diff options
authorAlexandru Scvortov <>2011-10-18 17:21:04 +0100
committerAlexandru Scvortov <>2011-10-18 17:21:04 +0100
commit1a3c4a8a3da5da163503c0475d99f97a23df90f7 (patch)
parent835ffbdafa7c86aca68eb0193171963f00232b85 (diff)
remove parse_properties (again) and rename testbug17162
2 files changed, 59 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_binary_parser.erl b/src/rabbit_binary_parser.erl
index 88026bab..f3ca4e98 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_binary_parser.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_binary_parser.erl
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
--export([parse_table/1, parse_properties/2]).
-export([ensure_content_decoded/1, clear_decoded_content/1]).
@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@
-spec(parse_table/1 :: (binary()) -> rabbit_framing:amqp_table()).
--spec(parse_properties/2 ::
- ([rabbit_framing:amqp_property_type()], binary()) -> [any()]).
-spec(ensure_content_decoded/1 ::
(rabbit_types:content()) -> rabbit_types:decoded_content()).
-spec(clear_decoded_content/1 ::
@@ -94,57 +92,6 @@ parse_field_value(<<"x", VLen:32/unsigned, ValueString:VLen/binary, Rest/binary>
parse_field_value(<<"V", Rest/binary>>) ->
{void, undefined, Rest}.
-parse_properties([], _PropBin) ->
- [];
-parse_properties(TypeList, PropBin) ->
- FlagCount = length(TypeList),
- %% round up to the nearest multiple of 15 bits, since the 16th bit
- %% in each short is a "continuation" bit.
- FlagsLengthBytes = trunc((FlagCount + 14) / 15) * 2,
- <<Flags:FlagsLengthBytes/binary, Properties/binary>> = PropBin,
- <<FirstShort:16, Remainder/binary>> = Flags,
- parse_properties(0, TypeList, [], FirstShort, Remainder, Properties).
-parse_properties(_Bit, [], Acc, _FirstShort,
- _Remainder, <<>>) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
-parse_properties(_Bit, [], _Acc, _FirstShort,
- _Remainder, _LeftoverBin) ->
- exit(content_properties_binary_overflow);
-parse_properties(15, TypeList, Acc, _OldFirstShort,
- <<NewFirstShort:16,Remainder/binary>>, Properties) ->
- parse_properties(0, TypeList, Acc, NewFirstShort, Remainder, Properties);
-parse_properties(Bit, [Type | TypeListRest], Acc, FirstShort,
- Remainder, Properties) ->
- {Value, Rest} =
- if (FirstShort band (1 bsl (15 - Bit))) /= 0 ->
- parse_property(Type, Properties);
- Type == bit -> {false , Properties};
- true -> {undefined, Properties}
- end,
- parse_properties(Bit + 1, TypeListRest, [Value | Acc], FirstShort,
- Remainder, Rest).
-parse_property(shortstr, <<Len:8/unsigned, String:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>) ->
- {String, Rest};
-parse_property(longstr, <<Len:32/unsigned, String:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>) ->
- {String, Rest};
-parse_property(octet, <<Int:8/unsigned, Rest/binary>>) ->
- {Int, Rest};
-parse_property(shortint, <<Int:16/unsigned, Rest/binary>>) ->
- {Int, Rest};
-parse_property(longint, <<Int:32/unsigned, Rest/binary>>) ->
- {Int, Rest};
-parse_property(longlongint, <<Int:64/unsigned, Rest/binary>>) ->
- {Int, Rest};
-parse_property(timestamp, <<Int:64/unsigned, Rest/binary>>) ->
- {Int, Rest};
-parse_property(bit, Rest) ->
- {true, Rest};
-parse_property(table, <<Len:32/unsigned, Table:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>) ->
- {parse_table(Table), Rest}.
ensure_content_decoded(Content = #content{properties = Props})
when Props =/= none ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_tests.erl b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
index 78857092..bf856a16 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_tests.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
@@ -30,12 +30,6 @@
-define(TRANSIENT_MSG_STORE, msg_store_transient).
-define(CLEANUP_QUEUE_NAME, <<"cleanup-queue">>).
