diff options
authorSimon MacMullen <>2014-03-11 17:58:37 +0000
committerSimon MacMullen <>2014-03-11 17:58:37 +0000
commit462c7933bd90fa3e0cd14e6c59dd23854b069276 (patch)
parent7f6144d7021d7f708faab856c27e6bae951ac075 (diff)
Improved diagnostics.
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_nodes.erl b/src/rabbit_nodes.erl
index c5aa8473..297ed4b0 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_nodes.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_nodes.erl
@@ -58,15 +58,14 @@ names(Hostname) ->
diagnostics(Nodes) ->
- Hosts = lists:usort([element(2, parts(Node)) || Node <- Nodes]),
- NodeDiags = [{"~nDIAGNOSTICS~n===========~n~n"
- "nodes in question: ~p~n~n"
- "hosts, their running nodes and ports:", [Nodes]}] ++
- [diagnostics_host(Host) || Host <- Hosts] ++
- diagnostics0(),
+ io:format("~nDiagnosing connectivity..."),
+ NodeDiags = [{" done.~n~nDIAGNOSTICS~n===========~n~n"
+ "attempted to contact: ~p~n", [Nodes]}] ++
+ [diagnostics_node(Node) || Node <- Nodes] ++
+ current_node_details(),
-diagnostics0() ->
+current_node_details() ->
[{"~ncurrent node details:~n- node name: ~w", [node()]},
case init:get_argument(home) of
{ok, [[Home]]} -> {"- home dir: ~s", [Home]};
@@ -74,17 +73,67 @@ diagnostics0() ->
{"- cookie hash: ~s", [cookie_hash()]}].
-diagnostics_host(Host) ->
+diagnostics_node(Node) ->
+ {Name, Host} = parts(Node),
case names(Host) of
{error, EpmdReason} ->
{"- unable to connect to epmd on ~s: ~w (~s)",
[Host, EpmdReason, rabbit_misc:format_inet_error(EpmdReason)]};
{ok, NamePorts} ->
- {"- ~s: ~p",
- [Host, [{list_to_atom(Name), Port} ||
- {Name, Port} <- NamePorts]]}
+ case [{N, P} || {N, P} <- NamePorts, N =:= Name] of
+ [] ->
+ {SelfName, SelfHost} = parts(node()),
+ NamePorts1 = case SelfHost of
+ Host -> [{N, P} || {N, P} <- NamePorts,
+ N =/= SelfName];
+ _ -> NamePorts
+ end,
+ case NamePorts1 of
+ [] ->
+ {"- ~s:~n"
+ " * node seems not to be running at all~n"
+ " * no other nodes on ~s",
+ [Node, Host]};
+ _ ->
+ {"- ~s:~n"
+ " * node seems not to be running at all~n"
+ " * other nodes on ~s: ~p",
+ [Node, Host, fmt_nodes(NamePorts1)]}
+ end;
+ [{Name, Port}] ->
+ case diagnose_connect(Host, Port) of
+ ok ->
+ {"- ~s:~n"
+ " * found ~s~n"
+ " * TCP connection succeeded~n"
+ " * suggestion: is the cookie set correctly?~n",
+ [Node, fmt_node({Name, Port})]};
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ {"- ~s:~n"
+ " * found ~s~n"
+ " * can't establish TCP connection, reason: ~p~n"
+ " * suggestion: blocked by firewall?~n",
+ [Node, fmt_node({Name, Port}), Reason]}
+ end
+ end
+fmt_nodes(Hs) ->
+ [fmt_node(H) || H <- Hs].
+fmt_node({Name, Port}) ->
+ rabbit_misc:format("~s: port ~b", [Name, Port]).
+diagnose_connect(Host, Port) ->
+ lists:foldl(fun (_Fam, ok) -> ok;
+ (Fam, _) -> case gen_tcp:connect(
+ Host, Port, [Fam], 5000) of
+ {ok, Socket} -> gen_tcp:close(Socket),
+ ok;
+ {error, _} = E -> E
+ end
+ end, undefined, [inet6, inet]).
make({Prefix, Suffix}) -> list_to_atom(lists:append([Prefix, "@", Suffix]));
make(NodeStr) -> make(parts(NodeStr)).