diff options
authorTim Watson <>2013-03-08 16:22:19 +0000
committerTim Watson <>2013-03-08 16:22:19 +0000
commitad6585ac8fe190ec01fc76bbee76c7a845b016d6 (patch)
parent04d8cf371874d3e364e084196ebf142421a39d25 (diff)
Align error reporting and restart handling with OTP
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/src/supervisor2.erl b/src/supervisor2.erl
index e5a05f66..aba40626 100644
--- a/src/supervisor2.erl
+++ b/src/supervisor2.erl
@@ -141,6 +141,9 @@
-define(SETS, sets).
-define(SET, set).
+ R == {shutdown, restart}).
-record(state, {name,
strategy :: strategy(),
@@ -850,31 +853,79 @@ restart_child(Pid, Reason, State) ->
{ok, State}
-do_restart({permanent = RestartType, Delay}, Reason, Child, State) ->
- do_restart_delay({RestartType, Delay}, Reason, Child, State);
-do_restart(permanent, Reason, Child, State) ->
- report_error(child_terminated, Reason, Child,,
- restart(Child, State);
-do_restart(Type, normal, Child, State) ->
- del_child_and_maybe_shutdown(Type, Child, State);
-do_restart({RestartType, Delay}, {shutdown, restart} = Reason, Child, State)
- when RestartType =:= transient orelse RestartType =:= intrinsic ->
- do_restart_delay({RestartType, Delay}, Reason, Child, State);
-do_restart(Type, {shutdown, _}, Child, State) ->
- del_child_and_maybe_shutdown(Type, Child, State);
-do_restart(Type, shutdown, Child = #child{child_type = supervisor}, State) ->
- del_child_and_maybe_shutdown(Type, Child, State);
-do_restart({RestartType, Delay}, Reason, Child, State)
- when RestartType =:= transient orelse RestartType =:= intrinsic ->
- do_restart_delay({RestartType, Delay}, Reason, Child, State);
-do_restart(Type, Reason, Child, State) when Type =:= transient orelse
- Type =:= intrinsic ->
- report_error(child_terminated, Reason, Child,,
+do_restart(RestartType, Reason, Child, State) ->
+ maybe_report_error(RestartType, Reason, Child, State),
+ handle_restart(RestartType, Reason, Child, State).
+maybe_report_error(permanent, Reason, Child, State) ->
+ report_child_termination(Reason, Child, State);
+maybe_report_error({permanent, _}, Reason, Child, State) ->
+ report_child_termination(Reason, Child, State);
+maybe_report_error(_Type, Reason, Child, State) ->
+ case is_abnormal_termination(Reason) of
+ true -> report_child_termination(Reason, Child, State);
+ false -> ok
+ end.
+report_child_termination(Reason, Child, State) ->
+ report_error(child_terminated, Reason, Child,
+handle_restart(permanent, _Reason, Child, State) ->
restart(Child, State);
-do_restart(temporary, Reason, Child, State) ->
- report_error(child_terminated, Reason, Child,,
- NState = state_del_child(Child, State),
- {ok, NState}.
+handle_restart(transient, Reason, Child, State) ->
+ restart_if_explicit_or_abnormal(fun restart/2,
+ fun delete_child_and_continue/2,
+ Reason, Child, State);
+handle_restart(intrinsic, Reason, Child, State) ->
+ restart_if_explicit_or_abnormal(fun restart/2,
+ fun delete_child_and_stop/2,
+ Reason, Child, State);
+handle_restart(temporary, _Reason, Child, State) ->
+ delete_child_and_continue(Child, State);
+handle_restart({_RestartType, _Delay}=Restart, Reason, Child, State) ->
+ handle_delayed_restart(Restart, Reason, Child, State).
+handle_delayed_restart({permanent, _Delay}=Restart, Reason, Child, State) ->
+ do_restart_delay(Restart, Reason, Child, State);
+handle_delayed_restart({RestartType, _Delay}=Restart, Reason, Child, State)
+ when ?is_explicit_restart(Reason) andalso
+ (RestartType =:= transient orelse
+ RestartType =:= intrinsic) ->
+ do_restart_delay(Restart, Reason, Child, State);
+handle_delayed_restart({transient, _Delay}=Restart, Reason, Child, State) ->
+ restart_if_explicit_or_abnormal(defer_to_restart_delay(Restart, Reason),
+ fun delete_child_and_continue/2,
+ Reason, Child, State);
+handle_delayed_restart({intrinsic, _Delay}=Restart, Reason, Child, State) ->
+ restart_if_explicit_or_abnormal(defer_to_restart_delay(Restart, Reason),
+ fun delete_child_and_stop/2,
+ Reason, Child, State).
+restart_if_explicit_or_abnormal(RestartHow, _Otherwise, Reason, Child, State)
+ when is_function(RestartHow, 2) andalso
+ ?is_explicit_restart(Reason) ->
+ RestartHow(Child, State);
+restart_if_explicit_or_abnormal(RestartHow, Otherwise, Reason, Child, State)
+ when is_function(RestartHow, 2) andalso
+ is_function(Otherwise, 2) ->
+ case is_abnormal_termination(Reason) of
+ true -> RestartHow(Child, State);
+ false -> Otherwise(Child, State)
+ end.
+defer_to_restart_delay(Restart, Reason) ->
+ fun(Child, State) -> do_restart_delay(Restart, Reason, Child, State) end.
+delete_child_and_continue(Child, State) ->
+ {ok, state_del_child(Child, State)}.
+delete_child_and_stop(Child, State) ->
+ {shutdown, state_del_child(Child, State)}.
+is_abnormal_termination(normal) -> false;
+is_abnormal_termination(shutdown) -> false;
+is_abnormal_termination({shutdown, _}) -> false;
+is_abnormal_termination(_Other) -> true.
do_restart_delay({RestartType, Delay}, Reason, Child, State) ->
case add_restart(State) of
@@ -893,13 +944,6 @@ do_restart_delay({RestartType, Delay}, Reason, Child, State) ->
{ok, state_del_child(Child, State)}
-del_child_and_maybe_shutdown(intrinsic, Child, State) ->
- {shutdown, state_del_child(Child, State)};
-del_child_and_maybe_shutdown({intrinsic, _Delay}, Child, State) ->
- {shutdown, state_del_child(Child, State)};
-del_child_and_maybe_shutdown(_, Child, State) ->
- {ok, state_del_child(Child, State)}.
restart(Child, State) ->
case add_restart(State) of
{ok, NState} ->