diff options
authorSimon MacMullen <>2013-09-30 16:48:10 +0100
committerSimon MacMullen <>2013-09-30 16:48:10 +0100
commitb23ef76e7c06dbcee0568d79ebe93239849e1bcc (patch)
parentb2d5bb7b03ec0b741ffd8b9773a58fb3557d42d1 (diff)
parenta0e8a2ac890aaacde7de4c9daafaffc61206b4fa (diff)
Merge bug20384
7 files changed, 573 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 56d4b3c0..e413f879 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -344,16 +344,19 @@ install_docs: docs_all install_dirs
cp $$manpage $(MAN_DIR)/man$$section; \
done; \
+ cp $(DOCS_DIR)/rabbitmq.config.example $(DOC_INSTALL_DIR)/rabbitmq.config.example
@ OK=true && \
{ [ -n "$(TARGET_DIR)" ] || { echo "Please set TARGET_DIR."; OK=false; }; } && \
{ [ -n "$(SBIN_DIR)" ] || { echo "Please set SBIN_DIR."; OK=false; }; } && \
- { [ -n "$(MAN_DIR)" ] || { echo "Please set MAN_DIR."; OK=false; }; } && $$OK
+ { [ -n "$(MAN_DIR)" ] || { echo "Please set MAN_DIR."; OK=false; }; } && \
+ { [ -n "$(DOC_INSTALL_DIR)" ] || { echo "Please set DOC_INSTALL_DIR."; OK=false; }; } && $$OK
mkdir -p $(TARGET_DIR)/sbin
mkdir -p $(SBIN_DIR)
mkdir -p $(MAN_DIR)
+ mkdir -p $(DOC_INSTALL_DIR)
$(foreach XML,$(USAGES_XML),$(eval $(call usage_dep, $(XML))))
diff --git a/docs/rabbitmq.config.example b/docs/rabbitmq.config.example
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9fc607a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/rabbitmq.config.example
@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+%% -*- mode: erlang -*-
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% RabbitMQ Sample Configuration File.
+%% See for details.
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {rabbit,
+ [%%
+ %% Network Connectivity
+ %% ====================
+ %%
+ %% By default, RabbitMQ will listen on all interfaces, using
+ %% the standard (reserved) AMQP port.
+ %%
+ %% {tcp_listeners, [5672]},
+ %% To listen on a specific interface, provide a tuple of {IpAddress, Port}.
+ %% For example, to listen only on localhost for both IPv4 and IPv6:
+ %%
+ %% {tcp_listeners, [{"", 5672},
+ %% {"::1", 5672}]},
+ %% SSL listeners are configured in the same fashion as TCP listeners,
+ %% including the option to control the choice of interface.
+ %%
+ %% {ssl_listeners, [5671]},
+ %% Log levels (currently just used for connection logging).
+ %% One of 'info', 'warning', 'error' or 'none', in decreasing order
+ %% of verbosity. Defaults to 'info'.
+ %%
+ %% {log_levels, [{connection, info}]},
+ %% Set to 'true' to perform reverse DNS lookups when accepting a
+ %% connection. Hostnames will then be shown instead of IP addresses
+ %% in rabbitmqctl and the management plugin.
+ %%
+ %% {reverse_dns_lookups, true},
+ %%
+ %% Security / AAA
+ %% ==============
+ %%
+ %% Configuring SSL.
+ %% See for full documentation.
+ %%
+ %% {ssl_options, [{cacertfile, "/path/to/testca/cacert.pem"},
+ %% {certfile, "/path/to/server/cert.pem"},
+ %% {keyfile, "/path/to/server/key.pem"},
+ %% {verify, verify_peer},
+ %% {fail_if_no_peer_cert, false}]},
+ %% Choose the available SASL mechanism(s) to expose.
+ %% The two default (built in) mechanisms are 'PLAIN' and
+ %% 'AMQPLAIN'. Additional mechanisms can be added via
+ %% plugins.
+ %%
+ %% See for more details.
+ %%
+ %% {auth_mechanisms, ['PLAIN', 'AMQPLAIN']},
+ %% Select an authentication database to use. RabbitMQ comes bundled
+ %% with a built-in auth-database, based on mnesia.
+ %%
+ %% {auth_backends, [rabbit_auth_backend_internal]},
+ %% Configurations supporting the rabbitmq_auth_mechanism_ssl and
+ %% rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap plugins.
+ %%
+ %% NB: These options require that the relevant plugin is enabled.
+ %% See for further details.
