diff options
authorBen Hood <>2009-01-21 13:00:07 +0000
committerBen Hood <>2009-01-21 13:00:07 +0000
commitb8c32eaeef9d1c64d6e6a34e6cf9657a730cdc43 (patch)
parent1193c9d00b661c430579e45a7ef9ecd64c0698b7 (diff)
parentb98e158cdef0c5d794e0362b30e7dc529476982d (diff)
Merged v1_5_1 into default
21 files changed, 1548 insertions, 432 deletions
diff --git a/.hgignore b/.hgignore
index 28f9cfd8..35607765 100644
--- a/.hgignore
+++ b/.hgignore
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ syntax: regexp
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index f924b8e6..83223667 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@ SOURCE_DIR=src
SOURCES=$(wildcard $(SOURCE_DIR)/*.erl)
-TARGETS=$(EBIN_DIR)/rabbit_framing.beam $(patsubst $(SOURCE_DIR)/%.erl, $(EBIN_DIR)/%.beam,$(SOURCES))
+BEAM_TARGETS=$(EBIN_DIR)/rabbit_framing.beam $(patsubst $(SOURCE_DIR)/%.erl, $(EBIN_DIR)/%.beam,$(SOURCES))
MANPAGES=$(patsubst %.pod, %.gz, $(wildcard docs/*.[0-9].pod))
@@ -39,9 +40,15 @@ ERL_CALL=erl_call -sname $(RABBITMQ_NODENAME) -e
#all: $(EBIN_DIR)/rabbit.boot
all: $(TARGETS)
-$(EBIN_DIR)/%.beam: $(SOURCE_DIR)/%.erl $(INCLUDE_DIR)/rabbit_framing.hrl $(INCLUDE_DIR)/rabbit.hrl
+$(EBIN_DIR)/ $(EBIN_DIR)/ $(BEAM_TARGETS) generate_app
+ escript generate_app $(EBIN_DIR) < $< > $@
+$(EBIN_DIR)/gen_server2.beam: $(SOURCE_DIR)/gen_server2.erl
erlc $(ERLC_OPTS) $<
-# ERLC_EMULATOR="erl -smp" erlc $(ERLC_OPTS) $<
+$(EBIN_DIR)/%.beam: $(SOURCE_DIR)/%.erl $(INCLUDE_DIR)/rabbit_framing.hrl $(INCLUDE_DIR)/rabbit.hrl $(EBIN_DIR)/gen_server2.beam
+ erlc $(ERLC_OPTS) -pa $(EBIN_DIR) $<
+# ERLC_EMULATOR="erl -smp" erlc $(ERLC_OPTS) -pa $(EBIN_DIR) $<
@@ -52,12 +59,12 @@ $(SOURCE_DIR)/rabbit_framing.erl: $(AMQP_CODEGEN_DIR)/
$(EBIN_DIR)/rabbit.boot $(EBIN_DIR)/rabbit.script: $(EBIN_DIR)/ $(EBIN_DIR)/rabbit.rel $(TARGETS)
erl -noshell -eval 'systools:make_script("ebin/rabbit", [{path, ["ebin"]}]), halt().'
-dialyze: $(TARGETS)
+dialyze: $(BEAM_TARGETS)
dialyzer -c $?
clean: cleandb
rm -f $(EBIN_DIR)/*.beam
- rm -f $(EBIN_DIR)/rabbit.boot $(EBIN_DIR)/rabbit.script
+ rm -f $(EBIN_DIR)/ $(EBIN_DIR)/rabbit.boot $(EBIN_DIR)/rabbit.script
rm -f $(INCLUDE_DIR)/rabbit_framing.hrl $(SOURCE_DIR)/rabbit_framing.erl codegen.pyc
rm -f docs/*.[0-9].gz
@@ -122,8 +129,13 @@ srcdist: distclean
elinks -dump -no-references -no-numbering $(WEB_URL)build-server.html \
+<<<<<<< local
+ sed -i 's/%%VERSION%%/$(VERSION)/' $(TARGET_SRC_DIR)/ebin/
sed -i 's/%%VERSION%%/$(VERSION)/' $(TARGET_SRC_DIR)/ebin/
+>>>>>>> other
cp -r $(AMQP_CODEGEN_DIR)/* $(TARGET_SRC_DIR)/codegen/
cp Makefile $(TARGET_SRC_DIR)
diff --git a/docs/rabbitmqctl.1.pod b/docs/rabbitmqctl.1.pod
index d2cb0199..fd8918cd 100644
--- a/docs/rabbitmqctl.1.pod
+++ b/docs/rabbitmqctl.1.pod
@@ -157,9 +157,12 @@ messages_unacknowledged
number of messages published in as yet uncommitted transactions
+<<<<<<< local
sum of ready, unacknowledged and uncommitted messages
+>>>>>>> other
number of acknowledgements received in as yet uncommitted
diff --git a/ebin/ b/ebin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d714fdf..00000000
--- a/ebin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-{application, rabbit, %% -*- erlang -*-
- [{description, "RabbitMQ"},
- {id, "RabbitMQ"},
- {vsn, "%%VERSION%%"},
- {modules, [buffering_proxy,
- rabbit_access_control,
- rabbit_alarm,
- rabbit_amqqueue,
- rabbit_amqqueue_process,
- rabbit_amqqueue_sup,
- rabbit_binary_generator,
- rabbit_binary_parser,
- rabbit_channel,
- rabbit_control,
- rabbit,
- rabbit_error_logger,
- rabbit_error_logger_file_h,
- rabbit_exchange,
- rabbit_framing_channel,
- rabbit_framing,
- rabbit_heartbeat,
- rabbit_load,
- rabbit_log,
- rabbit_memsup_linux,
- rabbit_misc,
- rabbit_mnesia,
- rabbit_multi,
- rabbit_networking,
- rabbit_node_monitor,
- rabbit_persister,
- rabbit_reader,
- rabbit_router,
- rabbit_sasl_report_file_h,
- rabbit_sup,
- rabbit_tests,
- rabbit_tracer,
- rabbit_writer,
- tcp_acceptor,
- tcp_acceptor_sup,
- tcp_client_sup,
- tcp_listener,
- tcp_listener_sup]},
- {registered, [rabbit_amqqueue_sup,
- rabbit_log,
- rabbit_node_monitor,
- rabbit_persister,
- rabbit_router,
- rabbit_sup,
- rabbit_tcp_client_sup]},
- {applications, [kernel, stdlib, sasl, mnesia, os_mon]},
- {mod, {rabbit, []}},
- {env, [{tcp_listeners, [{"", 5672}]},
- {extra_startup_steps, []},
- {default_user, <<"guest">>},
- {default_pass, <<"guest">>},
- {default_vhost, <<"/">>},
- {memory_alarms, auto}]}]}.
diff --git a/ebin/ b/ebin/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e2f36c0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ebin/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+{application, rabbit, %% -*- erlang -*-
+ [{description, "RabbitMQ"},
+ {id, "RabbitMQ"},
+ {vsn, "%%VERSION%%"},
+ {modules, []},
+ {registered, [rabbit_amqqueue_sup,
+ rabbit_log,
+ rabbit_node_monitor,
+ rabbit_persister,
+ rabbit_router,
+ rabbit_sup,
+ rabbit_tcp_client_sup]},
+ {applications, [kernel, stdlib, sasl, mnesia, os_mon]},
+ {mod, {rabbit, []}},
+ {env, [{tcp_listeners, [{"", 5672}]},
+ {extra_startup_steps, []},
+ {default_user, <<"guest">>},
+ {default_pass, <<"guest">>},
+ {default_vhost, <<"/">>},
+ {memory_alarms, auto}]}]}.
diff --git a/generate_app b/generate_app
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..62301292
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generate_app
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env escript
+%% -*- erlang -*-
+main([BeamDir]) ->
+ Modules = [list_to_atom(filename:basename(F, ".beam")) ||
+ F <- filelib:wildcard("*.beam", BeamDir)],
+ {ok, {application, Application, Properties}} = io:read(''),
+ NewProperties = lists:keyreplace(modules, 1, Properties,
+ {modules, Modules}),
+ io:format("~p.", [{application, Application, NewProperties}]).
diff --git a/src/buffering_proxy.erl b/src/buffering_proxy.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 344b719a..00000000
--- a/src/buffering_proxy.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
-%% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-%% License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
-%% The Initial Developers of the Original Code are LShift Ltd,
-%% Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC, and Rabbit Technologies Ltd.
-%% Portions created before 22-Nov-2008 00:00:00 GMT by LShift Ltd,
-%% Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC, or Rabbit Technologies Ltd
-%% are Copyright (C) 2007-2008 LShift Ltd, Cohesive Financial
-%% Technologies LLC, and Rabbit Technologies Ltd.
-%% Portions created by LShift Ltd are Copyright (C) 2007-2009 LShift
-%% Ltd. Portions created by Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC are
-%% Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Cohesive Financial Technologies
-%% LLC. Portions created by Rabbit Technologies Ltd are Copyright
-%% (C) 2007-2009 Rabbit Technologies Ltd.
-%% All Rights Reserved.
-%% Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
-%% internal
--export([mainloop/4, drain/2]).
--define(HIBERNATE_AFTER, 5000).
-start_link(M, A) ->
- spawn_link(
- fun () -> process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- ProxyPid = self(),
- Ref = make_ref(),
- Pid = spawn_link(
- fun () -> ProxyPid ! Ref,
- mainloop(ProxyPid, Ref, M,
- M:init(ProxyPid, A)) end),
- proxy_loop(Ref, Pid, empty)
- end).
-mainloop(ProxyPid, Ref, M, State) ->
- NewState =
- receive
- {Ref, Messages} ->
- NewSt =
- lists:foldl(fun (Msg, S) ->
- drain(M, M:handle_message(Msg, S))
- end, State, lists:reverse(Messages)),
- ProxyPid ! Ref,
- NewSt;
- Msg -> M:handle_message(Msg, State)
- erlang:hibernate(?MODULE, mainloop,
- [ProxyPid, Ref, M, State])
- end,
- ?MODULE:mainloop(ProxyPid, Ref, M, NewState).
-drain(M, State) ->
- receive
- Msg -> ?MODULE:drain(M, M:handle_message(Msg, State))
- after 0 ->
- State
- end.
-proxy_loop(Ref, Pid, State) ->
- receive
- Ref ->
- ?MODULE:proxy_loop(
- Ref, Pid,
- case State of
- empty -> waiting;
- waiting -> exit(duplicate_next);
- Messages -> Pid ! {Ref, Messages}, empty
- end);
- {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} ->
- exit(Reason);
- {'EXIT', _, Reason} ->
- exit(Pid, Reason),
- ?MODULE:proxy_loop(Ref, Pid, State);
- Msg ->
- ?MODULE:proxy_loop(
- Ref, Pid,
- case State of
- empty -> [Msg];
- waiting -> Pid ! {Ref, [Msg]}, empty;
- Messages -> [Msg | Messages]
- end)
- erlang:hibernate(?MODULE, proxy_loop, [Ref, Pid, State])
- end.
diff --git a/src/gen_server2.erl b/src/gen_server2.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..11bb66d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gen_server2.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,854 @@
+%% This file is a copy of gen_server.erl from the R11B-5 Erlang/OTP
+%% distribution, with the following modifications:
+%% 1) the module name is gen_server2
+%% 2) more efficient handling of selective receives in callbacks
+%% gen_server2 processes drain their message queue into an internal
+%% buffer before invoking any callback module functions. Messages are
+%% dequeued from the buffer for processing. Thus the effective message
+%% queue of a gen_server2 process is the concatenation of the internal
+%% buffer and the real message queue.
+%% As a result of the draining, any selective receive invoked inside a
+%% callback is less likely to have to scan a large message queue.
+%% 3) gen_server2:cast is guaranteed to be order-preserving
+%% The original code could reorder messages when communicating with a
+%% process on a remote node that was not currently connected.
+%% All modifications are (C) 2009 LShift Ltd.
+%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
+%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
+%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
+%% retrieved via the world wide web at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
+%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999, Ericsson Utvecklings
+%% AB. All Rights Reserved.''
+%% $Id$
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------
+%%% The idea behind THIS server is that the user module
+%%% provides (different) functions to handle different
+%%% kind of inputs.
+%%% If the Parent process terminates the Module:terminate/2
+%%% function is called.
+%%% The user module should export:
+%%% init(Args)
+%%% ==> {ok, State}
+%%% {ok, State, Timeout}
+%%% ignore
+%%% {stop, Reason}
+%%% handle_call(Msg, {From, Tag}, State)
+%%% ==> {reply, Reply, State}
+%%% {reply, Reply, State, Timeout}
+%%% {noreply, State}
+%%% {noreply, State, Timeout}
+%%% {stop, Reason, Reply, State}
+%%% Reason = normal | shutdown | Term terminate(State) is called
+%%% handle_cast(Msg, State)
+%%% ==> {noreply, State}
+%%% {noreply, State, Timeout}
+%%% {stop, Reason, State}
+%%% Reason = normal | shutdown | Term terminate(State) is called
+%%% handle_info(Info, State) Info is e.g. {'EXIT', P, R}, {nodedown, N}, ...
