diff options
authorAlexandru Scvortov <>2011-10-17 16:51:23 +0100
committerAlexandru Scvortov <>2011-10-17 16:51:23 +0100
commit68a318884b74919f98402bcf7378d394001fc719 (patch)
parenta37dcf5877929df1ec3135884dfe65731672e43b (diff)
unroll property parser
The codegen code is quite ugly now; I'll see what I can do about that.
2 files changed, 46 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 7636c196..9b4ebd83 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ erlangTypeMap = {
def convertTable(d):
if len(d) == 0:
return "[]"
- else: raise 'Non-empty table defaults not supported', d
+ else:
+ raise Exception('Non-empty table defaults not supported ' + d)
erlangDefaultValueTypeConvMap = {
bool : lambda x: str(x).lower(),
@@ -229,9 +230,27 @@ def genErl(spec):
print " %s;" % (recordConstructorExpr,)
def genDecodeProperties(c):
- print "decode_properties(%d, PropBin) ->" % (c.index)
- print " %s = rabbit_binary_parser:parse_properties(%s, PropBin)," % \
- (fieldTempList(c.fields), fieldTypeList(c.fields))
+ def presentBin(fields):
+ return '<<' + ', '.join(['P' + str(f.index) + ':1' for f in fields]) + ', _:2, R0/binary>>'
+ def mkMacroName(field):
+ return '?' + field.domain.upper() + '_PROP'
+ def writePropFieldLine(field, bin_next = None):
+ i = str(field.index)
+ if not bin_next:
+ i1 = str(field.index + 1)
+ bin_next = 'R' + i1
+ if field.domain in ['octet', 'timestamp']:
+ print " {%s, %s} = %s(%s, %s, %s, %s)," % ('F' + i, bin_next, mkMacroName(field), 'P' + i, 'R' + i, 'I' + i, 'X' + i)
+ else:
+ print " {%s, %s} = %s(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)," % ('F' + i, bin_next, mkMacroName(field), 'P' + i, 'R' + i, 'L' + i, 'S' + i, 'X' + i)
+ if len(c.fields) == 0:
+ print "decode_properties(%d, _) ->" % (c.index)
+ else:
+ print "decode_properties(%d, %s) ->" % (c.index, presentBin(c.fields))
+ for field in c.fields[:-1]:
+ writePropFieldLine(field)
+ writePropFieldLine(c.fields[-1], "<<>>")
print " #'P_%s'{%s};" % (erlangize(, fieldMapList(c.fields))
def genFieldPreprocessing(packed):
@@ -272,7 +291,7 @@ def genErl(spec):
if mCls == 'SOFT_ERROR': genLookupException1(c,'false')
elif mCls == 'HARD_ERROR': genLookupException1(c, 'true')
elif mCls == '': pass
- else: raise 'Unknown constant class', cls
+ else: raise Exception('Unknown constant class' + cls)
def genLookupException1(c,hardErrorBoolStr):
n = erlangConstantName(c)
@@ -404,6 +423,27 @@ shortstr_size(S) ->
Len when Len =< 255 -> Len;
_ -> exit(method_field_shortstr_overflow)
+-define(SHORTSTR_PROP(P, R, L, S, X),
+ if P =:= 0 -> {undefined, R};
+ true -> <<L:8/unsigned, S:L/binary, X/binary>> = R,
+ {S, X}
+ end).
+-define(TABLE_PROP(P, R, L, T, X),
+ if P =:= 0 -> {undefined, R};
+ true -> <<L:32/unsigned, T:L/binary, X/binary>> = R,
+ {rabbit_binary_parser:parse_table(T), X}
+ end).
+-define(OCTET_PROP(P, R, I, X),
+ if P =:= 0 -> {undefined, R};
+ true -> <<I:8/unsigned, X/binary>> = R,
+ {I, X}
+ end).
