diff options
authorFrancesco Mazzoli <>2012-05-22 18:47:21 +0100
committerFrancesco Mazzoli <>2012-05-22 18:47:21 +0100
commit50a6a6016f020d637c0be924e250c72543b6075d (patch)
parent782377b71794e29bc2e96759f39bd3de8abad364 (diff)
incorporate most of Simon's patch changes
It's everything but the removal of global options and the possibility of providing just the command atom instead of {command, opts}, + 2 bug fixes in the patch code (returning `bad_argument' when there is an option with no argument and reversing the arguments).
4 files changed, 74 insertions, 129 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_control.erl b/src/rabbit_control.erl
index 83786cfa..2a84f7b2 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_control.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_control.erl
@@ -26,7 +26,11 @@
-define(NODE_OPT, "-n").
-define(VHOST_OPT, "-p").
+-define(QUIET_DEF, {?QUIET_OPT, flag}).
+-define(NODE_DEF(Node), {?NODE_OPT, {option, Node}}).
+-define(VHOST_DEF, {?VHOST_OPT, {option, "/"}}).
+-define(GLOBAL_DEFS(Node), [?QUIET_DEF, ?NODE_DEF(Node)]).
@@ -51,29 +55,29 @@
- {set_permissions, [?VHOST_OPT]},
- {clear_permissions, [?VHOST_OPT]},
- {list_permissions, [?VHOST_OPT]},
- {list_user_permissions, [?VHOST_OPT]},
+ {set_permissions, [?VHOST_DEF]},
+ {clear_permissions, [?VHOST_DEF]},
+ {list_permissions, [?VHOST_DEF]},
+ {list_user_permissions, [?VHOST_DEF]},
- {list_queues, [?VHOST_OPT]},
- {list_exchanges, [?VHOST_OPT]},
- {list_bindings, [?VHOST_OPT]},
- {list_connections, [?VHOST_OPT]},
+ {list_queues, [?VHOST_DEF]},
+ {list_exchanges, [?VHOST_DEF]},
+ {list_bindings, [?VHOST_DEF]},
+ {list_connections, [?VHOST_DEF]},
- {list_consumers, [?VHOST_OPT]},
+ {list_consumers, [?VHOST_DEF]},
- {trace_on, [?VHOST_OPT]},
- {trace_off, [?VHOST_OPT]},
+ {trace_on, [?VHOST_DEF]},
+ {trace_off, [?VHOST_DEF]},
@@ -109,11 +113,7 @@
start() ->
{ok, [[NodeStr|_]|_]} = init:get_argument(nodename),
{Command, Opts, Args} =
- case rabbit_misc:parse_arguments(?COMMANDS,
- [{?QUIET_OPT, flag},
- {?NODE_OPT, {option, NodeStr}},
- {?VHOST_OPT, {option, "/"}}],
+ case rabbit_misc:parse_arguments(?COMMANDS, ?GLOBAL_DEFS(NodeStr),
{ok, Res} -> Res;
diff --git a/src/rabbit_misc.erl b/src/rabbit_misc.erl
index 5c2928fb..661a4cb4 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_misc.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_misc.erl
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
-export([version_compare/2, version_compare/3]).
-export([dict_cons/3, orddict_cons/3, gb_trees_cons/3]).
-export([gb_trees_fold/3, gb_trees_foreach/2]).
-export([all_module_attributes/1, build_acyclic_graph/3]).
-export([const_ok/0, const/1]).
@@ -182,9 +182,8 @@
-spec(gb_trees_fold/3 :: (fun ((any(), any(), A) -> A), A, gb_tree()) -> A).
-spec(gb_trees_foreach/2 ::
(fun ((any(), any()) -> any()), gb_tree()) -> 'ok').
--spec(parse_arguments/4 ::
- ([{atom(), string()} | atom()],
- [string()],
+-spec(parse_arguments/3 ::
+ ([{atom(), [{string(), optdef()}]} | atom()],
[{string(), optdef()}],
-> {'ok', {atom(), [{string(), string()}], [string()]}} |
@@ -742,88 +741,61 @@ gb_trees_foreach(Fun, Tree) ->
gb_trees_fold(fun (Key, Val, Acc) -> Fun(Key, Val), Acc end, ok, Tree).
