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authorMatthias Radestock <>2012-11-16 16:53:56 +0000
committerMatthias Radestock <>2012-11-16 16:53:56 +0000
commit97491563e8d8fb1cac3b6f01b5471b78307bc11e (patch)
parente2f5beaf5d2f9db139fc8cfa4e61d4d5f06bbbff (diff)
identify queues by name rather than pid in channel stats
- in deliver_to_queues, take the result of rabbit_amqqueue:lookup and use it to a) add entries to a QPid -> QName mapping in the state for all master pids, and b) setup monitors for all master pids - for the stats creation in deliver_to_queues, map the DeliveredQPids to the associated QNames, via the mapping in the State. Note that this will ignore slave pids, hence we only get one stat per QName (which is good). Also, in the event that the master died between lookup and delivery (and the delivery was 'mandatory'), we will not record any stats at all. - in monitor_delivering_queue, which is called by basic.{consume,get} we add to the mapping - in ack/2 we use the mapping to obtain QNames from QPids, and use that in stats. Since a queue may have vanished prior to the ack/reject arriving, we need to handle the case of no entry being present in the mapping for the given QPid. - in record_sent we have the QName anyway, so can just record stats against that instead of the QPid. - in the 'DOWN' handler we use the mapping to determine the QName from the pid, and pass that to erase_queue_stats, which can now remove entries based on the QName. We then remove the entry from the mapping.
2 files changed, 86 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_channel.erl b/src/rabbit_channel.erl
index b97af6d8..f8f099f6 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_channel.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_channel.erl
@@ -35,8 +35,9 @@
-record(ch, {state, protocol, channel, reader_pid, writer_pid, conn_pid,
conn_name, limiter, tx_status, next_tag, unacked_message_q,
uncommitted_message_q, uncommitted_acks, uncommitted_nacks, user,
- virtual_host, most_recently_declared_queue, queue_monitors,
- consumer_mapping, blocking, queue_consumers, delivering_queues,
+ virtual_host, most_recently_declared_queue,
+ queue_names, queue_monitors, consumer_mapping,
+ blocking, queue_consumers, delivering_queues,
queue_collector_pid, stats_timer, confirm_enabled, publish_seqno,
unconfirmed, confirmed, capabilities, trace_state}).
@@ -194,6 +195,7 @@ init([Channel, ReaderPid, WriterPid, ConnPid, ConnName, Protocol, User, VHost,
user = User,
virtual_host = VHost,
most_recently_declared_queue = <<>>,
+ queue_names = dict:new(),
queue_monitors = pmon:new(),
consumer_mapping = dict:new(),
blocking = sets:new(),
@@ -334,9 +336,13 @@ handle_info({'DOWN', _MRef, process, QPid, Reason}, State) ->
State3 = handle_consuming_queue_down(QPid, State2),
State4 = handle_delivering_queue_down(QPid, State3),
- erase_queue_stats(QPid),
- noreply(State4#ch{queue_monitors = pmon:erase(
- QPid, State4#ch.queue_monitors)});
+ #ch{queue_names = QNames, queue_monitors = QMons} = State4,
+ case dict:find(QPid, QNames) of
+ {ok, QName} -> erase_queue_stats(QName);
+ error -> ok
+ end,
+ noreply(State4#ch{queue_names = dict:erase(QPid, QNames),
+ queue_monitors = pmon:erase(QPid, QMons)});
handle_info({'EXIT', _Pid, Reason}, State) ->
{stop, Reason, State}.
@@ -677,7 +683,7 @@ handle_method(#'basic.get'{queue = QueueNameBin,
QueueName, ConnPid,
fun (Q) -> rabbit_amqqueue:basic_get(Q, self(), NoAck) end) of
{ok, MessageCount,
- Msg = {_QName, QPid, _MsgId, Redelivered,
+ Msg = {QName, QPid, _MsgId, Redelivered,
#basic_message{exchange_name = ExchangeName,
routing_keys = [RoutingKey | _CcRoutes],
content = Content}}} ->
@@ -689,7 +695,7 @@ handle_method(#'basic.get'{queue = QueueNameBin,
routing_key = RoutingKey,
message_count = MessageCount},
- State1 = monitor_delivering_queue(NoAck, QPid, State),
+ State1 = monitor_delivering_queue(NoAck, QPid, QName, State),
{noreply, record_sent(none, not(NoAck), Msg, State1)};
empty ->
{reply, #'basic.get_empty'{}, State}
@@ -728,10 +734,11 @@ handle_method(#'basic.consume'{queue = QueueNameBin,
consumer_tag = ActualConsumerTag})),
end) of
- {ok, Q = #amqqueue{pid = QPid}} ->
+ {ok, Q = #amqqueue{pid = QPid, name = QName}} ->
CM1 = dict:store(ActualConsumerTag, Q, ConsumerMapping),
State1 = monitor_delivering_queue(
- NoAck, QPid, State#ch{consumer_mapping = CM1}),
+ NoAck, QPid, QName,
+ State#ch{consumer_mapping = CM1}),
case NoWait of
true -> consumer_monitor(ActualConsumerTag, State1);
@@ -1126,9 +1133,12 @@ consumer_monitor(ConsumerTag,
-monitor_delivering_queue(NoAck, QPid, State = #ch{queue_monitors = QMons,
- delivering_queues = DQ}) ->
- State#ch{queue_monitors = pmon:monitor(QPid, QMons),
+monitor_delivering_queue(NoAck, QPid, QName,
+ State = #ch{queue_names = QNames,
+ queue_monitors = QMons,
+ delivering_queues = DQ}) ->
+ State#ch{queue_names = dict:store(QPid, QName, QNames),
+ queue_monitors = pmon:monitor(QPid, QMons),
delivering_queues = case NoAck of
true -> DQ;
false -> sets:add_element(QPid, DQ)
@@ -1233,18 +1243,18 @@ reject(Requeue, Acked, Limiter) ->
ok = notify_limiter(Limiter, Acked).