+ %% The RabbitMQ-auth-mechanism-ssl plugin makes it possible to
+ %% authenticate a user based on the client's SSL certificate.
+ %%
+ %% To use auth-mechanism-ssl, add to or replace the auth_mechanisms
+ %% list with the entry 'EXTERNAL'.
+ %%
+ %% {auth_mechanisms, ['EXTERNAL']},
+ %% The rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap plugin allows the broker to
+ %% perform authentication and authorisation by deferring to an
+ %% external LDAP server.
+ %%
+ %% For more information about configuring the LDAP backend, see
+ %%
+ %%
+ %% Enable the LDAP auth backend by adding to or replacing the
+ %% auth_backends entry:
+ %%
+ %% {auth_backends, [rabbit_auth_backend_ldap]},
+ %% This pertains to both the rabbitmq_auth_mechanism_ssl plugin and
+ %% STOMP ssl_cert_login configurations. See the rabbitmq_stomp
+ %% configuration section later in this fail and the README in
+ %% for further
+ %% details.
+ %%
+ %% To use the SSL cert's CN instead of its DN as the username
+ %%
+ %% {ssl_cert_login_from, common_name},
+ %%
+ %% Default User / VHost
+ %% ====================
+ %%
+ %% On first start RabbitMQ will create a vhost and a user. These
+ %% config items control what gets created. See
+ %% for further
+ %% information about vhosts and access control.
+ %%
+ %% {default_vhost, <<"/">>},
+ %% {default_user, <<"guest">>},
+ %% {default_pass, <<"guest">>},
+ %% {default_permissions, [<<".*">>, <<".*">>, <<".*">>]},
+ %% Tags for default user
+ %%
+ %% For more details about tags, see the documentation for the
+ %% Management Plugin at
+ %%
+ %% {default_user_tags, [administrator]},
+ %%
+ %% Additional network and protocol related configuration
+ %% =====================================================
+ %%
+ %% Set the default AMQP heartbeat delay (in seconds).
+ %%
+ %% {heartbeat, 600},
+ %% Set the max permissible size of an AMQP frame (in bytes).
+ %%
+ %% {frame_max, 131072},
+ %% Customising Socket Options.
+ %%
+ %% See ( for
+ %% further documentation.
+ %%
+ %% {tcp_listen_options, [binary,
+ %% {packet, raw},
+ %% {reuseaddr, true},
+ %% {backlog, 128},
+ %% {nodelay, true},
+ %% {exit_on_close, false}]},
+ %%
+ %% Resource Limits & Flow Control
+ %% ==============================
+ %%
+ %% See for full details.
+ %% Memory-based Flow Control threshold.
+ %%
+ %% {vm_memory_high_watermark, 0.4},
+ %% Fraction of the high watermark limit at which queues start to
+ %% page message out to disc in order to free up memory.
+ %%
+ %% {vm_memory_high_watermark_paging_ratio, 0.5},
+ %% Set disk free limit (in bytes). Once free disk space reaches this
+ %% lower bound, a disk alarm will be set - see the documentation
+ %% listed above for more details.
+ %%
+ %% {disk_free_limit, 1000000000},
+ %% Alternatively, we can set a limit relative to total available RAM.
+ %%
+ %% {disk_free_limit, {mem_relative, 1.0}},
+ %%
+ %% Misc/Advanced Options
+ %% =====================
+ %%
+ %% NB: Change these only if you understand what you are doing!
+ %%
+ %% To announce custom properties to clients on connection:
+ %%
+ %% {server_properties, []},
+ %% How to respond to cluster partitions.
+ %% See for further details.
+ %%
+ %% {cluster_partition_handling, ignore},
+ %% Make clustering happen *automatically* at startup - only applied
+ %% to nodes that have just been reset or started for the first time.
+ %% See for
+ %% further details.
+ %%
+ %% {cluster_nodes, {[''], disc}},
+ %% Set (internal) statistics collection granularity.
+ %%
+ %% {collect_statistics, none},
+ %% Statistics collection interval (in milliseconds).
+ %%
+ %% {collect_statistics_interval, 5000},
+ %% Explicitly enable/disable hipe compilation.
+ %%
+ %% {hipe_compile, true}
+ ]},
+ %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% Advanced Erlang Networking/Clustering Options.
+ %%
+ %% See for details
+ %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {kernel,
+ [%% Provide an explicit port-range for inter-node communications.
+ %% See for further details.
