diff options
authorFrancesco Mazzoli <>2012-09-10 14:43:09 +0100
committerFrancesco Mazzoli <>2012-09-10 14:43:09 +0100
commit144090860fefc72d73cbb1a97a6f0c6b2d1cf389 (patch)
parent4f489bd425cd9bcfd47ed1d2de84650840446be9 (diff)
parent5bfceace4064f4aa29d2da995a922f43233d543d (diff)
merge default
4 files changed, 952 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/LICENSE-MIT-Mochi b/LICENSE-MIT-Mochi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c85b65a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LICENSE-MIT-Mochi
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+This is the MIT license.
+Copyright (c) 2007 Mochi Media, Inc.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/src/mochijson2.erl b/src/mochijson2.erl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bddb52cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mochijson2.erl
@@ -0,0 +1,893 @@
+%% This file is a copy of `mochijson2.erl' from mochiweb, revision
+%% d541e9a0f36c00dcadc2e589f20e47fbf46fc76f. For the license, see
+%% `LICENSE-MIT-Mochi'.
+%% @author Bob Ippolito <>
+%% @copyright 2007 Mochi Media, Inc.
+%% @doc Yet another JSON (RFC 4627) library for Erlang. mochijson2 works
+%% with binaries as strings, arrays as lists (without an {array, _})
+%% wrapper and it only knows how to decode UTF-8 (and ASCII).
+%% JSON terms are decoded as follows (javascript -> erlang):
+%% <ul>
+%% <li>{"key": "value"} ->
+%% {struct, [{&lt;&lt;"key">>, &lt;&lt;"value">>}]}</li>
+%% <li>["array", 123, 12.34, true, false, null] ->
+%% [&lt;&lt;"array">>, 123, 12.34, true, false, null]
+%% </li>
+%% </ul>
+%% <ul>
+%% <li>Strings in JSON decode to UTF-8 binaries in Erlang</li>
+%% <li>Objects decode to {struct, PropList}</li>
+%% <li>Numbers decode to integer or float</li>
+%% <li>true, false, null decode to their respective terms.</li>
+%% </ul>
+%% The encoder will accept the same format that the decoder will produce,
+%% but will also allow additional cases for leniency:
+%% <ul>
+%% <li>atoms other than true, false, null will be considered UTF-8
+%% strings (even as a proplist key)
+%% </li>
+%% <li>{json, IoList} will insert IoList directly into the output
+%% with no validation
+%% </li>
+%% <li>{array, Array} will be encoded as Array
+%% (legacy mochijson style)
+%% </li>
+%% <li>A non-empty raw proplist will be encoded as an object as long
+%% as the first pair does not have an atom key of json, struct,
+%% or array
+%% </li>
+%% </ul>
+-export([encoder/1, encode/1]).
+-export([decoder/1, decode/1, decode/2]).
+%% This is a macro to placate syntax highlighters..
+-define(Q, $\").
+-define(ADV_COL(S, N), S#decoder{offset=N+S#decoder.offset,
+ column=N+S#decoder.column}).
+-define(INC_COL(S), S#decoder{offset=1+S#decoder.offset,
+ column=1+S#decoder.column}).
+-define(INC_LINE(S), S#decoder{offset=1+S#decoder.offset,
+ column=1,
+ line=1+S#decoder.line}).
+-define(INC_CHAR(S, C),
+ case C of
+ $\n ->
+ S#decoder{column=1,
+ line=1+S#decoder.line,
+ offset=1+S#decoder.offset};
+ _ ->
+ S#decoder{column=1+S#decoder.column,
+ offset=1+S#decoder.offset}
+ end).
+ (C =:= $\s orelse C =:= $\t orelse C =:= $\r orelse C =:= $\n)).
+%% @type json_string() = atom | binary()
+%% @type json_number() = integer() | float()
+%% @type json_array() = [json_term()]
+%% @type json_object() = {struct, [{json_string(), json_term()}]}
+%% @type json_eep18_object() = {[{json_string(), json_term()}]}
+%% @type json_iolist() = {json, iolist()}
+%% @type json_term() = json_string() | json_number() | json_array() |
+%% json_object() | json_eep18_object() | json_iolist()
+-record(encoder, {handler=null,
+ utf8=false}).
+-record(decoder, {object_hook=null,
+ offset=0,
+ line=1,
+ column=1,
+ state=null}).
+%% @spec encoder([encoder_option()]) -> function()
+%% @doc Create an encoder/1 with the given options.
+%% @type encoder_option() = handler_option() | utf8_option()
+%% @type utf8_option() = boolean(). Emit unicode as utf8 (default - false)
+encoder(Options) ->
+ State = parse_encoder_options(Options, #encoder{}),
+ fun (O) -> json_encode(O, State) end.
+%% @spec encode(json_term()) -> iolist()
+%% @doc Encode the given as JSON to an iolist.
+encode(Any) ->
+ json_encode(Any, #encoder{}).
+%% @spec decoder([decoder_option()]) -> function()
+%% @doc Create a decoder/1 with the given options.
+decoder(Options) ->
+ State = parse_decoder_options(Options, #decoder{}),
+ fun (O) -> json_decode(O, State) end.
+%% @spec decode(iolist(), [{format, proplist | eep18 | struct}]) -> json_term()
+%% @doc Decode the given iolist to Erlang terms using the given object format
+%% for decoding, where proplist returns JSON objects as [{binary(), json_term()}]
+%% proplists, eep18 returns JSON objects as {[binary(), json_term()]}, and struct
+%% returns them as-is.
+decode(S, Options) ->
+ json_decode(S, parse_decoder_options(Options, #decoder{})).