+%%% ==> {noreply, State}
+%%% {noreply, State, Timeout}
+%%% {stop, Reason, State}
+%%% Reason = normal | shutdown | Term, terminate(State) is called
+%%% terminate(Reason, State) Let the user module clean up
+%%% always called when server terminates
+%%% ==> ok
+%%% The work flow (of the server) can be described as follows:
+%%% User module Generic
+%%% ----------- -------
+%%% start -----> start
+%%% init <----- .
+%%% loop
+%%% handle_call <----- .
+%%% -----> reply
+%%% handle_cast <----- .
+%%% handle_info <----- .
+%%% terminate <----- .
+%%% -----> reply
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------
+%% API
+-export([start/3, start/4,
+ start_link/3, start_link/4,
+ call/2, call/3,
+ cast/2, reply/2,
+ abcast/2, abcast/3,
+ multi_call/2, multi_call/3, multi_call/4,
+ enter_loop/3, enter_loop/4, enter_loop/5]).
+%% System exports
+ system_terminate/4,
+ system_code_change/4,
+ format_status/2]).
+%% Internal exports
+-export([init_it/6, print_event/3]).
+-import(error_logger, [format/2]).
+%%% API
+behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
+ [{init,1},{handle_call,3},{handle_cast,2},{handle_info,2},
+ {terminate,2},{code_change,3}];
+behaviour_info(_Other) ->
+ undefined.
+%%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
+%%% Starts a generic server.
+%%% start(Mod, Args, Options)
+%%% start(Name, Mod, Args, Options)
+%%% start_link(Mod, Args, Options)
+%%% start_link(Name, Mod, Args, Options) where:
+%%% Name ::= {local, atom()} | {global, atom()}
+%%% Mod ::= atom(), callback module implementing the 'real' server
+%%% Args ::= term(), init arguments (to Mod:init/1)
+%%% Options ::= [{timeout, Timeout} | {debug, [Flag]}]
+%%% Flag ::= trace | log | {logfile, File} | statistics | debug
+%%% (debug == log && statistics)
+%%% Returns: {ok, Pid} |
+%%% {error, {already_started, Pid}} |
+%%% {error, Reason}
+%%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
+start(Mod, Args, Options) ->
+ gen:start(?MODULE, nolink, Mod, Args, Options).
+start(Name, Mod, Args, Options) ->
+ gen:start(?MODULE, nolink, Name, Mod, Args, Options).
+start_link(Mod, Args, Options) ->
+ gen:start(?MODULE, link, Mod, Args, Options).
+start_link(Name, Mod, Args, Options) ->
+ gen:start(?MODULE, link, Name, Mod, Args, Options).
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Make a call to a generic server.
+%% If the server is located at another node, that node will
+%% be monitored.
+%% If the client is trapping exits and is linked server termination
+%% is handled here (? Shall we do that here (or rely on timeouts) ?).
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
+call(Name, Request) ->
+ case catch gen:call(Name, '$gen_call', Request) of
+ {ok,Res} ->
+ Res;
+ {'EXIT',Reason} ->
+ exit({Reason, {?MODULE, call, [Name, Request]}})
+ end.
+call(Name, Request, Timeout) ->
+ case catch gen:call(Name, '$gen_call', Request, Timeout) of
+ {ok,Res} ->
+ Res;
+ {'EXIT',Reason} ->
+ exit({Reason, {?MODULE, call, [Name, Request, Timeout]}})
+ end.
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Make a cast to a generic server.
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
+cast({global,Name}, Request) ->
+ catch global:send(Name, cast_msg(Request)),
+ ok;
+cast({Name,Node}=Dest, Request) when is_atom(Name), is_atom(Node) ->
+ do_cast(Dest, Request);
+cast(Dest, Request) when is_atom(Dest) ->
+ do_cast(Dest, Request);
+cast(Dest, Request) when is_pid(Dest) ->
+ do_cast(Dest, Request).
+do_cast(Dest, Request) ->
+ do_send(Dest, cast_msg(Request)),
+ ok.
+cast_msg(Request) -> {'$gen_cast',Request}.
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Send a reply to the client.
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
+reply({To, Tag}, Reply) ->
+ catch To ! {Tag, Reply}.
+%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Asyncronous broadcast, returns nothing, it's just send'n prey
+abcast(Name, Request) when is_atom(Name) ->
+ do_abcast([node() | nodes()], Name, cast_msg(Request)).
+abcast(Nodes, Name, Request) when is_list(Nodes), is_atom(Name) ->
+ do_abcast(Nodes, Name, cast_msg(Request)).
+do_abcast([Node|Nodes], Name, Msg) when is_atom(Node) ->
+ do_send({Name,Node},Msg),
+ do_abcast(Nodes, Name, Msg);
+do_abcast([], _,_) -> abcast.
+%%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
+%%% Make a call to servers at several nodes.
+%%% Returns: {[Replies],[BadNodes]}
+%%% A Timeout can be given
+%%% A middleman process is used in case late answers arrives after
+%%% the timeout. If they would be allowed to glog the callers message
+%%% queue, it would probably become confused. Late answers will
+%%% now arrive to the terminated middleman and so be discarded.
+%%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
+multi_call(Name, Req)
+ when is_atom(Name) ->
+ do_multi_call([node() | nodes()], Name, Req, infinity).
+multi_call(Nodes, Name, Req)
+ when is_list(Nodes), is_atom(Name) ->
+ do_multi_call(Nodes, Name, Req, infinity).
+multi_call(Nodes, Name, Req, infinity) ->
+ do_multi_call(Nodes, Name, Req, infinity);
+multi_call(Nodes, Name, Req, Timeout)
+ when is_list(Nodes), is_atom(Name), is_integer(Timeout), Timeout >= 0 ->
+ do_multi_call(Nodes, Name, Req, Timeout).
+%% enter_loop(Mod, Options, State, <ServerName>, <TimeOut>) ->_
+%% Description: Makes an existing process into a gen_server.
+%% The calling process will enter the gen_server receive
+%% loop and become a gen_server process.
+%% The process *must* have been started using one of the
+%% start functions in proc_lib, see proc_lib(3).
+%% The user is responsible for any initialization of the
+%% process, including registering a name for it.
+enter_loop(Mod, Options, State) ->
+ enter_loop(Mod, Options, State, self(), infinity).
+enter_loop(Mod, Options, State, ServerName = {_, _}) ->
+ enter_loop(Mod, Options, State, ServerName, infinity);
+enter_loop(Mod, Options, State, Timeout) ->
+ enter_loop(Mod, Options, State, self(), Timeout).
+enter_loop(Mod, Options, State, ServerName, Timeout) ->
+ Name = get_proc_name(ServerName),
+ Parent = get_parent(),
+ Debug = debug_options(Name, Options),
+ Queue = queue:new(),
+ loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, Timeout, Queue, Debug).
+%%% Gen-callback functions
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------
+%%% Initiate the new process.
+%%% Register the name using the Rfunc function
+%%% Calls the Mod:init/Args function.
+%%% Finally an acknowledge is sent to Parent and the main
+%%% loop is entered.
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------
+init_it(Starter, self, Name, Mod, Args, Options) ->
+ init_it(Starter, self(), Name, Mod, Args, Options);
+init_it(Starter, Parent, Name, Mod, Args, Options) ->
+ Debug = debug_options(Name, Options),
+ Queue = queue:new(),
+ case catch Mod:init(Args) of
+ {ok, State} ->
+ proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, {ok, self()}),
+ loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, infinity, Queue, Debug);
+ {ok, State, Timeout} ->
+ proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, {ok, self()}),
+ loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, Timeout, Queue, Debug);
+ {stop, Reason} ->
+ proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, {error, Reason}),
+ exit(Reason);
+ ignore ->
+ proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, ignore),
+ exit(normal);
+ {'EXIT', Reason} ->
+ proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, {error, Reason}),
+ exit(Reason);
+ Else ->
+ Error = {bad_return_value, Else},
+ proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, {error, Error}),
+ exit(Error)
+ end.
+%%% Internal functions
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------
+%%% The MAIN loop.
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------
+loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, Time, Queue, Debug) ->
+ receive
+ Input -> loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod,
+ Time, queue:in(Input, Queue), Debug)
+ after 0 ->
+ case queue:out(Queue) of
+ {{value, Msg}, Queue1} ->
+ process_msg(Parent, Name, State, Mod,
+ Time, Queue1, Debug, Msg);
+ {empty, Queue1} ->
+ receive
+ Input ->
+ loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod,
+ Time, queue:in(Input, Queue1), Debug)
+ after Time ->
+ process_msg(Parent, Name, State, Mod,
+ Time, Queue1, Debug, timeout)
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+process_msg(Parent, Name, State, Mod, Time, Queue, Debug, Msg) ->
+ case Msg of
+ {system, From, Req} ->
+ sys:handle_system_msg(Req, From, Parent, ?MODULE, Debug,
+ [Name, State, Mod, Time, Queue]);
+ {'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
+ terminate(Reason, Name, Msg, Mod, State, Debug);
+ _Msg when Debug =:= [] ->
+ handle_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, State, Mod, Time, Queue);
+ _Msg ->
+ Debug1 = sys:handle_debug(Debug, {?MODULE, print_event},
+ Name, {in, Msg}),
+ handle_msg(Msg, Parent, Name, State, Mod, Time, Queue, Debug1)
+ end.
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------
+%%% Send/recive functions
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------
+do_send(Dest, Msg) ->
+ catch erlang:send(Dest, Msg).
+do_multi_call(Nodes, Name, Req, infinity) ->
+ Tag = make_ref(),
+ Monitors = send_nodes(Nodes, Name, Tag, Req),
+ rec_nodes(Tag, Monitors, Name, undefined);
+do_multi_call(Nodes, Name, Req, Timeout) ->
+ Tag = make_ref(),
+ Caller = self(),
+ Receiver =
+ spawn(
+ fun() ->
+ %% Middleman process. Should be unsensitive to regular
+ %% exit signals. The sychronization is needed in case
+ %% the receiver would exit before the caller started
+ %% the monitor.
+ process_flag(trap_exit, true),
+ Mref = erlang:monitor(process, Caller),
+ receive
+ {Caller,Tag} ->
+ Monitors = send_nodes(Nodes, Name, Tag, Req),
+ TimerId = erlang:start_timer(Timeout, self(), ok),
+ Result = rec_nodes(Tag, Monitors, Name, TimerId),
+ exit({self(),Tag,Result});
+ {'DOWN',Mref,_,_,_} ->
+ %% Caller died before sending us the go-ahead.
+ %% Give up silently.
+ exit(normal)
+ end
+ end),
+ Mref = erlang:monitor(process, Receiver),
+ Receiver ! {self(),Tag},
+ receive
+ {'DOWN',Mref,_,_,{Receiver,Tag,Result}} ->
+ Result;
+ {'DOWN',Mref,_,_,Reason} ->
+ %% The middleman code failed. Or someone did
+ %% exit(_, kill) on the middleman process => Reason==killed
+ exit(Reason)
+ end.
+send_nodes(Nodes, Name, Tag, Req) ->
+ send_nodes(Nodes, Name, Tag, Req, []).
+send_nodes([Node|Tail], Name, Tag, Req, Monitors)
+ when is_atom(Node) ->
+ Monitor = start_monitor(Node, Name),
+ %% Handle non-existing names in rec_nodes.
+ catch {Name, Node} ! {'$gen_call', {self(), {Tag, Node}}, Req},
+ send_nodes(Tail, Name, Tag, Req, [Monitor | Monitors]);
+send_nodes([_Node|Tail], Name, Tag, Req, Monitors) ->
+ %% Skip non-atom Node
+ send_nodes(Tail, Name, Tag, Req, Monitors);
+send_nodes([], _Name, _Tag, _Req, Monitors) ->
+ Monitors.
+%% Against old nodes:
+%% If no reply has been delivered within 2 secs. (per node) check that
+%% the server really exists and wait for ever for the answer.
+%% Against contemporary nodes:
+%% Wait for reply, server 'DOWN', or timeout from TimerId.
+rec_nodes(Tag, Nodes, Name, TimerId) ->
+ rec_nodes(Tag, Nodes, Name, [], [], 2000, TimerId).
+rec_nodes(Tag, [{N,R}|Tail], Name, Badnodes, Replies, Time, TimerId ) ->
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', R, _, _, _} ->
+ rec_nodes(Tag, Tail, Name, [N|Badnodes], Replies, Time, TimerId);
+ {{Tag, N}, Reply} -> %% Tag is bound !!!
