path: root/deps/rabbitmq_management/priv/www/js/formatters.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbitmq_management/priv/www/js/formatters.js')
1 files changed, 1067 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_management/priv/www/js/formatters.js b/deps/rabbitmq_management/priv/www/js/formatters.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c0f55ed93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_management/priv/www/js/formatters.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1067 @@
+const UNKNOWN_REPR = '<span class="unknown">?</span>';
+const FD_THRESHOLDS = [[0.95, 'red'],
+ [0.8, 'yellow']];
+const SOCKETS_THRESHOLDS = [[1.0, 'red'],
+ [0.8, 'yellow']];
+const PROCESS_THRESHOLDS = [[0.75, 'red'],
+ [0.5, 'yellow']];
+const TAB_HIGHLIGHTER = "\u2192";
+function fmt_string(str, unknown) {
+ if (unknown == undefined) {
+ unknown = UNKNOWN_REPR;
+ }
+ if (str == undefined) {
+ return unknown;
+ }
+ return fmt_escape_html("" + str);
+function fmt_si_prefix(num0, max0, thousand, allow_fractions) {
+ if (num == 0) return 0;
+ function f(n, m, p) {
+ if (m > thousand) return f(n / thousand, m / thousand, p + 1);
+ else return [n, m, p];
+ }
+ var num_power = f(num0, max0, 0);
+ var num = num_power[0];
+ var max = num_power[1];
+ var power = num_power[2];
+ var powers = ['', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y'];
+ return (((power != 0 || allow_fractions) && max <= 10) ? num.toFixed(1) :
+ num.toFixed(0)) + " " + powers[power];
+function fmt_boolean(b, unknown) {
+ if (unknown == undefined) unknown = UNKNOWN_REPR;
+ if (b == undefined) return unknown;
+ return b ? "&#9679;" : "&#9675;";
+function fmt_date(d) {
+ var res = fmt_date0(d);
+ return res[0] + ' ' + res[1];
+function fmt_date_mini(d) {
+ var res = fmt_date0(d);
+ return res[1] + '<sub>' + res[0] + '</sub>';
+function fmt_date0(d) {
+ function f(i) {
+ return i < 10 ? "0" + i : i;
+ }
+ return [d.getFullYear() + "-" + f(d.getMonth() + 1) + "-" +
+ f(d.getDate()), f(d.getHours()) + ":" + f(d.getMinutes()) +
+ ":" + f(d.getSeconds())];
+function fmt_timestamp(ts) {
+ return fmt_date(new Date(ts));
+function fmt_timestamp_mini(ts) {
+ return fmt_date_mini(new Date(ts));
+function fmt_time(t, suffix) {
+ if (typeof t === "undefined") return '';
+ return t + suffix;
+function fmt_millis(millis) {
+ return Math.round(millis / 1000) + "s";
+function fmt_features(obj) {
+ return fmt_table_short(args_to_features(obj));
+function fmt_policy_short(obj) {
+ if (obj.policy != undefined && obj.policy != '') {
+ return '<abbr class="policy" title="Policy: ' +
+ fmt_escape_html(obj.policy) + '">' +
+ link_policy(obj.vhost, obj.policy) + '</abbr> ';
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+function fmt_op_policy_short(obj) {
+ if (obj.operator_policy != undefined && obj.operator_policy != '') {
+ return '<abbr class="policy" title="Operator policy: ' +
+ fmt_escape_html(obj.operator_policy) + '">' +
+ fmt_escape_html(obj.operator_policy) + '</abbr> ';
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+function fmt_features_short(obj) {
+ var res = '';
+ var features = args_to_features(obj);
+ if (obj.owner_pid_details != undefined) {
+ res += '<acronym title="Exclusive queue: click for owning connection">'
+ + link_conn(, "Excl") + '</acronym> ';
+ }
+ for (var k in ALL_ARGS) {
+ if (features[k] != undefined) {
+ res += '<abbr title="' + k + ': ' + fmt_string(features[k]) +
+ '">' + ALL_ARGS[k].short + '</abbr> ';
+ }
+ }
+ if (features.arguments) {
+ res += '<abbr title="' + fmt_table_flat(features.arguments) +
+ '">Args</abbr> ';
+ }
+ return res;
+function fmt_activity_status(obj) {
+ return obj.replace('_', ' ');
