diff options
authorTim Watson <>2012-10-29 13:59:40 +0000
committerTim Watson <>2012-10-29 13:59:40 +0000
commit412d94bcdd6733f17849b08a467db1fdb56480d0 (patch)
parent94da2cb2a045d56865a4d5f3e6a6dcc8d1c7a5c5 (diff)
migrate rabbit_basic tests to rabbit_tests
2 files changed, 84 insertions, 111 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_basic_tests.erl b/src/rabbit_basic_tests.erl
deleted file mode 100644
index 19c901c2..00000000
--- a/src/rabbit_basic_tests.erl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-%% The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
-%% Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
-%% at
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and
-%% limitations under the License.
-%% The Original Code is RabbitMQ.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is VMware, Inc.
-%% Copyright (c) 2007-2012 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
- [{<<"reason">>, longstr, <<"blah">>},
- {<<"queue">>, longstr, <<"">>},
- {<<"exchange">>, longstr, <<"my-exchange">>},
- {<<"routing-keys">>, array, []}]).
--define(ROUTE_TABLE, [{<<"redelivered">>, bool, <<"true">>}]).
-write_table_with_invalid_existing_type_test_() ->
- [{"existing entries with invalid types are moved to a table "
- "stored as <<\"x-invalid-headers header\">>",
- fun() ->
- check_invalid(<<"x-death">>,
- {longstr, <<"this should be a table!!!">>},
- end},
- {"if invalid existing headers are moved, newly added "
- "ones are still stored correctly",
- begin
- BadHeaders = [{<<"x-received-from">>,
- longstr, <<"this should be a table!!!">>}],
- Headers = rabbit_basic:prepend_table_header(
- <<"x-received-from">>, ?ROUTE_TABLE, BadHeaders),
- ?_assertEqual({array, [{table, ?ROUTE_TABLE}]},
- rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Headers, <<"x-received-from">>))
- end},
- {"disparate invalid header entries are accumulated separately",
- begin
- BadHeaders = [{<<"x-received-from">>,
- longstr, <<"this should be a table!!!">>}],
- Headers = rabbit_basic:prepend_table_header(
- <<"x-received-from">>, ?ROUTE_TABLE, BadHeaders),
- BadHeaders2 = rabbit_basic:prepend_table_header(
- <<"x-death">>, ?XDEATH_TABLE,
- [{<<"x-death">>,
- longstr, <<"and so should this!!!">>}|Headers]),
- ?_assertMatch(
- {table,
- [{<<"x-death">>, array, [{longstr, <<"and so should this!!!">>}]},
- {<<"x-received-from">>,
- array, [{longstr, <<"this should be a table!!!">>}]}]},
- rabbit_misc:table_lookup(BadHeaders2, ?INVALID_HEADERS_KEY))
- end},
- {"corrupt or invalid x-invalid-headers entries are overwritten!",
- begin
- Headers0 = [{<<"x-death">>, longstr, <<"this should be a table">>},
- {?INVALID_HEADERS_KEY, longstr, <<"what the!?">>}],
- Headers1 = rabbit_basic:prepend_table_header(
- <<"x-death">>, ?XDEATH_TABLE, Headers0),
- ?_assertMatch(
- {table,
- [{<<"x-death">>, array,
- [{longstr, <<"this should be a table">>}]},
- [{longstr, <<"what the!?">>}]}]},
- rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Headers1, ?INVALID_HEADERS_KEY))
- end}].
-invalid_same_header_entry_accumulation_test() ->
- Key = <<"x-received-from">>,
- BadHeader1 = {longstr, <<"this should be a table!!!">>},
- Headers = check_invalid(Key, BadHeader1, ?ROUTE_TABLE),
- Headers2 = rabbit_basic:prepend_table_header(
- Key,
- [{Key, longstr,
- <<"this should also be a table!!!">>}|Headers]),
- Invalid = rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Headers2, ?INVALID_HEADERS_KEY),
- ?assertMatch({table, _}, Invalid),
- {table, InvalidHeaders} = Invalid,
- ?assertMatch({array,
- [{longstr, <<"this should also be a table!!!">>},BadHeader1]},
- rabbit_misc:table_lookup(InvalidHeaders, Key)).
-assert_invalid(HeaderKey, Entry, Table) ->
- fun() -> check_invalid(HeaderKey, Entry, Table) end.
-check_invalid(HeaderKey, {TBin, VBin}=InvalidEntry, HeaderTable) ->
- Headers = rabbit_basic:prepend_table_header(HeaderKey, HeaderTable,
- [{HeaderKey, TBin, VBin}]),
- InvalidHeaders = rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Headers, ?INVALID_HEADERS_KEY),
- ?assertMatch({table, _}, InvalidHeaders),
- {_, Invalid} = InvalidHeaders,
- InvalidArrayForKey = rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Invalid, HeaderKey),
- ?assertMatch({array, _}, InvalidArrayForKey),
- {_, Array} = InvalidArrayForKey,
- ?assertMatch([InvalidEntry], Array),
- Headers.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_tests.erl b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
index bea94c15..25402ca7 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_tests.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
@@ -31,10 +31,19 @@
-define(CLEANUP_QUEUE_NAME, <<"cleanup-queue">>).