+ unmonitor(R),
+ rec_nodes(Tag, Tail, Name, Badnodes,
+ [{N,Reply}|Replies], Time, TimerId);
+ {timeout, TimerId, _} ->
+ unmonitor(R),
+ %% Collect all replies that already have arrived
+ rec_nodes_rest(Tag, Tail, Name, [N|Badnodes], Replies)
+ end;
+rec_nodes(Tag, [N|Tail], Name, Badnodes, Replies, Time, TimerId) ->
+ %% R6 node
+ receive
+ {nodedown, N} ->
+ monitor_node(N, false),
+ rec_nodes(Tag, Tail, Name, [N|Badnodes], Replies, 2000, TimerId);
+ {{Tag, N}, Reply} -> %% Tag is bound !!!
+ receive {nodedown, N} -> ok after 0 -> ok end,
+ monitor_node(N, false),
+ rec_nodes(Tag, Tail, Name, Badnodes,
+ [{N,Reply}|Replies], 2000, TimerId);
+ {timeout, TimerId, _} ->
+ receive {nodedown, N} -> ok after 0 -> ok end,
+ monitor_node(N, false),
+ %% Collect all replies that already have arrived
+ rec_nodes_rest(Tag, Tail, Name, [N | Badnodes], Replies)
+ after Time ->
+ case rpc:call(N, erlang, whereis, [Name]) of
+ Pid when is_pid(Pid) -> % It exists try again.
+ rec_nodes(Tag, [N|Tail], Name, Badnodes,
+ Replies, infinity, TimerId);
+ _ -> % badnode
+ receive {nodedown, N} -> ok after 0 -> ok end,
+ monitor_node(N, false),
+ rec_nodes(Tag, Tail, Name, [N|Badnodes],
+ Replies, 2000, TimerId)
+ end
+ end;
+rec_nodes(_, [], _, Badnodes, Replies, _, TimerId) ->
+ case catch erlang:cancel_timer(TimerId) of
+ false -> % It has already sent it's message
+ receive
+ {timeout, TimerId, _} -> ok
+ after 0 ->
+ ok
+ end;
+ _ -> % Timer was cancelled, or TimerId was 'undefined'
+ ok
+ end,
+ {Replies, Badnodes}.
+%% Collect all replies that already have arrived
+rec_nodes_rest(Tag, [{N,R}|Tail], Name, Badnodes, Replies) ->
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', R, _, _, _} ->
+ rec_nodes_rest(Tag, Tail, Name, [N|Badnodes], Replies);
+ {{Tag, N}, Reply} -> %% Tag is bound !!!
+ unmonitor(R),
+ rec_nodes_rest(Tag, Tail, Name, Badnodes, [{N,Reply}|Replies])
+ after 0 ->
+ unmonitor(R),
+ rec_nodes_rest(Tag, Tail, Name, [N|Badnodes], Replies)
+ end;
+rec_nodes_rest(Tag, [N|Tail], Name, Badnodes, Replies) ->
+ %% R6 node
+ receive
+ {nodedown, N} ->
+ monitor_node(N, false),
+ rec_nodes_rest(Tag, Tail, Name, [N|Badnodes], Replies);
+ {{Tag, N}, Reply} -> %% Tag is bound !!!
+ receive {nodedown, N} -> ok after 0 -> ok end,
+ monitor_node(N, false),
+ rec_nodes_rest(Tag, Tail, Name, Badnodes, [{N,Reply}|Replies])
+ after 0 ->
+ receive {nodedown, N} -> ok after 0 -> ok end,
+ monitor_node(N, false),
+ rec_nodes_rest(Tag, Tail, Name, [N|Badnodes], Replies)
+ end;
+rec_nodes_rest(_Tag, [], _Name, Badnodes, Replies) ->
+ {Replies, Badnodes}.
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------
+%%% Monitor functions
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------
+start_monitor(Node, Name) when is_atom(Node), is_atom(Name) ->
+ if node() =:= nonode@nohost, Node =/= nonode@nohost ->
+ Ref = make_ref(),
+ self() ! {'DOWN', Ref, process, {Name, Node}, noconnection},
+ {Node, Ref};
+ true ->
+ case catch erlang:monitor(process, {Name, Node}) of
+ {'EXIT', _} ->
+ %% Remote node is R6
+ monitor_node(Node, true),
+ Node;
+ Ref when is_reference(Ref) ->
+ {Node, Ref}
+ end
+ end.
+%% Cancels a monitor started with Ref=erlang:monitor(_, _).
+unmonitor(Ref) when is_reference(Ref) ->
+ erlang:demonitor(Ref),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, _} ->
+ true
+ after 0 ->
+ true
+ end.
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------
+%%% Message handling functions
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------
+dispatch({'$gen_cast', Msg}, Mod, State) ->
+ Mod:handle_cast(Msg, State);
+dispatch(Info, Mod, State) ->
+ Mod:handle_info(Info, State).
+handle_msg({'$gen_call', From, Msg},
+ Parent, Name, State, Mod, _Time, Queue) ->
+ case catch Mod:handle_call(Msg, From, State) of
+ {reply, Reply, NState} ->
+ reply(From, Reply),
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, infinity, Queue, []);
+ {reply, Reply, NState, Time1} ->
+ reply(From, Reply),
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, Time1, Queue, []);
+ {noreply, NState} ->
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, infinity, Queue, []);
+ {noreply, NState, Time1} ->
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, Time1, Queue, []);
+ {stop, Reason, Reply, NState} ->
+ {'EXIT', R} =
+ (catch terminate(Reason, Name, Msg, Mod, NState, [])),
+ reply(From, Reply),
+ exit(R);
+ Other -> handle_common_reply(Other,
+ Parent, Name, Msg, Mod, State, Queue)
+ end;
+ Parent, Name, State, Mod, _Time, Queue) ->
+ Reply = (catch dispatch(Msg, Mod, State)),
+ handle_common_reply(Reply, Parent, Name, Msg, Mod, State, Queue).
+handle_msg({'$gen_call', From, Msg},
+ Parent, Name, State, Mod, _Time, Queue, Debug) ->
+ case catch Mod:handle_call(Msg, From, State) of
+ {reply, Reply, NState} ->
+ Debug1 = reply(Name, From, Reply, NState, Debug),
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, infinity, Queue, Debug1);
+ {reply, Reply, NState, Time1} ->
+ Debug1 = reply(Name, From, Reply, NState, Debug),
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, Time1, Queue, Debug1);
+ {noreply, NState} ->
+ Debug1 = sys:handle_debug(Debug, {?MODULE, print_event}, Name,
+ {noreply, NState}),
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, infinity, Queue, Debug1);
+ {noreply, NState, Time1} ->
+ Debug1 = sys:handle_debug(Debug, {?MODULE, print_event}, Name,
+ {noreply, NState}),
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, Time1, Queue, Debug1);
+ {stop, Reason, Reply, NState} ->
+ {'EXIT', R} =
+ (catch terminate(Reason, Name, Msg, Mod, NState, Debug)),
+ reply(Name, From, Reply, NState, Debug),
+ exit(R);
+ Other ->
+ handle_common_reply(Other,
+ Parent, Name, Msg, Mod, State, Queue, Debug)
+ end;
+ Parent, Name, State, Mod, _Time, Queue, Debug) ->
+ Reply = (catch dispatch(Msg, Mod, State)),
+ handle_common_reply(Reply,
+ Parent, Name, Msg, Mod, State, Queue, Debug).
+handle_common_reply(Reply, Parent, Name, Msg, Mod, State, Queue) ->
+ case Reply of
+ {noreply, NState} ->
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, infinity, Queue, []);
+ {noreply, NState, Time1} ->
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, Time1, Queue, []);
+ {stop, Reason, NState} ->
+ terminate(Reason, Name, Msg, Mod, NState, []);
+ {'EXIT', What} ->
+ terminate(What, Name, Msg, Mod, State, []);
+ _ ->
+ terminate({bad_return_value, Reply}, Name, Msg, Mod, State, [])
+ end.
+handle_common_reply(Reply, Parent, Name, Msg, Mod, State, Queue, Debug) ->
+ case Reply of
+ {noreply, NState} ->
+ Debug1 = sys:handle_debug(Debug, {?MODULE, print_event}, Name,
+ {noreply, NState}),
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, infinity, Queue, Debug1);
+ {noreply, NState, Time1} ->
+ Debug1 = sys:handle_debug(Debug, {?MODULE, print_event}, Name,
+ {noreply, NState}),
+ loop(Parent, Name, NState, Mod, Time1, Queue, Debug1);
+ {stop, Reason, NState} ->
+ terminate(Reason, Name, Msg, Mod, NState, Debug);
+ {'EXIT', What} ->
+ terminate(What, Name, Msg, Mod, State, Debug);
+ _ ->
+ terminate({bad_return_value, Reply}, Name, Msg, Mod, State, Debug)
+ end.
+reply(Name, {To, Tag}, Reply, State, Debug) ->
+ reply({To, Tag}, Reply),
+ sys:handle_debug(Debug, {?MODULE, print_event}, Name,
+ {out, Reply, To, State} ).
+%% Callback functions for system messages handling.
+system_continue(Parent, Debug, [Name, State, Mod, Time, Queue]) ->
+ loop(Parent, Name, State, Mod, Time, Queue, Debug).
+system_terminate(Reason, _Parent, Debug, [Name, State, Mod, _Time, _Queue]) ->
+ terminate(Reason, Name, [], Mod, State, Debug).
+system_code_change([Name, State, Mod, Time, Queue], _Module, OldVsn, Extra) ->
+ case catch Mod:code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra) of
+ {ok, NewState} -> {ok, [Name, NewState, Mod, Time, Queue]};
+ Else -> Else
+ end.
+%% Format debug messages. Print them as the call-back module sees
+%% them, not as the real erlang messages. Use trace for that.
+print_event(Dev, {in, Msg}, Name) ->
+ case Msg of
+ {'$gen_call', {From, _Tag}, Call} ->
+ io:format(Dev, "*DBG* ~p got call ~p from ~w~n",
+ [Name, Call, From]);
+ {'$gen_cast', Cast} ->
+ io:format(Dev, "*DBG* ~p got cast ~p~n",
+ [Name, Cast]);
+ _ ->
+ io:format(Dev, "*DBG* ~p got ~p~n", [Name, Msg])
+ end;
+print_event(Dev, {out, Msg, To, State}, Name) ->
+ io:format(Dev, "*DBG* ~p sent ~p to ~w, new state ~w~n",
+ [Name, Msg, To, State]);
+print_event(Dev, {noreply, State}, Name) ->
+ io:format(Dev, "*DBG* ~p new state ~w~n", [Name, State]);
+print_event(Dev, Event, Name) ->
+ io:format(Dev, "*DBG* ~p dbg ~p~n", [Name, Event]).
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------
+%%% Terminate the server.
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------
+terminate(Reason, Name, Msg, Mod, State, Debug) ->
+ case catch Mod:terminate(Reason, State) of
+ {'EXIT', R} ->
+ error_info(R, Name, Msg, State, Debug),
+ exit(R);
+ _ ->
+ case Reason of
+ normal ->
+ exit(normal);
+ shutdown ->
+ exit(shutdown);
+ _ ->
+ error_info(Reason, Name, Msg, State, Debug),
+ exit(Reason)
+ end
+ end.
+error_info(_Reason, application_controller, _Msg, _State, _Debug) ->
+ %% OTP-5811 Don't send an error report if it's the system process
+ %% application_controller which is terminating - let init take care
+ %% of it instead
+ ok;
+error_info(Reason, Name, Msg, State, Debug) ->
+ Reason1 =
+ case Reason of
+ {undef,[{M,F,A}|MFAs]} ->
+ case code:is_loaded(M) of
+ false ->
+ {'module could not be loaded',[{M,F,A}|MFAs]};
+ _ ->
+ case erlang:function_exported(M, F, length(A)) of
+ true ->
+ Reason;
+ false ->
+ {'function not exported',[{M,F,A}|MFAs]}
+ end
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ Reason
+ end,
+ format("** Generic server ~p terminating \n"
+ "** Last message in was ~p~n"
+ "** When Server state == ~p~n"
+ "** Reason for termination == ~n** ~p~n",
+ [Name, Msg, State, Reason1]),
+ sys:print_log(Debug),
+ ok.
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------
+%%% Misc. functions.
+%%% ---------------------------------------------------
+opt(Op, [{Op, Value}|_]) ->
+ {ok, Value};
+opt(Op, [_|Options]) ->
+ opt(Op, Options);
+opt(_, []) ->
+ false.
+debug_options(Name, Opts) ->
+ case opt(debug, Opts) of
+ {ok, Options} -> dbg_options(Name, Options);
+ _ -> dbg_options(Name, [])
+ end.