record_sent(ConsumerTag, AckRequired,
- Msg = {_QName, QPid, MsgId, Redelivered, _Message},
+ Msg = {QName, QPid, MsgId, Redelivered, _Message},
State = #ch{unacked_message_q = UAMQ,
next_tag = DeliveryTag,
trace_state = TraceState}) ->
- incr_stats([{queue_stats, QPid, 1}], case {ConsumerTag, AckRequired} of
- {none, true} -> get;
- {none, false} -> get_no_ack;
- {_ , true} -> deliver;
- {_ , false} -> deliver_no_ack
- end, State),
+ incr_stats([{queue_stats, QName, 1}], case {ConsumerTag, AckRequired} of
+ {none, true} -> get;
+ {none, false} -> get_no_ack;
+ {_ , true} -> deliver;
+ {_ , false} -> deliver_no_ack
+ end, State),
case Redelivered of
- true -> incr_stats([{queue_stats, QPid, 1}], redeliver, State);
+ true -> incr_stats([{queue_stats, QName, 1}], redeliver, State);
false -> ok
rabbit_trace:tap_trace_out(Msg, TraceState),
@@ -1277,11 +1287,15 @@ collect_acks(ToAcc, PrefixAcc, Q, DeliveryTag, Multiple) ->
precondition_failed("unknown delivery tag ~w", [DeliveryTag])
-ack(Acked, State) ->
+ack(Acked, State = #ch{queue_names = QNames}) ->
Incs = fold_per_queue(
fun (QPid, MsgIds, L) ->
ok = rabbit_amqqueue:ack(QPid, MsgIds, self()),
- [{queue_stats, QPid, length(MsgIds)} | L]
+ case dict:find(QPid, QNames) of
+ {ok, QName} -> Count = length(MsgIds),
+ [{queue_stats, QName, Count} | L];
+ error -> L
+ end
end, [], Acked),
ok = notify_limiter(State#ch.limiter, Acked),
incr_stats(Incs, ack, State).
@@ -1339,23 +1353,30 @@ notify_limiter(Limiter, Acked) ->
deliver_to_queues({Delivery = #delivery{message = Message = #basic_message{
exchange_name = XName},
msg_seq_no = MsgSeqNo},
- QNames}, State) ->
- {RoutingRes, DeliveredQPids} =
- rabbit_amqqueue:deliver_flow(rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(QNames), Delivery),
- State1 = State#ch{queue_monitors =
- pmon:monitor_all(DeliveredQPids,
- State#ch.queue_monitors)},
- State2 = process_routing_result(RoutingRes, DeliveredQPids,
- XName, MsgSeqNo, Message, State1),
+ DelQNames}, State = #ch{queue_names = QNames,
+ queue_monitors = QMons}) ->
+ Qs = rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(DelQNames),
+ {RoutingRes, DeliveredQPids} = rabbit_amqqueue:deliver_flow(Qs, Delivery),
+ {QNames1, QMons1} =
+ lists:foldl(fun (#amqqueue{pid = QPid, name = QName},
+ {QNames0, QMons0}) ->
+ {dict:store(QPid, QName, QNames0),
+ pmon:monitor(QPid, QMons0)}
+ end, {QNames, pmon:monitor_all(DeliveredQPids, QMons)}, Qs),
+ State1 = process_routing_result(RoutingRes, DeliveredQPids,
+ XName, MsgSeqNo, Message,
+ State#ch{queue_names = QNames1,
+ queue_monitors = QMons1}),
incr_stats([{exchange_stats, XName, 1} |
- [{queue_exchange_stats, {QPid, XName}, 1} ||
- QPid <- DeliveredQPids]], publish, State2),
- State2.
