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authorSimon MacMullen <>2013-04-08 15:56:18 +0100
committerSimon MacMullen <>2013-04-08 15:56:18 +0100
commitc9bac515bb06c2a4a1514baba21ccbca28f525ee (patch)
parent79ecab90cfaded68f596cf3783f907ffe8c106f2 (diff)
Deal with partial partitions.
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_node_monitor.erl b/src/rabbit_node_monitor.erl
index 7fd20f8c..07898d34 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_node_monitor.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_node_monitor.erl
@@ -537,20 +537,26 @@ autoheal_restart(Winner) ->
%% We have our local understanding of what partitions exist; but we
%% only know which nodes we have been partitioned from, not which
%% nodes are partitioned from each other.
-%% Note that here we assume that partition information is
-%% consistent - which it isn't. TODO fix this.
all_partitions(PartitionedWith) ->
- All = rabbit_mnesia:cluster_nodes(all),
- OurPartition = All -- PartitionedWith,
- all_partitions([OurPartition], PartitionedWith, All).
-all_partitions(AllPartitions, [], _) ->
- AllPartitions;
-all_partitions(AllPartitions, [One | _] = ToDo, All) ->
- {One, PartitionedFrom} = rpc:call(One, rabbit_node_monitor, partitions, []),
- Partition = All -- PartitionedFrom,
- all_partitions([Partition | AllPartitions], ToDo -- Partition, All).
+ Nodes = rabbit_mnesia:cluster_nodes(all),
+ Partitions = [{node(), PartitionedWith} |
+ [rpc:call(Node, rabbit_node_monitor, partitions, [])
+ || Node <- Nodes -- [node()]]],
+ all_partitions(Partitions, [Nodes]).
+all_partitions([], Partitions) ->
+ Partitions;
+all_partitions([{Node, CantSee} | Rest], Partitions) ->
+ {[Containing], Others} =
+ lists:partition(fun (Part) -> lists:member(Node, Part) end, Partitions),
+ A = Containing -- CantSee,
+ B = Containing -- A,
+ Partitions1 = case {A, B} of
+ {[], _} -> Partitions;
+ {_, []} -> Partitions;
+ _ -> [A, B | Others]
+ end,
+ all_partitions(Rest, Partitions1).
handle_dead_rabbit_state(Node, State = #state{partitions = Partitions,
autoheal = Autoheal}) ->