diff options
authorSimon MacMullen <>2013-04-17 14:42:12 +0100
committerSimon MacMullen <>2013-04-17 14:42:12 +0100
commite4f0f5bbd1d66af7f3edfcac894202e4c9cb9aba (patch)
parent08477ab54edd3b4652fd4d8abd84a2ac3f0bf3ba (diff)
parent160573b71c48e05a32965e287fe9b184b5fa8da1 (diff)
Merge bug25494 (again, after unmerging bug25517)
2 files changed, 45 insertions, 114 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl b/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl
index b016c4d2..3712a625 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_amqqueue_process.erl
@@ -49,10 +49,6 @@
- publish_seqno,
- unconfirmed,
- delayed_stop,
- queue_monitors,
@@ -151,9 +147,6 @@ init_state(Q) ->
has_had_consumers = false,
active_consumers = queue:new(),
senders = pmon:new(),
- publish_seqno = 1,
- unconfirmed = dtree:empty(),
- queue_monitors = pmon:new(),
msg_id_to_channel = gb_trees:empty(),
status = running},
rabbit_event:init_stats_timer(State, #q.stats_timer).
@@ -820,80 +813,31 @@ dead_letter_maxlen_msgs(X, Excess, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ}) ->
dead_letter_msgs(Fun, Reason, X, State = #q{dlx_routing_key = RK,
- publish_seqno = SeqNo0,
- unconfirmed = UC0,
- queue_monitors = QMons0,
backing_queue_state = BQS,
backing_queue = BQ}) ->
QName = qname(State),
- {Res, {AckImm1, SeqNo1, UC1, QMons1}, BQS1} =
- Fun(fun (Msg, AckTag, {AckImm, SeqNo, UC, QMons}) ->
- case dead_letter_publish(Msg, Reason,
- X, RK, SeqNo, QName) of
- [] -> {[AckTag | AckImm], SeqNo, UC, QMons};
- QPids -> {AckImm, SeqNo + 1,
- dtree:insert(SeqNo, QPids, AckTag, UC),
- pmon:monitor_all(QPids, QMons)}
- end
- end, {[], SeqNo0, UC0, QMons0}, BQS),
- {_Guids, BQS2} = BQ:ack(AckImm1, BQS1),
- {Res, State#q{publish_seqno = SeqNo1,
- unconfirmed = UC1,
- queue_monitors = QMons1,
- backing_queue_state = BQS2}}.
-dead_letter_publish(Msg, Reason, X, RK, MsgSeqNo, QName) ->
+ {Res, Acks1, BQS1} =
+ Fun(fun (Msg, AckTag, Acks) ->
+ dead_letter_publish(Msg, Reason, X, RK, QName),
+ [AckTag | Acks]
+ end, [], BQS),
+ {_Guids, BQS2} = BQ:ack(Acks1, BQS1),
+ {Res, State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS2}}.
+dead_letter_publish(Msg, Reason, X, RK, QName) ->
DLMsg = make_dead_letter_msg(Msg, Reason,, RK, QName),
- Delivery = rabbit_basic:delivery(false, DLMsg, MsgSeqNo),
+ Delivery = rabbit_basic:delivery(false, DLMsg, undefined),
{Queues, Cycles} = detect_dead_letter_cycles(
DLMsg, rabbit_exchange:route(X, Delivery)),
lists:foreach(fun log_cycle_once/1, Cycles),
- {_, DeliveredQPids} = rabbit_amqqueue:deliver(
- rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(Queues), Delivery),
- DeliveredQPids.
-handle_queue_down(QPid, Reason, State = #q{queue_monitors = QMons,
- unconfirmed = UC}) ->
- case pmon:is_monitored(QPid, QMons) of
- false -> noreply(State);
- true -> case rabbit_misc:is_abnormal_exit(Reason) of
- true -> {Lost, _UC1} = dtree:take_all(QPid, UC),
- QNameS = rabbit_misc:rs(qname(State)),
- rabbit_log:warning("DLQ ~p for ~s died with "
- "~p unconfirmed messages~n",
- [QPid, QNameS, length(Lost)]);
- false -> ok
- end,
- {MsgSeqNoAckTags, UC1} = dtree:take(QPid, UC),
- cleanup_after_confirm(
- [AckTag || {_MsgSeqNo, AckTag} <- MsgSeqNoAckTags],
- State#q{queue_monitors = pmon:erase(QPid, QMons),
- unconfirmed = UC1})
- end.
+ rabbit_amqqueue:deliver( rabbit_amqqueue:lookup(Queues), Delivery),
+ ok.
-stop(State) -> stop(undefined, noreply, State).
+stop(State) -> stop(noreply, State).
