diff options
authorSimon MacMullen <>2013-08-16 14:37:04 +0100
committerSimon MacMullen <>2013-08-16 14:37:04 +0100
commit3e656c35c0bb749a0b16c1435335e0c8daed3ad9 (patch)
parent39fa88f5eab534561327f1ec5ba7413b8babf7b0 (diff)
Simpler to maintain MonitoredPid -> {Ref, MonitoringPidSet}.
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/src/delegate.erl b/src/delegate.erl
index 15a15cf9..6e216cce 100644
--- a/src/delegate.erl
+++ b/src/delegate.erl
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ apply1(Fun, Arg) -> Fun(Arg).
init([Name]) ->
- {ok, #state{node = node(), monitors = ddict_new(), name = Name}, hibernate,
+ {ok, #state{node = node(), monitors = dict:new(), name = Name}, hibernate,
handle_call({invoke, FunOrMFA, Grouped}, _From, State = #state{node = Node}) ->
@@ -194,20 +194,31 @@ handle_call({invoke, FunOrMFA, Grouped}, _From, State = #state{node = Node}) ->
handle_cast({monitor, Type, WantsMonitor, Pid},
State = #state{monitors = Monitors}) ->
- Ref = erlang:monitor(Type, Pid),
- Monitors1 = ddict_store(Pid, WantsMonitor, Ref, Monitors),
+ Monitors1 = case dict:find(Pid, Monitors) of
+ {ok, {Ref, Set}} ->
+ Set1 = sets:add_element(WantsMonitor, Set),
+ dict:store(Pid, {Ref, Set1}, Monitors);
+ error ->
+ Ref = erlang:monitor(Type, Pid),
+ Set = sets:from_list([WantsMonitor]),
+ dict:store(Pid, {Ref, Set}, Monitors)
+ end,
{noreply, State#state{monitors = Monitors1}, hibernate};
handle_cast({demonitor, WantsMonitor, Pid, Options},
State = #state{monitors = Monitors}) ->
- {noreply, case ddict_find_f(Pid, WantsMonitor, Monitors) of
- {ok, Ref} ->
- erlang:demonitor(Ref, Options),
- State#state{monitors = ddict_erase_f(
- Pid, WantsMonitor, Monitors)};
+ Monitors1 = case dict:find(Pid, Monitors) of
+ {ok, {Ref, Set}} ->
+ Set1 = sets:del_element(WantsMonitor, Set),
+ case sets:size(Set1) of
+ 0 -> erlang:demonitor(Ref, Options),
+ dict:erase(Pid, Monitors);
+ _ -> dict:store(Pid, {Ref, Set1}, Monitors)
+ end;
error ->
- State
- end, hibernate};
+ Monitors
+ end,
+ {noreply, State#state{monitors = Monitors1}, hibernate};
handle_cast({invoke, FunOrMFA, Grouped}, State = #state{node = Node}) ->
safe_invoke(orddict:fetch(Node, Grouped), FunOrMFA),
@@ -215,13 +226,17 @@ handle_cast({invoke, FunOrMFA, Grouped}, State = #state{node = Node}) ->
handle_info({'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, Info},
State = #state{monitors = Monitors, name = Name}) ->
- {noreply, case ddict_find_r(Pid, Ref, Monitors) of
- {ok, WantsMonitor} ->
- WantsMonitor ! {'DOWN', {Name, Pid}, process, Pid, Info},
- State#state{monitors = ddict_erase_r(Pid, Ref, Monitors)};
- error ->
- State
- end, hibernate};
+ {noreply,
+ case dict:find(Pid, Monitors) of
+ {ok, {Ref, Set}} ->
+ sets:fold(
+ fun (WantsMonitor, none) ->
+ WantsMonitor ! {'DOWN', {Name, Pid}, process, Pid, Info}
+ end, none, Set),
+ State#state{monitors = dict:erase(Pid, Monitors)};
+ error ->
+ State
+ end, hibernate};
handle_info(_Info, State) ->
{noreply, State, hibernate}.
@@ -231,52 +246,3 @@ terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
-%% A two level nested dictionary, with the second level being
-%% bidirectional. i.e. we map A->B->C and A->C->B.
-ddict_new() -> dict:new().
-ddict_store(Key, Val1, Val2, Dict) ->
- V = case dict:find(Key, Dict) of
- {ok, {DictF, DictR}} -> {dict:store(Val1, Val2, DictF),
- dict:store(Val2, Val1, DictR)};
- error -> {dict:new(), dict:new()}
- end,
- dict:store(Key, V, Dict).
-ddict_find_f(Key, Val1, Dict) -> ddict_find(Key, Val1, Dict, fun select_f/1).
-ddict_find_r(Key, Val2, Dict) -> ddict_find(Key, Val2, Dict, fun select_r/1).
-ddict_find(Key, ValX, Dict, Select) ->
- case dict:find(Key, Dict) of
- {ok, Dicts} -> {DictX, _} = Select(Dicts),
- dict:find(ValX, DictX);
- error -> error
- end.
-ddict_erase_f(Key, Val1, Dict) -> ddict_erase(Key, Val1, Dict, fun select_f/1).
-ddict_erase_r(Key, Val2, Dict) -> ddict_erase(Key, Val2, Dict, fun select_r/1).
-ddict_erase(Key, ValX, Dict, Select) ->
- case dict:find(Key, Dict) of
- {ok, Dicts} ->
- {DictX, DictY} = Select(Dicts),
- Dicts1 = {D, _} =
- case dict:find(ValX, DictX) of
- {ok, ValY} -> Select({dict:erase(ValX, DictX),
- dict:erase(ValY, DictY)});
- error -> Dicts
- end,
- case dict:size(D) of
- 0 -> dict:erase(Key, Dict);
- _ -> dict:store(Key, Dicts1, Dict)
- end;
- error ->
- Dict
- end.
-select_f({A, B}) -> {A, B}.
-select_r({A, B}) -> {B, A}.