+ %% Sets the minimum / maximum port numbers
+ %%
+ %% {inet_dist_listen_min, 10000},
+ %% {inet_dist_listen_max, 10005},
+ %% Sets the net_kernel tick time.
+ %% Please see and
+ %% for further details.
+ %%
+ %% {net_ticktime, 60}
+ ]},
+ %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% RabbitMQ Management Plugin
+ %%
+ %% See for details
+ %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {rabbitmq_management,
+ [%% Pre-Load schema definitions from the following JSON file. See
+ %%
+ %%
+ %% {load_definitions, "/path/to/schema.json"},
+ %% Log all requests to the management HTTP API to a file.
+ %%
+ %% {http_log_dir, "/path/to/access.log"},
+ %% Change the port on which the HTTP listener listens,
+ %% specifying an interface for the web server to bind to.
+ %% Also set the listener to use SSL and provide SSL options.
+ %%
+ %% {listener, [{port, 12345},
+ %% {ip, ""},
+ %% {ssl, true},
+ %% {ssl_opts, [{cacertfile, "/path/to/cacert.pem"},
+ %% {certfile, "/path/to/cert.pem"},
+ %% {keyfile, "/path/to/key.pem"}]}]},
+ %% Configure how long aggregated data (such as message rates and queue
+ %% lengths) is retained. Please read the plugin's documentation in
+ %% for more
+ %% details.
+ %%
+ %% {sample_retention_policies,
+ %% [{global, [{60, 5}, {3600, 60}, {86400, 1200}]},
+ %% {basic, [{60, 5}, {3600, 60}]},
+ %% {detailed, [{10, 5}]}]}
+ ]},
+ {rabbitmq_management_agent,
+ [%% Misc/Advanced Options
+ %%
+ %% NB: Change these only if you understand what you are doing!
+ %%
+ %% {force_fine_statistics, true}
+ ]},
+ %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% RabbitMQ Shovel Plugin
+ %%
+ %% See for details
+ %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {rabbitmq_shovel,
+ [{shovels,
+ [%% A named shovel worker.
+ %% {my_first_shovel,
+ %% [
+ %% List the source broker(s) from which to consume.
+ %%
+ %% {sources,
+ %% [%% URI(s) and pre-declarations for all source broker(s).
+ %% {brokers, ["amqp://user:password@host.domain/my_vhost"]},
+ %% {declarations, []}
+ %% ]},
+ %% List the destination broker(s) to publish to.
+ %% {destinations,
+ %% [%% A singular version of the 'brokers' element.
+ %% {broker, "amqp://"},
+ %% {declarations, []}
+ %% ]},
+ %% Name of the queue to shovel messages from.
+ %%
+ %% {queue, <<"your-queue-name-goes-here">>},
+ %% Optional prefetch count.
+ %%
+ %% {prefetch_count, 10},
+ %% when to acknowledge messages:
+ %% - no_ack: never (auto)
+ %% - on_publish: after each message is republished
+ %% - on_confirm: when the destination broker confirms receipt
+ %%
+ %% {ack_mode, on_confirm},
+ %% Static list of to set on re-publication.
+ %%
+ %% {publish_properties, [{delivery_mode, 2}]},
+ %% Overwrite fields of the outbound basic.publish.
+ %%
+ %% {publish_fields, []},
+ %% The number of seconds to wait before attempting to
+ %% reconnect in the event of a connection failure.
+ %%
+ %% {reconnect_delay, 2.5}
+ %% ]} %% End of my_first_shovel
+ ]},
+ %% Rather than specifying some values per-shovel, you can specify
+ %% them for all shovels here.
+ %%
+ %% {defaults, [{prefetch_count, 0},
+ %% {ack_mode, on_confirm},
+ %% {publish_fields, []},
+ %% {publish_properties, [{delivery_mode, 2}]},
+ %% {reconnect_delay, 2.5}]}
+ ]},
+ %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% RabbitMQ Stomp Adapter
+ %%
+ %% See for details
+ %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {rabbitmq_stomp,
+ [%% Network Configuration - the format is generally the same as for the broker
+ %% Listen only on localhost (ipv4 & ipv6) on a specific port.
+ %% {tcp_listeners, [{"", 61613},
+ %% {"::1", 61613}]},
+ %% Listen for SSL connections on a specific port.
+ %% {ssl_listeners, [61614]},
+ %% Additional SSL options
+ %% Extract a name from the client's certificate when using SSL.
+ %%
+ %% {ssl_cert_login, true},
+ %% Set a default user name and password. This is used as the default login
+ %% whenever a CONNECT frame omits the login and passcode headers.