+%% @spec decode(iolist()) -> json_term()
+%% @doc Decode the given iolist to Erlang terms.
+decode(S) ->
+ json_decode(S, #decoder{}).
+%% Internal API
+parse_encoder_options([], State) ->
+ State;
+parse_encoder_options([{handler, Handler} | Rest], State) ->
+ parse_encoder_options(Rest, State#encoder{handler=Handler});
+parse_encoder_options([{utf8, Switch} | Rest], State) ->
+ parse_encoder_options(Rest, State#encoder{utf8=Switch}).
+parse_decoder_options([], State) ->
+ State;
+parse_decoder_options([{object_hook, Hook} | Rest], State) ->
+ parse_decoder_options(Rest, State#decoder{object_hook=Hook});
+parse_decoder_options([{format, Format} | Rest], State)
+ when Format =:= struct orelse Format =:= eep18 orelse Format =:= proplist ->
+ parse_decoder_options(Rest, State#decoder{object_hook=Format}).
+json_encode(true, _State) ->
+ <<"true">>;
+json_encode(false, _State) ->
+ <<"false">>;
+json_encode(null, _State) ->
+ <<"null">>;
+json_encode(I, _State) when is_integer(I) ->
+ integer_to_list(I);
+json_encode(F, _State) when is_float(F) ->
+ mochinum:digits(F);
+json_encode(S, State) when is_binary(S); is_atom(S) ->
+ json_encode_string(S, State);
+json_encode([{K, _}|_] = Props, State) when (K =/= struct andalso
+ K =/= array andalso
+ K =/= json) ->
+ json_encode_proplist(Props, State);
+json_encode({struct, Props}, State) when is_list(Props) ->
+ json_encode_proplist(Props, State);
+json_encode({Props}, State) when is_list(Props) ->
+ json_encode_proplist(Props, State);
+json_encode({}, State) ->
+ json_encode_proplist([], State);
+json_encode(Array, State) when is_list(Array) ->
+ json_encode_array(Array, State);
+json_encode({array, Array}, State) when is_list(Array) ->
+ json_encode_array(Array, State);
+json_encode({json, IoList}, _State) ->
+ IoList;
+json_encode(Bad, #encoder{handler=null}) ->
+ exit({json_encode, {bad_term, Bad}});
+json_encode(Bad, State=#encoder{handler=Handler}) ->
+ json_encode(Handler(Bad), State).
+json_encode_array([], _State) ->
+ <<"[]">>;
+json_encode_array(L, State) ->
+ F = fun (O, Acc) ->
+ [$,, json_encode(O, State) | Acc]
+ end,
+ [$, | Acc1] = lists:foldl(F, "[", L),
+ lists:reverse([$\] | Acc1]).
+json_encode_proplist([], _State) ->
+ <<"{}">>;
+json_encode_proplist(Props, State) ->
+ F = fun ({K, V}, Acc) ->
+ KS = json_encode_string(K, State),
+ VS = json_encode(V, State),
+ [$,, VS, $:, KS | Acc]
+ end,
+ [$, | Acc1] = lists:foldl(F, "{", Props),
+ lists:reverse([$\} | Acc1]).
+json_encode_string(A, State) when is_atom(A) ->
+ L = atom_to_list(A),
+ case json_string_is_safe(L) of
+ true ->
+ [?Q, L, ?Q];
+ false ->
+ json_encode_string_unicode(xmerl_ucs:from_utf8(L), State, [?Q])
+ end;
+json_encode_string(B, State) when is_binary(B) ->
+ case json_bin_is_safe(B) of
+ true ->
+ [?Q, B, ?Q];
+ false ->
+ json_encode_string_unicode(xmerl_ucs:from_utf8(B), State, [?Q])
+ end;
+json_encode_string(I, _State) when is_integer(I) ->
+ [?Q, integer_to_list(I), ?Q];
+json_encode_string(L, State) when is_list(L) ->
+ case json_string_is_safe(L) of
+ true ->
+ [?Q, L, ?Q];
+ false ->
+ json_encode_string_unicode(L, State, [?Q])
+ end.
+json_string_is_safe([]) ->
+ true;
+json_string_is_safe([C | Rest]) ->
+ case C of
+ ?Q ->
+ false;
+ $\\ ->
+ false;
+ $\b ->
+ false;
+ $\f ->
+ false;
+ $\n ->
+ false;
+ $\r ->
+ false;
+ $\t ->
+ false;
+ C when C >= 0, C < $\s; C >= 16#7f, C =< 16#10FFFF ->
+ false;
+ C when C < 16#7f ->
+ json_string_is_safe(Rest);
+ _ ->
+ false
+ end.
+json_bin_is_safe(<<>>) ->
+ true;
+json_bin_is_safe(<<C, Rest/binary>>) ->
+ case C of
+ ?Q ->
+ false;
+ $\\ ->
+ false;
+ $\b ->
+ false;
+ $\f ->
+ false;
+ $\n ->
+ false;
+ $\r ->
+ false;
+ $\t ->
+ false;
+ C when C >= 0, C < $\s; C >= 16#7f ->
+ false;
+ C when C < 16#7f ->
+ json_bin_is_safe(Rest)
+ end.
+json_encode_string_unicode([], _State, Acc) ->
+ lists:reverse([$\" | Acc]);
+json_encode_string_unicode([C | Cs], State, Acc) ->
+ Acc1 = case C of
+ ?Q ->
+ [?Q, $\\ | Acc];
+ %% Escaping solidus is only useful when trying to protect
+ %% against "</script>" injection attacks which are only
+ %% possible when JSON is inserted into a HTML document
+ %% in-line. mochijson2 does not protect you from this, so
+ %% if you do insert directly into HTML then you need to
+ %% uncomment the following case or escape the output of encode.