+function short_conn(name) {
+ var pat = /^(.*)->/;
+ var match = pat.exec(name);
+ return (match != null && match.length == 2) ? match[1] : name;
+function short_chan(name) {
+ var pat = /^(.*)->.*( \(.*\))/;
+ var match = pat.exec(name);
+ return (match != null && match.length == 3) ? match[1] + match[2] : name;
+function args_to_features(obj) {
+ var res = {};
+ for (var k in obj.arguments) {
+ if (k in KNOWN_ARGS) {
+ res[k] = fmt_escape_feature(obj.arguments[k]);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (res.arguments == undefined) res.arguments = {};
+ res.arguments[fmt_escape_html(k)] = fmt_escape_html(obj.arguments[k]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (obj.exclusive) {
+ res['exclusive'] = true;
+ }
+ if (obj.durable) {
+ res['durable'] = true;
+ }
+ if (obj.auto_delete) {
+ res['auto-delete'] = true;
+ }
+ if (obj.internal != undefined && obj.internal) {
+ res['internal'] = true;
+ }
+ if (obj.messages_delayed != undefined){
+ res['messages delayed'] = obj.messages_delayed;
+ }
+ return res;
+function fmt_mirrors(queue) {
+ var synced = queue.synchronised_slave_nodes || [];
+ var unsynced = queue.slave_nodes || [];
+ unsynced = jQuery.grep(unsynced,
+ function (node, i) {
+ return jQuery.inArray(node, synced) == -1;
+ });
+ var res = '';
+ if (synced.length > 0) {
+ res += ' <abbr title="Synchronised mirrors: ' + synced + '">+' +
+ synced.length + '</abbr>';
+ }
+ if (synced.length == 0 && unsynced.length > 0) {
+ res += ' <abbr title="There are no synchronised mirrors">+0</abbr>';
+ }
+ if (unsynced.length > 0) {
+ res += ' <abbr class="warning" title="Unsynchronised mirrors: ' +
+ unsynced + '">+' + unsynced.length + '</abbr>';
+ }
+ return res;
+function fmt_sync_state(queue) {
+ var res = '<p><b>Syncing: ';
+ res += (queue.messages == 0) ? 100 : Math.round(100 * queue.sync_messages /
+ queue.messages);
+ res += '%</b></p>';
+ return res;
+function fmt_members(queue) {
+ var res = '';
+ var isMajority = ( >= (Math.floor(queue.members.length / 2) + 1));
+ var followers =;
+ followers.splice(followers.indexOf(queue.node), 1);
+ if (isMajority) {
+ res += ' <abbr title="Followers: ' + followers + '">+' +
+ followers.length + '</abbr>';
+ } else {
+ res += ' <abbr class="warning" title="Cluster is in minority">+' + followers.length + '</abbr>';
+ }
+ return res;
+function fmt_channel_mode(ch) {
+ if (ch.transactional) {
+ return '<abbr title="Transactional">T</abbr>';
+ }
+ else if (ch.confirm) {
+ return '<abbr title="Confirm">C</abbr>';
+ }
+ else {
+ return '';
+ }
+function fmt_color(r, thresholds) {
+ if (r == undefined) return '';
+ for (var i in thresholds) {
+ var threshold = thresholds[i][0];
+ var color = thresholds[i][1];
+ if (r >= threshold) {
+ return color;
+ }
+ }
+ return 'green';
+function fmt_rate_num(num) {
+ if (num == undefined) return UNKNOWN_REPR;
+ else if (num < 1) return num.toFixed(2);
+ else if (num < 10) return num.toFixed(1);
+ else return fmt_num_thousands(num);
+function fmt_num_thousands(num) {
+ var conv_num = parseFloat(num); // to avoid errors, if someone calls fmt_num_thousands(someNumber.toFixed(0))
+ return fmt_num_thousands_unfixed(conv_num.toFixed(0));
+function fmt_num_thousands_unfixed(num) {
+ if (num == undefined) return UNKNOWN_REPR;
+ num = '' + num;
+ if (num.length < 4) return num;
+ res= fmt_num_thousands_unfixed(num.slice(0, -3)) + ',' + num.slice(-3);
+ return res;
+function fmt_percent(num) {
+ if (num === '') {
+ return 'N/A';
+ } else {
+ return Math.round(num * 100) + '%';
+ }
+function pick_rate(fmt, obj, name, mode) {
+ if (obj == undefined || obj[name] == undefined ||
+ obj[name + '_details'] == undefined) return '';