+ %%
+ %% Please note that setting this will allow clients to connect without
+ %% authenticating!
+ %%
+ %% {default_user, [{login, "guest"},
+ %% {passcode, "guest"}]},
+ %% If a default user is configured, or you have configured use SSL client
+ %% certificate based authentication, you can choose to allow clients to
+ %% omit the CONNECT frame entirely. If set to true, the client is
+ %% automatically connected as the default user or user supplied in the
+ %% SSL certificate whenever the first frame sent on a session is not a
+ %% CONNECT frame.
+ %%
+ %% {implicit_connect, true}
+ ]},
+ %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% RabbitMQ MQTT Adapter
+ %%
+ %% See for details
+ %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {rabbitmq_mqtt,
+ [%% Set the default user name and password. Will be used as the default login
+ %% if a connecting client provides no other login details.
+ %%
+ %% Please note that setting this will allow clients to connect without
+ %% authenticating!
+ %%
+ %% {default_user, <<"guest">>},
+ %% {default_pass, <<"guest">>},
+ %% Enable anonymous access. If this is set to false, clients MUST provide
+ %% login information in order to connect. See the default_user/default_pass
+ %% configuration elements for managing logins without authentication.
+ %%
+ %% {allow_anonymous, true},
+ %% If you have multiple chosts, specify the one to which the
+ %% adapter connects.
+ %%
+ %% {vhost, <<"/">>},
+ %% Specify the exchange to which messages from MQTT clients are published.
+ %%
+ %% {exchange, <<"amq.topic">>},
+ %% Specify TTL (time to live) to control the lifetime of non-clean sessions.
+ %%
+ %% {subscription_ttl, 1800000},
+ %% Set the prefetch count (governing the maximum number of unacknowledged
+ %% messages that will be delivered).
+ %%
+ %% {prefetch, 10},
+ %% TCP/SSL Configuration (as per the broker configuration).
+ %%
+ %% {tcp_listeners, [1883]},
+ %% {ssl_listeners, []},
+ %% TCP/Socket options (as per the broker configuration).
+ %%
+ %% {tcp_listen_options, [binary,
+ %% {packet, raw},
+ %% {reuseaddr, true},
+ %% {backlog, 128},
+ %% {nodelay, true}]}
+ ]},
+ %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% RabbitMQ AMQP 1.0 Support
+ %%
+ %% See
+ %% for details
+ %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {rabbitmq_amqp1_0,
+ [%% Connections that are not authenticated with SASL will connect as this
+ %% account. See the README for more information.
+ %%
+ %% Please note that setting this will allow clients to connect without
+ %% authenticating!
+ %%
+ %% {default_user, "guest"},
+ %% Enable protocol strict mode. See the README for more information.
+ %%
+ %% {protocol_strict_mode, false}
+ ]},
+ %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ %% RabbitMQ LDAP Plugin
+ %%
+ %% See for details.
+ %%
+ %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {rabbitmq_auth_backend_ldap,
+ [%%
+ %% Connecting to the LDAP server(s)
+ %% ================================
+ %%
+ %% Specify servers to bind to. You *must* set this in order for the plugin
+ %% to work properly.
+ %%
+ %% {servers, ["your-server-name-goes-here"]},
+ %% Connect to the LDAP server using SSL
+ %%
+ %% {use_ssl, false},
+ %% Specify the LDAP port to connect to
+ %%
+ %% {port, 389},
+ %% Enable logging of LDAP queries.
+ %% One of
+ %% - false (no logging is performed)
+ %% - true (verbose logging of the logic used by the plugin)
+ %% - network (as true, but additionally logs LDAP network traffic)
+ %%
+ %% Defaults to false.
+ %%
+ %% {log, false},
+ %%
+ %% Authentication
+ %% ==============
+ %%
+ %% Pattern to convert the username given through AMQP to a DN before
+ %% binding
+ %%
+ %% {user_dn_pattern, "cn=${username},ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"},
+ %% Alternatively, you can convert a username to a Distinguished
+ %% Name via an LDAP lookup after binding. See the documentation for
+ %% full details.
+ %% When converting a username to a dn via a lookup, set these to
+ %% the name of the attribute that represents the user name, and the
+ %% base DN for the lookup query.
+ %%
+ %% {dn_lookup_attribute, "userPrincipalName"},
+ %% {dn_lookup_base, "DC=gopivotal,DC=com"},
+ %% Controls how to bind for authorisation queries and also to
+ %% retrieve the details of users logging in without presenting a
+ %% password (e.g., SASL EXTERNAL).
