diff options
authorFrancesco Mazzoli <>2012-05-17 15:27:42 +0100
committerFrancesco Mazzoli <>2012-05-17 15:27:42 +0100
commit10b80a4c4ab4a06940e976e70eb315896f37b385 (patch)
parent3213f1d863ea0b74934ce48912a6a6f71c3efa52 (diff)
add test for `rabbit_misc:get_options/4'
3 files changed, 88 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 49bf926a..cc78136c 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ run-background-node: all
run-tests: all
- OUT=$$(echo "rabbit_tests:all_tests()." | $(ERL_CALL)) ; \
+ OUT=$$(echo "rabbit_tests:test_option_parser()." | $(ERL_CALL)) ; \
echo $$OUT ; echo $$OUT | grep '^{ok, passed}$$' > /dev/null
run-qc: all
diff --git a/src/rabbit_misc.erl b/src/rabbit_misc.erl
index c2fefaeb..0b39e539 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_misc.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_misc.erl
@@ -771,7 +771,8 @@ get_options(CommandsOpts0, GlobalOpts, Defs, As0) ->
{found, {C, Os}}
end, not_found, CommandsOpts)
- not_found -> {invalid, command_not_found};
+ not_found ->
+ {invalid, command_not_found};
{found, {C, Os}} ->
{KVs, Arguments} = get_options(sets:from_list(GlobalOpts ++ Os),
Defs, As0 -- [C]),
@@ -781,6 +782,10 @@ get_options(CommandsOpts0, GlobalOpts, Defs, As0) ->
drop_opts(Defs0, Opts0, As) ->
Opts = sets:from_list(Opts0),
Defs = dict:filter(fun (K, _) -> sets:is_element(K, Opts) end, Defs0),
+ case sets:size(Opts) =:= dict:size(Defs) of
+ true -> ok;
+ false -> throw({error, undefined_option})
+ end,
drop_opts(Defs, As).
drop_opts(_, []) -> [];
diff --git a/src/rabbit_tests.erl b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
index 96b5fa38..23176267 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_tests.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
@@ -802,26 +802,80 @@ test_log_management_during_startup() ->
test_option_parser() ->
- %% command and arguments should just pass through
- ok = check_get_options({["mock_command", "arg1", "arg2"], []},
- [], ["mock_command", "arg1", "arg2"]),
- %% get flags
- ok = check_get_options(
- {["mock_command", "arg1"], [{"-f", true}, {"-f2", false}]},
- [{flag, "-f"}, {flag, "-f2"}], ["mock_command", "arg1", "-f"]),
- %% get options
- ok = check_get_options(
- {["mock_command"], [{"-foo", "bar"}, {"-baz", "notbaz"}]},
- [{option, "-foo", "notfoo"}, {option, "-baz", "notbaz"}],
- ["mock_command", "-foo", "bar"]),
- %% shuffled and interleaved arguments and options
- ok = check_get_options(
- {["a1", "a2", "a3"], [{"-o1", "hello"}, {"-o2", "noto2"}, {"-f", true}]},
- [{option, "-o1", "noto1"}, {flag, "-f"}, {option, "-o2", "noto2"}],
- ["-f", "a1", "-o1", "hello", "a2", "a3"]),
+ Defs1 = [{"-o1", {option, "foo"}},
+ {"-o2", {option, "bar"}},
+ {"-f1", flag},
+ {"-f2", flag}],
+ GlobalOpts1 = ["-f1", "-o1"],
+ Commands1 = [command1, {command2, ["-f2", "-o2"]}],
+ GetOptions =
+ fun (Args) ->
+ rabbit_misc:get_options(Commands1, GlobalOpts1, Defs1, Args)
+ end,
+ check_get_options({invalid, command_not_found}, GetOptions, []),
+ check_get_options({invalid, command_not_found}, GetOptions, ["foo", "bar"]),
+ check_get_options({ok, {command1, [{"-f1", false}, {"-o1", "foo"}], []}},
+ GetOptions, ["command1"]),
+ check_get_options({ok, {command1, [{"-f1", false}, {"-o1", "blah"}], []}},
+ GetOptions, ["command1", "-o1", "blah"]),
+ check_get_options({ok, {command1, [{"-f1", true}, {"-o1", "foo"}], []}},
+ GetOptions, ["command1", "-f1"]),
+ check_get_options({ok, {command1, [{"-f1", false}, {"-o1", "blah"}], []}},
+ GetOptions, ["-o1", "blah", "command1"]),
+ check_get_options(
+ {ok, {command1, [{"-f1", false}, {"-o1", "blah"}], ["quux"]}},
+ GetOptions, ["-o1", "blah", "command1", "quux"]),
+ check_get_options(
+ {ok, {command1, [{"-f1", true}, {"-o1", "blah"}], ["quux", "baz"]}},
+ GetOptions, ["command1", "quux", "-f1", "-o1", "blah", "baz"]),
+ %% If the flag "eats" the command, the command won't be recognised
+ check_get_options({invalid, command_not_found}, GetOptions,
+ ["-o1", "command1", "quux"]),
+ %% If the flag doesn't have an argument, it won't be recognised
+ check_get_options(
+ {ok, {command1, [{"-f1", false}, {"-o1", "foo"}], ["-o1"]}},
+ GetOptions, ["command1", "-o1"]),
+ %% If a flag eats another flag, the eaten flag won't be recognised
+ check_get_options(
+ {ok, {command1, [{"-f1", false}, {"-o1", "-f1"}], []}},
+ GetOptions, ["command1", "-o1", "-f1"]),
+ %% Now for some command-specific flags...
+ check_get_options(
+ {ok, {command2, [{"-f1", false}, {"-f2", false},
+ {"-o1", "foo"}, {"-o2", "bar"}], []}},
+ GetOptions, ["command2"]),
+ check_get_options(
+ {ok, {command2, [{"-f1", false}, {"-f2", true},
+ {"-o1", "baz"}, {"-o2", "bar"}], ["quux", "foo"]}},
+ GetOptions, ["-f2", "command2", "quux", "-o1", "baz", "foo"]),
+ %% If we pass non-defined flags, we get an error
+ Defs2 = [{"-o1", {option, "foo"}}, {"-f1", flag}],
+ Commands2 = [command1, {command2, ["-f1", "-bogus"]}],
+ CheckError =
+ fun (Fun) ->
+ case catch Fun() of
+ ok ->
+ exit({got_success_but_expected_failure,
+ get_options_undefined_option});
+ {error, undefined_option} ->
+ ok
+ end
+ end,
+ CheckError(
+ fun () ->
+ rabbit_misc:get_options(Commands2, ["-quux"], Defs2, ["command1"])
+ end),
+ CheckError(
+ fun () ->
+ rabbit_misc:get_options(Commands2, ["-o1"], Defs2, ["command2"])
+ end),
@@ -1605,10 +1659,13 @@ expand_options(As, Bs) ->
end, Bs, As).
-check_get_options({ExpArgs, ExpOpts}, Defs, Args) ->
- {ExpArgs, ResOpts} = rabbit_misc:get_options(Defs, Args),
- true = lists:sort(ExpOpts) == lists:sort(ResOpts), % don't care about the order
- ok.
+check_get_options(ExpRes, Fun, As) ->
+ SortRes =
+ fun ({invalid, Reason}) -> {invalid, Reason};
+ ({ok, {C, KVs, As}}) -> {ok, {C, lists:sort(KVs), lists:sort(As)}}
+ end,
+ true = SortRes(ExpRes) =:= SortRes(Fun(As)).
empty_files(Files) ->
[case file:read_file_info(File) of