-test_content_prop_roundtrip(Datum, Binary) ->
- Types = [element(1, E) || E <- Datum],
- Values = [element(2, E) || E <- Datum],
- Values = rabbit_binary_parser:parse_properties(Types, Binary), %% assertion
- Binary = rabbit_binary_generator:encode_properties(Types, Values). %% assertion
all_tests() ->
passed = gm_tests:all_tests(),
passed = mirrored_supervisor_tests:all_tests(),
@@ -306,67 +300,69 @@ test_parsing() ->
passed = test_field_values(),
+test_content_prop_encoding(Datum, Binary) ->
+ Types = [element(1, E) || E <- Datum],
+ Values = [element(2, E) || E <- Datum],
+ Binary = rabbit_binary_generator:encode_properties(Types, Values). %% assertion
test_content_properties() ->
- test_content_prop_roundtrip([], <<0, 0>>),
- test_content_prop_roundtrip([{bit, true}, {bit, false}, {bit, true}, {bit, false}],
- <<16#A0, 0>>),
- test_content_prop_roundtrip([{bit, true}, {octet, 123}, {bit, true}, {octet, undefined},
- {bit, true}],
- <<16#E8,0,123>>),
- test_content_prop_roundtrip([{bit, true}, {octet, 123}, {octet, 123}, {bit, true}],
- <<16#F0,0,123,123>>),
- test_content_prop_roundtrip([{bit, true}, {shortstr, <<"hi">>}, {bit, true},
- {shortint, 54321}, {bit, true}],
- <<16#F8,0,2,"hi",16#D4,16#31>>),
- test_content_prop_roundtrip([{bit, true}, {shortstr, undefined}, {bit, true},
- {shortint, 54321}, {bit, true}],
- <<16#B8,0,16#D4,16#31>>),
- test_content_prop_roundtrip([{table, [{<<"a signedint">>, signedint, 12345678},
- {<<"a longstr">>, longstr, <<"yes please">>},
- {<<"a decimal">>, decimal, {123, 12345678}},
- {<<"a timestamp">>, timestamp, 123456789012345},
- {<<"a nested table">>, table,
- [{<<"one">>, signedint, 1},
- {<<"two">>, signedint, 2}]}]}],
- <<
- %% property-flags
- 16#8000:16,
- %% property-list:
- %% table
- 117:32, % table length in bytes
- 11,"a signedint", % name
- "I",12345678:32, % type and value
- 9,"a longstr",
- "S",10:32,"yes please",
- 9,"a decimal",
- "D",123,12345678:32,
- 11,"a timestamp",
- "T", 123456789012345:64,
- 14,"a nested table",
- "F",
- 18:32,
- 3,"one",
- "I",1:32,
- 3,"two",
- "I",2:32 >>),
- case catch rabbit_binary_parser:parse_properties([bit, bit, bit, bit], <<16#A0,0,1>>) of
- {'EXIT', content_properties_binary_overflow} -> passed;
- V -> exit({got_success_but_expected_failure, V})
- end.
+ test_content_prop_encoding([], <<0, 0>>),
+ test_content_prop_encoding([{bit, true}, {bit, false}, {bit, true}, {bit, false}],
+ <<16#A0, 0>>),
+ test_content_prop_encoding([{bit, true}, {octet, 123}, {bit, true}, {octet, undefined},
+ {bit, true}],
+ <<16#E8,0,123>>),
+ test_content_prop_encoding([{bit, true}, {octet, 123}, {octet, 123}, {bit, true}],
+ <<16#F0,0,123,123>>),
+ test_content_prop_encoding([{bit, true}, {shortstr, <<"hi">>}, {bit, true},
+ {shortint, 54321}, {bit, true}],
+ <<16#F8,0,2,"hi",16#D4,16#31>>),
+ test_content_prop_encoding([{bit, true}, {shortstr, undefined}, {bit, true},
+ {shortint, 54321}, {bit, true}],
+ <<16#B8,0,16#D4,16#31>>),
+ test_content_prop_encoding([{table, [{<<"a signedint">>, signedint, 12345678},
+ {<<"a longstr">>, longstr, <<"yes please">>},
+ {<<"a decimal">>, decimal, {123, 12345678}},
+ {<<"a timestamp">>, timestamp, 123456789012345},
+ {<<"a nested table">>, table,
+ [{<<"one">>, signedint, 1},
+ {<<"two">>, signedint, 2}]}]}],
+ <<
+ %% property-flags
+ 16#8000:16,
+ %% property-list:
+ %% table
+ 117:32, % table length in bytes
+ 11,"a signedint", % name
+ "I",12345678:32, % type and value
+ 9,"a longstr",
+ "S",10:32,"yes please",
+ 9,"a decimal",
+ "D",123,12345678:32,
+ 11,"a timestamp",
+ "T", 123456789012345:64,
+ 14,"a nested table",
+ "F",
+ 18:32,
+ 3,"one",
+ "I",1:32,
+ 3,"two",
+ "I",2:32 >>),
+ passed.
test_field_values() ->
%% FIXME this does not test inexact numbers (double and float) yet,
%% because they won't pass the equality assertions
- test_content_prop_roundtrip(
+ test_content_prop_encoding(
[{table, [{<<"longstr">>, longstr, <<"Here is a long string">>},
{<<"signedint">>, signedint, 12345},
{<<"decimal">>, decimal, {3, 123456}},