+ var details = obj[name + '_details'];
+ return fmt(mode == 'avg' ? details.avg_rate : details.rate);
+function pick_abs(fmt, obj, name, mode) {
+ if (obj == undefined || obj[name] == undefined ||
+ obj[name + '_details'] == undefined) return '';
+ var details = obj[name + '_details'];
+ return fmt(mode == 'avg' ? details.avg : obj[name]);
+function fmt_detail_rate(obj, name, mode) {
+ return pick_rate(fmt_rate, obj, name, mode);
+function fmt_detail_rate_bytes(obj, name, mode) {
+ return pick_rate(fmt_rate_bytes, obj, name, mode);
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// These are pluggable for charts etc
+function fmt_plain(num) {
+ return num;
+function fmt_plain_axis(num, max) {
+ return fmt_si_prefix(num, max, 1000, true);
+function fmt_rate(num) {
+ return fmt_rate_num(num) + '/s';
+function fmt_rate_axis(num, max) {
+ return fmt_plain_axis(num, max) + '/s';
+function fmt_bytes(bytes) {
+ if (bytes == undefined) return UNKNOWN_REPR;
+ var prefix = fmt_si_prefix(bytes, bytes, 1024, false);
+ return prefix + (prefix != bytes ? 'iB' : 'B');
+function fmt_bytes_axis(num, max) {
+ num = parseInt(num);
+ return fmt_bytes(isNaN(num) ? 0 : num);
+function fmt_rate_bytes(num) {
+ return fmt_bytes(num) + '/s';
+function fmt_rate_bytes_axis(num, max) {
+ return fmt_bytes_axis(num, max) + '/s';
+function fmt_ms(num) {
+ return fmt_rate_num(num) + 'ms';
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+function fmt_maybe_vhost(name) {
+ return vhosts_interesting ?
+ ' in virtual host <b>' + fmt_escape_html(name) + '</b>'
+ : '';
+function fmt_exchange(name) {
+ return fmt_escape_html(fmt_exchange0(name));
+function fmt_exchange0(name) {
+ return name == '' ? '(AMQP default)' : name;
+function fmt_exchange_type(type) {
+ for (var i in exchange_types) {
+ if (exchange_types[i].name == type) {
+ return fmt_escape_html(type);
+ }
+ }
+ return '<div class="status-red"><abbr title="Exchange type not found. ' +
+ 'Publishing to this exchange will fail.">' + fmt_escape_html(type) +
+ '</abbr></div>';
+function fmt_exchange_url(name) {
+ return name == '' ? 'amq.default' : fmt_escape_html(name);
+function fmt_download_filename(host) {
+ var now = new Date();
+ return host.replace('@', '_') + "_" + now.getFullYear() + "-" +
+ (now.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + now.getDate() + ".json";
+function fmt_table_short(table) {
+ return '<table class="mini">' + fmt_table_body(table, ':') + '</table>';
+function fmt_table_long(table) {
+ return '<table class="facts">' + fmt_table_body(table, '') +
+ '</table>';
+function fmt_table_body(table, x) {
+ var res = '';
+ for (k in table) {
+ res += '<tr><th>' + fmt_escape_html(k) + x + '</th>' +
+ '<td>' + fmt_amqp_value(table[k]) + '</td>';
+ }
+ return res;
+function fmt_amqp_value(val) {
+ if (val instanceof Array) {
+ var val2 = new Array();
+ for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
+ val2[i] = fmt_amqp_value(val[i]);
+ }
+ return val2.join("<br/>");
+ } else if (val instanceof Object) {
+ return fmt_table_short(val);
+ } else {
+ var t = typeof(val);
+ if (t == 'string') {
+ return '<abbr class="type" title="string">' +
+ fmt_escape_html(val) + '</abbr>';
+ } else {
+ return '<abbr class="type" title="' + t + '">' + val + '</abbr>';
+ }
+ }
+function fmt_table_flat(table) {
+ var res = [];
+ for (k in table) {
+ res.push(fmt_escape_html(k) + ': ' + fmt_amqp_value_flat(table[k]));
+ }
+ return res.join(', ');
+function fmt_amqp_value_flat(val) {
+ if (val instanceof Array) {
+ var val2 = new Array();
+ for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
+ val2[i] = fmt_amqp_value_flat(val[i]);
+ }
+ return '[' + val2.join(",") + ']';