-define(TIMEOUT, 5000).
+ [{<<"reason">>, longstr, <<"blah">>},
+ {<<"queue">>, longstr, <<"">>},
+ {<<"exchange">>, longstr, <<"my-exchange">>},
+ {<<"routing-keys">>, array, []}]).
+-define(ROUTE_TABLE, [{<<"redelivered">>, bool, <<"true">>}]).
all_tests() ->
ok = setup_cluster(),
ok = supervisor2_tests:test_all(),
- ok = rabbit_basic_tests:test(),
+ ok = rabbit_basic_tests(),
passed = gm_tests:all_tests(),
passed = mirrored_supervisor_tests:all_tests(),
application:set_env(rabbit, file_handles_high_watermark, 10, infinity),
@@ -72,6 +81,80 @@ all_tests() ->
passed = test_configurable_server_properties(),
+rabbit_basic_tests() ->
+ ok = write_table_with_invalid_existing_type_test(),
+ ok = invalid_existing_headers_test(),
+ ok = disparate_invalid_header_entries_accumulate_separately_test(),
+ ok = corrupt_or_invalid_headers_are_overwritten_test(),
+ ok = invalid_same_header_entry_accumulation_test().
+write_table_with_invalid_existing_type_test() ->
+ check_invalid(<<"x-death">>,
+ {longstr, <<"this should be a table!!!">>},
+ ok.
+invalid_existing_headers_test() ->
+ BadHeaders = [{<<"x-received-from">>,
+ longstr, <<"this should be a table!!!">>}],
+ Headers = rabbit_basic:prepend_table_header(
+ <<"x-received-from">>, ?ROUTE_TABLE, BadHeaders),
+ {array, [{table, ?ROUTE_TABLE}]} =
+ rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Headers, <<"x-received-from">>),
+ ok.
+disparate_invalid_header_entries_accumulate_separately_test() ->
+ BadHeaders = [{<<"x-received-from">>,
+ longstr, <<"this should be a table!!!">>}],
+ Headers = rabbit_basic:prepend_table_header(
+ <<"x-received-from">>, ?ROUTE_TABLE, BadHeaders),
+ BadHeaders2 = rabbit_basic:prepend_table_header(
+ <<"x-death">>, ?XDEATH_TABLE,
+ [{<<"x-death">>,
+ longstr, <<"and so should this!!!">>}|Headers]),
+ {table, [{<<"x-death">>, array, [{longstr, <<"and so should this!!!">>}]},
+ {<<"x-received-from">>,
+ array, [{longstr, <<"this should be a table!!!">>}]}]} =
+ rabbit_misc:table_lookup(BadHeaders2, ?INVALID_HEADERS_KEY),
+ ok.
+corrupt_or_invalid_headers_are_overwritten_test() ->
+ Headers0 = [{<<"x-death">>, longstr, <<"this should be a table">>},
+ {?INVALID_HEADERS_KEY, longstr, <<"what the!?">>}],
+ Headers1 = rabbit_basic:prepend_table_header(
+ <<"x-death">>, ?XDEATH_TABLE, Headers0),
+ {table,[{<<"x-death">>, array,
+ [{longstr, <<"this should be a table">>}]},
+ [{longstr, <<"what the!?">>}]}]} =
+ rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Headers1, ?INVALID_HEADERS_KEY),
+ ok.
+invalid_same_header_entry_accumulation_test() ->
+ Key = <<"x-received-from">>,
+ BadHeader1 = {longstr, <<"this should be a table!!!">>},
+ Headers = check_invalid(Key, BadHeader1, ?ROUTE_TABLE),
+ Headers2 = rabbit_basic:prepend_table_header(
+ Key,
+ [{Key, longstr,
+ <<"this should also be a table!!!">>}|Headers]),
+ Invalid = rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Headers2, ?INVALID_HEADERS_KEY),
+ {table, InvalidHeaders} = Invalid,
+ {array, [{longstr, <<"this should also be a table!!!">>},BadHeader1]} =
+ rabbit_misc:table_lookup(InvalidHeaders, Key),
+ ok.
+check_invalid(HeaderKey, {TBin, VBin}=InvalidEntry, HeaderTable) ->
+ Headers = rabbit_basic:prepend_table_header(HeaderKey, HeaderTable,
+ [{HeaderKey, TBin, VBin}]),
+ InvalidHeaders = rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Headers, ?INVALID_HEADERS_KEY),
+ {table, Invalid} = InvalidHeaders,
+ InvalidArrayForKey = rabbit_misc:table_lookup(Invalid, HeaderKey),
+ {array, [InvalidEntry]} = InvalidArrayForKey,
+ Headers.
do_if_secondary_node(Up, Down) ->
SecondaryNode = rabbit_nodes:make("hare"),