+ %%
+ %% $/ ->
+ %% [$/, $\\ | Acc];
+ %%
+ $\\ ->
+ [$\\, $\\ | Acc];
+ $\b ->
+ [$b, $\\ | Acc];
+ $\f ->
+ [$f, $\\ | Acc];
+ $\n ->
+ [$n, $\\ | Acc];
+ $\r ->
+ [$r, $\\ | Acc];
+ $\t ->
+ [$t, $\\ | Acc];
+ C when C >= 0, C < $\s ->
+ [unihex(C) | Acc];
+ C when C >= 16#7f, C =< 16#10FFFF, State#encoder.utf8 ->
+ [xmerl_ucs:to_utf8(C) | Acc];
+ C when C >= 16#7f, C =< 16#10FFFF, not State#encoder.utf8 ->
+ [unihex(C) | Acc];
+ C when C < 16#7f ->
+ [C | Acc];
+ _ ->
+ exit({json_encode, {bad_char, C}})
+ end,
+ json_encode_string_unicode(Cs, State, Acc1).
+hexdigit(C) when C >= 0, C =< 9 ->
+ C + $0;
+hexdigit(C) when C =< 15 ->
+ C + $a - 10.
+unihex(C) when C < 16#10000 ->
+ <<D3:4, D2:4, D1:4, D0:4>> = <<C:16>>,
+ Digits = [hexdigit(D) || D <- [D3, D2, D1, D0]],
+ [$\\, $u | Digits];
+unihex(C) when C =< 16#10FFFF ->
+ N = C - 16#10000,
+ S1 = 16#d800 bor ((N bsr 10) band 16#3ff),
+ S2 = 16#dc00 bor (N band 16#3ff),
+ [unihex(S1), unihex(S2)].
+json_decode(L, S) when is_list(L) ->
+ json_decode(iolist_to_binary(L), S);
+json_decode(B, S) ->
+ {Res, S1} = decode1(B, S),
+ {eof, _} = tokenize(B, S1#decoder{state=trim}),
+ Res.
+decode1(B, S=#decoder{state=null}) ->
+ case tokenize(B, S#decoder{state=any}) of
+ {{const, C}, S1} ->
+ {C, S1};
+ {start_array, S1} ->
+ decode_array(B, S1);
+ {start_object, S1} ->
+ decode_object(B, S1)
+ end.
+make_object(V, #decoder{object_hook=N}) when N =:= null orelse N =:= struct ->
+ V;
+make_object({struct, P}, #decoder{object_hook=eep18}) ->
+ {P};
+make_object({struct, P}, #decoder{object_hook=proplist}) ->
+ P;
+make_object(V, #decoder{object_hook=Hook}) ->
+ Hook(V).
+decode_object(B, S) ->
+ decode_object(B, S#decoder{state=key}, []).
+decode_object(B, S=#decoder{state=key}, Acc) ->
+ case tokenize(B, S) of
+ {end_object, S1} ->
+ V = make_object({struct, lists:reverse(Acc)}, S1),
+ {V, S1#decoder{state=null}};
+ {{const, K}, S1} ->
+ {colon, S2} = tokenize(B, S1),
+ {V, S3} = decode1(B, S2#decoder{state=null}),
+ decode_object(B, S3#decoder{state=comma}, [{K, V} | Acc])
+ end;
+decode_object(B, S=#decoder{state=comma}, Acc) ->
+ case tokenize(B, S) of
+ {end_object, S1} ->
+ V = make_object({struct, lists:reverse(Acc)}, S1),
+ {V, S1#decoder{state=null}};
+ {comma, S1} ->
+ decode_object(B, S1#decoder{state=key}, Acc)
+ end.
+decode_array(B, S) ->
+ decode_array(B, S#decoder{state=any}, []).
+decode_array(B, S=#decoder{state=any}, Acc) ->
+ case tokenize(B, S) of
+ {end_array, S1} ->
+ {lists:reverse(Acc), S1#decoder{state=null}};
+ {start_array, S1} ->
+ {Array, S2} = decode_array(B, S1),
+ decode_array(B, S2#decoder{state=comma}, [Array | Acc]);
+ {start_object, S1} ->
+ {Array, S2} = decode_object(B, S1),
+ decode_array(B, S2#decoder{state=comma}, [Array | Acc]);
+ {{const, Const}, S1} ->
+ decode_array(B, S1#decoder{state=comma}, [Const | Acc])
+ end;
+decode_array(B, S=#decoder{state=comma}, Acc) ->
+ case tokenize(B, S) of
+ {end_array, S1} ->
+ {lists:reverse(Acc), S1#decoder{state=null}};
+ {comma, S1} ->
+ decode_array(B, S1#decoder{state=any}, Acc)
+ end.
+tokenize_string(B, S=#decoder{offset=O}) ->
+ case tokenize_string_fast(B, O) of
+ {escape, O1} ->
+ Length = O1 - O,
+ S1 = ?ADV_COL(S, Length),
+ <<_:O/binary, Head:Length/binary, _/binary>> = B,
+ tokenize_string(B, S1, lists:reverse(binary_to_list(Head)));
+ O1 ->
+ Length = O1 - O,
+ <<_:O/binary, String:Length/binary, ?Q, _/binary>> = B,
+ {{const, String}, ?ADV_COL(S, Length + 1)}
+ end.