-stop(From, Reply, State = #q{unconfirmed = UC}) ->
- case {dtree:is_empty(UC), Reply} of
- {true, noreply} -> {stop, normal, State};
- {true, _} -> {stop, normal, Reply, State};
- {false, _} -> noreply(State#q{delayed_stop = {From, Reply}})
- end.
+stop(noreply, State) -> {stop, normal, State};
+stop(Reply, State) -> {stop, normal, Reply, State}.
-cleanup_after_confirm(AckTags, State = #q{delayed_stop = DS,
- unconfirmed = UC,
- backing_queue = BQ,
- backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
- {_Guids, BQS1} = BQ:ack(AckTags, BQS),
- State1 = State#q{backing_queue_state = BQS1},
- case dtree:is_empty(UC) andalso DS =/= undefined of
- true -> case DS of
- {_, noreply} -> ok;
- {From, Reply} -> gen_server2:reply(From, Reply)
- end,
- {stop, normal, State1};
- false -> noreply(State1)
- end.
detect_dead_letter_cycles(#basic_message{content = Content}, Queues) ->
#content{properties = #'P_basic'{headers = Headers}} =
@@ -1073,9 +1017,6 @@ prioritise_info(Msg, _Len, #q{q = #amqqueue{exclusive_owner = DownPid}}) ->
_ -> 0
-handle_call(_, _, State = #q{delayed_stop = DS}) when DS =/= undefined ->
- noreply(State);
handle_call({init, Recover}, From,
State = #q{q = #amqqueue{exclusive_owner = none}}) ->
declare(Recover, From, State);
@@ -1115,16 +1056,15 @@ handle_call({deliver, Delivery, Delivered}, From, State) ->
gen_server2:reply(From, ok),
noreply(deliver_or_enqueue(Delivery, Delivered, State));
-handle_call({notify_down, ChPid}, From, State) ->
+handle_call({notify_down, ChPid}, _From, State) ->
%% we want to do this synchronously, so that auto_deleted queues
%% are no longer visible by the time we send a response to the
%% client. The queue is ultimately deleted in terminate/2; if we
%% return stop with a reply, terminate/2 will be called by
- %% gen_server2 *before* the reply is sent. FIXME: in case of a
- %% delayed stop the reply is sent earlier.
+ %% gen_server2 *before* the reply is sent.
case handle_ch_down(ChPid, State) of
{ok, State1} -> reply(ok, State1);
- {stop, State1} -> stop(From, ok, State1)
+ {stop, State1} -> stop(ok, State1)
handle_call({basic_get, ChPid, NoAck, LimiterPid}, _From,
@@ -1186,7 +1126,7 @@ handle_call({basic_consume, NoAck, ChPid, LimiterPid, LimiterActive,
reply(ok, run_message_queue(State1#q{active_consumers = AC1}))
-handle_call({basic_cancel, ChPid, ConsumerTag, OkMsg}, From,
+handle_call({basic_cancel, ChPid, ConsumerTag, OkMsg}, _From,
State = #q{exclusive_consumer = Holder}) ->
ok = maybe_send_reply(ChPid, OkMsg),
case lookup_ch(ChPid) of
@@ -1215,7 +1155,7 @@ handle_call({basic_cancel, ChPid, ConsumerTag, OkMsg}, From,
case should_auto_delete(State1) of
false -> reply(ok, ensure_expiry_timer(State1));
- true -> stop(From, ok, State1)
+ true -> stop(ok, State1)
@@ -1224,14 +1164,14 @@ handle_call(stat, _From, State) ->
reply({ok, BQ:len(BQS), consumer_count()}, State1);
-handle_call({delete, IfUnused, IfEmpty}, From,
+handle_call({delete, IfUnused, IfEmpty}, _From,
State = #q{backing_queue_state = BQS, backing_queue = BQ}) ->
IsEmpty = BQ:is_empty(BQS),
IsUnused = is_unused(State),
IfEmpty and not(IsEmpty) -> reply({error, not_empty}, State);
IfUnused and not(IsUnused) -> reply({error, in_use}, State);
- true -> stop(From, {ok, BQ:len(BQS)}, State)
+ true -> stop({ok, BQ:len(BQS)}, State)
handle_call(purge, _From, State = #q{backing_queue = BQ,
@@ -1286,19 +1226,6 @@ handle_call(force_event_refresh, _From,
reply(ok, State).
