diff options
authorMatthew Sackman <>2010-12-06 13:04:06 +0000
committerMatthew Sackman <>2010-12-06 13:04:06 +0000
commit5d3b291386560f1d9629be9293f2d624779ef322 (patch)
parent491142304b11035c82436ee14a36ba97005ef454 (diff)
Rip out old persister as it no longer works given the arrival of pub acks
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 814 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index d3f052f6..e0d5744c 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -178,9 +178,6 @@ start-rabbit-on-node: all
stop-rabbit-on-node: all
echo "rabbit:stop()." | $(ERL_CALL)
-force-snapshot: all
- echo "rabbit_persister:force_snapshot()." | $(ERL_CALL)
set-memory-alarm: all
echo "alarm_handler:set_alarm({vm_memory_high_watermark, []})." | \
diff --git a/ebin/ b/ebin/
index 17d05a99..6c33ef8b 100644
--- a/ebin/
+++ b/ebin/
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
{registered, [rabbit_amqqueue_sup,
- rabbit_persister,
diff --git a/src/rabbit_invariable_queue.erl b/src/rabbit_invariable_queue.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a0532ea..00000000
--- a/src/rabbit_invariable_queue.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
-%% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-%% License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
-%% The Initial Developers of the Original Code are LShift Ltd,
-%% Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC, and Rabbit Technologies Ltd.
-%% Portions created before 22-Nov-2008 00:00:00 GMT by LShift Ltd,
-%% Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC, or Rabbit Technologies Ltd
-%% are Copyright (C) 2007-2008 LShift Ltd, Cohesive Financial
-%% Technologies LLC, and Rabbit Technologies Ltd.
-%% Portions created by LShift Ltd are Copyright (C) 2007-2010 LShift
-%% Ltd. Portions created by Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC are
-%% Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Cohesive Financial Technologies
-%% LLC. Portions created by Rabbit Technologies Ltd are Copyright
-%% (C) 2007-2010 Rabbit Technologies Ltd.
-%% All Rights Reserved.
-%% Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
--export([init/3, terminate/1, delete_and_terminate/1, purge/1, publish/3,
- publish_delivered/4, fetch/2, ack/2, tx_publish/4, tx_ack/3,
- dropwhile/2, tx_rollback/2, tx_commit/4, requeue/3, len/1, is_empty/1,
- set_ram_duration_target/2, ram_duration/1, needs_idle_timeout/1,
- idle_timeout/1, handle_pre_hibernate/1, status/1]).
--export([start/1, stop/0]).
--record(iv_state, { queue, qname, durable, len, pending_ack }).
--record(tx, { pending_messages, pending_acks, is_persistent }).
--type(ack() :: rabbit_guid:guid() | 'blank_ack').
--type(state() :: #iv_state { queue :: queue(),
- qname :: rabbit_amqqueue:name(),
- len :: non_neg_integer(),
- pending_ack :: dict()
- }).
-start(DurableQueues) ->
- ok = rabbit_sup:start_child(rabbit_persister, [DurableQueues]).
-stop() ->
- ok = rabbit_sup:stop_child(rabbit_persister).
-init(QName, IsDurable, Recover) ->
- Q = queue:from_list(case IsDurable andalso Recover of
- true -> rabbit_persister:queue_content(QName);
- false -> []
- end),
- #iv_state { queue = Q,
- qname = QName,
- durable = IsDurable,
- len = queue:len(Q),
- pending_ack = dict:new() }.
-terminate(State) ->
- State #iv_state { queue = queue:new(), len = 0, pending_ack = dict:new() }.
-delete_and_terminate(State = #iv_state { qname = QName, durable = IsDurable,
- pending_ack = PA }) ->
- ok = persist_acks(QName, IsDurable, none, dict:fetch_keys(PA), PA),
- {_PLen, State1} = purge(State),
- terminate(State1).
-purge(State = #iv_state { queue = Q, qname = QName, durable = IsDurable,
- len = Len }) ->
- %% We do not purge messages pending acks.