+ [{queue_exchange_stats, {QName, XName}, 1} ||
+ QPid <- DeliveredQPids,
+ {ok, QName} <- [dict:find(QPid, QNames1)]]],
+ publish, State1),
+ State1.
process_routing_result(unroutable, _, XName, MsgSeqNo, Msg, State) ->
ok = basic_return(Msg, State, no_route),
- incr_stats([{exchange_stats, Msg#basic_message.exchange_name, 1}],
- return_unroutable, State),
+ incr_stats([{exchange_stats, XName, 1}], return_unroutable, State),
record_confirm(MsgSeqNo, XName, State);
process_routing_result(routed, [], XName, MsgSeqNo, _, State) ->
record_confirm(MsgSeqNo, XName, State);
@@ -1489,24 +1510,23 @@ emit_stats(State) ->
emit_stats(State, []).
emit_stats(State, Extra) ->
- CoarseStats = infos(?STATISTICS_KEYS, State),
+ Coarse = infos(?STATISTICS_KEYS, State),
case rabbit_event:stats_level(State, #ch.stats_timer) of
- coarse ->
- rabbit_event:notify(channel_stats, Extra ++ CoarseStats);
- fine ->
- FineStats =
- [{channel_queue_stats,
- [{QPid, Stats} || {{queue_stats, QPid}, Stats} <- get()]},
- {channel_exchange_stats,
- [{X, Stats} || {{exchange_stats, X}, Stats} <- get()]},
- {channel_queue_exchange_stats,
- [{QX, Stats} ||
- {{queue_exchange_stats, QX}, Stats} <- get()]}],
- rabbit_event:notify(channel_stats,
- Extra ++ CoarseStats ++ FineStats)
+ coarse -> rabbit_event:notify(channel_stats, Extra ++ Coarse);
+ fine -> Fine = [{channel_queue_stats,
+ [{QName, Stats} ||
+ {{queue_stats, QName}, Stats} <- get()]},
+ {channel_exchange_stats,
+ [{XName, Stats} ||
+ {{exchange_stats, XName}, Stats} <- get()]},
+ {channel_queue_exchange_stats,
+ [{QX, Stats} ||
+ {{queue_exchange_stats, QX}, Stats} <- get()]}],
+ rabbit_event:notify(channel_stats, Extra ++ Coarse ++ Fine)
-erase_queue_stats(QPid) ->
- erase({queue_stats, QPid}),
+erase_queue_stats(QName) ->
+ erase({queue_stats, QName}),
[erase({queue_exchange_stats, QX}) ||
- {{queue_exchange_stats, QX = {QPid0, _}}, _} <- get(), QPid =:= QPid0].
+ {{queue_exchange_stats, QX = {QName0, _}}, _} <- get(),
+ QName0 =:= QName].
diff --git a/src/rabbit_tests.erl b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
index e25843c3..8b2f3b3a 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_tests.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
@@ -1286,8 +1286,7 @@ test_statistics() ->
QName = receive #'queue.declare_ok'{queue = Q0} -> Q0
after ?TIMEOUT -> throw(failed_to_receive_queue_declare_ok)
- {ok, Q} = rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, QName)),
- QPid =,
+ QRes = rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, queue, QName),
X = rabbit_misc:r(<<"/">>, exchange, <<"">>),
rabbit_tests_event_receiver:start(self(), [node()], [channel_stats]),
@@ -1311,9 +1310,9 @@ test_statistics() ->
channel_queue_exchange_stats, E)) > 0
- [{QPid,[{get,1}]}] = proplists:get_value(channel_queue_stats, Event2),
+ [{QRes, [{get,1}]}] = proplists:get_value(channel_queue_stats, Event2),
[{X,[{publish,1}]}] = proplists:get_value(channel_exchange_stats, Event2),
- [{{QPid,X},[{publish,1}]}] =
+ [{{QRes,X},[{publish,1}]}] =
proplists:get_value(channel_queue_exchange_stats, Event2),
%% Check the stats remove stuff on queue deletion
@@ -1338,31 +1337,31 @@ test_refresh_events(SecondaryNode) ->
[channel_created, queue_created]),
{_Writer, Ch} = test_spawn(),
- expect_events(Ch, channel_created),
+ expect_events(pid, Ch, channel_created),
{_Writer2, Ch2} = test_spawn(SecondaryNode),
- expect_events(Ch2, channel_created),
+ expect_events(pid, Ch2, channel_created),
- {new, #amqqueue { pid = QPid } = Q} =
+ {new, #amqqueue{name = QName} = Q} =
rabbit_amqqueue:declare(test_queue(), false, false, [], none),
- expect_events(QPid, queue_created),
+ expect_events(name, QName, queue_created),
rabbit_amqqueue:delete(Q, false, false),
-expect_events(Pid, Type) ->
- expect_event(Pid, Type),
+expect_events(Tag, Key, Type) ->
+ expect_event(Tag, Key, Type),
- expect_event(Pid, Type).
+ expect_event(Tag, Key, Type).
-expect_event(Pid, Type) ->
+expect_event(Tag, Key, Type) ->
receive #event{type = Type, props = Props} ->
- case pget(pid, Props) of
- Pid -> ok;
- _ -> expect_event(Pid, Type)
+ case pget(Tag, Props) of
+ Key -> ok;
+ _ -> expect_event(Tag, Key, Type)
after ?TIMEOUT -> throw({failed_to_receive_event, Type})