+tokenize_string_fast(B, O) ->
+ case B of
+ <<_:O/binary, ?Q, _/binary>> ->
+ O;
+ <<_:O/binary, $\\, _/binary>> ->
+ {escape, O};
+ <<_:O/binary, C1, _/binary>> when C1 < 128 ->
+ tokenize_string_fast(B, 1 + O);
+ <<_:O/binary, C1, C2, _/binary>> when C1 >= 194, C1 =< 223,
+ C2 >= 128, C2 =< 191 ->
+ tokenize_string_fast(B, 2 + O);
+ <<_:O/binary, C1, C2, C3, _/binary>> when C1 >= 224, C1 =< 239,
+ C2 >= 128, C2 =< 191,
+ C3 >= 128, C3 =< 191 ->
+ tokenize_string_fast(B, 3 + O);
+ <<_:O/binary, C1, C2, C3, C4, _/binary>> when C1 >= 240, C1 =< 244,
+ C2 >= 128, C2 =< 191,
+ C3 >= 128, C3 =< 191,
+ C4 >= 128, C4 =< 191 ->
+ tokenize_string_fast(B, 4 + O);
+ _ ->
+ throw(invalid_utf8)
+ end.
+tokenize_string(B, S=#decoder{offset=O}, Acc) ->
+ case B of
+ <<_:O/binary, ?Q, _/binary>> ->
+ {{const, iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc))}, ?INC_COL(S)};
+ <<_:O/binary, "\\\"", _/binary>> ->
+ tokenize_string(B, ?ADV_COL(S, 2), [$\" | Acc]);
+ <<_:O/binary, "\\\\", _/binary>> ->
+ tokenize_string(B, ?ADV_COL(S, 2), [$\\ | Acc]);
+ <<_:O/binary, "\\/", _/binary>> ->
+ tokenize_string(B, ?ADV_COL(S, 2), [$/ | Acc]);
+ <<_:O/binary, "\\b", _/binary>> ->
+ tokenize_string(B, ?ADV_COL(S, 2), [$\b | Acc]);
+ <<_:O/binary, "\\f", _/binary>> ->
+ tokenize_string(B, ?ADV_COL(S, 2), [$\f | Acc]);
+ <<_:O/binary, "\\n", _/binary>> ->
+ tokenize_string(B, ?ADV_COL(S, 2), [$\n | Acc]);
+ <<_:O/binary, "\\r", _/binary>> ->
+ tokenize_string(B, ?ADV_COL(S, 2), [$\r | Acc]);
+ <<_:O/binary, "\\t", _/binary>> ->
+ tokenize_string(B, ?ADV_COL(S, 2), [$\t | Acc]);
+ <<_:O/binary, "\\u", C3, C2, C1, C0, Rest/binary>> ->
+ C = erlang:list_to_integer([C3, C2, C1, C0], 16),
+ if C > 16#D7FF, C < 16#DC00 ->
+ %% coalesce UTF-16 surrogate pair
+ <<"\\u", D3, D2, D1, D0, _/binary>> = Rest,
+ D = erlang:list_to_integer([D3,D2,D1,D0], 16),
+ [CodePoint] = xmerl_ucs:from_utf16be(<<C:16/big-unsigned-integer,
+ D:16/big-unsigned-integer>>),
+ Acc1 = lists:reverse(xmerl_ucs:to_utf8(CodePoint), Acc),
+ tokenize_string(B, ?ADV_COL(S, 12), Acc1);
+ true ->
+ Acc1 = lists:reverse(xmerl_ucs:to_utf8(C), Acc),
+ tokenize_string(B, ?ADV_COL(S, 6), Acc1)
+ end;
+ <<_:O/binary, C1, _/binary>> when C1 < 128 ->
+ tokenize_string(B, ?INC_CHAR(S, C1), [C1 | Acc]);
+ <<_:O/binary, C1, C2, _/binary>> when C1 >= 194, C1 =< 223,
+ C2 >= 128, C2 =< 191 ->
+ tokenize_string(B, ?ADV_COL(S, 2), [C2, C1 | Acc]);
+ <<_:O/binary, C1, C2, C3, _/binary>> when C1 >= 224, C1 =< 239,
+ C2 >= 128, C2 =< 191,
+ C3 >= 128, C3 =< 191 ->
+ tokenize_string(B, ?ADV_COL(S, 3), [C3, C2, C1 | Acc]);
+ <<_:O/binary, C1, C2, C3, C4, _/binary>> when C1 >= 240, C1 =< 244,
+ C2 >= 128, C2 =< 191,
+ C3 >= 128, C3 =< 191,
+ C4 >= 128, C4 =< 191 ->
+ tokenize_string(B, ?ADV_COL(S, 4), [C4, C3, C2, C1 | Acc]);
+ _ ->
+ throw(invalid_utf8)
+ end.
+tokenize_number(B, S) ->
+ case tokenize_number(B, sign, S, []) of
+ {{int, Int}, S1} ->
+ {{const, list_to_integer(Int)}, S1};
+ {{float, Float}, S1} ->
+ {{const, list_to_float(Float)}, S1}
+ end.