- {AckTags, PA} =
- rabbit_misc:queue_fold(
- fun ({#basic_message { is_persistent = false },
- _MsgProps, _IsDelivered}, Acc) ->
- Acc;
- ({Msg = #basic_message { guid = Guid }, MsgProps, IsDelivered},
- {AckTagsN, PAN}) ->
- ok = persist_delivery(QName, IsDurable, IsDelivered, Msg),
- {[Guid | AckTagsN], store_ack(Msg, MsgProps, PAN)}
- end, {[], dict:new()}, Q),
- ok = persist_acks(QName, IsDurable, none, AckTags, PA),
- {Len, State #iv_state { len = 0, queue = queue:new() }}.
-publish(Msg, MsgProps, State = #iv_state { queue = Q,
- qname = QName,
- durable = IsDurable,
- len = Len }) ->
- ok = persist_message(QName, IsDurable, none, Msg, MsgProps),
- State #iv_state { queue = enqueue(Msg, MsgProps, false, Q), len = Len + 1 }.
-publish_delivered(false, _Msg, _MsgProps, State) ->
- {blank_ack, State};
-publish_delivered(true, Msg = #basic_message { guid = Guid },
- MsgProps,
- State = #iv_state { qname = QName, durable = IsDurable,
- len = 0, pending_ack = PA }) ->
- ok = persist_message(QName, IsDurable, none, Msg, MsgProps),
- ok = persist_delivery(QName, IsDurable, false, Msg),
- {Guid, State #iv_state { pending_ack = store_ack(Msg, MsgProps, PA) }}.
-dropwhile(_Pred, State = #iv_state { len = 0 }) ->
- State;
-dropwhile(Pred, State = #iv_state { queue = Q }) ->
- {{value, {Msg, MsgProps, IsDelivered}}, Q1} = queue:out(Q),
- case Pred(MsgProps) of
- true -> {_, State1} = fetch_internal(false, Q1, Msg, MsgProps,
- IsDelivered, State),
- dropwhile(Pred, State1);
- false -> State
- end.
-fetch(_AckRequired, State = #iv_state { len = 0 }) ->
- {empty, State};
-fetch(AckRequired, State = #iv_state { queue = Q }) ->
- {{value, {Msg, MsgProps, IsDelivered}}, Q1} = queue:out(Q),
- fetch_internal(AckRequired, Q1, Msg, MsgProps, IsDelivered, State).
-fetch_internal(AckRequired, Q1,
- Msg = #basic_message { guid = Guid },
- MsgProps, IsDelivered,
- State = #iv_state { len = Len,
- qname = QName,
- durable = IsDurable,
- pending_ack = PA }) ->
- Len1 = Len - 1,
- ok = persist_delivery(QName, IsDurable, IsDelivered, Msg),
- PA1 = store_ack(Msg, MsgProps, PA),
- {AckTag, PA2} = case AckRequired of
- true -> {Guid, PA1};
- false -> ok = persist_acks(QName, IsDurable, none,
- [Guid], PA1),
- {blank_ack, PA}
- end,
- {{Msg, IsDelivered, AckTag, Len1},
- State #iv_state { queue = Q1, len = Len1, pending_ack = PA2 }}.
-ack(AckTags, State = #iv_state { qname = QName, durable = IsDurable,
- pending_ack = PA }) ->
- ok = persist_acks(QName, IsDurable, none, AckTags, PA),
- PA1 = remove_acks(AckTags, PA),
- State #iv_state { pending_ack = PA1 }.
-tx_publish(Txn, Msg, MsgProps, State = #iv_state { qname = QName,
- durable = IsDurable }) ->
- Tx = #tx { pending_messages = Pubs } = lookup_tx(Txn),
- store_tx(Txn, Tx #tx { pending_messages = [{Msg, MsgProps} | Pubs] }),
- ok = persist_message(QName, IsDurable, Txn, Msg, MsgProps),
- State.
-tx_ack(Txn, AckTags, State = #iv_state { qname = QName, durable = IsDurable,
- pending_ack = PA }) ->
- Tx = #tx { pending_acks = Acks } = lookup_tx(Txn),
- store_tx(Txn, Tx #tx { pending_acks = [AckTags | Acks] }),
- ok = persist_acks(QName, IsDurable, Txn, AckTags, PA),
- State.
-tx_rollback(Txn, State = #iv_state { qname = QName }) ->
- #tx { pending_acks = AckTags } = lookup_tx(Txn),
- ok = do_if_persistent(fun rabbit_persister:rollback_transaction/1,
- Txn, QName),
- erase_tx(Txn),
- {lists:flatten(AckTags), State}.
