path: root/deps/rabbitmq_management/priv/www/js/main.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'deps/rabbitmq_management/priv/www/js/main.js')
1 files changed, 1717 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps/rabbitmq_management/priv/www/js/main.js b/deps/rabbitmq_management/priv/www/js/main.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46da9698d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps/rabbitmq_management/priv/www/js/main.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1717 @@
+$(document).ready(function() {
+ if (enable_uaa) {
+ get(uaa_location + "/info", "application/json", function(req) {
+ if (req.status !== 200) {
+ replace_content('outer', format('login_uaa', {}));
+ replace_content('login-status', '<p class="warning">' + uaa_location + " does not appear to be a running UAA instance or may not have a trusted SSL certificate" + '</p> <button id="loginWindow" onclick="uaa_login_window()">Single Sign On</button>');
+ } else {
+ replace_content('outer', format('login_uaa', {}));
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ replace_content('outer', format('login', {}));
+ start_app_login();
+ }
+function dispatcher_add(fun) {
+ dispatcher_modules.push(fun);
+ if (dispatcher_modules.length == extension_count) {
+ start_app();
+ }
+function dispatcher() {
+ for (var i in dispatcher_modules) {
+ dispatcher_modules[i](this);
+ }
+function set_auth_pref(userinfo) {
+ // clear a local storage value used by earlier versions
+ clear_local_pref('auth');
+ var b64 = b64_encode_utf8(userinfo);
+ var date = new Date();
+ var login_session_timeout = get_login_session_timeout();
+ if (login_session_timeout) {
+ date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() + login_session_timeout);
+ } else {
+ // 8 hours from now
+ date.setHours(date.getHours() + 8);
+ }
+ store_cookie_value_with_expiration('auth', encodeURIComponent(b64), date);
+function getParameterByName(name) {
+ var match = RegExp('[#&]' + name + '=([^&]*)').exec(window.location.hash);
+ return match && decodeURIComponent(match[1].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
+function getAccessToken() {
+ return getParameterByName('access_token');
+function start_app_login() {
+ app = new Sammy.Application(function () {
+ this.get('#/', function() {});
+ this.put('#/login', function() {
+ username = this.params['username'];
+ password = this.params['password'];
+ set_auth_pref(username + ':' + password);
+ check_login();
+ });
+ });
+ if (enable_uaa) {
+ var token = getAccessToken();
+ if (token != null) {
+ set_auth_pref(uaa_client_id + ':' + token);
+ store_pref('uaa_token', token);
+ check_login();
+ } else if(has_auth_cookie_value()) {
+ check_login();
+ };
+ } else {
+ if (get_cookie_value('auth') != null) {
+ check_login();
+ }
+ }
+function uaa_logout_window() {
+ uaa_invalid = true;
+ uaa_login_window();
+function uaa_login_window() {
+ var redirect;
+ if (window.location.hash != "") {
+ redirect = window.location.href.split(window.location.hash)[0];
+ } else {
+ redirect = window.location.href
+ };
+ var loginRedirectUrl;
+ if (uaa_invalid) {
+ loginRedirectUrl = + '/' + + '&redirect=' + redirect;
+ } else {
+ loginRedirectUrl = + '/oauth/authorize?response_type=token&client_id=' + + '&redirect_uri=' + redirect;
+ };
+function check_login() {
+ user = JSON.parse(sync_get('/whoami'));
+ if (user == false) {
+ // clear a local storage value used by earlier versions
+ clear_pref('auth');
+ clear_pref('uaa_token');
+ clear_cookie_value('auth');
+ if (enable_uaa) {
+ uaa_invalid = true;
+ replace_content('login-status', '<button id="loginWindow" onclick="uaa_login_window()">Log out</button>');
+ } else {
+ replace_content('login-status', '<p>Login failed</p>');
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ hide_popup_warn();
+ replace_content('outer', format('layout', {}));
+ var user_login_session_timeout = parseInt(user.login_session_timeout);
+ // Update auth login_session_timeout if changed
+ if (has_auth_cookie_value() && !isNaN(user_login_session_timeout) &&
+ user_login_session_timeout !== get_login_session_timeout()) {
+ update_login_session_timeout(user_login_session_timeout);
+ }
+ setup_global_vars();
+ setup_constant_events();
+ update_vhosts();
+ update_interval();
+ setup_extensions();
+ }
+function get_login_session_timeout() {
+ parseInt(get_cookie_value('login_session_timeout'));
+function update_login_session_timeout(login_session_timeout) {
+ var auth_info = get_cookie_value('auth');
+ var date = new Date();
+ // `login_session_timeout` minutes from now
+ date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() + login_session_timeout);
+ store_cookie_value('login_session_timeout', login_session_timeout);
+ store_cookie_value_with_expiration('auth', auth_info, date);
+function start_app() {
+ if (app !== undefined) {
+ app.unload();
+ }
+ // Oh boy. Sammy uses various different methods to determine if
+ // the URL hash has changed. Unsurprisingly this is a native event
+ // in modern browsers, and falls back to an icky polling function
+ // in MSIE. But it looks like there's a bug. The polling function
+ // should get installed when the app is started. But it's guarded
+ // behind if (Sammy.HashLocationProxy._interval != null). And of
+ // course that's not specific to the application; it's pretty
+ // global. So we need to manually clear that in order for links to
+ // work in MSIE.
+ // Filed as
+ //
+ // Note for when we upgrade: HashLocationProxy has become
+ // DefaultLocationProxy in later versions, but otherwise the issue
+ // remains.
+ // updated to the version 0.7.6 this _interval = null is fixed
+ // just leave the history here.
+ //Sammy.HashLocationProxy._interval = null;
+ app = new Sammy.Application(dispatcher);
+ var url = this.location.toString();
+ var hash = this.location.hash;
+ var pathname = this.location.pathname;
+ if (url.indexOf('#') == -1) {
+ this.location = url + '#/';
+ } else if (hash.indexOf('#token_type') != - 1 && pathname == '/') {
+ // This is equivalent to previous `if` clause when uaa authorisation is used.
+ // Tokens are passed in the url hash, so the url always contains a #.