%% Takes:
-%% * A list of [{atom(), [string()]} | atom()], where the atom()s are
-%% the accepted commands and the optional [string()] is the list of
+%% * A list of [{atom(), [{string(), optdef()]} | atom()], where the atom()s
+%% are the accepted commands and the optional [string()] is the list of
%% accepted options for that command
-%% * A list [string()] of options valid for all commands
-%% * A list [{string(), optdef()}] to determine what is a flag and what is
-%% an option
+%% * A list [{string(), optdef()}] of options valid for all commands
%% * The list of arguments given by the user
%% Returns either {ok, {atom(), [{string(), string()}], [string()]} which are
%% respectively the command, the key-value pairs of the options and the leftover
%% arguments; or no_command if no command could be parsed.
-parse_arguments(CommandsOpts0, GlobalOpts, Defs, As0) ->
- CommandsOpts = lists:map(fun ({C, Fs}) -> {atom_to_list(C), Fs};
- (C) -> {atom_to_list(C), []}
- end, CommandsOpts0),
- DefsDict = dict:from_list(Defs),
- lists:foldl(fun ({C, Os}, no_command) ->
- process_opts(C, DefsDict, GlobalOpts ++ Os, As0);
- (_, {ok, Res}) ->
- {ok, Res}
- end, no_command, CommandsOpts).
-process_opts(C, Defs0, Opts0, As) ->
- Opts = sets:from_list(Opts0),
- Defs = dict:filter(fun (K, _) -> sets:is_element(K, Opts) end, Defs0),
- %% Opts0 must be a subset of the keys of Defs0 - we want to make sure that
- %% all the options are defined.
- case sets:size(Opts) =:= dict:size(Defs) of
- true -> ok;
- false -> throw({error, undefined_option})
- end,
- KVs1 = dict:map(fun (_, flag) -> false;
+parse_arguments(Commands, GlobalDefs, As) ->
+ lists:foldl(maybe_process_opts(GlobalDefs, As), no_command, Commands).
+maybe_process_opts(GDefs, As) ->
+ fun({C, Os}, no_command) ->
+ process_opts(atom_to_list(C), dict:from_list(GDefs ++ Os), As);
+ (C, no_command) ->
+ (maybe_process_opts(GDefs, As))({C, []}, no_command);
+ (_, {ok, Res}) ->
+ {ok, Res}
+ end.
+process_opts(C, Defs, As0) ->
+ KVs0 = dict:map(fun (_, flag) -> false;
(_, {option, V}) -> V
end, Defs),
- case process_opts1(C, Defs, KVs1, As) of
- no_command -> no_command;
- {ok, {KVs2, As1}} -> {ok, {list_to_atom(C), dict:to_list(KVs2), As1}}
- end.
+ process_opts(Defs, C, As0, not_found, KVs0, []).
%% Consume flags/options until you find the correct command. If there are no
%% arguments or the first argument is not the command we're expecting, fail.
-process_opts1(_, _, _, []) ->
+process_opts(_Defs, C, [], found, KVs, Outs) ->
+ {ok, {list_to_atom(C), dict:to_list(KVs), lists:reverse(Outs)}};
+process_opts(_Defs, _C, [], not_found, _, _) ->
-process_opts1(C, Defs, KVs1, [A | As]) ->
- case case dict:find(A, Defs) of
- {ok, flag} ->
- {opt, {dict:store(A, true, KVs1), As}};
- {ok, {option, _}} ->
- case As of
- [] -> bad_argument;
- [V | As1] -> {opt, {dict:store(A, V, KVs1), As1}}
- end;
- error when A =:= C ->
- {ok, {KVs1, As}};
- error ->
- no_command
- end
- of
- {opt, {KVs2, As2}} -> process_opts1(C, Defs, KVs2, As2);
- {ok, {KVs2, As2}} -> {ok, process_opts1(Defs, KVs2, As2)};
- no_command -> no_command
+process_opts(Defs, C, [A | As], Found, KVs, Outs) ->
+ OptType = case dict:find(A, Defs) of
+ error -> none;
+ {ok, flag} -> flag;
+ {ok, {option, _}} -> option
+ end,
+ case {OptType, C, Found} of
+ {flag, _, _} -> process_opts(
+ Defs, C, As, Found, dict:store(A, true, KVs),
+ Outs);
+ {option, _, _} -> case As of
+ [] -> process_opts(Defs, C, [], Found,
+ KVs, [A | Outs]);
+ [V | As1] -> process_opts(
+ Defs, C, As1, Found,
+ dict:store(A, V, KVs), Outs)
+ end;
+ {none, A, _} -> process_opts(Defs, C, As, found, KVs, Outs);
+ {none, _, found} -> process_opts(Defs, C, As, found, KVs, [A | Outs]);
+ {none, _, _} -> no_command
-%% Finish consuming the flags/options.
