%% This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public %% License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this %% file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. %% %% Copyright (c) 2007-2023 VMware, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved. %% Test suite shared between rabbitmq_mqtt and rabbitmq_web_mqtt. -module(shared_SUITE). -compile([export_all, nowarn_export_all]). -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl"). -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl"). -include_lib("amqp_client/include/amqp_client.hrl"). -include_lib("rabbitmq_ct_helpers/include/rabbit_assert.hrl"). -include_lib("rabbitmq_ct_helpers/include/rabbit_mgmt_test.hrl"). -import(rabbit_ct_broker_helpers, [rabbitmqctl_list/3, rpc/4, rpc/5, rpc_all/4, get_node_config/3, drain_node/2, revive_node/2, is_feature_flag_enabled/2 ]). -import(rabbit_ct_helpers, [eventually/3, eventually/1]). -import(util, [all_connection_pids/1, get_global_counters/2, get_global_counters/3, get_global_counters/4, expect_publishes/3, connect/2, connect/3, connect/4, get_events/1, assert_event_type/2, assert_event_prop/2, await_exit/1, await_exit/2, publish_qos1_timeout/4]). -import(rabbit_mgmt_test_util, [http_get/2, http_delete/3]). all() -> [ {group, mqtt} ,{group, web_mqtt} ]. groups() -> [ {mqtt, [], subgroups()} ,{web_mqtt, [], subgroups()} ]. subgroups() -> [ {cluster_size_1, [], [ {global_counters, [], [ global_counters_v3, global_counters_v4 ]}, {tests, [], [ block_only_publisher ,many_qos1_messages ,subscription_ttl ,management_plugin_connection ,management_plugin_enable ,disconnect ,pubsub_shared_connection ,pubsub_separate_connections ,will_with_disconnect ,will_without_disconnect ,quorum_queue_rejects ,events ,internal_event_handler ,non_clean_sess_reconnect_qos1 ,non_clean_sess_reconnect_qos0 ,non_clean_sess_reconnect_qos0_and_qos1 ,non_clean_sess_empty_client_id ,subscribe_same_topic_same_qos ,subscribe_same_topic_different_qos ,subscribe_multiple ,large_message_mqtt_to_mqtt ,large_message_amqp_to_mqtt ,keepalive ,keepalive_turned_off ,block ,amqp_to_mqtt_qos0 ,clean_session_disconnect_client ,clean_session_node_restart ,clean_session_node_kill ,rabbit_status_connection_count ,trace ,max_packet_size_unauthenticated ,default_queue_type ]} ]}, {cluster_size_3, [], [ queue_down_qos1, consuming_classic_mirrored_queue_down, consuming_classic_queue_down, flow_classic_mirrored_queue, flow_quorum_queue, flow_stream, rabbit_mqtt_qos0_queue, cli_list_queues, maintenance, delete_create_queue, publish_to_all_queue_types_qos0, publish_to_all_queue_types_qos1, duplicate_client_id ]} ]. suite() -> [{timetrap, {minutes, 10}}]. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Testsuite setup/teardown. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- init_per_suite(Config) -> rabbit_ct_helpers:log_environment(), rabbit_ct_helpers:run_setup_steps(Config). end_per_suite(Config) -> rabbit_ct_helpers:run_teardown_steps(Config). init_per_group(mqtt, Config) -> rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, {websocket, false}); init_per_group(web_mqtt, Config) -> rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, {websocket, true}); init_per_group(cluster_size_1, Config) -> rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, [{rmq_nodes_count, 1}]); init_per_group(cluster_size_3 = Group, Config) -> init_per_group0(Group, rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config(Config, [{rmq_nodes_count, 3}])); init_per_group(Group, Config) when Group =:= global_counters orelse Group =:= tests -> init_per_group0(Group, Config). init_per_group0(Group, Config0) -> Suffix = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s_websocket_~w", [Group, ?config(websocket, Config0)])), Config1 = rabbit_ct_helpers:set_config( Config0, [{rmq_nodename_suffix, Suffix}, {rmq_extra_tcp_ports, [tcp_port_mqtt_extra, tcp_port_mqtt_tls_extra]}]), Config = rabbit_ct_helpers:merge_app_env( Config1, {rabbit, [{classic_queue_default_version, 2}]}), rabbit_ct_helpers:run_steps( Config, rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:setup_steps() ++ rabbit_ct_client_helpers:setup_steps()). end_per_group(G, Config) when G =:= mqtt; G =:= web_mqtt; G =:= cluster_size_1 -> Config; end_per_group(_, Config) -> rabbit_ct_helpers:run_teardown_steps( Config, rabbit_ct_client_helpers:teardown_steps() ++ rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:teardown_steps()). init_per_testcase(T, Config) when T =:= management_plugin_connection; T =:= management_plugin_enable -> ok = inets:start(), init_per_testcase0(T, Config); init_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) -> init_per_testcase0(Testcase, Config). init_per_testcase0(Testcase, Config) -> Nodes = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(Config, nodename), [ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:enable_plugin(Config, N, rabbitmq_web_mqtt) || N <- Nodes], rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_started(Config, Testcase). end_per_testcase(T, Config) when T =:= management_plugin_connection; T =:= management_plugin_enable -> ok = inets:stop(), end_per_testcase0(T, Config); end_per_testcase(Testcase, Config) -> end_per_testcase0(Testcase, Config). end_per_testcase0(Testcase, Config) -> rabbit_ct_client_helpers:close_channels_and_connection(Config, 0), rabbit_ct_helpers:testcase_finished(Config, Testcase). %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Testsuite cases %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- disconnect(Config) -> C = connect(?FUNCTION_NAME, Config), eventually(?_assertEqual(1, length(all_connection_pids(Config)))), process_flag(trap_exit, true), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C), await_exit(C, normal), eventually(?