diff options
authorMatthias Radestock <>2009-09-23 15:35:47 +0100
committerMatthias Radestock <>2009-09-23 15:35:47 +0100
commitbbfbed322ec5d31641e1688dceabfde80ad92593 (patch)
parent8068807e42b24cfba29884118f5e16a43cd2c1a5 (diff)
on startup, compact files from which we removed unreferenced messages
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_msg_store.erl b/src/rabbit_msg_store.erl
index 9bafe659..b5fae343 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_msg_store.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_msg_store.erl
@@ -719,11 +719,11 @@ find_contiguous_block_prefix([_MsgAfterGap | _Tail], ExpectedOffset, MsgIds) ->
build_index([], State) ->
CurFile = State #msstate.current_file,
- build_index(undefined, [CurFile], State);
+ build_index(undefined, [CurFile], [], State);
build_index(Files, State) ->
- build_index(undefined, Files, State).
+ build_index(undefined, Files, [], State).
-build_index(Left, [], State) ->
+build_index(Left, [], FilesToCompact, State) ->
ok = index_delete_by_file(undefined, State),
Offset = case lists:reverse(index_search_by_file(Left, State)) of
[] -> 0;
@@ -731,22 +731,25 @@ build_index(Left, [], State) ->
total_size = TotalSize } | _] ->
MaxOffset + TotalSize
- State #msstate { current_file = Left, current_offset = Offset };
-build_index(Left, [File|Files],
- State = #msstate { dir = Dir, file_summary = FileSummary }) ->
+ compact(FilesToCompact, %% this never includes the current file
+ State #msstate { current_file = Left, current_offset = Offset });
+build_index(Left, [File|Files], FilesToCompact,
+ State = #msstate { dir = Dir, file_summary = FileSummary }) ->
{ok, Messages} = scan_file_for_valid_messages(Dir, filenum_to_name(File)),
- {ValidMessages, ValidTotalSize} = lists:foldl(
- fun (Obj = {MsgId, Attrs, TotalSize, Offset}, {VMAcc, VTSAcc}) ->
- case index_lookup(MsgId, State) of
- not_found -> {VMAcc, VTSAcc};
- StoreEntry ->
- ok = index_update(StoreEntry #msg_location {
- file = File, offset = Offset,
- total_size = TotalSize,
- attrs = Attrs }, State),
- {[Obj | VMAcc], VTSAcc + TotalSize}
- end
- end, {[], 0}, Messages),
+ {ValidMessages, ValidTotalSize, AllValid} =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun (Obj = {MsgId, Attrs, TotalSize, Offset},
+ {VMAcc, VTSAcc, AVAcc}) ->
+ case index_lookup(MsgId, State) of
+ not_found -> {VMAcc, VTSAcc, false};
+ StoreEntry ->
+ ok = index_update(StoreEntry #msg_location {
+ file = File, offset = Offset,
+ total_size = TotalSize,
+ attrs = Attrs }, State),
+ {[Obj | VMAcc], VTSAcc + TotalSize, AVAcc}
+ end
+ end, {[], 0, true}, Messages),
%% foldl reverses lists, find_contiguous_block_prefix needs
%% msgs eldest first, so, ValidMessages is the right way round
{ContiguousTop, _} = find_contiguous_block_prefix(ValidMessages),
@@ -758,7 +761,11 @@ build_index(Left, [File|Files],
file = File, valid_total_size = ValidTotalSize,
contiguous_top = ContiguousTop,
left = Left, right = Right }),
- build_index(File, Files, State).
+ FilesToCompact1 = case AllValid orelse Right =:= undefined of
+ true -> FilesToCompact;
+ false -> [File | FilesToCompact]
+ end,
+ build_index(File, Files, FilesToCompact1, State).
%% garbage collection / compaction / aggregation