ok -> case [V || U <- Term, + V <- [validate_uri(Name, U)], + element(1, V) =:= error] of + [] -> ok; + [E | _] -> E + end; + E -> E + end. + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +validate_policy([{<<"federation-upstream-set">>, Value}]) + when is_binary(Value) -> + ok; +validate_policy([{<<"federation-upstream-set">>, Value}]) -> + {error, "~p is not a valid federation upstream set name", [Value]}; + +validate_policy([{<<"federation-upstream-pattern">>, Value}]) + when is_binary(Value) -> + case re:compile(Value) of + {ok, _} -> ok; + {error, Reason} -> {error, "could not compile pattern ~s to a regular expression. " + "Error: ~p", [Value, Reason]} + end; +validate_policy([{<<"federation-upstream-pattern">>, Value}]) -> + {error, "~p is not a valid federation upstream pattern name", [Value]}; + +validate_policy([{<<"federation-upstream">>, Value}]) + when is_binary(Value) -> + ok; +validate_policy([{<<"federation-upstream">>, Value}]) -> + {error, "~p is not a valid federation upstream name", [Value]}; + +validate_policy(L) when length(L) >= 2 -> + {error, "cannot specify federation-upstream, federation-upstream-set " + "or federation-upstream-pattern together", []}. diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_queue.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_queue.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3117792589 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_queue.erl @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(rabbit_federation_queue). + +-rabbit_boot_step({?MODULE, + [{description, "federation queue decorator"}, + {mfa, {rabbit_queue_decorator, register, + [<<"federation">>, ?MODULE]}}, + {requires, rabbit_registry}, + {cleanup, {rabbit_queue_decorator, unregister, + [<<"federation">>]}}, + {enables, recovery}]}). + +-include_lib("rabbit/include/amqqueue.hrl"). +-include_lib("amqp_client/include/amqp_client.hrl"). +-include("rabbit_federation.hrl"). + +-behaviour(rabbit_queue_decorator). + +-export([startup/1, shutdown/1, policy_changed/2, active_for/1, + consumer_state_changed/3]). +-export([policy_changed_local/2]). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +startup(Q) -> + case active_for(Q) of + true -> rabbit_federation_queue_link_sup_sup:start_child(Q); + false -> ok + end, + ok. + +shutdown(Q) when ?is_amqqueue(Q) -> + QName = amqqueue:get_name(Q), + case active_for(Q) of + true -> rabbit_federation_queue_link_sup_sup:stop_child(Q), + rabbit_federation_status:remove_exchange_or_queue(QName); + false -> ok + end, + ok. + +policy_changed(Q1, Q2) when ?is_amqqueue(Q1) -> + QName = amqqueue:get_name(Q1), + case rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(QName) of + {ok, Q0} when ?is_amqqueue(Q0) -> + QPid = amqqueue:get_pid(Q0), + rpc:call(node(QPid), rabbit_federation_queue, + policy_changed_local, [Q1, Q2]); + {error, not_found} -> + ok + end. + +policy_changed_local(Q1, Q2) -> + shutdown(Q1), + startup(Q2). + +active_for(Q) -> + Args = amqqueue:get_arguments(Q), + case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Args, <<"x-internal-purpose">>) of + {longstr, _} -> false; %% [0] + _ -> rabbit_federation_upstream:federate(Q) + end. +%% [0] Currently the only "internal purpose" is federation, but I +%% suspect if we introduce another one it will also be for something +%% that doesn't want to be federated. + +%% We need to reconsider whether we need to run or pause every time +%% the consumer state changes in the queue. But why can the state +%% change? +%% +%% consumer blocked | We may have no more active consumers, and thus need to +%% | pause +%% | +%% consumer unblocked | We don't care +%% | +%% queue empty | The queue has become empty therefore we need to run to +%% | get more messages +%% | +%% basic consume | We don't care +%% | +%% basic cancel | We may have no more active consumers, and thus need to +%% | pause +%% | +%% refresh | We asked for it (we have started a new link after +%% | failover and need something to prod us into action +%% | (or not)). +%% +%% In the cases where we don't care it's not prohibitively expensive +%% for us to be here anyway, so never mind. +%% +%% Note that there is no "queue became non-empty" state change - that's +%% because of the queue invariant. If the queue transitions from empty to +%% non-empty then it must have no active consumers - in which case it stays +%% the same from our POV. + +consumer_state_changed(Q, MaxActivePriority, IsEmpty) -> + QName = amqqueue:get_name(Q), + case IsEmpty andalso active_unfederated(MaxActivePriority) of + true -> rabbit_federation_queue_link:run(QName); + false -> rabbit_federation_queue_link:pause(QName) + end, + ok. + +active_unfederated(empty) -> false; +active_unfederated(P) when P >= 0 -> true; +active_unfederated(_P) -> false. diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_queue_link.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_queue_link.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..97389cb8f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_queue_link.erl @@ -0,0 +1,330 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(rabbit_federation_queue_link). + +%% pg2 is deprecated in OTP 23. +-compile(nowarn_deprecated_function). + +-include_lib("rabbit/include/amqqueue.hrl"). +-include_lib("amqp_client/include/amqp_client.hrl"). +-include("rabbit_federation.hrl"). + +-behaviour(gen_server2). + +-export([start_link/1, go/0, run/1, pause/1]). + +-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, + terminate/2, code_change/3]). + +-import(rabbit_misc, [pget/2]). +-import(rabbit_federation_util, [name/1, pgname/1]). + +-record(not_started, {queue, run, upstream, upstream_params}). +-record(state, {queue, run, conn, ch, dconn, dch, upstream, upstream_params, + unacked}). + +start_link(Args) -> + gen_server2:start_link(?MODULE, Args, [{timeout, infinity}]). + +run(QName) -> cast(QName, run). +pause(QName) -> cast(QName, pause). +go() -> cast(go). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +%%call(QName, Msg) -> [gen_server2:call(Pid, Msg, infinity) || Pid <- q(QName)]. +cast(Msg) -> [gen_server2:cast(Pid, Msg) || Pid <- all()]. +cast(QName, Msg) -> [gen_server2:cast(Pid, Msg) || Pid <- q(QName)]. + +join(Name) -> + pg2:create(pgname(Name)), + ok = pg2:join(pgname(Name), self()). + +all() -> + pg2:create(pgname(rabbit_federation_queues)), + pg2:get_members(pgname(rabbit_federation_queues)). + +q(QName) -> + pg2:create(pgname({rabbit_federation_queue, QName})), + pg2:get_members(pgname({rabbit_federation_queue, QName})). + +federation_up() -> + proplists:is_defined(rabbitmq_federation, + application:which_applications(infinity)). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +init({Upstream, Queue}) when ?is_amqqueue(Queue) -> + QName = amqqueue:get_name(Queue), + case rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(QName) of + {ok, Q} -> + DeobfuscatedUpstream = rabbit_federation_util:deobfuscate_upstream(Upstream), + DeobfuscatedUParams = rabbit_federation_upstream:to_params(DeobfuscatedUpstream, Queue), + UParams = rabbit_federation_util:obfuscate_upstream_params(DeobfuscatedUParams), + rabbit_federation_status:report(Upstream, UParams, QName, starting), + join(rabbit_federation_queues), + join({rabbit_federation_queue, QName}), + gen_server2:cast(self(), maybe_go), + rabbit_amqqueue:notify_decorators(Q), + {ok, #not_started{queue = Queue, + run = false, + upstream = Upstream, + upstream_params = UParams}}; + {error, not_found} -> + rabbit_federation_link_util:log_warning(QName, "not found, stopping link~n", []), + {stop, gone} + end. + +handle_call(Msg, _From, State) -> + {stop, {unexpected_call, Msg}, State}. + +handle_cast(maybe_go, State) -> + case federation_up() of + true -> go(State); + false -> {noreply, State} + end; + +handle_cast(go, State = #not_started{}) -> + go(State); + +handle_cast(go, State) -> + {noreply, State}; + +handle_cast(run, State = #state{upstream = Upstream, + upstream_params = UParams, + ch = Ch, + run = false}) -> + consume(Ch, Upstream, UParams#upstream_params.x_or_q), + {noreply, State#state{run = true}}; + +handle_cast(run, State = #not_started{}) -> + {noreply, State#not_started{run = true}}; + +handle_cast(run, State) -> + %% Already started + {noreply, State}; + +handle_cast(pause, State = #state{run = false}) -> + %% Already paused + {noreply, State}; + +handle_cast(pause, State = #not_started{}) -> + {noreply, State#not_started{run = false}}; + +handle_cast(pause, State = #state{ch = Ch, upstream = Upstream}) -> + cancel(Ch, Upstream), + {noreply, State#state{run = false}}; + +handle_cast(Msg, State) -> + {stop, {unexpected_cast, Msg}, State}. + +handle_info(#'basic.consume_ok'{}, State) -> + {noreply, State}; + +handle_info(#'basic.ack'{} = Ack, State = #state{ch = Ch, + unacked = Unacked}) -> + Unacked1 = rabbit_federation_link_util:ack(Ack, Ch, Unacked), + {noreply, State#state{unacked = Unacked1}}; + +handle_info(#'basic.nack'{} = Nack, State = #state{ch = Ch, + unacked = Unacked}) -> + Unacked1 = rabbit_federation_link_util:nack(Nack, Ch, Unacked), + {noreply, State#state{unacked = Unacked1}}; + +handle_info({#'basic.deliver'{redelivered = Redelivered, + exchange = X, + routing_key = K} = DeliverMethod, Msg}, + State = #state{queue = Q, + upstream = Upstream, + upstream_params = UParams, + ch = Ch, + dch = DCh, + unacked = Unacked}) when ?is_amqqueue(Q) -> + QName = amqqueue:get_name(Q), + PublishMethod = #'basic.publish'{exchange = <<"">>, + routing_key = QName#resource.name}, + HeadersFun = fun (H) -> update_headers(UParams, Redelivered, X, K, H) end, + ForwardFun = fun (_H) -> true end, + Unacked1 = rabbit_federation_link_util:forward( + Upstream, DeliverMethod, Ch, DCh, PublishMethod, + HeadersFun, ForwardFun, Msg, Unacked), + %% TODO actually we could reject when 'stopped' + {noreply, State#state{unacked = Unacked1}}; + +handle_info(#'basic.cancel'{}, + State = #state{queue = Q, + upstream = Upstream, + upstream_params = UParams}) when ?is_amqqueue(Q) -> + QName = amqqueue:get_name(Q), + rabbit_federation_link_util:connection_error( + local, basic_cancel, Upstream, UParams, QName, State); + +handle_info({'DOWN', _Ref, process, Pid, Reason}, + State = #state{dch = DCh, + ch = Ch, + upstream = Upstream, + upstream_params = UParams, + queue = Q}) when ?is_amqqueue(Q) -> + QName = amqqueue:get_name(Q), + handle_down(Pid, Reason, Ch, DCh, {Upstream, UParams, QName}, State); + +handle_info(Msg, State) -> + {stop, {unexpected_info, Msg}, State}. + +terminate(Reason, #not_started{upstream = Upstream, + upstream_params = UParams, + queue = Q}) when ?is_amqqueue(Q) -> + QName = amqqueue:get_name(Q), + rabbit_federation_link_util:log_terminate(Reason, Upstream, UParams, QName), + ok; + +terminate(Reason, #state{dconn = DConn, + conn = Conn, + upstream = Upstream, + upstream_params = UParams, + queue = Q}) when ?is_amqqueue(Q) -> + QName = amqqueue:get_name(Q), + rabbit_federation_link_util:ensure_connection_closed(DConn), + rabbit_federation_link_util:ensure_connection_closed(Conn), + rabbit_federation_link_util:log_terminate(Reason, Upstream, UParams, QName), + ok. + +code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> + {ok, State}. + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +go(S0 = #not_started{run = Run, + upstream = Upstream = #upstream{ + prefetch_count = Prefetch}, + upstream_params = UParams, + queue = Queue}) when ?is_amqqueue(Queue) -> + QName = amqqueue:get_name(Queue), + #upstream_params{x_or_q = UQueue} = UParams, + Durable = amqqueue:is_durable(UQueue), + AutoDelete = amqqueue:is_auto_delete(UQueue), + Args = amqqueue:get_arguments(UQueue), + Unacked = rabbit_federation_link_util:unacked_new(), + rabbit_federation_link_util:start_conn_ch( + fun (Conn, Ch, DConn, DCh) -> + check_upstream_suitable(Conn), + amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'queue.declare'{queue = name(UQueue), + durable = Durable, + auto_delete = AutoDelete, + arguments = Args}), + case Upstream#upstream.ack_mode of + 'no-ack' -> ok; + _ -> amqp_channel:call( + Ch, #'basic.qos'{prefetch_count = Prefetch}) + end, + amqp_selective_consumer:register_default_consumer(Ch, self()), + case Run of + true -> consume(Ch, Upstream, UQueue); + false -> ok + end, + {noreply, #state{queue = Queue, + run = Run, + conn = Conn, + ch = Ch, + dconn = DConn, + dch = DCh, + upstream = Upstream, + upstream_params = UParams, + unacked = Unacked}} + end, Upstream, UParams, QName, S0). + +check_upstream_suitable(Conn) -> + Props = pget(server_properties, + amqp_connection:info(Conn, [server_properties])), + {table, Caps} = rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Props, <<"capabilities">>), + case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Caps, <<"consumer_priorities">>) of + {bool, true} -> ok; + _ -> exit({error, upstream_lacks_consumer_priorities}) + end. + +update_headers(UParams, Redelivered, X, K, undefined) -> + update_headers(UParams, Redelivered, X, K, []); + +update_headers(#upstream_params{table = Table}, Redelivered, X, K, Headers) -> + {Headers1, Count} = + case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Headers, ?ROUTING_HEADER) of + undefined -> + %% We only want to record the original exchange and + %% routing key the first time a message gets + %% forwarded; after that it's known that they were + %% <<>> and QueueName respectively. + {init_x_original_source_headers(Headers, X, K), 0}; + {array, Been} -> + update_visit_count(Table, Been, Headers); + %% this means the header comes from the client + %% which re-published the message, most likely unintentionally. + %% We can't assume much about the value, so we simply ignore it. + _Other -> + {init_x_original_source_headers(Headers, X, K), 0} + end, + rabbit_basic:prepend_table_header( + ?ROUTING_HEADER, Table ++ [{<<"redelivered">>, bool, Redelivered}, + {<<"visit-count">>, long, Count + 1}], + swap_cc_header(Headers1)). + +init_x_original_source_headers(Headers, X, K) -> + rabbit_misc:set_table_value( + rabbit_misc:set_table_value( + Headers, <<"x-original-exchange">>, longstr, X), + <<"x-original-routing-key">>, longstr, K). + +update_visit_count(Table, Been, Headers) -> + {Found, Been1} = lists:partition( + fun(I) -> visit_match(I, Table) end, + Been), + C = case Found of + [] -> 0; + [{table, T}] -> case rabbit_misc:table_lookup( + T, <<"visit-count">>) of + {_, I} when is_number(I) -> I; + _ -> 0 + end + end, + {rabbit_misc:set_table_value( + Headers, ?ROUTING_HEADER, array, Been1), C}. + +swap_cc_header(Table) -> + [{case K of + <<"CC">> -> <<"x-original-cc">>; + _ -> K + end, T, V} || {K, T, V} <- Table]. + +visit_match({table, T}, Info) -> + lists:all(fun (K) -> + rabbit_misc:table_lookup(T, K) =:= + rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Info, K) + end, [<<"uri">>, <<"virtual_host">>, <<"queue">>]); +visit_match(_ ,_) -> + false. + +consumer_tag(#upstream{consumer_tag = ConsumerTag}) -> + ConsumerTag. + +consume(Ch, Upstream, UQueue) -> + ConsumerTag = consumer_tag(Upstream), + NoAck = Upstream#upstream.ack_mode =:= 'no-ack', + amqp_channel:cast( + Ch, #'basic.consume'{queue = name(UQueue), + no_ack = NoAck, + nowait = true, + consumer_tag = ConsumerTag, + arguments = [{<<"x-priority">>, long, -1}]}). + +cancel(Ch, Upstream) -> + ConsumerTag = consumer_tag(Upstream), + amqp_channel:cast(Ch, #'basic.cancel'{nowait = true, + consumer_tag = ConsumerTag}). + +handle_down(DCh, Reason, _Ch, DCh, Args, State) -> + rabbit_federation_link_util:handle_downstream_down(Reason, Args, State); +handle_down(Ch, Reason, Ch, _DCh, Args, State) -> + rabbit_federation_link_util:handle_upstream_down(Reason, Args, State). diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_queue_link_sup_sup.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_queue_link_sup_sup.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..1f6ec2b88f --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_queue_link_sup_sup.erl @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(rabbit_federation_queue_link_sup_sup). + +-behaviour(mirrored_supervisor). + +-include_lib("rabbit_common/include/rabbit.hrl"). +-include_lib("rabbit/include/amqqueue.hrl"). +-define(SUPERVISOR, ?MODULE). + +%% Supervises the upstream links for all queues (but not exchanges). We need +%% different handling here since queues do not want a mirrored sup. + +-export([start_link/0, start_child/1, adjust/1, stop_child/1]). +-export([init/1]). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +start_link() -> + mirrored_supervisor:start_link({local, ?SUPERVISOR}, ?SUPERVISOR, + fun rabbit_misc:execute_mnesia_transaction/1, + ?MODULE, []). + +%% Note that the next supervisor down, rabbit_federation_link_sup, is common +%% between exchanges and queues. +start_child(Q) -> + case mirrored_supervisor:start_child( + ?SUPERVISOR, + {id(Q), {rabbit_federation_link_sup, start_link, [Q]}, + transient, ?SUPERVISOR_WAIT, supervisor, + [rabbit_federation_link_sup]}) of + {ok, _Pid} -> ok; + {error, {already_started, _Pid}} -> + QueueName = amqqueue:get_name(Q), + rabbit_log_federation:warning("Federation link for queue ~p was already started", + [rabbit_misc:rs(QueueName)]), + ok; + %% A link returned {stop, gone}, the link_sup shut down, that's OK. + {error, {shutdown, _}} -> ok + end. + + +adjust({clear_upstream, VHost, UpstreamName}) -> + [rabbit_federation_link_sup:adjust(Pid, Q, {clear_upstream, UpstreamName}) || + {Q, Pid, _, _} <- mirrored_supervisor:which_children(?SUPERVISOR), + ?amqqueue_vhost_equals(Q, VHost)], + ok; +adjust(Reason) -> + [rabbit_federation_link_sup:adjust(Pid, Q, Reason) || + {Q, Pid, _, _} <- mirrored_supervisor:which_children(?SUPERVISOR)], + ok. + +stop_child(Q) -> + case mirrored_supervisor:terminate_child(?SUPERVISOR, id(Q)) of + ok -> ok; + {error, Err} -> + QueueName = amqqueue:get_name(Q), + rabbit_log_federation:warning( + "Attempt to stop a federation link for queue ~p failed: ~p", + [rabbit_misc:rs(QueueName), Err]), + ok + end, + ok = mirrored_supervisor:delete_child(?SUPERVISOR, id(Q)). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +init([]) -> + {ok, {{one_for_one, 1200, 60}, []}}. + +%% Clean out all mutable aspects of the queue except policy. We need +%% to keep the entire queue around rather than just take its name +%% since we will want to know its policy to determine how to federate +%% it, and its immutable properties in case we want to redeclare it +%% upstream. We don't just take its name and look it up again since +%% that would introduce race conditions when policies change +%% frequently. Note that since we take down all the links and start +%% again when policies change, the policy will always be correct, so +%% we don't clear it out here and can trust it. +id(Q) when ?is_amqqueue(Q) -> + Policy = amqqueue:get_policy(Q), + Q1 = rabbit_amqqueue:immutable(Q), + amqqueue:set_policy(Q1, Policy). diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_status.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_status.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..04afec990d --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_status.erl @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(rabbit_federation_status). +-behaviour(gen_server). + +-include_lib("amqp_client/include/amqp_client.hrl"). +-include("rabbit_federation.hrl"). + +-export([start_link/0]). + +-export([report/4, remove_exchange_or_queue/1, remove/2, status/0, lookup/1]). + +-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, + terminate/2, code_change/3]). + +-import(rabbit_federation_util, [name/1]). + +-define(SERVER, ?MODULE). +-define(ETS_NAME, ?MODULE). + +-record(state, {}). +-record(entry, {key, uri, status, timestamp, id, supervisor, upstream}). + +start_link() -> + gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [], []). + +report(Upstream, UParams, XorQName, Status) -> + [Supervisor | _] = get('$ancestors'), + gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {report, Supervisor, Upstream, UParams, XorQName, + Status, calendar:local_time()}). + +remove_exchange_or_queue(XorQName) -> + gen_server:call(?SERVER, {remove_exchange_or_queue, XorQName}, infinity). + +remove(Upstream, XorQName) -> + gen_server:call(?SERVER, {remove, Upstream, XorQName}, infinity). + +status() -> + gen_server:call(?SERVER, status, infinity). + +lookup(Id) -> + gen_server:call(?SERVER, {lookup, Id}, infinity). + +init([]) -> + ?ETS_NAME = ets:new(?ETS_NAME, + [named_table, {keypos, #entry.key}, private]), + {ok, #state{}}. + +handle_call({remove_exchange_or_queue, XorQName}, _From, State) -> + [link_gone(Entry) + || Entry <- ets:match_object(?ETS_NAME, match_entry(xorqkey(XorQName)))], + {reply, ok, State}; + +handle_call({remove, Upstream, XorQName}, _From, State) -> + case ets:match_object(?ETS_NAME, match_entry(key(XorQName, Upstream))) of + [Entry] -> link_gone(Entry); + [] -> ok + end, + {reply, ok, State}; + +handle_call({lookup, Id}, _From, State) -> + Link = case ets:match_object(?ETS_NAME, match_id(Id)) of + [Entry] -> + [{key, Entry#entry.key}, + {uri, Entry#entry.uri}, + {status, Entry#entry.status}, + {timestamp, Entry#entry.timestamp}, + {id, Entry#entry.id}, + {supervisor, Entry#entry.supervisor}, + {upstream, Entry#entry.upstream}]; + [] -> not_found + end, + {reply, Link, State}; + +handle_call(status, _From, State) -> + Entries = ets:tab2list(?ETS_NAME), + {reply, [format(Entry) || Entry <- Entries], State}. + +handle_cast({report, Supervisor, Upstream, #upstream_params{safe_uri = URI}, + XorQName, Status, Timestamp}, State) -> + Key = key(XorQName, Upstream), + Entry = #entry{key = Key, + status = Status, + uri = URI, + timestamp = Timestamp, + supervisor = Supervisor, + upstream = Upstream, + id = unique_id(Key)}, + true = ets:insert(?ETS_NAME, Entry), + rabbit_event:notify(federation_link_status, format(Entry)), + {noreply, State}. + +handle_info(_Info, State) -> + {noreply, State}. + +terminate(_Reason, _State) -> + ok. + +code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) -> + {ok, State}. + +format(#entry{status = Status, + uri = URI, + timestamp = Timestamp} = Entry) -> + identity(Entry) ++ split_status(Status) ++ [{uri, URI}, + {timestamp, Timestamp}]. + +identity(#entry{key = {#resource{virtual_host = VHost, + kind = Type, + name = XorQNameBin}, + UpstreamName, UXorQNameBin}, + id = Id, + upstream = #upstream{consumer_tag = ConsumerTag}}) -> + case Type of + exchange -> [{exchange, XorQNameBin}, + {upstream_exchange, UXorQNameBin}]; + queue -> [{queue, XorQNameBin}, + {upstream_queue, UXorQNameBin}, + {consumer_tag, ConsumerTag}] + end ++ [{type, Type}, + {vhost, VHost}, + {upstream, UpstreamName}, + {id, Id}]. + +unique_id(Key = {#resource{}, UpName, ResName}) when is_binary(UpName), is_binary(ResName) -> + PHash = erlang:phash2(Key, 1 bsl 32), + << << case N >= 10 of + true -> N - 10 + $a; + false -> N + $0 end >> + || <<N:4>> <= <<PHash:32>> >>. + +split_status({running, ConnName}) -> [{status, running}, + {local_connection, ConnName}]; +split_status({Status, Error}) -> [{status, Status}, + {error, Error}]; +split_status(Status) when is_atom(Status) -> [{status, Status}]. + +link_gone(Entry) -> + rabbit_event:notify(federation_link_removed, identity(Entry)), + true = ets:delete_object(?ETS_NAME, Entry). + +%% We don't want to key off the entire upstream, bits of it may change +key(XName = #resource{kind = exchange}, #upstream{name = UpstreamName, + exchange_name = UXNameBin}) -> + {XName, UpstreamName, UXNameBin}; + +key(QName = #resource{kind = queue}, #upstream{name = UpstreamName, + queue_name = UQNameBin}) -> + {QName, UpstreamName, UQNameBin}. + +xorqkey(XorQName) -> + {XorQName, '_', '_'}. + +match_entry(Key) -> + #entry{key = Key, + uri = '_', + status = '_', + timestamp = '_', + id = '_', + supervisor = '_', + upstream = '_'}. + +match_id(Id) -> + #entry{key = '_', + uri = '_', + status = '_', + timestamp = '_', + id = Id, + supervisor = '_', + upstream = '_'}. diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_sup.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_sup.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d3642b52c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_sup.erl @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(rabbit_federation_sup). + +-behaviour(supervisor). + +%% Supervises everything. There is just one of these. + +-include_lib("rabbit_common/include/rabbit.hrl"). +-define(SUPERVISOR, rabbit_federation_sup). + +-export([start_link/0, stop/0]). + +-export([init/1]). + +%% This supervisor needs to be part of the rabbit application since +%% a) it needs to be in place when exchange recovery takes place +%% b) it needs to go up and down with rabbit + +-rabbit_boot_step({rabbit_federation_supervisor, + [{description, "federation"}, + {mfa, {rabbit_sup, start_child, [?MODULE]}}, + {requires, kernel_ready}, + {cleanup, {?MODULE, stop, []}}, + {enables, rabbit_federation_exchange}, + {enables, rabbit_federation_queue}]}). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +start_link() -> + R = supervisor:start_link({local, ?SUPERVISOR}, ?MODULE, []), + rabbit_federation_event:add_handler(), + R. + +stop() -> + rabbit_federation_event:remove_handler(), + ok = supervisor:terminate_child(rabbit_sup, ?MODULE), + ok = supervisor:delete_child(rabbit_sup, ?MODULE). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +init([]) -> + Status = {status, {rabbit_federation_status, start_link, []}, + transient, ?WORKER_WAIT, worker, + [rabbit_federation_status]}, + XLinkSupSup = {x_links, + {rabbit_federation_exchange_link_sup_sup, start_link, []}, + transient, ?SUPERVISOR_WAIT, supervisor, + [rabbit_federation_exchange_link_sup_sup]}, + QLinkSupSup = {q_links, + {rabbit_federation_queue_link_sup_sup, start_link, []}, + transient, ?SUPERVISOR_WAIT, supervisor, + [rabbit_federation_queue_link_sup_sup]}, + %% with default reconnect-delay of 5 second, this supports up to + %% 100 links constantly failing and being restarted a minute + %% (or 200 links if reconnect-delay is 10 seconds, 600 with 30 seconds, + %% etc: N * (60/reconnect-delay) <= 1200) + {ok, {{one_for_one, 1200, 60}, [Status, XLinkSupSup, QLinkSupSup]}}. diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_upstream.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_upstream.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e079b850b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_upstream.erl @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(rabbit_federation_upstream). + +-include("rabbit_federation.hrl"). +-include_lib("rabbit/include/amqqueue.hrl"). +-include_lib("amqp_client/include/amqp_client.hrl"). + +-export([federate/1, for/1, for/2, params_to_string/1, to_params/2]). +%% For testing +-export([from_set/2, from_pattern/2, remove_credentials/1]). + +-import(rabbit_misc, [pget/2, pget/3]). +-import(rabbit_federation_util, [name/1, vhost/1, r/1]). +-import(rabbit_data_coercion, [to_atom/1]). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +federate(XorQ) -> + rabbit_policy:get(<<"federation-upstream">>, XorQ) =/= undefined orelse + rabbit_policy:get(<<"federation-upstream-set">>, XorQ) =/= undefined orelse + rabbit_policy:get(<<"federation-upstream-pattern">>, XorQ) =/= undefined. + +for(XorQ) -> + case federate(XorQ) of + false -> []; + true -> from_set_contents(upstreams(XorQ), XorQ) + end. + +for(XorQ, UpstreamName) -> + case federate(XorQ) of + false -> []; + true -> rabbit_federation_util:find_upstreams( + UpstreamName, from_set_contents(upstreams(XorQ), XorQ)) + end. + +upstreams(XorQ) -> + UName = rabbit_policy:get(<<"federation-upstream">>, XorQ), + USetName = rabbit_policy:get(<<"federation-upstream-set">>, XorQ), + UPatternValue = rabbit_policy:get(<<"federation-upstream-pattern">>, XorQ), + %% Cannot define 2 at a time, see rabbit_federation_parameters:validate_policy/1 + case {UName, USetName, UPatternValue} of + {undefined, undefined, undefined} -> []; + {undefined, undefined, _} -> find_contents(UPatternValue, vhost(XorQ)); + {undefined, _, undefined} -> set_contents(USetName, vhost(XorQ)); + {_, undefined, undefined} -> [[{<<"upstream">>, UName}]] + end. + +params_table(SafeURI, XorQ) -> + Key = case XorQ of + #exchange{} -> <<"exchange">>; + Q when ?is_amqqueue(Q) -> <<"queue">> + end, + [{<<"uri">>, longstr, SafeURI}, + {Key, longstr, name(XorQ)}]. + +params_to_string(#upstream_params{safe_uri = SafeURI, + x_or_q = XorQ}) -> + print("~s on ~s", [rabbit_misc:rs(r(XorQ)), SafeURI]). + +remove_credentials(URI) -> + list_to_binary(amqp_uri:remove_credentials(binary_to_list(URI))). + +to_params(Upstream = #upstream{uris = URIs}, XorQ) -> + URI = lists:nth(rand:uniform(length(URIs)), URIs), + {ok, Params} = amqp_uri:parse(binary_to_list(URI), vhost(XorQ)), + XorQ1 = with_name(Upstream, vhost(Params), XorQ), + SafeURI = remove_credentials(URI), + #upstream_params{params = Params, + uri = URI, + x_or_q = XorQ1, + safe_uri = SafeURI, + table = params_table(SafeURI, XorQ)}. + +print(Fmt, Args) -> iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format(Fmt, Args)). + +from_set(SetName, XorQ) -> + from_set_contents(set_contents(SetName, vhost(XorQ)), XorQ). + +from_pattern(SetName, XorQ) -> + from_set_contents(find_contents(SetName, vhost(XorQ)), XorQ). + +set_contents(<<"all">>, VHost) -> + Upstreams0 = rabbit_runtime_parameters:list( + VHost, <<"federation-upstream">>), + Upstreams = [rabbit_data_coercion:to_list(U) || U <- Upstreams0], + [[{<<"upstream">>, pget(name, U)}] || U <- Upstreams]; + +set_contents(SetName, VHost) -> + case rabbit_runtime_parameters:value( + VHost, <<"federation-upstream-set">>, SetName) of + not_found -> []; + Set -> Set + end. + +find_contents(RegExp, VHost) -> + Upstreams0 = rabbit_runtime_parameters:list( + VHost, <<"federation-upstream">>), + Upstreams = [rabbit_data_coercion:to_list(U) || U <- Upstreams0, + re:run(pget(name, U), RegExp) =/= nomatch], + [[{<<"upstream">>, pget(name, U)}] || U <- Upstreams]. + +from_set_contents(Set, XorQ) -> + Results = [from_set_element(P, XorQ) || P <- Set], + [R || R <- Results, R =/= not_found]. + +from_set_element(UpstreamSetElem0, XorQ) -> + UpstreamSetElem = rabbit_data_coercion:to_proplist(UpstreamSetElem0), + Name = bget(upstream, UpstreamSetElem, []), + case rabbit_runtime_parameters:value( + vhost(XorQ), <<"federation-upstream">>, Name) of + not_found -> not_found; + Upstream -> from_upstream_or_set( + UpstreamSetElem, Name, Upstream, XorQ) + end. + +from_upstream_or_set(US, Name, U, XorQ) -> + URIParam = bget(uri, US, U), + URIs = case URIParam of + B when is_binary(B) -> [B]; + L when is_list(L) -> L + end, + #upstream{uris = URIs, + exchange_name = bget(exchange, US, U, name(XorQ)), + queue_name = bget(queue, US, U, name(XorQ)), + consumer_tag = bget('consumer-tag', US, U, <<"federation-link-", Name/binary>>), + prefetch_count = bget('prefetch-count', US, U, ?DEF_PREFETCH), + reconnect_delay = bget('reconnect-delay', US, U, 5), + max_hops = bget('max-hops', US, U, 1), + expires = bget(expires, US, U, none), + message_ttl = bget('message-ttl', US, U, none), + trust_user_id = bget('trust-user-id', US, U, false), + ack_mode = to_atom(bget('ack-mode', US, U, <<"on-confirm">>)), + ha_policy = bget('ha-policy', US, U, none), + name = Name, + bind_nowait = bget('bind-nowait', US, U, false), + resource_cleanup_mode = to_atom(bget('resource-cleanup-mode', US, U, <<"default">>))}. + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +bget(K, L1, L2) -> bget(K, L1, L2, undefined). + +bget(K0, L1, L2, D) -> + K = a2b(K0), + %% coerce maps to proplists + PL1 = rabbit_data_coercion:to_list(L1), + PL2 = rabbit_data_coercion:to_list(L2), + case pget(K, PL1, undefined) of + undefined -> pget(K, PL2, D); + Result -> Result + end. + +a2b(A) -> list_to_binary(atom_to_list(A)). + +with_name(#upstream{exchange_name = XNameBin}, VHostBin, X = #exchange{}) -> + X#exchange{name = rabbit_misc:r(VHostBin, exchange, XNameBin)}; + +with_name(#upstream{queue_name = QNameBin}, VHostBin, Q) when ?is_amqqueue(Q) -> + amqqueue:set_name(Q, rabbit_misc:r(VHostBin, queue, QNameBin)). diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_upstream_exchange.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_upstream_exchange.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6018dd90a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_upstream_exchange.erl @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(rabbit_federation_upstream_exchange). + +-rabbit_boot_step({?MODULE, + [{description, "federation upstream exchange type"}, + {mfa, {rabbit_registry, register, + [exchange, <<"x-federation-upstream">>, ?MODULE]}}, + {requires, rabbit_registry}, + {cleanup, {rabbit_registry, unregister, + [exchange, <<"x-federation-upstream">>]}}, + {enables, recovery}]}). + +-include_lib("rabbit_common/include/rabbit.hrl"). +-include("rabbit_federation.hrl"). + +-behaviour(rabbit_exchange_type). + +-export([description/0, serialise_events/0, route/2]). +-export([validate/1, validate_binding/2, + create/2, delete/3, policy_changed/2, + add_binding/3, remove_bindings/3, assert_args_equivalence/2]). +-export([info/1, info/2]). