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authorSimon MacMullen <>2013-06-07 13:46:39 +0100
committerSimon MacMullen <>2013-06-07 13:46:39 +0100
commit56f7578fbb182f21eaa2ea3742fefdec1f878c71 (patch)
parent9fb4137bd1a826a050e64ef910fc0ecd8d963c3a (diff)
Remove redundant workaround.bug25581
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/src/vm_memory_monitor.erl b/src/vm_memory_monitor.erl
index f70156b6..f281c16c 100644
--- a/src/vm_memory_monitor.erl
+++ b/src/vm_memory_monitor.erl
@@ -263,29 +263,11 @@ get_total_memory({unix,openbsd}) ->
get_total_memory({win32,_OSname}) ->
- %% Due to the Erlang print format bug, on Windows boxes the memory
- %% size is broken. For example Windows 7 64 bit with 4Gigs of RAM
- %% we get negative memory size:
- %% > os_mon_sysinfo:get_mem_info().
- %% ["76 -1658880 1016913920 -1 -1021628416 2147352576 2134794240\n"]
- %% Due to this bug, we don't actually know anything. Even if the
- %% number is postive we can't be sure if it's correct. This only
- %% affects us on os_mon versions prior to 2.2.1.
- case application:get_key(os_mon, vsn) of
- undefined ->
- unknown;
- {ok, Version} ->
- case rabbit_misc:version_compare(Version, "2.2.1", lt) of
- true -> %% os_mon is < 2.2.1, so we know nothing
- unknown;
- false ->
- [Result|_] = os_mon_sysinfo:get_mem_info(),
- {ok, [_MemLoad, TotPhys, _AvailPhys,
- _TotPage, _AvailPage, _TotV, _AvailV], _RestStr} =
- io_lib:fread("~d~d~d~d~d~d~d", Result),
- TotPhys
- end
- end;
+ [Result|_] = os_mon_sysinfo:get_mem_info(),
+ {ok, [_MemLoad, TotPhys, _AvailPhys, _TotPage, _AvailPage, _TotV, _AvailV],
+ _RestStr} =
+ io_lib:fread("~d~d~d~d~d~d~d", Result),
+ TotPhys;
get_total_memory({unix, linux}) ->
File = read_proc_file("/proc/meminfo"),