-tx_commit(Txn, Fun, MsgPropsFun, State = #iv_state { qname = QName,
- pending_ack = PA,
- queue = Q,
- len = Len }) ->
- #tx { pending_acks = AckTags, pending_messages = PubsRev } = lookup_tx(Txn),
- ok = do_if_persistent(fun rabbit_persister:commit_transaction/1,
- Txn, QName),
- erase_tx(Txn),
- Fun(),
- AckTags1 = lists:flatten(AckTags),
- PA1 = remove_acks(AckTags1, PA),
- {Q1, Len1} = lists:foldr(fun ({Msg, MsgProps}, {QN, LenN}) ->
- {enqueue(Msg, MsgPropsFun(MsgProps),
- false, QN),
- LenN + 1}
- end, {Q, Len}, PubsRev),
- {AckTags1, State #iv_state { pending_ack = PA1, queue = Q1, len = Len1 }}.
-requeue(AckTags, MsgPropsFun, State = #iv_state { pending_ack = PA,
- queue = Q,
- len = Len }) ->
- %% We don't need to touch the persister here - the persister will
- %% already have these messages published and delivered as
- %% necessary. The complication is that the persister's seq_id will
- %% now be wrong, given the position of these messages in our queue
- %% here. However, the persister's seq_id is only used for sorting
- %% on startup, and requeue is silent as to where the requeued
- %% messages should appear, thus the persister is permitted to sort
- %% based on seq_id, even though it'll likely give a different
- %% order to the last known state of our queue, prior to shutdown.
- {Q1, Len1} = lists:foldl(
- fun (Guid, {QN, LenN}) ->
- {Msg = #basic_message {}, MsgProps}
- = dict:fetch(Guid, PA),
- {enqueue(Msg, MsgPropsFun(MsgProps), true, QN),
- LenN + 1}
- end, {Q, Len}, AckTags),
- PA1 = remove_acks(AckTags, PA),
- State #iv_state { pending_ack = PA1, queue = Q1, len = Len1 }.
-enqueue(Msg, MsgProps, IsDelivered, Q) ->
- queue:in({Msg, MsgProps, IsDelivered}, Q).
-len(#iv_state { len = Len }) -> Len.
-is_empty(State) -> 0 == len(State).
-set_ram_duration_target(_DurationTarget, State) -> State.
-ram_duration(State) -> {0, State}.
-needs_idle_timeout(_State) -> false.
-idle_timeout(State) -> State.
-handle_pre_hibernate(State) -> State.
-status(_State) -> [].
-remove_acks(AckTags, PA) -> lists:foldl(fun dict:erase/2, PA, AckTags).
-store_ack(Msg = #basic_message { guid = Guid }, MsgProps, PA) ->
- dict:store(Guid, {Msg, MsgProps}, PA).
-lookup_tx(Txn) ->
- case get({txn, Txn}) of
- undefined -> #tx { pending_messages = [],
- pending_acks = [],
- is_persistent = false };
- V -> V
- end.
-store_tx(Txn, Tx) ->
- put({txn, Txn}, Tx).
-erase_tx(Txn) ->
- erase({txn, Txn}).
-mark_tx_persistent(Txn) ->
- store_tx(Txn, (lookup_tx(Txn)) #tx { is_persistent = true }).
-is_tx_persistent(Txn) ->
- (lookup_tx(Txn)) #tx.is_persistent.
-do_if_persistent(F, Txn, QName) ->
- ok = case is_tx_persistent(Txn) of
- false -> ok;
- true -> F({Txn, QName})
- end.
-persist_message(QName, true, Txn, Msg = #basic_message {
- is_persistent = true }, MsgProps) ->
- Msg1 = Msg #basic_message {
- %% don't persist any recoverable decoded properties
- content = rabbit_binary_parser:clear_decoded_content(
- Msg #basic_message.content)},
- persist_work(Txn, QName,
- [{publish, Msg1, MsgProps,
- {QName, Msg1 #basic_message.guid}}]);
-persist_message(_QName, _IsDurable, _Txn, _Msg, _MsgProps) ->
- ok.
