diff options
authorMichael Bridgen <>2012-04-10 17:04:47 +0100
committerMichael Bridgen <>2012-04-10 17:04:47 +0100
commit4f2bdcf7a08409d1c2c16337096626b562c7ae7f (patch)
parent5a593e4b540c26e7eba3bd44527d929b99c999cb (diff)
Instead of reading the directory and parsing the certificates every time a connection opens, make a file with all the certificates every time the directory contents change.
The aggregate file is named for the /expected/ mtime of the directory once it's been written (to a resolution of one second). This avoids the memory blowout caused by supplying the certificate binaries with every connection -- those don't get garbage collected -- and is much faster, much the same as just using a static cacertfile.
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_net.erl b/src/rabbit_net.erl
index 914c99d6..3c1ad6c2 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_net.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_net.erl
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ ssl_info(_Sock) ->
ssl_opts(SslOpts0) ->
case proplists:lookup(cacertdir, SslOpts0) of
{cacertdir, Dir} ->
- [{cacerts, load_cacerts_dir(Dir)} | SslOpts0];
+ [{cacertfile, load_cacerts_dir(Dir)} | SslOpts0];
none ->
@@ -175,11 +175,35 @@ connection_string(Sock, Direction) ->
load_cacerts_dir(Dir) ->
- filelib:fold_files(
- Dir, ".*\\.pem", false,
- fun (F, Certs) ->
- {ok, PemBin} = file:read_file(F),
- Ders = [Cert || {'Certificate', Cert, not_encrypted}
- <- public_key:pem_decode(PemBin)],
- Ders ++ Certs
- end, []).
+ LastModified = filelib:last_modified(Dir),
+ Stamp = integer_to_list(
+ calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(LastModified)),
+ CurrentFilename = filename:join(Dir, Stamp ++ ".ca"),
+ case filelib:is_file(CurrentFilename) of
+ true ->
+ CurrentFilename;
+ false ->
+ NewContents =
+ filelib:fold_files(
+ Dir, ".*\\.pem", false,
+ fun (F, Certs) ->
+ {ok, PemBin} = file:read_file(F),
+ [PemBin | Certs]
+ end, []),
+ %% Remove old files
+ filelib:fold_files(
+ Dir, "[0-9]*\\.ca", false,
+ fun (F, _) ->
+ file:delete(F)
+ end, undefined),
+ %% Create a new file name with the expected mtime of the
+ %% directory once we've written to it. This will
+ %% occasionally miss; this assumes it's not a huge deal to
+ %% re-generate it.
+ NewStamp = integer_to_list(
+ calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(
+ calendar:local_time())),
+ NewFilename = filename:join(Dir, NewStamp ++ ".ca"),
+ file:write_file(NewFilename, NewContents),
+ NewFilename
+ end.