+ // We need to check the current path is `/` and token is present,
+ // so we can redirect to `/#/`
+ this.location = url.replace(/#token_type.+/gi, "#/");
+ }
+function setup_constant_events() {
+ $('#update-every').on('change', function() {
+ var interval = $(this).val();
+ store_pref('interval', interval);
+ if (interval == '')
+ interval = null;
+ else
+ interval = parseInt(interval);
+ set_timer_interval(interval);
+ });
+ $('#show-vhost').on('change', function() {
+ current_vhost = $(this).val();
+ store_pref('vhost', current_vhost);
+ update();
+ });
+ if (!vhosts_interesting) {
+ $('#vhost-form').hide();
+ }
+function update_vhosts() {
+ var vhosts = JSON.parse(sync_get('/vhosts'));
+ vhosts_interesting = vhosts.length > 1;
+ if (vhosts_interesting)
+ $('#vhost-form').show();
+ else
+ $('#vhost-form').hide();
+ var select = $('#show-vhost').get(0);
+ select.options.length = vhosts.length + 1;
+ var index = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < vhosts.length; i++) {
+ var vhost = vhosts[i].name;
+ select.options[i + 1] = new Option(vhost, vhost);
+ if (vhost == current_vhost) index = i + 1;
+ }
+ select.selectedIndex = index;
+ current_vhost = select.options[index].value;
+ store_pref('vhost', current_vhost);
+function setup_extensions() {
+ var extensions = JSON.parse(sync_get('/extensions'));
+ extension_count = 0;
+ for (var i in extensions) {
+ var extension = extensions[i];
+ if ($.isPlainObject(extension) && extension.hasOwnProperty("javascript")) {
+ dynamic_load(extension.javascript);
+ extension_count++;
+ }
+ }
+function dynamic_load(filename) {
+ var element = document.createElement('script');
+ element.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
+ element.setAttribute('src', 'js/' + filename);
+ document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(element);
+function update_interval() {
+ var intervalStr = get_pref('interval');
+ var interval;
+ if (intervalStr == null) interval = 5000;
+ else if (intervalStr == '') interval = null;
+ else interval = parseInt(intervalStr);
+ if (isNaN(interval)) interval = null; // Prevent DoS if cookie malformed
+ set_timer_interval(interval);
+ var select = $('#update-every').get(0);
+ var opts = select.options;
+ for (var i = 0; i < opts.length; i++) {
+ if (opts[i].value == intervalStr) {
+ select.selectedIndex = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+function go_to(url) {
+ this.location = url;
+function set_timer_interval(interval) {
+ timer_interval = interval;
+ reset_timer();
+function reset_timer() {
+ clearInterval(timer);
+ if (timer_interval != null) {
+ timer = setInterval(partial_update, timer_interval);
+ }
+function update_manual(div, query) {
+ var path;
+ var template;
+ if (query == 'memory' || query == 'binary') {
+ path = current_reqs['node']['path'] + '?' + query + '=true';
+ template = query;
+ }
+ var data = JSON.parse(sync_get(path));
+ replace_content(div, format(template, data));
+ postprocess_partial();
+function render(reqs, template, highlight) {
+ var old_template = current_template;
+ current_template = template;
+ current_reqs = reqs;
+ for (var i in outstanding_reqs) {
+ outstanding_reqs[i].abort();
+ }
+ outstanding_reqs = [];
+ current_highlight = highlight;
+ if (old_template !== current_template) {
+ window.scrollTo(0, 0);
+ }
+ update();
+function update() {
+ replace_content('debug', '');
+ clearInterval(timer);
+ with_update(function(html) {
+ update_navigation();
+ replace_content('main', html);
+ postprocess();
+ postprocess_partial();
+ render_charts();
+ maybe_scroll();
+ reset_timer();
+ });
+function partial_update() {
+ if (!$(".pagination_class").is(":focus")) {
+ if ($('.updatable').length > 0) {
+ if (update_counter >= 200) {
+ update_counter = 0;
+ full_refresh();
+ return;
+ }
+ with_update(function(html) {
+ update_counter++;
+ replace_content('scratch', html);
+ var befores = $('#main .updatable');
+ var afters = $('#scratch .updatable');
+ if (befores.length != afters.length) {
+ console.log("before/after mismatch! Doing a full reload...");
+ full_refresh();
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < befores.length; i++) {
+ $(befores[i]).empty().append($(afters[i]).contents());
+ }
+ replace_content('scratch', '');
+ postprocess_partial();
+ render_charts();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+function update_navigation() {
+ var l1 = '';
+ var l2 = '';
+ var descend = null;
+ for (var k in NAVIGATION) {
+ var val = NAVIGATION[k];
+ var path = val;
+ while (!leaf(path)) {
+ path = first_showable_child(path);
+ }
+ var selected = false;
+ if (contains_current_highlight(val)) {
+ selected = true;
+ if (!leaf(val)) {
+ descend = nav(val);
+ }
+ }
+ if (show(path)) {
+ l1 += '<li><a href="' + nav(path) + '"' +
+ (selected ? ' class="selected"' : '') + '>' + k + '</a></li>';
+ }
+ }
+ if (descend) {
+ l2 = obj_to_ul(descend);
+ $('#main').addClass('with-rhs');
+ }
+ else {
+ $('#main').removeClass('with-rhs');
+ }
+ replace_content('tabs', l1);
+ replace_content('rhs', l2);
+function nav(pair) {
+ return pair[0];
+function show(pair) {
+ return jQuery.inArray(pair[1], user_tags) != -1;
+function leaf(pair) {
+ return typeof(nav(pair)) == 'string';
+function first_showable_child(pair) {
+ var items = pair[0];
+ var ks = keys(items);
+ for (var i = 0; i < ks.length; i++) {
+ var child = items[ks[i]];
+ if (show(child)) return child;
+ }
+ return items[ks[0]]; // We'll end up not showing it anyway
+function contains_current_highlight(val) {
+ if (leaf(val)) {
+ return current_highlight == nav(val);
+ }
+ else {
+ var b = false;
+ for (var k in val) {
+ b |= contains_current_highlight(val[k]);
+ }
+ return b;
+ }
+function obj_to_ul(val) {
+ var res = '<ul>';
+ for (var k in val) {
+ var obj = val[k];
+ if (show(obj)) {
+ res += '<li>';
+ if (leaf(obj)) {
+ res += '<a href="' + nav(obj) + '"' +
+ (current_highlight == nav(obj) ? ' class="selected"' : '') +
+ '>' + k + '</a>';
+ }
+ else {
+ res += obj_to_ul(nav(obj));
+ }
+ res += '</li>';
+ }
+ }
+ return res + '</ul>';
+function full_refresh() {
+ store_pref('position', x_position() + ',' + y_position());
+ location.reload();
+function maybe_scroll() {
+ var pos = get_pref('position');
+ if (pos) {
+ clear_pref('position');
+ var xy = pos.split(",");
+ window.scrollTo(parseInt(xy[0]), parseInt(xy[1]));
+ }
+function x_position() {
+ return window.pageXOffset ?