-persist_delivery(QName, true, false, #basic_message { is_persistent = true,
- guid = Guid }) ->
- persist_work(none, QName, [{deliver, {QName, Guid}}]);
-persist_delivery(_QName, _IsDurable, _IsDelivered, _Msg) ->
- ok.
-persist_acks(QName, true, Txn, AckTags, PA) ->
- persist_work(Txn, QName,
- [{ack, {QName, Guid}} || Guid <- AckTags,
- begin
- {Msg, _MsgProps}
- = dict:fetch(Guid, PA),
- Msg #basic_message.is_persistent
- end]);
-persist_acks(_QName, _IsDurable, _Txn, _AckTags, _PA) ->
- ok.
-persist_work(_Txn,_QName, []) ->
- ok;
-persist_work(none, _QName, WorkList) ->
- rabbit_persister:dirty_work(WorkList);
-persist_work(Txn, QName, WorkList) ->
- mark_tx_persistent(Txn),
- rabbit_persister:extend_transaction({Txn, QName}, WorkList).
diff --git a/src/rabbit_persister.erl b/src/rabbit_persister.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 11056c8e..00000000
--- a/src/rabbit_persister.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,496 +0,0 @@
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
-%% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-%% License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
-%% The Initial Developers of the Original Code are LShift Ltd,
-%% Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC, and Rabbit Technologies Ltd.
-%% Portions created before 22-Nov-2008 00:00:00 GMT by LShift Ltd,
-%% Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC, or Rabbit Technologies Ltd
-%% are Copyright (C) 2007-2008 LShift Ltd, Cohesive Financial
-%% Technologies LLC, and Rabbit Technologies Ltd.
-%% Portions created by LShift Ltd are Copyright (C) 2007-2010 LShift
-%% Ltd. Portions created by Cohesive Financial Technologies LLC are
-%% Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Cohesive Financial Technologies
-%% LLC. Portions created by Rabbit Technologies Ltd are Copyright
-%% (C) 2007-2010 Rabbit Technologies Ltd.
-%% All Rights Reserved.
-%% Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
--export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
- terminate/2, code_change/3]).
--export([transaction/1, extend_transaction/2, dirty_work/1,
- commit_transaction/1, rollback_transaction/1,
- force_snapshot/0, queue_content/1]).
--define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
--define(LOG_BUNDLE_DELAY, 5).
--record(pstate, {log_handle, entry_count, deadline,
- pending_logs, pending_replies, snapshot}).
-%% two tables for efficient persistency
-%% one maps a key to a message
-%% the other maps a key to one or more queues.
-%% The aim is to reduce the overload of storing a message multiple times
-%% when it appears in several queues.
--record(psnapshot, {transactions, messages, queues, next_seq_id}).
--type(pkey() :: rabbit_guid:guid()).
--type(pmsg() :: {rabbit_amqqueue:name(), pkey()}).
--type(work_item() ::
- {publish,
- rabbit_types:message(), rabbit_types:message_properties(), pmsg()} |
- {deliver, pmsg()} |
- {ack, pmsg()}).
--spec(start_link/1 :: ([rabbit_amqqueue:name()]) ->
- rabbit_types:ok_pid_or_error()).
--spec(transaction/1 :: ([work_item()]) -> 'ok').
--spec(extend_transaction/2 ::
- ({rabbit_types:txn(), rabbit_amqqueue:name()}, [work_item()])
- -> 'ok').
--spec(dirty_work/1 :: ([work_item()]) -> 'ok').
--spec(commit_transaction/1 ::
- ({rabbit_types:txn(), rabbit_amqqueue:name()}) -> 'ok').
--spec(rollback_transaction/1 ::
- ({rabbit_types:txn(), rabbit_amqqueue:name()}) -> 'ok').
--spec(force_snapshot/0 :: () -> 'ok').
--spec(queue_content/1 ::
- (rabbit_amqqueue:name()) -> [{rabbit_types:message(), boolean()}]).
-start_link(DurableQueues) ->
- gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [DurableQueues], []).
-transaction(MessageList) ->
- ?LOGDEBUG("transaction ~p~n", [MessageList]),
- TxnKey = rabbit_guid:guid(),
- gen_server:call(?SERVER, {transaction, TxnKey, MessageList}, infinity).