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +info(_X) -> []. +info(_X, _) -> []. + +description() -> + [{description, <<"Federation upstream helper exchange">>}, + {internal_purpose, federation}]. + +serialise_events() -> false. + +route(X = #exchange{arguments = Args}, + D = #delivery{message = #basic_message{content = Content}}) -> + %% This arg was introduced in the same release as this exchange type; + %% it must be set + {long, MaxHops} = rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Args, ?MAX_HOPS_ARG), + %% Will be missing for pre-3.3.0 versions + DName = case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Args, ?DOWNSTREAM_NAME_ARG) of + {longstr, Val0} -> Val0; + _ -> unknown + end, + %% Will be missing for pre-3.8.9 versions + DVhost = case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Args, ?DOWNSTREAM_VHOST_ARG) of + {longstr, Val1} -> Val1; + _ -> unknown + end, + Headers = rabbit_basic:extract_headers(Content), + case rabbit_federation_util:should_forward(Headers, MaxHops, DName, DVhost) of + true -> rabbit_exchange_type_fanout:route(X, D); + false -> [] + end. + +validate(#exchange{arguments = Args}) -> + rabbit_federation_util:validate_arg(?MAX_HOPS_ARG, long, Args). + +validate_binding(_X, _B) -> ok. +create(_Tx, _X) -> ok. +delete(_Tx, _X, _Bs) -> ok. +policy_changed(_X1, _X2) -> ok. +add_binding(_Tx, _X, _B) -> ok. +remove_bindings(_Tx, _X, _Bs) -> ok. + +assert_args_equivalence(X = #exchange{name = Name, + arguments = Args}, ReqArgs) -> + rabbit_misc:assert_args_equivalence(Args, ReqArgs, Name, [?MAX_HOPS_ARG]), + rabbit_exchange:assert_args_equivalence(X, Args). diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_util.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_util.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..160bac996e --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/src/rabbit_federation_util.erl @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(rabbit_federation_util). + +-include_lib("rabbit/include/amqqueue.hrl"). +-include_lib("amqp_client/include/amqp_client.hrl"). +-include("rabbit_federation.hrl"). + +-export([should_forward/4, find_upstreams/2, already_seen/3]). +-export([validate_arg/3, fail/2, name/1, vhost/1, r/1, pgname/1]). +-export([obfuscate_upstream/1, deobfuscate_upstream/1, obfuscate_upstream_params/1, deobfuscate_upstream_params/1]). + +-import(rabbit_misc, [pget_or_die/2, pget/3]). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +should_forward(undefined, _MaxHops, _DName, _DVhost) -> + true; +should_forward(Headers, MaxHops, DName, DVhost) -> + case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Headers, ?ROUTING_HEADER) of + {array, A} -> length(A) < MaxHops andalso not already_seen(DName, DVhost, A); + _ -> true + end. + +%% Used to detect message and binding forwarding cycles. +already_seen(UpstreamID, UpstreamVhost, Array) -> + lists:any(fun ({table, T}) -> + {longstr, UpstreamID} =:= rabbit_misc:table_lookup(T, <<"cluster-name">>) andalso + {longstr, UpstreamVhost} =:= rabbit_misc:table_lookup(T, <<"vhost">>); + (_) -> + false + end, Array). + +find_upstreams(Name, Upstreams) -> + [U || U = #upstream{name = Name2} <- Upstreams, + Name =:= Name2]. + +validate_arg(Name, Type, Args) -> + case rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Args, Name) of + {Type, _} -> ok; + undefined -> fail("Argument ~s missing", [Name]); + _ -> fail("Argument ~s must be of type ~s", [Name, Type]) + end. + +-spec fail(io:format(), [term()]) -> no_return(). + +fail(Fmt, Args) -> rabbit_misc:protocol_error(precondition_failed, Fmt, Args). + +name( #resource{name = XorQName}) -> XorQName; +name(#exchange{name = #resource{name = XName}}) -> XName; +name(Q) when ?is_amqqueue(Q) -> #resource{name = QName} = amqqueue:get_name(Q), QName. + +vhost( #resource{virtual_host = VHost}) -> VHost; +vhost(#exchange{name = #resource{virtual_host = VHost}}) -> VHost; +vhost(Q) when ?is_amqqueue(Q) -> #resource{virtual_host = VHost} = amqqueue:get_name(Q), VHost; +vhost(#amqp_params_direct{virtual_host = VHost}) -> VHost; +vhost(#amqp_params_network{virtual_host = VHost}) -> VHost. + +r(#exchange{name = XName}) -> XName; +r(Q) when ?is_amqqueue(Q) -> amqqueue:get_name(Q). + +pgname(Name) -> + case application:get_env(rabbitmq_federation, pgroup_name_cluster_id) of + {ok, false} -> Name; + {ok, true} -> {rabbit_nodes:cluster_name(), Name}; + %% default value is 'false', so do the same thing + {ok, undefined} -> Name; + _ -> Name + end. + +obfuscate_upstream(#upstream{uris = Uris} = Upstream) -> + Upstream#upstream{uris = [credentials_obfuscation:encrypt(Uri) || Uri <- Uris]}. + +obfuscate_upstream_params(#upstream_params{uri = Uri, params = #amqp_params_network{password = Password} = Params} = UParams) -> + UParams#upstream_params{ + uri = credentials_obfuscation:encrypt(Uri), + params = Params#amqp_params_network{password = credentials_obfuscation:encrypt(rabbit_data_coercion:to_binary(Password))} + }; +obfuscate_upstream_params(#upstream_params{uri = Uri, params = #amqp_params_direct{password = Password} = Params} = UParams) -> + UParams#upstream_params{ + uri = credentials_obfuscation:encrypt(Uri), + params = Params#amqp_params_direct{password = credentials_obfuscation:encrypt(rabbit_data_coercion:to_binary(Password))} + }. + +deobfuscate_upstream(#upstream{uris = EncryptedUris} = Upstream) -> + Upstream#upstream{uris = [credentials_obfuscation:decrypt(EncryptedUri) || EncryptedUri <- EncryptedUris]}. + +deobfuscate_upstream_params(#upstream_params{uri = EncryptedUri, params = #amqp_params_network{password = EncryptedPassword} = Params} = UParams) -> + UParams#upstream_params{ + uri = credentials_obfuscation:decrypt(EncryptedUri), + params = Params#amqp_params_network{password = credentials_obfuscation:decrypt(EncryptedPassword)} + }; +deobfuscate_upstream_params(#upstream_params{uri = EncryptedUri, params = #amqp_params_direct{password = EncryptedPassword} = Params} = UParams) -> + UParams#upstream_params{ + uri = credentials_obfuscation:decrypt(EncryptedUri), + params = Params#amqp_params_direct{password = credentials_obfuscation:decrypt(EncryptedPassword)} + }. diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/exchange_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/exchange_SUITE.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a0cd51c7c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/exchange_SUITE.erl @@ -0,0 +1,1319 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(exchange_SUITE). + +-include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). +-include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). +-include_lib("amqp_client/include/amqp_client.hrl"). + +-include("rabbit_federation.hrl"). + +-compile(export_all). + +-import(rabbit_federation_test_util, + [wait_for_federation/2, expect/3, expect/4, expect_empty/2, + set_upstream/4, set_upstream/5, set_upstream_in_vhost/5, set_upstream_in_vhost/6, + clear_upstream/3, set_upstream_set/4, + set_policy/5, set_policy_pattern/5, clear_policy/3, + set_policy_upstream/5, set_policy_upstreams/4, + all_federation_links/2, federation_links_in_vhost/3, status_fields/2]). + +-import(rabbit_ct_broker_helpers, + [set_policy_in_vhost/7]). + +all() -> + [ + {group, without_automatic_setup}, + {group, without_disambiguate}, + {group, with_disambiguate} + ]. + +groups() -> + [ + {without_automatic_setup, [], [ + message_cycle_detection_case2 + ]}, + {without_disambiguate, [], [ + {cluster_size_1, [], [ + simple, + multiple_upstreams, + multiple_upstreams_pattern, + multiple_uris, + multiple_downstreams, + e2e, + unbind_on_delete, + unbind_on_unbind, + unbind_gets_transmitted, + no_loop, + dynamic_reconfiguration, + dynamic_reconfiguration_integrity, + federate_unfederate, + dynamic_plugin_stop_start, + dynamic_plugin_cleanup_stop_start, + dynamic_policy_cleanup, + delete_federated_exchange_upstream, + delete_federated_queue_upstream + ]} + ]}, + {with_disambiguate, [], [ + {cluster_size_2, [], [ + user_id, + message_cycle_detection_case1, + restart_upstream + ]}, + {cluster_size_3, [], [ + max_hops, + binding_propagation + ]}, + + {without_plugins, [], [ + {cluster_size_2, [], [ + upstream_has_no_federation + ]} + ]} + ]} + ]. + +suite() -> + [{timetrap, {minutes, 5}}]. + +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- +%% Testsuite setup/teardown. +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- + +init_per_suite(Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:log_environment(), + rabbit_ct_helpers:run_setup_steps(Config). + +end_per_suite(Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:run_teardown_steps(Config). + +init_per_group(without_automatic_setup, Config) -> + Suffix = rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_absname(Config, "", "-"), + Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, [ + {rmq_nodename_suffix, Suffix}, + {rmq_nodes_clustered, false}, + {rmq_nodes_count, 1} + ]), + rabbit_ct_helpers:run_steps(Config1, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:setup_steps() ++ + rabbit_ct_client_helpers:setup_steps()); +init_per_group(without_disambiguate, Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, + {disambiguate_step, []}); +init_per_group(with_disambiguate, Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, + {disambiguate_step, [fun rabbit_federation_test_util:disambiguate/1]}); +init_per_group(without_plugins, Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, + {broker_with_plugins, [true, false]}); +init_per_group(cluster_size_1 = Group, Config) -> + Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, [ + {rmq_nodes_count, 1} + ]), + init_per_group1(Group, Config1); +init_per_group(cluster_size_2 = Group, Config) -> + Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, [ + {rmq_nodes_count, 2} + ]), + init_per_group1(Group, Config1); +init_per_group(cluster_size_3 = Group, Config) -> + Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, [ + {rmq_nodes_count, 3} + ]), + init_per_group1(Group, Config1). + +init_per_group1(Group, Config) -> + SetupFederation = case Group of + cluster_size_1 -> [fun rabbit_federation_test_util:setup_federation/1]; + cluster_size_2 -> []; + cluster_size_3 -> [] + end, + Disambiguate = ?config(disambiguate_step, Config), + Suffix = rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_absname(Config, "", "-"), + Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, [ + {rmq_nodename_suffix, Suffix}, + {rmq_nodes_clustered, false} + ]), + rabbit_ct_helpers:run_steps(Config1, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:setup_steps() ++ + rabbit_ct_client_helpers:setup_steps() ++ + SetupFederation ++ Disambiguate). + +end_per_group(without_disambiguate, Config) -> + Config; +end_per_group(with_disambiguate, Config) -> + Config; +end_per_group(without_plugins, Config) -> + Config; +end_per_group(_, Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:run_steps(Config, + rabbit_ct_client_helpers:teardown_steps() ++ + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:teardown_steps() + ). + +init_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_started(Config, Testcase). + +end_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_finished(Config, Testcase). + +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- +%% Testcases. +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- + +simple(Config) -> + with_ch(Config, + fun (Ch) -> + Q = bind_queue(Ch, <<"fed.downstream">>, <<"key">>), + await_binding(Config, 0, <<"upstream">>, <<"key">>), + publish_expect(Ch, <<"upstream">>, <<"key">>, Q, <<"HELLO">>) + end, upstream_downstream()). + +multiple_upstreams(Config) -> + with_ch(Config, + fun (Ch) -> + Q = bind_queue(Ch, <<"fed12.downstream">>, <<"key">>), + await_binding(Config, 0, <<"upstream">>, <<"key">>), + await_binding(Config, 0, <<"upstream2">>, <<"key">>), + publish_expect(Ch, <<"upstream">>, <<"key">>, Q, <<"HELLO1">>), + publish_expect(Ch, <<"upstream2">>, <<"key">>, Q, <<"HELLO2">>) + end, [x(<<"upstream">>), + x(<<"upstream2">>), + x(<<"fed12.downstream">>)]). + +multiple_upstreams_pattern(Config) -> + set_upstream(Config, 0, <<"local453x">>, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, 0), [ + {<<"exchange">>, <<"upstream">>}, + {<<"queue">>, <<"upstream">>}]), + + set_upstream(Config, 0, <<"local3214x">>, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, 0), [ + {<<"exchange">>, <<"upstream2">>}, + {<<"queue">>, <<"upstream2">>}]), + + set_policy_pattern(Config, 0, <<"pattern">>, <<"^pattern\.">>, <<"local\\d+x">>), + + with_ch(Config, + fun (Ch) -> + Q = bind_queue(Ch, <<"pattern.downstream">>, <<"key">>), + await_binding(Config, 0, <<"upstream">>, <<"key">>), + await_binding(Config, 0, <<"upstream2">>, <<"key">>), + publish_expect(Ch, <<"upstream">>, <<"key">>, Q, <<"HELLO1">>), + publish_expect(Ch, <<"upstream2">>, <<"key">>, Q, <<"HELLO2">>) + end, [x(<<"upstream">>), + x(<<"upstream2">>), + x(<<"pattern.downstream">>)]), + + clear_upstream(Config, 0, <<"local453x">>), + clear_upstream(Config, 0, <<"local3214x">>), + clear_policy(Config, 0, <<"pattern">>). + +multiple_uris(Config) -> + %% We can't use a direct connection for Kill() to work. + URIs = [ + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, 0), + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, 0, [use_ipaddr]) + ], + set_upstream(Config, 0, <<"localhost">>, URIs), + WithCh = fun(F) -> + Ch = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config, 0), + F(Ch), + rabbit_ct_client_helpers:close_channels_and_connection( + Config, 0) + end, + WithCh(fun (Ch) -> declare_all(Ch, upstream_downstream()) end), + expect_uris(Config, 0, URIs), + WithCh(fun (Ch) -> delete_all(Ch, upstream_downstream()) end), + %% Put back how it was + rabbit_federation_test_util:setup_federation(Config), + ok. + +expect_uris(_, _, []) -> + ok; +expect_uris(Config, Node, URIs) -> + [Link] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, Node, + rabbit_federation_status, status, []), + URI = rabbit_misc:pget(uri, Link), + kill_only_connection(Config, Node), + expect_uris(Config, Node, URIs -- [URI]). + +kill_only_connection(Config, Node) -> + case connection_pids(Config, Node) of + [Pid] -> catch rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, Node, + rabbit_networking, close_connection, [Pid, "boom"]), %% [1] + wait_for_pid_to_die(Config, Node, Pid); + _ -> timer:sleep(100), + kill_only_connection(Config, Node) + end. + +%% [1] the catch is because we could still see a connection from a +%% previous time round. If so that's fine (we'll just loop around +%% again) but we don't want the test to fail because a connection +%% closed as we were trying to close it. + +wait_for_pid_to_die(Config, Node, Pid) -> + case connection_pids(Config, Node) of + [Pid] -> timer:sleep(100), + wait_for_pid_to_die(Config, Node, Pid); + _ -> ok + end. + + +multiple_downstreams(Config) -> + with_ch(Config, + fun (Ch) -> + Q1 = bind_queue(Ch, <<"fed.downstream">>, <<"key">>), + Q12 = bind_queue(Ch, <<"fed12.downstream2">>, <<"key">>), + await_binding(Config, 0, <<"upstream">>, <<"key">>, 2), + await_binding(Config, 0, <<"upstream2">>, <<"key">>), + publish(Ch, <<"upstream">>, <<"key">>, <<"HELLO1">>), + publish(Ch, <<"upstream2">>, <<"key">>, <<"HELLO2">>), + expect(Ch, Q1, [<<"HELLO1">>]), + expect(Ch, Q12, [<<"HELLO1">>, <<"HELLO2">>]) + end, upstream_downstream() ++ + [x(<<"upstream2">>), + x(<<"fed12.downstream2">>)]). + +e2e(Config) -> + with_ch(Config, + fun (Ch) -> + bind_exchange(Ch, <<"downstream2">>, <<"fed.downstream">>, + <<"key">>), + await_binding(Config, 0, <<"upstream">>, <<"key">>), + Q = bind_queue(Ch, <<"downstream2">>, <<"key">>), + publish_expect(Ch, <<"upstream">>, <<"key">>, Q, <<"HELLO1">>) + end, upstream_downstream() ++ [x(<<"downstream2">>)]). + +unbind_on_delete(Config) -> + with_ch(Config, + fun (Ch) -> + Q1 = bind_queue(Ch, <<"fed.downstream">>, <<"key">>), + Q2 = bind_queue(Ch, <<"fed.downstream">>, <<"key">>), + await_binding(Config, 0, <<"upstream">>, <<"key">>), + delete_queue(Ch, Q2), + publish_expect(Ch, <<"upstream">>, <<"key">>, Q1, <<"HELLO">>) + end, upstream_downstream()). + +unbind_on_unbind(Config) -> + with_ch(Config, + fun (Ch) -> + Q1 = bind_queue(Ch, <<"fed.downstream">>, <<"key">>), + Q2 = bind_queue(Ch, <<"fed.downstream">>, <<"key">>), + await_binding(Config, 0, <<"upstream">>, <<"key">>), + unbind_queue(Ch, Q2, <<"fed.downstream">>, <<"key">>), + publish_expect(Ch, <<"upstream">>, <<"key">>, Q1, <<"HELLO">>), + delete_queue(Ch, Q2) + end, upstream_downstream()). + +user_id(Config) -> + [Rabbit, Hare] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(Config, nodename), + set_policy_upstream(Config, Rabbit, <<"^test$">>, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, 1), []), + Perm = fun (F, A) -> + ok = rpc:call(Hare, + rabbit_auth_backend_internal, F, A) + end, + Perm(add_user, [<<"hare-user">>, <<"hare-user">>, <<"acting-user">>]), + Perm(set_permissions, [<<"hare-user">>, + <<"/">>, <<".