-process_opts1(_, KVs, []) ->
- {KVs, []};
-process_opts1(Defs, KVs1, [A | As]) ->
- {KVs2, AsL, AsR1} =
- case dict:find(A, Defs) of
- {ok, flag} ->
- {dict:store(A, true, KVs1), [], As};
- {ok, {option, _}} ->
- case As of
- [] -> {KVs1, [A], []};
- [V | As1] -> {dict:store(A, V, KVs1), [], As1}
- end;
- error ->
- {KVs1, [A], As}
- end,
- {KVs3, AsR2} = process_opts1(Defs, KVs2, AsR1),
- {KVs3, AsL ++ AsR2}.
now_ms() ->
timer:now_diff(now(), {0,0,0}) div 1000.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_plugins.erl b/src/rabbit_plugins.erl
index 13c68429..30c7bb37 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_plugins.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_plugins.erl
@@ -25,10 +25,15 @@
-define(ENABLED_OPT, "-E").
-define(ENABLED_ALL_OPT, "-e").
--define(GLOBAL_OPTS, []).
+-define(VERBOSE_DEF, {?VERBOSE_OPT, flag}).
+-define(MINIMAL_DEF, {?MINIMAL_OPT, flag}).
+-define(ENABLED_DEF, {?ENABLED_OPT, flag}).
+-define(ENABLED_ALL_DEF, {?ENABLED_ALL_OPT, flag}).
+-define(GLOBAL_DEFS, []).
@@ -53,12 +58,7 @@ start() ->
{ok, [[PluginsDir|_]|_]} = init:get_argument(plugins_dist_dir),
{Command, Opts, Args} =
- case rabbit_misc:parse_arguments(?COMMANDS,
- [{?VERBOSE_OPT, flag},
- {?MINIMAL_OPT, flag},
- {?ENABLED_OPT, flag},
- {?ENABLED_ALL_OPT, flag}],
+ case rabbit_misc:parse_arguments(?COMMANDS, ?GLOBAL_DEFS,
{ok, Res} -> Res;
diff --git a/src/rabbit_tests.erl b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
index 7383d6bf..7c287b0a 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_tests.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
@@ -802,16 +802,12 @@ test_log_management_during_startup() ->
test_arguments_parser() ->
- Defs1 = [{"-o1", {option, "foo"}},
- {"-o2", {option, "bar"}},
- {"-f1", flag},
- {"-f2", flag}],
- GlobalOpts1 = ["-f1", "-o1"],
- Commands1 = [command1, {command2, ["-f2", "-o2"]}],
+ GlobalOpts1 = [{"-f1", flag}, {"-o1", {option, "foo"}}],
+ Commands1 = [command1, {command2, [{"-f2", flag}, {"-o2", {option, "bar"}}]}],
GetOptions =
fun (Args) ->
- rabbit_misc:parse_arguments(Commands1, GlobalOpts1, Defs1, Args)
+ rabbit_misc:parse_arguments(Commands1, GlobalOpts1, Args)
check_parse_arguments(no_command, GetOptions, []),
@@ -861,29 +857,6 @@ test_arguments_parser() ->
{"-o1", "baz"}, {"-o2", "bar"}], ["quux", "foo"]}},
GetOptions, ["-f2", "command2", "quux", "-o1", "baz", "foo"]),
- %% If we pass non-defined flags, we get an error
- Defs2 = [{"-o1", {option, "foo"}}, {"-f1", flag}],
- Commands2 = [command1, {command2, ["-f1", "-bogus"]}],
- CheckError = fun (Fun) ->
- case catch Fun() of
- ok ->
- exit({got_success_but_expected_failure,
- parse_arguments_undefined_option});
- {error, undefined_option} ->
- ok
- end
- end,
- CheckError(fun () ->
- rabbit_misc:parse_arguments(
- Commands2, ["-quux"], Defs2, ["command1"])
- end),
- CheckError(fun () ->
- rabbit_misc:parse_arguments(
- Commands2, ["-o1"], Defs2, ["command2"])
- end),
test_cluster_management() ->
@@ -1668,8 +1641,8 @@ expand_options(As, Bs) ->
check_parse_arguments(ExpRes, Fun, As) ->
SortRes =
- fun (no_command) -> no_command;
- ({ok, {C, KVs, As}}) -> {ok, {C, lists:sort(KVs), lists:sort(As)}}
+ fun (no_command) -> no_command;
+ ({ok, {C, KVs, As1}}) -> {ok, {C, lists:sort(KVs), As1}}
true = SortRes(ExpRes) =:= SortRes(Fun(As)).