-extend_transaction(TxnKey, MessageList) ->
- ?LOGDEBUG("extend_transaction ~p ~p~n", [TxnKey, MessageList]),
- gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {extend_transaction, TxnKey, MessageList}).
-dirty_work(MessageList) ->
- ?LOGDEBUG("dirty_work ~p~n", [MessageList]),
- gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {dirty_work, MessageList}).
-commit_transaction(TxnKey) ->
- ?LOGDEBUG("commit_transaction ~p~n", [TxnKey]),
- gen_server:call(?SERVER, {commit_transaction, TxnKey}, infinity).
-rollback_transaction(TxnKey) ->
- ?LOGDEBUG("rollback_transaction ~p~n", [TxnKey]),
- gen_server:cast(?SERVER, {rollback_transaction, TxnKey}).
-force_snapshot() ->
- gen_server:call(?SERVER, force_snapshot, infinity).
-queue_content(QName) ->
- gen_server:call(?SERVER, {queue_content, QName}, infinity).
-init([DurableQueues]) ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- FileName = base_filename(),
- ok = filelib:ensure_dir(FileName),
- Snapshot = #psnapshot{transactions = dict:new(),
- messages = ets:new(messages, []),
- queues = ets:new(queues, [ordered_set]),
- next_seq_id = 0},
- LogHandle =
- case disk_log:open([{name, rabbit_persister},
- {head, current_snapshot(Snapshot)},
- {file, FileName}]) of
- {ok, LH} -> LH;
- {repaired, LH, {recovered, Recovered}, {badbytes, Bad}} ->
- WarningFun = if
- Bad > 0 -> fun rabbit_log:warning/2;
- true -> fun rabbit_log:info/2
- end,
- WarningFun("Repaired persister log - ~p recovered, ~p bad~n",
- [Recovered, Bad]),
- LH
- end,
- {Res, NewSnapshot} =
- internal_load_snapshot(LogHandle, DurableQueues, Snapshot),
- case Res of
- ok ->
- ok = take_snapshot(LogHandle, NewSnapshot);
- {error, Reason} ->
- rabbit_log:error("Failed to load persister log: ~p~n", [Reason]),
- ok = take_snapshot_and_save_old(LogHandle, NewSnapshot)
- end,
- State = #pstate{log_handle = LogHandle,
- entry_count = 0,
- deadline = infinity,
- pending_logs = [],
- pending_replies = [],
- snapshot = NewSnapshot},
- {ok, State}.
-handle_call({transaction, Key, MessageList}, From, State) ->
- NewState = internal_extend(Key, MessageList, State),
- do_noreply(internal_commit(From, Key, NewState));
-handle_call({commit_transaction, TxnKey}, From, State) ->
- do_noreply(internal_commit(From, TxnKey, State));
-handle_call(force_snapshot, _From, State) ->
- do_reply(ok, flush(true, State));
-handle_call({queue_content, QName}, _From,
- State = #pstate{snapshot = #psnapshot{messages = Messages,
- queues = Queues}}) ->
- MatchSpec= [{{{QName,'$1'}, '$2', '$3', '$4'}, [],
- [{{'$4', '$1', '$2', '$3'}}]}],
- do_reply([{ets:lookup_element(Messages, K, 2), MP, D} ||
- {_, K, D, MP} <- lists:sort(ets:select(Queues, MatchSpec))],
- State);
-handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
- {noreply, State}.
-handle_cast({rollback_transaction, TxnKey}, State) ->
- do_noreply(internal_rollback(TxnKey, State));
-handle_cast({dirty_work, MessageList}, State) ->
- do_noreply(internal_dirty_work(MessageList, State));
-handle_cast({extend_transaction, TxnKey, MessageList}, State) ->
- do_noreply(internal_extend(TxnKey, MessageList, State));
-handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
- {noreply, State}.
-handle_info(timeout, State = #pstate{deadline = infinity}) ->
- State1 = flush(true, State),
- {noreply, State1, hibernate};
-handle_info(timeout, State) ->
- do_noreply(flush(State));
-handle_info(_Info, State) ->
- {noreply, State}.
-terminate(_Reason, State = #pstate{log_handle = LogHandle}) ->
- flush(State),
- disk_log:close(LogHandle),
- ok.
-code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
- {ok, flush(State)}.