*">>, <<".*">>, <<".*">>, + <<"acting-user">>]), + + Ch = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config, Rabbit), + {ok, Conn2} = amqp_connection:start( + #amqp_params_network{ + username = <<"hare-user">>, + password = <<"hare-user">>, + port = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_config(Config, Hare, + tcp_port_amqp)}), + {ok, Ch2} = amqp_connection:open_channel(Conn2), + + declare_exchange(Ch2, x(<<"test">>)), + declare_exchange(Ch, x(<<"test">>)), + Q = bind_queue(Ch, <<"test">>, <<"key">>), + await_binding(Config, Hare, <<"test">>, <<"key">>), + + Msg = #amqp_msg{props = #'P_basic'{user_id = <<"hare-user">>}, + payload = <<"HELLO">>}, + + SafeUri = fun (H) -> + {array, [{table, Recv}]} = + rabbit_misc:table_lookup( + H, <<"x-received-from">>), + URI = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, 1), + {longstr, URI} = + rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Recv, <<"uri">>) + end, + ExpectUser = + fun (ExpUser) -> + fun () -> + receive + {#'basic.deliver'{}, + #amqp_msg{props = Props, + payload = Payload}} -> + #'P_basic'{user_id = ActUser, + headers = Headers} = Props, + SafeUri(Headers), + <<"HELLO">> = Payload, + ExpUser = ActUser + end + end + end, + + wait_for_federation( + 90, + fun() -> + VHost = <<"/">>, + X1s = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc( + Config, Rabbit, rabbit_exchange, list, [VHost]), + L1 = + [X || X <- X1s, + X#exchange.name =:= #resource{virtual_host = VHost, + kind = exchange, + name = <<"test">>}, + X#exchange.scratches =:= [{federation, + [{{<<"upstream-2">>, + <<"test">>}, + <<"B">>}]}]], + X2s = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc( + Config, Hare, rabbit_exchange, list, [VHost]), + L2 = + [X || X <- X2s, + X#exchange.type =:= 'x-federation-upstream'], + [] =/= L1 andalso [] =/= L2 andalso + has_internal_federated_queue(Config, Hare, VHost) + end), + publish(Ch2, <<"test">>, <<"key">>, Msg), + expect(Ch, Q, ExpectUser(undefined)), + + set_policy_upstream(Config, Rabbit, <<"^test$">>, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, 1), + [{<<"trust-user-id">>, true}]), + wait_for_federation( + 90, + fun() -> + VHost = <<"/">>, + X1s = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc( + Config, Rabbit, rabbit_exchange, list, [VHost]), + L1 = + [X || X <- X1s, + X#exchange.name =:= #resource{virtual_host = VHost, + kind = exchange, + name = <<"test">>}, + X#exchange.scratches =:= [{federation, + [{{<<"upstream-2">>, + <<"test">>}, + <<"A">>}]}]], + X2s = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc( + Config, Hare, rabbit_exchange, list, [VHost]), + L2 = + [X || X <- X2s, + X#exchange.type =:= 'x-federation-upstream'], + [] =/= L1 andalso [] =/= L2 andalso + has_internal_federated_queue(Config, Hare, VHost) + end), + publish(Ch2, <<"test">>, <<"key">>, Msg), + expect(Ch, Q, ExpectUser(<<"hare-user">>)), + + amqp_channel:close(Ch2), + amqp_connection:close(Conn2), + + ok. + +%% In order to test that unbinds get sent we deliberately set up a +%% broken config - with topic upstream and fanout downstream. You +%% shouldn't really do this, but it lets us see "extra" messages that +%% get sent. +unbind_gets_transmitted(Config) -> + with_ch(Config, + fun (Ch) -> + Q11 = bind_queue(Ch, <<"fed.downstream">>, <<"key1">>), + Q12 = bind_queue(Ch, <<"fed.downstream">>, <<"key1">>), + Q21 = bind_queue(Ch, <<"fed.downstream">>, <<"key2">>), + Q22 = bind_queue(Ch, <<"fed.downstream">>, <<"key2">>), + await_binding(Config, 0, <<"upstream">>, <<"key1">>), + await_binding(Config, 0, <<"upstream">>, <<"key2">>), + [delete_queue(Ch, Q) || Q <- [Q12, Q21, Q22]], + publish(Ch, <<"upstream">>, <<"key1">>, <<"YES">>), + publish(Ch, <<"upstream">>, <<"key2">>, <<"NO">>), + expect(Ch, Q11, [<<"YES">>]), + expect_empty(Ch, Q11) + end, [x(<<"upstream">>), + x(<<"fed.downstream">>)]). + +no_loop(Config) -> + with_ch(Config, + fun (Ch) -> + Q1 = bind_queue(Ch, <<"one">>, <<"key">>), + Q2 = bind_queue(Ch, <<"two">>, <<"key">>), + await_binding(Config, 0, <<"one">>, <<"key">>, 2), + await_binding(Config, 0, <<"two">>, <<"key">>, 2), + publish(Ch, <<"one">>, <<"key">>, <<"Hello from one">>), + publish(Ch, <<"two">>, <<"key">>, <<"Hello from two">>), + expect(Ch, Q1, [<<"Hello from one">>, <<"Hello from two">>]), + expect(Ch, Q2, [<<"Hello from one">>, <<"Hello from two">>]), + expect_empty(Ch, Q1), + expect_empty(Ch, Q2) + end, [x(<<"one">>), + x(<<"two">>)]). + +suffix(Config, Node, Name, XName) -> + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, Node, + rabbit_federation_db, get_active_suffix, + [xr(<<"fed.downstream">>), + #upstream{name = Name, + exchange_name = list_to_binary(XName)}, none]). + +restart_upstream(Config) -> + [Rabbit, Hare] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(Config, nodename), + Downstream = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config, Rabbit), + Upstream = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config, Hare), + + rabbit_federation_test_util:set_upstream(Config, + Rabbit, <<"hare">>, rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, 1)), + rabbit_federation_test_util:set_upstream_set(Config, + Rabbit, <<"upstream">>, + [{<<"hare">>, [{<<"exchange">>, <<"upstream">>}]}]), + rabbit_federation_test_util:set_policy(Config, + Rabbit, <<"hare">>, <<"^hare\\.">>, <<"upstream">>), + + declare_exchange(Upstream, x(<<"upstream">>)), + declare_exchange(Downstream, x(<<"hare.downstream">>)), + + Qstays = bind_queue(Downstream, <<"hare.downstream">>, <<"stays">>), + Qgoes = bind_queue(Downstream, <<"hare.downstream">>, <<"goes">>), + + rabbit_ct_client_helpers:close_channels_and_connection(Config, Hare), + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:stop_node(Config, Hare), + + Qcomes = bind_queue(Downstream, <<"hare.downstream">>, <<"comes">>), + unbind_queue(Downstream, Qgoes, <<"hare.downstream">>, <<"goes">>), + + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:start_node(Config, Hare), + Upstream1 = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config, Hare), + + %% Wait for the link to come up and for these bindings + %% to be transferred + await_binding(Config, Hare, <<"upstream">>, <<"comes">>, 1), + await_binding_absent(Config, Hare, <<"upstream">>, <<"goes">>), + await_binding(Config, Hare, <<"upstream">>, <<"stays">>, 1), + + publish(Upstream1, <<"upstream">>, <<"goes">>, <<"GOES">>), + publish(Upstream1, <<"upstream">>, <<"stays">>, <<"STAYS">>), + publish(Upstream1, <<"upstream">>, <<"comes">>, <<"COMES">>), + + expect(Downstream, Qstays, [<<"STAYS">>]), + expect(Downstream, Qcomes, [<<"COMES">>]), + expect_empty(Downstream, Qgoes), + + delete_exchange(Downstream, <<"hare.downstream">>), + delete_exchange(Upstream1, <<"upstream">>), + + rabbit_federation_test_util:clear_policy(Config, + Rabbit, <<"hare">>), + rabbit_federation_test_util:clear_upstream_set(Config, + Rabbit, <<"upstream">>), + rabbit_federation_test_util:clear_upstream(Config, + Rabbit, <<"hare">>), + ok. + +%% flopsy, mopsy and cottontail, connected in a ring with max_hops = 2 +%% for each connection. We should not see any duplicates. + +max_hops(Config) -> + [Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs( + Config, nodename), + [set_policy_upstream(Config, Downstream, + <<"^ring$">>, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, Upstream), + [{<<"max-hops">>, 2}]) + || {Downstream, Upstream} <- [{Flopsy, Cottontail}, + {Mopsy, Flopsy}, + {Cottontail, Mopsy}]], + + FlopsyCh = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config, Flopsy), + MopsyCh = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config, Mopsy), + CottontailCh = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config, Cottontail), + + declare_exchange(FlopsyCh, x(<<"ring">>)), + declare_exchange(MopsyCh, x(<<"ring">>)), + declare_exchange(CottontailCh, x(<<"ring">>)), + + Q1 = bind_queue(FlopsyCh, <<"ring">>, <<"key">>), + Q2 = bind_queue(MopsyCh, <<"ring">>, <<"key">>), + Q3 = bind_queue(CottontailCh, <<"ring">>, <<"key">>), + + await_binding(Config, Flopsy, <<"ring">>, <<"key">>, 3), + await_binding(Config, Mopsy, <<"ring">>, <<"key">>, 3), + await_binding(Config, Cottontail, <<"ring">>, <<"key">>, 3), + + publish(FlopsyCh, <<"ring">>, <<"key">>, <<"HELLO flopsy">>), + publish(MopsyCh, <<"ring">>, <<"key">>, <<"HELLO mopsy">>), + publish(CottontailCh, <<"ring">>, <<"key">>, <<"HELLO cottontail">>), + + Msgs = [<<"HELLO flopsy">>, <<"HELLO mopsy">>, <<"HELLO cottontail">>], + expect(FlopsyCh, Q1, Msgs), + expect(MopsyCh, Q2, Msgs), + expect(CottontailCh, Q3, Msgs), + expect_empty(FlopsyCh, Q1), + expect_empty(MopsyCh, Q2), + expect_empty(CottontailCh, Q3), + ok. + +%% Two nodes, federated two way with the same virtual hosts, and max_hops set to a +%% high value. +message_cycle_detection_case1(Config) -> + [Cycle1, Cycle2] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(Config, nodename), + [set_policy_upstream(Config, Downstream, + <<"^cycle$">>, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, Upstream), + [{<<"max-hops">>, 10}]) + || {Downstream, Upstream} <- [{Cycle1, Cycle2}, {Cycle2, Cycle1}]], + + Cycle1Ch = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config, Cycle1), + Cycle2Ch = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config, Cycle2), + + declare_exchange(Cycle1Ch, x(<<"cycle">>)), + declare_exchange(Cycle2Ch, x(<<"cycle">>)), + + Q1 = bind_queue(Cycle1Ch, <<"cycle">>, <<"cycle_detection-key">>), + Q2 = bind_queue(Cycle2Ch, <<"cycle">>, <<"cycle_detection-key">>), + + %% "key" present twice because once for the local queue and once + %% for federation in each case + await_binding(Config, Cycle1, <<"cycle">>, <<"cycle_detection-key">>, 2), + await_binding(Config, Cycle2, <<"cycle">>, <<"cycle_detection-key">>, 2), + + publish(Cycle1Ch, <<"cycle">>, <<"cycle_detection-key">>, <<"HELLO1">>), + publish(Cycle2Ch, <<"cycle">>, <<"cycle_detection-key">>, <<"HELLO2">>), + + Msgs = [<<"HELLO1">>, <<"HELLO2">>], + expect(Cycle1Ch, Q1, Msgs), + expect(Cycle2Ch, Q2, Msgs), + expect_empty(Cycle1Ch, Q1), + expect_empty(Cycle2Ch, Q2), + + ok. + +node_uri_with_virtual_host(Config, Vhost) -> + node_uri_with_virtual_host(Config, 0, Vhost). + +node_uri_with_virtual_host(Config, Node, Vhost) -> + NodeURI = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, Node), + <<NodeURI/binary, "/", Vhost/binary>>. + +upstream_policy_defs(Upstream) -> + maps:to_list(#{<<"federation-upstream">> => Upstream}). + +%% Exchange federation between three local virtual hosts, A -> B -> C, +%% propagates messages from A to C with a high enough max-hops value +message_cycle_detection_case2(Config) -> + VH1 = <<"cycles.a">>, + VH2 = <<"cycles.b">>, + VH3 = <<"cycles.c">>, + [begin + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:add_vhost(Config, V), + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_full_permissions(Config, V) + end || V <- [VH1, VH2, VH3]], + + %% make sure that cycle detection does not drop messages because of a limit on hops + UpstreamOpts = [{<<"max-hops">>, 5}], + %% VH1 is an upstream for VH2 + %% VH2 is an upstream for VH3 + UpstreamA = <<"upstream_a">>, + URI1 = node_uri_with_virtual_host(Config, VH1), + set_upstream_in_vhost(Config, 0, VH2, UpstreamA, URI1, UpstreamOpts), + UpstreamB = <<"upstream_b">>, + URI2 = node_uri_with_virtual_host(Config, VH2), + set_upstream_in_vhost(Config, 0, VH3, UpstreamB, URI2, UpstreamOpts), + + %% policies + set_policy_in_vhost(Config, 0, VH2, <<"federate.x">>, <<"^federated">>, <<"exchanges">>, upstream_policy_defs(UpstreamA)), + set_policy_in_vhost(Config, 0, VH3, <<"federate.x">>, <<"^federated">>, <<"exchanges">>, upstream_policy_defs(UpstreamB)), + + %% channels + VH1Conn = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_unmanaged_connection(Config, 0, VH1), + VH2Conn = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_unmanaged_connection(Config, 0, VH2), + VH3Conn = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_unmanaged_connection(Config, 0, VH3), + + {ok, VH1Ch} = amqp_connection:open_channel(VH1Conn), + {ok, VH2Ch} = amqp_connection:open_channel(VH2Conn), + {ok, VH3Ch} = amqp_connection:open_channel(VH3Conn), + + X = <<"federated.x">>, + declare_exchange(VH3Ch, x(X, <<"fanout">>)), + declare_exchange(VH2Ch, x(X, <<"fanout">>)), + declare_exchange(VH1Ch, x(X, <<"fanout">>)), + + rabbit_ct_helpers:await_condition( + fun () -> + LinksInB = federation_links_in_vhost(Config, 0, VH2), + LinksInC = federation_links_in_vhost(Config, 0, VH3), + length(LinksInB) =:= 1 andalso + length(LinksInC) =:= 1 andalso + [running] =:= status_fields(status, LinksInB ++ LinksInC) + end), + + Statuses = federation_links_in_vhost(Config, 0, VH2) ++ federation_links_in_vhost(Config, 0, VH3), + + ?assertEqual(lists:usort([URI1, URI2]), + status_fields(uri, Statuses)), + ?assertEqual(lists:usort([<<"federated.x">>]), + status_fields(upstream_exchange, Statuses)), + ?assertEqual(lists:usort([VH2, VH3]), + status_fields(vhost, Statuses)), + ?assertEqual(lists:usort([exchange]), + status_fields(type, Statuses)), + + %% give links some time to set up their topology + rabbit_ct_helpers:await_condition( + fun () -> + ExchangesInA = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, rabbit_exchange, list, [VH1]), + ExchangesInB = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, rabbit_exchange, list, [VH2]), + length(ExchangesInA) >= 1 andalso + length(ExchangesInB) >= 1 + end), + + RK = <<"doesn't matter">>, + Q = bind_queue(VH3Ch, X, RK), + ?assertEqual(ok, await_binding(Config, 0, VH2, X, RK, 1)), + ?assertEqual(ok, await_binding(Config, 0, VH3, X, RK, 1)), + timer:sleep(2000), + + rabbit_ct_helpers:await_condition( + fun () -> + ExchangesInA = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, rabbit_exchange, list, [VH1]), + lists:any(fun(#exchange{name = XName}) -> + XName =:= rabbit_misc:r(VH1, exchange, X) + end, ExchangesInA) + end), + + Payload1 = <<"msg1">>, + Payload2 = <<"msg2">>, + publish(VH1Ch, X, RK, Payload1), + publish(VH1Ch, X, RK, Payload2), + + Msgs = [Payload1, Payload2], + %% payloads published to a federated exchange in A reach a queue in C + expect(VH3Ch, Q, Msgs, 10000), + + [amqp_connection:close(Conn) || Conn <- [VH1Conn, VH2Conn, VH3Conn]], + [rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:delete_vhost(Config, Vhost) || Vhost <- [VH1, VH2, VH3]], + ok. + +%% Arrows indicate message flow. Numbers indicate max_hops. +%% +%% Dylan ---1--> Bugs ---2--> Jessica +%% |^ |^ +%% |\--------------1---------------/| +%% \---------------1----------------/ +%% +%% +%% We want to demonstrate that if we bind a queue locally at each +%% broker, (exactly) the following bindings propagate: +%% +%% Bugs binds to Dylan +%% Jessica binds to Bugs, which then propagates on to Dylan +%% Jessica binds to Dylan directly +%% Dylan binds to Jessica. +%% +%% i.e. Dylan has two bindings from Jessica and one from Bugs +%% Bugs has one binding from Jessica +%% Jessica has one binding from Dylan +%% +%% So we tag each binding with its original broker and see how far it gets +%% +%% Also we check that when we tear down the original bindings +%% that we get rid of everything again. + +binding_propagation(Config) -> + [Dylan, Bugs, Jessica] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(Config, + nodename), + set_policy_upstream(Config, Dylan, <<"^x$">>, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, Jessica), []), + set_policy_upstream(Config, Bugs, <<"^x$">>, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, Dylan), []), + set_policy_upstreams(Config, Jessica, <<"^x$">>, [ + {rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, Dylan), []}, + {rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, Bugs), + [{<<"max-hops">>, 2}]} + ]), + DylanCh = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config, Dylan), + BugsCh = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config, Bugs), + JessicaCh = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config, Jessica), + + declare_exchange(DylanCh, x(<<"x">>)), + declare_exchange(BugsCh, x(<<"x">>)), + declare_exchange(JessicaCh, x(<<"x">>)), + + Q1 = bind_queue(DylanCh, <<"x">>, <<"dylan">>), + Q2 = bind_queue(BugsCh, <<"x">>, <<"bugs">>), + Q3 = bind_queue(JessicaCh, <<"x">>, <<"jessica">>), + + await_binding(Config, Dylan, <<"x">>, <<"jessica">>, 