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authorEmile Joubert <>2011-10-14 16:49:10 +0100
committerEmile Joubert <>2011-10-14 16:49:10 +0100
commit989091a1e5920a4f821ef892e1e38a7ac437d49b (patch)
parent85df4838cca5ddc456d8dd6e4f252650ca605c95 (diff)
Terminate simple children in parallel
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/src/supervisor2.erl b/src/supervisor2.erl
index 405949ef..efbd809b 100644
--- a/src/supervisor2.erl
+++ b/src/supervisor2.erl
@@ -649,26 +649,84 @@ terminate_children([], _SupName, Res) ->
terminate_simple_children(Child, Dynamics, SupName) ->
- dict:fold(fun (Pid, _Args, _Any) ->
- do_terminate(Child#child{pid = Pid}, SupName)
- end, ok, Dynamics),
- ok.
+ ReportError = shutdown_error_reporter(SupName),
+ {ExitReason, Timeout} = case Child#child.shutdown of
+ brutal_kill -> {kill, infinity};
+ Time -> {shutdown, Time}
+ end,
+ Pids = dict:fold(fun (Pid, _Args, Pids) ->
+ erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+ unlink(Pid),
+ exit(Pid, ExitReason),
+ [Pid | Pids]
+ end, [], Dynamics),
+ {Replies, _Timedout} =
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun (_Pid, {Replies, Timedout}) ->
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', _, process, Pid, Reason}
+ when Child#child.shutdown == brutal_kill andalso
+ Reason == killed andalso Timedout == false orelse
+ Reason == shutdown ->
+ {dict:append(Pid, ok, Replies), Timedout};
+ {'DOWN', _, process, Pid, Reason} ->
+ {dict:append(Pid, {error, Reason}, Replies), Timedout};
+ {'EXIT', Pid, Reason} ->
+ receive {'DOWN', _, process, Pid, _} ->
+ {dict:append(Pid, {error, Reason}, Replies), Timedout}
+ end
+ after Timeout ->
+ case Timedout of
+ false -> lists:foldl(fun (Pid, ok) -> exit(Pid, kill) end,
+ Pids -- dict:fetch_keys(Replies)),
+ receive {'DOWN', _, process, Pid, Reason} ->
+ {dict:append(Pid, {error, Reason}, Replies),
+ true}
+ end;
+ true -> ok %% actually not ok - we await replies to kill
+ %% signals after 2 timeouts
+ end
+ end
+ end, {dict:new(), false}, Pids),
+ RestartPerm = case Child#child.restart_type of
+ permanent -> true;
+ {permanent, _Delay} -> true;
+ _ -> false
+ end,
+ ReportAcc = fun (NormalErrorFun) ->
+ fun (Pid, ok, ok) ->
+ ok;
+ (Pid, {error, normal}, ok) ->
+ NormalErrorFun(Pid),
+ ok;
+ (Pid, {error, Reason}, ok) ->
+ ReportError(Reason, Child#child{pid = Pid}),
+ ok
+ end
+ end,
+ dict:fold(case RestartPerm of
+ true ->
+ ReportAcc(fun (Pid) ->
+ ReportError(normal, Child#child{pid = Pid})
+ end);
+ false ->
+ ReportAcc(fun (_Pid) -> ok end)
+ end, ok, Replies),
+ ok.
do_terminate(Child, SupName) when =/= undefined ->
- ReportError = fun (Reason) ->
- report_error(shutdown_error, Reason, Child, SupName)
- end,
+ ReportError = shutdown_error_reporter(SupName),
case shutdown(, Child#child.shutdown) of
ok ->
{error, normal} ->
case Child#child.restart_type of
- permanent -> ReportError(normal);
- {permanent, _Delay} -> ReportError(normal);
+ permanent -> ReportError(normal, Child);
+ {permanent, _Delay} -> ReportError(normal, Child);
_ -> ok
{error, OtherReason} ->
- ReportError(OtherReason)
+ ReportError(OtherReason, Child)
Child#child{pid = undefined};
do_terminate(Child, _SupName) ->
@@ -998,6 +1056,10 @@ report_error(Error, Reason, Child, SupName) ->
{offender, extract_child(Child)}],
error_logger:error_report(supervisor_report, ErrorMsg).
+shutdown_error_reporter(SupName) ->
+ fun(Reason, Child) ->
+ report_error(shutdown_error, Reason, Child, SupName)
+ end.
extract_child(Child) ->