+ } else if (val instanceof Object) {
+ return '(' + fmt_table_flat(val) + ')';
+ } else if (typeof(val) == 'string') {
+ return fmt_escape_html(val);
+ } else {
+ return val;
+ }
+function fmt_uptime(u) {
+ var uptime = Math.floor(u / 1000);
+ var sec = uptime % 60;
+ var min = Math.floor(uptime / 60) % 60;
+ var hour = Math.floor(uptime / 3600) % 24;
+ var day = Math.floor(uptime / 86400);
+ if (day > 0)
+ return day + 'd ' + hour + 'h';
+ else if (hour > 0)
+ return hour + 'h ' + min + 'm';
+ else
+ return min + 'm ' + sec + 's';
+function fmt_plugins_small(node) {
+ if (node.applications === undefined) return '';
+ var plugins = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < node.applications.length; i++) {
+ var application = node.applications[i];
+ if (jQuery.inArray(, node.enabled_plugins) != -1 ) {
+ plugins.push(;
+ }
+ }
+ return '<abbr title="Enabled plugins: ' + plugins.join(", ") + '">' +
+ plugins.length + '</abbr>';
+function get_plugins_list(node) {
+ var result = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < node.applications.length; i++) {
+ var application = node.applications[i];
+ if (jQuery.inArray(, node.enabled_plugins) != -1 ) {
+ result.push(application);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+function fmt_rabbit_version(applications) {
+ for (var i in applications) {
+ if (applications[i].name == 'rabbit') {
+ return applications[i].version;
+ }
+ }
+ return 'unknown';
+function fmt_strip_tags(txt) {
+ if(txt === null) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ if(txt === undefined) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ return ("" + txt).replace(/<(?:.|\n)*?>/gm, '');
+function fmt_escape_feature(txt) {
+ // Exclude SAC which is the only boolean feature
+ if(txt === false) {
+ return undefined;
+ } else {
+ return fmt_escape_html0(txt).replace(/\n/g, '<br/>');
+ }
+function fmt_escape_html(txt) {
+ return fmt_escape_html0(txt).replace(/\n/g, '<br/>');
+function fmt_escape_html_one_line(txt) {
+ return fmt_escape_html0(txt).replace(/\n/g, '');
+function fmt_escape_html0(txt) {
+ if(txt === null) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ if(txt === undefined) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ return ("" + txt).replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
+ .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
+ .replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
+ .replace(/\"/g, '&quot;');
+function fmt_maybe_wrap(txt, encoding) {
+ if (encoding == 'string') return fmt_escape_html(txt);
+ var WRAP = 120;
+ var res = '';
+ while (txt != '') {
+ var i = txt.indexOf('\n');
+ if (i == -1 || i > WRAP) {
+ i = Math.min(WRAP, txt.length);
+ res += txt.substring(0, i) + '\n';
+ txt = txt.substring(i);
+ }
+ else {
+ res += txt.substring(0, i + 1);
+ txt = txt.substring(i + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return fmt_escape_html(res);
+function fmt_node(node_host) {
+ return fmt_string(node_host);
+function fmt_object_state(obj) {
+ if (obj.state == undefined) return '';
+ var colour = 'green';
+ var text = obj.state;
+ var explanation;
+ if (obj.idle_since !== undefined) {
+ colour = 'grey';
+ explanation = 'Idle since ' + obj.idle_since;
+ text = 'idle';
+ }
+ // Only connections can be 'blocked' or 'blocking'
+ else if (obj.state == 'blocked') {
+ colour = 'red';
+ explanation = 'Resource alarm: connection blocked.';
+ }
+ else if (obj.state == 'blocking') {
+ colour = 'yellow';
+ explanation = 'Resource alarm: connection will block on publish.';
+ }
+ else if (obj.state == 'flow') {
+ colour = 'yellow';
+ explanation = 'Publishing rate recently throttled by server.';
+ }