+ %% One of
+ %% - as_user (to bind as the authenticated user - requires a password)
+ %% - anon (to bind anonymously)
+ %% - {UserDN, Password} (to bind with a specified user name and password)
+ %%
+ %% Defaults to 'as_user'.
+ %%
+ %% {other_bind, as_user},
+ %%
+ %% Authorisation
+ %% =============
+ %%
+ %% The LDAP plugin can perform a variety of queries against your
+ %% LDAP server to determine questions of authorisation. See
+ %% for more
+ %% information.
+ %% Set the query to use when determining vhost access
+ %%
+ %% {vhost_access_query, {in_group,
+ %% "ou=${vhost}-users,ou=vhosts,dc=example,dc=com"}},
+ %% Set the query to use when determining resource (e.g., queue) access
+ %%
+ %% {resource_access_query, {constant, true}},
+ %% Set queries to determine which tags a user has
+ %%
+ %% {tag_queries, []}
+ ]}
diff --git a/packaging/RPMS/Fedora/rabbitmq-server.spec b/packaging/RPMS/Fedora/rabbitmq-server.spec
index 2df8ee9d..d1e3e380 100644
--- a/packaging/RPMS/Fedora/rabbitmq-server.spec
+++ b/packaging/RPMS/Fedora/rabbitmq-server.spec
@@ -46,9 +46,12 @@ make %{?_smp_mflags}
rm -rf %{buildroot}
+# Note that we pass /tmp to DOC_INSTALL_DIR here because we're using %doc
+# to actually install rabbitmq.config.example, so this is just a fake/temp path
make install TARGET_DIR=%{_maindir} \
SBIN_DIR=%{buildroot}%{_rabbit_libdir}/bin \
- MAN_DIR=%{buildroot}%{_mandir}
+ MAN_DIR=%{buildroot}%{_mandir} \
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/log/rabbitmq
@@ -118,6 +121,7 @@ done
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/rabbitmq-server
+%doc docs/rabbitmq.config.example
rm -rf %{buildroot}
diff --git a/packaging/debs/Debian/debian/rules b/packaging/debs/Debian/debian/rules
index ecb778df..a1498979 100644
--- a/packaging/debs/Debian/debian/rules
+++ b/packaging/debs/Debian/debian/rules
@@ -6,10 +6,9 @@ include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/
mkdir -p $(DOCDIR)
diff --git a/packaging/generic-unix/Makefile b/packaging/generic-unix/Makefile
index b6ef9532..84a09a2a 100644
--- a/packaging/generic-unix/Makefile
+++ b/packaging/generic-unix/Makefile
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ dist:
SBIN_DIR=`pwd`/$(TARGET_DIR)/sbin \
MAN_DIR=`pwd`/$(TARGET_DIR)/share/man \
diff --git a/packaging/standalone/Makefile b/packaging/standalone/Makefile
index 89ccde93..3788da99 100644
--- a/packaging/standalone/Makefile
+++ b/packaging/standalone/Makefile
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ dist:
SBIN_DIR=`pwd`/$(TARGET_DIR)/sbin \
MAN_DIR=`pwd`/$(TARGET_DIR)/share/man \
## Here we set the RABBITMQ_HOME variable,
diff --git a/packaging/windows/Makefile b/packaging/windows/Makefile
index 1c222162..57ed891a 100644
--- a/packaging/windows/Makefile
+++ b/packaging/windows/Makefile
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ dist:
mkdir $(SOURCE_DIR)/sbin
mv $(SOURCE_DIR)/scripts/*.bat $(SOURCE_DIR)/sbin
+ mkdir $(SOURCE_DIR)/etc
+ cp $(SOURCE_DIR)/docs/rabbitmq.config.example $(SOURCE_DIR)/etc/rabbitmq.config.example
rm -rf $(SOURCE_DIR)/scripts
rm -rf $(SOURCE_DIR)/codegen* $(SOURCE_DIR)/Makefile $(SOURCE_DIR)/*mk
@@ -26,6 +28,7 @@ dist:
todos $(TARGET_DIR)/plugins/README.txt
+ todos $(TARGET_DIR)/etc/rabbitmq.config.example
rm -rf $(TARGET_DIR)/plugins-src
zip -q -r $(TARGET_ZIP).zip $(TARGET_DIR)
rm -rf $(TARGET_DIR) rabbitmq-service.html