path: root/dist.bzl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dist.bzl')
1 files changed, 199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dist.bzl b/dist.bzl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98eed9d1a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dist.bzl
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+load("@bazel-erlang//:erlang_home.bzl", "ErlangHomeProvider")
+load("@bazel-erlang//:bazel_erlang_lib.bzl", "ErlangLibInfo", "flat_deps", "path_join")
+load("@bazel-erlang//:ct.bzl", "additional_file_dest_relative_path")
+ ":rabbitmq_home.bzl",
+ "RabbitmqHomeInfo",
+ "flatten",
+ "link_escript",
+ "unique_versions",
+def _collect_licenses_impl(ctx):
+ srcs = ctx.files.srcs + flatten([
+ d[ErlangLibInfo].license_files
+ for d in flat_deps(ctx.attr.deps)
+ ])
+ outs = {}
+ for src in srcs:
+ name = src.basename
+ if name not in outs:
+ dest = ctx.actions.declare_file(name)
+ inputs = [src],
+ outputs = [dest],
+ executable = "cp",
+ arguments = [
+ src.path,
+ dest.path,
+ ],
+ )
+ outs[name] = dest
+ return [
+ DefaultInfo(
+ files = depset(sorted(outs.values())),
+ ),
+ ]
+collect_licenses = rule(
+ implementation = _collect_licenses_impl,
+ attrs = {
+ "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files = True),
+ "deps": attr.label_list(providers = [ErlangLibInfo]),
+ },
+def _copy_script(ctx, script):
+ dest = ctx.actions.declare_file(path_join(, "sbin", script.basename))
+ ctx.actions.expand_template(
+ template = script,
+ output = dest,
+ substitutions = {
+ },
+ )
+ return dest
+def _extract_version(p):
+ return "erl -eval '{ok, [{application, _, AppInfo}]} = file:consult(\"" + p + "\"), Version = proplists:get_value(vsn, AppInfo), io:fwrite(Version), halt().' -noshell"
+def _app_file(plugin_lib_info):
+ for f in plugin_lib_info.beam:
+ if f.basename.endswith(".app"):
+ return f
+ fail(".app file not found in {}".format(plugin_lib_info))
+def _plugins_dir(ctx, plugins):
+ plugins_dir = ctx.actions.declare_directory(path_join(, "plugins"))
+ erlang_home = ctx.attr._erlang_home[ErlangHomeProvider].path
+ inputs = []
+ commands = ["set -euo pipefail", ""]
+ for plugin in plugins:
+ lib_info = plugin[ErlangLibInfo]
+ app_file = _app_file(lib_info)
+ extract_version = _extract_version(app_file.path)
+ commands.append("PLUGIN_VERSION=$({erlang_home}/bin/{extract_version})".format(erlang_home = erlang_home, extract_version = extract_version))
+ commands.append(
+ "echo \"Assembling {lib_name}-$PLUGIN_VERSION...\"".format(
+ lib_name = lib_info.lib_name,
+ ),
+ )
+ commands.append(
+ "mkdir -p {plugins_dir}/{lib_name}-$PLUGIN_VERSION/include".format(
+ plugins_dir = plugins_dir.path,
+ lib_name = lib_info.lib_name,
+ ),
+ )
+ for f in lib_info.include:
+ commands.append(
+ "cp {src} {plugins_dir}/{lib_name}-$PLUGIN_VERSION/include/{dest}".format(
+ src = f.path,
+ plugins_dir = plugins_dir.path,
+ lib_name = lib_info.lib_name,
+ dest = f.basename,
+ ),
+ )
+ inputs.extend(lib_info.include)
+ commands.append(
+ "mkdir -p {plugins_dir}/{lib_name}-$PLUGIN_VERSION/ebin".format(
+ plugins_dir = plugins_dir.path,
+ lib_name = lib_info.lib_name,
+ ),
+ )
+ for f in lib_info.beam:
+ if f.is_directory:
+ if f.basename != "ebin":
+ fail("{} contains a directory in 'beam' that is not an ebin dir".format(lib_info.lib_name))
+ commands.append(
+ "cp -R {src} {plugins_dir}/{lib_name}-$PLUGIN_VERSION".format(
+ src = f.path,
+ plugins_dir = plugins_dir.path,
+ lib_name = lib_info.lib_name,
+ ),
+ )
+ else:
+ commands.append(
+ "cp {src} {plugins_dir}/{lib_name}-$PLUGIN_VERSION/ebin/{dest}".format(
+ src = f.path,
+ plugins_dir = plugins_dir.path,
+ lib_name = lib_info.lib_name,
+ dest = f.basename,
+ ),
+ )
+ inputs.extend(lib_info.beam)
+ for f in lib_info.priv:
+ p = additional_file_dest_relative_path(plugin.label, f)
+ commands.append(
+ "mkdir -p $(dirname {plugins_dir}/{lib_name}-$PLUGIN_VERSION/{dest}) && cp {src} {plugins_dir}/{lib_name}-$PLUGIN_VERSION/{dest}".format(
+ src = f.path,
+ plugins_dir = plugins_dir.path,
+ lib_name = lib_info.lib_name,
+ dest = p,
+ ),
+ )
+ inputs.extend(lib_info.priv)
+ commands.append("")
+ ctx.actions.run_shell(
+ inputs = inputs,
+ outputs = [plugins_dir],
+ command = "\n".join(commands),
+ )
+ return plugins_dir
+def _versioned_rabbitmq_home_impl(ctx):
+ plugins = flat_deps(ctx.attr.plugins)
+ erlang_versions = unique_versions(plugins)
+ if len(erlang_versions) > 1:
+ fail("plugins do not have a unified erlang version", erlang_versions)
+ scripts = [_copy_script(ctx, script) for script in ctx.files._scripts]
+ rabbitmq_ctl_copies = [
+ "rabbitmq-diagnostics",
+ "rabbitmq-plugins",
+ "rabbitmq-queues",
+ "rabbitmq-streams",
+ "rabbitmq-upgrade",
+ "rabbitmqctl",
+ ]
+ escripts = [link_escript(ctx, escript) for escript in rabbitmq_ctl_copies]
+ plugins_dir = _plugins_dir(ctx, plugins)
+ rabbitmqctl = None
+ for script in scripts:
+ if script.basename == "rabbitmqctl":
+ rabbitmqctl = script
+ if rabbitmqctl == None:
+ fail("could not find rabbitmqct among", scripts)
+ return [
+ RabbitmqHomeInfo(
+ rabbitmqctl = rabbitmqctl,
+ ),
+ DefaultInfo(
+ files = depset(scripts + escripts + [plugins_dir]),
+ ),
+ ]
+versioned_rabbitmq_home = rule(
+ implementation = _versioned_rabbitmq_home_impl,
+ attrs = dict(RABBITMQ_HOME_ATTRS.items() + {
+ "_erlang_home": attr.label(default = "@bazel-erlang//:erlang_home"),
+ }.items()),