+ else if (obj.state == 'terminated') {
+ colour = 'yellow';
+ var terminated_by = "";
+ if (obj.terminated_by) {
+ terminated_by = " by \"" + String(obj.terminated_by) + "\"";
+ }
+ explanation = 'The queue is being deleted' + terminated_by + ".";
+ }
+ else if (obj.state == 'down') {
+ colour = 'red';
+ explanation = 'The queue is located on a cluster node or nodes that ' +
+ 'are down.';
+ }
+ else if (obj.state == 'crashed') {
+ colour = 'red';
+ explanation = 'The queue has crashed repeatedly and been unable to ' +
+ 'restart.';
+ }
+ else if (obj.state == 'stopped') {
+ colour = 'red';
+ explanation = 'The queue process was stopped by the vhost supervisor.';
+ }
+ return fmt_state(colour, text, explanation);
+function fmt_state(colour, text, explanation) {
+ var key;
+ if (explanation) {
+ key = '<abbr class="normal" title="' + explanation + '">' +
+ text + '</abbr>';
+ }
+ else {
+ key = text;
+ }
+ return '<div class="colour-key status-key-' + colour + '"></div>' + key;
+function fmt_shortened_uri(uri) {
+ if (typeof uri == 'object') {
+ var res = '';
+ for (i in uri) {
+ res += fmt_shortened_uri(uri[i]) + '<br/>';
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ var uri = fmt_escape_html(uri);
+ if (uri.indexOf('?') == -1) {
+ return uri;
+ }
+ else {
+ return '<abbr title="' + uri + '">' +
+ uri.substr(0, uri.indexOf('?')) + '?...</abbr>';
+ }
+function fmt_uri_with_credentials(uri) {
+ if (typeof uri == 'object') {
+ var res = [];
+ for (i in uri) {
+ res.push(fmt_uri_with_credentials(uri[i]));
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ else if (typeof uri == 'string') {
+ // mask password
+ var mask = /^([a-zA-Z0-9+-.]+):\/\/(.*):(.*)@/;
+ return uri.replace(mask, "$1://$2:[redacted]@");
+ } else {
+ return UNKNOWN_REPR;
+ }
+function fmt_client_name(properties) {
+ var res = [];
+ if (properties.product != undefined) {
+ res.push(fmt_trunc(properties.product, 120));
+ }
+ if (properties.platform != undefined) {
+ res.push(fmt_trunc(properties.platform, 120));
+ }
+ res = res.join(" / ");
+ if (properties.version != undefined) {
+ res += '<sub>' + fmt_trunc(properties.version) + '</sub>';
+ }
+ if (properties.client_id != undefined) {
+ res += '<sub>' + fmt_trunc(properties.client_id, 120) + '</sub>';
+ }
+ return res;
+function fmt_trunc(str, max_length) {
+ return str.length > max_length ?
+ ('<abbr class="normal" title="' + fmt_escape_html(str) + '">' +
+ fmt_escape_html(str.substring(0, max_length)) + '...</abbr>') :
+ fmt_escape_html(str);
+function alt_rows(i, args) {
+ var css = [(i % 2 == 0) ? 'alt1' : 'alt2'];
+ if (args != undefined && args['x-internal-purpose'] != undefined) {
+ css.push('internal-purpose');
+ }
+ return ' class="' + css.join(' ') + '"';
+function esc(str) {
+ return encodeURIComponent(str);
+// Replaces a sequence of characters matched by a regular expression
+// group with the given character. Replaced group is combined with the stripped
+// original using the provided combine function.
+function replace_char_sequence_individually(input, regex, replacement, combine) {
+ let ms = input.match(regex);
+ if (ms == null) {
+ return input;
+ } else {
+ let n = ms[0].length;
+ return combine(replacement.repeat(n), input.replace(regex, ""));
+ }
+// Replaces a leading sequence of characters matched by a regular expression
+// group with the given character.
+function replace_leading_chars(input, regex, replacement) {
+ return replace_char_sequence_individually(input, regex, replacement, function(patch, stripped_input) {
+ return patch + stripped_input;
+ });
+// Replaces a trailing sequence of characters matched by a regular expression
+// group with the given character.