+ window.pageXOffset :
+ document.documentElement.scrollLeft ?
+ document.documentElement.scrollLeft :
+ document.body.scrollLeft;
+function y_position() {
+ return window.pageYOffset ?
+ window.pageYOffset :
+ document.documentElement.scrollTop ?
+ document.documentElement.scrollTop :
+ document.body.scrollTop;
+function with_update(fun) {
+ if(outstanding_reqs.length > 0){
+ return false;
+ }
+ with_reqs(apply_state(current_reqs), [], function(json) {
+ var html = format(current_template, json);
+ fun(html);
+ update_status('ok');
+ });
+ return true;
+function apply_state(reqs) {
+ var reqs2 = {};
+ for (k in reqs) {
+ var req = reqs[k];
+ var options = {};
+ if (typeof(req) == "object") {
+ options = req.options;
+ req = req.path;
+ }
+ var req2;
+ if (options['vhost'] != undefined && current_vhost != '') {
+ var indexPage = req.indexOf("?page=");
+ if (indexPage >- 1) {
+ pageUrl = req.substr(indexPage);
+ req2 = req.substr(0,indexPage) + '/' + esc(current_vhost) + pageUrl;
+ } else
+ req2 = req + '/' + esc(current_vhost);
+ }
+ else {
+ req2 = req;
+ }
+ var qs = [];
+ if (options['sort'] != undefined && current_sort != null) {
+ qs.push('sort=' + current_sort);
+ qs.push('sort_reverse=' + current_sort_reverse);
+ }
+ if (options['ranges'] != undefined) {
+ for (i in options['ranges']) {
+ var type = options['ranges'][i];
+ var range = get_pref('chart-range').split('|');
+ var prefix;
+ if (type.substring(0, 8) == 'lengths-') {
+ prefix = 'lengths';
+ }
+ else if (type.substring(0, 10) == 'msg-rates-') {
+ prefix = 'msg_rates';
+ }
+ else if (type.substring(0, 11) == 'data-rates-') {
+ prefix = 'data_rates';
+ }
+ else if (type == 'node-stats') {
+ prefix = 'node_stats';
+ }
+ qs.push(prefix + '_age=' + parseInt(range[0]));
+ qs.push(prefix + '_incr=' + parseInt(range[1]));
+ }
+ }
+ /* Unknown options are used as query parameters as is. */
+ Object.keys(options).forEach(function (key) {
+ /* Skip known keys we already handled and undefined parameters. */
+ if (key == 'vhost' || key == 'sort' || key == 'ranges')
+ return;
+ if (!key || options[key] == undefined)
+ return;
+ qs.push(esc(key) + '=' + esc(options[key]));
+ });
+ qs = qs.join('&');
+ if (qs != '')
+ if (req2.indexOf("?page=") >- 1)
+ qs = '&' + qs;
+ else
+ qs = '?' + qs;
+ reqs2[k] = req2 + qs;
+ }
+ return reqs2;
+function show_popup(type, text, _mode) {
+ var cssClass = '.form-popup-' + type;
+ function hide() {
+ $(cssClass).fadeOut(100, function() {
+ $(this).remove();
+ });
+ }
+ hide();
+ $('#outer').after(format('popup', {'type': type, 'text': text}));
+ $(cssClass).fadeIn(100);
+ $(cssClass + ' span').on('click', function () {
+ $('.popup-owner').removeClass('popup-owner');
+ hide();
+ });
+function hide_popup_warn() {
+ var cssClass = '.form-popup-warn';
+ $('.popup-owner').removeClass('popup-owner');
+ $(cssClass).fadeOut(100, function() {
+ $(this).remove();
+ });
+function submit_import(form) {
+ if (form.file.value) {
+ var confirm_upload = confirm('Are you sure you want to import a definitions file? Some entities (vhosts, users, queues, etc) may be overwritten!');
+ if (confirm_upload === true) {
+ var file = form.file.files[0]; // FUTURE: limit upload file size (?)
