diff options
authorTim Watson <>2013-04-19 13:46:38 +0100
committerTim Watson <>2013-04-19 13:46:38 +0100
commit1b52a408c67351ceb4ae7b6bb3890885520681d9 (patch)
parent6dff79458ef7b54fe9c253414676a44cd323802e (diff)
back out of f608b9df9a14 changes supervisor2_tests
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/src/supervisor2_tests.erl b/src/supervisor2_tests.erl
index c53b613c..518f11b7 100644
--- a/src/supervisor2_tests.erl
+++ b/src/supervisor2_tests.erl
@@ -17,22 +17,12 @@
--define(ASSERT, true).
--define(EUNIT_NOAUTO, true).
-export([test_all/0, start_link/0]).
test_all() ->
- catch ets:new(?MODULE, [named_table, public]),
- %% ok = check_shutdown(stop, 200, 200, 2000),
- %% ok = check_shutdown(ignored, 1, 2, 2000),
- %% ok = check_logging(transient),
- ets:delete(?MODULE, bang),
- ok = check_logging({permanent, 1}).
+ ok = check_shutdown(stop, 200, 200, 2000),
+ ok = check_shutdown(ignored, 1, 2, 2000).
check_shutdown(SigStop, Iterations, ChildCount, SupTimeout) ->
{ok, Sup} = supervisor2:start_link(?MODULE, [SupTimeout]),
@@ -62,20 +52,6 @@ check_shutdown(SigStop, Iterations, ChildCount, SupTimeout) ->
exit(Sup, shutdown),
-check_logging(How) ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- {ok, Sup} = supervisor2:start_link(?MODULE, [bang, How]),
- io:format("super pid = ~p~n", [Sup]),
- MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Sup),
- [Pid] = supervisor2:find_child(Sup, test_try_again_sup),
- io:format("Pid == ~p~nChildren == ~p~n", [Pid, supervisor2:which_children(Sup)]),
- Pid ! {shutdown, bang},
- io:format("restart issued - awaiting sup death~n"),
- receive
- {'DOWN', MRef, process, Sup, Reason} ->
- io:format("stopped Sup == ~p~n", [Reason])
- end.
start_link() ->
Pid = spawn_link(fun () ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
@@ -83,35 +59,6 @@ start_link() ->
{ok, Pid}.
-start_link_bad() ->
- Boom = ets:lookup(?MODULE, bang),
- case Boom of
- [{bang, true}] -> io:format("BOOM!~n"), exit(bang);
- _ -> ok
- end,
- io:format("no Boom - starting server~n"),
- Pid = spawn_link(fun () ->
- process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- receive
- {shutdown, Bang} ->
- ets:insert(?MODULE, [{bang, true}]),
- io:format("exiting...~n"),
- exit(Bang);
- shutdown ->
- io:format("exiting (shutdown)...~n"),
- exit(shutdown);
- Other ->
- io:format("odd signal: ~p~n", [Other]),
- exit(Other)
- end
- end),
- {ok, Pid}.
-init([bang, How]) ->
- {ok, {{one_for_one, 3, 10},
- [{test_try_again_sup, {?MODULE, start_link_bad, []},
- How, 5000, worker, [?MODULE]}]}};
init([Timeout]) ->
{ok, {{one_for_one, 0, 1},
[{test_sup, {supervisor2, start_link,
@@ -121,4 +68,3 @@ init([]) ->
{ok, {{simple_one_for_one, 0, 1},
[{test_worker, {?MODULE, start_link, []},
temporary, 1000, worker, [?MODULE]}]}}.