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authorMatthew Sackman <>2010-10-26 15:10:19 +0100
committerMatthew Sackman <>2010-10-26 15:10:19 +0100
commita84c0487b776e8e0d3c9411270c8d20f5bcfa8df (patch)
parent9c6648e6791fd45bc4ddc2269b586a6c90c3d4fc (diff)
Improve passing of state in tests (and correct some wrong state numbering at the same time. Oh for some monads...)
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_tests.erl b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
index 4ae593c4..73d86a90 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_tests.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
@@ -1458,9 +1458,9 @@ msg_store_read(Guids, MSCState) ->
end, MSCState, Guids).
msg_store_write(Guids, MSCState) ->
- lists:foldl(fun (Guid, {ok, MSCStateN}) ->
- {rabbit_msg_store:write(Guid, Guid, MSCStateN), MSCStateN}
- end, {ok, MSCState}, Guids).
+ ok = lists:foldl(
+ fun (Guid, ok) -> rabbit_msg_store:write(Guid, Guid, MSCState) end,
+ ok, Guids).
msg_store_remove(Guids, MSCState) ->
rabbit_msg_store:remove(Guids, MSCState).
@@ -1491,26 +1491,26 @@ test_msg_store() ->
%% check we don't contain any of the msgs we're about to publish
false = msg_store_contains(false, Guids, MSCState),
%% publish the first half
- {ok, MSCState1} = msg_store_write(Guids1stHalf, MSCState),
+ ok = msg_store_write(Guids1stHalf, MSCState),
%% sync on the first half
- ok = msg_store_sync(Guids1stHalf, MSCState1),
+ ok = msg_store_sync(Guids1stHalf, MSCState),
%% publish the second half
- {ok, MSCState2} = msg_store_write(Guids2ndHalf, MSCState1),
+ ok = msg_store_write(Guids2ndHalf, MSCState),
%% sync on the first half again - the msg_store will be dirty, but
%% we won't need the fsync
- ok = msg_store_sync(Guids1stHalf, MSCState1),
+ ok = msg_store_sync(Guids1stHalf, MSCState),
%% check they're all in there
- true = msg_store_contains(true, Guids, MSCState1),
+ true = msg_store_contains(true, Guids, MSCState),
%% publish the latter half twice so we hit the caching and ref count code
- {ok, MSCState3} = msg_store_write(Guids2ndHalf, MSCState2),
+ ok = msg_store_write(Guids2ndHalf, MSCState),
%% check they're still all in there
- true = msg_store_contains(true, Guids, MSCState2),
+ true = msg_store_contains(true, Guids, MSCState),
%% sync on the 2nd half, but do lots of individual syncs to try
%% and cause coalescing to happen
ok = lists:foldl(
fun (Guid, ok) -> rabbit_msg_store:sync(
[Guid], fun () -> Self ! {sync, Guid} end,
- MSCState3)
+ MSCState)
end, ok, Guids2ndHalf),
fun(Guid, ok) ->
@@ -1525,24 +1525,24 @@ test_msg_store() ->
end, ok, Guids2ndHalf),
%% it's very likely we're not dirty here, so the 1st half sync
%% should hit a different code path
- ok = msg_store_sync(Guids1stHalf, MSCState3),
+ ok = msg_store_sync(Guids1stHalf, MSCState),
%% read them all
- MSCState4 = msg_store_read(Guids, MSCState3),
+ MSCState1 = msg_store_read(Guids, MSCState),
%% read them all again - this will hit the cache, not disk
- MSCState5 = msg_store_read(Guids, MSCState4),
+ MSCState2 = msg_store_read(Guids, MSCState1),
%% remove them all
- ok = rabbit_msg_store:remove(Guids, MSCState5),
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:remove(Guids, MSCState2),
%% check first half doesn't exist
- false = msg_store_contains(false, Guids1stHalf, MSCState5),
+ false = msg_store_contains(false, Guids1stHalf, MSCState2),
%% check second half does exist
- true = msg_store_contains(true, Guids2ndHalf, MSCState5),
+ true = msg_store_contains(true, Guids2ndHalf, MSCState2),
%% read the second half again
- MSCState6 = msg_store_read(Guids2ndHalf, MSCState5),
+ MSCState3 = msg_store_read(Guids2ndHalf, MSCState2),
%% release the second half, just for fun (aka code coverage)
- ok = rabbit_msg_store:release(Guids2ndHalf, MSCState6),
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:release(Guids2ndHalf, MSCState3),
%% read the second half again, just for fun (aka code coverage)