+dbg_options(Name, []) ->
+ Opts =
+ case init:get_argument(generic_debug) of
+ error ->
+ [];
+ _ ->
+ [log, statistics]
+ end,
+ dbg_opts(Name, Opts);
+dbg_options(Name, Opts) ->
+ dbg_opts(Name, Opts).
+dbg_opts(Name, Opts) ->
+ case catch sys:debug_options(Opts) of
+ {'EXIT',_} ->
+ format("~p: ignoring erroneous debug options - ~p~n",
+ [Name, Opts]),
+ [];
+ Dbg ->
+ Dbg
+ end.
+get_proc_name(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
+ Pid;
+get_proc_name({local, Name}) ->
+ case process_info(self(), registered_name) of
+ {registered_name, Name} ->
+ Name;
+ {registered_name, _Name} ->
+ exit(process_not_registered);
+ [] ->
+ exit(process_not_registered)
+ end;
+get_proc_name({global, Name}) ->
+ case global:safe_whereis_name(Name) of
+ undefined ->
+ exit(process_not_registered_globally);
+ Pid when Pid =:= self() ->
+ Name;
+ _Pid ->
+ exit(process_not_registered_globally)
+ end.
+get_parent() ->
+ case get('$ancestors') of
+ [Parent | _] when is_pid(Parent)->
+ Parent;
+ [Parent | _] when is_atom(Parent)->
+ name_to_pid(Parent);
+ _ ->
+ exit(process_was_not_started_by_proc_lib)
+ end.
+name_to_pid(Name) ->
+ case whereis(Name) of
+ undefined ->
+ case global:safe_whereis_name(Name) of
+ undefined ->
+ exit(could_not_find_registerd_name);
+ Pid ->
+ Pid
+ end;
+ Pid ->
+ Pid
+ end.
+%% Status information
+format_status(Opt, StatusData) ->
+ [PDict, SysState, Parent, Debug, [Name, State, Mod, _Time, Queue]] =
+ StatusData,
+ NameTag = if is_pid(Name) ->
+ pid_to_list(Name);
+ is_atom(Name) ->
+ Name
+ end,
+ Header = lists:concat(["Status for generic server ", NameTag]),
+ Log = sys:get_debug(log, Debug, []),
+ Specfic =
+ case erlang:function_exported(Mod, format_status, 2) of
+ true ->
+ case catch Mod:format_status(Opt, [PDict, State]) of
+ {'EXIT', _} -> [{data, [{"State", State}]}];
+ Else -> Else
+ end;
+ _ ->
+ [{data, [{"State", State}]}]
+ end,
+ [{header, Header},
+ {data, [{"Status", SysState},
+ {"Parent", Parent},
+ {"Logged events", Log},
+ {"Queued messages", queue:to_list(Queue)}]} |
+ Specfic].
diff --git a/src/rabbit.erl b/src/rabbit.erl
index 41064c77..30b8c394 100644
--- a/src/rabbit.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit.erl
@@ -75,14 +75,14 @@ start() ->
ok = ensure_working_log_handlers(),
ok = rabbit_mnesia:ensure_mnesia_dir(),
- ok = start_applications(?APPS)
+ ok = rabbit_misc:start_applications(?APPS)
%%give the error loggers some time to catch up
stop() ->
- ok = stop_applications(?APPS).
+ ok = rabbit_misc:stop_applications(?APPS).
stop_and_halt() ->
spawn(fun () ->
@@ -109,34 +109,6 @@ rotate_logs(BinarySuffix) ->
-manage_applications(Iterate, Do, Undo, SkipError, ErrorTag, Apps) ->
- Iterate(fun (App, Acc) ->
- case Do(App) of
- ok -> [App | Acc];
- {error, {SkipError, _}} -> Acc;
- {error, Reason} ->
- lists:foreach(Undo, Acc),
- throw({error, {ErrorTag, App, Reason}})
- end
- end, [], Apps),
- ok.
-start_applications(Apps) ->
- manage_applications(fun lists:foldl/3,
- fun application:start/1,
- fun application:stop/1,
- already_started,
- cannot_start_application,
- Apps).
-stop_applications(Apps) ->
- manage_applications(fun lists:foldr/3,
- fun application:stop/1,
- fun application:start/1,
- not_started,
- cannot_stop_application,
- Apps).
start(normal, []) ->
{ok, SupPid} = rabbit_sup:start_link(),
diff --git a/src/rabbit_access_control.erl b/src/rabbit_access_control.erl
index b73090fc..36270efd 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_access_control.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_access_control.erl
@@ -186,6 +186,8 @@ add_vhost(VHostPath) ->
[{<<"">>, direct},
{<<"">>, direct},
{<<"amq.topic">>, topic},
+ {<<"amq.match">>, headers}, %% per 0-9-1 pdf
+ {<<"amq.headers">>, headers}, %% per 0-9-1 xml
{<<"amq.fanout">>, fanout}]],
[_] ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_alarm.erl b/src/rabbit_alarm.erl
index dee71d23..875624ba 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_alarm.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_alarm.erl
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
-spec(start/1 :: (bool() | 'auto') -> 'ok').
-spec(stop/0 :: () -> 'ok').
-spec(register/2 :: (pid(), mfa_tuple()) -> 'ok').
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ handle_call({register, Pid, HighMemMFA},
NewAlertees = dict:store(Pid, HighMemMFA, Alertess),
{ok, ok, State#alarms{alertees = NewAlertees}};
handle_call(_Request, State) ->
{ok, not_understood, State}.
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
start_memsup() ->
- Mod = case os:type() of
+ Mod = case os:type() of
%% memsup doesn't take account of buffers or cache when
%% considering "free" memory - therefore on Linux we can
%% get memory alarms very easily without any pressure
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ start_memsup() ->
%% our own simple memory monitor.
{unix, linux} -> rabbit_memsup_linux;
%% Start memsup programmatically rather than via the
%% rabbitmq-server script. This is not quite the right
%% thing to do as os_mon checks to see if memsup is
diff --git a/src/rabbit_amqqueue.erl b/src/rabbit_amqqueue.erl
index 2b9abb29..abbdce66 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_amqqueue.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_amqqueue.erl
@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@
stat/1, stat_all/0, deliver/5, redeliver/2, requeue/3, ack/4]).
-export([list/1, info/1, info/2, info_all/1, info_all/2]).
--export([basic_get/3, basic_consume/7, basic_cancel/4]).
--export([commit_all/2, rollback_all/2, notify_down_all/2]).
+-export([basic_get/3, basic_consume/8, basic_cancel/4]).
+-export([notify_sent/2, unblock/2]).
+-export([commit_all/2, rollback_all/2, notify_down_all/2, limit_all/3]).
@@ -91,15 +91,17 @@
-spec(commit_all/2 :: ([pid()], txn()) -> ok_or_errors()).
-spec(rollback_all/2 :: ([pid()], txn()) -> ok_or_errors()).
-spec(notify_down_all/2 :: ([pid()], pid()) -> ok_or_errors()).
+-spec(limit_all/3 :: ([pid()], pid(), pid() | 'undefined') -> ok_or_errors()).
-spec(claim_queue/2 :: (amqqueue(), pid()) -> 'ok' | 'locked').
-spec(basic_get/3 :: (amqqueue(), pid(), bool()) ->
{'ok', non_neg_integer(), msg()} | 'empty').
--spec(basic_consume/7 ::
- (amqqueue(), bool(), pid(), pid(), ctag(), bool(), any()) ->
+-spec(basic_consume/8 ::
+ (amqqueue(), bool(), pid(), pid(), pid(), ctag(), bool(), any()) ->
'ok' | {'error', 'queue_owned_by_another_connection' |
-spec(basic_cancel/4 :: (amqqueue(), pid(), ctag(), any()) -> 'ok').
-spec(notify_sent/2 :: (pid(), pid()) -> 'ok').
+-spec(unblock/2 :: (pid(), pid()) -> 'ok').
-spec(internal_delete/1 :: (queue_name()) -> 'ok' | not_found()).
-spec(on_node_down/1 :: (erlang_node()) -> 'ok').
-spec(pseudo_queue/2 :: (binary(), pid()) -> amqqueue()).
@@ -197,10 +199,10 @@ list(VHostPath) ->
map(VHostPath, F) -> rabbit_misc:filter_exit_map(F, list(VHostPath)).
info(#amqqueue{ pid = QPid }) ->
- gen_server:call(QPid, info).
+ gen_server2:call(QPid, info).
info(#amqqueue{ pid = QPid }, Items) ->
- case gen_server:call(QPid, {info, Items}) of
+ case gen_server2:call(QPid, {info, Items}) of
{ok, Res} -> Res;
{error, Error} -> throw(Error)
@@ -209,45 +211,45 @@ info_all(VHostPath) -> map(VHostPath, fun (Q) -> info(Q) end).
info_all(VHostPath, Items) -> map(VHostPath, fun (Q) -> info(Q, Items) end).
-stat(#amqqueue{pid = QPid}) -> gen_server:call(QPid, stat).
+stat(#amqqueue{pid = QPid}) -> gen_server2:call(QPid, stat).
stat_all() ->
lists:map(fun stat/1, rabbit_misc:dirty_read_all(amqqueue)).
delete(#amqqueue{ pid = QPid }, IfUnused, IfEmpty) ->
- gen_server:call(QPid, {delete, IfUnused, IfEmpty}).
+ gen_server2:call(QPid, {delete, IfUnused, IfEmpty}).
-purge(#amqqueue{ pid = QPid }) -> gen_server:call(QPid, purge).
+purge(#amqqueue{ pid = QPid }) -> gen_server2:call(QPid, purge).
deliver(_IsMandatory, true, Txn, Message, QPid) ->
- gen_server:call(QPid, {deliver_immediately, Txn, Message});
+ gen_server2:call(QPid, {deliver_immediately, Txn, Message});
deliver(true, _IsImmediate, Txn, Message, QPid) ->
- gen_server:call(QPid, {deliver, Txn, Message}),
+ gen_server2:call(QPid, {deliver, Txn, Message}),
deliver(false, _IsImmediate, Txn, Message, QPid) ->
- gen_server:cast(QPid, {deliver, Txn, Message}),
+ gen_server2:cast(QPid, {deliver, Txn, Message}),
redeliver(QPid, Messages) ->
- gen_server:cast(QPid, {redeliver, Messages}).
+ gen_server2:cast(QPid, {redeliver, Messages}).
requeue(QPid, MsgIds, ChPid) ->
- gen_server:cast(QPid, {requeue, MsgIds, ChPid}).
+ gen_server2:cast(QPid, {requeue, MsgIds, ChPid}).
ack(QPid, Txn, MsgIds, ChPid) ->
- gen_server:cast(QPid, {ack, Txn, MsgIds, ChPid}).
+ gen_server2:cast(QPid, {ack, Txn, MsgIds, ChPid}).
commit_all(QPids, Txn) ->
Timeout = length(QPids) * ?CALL_TIMEOUT,
fun (QPid) -> exit({queue_disappeared, QPid}) end,
- fun (QPid) -> gen_server:call(QPid, {commit, Txn}, Timeout) end,
+ fun (QPid) -> gen_server2:call(QPid, {commit, Txn}, Timeout) end,
rollback_all(QPids, Txn) ->
fun (QPid) -> exit({queue_disappeared, QPid}) end,
- fun (QPid) -> gen_server:cast(QPid, {rollback, Txn}) end,
+ fun (QPid) -> gen_server2:cast(QPid, {rollback, Txn}) end,
notify_down_all(QPids, ChPid) ->
@@ -256,25 +258,34 @@ notify_down_all(QPids, ChPid) ->
%% we don't care if the queue process has terminated in the
%% meantime
fun (_) -> ok end,
- fun (QPid) -> gen_server:call(QPid, {notify_down, ChPid}, Timeout) end,
+ fun (QPid) -> gen_server2:call(QPid, {notify_down, ChPid}, Timeout) end,
+limit_all(QPids, ChPid, LimiterPid) ->
+ safe_pmap_ok(
+ fun (_) -> ok end,
+ fun (QPid) -> gen_server2:cast(QPid, {limit, ChPid, LimiterPid}) end,
+ QPids).
claim_queue(#amqqueue{pid = QPid}, ReaderPid) ->
- gen_server:call(QPid, {claim_queue, ReaderPid}).
+ gen_server2:call(QPid, {claim_queue, ReaderPid}).
basic_get(#amqqueue{pid = QPid}, ChPid, NoAck) ->
- gen_server:call(QPid, {basic_get, ChPid, NoAck}).
+ gen_server2:call(QPid, {basic_get, ChPid, NoAck}).
-basic_consume(#amqqueue{pid = QPid}, NoAck, ReaderPid, ChPid,
+basic_consume(#amqqueue{pid = QPid}, NoAck, ReaderPid, ChPid, LimiterPid,
ConsumerTag, ExclusiveConsume, OkMsg) ->
- gen_server:call(QPid, {basic_consume, NoAck, ReaderPid, ChPid,
- ConsumerTag, ExclusiveConsume, OkMsg}).