-internal_extend(Key, MessageList, State) ->
- log_work(fun (ML) -> {extend_transaction, Key, ML} end,
- MessageList, State).
-internal_dirty_work(MessageList, State) ->
- log_work(fun (ML) -> {dirty_work, ML} end,
- MessageList, State).
-internal_commit(From, Key, State = #pstate{snapshot = Snapshot}) ->
- Unit = {commit_transaction, Key},
- NewSnapshot = internal_integrate1(Unit, Snapshot),
- complete(From, Unit, State#pstate{snapshot = NewSnapshot}).
-internal_rollback(Key, State = #pstate{snapshot = Snapshot}) ->
- Unit = {rollback_transaction, Key},
- NewSnapshot = internal_integrate1(Unit, Snapshot),
- log(State#pstate{snapshot = NewSnapshot}, Unit).
-complete(From, Item, State = #pstate{deadline = ExistingDeadline,
- pending_logs = Logs,
- pending_replies = Waiting}) ->
- State#pstate{deadline = compute_deadline(
- ?COMPLETE_BUNDLE_DELAY, ExistingDeadline),
- pending_logs = [Item | Logs],
- pending_replies = [From | Waiting]}.
-%% This is made to limit disk usage by writing messages only once onto
-%% disk. We keep a table associating pkeys to messages, and provided
-%% the list of messages to output is left to right, we can guarantee
-%% that pkeys will be a backreference to a message in memory when a
-%% "tied" is met.
-log_work(CreateWorkUnit, MessageList,
- State = #pstate{
- snapshot = Snapshot = #psnapshot{messages = Messages}}) ->
- Unit = CreateWorkUnit(
- rabbit_misc:map_in_order(
- fun (M = {publish, Message, MsgProps, QK = {_QName, PKey}}) ->
- case ets:lookup(Messages, PKey) of
- [_] -> {tied, MsgProps, QK};
- [] -> ets:insert(Messages, {PKey, Message}),
- M
- end;
- (M) -> M
- end,
- MessageList)),
- NewSnapshot = internal_integrate1(Unit, Snapshot),
- log(State#pstate{snapshot = NewSnapshot}, Unit).
-log(State = #pstate{deadline = ExistingDeadline, pending_logs = Logs},
- Message) ->
- State#pstate{deadline = compute_deadline(?LOG_BUNDLE_DELAY,
- ExistingDeadline),
- pending_logs = [Message | Logs]}.
-base_filename() ->
- rabbit_mnesia:dir() ++ "/rabbit_persister.LOG".
-take_snapshot(LogHandle, OldFileName, Snapshot) ->
- ok = disk_log:sync(LogHandle),
- %% current_snapshot is the Head (ie. first thing logged)
- ok = disk_log:reopen(LogHandle, OldFileName, current_snapshot(Snapshot)).
-take_snapshot(LogHandle, Snapshot) ->
- OldFileName = lists:flatten(base_filename() ++ ".previous"),
- file:delete(OldFileName),
- rabbit_log:info("Rolling persister log to ~p~n", [OldFileName]),
- ok = take_snapshot(LogHandle, OldFileName, Snapshot).
-take_snapshot_and_save_old(LogHandle, Snapshot) ->
- {MegaSecs, Secs, MicroSecs} = erlang:now(),
- Timestamp = MegaSecs * 1000000 + Secs * 1000 + MicroSecs,
- OldFileName = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~s.saved.~p",
- [base_filename(), Timestamp])),
- rabbit_log:info("Saving persister log in ~p~n", [OldFileName]),
- ok = take_snapshot(LogHandle, OldFileName, Snapshot).
-maybe_take_snapshot(Force, State = #pstate{entry_count = EntryCount,
- log_handle = LH,
- snapshot = Snapshot}) ->
- {ok, MaxWrapEntries} = application:get_env(persister_max_wrap_entries),
- if
- Force orelse EntryCount >= MaxWrapEntries ->
- ok = take_snapshot(LH, Snapshot),
- State#pstate{entry_count = 0};
- true ->
- State
- end.
-later_ms(DeltaMilliSec) ->
- {MegaSec, Sec, MicroSec} = now(),
- %% Note: not normalised. Unimportant for this application.
- {MegaSec, Sec, MicroSec + (DeltaMilliSec * 1000)}.
