diff options
authorSimon MacMullen <>2014-09-16 15:03:37 +0100
committerSimon MacMullen <>2014-09-16 15:03:37 +0100
commit230abe1ac78acec38f97e2061d66c39bb3f7c34a (patch)
parentce22011db90ceaa817c70108b85334fa034a7dfc (diff)
Extract more commonality.
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_plugins_main.erl b/src/rabbit_plugins_main.erl
index ba992c91..57a98f1f 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_plugins_main.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_plugins_main.erl
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
-export([start/0, stop/0]).
-define(GLOBAL_DEFS(Node), [?NODE_DEF(Node)]).
@@ -41,6 +40,9 @@
+-record(cli, {file, dir, all, enabled, implicit}).
start() ->
{ok, [[PluginsFile|_]|_]} = init:get_argument(enabled_plugins_file),
{ok, [[PluginsDir |_]|_]} = init:get_argument(plugins_dist_dir),
@@ -49,7 +51,15 @@ start() ->
parse_arguments(Args, NodeStr)
fun (Command, Node, Args, Opts) ->
- action(Command, Node, Args, Opts, PluginsFile, PluginsDir)
+ All = rabbit_plugins:list(PluginsDir),
+ Enabled = rabbit_plugins:read_enabled(PluginsFile),
+ Implicit = rabbit_plugins:dependencies(false, Enabled, All),
+ State = #cli{file = PluginsFile,
+ dir = PluginsDir,
+ all = All,
+ enabled = Enabled,
+ implicit = Implicit},
+ action(Command, Node, Args, Opts, State)
end, rabbit_plugins_usage).
stop() ->
@@ -61,93 +71,82 @@ parse_arguments(CmdLine, NodeStr) ->
-action(list, Node, [], Opts, PluginsFile, PluginsDir) ->
- action(list, Node, [".*"], Opts, PluginsFile, PluginsDir);
-action(list, Node, [Pat], Opts, PluginsFile, PluginsDir) ->
- format_plugins(Node, Pat, Opts, PluginsFile, PluginsDir);
+action(list, Node, [], Opts, State) ->
+ action(list, Node, [".*"], Opts, State);
+action(list, Node, [Pat], Opts, State) ->
+ format_plugins(Node, Pat, Opts, State);
-action(enable, Node, ToEnable0, Opts, PluginsFile, PluginsDir) ->
+action(enable, Node, ToEnable0, Opts, State = #cli{all = All,
+ implicit = Implicit,
+ enabled = Enabled}) ->
case ToEnable0 of
[] -> throw({error_string, "Not enough arguments for 'enable'"});
_ -> ok
- AllPlugins = rabbit_plugins:list(PluginsDir),
- Enabled = rabbit_plugins:read_enabled(PluginsFile),
- ImplicitlyEnabled = rabbit_plugins:dependencies(false, Enabled, AllPlugins),
ToEnable = [list_to_atom(Name) || Name <- ToEnable0],
- Missing = ToEnable -- plugin_names(AllPlugins),
+ Missing = ToEnable -- plugin_names(All),
case Missing of
[] -> ok;
_ -> throw({error_string, fmt_missing(Missing)})
NewEnabled = lists:usort(Enabled ++ ToEnable),
- NewImplicitlyEnabled = rabbit_plugins:dependencies(false,
- NewEnabled, AllPlugins),
- write_enabled_plugins(PluginsFile, NewEnabled),
- case NewEnabled -- ImplicitlyEnabled of
+ NewImplicit = write_enabled_plugins(NewEnabled, State),
+ case NewEnabled -- Implicit of
[] -> io:format("Plugin configuration unchanged.~n");
_ -> print_list("The following plugins have been enabled:",
- NewImplicitlyEnabled -- ImplicitlyEnabled)