+ gen_server2:call(QPid, {basic_consume, NoAck, ReaderPid, ChPid,
+ LimiterPid, ConsumerTag, ExclusiveConsume, OkMsg}).
basic_cancel(#amqqueue{pid = QPid}, ChPid, ConsumerTag, OkMsg) ->
- ok = gen_server:call(QPid, {basic_cancel, ChPid, ConsumerTag, OkMsg}).
+ ok = gen_server2:call(QPid, {basic_cancel, ChPid, ConsumerTag, OkMsg}).
notify_sent(QPid, ChPid) ->
- gen_server:cast(QPid, {notify_sent, ChPid}).
+ gen_server2:cast(QPid, {notify_sent, ChPid}).
+unblock(QPid, ChPid) ->
+ gen_server2:cast(QPid, {unblock, ChPid}).
internal_delete(QueueName) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl b/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl
index 6282a8fb..c390b2b7 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
-define(HIBERNATE_AFTER, 1000).
@@ -62,9 +62,10 @@
%% These are held in our process dictionary
-record(cr, {consumers,
+ limiter_pid,
- is_overload_protection_active,
+ is_limit_active,
@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@
start_link(Q) ->
- gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, Q, []).
+ gen_server2:start_link(?MODULE, Q, []).
@@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ ch_record(ChPid) ->
ch_pid = ChPid,
monitor_ref = MonitorRef,
unacked_messages = dict:new(),
- is_overload_protection_active = false,
+ is_limit_active = false,
unsent_message_count = 0},
put(Key, C),
@@ -144,20 +145,16 @@ store_ch_record(C = #cr{ch_pid = ChPid}) ->
all_ch_record() ->
[C || {{ch, _}, C} <- get()].
- C = #cr{is_overload_protection_active = Active,
- unsent_message_count = Count}) ->
- {Result, NewActive} =
- if
- not(Active) and (Count > ?UNSENT_MESSAGE_LIMIT) ->
- {block_ch, true};
- Active and (Count == 0) ->
- {unblock_ch, false};
- true ->
- {ok, Active}
- end,
- store_ch_record(C#cr{is_overload_protection_active = NewActive}),
- Result.
+is_ch_blocked(#cr{unsent_message_count = Count, is_limit_active = Limited}) ->
+ Limited orelse Count > ?UNSENT_MESSAGE_LIMIT.
+ch_record_state_transition(OldCR, NewCR) ->
+ BlockedOld = is_ch_blocked(OldCR),
+ BlockedNew = is_ch_blocked(NewCR),
+ if BlockedOld andalso not(BlockedNew) -> unblock;
+ BlockedNew andalso not(BlockedOld) -> block;
+ true -> ok
+ end.
deliver_immediately(Message, Delivered,
State = #q{q = #amqqueue{name = QName},
@@ -168,26 +165,37 @@ deliver_immediately(Message, Delivered,
{{value, QEntry = {ChPid, #consumer{tag = ConsumerTag,
ack_required = AckRequired}}},
RoundRobinTail} ->
- rabbit_channel:deliver(
- ChPid, ConsumerTag, AckRequired,
- {QName, self(), NextId, Delivered, Message}),
- C = #cr{unsent_message_count = Count,
+ C = #cr{limiter_pid = LimiterPid,
+ unsent_message_count = Count,
unacked_messages = UAM} = ch_record(ChPid),
- NewUAM = case AckRequired of
- true -> dict:store(NextId, Message, UAM);
- false -> UAM
- end,
- NewConsumers =
- case update_store_and_maybe_block_ch(
- C#cr{unsent_message_count = Count + 1,
- unacked_messages = NewUAM}) of
- ok -> queue:in(QEntry, RoundRobinTail);
- block_ch -> block_consumers(ChPid, RoundRobinTail)
- end,
- {offered, AckRequired, State#q{round_robin = NewConsumers,
- next_msg_id = NextId +1}};
+ case not(AckRequired) orelse rabbit_limiter:can_send(
+ LimiterPid, self()) of
+ true ->
+ rabbit_channel:deliver(
+ ChPid, ConsumerTag, AckRequired,
+ {QName, self(), NextId, Delivered, Message}),
+ NewUAM = case AckRequired of
+ true -> dict:store(NextId, Message, UAM);
+ false -> UAM
+ end,
+ NewC = C#cr{unsent_message_count = Count + 1,
+ unacked_messages = NewUAM},
+ store_ch_record(NewC),
+ NewConsumers =
+ case ch_record_state_transition(C, NewC) of
+ ok -> queue:in(QEntry, RoundRobinTail);
+ block -> block_consumers(ChPid, RoundRobinTail)
+ end,
+ {offered, AckRequired, State#q{round_robin = NewConsumers,
+ next_msg_id = NextId + 1}};
+ false ->
+ store_ch_record(C#cr{is_limit_active = true}),
+ NewConsumers = block_consumers(ChPid, RoundRobinTail),
+ deliver_immediately(Message, Delivered,
+ State#q{round_robin = NewConsumers})
+ end;
{empty, _} ->
- not_offered
+ {not_offered, State}
attempt_delivery(none, Message, State) ->
@@ -198,8 +206,8 @@ attempt_delivery(none, Message, State) ->
persist_message(none, qname(State), Message),
persist_delivery(qname(State), Message, false),
{true, State1};
- not_offered ->
- {false, State}
+ {not_offered, State1} ->
+ {false, State1}
attempt_delivery(Txn, Message, State) ->
persist_message(Txn, qname(State), Message),
@@ -237,16 +245,22 @@ block_consumer(ChPid, ConsumerTag, RoundRobin) ->
(CP /= ChPid) or (CT /= ConsumerTag)
end, queue:to_list(RoundRobin))).
-possibly_unblock(C = #cr{consumers = Consumers, ch_pid = ChPid},
- State = #q{round_robin = RoundRobin}) ->
- case update_store_and_maybe_block_ch(C) of
- ok ->
+possibly_unblock(State, ChPid, Update) ->
+ case lookup_ch(ChPid) of
+ not_found ->
- unblock_ch ->
- run_poke_burst(State#q{round_robin =
- unblock_consumers(ChPid, Consumers, RoundRobin)})
+ C ->
+ NewC = Update(C),
+ store_ch_record(NewC),
+ case ch_record_state_transition(C, NewC) of
+ ok -> State;
+ unblock -> NewRR = unblock_consumers(ChPid,
+ NewC#cr.consumers,
+ State#q.round_robin),
+ run_poke_burst(State#q{round_robin = NewRR})
+ end
check_auto_delete(State = #q{q = #amqqueue{auto_delete = false}}) ->
{continue, State};
check_auto_delete(State = #q{has_had_consumers = false}) ->
@@ -301,7 +315,7 @@ handle_ch_down(DownPid, State = #q{exclusive_consumer = Holder,
{stop, normal, NewState}
cancel_holder(ChPid, ConsumerTag, {ChPid, ConsumerTag}) ->
cancel_holder(_ChPid, _ConsumerTag, Holder) ->
@@ -334,8 +348,8 @@ run_poke_burst(MessageBuffer, State) ->
{offered, false, NewState} ->
persist_auto_ack(qname(State), Message),
run_poke_burst(BufferTail, NewState);
- not_offered ->
- State#q{message_buffer = MessageBuffer}
+ {not_offered, NewState} ->
+ NewState#q{message_buffer = MessageBuffer}
{empty, _} ->
State#q{message_buffer = MessageBuffer}
@@ -500,8 +514,8 @@ i(messages_uncommitted, _) ->
#tx{pending_messages = Pending} <- all_tx_record()]);
i(messages, State) ->
lists:sum([i(Item, State) || Item <- [messages_ready,
- messages_unacknowledged,
- messages_uncommitted]]);
+ messages_unacknowledged,
+ messages_uncommitted]]);
i(acks_uncommitted, _) ->
lists:sum([length(Pending) ||
#tx{pending_acks = Pending} <- all_tx_record()]);
@@ -552,14 +566,14 @@ handle_call({deliver, Txn, Message}, _From, State) ->
handle_call({commit, Txn}, From, State) ->
ok = commit_work(Txn, qname(State)),
%% optimisation: we reply straight away so the sender can continue
- gen_server:reply(From, ok),
+ gen_server2:reply(From, ok),
NewState = process_pending(Txn, State),
handle_call({notify_down, ChPid}, From, State) ->
%% optimisation: we reply straight away so the sender can continue
- gen_server:reply(From, ok),
+ gen_server2:reply(From, ok),
handle_ch_down(ChPid, State);
handle_call({basic_get, ChPid, NoAck}, _From,
@@ -586,8 +600,8 @@ handle_call({basic_get, ChPid, NoAck}, _From,
reply(empty, State)
-handle_call({basic_consume, NoAck, ReaderPid, ChPid, ConsumerTag,
- ExclusiveConsume, OkMsg},
+handle_call({basic_consume, NoAck, ReaderPid, ChPid, LimiterPid,
+ ConsumerTag, ExclusiveConsume, OkMsg},
_From, State = #q{owner = Owner,
exclusive_consumer = ExistingHolder,
round_robin = RoundRobin}) ->
@@ -601,8 +615,13 @@ handle_call({basic_consume, NoAck, ReaderPid, ChPid, ConsumerTag,
ok ->
C = #cr{consumers = Consumers} = ch_record(ChPid),
Consumer = #consumer{tag = ConsumerTag, ack_required = not(NoAck)},
- C1 = C#cr{consumers = [Consumer | Consumers]},
- store_ch_record(C1),
+ store_ch_record(C#cr{consumers = [Consumer | Consumers],
+ limiter_pid = LimiterPid}),
+ if Consumers == [] ->
+ ok = rabbit_limiter:register(LimiterPid, self());
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end,
State1 = State#q{has_had_consumers = true,
exclusive_consumer =
@@ -622,12 +641,16 @@ handle_call({basic_cancel, ChPid, ConsumerTag, OkMsg}, _From,
not_found ->
ok = maybe_send_reply(ChPid, OkMsg),
reply(ok, State);
- C = #cr{consumers = Consumers} ->
+ C = #cr{consumers = Consumers, limiter_pid = LimiterPid} ->
NewConsumers = lists:filter
(fun (#consumer{tag = CT}) -> CT /= ConsumerTag end,
- C1 = C#cr{consumers = NewConsumers},
- store_ch_record(C1),
+ store_ch_record(C#cr{consumers = NewConsumers}),
+ if NewConsumers == [] ->
+ ok = rabbit_limiter:unregister(LimiterPid, self());
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end,
ok = maybe_send_reply(ChPid, OkMsg),
case check_auto_delete(
State#q{exclusive_consumer = cancel_holder(ChPid,
@@ -730,14 +753,33 @@ handle_cast({requeue, MsgIds, ChPid}, State) ->
[{Message, true} || Message <- Messages], State))
+handle_cast({unblock, ChPid}, State) ->
+ noreply(
+ possibly_unblock(State, ChPid,
+ fun (C) -> C#cr{is_limit_active = false} end));
handle_cast({notify_sent, ChPid}, State) ->
- case lookup_ch(ChPid) of
- not_found -> noreply(State);
- T = #cr{unsent_message_count =Count} ->
- noreply(possibly_unblock(
- T#cr{unsent_message_count = Count - 1},
- State))
- end.
+ noreply(
+ possibly_unblock(State, ChPid,
+ fun (C = #cr{unsent_message_count = Count}) ->
+ C#cr{unsent_message_count = Count - 1}
+ end));
+handle_cast({limit, ChPid, LimiterPid}, State) ->
+ noreply(
+ possibly_unblock(
+ State, ChPid,
+ fun (C = #cr{consumers = Consumers,
+ limiter_pid = OldLimiterPid,
+ is_limit_active = Limited}) ->
+ if Consumers =/= [] andalso OldLimiterPid == undefined ->
+ ok = rabbit_limiter:register(LimiterPid, self());
+ true ->
+ ok
+ end,
+ NewLimited = Limited andalso LimiterPid =/= undefined,
+ C#cr{limiter_pid = LimiterPid, is_limit_active = NewLimited}
+ end)).
handle_info({'DOWN', MonitorRef, process, DownPid, _Reason},
State = #q{owner = {DownPid, MonitorRef}}) ->
@@ -758,7 +800,7 @@ handle_info({'DOWN', _MonitorRef, process, DownPid, _Reason}, State) ->
handle_info(timeout, State) ->
%% TODO: Once we drop support for R11B-5, we can change this to
%% {noreply, State, hibernate};
- proc_lib:hibernate(gen_server, enter_loop, [?MODULE, [], State]);
+ proc_lib:hibernate(gen_server2, enter_loop, [?MODULE, [], State]);
handle_info(Info, State) ->
?LOGDEBUG("Info in queue: ~p~n", [Info]),
diff --git a/src/rabbit_channel.erl b/src/rabbit_channel.erl
index ca2782c7..376e39c6 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_channel.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_channel.erl
@@ -33,18 +33,21 @@
-export([start_link/4, do/2, do/3, shutdown/1]).