+ var vhost_upload = $("select[name='vhost-upload'] option:selected");
+ var vhost_selected = vhost_upload.index() > 0;
+ var vhost_name = null;
+ if (vhost_selected) {
+ vhost_name = vhost_upload.val();
+ }
+ var vhost_part = '';
+ if (vhost_name) {
+ vhost_part = '/' + esc(vhost_name);
+ }
+ if (enable_uaa) {
+ var form_action = "/definitions" + vhost_part + '?token=' + get_pref('uaa_token');
+ } else {
+ var form_action = "/definitions" + vhost_part + '?auth=' + get_cookie_value('auth');
+ };
+ var fd = new FormData();
+ fd.append('file', file);
+ with_req('POST', form_action, fd, function(resp) {
+ show_popup('info', 'Your definitions were imported successfully.');
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+function postprocess() {
+ $('form.confirm-queue').on('submit', function() {
+ return confirm("Are you sure? The queue is going to be deleted. " +
+ "Messages cannot be recovered after deletion.");
+ });
+ $('form.confirm-purge-queue').on('submit', function() {
+ return confirm("Are you sure? Messages cannot be recovered after purging.");
+ });
+ $('form.confirm').on('submit', function() {
+ return confirm("Are you sure? This object cannot be recovered " +
+ "after deletion.");
+ });
+ $('label').map(function() {
+ if ($(this).attr('for') == '') {
+ var id = 'auto-label-' + Math.floor(Math.random()*1000000000);
+ var input = $(this).parents('tr').first().find('input, select');
+ if (input.attr('id') == '') {
+ $(this).attr('for', id);
+ input.attr('id', id);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ $('#download-definitions').on('click', function() {
+ var idx = $("select[name='vhost-download'] option:selected").index();
+ var vhost = ((idx <=0 ) ? "" : "/" + esc($("select[name='vhost-download'] option:selected").val()));
+ if (enable_uaa) {
+ var path = 'api/definitions' + vhost + '?download=' +
+ esc($('#download-filename').val()) +
+ '&token=' + get_pref('uaa_token');
+ } else {
+ var path = 'api/definitions' + vhost + '?download=' +
+ esc($('#download-filename').val()) +
+ '&auth=' + get_cookie_value('auth');
+ };
+ window.location = path;
+ setTimeout('');
+ return false;
+ });
+ $('.update-manual').on('click', function() {
+ update_manual($(this).attr('for'), $(this).attr('query'));
+ });
+ $(document).on('keyup', '.multifield input', function() {
+ update_multifields();
+ });
+ $(document).on('change', '.multifield select', function() {
+ update_multifields();
+ });
+ $('.controls-appearance').on('change', function() {
+ var params = $(this).get(0).options;
+ var selected = $(this).val();
+ for (i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
+ var param = params[i].value;
+ if (param == selected) {
+ $('#' + param + '-div').slideDown(100);
+ } else {
+ $('#' + param + '-div').slideUp(100);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ $(document).on('click', '.help', function() {
+ show_popup('help', HELP[$(this).attr('id')]);
+ });
+ $(document).on('click', '.popup-options-link', function() {
+ $('.popup-owner').removeClass('popup-owner');
+ $(this).addClass('popup-owner');
+ var template = $(this).attr('type') + '-options';
+ show_popup('options', format(template, {span: $(this)}), 'fade');
+ });
+ $(document).on('click', '.rate-visibility-option', function() {
+ var k = $(this).attr('data-pref');
+ var show = get_pref(k) !== 'true';
+ store_pref(k, '' + show);
+ partial_update();
+ });
+ $(document).on('focus', 'input, select', function() {
+ update_counter = 0; // If there's interaction, reset the counter.
+ });
+ $('.tag-link').on('click', function() {
+ $('#tags').val($(this).attr('tag'));
+ });
+ $('.argument-link').on('click', function() {
+ var field = $(this).attr('field');
+ var row = $('#' + field).find('.mf').last();
+ var key = row.find('input').first();
+ var value = row.find('input').last();
+ var type = row.find('select').last();
+ key.val($(this).attr('key'));
+ value.val($(this).attr('value'));
+ type.val($(this).attr('type'));
+ update_multifields();
+ });
+ $(document).on('click', ' select, input', function(){
+ $(this).parents('form').submit();
+ });
+ $('#filter').on('keyup', debounce(update_filter, 500));
+ $('#filter-regex-mode').on('change', update_filter_regex_mode);
+ $('#truncate').on('keyup', debounce(update_truncate, 500));
+ if (! user_administrator) {
+ $('.administrator-only').remove();
+ }
+ update_multifields();
+function url_pagination_template(template, defaultPage, defaultPageSize){
+ var page_number_request = fmt_page_number_request(template, defaultPage);
+ var page_size = fmt_page_size_request(template, defaultPageSize);
+ var name_request = fmt_filter_name_request(template, "");
+ var use_regex = fmt_regex_request(template, "") == "checked";
+ if (use_regex) {
+ name_request = esc(name_request);
+ }
+ return '/' + template +
+ '?page=' + page_number_request +
+ '&page_size=' + page_size +
+ '&name=' + name_request +
+ '&use_regex=' + use_regex;
+function stored_page_info(template, page_start){
+ var pageSize = fmt_strip_tags($('#' + template+'-pagesize').val());
+ var filterName = fmt_strip_tags($('#' + template+'-name').val());
+ store_pref(template + '_current_page_number', page_start);
+ if (filterName != null && filterName != undefined) {
+ store_pref(template + '_current_filter_name', filterName);
+ }
+ var regex_on = $("#" + template + "-filter-regex-mode").is(':checked');
+ if (regex_on != null && regex_on != undefined) {
+ store_pref(template + '_current_regex', regex_on ? "checked" : " " );
+ }
+ if (pageSize != null && pageSize != undefined) {
+ store_pref(template + '_current_page_size', pageSize);
+ }
+function update_pages(template, page_start){
+ stored_page_info(template, page_start);
+ switch (template) {
+ case 'queues' : renderQueues(); break;
+ case 'exchanges' : renderExchanges(); break;
+ case 'connections' : renderConnections(); break;
+ case 'channels' : renderChannels(); break;
+ }
+function renderQueues() {
+ ensure_queues_chart_range();
+ render({'queues': {
+ path: url_pagination_template('queues', 1, 100),
+ options: {
+ sort: true,
+ vhost: true,
+ pagination: true
+ }
+ }, 'vhosts': '/vhosts'}, 'queues', '#/queues');
