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authorDavid Wragg <>2010-05-24 15:26:40 +0100
committerDavid Wragg <>2010-05-24 15:26:40 +0100
commita3b4a146ab6c8964c2ae2b4d1cfe4a4c81cf4cea (patch)
parent1e74500391dc74f3b8ddef467cbfb6c0e6820e35 (diff)
Handle quoted node names by parsing with erl_scan:stringbug22774
If the node name contains characters which cannot be used in a simple Erlang atom (e.g. a hyphen), then pid_to_string will quote it; e.g. <'rabbit@centos5-64'.51.0>. If in string_to_pid we try to convert the node name part back to an atom with list_to_atom, the quotes will be included in the resulting atom (e.g. '\'rabbit@centos5-64\'') and so the two functions will not be inverses. So use erl_scan to parse the node name instead, to recover an atom that exactly matches the original.
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_misc.erl b/src/rabbit_misc.erl
index 723b818b..9a911ab1 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_misc.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_misc.erl
@@ -537,18 +537,24 @@ pid_to_string(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
%% inverse of above
string_to_pid(Str) ->
+ Err = {error, {invalid_pid_syntax, Str}},
%% The \ before the trailing $ is only there to keep emacs
%% font-lock from getting confused.
case re:run(Str, "^<(.*)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)>\$",
[{capture,all_but_first,list}]) of
{match, [NodeStr, IdStr, SerStr]} ->
- %% turn the triple into a pid - see pid_to_string
- <<131,NodeEnc/binary>> = term_to_binary(list_to_atom(NodeStr)),
+ %% the NodeStr atom might be quoted, so we have to parse
+ %% it rather than doing a simple list_to_atom
+ NodeAtom = case erl_scan:string(NodeStr) of
+ {ok, [{atom, _, X}], _} -> X;
+ {error, _, _} -> throw(Err)
+ end,
+ <<131,NodeEnc/binary>> = term_to_binary(NodeAtom),
Id = list_to_integer(IdStr),
Ser = list_to_integer(SerStr),
nomatch ->
- throw({error, {invalid_pid_syntax, Str}})
+ throw(Err)
version_compare(A, B, lte) ->