diff options
authorMatthias Radestock <>2012-01-23 08:16:22 +0000
committerMatthias Radestock <>2012-01-23 08:16:22 +0000
commit74cf43b52b944f62239c491d2b2ae0ddc305828a (patch)
parent6be220f3617d1c83cfa7e1b93b5c2bb7778db8eb (diff)
cosmetic: move helper functions where they belong
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_networking.erl b/src/rabbit_networking.erl
index 045ab89a..0f984176 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_networking.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_networking.erl
@@ -140,39 +140,6 @@ start() ->
transient, infinity, supervisor, [rabbit_client_sup]}),
-%% inet_parse:address takes care of ip string, like ""
-%% inet:getaddr returns immediately for ip tuple {0,0,0,0},
-%% and runs 'inet_gethost' port process for dns lookups.
-%% On Windows inet:getaddr runs dns resolver for ip string, which may fail.
-getaddr(Host, Family) ->
- case inet_parse:address(Host) of
- {ok, IPAddress} -> [{IPAddress, resolve_family(IPAddress, Family)}];
- {error, _} -> gethostaddr(Host, Family)
- end.
-gethostaddr(Host, auto) ->
- Lookups = [{Family, inet:getaddr(Host, Family)} || Family <- [inet, inet6]],
- case [{IP, Family} || {Family, {ok, IP}} <- Lookups] of
- [] -> host_lookup_error(Host, Lookups);
- IPs -> IPs
- end;
-gethostaddr(Host, Family) ->
- case inet:getaddr(Host, Family) of
- {ok, IPAddress} -> [{IPAddress, Family}];
- {error, Reason} -> host_lookup_error(Host, Reason)
- end.
-host_lookup_error(Host, Reason) ->
- error_logger:error_msg("invalid host ~p - ~p~n", [Host, Reason]),
- throw({error, {invalid_host, Host, Reason}}).
-resolve_family({_,_,_,_}, auto) -> inet;
-resolve_family({_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_}, auto) -> inet6;
-resolve_family(IP, auto) -> throw({error, {strange_family, IP}});
-resolve_family(_, F) -> F.
ensure_ssl() ->
ok = rabbit_misc:start_applications([crypto, public_key, ssl]),
{ok, SslOptsConfig} = application:get_env(rabbit, ssl_options),
@@ -363,6 +330,38 @@ tcp_opts() ->
{ok, Opts} = application:get_env(rabbit, tcp_listen_options),
+%% inet_parse:address takes care of ip string, like ""
+%% inet:getaddr returns immediately for ip tuple {0,0,0,0},
+%% and runs 'inet_gethost' port process for dns lookups.
+%% On Windows inet:getaddr runs dns resolver for ip string, which may fail.
+getaddr(Host, Family) ->
+ case inet_parse:address(Host) of
+ {ok, IPAddress} -> [{IPAddress, resolve_family(IPAddress, Family)}];
+ {error, _} -> gethostaddr(Host, Family)
+ end.
+gethostaddr(Host, auto) ->
+ Lookups = [{Family, inet:getaddr(Host, Family)} || Family <- [inet, inet6]],
+ case [{IP, Family} || {Family, {ok, IP}} <- Lookups] of
+ [] -> host_lookup_error(Host, Lookups);
+ IPs -> IPs
+ end;
+gethostaddr(Host, Family) ->
+ case inet:getaddr(Host, Family) of
+ {ok, IPAddress} -> [{IPAddress, Family}];
+ {error, Reason} -> host_lookup_error(Host, Reason)
+ end.
+host_lookup_error(Host, Reason) ->
+ error_logger:error_msg("invalid host ~p - ~p~n", [Host, Reason]),
+ throw({error, {invalid_host, Host, Reason}}).
+resolve_family({_,_,_,_}, auto) -> inet;
+resolve_family({_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_}, auto) -> inet6;
+resolve_family(IP, auto) -> throw({error, {strange_family, IP}});
+resolve_family(_, F) -> F.
%% There are three kinds of machine (for our purposes).