-export([send_command/2, deliver/4, conserve_memory/2]).
-%% callbacks
--export([init/2, handle_message/2]).
+-export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
--record(ch, {state, proxy_pid, reader_pid, writer_pid,
+-record(ch, {state, reader_pid, writer_pid, limiter_pid,
transaction_id, tx_participants, next_tag,
uncommitted_ack_q, unacked_message_q,
username, virtual_host,
most_recently_declared_queue, consumer_mapping}).
+-define(HIBERNATE_AFTER, 1000).
@@ -62,111 +65,118 @@
start_link(ReaderPid, WriterPid, Username, VHost) ->
- buffering_proxy:start_link(?MODULE, [ReaderPid, WriterPid,
- Username, VHost]).
+ {ok, Pid} = gen_server2:start_link(
+ ?MODULE, [ReaderPid, WriterPid, Username, VHost], []),
+ Pid.
do(Pid, Method) ->
do(Pid, Method, none).
do(Pid, Method, Content) ->
- Pid ! {method, Method, Content},
- ok.
+ gen_server2:cast(Pid, {method, Method, Content}).
shutdown(Pid) ->
- Pid ! terminate,
- ok.
+ gen_server2:cast(Pid, terminate).
send_command(Pid, Msg) ->
- Pid ! {command, Msg},
- ok.
+ gen_server2:cast(Pid, {command, Msg}).
deliver(Pid, ConsumerTag, AckRequired, Msg) ->
- Pid ! {deliver, ConsumerTag, AckRequired, Msg},
- ok.
+ gen_server2:cast(Pid, {deliver, ConsumerTag, AckRequired, Msg}).
conserve_memory(Pid, Conserve) ->
- Pid ! {conserve_memory, Conserve},
- ok.
+ gen_server2:cast(Pid, {conserve_memory, Conserve}).
-init(ProxyPid, [ReaderPid, WriterPid, Username, VHost]) ->
+init([ReaderPid, WriterPid, Username, VHost]) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- %% this is bypassing the proxy so alarms can "jump the queue" and
- %% be handled promptly
rabbit_alarm:register(self(), {?MODULE, conserve_memory, []}),
- #ch{state = starting,
- proxy_pid = ProxyPid,
- reader_pid = ReaderPid,
- writer_pid = WriterPid,
- transaction_id = none,
- tx_participants = sets:new(),
- next_tag = 1,
- uncommitted_ack_q = queue:new(),
- unacked_message_q = queue:new(),
- username = Username,
- virtual_host = VHost,
- most_recently_declared_queue = <<>>,
- consumer_mapping = dict:new()}.
-handle_message({method, Method, Content}, State) ->
+ {ok, #ch{state = starting,
+ reader_pid = ReaderPid,
+ writer_pid = WriterPid,
+ limiter_pid = undefined,
+ transaction_id = none,
+ tx_participants = sets:new(),
+ next_tag = 1,
+ uncommitted_ack_q = queue:new(),
+ unacked_message_q = queue:new(),
+ username = Username,
+ virtual_host = VHost,
+ most_recently_declared_queue = <<>>,
+ consumer_mapping = dict:new()}}.
+handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
+ noreply(State).
+handle_cast({method, Method, Content}, State) ->
try handle_method(Method, Content, State) of
{reply, Reply, NewState} ->
ok = rabbit_writer:send_command(NewState#ch.writer_pid, Reply),
- NewState;
+ noreply(NewState);
{noreply, NewState} ->
- NewState;
+ noreply(NewState);
stop ->
- exit(normal)
+ {stop, normal, State#ch{state = terminating}}
exit:{amqp, Error, Explanation, none} ->
- terminate({amqp, Error, Explanation,
- rabbit_misc:method_record_type(Method)},
- State);
+ {stop, {amqp, Error, Explanation,
+ rabbit_misc:method_record_type(Method)}, State};
exit:normal ->
- terminate(normal, State);
+ {stop, normal, State};
_:Reason ->
- terminate({Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace()}, State)
+ {stop, {Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace()}, State}
-handle_message(terminate, State) ->
- terminate(normal, State);
+handle_cast(terminate, State) ->
+ {stop, normal, State};
-handle_message({command, Msg}, State = #ch{writer_pid = WriterPid}) ->
+handle_cast({command, Msg}, State = #ch{writer_pid = WriterPid}) ->
ok = rabbit_writer:send_command(WriterPid, Msg),
- State;
+ noreply(State);
-handle_message({deliver, ConsumerTag, AckRequired, Msg},
- State = #ch{proxy_pid = ProxyPid,
- writer_pid = WriterPid,
- next_tag = DeliveryTag}) ->
+handle_cast({deliver, ConsumerTag, AckRequired, Msg},
+ State = #ch{writer_pid = WriterPid,
+ next_tag = DeliveryTag}) ->
State1 = lock_message(AckRequired, {DeliveryTag, ConsumerTag, Msg}, State),
- ok = internal_deliver(WriterPid, ProxyPid,
- true, ConsumerTag, DeliveryTag, Msg),
- State1#ch{next_tag = DeliveryTag + 1};
+ ok = internal_deliver(WriterPid, true, ConsumerTag, DeliveryTag, Msg),
+ noreply(State1#ch{next_tag = DeliveryTag + 1});
-handle_message({conserve_memory, Conserve}, State) ->
+handle_cast({conserve_memory, Conserve}, State) ->
ok = rabbit_writer:send_command(
State#ch.writer_pid, #'channel.flow'{active = not(Conserve)}),
- State;
+ noreply(State).
-handle_message({'EXIT', _Pid, Reason}, State) ->
- terminate(Reason, State);
+handle_info({'EXIT', _Pid, Reason}, State) ->
+ {stop, Reason, State};
-handle_message(Other, State) ->
- terminate({unexpected_channel_message, Other}, State).
+handle_info(timeout, State) ->
+ %% TODO: Once we drop support for R11B-5, we can change this to
+ %% {noreply, State, hibernate};
+ proc_lib:hibernate(gen_server2, enter_loop, [?MODULE, [], State]).
+terminate(_Reason, #ch{writer_pid = WriterPid, limiter_pid = LimiterPid,
+ state = terminating}) ->
+ rabbit_writer:shutdown(WriterPid),
+ rabbit_limiter:shutdown(LimiterPid);
-terminate(Reason, State = #ch{writer_pid = WriterPid}) ->
+terminate(Reason, State = #ch{writer_pid = WriterPid,
+ limiter_pid = LimiterPid}) ->
Res = notify_queues(internal_rollback(State)),
case Reason of
normal -> ok = Res;
_ -> ok
- exit(Reason).
+ rabbit_limiter:shutdown(LimiterPid).
+code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
+ {ok, State}.
+noreply(NewState) -> {noreply, NewState, ?HIBERNATE_AFTER}.
return_ok(State, true, _Msg) -> {noreply, State};
return_ok(State, false, Msg) -> {reply, Msg, State}.
@@ -248,7 +258,6 @@ handle_method(_Method, _, #ch{state = starting}) ->
handle_method(#'channel.close'{}, _, State = #ch{writer_pid = WriterPid}) ->
ok = notify_queues(internal_rollback(State)),
ok = rabbit_writer:send_command(WriterPid, #'channel.close_ok'{}),
- ok = rabbit_writer:shutdown(WriterPid),
handle_method(#'access.request'{},_, State) ->
@@ -273,7 +282,7 @@ handle_method(#'basic.publish'{exchange = ExchangeNameBin,
routing_key = RoutingKey,
content = DecodedContent,
persistent_key = PersistentKey},
- rabbit_exchange:route(Exchange, RoutingKey), State)};
+ rabbit_exchange:route(Exchange, RoutingKey, DecodedContent), State)};
handle_method(#'basic.ack'{delivery_tag = DeliveryTag,
multiple = Multiple},
@@ -286,9 +295,10 @@ handle_method(#'basic.ack'{delivery_tag = DeliveryTag,
true -> ok
{Acked, Remaining} = collect_acks(UAMQ, DeliveryTag, Multiple),
- Participants = ack(State#ch.proxy_pid, TxnKey, Acked),
+ Participants = ack(TxnKey, Acked),
{noreply, case TxnKey of
- none -> State#ch{unacked_message_q = Remaining};
+ none -> ok = notify_limiter(State#ch.limiter_pid, Acked),
+ State#ch{unacked_message_q = Remaining};
_ -> NewUAQ = queue:join(State#ch.uncommitted_ack_q,
@@ -299,12 +309,12 @@ handle_method(#'basic.ack'{delivery_tag = DeliveryTag,
handle_method(#'basic.get'{queue = QueueNameBin,
no_ack = NoAck},
- _, State = #ch{ proxy_pid = ProxyPid, writer_pid = WriterPid,
+ _, State = #ch{ writer_pid = WriterPid,
next_tag = DeliveryTag }) ->
QueueName = expand_queue_name_shortcut(QueueNameBin, State),
case rabbit_amqqueue:with_or_die(
- fun (Q) -> rabbit_amqqueue:basic_get(Q, ProxyPid, NoAck) end) of
+ fun (Q) -> rabbit_amqqueue:basic_get(Q, self(), NoAck) end) of
{ok, MessageCount,
Msg = {_QName, _QPid, _MsgId, Redelivered,
#basic_message{exchange_name = ExchangeName,
@@ -330,8 +340,8 @@ handle_method(#'basic.consume'{queue = QueueNameBin,
no_ack = NoAck,
exclusive = ExclusiveConsume,
nowait = NoWait},
- _, State = #ch{ proxy_pid = ProxyPid,
- reader_pid = ReaderPid,
+ _, State = #ch{ reader_pid = ReaderPid,
+ limiter_pid = LimiterPid,
consumer_mapping = ConsumerMapping }) ->
case dict:find(ConsumerTag, ConsumerMapping) of
error ->
@@ -349,7 +359,7 @@ handle_method(#'basic.consume'{queue = QueueNameBin,
fun (Q) ->
- Q, NoAck, ReaderPid, ProxyPid,
+ Q, NoAck, ReaderPid, self(), LimiterPid,
ActualConsumerTag, ExclusiveConsume,
ok_msg(NoWait, #'basic.consume_ok'{
consumer_tag = ActualConsumerTag}))
@@ -380,8 +390,7 @@ handle_method(#'basic.consume'{queue = QueueNameBin,
handle_method(#'basic.cancel'{consumer_tag = ConsumerTag,
nowait = NoWait},
- _, State = #ch{ proxy_pid = ProxyPid,
- consumer_mapping = ConsumerMapping }) ->
+ _, State = #ch{consumer_mapping = ConsumerMapping }) ->
OkMsg = #'basic.cancel_ok'{consumer_tag = ConsumerTag},
case dict:find(ConsumerTag, ConsumerMapping) of
error ->
@@ -402,7 +411,7 @@ handle_method(#'basic.cancel'{consumer_tag = ConsumerTag,
%% cancel_ok ourselves it might overtake a
%% message sent previously by the queue.
- Q, ProxyPid, ConsumerTag,
+ Q, self(), ConsumerTag,
ok_msg(NoWait, #'basic.cancel_ok'{
consumer_tag = ConsumerTag}))
end) of
@@ -414,13 +423,34 @@ handle_method(#'basic.cancel'{consumer_tag = ConsumerTag,
-handle_method(#'basic.qos'{}, _, State) ->
- %% FIXME: Need to implement QOS
- {reply, #'basic.qos_ok'{}, State};
+handle_method(#'basic.qos'{global = true}, _, _State) ->
+ rabbit_misc:protocol_error(not_implemented, "global=true", []);
+handle_method(#'basic.qos'{prefetch_size = Size}, _, _State) when Size /= 0 ->
+ rabbit_misc:protocol_error(not_implemented,
+ "prefetch_size!=0 (~w)", [Size]);
+handle_method(#'basic.qos'{prefetch_count = PrefetchCount},
+ _, State = #ch{ limiter_pid = LimiterPid }) ->
+ NewLimiterPid = case {LimiterPid, PrefetchCount} of
+ {undefined, 0} ->
+ undefined;
+ {undefined, _} ->
+ LPid = rabbit_limiter:start_link(self()),
+ ok = limit_queues(LPid, State),
+ LPid;
+ {_, 0} ->
+ ok = rabbit_limiter:shutdown(LimiterPid),
+ ok = limit_queues(undefined, State),
+ undefined;
+ {_, _} ->
+ LimiterPid
+ end,
+ ok = rabbit_limiter:limit(NewLimiterPid, PrefetchCount),
+ {reply, #'basic.qos_ok'{}, State#ch{limiter_pid = NewLimiterPid}};
handle_method(#'basic.recover'{requeue = true},
_, State = #ch{ transaction_id = none,
- proxy_pid = ProxyPid,
unacked_message_q = UAMQ }) ->
ok = fold_per_queue(
fun (QPid, MsgIds, ok) ->
@@ -429,14 +459,13 @@ handle_method(#'basic.recover'{requeue = true},
%% order. To keep it happy we reverse the id list
%% since we are given them in reverse order.