+tokenize_number(B, sign, S=#decoder{offset=O}, []) ->
+ case B of
+ <<_:O/binary, $-, _/binary>> ->
+ tokenize_number(B, int, ?INC_COL(S), [$-]);
+ _ ->
+ tokenize_number(B, int, S, [])
+ end;
+tokenize_number(B, int, S=#decoder{offset=O}, Acc) ->
+ case B of
+ <<_:O/binary, $0, _/binary>> ->
+ tokenize_number(B, frac, ?INC_COL(S), [$0 | Acc]);
+ <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> when C >= $1 andalso C =< $9 ->
+ tokenize_number(B, int1, ?INC_COL(S), [C | Acc])
+ end;
+tokenize_number(B, int1, S=#decoder{offset=O}, Acc) ->
+ case B of
+ <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> when C >= $0 andalso C =< $9 ->
+ tokenize_number(B, int1, ?INC_COL(S), [C | Acc]);
+ _ ->
+ tokenize_number(B, frac, S, Acc)
+ end;
+tokenize_number(B, frac, S=#decoder{offset=O}, Acc) ->
+ case B of
+ <<_:O/binary, $., C, _/binary>> when C >= $0, C =< $9 ->
+ tokenize_number(B, frac1, ?ADV_COL(S, 2), [C, $. | Acc]);
+ <<_:O/binary, E, _/binary>> when E =:= $e orelse E =:= $E ->
+ tokenize_number(B, esign, ?INC_COL(S), [$e, $0, $. | Acc]);
+ _ ->
+ {{int, lists:reverse(Acc)}, S}
+ end;
+tokenize_number(B, frac1, S=#decoder{offset=O}, Acc) ->
+ case B of
+ <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> when C >= $0 andalso C =< $9 ->
+ tokenize_number(B, frac1, ?INC_COL(S), [C | Acc]);
+ <<_:O/binary, E, _/binary>> when E =:= $e orelse E =:= $E ->
+ tokenize_number(B, esign, ?INC_COL(S), [$e | Acc]);
+ _ ->
+ {{float, lists:reverse(Acc)}, S}
+ end;
+tokenize_number(B, esign, S=#decoder{offset=O}, Acc) ->
+ case B of
+ <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> when C =:= $- orelse C=:= $+ ->
+ tokenize_number(B, eint, ?INC_COL(S), [C | Acc]);
+ _ ->
+ tokenize_number(B, eint, S, Acc)
+ end;
+tokenize_number(B, eint, S=#decoder{offset=O}, Acc) ->
+ case B of
+ <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> when C >= $0 andalso C =< $9 ->
+ tokenize_number(B, eint1, ?INC_COL(S), [C | Acc])
+ end;
+tokenize_number(B, eint1, S=#decoder{offset=O}, Acc) ->
+ case B of
+ <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> when C >= $0 andalso C =< $9 ->
+ tokenize_number(B, eint1, ?INC_COL(S), [C | Acc]);
+ _ ->
+ {{float, lists:reverse(Acc)}, S}
+ end.
+tokenize(B, S=#decoder{offset=O}) ->
+ case B of
+ <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> when ?IS_WHITESPACE(C) ->
+ tokenize(B, ?INC_CHAR(S, C));
+ <<_:O/binary, "{", _/binary>> ->
+ {start_object, ?INC_COL(S)};
+ <<_:O/binary, "}", _/binary>> ->
+ {end_object, ?INC_COL(S)};
+ <<_:O/binary, "[", _/binary>> ->
+ {start_array, ?INC_COL(S)};
+ <<_:O/binary, "]", _/binary>> ->
+ {end_array, ?INC_COL(S)};
+ <<_:O/binary, ",", _/binary>> ->
+ {comma, ?INC_COL(S)};
+ <<_:O/binary, ":", _/binary>> ->
+ {colon, ?INC_COL(S)};
+ <<_:O/binary, "null", _/binary>> ->
+ {{const, null}, ?ADV_COL(S, 4)};
+ <<_:O/binary, "true", _/binary>> ->
+ {{const, true}, ?ADV_COL(S, 4)};
+ <<_:O/binary, "false", _/binary>> ->
+ {{const, false}, ?ADV_COL(S, 5)};
+ <<_:O/binary, "\"", _/binary>> ->
+ tokenize_string(B, ?INC_COL(S));
+ <<_:O/binary, C, _/binary>> when (C >= $0 andalso C =< $9)
+ orelse C =:= $- ->
+ tokenize_number(B, S);
+ <<_:O/binary>> ->
+ trim = S#decoder.state,
+ {eof, S}
+ end.
+%% Tests
+%% testing constructs borrowed from the Yaws JSON implementation.
+%% Create an object from a list of Key/Value pairs.
+obj_new() ->
+ {struct, []}.
+is_obj({struct, Props}) ->
+ F = fun ({K, _}) when is_binary(K) -> true end,
+ lists:all(F, Props).
+obj_from_list(Props) ->
+ Obj = {struct, Props},
+ ?assert(is_obj(Obj)),
+ Obj.
+%% Test for equivalence of Erlang terms.
+%% Due to arbitrary order of construction, equivalent objects might
+%% compare unequal as erlang terms, so we need to carefully recurse
+%% through aggregates (tuples and objects).
+equiv({struct, Props1}, {struct, Props2}) ->
+ equiv_object(Props1, Props2);
+equiv(L1, L2) when is_list(L1), is_list(L2) ->
+ equiv_list(L1, L2);
+equiv(N1, N2) when is_number(N1), is_number(N2) -> N1 == N2;
+equiv(B1, B2) when is_binary(B1), is_binary(B2) -> B1 == B2;
+equiv(A, A) when A =:= true orelse A =:= false orelse A =:= null -> true.
+%% Object representation and traversal order is unknown.
+%% Use the sledgehammer and sort property lists.
+equiv_object(Props1, Props2) ->
+ L1 = lists:keysort(1, Props1),
+ L2 = lists:keysort(1, Props2),
+ Pairs = lists:zip(L1, L2),
+ true = lists:all(fun({{K1, V1}, {K2, V2}}) ->
+ equiv(K1, K2) and equiv(V1, V2)
+ end, Pairs).
+%% Recursively compare tuple elements for equivalence.
+equiv_list([], []) ->
+ true;
+equiv_list([V1 | L1], [V2 | L2]) ->
+ equiv(V1, V2) andalso equiv_list(L1, L2).
+decode_test() ->
+ [1199344435545.0, 1] = decode(<<"[1199344435545.0,1]">>),
+ <<16#F0,16#9D,16#9C,16#95>> = decode([34,"\\ud835","\\udf15",34]).