+function replace_trailing_chars(input, regex, replacement) {
+ return replace_char_sequence_individually(input, regex, replacement, function(patch, stripped_input) {
+ return stripped_input + patch;
+ });
+// Highlights extra (leading and trailing) whitespace and tab characters
+// with suitable Unicode characters for improved visiblity.
+// Note that mid-word whitespace should not be highighted, which makes
+// the implementation trickier than a simple chain of replace/2 calls.
+function highlight_extra_whitespace(str) {
+ // Highlight leading and trailing whitespace individually but all tabs.
+ // This assumes that spaces are reasonable to use in the middle of a name
+ // but tabs are not used intentionally and must be highlighted even in the middle.
+ return [[replace_trailing_chars, /(\s+)$/g, WHITESPACE_HIGHLIGHTER],
+ [replace_leading_chars, /^(\s+)/g, WHITESPACE_HIGHLIGHTER]].reduce(function(acc, triplet) {
+ return triplet[0](acc, triplet[1], triplet[2]);
+ }, str.replace(/\t/g, TAB_HIGHLIGHTER));
+function link_conn(name, desc) {
+ if (desc == undefined) {
+ return _link_to(short_conn(name), '#/connections/' + esc(name));
+ }
+ else {
+ return _link_to(desc, '#/connections/' + esc(name), false);
+ }
+function link_channel(name) {
+ return _link_to(short_chan(name), '#/channels/' + esc(name));
+function link_exchange(vhost, name, args) {
+ var url = esc(vhost) + '/' + (name == '' ? 'amq.default' : esc(name));
+ return _link_to(fmt_exchange0(highlight_extra_whitespace(name)), '#/exchanges/' + url, true, args);
+function link_queue(vhost, name, args) {
+ return _link_to(highlight_extra_whitespace(name), '#/queues/' + esc(vhost) + '/' + esc(name), true, args);
+function link_vhost(name) {
+ return _link_to(name, '#/vhosts/' + esc(name));
+function link_user(name) {
+ return _link_to(name, '#/users/' + esc(name));
+function link_node(name) {
+ return _link_to(fmt_node(name), '#/nodes/' + esc(name));
+function link_policy(vhost, name) {
+ return _link_to(name, '#/policies/' + esc(vhost) + '/' + esc(name));
+function _link_to(name, url, highlight, args) {
+ if (highlight == undefined) highlight = true;
+ var title = null;
+ if (args != undefined && args['x-internal-purpose'] != undefined) {
+ var purpose = args['x-internal-purpose'];
+ title = 'This is used internally by the ' + purpose + ' mechanism.';
+ }
+ return '<a href="' + url + '"' +
+ (title ? ' title="' + title + '"' : '') + '>' +
+ (highlight ? fmt_highlight_filter(name) : fmt_escape_html(name)) +
+ '</a>';
+function fmt_highlight_filter(text) {
+ if (current_filter == '') return fmt_escape_html(text);
+ var text_to_match = current_filter.toLowerCase();
+ if (current_filter_regex) {
+ var potential_match = current_filter_regex.exec(text.toLowerCase());
+ if (potential_match) {
+ text_to_match = potential_match[0];
+ }
+ }
+ var ix = text.toLowerCase().indexOf(text_to_match);
+ var l = text_to_match.length;
+ if (ix == -1) {
+ return fmt_escape_html(text);
+ }
+ else {
+ return fmt_escape_html(text.substring(0, ix)) +
+ '<span class="filter-highlight">' +
+ fmt_escape_html(text.substring(ix, ix + l)) + '</span>' +
+ fmt_escape_html(text.substring(ix + l));
+ }
+function filter_ui_pg(items, truncate, appendselect) {
+ var total = items.length;
+ if (current_filter != '') {
+ var items2 = [];
+ for (var i in items) {
+ var item = items[i];
+ var item_name =;
+ if ((current_filter_regex_on &&
+ current_filter_regex &&
+ current_filter_regex.test(item_name)) ||
+ item_name.indexOf(current_filter.toLowerCase()) != -1) {
+ items2.push(item);
+ }
+ }
+ items.length = items2.length;
+ for (var i in items2) items[i] = items2[i];
+ }
+ var res = '<div class="filter"><table' +
+ (current_filter == '' ? '' : ' class="filter-active"') +
+ '><tr><th>Filter:</th>' +
+ '<td><input id="filter" type="text" value="' +
+ fmt_escape_html(current_filter) + '"/>' +
