diff options
authorEmile Joubert <>2011-06-20 17:51:30 +0100
committerEmile Joubert <>2011-06-20 17:51:30 +0100
commit2bbc2debb3732696ad3bb97356b8e505ddb1f7c2 (patch)
parent6154fbdfb428a524640a361fd99d79a1f04f0f8d (diff)
First draft of qc property for backing store
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_backing_queue_qc.erl b/src/rabbit_backing_queue_qc.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..95832842
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/rabbit_backing_queue_qc.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+%% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
+%% at
+%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
+%% the License for the specific language governing rights and
+%% limitations under the License.
+%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
+%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc.
+%% Copyright (c) 2007-2011 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
+-export([initial_state/0, command/1, precondition/2, postcondition/3,
+ next_state/3]).
+-record(state, {bqstate,
+ messages,
+ acks}).
+initial_state() ->
+ VQ = qc_variable_queue_init(qc_test_queue()),
+ #state{bqstate=VQ, messages = [], acks = []}.
+prop_backing_queue_test() ->
+ ?FORALL(Cmds, commands(?MODULE, initial_state()),
+ begin
+ {_H, _S, Res} = run_commands(?MODULE, Cmds),
+ io:format("Result: ~p~n", [Res]),
+ aggregate(command_names(Cmds), Res =:= ok))
+ end).
+%% Commands
+command(S) ->
+ frequency([{5, qc_publish(S)},
+ {3, qc_fetch(S)},
+ {2, qc_ack(S)},
+ {2, qc_requeue(S)},
+ {1, qc_ram(S)}]).
+qc_publish(#state{bqstate = VQ}) ->
+ {call, rabbit_variable_queue, publish,
+ [qc_message(), #message_properties{}, self(), VQ]}.
+qc_fetch(#state{bqstate = VQ}) ->
+ {call, rabbit_variable_queue, fetch, [true, VQ]}.
+qc_ack(#state{bqstate = VQ, acks = Acks}) ->
+ {call, rabbit_variable_queue, ack, [sublist(Acks), VQ]}.
+qc_requeue(#state{bqstate = VQ, acks = Acks}) ->
+ {call, rabbit_variable_queue, requeue,
+ [sublist(Acks), fun(MsgOpts) -> MsgOpts end, VQ]}.
+qc_ram(#state{bqstate = VQ}) ->
+ {call, rabbit_variable_queue, set_ram_duration_target,
+ [oneof([0, infinity]), VQ]}.
+%% Preconditions
+precondition(_S, {call, rabbit_variable_queue, Fun, _Arg})
+ when Fun =:= publish; Fun =:= fetch; Fun =:= set_ram_duration_target ->
+ true;
+precondition(#state{acks = Acks}, {call, rabbit_variable_queue, Fun, _Arg})
+ when Fun =:= ack; Fun =:= requeue ->
+ length(Acks) > 0.
+%% Next state
+next_state(S, VQ, {call, rabbit_variable_queue, publish,
+ [Msg, _MsgProps, _Pid, _VQ]}) ->
+ #state{messages = Messages} = S,
+ S#state{bqstate=VQ, messages= [Msg | Messages]};
+next_state(S, Res, {call, rabbit_variable_queue, fetch, [AckReq, _VQ]}) ->
+ #state{messages = M, acks = Acks} = S,
+ ResultDetails = {call, erlang, element, [1, Res]},
+ AckTag = {call, erlang, element, [3, ResultDetails]},
+ VQ1 = {call, erlang, element, [2, Res]},
+ S1 = S#state{bqstate = VQ1},
+ case M of
+ [] -> S1;
+ [_|_] -> Msg = lists:last(M),
+ case AckReq of
+ true -> S1#state{messages = M -- [Msg],
+ acks = Acks ++ [AckTag]};
+ false -> throw(non_ack_not_supported)
+ end
+ end;
+next_state(S, Res, {call, rabbit_variable_queue, ack, [AcksArg, _VQ]}) ->
+ #state{acks = AcksState} = S,
+ VQ1 = {call, erlang, element, [2, Res]},
+ S#state{bqstate = VQ1,
+ acks = AcksState -- AcksArg};
+next_state(S, Res, {call, rabbit_variable_queue, requeue, [AcksArg, _F, _V]}) ->
+ #state{messages = Messages, acks = AcksState} = S,
+ VQ1 = {call, erlang, element, [2, Res]},
+ S#state{bqstate = VQ1,
+ messages = AcksArg ++ Messages,
+ acks = AcksState -- AcksArg};
+next_state(S, VQ, {call, rabbit_variable_queue, set_ram_duration_target, _A}) ->
+ S#state{bqstate = VQ}.
+%% Postconditions
+postcondition(#state{bqstate = VQ,
+ messages = Messages},
+ {call, _Mod, _Fun, _Args}, _Res) ->
+ rabbit_variable_queue:len(VQ) =:= length(Messages).
+%% Helpers
+qc_message_payload() ->
+ binary().
+qc_routing_key() ->
+ noshrink(binary(10)).
+qc_delivery_mode() ->
+ oneof([1, 2]).
+qc_message() ->
+ qc_message(qc_delivery_mode()).
+qc_message(DeliveryMode) ->
+ {call, rabbit_basic, message, [
+ qc_default_exchange(),
+ qc_routing_key(),
+ #'P_basic'{delivery_mode = DeliveryMode},
+ qc_message_payload()]}.
+qc_default_exchange() ->
+ {call, rabbit_misc, r, [<<>>, exchange, <<>>]}.
+qc_variable_queue_init(Q) ->
+ {call, rabbit_variable_queue, init,
+ [Q, false, nop(2), nop(2), nop(2), nop(1)]}.
+qc_test_q() ->
+ {call, rabbit_misc, r, [<<"/">>, queue, noshrink(binary(16))]}.
+qc_test_queue() ->
+ qc_test_queue(boolean()).
+qc_test_queue(Durable) ->
+ #amqqueue{name = qc_test_q(),
+ durable = Durable,
+ auto_delete = false,
+ arguments = [],
+ pid = self()}.
+nop(N) -> function(N, ok).
+sublist(List) ->
+ case List of
+ [] -> [];
+ _ -> Item = lists:nth(random:uniform(length(List)), List),
+ case random:uniform(3) of
+ 1 -> [Item];
+ _ -> [Item | sublist(List -- [Item])]
+ end
+ end.