2), + await_bindings(Config, Dylan, <<"x">>, [<<"bugs">>, <<"dylan">>]), + await_bindings(Config, Bugs, <<"x">>, [<<"jessica">>, <<"bugs">>]), + await_bindings(Config, Jessica, <<"x">>, [<<"dylan">>, <<"jessica">>]), + + delete_queue(DylanCh, Q1), + delete_queue(BugsCh, Q2), + delete_queue(JessicaCh, Q3), + + await_bindings(Config, Dylan, <<"x">>, []), + await_bindings(Config, Bugs, <<"x">>, []), + await_bindings(Config, Jessica, <<"x">>, []), + + ok. + +upstream_has_no_federation(Config) -> + [Rabbit, Hare] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(Config, nodename), + set_policy_upstream(Config, Rabbit, <<"^test$">>, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, Hare), []), + Downstream = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config, Rabbit), + Upstream = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config, Hare), + declare_exchange(Upstream, x(<<"test">>)), + declare_exchange(Downstream, x(<<"test">>)), + Q = bind_queue(Downstream, <<"test">>, <<"routing">>), + await_binding(Config, Hare, <<"test">>, <<"routing">>), + publish(Upstream, <<"test">>, <<"routing">>, <<"HELLO">>), + expect(Downstream, Q, [<<"HELLO">>]), + ok. + +dynamic_reconfiguration(Config) -> + with_ch(Config, + fun (_Ch) -> + Xs = [<<"all.fed1">>, <<"all.fed2">>], + %% Left from the conf we set up for previous tests + assert_connections(Config, 0, Xs, [<<"localhost">>, <<"local5673">>]), + + %% Test that clearing connections works + clear_upstream(Config, 0, <<"localhost">>), + clear_upstream(Config, 0, <<"local5673">>), + assert_connections(Config, 0, Xs, []), + + %% Test that readding them and changing them works + set_upstream(Config, 0, + <<"localhost">>, rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, 0)), + %% Do it twice so we at least hit the no-restart optimisation + URI = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, 0, [use_ipaddr]), + set_upstream(Config, 0, <<"localhost">>, URI), + set_upstream(Config, 0, <<"localhost">>, URI), + assert_connections(Config, 0, Xs, [<<"localhost">>]), + + %% And re-add the last - for next test + rabbit_federation_test_util:setup_federation(Config) + end, [x(<<"all.fed1">>), x(<<"all.fed2">>)]). + +dynamic_reconfiguration_integrity(Config) -> + with_ch(Config, + fun (_Ch) -> + Xs = [<<"new.fed1">>, <<"new.fed2">>], + + %% Declared exchanges with nonexistent set - no links + assert_connections(Config, 0, Xs, []), + + %% Create the set - links appear + set_upstream_set(Config, 0, <<"new-set">>, [{<<"localhost">>, []}]), + assert_connections(Config, 0, Xs, [<<"localhost">>]), + + %% Add nonexistent connections to set - nothing breaks + set_upstream_set(Config, 0, + <<"new-set">>, [{<<"localhost">>, []}, + {<<"does-not-exist">>, []}]), + assert_connections(Config, 0, Xs, [<<"localhost">>]), + + %% Change connection in set - links change + set_upstream_set(Config, 0, <<"new-set">>, [{<<"local5673">>, []}]), + assert_connections(Config, 0, Xs, [<<"local5673">>]) + end, [x(<<"new.fed1">>), x(<<"new.fed2">>)]). + +delete_federated_exchange_upstream(Config) -> + %% If two exchanges in different virtual hosts have the same name, only one should be deleted. + VH1 = <<"federation-downstream1">>, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:delete_vhost(Config, VH1), + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:add_vhost(Config, VH1), + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_full_permissions(Config, <<"guest">>, VH1), + VH2 = <<"federation-downstream2">>, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:delete_vhost(Config, VH2), + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:add_vhost(Config, VH2), + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_full_permissions(Config, <<"guest">>, VH2), + + Conn1 = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_unmanaged_connection(Config, 0, VH1), + Conn2 = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_unmanaged_connection(Config, 0, VH2), + {ok, Ch1} = amqp_connection:open_channel(Conn1), + {ok, Ch2} = amqp_connection:open_channel(Conn2), + + #'exchange.declare_ok'{} = declare_exchange(Ch1, #'exchange.declare'{exchange = <<"federated.topic">>, + type = <<"topic">>, + durable = true}), + #'exchange.declare_ok'{} = declare_exchange(Ch2, #'exchange.declare'{exchange = <<"federated.topic">>, + type = <<"topic">>, + durable = true}), + + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, + rabbit_policy, set, + [VH1, + <<"federation">>, <<"^federated\.">>, + [{<<"federation-upstream-set">>, <<"all">>}], + 0, <<"exchanges">>, <<"acting-user">>]), + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, + rabbit_policy, set, + [VH2, + <<"federation">>, <<"^federated\.">>, + [{<<"federation-upstream-set">>, <<"all">>}], + 0, <<"exchanges">>, <<"acting-user">>]), + + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_parameter(Config, 0, VH1, + <<"federation-upstream">>, <<"upstream">>, + [{<<"uri">>, node_uri_with_virtual_host(Config, VH2)}]), + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_parameter(Config, 0, VH2, + <<"federation-upstream">>, <<"upstream">>, + [{<<"uri">>, node_uri_with_virtual_host(Config, VH1)}]), + + ?assertEqual(1, length(federation_links_in_vhost(Config, 0, VH1))), + ?assertEqual(1, length(federation_links_in_vhost(Config, 0, VH2))), + + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:clear_parameter(Config, 0, VH2, + <<"federation-upstream">>, <<"upstream">>), + + %% one link is still around + ?assertEqual(1, length(federation_links_in_vhost(Config, 0, VH1))), + ?assertEqual(0, length(federation_links_in_vhost(Config, 0, VH2))), + LinksInVH1 = federation_links_in_vhost(Config, 0, VH1), + ?assertEqual(VH1, proplists:get_value(vhost, hd(LinksInVH1))), + + [rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:delete_vhost(Config, Val) || Val <- [VH1, VH2]]. + +delete_federated_queue_upstream(Config) -> + %% If two queues in different virtual hosts have the same name, only one should be deleted. + VH1 = <<"federation-downstream1">>, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:delete_vhost(Config, VH1), + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:add_vhost(Config, VH1), + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_full_permissions(Config, <<"guest">>, VH1), + VH2 = <<"federation-downstream2">>, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:delete_vhost(Config, VH2), + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:add_vhost(Config, VH2), + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_full_permissions(Config, <<"guest">>, VH2), + + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, + rabbit_policy, set, + [VH1, + <<"federation">>, <<"^federated\.">>, + [{<<"federation-upstream-set">>, <<"all">>}], + 0, <<"queues">>, <<"acting-user">>]), + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, + rabbit_policy, set, + [VH2, + <<"federation">>, <<"^federated\.">>, + [{<<"federation-upstream-set">>, <<"all">>}], + 0, <<"queues">>, <<"acting-user">>]), + + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_parameter(Config, 0, VH1, + <<"federation-upstream">>, <<"upstream">>, + [{<<"uri">>, node_uri_with_virtual_host(Config, VH2)}]), + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_parameter(Config, 0, VH2, + <<"federation-upstream">>, <<"upstream">>, + [{<<"uri">>, node_uri_with_virtual_host(Config, VH1)}]), + + Conn1 = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_unmanaged_connection(Config, 0, VH1), + Conn2 = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_unmanaged_connection(Config, 0, VH2), + {ok, Ch1} = amqp_connection:open_channel(Conn1), + {ok, Ch2} = amqp_connection:open_channel(Conn2), + + #'queue.declare_ok'{} = declare_queue(Ch1, + #'queue.declare'{queue = <<"federated.queue">>, + durable = true}), + #'queue.declare_ok'{} = declare_queue(Ch2, + #'queue.declare'{queue = <<"federated.queue">>, + durable = true}), + + + rabbit_ct_helpers:await_condition( + fun () -> + length(federation_links_in_vhost(Config, 0, VH1)) > 0 andalso + length(federation_links_in_vhost(Config, 0, VH2)) > 0 + end), + + ?assertEqual(1, length(federation_links_in_vhost(Config, 0, VH1))), + ?assertEqual(1, length(federation_links_in_vhost(Config, 0, VH2))), + + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:clear_parameter(Config, 0, VH2, + <<"federation-upstream">>, <<"upstream">>), + + ?assertEqual(1, length(federation_links_in_vhost(Config, 0, VH1))), + ?assertEqual(0, length(federation_links_in_vhost(Config, 0, VH2))), + LinksInVH1 = federation_links_in_vhost(Config, 0, VH1), + ?assertEqual(VH1, proplists:get_value(vhost, hd(LinksInVH1))), + + [rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:delete_vhost(Config, Val) || Val <- [VH1, VH2]]. + +federate_unfederate(Config) -> + with_ch(Config, + fun (_Ch) -> + Xs = [<<"dyn.exch1">>, <<"dyn.exch2">>], + + %% Declareda non-federated exchanges - no links + assert_connections(Config, 0, Xs, []), + + %% Federate them - links appear + set_policy(Config, 0, <<"dyn">>, <<"^dyn\\.">>, <<"all">>), + assert_connections(Config, 0, Xs, [<<"localhost">>, <<"local5673">>]), + + %% Change policy - links change + set_policy(Config, 0, <<"dyn">>, <<"^dyn\\.">>, <<"localhost">>), + assert_connections(Config, 0, Xs, [<<"localhost">>]), + + %% Unfederate them - links disappear + clear_policy(Config, 0, <<"dyn">>), + assert_connections(Config, 0, Xs, []) + end, [x(<<"dyn.exch1">>), x(<<"dyn.exch2">>)]). + +dynamic_plugin_stop_start(Config) -> + X1 = <<"dyn.exch1">>, + X2 = <<"dyn.exch2">>, + with_ch(Config, + fun (Ch) -> + set_policy(Config, 0, <<"dyn">>, <<"^dyn\\.">>, <<"localhost">>), + + %% Declare federated exchange - get link + assert_connections(Config, 0, [X1], [<<"localhost">>]), + + %% Disable plugin, link goes + ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:disable_plugin(Config, 0, + "rabbitmq_federation"), + %% We can't check with status for obvious reasons... + undefined = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, + erlang, whereis, [rabbit_federation_sup]), + {error, not_found} = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, + rabbit_registry, lookup_module, + [exchange, 'x-federation-upstream']), + + %% Create exchange then re-enable plugin, links appear + declare_exchange(Ch, x(X2)), + ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:enable_plugin(Config, 0, + "rabbitmq_federation"), + assert_connections(Config, 0, [X1, X2], [<<"localhost">>]), + {ok, _} = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, + rabbit_registry, lookup_module, + [exchange, 'x-federation-upstream']), + + wait_for_federation( + 90, + fun() -> + VHost = <<"/">>, + Xs = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc( + Config, 0, rabbit_exchange, list, [VHost]), + L1 = + [X || X <- Xs, + X#exchange.type =:= 'x-federation-upstream'], + L2 = + [X || X <- Xs, + X#exchange.name =:= #resource{ + virtual_host = VHost, + kind = exchange, + name = X1}, + X#exchange.scratches =:= [{federation, + [{{<<"localhost">>, + X1}, + <<"A">>}]}]], + L3 = + [X || X <- Xs, + X#exchange.name =:= #resource{ + virtual_host = VHost, + kind = exchange, + name = X2}, + X#exchange.scratches =:= [{federation, + [{{<<"localhost">>, + X2}, + <<"B">>}]}]], + length(L1) =:= 2 andalso [] =/= L2 andalso [] =/= L3 andalso + has_internal_federated_queue(Config, 0, VHost) + end), + + %% Test both exchanges work. They are just federated to + %% themselves so should duplicate messages. + [begin + Q = bind_queue(Ch, X, <<"key">>), + await_binding(Config, 0, X, <<"key">>, 2), + publish(Ch, X, <<"key">>, <<"HELLO">>), + expect(Ch, Q, [<<"HELLO">>, <<"HELLO">>]), + delete_queue(Ch, Q) + end || X <- [X1, X2]], + + clear_policy(Config, 0, <<"dyn">>), + assert_connections(Config, 0, [X1, X2], []), + delete_exchange(Ch, X2) + end, [x(X1)]). + +dynamic_plugin_cleanup_stop_start(Config) -> + X1 = <<"dyn.exch1">>, + with_ch(Config, + fun (_Ch) -> + set_policy(Config, 0, <<"dyn">>, <<"^dyn\\.">>, <<"localhost">>), + + %% Declare a federated exchange, a link starts + assert_connections(Config, 0, [X1], [<<"localhost">>]), + wait_for_federation( + 90, + fun() -> + VHost = <<"/">>, + Xs = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc( + Config, 0, rabbit_exchange, list, [VHost]), + L1 = + [X || X <- Xs, + X#exchange.type =:= 'x-federation-upstream'], + L2 = + [X || X <- Xs, + X#exchange.name =:= #resource{ + virtual_host = VHost, + kind = exchange, + name = X1}, + X#exchange.scratches =:= [{federation, + [{{<<"localhost">>, + X1}, + <<"B">>}]}]], + [] =/= L1 andalso [] =/= L2 andalso + has_internal_federated_queue(Config, 0, VHost) + end), + + ?assert(has_internal_federated_exchange(Config, 0, <<"/">>)), + ?assert(has_internal_federated_queue(Config, 0, <<"/">>)), + + %% Disable plugin, link goes + ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:disable_plugin(Config, 0, + "rabbitmq_federation"), + + %% Internal exchanges and queues need cleanup + ?assert(not has_internal_federated_exchange(Config, 0, <<"/">>)), + ?assert(not has_internal_federated_queue(Config, 0, <<"/">>)), + + ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:enable_plugin(Config, 0, + "rabbitmq_federation"), + clear_policy(Config, 0, <<"dyn">>), + assert_connections(Config, 0, [X1], []) + end, [x(X1)]). + +dynamic_policy_cleanup(Config) -> + X1 = <<"dyn.exch1">>, + with_ch(Config, + fun (_Ch) -> + set_policy(Config, 0, <<"dyn">>, <<"^dyn\\.">>, <<"localhost">>), + + %% Declare federated exchange - get link + assert_connections(Config, 0, [X1], [<<"localhost">>]), + wait_for_federation( + 90, + fun() -> + VHost = <<"/">>, + Xs = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc( + Config, 0, rabbit_exchange, list, [VHost]), + L1 = + [X || X <- Xs, + X#exchange.type =:= 'x-federation-upstream'], + L2 = + [X || X <- Xs, + X#exchange.name =:= #resource{ + virtual_host = VHost, + kind = exchange, + name = X1}, + X#exchange.scratches =:= [{federation, + [{{<<"localhost">>, + X1}, + <<"B">>}]}]], + [] =/= L1 andalso [] =/= L2 andalso + has_internal_federated_queue(Config, 0, VHost) + end), + + ?assert(has_internal_federated_exchange(Config, 0, <<"/">>)), + ?assert(has_internal_federated_queue(Config, 0, <<"/">>)), + + clear_policy(Config, 0, <<"dyn">>), + timer:sleep(5000), + + %% Internal exchanges and queues need cleanup + ?assert(not has_internal_federated_exchange(Config, 0, <<"/">>)), + ?assert(not has_internal_federated_queue(Config, 0, <<"/">>)), + + clear_policy(Config, 0, <<"dyn">>), + assert_connections(Config, 0, [X1], []) + end, [x(X1)]). + +has_internal_federated_exchange(Config, Node, VHost) -> + lists:any(fun(X) -> + X#exchange.type == 'x-federation-upstream' + end, rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, Node, + rabbit_exchange, list, [VHost])). + +has_internal_federated_queue(Config, Node, VHost) -> + lists:any( + fun(Q) -> + {'longstr', <<"federation">>} == + rabbit_misc:table_lookup(amqqueue:get_arguments(Q), <<"x-internal-purpose">>) + end, rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, Node, + rabbit_amqqueue, list, [VHost])). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +with_ch(Config, Fun, Xs) -> + Ch = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config, 0), + declare_all(Ch, Xs), + rabbit_federation_test_util:assert_status(Config, 0, + Xs, {exchange, upstream_exchange}), + Fun(Ch), + delete_all(Ch, Xs), + rabbit_ct_client_helpers:close_channel(Ch), + cleanup(Config, 0), + ok. + +cleanup(Config, Node) -> + [rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc( + Config, Node, rabbit_amqqueue, delete, [Q, false, false, + <<"acting-user">>]) || + Q <- queues(Config, Node)]. + +queues(Config, Node) -> + Ret = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, Node, + rabbit_amqqueue, list, [<<"/">>]), + case Ret of + {badrpc, _} -> []; + Qs -> Qs + end. + +stop_other_node(Config, Node) -> + cleanup(Config, Node), + rabbit_federation_test_util:stop_other_node(Config, Node). + +declare_all(Ch, Xs) -> [declare_exchange(Ch, X) || X <- Xs]. +delete_all(Ch, Xs) -> + [delete_exchange(Ch, X) || #'exchange.declare'{exchange = X} <- Xs]. + +declare_exchange(Ch, X) -> + amqp_channel:call(Ch, X). + +x(Name) -> x(Name, <<"topic">>). + +x(Name, Type) -> + #'exchange.declare'{exchange = Name, + type = Type, + durable = true}. + +xr(Name) -> + rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, exchange, Name). + +xr(Vhost, Name) -> + rabbit_misc:r(Vhost, exchange, Name). + +declare_queue(Ch) -> + #'queue.declare_ok'{queue = Q} = + amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'queue.declare'{exclusive = true}), + Q. + +declare_queue(Ch, Q) -> + amqp_channel:call(Ch, Q). + +bind_queue(Ch, Q, X, Key) -> + amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'queue.bind'{queue = Q, + exchange = X, + routing_key = Key}). + +unbind_queue(Ch, Q, X, Key) -> + amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'queue.unbind'{queue = Q, + exchange = X, + routing_key = Key}). + +bind_exchange(Ch, D, S, Key) -> + amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'exchange.bind'{destination = D, + source = S, + routing_key = Key}). + +bind_queue(Ch, X, Key) -> + Q = declare_queue(Ch), + bind_queue(Ch, Q, X, Key), + Q. + +delete_exchange(Ch, X) -> + amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'exchange.delete'{exchange = X}). + +delete_queue(Ch, Q) -> + amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'queue.delete'{queue = Q}). + +await_binding(Config, Node, X, Key) -> + await_binding(Config, Node, X, Key, 1). + +await_binding(Config, Node, X, Key, ExpectedBindingCount) when is_integer(ExpectedBindingCount) -> + await_binding(Config, Node, <<"/">>, X, Key, ExpectedBindingCount). + +await_binding(Config, Node, Vhost, X, Key, ExpectedBindingCount) when is_integer(ExpectedBindingCount) -> + Attempts = 100, + await_binding(Config, Node, Vhost, X, Key, ExpectedBindingCount, Attempts). + +await_binding(_Config, _Node, _Vhost, _X, _Key, ExpectedBindingCount, 0) -> + {error, rabbit_misc:format("expected ~s bindings but they did not materialize in time", [ExpectedBindingCount])}; +await_binding(Config, Node, Vhost, X, Key, ExpectedBindingCount, AttemptsLeft) when is_integer(ExpectedBindingCount) -> + case bound_keys_from(Config, Node, Vhost, X, Key) of + Bs when length(Bs) < ExpectedBindingCount -> + timer:sleep(100), + await_binding(Config, Node, Vhost, X, Key, ExpectedBindingCount, AttemptsLeft - 1); + Bs when length(Bs) =:= ExpectedBindingCount -> + ok; + Bs -> + {error, rabbit_misc:format("expected ~b bindings, got ~b", [ExpectedBindingCount, length(Bs)])} + end. + +await_bindings(Config, Node, X, Keys) -> + [await_binding(Config, Node, X, Key) || Key <- Keys]. + +await_binding_absent(Config, Node, X, Key) -> + case bound_keys_from(Config, Node, <<"/">>, X, Key) of + [] -> ok; + _ -> timer:sleep(100), + await_binding_absent(Config, Node, X, Key) + end. + +bound_keys_from(Config, Node, Vhost, X, Key) -> + List = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, Node, rabbit_binding, + list_for_source, [xr(Vhost, X)]), + [K || #binding{key = K} <- List, K =:= Key]. + +publish(Ch, X, Key, Payload) when is_binary(Payload) -> + publish(Ch, X, Key, #amqp_msg{payload = Payload}); + +publish(Ch, X, Key, Msg = #amqp_msg{}) -> + amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'basic.publish'{exchange = X, + routing_key = Key}, Msg). + +publish_expect(Ch, X, Key, Q, Payload) -> + publish(Ch, X, Key, Payload), + expect(Ch, Q, [Payload]). + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +assert_connections(Config, Node, Xs, Conns) -> + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, Node, + ?MODULE, assert_connections1, [Xs, Conns]). + +assert_connections1(Xs, Conns) -> + Links = [{X, C, X} || + X <- Xs, + C <- Conns], + Remaining = lists:foldl( + fun (Link, Status) -> + rabbit_federation_test_util:assert_link_status( + Link, Status, {exchange, upstream_exchange}) + end, rabbit_federation_status:status(), Links), + [] = Remaining, + ok. + +connection_pids(Config, Node) -> + [P || [{pid, P}] <- + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, Node, + rabbit_networking, connection_info_all, [[pid]])]. + +upstream_downstream() -> + [x(<<"upstream">>), x(<<"fed.downstream">>)]. diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/federation_status_command_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/federation_status_command_SUITE.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b7702bcf02 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/federation_status_command_SUITE.erl @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(federation_status_command_SUITE). + +-include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). +-include_lib("amqp_client/include/amqp_client.hrl"). + +-compile(export_all). + +-define(CMD, 'Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.Ctl.Commands.FederationStatusCommand'). + +all() -> + [ + {group, not_federated}, + {group, federated}, + {group, federated_down} + ]. + +groups() -> + [ + {not_federated, [], [ + run_not_federated, + output_not_federated + ]}, + {federated, [], [ + run_federated, + output_federated + ]}, + {federated_down, [], [ + run_down_federated + ]} + ]. + +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- +%% Testsuite setup/teardown. +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- + +init_per_suite(Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:log_environment(), + Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, [ + {rmq_nodename_suffix, ?MODULE} + ]), + Config2 = rabbit_ct_helpers:run_setup_steps(Config1, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:setup_steps() ++ + rabbit_ct_client_helpers:setup_steps()), + Config2. + +end_per_suite(Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:run_teardown_steps(Config, + rabbit_ct_client_helpers:teardown_steps() ++ + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:teardown_steps()). + +init_per_group(federated, Config) -> + rabbit_federation_test_util:setup_federation(Config), + Config; +init_per_group(federated_down, Config) -> + rabbit_federation_test_util:setup_down_federation(Config), + Config; +init_per_group(_, Config) -> + Config. + +end_per_group(_, Config) -> + Config. + +init_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_started(Config, Testcase). + +end_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_finished(Config, Testcase). + +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- +%% Testcases. +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- +run_not_federated(Config) -> + [A] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(Config, nodename), + Opts = #{node => A}, + {stream, []} = ?CMD:run([], Opts#{only_down => false}). + +output_not_federated(Config) -> + [A] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(Config, nodename), + Opts = #{node => A}, + {stream, []} = ?CMD:output({stream, []}, Opts). + +run_federated(Config) -> + [A] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(Config, nodename), + Opts = #{node => A}, + %% All + rabbit_federation_test_util:with_ch( + Config, + fun(_) -> + timer:sleep(3000), + {stream, [Props]} = ?CMD:run([], Opts#{only_down => false}), + <<"upstream">> = proplists:get_value(upstream_queue, Props), + <<"fed.downstream">> = proplists:get_value(queue, Props), + <<"fed.tag">> = proplists:get_value(consumer_tag, Props), + running = proplists:get_value(status, Props) + end, + [rabbit_federation_test_util:q(<<"upstream">>), + rabbit_federation_test_util:q(<<"fed.downstream">>)]), + %% Down + rabbit_federation_test_util:with_ch( + Config, + fun(_) -> + {stream, []} = ?CMD:run([], Opts#{only_down => true}) + end, + [rabbit_federation_test_util:q(<<"upstream">>), + rabbit_federation_test_util:q(<<"fed.downstream">>)]). + +run_down_federated(Config) -> + [A] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(Config, nodename), + Opts = #{node => A}, + %% All + rabbit_federation_test_util:with_ch( + Config, + fun(_) -> + timer:sleep(3000), + {stream, ManyProps} = ?CMD:run([], Opts#{only_down => false}), + Links = [{proplists:get_value(upstream, Props), + proplists:get_value(status, Props)} + || Props <- ManyProps], + [{<<"broken-bunny">>, error}, {<<"localhost">>, running}] + = lists:sort(Links) + end, + [rabbit_federation_test_util:q(<<"upstream">>), + rabbit_federation_test_util:q(<<"fed.downstream">>)]), + %% Down + rabbit_federation_test_util:with_ch( + Config, + fun(_) -> + timer:sleep(3000), + {stream, [Props]} = ?CMD:run([], Opts#{only_down => true}), + <<"broken-bunny">> = proplists:get_value(upstream, Props), + error = proplists:get_value(status, Props) + end, + [rabbit_federation_test_util:q(<<"upstream">>), + rabbit_federation_test_util:q(<<"fed.downstream">>)]). + +output_federated(Config) -> + [A] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(Config, nodename), + Opts = #{node => A}, + Input = {stream,[[{queue, <<"fed.downstream">>}, + {consumer_tag, <<"fed.tag">>}, + {upstream_queue, <<"upstream">>}, + {type, queue}, + {vhost, <<"/">>}, + {upstream, <<"localhost">>}, + {status, running}, + {local_connection, <<"<rmq-ct-federation_status_command_SUITE-1-21000@localhost.1.563.0>">>}, + {uri, <<"amqp://localhost:21000">>}, + {timestamp, {{2016,11,21},{8,51,19}}}]]}, + {stream, [#{queue := <<"fed.downstream">>, + upstream_queue := <<"upstream">>, + type := queue, + vhost := <<"/">>, + upstream := <<"localhost">>, + status := running, + local_connection := <<"<rmq-ct-federation_status_command_SUITE-1-21000@localhost.1.563.0>">>, + uri := <<"amqp://localhost:21000">>, + last_changed := <<"2016-11-21 08:51:19">>, + exchange := <<>>, + upstream_exchange := <<>>, + error := <<>>}]} + = ?CMD:output(Input, Opts). diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/queue_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/queue_SUITE.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5c3660fb64 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/queue_SUITE.erl @@ -0,0 +1,328 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(queue_SUITE). + +-include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). +-include_lib("amqp_client/include/amqp_client.hrl"). + +-compile(export_all). + +-import(rabbit_federation_test_util, + [wait_for_federation/2, expect/3, expect/4, + set_upstream/4, set_upstream/5, clear_upstream/3, set_policy/5, clear_policy/3, + set_policy_pattern/5, set_policy_upstream/5, q/1, with_ch/3, + declare_queue/2, delete_queue/2, + federation_links_in_vhost/3]). + +-define(INITIAL_WAIT, 6000). +-define(EXPECT_FEDERATION_TIMEOUT, 30000). + +all() -> + [ + {group, without_disambiguate}, + {group, with_disambiguate} + ]. + +groups() -> + [ + {without_disambiguate, [], [ + {cluster_size_1, [], [ + simple, + multiple_upstreams, + multiple_upstreams_pattern, + multiple_downstreams, + bidirectional, + dynamic_reconfiguration, + federate_unfederate, + dynamic_plugin_stop_start + ]} + ]}, + {with_disambiguate, [], [ + {cluster_size_2, [], [ + restart_upstream + ]} + ]} + ]. + +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- +%% Testsuite setup/teardown. +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- + +init_per_suite(Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:log_environment(), + rabbit_ct_helpers:run_setup_steps(Config). + +end_per_suite(Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:run_teardown_steps(Config). + +init_per_group(without_disambiguate, Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, + {disambiguate_step, []}); +init_per_group(with_disambiguate, Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, + {disambiguate_step, [fun rabbit_federation_test_util:disambiguate/1]}); +init_per_group(cluster_size_1 = Group, Config) -> + Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, [ + {rmq_nodes_count, 1} + ]), + init_per_group1(Group, Config1); +init_per_group(cluster_size_2 = Group, Config) -> + Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, [ + {rmq_nodes_count, 2} + ]), + init_per_group1(Group, Config1). + +init_per_group1(Group, Config) -> + SetupFederation = case Group of + cluster_size_1 -> [fun rabbit_federation_test_util:setup_federation/1]; + cluster_size_2 -> [] + end, + Disambiguate = ?config(disambiguate_step, Config), + Suffix = rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_absname(Config, "", "-"), + Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, [ + {rmq_nodename_suffix, Suffix}, + {rmq_nodes_clustered, false} + ]), + rabbit_ct_helpers:run_steps(Config1, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:setup_steps() ++ + rabbit_ct_client_helpers:setup_steps() ++ + SetupFederation ++ Disambiguate). + +end_per_group(without_disambiguate, Config) -> + Config; +end_per_group(with_disambiguate, Config) -> + Config; +end_per_group(_, Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:run_steps(Config, + rabbit_ct_client_helpers:teardown_steps() ++ + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:teardown_steps()). + +init_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_started(Config, Testcase). + +end_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_finished(Config, Testcase). + +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- +%% Testcases. +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- + +simple(Config) -> + with_ch(Config, + fun (Ch) -> + expect_federation(Ch, <<"upstream">>, <<"fed.downstream">>) + end, upstream_downstream()). + +multiple_upstreams(Config) -> + with_ch(Config, + fun (Ch) -> + expect_federation(Ch, <<"upstream">>, <<"fed12.downstream">>), + expect_federation(Ch, <<"upstream2">>, <<"fed12.downstream">>) + end, [q(<<"upstream">>), + q(<<"upstream2">>), + q(<<"fed12.downstream">>)]). + +multiple_upstreams_pattern(Config) -> + set_upstream(Config, 0, <<"local453x">>, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, 0), [ + {<<"exchange">>, <<"upstream">>}, + {<<"queue">>, <<"upstream">>}]), + + set_upstream(Config, 0, <<"zzzzzZZzz">>, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, 0), [ + {<<"exchange">>, <<"upstream-zzz">>}, + {<<"queue">>, <<"upstream-zzz">>}]), + + set_upstream(Config, 0, <<"local3214x">>, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, 0), [ + {<<"exchange">>, <<"upstream2">>}, + {<<"queue">>, <<"upstream2">>}]), + + set_policy_pattern(Config, 0, <<"pattern">>, <<"^pattern\.">>, <<"local\\d+x">>), + + with_ch(Config, + fun (Ch) -> + expect_federation(Ch, <<"upstream">>, <<"pattern.downstream">>, ?EXPECT_FEDERATION_TIMEOUT), + expect_federation(Ch, <<"upstream2">>, <<"pattern.downstream">>, ?EXPECT_FEDERATION_TIMEOUT) + end, [q(<<"upstream">>), + q(<<"upstream2">>), + q(<<"pattern.downstream">>)]), + + clear_upstream(Config, 0, <<"local453x">>), + clear_upstream(Config, 0, <<"local3214x">>), + clear_policy(Config, 0, <<"pattern">>). + +multiple_downstreams(Config) -> + with_ch(Config, + fun (Ch) -> + timer:sleep(?INITIAL_WAIT), + expect_federation(Ch, <<"upstream">>, <<"fed.downstream">>, ?EXPECT_FEDERATION_TIMEOUT), + expect_federation(Ch, <<"upstream">>, <<"fed.downstream2">>, ?EXPECT_FEDERATION_TIMEOUT) + end, upstream_downstream() ++ [q(<<"fed.downstream2">>)]). + +bidirectional(Config) -> + with_ch(Config, + fun (Ch) -> + timer:sleep(?INITIAL_WAIT), + publish_expect(Ch, <<>>, <<"one">>, <<"one">>, <<"first one">>, ?EXPECT_FEDERATION_TIMEOUT), + publish_expect(Ch, <<>>, <<"two">>, <<"two">>, <<"first two">>, ?EXPECT_FEDERATION_TIMEOUT), + Seq = lists:seq(1, 100), + [publish(Ch, <<>>, <<"one">>, <<"bulk">>) || _ <- Seq], + [publish(Ch, <<>>, <<"two">>, <<"bulk">>) || _ <- Seq], + expect(Ch, <<"one">>, repeat(150, <<"bulk">>)), + expect(Ch, <<"two">>, repeat(50, <<"bulk">>)), + expect_empty(Ch, <<"one">>), + expect_empty(Ch, <<"two">>) + end, [q(<<"one">>), + q(<<"two">>)]). + +dynamic_reconfiguration(Config) -> + with_ch(Config, + fun (Ch) -> + timer:sleep(?INITIAL_WAIT), + expect_federation(Ch, <<"upstream">>, <<"fed.downstream">>, ?EXPECT_FEDERATION_TIMEOUT), + + %% Test that clearing connections works + clear_upstream(Config, 0, <<"localhost">>), + expect_no_federation(Ch, <<"upstream">>, <<"fed.downstream">>), + + %% Test that reading them and changing them works + set_upstream(Config, 0, + <<"localhost">>, rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, 0)), + %% Do it twice so we at least hit the no-restart optimisation + URI = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, 0, [use_ipaddr]), + set_upstream(Config, 0, <<"localhost">>, URI), + set_upstream(Config, 0, <<"localhost">>, URI), + expect_federation(Ch, <<"upstream">>, <<"fed.downstream">>) + end, upstream_downstream()). + +federate_unfederate(Config) -> + with_ch(Config, + fun (Ch) -> + timer:sleep(?INITIAL_WAIT), + expect_federation(Ch, <<"upstream">>, <<"fed.downstream">>, ?EXPECT_FEDERATION_TIMEOUT), + expect_federation(Ch, <<"upstream">>, <<"fed.downstream2">>, ?EXPECT_FEDERATION_TIMEOUT), + + %% clear the policy + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:clear_policy(Config, 0, <<"fed">>), + + expect_no_federation(Ch, <<"upstream">>, <<"fed.downstream">>), + expect_no_federation(Ch, <<"upstream">>, <<"fed.downstream2">>), + + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_policy(Config, 0, + <<"fed">>, <<"^fed\.">>, <<"all">>, [ + {<<"federation-upstream-set">>, <<"upstream">>}]) + end, upstream_downstream() ++ [q(<<"fed.downstream2">>)]). + +dynamic_plugin_stop_start(Config) -> + DownQ2 = <<"fed.downstream2">>, + with_ch(Config, + fun (Ch) -> + timer:sleep(?INITIAL_WAIT), + UpQ = <<"upstream">>, + DownQ1 = <<"fed.downstream">>, + expect_federation(Ch, UpQ, DownQ1, ?EXPECT_FEDERATION_TIMEOUT), + expect_federation(Ch, UpQ, DownQ2, ?EXPECT_FEDERATION_TIMEOUT), + + %% Disable the plugin, the link disappears + ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:disable_plugin(Config, 0, "rabbitmq_federation"), + + expect_no_federation(Ch, UpQ, DownQ1), + expect_no_federation(Ch, UpQ, DownQ2), + + declare_queue(Ch, q(DownQ1)), + declare_queue(Ch, q(DownQ2)), + ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:enable_plugin(Config, 0, "rabbitmq_federation"), + + %% Declare a queue then re-enable the plugin, the links appear + wait_for_federation( + 90, + fun() -> + Status = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, + rabbit_federation_status, status, []), + L = [ + Entry || Entry <- Status, + proplists:get_value(queue, Entry) =:= DownQ1 orelse + proplists:get_value(queue, Entry) =:= DownQ2, + proplists:get_value(upstream_queue, Entry) =:= UpQ, + proplists:get_value(status, Entry) =:= running + ], + length(L) =:= 2 + end), + expect_federation(Ch, UpQ, DownQ1, 120000) + end, upstream_downstream() ++ [q(DownQ2)]). + +restart_upstream(Config) -> + [Rabbit, Hare] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(Config, + nodename), + set_policy_upstream(Config, Rabbit, <<"^test$">>, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, Hare), []), + + Downstream = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config, Rabbit), + Upstream = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config, Hare), + + declare_queue(Upstream, q(<<"test">>)), + declare_queue(Downstream, q(<<"test">>)), + Seq = lists:seq(1, 100), + [publish(Upstream, <<>>, <<"test">>, <<"bulk">>) || _ <- Seq], + expect(Upstream, <<"test">>, repeat(25, <<"bulk">>)), + expect(Downstream, <<"test">>, repeat(25, <<"bulk">>)), + + rabbit_ct_client_helpers:close_channels_and_connection(Config, Hare), + ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:restart_node(Config, Hare), + Upstream2 = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config, Hare), + + expect(Upstream2, <<"test">>, repeat(25, <<"bulk">>)), + expect(Downstream, <<"test">>, repeat(25, <<"bulk">>)), + expect_empty(Upstream2, <<"test">>), + expect_empty(Downstream, <<"test">>), + + ok. + +%upstream_has_no_federation(Config) -> +% %% TODO +% ok. + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +repeat(Count, Item) -> [Item || _ <- lists:seq(1, Count)]. + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +publish(Ch, X, Key, Payload) when is_binary(Payload) -> + publish(Ch, X, Key, #amqp_msg{payload = Payload}); + +publish(Ch, X, Key, Msg = #amqp_msg{}) -> + amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'basic.publish'{exchange = X, + routing_key = Key}, Msg). + +publish_expect(Ch, X, Key, Q, Payload) -> + publish(Ch, X, Key, Payload), + expect(Ch, Q, [Payload]). + +publish_expect(Ch, X, Key, Q, Payload, Timeout) -> + publish(Ch, X, Key, Payload), + expect(Ch, Q, [Payload], Timeout). + +%% Doubled due to our strange basic.get behaviour. +expect_empty(Ch, Q) -> + rabbit_federation_test_util:expect_empty(Ch, Q), + rabbit_federation_test_util:expect_empty(Ch, Q). + +expect_federation(Ch, UpstreamQ, DownstreamQ) -> + publish_expect(Ch, <<>>, UpstreamQ, DownstreamQ, <<"HELLO">>). + +expect_federation(Ch, UpstreamQ, DownstreamQ, Timeout) -> + publish_expect(Ch, <<>>, UpstreamQ, DownstreamQ, <<"HELLO">>, Timeout). + +expect_no_federation(Ch, UpstreamQ, DownstreamQ) -> + publish(Ch, <<>>, UpstreamQ, <<"HELLO">>), + expect_empty(Ch, DownstreamQ), + expect(Ch, UpstreamQ, [<<"HELLO">>]). + +upstream_downstream() -> + [q(<<"upstream">>), q(<<"fed.downstream">>)]. diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/rabbit_federation_status_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/rabbit_federation_status_SUITE.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6b802a3f15 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/rabbit_federation_status_SUITE.erl @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(rabbit_federation_status_SUITE). + +-include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). +-include_lib("amqp_client/include/amqp_client.hrl"). + +-include("rabbit_federation.hrl"). + +-compile(export_all). + +-import(rabbit_federation_test_util, + [expect/3, expect_empty/2, + set_upstream/4, clear_upstream/3, set_upstream_set/4, + set_policy/5, clear_policy/3, + set_policy_upstream/5, set_policy_upstreams/4, + no_plugins/1, with_ch/3]). + +all() -> + [ + {group, non_parallel_tests} + ]. + +groups() -> + [ + {non_parallel_tests, [], [ + exchange_status, + queue_status, + lookup_exchange_status, + lookup_queue_status, + lookup_bad_status + ]} + ]. + +suite() -> + [{timetrap, {minutes, 5}}]. + +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- +%% Testsuite setup/teardown. +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- +init_per_suite(Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:log_environment(), + Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, [ + {rmq_nodename_suffix, ?MODULE} + ]), + rabbit_ct_helpers:run_setup_steps(Config1, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:setup_steps() ++ + rabbit_ct_client_helpers:setup_steps() ++ + [fun rabbit_federation_test_util:setup_federation/1]). +end_per_suite(Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:run_teardown_steps(Config, + rabbit_ct_client_helpers:teardown_steps() ++ + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:teardown_steps()). + +init_per_group(_, Config) -> + Config. + +end_per_group(_, Config) -> + Config. + +init_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_started(Config, Testcase). + +end_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_finished(Config, Testcase). + +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- +%% Testcases. +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- +exchange_status(Config) -> + exchange_SUITE:with_ch( + Config, + fun (_Ch) -> + [Link] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, + rabbit_federation_status, status, []), + true = is_binary(proplists:get_value(id, Link)) + end, exchange_SUITE:upstream_downstream()). + +queue_status(Config) -> + with_ch( + Config, + fun (_Ch) -> + timer:sleep(3000), + [Link] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, + rabbit_federation_status, status, []), + true = is_binary(proplists:get_value(id, Link)) + end, queue_SUITE:upstream_downstream()). + +lookup_exchange_status(Config) -> + exchange_SUITE:with_ch( + Config, + fun (_Ch) -> + [Link] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, + rabbit_federation_status, status, []), + Id = proplists:get_value(id, Link), + Props = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, + rabbit_federation_status, lookup, [Id]), + lists:all(fun(K) -> lists:keymember(K, 1, Props) end, + [key, uri, status, timestamp, id, supervisor, upstream]) + end, exchange_SUITE:upstream_downstream()). + +lookup_queue_status(Config) -> + with_ch( + Config, + fun (_Ch) -> + timer:sleep(3000), + [Link] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, + rabbit_federation_status, status, []), + Id = proplists:get_value(id, Link), + Props = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, + rabbit_federation_status, lookup, [Id]), + lists:all(fun(K) -> lists:keymember(K, 1, Props) end, + [key, uri, status, timestamp, id, supervisor, upstream]) + end, queue_SUITE:upstream_downstream()). + +lookup_bad_status(Config) -> + with_ch( + Config, + fun (_Ch) -> + timer:sleep(3000), + not_found = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc( + Config, 0, + rabbit_federation_status, lookup, [<<"justmadeitup">>]) + end, queue_SUITE:upstream_downstream()). diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/rabbit_federation_test_util.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/rabbit_federation_test_util.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..534817a2a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/rabbit_federation_test_util.erl @@ -0,0 +1,354 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(rabbit_federation_test_util). + +-include("rabbit_federation.hrl"). +-include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). +-include_lib("amqp_client/include/amqp_client.hrl"). + +-compile(export_all). + +-import(rabbit_misc, [pget/2]). + +setup_federation(Config) -> + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_parameter(Config, 0, + <<"federation-upstream">>, <<"localhost">>, [ + {<<"uri">>, rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, 0)}, + {<<"consumer-tag">>, <<"fed.tag">>}]), + + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_parameter(Config, 0, + <<"federation-upstream">>, <<"local5673">>, [ + {<<"uri">>, <<"amqp://localhost:1">>}]), + + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_parameter(Config, 0, + <<"federation-upstream-set">>, <<"upstream">>, [ + [ + {<<"upstream">>, <<"localhost">>}, + {<<"exchange">>, <<"upstream">>}, + {<<"queue">>, <<"upstream">>} + ] + ]), + + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_parameter(Config, 0, + <<"federation-upstream-set">>, <<"upstream2">>, [ + [ + {<<"upstream">>, <<"localhost">>}, + {<<"exchange">>, <<"upstream2">>}, + {<<"queue">>, <<"upstream2">>} + ] + ]), + + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_parameter(Config, 0, + <<"federation-upstream-set">>, <<"localhost">>, [ + [{<<"upstream">>, <<"localhost">>}] + ]), + + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_parameter(Config, 0, + <<"federation-upstream-set">>, <<"upstream12">>, [ + [ + {<<"upstream">>, <<"localhost">>}, + {<<"exchange">>, <<"upstream">>}, + {<<"queue">>, <<"upstream">>} + ], [ + {<<"upstream">>, <<"localhost">>}, + {<<"exchange">>, <<"upstream2">>}, + {<<"queue">>, <<"upstream2">>} + ] + ]), + + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_parameter(Config, 0, + <<"federation-upstream-set">>, <<"one">>, [ + [ + {<<"upstream">>, <<"localhost">>}, + {<<"exchange">>, <<"one">>}, + {<<"queue">>, <<"one">>} + ] + ]), + + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_parameter(Config, 0, + <<"federation-upstream-set">>, <<"two">>, [ + [ + {<<"upstream">>, <<"localhost">>}, + {<<"exchange">>, <<"two">>}, + {<<"queue">>, <<"two">>} + ] + ]), + + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_parameter(Config, 0, + <<"federation-upstream-set">>, <<"upstream5673">>, [ + [ + {<<"upstream">>, <<"local5673">>}, + {<<"exchange">>, <<"upstream">>} + ] + ]), + + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_policy(Config, 0, + <<"fed">>, <<"^fed\.">>, <<"all">>, [ + {<<"federation-upstream-set">>, <<"upstream">>}]), + + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_policy(Config, 0, + <<"fed12">>, <<"^fed12\.">>, <<"all">>, [ + {<<"federation-upstream-set">>, <<"upstream12">>}]), + + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_policy(Config, 0, + <<"one">>, <<"^two$">>, <<"all">>, [ + {<<"federation-upstream-set">>, <<"one">>}]), + + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_policy(Config, 0, + <<"two">>, <<"^one$">>, <<"all">>, [ + {<<"federation-upstream-set">>, <<"two">>}]), + + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_policy(Config, 0, + <<"hare">>, <<"^hare\.">>, <<"all">>, [ + {<<"federation-upstream-set">>, <<"upstream5673">>}]), + + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_policy(Config, 0, + <<"all">>, <<"^all\.">>, <<"all">>, [ + {<<"federation-upstream-set">>, <<"all">>}]), + + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_policy(Config, 0, + <<"new">>, <<"^new\.">>, <<"all">>, [ + {<<"federation-upstream-set">>, <<"new-set">>}]), + Config. + +setup_down_federation(Config) -> + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_parameter( + Config, 0, <<"federation-upstream">>, <<"broken-bunny">>, + [{<<"uri">>, <<"amqp://broken-bunny">>}, + {<<"reconnect-delay">>, 600000}]), + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_parameter( + Config, 0, <<"federation-upstream">>, <<"localhost">>, + [{<<"uri">>, rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:node_uri(Config, 0)}]), + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_parameter( + Config, 0, + <<"federation-upstream-set">>, <<"upstream">>, + [[{<<"upstream">>, <<"localhost">>}, + {<<"exchange">>, <<"upstream">>}, + {<<"queue">>, <<"upstream">>}], + [{<<"upstream">>, <<"broken-bunny">>}, + {<<"exchange">>, <<"upstream">>}, + {<<"queue">>, <<"upstream">>}]]), + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_policy( + Config, 0, + <<"fed">>, <<"^fed\.">>, <<"all">>, [{<<"federation-upstream-set">>, <<"upstream">>}]), + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_policy( + Config, 0, + <<"fed">>, <<"^fed\.">>, <<"all">>, [{<<"federation-upstream-set">>, <<"upstream">>}]), + Config. + +wait_for_federation(Retries, Fun) -> + case Fun() of + true -> + ok; + false when Retries > 0 -> + timer:sleep(1000), + wait_for_federation(Retries - 1, Fun); + false -> + throw({timeout_while_waiting_for_federation, Fun}) + end. + +expect(Ch, Q, Fun) when is_function(Fun) -> + amqp_channel:subscribe(Ch, #'basic.consume'{queue = Q, + no_ack = true}, self()), + CTag = receive + #'basic.consume_ok'{consumer_tag = CT} -> CT + end, + Fun(), + amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'basic.cancel'{consumer_tag = CTag}); + +expect(Ch, Q, Payloads) -> + expect(Ch, Q, fun() -> expect(Payloads) end). + +expect(Ch, Q, Payloads, Timeout) -> + expect(Ch, Q, fun() -> expect(Payloads, Timeout) end). + +expect([]) -> + ok; +expect(Payloads) -> + expect(Payloads, 60000). + +expect([], _Timeout) -> + ok; +expect(Payloads, Timeout) -> + receive + {#'basic.deliver'{}, #amqp_msg{payload = Payload}} -> + case lists:member(Payload, Payloads) of + true -> + ct:pal("Consumed a message: ~p", [Payload]), + expect(Payloads -- [Payload], Timeout); + false -> ?assert(false, rabbit_misc:format("received an unexpected payload ~p", [Payload])) + end + after Timeout -> + ?assert(false, rabbit_misc:format("Did not receive expected payloads ~p in time", [Payloads])) + end. + +expect_empty(Ch, Q) -> + ?assertMatch(#'basic.get_empty'{}, + amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'basic.get'{ queue = Q })). + +set_upstream(Config, Node, Name, URI) -> + set_upstream(Config, Node, Name, URI, []). + +set_upstream(Config, Node, Name, URI, Extra) -> + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_parameter(Config, Node, + <<"federation-upstream">>, Name, [{<<"uri">>, URI} | Extra]). + +set_upstream_in_vhost(Config, Node, VirtualHost, Name, URI) -> + set_upstream_in_vhost(Config, Node, VirtualHost, Name, URI, []). + +set_upstream_in_vhost(Config, Node, VirtualHost, Name, URI, Extra) -> + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_parameter(Config, Node, VirtualHost, + <<"federation-upstream">>, Name, [{<<"uri">>, URI} | Extra]). + +clear_upstream(Config, Node, Name) -> + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:clear_parameter(Config, Node, + <<"federation-upstream">>, Name). + +set_upstream_set(Config, Node, Name, Set) -> + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_parameter(Config, Node, + <<"federation-upstream-set">>, Name, + [[{<<"upstream">>, UStream} | Extra] || {UStream, Extra} <- Set]). + +clear_upstream_set(Config, Node, Name) -> + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:clear_parameter(Config, Node, + <<"federation-upstream-set">>, Name). + +set_policy(Config, Node, Name, Pattern, UpstreamSet) -> + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_policy(Config, Node, + Name, Pattern, <<"all">>, + [{<<"federation-upstream-set">>, UpstreamSet}]). + +set_policy_pattern(Config, Node, Name, Pattern, Regex) -> + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_policy(Config, Node, + Name, Pattern, <<"all">>, + [{<<"federation-upstream-pattern">>, Regex}]). + +clear_policy(Config, Node, Name) -> + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:clear_policy(Config, Node, Name). + +set_policy_upstream(Config, Node, Pattern, URI, Extra) -> + set_policy_upstreams(Config, Node, Pattern, [{URI, Extra}]). + +set_policy_upstreams(Config, Node, Pattern, URIExtras) -> + put(upstream_num, 1), + [set_upstream(Config, Node, gen_upstream_name(), URI, Extra) + || {URI, Extra} <- URIExtras], + set_policy(Config, Node, Pattern, Pattern, <<"all">>). + +gen_upstream_name() -> + list_to_binary("upstream-" ++ integer_to_list(next_upstream_num())). + +next_upstream_num() -> + R = get(upstream_num) + 