+ '<input type="checkbox" name="filter-regex-mode" id="filter-regex-mode"' +
+ (current_filter_regex_on ? ' checked' : '') +
+ '/><label for="filter-regex-mode">Regex</label> <span class="help" id="filter-regex"></span>' +
+ '</td></tr></table>';
+ function items_desc(l) {
+ return l == 1 ? (l + ' item') : (l + ' items');
+ }
+ var selected = current_filter == '' ? (items_desc(items.length)) :
+ (items.length + ' of ' + items_desc(total) + ' selected');
+ selected += appendselect;
+ res += '<p id="filter-truncate"><span class="updatable">' + selected +
+ '</span>' + truncate + '</p>';
+ res += '</div>';
+ return res;
+function filter_ui(items) {
+ var current_truncate = parseInt(get_pref('truncate'));
+ var truncate_input = '<input type="text" id="truncate" value="' +
+ current_truncate + '">';
+ var selected = '';
+ if (items.length > current_truncate) {
+ selected += '<span id="filter-warning-show"> ' +
+ '(only showing first</span> ';
+ items.length = current_truncate;
+ }
+ else {
+ selected += ', page size up to ';
+ }
+ return filter_ui_pg(items, truncate_input, selected);
+function paginate_header_ui(pages, context){
+ var res = '<h2 class="updatable">';
+ res += ' All ' + context +' (' + pages.total_count + ((pages.filtered_count != pages.total_count) ? ', filtered down to ' + pages.filtered_count : '') + ')';
+ res += '</h2>';
+ return res;
+function paginate_ui(pages, context){
+ var res = paginate_header_ui(pages, context);
+ res += '<div class="hider">';
+ res += '<h3>Pagination</h3>';
+ res += '<div class="filter">';
+ res += '<table class="updatable">';
+ res += '<tr>';
+ res += '<th><label for="'+ context +'-page">Page </label> <select id="'+ context +'-page" class="pagination_class pagination_class_select" >';
+ var page = fmt_page_number_request(context,;
+ if (pages.page_count > 0 && page > pages.page_count){
+ page = pages.page_count;
+ update_pages(context, page);
+ return;
+ };
+ for (var i = 1; i <= pages.page_count; i++) { ;
+ if (i == page) {;
+ res += ' <option selected="selected" value="'+ i + '">' + i + '</option>';
+ } else { ;
+ res += '<option value="' + i + '"> ' + i + '</option>';
+ } };
+ res += '</select> </th>';
+ res += '<th><label for="' + context +'-pageof">of </label> ' + pages.page_count +'</th>';
+ res += '<th><span><label for="'+ context +'-name"> - Filter: </label> <input id="'+ context +'-name" data-page-start="1" class="pagination_class pagination_class_input" type="text"';
+ res += 'value = ' + fmt_filter_name_request(context, "") + '>';
+ res += '</input></th></span>';
+ res += '<th> <input type="checkbox" data-page-start="1" class="pagination_class pagination_class_checkbox" id="'+ context +'-filter-regex-mode"' ;
+ res += fmt_regex_request(context, "") + '></input> <label for="filter-regex-mode">Regex</label> <span class="help" id="filter-regex"></span></th>' ;
+ res +=' </table>' ;
+ res += '<p id="filter-truncate"><span class="updatable">';
+ res += '<span><label for="'+ context +'-pagesize"> Displaying ' + pages.item_count + ' item'+ ((pages.item_count > 1) ? 's' : '' ) + ' , page size up to: </label> ';
+ res += ' <input id="'+ context +'-pagesize" data-page-start="1" class="pagination_class shortinput pagination_class_input" type="text" ';
+ res += 'value = "' + fmt_page_size_request(context, pages.page_size) +'"';
+ res += 'onkeypress = "return isNumberKey(event)"> </input></span></p>';
+ res += '</tr>';
+ res += '</div>';
+ res += '</div>';
+ return res;
+function maybe_truncate(items) {
+ var maximum = 500;
+ var str = '';
+ if (items.length > maximum) {
+ str = '<p class="warning">Only ' + maximum + ' of ' +
+ items.length + ' items are shown.</p>';
+ items.length = maximum;
+ }
+ return str;
+function fmt_sort(display, sort) {
+ var prefix = '';
+ if (current_sort == sort) {
+ prefix = '<span class="arrow">' +
