path: root/src/rabbit_tests.erl
diff options
authorMatthias Radestock <>2012-11-05 13:21:59 +0000
committerMatthias Radestock <>2012-11-05 13:21:59 +0000
commit1ce15a6c129007c84e48ed9c20733b7165cb988c (patch)
treebe3819a452f588bcc7a24411c452fb253676b599 /src/rabbit_tests.erl
parentf8f55a8fa0b89571a70839af8bd0be8c219f7d02 (diff)
drop property codec tests
since that part of the code is now internal and code gen'ed but we can still test the table codec
Diffstat (limited to 'src/rabbit_tests.erl')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/src/rabbit_tests.erl b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
index 715aa186..f802a5a0 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_tests.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_tests.erl
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
--export([all_tests/0, test_parsing/0]).
-import(rabbit_misc, [pget/2]).
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ all_tests() ->
passed = test_pg_local(),
passed = test_unfold(),
passed = test_supervisor_delayed_restart(),
- passed = test_parsing(),
+ passed = test_table_codec(),
passed = test_content_framing(),
passed = test_content_transcoding(),
passed = test_topic_matching(),
@@ -424,113 +424,45 @@ test_unfold() ->
end, 10),
-test_parsing() ->
- passed = test_content_properties(),
- passed = test_field_values(),
- passed.
-test_content_prop_encoding(Datum, Binary) ->
- Types = [element(1, E) || E <- Datum],
- Values = [element(2, E) || E <- Datum],
- Binary = rabbit_binary_generator:encode_properties(Types, Values). %% assertion
-test_content_properties() ->
- test_content_prop_encoding([], <<0, 0>>),
- test_content_prop_encoding([{bit, true}, {bit, false}, {bit, true}, {bit, false}],
- <<16#A0, 0>>),
- test_content_prop_encoding([{bit, true}, {octet, 123}, {bit, true}, {octet, undefined},
- {bit, true}],
- <<16#E8,0,123>>),
- test_content_prop_encoding([{bit, true}, {octet, 123}, {octet, 123}, {bit, true}],
- <<16#F0,0,123,123>>),
- test_content_prop_encoding([{bit, true}, {shortstr, <<"hi">>}, {bit, true},
- {short, 54321}, {bit, true}],
- <<16#F8,0,2,"hi",16#D4,16#31>>),
- test_content_prop_encoding([{bit, true}, {shortstr, undefined}, {bit, true},
- {short, 54321}, {bit, true}],
- <<16#B8,0,16#D4,16#31>>),
- test_content_prop_encoding([{table, [{<<"a signedint">>, signedint, 12345678},
- {<<"a longstr">>, longstr, <<"yes please">>},
- {<<"a decimal">>, decimal, {123, 12345678}},
- {<<"a timestamp">>, timestamp, 123456789012345},
- {<<"a nested table">>, table,
- [{<<"one">>, signedint, 1},
- {<<"two">>, signedint, 2}]}]}],
- <<
- %% property-flags
- 16#8000:16,
- %% property-list:
- %% table
- 117:32, % table length in bytes
- 11,"a signedint", % name
- "I",12345678:32, % type and value
- 9,"a longstr",
- "S",10:32,"yes please",
- 9,"a decimal",
- "D",123,12345678:32,
- 11,"a timestamp",
- "T", 123456789012345:64,
- 14,"a nested table",
- "F",
- 18:32,
- 3,"one",
- "I",1:32,
- 3,"two",
- "I",2:32 >>),
- passed.
-test_field_values() ->
+test_table_codec() ->
%% FIXME this does not test inexact numbers (double and float) yet,
%% because they won't pass the equality assertions
- test_content_prop_encoding(
- [{table, [{<<"longstr">>, longstr, <<"Here is a long string">>},
- {<<"signedint">>, signedint, 12345},
- {<<"decimal">>, decimal, {3, 123456}},
- {<<"timestamp">>, timestamp, 109876543209876},
- {<<"table">>, table, [{<<"one">>, signedint, 54321},
- {<<"two">>, longstr, <<"A long string">>}]},
- {<<"byte">>, byte, 255},
- {<<"long">>, long, 1234567890},
- {<<"short">>, short, 655},
- {<<"bool">>, bool, true},
- {<<"binary">>, binary, <<"a binary string">>},
- {<<"void">>, void, undefined},
- {<<"array">>, array, [{signedint, 54321},
- {longstr, <<"A long string">>}]}
- ]}],
- <<
- %% property-flags
- 16#8000:16,
- %% table length in bytes
- 228:32,
- 7,"longstr", "S", 21:32, "Here is a long string", % = 34
- 9,"signedint", "I", 12345:32/signed, % + 15 = 49
- 7,"decimal", "D", 3, 123456:32, % + 14 = 63
- 9,"timestamp", "T", 109876543209876:64, % + 19 = 82
- 5,"table", "F", 31:32, % length of table % + 11 = 93
- 3,"one", "I", 54321:32, % + 9 = 102
- 3,"two", "S", 13:32, "A long string", % + 22 = 124
- 4,"byte", "b", 255:8, % + 7 = 131
- 4,"long", "l", 1234567890:64, % + 14 = 145
- 5,"short", "s", 655:16, % + 9 = 154
- 4,"bool", "t", 1, % + 7 = 161
- 6,"binary", "x", 15:32, "a binary string", % + 27 = 188
- 4,"void", "V", % + 6 = 194
- 5,"array", "A", 23:32, % + 11 = 205
- "I", 54321:32, % + 5 = 210
- "S", 13:32, "A long string" % + 18 = 228
- >>),
+ Table = [{<<"longstr">>, longstr, <<"Here is a long string">>},
+ {<<"signedint">>, signedint, 12345},
+ {<<"decimal">>, decimal, {3, 123456}},
+ {<<"timestamp">>, timestamp, 109876543209876},
+ {<<"table">>, table, [{<<"one">>, signedint, 54321},
+ {<<"two">>, longstr,
+ <<"A long string">>}]},
+ {<<"byte">>, byte, 255},
+ {<<"long">>, long, 1234567890},
+ {<<"short">>, short, 655},
+ {<<"bool">>, bool, true},
+ {<<"binary">>, binary, <<"a binary string">>},
+ {<<"void">>, void, undefined},
+ {<<"array">>, array, [{signedint, 54321},
+ {longstr, <<"A long string">>}]}
+ ],
+ Binary = <<
+ 7,"longstr", "S", 21:32, "Here is a long string",
+ 9,"signedint", "I", 12345:32/signed,
+ 7,"decimal", "D", 3, 123456:32,
+ 9,"timestamp", "T", 109876543209876:64,
+ 5,"table", "F", 31:32, % length of table
+ 3,"one", "I", 54321:32,
+ 3,"two", "S", 13:32, "A long string",
+ 4,"byte", "b", 255:8,
+ 4,"long", "l", 1234567890:64,
+ 5,"short", "s", 655:16,
+ 4,"bool", "t", 1,
+ 6,"binary", "x", 15:32, "a binary string",
+ 4,"void", "V",
+ 5,"array", "A", 23:32,
+ "I", 54321:32,
+ "S", 13:32, "A long string"
+ >>,
+ Binary = rabbit_binary_generator:generate_table(Table),
+ Table = rabbit_binary_parser:parse_table(Binary),
%% Test that content frames don't exceed frame-max