+ NewImplicit -- Implicit)
- action_change(
- Opts, Node, ImplicitlyEnabled, NewImplicitlyEnabled, PluginsFile);
-action(set, Node, ToSet0, Opts, PluginsFile, PluginsDir) ->
- ToSet = [list_to_atom(Name) || Name <- ToSet0],
- AllPlugins = rabbit_plugins:list(PluginsDir),
- Enabled = rabbit_plugins:read_enabled(PluginsFile),
- ImplicitlyEnabled = rabbit_plugins:dependencies(false, Enabled, AllPlugins),
- Missing = ToSet -- plugin_names(AllPlugins),
+ action_change(Opts, Node, Implicit, NewImplicit, State);
+action(set, Node, NewEnabled0, Opts, State = #cli{all = All,
+ implicit = Implicit}) ->
+ NewEnabled = [list_to_atom(Name) || Name <- NewEnabled0],
+ Missing = NewEnabled -- plugin_names(All),
case Missing of
[] -> ok;
_ -> throw({error_string, fmt_missing(Missing)})
- NewImplicitlyEnabled = rabbit_plugins:dependencies(false,
- ToSet, AllPlugins),
- write_enabled_plugins(PluginsFile, ToSet),
- case NewImplicitlyEnabled of
+ NewImplicit = write_enabled_plugins(NewEnabled, State),
+ case NewImplicit of
[] -> io:format("All plugins are now disabled.~n");
_ -> print_list("The following plugins are now enabled:",
- NewImplicitlyEnabled)
+ NewImplicit)
- action_change(
- Opts, Node, ImplicitlyEnabled, NewImplicitlyEnabled, PluginsFile);
+ action_change(Opts, Node, Implicit, NewImplicit, State);
-action(disable, Node, ToDisable0, Opts, PluginsFile, PluginsDir) ->
+action(disable, Node, ToDisable0, Opts, State = #cli{all = All,
+ implicit = Implicit,
+ enabled = Enabled}) ->
case ToDisable0 of
[] -> throw({error_string, "Not enough arguments for 'disable'"});
_ -> ok
- AllPlugins = rabbit_plugins:list(PluginsDir),
- Enabled = rabbit_plugins:read_enabled(PluginsFile),
- ImplicitlyEnabled = rabbit_plugins:dependencies(false, Enabled, AllPlugins),
ToDisable = [list_to_atom(Name) || Name <- ToDisable0],
- Missing = ToDisable -- plugin_names(AllPlugins),
+ Missing = ToDisable -- plugin_names(All),
case Missing of
[] -> ok;
_ -> print_list("Warning: the following plugins could not be found:",
- ToDisableDeps = rabbit_plugins:dependencies(true, ToDisable, AllPlugins),
+ ToDisableDeps = rabbit_plugins:dependencies(true, ToDisable, All),
NewEnabled = Enabled -- ToDisableDeps,
- NewImplicitlyEnabled = rabbit_plugins:dependencies(false,
- NewEnabled, AllPlugins),
+ NewImplicit = write_enabled_plugins(NewEnabled, State),
case length(Enabled) =:= length(NewEnabled) of
true -> io:format("Plugin configuration unchanged.~n");
false -> print_list("The following plugins have been disabled:",
- ImplicitlyEnabled -- NewImplicitlyEnabled),
- write_enabled_plugins(PluginsFile, NewEnabled)
+ Implicit -- NewImplicit)
- action_change(
- Opts, Node, ImplicitlyEnabled, NewImplicitlyEnabled, PluginsFile);
+ action_change(Opts, Node, Implicit, NewImplicit, State);
-action(sync, Node, [], _Opts, PluginsFile, _PluginsDir) ->
- sync(Node, true, PluginsFile).
+action(sync, Node, [], _Opts, State) ->
+ sync(Node, true, State).
%% Pretty print a list of plugins.