+function renderExchanges() {
+ render({'exchanges': {path: url_pagination_template('exchanges', 1, 100),
+ options: {sort:true, vhost:true, pagination:true}},
+ 'vhosts': '/vhosts'}, 'exchanges', '#/exchanges');
+function renderConnections() {
+ render({'connections': {path: url_pagination_template('connections', 1, 100),
+ options: {sort:true}}},
+ 'connections', '#/connections');
+function renderChannels() {
+ render({'channels': {path: url_pagination_template('channels', 1, 100),
+ options: {sort:true}}},
+ 'channels', '#/channels');
+function update_pages_from_ui(sender) {
+ var val = $(sender).val();
+ var raw = !!$(sender).attr('data-page-start') ? $(sender).attr('data-page-start') : val;
+ var s = fmt_escape_html(fmt_strip_tags(raw));
+ update_pages(current_template, s);
+function postprocess_partial() {
+ $('.pagination_class_input').on('keypress', function(e) {
+ if (e.keyCode == 13) {
+ update_pages_from_ui(this);
+ }
+ });
+ $('.pagination_class_checkbox').on('click', function(e) {
+ update_pages_from_ui(this);
+ });
+ $('.pagination_class_select').on('change', function(e) {
+ update_pages_from_ui(this);
+ });
+ setup_visibility();
+ $('#main').off('click', 'div.section h2, div.section-hidden h2');
+ $('#main').on('click', 'div.section h2, div.section-hidden h2', function() {
+ toggle_visibility($(this));
+ });
+ $('.sort').on('click', function() {
+ var sort = $(this).attr('sort');
+ if (current_sort == sort) {
+ current_sort_reverse = ! current_sort_reverse;
+ }
+ else {
+ current_sort = sort;
+ current_sort_reverse = false;
+ }
+ update();
+ });
+ // TODO remove this hack when we get rid of "updatable"
+ if ($('#filter-warning-show').length > 0) {
+ $('#filter-truncate').addClass('filter-warning');
+ }
+ else {
+ $('#filter-truncate').removeClass('filter-warning');
+ }
+function update_multifields() {
+ $('div.multifield').each(function(index) {
+ update_multifield($(this), true);
+ });
+function update_multifield(multifield, dict) {
+ var largest_id = 0;
+ var empty_found = false;
+ var name = multifield.attr('id');
+ var type_inputs = $('#' + name + ' *[name$="_mftype"]');
+ type_inputs.each(function(index) {
+ var re = new RegExp(name + '_([0-9]*)_mftype');
+ var match = $(this).attr('name').match(re);
+ if (!match) return;
+ var id = parseInt(match[1]);
+ largest_id = Math.max(id, largest_id);
+ var prefix = name + '_' + id;
+ var type = $(this).val();
+ var input = $('#' + prefix + '_mfvalue');
+ if (type == 'list') {
+ if (input.length == 1) {
+ input.replaceWith('<div class="multifield-sub" id="' + prefix +
+ '"></div>');
+ }
+ update_multifield($('#' + prefix), false);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (input.length == 1) {
+ var key = dict ? $('#' + prefix + '_mfkey').val() : '';
+ var value = input.val();
+ if (key == '' && value == '') {
+ if (index == type_inputs.length - 1) {
+ empty_found = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ $(this).parents('.mf').first().remove();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $('#' + prefix).replaceWith(multifield_input(prefix, 'value',
+ 'text'));
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (!empty_found) {
+ var prefix = name + '_' + (largest_id + 1);
+ var t = multifield.hasClass('string-only') ? 'hidden' : 'select';
+ var val_type = multifield_input(prefix, 'value', 'text') + ' ' +
+ multifield_input(prefix, 'type', t);
+ if (dict) {
+ multifield.append('<table class="mf"><tr><td>' +
+ multifield_input(prefix, 'key', 'text') +
+ '</td><td class="equals"> = </td><td>' +
+ val_type + '</td></tr></table>');
+ }
+ else {
+ multifield.append('<div class="mf">' + val_type + '</div>');
+ }
+ }
+function multifield_input(prefix, suffix, type) {
+ if (type == 'hidden' ) {
+ return '<input type="hidden" id="' + prefix + '_mf' + suffix +
+ '" name="' + prefix + '_mf' + suffix + '" value="string"/>';
+ }
+ else if (type == 'text' ) {
+ return '<input type="text" id="' + prefix + '_mf' + suffix +
+ '" name="' + prefix + '_mf' + suffix + '" value=""/>';
+ }
+ else if (type == 'select' ) {
+ return '<select id="' + prefix + '_mf' + suffix + '" name="' + prefix +
+ '_mf' + suffix + '">' +
+ '<option value="string">String</option>' +
+ '<option value="number">Number</option>' +
+ '<option value="boolean">Boolean</option>' +
+ '<option value="list">List</option>' +
+ '</select>';
+ }
+function update_filter_regex(jElem) {
+ current_filter_regex = null;
+ jElem.parents('.filter').children('.status-error').remove();
+ if (current_filter_regex_on && $.trim(current_filter).length > 0) {
+ try {
+ current_filter_regex = new RegExp(current_filter,'i');
+ } catch (e) {
+ jElem.parents('.filter').append('<p class="status-error">' +
+ fmt_escape_html(e.message) + '</p>');
+ }
+ }
+function update_filter_regex_mode() {
+ current_filter_regex_on = $(this).is(':checked');
+ update_filter_regex($(this));
+ partial_update();
+function update_filter() {
+ current_filter = $(this).val();
+ var table = $(this).parents('table').first();
+ table.removeClass('filter-active');
+ if ($(this).val() != '') {
+ table.addClass('filter-active');
+ }
+ update_filter_regex($(this));
+ partial_update();
+function update_truncate() {
+ var current_truncate_str =
+ $(this).val().replace(new RegExp('\\D', 'g'), '');
+ if (current_truncate_str == '') {
+ current_truncate_str = '0';
+ }
+ if ($(this).val() != current_truncate_str) {
+ $(this).val(current_truncate_str);
+ }
+ var current_truncate = parseInt(current_truncate_str, 10);
+ store_pref('truncate', current_truncate);
+ partial_update();
+function setup_visibility() {
+ $('div.section,div.section-hidden').each(function(_index) {
+ var pref = section_pref(current_template,
+ $(this).children('h2').text());
+ var show = get_pref(pref);
+ if (show == null) {
+ show = $(this).hasClass('section');
+ }
+ else {
+ show = show == 't';
+ }
+ if (show) {
+ $(this).addClass('section-visible');
+ // Workaround for... something. Although div.hider is
+ // display:block anyway, not explicitly setting this
+ // prevents the first slideToggle() from animating
+ // successfully; instead the element just vanishes.
