diff options
authorSimon MacMullen <>2014-03-24 15:39:39 +0000
committerSimon MacMullen <>2014-03-24 15:39:39 +0000
commit045032ba59ed72c7b84f26ce8e2f3682f332d0a0 (patch)
parent5495855d608b440f647205345ce2cb9bf6ef9dc0 (diff)
Several more changes:
* Remove the special tuple handling, it was trying to not reduce depth as we went "along" a tuple, but that goes badly in real world tests with gb_trees and gb_sets. In fact we just want to treat a tuple exactly like a list. * Simplify and correctify a bit by only having one termination condition for depth. * Add some more tests, and correct some existing ones.
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/src/truncate.erl b/src/truncate.erl
index 3cbc8c0b..3d157de9 100644
--- a/src/truncate.erl
+++ b/src/truncate.erl
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
%% exported for testing
--export([test/0, term/3]).
log_event({Type, GL, {Pid, Format, Args}}, Size, Decr)
when Type =:= error orelse
@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ log_event({Type, GL, {Pid, ReportType, Report}}, Size, Decr)
log_event(Event, _Size, _Decr) ->
-term(_, N, _) when N =< 0 ->
- '...';
term(Bin, N, _D) when is_binary(Bin) andalso size(Bin) > N - ?ELLIPSIS_LENGTH ->
Suffix = without_ellipsis(N),
<<Head:Suffix/binary, _/binary>> = Bin,
@@ -56,30 +54,18 @@ term(L, N, D) when is_list(L) ->
false -> shrink_list(L, N, D)
term(T, N, D) when is_tuple(T) ->
- shrink_tuple(T, N, D);
+ list_to_tuple(shrink_list(tuple_to_list(T), N, D));
term(T, _, _) ->
without_ellipsis(N) -> erlang:max(N - ?ELLIPSIS_LENGTH, 0).
-shrink_list(_, 0, _) ->
+shrink_list(_, N, _) when N =< 0 ->
shrink_list([], _N, _D) ->
shrink_list([H|T], N, D) ->
- [term(H, N - D, D) | case is_list(T) of
- true -> shrink_list(T, N - 1, D);
- false -> term(T, N - 1, D)
- end].
-shrink_tuple(T, N, D) ->
- shrink_tuple(T, N, D, erlang:min(tuple_size(T), N)).
-shrink_tuple(_T, _N, _D, 0) ->
- {};
-shrink_tuple(T, N, D, Ix) ->
- erlang:append_element(shrink_tuple(T, N, D, Ix - 1),
- term(element(Ix, T), N - D, D)).
+ [term(H, N - D, D) | term(T, N - 1, D) ].
@@ -93,14 +79,27 @@ test_short_examples_exactly() ->
F([], []),
F("h", "h"),
F("hello world", "hello w..."),
+ F([[h,e,l,l,o,' ',w,o,r,l,d]], [[h,e,l,l,o,'...']]),
F([a|b], [a|b]),
F([<<"hello world">>], [<<"he...">>]),
- F({{{{a}}},{b},c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k}, {{'...'},{'...'},c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j}),
+ F({{{{a}}},{b},c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k}, {{{'...'}},{b},c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,'...'}),
P = spawn(fun() -> receive die -> ok end end),
F([0, 0.0, <<1:1>>, F, P], [0, 0.0, <<1:1>>, F, P]),
P ! die,
test_large_examples_for_size() ->
- %% TODO
+ Shrink = fun(Term) -> term(Term, 100, 5) end, %% Real world values
+ TestSize = fun(Term) ->
+ true = 5000000 < size(term_to_binary(Term)),
+ true = 500000 > size(term_to_binary(Shrink(Term)))
+ end,
+ TestSize(lists:seq(1, 5000000)),
+ TestSize(recursive_list(1000, 10)),
+ TestSize(recursive_list(5000, 20)),
+ TestSize(gb_sets:from_list([I || I <- lists:seq(1, 1000000)])),
+ TestSize(gb_trees:from_orddict([{I, I} || I <- lists:seq(1, 1000000)])),
+recursive_list(S, 0) -> lists:seq(1, S);
+recursive_list(S, N) -> [recursive_list(S div N, N-1) || _ <- lists:seq(1, S)].