-handle_cast({confirm, MsgSeqNos, QPid}, State = #q{unconfirmed = UC}) ->
- {MsgSeqNoAckTags, UC1} = dtree:take(MsgSeqNos, QPid, UC),
- State1 = case dtree:is_defined(QPid, UC1) of
- false -> QMons = State#q.queue_monitors,
- State#q{queue_monitors = pmon:demonitor(QPid, QMons)};
- true -> State
- end,
- cleanup_after_confirm([AckTag || {_MsgSeqNo, AckTag} <- MsgSeqNoAckTags],
- State1#q{unconfirmed = UC1});
-handle_cast(_, State = #q{delayed_stop = DS}) when DS =/= undefined ->
- noreply(State);
handle_cast({run_backing_queue, Mod, Fun},
State = #q{backing_queue = BQ, backing_queue_state = BQS}) ->
noreply(State#q{backing_queue_state = BQ:invoke(Mod, Fun, BQS)});
@@ -1405,15 +1332,6 @@ handle_cast({credit, ChPid, CTag, Credit, Drain},
handle_cast(wake_up, State) ->
-%% We need to not ignore this as we need to remove outstanding
-%% confirms due to queue death.
-handle_info({'DOWN', _MonitorRef, process, DownPid, Reason},
- State = #q{delayed_stop = DS}) when DS =/= undefined ->
- handle_queue_down(DownPid, Reason, State);
-handle_info(_, State = #q{delayed_stop = DS}) when DS =/= undefined ->
- noreply(State);
handle_info(maybe_expire, State) ->
case is_unused(State) of
true -> stop(State);
@@ -1442,9 +1360,9 @@ handle_info({'DOWN', _MonitorRef, process, DownPid, _Reason},
%% unexpectedly.
-handle_info({'DOWN', _MonitorRef, process, DownPid, Reason}, State) ->
+handle_info({'DOWN', _MonitorRef, process, DownPid, _Reason}, State) ->
case handle_ch_down(DownPid, State) of
- {ok, State1} -> handle_queue_down(DownPid, Reason, State1);
+ {ok, State1} -> noreply(State1);
{stop, State1} -> stop(State1)
diff --git a/src/rabbit_ssl.erl b/src/rabbit_ssl.erl
index b1238623..96277b68 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_ssl.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_ssl.erl
@@ -162,15 +162,16 @@ format_rdn(#'AttributeTypeAndValue'{type = T, value = V}) ->
{?'id-at-pseudonym' , "PSEUDONYM"},
{?'id-domainComponent' , "DC"},
{?'id-emailAddress' , "EMAILADDRESS"},
- {?'street-address' , "STREET"}],
+ {?'street-address' , "STREET"},
+ {{0,9,2342,19200300,100,1,1} , "UID"}], %% Not in public_key.hrl
case proplists:lookup(T, Fmts) of
{_, Fmt} ->
- io_lib:format(Fmt ++ "=~s", [FV]);
+ rabbit_misc:format(Fmt ++ "=~s", [FV]);
none when is_tuple(T) ->
- TypeL = [io_lib:format("~w", [X]) || X <- tuple_to_list(T)],
- io_lib:format("~s:~s", [string:join(TypeL, "."), FV]);
+ TypeL = [rabbit_misc:format("~w", [X]) || X <- tuple_to_list(T)],
+ rabbit_misc:format("~s=~s", [string:join(TypeL, "."), FV]);
none ->
- io_lib:format("~p:~s", [T, FV])
+ rabbit_misc:format("~p=~s", [T, FV])
%% Escape a string as per RFC4514.
@@ -204,14 +205,26 @@ format_asn1_value({ST, S}) when ST =:= teletexString; ST =:= printableString;
format_directory_string(ST, S);
format_asn1_value({utcTime, [Y1, Y2, M1, M2, D1, D2, H1, H2,
Min1, Min2, S1, S2, $Z]}) ->
- io_lib:format("20~c~c-~c~c-~c~cT~c~c:~c~c:~c~cZ",
- [Y1, Y2, M1, M2, D1, D2, H1, H2, Min1, Min2, S1, S2]);
+ rabbit_misc:format("20~c~c-~c~c-~c~cT~c~c:~c~c:~c~cZ",
+ [Y1, Y2, M1, M2, D1, D2, H1, H2, Min1, Min2, S1, S2]);
%% We appear to get an untagged value back for an ia5string
%% (e.g. domainComponent).
format_asn1_value(V) when is_list(V) ->
+format_asn1_value(V) when is_binary(V) ->
+ %% OTP does not decode some values when combined with an unknown
+ %% type. That's probably wrong, so as a last ditch effort let's
+ %% try manually decoding. 'DirectoryString' is semi-arbitrary -
+ %% but it is the type which covers the various string types we
+ %% handle below.
+ try
+ {ST, S} = public_key:der_decode('DirectoryString', V),
+ format_directory_string(ST, S)
+ catch _:_ ->
+ rabbit_misc:format("~p", [V])
+ end;
format_asn1_value(V) ->
- io_lib:format("~p", [V]).
+ rabbit_misc:format("~p", [V]).
%% DirectoryString { INTEGER : maxSize } ::= CHOICE {
%% teletexString TeletexString (SIZE (1..maxSize)),