-%% Result = B - A, more or less
-time_diff({B1, B2, B3}, {A1, A2, A3}) ->
- (B1 - A1) * 1000000 + (B2 - A2) + (B3 - A3) / 1000000.0 .
-compute_deadline(TimerDelay, infinity) ->
- later_ms(TimerDelay);
-compute_deadline(_TimerDelay, ExistingDeadline) ->
- ExistingDeadline.
-compute_timeout(infinity) ->
- {ok, HibernateAfter} = application:get_env(persister_hibernate_after),
- HibernateAfter;
-compute_timeout(Deadline) ->
- DeltaMilliSec = time_diff(Deadline, now()) * 1000.0,
- if
- DeltaMilliSec =< 1 ->
- 0;
- true ->
- round(DeltaMilliSec)
- end.
-do_noreply(State = #pstate{deadline = Deadline}) ->
- {noreply, State, compute_timeout(Deadline)}.
-do_reply(Reply, State = #pstate{deadline = Deadline}) ->
- {reply, Reply, State, compute_timeout(Deadline)}.
-flush(State) -> flush(false, State).
-flush(ForceSnapshot, State = #pstate{pending_logs = PendingLogs,
- pending_replies = Waiting,
- log_handle = LogHandle}) ->
- State1 = if PendingLogs /= [] ->
- disk_log:alog(LogHandle, lists:reverse(PendingLogs)),
- State#pstate{entry_count = State#pstate.entry_count + 1};
- true ->
- State
- end,
- State2 = maybe_take_snapshot(ForceSnapshot, State1),
- if Waiting /= [] ->
- ok = disk_log:sync(LogHandle),
- lists:foreach(fun (From) -> gen_server:reply(From, ok) end,
- Waiting);
- true ->
- ok
- end,
- State2#pstate{deadline = infinity,
- pending_logs = [],
- pending_replies = []}.
-current_snapshot(_Snapshot = #psnapshot{transactions = Ts,
- messages = Messages,
- queues = Queues,
- next_seq_id = NextSeqId}) ->
- %% Avoid infinite growth of the table by removing messages not
- %% bound to a queue anymore
- PKeys = ets:foldl(fun ({{_QName, PKey}, _Delivered,
- _MsgProps, _SeqId}, S) ->
- sets:add_element(PKey, S)
- end, sets:new(), Queues),
- prune_table(Messages, fun (Key) -> sets:is_element(Key, PKeys) end),
- InnerSnapshot = {{txns, Ts},
- {messages, ets:tab2list(Messages)},
- {queues, ets:tab2list(Queues)},
- {next_seq_id, NextSeqId}},
- ?LOGDEBUG("Inner snapshot: ~p~n", [InnerSnapshot]),
- {persist_snapshot, {vsn, ?PERSISTER_LOG_FORMAT_VERSION},
- term_to_binary(InnerSnapshot)}.
-prune_table(Tab, Pred) ->
- true = ets:safe_fixtable(Tab, true),
- ok = prune_table(Tab, Pred, ets:first(Tab)),
- true = ets:safe_fixtable(Tab, false).
-prune_table(_Tab, _Pred, '$end_of_table') -> ok;
-prune_table(Tab, Pred, Key) ->
- case Pred(Key) of
- true -> ok;
- false -> ets:delete(Tab, Key)
- end,
- prune_table(Tab, Pred, ets:next(Tab, Key)).
- DurableQueues,
- Snapshot = #psnapshot{messages = Messages,
- queues = Queues}) ->
- {K, [Loaded_Snapshot | Items]} = disk_log:chunk(LogHandle, start),
- case check_version(Loaded_Snapshot) of
- {ok, StateBin} ->
- {{txns, Ts}, {messages, Ms}, {queues, Qs},
- {next_seq_id, NextSeqId}} = binary_to_term(StateBin),
- true = ets:insert(Messages, Ms),
- true = ets:insert(Queues, Qs),
- Snapshot1 = replay(Items, LogHandle, K,
- Snapshot#psnapshot{
- transactions = Ts,
- next_seq_id = NextSeqId}),
- %% Remove all entries for queues that no longer exist.
- %% Note that the 'messages' table is pruned when the next
- %% snapshot is taken.