- QPid, lists:reverse(MsgIds), ProxyPid)
+ QPid, lists:reverse(MsgIds), self())
end, ok, UAMQ),
%% No answer required, apparently!
{noreply, State#ch{unacked_message_q = queue:new()}};
handle_method(#'basic.recover'{requeue = false},
_, State = #ch{ transaction_id = none,
- proxy_pid = ProxyPid,
writer_pid = WriterPid,
unacked_message_q = UAMQ }) ->
@@ -454,8 +483,7 @@ handle_method(#'basic.recover'{requeue = false},
%% FIXME: should we allocate a fresh DeliveryTag?
ok = internal_deliver(
- WriterPid, ProxyPid,
- false, ConsumerTag, DeliveryTag,
+ WriterPid, false, ConsumerTag, DeliveryTag,
{QName, QPid, MsgId, true, Message})
end, queue:to_list(UAMQ)),
%% No answer required, apparently!
@@ -744,10 +772,10 @@ add_tx_participants(MoreP, State = #ch{tx_participants = Participants}) ->
State#ch{tx_participants = sets:union(Participants,
-ack(ProxyPid, TxnKey, UAQ) ->
+ack(TxnKey, UAQ) ->
fun (QPid, MsgIds, L) ->
- ok = rabbit_amqqueue:ack(QPid, TxnKey, MsgIds, ProxyPid),
+ ok = rabbit_amqqueue:ack(QPid, TxnKey, MsgIds, self()),
[QPid | L]
end, [], UAQ).
@@ -762,7 +790,9 @@ internal_commit(State = #ch{transaction_id = TxnKey,
tx_participants = Participants}) ->
case rabbit_amqqueue:commit_all(sets:to_list(Participants),
TxnKey) of
- ok -> new_tx(State);
+ ok -> ok = notify_limiter(State#ch.limiter_pid,
+ State#ch.uncommitted_ack_q),
+ new_tx(State);
{error, Errors} -> rabbit_misc:protocol_error(
internal_error, "commit failed: ~w", [Errors])
@@ -799,19 +829,37 @@ fold_per_queue(F, Acc0, UAQ) ->
dict:fold(fun (QPid, MsgIds, Acc) -> F(QPid, MsgIds, Acc) end,
Acc0, D).
-notify_queues(#ch{proxy_pid = ProxyPid, consumer_mapping = Consumers}) ->
- rabbit_amqqueue:notify_down_all(
- [QPid || QueueName <-
- sets:to_list(
- dict:fold(fun (_ConsumerTag, QueueName, S) ->
- sets:add_element(QueueName, S)
- end, sets:new(), Consumers)),
- case rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(QueueName) of
- {ok, Q} -> QPid =, true;
- %% queue has been deleted in the meantime
- {error, not_found} -> QPid = none, false
- end],
- ProxyPid).
+notify_queues(#ch{consumer_mapping = Consumers}) ->
+ rabbit_amqqueue:notify_down_all(consumer_queues(Consumers), self()).
+limit_queues(LPid, #ch{consumer_mapping = Consumers}) ->
+ rabbit_amqqueue:limit_all(consumer_queues(Consumers), self(), LPid).
+consumer_queues(Consumers) ->
+ [QPid || QueueName <-
+ sets:to_list(
+ dict:fold(fun (_ConsumerTag, QueueName, S) ->
+ sets:add_element(QueueName, S)
+ end, sets:new(), Consumers)),
+ case rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(QueueName) of
+ {ok, Q} -> QPid =, true;
+ %% queue has been deleted in the meantime
+ {error, not_found} -> QPid = none, false
+ end].
+%% tell the limiter about the number of acks that have been received
+%% for messages delivered to subscribed consumers, but not acks for
+%% messages sent in a response to a basic.get (identified by their
+%% 'none' consumer tag)
+notify_limiter(undefined, _Acked) ->
+ ok;
+notify_limiter(LimiterPid, Acked) ->
+ case lists:foldl(fun ({_, none, _}, Acc) -> Acc;
+ ({_, _, _}, Acc) -> Acc + 1
+ end, 0, queue:to_list(Acked)) of
+ 0 -> ok;
+ Count -> rabbit_limiter:ack(LimiterPid, Count)
+ end.
is_message_persistent(#content{properties = #'P_basic'{
delivery_mode = Mode}}) ->
@@ -829,7 +877,7 @@ lock_message(true, MsgStruct, State = #ch{unacked_message_q = UAMQ}) ->
lock_message(false, _MsgStruct, State) ->
-internal_deliver(WriterPid, ChPid, Notify, ConsumerTag, DeliveryTag,
+internal_deliver(WriterPid, Notify, ConsumerTag, DeliveryTag,
{_QName, QPid, _MsgId, Redelivered,
#basic_message{exchange_name = ExchangeName,
routing_key = RoutingKey,
@@ -841,6 +889,6 @@ internal_deliver(WriterPid, ChPid, Notify, ConsumerTag, DeliveryTag,
routing_key = RoutingKey},
ok = case Notify of
true -> rabbit_writer:send_command_and_notify(
- WriterPid, QPid, ChPid, M, Content);
+ WriterPid, QPid, self(), M, Content);
false -> rabbit_writer:send_command(WriterPid, M, Content)
diff --git a/src/rabbit_error_logger_file_h.erl b/src/rabbit_error_logger_file_h.erl
index 9a9220b5..183b6984 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_error_logger_file_h.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_error_logger_file_h.erl
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ init({{File, Suffix}, []}) ->
case rabbit_misc:append_file(File, Suffix) of
ok -> ok;
{error, Error} ->
- rabbit_log:error("Failed to append contents of " ++
+ rabbit_log:error("Failed to append contents of "
"log file '~s' to '~s':~n~p~n",
[File, [File, Suffix], Error])
diff --git a/src/rabbit_exchange.erl b/src/rabbit_exchange.erl
index 925c335c..960e4945 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_exchange.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_exchange.erl
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@
-export([recover/0, declare/5, lookup/1, lookup_or_die/1,
list/1, info/1, info/2, info_all/1, info_all/2,
simple_publish/6, simple_publish/3,
- route/2]).
+ route/3]).
-export([add_binding/4, delete_binding/4, list_bindings/1]).
--export([check_type/1, assert_type/2, topic_matches/2]).
+-export([check_type/1, assert_type/2, topic_matches/2, headers_match/2]).
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
(bool(), bool(), exchange_name(), routing_key(), binary(), binary()) ->
-spec(simple_publish/3 :: (bool(), bool(), message()) -> publish_res()).
--spec(route/2 :: (exchange(), routing_key()) -> [pid()]).
+-spec(route/3 :: (exchange(), routing_key(), decoded_content()) -> [pid()]).
-spec(add_binding/4 ::
(exchange_name(), queue_name(), routing_key(), amqp_table()) ->
bind_res() | {'error', 'durability_settings_incompatible'}).
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
[{exchange_name(), queue_name(), routing_key(), amqp_table()}]).
-spec(delete_bindings_for_queue/1 :: (queue_name()) -> 'ok').
-spec(topic_matches/2 :: (binary(), binary()) -> bool()).
+-spec(headers_match/2 :: (amqp_table(), amqp_table()) -> bool()).
-spec(delete/2 :: (exchange_name(), bool()) ->
'ok' | not_found() | {'error', 'in_use'}).
-spec(list_queue_bindings/1 :: (queue_name()) ->
@@ -145,6 +146,8 @@ check_type(<<"direct">>) ->
check_type(<<"topic">>) ->
+check_type(<<"headers">>) ->
+ headers;
check_type(T) ->
command_invalid, "invalid exchange type '~s'", [T]).
@@ -211,54 +214,69 @@ simple_publish(Mandatory, Immediate, ExchangeName, RoutingKeyBin,
%% Usable by Erlang code that wants to publish messages.
simple_publish(Mandatory, Immediate,
Message = #basic_message{exchange_name = ExchangeName,
- routing_key = RoutingKey}) ->
+ routing_key = RoutingKey,
+ content = Content}) ->
case lookup(ExchangeName) of
{ok, Exchange} ->
- QPids = route(Exchange, RoutingKey),
+ QPids = route(Exchange, RoutingKey, Content),
rabbit_router:deliver(QPids, Mandatory, Immediate,
none, Message);
{error, Error} -> {error, Error}
+sort_arguments(Arguments) ->
+ lists:keysort(1, Arguments).
%% return the list of qpids to which a message with a given routing
%% key, sent to a particular exchange, should be delivered.
%% The function ensures that a qpid appears in the return list exactly
%% as many times as a message should be delivered to it. With the
%% current exchange types that is at most once.
+route(X = #exchange{type = topic}, RoutingKey, _Content) ->
+ match_bindings(X, fun (#binding{key = BindingKey}) ->
+ topic_matches(BindingKey, RoutingKey)
+ end);
+route(X = #exchange{type = headers}, _RoutingKey, Content) ->
+ Headers = case ('P_basic'.headers of
+ undefined -> [];
+ H -> sort_arguments(H)
+ end,
+ match_bindings(X, fun (#binding{args = Spec}) ->
+ headers_match(Spec, Headers)
+ end);
+route(X = #exchange{type = fanout}, _RoutingKey, _Content) ->
+ match_routing_key(X, '_');
+route(X = #exchange{type = direct}, RoutingKey, _Content) ->
+ match_routing_key(X, RoutingKey).
%% TODO: Maybe this should be handled by a cursor instead.
-route(#exchange{name = Name, type = topic}, RoutingKey) ->
- Query = qlc:q([QName ||
- #route{binding = #binding{
- exchange_name = ExchangeName,
- queue_name = QName,
- key = BindingKey}} <- mnesia:table(route),
- ExchangeName == Name,
- %% TODO: This causes a full scan for each entry
- %% with the same exchange (see bug 19336)
- topic_matches(BindingKey, RoutingKey)]),
+%% TODO: This causes a full scan for each entry with the same exchange
+match_bindings(#exchange{name = Name}, Match) ->
+ Query = qlc:q([QName || #route{binding = Binding = #binding{
+ exchange_name = ExchangeName,
+ queue_name = QName}} <-
+ mnesia:table(route),
+ ExchangeName == Name,
+ Match(Binding)]),
mnesia:async_dirty(fun qlc:e/1, [Query])
catch exit:{aborted, {badarg, _}} ->
%% work around OTP-7025, which was fixed in R12B-1, by
%% falling back on a less efficient method
- [QName || #route{binding = #binding{queue_name = QName,
- key = BindingKey}} <-
+ [QName || #route{binding = Binding = #binding{
+ queue_name = QName}} <-
#route{binding = #binding{exchange_name = Name,
_ = '_'}}),
- topic_matches(BindingKey, RoutingKey)]
- end);
-route(X = #exchange{type = fanout}, _) ->
- route_internal(X, '_');
-route(X = #exchange{type = direct}, RoutingKey) ->
- route_internal(X, RoutingKey).
+ Match(Binding)]
+ end).
-route_internal(#exchange{name = Name}, RoutingKey) ->
+match_routing_key(#exchange{name = Name}, RoutingKey) ->
MatchHead = #route{binding = #binding{exchange_name = Name,
queue_name = '$1',
key = RoutingKey,
@@ -377,7 +395,7 @@ sync_binding(ExchangeName, QueueName, RoutingKey, Arguments, Durable, Fun) ->
Binding = #binding{exchange_name = ExchangeName,
queue_name = QueueName,
key = RoutingKey,
- args = Arguments},
+ args = sort_arguments(Arguments)},
ok = case Durable of
true -> Fun(durable_routes, #route{binding = Binding}, write);
false -> ok
@@ -429,6 +447,67 @@ reverse_binding(#binding{exchange_name = Exchange,
key = Key,
args = Args}.
+default_headers_match_kind() -> all.
+parse_x_match(<<"all">>) -> all;
+parse_x_match(<<"any">>) -> any;
+parse_x_match(Other) ->
+ rabbit_log:warning("Invalid x-match field value ~p; expected all or any",
+ [Other]),
+ default_headers_match_kind().
+%% Horrendous matching algorithm. Depends for its merge-like
+%% (linear-time) behaviour on the lists:keysort (sort_arguments) that
+%% route/3 and sync_binding/6 do.