+e2j_vec_test() ->
+ test_one(e2j_test_vec(utf8), 1).
+test_one([], _N) ->
+ %% io:format("~p tests passed~n", [N-1]),
+ ok;
+test_one([{E, J} | Rest], N) ->
+ %% io:format("[~p] ~p ~p~n", [N, E, J]),
+ true = equiv(E, decode(J)),
+ true = equiv(E, decode(encode(E))),
+ test_one(Rest, 1+N).
+e2j_test_vec(utf8) ->
+ [
+ {1, "1"},
+ {3.1416, "3.14160"}, %% text representation may truncate, trail zeroes
+ {-1, "-1"},
+ {-3.1416, "-3.14160"},
+ {12.0e10, "1.20000e+11"},
+ {1.234E+10, "1.23400e+10"},
+ {-1.234E-10, "-1.23400e-10"},
+ {10.0, "1.0e+01"},
+ {123.456, "1.23456E+2"},
+ {10.0, "1e1"},
+ {<<"foo">>, "\"foo\""},
+ {<<"foo", 5, "bar">>, "\"foo\\u0005bar\""},
+ {<<"">>, "\"\""},
+ {<<"\n\n\n">>, "\"\\n\\n\\n\""},
+ {<<"\" \b\f\r\n\t\"">>, "\"\\\" \\b\\f\\r\\n\\t\\\"\""},
+ {obj_new(), "{}"},
+ {obj_from_list([{<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>}]), "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}"},
+ {obj_from_list([{<<"foo">>, <<"bar">>}, {<<"baz">>, 123}]),
+ "{\"foo\":\"bar\",\"baz\":123}"},
+ {[], "[]"},
+ {[[]], "[[]]"},
+ {[1, <<"foo">>], "[1,\"foo\"]"},
+ %% json array in a json object
+ {obj_from_list([{<<"foo">>, [123]}]),
+ "{\"foo\":[123]}"},
+ %% json object in a json object
+ {obj_from_list([{<<"foo">>, obj_from_list([{<<"bar">>, true}])}]),
+ "{\"foo\":{\"bar\":true}}"},
+ %% fold evaluation order
+ {obj_from_list([{<<"foo">>, []},
+ {<<"bar">>, obj_from_list([{<<"baz">>, true}])},
+ {<<"alice">>, <<"bob">>}]),
+ "{\"foo\":[],\"bar\":{\"baz\":true},\"alice\":\"bob\"}"},
+ %% json object in a json array
+ {[-123, <<"foo">>, obj_from_list([{<<"bar">>, []}]), null],
+ "[-123,\"foo\",{\"bar\":[]},null]"}
+ ].
+%% test utf8 encoding
+encoder_utf8_test() ->
+ %% safe conversion case (default)
+ [34,"\\u0001","\\u0442","\\u0435","\\u0441","\\u0442",34] =
+ encode(<<1,"\321\202\320\265\321\201\321\202">>),
+ %% raw utf8 output (optional)
+ Enc = mochijson2:encoder([{utf8, true}]),
+ [34,"\\u0001",[209,130],[208,181],[209,129],[209,130],34] =
+ Enc(<<1,"\321\202\320\265\321\201\321\202">>).
+input_validation_test() ->
+ Good = [
+ {16#00A3, <<?Q, 16#C2, 16#A3, ?Q>>}, %% pound
+ {16#20AC, <<?Q, 16#E2, 16#82, 16#AC, ?Q>>}, %% euro
+ {16#10196, <<?Q, 16#F0, 16#90, 16#86, 16#96, ?Q>>} %% denarius
+ ],
+ lists:foreach(fun({CodePoint, UTF8}) ->
+ Expect = list_to_binary(xmerl_ucs:to_utf8(CodePoint)),
+ Expect = decode(UTF8)
+ end, Good),
+ Bad = [
+ %% 2nd, 3rd, or 4th byte of a multi-byte sequence w/o leading byte
+ <<?Q, 16#80, ?Q>>,
+ %% missing continuations, last byte in each should be 80-BF
+ <<?Q, 16#C2, 16#7F, ?Q>>,
+ <<?Q, 16#E0, 16#80,16#7F, ?Q>>,
+ <<?Q, 16#F0, 16#80, 16#80, 16#7F, ?Q>>,
+ %% we don't support code points > 10FFFF per RFC 3629
+ <<?Q, 16#F5, 16#80, 16#80, 16#80, ?Q>>,
+ %% escape characters trigger a different code path
+ <<?Q, $\\, $\n, 16#80, ?Q>>
+ ],
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(X) ->
+ ok = try decode(X) catch invalid_utf8 -> ok end,
+ %% could be {ucs,{bad_utf8_character_code}} or
+ %% {json_encode,{bad_char,_}}
+ {'EXIT', _} = (catch encode(X))
+ end, Bad).
+inline_json_test() ->
+ ?assertEqual(<<"\"iodata iodata\"">>,
+ iolist_to_binary(
+ encode({json, [<<"\"iodata">>, " iodata\""]}))),
+ ?assertEqual({struct, [{<<"key">>, <<"iodata iodata">>}]},
+ decode(
+ encode({struct,
+ [{key, {json, [<<"\"iodata">>, " iodata\""]}}]}))),
+ ok.
+big_unicode_test() ->
+ UTF8Seq = list_to_binary(xmerl_ucs:to_utf8(16#0001d120)),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ <<"\"\\ud834\\udd20\"">>,
+ iolist_to_binary(encode(UTF8Seq))),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ UTF8Seq,
+ decode(iolist_to_binary(encode(UTF8Seq)))),
+ ok.