+-define(TIMESTAMP_PROP(P, R, I, X),
+ if P =:= 0 -> {undefined, R};
+ true -> <<I:64/unsigned, X/binary>> = R,
+ {I, X}
+ end).
version = "{%d, %d, %d}" % (spec.major, spec.minor, spec.revision)
if version == '{8, 0, 0}': version = '{0, 8, 0}'
diff --git a/src/rabbit_binary_parser.erl b/src/rabbit_binary_parser.erl
index 88026bab..f3ca4e98 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_binary_parser.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_binary_parser.erl
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
--export([parse_table/1, parse_properties/2]).
-export([ensure_content_decoded/1, clear_decoded_content/1]).
@@ -26,8 +26,6 @@
-spec(parse_table/1 :: (binary()) -> rabbit_framing:amqp_table()).
--spec(parse_properties/2 ::
- ([rabbit_framing:amqp_property_type()], binary()) -> [any()]).
-spec(ensure_content_decoded/1 ::
(rabbit_types:content()) -> rabbit_types:decoded_content()).
-spec(clear_decoded_content/1 ::
@@ -94,57 +92,6 @@ parse_field_value(<<"x", VLen:32/unsigned, ValueString:VLen/binary, Rest/binary>
parse_field_value(<<"V", Rest/binary>>) ->
{void, undefined, Rest}.
-parse_properties([], _PropBin) ->
- [];
-parse_properties(TypeList, PropBin) ->
- FlagCount = length(TypeList),
- %% round up to the nearest multiple of 15 bits, since the 16th bit
- %% in each short is a "continuation" bit.
- FlagsLengthBytes = trunc((FlagCount + 14) / 15) * 2,
- <<Flags:FlagsLengthBytes/binary, Properties/binary>> = PropBin,
- <<FirstShort:16, Remainder/binary>> = Flags,
- parse_properties(0, TypeList, [], FirstShort, Remainder, Properties).
-parse_properties(_Bit, [], Acc, _FirstShort,
- _Remainder, <<>>) ->
- lists:reverse(Acc);
-parse_properties(_Bit, [], _Acc, _FirstShort,
- _Remainder, _LeftoverBin) ->
- exit(content_properties_binary_overflow);
-parse_properties(15, TypeList, Acc, _OldFirstShort,
- <<NewFirstShort:16,Remainder/binary>>, Properties) ->
- parse_properties(0, TypeList, Acc, NewFirstShort, Remainder, Properties);
-parse_properties(Bit, [Type | TypeListRest], Acc, FirstShort,
- Remainder, Properties) ->
- {Value, Rest} =
- if (FirstShort band (1 bsl (15 - Bit))) /= 0 ->
- parse_property(Type, Properties);
- Type == bit -> {false , Properties};
- true -> {undefined, Properties}
- end,
- parse_properties(Bit + 1, TypeListRest, [Value | Acc], FirstShort,
- Remainder, Rest).
-parse_property(shortstr, <<Len:8/unsigned, String:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>) ->
- {String, Rest};
-parse_property(longstr, <<Len:32/unsigned, String:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>) ->
- {String, Rest};
-parse_property(octet, <<Int:8/unsigned, Rest/binary>>) ->
- {Int, Rest};
-parse_property(shortint, <<Int:16/unsigned, Rest/binary>>) ->
- {Int, Rest};
-parse_property(longint, <<Int:32/unsigned, Rest/binary>>) ->
- {Int, Rest};
-parse_property(longlongint, <<Int:64/unsigned, Rest/binary>>) ->
- {Int, Rest};
-parse_property(timestamp, <<Int:64/unsigned, Rest/binary>>) ->
- {Int, Rest};
-parse_property(bit, Rest) ->
- {true, Rest};
-parse_property(table, <<Len:32/unsigned, Table:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>) ->
- {parse_table(Table), Rest}.
ensure_content_decoded(Content = #content{properties = Props})
when Props =/= none ->