diff options
authorSimon MacMullen <>2013-04-18 15:14:15 +0100
committerSimon MacMullen <>2013-04-18 15:14:15 +0100
commitaea1d035dc499f3f4d4bc13ea53ab23186ef8316 (patch)
parentadf6677168f7ecdf92020cddb5d702a7b5620bf8 (diff)
Have the leader decide what to do and then just tell other nodes (rather than have them request a winner). Substantially more reliable and shorter than previously.
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_autoheal.erl b/src/rabbit_autoheal.erl
index fc3ca1e8..82f26634 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_autoheal.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_autoheal.erl
@@ -52,14 +52,7 @@
%% not_healing
%% - the default
-%% {leader_wait_for_winner_requests, OutstandingRequests, Notify}
-%% - we are the leader and are waiting to hear requests from all
-%% other partitioned nodes
-%% wait_for_winner
-%% - we are not the leader and are waiting to see what it has to say
-%% {winner_wait_for_stops, OutstandingStops, Notify}
+%% {winner_waiting, OutstandingStops, Notify}
%% - we are the winner and are waiting for all losing nodes to stop
%% before telling them they can restart
@@ -74,14 +67,11 @@
init() -> not_healing.
maybe_start(not_healing) ->
- case enabled() andalso rabbit_node_monitor:all_nodes_up() of
+ case enabled() of
true -> [Leader | _] = lists:usort(rabbit_mnesia:cluster_nodes(all)),
- rabbit_log:info("Autoheal: leader is ~p~n", [Leader]),
- send(Leader, {request_winner, node()}),
- case node() of
- Leader -> not_healing;
- _ -> wait_for_winner
- end;
+ send(Leader, {request_start, node()}),
+ rabbit_log:info("Autoheal request sent to ~p~n", [Leader]),
+ not_healing;
false -> not_healing
maybe_start(State) ->
@@ -90,7 +80,7 @@ maybe_start(State) ->
enabled() ->
{ok, autoheal} =:= application:get_env(rabbit, cluster_partition_handling).
-node_down(_Node, {winner_wait_for_stops, _Nodes, _Notify} = Autoheal) ->
+node_down(_Node, {winner_waiting, _Nodes, _Notify} = Autoheal) ->
node_down(_Node, not_healing) ->
@@ -99,82 +89,70 @@ node_down(Node, _State) ->
%% By receiving this message we become the leader
-handle_msg({request_winner, Node},
+%% TODO should we try to debounce this?
+handle_msg({request_start, Node},
not_healing, Partitions) ->
+ rabbit_log:info("Autoheal request received from ~p~n", [Node]),
case rabbit_node_monitor:all_nodes_up() of
false -> not_healing;
- true -> Nodes = rabbit_mnesia:cluster_nodes(all),
- Partitioned =
- [N || N <- Nodes -- [node()],
- P <- [begin
- {_, R} = rpc:call(N, rabbit_node_monitor,
- partitions, []),
- R
- end],
- is_list(P) andalso length(P) > 0],
- Partitioned1 = case Partitions of
- [] -> Partitioned;
- _ -> [node() | Partitioned]
- end,
- rabbit_log:info(
- "Autoheal leader start; partitioned nodes are ~p~n",
- [Partitioned1]),
- handle_msg({request_winner, Node},
- {leader_wait_for_winner_requests,
- Partitioned1, Partitioned1},
- Partitions)
+ true -> AllPartitions = all_partitions(Partitions),
+ {Winner, Losers} = make_decision(AllPartitions),
+ rabbit_log:info("Autoheal decision~n"
+ " * Partitions: ~p~n"
+ " * Winner: ~p~n"
+ " * Losers: ~p~n",
+ [AllPartitions, Winner, Losers]),
+ send(Winner, {become_winner, Losers}),
+ [send(L, {winner_is, Winner}) || L <- Losers],
+ not_healing
-%% This is the leader receiving its last winner request - all
-%% partitioned nodes have checked in
-handle_msg({request_winner, Node},
- {leader_wait_for_winner_requests, [Node], Notify}, Partitions) ->
- AllPartitions = all_partitions(Partitions),
- Winner = select_winner(AllPartitions),
- rabbit_log:info("Autoheal request winner from ~p~n"
- " Partitions were determined to be ~p~n"
- " Winner is ~p~n", [Node, AllPartitions, Winner]),
- [send(N, {winner_is, Winner}) || N <- Notify],
- wait_for_winner;
-%% This is the leader receiving any other winner request
-handle_msg({request_winner, Node},