- DurableQueuesSet = sets:from_list(DurableQueues),
- prune_table(Snapshot1#psnapshot.queues,
- fun ({QName, _PKey}) ->
- sets:is_element(QName, DurableQueuesSet)
- end),
- %% uncompleted transactions are discarded - this is TRTTD
- %% since we only get into this code on node restart, so
- %% any uncompleted transactions will have been aborted.
- {ok, Snapshot1#psnapshot{transactions = dict:new()}};
- {error, Reason} -> {{error, Reason}, Snapshot}
- end.
-check_version({persist_snapshot, {vsn, ?PERSISTER_LOG_FORMAT_VERSION},
- StateBin}) ->
- {ok, StateBin};
-check_version({persist_snapshot, {vsn, Vsn}, _StateBin}) ->
- {error, {unsupported_persister_log_format, Vsn}};
-check_version(_Other) ->
- {error, unrecognised_persister_log_format}.
-replay([], LogHandle, K, Snapshot) ->
- case disk_log:chunk(LogHandle, K) of
- {K1, Items} ->
- replay(Items, LogHandle, K1, Snapshot);
- {K1, Items, Badbytes} ->
- rabbit_log:warning("~p bad bytes recovering persister log~n",
- [Badbytes]),
- replay(Items, LogHandle, K1, Snapshot);
- eof -> Snapshot
- end;
-replay([Item | Items], LogHandle, K, Snapshot) ->
- NewSnapshot = internal_integrate_messages(Item, Snapshot),
- replay(Items, LogHandle, K, NewSnapshot).
-internal_integrate_messages(Items, Snapshot) ->
- lists:foldl(fun (Item, Snap) -> internal_integrate1(Item, Snap) end,
- Snapshot, Items).
-internal_integrate1({extend_transaction, Key, MessageList},
- Snapshot = #psnapshot {transactions = Transactions}) ->
- Snapshot#psnapshot{transactions = rabbit_misc:dict_cons(Key, MessageList,
- Transactions)};
-internal_integrate1({rollback_transaction, Key},
- Snapshot = #psnapshot{transactions = Transactions}) ->
- Snapshot#psnapshot{transactions = dict:erase(Key, Transactions)};
-internal_integrate1({commit_transaction, Key},
- Snapshot = #psnapshot{transactions = Transactions,
- messages = Messages,
- queues = Queues,
- next_seq_id = SeqId}) ->
- case dict:find(Key, Transactions) of
- {ok, MessageLists} ->
- ?LOGDEBUG("persist committing txn ~p~n", [Key]),
- NextSeqId =
- lists:foldr(
- fun (ML, SeqIdN) ->
- perform_work(ML, Messages, Queues, SeqIdN) end,
- SeqId, MessageLists),
- Snapshot#psnapshot{transactions = dict:erase(Key, Transactions),
- next_seq_id = NextSeqId};
- error ->
- Snapshot
- end;
-internal_integrate1({dirty_work, MessageList},
- Snapshot = #psnapshot{messages = Messages,
- queues = Queues,
- next_seq_id = SeqId}) ->
- Snapshot#psnapshot{next_seq_id = perform_work(MessageList, Messages,
- Queues, SeqId)}.
-perform_work(MessageList, Messages, Queues, SeqId) ->
- lists:foldl(fun (Item, NextSeqId) ->
- perform_work_item(Item, Messages, Queues, NextSeqId)
- end, SeqId, MessageList).
-perform_work_item({publish, Message, MsgProps, QK = {_QName, PKey}},
- Messages, Queues, NextSeqId) ->
- true = ets:insert(Messages, {PKey, Message}),
- true = ets:insert(Queues, {QK, false, MsgProps, NextSeqId}),
- NextSeqId + 1;
-perform_work_item({tied, MsgProps, QK}, _Messages, Queues, NextSeqId) ->
- true = ets:insert(Queues, {QK, false, MsgProps, NextSeqId}),
- NextSeqId + 1;
-perform_work_item({deliver, QK}, _Messages, Queues, NextSeqId) ->
- true = ets:update_element(Queues, QK, {2, true}),
- NextSeqId;
-perform_work_item({ack, QK}, _Messages, Queues, NextSeqId) ->
- true = ets:delete(Queues, QK),
- NextSeqId.