+custom_decoder_test() ->
+ ?assertEqual(
+ {struct, [{<<"key">>, <<"value">>}]},
+ (decoder([]))("{\"key\": \"value\"}")),
+ F = fun ({struct, [{<<"key">>, <<"value">>}]}) -> win end,
+ ?assertEqual(
+ win,
+ (decoder([{object_hook, F}]))("{\"key\": \"value\"}")),
+ ok.
+atom_test() ->
+ %% JSON native atoms
+ [begin
+ ?assertEqual(A, decode(atom_to_list(A))),
+ ?assertEqual(iolist_to_binary(atom_to_list(A)),
+ iolist_to_binary(encode(A)))
+ end || A <- [true, false, null]],
+ %% Atom to string
+ ?assertEqual(
+ <<"\"foo\"">>,
+ iolist_to_binary(encode(foo))),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ <<"\"\\ud834\\udd20\"">>,
+ iolist_to_binary(encode(list_to_atom(xmerl_ucs:to_utf8(16#0001d120))))),
+ ok.
+key_encode_test() ->
+ %% Some forms are accepted as keys that would not be strings in other
+ %% cases
+ ?assertEqual(
+ <<"{\"foo\":1}">>,
+ iolist_to_binary(encode({struct, [{foo, 1}]}))),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ <<"{\"foo\":1}">>,
+ iolist_to_binary(encode({struct, [{<<"foo">>, 1}]}))),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ <<"{\"foo\":1}">>,
+ iolist_to_binary(encode({struct, [{"foo", 1}]}))),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ <<"{\"foo\":1}">>,
+ iolist_to_binary(encode([{foo, 1}]))),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ <<"{\"foo\":1}">>,
+ iolist_to_binary(encode([{<<"foo">>, 1}]))),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ <<"{\"foo\":1}">>,
+ iolist_to_binary(encode([{"foo", 1}]))),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ <<"{\"\\ud834\\udd20\":1}">>,
+ iolist_to_binary(
+ encode({struct, [{[16#0001d120], 1}]}))),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ <<"{\"1\":1}">>,
+ iolist_to_binary(encode({struct, [{1, 1}]}))),
+ ok.
+unsafe_chars_test() ->
+ Chars = "\"\\\b\f\n\r\t",
+ [begin
+ ?assertEqual(false, json_string_is_safe([C])),
+ ?assertEqual(false, json_bin_is_safe(<<C>>)),
+ ?assertEqual(<<C>>, decode(encode(<<C>>)))
+ end || C <- Chars],
+ ?assertEqual(
+ false,
+ json_string_is_safe([16#0001d120])),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ false,
+ json_bin_is_safe(list_to_binary(xmerl_ucs:to_utf8(16#0001d120)))),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ [16#0001d120],
+ xmerl_ucs:from_utf8(
+ binary_to_list(
+ decode(encode(list_to_atom(xmerl_ucs:to_utf8(16#0001d120))))))),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ false,
+ json_string_is_safe([16#110000])),
+ ?assertEqual(
+ false,
+ json_bin_is_safe(list_to_binary(xmerl_ucs:to_utf8([16#110000])))),
+ %% solidus can be escaped but isn't unsafe by default
+ ?assertEqual(
+ <<"/">>,
+ decode(<<"\"\\/\"">>)),
+ ok.
+int_test() ->
+ ?assertEqual(0, decode("0")),
+ ?assertEqual(1, decode("1")),
+ ?assertEqual(11, decode("11")),
+ ok.
+large_int_test() ->
+ ?assertEqual(<<"-2147483649214748364921474836492147483649">>,
+ iolist_to_binary(encode(-2147483649214748364921474836492147483649))),
+ ?assertEqual(<<"2147483649214748364921474836492147483649">>,
+ iolist_to_binary(encode(2147483649214748364921474836492147483649))),
+ ok.
+float_test() ->
+ ?assertEqual(<<"-2147483649.0">>, iolist_to_binary(encode(-2147483649.0))),
+ ?assertEqual(<<"2147483648.0">>, iolist_to_binary(encode(2147483648.0))),
+ ok.
+handler_test() ->
+ ?assertEqual(
+ {'EXIT',{json_encode,{bad_term,{x,y}}}},
+ catch encode({x,y})),
+ F = fun ({x,y}) -> [] end,
+ ?assertEqual(
+ <<"[]">>,
+ iolist_to_binary((encoder([{handler, F}]))({x, y}))),
+ ok.
+encode_empty_test_() ->
+ [{A, ?_assertEqual(<<"{}">>, iolist_to_binary(encode(B)))}
+ || {A, B} <- [{"eep18 {}", {}},
+ {"eep18 {[]}", {[]}},
+ {"{struct, []}", {struct, []}}]].
+encode_test_() ->
+ P = [{<<"k">>, <<"v">>}],
+ JSON = iolist_to_binary(encode({struct, P})),
+ [{atom_to_list(F),
+ ?_assertEqual(JSON, iolist_to_binary(encode(decode(JSON, [{format, F}]))))}
+ || F <- [struct, eep18, proplist]].
+format_test_() ->
+ P = [{<<"k">>, <<"v">>}],
+ JSON = iolist_to_binary(encode({struct, P})),
+ [{atom_to_list(F),
+ ?_assertEqual(A, decode(JSON, [{format, F}]))}
+ || {F, A} <- [{struct, {struct, P}},
+ {eep18, {P}},
+ {proplist, P}]].
diff --git a/src/rabbit_misc.erl b/src/rabbit_misc.erl
index 8f6a9bcf..20f541e5 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_misc.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_misc.erl
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
+-export([json_encode/1, json_decode/1, json_to_term/1, term_to_json/1]).