+ (current_sort_reverse ? '&#9661; ' : '&#9651; ') +
+ '</span>';
+ }
+ return '<a class="sort" sort="' + sort + '">' + prefix + display + '</a>';
+function group_count(mode, group, bools) {
+ var count = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < bools.length; i++) {
+ if (bools[i]) count++;
+ }
+ var options = COLUMNS[mode][group];
+ for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
+ var column = options[i][0];
+ if (show_column(mode, column)) count++;
+ }
+ return count;
+function group_heading(mode, group, bools) {
+ var count = group_count(mode, group, bools);
+ if (count == 0) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ else {
+ return '<th colspan="' + count + '">' + group + '</th>';
+ }
+function fmt_permissions(obj, permissions, lookup, show, warning) {
+ var res = [];
+ for (var i in permissions) {
+ var permission = permissions[i];
+ if (permission[lookup] == {
+ res.push(fmt_escape_html(permission[show]));
+ }
+ }
+ return res.length == 0 ? warning : res.join(', ');
+var radio_id = 0;
+function fmt_radio(name, text, value, current) {
+ radio_id++;
+ return '<label class="radio" for="radio-' + radio_id + '">' +
+ '<input type="radio" id="radio-' + radio_id + '" name="' + name +
+ '" value="' + value + '"' +
+ ((value == current) ? ' checked="checked"' : '') +
+ '>' + text + '</label>';
+function fmt_checkbox(name, text, current) {
+ return '<label class="checkbox" for="checkbox-' + name + '">' +
+ '<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox-' + name + '" name="' + name +
+ '"' + (current ? ' checked="checked"' : '') + '>' + text + '</label>';
+function properties_size(obj) {
+ var count = 0;
+ for (k in obj) {
+ if (obj.hasOwnProperty(k)) count++;
+ }
+ return count;
+function stored_value_or_default(template, defaultValue){
+ var stored_value = get_pref(template);
+ var result = (((stored_value == null)
+ || (stored_value == undefined)
+ || (stored_value == '')) ? defaultValue :
+ stored_value);
+ return ((result == undefined) ? defaultValue : result);
+function fmt_page_number_request(template, defaultPage){
+ if ((defaultPage == undefined) || (defaultPage <= 0)) {
+ defaultPage = 1;
+ }
+ return stored_value_or_default(template + '_current_page_number', defaultPage);
+function fmt_page_size_request(template, defaultPageSize){
+ if ((defaultPageSize == undefined) || (defaultPageSize < 0)) {
+ defaultPageSize = 100;
+ }
+ var result = stored_value_or_default(template + '_current_page_size', defaultPageSize);
+ if (result > 500) {
+ // hard limit
+ result = 500;
+ }
+ return result;
+function fmt_filter_name_request(template, defaultName){
+ return fmt_escape_html(stored_value_or_default(template + '_current_filter_name', defaultName));
+function fmt_regex_request(template, defaultName){
+ return fmt_escape_html(stored_value_or_default(template + '_current_regex', defaultName));
+function fmt_vhost_state(vhost){
+ var cluster_state = vhost.cluster_state;
+ var down_nodes = [];
+ var ok_count = 0;
+ var non_ok_count = 0;
+ for(var node in cluster_state){
+ var node_state = cluster_state[node];
+ if(cluster_state[node] == "stopped" || cluster_state[node] == "nodedown"){
+ non_ok_count++;
+ down_nodes.push(node);
+ } else if(cluster_state[node] == "running"){
+ ok_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(non_ok_count == 0 ){
+ return fmt_state('green', 'running', '');
+ } else if(non_ok_count > 0 && ok_count == 0){
+ return fmt_state('red', 'stopped', 'Vhost supervisor is not running.');
+ } else if(non_ok_count > 0 && ok_count > 0){
+ return fmt_state('yellow', 'partial', 'Vhost supervisor is stopped on some cluster nodes: ' + down_nodes.join(', '));
+ }
+function isNumberKey(evt){
+ var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode;
+ if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57))
+ return false;
+ return true;