_assertEqual([], all_connection_pids(Config))), ok. pubsub_shared_connection(Config) -> C = connect(?FUNCTION_NAME, Config), Topic = <<"/topic/test-mqtt">>, {ok, _, [1]} = emqtt:subscribe(C, Topic, qos1), Payload = <<"a\x00a">>, ?assertMatch({ok, #{packet_id := _, reason_code := 0, reason_code_name := success }}, emqtt:publish(C, Topic, Payload, [{qos, 1}])), ok = expect_publishes(C, Topic, [Payload]), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C). pubsub_separate_connections(Config) -> Pub = connect(<<(atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME))/binary, "_publisher">>, Config), Sub = connect(<<(atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME))/binary, "_subscriber">>, Config), Topic = <<"/topic/test-mqtt">>, {ok, _, [1]} = emqtt:subscribe(Sub, Topic, qos1), Payload = <<"a\x00a">>, ?assertMatch({ok, #{packet_id := _, reason_code := 0, reason_code_name := success }}, emqtt:publish(Pub, Topic, Payload, [{qos, 1}])), ok = expect_publishes(Sub, Topic, [Payload]), ok = emqtt:disconnect(Pub), ok = emqtt:disconnect(Sub). will_with_disconnect(Config) -> LastWillTopic = <<"/topic/last-will">>, LastWillMsg = <<"last will message">>, Opts = [{will_topic, LastWillTopic}, {will_payload, LastWillMsg}, {will_qos, 1}], Pub = connect(<<(atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME))/binary, "_publisher">>, Config, Opts), Sub = connect(<<(atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME))/binary, "_subscriber">>, Config), {ok, _, [1]} = emqtt:subscribe(Sub, LastWillTopic, qos1), %% Client sends DISCONNECT packet. Therefore, will message should not be sent. ok = emqtt:disconnect(Pub), ?assertEqual({publish_not_received, LastWillMsg}, expect_publishes(Sub, LastWillTopic, [LastWillMsg])), ok = emqtt:disconnect(Sub). will_without_disconnect(Config) -> LastWillTopic = <<"/topic/last-will">>, LastWillMsg = <<"last will message">>, Opts = [{will_topic, LastWillTopic}, {will_payload, LastWillMsg}, {will_qos, 1}], Pub = connect(<<(atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME))/binary, "_publisher">>, Config, Opts), timer:sleep(100), [ServerPublisherPid] = all_connection_pids(Config), Sub = connect(<<(atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME))/binary, "_subscriber">>, Config), {ok, _, [1]} = emqtt:subscribe(Sub, LastWillTopic, qos1), %% Client does not send DISCONNECT packet. Therefore, will message should be sent. unlink(Pub), erlang:exit(ServerPublisherPid, test_will), ?assertEqual(ok, expect_publishes(Sub, LastWillTopic, [LastWillMsg])), ok = emqtt:disconnect(Sub). quorum_queue_rejects(Config) -> {_Conn, Ch} = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_connection_and_channel(Config), Name = atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME), ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_policy( Config, 0, <<"qq-policy">>, Name, <<"queues">>, [{<<"max-length">>, 1}, {<<"overflow">>, <<"reject-publish">>}]), declare_queue(Ch, Name, [{<<"x-queue-type">>, longstr, <<"quorum">>}]), bind(Ch, Name, Name), C = connect(Name, Config, [{retry_interval, 1}]), {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(C, Name, <<"m1">>, qos1), {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(C, Name, <<"m2">>, qos1), %% We expect m3 to be rejected and dropped. ?assertEqual(puback_timeout, util:publish_qos1_timeout(C, Name, <<"m3">>, 700)), ?assertMatch({#'basic.get_ok'{}, #amqp_msg{payload = <<"m1">>}}, amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'basic.get'{queue = Name, no_ack = true})), ?assertMatch({#'basic.get_ok'{}, #amqp_msg{payload = <<"m2">>}}, amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'basic.get'{queue = Name, no_ack = true})), %% m3 is re-sent by emqtt. ?awaitMatch({#'basic.get_ok'{}, #amqp_msg{payload = <<"m3">>}}, amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'basic.get'{queue = Name, no_ack = true}), 2000, 200), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C), delete_queue(Ch, Name), ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:clear_policy(Config, 0, <<"qq-policy">>). publish_to_all_queue_types_qos0(Config) -> publish_to_all_queue_types(Config, qos0). publish_to_all_queue_types_qos1(Config) -> publish_to_all_queue_types(Config, qos1). publish_to_all_queue_types(Config, QoS) -> Ch = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config), CQ = <<"classic-queue">>, CMQ = <<"classic-mirrored-queue">>, QQ = <<"quorum-queue">>, SQ = <<"stream-queue">>, Topic = <<"mytopic">>, declare_queue(Ch, CQ, []), bind(Ch, CQ, Topic), ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_ha_policy(Config, 0, CMQ, <<"all">>), declare_queue(Ch, CMQ, []), bind(Ch, CMQ, Topic), declare_queue(Ch, QQ, [{<<"x-queue-type">>, longstr, <<"quorum">>}]), bind(Ch, QQ, Topic), declare_queue(Ch, SQ, [{<<"x-queue-type">>, longstr, <<"stream">>}]), bind(Ch, SQ, Topic), NumMsgs = 2000, C = connect(?FUNCTION_NAME, Config, [{retry_interval, 2}]), lists:foreach(fun(N) -> case emqtt:publish(C, Topic, integer_to_binary(N), QoS) of ok -> ok; {ok, _} -> ok; Other -> ct:fail("Failed to publish: ~p", [Other]) end end, lists:seq(1, NumMsgs)), eventually(?_assert( begin L = rabbitmqctl_list(Config, 0, ["list_queues", "messages", "--no-table-headers"]), length(L) =:= 4 andalso lists:all(fun([Bin]) -> N = binary_to_integer(Bin), case QoS of qos0 -> N =:= NumMsgs; qos1 -> %% Allow for some duplicates when client resends %% a message that gets acked at roughly the same time. N >= NumMsgs andalso N < NumMsgs * 2 end end, L) end), 2000, 10), delete_queue(Ch, [CQ, CMQ, QQ, SQ]), ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:clear_policy(Config, 0, CMQ), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C), ?awaitMatch([], all_connection_pids(Config), 10_000, 1000). flow_classic_mirrored_queue(Config) -> QueueName = <<"flow">>, ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_ha_policy(Config, 0, QueueName, <<"all">>), flow(Config, {rabbit, credit_flow_default_credit, {2, 1}}, <<"classic">>), ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:clear_policy(Config, 0, QueueName). flow_quorum_queue(Config) -> flow(Config, {rabbit, quorum_commands_soft_limit, 1}, <<"quorum">>). flow_stream(Config) -> flow(Config, {rabbit, stream_messages_soft_limit, 1}, <<"stream">>). flow(Config, {App, Par, Val}, QueueType) when is_binary(QueueType) -> {ok, DefaultVal} = rpc(Config, application, get_env, [App, Par]), Result = rpc_all(Config, application, set_env, [App, Par, Val]), ?assert(lists:all(fun(R) -> R =:= ok end, Result)), Ch = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config), QueueName = Topic = atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME), declare_queue(Ch, QueueName, [{<<"x-queue-type">>, longstr, QueueType}]), bind(Ch, QueueName, Topic), NumMsgs = 1000, C = connect(?FUNCTION_NAME, Config, [{retry_interval, 600}, {max_inflight, NumMsgs}]), TestPid = self(), lists:foreach( fun(N) -> %% Publish async all messages at once to trigger flow control ok = emqtt:publish_async(C, Topic, integer_to_binary(N), qos1, {fun(N0, {ok, #{reason_code_name := success}}) -> TestPid ! {self(), N0} end, [N]}) end, lists:seq(1, NumMsgs)), ok = await_confirms_ordered(C, 1, NumMsgs), eventually(?