%% Horrible macro to use in guards
@@ -217,6 +218,10 @@
([pid()], any()) -> {[{pid(), any()}], [{pid(), any()}]}).
-spec(os_cmd/1 :: (string()) -> string()).
-spec(gb_sets_difference/2 :: (gb_set(), gb_set()) -> gb_set()).
+-spec(json_encode/1 :: (any()) -> {'ok', string()} | {'error', any()}).
+-spec(json_decode/1 :: (string()) -> {'ok', any()} | 'error').
+-spec(json_to_term/1 :: (any()) -> any()).
+-spec(term_to_json/1 :: (any()) -> any()).
@@ -934,3 +939,38 @@ os_cmd(Command) ->
gb_sets_difference(S1, S2) ->
gb_sets:fold(fun gb_sets:delete_any/2, S1, S2).
+json_encode(Term) ->
+ try
+ {ok, mochijson2:encode(Term)}
+ catch
+ exit:{json_encode, E} ->
+ {error, E}
+ end.
+json_decode(Term) ->
+ try
+ {ok, mochijson2:decode(Term)}
+ catch
+ %% Sadly `mochijson2:decode/1' does not offer a nice way to catch
+ %% decoding errors...
+ error:_ -> error
+ end.
+json_to_term({struct, L}) ->
+ [{K, json_to_term(V)} || {K, V} <- L];
+json_to_term(L) when is_list(L) ->
+ [json_to_term(I) || I <- L];
+json_to_term(V) when is_binary(V) orelse is_number(V) orelse V =:= null orelse
+ V =:= true orelse V =:= false ->
+ V.
+%% This has the flaw that empty lists will never be JSON objects, so use with
+%% care.
+term_to_json([{_, _}|_] = L) ->
+ {struct, [{K, term_to_json(V)} || {K, V} <- L]};
+term_to_json(L) when is_list(L) ->
+ [term_to_json(I) || I <- L];
+term_to_json(V) when is_binary(V) orelse is_number(V) orelse V =:= null orelse
+ V =:= true orelse V =:= false ->
+ V.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_runtime_parameters.erl b/src/rabbit_runtime_parameters.erl
index 0707193c..b932f122 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_runtime_parameters.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_runtime_parameters.erl
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@
parse_set(VHost, Component, Key, String) ->
- case parse(String) of
- {ok, Term} -> set(VHost, Component, Key, Term);
- {errors, L} -> format_error(L)
+ case rabbit_misc:json_decode(String) of
+ {ok, JSON} -> set(VHost, Component, Key, rabbit_misc:json_to_term(JSON));
+ error -> {error_string, "JSON decoding error"}
set(VHost, Component, Key, Term) ->
@@ -75,20 +75,13 @@ format_error(L) ->
set0(VHost, Component, Key, Term) ->
case lookup_component(Component) of
{ok, Mod} ->
- case flatten_errors(validate(Term)) of
+ case flatten_errors(Mod:validate(VHost, Component, Key, Term)) of
ok ->
- case flatten_errors(
- Mod:validate(VHost, Component, Key, Term)) of
- ok ->
- case mnesia_update(VHost, Component, Key, Term) of
- {old, Term} -> ok;
- _ -> Mod:notify(
- VHost, Component, Key, Term)
- end,
- ok;
- E ->
- E
- end;
+ case mnesia_update(VHost, Component, Key, Term) of
+ {old, Term} -> ok;
+ _ -> Mod:notify(VHost, Component, Key, Term)
+ end,
+ ok;
E ->
@@ -214,51 +207,8 @@ lookup_component(Component) ->
{ok, Module} -> {ok, Module}
-parse(Src0) ->
- Src1 = string:strip(Src0),
- Src = case lists:reverse(Src1) of
- [$. |_] -> Src1;
- _ -> Src1 ++ "."
- end,
- case erl_scan:string(Src) of
- {ok, Scanned, _} ->
- case erl_parse:parse_term(Scanned) of
- {ok, Parsed} ->
- {ok, Parsed};
- {error, E} ->
- {errors,
- [{"Could not parse value: ~s", [format_parse_error(E)]}]}
- end;
- {error, E, _} ->
- {errors, [{"Could not scan value: ~s", [format_parse_error(E)]}]}
- end.
-format_parse_error({_Line, Mod, Err}) ->
- lists:flatten(Mod:format_error(Err)).
format(Term) ->
- list_to_binary(rabbit_misc:format("~p", [Term])).
-%% We will want to be able to biject these to JSON. So we have some
-%% generic restrictions on what we consider acceptable.
-validate(Proplist = [T | _]) when is_tuple(T) -> validate_proplist(Proplist);
-validate(L) when is_list(L) -> validate_list(L);
-validate(T) when is_tuple(T) -> {error, "tuple: ~p", [T]};
-validate(B) when is_boolean(B) -> ok;
-validate(null) -> ok;
-validate(A) when is_atom(A) -> {error, "atom: ~p", [A]};
-validate(N) when is_number(N) -> ok;
-validate(B) when is_binary(B) -> ok;
-validate(B) when is_bitstring(B) -> {error, "bitstring: ~p", [B]}.
-validate_list(L) -> [validate(I) || I <- L].
-validate_proplist(L) -> [vp(I) || I <- L].
-vp({K, V}) when is_binary(K) -> validate(V);
-vp({K, _V}) -> {error, "bad key: ~p", [K]};
-vp(H) -> {error, "not two tuple: ~p", [H]}.
+ list_to_binary(rabbit_misc:json_encode(rabbit_misc:term_to_json(Term))).
flatten_errors(L) ->
case [{F, A} || I <- lists:flatten([L]), {error, F, A} <- [I]] of