- MSCState7 = msg_store_read(Guids2ndHalf, MSCState6),
- ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_terminate(MSCState7),
+ MSCState4 = msg_store_read(Guids2ndHalf, MSCState3),
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_terminate(MSCState4),
%% stop and restart, preserving every other msg in 2nd half
ok = rabbit_variable_queue:stop_msg_store(),
ok = rabbit_variable_queue:start_msg_store(
@@ -1553,26 +1553,26 @@ test_msg_store() ->
([Guid|GuidsTail]) ->
{Guid, 0, GuidsTail}
end, Guids2ndHalf}),
- MSCState8 = rabbit_msg_store:client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref),
+ MSCState5 = rabbit_msg_store:client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref),
%% check we have the right msgs left
fun (Guid, Bool) ->
- not(Bool = rabbit_msg_store:contains(Guid, MSCState8))
+ not(Bool = rabbit_msg_store:contains(Guid, MSCState5))
end, false, Guids2ndHalf),
- ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_terminate(MSCState8),
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_terminate(MSCState5),
%% restart empty
- MSCState9 = rabbit_msg_store:client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref),
+ MSCState6 = rabbit_msg_store:client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref),
%% check we don't contain any of the msgs
- false = msg_store_contains(false, Guids, MSCState9),
+ false = msg_store_contains(false, Guids, MSCState6),
%% publish the first half again
- {ok, MSCState10} = msg_store_write(Guids1stHalf, MSCState9),
+ ok = msg_store_write(Guids1stHalf, MSCState6),
%% this should force some sort of sync internally otherwise misread
ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_terminate(
- msg_store_read(Guids1stHalf, MSCState10)),
- MSCState11 = rabbit_msg_store:client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref),
- ok = rabbit_msg_store:remove(Guids1stHalf, MSCState11),
- ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_terminate(MSCState11),
+ msg_store_read(Guids1stHalf, MSCState6)),
+ MSCState7 = rabbit_msg_store:client_init(?PERSISTENT_MSG_STORE, Ref),
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:remove(Guids1stHalf, MSCState7),
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_terminate(MSCState7),
%% restart empty
restart_msg_store_empty(), %% now safe to reuse guids
%% push a lot of msgs in... at least 100 files worth
@@ -1581,12 +1581,14 @@ test_msg_store() ->
BigCount = trunc(100 * FileSize / (PayloadSizeBits div 8)),
GuidsBig = [guid_bin(X) || X <- lists:seq(1, BigCount)],
Payload = << 0:PayloadSizeBits >>,
- ok = foreach_with_msg_store_client(
+ ok = with_msg_store_client(
- fun (Guid, MSCStateM) ->
- ok = rabbit_msg_store:write(Guid, Payload, MSCStateM),
+ fun (MSCStateM) ->
+ [begin
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:write(Guid, Payload, MSCStateM)
+ end || Guid <- GuidsBig],
- end, GuidsBig),
+ end),
%% now read them to ensure we hit the fast client-side reading
ok = foreach_with_msg_store_client(
@@ -1661,16 +1663,17 @@ queue_index_publish(SeqIds, Persistent, Qi) ->
- {A, B, MSCStateEnd} =
+ MSCState = rabbit_msg_store:client_init(MsgStore, Ref),
+ {A, B} =
- fun (SeqId, {QiN, SeqIdsGuidsAcc, MSCStateN}) ->
+ fun (SeqId, {QiN, SeqIdsGuidsAcc}) ->
Guid = rabbit_guid:guid(),
QiM = rabbit_queue_index:publish(
Guid, SeqId, #message_properties{}, Persistent, QiN),
- ok = rabbit_msg_store:write(Guid, Guid, MSCStateN),
- {QiM, [{SeqId, Guid} | SeqIdsGuidsAcc], MSCStateN}
- end, {Qi, [], rabbit_msg_store:client_init(MsgStore, Ref)}, SeqIds),
- ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_delete_and_terminate(MSCStateEnd),
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:write(Guid, Guid, MSCState),
+ {QiM, [{SeqId, Guid} | SeqIdsGuidsAcc]}
+ end, {Qi, []}, SeqIds),
+ ok = rabbit_msg_store:client_delete_and_terminate(MSCState),
{A, B}.
verify_read_with_published(_Delivered, _Persistent, [], _) ->