_assertEqual( [[integer_to_binary(NumMsgs)]], rabbitmqctl_list(Config, 0, ["list_queues", "messages", "--no-table-headers"]) ), 1000, 10), delete_queue(Ch, QueueName), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C), ?awaitMatch([], all_connection_pids(Config), 10_000, 1000), Result = rpc_all(Config, application, set_env, [App, Par, DefaultVal]), ok. events(Config) -> ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:add_code_path_to_all_nodes(Config, event_recorder), Server = get_node_config(Config, 0, nodename), ok = gen_event:add_handler({rabbit_event, Server}, event_recorder, []), ClientId = atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME), C = connect(ClientId, Config), [E0, E1] = get_events(Server), assert_event_type(user_authentication_success, E0), assert_event_prop([{name, <<"guest">>}, {connection_type, network}], E0), assert_event_type(connection_created, E1), [ConnectionPid] = all_connection_pids(Config), Proto = case ?config(websocket, Config) of true -> 'Web MQTT'; false -> 'MQTT' end, assert_event_prop([{protocol, {Proto, {3,1,1}}}, {node, Server}, {vhost, <<"/">>}, {user, <<"guest">>}, {client_properties, [{client_id, longstr, ClientId}]}, {pid, ConnectionPid}], E1), {ok, _, _} = emqtt:subscribe(C, <<"TopicA">>, qos0), QueueNameBin = <<"mqtt-subscription-", ClientId/binary, "qos0">>, QueueName = {resource, <<"/">>, queue, QueueNameBin}, [E2, E3 | E4] = get_events(Server), QueueType = case is_feature_flag_enabled(Config, rabbit_mqtt_qos0_queue) of true -> ?assertEqual([], E4), rabbit_mqtt_qos0_queue; false -> [ConsumerCreated] = E4, assert_event_type(consumer_created, ConsumerCreated), assert_event_prop([{queue, QueueName}, {ack_required, false}, {exclusive, false}, {arguments, []}], ConsumerCreated), classic end, assert_event_type(queue_created, E2), assert_event_prop([{name, QueueName}, {durable, true}, {auto_delete, false}, {exclusive, true}, {type, QueueType}, {arguments, []}], E2), assert_event_type(binding_created, E3), assert_event_prop([{source_name, <<"amq.topic">>}, {source_kind, exchange}, {destination_name, QueueNameBin}, {destination_kind, queue}, {routing_key, <<"TopicA">>}, {arguments, []}], E3), {ok, _, _} = emqtt:unsubscribe(C, <<"TopicA">>), [E5] = get_events(Server), assert_event_type(binding_deleted, E5), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C), [E6, E7 | E8] = get_events(Server), assert_event_type(connection_closed, E6), ?assertEqual(E1#event.props, E6#event.props, "connection_closed event props should match connection_created event props. " "See https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/discussions/6331"), case is_feature_flag_enabled(Config, rabbit_mqtt_qos0_queue) of true -> assert_event_type(queue_deleted, E7), assert_event_prop({name, QueueName}, E7); false -> assert_event_type(consumer_deleted, E7), assert_event_prop({queue, QueueName}, E7), [QueueDeleted] = E8, assert_event_type(queue_deleted, QueueDeleted), assert_event_prop({name, QueueName}, QueueDeleted) end, ok = gen_event:delete_handler({rabbit_event, Server}, event_recorder, []). internal_event_handler(Config) -> Server = get_node_config(Config, 0, nodename), ok = gen_event:call({rabbit_event, Server}, rabbit_mqtt_internal_event_handler, ignored_request, 1000). global_counters_v3(Config) -> global_counters(Config, v3). global_counters_v4(Config) -> global_counters(Config, v4). global_counters(Config, ProtoVer) -> C = connect(?FUNCTION_NAME, Config, [{proto_ver, ProtoVer}]), Topic0 = <<"test-topic0">>, Topic1 = <<"test-topic1">>, Topic2 = <<"test-topic2">>, {ok, _, [0]} = emqtt:subscribe(C, Topic0, qos0), {ok, _, [1]} = emqtt:subscribe(C, Topic1, qos1), {ok, _, [1]} = emqtt:subscribe(C, Topic2, qos1), ok = emqtt:publish(C, Topic0, <<"testm0">>, qos0), ok = emqtt:publish(C, Topic1, <<"testm1">>, qos0), {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(C, Topic2, <<"testm2">>, qos1), ok = emqtt:publish(C, <<"no/queue/bound">>, <<"msg-dropped">>, qos0), {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(C, <<"no/queue/bound">>, <<"msg-returned">>, qos1), ok = expect_publishes(C, Topic0, [<<"testm0">>]), ok = expect_publishes(C, Topic1, [<<"testm1">>]), ok = expect_publishes(C, Topic2, [<<"testm2">>]), ?assertEqual(#{publishers => 1, consumers => 1, messages_confirmed_total => 2, messages_received_confirm_total => 2, messages_received_total => 5, messages_routed_total => 3, messages_unroutable_dropped_total => 1, messages_unroutable_returned_total => 1}, get_global_counters(Config, ProtoVer)), case is_feature_flag_enabled(Config, rabbit_mqtt_qos0_queue) of true -> ?assertEqual(#{messages_delivered_total => 2, messages_acknowledged_total => 1, messages_delivered_consume_auto_ack_total => 1, messages_delivered_consume_manual_ack_total => 1, messages_delivered_get_auto_ack_total => 0, messages_delivered_get_manual_ack_total => 0, messages_get_empty_total => 0, messages_redelivered_total => 0}, get_global_counters(Config, ProtoVer, 0, [{queue_type, rabbit_classic_queue}])), ?assertEqual(#{messages_delivered_total => 1, messages_acknowledged_total => 0, messages_delivered_consume_auto_ack_total => 1, messages_delivered_consume_manual_ack_total => 0, messages_delivered_get_auto_ack_total => 0, messages_delivered_get_manual_ack_total => 0, messages_get_empty_total => 0, messages_redelivered_total => 0}, get_global_counters(Config, ProtoVer, 0, [{queue_type, rabbit_mqtt_qos0_queue}])); false -> ?assertEqual(#{messages_delivered_total => 3, messages_acknowledged_total => 1, messages_delivered_consume_auto_ack_total => 2, messages_delivered_consume_manual_ack_total => 1, messages_delivered_get_auto_ack_total => 0, messages_delivered_get_manual_ack_total => 0, messages_get_empty_total => 0, messages_redelivered_total => 0}, get_global_counters(Config, ProtoVer, 0, [{queue_type, rabbit_classic_queue}])) end, {ok, _, _} = emqtt:unsubscribe(C, Topic1), ?assertEqual(1, maps:get(consumers, get_global_counters(Config, ProtoVer))), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C), eventually(?_assertEqual(#{publishers => 0, consumers => 0, messages_confirmed_total => 2, messages_received_confirm_total => 2, messages_received_total => 5, messages_routed_total => 3, messages_unroutable_dropped_total => 1, messages_unroutable_returned_total => 1}, get_global_counters(Config, ProtoVer))). queue_down_qos1(Config) -> {Conn1, Ch1} = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_connection_and_channel(Config, 1), CQ = Topic = atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME), declare_queue(Ch1, CQ, []), bind(Ch1, CQ, Topic), ok = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:close_connection_and_channel(Conn1, Ch1), ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:stop_node(Config, 1), C = connect(?FUNCTION_NAME, Config, [{retry_interval, 2}]), %% classic queue is down, therefore message is rejected ?assertEqual(puback_timeout, util:publish_qos1_timeout(C, Topic, <<"msg">>, 500)), ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:start_node(Config, 1), %% classic queue is up, therefore message should arrive eventually(?