+ $(this).find('.hider').attr('style', 'display:block;');
+ }
+ else {
+ $(this).addClass('section-invisible');
+ }
+ });
+function toggle_visibility(item) {
+ var hider =;
+ var all = item.parent();
+ var pref = section_pref(current_template, item.text());
+ if (all.hasClass('section-visible')) {
+ if (all.hasClass('section'))
+ store_pref(pref, 'f');
+ else
+ clear_pref(pref);
+ all.removeClass('section-visible');
+ all.addClass('section-invisible');
+ }
+ else {
+ if (all.hasClass('section-hidden')) {
+ store_pref(pref, 't');
+ } else {
+ clear_pref(pref);
+ }
+ all.removeClass('section-invisible');
+ all.addClass('section-visible');
+ }
+function publish_msg(params0) {
+ try {
+ var params = params_magic(params0);
+ publish_msg0(params);
+ } catch (e) {
+ show_popup('warn', fmt_escape_html(e));
+ return false;
+ }
+function publish_msg0(params) {
+ var path = fill_path_template('/exchanges/:vhost/:name/publish', params);
+ params['payload_encoding'] = 'string';
+ params['properties'] = {};
+ params['properties']['delivery_mode'] = parseInt(params['delivery_mode']);
+ if (params['headers'] != '')
+ params['properties']['headers'] = params['headers'];
+ var props = [['content_type', 'str'],
+ ['content_encoding', 'str'],
+ ['correlation_id', 'str'],
+ ['reply_to', 'str'],
+ ['expiration', 'str'],
+ ['message_id', 'str'],
+ ['type', 'str'],
+ ['user_id', 'str'],
+ ['app_id', 'str'],
+ ['cluster_id', 'str'],
+ ['priority', 'int'],
+ ['timestamp', 'int']];
+ for (var i in props) {
+ var name = props[i][0];
+ var type = props[i][1];
+ if (params['props'][name] != undefined && params['props'][name] != '') {
+ var value = params['props'][name];
+ if (type == 'int') value = parseInt(value);
+ params['properties'][name] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ with_req('POST', path, JSON.stringify(params), function(resp) {
+ var result = JSON.parse(resp.responseText);
+ if (result.routed) {
+ show_popup('info', 'Message published.');
+ } else {
+ show_popup('warn', 'Message published, but not routed.');
+ }
+ });
+function get_msgs(params) {
+ var path = fill_path_template('/queues/:vhost/:name/get', params);
+ with_req('POST', path, JSON.stringify(params), function(resp) {
+ var msgs = JSON.parse(resp.responseText);
+ if (msgs.length == 0) {
+ show_popup('info', 'Queue is empty');
+ } else {
+ $('#msg-wrapper').slideUp(200);
+ replace_content('msg-wrapper', format('messages', {'msgs': msgs}));
+ $('#msg-wrapper').slideDown(200);
+ }
+ });
+function with_reqs(reqs, acc, fun) {
+ if (keys(reqs).length > 0) {
+ var key = keys(reqs)[0];
+ with_req('GET', reqs[key], null, function(resp) {
+ acc[key] = JSON.parse(resp.responseText);
+ var remainder = {};
+ for (var k in reqs) {
+ if (k != key) remainder[k] = reqs[k];
+ }
+ with_reqs(remainder, acc, fun);
+ });
+ }
+ else {
+ fun(acc);
+ }
+function replace_content(id, html) {
+ $("#" + id).html(html);
+var ejs_cached = {};
+function format(template, json) {
+ try {
+ var cache = true;
+ if (!(template in ejs_cached)) {
+ ejs_cached[template] = true;
+ cache = false;
+ }
+ var tmpl = new EJS({url: 'js/tmpl/' + template + '.ejs', cache: cache});
+ return tmpl.render(json);
+ } catch (err) {
+ clearInterval(timer);
+ console.log("Uncaught error: " + err);
+ console.log("Stack: " + err['stack']);
+ debug(err['name'] + ": " + err['message'] + "\n" + err['stack'] + "\n");
+ }
+function update_status(status) {
+ var text;
+ if (status == 'ok')
+ text = "Refreshed " + fmt_date(new Date());
+ else if (status == 'error') {
+ var next_try = new Date(new Date().getTime() + timer_interval);
+ text = "Error: could not connect to server since " +
+ fmt_date(last_successful_connect) + ". Will retry at " +
+ fmt_date(next_try) + ".";
+ }
+ else
+ throw("Unknown status " + status);
+ var html = format('status', {status: status, text: text});
+ replace_content('status', html);
+function has_auth_cookie_value() {
+ return get_cookie_value('auth') != null;
+function auth_header() {
+ if(has_auth_cookie_value() && enable_uaa) {
+ return "Bearer " + decodeURIComponent(get_pref('uaa_token'));
+ } else {
+ if(has_auth_cookie_value()) {
+ return "Basic " + decodeURIComponent(get_cookie_value('auth'));
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+function with_req(method, path, body, fun) {
+ if(!has_auth_cookie_value()) {
+ // navigate to the login form
+ location.reload();
+ return;
+ }
+ var json;
+ var req = xmlHttpRequest();
+, 'api' + path, true );
+ var header = auth_header();
+ if (header !== null) {
+ req.setRequestHeader('authorization', header);
+ }
+ req.setRequestHeader('x-vhost', current_vhost);
+ req.onreadystatechange = function () {
+ if (req.readyState == 4) {
+ var ix = jQuery.inArray(req, outstanding_reqs);
+ if (ix != -1) {
+ outstanding_reqs.splice(ix, 1);
+ }
+ if (check_bad_response(req, true)) {
+ last_successful_connect = new Date();
+ fun(req);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ outstanding_reqs.push(req);
+ req.send(body);
+function get(url, accept, callback) {
+ var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
+"GET", url);
+ req.setRequestHeader("Accept", accept);
+ req.send();
+ req.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ if (req.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
+ callback(req);
+ }
+ };
+function sync_get(path) {
+ return sync_req('GET', [], path);
+function sync_put(sammy, path_template) {
+ return sync_req('PUT', sammy.params, path_template);
+function sync_delete(sammy, path_template, options) {
+ return sync_req('DELETE', sammy.params, path_template, options);
+function sync_post(sammy, path_template) {
+ return sync_req('POST', sammy.params, path_template);
+function sync_req(type, params0, path_template, options) {
+ var params;
+ var path;
+ try {
+ params = params_magic(params0);
+ path = fill_path_template(path_template, params);
+ } catch (e) {
+ show_popup('warn', fmt_escape_html(e));
+ return false;
+ }
+ var req = xmlHttpRequest();
+, 'api' + path, false);
+ req.setRequestHeader('content-type', 'application/json');
+ req.setRequestHeader('authorization', auth_header());
+ if (options != undefined || options != null) {
+ if (options.headers != undefined || options.headers != null) {
+ jQuery.each(options.headers, function (k, v) {
+ req.setRequestHeader(k, v);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ if (type == 'GET')
+ req.send(null);
+ else
+ req.send(JSON.stringify(params));
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ if (e.number == 0x80004004) {
+ // 0x80004004 means "Operation aborted."
+ //
+ // MSIE6 appears to do this in response to HTTP 204.
