# rabbitmqctl wait shells out to 'ps', which is broken in the bazel macOS # sandbox (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/7448) # adding "--spawn_strategy=local" to the invocation is a workaround build --spawn_strategy=local # --experimental_strict_action_env breaks memory size detection on macOS, # so turn it off for local runs build --noexperimental_strict_action_env build:buildbuddy --experimental_strict_action_env # don't re-run flakes automatically on the local machine build --flaky_test_attempts=1 # write common test logs to logs/ dir build --@rules_erlang//:ct_logdir=/absolute/expanded/path/to/this/repo/logs build:buildbuddy --remote_header=x-buildbuddy-api-key=YOUR_API_KEY