1, + put(upstream_num, R), + R. + +%% Make sure that even though multiple nodes are in a single +%% distributed system, we still keep all our process groups separate. +disambiguate(Config) -> + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc_all(Config, + application, set_env, + [rabbitmq_federation, pgroup_name_cluster_id, true]), + Config. + +no_plugins(Cfg) -> + [{K, case K of + plugins -> none; + _ -> V + end} || {K, V} <- Cfg]. + +%%---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + +all_federation_links(Config, Node) -> + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, Node, rabbit_federation_status, status, []). + +federation_links_in_vhost(Config, Node, VirtualHost) -> + Links = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, Node, rabbit_federation_status, status, []), + lists:filter( + fun(Link) -> + VirtualHost =:= proplists:get_value(vhost, Link) + end, Links). + +status_fields(Prop, Statuses) -> + lists:usort( + lists:map( + fun(Link) -> proplists:get_value(Prop, Link) end, + Statuses)). + +assert_status(Config, Node, XorQs, Names) -> + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, Node, + ?MODULE, assert_status1, [XorQs, Names]). + +assert_status1(XorQs, Names) -> + [begin + ct:pal("links(XorQ) for ~p: ~p", [XorQ, links(XorQ)]) + end || XorQ <- XorQs], + Links = lists:append([links(XorQ) || XorQ <- XorQs]), + Remaining = lists:foldl(fun (Link, Status) -> + assert_link_status(Link, Status, Names) + end, rabbit_federation_status:status(), Links), + ?assertEqual([], Remaining), + ok. + +assert_link_status({DXorQNameBin, UpstreamName, UXorQNameBin}, Status, + {TypeName, UpstreamTypeName}) -> + {This, Rest} = lists:partition( + fun(St) -> + pget(upstream, St) =:= UpstreamName andalso + pget(TypeName, St) =:= DXorQNameBin andalso + pget(UpstreamTypeName, St) =:= UXorQNameBin + end, Status), + ?assertMatch([_], This), + Rest. + +links(#'exchange.declare'{exchange = Name}) -> + case rabbit_exchange:lookup(xr(Name)) of + {ok, X} -> + case rabbit_policy:get(<<"federation-upstream-set">>, X) of + undefined -> + case rabbit_policy:get(<<"federation-upstream-pattern">>, X) of + undefined -> []; + Regex -> + [{Name, U#upstream.name, U#upstream.exchange_name} || + U <- rabbit_federation_upstream:from_pattern(Regex, X)] + end; + Set -> + [{Name, U#upstream.name, U#upstream.exchange_name} || + U <- rabbit_federation_upstream:from_set(Set, X)] + end; + {error, not_found} -> + [] + end. + +xr(Name) -> rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, exchange, Name). + +with_ch(Config, Fun, Qs) -> + Ch = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config, 0), + declare_all(Ch, Qs), + %% Clean up queues even after test failure. + try + Fun(Ch) + after + delete_all(Ch, Qs), + rabbit_ct_client_helpers:close_channel(Ch) + end, + ok. + +declare_all(Ch, Qs) -> [declare_queue(Ch, Q) || Q <- Qs]. +delete_all(Ch, Qs) -> + [delete_queue(Ch, Q) || #'queue.declare'{queue = Q} <- Qs]. + +declare_queue(Ch, Q) -> + amqp_channel:call(Ch, Q). + +delete_queue(Ch, Q) -> + amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'queue.delete'{queue = Q}). + +q(Name) -> + #'queue.declare'{queue = Name, + durable = true}. diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/restart_federation_link_command_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/restart_federation_link_command_SUITE.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..511bae6540 --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/restart_federation_link_command_SUITE.erl @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(restart_federation_link_command_SUITE). + +-include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). +-include_lib("amqp_client/include/amqp_client.hrl"). + +-compile(export_all). + +-define(CMD, 'Elixir.RabbitMQ.CLI.Ctl.Commands.RestartFederationLinkCommand'). + +all() -> + [ + {group, federated_down} + ]. + +groups() -> + [ + {federated_down, [], [ + run, + run_not_found, + output + ]} + ]. + +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- +%% Testsuite setup/teardown. +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- + +init_per_suite(Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:log_environment(), + Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, [ + {rmq_nodename_suffix, ?MODULE} + ]), + Config2 = rabbit_ct_helpers:run_setup_steps(Config1, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:setup_steps() ++ + rabbit_ct_client_helpers:setup_steps()), + Config2. + +end_per_suite(Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:run_teardown_steps(Config, + rabbit_ct_client_helpers:teardown_steps() ++ + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:teardown_steps()). + +init_per_group(federated_down, Config) -> + rabbit_federation_test_util:setup_down_federation(Config), + Config; +init_per_group(_, Config) -> + Config. + +end_per_group(_, Config) -> + Config. + +init_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_started(Config, Testcase). + +end_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_finished(Config, Testcase). + +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- +%% Testcases. +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- +run_not_federated(Config) -> + [A] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(Config, nodename), + Opts = #{node => A}, + {stream, []} = ?CMD:run([], Opts#{'only-down' => false}). + +output_not_federated(Config) -> + [A] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(Config, nodename), + Opts = #{node => A}, + {stream, []} = ?CMD:output({stream, []}, Opts). + +run(Config) -> + [A] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(Config, nodename), + Opts = #{node => A}, + rabbit_federation_test_util:with_ch( + Config, + fun(_) -> + timer:sleep(3000), + [Link | _] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, + rabbit_federation_status, status, []), + Id = proplists:get_value(id, Link), + ok = ?CMD:run([Id], Opts) + end, + [rabbit_federation_test_util:q(<<"upstream">>), + rabbit_federation_test_util:q(<<"fed.downstream">>)]). + +run_not_found(Config) -> + [A] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(Config, nodename), + Opts = #{node => A}, + {error, _ErrorMsg} = ?CMD:run([<<"MakingItUp">>], Opts). + +output(Config) -> + [A] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(Config, nodename), + Opts = #{node => A}, + ok = ?CMD:output(ok, Opts). diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/unit_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/unit_SUITE.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7d0707f96c --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/unit_SUITE.erl @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2019-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(unit_SUITE). +-include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). +-include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). +-include_lib("amqp_client/include/amqp_client.hrl"). +-include("rabbit_federation.hrl"). + +-compile(export_all). + +all() -> [ + obfuscate_upstream, + obfuscate_upstream_params_network, + obfuscate_upstream_params_network_with_char_list_password_value, + obfuscate_upstream_params_direct +]. + +init_per_suite(Config) -> + application:ensure_all_started(credentials_obfuscation), + Config. + +end_per_suite(Config) -> + Config. + +obfuscate_upstream(_Config) -> + Upstream = #upstream{uris = [<<"amqp://guest:password@localhost">>]}, + ObfuscatedUpstream = rabbit_federation_util:obfuscate_upstream(Upstream), + ?assertEqual(Upstream, rabbit_federation_util:deobfuscate_upstream(ObfuscatedUpstream)), + ok. + +obfuscate_upstream_params_network(_Config) -> + UpstreamParams = #upstream_params{ + uri = <<"amqp://guest:password@localhost">>, + params = #amqp_params_network{password = <<"password">>} + }, + ObfuscatedUpstreamParams = rabbit_federation_util:obfuscate_upstream_params(UpstreamParams), + ?assertEqual(UpstreamParams, rabbit_federation_util:deobfuscate_upstream_params(ObfuscatedUpstreamParams)), + ok. + +obfuscate_upstream_params_network_with_char_list_password_value(_Config) -> + Input = #upstream_params{ + uri = <<"amqp://guest:password@localhost">>, + params = #amqp_params_network{password = "password"} + }, + Output = #upstream_params{ + uri = <<"amqp://guest:password@localhost">>, + params = #amqp_params_network{password = <<"password">>} + }, + ObfuscatedUpstreamParams = rabbit_federation_util:obfuscate_upstream_params(Input), + ?assertEqual(Output, rabbit_federation_util:deobfuscate_upstream_params(ObfuscatedUpstreamParams)), + ok. + + obfuscate_upstream_params_direct(_Config) -> + UpstreamParams = #upstream_params{ + uri = <<"amqp://guest:password@localhost">>, + params = #amqp_params_direct{password = <<"password">>} + }, + ObfuscatedUpstreamParams = rabbit_federation_util:obfuscate_upstream_params(UpstreamParams), + ?assertEqual(UpstreamParams, rabbit_federation_util:deobfuscate_upstream_params(ObfuscatedUpstreamParams)), + ok. diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/unit_inbroker_SUITE.erl b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/unit_inbroker_SUITE.erl new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f65dffbe8e --- /dev/null +++ b/deps/rabbitmq_federation/test/unit_inbroker_SUITE.erl @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ +%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public +%% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this +%% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. +%% +%% Copyright (c) 2007-2020 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. +%% + +-module(unit_inbroker_SUITE). + +-include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). +-include_lib("rabbit_common/include/rabbit.hrl"). +-include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). + +-include("rabbit_federation.hrl"). + +-compile(export_all). + +-define(US_NAME, <<"upstream">>). +-define(DS_NAME, <<"fed.downstream">>). + +all() -> + [ + {group, non_parallel_tests} + ]. + +groups() -> + [ + {non_parallel_tests, [], [ + serialisation, + scratch_space, + remove_credentials, + get_connection_name, + upstream_validation, + upstream_set_validation + ]} + ]. + +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- +%% Testsuite setup/teardown. +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- + +init_per_suite(Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:log_environment(), + Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, [ + {rmq_nodename_suffix, ?MODULE} + ]), + rabbit_ct_helpers:run_setup_steps(Config1, + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:setup_steps() ++ + rabbit_ct_client_helpers:setup_steps()). + +end_per_suite(Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:run_teardown_steps(Config, + rabbit_ct_client_helpers:teardown_steps() ++ + rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:teardown_steps()). + +init_per_group(_, Config) -> + Config. + +end_per_group(_, Config) -> + Config. + +init_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_started(Config, Testcase). + +end_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) -> + rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_finished(Config, Testcase). + +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- +%% Testcases. +%% ------------------------------------------------------------------- + +%% Test that we apply binding changes in the correct order even when +%% they arrive out of order. +serialisation(Config) -> + ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, + ?MODULE, serialisation1, []). + +serialisation1() -> + with_exchanges( + fun(X) -> + [B1, B2, B3] = [b(K) || K <- [<<"1">>, <<"2">>, <<"3">>]], + remove_bindings(4, X, [B1, B3]), + add_binding(5, X, B1), + add_binding(1, X, B1), + add_binding(2, X, B2), + add_binding(3, X, B3), + %% List of lists because one for each link + Keys = rabbit_federation_exchange_link:list_routing_keys( + X#exchange.name), + [[<<"1">>, <<"2">>]] =:= Keys + end). + +scratch_space(Config) -> + ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, + ?MODULE, scratch_space1, []). + +scratch_space1() -> + A = <<"A">>, + B = <<"B">>, + DB = rabbit_federation_db, + with_exchanges( + fun(#exchange{name = N}) -> + DB:set_active_suffix(N, upstream(x), A), + DB:set_active_suffix(N, upstream(y), A), + DB:prune_scratch(N, [upstream(y), upstream(z)]), + DB:set_active_suffix(N, upstream(y), B), + DB:set_active_suffix(N, upstream(z), A), + none = DB:get_active_suffix(N, upstream(x), none), + B = DB:get_active_suffix(N, upstream(y), none), + A = DB:get_active_suffix(N, upstream(z), none) + end). + +remove_credentials(Config) -> + Test0 = fun (In, Exp) -> + Act = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc(Config, 0, + rabbit_federation_upstream, remove_credentials, [In]), + Exp = Act + end, + Cat = fun (Bs) -> + list_to_binary(lists:append([binary_to_list(B) || B <- Bs])) + end, + Test = fun (Scheme, Rest) -> + Exp = Cat([Scheme, Rest]), + Test0(Exp, Exp), + Test0(Cat([Scheme, <<"user@">>, Rest]), Exp), + Test0(Cat([Scheme, <<"user:pass@">>, Rest]), Exp) + end, + Test(<<"amqp://">>, <<"">>), + Test(<<"amqp://">>, <<"localhost">>), + Test(<<"amqp://">>, <<"localhost/">>), + Test(<<"amqp://">>, <<"localhost/foo">>), + Test(<<"amqp://">>, <<"localhost:5672">>), + Test(<<"amqp://">>, <<"localhost:5672/foo">>), + Test(<<"amqps://">>, <<"localhost:5672/%2f">>), + ok. + +get_connection_name(Config) -> + Amqqueue = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rpc( + Config, 0, + amqqueue, new, [rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, <<"queue">>), + self(), + false, + false, + none, + [], + undefined, + #{}, + classic]), + AmqqueueWithPolicy = amqqueue:set_policy(Amqqueue, [{name, <<"my.federation.policy">>}]), + AmqqueueWithEmptyPolicy = amqqueue:set_policy(Amqqueue, []), + + + <<"Federation link (upstream: my.upstream, policy: my.federation.policy)">> = rabbit_federation_link_util:get_connection_name( + #upstream{name = <<"my.upstream">>}, + #upstream_params{x_or_q = AmqqueueWithPolicy} + ), + <<"Federation link (upstream: my.upstream, policy: my.federation.policy)">> = rabbit_federation_link_util:get_connection_name( + #upstream{name = <<"my.upstream">>}, + #upstream_params{x_or_q = #exchange{policy = [{name, <<"my.federation.policy">>}]}} + ), + <<"Federation link">> = rabbit_federation_link_util:get_connection_name( + #upstream{}, + #upstream_params{x_or_q = AmqqueueWithEmptyPolicy} + ), + <<"Federation link">> = rabbit_federation_link_util:get_connection_name( + #upstream{}, + #upstream_params{x_or_q = #exchange{policy = []}} + ), + <<"Federation link">> = rabbit_federation_link_util:get_connection_name( + whatever, + whatever + ), + ok. + +upstream_set_validation(_Config) -> + ?assertEqual(rabbit_federation_parameters:validate(<<"/">>, <<"federation-upstream-set">>, + <<"a-name">>, + [[{<<"upstream">>, <<"devtest1">>}], + [{<<"upstream">>, <<"devtest2">>}]], + <<"acting-user">>), + [[ok], [ok]]), + ?assertEqual(rabbit_federation_parameters:validate(<<"/">>, <<"federation-upstream-set">>, + <<"a-name">>, + [#{<<"upstream">> => <<"devtest3">>}, + #{<<"upstream">> => <<"devtest4">>}], + <<"acting-user">>), + [[ok], [ok]]), + ok. + +upstream_validation(_Config) -> + ?assertEqual(rabbit_federation_parameters:validate(<<"/">>, <<"federation-upstream">>, + <<"a-name">>, + [{<<"uri">>, <<"amqp://">>}], + <<"acting-user">>), + [ok]), + ?assertEqual(rabbit_federation_parameters:validate(<<"/">>, <<"federation-upstream">>, + <<"a-name">>, + #{<<"uri">> => <<"amqp://">>}, + <<"acting-user">>), + [ok]), + ok. + +with_exchanges(Fun) -> + rabbit_exchange:declare(r(?US_NAME), fanout, false, false, false, [], + <<"acting-user">>), + X = rabbit_exchange:declare(r(?DS_NAME), fanout, false, false, false, [], + <<"acting-user">>), + Fun(X), + %% Delete downstream first or it will recreate the upstream + rabbit_exchange:delete(r(?DS_NAME), false, <<"acting-user">>), + rabbit_exchange:delete(r(?US_NAME), false, <<"acting-user">>), + ok. + +add_binding(Ser, X, B) -> + rabbit_federation_exchange:add_binding(transaction, X, B), + rabbit_federation_exchange:add_binding(Ser, X, B). + +remove_bindings(Ser, X, Bs) -> + rabbit_federation_exchange:remove_bindings(transaction, X, Bs), + rabbit_federation_exchange:remove_bindings(Ser, X, Bs). + +r(Name) -> rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, exchange, Name). + +b(Key) -> + #binding{source = ?DS_NAME, destination = <<"whatever">>, + key = Key, args = []}. + +upstream(UpstreamName) -> + #upstream{name = atom_to_list(UpstreamName), + exchange_name = <<"upstream">>}. |