diff options
authorMatthias Radestock <>2010-08-02 17:53:04 +0100
committerMatthias Radestock <>2010-08-02 17:53:04 +0100
commit5ae7d968ef83183ec4f36ebec657eb5f2141b6ff (patch)
parent044dc5748dc047e2a1686c709472547f6cf03da8 (diff)
remove dead code
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 123 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_tests.erl b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
index 56aca1d6..bd243de4 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_tests.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
@@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ all_tests() ->
passed = test_log_management(),
passed = test_app_management(),
passed = test_log_management_during_startup(),
- passed = test_memory_pressure(),
passed = test_cluster_management(),
passed = test_user_management(),
passed = test_server_status(),
@@ -1032,53 +1031,6 @@ test_hooks() ->
-test_memory_pressure_receiver(Pid) ->
- receive
- shutdown ->
- ok;
- {send_command, Method} ->
- ok = case Method of
- #'channel.flow'{} -> ok;
- #'basic.qos_ok'{} -> ok;
- #'channel.open_ok'{} -> ok
- end,
- Pid ! Method,
- test_memory_pressure_receiver(Pid);
- sync ->
- Pid ! sync,
- test_memory_pressure_receiver(Pid)
- end.
-test_memory_pressure_receive_flow(Active) ->
- receive #'channel.flow'{active = Active} -> ok
- after 1000 -> throw(failed_to_receive_channel_flow)
- end,
- receive #'channel.flow'{} ->
- throw(pipelining_sync_commands_detected)
- after 0 ->
- ok
- end.
-test_memory_pressure_sync(Ch, Writer) ->
- ok = rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #'basic.qos'{}),
- Writer ! sync,
- receive sync -> ok after 1000 -> throw(failed_to_receive_writer_sync) end,
- receive #'basic.qos_ok'{} -> ok
- after 1000 -> throw(failed_to_receive_basic_qos_ok)
- end.
-test_memory_pressure_spawn() ->
- Me = self(),
- Writer = spawn(fun () -> test_memory_pressure_receiver(Me) end),
- {ok, Ch} = rabbit_channel:start_link(1, self(), Writer,
- <<"user">>, <<"/">>, self()),
- ok = rabbit_channel:do(Ch, #''{}),
- MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Ch),
- receive #'channel.open_ok'{} -> ok
- after 1000 -> throw(failed_to_receive_channel_open_ok)
- end,
- {Writer, Ch, MRef}.
expect_normal_channel_termination(MRef, Ch) ->
receive {'DOWN', MRef, process, Ch, normal} -> ok
after 1000 -> throw(channel_failed_to_exit)
@@ -1089,81 +1041,6 @@ gobble_channel_exit() ->
after 1000 -> throw(channel_exit_not_received)
-test_memory_pressure() ->
- {Writer0, Ch0, MRef0} = test_memory_pressure_spawn(),
- [ok = rabbit_channel:conserve_memory(Ch0, Conserve) ||
- Conserve <- [false, false, true, false, true, true, false]],
- ok = test_memory_pressure_sync(Ch0, Writer0),
- receive {'DOWN', MRef0, process, Ch0, Info0} ->
- throw({channel_died_early, Info0})
- after 0 -> ok
- end,
- %% we should have just 1 active=false waiting for us
- ok = test_memory_pressure_receive_flow(false),
- %% if we reply with flow_ok, we should immediately get an
- %% active=true back
- ok = rabbit_channel:do(Ch0, #'channel.flow_ok'{active = false}),
- ok = test_memory_pressure_receive_flow(true),
- %% if we publish at this point, the channel should die
- Content = rabbit_basic:build_content(#'P_basic'{}, <<>>),
- ok = rabbit_channel:do(Ch0, #'basic.publish'{}, Content),
- expect_normal_channel_termination(MRef0, Ch0),
- gobble_channel_exit(),
- {Writer1, Ch1, MRef1} = test_memory_pressure_spawn(),
- ok = rabbit_channel:conserve_memory(Ch1, true),
- ok = test_memory_pressure_receive_flow(false),
- ok = rabbit_channel:do(Ch1, #'channel.flow_ok'{active = false}),
- ok = test_memory_pressure_sync(Ch1, Writer1),
- ok = rabbit_channel:conserve_memory(Ch1, false),
- ok = test_memory_pressure_receive_flow(true),
- %% send back the wrong flow_ok. Channel should die.
- ok = rabbit_channel:do(Ch1, #'channel.flow_ok'{active = false}),
- expect_normal_channel_termination(MRef1, Ch1),
- gobble_channel_exit(),
- {_Writer2, Ch2, MRef2} = test_memory_pressure_spawn(),
- %% just out of the blue, send a flow_ok. Life should end.
- ok = rabbit_channel:do(Ch2, #'channel.flow_ok'{active = true}),
- expect_normal_channel_termination(MRef2, Ch2),
- gobble_channel_exit(),
- {_Writer3, Ch3, MRef3} = test_memory_pressure_spawn(),
- ok = rabbit_channel:conserve_memory(Ch3, true),
- ok = test_memory_pressure_receive_flow(false),
- receive {'DOWN', MRef3, process, Ch3, _} ->
- ok
- after 12000 ->
- throw(channel_failed_to_exit)
- end,
- gobble_channel_exit(),
- alarm_handler:set_alarm({vm_memory_high_watermark, []}),
- Me = self(),
- Writer4 = spawn(fun () -> test_memory_pressure_receiver(Me) end),
- {ok, Ch4} = rabbit_channel:start_link(1, self(), Writer4,
- <<"user">>, <<"/">>, self()),
- ok = rabbit_channel:do(Ch4, #''{}),
- MRef4 = erlang:monitor(process, Ch4),
- Writer4 ! sync,
- receive sync -> ok after 1000 -> throw(failed_to_receive_writer_sync) end,
- receive #'channel.open_ok'{} -> throw(unexpected_channel_open_ok)
- after 0 -> ok
- end,
- alarm_handler:clear_alarm(vm_memory_high_watermark),
- Writer4 ! sync,
- receive sync -> ok after 1000 -> throw(failed_to_receive_writer_sync) end,
- receive #'channel.open_ok'{} -> ok
- after 1000 -> throw(failed_to_receive_channel_open_ok)
- end,
- rabbit_channel:shutdown(Ch4),
- expect_normal_channel_termination(MRef4, Ch4),
- passed.
test_delegates_async(SecondaryNode) ->
Self = self(),
Sender = fun (Pid) -> Pid ! {invoked, Self} end,