- {leader_wait_for_winner_requests, Nodes, Notify}, _Partitions) ->
- rabbit_log:info("Autoheal request winner from ~p~n", [Node]),
- {leader_wait_for_winner_requests, Nodes -- [Node], Notify};
+handle_msg({become_winner, Losers},
+ not_healing, _Partitions) ->
+ rabbit_log:info("Autoheal: I am the winner, waiting for ~p to stop~n",
+ [Losers]),
+ {winner_waiting, Losers, Losers};
-handle_msg({winner_is, Winner},
- wait_for_winner, Partitions) ->
- case lists:member(Winner, Partitions) of
- false -> case node() of
- Winner -> rabbit_log:info(
- "Autoheal: waiting for nodes to stop: ~p~n",
- [Partitions]),
- {winner_wait_for_stops,
- Partitions, Partitions};
- _ -> rabbit_log:info(
- "Autoheal: nothing to do~n", []),
- not_healing
- end;
- true -> restart_me(Winner),
- restarting
- end;
+handle_msg({become_winner, Losers},
+ {winner_waiting, WaitFor, Notify}, _Partitions) ->
+ rabbit_log:info("Autoheal: I am the winner, waiting additionally for "
+ "~p to stop~n", [Losers]),
+ {winner_waiting, lists:usort(Losers ++ WaitFor),
+ lists:usort(Losers ++ Notify)};
-handle_msg({winner_is, _Winner}, State, _Partitions) ->
- %% ignore, we already cancelled the autoheal process
- State;
+handle_msg({winner_is, Winner},
+ not_healing, _Partitions) ->
+ rabbit_log:warning(
+ "Autoheal: we were selected to restart; winner is ~p~n", [Winner]),
+ rabbit_node_monitor:run_outside_applications(
+ fun () ->
+ MRef = erlang:monitor(process, {?SERVER, Winner}),
+ rabbit:stop(),
+ send(Winner, {node_stopped, node()}),
+ receive
+ {'DOWN', MRef, process, {?SERVER, Winner}, _Reason} -> ok;
+ autoheal_safe_to_start -> ok
+ end,
+ erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]),
+ rabbit:start()
+ end),
+ restarting;
%% This is the winner receiving its last notification that a node has
%% stopped - all nodes can now start again
handle_msg({node_stopped, Node},
- {winner_wait_for_stops, [Node], Notify}, _Partitions) ->
+ {winner_waiting, [Node], Notify}, _Partitions) ->
rabbit_log:info("Autoheal: final node has stopped, starting...~n",[]),
[{rabbit_outside_app_process, N} ! autoheal_safe_to_start || N <- Notify],
handle_msg({node_stopped, Node},
- {winner_wait_for_stops, WaitFor, Notify}, _Partitions) ->
- {winner_wait_for_stops, WaitFor -- [Node], Notify};
+ {winner_waiting, WaitFor, Notify}, _Partitions) ->
+ {winner_waiting, WaitFor -- [Node], Notify};
+handle_msg(_, restarting, _Partitions) ->
+ %% ignore, we can contribute no further
+ restarting;
handle_msg({node_stopped, _Node}, State, _Partitions) ->
%% ignore, we already cancelled the autoheal process
@@ -184,11 +162,10 @@ handle_msg({node_stopped, _Node}, State, _Partitions) ->
send(Node, Msg) -> {?SERVER, Node} ! {autoheal_msg, Msg}.
-select_winner(AllPartitions) ->
- {_, [Winner | _]} =
- hd(lists:reverse(
- lists:sort([{partition_value(P), P} || P <- AllPartitions]))),
- Winner.
+make_decision(AllPartitions) ->
+ Sorted = lists:sort([{partition_value(P), P} || P <- AllPartitions]),
+ [[Winner | _] | Rest] = lists:reverse([P || {_, P} <- Sorted]),
+ {Winner, lists:append(Rest)}.
partition_value(Partition) ->
Connections = [Res || Node <- Partition,
@@ -197,22 +174,6 @@ partition_value(Partition) ->
{length(lists:append(Connections)), length(Partition)}.
-restart_me(Winner) ->
- rabbit_log:warning(
- "Autoheal: we were selected to restart; winner is ~p~n", [Winner]),
- rabbit_node_monitor:run_outside_applications(
- fun () ->
- MRef = erlang:monitor(process, {?SERVER, Winner}),
- rabbit:stop(),
- send(Winner, {node_stopped, node()}),
- receive
- {'DOWN', MRef, process, {?SERVER, Winner}, _Reason} -> ok;
- autoheal_safe_to_start -> ok
- end,
- erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]),
- rabbit:start()
- end).
%% We have our local understanding of what partitions exist; but we
%% only know which nodes we have been partitioned from, not which
%% nodes are partitioned from each other.