_assertEqual([[<<"1">>]], rabbitmqctl_list(Config, 1, ["list_queues", "messages", "--no-table-headers"])), 500, 20), Ch0 = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config, 0), delete_queue(Ch0, CQ), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C). %% Even though classic mirrored queues are deprecated, we know that some users have set up %% a policy to mirror MQTT queues. So, we need to support that use case in RabbitMQ 3.x %% and failover consumption when the classic mirrored queue leader fails. consuming_classic_mirrored_queue_down(Config) -> [Server1, Server2, _Server3] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(Config, nodename), ClientId = Topic = PolicyName = atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME), ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_policy( Config, Server1, PolicyName, <<".*">>, <<"queues">>, [{<<"ha-mode">>, <<"all">>}, {<<"queue-master-locator">>, <<"client-local">>}]), %% Declare queue leader on Server1. C1 = connect(ClientId, Config, Server1, [{clean_start, false}]), {ok, _, _} = emqtt:subscribe(C1, Topic, qos1), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C1), %% Consume from Server2. C2 = connect(ClientId, Config, Server2, [{clean_start, false}]), %% Sanity check that consumption works. {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(C2, Topic, <<"m1">>, qos1), ok = expect_publishes(C2, Topic, [<<"m1">>]), %% Let's stop the queue leader node. ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:stop_node(Config, Server1), %% Consumption should continue to work. {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(C2, Topic, <<"m2">>, qos1), ok = expect_publishes(C2, Topic, [<<"m2">>]), %% Cleanup ok = emqtt:disconnect(C2), ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:start_node(Config, Server1), ?assertMatch([_Q], rpc(Config, Server1, rabbit_amqqueue, list, [])), C3 = connect(ClientId, Config, Server2, [{clean_start, true}]), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C3), ?assertEqual([], rpc(Config, Server1, rabbit_amqqueue, list, [])), ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:clear_policy(Config, Server1, PolicyName). %% Consuming classic queue on a different node goes down. consuming_classic_queue_down(Config) -> [Server1, _Server2, Server3] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(Config, nodename), ClientId = Topic = atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME), %% Declare classic queue on Server1. C1 = connect(ClientId, Config, [{clean_start, false}]), {ok, _, _} = emqtt:subscribe(C1, Topic, qos1), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C1), %% Consume from Server3. C2 = connect(ClientId, Config, Server3, [{clean_start, false}]), ProtoVer = v4, ?assertMatch(#{consumers := 1}, get_global_counters(Config, ProtoVer, Server3)), %% Let's stop the queue leader node. process_flag(trap_exit, true), ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:stop_node(Config, Server1), %% When the dedicated MQTT connection (non-mirrored classic) queue goes down, it is reasonable %% that the server closes the MQTT connection because the MQTT client cannot consume anymore. eventually(?_assertMatch(#{consumers := 0}, get_global_counters(Config, ProtoVer, Server3)), 1000, 5), await_exit(C2), %% Cleanup ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:start_node(Config, Server1), C3 = connect(ClientId, Config, Server3, [{clean_start, true}]), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C3), ?assertEqual([], rpc(Config, Server1, rabbit_amqqueue, list, [])), ok. delete_create_queue(Config) -> Ch = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config), CQ1 = <<"classic-queue-1-delete-create">>, CQ2 = <<"classic-queue-2-delete-create">>, QQ = <<"quorum-queue-delete-create">>, Topic = atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME), DeclareQueues = fun() -> declare_queue(Ch, CQ1, []), bind(Ch, CQ1, Topic), declare_queue(Ch, CQ2, []), bind(Ch, CQ2, Topic), declare_queue(Ch, QQ, [{<<"x-queue-type">>, longstr, <<"quorum">>}]), bind(Ch, QQ, Topic) end, DeclareQueues(), %% some large retry_interval to avoid re-sending C = connect(?FUNCTION_NAME, Config, [{retry_interval, 300}]), NumMsgs = 50, TestPid = self(), spawn( fun() -> lists:foreach( fun(N) -> ok = emqtt:publish_async(C, Topic, integer_to_binary(N), qos1, {fun(N0, {ok, #{reason_code_name := success}}) -> TestPid ! {self(), N0} end, [N]}) end, lists:seq(1, NumMsgs)) end), %% Delete queues while sending to them. %% We want to test the path where a queue is deleted while confirms are outstanding. timer:sleep(2), delete_queue(Ch, [CQ1, QQ]), %% Give queues some time to be fully deleted timer:sleep(2000), %% We expect confirms for all messages. %% Confirm here does not mean that messages made it ever to the deleted queues. %% It is valid for confirms to sporadically arrive out of order: This happens when the classic %% queue is being deleted while the remaining messages are routed and confirmed to the 2nd and 3rd queues %% before the monitor to the classic queue fires. ok = await_confirms_unordered(C, NumMsgs), %% Recreate the same queues. DeclareQueues(), %% Sending a message to each of them should work. {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(C, Topic, <<"m">>, qos1), eventually(?_assertEqual(lists:sort([[CQ1, <<"1">>], %% This queue should have all messages because we did not delete it. [CQ2, integer_to_binary(NumMsgs + 1)], [QQ, <<"1">>]]), lists:sort(rabbitmqctl_list(Config, 0, ["list_queues", "name", "messages", "--no-table-headers"]))), 1000, 10), delete_queue(Ch, [CQ1, CQ2, QQ]), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C). subscription_ttl(Config) -> TTL = 1000, App = rabbitmq_mqtt, Par = ClientId = ?FUNCTION_NAME, {ok, DefaultVal} = rpc(Config, application, get_env, [App, Par]), ok = rpc(Config, application, set_env, [App, Par, TTL]), C = connect(ClientId, Config, [{clean_start, false}]), {ok, _, [0, 1]} = emqtt:subscribe(C, [{<<"topic0">>, qos0}, {<<"topic1">>, qos1}]), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C), ?assertEqual(2, rpc(Config, rabbit_amqqueue, count, [])), timer:sleep(TTL + 100), ?assertEqual(0, rpc(Config, rabbit_amqqueue, count, [])), ok = rpc(Config, application, set_env, [App, Par, DefaultVal]). non_clean_sess_reconnect_qos1(Config) -> non_clean_sess_reconnect(Config, qos1). non_clean_sess_reconnect_qos0(Config) -> non_clean_sess_reconnect(Config, qos0). non_clean_sess_reconnect(Config, SubscriptionQoS) -> Pub = connect(<<"publisher">>, Config), Topic = ClientId = atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME), ProtoVer = v4, C1 = connect(ClientId, Config, [{clean_start, false}]), {ok, _, _} = emqtt:subscribe(C1, Topic, SubscriptionQoS), ?assertMatch(#{consumers := 1}, get_global_counters(Config, ProtoVer)), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C1), ?assertMatch(#{consumers := 0}, get_global_counters(Config, ProtoVer)), timer:sleep(20), ok = emqtt:publish(Pub, Topic, <<"msg-3-qos0">>, qos0), {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(Pub, Topic, <<"msg-4-qos1">>, qos1), C2 = connect(ClientId, Config, [{clean_start, false}]), ?assertMatch(#{consumers := 1}, get_global_counters(Config, ProtoVer)), ok = emqtt:publish(Pub, Topic, <<"msg-5-qos0">>, qos0), {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(Pub, Topic, <<"msg-6-qos1">>, qos1), %% shouldn't receive message after unsubscribe {ok, _, _} = emqtt:unsubscribe(C2, Topic), ?assertMatch(#{consumers := 0}, get_global_counters(Config, ProtoVer)), {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(Pub, Topic, <<"msg-7-qos0">>, qos1), %% "After the disconnection of a Session that had CleanSession set to 0, the Server MUST store %% further QoS 1 and QoS 2 messages that match any subscriptions that the client had at the %% time of disconnection as part of the Session state [MQTT-3.1.2-5]. %% It MAY also store QoS 0 messages that meet the same criteria." %% Starting with RabbitMQ v3.12 we store QoS 0 messages as well. ok = expect_publishes(C2, Topic, [<<"msg-3-qos0">>, <<"msg-4-qos1">>, <<"msg-5-qos0">>, <<"msg-6-qos1">>]), {publish_not_received, <<"msg-7-qos0">>} = expect_publishes(C2, Topic, [<<"msg-7-qos0">>]), ok = emqtt:disconnect(Pub), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C2), %% connect with clean sess true to clean up C3 = connect(ClientId, Config, [{clean_start, true}]), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C3). non_clean_sess_reconnect_qos0_and_qos1(Config) -> Pub = connect(<<"publisher">>, Config), ProtoVer = v4, Topic0 = <<"t/0">>, Topic1 = <<"t/1">>, ClientId = ?FUNCTION_NAME, C1 = connect(ClientId, Config, [{clean_start, false}]), {ok, _, [1, 0]} = emqtt:subscribe(C1, [{Topic1, qos1}, {Topic0, qos0}]), ?assertMatch(#{consumers := 1}, get_global_counters(Config, ProtoVer)), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C1), ?assertMatch(#{consumers := 0}, get_global_counters(Config, ProtoVer)), {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(Pub, Topic0, <<"msg-0">>, qos1), {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(Pub, Topic1, <<"msg-1">>, qos1), C2 = connect(ClientId, Config, [{clean_start, false}]), ?assertMatch(#{consumers := 1}, get_global_counters(Config, ProtoVer)), ok = expect_publishes(C2, Topic0, [<<"msg-0">>]), ok = expect_publishes(C2, Topic1, [<<"msg-1">>]), ok = emqtt:disconnect(Pub), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C2), C3 = connect(ClientId, Config, [{clean_start, true}]), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C3). %% "If the Client supplies a zero-byte ClientId with CleanSession set to 0, %% the Server MUST respond to the CONNECT Packet with a CONNACK return code 0x02 %% (Identifier rejected) and then close the Network Connection" [MQTT-3.1.3-8]. non_clean_sess_empty_client_id(Config) -> {C, Connect} = util:start_client(<<>>, Config, 0, [{clean_start, false}]), process_flag(trap_exit, true), ?assertMatch({error, {client_identifier_not_valid, _}}, Connect(C)), ok = await_exit(C). subscribe_same_topic_same_qos(Config) -> C = connect(?FUNCTION_NAME, Config), Topic = <<"a/b">>, {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(C, Topic, <<"retained">>, [{retain, true}, {qos, 1}]), %% Subscribe with QoS 0 {ok, _, [0]} = emqtt:subscribe(C, Topic, qos0), {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(C, Topic, <<"msg1">>, qos1), %% Subscribe to same topic with same QoS {ok, _, [0]} = emqtt:subscribe(C, Topic, qos0), {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(C, Topic, <<"msg2">>, qos1), %% "Any existing retained messages matching the Topic Filter MUST be re-sent" [MQTT-3.8.4-3] ok = expect_publishes(C, Topic, [<<"retained">>, <<"msg1">>, <<"retained">>, <<"msg2">> ]), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C). subscribe_same_topic_different_qos(Config) -> C = connect(?FUNCTION_NAME, Config, [{clean_start, false}]), Topic = <<"b/c">>, {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(C, Topic, <<"retained">>, [{retain, true}, {qos, 1}]), %% Subscribe with QoS 0 {ok, _, [0]} = emqtt:subscribe(C, Topic, qos0), {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(C, Topic, <<"msg1">>, qos1), %% Subscribe to same topic with QoS 1 {ok, _, [1]} = emqtt:subscribe(C, Topic, qos1), {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(C, Topic, <<"msg2">>, qos1), %% Subscribe to same topic with QoS 0 again {ok, _, [0]} = emqtt:subscribe(C, Topic, qos0), {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(C, Topic, <<"msg3">>, qos1), %% "Any existing retained messages matching the Topic Filter MUST be re-sent" [MQTT-3.8.4-3] ok = expect_publishes(C, Topic, [<<"retained">>, <<"msg1">>, <<"retained">>, <<"msg2">>, <<"retained">>, <<"msg3">>]), %% There should be exactly one consumer for each queue: qos0 and qos1 Consumers = rpc(Config, rabbit_amqqueue, consumers_all, [<<"/">>]), ?assertEqual(2, length(Consumers)), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C), C1 = connect(?FUNCTION_NAME, Config, [{clean_start, true}]), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C1). subscribe_multiple(Config) -> C = connect(?FUNCTION_NAME, Config), %% Subscribe to multiple topics at once ?assertMatch({ok, _, [0, 1]}, emqtt:subscribe(C, [{<<"topic0">>, qos0}, {<<"topic1">>, qos1}])), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C). large_message_mqtt_to_mqtt(Config) -> Topic = ClientId = atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME), C = connect(ClientId, Config), {ok, _, [1]} = emqtt:subscribe(C, {Topic, qos1}), Payload0 = binary:copy(<<"x">>, 8_000_000), Payload = <>, {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(C, Topic, Payload, qos1), ok = expect_publishes(C, Topic, [Payload]), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C). large_message_amqp_to_mqtt(Config) -> Topic = ClientId = atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME), C = connect(ClientId, Config), {ok, _, [1]} = emqtt:subscribe(C, {Topic, qos1}), Ch = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config), Payload0 = binary:copy(<<"x">>, 8_000_000), Payload = <>, amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'basic.publish'{exchange = <<"amq.topic">>, routing_key = Topic}, #amqp_msg{payload = Payload}), ok = expect_publishes(C, Topic, [Payload]), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C). amqp_to_mqtt_qos0(Config) -> Topic = ClientId = Payload = atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME), C = connect(ClientId, Config), {ok, _, [0]} = emqtt:subscribe(C, {Topic, qos0}), Ch = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config), amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'basic.publish'{exchange = <<"amq.topic">>, routing_key = Topic}, #amqp_msg{payload = Payload}), ok = expect_publishes(C, Topic, [Payload]), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C). %% Packet identifier is a non zero two byte integer. %% Test that the server wraps around the packet identifier. many_qos1_messages(Config) -> Topic = ClientId = atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME), C = connect(ClientId, Config, 0, [{retry_interval, 600}]), {ok, _, [1]} = emqtt:subscribe(C, {Topic, qos1}), NumMsgs = 16#ffff + 100, Payloads = lists:map(fun integer_to_binary/1, lists:seq(1, NumMsgs)), lists:foreach(fun(P) -> {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(C, Topic, P, qos1) end, Payloads), expect_publishes(C, Topic, Payloads), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C). %% This test is mostly interesting in mixed version mode where feature flag %% rabbit_mqtt_qos0_queue is disabled and therefore a classic queue gets created. rabbit_mqtt_qos0_queue(Config) -> Topic = atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME), %% Place MQTT subscriber process on new node in mixed version. Sub = connect(<<"subscriber">>, Config), {ok, _, [0]} = emqtt:subscribe(Sub, Topic, qos0), %% Place MQTT publisher process on old node in mixed version. Pub = connect(<<"publisher">>, Config, 1, []), Msg = <<"msg">>, ok = emqtt:publish(Pub, Topic, Msg, qos0), ok = expect_publishes(Sub, Topic, [Msg]), ok = emqtt:disconnect(Sub), ok = emqtt:disconnect(Pub). %% Test that MQTT connection can be listed and closed via the rabbitmq_management plugin. management_plugin_connection(Config) -> KeepaliveSecs = 99, ClientId = atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME), Node = atom_to_binary(get_node_config(Config, 0, nodename)), C = connect(ClientId, Config, [{keepalive, KeepaliveSecs}]), eventually(?_assertEqual(1, length(http_get(Config, "/connections"))), 1000, 10), [#{client_properties := #{client_id := ClientId}, timeout := KeepaliveSecs, node := Node, name := ConnectionName}] = http_get(Config, "/connections"), process_flag(trap_exit, true), http_delete(Config, "/connections/" ++ binary_to_list(uri_string:quote((ConnectionName))), ?NO_CONTENT), await_exit(C), ?assertEqual([], http_get(Config, "/connections")), eventually(?_assertEqual([], all_connection_pids(Config)), 500, 3). management_plugin_enable(Config) -> ?assertEqual(0, length(http_get(Config, "/connections"))), ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:disable_plugin(Config, 0, rabbitmq_management), ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:disable_plugin(Config, 0, rabbitmq_management_agent), %% If the (web) MQTT connection is established **before** the management plugin is enabled, %% the management plugin should still list the (web) MQTT connection. C = connect(?FUNCTION_NAME, Config), ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:enable_plugin(Config, 0, rabbitmq_management_agent), ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:enable_plugin(Config, 0, rabbitmq_management), eventually(?_assertEqual(1, length(http_get(Config, "/connections"))), 1000, 10), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C). %% Test that queues of type rabbit_mqtt_qos0_queue can be listed via rabbitmqctl. cli_list_queues(Config) -> C = connect(?FUNCTION_NAME, Config), {ok, _, _} = emqtt:subscribe(C, <<"a/b/c">>, qos0), Qs = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rabbitmqctl_list( Config, 1, ["list_queues", "--no-table-headers", "type", "name", "state", "durable", "auto_delete", "arguments", "pid", "owner_pid", "messages", "exclusive_consumer_tag" ]), ExpectedQueueType = case is_feature_flag_enabled(Config, rabbit_mqtt_qos0_queue) of true -> <<"MQTT QoS 0">>; false -> <<"classic">> end, ?assertMatch([[ExpectedQueueType, <<"mqtt-subscription-cli_list_queuesqos0">>, <<"running">>, <<"true">>, <<"false">>, <<"[]">>, _, _, <<"0">>, <<"">>]], Qs), ?assertEqual([], rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rabbitmqctl_list( Config, 1, ["list_queues", "--local", "--no-table-headers"]) ), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C). maintenance(Config) -> C0 = connect(<<"client-0">>, Config, 0, []), C1a = connect(<<"client-1a">>, Config, 1, []), C1b = connect(<<"client-1b">>, Config, 1, []), timer:sleep(500), ok = drain_node(Config, 2), ok = revive_node(Config, 2), timer:sleep(500), [?assert(erlang:is_process_alive(C)) || C <- [C0, C1a, C1b]], process_flag(trap_exit, true), ok = drain_node(Config, 1), [await_exit(Pid) || Pid <- [C1a, C1b]], ok = revive_node(Config, 1), ?assert(erlang:is_process_alive(C0)), ok = drain_node(Config, 0), await_exit(C0), ok = revive_node(Config, 0). keepalive(Config) -> KeepaliveSecs = 1, KeepaliveMs = timer:seconds(KeepaliveSecs), ProtoVer = v4, WillTopic = <<"will/topic">>, WillPayload = <<"will-payload">>, C1 = connect(?FUNCTION_NAME, Config, [{keepalive, KeepaliveSecs}, {proto_ver, ProtoVer}, {will_topic, WillTopic}, {will_payload, WillPayload}, {will_retain, true}, {will_qos, 0}]), ok = emqtt:publish(C1, <<"ignored">>, <<"msg">>), %% Connection should stay up when client sends PING requests. timer:sleep(KeepaliveMs), ?assertMatch(#{publishers := 1}, util:get_global_counters(Config, ProtoVer)), %% Mock the server socket to not have received any bytes. rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:setup_meck(Config), Mod = rabbit_net, ok = rpc(Config, meck, new, [Mod, [no_link, passthrough]]), ok = rpc(Config, meck, expect, [Mod, getstat, 2, {ok, [{recv_oct, 999}]} ]), process_flag(trap_exit, true), %% We expect the server to respect the keepalive closing the connection. eventually(?_assertMatch(#{publishers := 0}, util:get_global_counters(Config, ProtoVer)), KeepaliveMs, 3 * KeepaliveSecs), await_exit(C1), true = rpc(Config, meck, validate, [Mod]), ok = rpc(Config, meck, unload, [Mod]), C2 = connect(<<"client2">>, Config), {ok, _, [0]} = emqtt:subscribe(C2, WillTopic), receive {publish, #{client_pid := C2, dup := false, qos := 0, retain := true, topic := WillTopic, payload := WillPayload}} -> ok after 3000 -> ct:fail("missing will") end, ok = emqtt:disconnect(C2). keepalive_turned_off(Config) -> %% "A Keep Alive value of zero (0) has the effect of turning off the keep alive mechanism." KeepaliveSecs = 0, C = connect(?FUNCTION_NAME, Config, [{keepalive, KeepaliveSecs}]), ok = emqtt:publish(C, <<"TopicB">>, <<"Payload">>), %% Mock the server socket to not have received any bytes. rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:setup_meck(Config), Mod = rabbit_net, ok = rpc(Config, meck, new, [Mod, [no_link, passthrough]]), ok = rpc(Config, meck, expect, [Mod, getstat, 2, {ok, [{recv_oct, 999}]} ]), rabbit_ct_helpers:consistently(?