-format_plugins(Node, Pattern, Opts, PluginsFile, PluginsDir) ->
+format_plugins(Node, Pattern, Opts, #cli{all = All,
+ enabled = Enabled,
+ implicit = Implicit}) ->
Verbose = proplists:get_bool(?VERBOSE_OPT, Opts),
Minimal = proplists:get_bool(?MINIMAL_OPT, Opts),
Format = case {Verbose, Minimal} of
@@ -160,11 +159,7 @@ format_plugins(Node, Pattern, Opts, PluginsFile, PluginsDir) ->
OnlyEnabled = proplists:get_bool(?ENABLED_OPT, Opts),
OnlyEnabledAll = proplists:get_bool(?ENABLED_ALL_OPT, Opts),
- AvailablePlugins = rabbit_plugins:list(PluginsDir),
- EnabledExplicitly = rabbit_plugins:read_enabled(PluginsFile),
- AllEnabled = rabbit_plugins:dependencies(false, EnabledExplicitly,
- AvailablePlugins),
- EnabledImplicitly = AllEnabled -- EnabledExplicitly,
+ EnabledImplicitly = Implicit -- Enabled,
{StatusMsg, Running} =
case rpc:call(Node, rabbit_plugins, active, [], ?RPC_TIMEOUT) of
{badrpc, _} -> {"[failed to contact ~s - status not shown]", []};
@@ -172,10 +167,10 @@ format_plugins(Node, Pattern, Opts, PluginsFile, PluginsDir) ->
{ok, RE} = re:compile(Pattern),
Plugins = [ Plugin ||
- Plugin = #plugin{name = Name} <- AvailablePlugins,
+ Plugin = #plugin{name = Name} <- All,
re:run(atom_to_list(Name), RE, [{capture, none}]) =:= match,
- if OnlyEnabled -> lists:member(Name, EnabledExplicitly);
- OnlyEnabledAll -> lists:member(Name, EnabledExplicitly) or
+ if OnlyEnabled -> lists:member(Name, Enabled);
+ OnlyEnabledAll -> lists:member(Name, Enabled) or
true -> true
@@ -189,15 +184,15 @@ format_plugins(Node, Pattern, Opts, PluginsFile, PluginsDir) ->
" | Status: ~s~n"
" |/~n", [rabbit_misc:format(StatusMsg, [Node])])
- [format_plugin(P, EnabledExplicitly, EnabledImplicitly, Running,
+ [format_plugin(P, Enabled, EnabledImplicitly, Running,
Format, MaxWidth) || P <- Plugins1],
format_plugin(#plugin{name = Name, version = Version,
description = Description, dependencies = Deps},
- EnabledExplicitly, EnabledImplicitly, Running, Format,
+ Enabled, EnabledImplicitly, Running, Format,
MaxWidth) ->
- EnabledGlyph = case {lists:member(Name, EnabledExplicitly),
+ EnabledGlyph = case {lists:member(Name, Enabled),
lists:member(Name, EnabledImplicitly)} of
{true, false} -> "E";
{false, true} -> "e";
@@ -246,28 +241,29 @@ plugin_names(Plugins) ->
[Name || #plugin{name = Name} <- Plugins].
%% Write the enabled plugin names on disk.
-write_enabled_plugins(PluginsFile, Plugins) ->
- case rabbit_file:write_term_file(PluginsFile, [Plugins]) of
- ok -> ok;
+write_enabled_plugins(Plugins, #cli{file = File,
+ all = All}) ->
+ case rabbit_file:write_term_file(File, [Plugins]) of
+ ok -> rabbit_plugins:dependencies(false, Plugins, All);
{error, Reason} -> throw({error, {cannot_write_enabled_plugins_file,
- PluginsFile, Reason}})
+ File, Reason}})
-action_change(Opts, Node, Old, New, PluginsFile) ->
+action_change(Opts, Node, Old, New, State) ->
action_change0(proplists:get_bool(?OFFLINE_OPT, Opts),
proplists:get_bool(?ONLINE_OPT, Opts),
- Node, Old, New, PluginsFile).
+ Node, Old, New, State).
-action_change0(true, _Online, _Node, Same, Same, _PluginsFile) ->
+action_change0(true, _Online, _Node, Same, Same, _State) ->
%% Definitely nothing to do
-action_change0(true, _Online, _Node, _Old, _New, _PluginsFile) ->
+action_change0(true, _Online, _Node, _Old, _New, _State) ->
io:format("Offline change; changes will take effect at broker restart.~n");
-action_change0(false, Online, Node, _Old, _New, PluginsFile) ->
- sync(Node, Online, PluginsFile).
+action_change0(false, Online, Node, _Old, _New, State) ->
+ sync(Node, Online, State).
-sync(Node, ForceOnline, PluginsFile) ->
- rpc_call(Node, ForceOnline, rabbit_plugins, ensure, [PluginsFile]).
+sync(Node, ForceOnline, #cli{file = File}) ->
+ rpc_call(Node, ForceOnline, rabbit_plugins, ensure, [File]).
rpc_call(Node, Online, Mod, Fun, Args) ->
io:format("~nApplying plugin configuration to ~s...", [Node]),