+%% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+%% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+headers_match(Pattern, Data) ->
+ MatchKind = case lists:keysearch(<<"x-match">>, 1, Pattern) of
+ {value, {_, longstr, MK}} -> parse_x_match(MK);
+ {value, {_, Type, MK}} ->
+ rabbit_log:warning("Invalid x-match field type ~p "
+ "(value ~p); expected longstr",
+ [Type, MK]),
+ default_headers_match_kind();
+ _ -> default_headers_match_kind()
+ end,
+ headers_match(Pattern, Data, true, false, MatchKind).
+headers_match([], _Data, AllMatch, _AnyMatch, all) ->
+ AllMatch;
+headers_match([], _Data, _AllMatch, AnyMatch, any) ->
+ AnyMatch;
+headers_match([{<<"x-", _/binary>>, _PT, _PV} | PRest], Data,
+ AllMatch, AnyMatch, MatchKind) ->
+ headers_match(PRest, Data, AllMatch, AnyMatch, MatchKind);
+headers_match(_Pattern, [], _AllMatch, AnyMatch, MatchKind) ->
+ headers_match([], [], false, AnyMatch, MatchKind);
+headers_match(Pattern = [{PK, _PT, _PV} | _], [{DK, _DT, _DV} | DRest],
+ AllMatch, AnyMatch, MatchKind) when PK > DK ->
+ headers_match(Pattern, DRest, AllMatch, AnyMatch, MatchKind);
+headers_match([{PK, _PT, _PV} | PRest], Data = [{DK, _DT, _DV} | _],
+ _AllMatch, AnyMatch, MatchKind) when PK < DK ->
+ headers_match(PRest, Data, false, AnyMatch, MatchKind);
+headers_match([{PK, PT, PV} | PRest], [{DK, DT, DV} | DRest],
+ AllMatch, AnyMatch, MatchKind) when PK == DK ->
+ {AllMatch1, AnyMatch1} =
+ if
+ %% It's not properly specified, but a "no value" in a
+ %% pattern field is supposed to mean simple presence of
+ %% the corresponding data field. I've interpreted that to
+ %% mean a type of "void" for the pattern field.
+ PT == void -> {AllMatch, true};
+ %% Similarly, it's not specified, but I assume that a
+ %% mismatched type causes a mismatched value.
+ PT =/= DT -> {false, AnyMatch};
+ PV == DV -> {AllMatch, true};
+ true -> {false, AnyMatch}
+ end,
+ headers_match(PRest, DRest, AllMatch1, AnyMatch1, MatchKind).
split_topic_key(Key) ->
{ok, KeySplit} = regexp:split(binary_to_list(Key), "\\."),
diff --git a/src/rabbit_limiter.erl b/src/rabbit_limiter.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..20a66ac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rabbit_limiter.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+%% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+%% License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
+%% The Initial Developers of the Original Code are LShift Ltd,
+%% Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC, and Rabbit Technologies Ltd.
+%% Portions created before 22-Nov-2008 00:00:00 GMT by LShift Ltd,
+%% Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC, or Rabbit Technologies Ltd
+%% are Copyright (C) 2007-2008 LShift Ltd, Cohesive Financial
+%% Technologies LLC, and Rabbit Technologies Ltd.
+%% Portions created by LShift Ltd are Copyright (C) 2007-2009 LShift
+%% Ltd. Portions created by Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC are
+%% Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Cohesive Financial Technologies
+%% LLC. Portions created by Rabbit Technologies Ltd are Copyright
+%% (C) 2007-2009 Rabbit Technologies Ltd.
+%% All Rights Reserved.
+%% Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
+-export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2,
+ handle_info/2]).
+-export([start_link/1, shutdown/1]).
+-export([limit/2, can_send/2, ack/2, register/2, unregister/2]).
+-type(maybe_pid() :: pid() | 'undefined').
+-spec(start_link/1 :: (pid()) -> pid()).
+-spec(shutdown/1 :: (maybe_pid()) -> 'ok').
+-spec(limit/2 :: (maybe_pid(), non_neg_integer()) -> 'ok').
+-spec(can_send/2 :: (maybe_pid(), pid()) -> bool()).
+-spec(ack/2 :: (maybe_pid(), non_neg_integer()) -> 'ok').
+-spec(register/2 :: (maybe_pid(), pid()) -> 'ok').
+-spec(unregister/2 :: (maybe_pid(), pid()) -> 'ok').
+-record(lim, {prefetch_count = 0,
+ ch_pid,
+ queues = dict:new(), % QPid -> {MonitorRef, Notify}
+ volume = 0}).
+%% 'Notify' is a boolean that indicates whether a queue should be
+%% notified of a change in the limit or volume that may allow it to
+%% deliver more messages via the limiter's channel.
+%% API
+start_link(ChPid) ->
+ {ok, Pid} = gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, [ChPid], []),
+ Pid.
+shutdown(undefined) ->
+ ok;
+shutdown(LimiterPid) ->
+ unlink(LimiterPid),
+ gen_server:cast(LimiterPid, shutdown).
+limit(undefined, 0) ->
+ ok;
+limit(LimiterPid, PrefetchCount) ->
+ gen_server:cast(LimiterPid, {limit, PrefetchCount}).
+%% Ask the limiter whether the queue can deliver a message without
+%% breaching a limit
+can_send(undefined, _QPid) ->
+ true;
+can_send(LimiterPid, QPid) ->
+ rabbit_misc:with_exit_handler(
+ fun () -> true end,
+ fun () -> gen_server:call(LimiterPid, {can_send, QPid}) end).
+%% Let the limiter know that the channel has received some acks from a
+%% consumer
+ack(undefined, _Count) -> ok;
+ack(LimiterPid, Count) -> gen_server:cast(LimiterPid, {ack, Count}).
+register(undefined, _QPid) -> ok;
+register(LimiterPid, QPid) -> gen_server:cast(LimiterPid, {register, QPid}).
+unregister(undefined, _QPid) -> ok;
+unregister(LimiterPid, QPid) -> gen_server:cast(LimiterPid, {unregister, QPid}).
+%% gen_server callbacks
+init([ChPid]) ->
+ {ok, #lim{ch_pid = ChPid} }.
+handle_call({can_send, QPid}, _From, State = #lim{volume = Volume}) ->
+ case limit_reached(State) of
+ true -> {reply, false, limit_queue(QPid, State)};
+ false -> {reply, true, State#lim{volume = Volume + 1}}
+ end.
+handle_cast(shutdown, State) ->
+ {stop, normal, State};
+handle_cast({limit, PrefetchCount}, State) ->
+ {noreply, maybe_notify(State, State#lim{prefetch_count = PrefetchCount})};
+handle_cast({ack, Count}, State = #lim{volume = Volume}) ->
+ NewVolume = if Volume == 0 -> 0;
+ true -> Volume - Count
+ end,
+ {noreply, maybe_notify(State, State#lim{volume = NewVolume})};
+handle_cast({register, QPid}, State) ->
+ {noreply, remember_queue(QPid, State)};
+handle_cast({unregister, QPid}, State) ->
+ {noreply, forget_queue(QPid, State)}.
+handle_info({'DOWN', _MonitorRef, _Type, QPid, _Info}, State) ->
+ {noreply, forget_queue(QPid, State)}.
+terminate(_, _) ->
+ ok.
+code_change(_, State, _) ->
+ State.
+%% Internal plumbing
+maybe_notify(OldState, NewState) ->
+ case limit_reached(OldState) andalso not(limit_reached(NewState)) of
+ true -> notify_queues(NewState);
+ false -> NewState
+ end.
+limit_reached(#lim{prefetch_count = Limit, volume = Volume}) ->
+ Limit =/= 0 andalso Volume >= Limit.
+remember_queue(QPid, State = #lim{queues = Queues}) ->
+ case dict:is_key(QPid, Queues) of
+ false -> MRef = erlang:monitor(process, QPid),
+ State#lim{queues = dict:store(QPid, {MRef, false}, Queues)};
+ true -> State
+ end.
+forget_queue(QPid, State = #lim{ch_pid = ChPid, queues = Queues}) ->
+ case dict:find(QPid, Queues) of
+ {ok, {MRef, _}} ->
+ true = erlang:demonitor(MRef),
+ ok = rabbit_amqqueue:unblock(QPid, ChPid),
+ State#lim{queues = dict:erase(QPid, Queues)};
+ error -> State
+ end.
+limit_queue(QPid, State = #lim{queues = Queues}) ->
+ UpdateFun = fun ({MRef, _}) -> {MRef, true} end,
+ State#lim{queues = dict:update(QPid, UpdateFun, Queues)}.
+notify_queues(State = #lim{ch_pid = ChPid, queues = Queues}) ->
+ {QList, NewQueues} =
+ dict:fold(fun (_QPid, {_, false}, Acc) -> Acc;
+ (QPid, {MRef, true}, {L, D}) ->
+ {[QPid | L], dict:store(QPid, {MRef, false}, D)}
+ end, {[], Queues}, Queues),
+ case length(QList) of
+ 0 -> ok;
+ L ->
+ %% We randomly vary the position of queues in the list,
+ %% thus ensuring that each queue has an equal chance of
+ %% being notified first.
+ {L1, L2} = lists:split(random:uniform(L), QList),
+ [ok = rabbit_amqqueue:unblock(Q, ChPid) || Q <- L2 ++ L1],
+ ok
+ end,
+ State#lim{queues = NewQueues}.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_misc.erl b/src/rabbit_misc.erl
index 973e163b..85db50d7 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_misc.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_misc.erl
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
-export([dirty_read_all/1, dirty_foreach_key/2, dirty_dump_log/1]).
-export([append_file/2, ensure_parent_dirs_exist/1]).
+-export([start_applications/1, stop_applications/1]).
@@ -108,6 +109,8 @@
-spec(append_file/2 :: (string(), string()) -> 'ok' | {'error', any()}).
-spec(ensure_parent_dirs_exist/1 :: (string()) -> 'ok').
-spec(format_stderr/2 :: (string(), [any()]) -> 'true').
+-spec(start_applications/1 :: ([atom()]) -> 'ok').
+-spec(stop_applications/1 :: ([atom()]) -> 'ok').
@@ -398,3 +401,32 @@ format_stderr(Fmt, Args) ->
Port = open_port({fd, 0, 2}, [out]),
port_command(Port, io_lib:format(Fmt, Args)),
+manage_applications(Iterate, Do, Undo, SkipError, ErrorTag, Apps) ->
+ Iterate(fun (App, Acc) ->
+ case Do(App) of
+ ok -> [App | Acc];
+ {error, {SkipError, _}} -> Acc;
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ lists:foreach(Undo, Acc),
+ throw({error, {ErrorTag, App, Reason}})
+ end
+ end, [], Apps),
+ ok.
+start_applications(Apps) ->
+ manage_applications(fun lists:foldl/3,
+ fun application:start/1,
+ fun application:stop/1,
+ already_started,
+ cannot_start_application,
+ Apps).
+stop_applications(Apps) ->
+ manage_applications(fun lists:foldr/3,
+ fun application:stop/1,
+ fun application:start/1,
+ not_started,
+ cannot_stop_application,
+ Apps).
diff --git a/src/rabbit_mnesia.erl b/src/rabbit_mnesia.erl
index d19c37cb..eebb38fa 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_mnesia.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_mnesia.erl
@@ -243,8 +243,8 @@ init_db(ClusterNodes) ->
%% NB: we cannot use rabbit_log here since
%% it may not have been started yet
- "schema integrity check failed: ~p~n" ++
- "moving database to backup location " ++
+ "schema integrity check failed: ~p~n"
+ "moving database to backup location "
"and recreating schema from scratch~n",
ok = move_db(),
diff --git a/src/rabbit_router.erl b/src/rabbit_router.erl
index ad653a2f..26d857be 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_router.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_router.erl
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ deliver_per_node(NodeQPids, Mandatory = false, Immediate = false,
%% than the non-immediate case below.
{ok, lists:flatmap(
fun ({Node, QPids}) ->
- gen_server:cast(
+ gen_server2:cast(
{?SERVER, Node},
{deliver, QPids, Mandatory, Immediate, Txn, Message}),
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ deliver_per_node(NodeQPids, Mandatory, Immediate,
Txn, Message) ->
R = rabbit_misc:upmap(
fun ({Node, QPids}) ->
- try gen_server:call(
+ try gen_server2:call(
{?SERVER, Node},
{deliver, QPids, Mandatory, Immediate, Txn, Message})
diff --git a/src/rabbit_sasl_report_file_h.erl b/src/rabbit_sasl_report_file_h.erl
index 9e4c9c8a..2a365ce1 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_sasl_report_file_h.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_sasl_report_file_h.erl
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ init({{File, Suffix}, []}) ->
case rabbit_misc:append_file(File, Suffix) of
ok -> ok;
{error, Error} ->
- rabbit_log:error("Failed to append contents of " ++
+ rabbit_log:error("Failed to append contents of "
"sasl log file '~s' to '~s':~n~p~n",
[File, [File, Suffix], Error])