diff options
authorMatthias Radestock <>2010-10-20 21:27:00 +0100
committerMatthias Radestock <>2010-10-20 21:27:00 +0100
commit19d672ece3a32d13b027e3d27ffebf2acfcc6317 (patch)
parent9901bc526c80afd393585dbd005214a662cce1c9 (diff)
rejig qi initialisation, separating clean init and recovery
so that vq can get hold of the shutdown terms and thus the persistent client ref and use the latter in the ContainsCheckFun
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_queue_index.erl b/src/rabbit_queue_index.erl
index 0b98290c..f6cb5736 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_queue_index.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_queue_index.erl
@@ -31,8 +31,9 @@
--export([init/4, terminate/2, delete_and_terminate/1, publish/4,
- deliver/2, ack/2, sync/2, flush/1, read/3,
+-export([init/1, shutdown_terms/1, recover/4,
+ terminate/2, delete_and_terminate/1,
+ publish/4, deliver/2, ack/2, sync/2, flush/1, read/3,
next_segment_boundary/1, bounds/1, recover/1]).
-define(CLEAN_FILENAME, "").
@@ -194,10 +195,13 @@
-type(startup_fun_state() ::
{(fun ((A) -> 'finished' | {rabbit_guid:guid(), non_neg_integer(), A})),
+-type(shutdown_terms() :: [any()]).
--spec(init/4 :: (rabbit_amqqueue:name(), boolean(), boolean(),
- fun ((rabbit_guid:guid()) -> boolean())) ->
- {'undefined' | non_neg_integer(), [any()], qistate()}).
+-spec(init/1 :: (rabbit_amqqueue:name()) -> qistate()).
+-spec(shutdown_terms/1 :: (rabbit_amqqueue:name()) -> shutdown_terms()).
+-spec(recover/4 :: (rabbit_amqqueue:name(), shutdown_terms(), boolean(),
+ fun ((rabbit_guid:guid()) -> boolean())) ->
+ {'undefined' | non_neg_integer(), qistate()}).
-spec(terminate/2 :: ([any()], qistate()) -> qistate()).
-spec(delete_and_terminate/1 :: (qistate()) -> qistate()).
-spec(publish/4 :: (rabbit_guid:guid(), seq_id(), boolean(), qistate()) ->
@@ -222,25 +226,26 @@
%% public API
-init(Name, false, _MsgStoreRecovered, _ContainsCheckFun) ->
+init(Name) ->
State = #qistate { dir = Dir } = blank_state(Name),
false = filelib:is_file(Dir), %% is_file == is file or dir
- {0, [], State};
+ State.
-init(Name, true, MsgStoreRecovered, ContainsCheckFun) ->
+shutdown_terms(Name) ->
+ #qistate { dir = Dir } = blank_state(Name),
+ case read_shutdown_terms(Dir) of
+ {error, _} -> [];
+ {ok, Terms1} -> Terms1
+ end.
+recover(Name, Terms, MsgStoreRecovered, ContainsCheckFun) ->
State = #qistate { dir = Dir } = blank_state(Name),
- Terms = case read_shutdown_terms(Dir) of
- {error, _} -> [];
- {ok, Terms1} -> Terms1
- end,
CleanShutdown = detect_clean_shutdown(Dir),
- {Count, State1} =
- case CleanShutdown andalso MsgStoreRecovered of
- true -> RecoveredCounts = proplists:get_value(segments, Terms, []),
- init_clean(RecoveredCounts, State);
- false -> init_dirty(CleanShutdown, ContainsCheckFun, State)
- end,
- {Count, Terms, State1}.
+ case CleanShutdown andalso MsgStoreRecovered of
+ true -> RecoveredCounts = proplists:get_value(segments, Terms, []),
+ init_clean(RecoveredCounts, State);
+ false -> init_dirty(CleanShutdown, ContainsCheckFun, State)
+ end.
terminate(Terms, State) ->
{SegmentCounts, State1 = #qistate { dir = Dir }} = terminate(State),