diff options
authorMatthew Sackman <>2011-08-18 17:27:23 +0100
committerMatthew Sackman <>2011-08-18 17:27:23 +0100
commit142c04a34dd99f722621ec9c96b483ac11c9831f (patch)
parent8a80bdd4980651810aa92b09d896d80b5e8ad229 (diff)
Well, it sort of works. Up to a point. After that, it doesn't.
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/src/gen_server2.erl b/src/gen_server2.erl
index e302b7db..5ed7f8b5 100644
--- a/src/gen_server2.erl
+++ b/src/gen_server2.erl
@@ -629,15 +629,15 @@ adjust_timeout_state(SleptAt, AwokeAt, {backoff, CurrentTO, MinimumTO,
in({'$gen_cast', Msg} = Input,
GS2State = #gs2_state { prioritise_cast = PC }) ->
in(Input, PC(Msg, GS2State), GS2State);
-in({{'$gen_cast', Pid}, Msg} = Input,
+in({{'$gen_cast', Pid}, Msg},
GS2State = #gs2_state { prioritise_cast = PC }) ->
- in(Input, Pid, PC(Msg, GS2State), GS2State);
+ in({'$gen_cast', Msg}, Pid, PC(Msg, GS2State), GS2State);
in({'$gen_call', From, Msg} = Input,
GS2State = #gs2_state { prioritise_call = PC }) ->
in(Input, PC(Msg, From, GS2State), GS2State);
-in({{'$gen_call', Pid}, From, Msg} = Input,
+in({{'$gen_call', Pid}, From, Msg},
GS2State = #gs2_state { prioritise_call = PC }) ->
- in(Input, Pid, PC(Msg, From, GS2State), GS2State);
+ in({'$gen_call', From, Msg}, Pid, PC(Msg, From, GS2State), GS2State);
in({'EXIT', Parent, _R} = Input, GS2State = #gs2_state { parent = Parent }) ->
in(Input, infinity, GS2State);
in({system, _From, _Req} = Input, GS2State) ->
@@ -691,13 +691,14 @@ out({single, _NonInfSum, _InfCount, 0, _Q} = Queue) ->
out({single, NonInfSum, InfCount, QLen, Q}) ->
{{value, {Weight, Result}}, Queue1} = priority_queue:out(Q),
{NonInfSum1, InfCount1} = subtract_weights({NonInfSum, InfCount}, Weight),
- {Result, {single, NonInfSum1, InfCount1, QLen - 1, Queue1}};
+ {{value, Result}, {single, NonInfSum1, InfCount1, QLen - 1, Queue1}};
out({multiple, PidAvgWeight, Queues} = Queue) ->
{{_AvgWeight, Pid}, {NonInfSum, InfCount, QLen, Q}, Queues1} =
case QLen of
0 -> {empty, Queue};
- _ -> {{value, {Weight, Result}}, Q1} = priority_queue:out(Q),
+ _ -> {{value, {Weight, V}}, Q1} = priority_queue:out(Q),
+ Result = {value, V},
case {Pid =/= undefined andalso QLen =:= 1,
gb_trees:size(Queues1) =:= 1 andalso
gb_trees:keys(Queues1) == [{infinity, undefined}]} of
@@ -1233,30 +1234,35 @@ find_prioritisers(GS2State = #gs2_state { mod = Mod }) ->
Mod, 'prioritise_call', 3,
fun (_Msg, _From, _State) -> 0 end),
PrioriCast = function_exported_or_default(Mod, 'prioritise_cast', 2,
- fun (_Msg, _State) -> 0 end),
+ fun (_Msg, _State) -> {0, 0} end),
PrioriInfo = function_exported_or_default(Mod, 'prioritise_info', 2,
- fun (_Msg, _State) -> 0 end),
+ fun (_Msg, _State) -> {0, 0} end),
GS2State #gs2_state { prioritise_call = PrioriCall,
prioritise_cast = PrioriCast,
prioritise_info = PrioriInfo }.
+is_valid_priority(infinity) -> true;
+is_valid_priority(N) when is_integer(N) -> true;
+is_valid_priority({A, B}) -> is_valid_priority(A) andalso is_valid_priority(B);
+is_valid_priority(_) -> false.
function_exported_or_default(Mod, Fun, Arity, Default) ->
case erlang:function_exported(Mod, Fun, Arity) of
true -> case Arity of
2 -> fun (Msg, GS2State = #gs2_state { state = State }) ->
- case catch Mod:Fun(Msg, State) of
- Res when is_integer(Res) ->
- Res;
- Err ->
- handle_common_termination(Err, Msg, GS2State)
+ Res = (catch Mod:Fun(Msg, State)),
+ case is_valid_priority(Res) of
+ true -> Res;
+ false -> handle_common_termination(
+ Res, Msg, GS2State)
3 -> fun (Msg, From, GS2State = #gs2_state { state = State }) ->
- case catch Mod:Fun(Msg, From, State) of
- Res when is_integer(Res) ->
- Res;
- Err ->
- handle_common_termination(Err, Msg, GS2State)
+ Res = (catch Mod:Fun(Msg, From, State)),
+ case is_valid_priority(Res) of
+ true -> Res;
+ false -> handle_common_termination(
+ Res, Msg, GS2State)