+ }
+ }
+ if (check_bad_response(req, false)) {
+ if (type == 'GET')
+ return req.responseText;
+ else
+ // rabbitmq/rabbitmq-management#732
+ //
+ return {result: true, http_status: req.status, req_params: params};
+ }
+ else {
+ return false;
+ }
+function check_bad_response(req, full_page_404) {
+ // 1223 == 204 - see
+ // MSIE7 and 8 appear to do this in response to HTTP 204.
+ if ((req.status >= 200 && req.status < 300) || req.status == 1223) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (req.status == 404 && full_page_404) {
+ var html = format('404', {});
+ replace_content('main', html);
+ }
+ else if (req.status >= 400 && req.status <= 404) {
+ var reason = JSON.parse(req.responseText).reason;
+ if (typeof(reason) != 'string') reason = JSON.stringify(reason);
+ var error = JSON.parse(req.responseText).error;
+ if (typeof(error) != 'string') error = JSON.stringify(error);
+ if (error == 'bad_request' || error == 'not_found' || error == 'not_authorised') {
+ show_popup('warn', fmt_escape_html(reason));
+ } else if (error == 'page_out_of_range') {
+ var seconds = 60;
+ if (last_page_out_of_range_error > 0)
+ seconds = (new Date().getTime() - last_page_out_of_range_error.getTime())/1000;
+ if (seconds > 3) {
+ Sammy.log('server reports page is out of range, redirecting to page 1');
+ var contexts = ["queues", "exchanges", "connections", "channels"];
+ var matches = /api\/(.*)\?/.exec(req.responseURL);
+ if (matches != null && matches.length > 1) {
+ contexts.forEach(function(item) {
+ if (matches[1].indexOf(item) == 0) {update_pages(item, 1)};
+ });
+ } else update_pages(current_template, 1);
+ last_page_out_of_range_error = new Date();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (req.status == 408) {
+ update_status('timeout');
+ }
+ else if (req.status == 0) { // Non-MSIE: could not connect
+ update_status('error');
+ }
+ else if (req.status > 12000) { // MSIE: could not connect
+ update_status('error');
+ }
+ else if (req.status == 503) { // Proxy: could not connect
+ update_status('error');
+ }
+ else {
+ debug("Management API returned status code " + req.status + " - <strong>" + fmt_escape_html_one_line(req.responseText) + "</strong>");
+ clearInterval(timer);
+ }
+ return false;
+function fill_path_template(template, params) {
+ var re = /:[a-zA-Z_]*/g;
+ return template.replace(re, function(m) {
+ var str = esc(params[m.substring(1)]);
+ if (str == '') {
+ throw(m.substring(1) + " is required");
+ }
+ return str;
+ });
+function params_magic(params) {
+ return check_password(maybe_remove_fields(collapse_multifields(params)));
+function collapse_multifields(params0) {
+ function set(x) { return x != '' && x != undefined }
+ var params = {};
+ var ks = keys(params0);
+ var ids = [];
+ for (i in ks) {
+ var key = ks[i];
+ var match = key.match(/([a-z]*)_([0-9_]*)_mftype/);
+ var match2 = key.match(/[a-z]*_[0-9_]*_mfkey/);
+ var match3 = key.match(/[a-z]*_[0-9_]*_mfvalue/);
+ if (match == null && match2 == null && match3 == null) {
+ params[key] = params0[key];
+ }
+ else if (match == null) {
+ // Do nothing, value is handled below
+ }
+ else {
+ var name = match[1];
+ var id = match[2];
+ ids.push([name, id]);
+ }
+ }
+ ids.sort();
+ var id_map = {};
+ for (i in ids) {
+ var name = ids[i][0];
+ var id = ids[i][1];
+ if (params[name] == undefined) {
+ params[name] = {};
+ id_map[name] = {};
+ }
+ var id_parts = id.split('_');
+ var k = params0[name + '_' + id_parts[0] + '_mfkey'];
+ var v = params0[name + '_' + id + '_mfvalue'];
+ var t = params0[name + '_' + id + '_mftype'];
+ var val = null;
+ var top_level = id_parts.length == 1;
+ if (t == 'list') {
+ val = [];
+ id_map[name][id] = val;
+ }
+ else if ((set(k) && top_level) || set(v)) {
+ if (t == 'boolean') {
+ if (v != 'true' && v != 'false')
+ throw(k + ' must be "true" or "false"; got ' + v);
+ val = (v == 'true');
+ }
+ else if (t == 'number') {
+ var n = parseFloat(v);
+ if (isNaN(n))
+ throw(k + ' must be a number; got ' + v);
+ val = n;
+ }
+ else {
+ val = v;
+ }
+ }
+ if (val != null) {
+ if (top_level) {
+ params[name][k] = val;
+ }
+ else {
+ var prefix = id_parts.slice(0, id_parts.length - 1).join('_');
+ id_map[name][prefix].push(val);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (params.hasOwnProperty('queuetype')) {
+ delete params['queuetype'];
+ params['arguments']['x-queue-type'] = queue_type;
+ if (queue_type == 'quorum' ||
+ queue_type == 'stream') {
+ params['durable'] = true;
+ params['auto_delete'] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return params;
+function check_password(params) {
+ if (params['password'] != undefined) {
+ if (params['password'] == '') {
+ throw("Please specify a password.");
+ }
+ if (params['password'] != params['password_confirm']) {
+ throw("Passwords do not match.");
+ }
+ delete params['password_confirm'];
+ }
+ return params;
+function maybe_remove_fields(params) {
+ $('.controls-appearance').each(function(index) {
+ var options = $(this).get(0).options;
+ var selected = $(this).val();
+ for (i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
+ var option = options[i].value;
+ if (option != selected) {
+ delete params[option];
+ }
+ }
+ delete params[$(this).attr('name')];
+ });
+ return params;
+function put_parameter(sammy, mandatory_keys, num_keys, bool_keys,
+ arrayable_keys) {
+ for (var i in sammy.params) {
+ if (i === 'length' || !sammy.params.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
+ if (sammy.params[i] == '' && jQuery.inArray(i, mandatory_keys) == -1) {
+ delete sammy.params[i];
+ }
+ else if (jQuery.inArray(i, num_keys) != -1) {
+ sammy.params[i] = parseInt(sammy.params[i]);
+ }
+ else if (jQuery.inArray(i, bool_keys) != -1) {