_assert(erlang:is_process_alive(C))), true = rpc(Config, meck, validate, [Mod]), ok = rpc(Config, meck, unload, [Mod]), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C). duplicate_client_id(Config) -> [Server1, Server2, _] = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:get_node_configs(Config, nodename), DuplicateClientId = ?FUNCTION_NAME, %% Connect to old node in mixed version cluster. C1 = connect(DuplicateClientId, Config, Server2, []), eventually(?_assertEqual(1, length(all_connection_pids(Config)))), process_flag(trap_exit, true), %% Connect to new node in mixed version cluster. C2 = connect(DuplicateClientId, Config, Server1, []), await_exit(C1), timer:sleep(200), ?assertEqual(1, length(all_connection_pids(Config))), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C2), eventually(?_assertEqual(0, length(all_connection_pids(Config)))). block(Config) -> Topic = ClientId = atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME), C = connect(ClientId, Config), {ok, _, _} = emqtt:subscribe(C, Topic), {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(C, Topic, <<"Not blocked yet">>, [{qos, 1}]), ok = rpc(Config, vm_memory_monitor, set_vm_memory_high_watermark, [0]), %% Let it block timer:sleep(100), %% Blocked, but still will publish when unblocked puback_timeout = publish_qos1_timeout(C, Topic, <<"Now blocked">>, 1000), puback_timeout = publish_qos1_timeout(C, Topic, <<"Still blocked">>, 1000), %% Unblock rpc(Config, vm_memory_monitor, set_vm_memory_high_watermark, [0.4]), ok = expect_publishes(C, Topic, [<<"Not blocked yet">>, <<"Now blocked">>, <<"Still blocked">>]), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C). block_only_publisher(Config) -> Topic = atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME), Opts = [{ack_timeout, 1}], Con = connect(<<"background-connection">>, Config, Opts), Sub = connect(<<"subscriber-connection">>, Config, Opts), Pub = connect(<<"publisher-connection">>, Config, Opts), PubSub = connect(<<"publisher-and-subscriber-connection">>, Config, Opts), {ok, _, [1]} = emqtt:subscribe(Sub, Topic, qos1), {ok, _, [1]} = emqtt:subscribe(PubSub, Topic, qos1), {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(Pub, Topic, <<"from Pub">>, [{qos, 1}]), {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(PubSub, Topic, <<"from PubSub">>, [{qos, 1}]), ok = expect_publishes(Sub, Topic, [<<"from Pub">>, <<"from PubSub">>]), ok = expect_publishes(PubSub, Topic, [<<"from Pub">>, <<"from PubSub">>]), ok = rpc(Config, vm_memory_monitor, set_vm_memory_high_watermark, [0]), %% Let it block timer:sleep(100), %% We expect that the publishing connections are blocked. [?assertEqual({error, ack_timeout}, emqtt:ping(Pid)) || Pid <- [Pub, PubSub]], %% We expect that the non-publishing connections are not blocked. [?assertEqual(pong, emqtt:ping(Pid)) || Pid <- [Con, Sub]], %% While the memory alarm is on, let's turn a non-publishing connection %% into a publishing connection. {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(Con, Topic, <<"from Con 1">>, [{qos, 1}]), %% The very first message still goes through. ok = expect_publishes(Sub, Topic, [<<"from Con 1">>]), %% But now the new publisher should be blocked as well. ?assertEqual({error, ack_timeout}, emqtt:ping(Con)), ?assertEqual(puback_timeout, publish_qos1_timeout(Con, Topic, <<"from Con 2">>, 500)), ?assertEqual(pong, emqtt:ping(Sub)), rpc(Config, vm_memory_monitor, set_vm_memory_high_watermark, [0.4]), %% Let it unblock timer:sleep(100), %% All connections are unblocked. [?assertEqual(pong, emqtt:ping(Pid)) || Pid <- [Con, Sub, Pub, PubSub]], %% The publishing connections should be able to publish again. {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(Con, Topic, <<"from Con 3">>, [{qos, 1}]), ok = expect_publishes(Sub, Topic, [<<"from Con 2">>, <<"from Con 3">>]), ok = expect_publishes(PubSub, Topic, [<<"from Con 1">>, <<"from Con 2">>, <<"from Con 3">>]), [ok = emqtt:disconnect(Pid) || Pid <- [Con, Sub, Pub, PubSub]]. clean_session_disconnect_client(Config) -> C = connect(?FUNCTION_NAME, Config), {ok, _, _} = emqtt:subscribe(C, <<"topic0">>, qos0), {ok, _, _} = emqtt:subscribe(C, <<"topic1">>, qos1), QsQos0 = rpc(Config, rabbit_amqqueue, list_by_type, [rabbit_mqtt_qos0_queue]), QsClassic = rpc(Config, rabbit_amqqueue, list_by_type, [rabbit_classic_queue]), case is_feature_flag_enabled(Config, rabbit_mqtt_qos0_queue) of true -> ?assertEqual(1, length(QsQos0)), ?assertEqual(1, length(QsClassic)); false -> ?assertEqual(0, length(QsQos0)), ?assertEqual(2, length(QsClassic)) end, ok = emqtt:disconnect(C), %% After terminating a clean session, we expect any session state to be cleaned up on the server. timer:sleep(200), %% Give some time to clean up exclusive classic queue. L = rpc(Config, rabbit_amqqueue, list, []), ?assertEqual(0, length(L)). clean_session_node_restart(Config) -> clean_session_node_down(stop_node, Config). clean_session_node_kill(Config) -> clean_session_node_down(kill_node, Config). clean_session_node_down(NodeDown, Config) -> C = connect(?FUNCTION_NAME, Config), {ok, _, _} = emqtt:subscribe(C, <<"topic0">>, qos0), {ok, _, _} = emqtt:subscribe(C, <<"topic1">>, qos1), QsQos0 = rpc(Config, rabbit_amqqueue, list_by_type, [rabbit_mqtt_qos0_queue]), QsClassic = rpc(Config, rabbit_amqqueue, list_by_type, [rabbit_classic_queue]), case is_feature_flag_enabled(Config, rabbit_mqtt_qos0_queue) of true -> ?assertEqual(1, length(QsQos0)), ?assertEqual(1, length(QsClassic)); false -> ?assertEqual(0, length(QsQos0)), ?assertEqual(2, length(QsClassic)) end, Tables = [rabbit_durable_queue, rabbit_queue, rabbit_durable_route, rabbit_semi_durable_route, rabbit_route, rabbit_reverse_route, rabbit_topic_trie_node, rabbit_topic_trie_edge, rabbit_topic_trie_binding], [?assertNotEqual(0, rpc(Config, ets, info, [T, size])) || T <- Tables], unlink(C), ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:NodeDown(Config, 0), ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:start_node(Config, 0), %% After terminating a clean session by either node crash or graceful node shutdown, we %% expect any session state to be cleaned up on the server once the server finished booting. [?assertEqual(0, rpc(Config, ets, info, [T, size])) || T <- Tables]. rabbit_status_connection_count(Config) -> _Pid = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_connection(Config, 0), C = connect(?FUNCTION_NAME, Config), {ok, String} = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rabbitmqctl(Config, 0, ["status"]), ?assertNotEqual(nomatch, string:find(String, "Connection count: 2")), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C). trace(Config) -> Server = atom_to_binary(get_node_config(Config, 0, nodename)), Topic = Payload = TraceQ = atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME), Ch = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_channel(Config), declare_queue(Ch, TraceQ, []), #'queue.bind_ok'{} = amqp_channel:call( Ch, #'queue.bind'{queue = TraceQ, exchange = <<"amq.rabbitmq.trace">>, routing_key = <<"#">>}), %% We expect traced messages for connections created before and connections %% created after tracing is enabled. Pub = connect(<<(atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME))/binary, "_publisher">>, Config), {ok, _} = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rabbitmqctl(Config, 0, ["trace_on"]), Sub = connect(<<(atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME))/binary, "_subscriber">>, Config), {ok, _, [0]} = emqtt:subscribe(Sub, Topic, qos0), {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(Pub, Topic, Payload, qos1), ok = expect_publishes(Sub, Topic, [Payload]), {#'basic.get_ok'{routing_key = <<"publish.amq.topic">>}, #amqp_msg{props = #'P_basic'{headers = PublishHeaders}, payload = Payload}} = amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'basic.get'{queue = TraceQ, no_ack = false}), ?assertMatch(#{<<"exchange_name">> := <<"amq.topic">>, <<"routing_keys">> := [Topic], <<"connection">> := <<"", _/binary>>, <<"node">> := Server, <<"vhost">> := <<"/">>, <<"channel">> := 0, <<"user">> := <<"guest">>, <<"properties">> := #{<<"delivery_mode">> := 2, <<"headers">> := #{<<"x-mqtt-publish-qos">> := 1}}, <<"routed_queues">> := [<<"mqtt-subscription-trace_subscriberqos0">>]}, rabbit_misc:amqp_table(PublishHeaders)), {#'basic.get_ok'{routing_key = <<"deliver.mqtt-subscription-trace_subscriberqos0">>}, #amqp_msg{props = #'P_basic'{headers = DeliverHeaders}, payload = Payload}} = amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'basic.get'{queue = TraceQ, no_ack = false}), ?assertMatch(#{<<"exchange_name">> := <<"amq.topic">>, <<"routing_keys">> := [Topic], <<"connection">> := <<"", _/binary>>, <<"node">> := Server, <<"vhost">> := <<"/">>, <<"channel">> := 0, <<"user">> := <<"guest">>, <<"properties">> := #{<<"delivery_mode">> := 2, <<"headers">> := #{<<"x-mqtt-publish-qos">> := 1}}, <<"redelivered">> := 0}, rabbit_misc:amqp_table(DeliverHeaders)), {ok, _} = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:rabbitmqctl(Config, 0, ["trace_off"]), {ok, _} = emqtt:publish(Pub, Topic, Payload, qos1), ok = expect_publishes(Sub, Topic, [Payload]), ?assertMatch(#'basic.get_empty'{}, amqp_channel:call(Ch, #'basic.get'{queue = TraceQ, no_ack = false})), delete_queue(Ch, TraceQ), [ok = emqtt:disconnect(C) || C <- [Pub, Sub]]. max_packet_size_unauthenticated(Config) -> App = rabbitmq_mqtt, Par = ClientId = ?FUNCTION_NAME, Opts = [{will_topic, <<"will/topic">>}], {C1, Connect} = util:start_client( ClientId, Config, 0, [{will_payload, binary:copy(<<"a">>, 64_000)} | Opts]), ?assertMatch({ok, _}, Connect(C1)), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C1), MaxSize = 500, ok = rpc(Config, application, set_env, [App, Par, MaxSize]), {C2, Connect} = util:start_client( ClientId, Config, 0, [{will_payload, binary:copy(<<"b">>, MaxSize + 1)} | Opts]), true = unlink(C2), ?assertMatch({error, _}, Connect(C2)), {C3, Connect} = util:start_client( ClientId, Config, 0, [{will_payload, binary:copy(<<"c">>, round(MaxSize / 2))} | Opts]), ?assertMatch({ok, _}, Connect(C3)), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C3), ok = rpc(Config, application, unset_env, [App, Par]). %% Test that the per vhost default queue type introduced in %% https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/pull/5305 %% does not apply to queues created for MQTT connections %% because having millions of quorum queues is too expensive. default_queue_type(Config) -> Server = get_node_config(Config, 0, nodename), QName = Vhost = ClientId = Topic = atom_to_binary(?FUNCTION_NAME), ok = erpc:call(Server, rabbit_vhost, add, [Vhost, #{default_queue_type => <<"quorum">>}, <<"acting-user">>]), ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:set_full_permissions(Config, <<"guest">>, Vhost), ?assertEqual([], rpc(Config, rabbit_amqqueue, list, [])), %% Sanity check that the configured default queue type works with AMQP 0.9.1. Conn = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:open_unmanaged_connection(Config, Server, Vhost), {ok, Ch} = amqp_connection:open_channel(Conn), declare_queue(Ch, QName, []), QuorumQueues = rpc(Config, rabbit_amqqueue, list_by_type, [rabbit_quorum_queue]), ?assertEqual(1, length(QuorumQueues)), delete_queue(Ch, QName), ok = rabbit_ct_client_helpers:close_connection_and_channel(Conn, Ch), %% Test that the configured default queue type does not apply to MQTT. Creds = [{username, <>}, {password, <<"guest">>}], C1 = connect(ClientId, Config, [{clean_start, false} | Creds]), {ok, _, [1]} = emqtt:subscribe(C1, Topic, qos1), ClassicQueues = rpc(Config, rabbit_amqqueue, list_by_type, [rabbit_classic_queue]), ?assertEqual(1, length(ClassicQueues)), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C1), C2 = connect(ClientId, Config, [{clean_start, true} | Creds]), ok = emqtt:disconnect(C2), ok = rabbit_ct_broker_helpers:delete_vhost(Config, Vhost). %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Internal helpers %% ------------------------------------------------------------------- await_confirms_ordered(_, To, To) -> ok; await_confirms_ordered(From, N, To) -> Expected = {From, N}, receive Expected -> await_confirms_ordered(From, N + 1, To); Got -> ct:fail("Received unexpected message. Expected: ~p Got: ~p", [Expected, Got]) after 10_000 -> ct:fail("Did not receive expected message: ~p", [Expected]) end. await_confirms_unordered(_, 0) -> ok; await_confirms_unordered(From, Left) -> receive {From, _N} -> await_confirms_unordered(From, Left - 1); Other -> ct:fail("Received unexpected message: ~p", [Other]) after 10_000 -> ct:fail("~b confirms are missing", [Left]) end. declare_queue(Ch, QueueName, Args) when is_pid(Ch), is_binary(QueueName), is_list(Args) -> #'queue.declare_ok'{} = amqp_channel:call( Ch, #'queue.declare'{ queue = QueueName, durable = true, arguments = Args}). delete_queue(Ch, QueueNames) when is_pid(Ch), is_list(QueueNames) -> lists:foreach( fun(Q) -> delete_queue(Ch, Q) end, QueueNames); delete_queue(Ch, QueueName) when is_pid(Ch), is_binary(QueueName) -> #'queue.delete_ok'{} = amqp_channel:call( Ch, #'queue.delete'{ queue = QueueName}). bind(Ch, QueueName, Topic) when is_pid(Ch), is_binary(QueueName), is_binary(Topic) -> #'queue.bind_ok'{} = amqp_channel:call( Ch, #'queue.bind'{queue = QueueName, exchange = <<"amq.topic">>, routing_key = Topic}).