+ sammy.params[i] = sammy.params[i] == 'true';
+ }
+ else if (jQuery.inArray(i, arrayable_keys) != -1) {
+ sammy.params[i] = sammy.params[i].split(' ');
+ if (sammy.params[i].length == 1) {
+ sammy.params[i] = sammy.params[i][0];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var params = {"component": sammy.params.component,
+ "vhost": sammy.params.vhost,
+ "name":,
+ "value": params_magic(sammy.params)};
+ delete params.value.vhost;
+ delete params.value.component;
+ delete;
+ sammy.params = params;
+ if (sync_put(sammy, '/parameters/:component/:vhost/:name')) update();
+function put_cast_params(sammy, path, mandatory_keys, num_keys, bool_keys) {
+ for (var i in sammy.params) {
+ if (i === 'length' || !sammy.params.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue;
+ if (sammy.params[i] == '' && jQuery.inArray(i, mandatory_keys) == -1) {
+ delete sammy.params[i];
+ }
+ else if (jQuery.inArray(i, num_keys) != -1) {
+ sammy.params[i] = parseInt(sammy.params[i]);
+ }
+ else if (jQuery.inArray(i, bool_keys) != -1) {
+ sammy.params[i] = sammy.params[i] == 'true';
+ }
+ }
+ if (sync_put(sammy, path)) update();
+function update_column_options(sammy) {
+ var mode = sammy.params['mode'];
+ for (var group in COLUMNS[mode]) {
+ var options = COLUMNS[mode][group];
+ for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
+ var key = options[i][0];
+ var value = sammy.params[mode + '-' + key] != undefined;
+ store_pref('column-' + mode + '-' + key, value);
+ }
+ }
+ partial_update();
+function debug(str) {
+ $('<p>' + str + '</p>').appendTo('#debug');
+function keys(obj) {
+ var ks = [];
+ for (var k in obj) {
+ ks.push(k);
+ }
+ return ks;
+// Don't use the jQuery AJAX support, it seems to have trouble reporting
+// server-down type errors.
+function xmlHttpRequest() {
+ var res;
+ try {
+ res = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ }
+ catch(e) {
+ res = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHttp");
+ }
+ return res;
+// Our base64 library takes a string that is really a byte sequence,
+// and will throw if given a string with chars > 255 (and hence not
+// DTRT for chars > 127). So encode a unicode string as a UTF-8
+// sequence of "bytes".
+function b64_encode_utf8(str) {
+ return base64.encode(encode_utf8(str));
+// encodeURIComponent handles utf-8, unescape does not. Neat!
+function encode_utf8(str) {
+ return unescape(encodeURIComponent(str));
+ $.fn.extend({
+ center: function () {
+ return this.each(function() {
+ var top = ($(window).height() - $(this).outerHeight()) / 2;
+ var left = ($(window).width() - $(this).outerWidth()) / 2;
+ $(this).css({margin:0, top: (top > 0 ? top : 0)+'px', left: (left > 0 ? left : 0)+'px'});
+ });
+ }
+ });
+function debounce(f, delay) {
+ var timeout = null;
+ return function() {
+ var obj = this;
+ var args = arguments;
+ function delayed () {
+ f.apply(obj, args);
+ timeout = null;
+ }
+ if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout);
+ timeout = setTimeout(delayed, delay);
+ }
+function rename_multifield(params, from, to) {
+ var new_params = {};
+ for(var key in params){
+ var match = key.match("^" + from + "_[0-9_]*_mftype$");
+ var match2 = key.match("^" + from + "_[0-9_]*_mfkey$");
+ var match3 = key.match("^" + from + "_[0-9_]*_mfvalue$");
+ if (match != null) {
+ new_params[match[0].replace(from, to)] = params[match];
+ }
+ else if (match2 != null) {
+ new_params[match2[0].replace(from, to)] = params[match2];
+ }
+ else if (match3 != null) {
+ new_params[match3[0].replace(from, to)] = params[match3];
+ }
+ else {
+ new_params[key] = params[key]
+ }
+ }
+ return new_params;
+function select_queue_type(queuetype) {
+ queue_type = queuetype.value;
+ update();
+function is_quorum(queue) {
+ if (queue["arguments"]) {
+ if (queue["arguments"]["x-queue-type"]) {
+ return queue["arguments"]["x-queue-type"] === "quorum";
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+function is_stream(queue) {
+ if (queue["arguments"]) {
+ if (queue["arguments"]["x-queue-type"]) {
+ return queue["arguments"]["x-queue-type"] === "stream";
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+function is_classic(queue) {
+ if (queue["arguments"]) {
+ if (queue["arguments"]["x-queue-type"]) {
+ return queue["arguments"]["x-queue-type"] === "classic";
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+function ensure_queues_chart_range() {
+ var range = get_pref('chart-range');
+ // Note: the queues page uses the 'basic' range type
+ var fixup_range;
+ var valid_range = false;
+ var range_type = get_chart_range_type('queues');
+ var chart_periods = CHART_RANGES[range_type];
+ for (var i = 0; i < chart_periods.length; ++i) {
+ var data = chart_periods[i];
+ var val = data[0];
+ if (range === val) {
+ valid_range = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ // If the range needs to be adjusted, use the last
+ // valid one
+ fixup_range = val;
+ }
+ if (!valid_range) {
+ store_pref('chart-range', fixup_range);
+ }
+function get_chart_range_type(arg) {
+ /*
+ * 'arg' can be:
+ * lengths-over for the Overview page
+ * lengths-q for the per-queue page
+ * queues for setting up the queues range
+ */
+ if (arg === 'lengths-over') {
+ return 'global';
+ }
+ if (arg === 'msg-rates-over') {
+ return 'global';
+ }
+ if (arg === 'lengths-q') {
+ return 'basic';
+ }
+ if (arg === 'msg-rates-q') {
+ return 'basic';
+ }
+ if (arg === 'queues') {
+ return 'basic';
+ }
+ if (arg === 'queue-churn') {
+ return 'basic';
+ }
+ if (arg === 'channel-churn') {
+ return 'basic';
+ }
+ if (arg === 'connection-churn') {
+ return 'basic';
+ }
+ console.log('[WARNING]: range type not found for arg: ' + arg);
+ return 'basic';